
jasoncwarner_RAOF, how you looking with compositor for getting to robert_ancell this week? still on track?00:42
RAOFjasoncwarner_: Run into an unexpected snag - the xwayland server is a patch series on top of xserver 1.12 (which is fine, we've got a 1.12 PPA and we'll copy that to quantal next week or so), but the whole xserver tree got reindented between 1.12.0 and 1.12.2 (which we'll use).00:43
RAOFSo I'm just fixing that up, *then* I can hand off to robert_ancell :)00:44
jasoncwarner_cool, sounds like a plan.00:44
jasoncwarner_Thanks, man .00:44
MetrosenRJI would like to help you, I have a laptop with sis chipset video mirage 3672, I installed ubuntu 4.12 and the video was 800x600, I found searching on google one. deb file with the drivers sis 672 for version 4.12, installed and managed to resolution 1280x800, was visually more beautiful I can not run any video or the VLC by opening it gives to log out. Anyone know a solution?02:57
MetrosenRJthis channel has 127 people who use ubuntu and nobody is manifested03:00
MetrosenRJanyone know?03:00
thomiRAOF: got a second?03:30
pittibigon: what's up?04:01
thumperrobert_ancell: ping04:20
robert_ancellthumper, hep04:21
thumperrobert_ancell: have you got a few minutes to help thomi out with an X/lightDB thing?04:21
* thumper sighs04:22
thumpersausage fingers04:22
thumperrobert_ancell: our AP machine isn't booting to lightDM04:23
thumperbut getting to a failsafe04:23
thumperhowever if we kill X and restart lightDM, it works04:23
thumperor something...04:23
* thumper looks at thomi04:24
thomione second04:24
robert_ancellfirst thing is to look at /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log04:24
thomiSo there's some background info you may need :)04:25
thomiWe're PXE booting the live precise daily CD,  with NFS root FS. We get an error in the X log file, which says:04:26
thomi[drm] failed to set drm interface version.04:26
thomiYesterday RAOF suggested that this may be because the drivers weren't loading04:27
thomiI confirmed that the drivers *are* in fact loaded, so we formed the hypothesis that maybe there's a race condition between the drivers loading and X starting.04:27
RAOFAnd rebuilding the initramfs so that the drivers are in there hasn't worked? Bah.04:27
thomiI've just finished putting the drivers into the boot initrd, but I still get the same issue04:27
thomiRAOF: yeah :(04:28
robert_ancellhmm, so sounds like an X issue then04:28
robert_ancelland/or lightdm is being started before the drm device is ready04:28
thomiRAOF: any idea how I'd confirm that the modules are in fact being loaded as part of the initrd? I mean, I added them, and it still boots, but I'm not sure how to confirm that I've actually altered anything04:31
thomiI can see where the drm module is loaded in the dmesg output, I guess that's a good sign04:31
RAOFthomi: You can pass break=mount on the kernel command line; the boot process will then stop in the initramfs, and you should be able to modprobe/lsmod in there.04:31
thomiRAOF: ahhh, OK, let me try that04:32
RAOFDamnit. When will Debian have ddebs?04:35
RAOFI don't *want* to add a colord-dbg package; that's less-than-pointless busywork that should be handled by the archive tools.04:36
ajmitchRAOF: probably some time after they rely only on builds done on buildds04:37
* micahg sees RAOF writing DEP 1204:42
thomiRAOF: OK, this is messing with my mind. The kernel appears to be booting version 3.4.0-3, but the initrd on the CD seems to be for 3.2.0-2404:47
RAOFThat would make things a bit weird :)04:48
RAOFIn particular, there's no way those drm modules would work ;)04:48
thomiRAOF: well, I think it's not even loading the right initrd. I expected it to load /casper/initrd.lz04:49
* ajmitch wonders what daily image has 3.4.004:49
thomibut the files in that file are totally different to what I see from the busybox prompt04:49
micahgajmitch: I thought quantal would04:50
ajmitchmicahg: right, but thomi said it's a precise image, and 3.2.0-24 is the current kernel revision for precise04:50
thomithe precise daily live CD seems to04:50
thomiOK, so I must be doing this wrong04:50
ajmitchnot according to the manifest04:50
ajmitchyou're using the image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/current/ ?04:51
thomiyes. To be precise (haha): cdimage.ubuntu.com::cdimage/precise/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso04:52
thomierr, that's the rsync source04:52
thomiso I may have made a few assumptions.04:52
thomiThe FS I see at the busybox prompt is the initrd FS, yes?04:52
* ajmitch would assume so, but doesn't know for certain04:55
thomihmm, it must be loading it from somewhere else then04:56
thomibecause none of my changes are showing up04:56
thomiRAOF: do you know who I should bug to find out what I'm doing wring with this initrd thing? I can only think that I'm modifying totally the wrong thing.05:04
RAOFthomi: My guess is that slangasek or cjwatson would probably know?05:04
thomihey - here's something interesting - I just hit Ctrl+D from the busybox prompt, and it booted straight into the desktop.05:05
thomiwhich reinforces my beliefe that this is a race condition somehow05:05
* thomi tries to repeat05:06
thomiyup, 2 from 2. maybe I fixed it by thinking at it really hard05:09
thomiRAOF: OK, if I put ' break=mount ' on the kernel command line and exit from busybox (without doing anything) it works. If I take out the ' break=mount ' then it fails. It also seems that the drm module *is* being loaded as part of the initrd load.05:10
thomiRAOF: so, any other ideas? ;)05:11
RAOFSo you get the initramfs prompt in the screen's native resolution?05:12
RAOFIs this the equivalent of an amazingly, super, awesomely fast hard drive?05:12
thomiRAOF: uhhh, I don't know - the machine is plugged in to a KVM... let me see if I can detect a screen resolution change05:13
RAOFWhen you break=mount you should notice the initramfs prompt being at a nice high resolution; (generally) not the BIOS default 320x200/640x480.05:13
thomiRAOF: yes, it jumps from the BIOS resolution of 720x400 to 1024x76805:14
RAOFOk, so it really is loading the drm module in the initramfs.05:14
thomiseems so.05:15
RAOFIs the boot really amazingly fast?05:16
thomiuhhh, I wouldn't have said so.05:16
RAOFI wonder what's racing, then.05:18
thomiRAOF: about 10-12 seconds05:18
thomifrom the busybox prompt to X starting when it works.05:18
RAOFIt certainly *seems* like a race, but that should be easily enough for drm to settle down, especially since it's loading so early.05:18
thomiI can take out the break=mount and count again if you want05:18
RAOFMaybe? I'm not really sure. Perhaps apw would be helpful; he's dealt with drm race conditions from the kernel side before.05:21
thomiRAOF: OK, A few more hours till he gets online I guess05:21
thomiRAOF: seems about the same boot time05:24
RAOFThat doesn't seem fast enough to be the sort of race I'm thinking about; my systems boot in about that time, too.05:24
RAOFIs there any *other* initialisation that occurs during livecd boot that doesn't occur normally?05:25
thomialso, this used to work, I'm reasonably sure that I've eliminated anything *I've* done from the mix, which leaves... I dunno - a change in the daily CD maybe?05:26
RAOFHappen to remember *when* this worked?05:32
thomiI can look it up, one second05:32
thomiJune 7th05:32
thomithing is, I was changing things at the time, but as I say, I've spent a couple of days removing all the changes I was making at the time05:33
BigWhaleGood Morning.05:33
RAOFthomi: You mean the *precise* livecd worked on the 7th of June this year?05:34
RAOFThat surely hasn't changed since 12.04 release!05:34
thomiI figured maybe we still produce daily CD builds that contain stuff coming in the SRU?05:35
thomiI guess not05:35
ajmitchthe cd images are dated later than the 7th, surely they're for 12.04.1?05:39
didrocksgood morning05:39
thomiajmitch: that makes sense05:40
thomihi didrocks05:40
didrockshey thomi!05:40
thomiRAOF: I've just re-run a build without *any* customisations - just extract the ISO and go, with the same results.05:41
thomiso is there a way to see what changes have been made to the CD daily ISOs in terms of packages & changelogs?05:41
RAOFthomi: And does the 12.04 release livecd (still) work?05:41
thomiRAOF: good idea, I'll check...05:42
ajmitchthomi: you can diff the manifests05:42
thomitrying this one: /releases/precise/release/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso05:43
thomi...with the same results05:48
RAOFWhich suggests that perhaps it's *not* a change in the CDs.05:54
thomiRAOF: Yeah. I'll try and catch apw this evening and see what he says.06:46
RAOFthomi: It's really strange if your setup used to work with the same CD images.06:46
didrockshey seb12807:52
seb128lut didrocks07:52
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tjaaltonhow does one get more kbd layout options to the unity-greeter? some langsupport packages installed or..08:00
seb128tjaalton, the greeter list your user layouts, just add one to your user session08:01
seb128tjaalton, i.e that's by user, corresponding to the selected user08:02
tjaaltonseb128: and what if a user has never logged in?08:02
seb128tjaalton, you get only the system layout08:02
tjaaltonand what if it's on a large setup where you first need to enter your username? same thing?08:03
tjaaltonsilly questions i get :)08:04
tjaaltonguess it's a regression compared to gdm that you can't select the layout from the installed ones08:07
tjaaltonfrom the login screen08:07
seb128tjaalton, sorry, I didn't read the channel for a bit08:20
seb128tjaalton, regression, design choice, I think the GTK greeter has a language selector08:20
seb128tjaalton, it's a greeter thing really, not a lightdm thing08:21
seb128tjaalton, you would like a flat list of over an hundred keymaps?08:21
seb128tjaalton, we tried that for a bit, the indicator was just impossible to use08:21
tjaaltongtk-greeter doesn't have it08:21
tjaaltonwell even a static list of things to choose from, that the admin approves as 'supported' or such08:22
tjaaltonalso this is apparently still true :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/917144/comments/808:22
ubot2Ubuntu bug 917144 in unity-greeter "Other ... option is missing" [Low,Confirmed]08:22
tjaaltonunrelated to my question though08:23
seb128tjaalton, the gtk greeter has a language selector option for sure (it might not be one by default), not sure if that includes keymaps though08:24
seb128tjaalton, having a "default list of keymaps" or "always listed keymaps" merged with the user list seems a reasonable request08:24
seb128tjaalton, can you file a request with a described usecase on unity-greeter08:24
seb128tjaalton, the "other" stuff was an "hot" topic with design, they found in user testing that this entry was confusing lot of desktop users...08:25
tjaaltonseb128: sure thing, thanks08:25
seb128tjaalton, not sure what we can do out of having different configs, greeters for desktop cases and corporates ones08:25
tjaaltonthe "other" issue isn't an issue for my friend, apparently they have just "Login" now, so maybe the bug could be closed, dunno08:25
seb128tjaalton, well, that's a configure think, you get "login" if you hide the users list08:27
seb128tjaalton, but by default you have the user list and no "other" option08:27
seb128so if you get non listed users you need to tweak your config to be able to enter an username08:27
tjaaltonfrom that bug it would seem that with "greeter-hide-users=true" they got "other" and "guest", but meh08:27
seb128tjaalton, right, that's what I was trying to say, if you hide the userlist (which is the option you just mentioned) you get the entry08:29
tjaaltonseb128: let Esko file it, bug 1012560. marked it confirmed/low for now08:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1012560 in unity-greeter "unity-greeter should offer a configuration option for defining "supported" keymaps for selection" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101256008:37
seb128tjaalton, thanks08:37
chrisccoulsongood morninge veryone08:38
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:38
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. but a bit tired08:38
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:38
seb128hey Sweetshark08:39
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks08:39
seb128chrisccoulson, did you do late hacking again?08:39
chrisccoulsonseb128, i was investigating this bug quite late08:40
seb128chrisccoulson, the focus one?08:40
seb128chrisccoulson, did you find anything?08:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it's a unity 2d bug :)08:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/2505509/+listing-archive-extra fixes it08:40
chrisccoulsonthe panel sends the wrong timestamp when closing a window08:41
chrisccoulsonit sends the system time rather than the X timestamp08:41
chrisccoulsonreally silly ;)08:41
seb128chrisccoulson, I knew it! damn unity 2d :p08:42
chrisccoulsonthanks to artnay for helping debug this over IRC too :)08:42
bigonpitti: re consolekit, well I'm trying to figureout when a new session must me started08:45
bigonand I saw a patch from you in the pam connector08:46
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rickspencer3seb128, it seems that KDE is having some ongoing problems in the archives?09:05
rickspencer3and I guess calligra is not building at all on ARM?09:05
seb128rickspencer3, the current version failed to build apparently09:08
rickspencer3seb128, this has been dangling for some days09:08
rickspencer3is someone from Kubuntu working on it?09:08
seb128rickspencer3, I don't know but I will find out ;-)09:16
rickspencer3seb128, ok, thanks09:16
rickspencer3the Kubuntu community should be on top of their quality in the archive09:16
seb128yeah, makes sense09:16
rickspencer3seb128,  feel free to escalate to jasoncwarner_ if you need someone to follow up with them09:16
seb128rickspencer3, ok09:22
rickspencer3thanks seb12809:22
seb128thanks for pointing the issue ;-)09:23
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seb128chrisccoulson, shouldn't you comment on the firefox bug to point them to your test package or reassign to unity-2d or something?11:40
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bcurtiswxgood morning13:10
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seb128mvo, hey, you or glatzor should make the bugs of the aptdaemon SRU which is the queue SRU compliant13:44
seb128mvo, i.e testcase, regression potential, impact at least13:44
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, sorry. i've commented and reassigned it now (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/1010466/comments/22) ;)13:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1010466 in unity-2d "dropdown boxes on sites stop working" [Medium,Confirmed]13:51
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks13:51
seb128popey, didrocks: ^ we need that SRUed please13:52
didrockswhere is sil2100?13:52
didrockspopey: can you pass it on?13:52
seb128popey, didrocks: chrisccoulson has a patch for it13:52
didrocksanyway, the -2d SRU is still blocked on the C++ case13:53
seb128chrisccoulson, did you merge request it for lp:unity-2d?13:53
MrChrisDruifI thought unity-2d would get dropped?13:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, i think we need to handle the SRU, as it has to go through *-security13:53
* didrocks looks13:53
chrisccoulson(well, micahg needs to handle it) :)13:53
seb128MrChrisDruif, it will, it's shipped in precise though13:53
seb128chrisccoulson, why was that not an issue with firefox < 13?13:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, there was a change in firefox to use real timestamps in pointer grabs, to fix some other issues13:54
MrChrisDruifYeah, which wise guy didn't mention this in time for precise? ;-) Now we're stuck with it for 5 years =)13:54
chrisccoulsonthen there was a whole bunch of changes on top of that which rely on the new behaviour ;)13:54
didrockspopey: can you get unity-2d upstream reviewing the patch, getting it merged today, and then, we cherry-pick?13:54
chrisccoulsonelse i would have reverted it for a bit13:54
seb128chrisccoulson, ok13:55
mvoseb128: indeed, let me work on this next13:56
seb128mvo, thanks13:58
seb128mvo, nice to see those bugs fixed btw so kudos to glatzor and you ;-)13:58
popeydidrocks: yeah, will do, thanks13:59
didrockspopey: this is urgent, we need a patch now13:59
didrockspopey: well, the time for chrisccoulson's patch to get merged by upstream and so on14:00
didrocksthen cherry-pick in the current unity-2d package14:00
seb128didrocks, sil2100, popey: talk with micahg, that update will need to go through -security according to chrisccoulson since that's where the firefox update got shipped and the fix needs to reach the same set of users14:01
seb128chrisccoulson, did you put a merge request up yet?14:02
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, i wasn't sure what the process was for unity-2d :)14:02
chrisccoulsonwant me to do that?14:02
seb128chrisccoulson, yes please14:02
seb128chrisccoulson, process, just do a merge request for lp:unity-2d14:02
chrisccoulsonseb128, ok, will do. thanks!14:03
seb128chrisccoulson, yw14:03
sil2100seb128, didrocks, popey: so that I understand it correctly... this patch needs to be released urgently, without considering the other SRU patches for unity-2d?14:05
artnaychrisccoulson: there's probably an issue with your patched unity-2d-launcher (launcher doesn't get drawn, can be only triggered with <super>) - also, the FX bug doesn't happen in unity-3d but it's still valid in unity-2d *and* gnome-shell14:05
didrockssil2100: indeed14:05
didrockssil2100: it needs to go through -security14:05
sil2100So just a cherry pick to the current unity-2d version in precise?14:05
didrockssil2100: but still need to be reviewed upstream and merged14:06
sil2100So for now we're waiting for a merge to unity-2d, right?14:06
chrisccoulsonartnay, i'm not sure how that could happen, as this is just a one liner to the panel code, which is quite isolated :/14:06
seb128sil2100, then it needs to be merged as well in the normal SRU you plan to get out soon14:06
chrisccoulsonit doesn't touch anything in the launcher at all14:06
seb128didrocks, ^14:06
popeyseb128: we need to line up -security to look at it though14:06
chrisccoulsonare you sure it didn't happen before?14:06
sil2100seb128: ACK14:06
seb128popey, yeah, get the update ready and talk to micahg to get it out14:06
artnaychrisccoulson: 100% positive, started to happen only after updating to test114:06
didrocksseb128: well, it's a cherry-pick in the packaging branch, not relevant to talk about the normal SRU as it's unity-2d trunk14:06
chrisccoulsonhmmm :/14:07
didrocksseb128: that's why I'm speaking about getting it merged to trunk first14:07
didrocksseb128: we are not "waiting for a merge", you need to ping upstream and explain they need to review it14:07
didrockssil2100: ^14:08
didrocksthat was for you :)14:08
didrocksETOOMANYs ;)14:08
sil2100Was the MRQ requested already?14:08
didrockschrisccoulson: ^14:09
sil2100chrisccoulson: ?14:09
chrisccoulsondidrocks, sil2100, not yet. doing it now ;)14:09
sil2100chrisccoulson: ping me once it's setup ;)14:09
chrisccoulsondidrocks, sil2100 - https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/unity-2d/lp1010466/+merge/11007514:16
didrocksthanks chrisccoulson14:16
sil2100chrisccoulson: it's getting reviewed14:20
chrisccoulsonsil2100, thanks14:20
sil2100hm, where did Chris go?14:38
MrChrisDruifI'm right here?14:38
sil2100The other Chris ... ;)14:38
MrChrisDruifGhehe, I figured ;-)14:39
sil2100chrisccoulson: could you check the comment from the unity-2d guys on the MRQ?14:43
seb128sil2100, he just did14:48
seb128sil2100, i.e merge request updated14:49
sil2100Approved \o/15:01
sil2100Waiting for it to get merged and I'll cherry pick it15:12
sil2100didrocks, seb128: how should I give it to the -security team?15:12
sil2100Can I push it to some local branch for them to use for packaging?15:13
sil2100Or should I prepare a source package?15:13
seb128sil2100, either, like you would give to any packager or sponsor15:16
seb128micahg, hey, are you there yet?15:16
sil2100I'm pinging him, but I think he's still not around15:16
seb128sil2100, it might be a bit early for him still15:21
didrockssil2100: you tested it on your machine as well, right? :)15:22
micahghi seb12815:29
seb128micahg, hey15:29
seb128micahg, chrisccoulson got a fix for unity-2d for the tb,firefox grab issue15:30
seb128micahg, sil2100 has been backporting it and doing a package update, can you work with him to get that uploaded to -security?15:30
micahgseb128: sure15:30
seb128micahg, thanks15:30
seb128sil2100, ^15:31
sil2100micahg: how would you prefer to get the fix?15:31
micahgsil2100: bzr branch or debdiff is fine, are there release specific branches or the UDD ones?15:31
sil2100micahg: everything's in one branch15:32
sil2100micahg: the source and distro packaging15:32
sil2100I'll just double test if it's fine and send you the branch :)15:33
micahgsil2100: we've got 3 unity-2d releases in stable15:33
sil2100micahg: what are the version numbers?15:34
micahgsil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039238/, so we need it based on the version in -updates for oneiric and precise15:34
sil2100micahg: since I'm first patching 5.12.0-0ubuntu1 from precise-updates15:34
micahgsil2100: I can take them as you have them ready and start testing them, do we have a bug with a proper test case as well?15:35
sil2100micahg: but only the versions from -updates, right? i.e. 5.12.0-0ubuntu1 and 4.12.0-0ubuntu1.1 ?15:35
sil2100chrisccoulson: ^^15:35
micahgsil2100: right, natty never got an update thusfar, so it'll be based on the release version15:35
sil2100micahg: ACK, will ping you as soon as I set up everything15:37
micahgsil2100: thanks15:37
micahgsil2100: what time zone are you in BTW?15:37
sil2100micahg: european, UTC+2 right now iirc15:38
sil2100micahg: but I'll still be around for a while15:38
sil2100didrocks: as the series, should I set precise-security etc.?15:39
didrockssil2100: indeed15:39
sil2100didrocks: what about the version number? 5.12.0-0ubuntu2 ? (for precise)15:41
didrockssil2100: can be 1.115:42
sil2100didrocks: could you ACK on https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-2d/precise-security ?15:47
sil2100I mean, if the changelog is fine15:47
didrockssil2100: everything looks fine to me, I see no gotcha :)15:49
sil2100didrocks: thanks! Doing the same for the rest now15:49
didrocksmicahg: ^15:49
sil2100(and testing)15:49
sil2100micahg: hmm, there's no 4.12.0-0ubuntu2 for unity-2d on oneiric?15:50
micahgsil2100: no, there's 1.1 in updates15:51
sil2100Ok, doing it the rough way then15:51
micahgdidrocks: do you maintain post-release branches anywhere (just worrying if I need to modify the changelog)15:52
didrocksmicahg: we didn't for unity-2d yet as we didn't diverge, but it should be ~ubuntu-desktop/unity-2d/precise15:53
micahgdidrocks: what about oneiric and natty15:53
didrocksit was still under ~unity-team IIRC, let me check :)15:54
didrocksshould be lp:unity-2d/4.0  for oneiric15:55
didrocksand lp:unity-2d/3.0 for natty15:55
didrocksbut double checking is wanted15:55
didrocksmicahg: as it's quite dead right now, and trunk will be /precise soon, not sure if you want to store an additional maintain branch for precise, it's as you wish15:56
micahgdidrocks: ok, should I push changelog changes there?15:56
micahgdidrocks: I don't need it at all, I have the archive as a Vcs :)15:56
micahgI just don't want to mess you up15:56
didrocksmicahg: no need then, the next SRU (coming soon) is based on trunk and contain the fix already15:56
didrocksI'll just ensure we will have the changelog in it15:57
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micahgdidrocks: ok, thanks15:57
didrocksyw :)15:57
sil2100didrocks: well, lp:unity-2d/4.0 is for oneiric, but not oneiric-updates15:57
sil2100didrocks: it seems one version got lost somewhere, eh15:58
didrockssil2100: ah, probably15:59
sil2100didrocks: not a problem though16:00
didrocksgreat :)16:00
sil2100didrocks: I would need some advice though - since ubuntu1.1 from oneiric-updates uses a quilt patch for introducing the new changes16:01
sil2100didrocks: should I do the same for ubuntu1.2 (our -security changes) ?16:01
micahgSweetshark: FWIW, you usually don't want to hijack an actual bug for a huge SRU, the bug is part of what you want to verify16:01
sil2100i.e. adding a quilt patch? Or maybe just include it normally, without using any quilt patches?16:02
didrockssil2100: it's whatever you prefer, if you want to include it manually, you need to readd the missing upload though16:02
didrockssil2100: I would say rebase is the best :)16:02
sil2100didrocks: rebase, you mean turning the ubuntu1.1 quilt patch into a bzr commit and then add our -security ubuntu1.2 patch on top of it directly to the source as well?16:03
sil2100And requesting the ubuntu1.1 patch to unity-2d/4.0 ?16:04
didrockssil2100: exactly16:04
sil2100(by a merge?)16:04
Sweetsharkmicahg: I was asked to add the boilerplate there by seb128. I will just file a second bug "update to 3.x.x" next time and have in in the changelog too ..16:04
sil2100Phew, ok - will do16:04
didrockssil2100: merge or push/pull is fine :)16:04
didrockssil2100: good luck!16:04
micahgSweetshark: thanks :), it also saves the people in the bug from seeing all the non-related SRU comments as well :)16:05
micahgchrisccoulson: should I use the test case that I was give in #ubuntu-mozillateam yesterday for the unity issue or is there a simpler one?16:07
Sweetsharkcool, people are writing articles containing a TODO-list for my prerelease ;) http://www.webupd8.org/2012/06/libreoffice-360-beta-1-released-ubuntu.html16:09
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* didrocks waves good evening17:00
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micahgchrisccoulson: still wondering about the test case for the unity update when you have a chance19:42
chrisccoulsonmicahg, yeah, you can just use the case that triggered it yesterday19:43
micahgchrisccoulson: not being able to right click is the symptom?19:43
chrisccoulsonit should be quite trivial to come up with a testcase from my explanation on the bug :)19:43
micahgok, thans19:43
micahgpopey: I've got 3 symbols dropped from a rebuild of unity-2d (in unity-2d-panel): http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039608/19:50
seb128micahg, that seems like qt symbols leaked?19:51
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ is that a side effect of your change?19:52
chrisccoulsonyes it is19:52
micahgseb128: maybe19:52
chrisccoulsonthose shouldn't be exposed at all19:52
seb128yeah, it's a bit weird19:52
seb128but, well, cpp, you can count for weirdness :p19:53
* micahg just doesn't want to break someone's panel app19:53
chrisccoulsonwhy are we checking exported ABI of private objects anyway?19:53
micahgchrisccoulson: we generally run checks on symbols of all libraries, if it's not important, I'll ignore it, just wanted to check19:54
chrisccoulsonwhy do we do that? it seems pretty wasteful to check symbols on a private object that isn't used outside of that package19:54
chrisccoulsonit doesn't even have public headers19:55
chrisccoulsonthat really is a waste of time :)19:55
micahgchrisccoulson: it's part of the security team's tools, it just checks the symbols of all libs19:55
micahgnot all libs outside of /usr/lib/*/ are private unfortunately, so we can't train the tools to not check them, but as I said if it's not a problem, I'll ignore it19:56
sebas_can any one help me to figure why the shutdown screen popups over and over again20:57
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jasoncwarner_hey robert_ancell , wanted to follow up on the seb128 comment last night about GTK 3.5 and you unblocking it...how are we looking?23:35
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, yeah, I can make it not crash, so I think that's the best solution23:35
robert_ancellit will look a bit wrong, but that's for ps to fix23:35
robert_ancellwe really can't hold everything up for them23:36
jasoncwarner_thanks robert_ancell , do you know if cimi is on it right now? (I'll follow up there anyway)23:36
jasoncwarner_thanks for unstucking it23:36
jasoncwarner_hey thumper23:36
thumperwho do we have as a pango fixer?23:37
thumperjasoncwarner_: anything we need to talk about?23:37
jasoncwarner_thumper: I can't answer the pango question... robert_ancell or RAOF , do you happen to know who cares after that?23:39
robert_ancellthumper, yep, we handle that23:40
thumperrobert_ancell: awesome23:40
thumperrobert_ancell: we have some memory leaks in pango we'd love to be fixed23:40
thumperI'm sure we even have a trivial sample C file somewhere23:40
robert_ancellthumper, bug links?23:40
thumperwhich shows leaks in valgrind23:40
thumperthomi: do you know of the pango leak bug?23:40
thumperrobert_ancell: I may have to get back to you on that23:40
thumperrobert_ancell: but if I know you can help... that's awesome23:41
thomiuhh, I filed a bug in the GBZ23:41
thomiI also have a simple C app that reproducesd it23:41
thomiI was told that it's down to pango's use of StaticMutex, which apparently has been deprecated23:41
thomirobert_ancell: hmmm, I can't find the bug in bugzilla anymore. But I still have 'pango_leak.c' - would you like a copy?23:47
robert_ancellthomi, sure23:47
robert_ancellthomi, open a lp bug with it23:47
thomigood idea23:48
thomihmm, maybe I already did23:48
thomirobert_ancell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/83714523:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 837145 in unity "Memory leak in pango_layout_get_extents" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:51
thomito get it to leak, define DO_LEAK when you build it23:51

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