
dpmmorning hobgoblin06:44
dpmgood morning all06:44
hobgoblinmorning dpm - empty sub-forum to play with then - servers still not synced - so if it fails - keep reloading till it does lol06:47
dholbachgood morning07:05
hobgoblinmorning dholbach07:06
dholbachhi hobgoblin07:08
dholbachdpm, noch ein Espresso und ich guck mir lp:quickly-community-templates an :)07:36
* dpm hugs dholbach ;)07:36
czajkowskiI leave my inbox nice and tidy every night, and then somehow a massive explosion happens over night, the email fairies have not been kind08:27
dholbachdpm, lp:~dholbach/quickly-community-templates/packaging - lintian still complains about a number of things, but the packages should work08:29
dpmdholbach, nice :)08:30
dpmdholbach, do you want to submit an mp, so that we can set up a daily build, or do you still want to polish it first?08:30
dholbachdpm, you can just pull from it if you like08:31
dholbachdpm, I don't think we need to blacklist the unity lens template08:34
dholbachdpm, I updated the version of the package to 0.1, so the existing package should just be upgraded safely08:34
dpmdholbach, nice, thanks08:34
dholbachdo you need help with the daily build?08:34
dholbachit should actually be quite simple if the packaging is included in the main branch08:34
dpmI think I should be fine, I've set them up before, but if I need help, I'll give you a shout, thanks!08:35
dpmdholbach, shall I also remove the debian folders for each individual template? Or are they still used08:35
dholbachthey should be safe to be removed08:36
dholbachbut let me check08:36
dpmcool, thanks08:37
dpmI'll wait with the merge until you've confirmed me they're safe to remove08:38
dholbachdpm, are they in the branch?08:39
dholbachdaniel@daydream:~/quickly-community-templates$ find . -type d -name debian08:39
dholbachdpm, extended description are missing, debian/copyright might need to be updated and the specific depends of the packages might need updating too08:40
dpmdholbach, ah, they are not, you're right. I thought the debian/ folder was there at least for the Qt templates. Ok, even easier.08:40
dpmdholbach, I can add the extended description. Regarding the other two: what do I need to add there to debian/copyright? And for the depends, I should probably look at each package and add the dependencies on debian/control, right?08:42
dholbachdepends: yes08:42
dholbachcopyright: if everything is under GPL-3+ it should be easy enough08:44
dholbachhttp://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/ is the spec for debian/copyright08:44
dpmdholbach, yes, everything is GPL3, I'll double-check08:50
dpmdholbach, any suggestions for the debian package version to use on the daily recipe? Or shall I just use the default that LP suggests?08:52
dholbachyeah, the default should be fine08:52
dpmcool, thanks dholbach09:02
dpmdholbach, ok, all set and waiting for the build ;) - https://code.launchpad.net/~quickly-templates-hackers/+recipe/quickly-community-templates-daily09:09
czajkowskipleia2: slides looking good, shall have em all done by Friday saturday at the latest for review :)11:56
s-foxReally random but does anyone here speak any german? :)12:00
czajkowskis-fox: hi let me introduce you to dholbach12:00
s-foxlol :)12:00
s-foxI have a tiny question about a sentance, I am unsure if I need to add in "ein"12:01
czajkowskis-fox: I think dpm also speaks some as well12:01
s-foxMy sentance is "Ich bin klein mude" but I am not sure if i need ein before klein.  My german is terrible haha12:02
dakerhey imbrandon12:08
cjohnstonbkerensa: go to bed :-P12:12
imbrandonheya daker12:14
dakerthere is a mistake in the code imbrandon12:15
imbrandonwhich code ?12:15
dakerimbrandon, you made the button widget, right ?12:15
imbrandonoh yea, sorry was on another subject :)12:16
dakerimbrandon, it's https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/<app_name>12:16
imbrandon?  the link is just an example for you to change to the real app link12:17
imbrandoneg see the button actually links to juju12:17
imbrandonunless i'm misunderstanding you12:18
dakeroh yes i see but how people will know that ?12:18
dakerhttps://apps.ubuntu.com/your_link_here < your_link_here means what?12:19
dakerhttps://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/<pkg_name> is more informative12:19
imbrandonkk, i'll swap it here in a bit, dont think its that big of an issue if they are an app dev surely they can fugure out the url but wont hurt to clarify12:22
dholbachs-fox, "ich bin ein bisschen müde" (if you want to say that you're a little tired)12:37
dholbach"ein bisschen" is "a bit"12:37
dholbachbut dpm could have helped you as well :)12:37
dholbachdpm, shall we go through the queue once again?12:47
dpmdholbach, sure, but I'd prefer doing it tomorrow, I'm a bit busy with the contest landing page right now12:48
dholbachok, I think I can do it with mhall119 too12:49
dpmok, cool12:49
s-foxOh, thanks dholbach . My german is awful!12:52
dholbachdon't worry - German is not necessarily the easiest language to learn ;-)12:52
s-foxAt least you understoond what I was trying to say, hehe12:53
dholbachhttp://www.allmystery.de/i/t1OMN8I_german-articles-because-fuck-you-thats-w.jpg :)12:53
s-foxWhy? :)12:53
dholbachBecause ... you know12:54
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* czajkowski hugs dholbach 13:09
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back :)13:09
dholbachmhall119, let me know when you're around13:12
dholbachdpm, ^ added a few more13:12
dholbachdpm, should be good for this week I think13:12
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mhall119dholbach: I'm around13:16
dholbachmhall119, ah cool13:18
dholbachmhall119, shall we have another look through the queue?13:18
dholbachmhall119, I just did and was wondering if it looked good to you or if anything should be added?13:18
mhall119dholbach: the arb queue?13:18
mhall119dholbach: ok, what are we looking for/at?13:19
dholbachlow hanging fruit :)13:20
dholbachif you think it looks OK and nothing's missing, I'm happy to send it out13:23
mhall119dholbach: they look good to me13:29
jcastromhall119: I added a TV idea!13:46
mhall119jcastro: yay!13:46
mhall119I've got to go clean them up13:46
mhall119"just use XBMC" isn't a use case :(13:46
jcastroif that guy wants to use XBMC why doesn't he just use XBMC13:47
s-foxHey jcastro :)13:48
MrChrisDruifBecause the two have a lot of overlap I think jcastro (and he might think it's a shame split efforts again (similar to gnome-shell and unity if you ask me))13:48
mhall119MrChrisDruif: and yet it's still not a use case13:50
MrChrisDruifIt's not a use-case, that's true13:51
jcastromhall119: I added the one about being a plex client13:54
jcastroI am totally in love with plex13:55
mhall119jcastro: would you mind reddit-ing http://mhall119.com/2012/06/what-would-you-like-to-see-in-an-ubuntu-tv/?13:58
jcastroif you mind upvoting by juju one on /r/linux13:59
jcastromhall119: done14:04
mhall119jcastro: could you re-phrase your plex desires in the form of an implementation-neutral use case?14:06
jcastromhall119: I don't understand14:07
mhall119it's too early to settle on implementations, we need to know what functionality and user experience you want, then if Plex is a good fit it can be used, and if it isn't it won't be14:09
jcastrooh I see14:09
jcastrook, the last bullet on local/networked basically is that14:09
jcastroI added a thing about state though, that's usecaseish14:13
MrChrisDruifWhere are those use-cases actually?14:19
dakeris anyone able to see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/UseCases ?14:23
czajkowskidaker: yup14:23
dakerczajkowski, hobgoblin do you see it ?14:23
mhall119jcastro: yeah, saving state across devices would be nice14:23
s-foxI see it14:23
hobgoblindaker: yes14:23
mhall119daker: you can't?14:23
dakermhall119, now i can14:24
dakerit was giving 500 error14:24
AlanBelllooks like 1 in 4 requests fail14:27
AlanBellmaybe less14:27
MrChrisDruifAh right, I've been getting email about that!14:31
czajkowskidholbach: weird I cant share your blog posts via the G+ button keep getting invalid, anyone else had any issues sharing stories from your blog via G+ managed with mhall119 and jcastro so it's not my ac being blocked14:55
dholbachmaybe I'm using the wrong plugin or something?14:56
dholbachwhich wp plugin do you all use for sharing stories?14:56
czajkowskidholbach: tweet button worked ok14:57
s-foxczajkowski,  do you use a plugin or write one yourself? /me wrote own into blog >:)14:57
czajkowskis-fox: I use what ever one I found via wordpress and clicked install14:58
czajkowskiI like it simple14:58
jonodholbach, jcastro, balloons, dpm, mhall119 hey, get started without me in the call, going to be a few mins late14:58
dpmI need a few mins as well, will join in a minute14:59
s-foxczajkowski,  dholbach blog g+ button works  for me15:00
czajkowskidholbach: http://twitpic.com/9w0jtv/full maybe tis just me then15:00
s-foxi've seen that before15:00
s-foxThink I resolved it by resigning back into gmail and then refreshing the page15:00
s-foxor maybe it was cache..15:00
jcastrosomeone fire up the G+15:01
czajkowskino ide aI did mikes and jorges15:01
czajkowski* did15:01
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czajkowskihttps://twitter.com/#!/ErgoBot  is rather useful.15:01
jcastroshould I start the hangout?15:03
jcastrojono: ^^15:20
jonojcastro, :-)15:26
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jcastrojono ^15:37
jonojcastro, cheers15:38
czajkowskiBug Linking Part 2 -  http://blog.launchpad.net/general/bug-linking-part-2  <--- take note15:50
jcastro<-- lunching15:52
dakercjohnston, bug 1012718 :/16:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1012718 in loco-team-portal "Wasn't returned a username to register" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101271816:56
cjohnstondaker:  what about it? thats the issue where they don't check the box saying to give us their username afaik17:26
dakercjohnston, yes :/ we should find a solution17:26
cjohnstonI don't remember if he said docs exist17:27
cjohnstontechnically by spec we are supposed to be able to handle not getting a username17:29
dakermhall119, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIqyR_h2SXU&feature=relmfu17:51
jonomhall119, nice interview :-)17:56
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bkerensacjohnston: Do you have any experience with USB Monitors on Ubuntu?18:54
cjohnstonYou have one?18:55
pleia2bkerensa: been trying to get ahold of you! can you please look into why the dev news wasn't posted to fridge?18:55
bkerensapleia2: ahh my backscroll must have died on znc18:56
bkerensapleia2: probably and oversight on my part did you want me to post it now?18:56
pleia2bkerensa: yes please, it should be the place we post it to it first since it's the actual source (not omg! ubuntu!)18:56
bkerensamy sleep levels have been epic horrible sorry about the oversight ;) cjohnston was just telling me to go to bed at 5am18:57
bkerensacjohnston: getting a AOC 16 Aspire18:58
bkerensagetting/being given/s18:58
cjohnstonbeing given me one too ;-)18:58
cjohnstonI'm trying hard to get myself back to normal sleep now that I'm off the meds18:58
cjohnstonbkerensa: that would be most awesome with the Panda/Snowball/Beagle-xM that I have19:00
bkerensapleia2: boom awaiting review19:00
bkerensacjohnston: start writing about gadgets then hit up MaxBorges?19:00
pleia2bkerensa: thanks, added the planet category and published :)19:01
bkerensacjohnston: http://maxborgesagency.com/wp-content/uploads/MBA-ClientSnapshots.pdf <--- I can have anything on that list I want and its updated weekly19:01
bkerensabtw they are based out of Florida :D19:01
cjohnstonmust be nice19:04
bkerensacjohnston: not so much :P I need to hire an ghost writer19:06
bkerensaeverytime I finish one review... they ask me to review more x.x19:06
nhandlerSounds like an awesome deal bkerensa . They have lots of interesting things on that list19:10
cjohnstonhggdh: did you add the meetings to the fridge calendar? pleia2 do you want me to remove the old ones that I find? (I see an Americas on the 21st)19:34
czajkowskicjohnston: did you follow up on that bug19:35
cjohnstonczajkowski: no.. I assume that he was gone when I got home and didn't look19:35
czajkowskicjohnston: ok19:35
pleia2cjohnston: remove away, let me know if it gives you any trouble19:38
cjohnstonI believe I have full access.. ty19:39
pleia2or right, yeah, let me know what to remove19:39
cjohnstonhrm.. it doesn't give an option to only remove future events.19:40
jonomhall119, could you reddit http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/06/13/ubuntu-accomplishments-0-2-released/19:41
jonothe 0.2 release is out, woo!19:41
mhall119jono: did all the LTP and Summit accomplishments land in 0.2?19:42
jonomhall119, not in 0.2, we locked it down19:42
jonobut they will be in 0.2.1 in a few weeks19:42
nhandlercjohnston: Let me take a look. Usually it prompts you after you hit delete (for repeating events)19:43
cjohnstonnhandler: it didnt for some reason.. i just set repeating to end today for Americas and it seemed to work19:43
cjohnstondoing that for EMEA now19:43
mhall119upvote: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/v0c2i/second_release_of_ubuntu_accomplishments_system/19:43
nhandlerLooks like they are all gone now cjohnston19:44
balloonsfree karma for you mhall119? NEVER!19:44
mhall119I'll upvote yours next time19:45
mhall119besides, the article is jono's, you don't want to disappoint your boss now do you?19:45
cjohnstonpleia2: thoughts on what to call them? Just "Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting"?19:46
pleia2cjohnston: yeah, I'd go with that19:46
cjohnston2200 Membership Board meeting sounds kinda sill19:46
pleia2cjohnston: it's not "R" anymore19:46
pleia2err czajkowski19:46
cjohnston"RMB Meeting -R"19:47
pleia2"non-R MB Meeting"19:47
nhandlercjohnston: Yeah, don't include the time in the name.19:48
balloonsmhall119, I only tease :-)19:56
jonoballoons, can we have a call soon?20:08
jonomhall119, also, lets brainstorm the app dev sessions20:08
marcoceppijono: are accomplishments supposed to sync between machines? I have two machines with the same U1 account, but not all my trophies got copied over (and what's weirder, it says I haven't achieved the Registered on Launchpad achievement yet)20:08
jonomarcoceppi, are you using the 0.2 release?20:09
marcoceppijono: yeah, just installed 0.2 on this machine20:09
jonomarcoceppi, in terms of syncing between machines, I have not really tested this much20:09
marcoceppibut 0.1 is on the other machine at this point20:09
jonomarcoceppi, ahhh20:09
jono0.1 wont work at all with the new release20:09
jonotry installing 0.2 on the other machine20:09
jonowe changed the schema of the files in 0.220:10
marcoceppiah gotchya, that's probably why it's not finding (or checking) for registered on LP, should I just delete all the accomplishments in the local folder and have it look again?20:10
mhall119jono: when?20:11
jonomhall119, in about 20mins?20:12
jonoballoons, lets hang20:51
* balloons sings the 'that 70's show theme song'20:51
jonoballoons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/e8f0679dbb842e1f1b1c3b308777ec53e984e9d1?hl=en-US20:53
balloonsone sec20:53
jonomhall119, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/e8f0679dbb842e1f1b1c3b308777ec53e984e9d1?hl=en-US21:09
jonomhall119, yoohoo!21:13

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