
=== vankooch_ is now known as vankooch
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* smb mornings07:09
jMCgwhoowhoo! I just saw my favourite bug is being "confirmed" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/61327307:33
ubot2Ubuntu bug 613273 in udev "run-init: nuking initramfs contents: directory not empty" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:33
jMCgI mean, good morning.07:34
apw$purge_build_directory = 'successful';09:03
apw$purge_session = 'successful';09:03
ppisatipristine O/omap4 armel installation on a pandaes, lightdm instead of showing up shows a black screen with a blinking pointer/arrow... xdm works ok...10:27
ppisatieither i forgot to install something (it was a server installation), or lightdm in O/omap4 was broken, or $something else...10:28
ppisatibtw wmaker rocks on it! :)10:28
henrixppisati: wmaker rocks everywhere :)10:32
ogra_ppisati, how did you install the desktop parts (it should be impossible to "forget" something, dependencies should care)11:32
ppisatiogra_: i didn't install ubuntu-desktop11:54
ppisatiogra_: just some components (xorg, light, wmaker, etcetc)11:54
ogra_well, that might make you end up without a greeter 11:54
ppisatii've a greeter11:54
ogra_which one ?11:54
ogra_note that there are also prototype greeters as packages11:55
ogra_but gtk should be ok11:55
tgardnerhenrix, pushed lts-backport-natty12:45
henrixtgardner: ack, thanks12:45
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* apw lunches13:05
henrixtgardner: i've just uploaded the pkg into zinc:~henrix/for-signing13:14
rick1121Hello. I'm trying to install the broadcom-sta driver module, but it doesn't come with dkms in precise. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Note that bcmwl-kernel-source provides an earlier version of this driver (and it's not what I want). https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/broadcom-sta13:15
tgardnerhenrix, rtg@zinc:~/for-signing13:16
henrixtgardner: cool, thanks13:16
rick1121How do I go about adding a module that does not have dkms?13:31
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pgranerbjf, sconklin_, the PO for your hw has been acked, being ordered today14:35
bjfpgraner: thanks14:38
* ogasawara back in 2014:55
ckingsconklin_, was that the one with the fluke aligator clips?14:55
ckingpgraner, i believe there was a PO outstanding for some fluke multimeter kit that was put in as a request ~7+ months ago. is it possible to get that moving?14:57
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* ppisati -> gym16:16
* cking kicks the AP16:27
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infinityapw: Hey, remember when we had conversation over beer that perhaps 3.x.x-ABI-flavour should be replaced with 3.x.x-BUILD-flavour?  Did anything ever come of that when sober?16:40
infinityapw: Probably needs to happen in tandem with me fixing autoremovals, so we don't bloat machines even worse than we already do, but I have often feared that my running kernel would be replaced with something ABI-compatible-but-non-bootable, and I'd, of course, no longer have a "known-good-kernel" to reboot into.16:41
apwinfinity, yeah, though your stuff should be keeping the old kernels x3 which we should try and make ones we have successfully booted, i wonder if we know that16:45
apwinfinity, though nothing further was reall discussed on it no16:46
infinityapw: Well, sure, my stuff would, by default, have something older than your running kernel too.  But imagine the fresh install case.16:46
infinityapw: I do a fresh install, and the next SRU kernel is ABI-compatible, but doesn't work on my hardware.  I have no fallback, cause we just overwrote it.16:47
apwinfinity, we always bump the abi for the first kernel, its is never abi compatible even if it is16:47
apwfor this very reason, that the CD kernel clearly worked, so you always need to keep that one16:47
infinityapw: Is that true of the first SRU after a point-release too?16:47
apwinfinity, hmmm, now that is a good question, i would say its probabally not in our proceedures but should be16:48
infinityStill, that sounds like a hackish workflow just to avoid the problem, rather than solving it.16:48
infinityI'd argue that overwriting kernels is probably never the right answer.  Not now that dkms DTRT for modules, etc, so it's less hassle.16:48
apwbjf, herton ^^ ... infinity points out that the first kernel update after a point release in an LTS should _also_ be a manditory ABI bump just as the first SRU after release is ... 16:48
apwinfinity, i cannot deny that indeed16:49
apwogasawara, we should put discussing this abi issue on our agenda16:49
bjfapw, i agree and i think that has always been the case. am i mistaken ?16:49
bjfapw, missed the point, i understand and agree16:50
infinitybjf: You may not be mistaken, it just came up in idle conversation.16:50
apwbjf, i don't recall seeing the ABI bump after a .1 release being indicated separatly, but if you interpret the current rule to mean that then all is good for now16:50
bjfinfinity: was thinking of the first sru post release, you are making the point this should be after point releases as well16:50
bjfand i agree16:50
apwinfinity, ok so lets assume documentation will be updated and proceedures too to do that, and i'll get this discussed when we are together16:50
infinitybjf: Yeah.  Since what we're trying to avoid is overwriting the kernel that came from installation media.16:51
bjfroger roger16:51
bjf^ herton, henrix, sconklin16:51
* ogasawara throws it on the agenda16:51
apwogasawara, thanks ...17:04
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* tgardner -> EOD21:05
manjojjohansen, around? do you know how I can build kernel dbgsyms package ? 21:28
manjojjohansen, nm got it 21:32
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