
ajmitchhighvoltage: checked over the vm lens, first thing I spotted was mentioned by stgraber earlier - files outside of /opt need to be namespaced, so directories should be like /usr/share/unity/lenses/extra-unity-lens-vm/03:38
ajmitch& /usr/share/dbus-1/services/extras-unity-lens-vm.service03:38
* ajmitch shall reply on list as well03:39
dpmgood morning all06:45
dholbachgood morning07:05
dholbachajmitch, highvoltage, dpm, does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/AppsBranches look alright to you?10:28
dholbachit's not yet linked from anywhere,  but I wanted to put it out there nonetheless10:28
dpmdholbach, looking...10:46
dpmdholbach, looks good. 2 things: it might be worth mentioning from which myapps queues (needs information, pending review, etc) it pulls apps from, and a bit more information on the purpose of the tool (i.e. same as we were taling about the other day: making it easier to contribute to reviews, etc)10:49
dholbachdpm, yes, makes sense11:12
dholbachthanks dpm11:16
highvoltagedholbach: it certainly looks very useful, can't think of anything that should change12:38
dholbachok cool12:38
dholbachWhat is the process for joining the ARB helpers team?12:59
dholbachI think it'd be good to invite a couple more people to help out12:59
dholbachhighvoltage, ajmitch, wendar: ^ do you know?13:20
highvoltageI can't remember seeing a wiki page about it. Might be a good idea to set that up with all the details. (I think currently they have to request to join the LP team and poke one of the admins of the team)13:24
dholbachok, I'll blog about it - if you want, you could just take the text and stick it on the right wiki page? :)13:27
dholbachI'll also suggest to join the IRC channel, mailing list and add some notes13:28
highvoltagedholbach: sounds good! you're making me feel bad for not having more time for things like that... but thanks for doing so :)13:32
dholbachif we get more hands on board that should help :)13:32
dholbachand don't feel bad :)13:33
dholbachhighvoltage, dpm, mhall119: how does http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/apps-a-success.html look?13:48
highvoltagedholbach: looks good13:51
dholbachdpm, mhall119: do you think you could advertise http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2012/06/making-apps-in-ubuntu-a-success/ with the ubuntuappdev accounts?13:59
mhall119dpm: I'll post it on FB and G+, if you can tweet it14:03
dpmthanks mhall119, I'll tweet in a minute. Sorry dholbach for the delay, I'm on a conversation with steveedwards to set up the landing page14:44
dholbachno worries14:45

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