
linelevelokay, nevermind. The Unetbootin USB drive does work, just not on that computer for some reason :/   (The usb-creator-gtk drive doesn't boot on any machine).00:07
op_Morning mates,one question ; is it possible to install this boot loader in Lubuntu? I kinda made Lubuntu my main OS So I dont wonna mess it up.08:29
op_ohh the link is : http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-install-burg-in-ubuntu/08:29
=== SM0TVI-2 is now known as SM0TVI
Guest65975hello guys I need help with Lubuntu11:43
Guest65975anyone around11:44
Guest65975seems very quiet in here11:44
Guest65975i have a problem with the fonts11:45
=== avelldiroll is now known as plantigrade
=== wxl is now known as bikefridaywalter
=== bikefridaywalter is now known as wxl
jewardHi, I'm new to lubuntu and am having a strange problem with lxterminal.15:00
jewardWhen I use the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste, I'm sending a ^C and then pasting has a control character in it.15:01
jewardAny idea what might be wrong?15:01
holsteinjeward: just in the stuff pasted in the terminal?15:01
wxljeward: i've heard this mentioned and surely i experience it as well but i'm not sure anything has been done to resolve it15:01
jewardWhen I hit CTRL-SHIFT-C, the shell receives a ^C.15:02
jewardThe text is copied into the buffer.15:02
jewardWhen I then hit CTRL-SHIFT-V to paste it, the text is pasted into the terminal, then the next character I type is ... "quoted"?15:03
jewardAs if I'd hit ^V.15:03
jewardYeah, that makes sense.15:03
jewardThe CTRL characters are getting through.15:03
jewardI guess I can just change terminals...15:04
wxlthere's a patch15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971918 in lxterminal (Ubuntu) "Ctrl-Shift-C issues a Break command" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:04
jewardBut... strange that that is a known problem and released in lubuntu?15:04
wxlbugs come and go15:04
jewardChecking that link.15:04
holsteinlxterm is released in lubuntu15:04
jewardSo I'd need to compile it from source?15:05
holsteinideally, it will get fixed upstream.. i assume if it were easy, it would be fixed15:05
wxli wouldn't be surprised if there aren't higher priority bugs15:05
jewardI have a document around here somewhere for compiling things from source properly.  I do it to up the number of ptys GNU screen has.15:06
holsteinhehe... yeah, could be just that simple15:06
holsteinjeward: if its still a bug in the latest version, you'll still have that issue15:06
jewardWell, I'd have to apply the patch.15:07
jewardYou guys don't copy and paste in lxterm?15:07
holsteini dont use lxterm15:07
wxlall the time15:07
wxli just deal with it ^ as above15:07
jewardwxl: You patched it and compiled from source?15:07
wxlthat's why that link looks funky15:08
jewardYou just deal with the ^C and ^V being passed?15:08
wxlcompare https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxterminal/+bug/971918 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxterminal/+bug/97191815:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971918 in lxterminal (Ubuntu) "Ctrl-Shift-C issues a Break command" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:08
wxli delete the ^C's15:08
wxlannoying but i deal15:08
jewardI think I'll just substitute a different terminal. :-)15:09
wxli just live with the ^V's except for one irssi script that i need to delete them15:09
wxli live in the terminal but i don't bother15:09
wxlit will be fixed15:09
jewardholstein: What's your terminal of choice?15:09
holsteinusually just the gnome terminal15:10
* wxl barfs15:10
holsteinits what i got used to15:10
jewardYeah, that's mostly what I've been using too.15:10
holsteini like it just fine15:10
holsteinworks better for me with barf on it than lxterm15:10
jewardWow, it does have a few dependencies.15:11
wxlexactly the reason for the barf15:11
jewardMaybe I'll try rxvt.15:11
holsteintry them all15:11
jewardA bunch of my coworkers like terminator.15:11
holsteini usually load up one new one, try it.. then just install the gnome one15:12
jewardEver tried one of those drop down terminals?15:14
jewardLike guake?15:14
wxli live in the terminal; don't work for me15:14
jewardYeah, I didn't get along well with them either.15:14
wxl98% of my desktop is terminal ;)15:15
jewardI can't believe you live with the copy andpaste bug!15:15
wxli know15:15
jewardThat would drive me insane!15:15
wxli was prolly one of the first to complain15:15
wxli thought it was just me15:16
jewardIf I hadn't JUST installed lubuntu, I'd have through the same thing.15:16
jewardIn fact, I DON'T think I have the same problem at home on my X220 Thinkpad...15:17
jewardHmm, aterm looks nice and light.15:18
jewardI have to decide if I care about tabs.15:18
jewardAh, aterm uses mouse button copy and paste.15:18
jewardI think I may have become spoiled by keyboard copy and paste.15:19
wxli don't bother with tabs15:20
wxlthat's what tmux is for15:20
jewardYeah, my situation is kinda complicated. :-)  I ssh into a jump box where I attach to my tmux session.  Then I often run various screen sessions in tmux windows. :-)15:21
wxlthat seems unnecessarily complicated15:22
jewardWeeelll.... I have my reasons.15:22
jewardI COULD do everything from my laptop over the VPN, but I find doing it all from the tmux session on the jump box to be more reliable.15:23
wxlit's ok-- i have three different machines i use tmux on so have the meta bound to three different things as i often run one of them inside another15:24
jewardYeah, tmux is pretty awesome.15:25
wxlpretty much15:25
jewardWe have a tool we use written in perl that does all the screen sessions.15:25
wxlbut tmux in tmux on the same machine-- not so much15:25
jewardI've been thinking of trying to modify it to use tmux, but haven't had the time and inclination at the same point.15:25
wxlsurely you could script something15:27
wxlhave an alternate .tmux.conf15:27
jewardWell, it's more complicated than that.  The perscript use expect to automate tasks via screen sessions.15:28
jewardperls script15:28
jewardSo... I'd have to duplicate the way it automates things through screen in tmux.15:29
jewardSomething to try when I'm bored someday. :-)15:29
jewardeterm looks kinda nice and small.15:30
jewardEterm is VERY small, but the copy doesn't work so well.15:32
jewardYou think gnome-terminal has a lot of baggage... try konsole. :-)15:33
wxli'm good15:33
wxlneedless to say i'm grabbing source15:34
wxlwe'll see who gets done first :)15:34
jewardThe dependencies scrolled off the screen. :-)15:34
jewardYou're going to patch the source?15:34
jewardI should do that too.15:34
jewardLet me find my document.15:34
jewardI'd prefer lxterm.15:35
wxlsudo apt-get source lxterminal15:35
jewardGot it, had to install dpkg-dev.15:37
jewardNow we patch it with the patch from your link above?15:38
jewardI put that in a file and then run patch against it?15:39
wxl2nd one didn't seem to work15:39
wxlof course the 1st didn't either wtf15:40
jewardMaybe we need some more arguments to patch?15:42
jewardLooks like it's already in there?15:44
wxlwas using -p015:44
wxlnot necessary15:44
wxloh really?15:45
jewardDid you get it to patch?15:45
jewardWell, looking at the code and the patch is making my head swim a little. :-)15:45
jewardBut I haven't gotten it to patch yet.15:45
wxlcd src && patch < /path/to/patch15:46
jewardOh, I got it!15:46
wxlcd .. && ./configure && make && make install15:46
wxlassuming you don't have errors with ./configure15:47
jewardI think there's a more official way that builds the package.15:47
jewardTrying to get my certs loaded so I can get to my document. :-)15:47
jewardThis is what I was looking for: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rebuilding-ubuntu-debian-linux-binary-package/15:49
wxlrmind                                                 │···········································································15:52
wxlworks tho15:52
jewardI don't know about you, but I think I just had to install WAY more stuff to compile it than gnome-terminal. :-)15:52
wxli don't have that problem15:52
jewardStill installing compile dependencies. :-)15:52
wxli have had wont to compile stuff before15:53
wxlso i already had it15:53
wxlbut htat's your problem ;)15:53
jewardI guessed. :-)15:53
jewardMy install is virginal!15:54
wxlhey thanks for lighting a fire under my you-know-what15:54
wxlman that dpkg methodology seems so much more complicated15:55
jewardBut it works. :-)15:55
jewardAutomagicall installs all the dependencies.15:55
wxlwoop woop15:55
jewardWhich would have taken a long time manually!15:55
jewardCompiled and installed... testing.15:56
wxldo yo uhave a launchpad account?15:57
jewardI don't think so?15:57
wxlyou should make yourself one15:57
wxland confirm the patch fixes the bug15:57
wxli install the last patch15:57
wxlso i'm going to check the other stuff too15:57
wxlnew tabs work now15:57
wxlthey didn't before15:57
wxlagain i never used them but still15:57
jewardI like to have one tab on my local box and one on the jump box.15:58
jewardOh, no here's a strange issue... When I hilight text in chromium, I can't easily see what's hilighted.16:01
jewardMaybe it's the color...16:01
wxlgive me the url16:01
jewardYeah, chroium's default text hilight just happens to be the same color as the background of the text I'm hilighting. :-/16:01
jewardI wonder how hard that is to change?16:01
jewardI can see it if I focus on another window...16:02
jewardBut that's kind of a pain.16:02
wxlnot too hard16:02
jewardLooking in settings...16:02
jewardIt's a theme thing?16:02
jewardWow... so ... many... themes....16:03
jewardThat's better, thanks!16:04
wxlpreferences > customize look and feel > color > use customized color scheme checkbox > background on selected items16:04
jewardI jusy chose the "Google Theme".16:04
wxlman i love chromium16:06
wxli've been a forever-user of firefox and recently made the switch16:07
wxlin fact i'd been through a version or two of lubuntu without using chromium16:07
jewardI'm a big chromium fan, one of the reasons I decided to try lubuntu.16:07
jewardI found straight ubuntu a bit heavy for this laptop.16:07
jewardIt's only got 1G of RAM.16:08
wxllxde was really the thing that coerced me16:08
jewardUnity was kinda sluggish.16:08
jewardThere must be fifteen gazillion chromium themes...16:09
jewardOoooh, I like Slinky Brushed. :-)16:10
sdfsd64Hey guys, where can I get some nice Lubuntu 12.04 themes?17:32
jewardDunno, I just themed chromium.17:34
sdfsd64the browser?17:34
sdfsd64I want to theme the OS, lol17:34
jewardYeah, I know, just sayin' that's all I've done so far.17:35
wxl^ sdfsd6417:35
* jeward == lubuntu newb.17:35
sdfsd64I'm a n00b too. Anyways, I know that site before, low amount of themes and way too dark for me17:36
=== smile is now known as smile-busy
sdfsd64one question17:43
sdfsd64Do the themes need to be especially made for Lxde to work?17:43
wxlif they're not openbox themes they're not going to work with openbox ;)17:44
sdfsd64he's running archbang, which is openbox, but the themes are for Gnome?!17:45
wxlperformance > aesthetics17:45
jewardwxl: Amen.17:45
wxlgtk is not gnome17:45
wxlyou should be able to make those work17:45
sdfsd64lol. it says: "Depends on: Gnome 3.x"17:46
wxlgtk != gnome17:47
sdfsd64Tell that to this guy: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Black-n-White-GTK?content=14963617:49
wxlthe gtk toolkit is the basis of gnome17:51
wxlbut gnome is much more than gtk17:51
sdfsd64but what does gtk have to do with linux anyways? It's for making GUIs, right?17:52
wxlyep: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTK%2B17:52
sdfsd64so, is LXDE, Gtk?17:53
wxlit's written in c with the gtk+ toolkit17:54
sdfsd64cool. ty17:54
smile-busybye :)18:32
JMichael|worki am trying to use conky with lubuntu, but have an issue where conky disappears if i click on the desktop. anyone know what to do about this?19:18
bioterrorwhat's  your window settings19:18
bioterrorown_window_type normal19:19
JMichael|workown_window_type desktop19:19
JMichael|workbioterror: tyvm19:20
radon-whats the name of the file browsing program, it's nautilus on ubuntu but whats it on lubuntu?19:33
radon-ah found it, it's pcmanfm19:34
daker-cloudany lubuntu-software center hackers here  ?21:39
jmarsden|workdaker-cloud: If you are trying to report a bug in lubuntu-software-center, I'd suggest using LaunchPad for that purpose.21:42
=== SM0TVI-2 is now known as SM0TVI
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 knows how i can restart the LXDE display without logout?23:42
wxlCrazyGangster: openbox --restart23:43
radon-'sudo service lightdm restart' ?23:43
CrazyGangsterwow quick reply, i will give a try23:44

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