
artnaychrisccoulson: the FX bug doesn't occur anymore with your u2D updates. however, the launcher doesn't get drawn unless I press <super>05:35
chrisccoulsonartnay, thanks for testing08:37
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure about the launcher, but that sounds like a separate issue. i've not touched anything related to that :)08:38
artnaychrisccoulson: unity-2d-launcher was updated from your PPA, 5.12.0-0ubuntu2~test110:01
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
chrisccoulsonartnay, how do you recreate the issue in gnome-shell btw?14:42
artnaychrisccoulson: currently I can't since the whole gnome-shell is totally broken on this laptop and I'm away from home for some time. however, some people were running shell and having that same bug. if I had a working gnome-shell, I'd try "View source" method15:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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