
SpamapSoh I just love test suites that assume code will never survive past 201000:02
SpamapSthis is the second time I've seen such nonsense00:03
SpamapSespecially when they've made a release as recent as 200800:04
StevenKSpamapS: We had a bug in the LP testsuite that used to assume a blueprint created in 2011 was in the future.00:04
SpamapSin the yeaar two thousaaaaaannndd00:05
StevenKI had successfully not thought about that song for years until you said that.00:05
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BenCMy lp-bug mojo is a little rusty….how do I link a bug to a Debian bug?01:12
ajmitch'also affects distribution', select debian & paste the debbugs url in, iirc01:13
BenCThanks, just figured it out :)01:14
lifelessor just past the url into a comment01:15
ajmitchlifeless: that adds the debian task automatically?01:16
lifelessit adds a watch automatically, which is the key thing01:17
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ScottKSpamapS: Thanks for fixing mysql-5.5 sufficiently that I'm not required to care anymore.02:54
infinityScottK: Thanks for fixing cython, and congrats on cleverly avoiding TILM by puppeting Ben. :P02:55
ScottKI actually managed to not do any work on it at all.02:55
ScottKMajor victory.02:55
ScottKMission accomplished by whining.02:55
infinityScottK: Ahh, he misattributed the patch.  I'm sure jtaylor is crushed.02:56
ScottKI didn't get get the barry card.  He was going to look at it tomorrow, but now he doesn't have to.02:56
ScottKI mentioned it in the bug.02:56
infinityAll that hard work changing four lines. ;)02:56
ScottKThe work avoided by not being TIL is potentially infinite.02:56
micahgand I already had all that except for cython-dbg in debian/rules02:57
ScottKjtaylor should be happy though.  Now he can apply guilt on BenC when he wants a core-dev endorsement.02:57
infinityBen's immune to guilt.02:58
infinityHe does respond well to nicotine and cartoons, however.02:58
BenCand jaeger02:58
BenCCombinations of the three in creative ways are welcome02:59
infinityBenC: You really need to come hang out at some conferency gathering soon.  Haven't seen you in ages.02:59
BenCinfinity: I tried to get to quantal UDS but it didn't work out. I am 94.7% sure I will make UDS-R though03:00
ScottKI hope the hold it in some place cool enough that I'll feel like it's worth wanting to go.03:01
ScottKI mean Oakland?03:01
broderi liked that it was close03:01
broderbut yeah, meh03:02
* BenC is still hoping for the cow-pasture-uds03:02
BenCWill give BoF a new meaning03:02
* micahg wonders what interesting locations there are03:03
StevenKI'd say Sydney, but infinity would stab me.03:04
infinityWe've been.03:04
StevenKOnly once. UDS has been in *Florida* more than that.03:04
infinityIt's also hideously expensive to do anything other than Europe or North America.03:05
infinityStevenK: Yeah, and Florida was a mistake every time. :P03:05
ScottKBoston was nice.03:05
StevenKFlorida was slightly better than Dallas.03:05
infinityUDU (Sydney) was actually pretty good.  The hotel was fun, etc.  But that was back when the distro team was 15 people.03:06
infinityCool little venues like that don't work anymore. :(03:06
infinityAnd Sydney's large conference venues are just as soulless as anyone's.03:06
ajmitchbut they're closer for some of us03:06
infinityNot many of us. :P03:06
ScottKChicago would be fun for a US location.03:06
StevenKScottK: I'd like to see Chicago, actually.03:07
infinityIf it didn't come right back around to the "hideously expensive" point, I'd vote for Manhattan.03:07
micahginfinity: they managed DebConf there somehow03:07
infinitymicahg: Yeah, but DebConf doesn't mind begging universities for lecture halls.03:07
infinitymicahg: We annex entire conference centers.03:07
infinitymicahg: Those don't come cheaply.03:08
ScottKExcept in Florida.  There they are so huge we only get a little piece of one.03:08
infinityScottK: Heh.03:08
ScottKI've never been to Warsaw.  How would that be?03:08
infinityCulturally awesome, love the people, the music, the food.  But man, the architecture makes me want to stab myself repeatedly.03:09
ScottKAre you arguing for or against?03:09
infinityI'm not sure. ;)03:09
ScottKThat's just good street theater for some.03:10
infinityI actually pretty much never say no to former Eastern Block sorts of locations.03:10
infinityCheap beer, fun people, an inexplicable obsession with doilies.03:11
micahgawesome, powerpc is doing better than i386 with build failures (not depwaits)03:12
vibhavgood morning03:16
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vibhavgeser: you there?03:34
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pittiGood morning03:59
pittibarry: yes, foomatic-db-compressed-ppds py3 is in the archive; I keep my WIs as "in progress" until they are really in ubuntu03:59
pitticjwatson: u-d-common> my new code is py3 compatible, but the old nvidia-common bits are not; tseliot is on that (he ported python-xkit, which is a dependency)04:00
pittibarry: apport got binNEWed, so the py3 version is in quantal now04:07
geservibhav: yes, I'm now here06:50
pitticjwatson: further porting u-d-common is yet another case of "blocked by aptdaemon"07:01
pittionce we get that in, we can port apturl, language-selector, u-d-common, software-properties, etc.07:01
ScottKI got slightly lost trying to figure out why dnspython is in Main and if any python3 porting was blocked on it.  I just uploaded dnspython3 to Debian.  If lack of that is blocking anything, please let me know and I'll do a direct upload to Ubuntu too.07:02
dholbach good morning07:05
cjwatsonpitti: Yeah, it's the nvidia bits that matter here.07:09
cjwatsonpitti: aptdaemon is, I hear, very close07:10
pittiyes, it's by and large working in trunk07:10
pittithe new apt is through binNEW now, I thought that was a prerequisite07:11
pittipython-apt is the next and last step, AFAIR07:11
mvo@pilot out: mvo07:14
udevbot(pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot.07:14
mvo@pilot out07:14
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatsonpitti: python-apt went into -proposed along with apt07:15
cjwatsonI think that's in quantal now too, though I haven't upgraded yet today07:15
pittiyes, it is07:15
cjwatsonAnd if we don't get update-manager in today I'll be slightly annoyed :)07:17
cjwatsonsoooooo close07:18
pitticjwatson: do you know if anyone already discussed extending DEP-8 to add a source package header? (like "XS-Has-Tests: true"); if not, I'll do that now07:23
pittionce that's in the standard, we could make dpkg-source add that header automatically07:24
pittibut at least add it manually for the time being, to drop the hardcoded list from jenkins07:24
cjwatsonpitti: We talked about it and I was going to propose it, but I don't think I actually did formally (I may have spoken to Ian about it informally); if you'd like to bring it up on wherever the discussion list for DEP-8 is, feel free07:26
pitticjwatson: ok, doing; I was going to mail the three drivers on http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/, CC'ing debian-devel@ (not sure if the latter is appropriate)07:27
cjwatsonpitti: Should be07:29
seb128bdmurray, slangasek, SpamapS, RAOF: could we some precise SRUs through today or tomorrow? the queue has around 30 items, some waiting for 3 weeks...07:58
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tkamppeterseb128, pitti is really missing in the SRU team.08:00
seb128tkamppeter, hey, yes he is ;-)08:00
RAOFIs updating the bug description with a reasonably simple template *really* that much to ask for SRUs?08:04
tkamppeterseb128, I have talked to the people you were trying to talk to here on #ubuntu-release. I got mainly quick help from cjwatson, but also from slangasek.08:17
seb128RAOF, I share the sentiment, though some people already things that having to provide a debdiff is work they shouldn't need to do, especially some upstream would like to be able to point to a patch and have us to take it...08:18
seb128tkamppeter, thanks, I know they are all busy and I'm not especially blocked on one SRU, I mostly wanted to point that we are accumulating backlog08:19
vibhavgeser: Are you still here?08:43
geservibhav: yes09:13
seb128yofel_, Riddell, ScottK: hey, is somebody looking at the calligra armhf,armel ftbfs in quantal?09:17
seb128yofel_, Riddell, ScottK: asking because it's showing up on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/quantal_probs.html09:18
xnoxemacs24 for quantal?!09:18
* xnox uses emacs a lot, and has been using ~weekly emacs24 snapshots. I haven't done emacs24 packaging before myself09:18
Riddellseb128: it's somewhere on the list of things to be done yes09:18
seb128Riddell, somewhere high or somewhere low? ;-)09:19
Laneyxnox: see if Rob is planning to do it?09:19
Laneyit would make me happy too09:19
Riddellseb128: high enough that it'll get done but not this week09:20
seb128Riddell, ok, thanks09:22
xnoxLaney: which Rob? =)09:22
Laneythe maintainer :P09:23
cjwatsonBrowning, I should imagine09:23
Laneythat's the badger09:23
xnoxwhat's his irc nickname?09:23
Laneylaney@raleigh> finger rlb@db.debian.org | grep IRC                                                                         ~09:24
LaneyIRC nickname: rlb09:25
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RAOFseb128: Incidentally, ubuntu-sru had a meeting this morning about how to get into a position where there isn't a backlog; expect to see things improve ;)09:41
pittiRAOF: do you want to do something similar to the "archive admin of the day" roster?09:42
RAOFThat was one of the outcomes, yeah.09:43
seb128RAOF, great ;-)09:45
cjwatsonRiddell: Speaking of calligra, there's a calligra-transitional package pending autosync which fails to sync because:09:52
cjwatsoncalligra-transitional_1 is trying to override modified binary koffice-l10n-ca_2.3.2-0ubuntu1.  OK (y/N)?09:52
cjwatsonRiddell: What should be done about that?09:52
Riddellcjwatson: ignore it for now until I get a chance to look at it properly09:55
Sweetsharkjibel: hey, I am getting spammed by the jenkins bot. awesome!10:13
jibelSweetshark, only when it fails :)10:13
Sweetsharkjibel: this is really neat.10:13
jibelSweetshark, latest build it with gcc 4.6 and no dependency issue on mysql.10:15
Sweetsharkjibel: Ive seen this failure on the ppa too. most curious: the test seem to succeed completely, yet ./debian/rules seems to think there is an error. Maybe something going wrong with the returncode-foo.10:16
Sweetsharkah, no. this one has an error.10:17
* Sweetshark checks.10:17
Sweetsharkjibel: is gdb installed on that machine?10:18
jibelSweetshark, yes10:19
Sweetsharkjibel: good10:19
jibellet me know if there is a specific setup for gdb. I'm not familiar with it.10:20
Sweetsharkjibel: it should be good. usually no specific setup needed.10:21
Sweetsharkjibel: am I supposed to open the link at the top of the mail? just asking because it times out here ...10:22
jibelSweetshark, ah, here is the link with the public address https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/quantal-pkg-libreoffice/ARCH=amd64,label=albali/33/10:23
Sweetsharkjibel: thx ;)10:24
evpitti: any objections to an apport release? That core pipe brokenness appears to be pretty bad: https://errors.ubuntu.com/api/most-common-problems/Ubuntu%2012.10/today10:35
pittiev: I just did an upstream 2.2.2 release and are prepping a quantal upload (test suite running ATM)10:36
evpitti: awesome, thanks!10:36
pittiev: I didn't notice it in the previous upload as the test suite runs with the system /usr/share/apport/apport for the crashes *duh*10:36
pittiso, no actual crashes today :)10:37
pittiI also fixed some other bugs (just G+'ed about one), now the tests shoudl all succeed again10:38
pittiif it wasn't for xvfb segfaulting, that is :) (but works fine with APPORT_TEST_NOXVFB=1)10:38
evit turns out that missing counts for today might be some brokenness in the counters, as jodh helpfully points out that we don't have anything for 11.10 either10:45
evI'll investigate after the python3 porting sprint10:45
Laneydo upgrade failures get submitted to errors.u.c too?10:47
hallino1I've got a small problem when i write debuild binary.. -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1038740/11:04
evLaney: it's planned, but nothing currently implemented11:04
hallino1I'm new with packaging.. Anyone can help me please?11:04
Laneyev: ok, thanks11:04
evLaney: which incidentally is why mpt came up with the error tracker name. Application crashes, package install failures, application hangs, debconf prompts, etc.11:05
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mptev, have you seen <http://askubuntu.com/questions/135540/what-is-the-whoopsie-process-and-can-i-remove-it>?11:47
cjwatsonA friend of mine has been objecting to the name every chance he gets11:48
cjwatsonIt seems to freak him out11:48
cjwatsonSupplying a man page would probably have soothed him since I think that was the first thing he reached for11:49
StevenKcjwatson: Why, is he Frank Spencer? :-P11:50
cjwatsonEr, no11:51
cjwatson(Long time since I saw that)11:51
StevenKcjwatson: I had to go and look it up because I couldn't remember the name of the actor or the character.11:52
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* xnox likes the comment "No, just apt-get rid of it."11:59
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vibhavgeser: REALLLY SORRY for being AFK, Since you were the last guy to touch dracut in ubuntu, are you comfortable with me preaparing a merge for it?12:14
geservibhav: sure, feel free to take it12:18
vibhavgeser: By the way, why did you add docbook-xsl to Build-Depends ?12:20
vibhavoh wait, its already added in debian12:22
* vibhav files a syncrequest12:23
geservibhav: the unmodified package FTBFS: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dracut/018+32+geb6e141-1/+build/346966512:24
vibhavgeser: Since dookbook-xsl was added to Build Depends in Sid, I have filed a sync request: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/101264112:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012641 in dracut (Ubuntu) "Sync dracut 019+9+g521c57a-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,New]12:26
evmpt: I had not. I did manage to get this one in yesterday though: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140379/how-can-i-track-a-bug-that-caused-a-crash-and-was-reported-via-apport-whoopsie/149455#14945512:33
vibhavdoko: ping12:33
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mdeslaur@pilot in12:34
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
barryhi pitti fantastic, thanks12:44
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evmpt: replied: http://askubuntu.com/questions/135540/what-is-the-whoopsie-process-and-can-i-remove-it/150332#15033212:50
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vibhavcyphermox: ping13:02
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herton@pilot in13:08
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: herton, mdeslaur
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mptev, Nanne has a point: What's the way to turn it off on the server?13:11
stokachuTo disable it on Ubuntu Server, edit the /etc/default/whoopsie file and change report_crashes= tofalse, then run sudo stop whoopsie.13:13
LaneyIt'd be nice if there were a manpage explaining such things13:13
stokachuor maybe just added to readme for package13:14
pittilamont: do you happen to plan to update util-linux to the latest upstream version by any chance?13:15
pittilamont: I just tried for an hour to fix wipefs, but the vfat fix is not backportable at all, and my own attempt of quickfixing it in 2.20.1 went badly13:15
evLaney: you're more than welcome to write one :)13:19
vibhavherton: are you busy?13:19
Laneyev: I would if I knew what to write :P13:19
hertonvibhav, hello, what's up?13:20
evJoking aside, there is an outstanding bug report for it. I've had more pressing problems to solve.13:20
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vibhavherton: If you are not occupied , could you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libisofs/+bug/1012666 ?13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012666 in libisofs (Ubuntu) "Please merge libisofs 1.2.2-1 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New]13:21
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hertonvibhav, hi, I can't, I can look only at kernel bugs for now13:22
hertonvibhav, may be mdeslaur can help you13:22
vibhavmdeslaur: If you are not occupied , could you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libisofs/+bug/1012666 ?13:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012666 in libisofs (Ubuntu) "Please merge libisofs 1.2.2-1 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New]13:22
lamontpitti: I should do that13:23
mdeslaurvibhav: sure, I have a couple of things queued up, but I'll take a look after them13:23
mdeslaurvibhav: i'll get to it in about an hour13:23
lamontpitti: I think time would be better spent on getting the latest version there, rather than just pulling over fixes one at a time13:23
lamontI'll see how this weekend does for getting that and nmap happier13:24
pittilamont: yes, I've come to the same conclusion13:24
pittilamont: it just doesn't seem easier; it doesn't have split-out patches, so wading through the monolithic diff seems to be a bit of a challenge13:24
pittilamont: do you have a magic way of updating that?13:24
ogra_pitti, is bug 1007826 an issue on the apport side or is that the way the function was called ? i''m currently porting xdiagnose to py3 and get similar output in the testsuite13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007826 in apport (Ubuntu) "crash with AssertionError: file stream must be in binary mode when trying to save report to file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100782613:25
ogra_(if its the way the function is called i'll happily fix it)13:26
pittiogra_: right, I sent a warning about this to planet and u-devel@13:26
pittiogra_: https://www.piware.de/2012/05/apport-api-users-watch-your-data-types-python-3-porting/13:26
* ogra_ goes reading13:26
ogra_uuuh !13:26
ogra_"Dieser Verbindung wird nicht vertraut"13:26
mvobarry: is xapian a target for the py3 porting sprint too ? I think its the last missing dependency for software-center :)13:28
smoseranyone know... lp:debian/sid/euca2ools is out of date. i'm not accustomed to that happening for debian, but usually only after i've screwed something up in the lp:ubuntu branch.13:30
smoserhow can i get my local branch of lp:debian/sid/euca2ools updated? is there an easy way to suck in the debian package?13:31
* smoser is embarrased. after typing bzr import-<tab> he sees "import-dsc"13:31
mterrymvo, does update-manager not use code reviews?  Should I just be committing directly?13:36
mvomterry: it does, its just that the set of reviewers is really tiny and that the py3 sprint is also going on at the same time13:38
mvomterry: I'm sorry that its a bit of a hassle right now13:38
mvomterry: I think its ok if you go wild and take it over for now13:38
mterrymvo, no it's fine.  I wasn't complaining, just curious13:39
* mvo nods13:39
mterrymvo, I didn't see it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEngineering/12.04/UpstreamDevelopment/ProjectTracking either13:39
mterrymvo, not sure why that URL is dated for 12.04.  Presumably it's an ongoing list13:40
mterryrickspencer3, ^ ?13:40
rickspencer3hi mterry13:40
xnoxdoes anyone have a snippet for quiltrc to correctly choose between series / series.ubuntu based on dpkg-vendor?13:41
mterryrickspencer3, does that ProjectTracking page have a non-12.04-specific URL somewhere?13:41
rickspencer3mterry, I dunno13:41
rickspencer3I'm not actually familiar with it ;)13:42
mterryrickspencer3, wait what?  i thought that was your baby13:42
barrymvo: it's on the list, but i don't think anyone's attacked it yet.  i'll ping the team13:42
rickspencer3mterry, well, I guess it was at one point, yeah13:42
rickspencer3but babies grow up and leave home13:43
mterryrickspencer3, this one refuses to leave the warm embrace of 12.0413:43
mvobarry: awsome13:43
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seb128mterry, who can blame it? the lts rocks ;-)13:43
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mvomterry: hrm, its indeed missing there13:44
pittitseliot: hey Alberto13:44
pittitseliot: want me to review https://github.com/tseliot/ubuntu-drivers-common/pull/3 ?13:45
pittitseliot: or do you want to?13:45
pittitseliot: it looks mostly good to me, I just don't particularly like the "from __future .. absolute import" stuff13:45
mterrymvo, well anyway, I'll leave the branches as is instead of cowboying them in.  No rush really13:46
vibhavdholbach: ping13:49
tseliotpitti: feel free to approve the merge request. I feel the same way about the absolute import stuff but it's for backwards comaptibility13:49
dholbachvibhav, pong13:49
pittitseliot: I mean, I'd rather change it to "import Quirks.quirkreader" or so13:49
tseliotpitti: ah, sure, that would definitely look better13:50
vibhavdholbach: If you have any free time could you please write your testamonial on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VibhavPant/UniverseContributorApplication ?13:52
dholbachvibhav, I bookmarked it - I'm currently in the middle of 5 other things :)13:53
vibhavjamespage: You there?13:53
jamespagevibhav, I am13:53
jibelpitti, crash files are now deleted before adt-run runs and saved as artifacts after13:54
jibelpitti, for apport there are 2 crash files13:54
pittijibel: thanks13:54
pittijibel: oh, did it run now for 2.2.2?13:54
pittijibel: ah, that's for 2.2.1 apparently13:54
vibhavjamespage: Can I prepare a sync for gettext from Debian Sid? (Since you were the last person to touch it in ubuntu)13:54
pittijibel: ah, no, looks like yet another problem; I'll trawl through that, thanks!13:55
jibelpitti, run 15 tested 2.2.2, isn't it ?13:56
mptev, I saw your previous answer via <http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/uwf19/awesome_explanation_on_how_the_ubuntu_crash/>13:56
jamespagevibhav, be my guest!13:59
jamespage(and thanks for asking :-))13:59
pittixnox: OOI, how did you test u-d-common?14:05
pittixnox: I'm currently running: PYTHONPATH=.:~/upstream/aptdaemon python3 tests/run14:05
smbpitti, doko, While trying to fix up something which gcc-4.7 is more picky about, I noticed that running the same package compile with precise will invoke gcc with some additional options which look a bit like hardening (-fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security). In quantal those are not there. Just wondered whether that is expected...14:05
pittixnox: aside from the PackageKit failures I also get some errors from the quirk reader14:06
xnoxpitti: hmm I will look14:06
xnoxpitti: i was running tests with $ python3 -m unittest discover14:06
xnoxwith extra flags14:06
xnoxpitti: why are tests files *not* called tests/test_*.py ?14:07
pittixnox: no particular reason, I guess; tests/run doesn't care14:07
xnoxpitti: it looks like tests/run has been modified to filter out settings.py and other stuff14:07
pittixnox: also, with your merge the tests now fail14:08
* xnox generally doesn't like tests/run scripts. It should IMHO just work with unittest discover runner14:08
pitti  File "/home/martin/ubuntu/ubuntu-drivers-common/tests/ubuntu_drivers.py", line 29, in <module>14:08
pitti    from . import fakesysfs14:08
pittiValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package14:08
xnoxthat is fail14:08
* pitti sees to fixing this14:08
infinitypitti: Were you planning on adding those new symbols to Debian's cups at some point soon, or should we just fix it in Ubuntu to get it off our radar?14:13
pittiinfinity: it's already fixed in Debian's bzr14:13
pittiinfinity: I have another RC bug I need to fix, then I wanted to do another upload14:13
infinitypitti: Ahh, kay.14:14
pittixnox: pushed two fixes to trunk which should be better again; tests now work again with py2, and the imports should be fine for py3 as well (PYTHONPATH=. python3 ./quirks-handler)14:15
xnoxpitti: thank you. I will check them out.14:15
pittixnox: I also pushed a fallback for packagekit.enums, but that's again blocked on aptdaemon (just tested against upstream trunk, can't change the Depends: yet)14:16
xnoxpitti: yeap, I'm about to upload python3-packagekit to branch / ppa for testing14:17
* xnox building in pbuilder14:17
pittixnox: anything wrong with glatzor's PPA?14:17
xnoxpitti: what's glatzor's PPA?14:18
infinityrsalveti: Do you know anything about the gles/glew sadness that's causing build failures?14:18
pittixnox: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-June/035297.html14:18
pittixnox: he already provided test packages14:18
infinityrsalveti: (See callibra in quantal, grep the log for 'conflicting declaration')14:18
xnoxpitti: that doesn't have packagekit, or does it?14:20
xnoxpitti: there was more work done on the aptdaemon14:20
xnoxafter the ppa14:20
pittixnox: no, I doubt that packagekit has been ported already14:20
pittixnox: argh; ignore me14:20
pittixnox: I got confused14:20
xnoxpitti: it has been upstream. well the python-packagekit14:20
xnoxnot all the helper scripts14:21
pittixnox: u-d-common falls back to aptdaemon.pkenum for now (as that is already available in aptdaemon, but we haven't had a python3-packagekit so far)14:21
xnoxpitti: you will in a second =)14:21
mterrytremolux, if software-center says to check the logs because it can't submit a review, where do I look?14:27
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tremoluxheyy mterry!! it's here: ~/.cache/software-center/software-center.log14:28
tremoluxthat message is pretty useless :/14:29
rsalvetiinfinity: nops, let me check14:29
mterrytremolux, thanks!14:30
tremoluxmterry: yw, thank you too!14:30
tremoluxmterry: there is an open bug on this, may be the same, let me find it14:31
tremoluxmterry: bug 77807014:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778070 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Failed to submit report/review in software-center" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77807014:32
infinityrsalveti: Maybe we just need a new mesa to go with glew1.7?  I dunno.  I haven't looked into it deeply, and I suspect no one else has yet either, cause it only (so far) affects ARM.14:32
tremoluxmterry: server-side fix in-progress14:32
rsalvetithere was some important changes for gles support at glew1.7 afaik, so need to make sure it's all properly enabled I guess14:33
mterrytremolux, I have the same trace as comment #8, but not sure that's what that bug was originally about14:33
mterrytremolux, but if the server-side fix will get #8, I'm good14:33
rsalvetiinfinity: why are we still building for armel?14:34
tremoluxmterry: right, the original probably described something that has long since been fixed (server churn, client churn) but the bug not updated/noticed, and the current problem seems to be as described in #8, and that is the one being fixed14:35
tremoluxmterry: #8 is the one that people are hitting now, and it seems recent (and it revived the bug)14:36
mterrytremolux, cool14:37
* mterry looks forward to reviewing again14:37
infinityrsalveti: It's complicated.14:39
rsalvetiinfinity: :-)14:39
tremoluxmterry: :D reviews ftw!!14:40
barrykenvandine: ping14:45
kenvandinebarry, pong14:47
barrykenvandine: hi, how are you today?  i wanted to chat a bit about the py3 port of whatever parts of gwibber are going to be on the 12.10 desktop image.  when i last looked, it was gwibber and gwibber-service.  what's the current status of the code, and any py3 porting work you're aware of?14:48
barrykenvandine: foundations team is sprinting on py3 support and i figured since i'd previously looked at this, i'd take another look at it today14:49
kenvandinei haven't done anything yet, was hoping for a solution for libpeas14:49
kenvandinebarry, has anything been figured out there?14:49
barrykenvandine: ah libpeas.  i don't think so, but i will look into that today14:50
kenvandinewe want to switch to using libpeas for handling the service plugins14:50
kenvandineinstead of the hacky stuff we have now14:50
kenvandinebut libpeas and py3 was a ???14:50
kenvandineswitching to libpeas would simplify the port to py3 if that worked with py314:51
mterrykenvandine, libpeas has gir support14:51
barrykenvandine: so gwibber doesn't currently use libpeas?14:51
kenvandinebarry, no14:51
dobeymterry: it does, but that's mostly irrelevant14:51
kenvandinemterry, yeah but not py3 yet14:51
dobeymterry: the python loader only uses the python2 runtime14:52
mterrykenvandine, ah, internally it only supports py2 plugins?  bummer14:52
dobeyit should be easy to fix though14:52
dobeyit just needs a py3 loader, and code to avoid loading both the py2 and py3 loaders (which are shared objects in libpeas itself)14:52
vibhavjamespage: done : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gettext/+bug/101270514:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012705 in gettext (Ubuntu) "Please merge gettext from Debian Unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]14:54
barrydobey, kenvandine, mterry: so, it sounds like it's more useful for me to look into libpeas right now14:55
* kenvandine hugs barry14:55
henrixinfinity: hi! could you please copy the precise kernel pkgs into -updates? (bug #1003534)14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1003534 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux: 3.2.0-25.40 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100353414:56
dobeybarry: right. and it's required to fix a lot of other things as well (rhythmbox, gedit, etc)14:56
infinityhenrix: Yeahp.  Are armadaxp and ti-omap4 also ready, or just linux/lbm/meta?14:56
barrydobey: ack.  i'll put it next on my list14:56
henrixinfinity: they should be ready, but not sure. let me check...14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004555 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "linux-ti-omap4: 3.2.0-1414.19 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]14:57
infinityti-omap4 looks ready14:57
infinityhenrix: armadaxp lacks a tracking bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/eilt/+bug/1006217 is as close as it gets.14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1006217 in The Eilt project "[public] SBP (Static Branch Prediction) problem - disable it" [Undecided,In progress]14:58
henrixinfinity: yeah, ti is ok but not armadaxp14:58
infinityhenrix: Can you get those folks to do tracking bugs in the future?  I find them wildly useful for the rather complex kernel SRU workflow.14:59
xnoxpitti: so while aptdaemon is in progress there is now bug 1012703 which needs/review sponsor14:59
infinityhenrix: (For this one, though, I'm happy to let it slide, if someone can just verify the kernel is sane14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012703 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "please add python3-packagekit package" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101270314:59
xnoxinfinity: =))) way to go for me to break your )14:59
henrixinfinity: sure, give me 1 minute to figure out what's going on14:59
infinityxnox: Hrmph.14:59
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henrixinfinity: it looks like armadaxp *does* have a tracking bug: #100455615:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004556 in linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu) "linux-armadaxp: 3.2.0-1603.6 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100455615:06
infinityhenrix: But not mentioned in the changelog?  Argh.15:09
henrixinfinity: hmm... interesting. still trying to figure out what's going on with armadaxp...15:10
infinityhenrix: I'm guessing no one told janimo about the tracking bug. :P15:10
infinityhenrix: Hence, he didn't include it in the changelog.15:10
henrixinfinity: that's a possibility :)15:10
henrixinfinity: anyway, thanks for the heads up. i'll go sort that out15:11
infinityhenrix: Cool.  linux (et al) and ti-omap4 (and meta) are done.15:11
henrixinfinity: great, thanks15:12
infinityhenrix: To be clear, I don't want anyone doing anything silly like re-uploading aramdaxp and restarting the verification process, just to fix the changelog. :P15:12
infinityhenrix: Just some followup to the bug that *is* in the changelog (and a mention of the tracking bug in that same bug log, so we can go dot our Is and cross our Ts) would be fine.15:13
henrixinfinity: ack, thanks15:13
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henrixinfinity: i still see the "promote-to-updates" task as 'confirmed'. any idea why?16:08
henrixinfinity: (btw, the issues with armadaxp are being sorted out)16:09
infinityhenrix: D'oh.  Because LP timed out when I was updating the bug and i didn't notice. :)16:16
infinityhenrix: Fixed.16:17
henrixinfinity: heh cool! :)16:17
henrixinfinity: thanks16:17
mdeslaur@pilot out16:18
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: herton
* dholbach hugs mdeslaur16:19
* mdeslaur hugs dholbach back16:19
SpamapSseb128: we're going to start doing a daily rotation, and today is my day. I'll spend a few hours doing SRU's, not tow orry. :)16:21
seb128SpamapS, taht's great news, thanks!16:21
SpamapSseb128: btw thanks for clearing up the gnome MRE :)16:22
seb128SpamapS, no worry, it's going to make my life easier as well ;-)16:23
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BenC // Define if compatibility should be provided for -mlong-double-64.16:48
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BenCdoko: How important is that on powerpc?16:48
BenCdoko: like will it break c++ ABI if it gets disabled16:50
BenCdoko: if it just break backward compatibility pre-2006, then I'd like to vote to disable it on powerpc16:53
BenCIt's marked "GLIBCXX_ABI Deprecated"16:54
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infinityBenC: Is it causing you issues?17:06
BenCinfinity: it's the cause of most build failures for things like gdc, aspectc++, and a few other things17:06
BenCif I #undef that one line, all those things compile and are happy17:06
BenCfixes about half a dozen FTBFS and countless dep-waits17:07
infinityBenC: That's... Odd.  It shouldn't, on its own, be causing any problems, really.17:07
BenCinfinity: it's not…it's the "inline namespace" that gets exposed because of it17:07
infinityBenC: Unless those packages are also passing -mlong-double-6417:07
BenC...c++config.h:336: error: invalid declaration near token `namespace'17:08
BenCThat "invalid" is "inline" and it's in the block of code used to get the -mlong-double-64 compatibility17:08
BenCI realize it's not really invalid, and that c++config.h isn't really broken, but all of these things build on x86 because it doesn't have this define, and I can't fix it anywhere else but in c++config.h17:09
infinityWell, we've probably been long-double-128 by default for over half a decade, but it might be worth sorting out how to scan the archive to make sure that dropping compat doesn't break anything.17:09
BenCIt's the default for alpha, powerpc, sparc and s390 for this compatibility17:10
BenCAt the very least, I'd like to modify c++config.h so that it can be disabled with a -D or similar17:12
BenCinfinity: This was easier than I thought…adding -mlong-double-64 to these problematic program's CFLAGS might be the more unobtrusive fix17:21
infinityBenC: Oh.  As in, they're breaking when building with the default mld128, but work with 64?17:22
infinityBenC: That's kinda special.  But a simple enough fix.17:23
BenCinfinity: right, but only because it avoids the "inline namespace" verbiage, but I'm happy with that17:23
infinityBenC: And one that will fail in very obvious ways if the backward compat ever goes away, so it's not like you're introducing scary.17:23
BenCYeah, and considering these things never really built well on powerpc to begin with, one that won't break existing usage17:24
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slangasekpitti: hi, who manages http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/?  It seems we're not getting updates, is this a known issue?17:37
seb128slangasek, somebody mentions it was a disk out of space issue with a RT filed17:37
slangasekah, ok17:37
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seb128slangasek, <mvo>mdeslaur: yes, changelogs.ubuntu.com has a full disk17:38
seb128slangasek, that was on june 6, maybe you can help the rt to get moving? ;-)17:38
slangasekseb128: sure, as soon as I find the RT :)17:38
seb128slangasek, msged to you17:39
slangasekseb128: ta17:40
mterrybarry, for a package that delivers the DistUpgrade module, should it's name be python-DistUpgrade, python-distupgrade, or python-dist-upgrade?17:49
mterryahem, "its" not "it's"17:50
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ScottKNo case in package names.17:52
mterryScottK, yar I figured case would be bad.  OK, thanks!17:52
* ScottK wonders if he missed the memo about International Talk Like A Pirate Day?17:53
mterryScottK, I'm just stuck :)17:53
SpamapShmm.. thats weird18:01
SpamapSjuju was synced from Debian even though it already had a -0ubuntuX version18:01
* barry concurs18:01
SpamapSshould have blocked the sync, no?18:02
ogra_did debian have a -1 version by chance ?18:02
SpamapS0.5+bzr539-1 was synced18:02
ogra_yeah, -1 > -0ubuntu118:02
SpamapSbut the existence of an ubuntu version should have stopped that18:02
lifelesswhy ?18:03
SpamapSBecause that should require a merge18:03
lifelessnot if the debian changelog contains 0ubuntu1 in it.18:03
lifeless[caveat, I haven't checked the code]18:03
SpamapSwe just blindly throw away Ubuntu delta?18:03
lifelessbut there is a merge graph18:03
SpamapSit hasn't happened with mysql-5.518:04
lifelessSpamapS: is there a delta in this case?18:04
SpamapSwhich was at 5.5.22-0ubuntu1 when Debian got 5.5.24+dfsg-118:04
SpamapSlifeless: yes, though its fairly innocuous and unimportant18:04
SpamapSI was planning on syncing them actually18:05
SpamapSso its possible somebody decided to just do it18:05
ogra_well, theoretically if the debian package contains the version thats current in ubuntu one should be able to assume that the code is contained18:05
ogra_so there theoretically cant be a delta18:05
SpamapSogra_: it was my understanding that *any* -XubuntuX would force a manual merge or sync18:06
SpamapSThis must have been a manual sync18:06
debfxit is a manual sync: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/quantal-changes/2012-June/002527.html18:06
SpamapSActually it was, quantal-changes says Jeremy Bicha18:06
ogra_well, why would you merge it if the changelog says it is already merged ?18:07
SpamapSogra_: the changelog does not say it is already merged18:07
ogra_i thought the changelog caontained the -0ubuntu1 version in the debian package18:07
SpamapSI'm guessing Jeremy just looked at the diff and realized it was fine (which it seemingly is) and just synced18:08
SpamapSogra_: no definitely not18:08
BenCinfinity: is there a better way to get a rebuild of a package (for the sake of it using a newer library) other than uploading a changelog-only source?18:08
ogra_ah, then i misread18:08
ScottKBenC: No.18:08
SpamapSthe debian package has but one entry in the changelog.. for the 0.5+bzr539-1 .. since it was NEW'd only yesterday18:08
SpamapSI had intended to sync it myself.. *after* testing it :-P18:09
ogra_yeah, that shouldnt autosync indeed18:09
SpamapSHopefully our daily package builds still work.18:09
* SpamapS tries the recipes now18:09
ScottKBut it didn't autosync.  jbicha sync'ed it.18:09
cjwatsonmterry: Remind me of the new dist-upgrade branch?  I guess I have a ton of patches to sync over.18:09
SpamapSScottK: right, it was just an eager syncer. ;)18:10
cjwatsonmterry: I was kind of hoping to do an update-manager upload before trying to split out the upgrader, though, because I'm tantalisingly close to having it py3-ready.18:10
cjwatsonlifeless: Autosyncing is purely based on whether the version number contains the "ubuntu" substring.  -0ubuntu1 isn't special.18:10
mterrycjwatson, I've been working on integrating your new patches18:11
SpamapSok, n/m.. nothing to see here. :)18:11
mterrycjwatson, I know, I didn't realize all this python3 stuff would happen before my branch got merged18:11
cjwatsonmterry: The reason I'm reluctant is that I just finished doing a full test matrix this morning18:11
mterrycjwatson, U-M side is https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/update-manager/split-release-upgrader18:12
cjwatsonAnd I kind of don't want to do that all again tonight18:12
mterrycjwatson, new package is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-release-upgrader/split18:12
cjwatsonCan we leave it until after the first update-manager py3 upload?18:12
mterrycjwatson, we can sure.  I'm in no rush18:13
cjwatsonThat shouldn't make it any more difficult.18:13
cjwatsonAnd then I get to be a bit more stepwise about things18:13
lifelesscjwatson: thanks18:14
cjwatsonmterry: Any reason that branch isn't just in lp:ubuntu-release-upgrader?18:15
cjwatsonOh, pending merege18:15
mterrycjwatson, yar, so it can be reviewed18:15
* ScottK imagines mterry with an eye patch again.18:16
cjwatsonmterry: Since lp:ubuntu-release-upgrader is currently just a copy of lp:update-manager, rather than cherry-picking patches, it would make more sense to pull the lot into lp:ubuntu-release-upgrader first18:16
cjwatsonThat preserves history better as well18:17
cjwatsonMaybe if we start that from 1:0.163 once it's uploaded18:17
tgm4883ev, can I bug you for a sec regarding errors.ubuntu.com18:17
* slangasek waits for mterry to start teaching command-not-found about avast-get and avast-cache18:17
mterrycjwatson, hm?  how am I losing history?  if it's all in lp:u-r-u, you don't get a nice LP review, right?18:17
cjwatsonmterry: Why would I care?  Everything in lp:update-manager since then is either trivial or has already been reviewed.18:18
cjwatsonmterry: lp:u-r-u -> current tip of lp:update-manager is a pure fast-forward merge (in git terms).18:18
cjwatsonSo we should do that first rather than cherry-picking a bunch of stuff that's textually identical but that now has a load of new commits.18:18
mterrycjwatson, right, and I just synced them again.  But to be able to review my split...18:19
cjwatsonYour branch is a mixture of stuff you've done and stuff I've done18:19
cjwatsonEither that or we duplicated things by coincidence; I'm only going by the web diff18:19
mterrycjwatson, ah, well if you refresh you'll just seem my stuff.  I just re-sync'd lp:u-r-u from lp:u-m18:20
cjwatsonAh, r2457 is an actual bzr merge18:20
cjwatsonSo I guess that's OK, but it would still be easier to review if we just pulled lp:u-r-u from lp:u-m first18:20
mterrycjwatson, right.  It's just a branch.  I'm doing this goofy stuff because LP can't support merge reviews across products18:20
cjwatsonThen the review would be of your split, not of your split + nearly everything since 1:0.16118:21
mterrycjwatson, it will still just be my split.  Because lp:u-r-u is up-to-date18:21
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evtgm4883: what's up?18:21
cjwatsonOh.  It wasn't ten minutes ago when I looked!18:21
cjwatsonI swear18:21
mterrycjwatson, right I know.  But I tried to tell you that I just re-synced a moment ago18:21
cjwatsonAh - understood now, sorry, I thought you meant the merge in your split branch18:22
tgm4883ev, I'm bugging slangasek about it (regarding adding logs to be gathered), and it appears it's just not possible yet18:22
mterrycjwatson, well that too.  :)18:22
evtgm4883: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-bucketing-improvements18:22
cjwatsonTalking at cross-purposes.  Sorry.18:22
tgm4883ev, thanks, I'll subscribe to that18:23
mterrycjwatson, but anyway, back on topic, keep doing your awesome python3 stuff and don't worry about my branch.  :)18:24
mterryI'll re-merge after your release18:24
keessmb`: quantal has the disabled the forced flag exports in the build. however, those particular flags are already enabled by default. the only difference might be the presence/absence of the -O level18:25
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smoseris there a proper way to reference a bug in a debian/changelog that does not make it magically 'fix-released' ?18:41
smoseri'm wanting to point to a bug in debian/changelog as reason for ubuntu delta18:41
smoserie, its already fixed but i dont want every subsequent upload to think "oh, that bug is fixed now" (or maybe it would just not do that because of fix-released)18:41
ScottKLeave out the # and it won't trip the regex.18:42
seb128smoser, if the bug is already closed in launchpad further uploads should not create any activity on the bug18:44
smoserok. thanks seb128 ScottK . i guess i'll just leave it proper (LP: #XXXX) style and since they're fix-released it should be ok.18:44
BenCinfinity: Is it correct that the buildd's run "debian/rules build" as opposed to "debian/rules build-arch"?18:48
BenCinfinity: Mainly because I've seen several build failures where override_dh_auto_build-indep is being called for things like doxygen, which is in build-dep-indep, so it isn't installed18:49
cjwatsonsmoser: I generally use "LP #nnnnnn" for such things.19:08
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infinityBenC: They call dpkg-buildpackage -B (which does build, then binary-arch)19:15
sorensmoser: What cjwatson said. It's the general pattern people use for that. To specifically answer your question, though, the regex in question is applied by dpkg-parsechangelog on your machine when you "dpkg-buildpacakge -S". It finds the closed bugs and adds a Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed field to your .changes file. That's what Launchpad uses to close bugs.19:21
sorensmoser: So, you could remove that field from your .changes, re-sign it, and upload, and you woulnd't trigger anything in Launchpad.19:22
sorensmoser: ...but since the bugs are already closed, it'll be a no-op anyway.19:22
smoserah. thanks.19:31
seb128soren, mdz, kees, cjwatson: do you read the techboard list? is there anything I need to get replies from tb members on the SRU emails? only pitti and mark replied so far19:31
seb128the meeting this week seems to have not been happening as well ... should I try to add an agenda item for the next meeting?19:32
LaneyI also saw that the TB meeting didn't happen, and someone said that there was nothing on the agenda. Somehow those topics from the mailing list probably should have made it there, probably?19:32
seb128Laney, ;-)19:32
seb128the techboard seems not very functional atm :-(19:32
Laneystgraber: ^ too19:33
keesseb128: reading now...19:36
cjwatsonseb128: oh, yeah, sorry about that - I've replied now19:40
seb128kees, don't take it wrong, but are you subscribed to the list? important issues getting ignored over weeks by most tb members don't seem a good situation, I'm wondering what went wrong there19:40
seb128cjwatson, thanks19:40
keesseb128: I don't have a good habit of reading the list.19:41
keesseb128: I'll re-arrange my filters to help19:41
seb128kees, was that the wrong way to raise those issues?19:41
seb128kees, I really though those items would get on the next week agenda if not addressed on the list19:41
keesseb128: normally if you want something discussed at the meeting, it needs to get added to the wiki page by the interested party.19:42
seb128kees, cjwatson: as an outsider the experience is pretty disappointing to see the list ignored and the meeting to go "no topic, no need to have a meeting"19:42
seb128kees, ok, thanks, I will do that for the next meeting in 2 weeks if those issues are still stalled19:43
cjwatsonOne of the standing items on our agenda is to review the list, so it's an oversight if that didn't happen19:44
cjwatsonUnfortunately due to the foundations sprint this week I missed this week's meeting19:44
tjaaltonare there 12.04.1 installer builds available yet?19:59
seb128cjwatson, kees: thanks for the replies ;-)20:00
keesseb128: np. I'll get future stuff into my inbox directly now. :)20:04
seb128kees, great ;-)20:05
cjwatsonIt does go into my inbox already, but so does way too much other stuff :-(20:05
Laneycan someone moderate seb128's mail that kees replied to?20:16
seb128SpamapS, RAOF, bdmurray, slangasek (i.e SRU team): https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2012-June/001300.html20:18
stgrabertjaalton: we have daily builds on cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise20:26
tjaaltonstgraber: I only see the release image there20:27
tjaaltonoh wait20:28
tjaaltonwrong dir, got it now20:29
tjaaltonstgraber: do these have packages from -proposed as well, or just -updates?20:30
stgraberjust -updates AFAIK20:31
stgrabertjaalton: a quick grep in the cdimage branches seems to confirm that we have updates enabled but not proposed20:33
tjaaltonstgraber: ok20:35
tjaaltonthere should be a new kernel in -updates soon.. need to get that tested to see if it fixes some nasty display bugs20:37
infinityBenC: Gah.20:41
infinityBenC: Don't use -Nubuntu1 versioning for rebuilds.20:41
BenCinfinity: Ah, what should I use in the future?20:42
infinityBenC: Should be -Nbuild120:42
jtaylordoko: is there much point in keeping this diff: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/86710012/mpich2_1.4.1-1build1_1.4.1-1ubuntu1.diff.gz20:42
BenCOk, thanks20:42
jtaylordoko: blcr is broken since natty anyway20:42
infinityBenC: I just noticed because my build1 upload of libextractor was rejected because your ubuntu1 got there first. ;)20:42
infinityBenC: But this means now that we need to manually watch for Debian revisions to those uploads and sync, since we don't sync over *ubuntu* versions.20:43
micahgBenC: dch -R for rebuilds20:44
slangasekkees: so you seem to have given us a bootstrapping problem for MREs. ;)20:45
BenCinfinity: sorry about that20:46
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BenCmicahg: thanks20:46
infinityBenC: I'll get over it some day. :)20:46
slangasekdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: xvfb20:47
slangasekhmm, echan20:47
keesslangasek: MREs were never supposed to skip SRU quality controls.20:47
keesslangasek: they were created to avoid busy-work for the SRU team when there was a historical precedent (and sufficient checks in place to assure future quality) such that the SRU team didn't have to bother reviewing a given package.20:48
slangasekkees: that's not my understanding of what's been proposed here20:48
slangasekalso, it's very hard to establish a historical precedent of successful SRUs following the existing SRU policy for these things because the scale of review involved in actually doing it by the book is too onerous20:49
keesslangasek: hence my suggestion that perhaps the SRU process needs to be adjusted.20:50
slangasekin the specific case of libreoffice, we do have a history of successful point release updates... natty, oneiric, precise all have point-release SRUs20:50
infinityI review pretty much everything I accept, except for mozilla.org and libreoffice, and even those, I give a cursory glance.20:50
slangasekare these not sufficient?20:50
keesslangasek: ah, I either missed that, or it wasn't mentioned in the request.20:51
verwilstkees, ping20:51
keesslangasek: I think it may help to have an SRU team member speak up on behalf of MRE requests in the future, actually.20:51
keesverwilst: pong20:51
verwilstoh :)20:51
verwilstkees, i would like to monitoring-default-off.patch :)20:52
verwilstuh "talk to you about"20:52
slangasekkees: so you think that it should be a judgement call of the SRU team to decide whether we should rely on upstream regression testing as sufficient verification for an SRU?20:52
keesverwilst: yeah, seems to have caused problems for ivoks too20:52
verwilstkees, the "activation/monitoring=0 is incompatible with clustered Volume Group "test": Skipping." i presume20:53
slangasekkees: right, perhaps it didn't get mentioned... anyway, libO does have a bit of precedence here20:53
keesslangasek: I think that if it makes sense for that package and Ubuntu, yes. I think there are 3 distinct situations: "single fix SRU", "upstream point release SRU", and "MRE"20:53
verwilstit's not an issue on centos though, and no dmeventd running there20:53
keesslangasek: and I can see how that latter two seem similar.20:54
micahgslangasek: kees: there was also a failed SRU in oneiric for LibreOffice for which there is no plan to fix it, I would hope that if an MRE is granted, it's made clear that regressions do need to be addressed20:54
micahgit's in -proposed, so it's not that big of a deal to drop I guess20:54
keesslangasek: but the MRE, IMO, was designed more for blessing a package so it doesn't have to the SRU team doing extensive examinations.20:54
slangasekkees: where is category 2 defined?20:56
keesslangasek: it isn't -- it's what you've just described, and what is being discussed here.20:57
keesslangasek: there appears to be a need for "there are so many changes here, SRU team must depend on upstream to declare it okay"20:57
infinityslangasek: I think kees is implying that the middle category goes through the same level of review and rigor, while we let the latter "slide".20:57
slangasekhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#New_upstream_microreleases is what we currently have AIUI20:57
* kees re-reads https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions20:58
keeshrm, yeah, I guess the "history of successful SRUs" isn't in there at all.21:01
verwilstkees, i guess i'm interrupting? :)21:02
keesverwilst: I'm actually reading the history of this patch now to refresh my mind...21:02
verwilstoh, sweet :)21:02
keesverwilst: the problem appears to be that we cannot have a requirement that dmeventd be running.21:02
keesverwilst: the problem ivoks ran into seems to be that the patch accidentally makes it so you can _never_ talk to dmeventd. :P21:03
keesverwilst: so, I think, solving that is what's needed here.21:03
keesverwilst: does that match what you're seeing?21:03
verwilstdmeventd isnt running on my precise either21:04
verwilstbut vgchange --monitor y works21:04
verwilstif /etc/lvm/lvm.conf has monitoring=0 by default for example, shouldnt that stop lvm from talking to the mythical dmeventd as well?21:07
verwilstbecause now it seems to ignore that setting21:07
herton@pilot out21:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
verwilstit also breaks the init script when using clustering, since i had to add --monitor y after every vgchange myself there21:08
keesverwilst: right, the bug appears to be ignoring that config item.21:08
keesverwilst: we need to be able to run the lvm commands without /etc/lvm/lvm.conf (in very minimal environments), so the binary default needs to stay off, but the config should be respected.21:09
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verwilstkees, makes sense21:09
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verwilstbut that sounds like quite some custom coding inside lvm21:09
verwilstcan't your minimal env have an empty lvm.conf? :D21:10
keesverwilst: it can, but it shouldn't need to, is my point. right now, the bug is that the config value isn't being respected. that's the distinct bug here, IMO.21:11
verwilstkees, what would be the best way to proceed?21:16
verwilstsince this bug is blocking my environment, i'm more than willing to help out :)21:16
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keesverwilst: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/833368 the same situation?21:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833368 in resource-agents (Ubuntu) "clustered lvm commands fail with "activation/monitoring=0 is incompatible with clustered Volume Group" error" [Undecided,In progress]21:20
keesverwilst: I think ivoks has been looking at it, but trying to adjust the patch to do the right thing with regard to config settings is the next step21:20
keesverwilst: so if that's the right bug, subscribe to it, and check with ivoks or SpamapS21:21
keesverwilst: otherwise, open a new bug and ping SpamapS :)21:21
keesverwilst: though strictly speaking, it's really slangasek's problem ultimately, so maybe check with xnox. :)21:21
xnoxhello people21:22
* xnox reading backlog21:22
keesxnox: I know you're working on mdadm, but this is in lvm2. not sure if that's under your umbrella or not.21:22
keesxnox: basically, the lvm2 commands aren't reading a config setting correctly, due to a patch I wrote to change things.21:23
keesin a pinch, I can try to work on it, but I have no idea how soon that'll be.21:23
slangaseklvm2 is, but so far the cluster stuff has been the server team's department21:24
keesslangasek: it's on the fence, really, since the patch was there for udeb-ish situations, which isn't the server team's problem, etc.21:25
slangasekyes it is ;)21:26
slangasekrather, let's say it's a shared responsibility21:26
verwilsti think that's the correct situation kees21:26
slangasekscrollback is long; is there a bug ref?21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833368 in resource-agents (Ubuntu) "clustered lvm commands fail with "activation/monitoring=0 is incompatible with clustered Volume Group" error" [Undecided,In progress]21:27
verwilsti even made 2 useless comments at the bottom ( hey, it was very late.. :P )21:27
keesslangasek, verwilst: I've tried to summarize the requirements in a comment there now21:29
xnoxkees: slangasek: I am happy to look at that at some point. Seems to be a valid bug.21:29
lepagee_Hi, I am trying to package something for launchpad, but I get "rmdir: failed to remove `obj-i686-linux-gnu': No such file or directory" on out build system. When I copy the debian dir in my project, it work fine. We use a custom build script, http://pastebin.com/5vzSVJGE Any idea what is wrong with it?21:29
* verwilst cheers for xnox, kees and slangasek!21:30
xnoxkees: slangasek: about the SRU of micro point release. I want to SRU e2fsprogs micro-release, and SRM mdadm micro-release, which I will be discussing with 12.04.1 release team meeting tomorrow.21:30
xnoxas those fix serious bugs, and they are purely bugfix releases.21:31
* xnox goes to subscribe21:31
slangasekxnox, kees: it shouldn't be too high up the todo list for foundations... I'd really rather someone (e.g. ivoks) who's actually using clustered LVM2 tell us what's needed21:31
keesxnox: seems like an easy one for the SRU team to +121:31
keesslangasek: yeah, agreed21:31
xnoxkees: I am still to prepare a reports.21:32
xnoxkees: I'm hoping to bump btrfs-tools with a ~2year update as an SRU, that one might be a bit tricky, but I have a case for that as well.21:32
xnoxlepagee_: rm -rf your friend? clean runs before build, so you should assume that everything might be clean already. Run clean twice locally and make sure it is fine.21:33
slangasekbackport please21:33
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xnoxslangasek: and what shall I do with bugs that precise kernel is out-of-sync with btrfs-progs, and machines fail to boot because of that?21:34
slangasekxnox: it doesn't meet SRU policy to bump btrfs-tools, no matter how un-featureful the current version is; so please use precise-backports21:34
xnoxslangasek: =)))))21:34
xnoxslangasek: althought, it's fixables with symlinking btrfs.fsck to /bin/true as a minimal SRU, or removing it at all =)21:35
xnoxin precise21:35
slangasekwhy do they need to be in sync at all?  it's not like btrfs.fsck does anything :P21:35
* xnox you didn't hear that ;-)21:35
xnoxslangasek: 'your filesystem has features not supported by this version of btrfs. exit 1'21:35
xnoxbecause for some bizaer reason they do?!21:35
verwilstmaybe the udeb scripts can use --ignoremonitoring?21:36
lepagee_xnox: The script does a git checkout, this should clean everything, the problem is probably elsewhere21:36
xnoxslangasek: now it actually does something vague on the useful side of the fence21:36
slangasekxnox: if users set pass to 0 in /etc/fstab, does the problem go away?21:37
xnoxslangasek: will test tomorrow now that I have 4x1TB drives to play around with stuff =)21:37
slangasekxnox: because frankly I like that option much better... less work for you, and less risk of giving users the accidental impression that btrfs is something well-supported in the world (let alone in precise)21:38
xnoxslangasek: well have you seen ubuntu-planet http://www.jorgecastro.org/2012/06/04/playing-with-btrfs/ ?21:39
slangasekxnox: heh21:40
slangasekxnox: don't listen to that guy, he builds all his code with -fruit-rollups21:41
xnoxslangasek: both old and newer btrfs.fsck get killed with OOM on 1TB drives. latter version gets kill later than the former.21:41
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slangasekxnox: you're really not selling me on the value of an SRU here ;)21:43
xnoxslangasek: ok, I will settle for btrfs-tools backport ;-)21:44
micahgxnox: only 3 rdeps, so should be easy enough21:44
micahgand one of those is a meta package, so 221:44
Laneymicahg: while we're on backports, I think some of Yolanda's stuff got ready21:45
Laneyfancy taking a look? …21:45
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micahgLaney: how are you uploading the stuff without ubuntu diff with the broken backportpackage script?21:46
micahgLaney: I can a bit a later, I have to get some stuff done today :)21:46
LaneyI'm running out of bzr if that makes a difference21:46
micahgbug 100704221:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007042 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[backportpackage] errors out on packages with no ubuntu revision" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100704221:47
Laneyoh, probably because I have DEBEMAIL=iain@orangesquash.org.uk when building backports usually21:47
verwilstxnox, if you need help testing, a shoulder to cry on, etc about the lvm bug, let me know! :)21:48
xnoxverwilst: noted.21:49
micahgLaney: that's one solution I suppose :), but I like to have my Ubuntu address in debian/changelog21:49
hallyndoes the following mean anything to anyone?21:50
hallynobjcopy:debian/qemu-kvm/usr/bin/stKSZjR6: cannot create debug link section `debian/qemu-kvm-dbg/usr/lib/debug//usr/bin/qemu-x86_64': Invalid operation21:50
xnoxLaney: yoanda doing progress. Good, need to catch up on that.21:50
Laneydeps are getting there21:51
Laneyis the actual package nearly ready to be sponsored?21:52
xnoxLaney: not sure =) I have been busy looking for a house to live in. Otherwise I will be homeless on the 4th of July =)21:52
Laneyan interesting form of independence21:53
xnoxLaney: last time I spoke with yolanda, I gave a guide on plenty things to do.21:53
micahgLaney: I guess no one will freak if I use a different address for a few backports21:53
xnoxtell me about it =)21:53
xnoxmicahg: nope =) we know where to find you?21:54
Laneymicahg: A reasonable solution would be to unset DEBEMAIL when building the source package in backportpackage21:54
micahgLaney: nope, then user@host is used :)21:54
Laneyused for what?21:54
micahgit just needs to be unset for the debuild part21:54
Laneythe changelog is already generated then21:54
Laneybuilding the source package21:54
micahgah, that's what you meant :)21:54
micahgyes, I thought I suggested that21:55
xnoxmicahg: btw I'm having two thunderbird icons in quantal right now: a normal unity one with the badge & ugly pixelated bamf one for each window21:55
micahgxnox: as chrisccoulson :)21:55
xnoxchrisccoulson: ^^^ see my last message to micahg21:55
* xnox should really look on launchpad for a bug....21:55
* micahg thought he saw a report for that as well21:55
* xnox is tempted to finally port all of my email identities to gnus-alias and move away from thunderbird, because of that bug =)21:56
chrisccoulsonxnox, yes, there is already a bug on launchpad for that21:57
xnoxchrisccoulson: do you have a bug # or a search keyword?21:58
* xnox wants to subscribe to it21:58
xnoxbug 101215822:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012158 in thunderbird (Ubuntu Quantal) "Unity launcher icon now only launches TB, additional icon(s) open to control" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101215822:01
xnoxfound it!22:01
Laneymicahg: proposed a branch. Maybe give it a go when you process your next backport?22:24
micahgLaney: ok22:25
micahgstgraber: did that newt get away from you?22:35
stgrabermicahg: I know22:36
stgrabermicahg: I was just mentioning it in another channel22:36
stgrabermicahg: I need to teach dput to allow the target to be given as the last arg :)22:36
stgraberanyway, it's ~ppa1 just because I wanted to make sure it builds on the buildd before uploading, the package itself is archive-ready22:36
stgrabermicahg: btw, you're really low latency today ;) I really just had time to see it go wrong in my shell, complain about dput in #pyjam, then saw your hilight :)22:38
micahgstgraber: just happened to be looking there I guess :)22:38
cjwatsonLaney: techboard mail> done22:48
dokojtaylor, well, get the patch into debian22:55
ScottKdoko: Speaking of getting things into Debian ... how about python2.7/3.2 updates?23:13
BluefoxicyI have an idea to derive a C library from {BSD|GNU} awk that supplies a handful of functions to:23:34
Bluefoxicy1) initialize an 'awk' object from a string containing an awk script (including copying the script to its own memory space--compiling it to bytecode etc)23:35
Bluefoxicy2)  Allow the calling of awk as if it were continuously executing against a stream by passing char* strings acting as lines (or multiple lines) of a stream23:36
Bluefoxicy3)  Check the status of awk (did it terminate, i.e. by eof or exit command)23:36
Bluefoxicy4)  Destroy the awk object23:36
BluefoxicyThis is all mainly irrelevant here except for one detail23:36
BluefoxicyI'm sure nobody wants to maintain a package for something called 'libcawk' so what should I call this thing?23:36
JontheEchidnathere does exist a "libkok" (though not in Ubuntu) http://maemo.org/packages/view/libkok/ :P23:38
BluefoxicyScottK has the best one I think23:49
Bluefoxicyit even has the advantage that, at a glance, it's not clear what in the hell the name is supposed to mean or how you're supposed to read it :P23:50
ScottKI came up with libkibi for bdrung too.23:52

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