
* tumbleweed waves from a little cove on the Pakleni Islets04:42
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
sflrmorning y'all06:41
charlvngood morning all06:52
=== sflr is now known as sflr_away
Kilosyo superfly and others09:29
Kiloswe just got power for the fdirst time today09:29
Kiloshi deegee__ with a tail09:30
deegee__Kilos: hehe too many disconnects today09:31
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
* drussell has to fly, have a good day all09:31
Kiloslo dLimit Banlam charlvn nuvolari inetpro 09:31
Kilosdrubin, all well?09:32
Kilosyo sflr 09:33
charlvnhi Kilos 09:33
sflrhey Kilos, charlvn :)09:33
charlvnhi sflr 09:34
* Kilos wonders if zeref got his vlc to show vids09:34
inetprogood mornings09:36
Kiloshi there tweeter09:36
Kiloskinda cold for a bike hey?09:36
inetprotumbleweed: what are you doing on the Pakleni Islets?09:37
Kilostumbling of course09:37
Kilosoh for the tumbling tumbleweed 09:38
Kilosthere was a song about that long long ago09:38
superflyhi Kilos09:40
Kilosyou gonna talk at that workshop superfly ?09:41
inetproKilos: hah, tumbleweed tumbling in the wind, could be a nice title for a song09:41
Kilosinetpro, there is a song like that09:41
superflyKilos: No, I'm not good at presentations09:42
Kilosaw superfly 09:42
Kilosmaybe you can team up with sflr and make him do the talking09:42
Kiloshi Superhuman 09:43
Superhumanhey Kilos09:44
SuperhumanHow goes?09:44
Kilosyou well Superhuman ?09:44
Kilosall fine here ty09:44
Superhumanyeah, still going stong09:44
Kilosinetpro, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbPPnCb3XJE09:46
inetproKilos: I believe you :-)09:48
sflrwhich presentation Kilos? on FoSS?09:50
Kilosyes sflr its in our mailing list09:50
sflryeah, i saw that. it depends if its technical or marketing talk09:51
Kilosanswer his mail and ask for more info on what he wants09:52
sflrhaha, right. will do that.09:52
sflranyone here with Edge Side Includes (ESI) experience?09:55
charlvnwhat? edge side includes?09:57
charlvnreading on the wikipedia...09:58
charlvninteresting, the namespacing is vague in the w3c spec10:02
* inetpro also acting surprised at hearing a new buzzword10:02
charlvnit does make a lot of sense for something like this to exist10:03
inetprovery interesting indeed10:04
charlvni'm concerned about the parsing though10:04
charlvnand the w3c document is vague10:05
charlvnit sounds extremely inefficient to send the entire document through an xml parser just to replace some content10:05
charlvnbesides, most (x)html on the web does not conform to xml requirements10:06
charlvni suspect it is parsed once and then cached in some way10:07
sflryeah, currently you can cache static content (images, scripts, etc) on Akamai Edge servers. The idea of ESI is to be able to cache some dynamic content as well10:23
sflrbut I was thinking what real advantage ESI has compared to Ajax, where the page gets assembled on the client side.10:24
Kilosinetpro, i had to remind you about something, well im reminding you10:45
Kiloscan you member what it was?10:46
inetproKilos: haha10:46
inetproKilos: you can do me the honors and talk to the people10:46
Kilosoh here?10:47
KilosMaaz, announce monthly meeting here on monday night all of you. BE THERE10:48
MaazHear ye, hear ye! monthly meeting here on monday night all of you. BE THERE10:48
Kilosum here10:48
* inetpro lol10:48
inetprothanks Kilos10:49
Kiloswe can also add an attempt to revive the LPI classes10:49
sflrmaybe remove June 2 meeting from the title, then Monday meeting will be in front :)10:49
Kilosyw inetpro 10:49
inetproobviously all of you are welcome to add more items to the agenda at http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/436/detail/10:49
sflrwhats LPI classes?10:49
Kiloslinux professional institute methinks10:50
KilosMaaz, lpi manual10:50
sflrok. i thought Launch Pad Intro. haha10:50
Kiloswe started but our tutor got kinda busy10:51
sflrLooks good. I am interested. 10:51
inetprodrubin, tumbleweed, superfly: can you please edit the topic or give me op rights so we can remove the Rosebank event10:51
Kilosthere is a place to register and you will be recognised world wide once you pass the exam10:52
Kilosalso they give study stuff10:52
Kilosbe patient i will try find it10:52
inetproa short link for our agenda is: http://bit.ly/LYp5jY10:52
Kilosinetpro, will it change every month or can that be a permanent link?10:53
inetproKilos: unfortunately it will change every month10:54
inetproKilos: at least it will help to keep us active in here10:55
Kilosyeah, lets hope. too many guys are becoming lurkers10:56
Kilosaw goosie it went to wrong place in agenda11:01
Kilosshould be 8. didnt know one had to tell it. stupid thing11:01
sflrLPI Certification Level 1 manual: http://www.linuxcertification.co.za/sites/default/files/LPIManual_v_09.pdf11:05
Kilosim looking tween other things sflr . there is a place to register too11:06
sflrwhat did you add Kilos? I can't see 8 in Agenda11:06
Kilosit went in on 211:06
Kiloswe even have a channel for the classes11:07
sflroh i see. thanks. I join11:07
sflr A good report on how a certification has an impact on salary: http://www.lpi.org/blog/global-knowledge-2012-it-skills-and-salary-report11:14
Kilosinetpro, can you edit agenda and move item 2 to end off queue11:15
sflrI try.lol11:16
inetproKilos: done... moved to number 611:17
sflrmoved down to 611:17
sflrsee if its ok11:17
Kilosyay ty11:17
sflrdid u move it? lol. i thought was me. haha11:17
Kilosnot me11:17
Kilosone of the lurkers11:18
inetprohmm.... 11:18
inetproguess we both did it11:18
sflrits cool. I updated it, but then got overwritten.11:18
sflr:) no prob11:18
sflrI changed the title to capital. Revival11:18
Kiloswell done11:19
inetproKilos: you see, he can also do it and you could as well :-)11:19
Kilosi dont see an edit button there inetpro , but refreshing all the time chews data11:19
inetproI just put the last item as order number 99 to keep it last11:19
sflryes Kilos. you just need to click on the title of the agenda item, then you get into the edit screen11:20
Kilosoh ty will try member that next time11:20
Kilosi thought of a few more things last night just before dozing off but they gone now11:21
sflrhaha lol11:21
sflrI guess the dream was better :)11:21
Kiloshehe too cold to dream11:22
Kilosha got it i think sflr 11:22
sflrthat's true, too cold11:23
Kilosaw wrong one methinks11:23
sflrI think that is for your account registration11:23
Kilosone of them must be it11:24
Kilosyou register and they mail you a number11:24
sflrThanks! I will sign up later. I need to prepare for a meeting now with a presentation.11:26
Kiloslo zeref fixed vlc yet?11:27
Kiloseish 11:28
zerefusing xine now11:28
Kilospurge vlc and look in home for any conf files and delete them too then install again11:29
Kilosnothing in home i see11:30
=== sflr is now known as sflr_away
Kilosbbl guys be good11:41
Kerberois daar dalk 'n henry botha op hierdie channel?11:48
Kiloswow something is sick, what a struggle to get on here12:57
=== inetpro is now known as inetpro_
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
=== inetpro is now known as inetpro__
=== inetpro__ is now known as hibana
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=== araneina is now known as inetghost
inetghostsorry for the spam guys13:16
=== inetghost is now known as inetpro
Kiloshi there ghost13:16
Kilosbooo to you too13:16
* inetpro was just cycling through my nicks to make sure I still keep ownership13:17
Kilosha ha ha13:17
inetproguess I should have done it while not connected to a channel13:17
Kilosnot a prob old man , we all know you arent a spammer13:18
Kilosby choice anyway13:18
Kilosi blew your agenda again because i dont read properly13:20
Kilosfixed i hope13:37
=== superfly is now known as who_da_fly
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
charlvninetpro: i see your troll and i hereby award with you: http://i.imgur.com/T80zN.png13:51
inetproE I S H !!13:53
sflryeah, there will be a database cleanup over the weekend14:03
sflrKaBoom! All nicks unused for 150 days or more will be dropped from the database.14:03
charlvnnice that is a good thing14:13
charlvnbut why have so many nicks.... feels a bit like domain squatting14:13
sflryou can have different and group them together. mostly used when you get disconnected and reconnected, then you can use a _ nick. I also have an _away nick14:15
sflrits meant to be used within reason, not to bring split personalities online :)14:16
charlvnsflr: http://sackheads.org/~bnaylor/spew/away_msgs.html :)14:17
sflrhaha, yeah it used to be bad!14:25
charlvnimho still is :)14:26
sflrI prefer using _away, at least people know not to expect a reply any time soon14:26
sflrhaha, hope you not referring to inetpro's list above ;)14:27
charlvnno i meant using _away in nicks etc14:29
sflrokay. guess it is a habit then :)14:30
Banlamone of those days when there's just not enough time14:58
inetproBanlam: welcome to my everyday world15:52
Banlamthat makes me sad15:52
sflrahoy locos!16:32
charlvnyeah since when this not having enough time anything new in ict16:45
magespawnEvening all17:02
charlvnhi magespawn 17:09
magespawnHey charlvn17:12
inetprocharlvn: hmm... I thought you had lotsa time17:12
sflrhi magespawn 17:14
charlvninetpro: i always think that, until it gets sucked away with random things..17:17
magespawnHi sflr17:22
Kilosevening all17:22
Kiloscome on summer come on17:22
magespawnHey Kilos17:23
Kiloshi magespawn , GC sick?17:23
Kiloshi there cocooncrash all good there?17:24
Kiloshi drubin you ok?17:24
magespawnWas doing some update and sql installs and did not put the bot back up17:24
Kilosoh my17:24
Kilosdid you forget or is it apartheid17:25
Kilosyo superfly 17:25
magespawnNah just forgot, need to automate the bot so it starts on boot17:25
Kiloslol that will be a good plan17:26
Kilosyo sakhi 17:29
KilosSquirm[A], why so quiet?17:29
Kilosyo smile 17:37
smilehi Kilos 17:38
=== smile is now known as smile-busy
Kilosinetpro, ping17:38
Kilosno one saying anything tonight17:47
sflrhey Kilos! :) I'm here, just working o_O17:49
Kiloslol enjoy sflr 17:49
sflrKilos, did you read Michael's reply regarding the workshop? 17:52
sflrneed to present to academic staff and post grads17:52
Kilosis that your level 17:52
sflrnot my cup of coffee. i like hacking things together.17:53
Kilosyou can say anything as long as you promote ubuntu as well17:53
sflrthey like theory and more theory17:53
inetproKilos: pong17:53
smile-busyKilos: ping :p17:53
Kilosthere are gonna be students too17:53
Kilosinetpro, i need some clarification please17:54
inetproKilos: clarification?17:54
Kiloskinda mixed up with what install fests are etc17:54
inetproKilos: ahh, we haven't had that in many years17:54
Kilosrelease parties too17:55
sflryes, I would rather do some UH at the university17:55
inetproKilos: no, release parties we have had plenty17:55
Kiloswasnt the plan to have release parties when cds arrived17:55
inetproKilos: the cds are always late17:56
Kilossflr, you must get together with maia when she does her next UH17:56
Kilosyes inetpro but the aim is to advertise and spread ubuntu isnt it?17:57
Kilosso what is the party waits for cds to arrive17:57
Kilossflr, do you know all the sudo apt-get update and upgrade thigs17:59
sflrI do use it Kilos 18:00
inetproKilos: things change18:01
sflrok, I will chat to her then18:01
inetprothese days most peeps just download the released version themselves18:01
sflrparty? I like parties ;)18:01
Kilosyou not so old hey, you like inetpro 's age18:01
sflrYes, I also prefer downloading18:02
sflryoung in spirit. haha18:02
sflrhere is an ubuntu/linux question: is it possible to do Adobe Flash development on Ubuntu? I need to recompile some source code into swf18:02
Kilosask maaz18:03
KilosMaaz, google ubuntu flash developement on ubuntu18:03
MaazKilos: "actionscript - Flash development under Ubuntu - Programmers" http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/85302/flash-development-under-ubuntu :: "Flash development - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1285056 :: "RestrictedFormats/Flash - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash :: "Linux Today - Flash development in Ubuntu 10.04 with Eclipse and ..." http://ww18:03
Kilossflr, ^^18:04
sflrhaha, thanks. Kilos + Maaz = Genius!!18:04
Kiloshehe yw18:04
Kilosone only uses adobe if you got wine i think18:05
magespawnCan use adobe air I think18:05
magespawnBrb have to switch18:07
sflrFound something useful Open@AdobeProjects http://sourceforge.net/adobe/wiki/Projects/18:10
inetprosflr: forget about flash18:11
inetprojust do it in HTML518:11
magespawnhowdy back again18:12
inetprosflr: have you seen this? http://browserquest.mozilla.org/18:13
inetproa massively multiplayer adventure game using just HTML518:14
inetproahh... "all done in glorious HTML5 and JavaScript"18:14
inetprosee also: http://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/03/browserquest/18:15
Kilosinetpro, you can tweet corrie and try convince him to come to the meeting. he cant be so busy he cant visit once in 6 months18:16
inetproKilos: send him an email18:17
Kiloshaha he always says he is so busy18:17
Kilosmaybe he should take my mail addy18:17
Kilosi will mail him anyway18:17
Kilosaw ive lost his addy18:18
inetproKilos: I think it's corrie206@gmail.com18:20
sflrthanks inetpro! its good stuff, I just need to recompile Flash source into swf :)18:20
* inetpro hates flash with a passion18:20
sflrtell me about it. lol. somebody was so brilliant to create a facebook app in Flash! haha #fail18:22
sflrKilos are you on Twitter?18:22
Kilossflr, on and off. data restricts me somewhat18:23
Kiloscorrie206 mail4ed18:23
Kilosmailed as well18:24
sflrthat's right. we were talking last night with inetpro to get ubuntu-za a Twitter account, and you to manage it. He mentioned you might need a data sponsorship with the title18:24
Kilosha ha ha he is so white at times18:25
sflrI find Twitter good channel to get the word out quick18:26
Kilosyeah twitter and facebook 18:27
Kiloseverything is there nowadays18:27
sflryeah, i got bored of FB few years ago already. haha18:27
Kilosbut fb is a major data hog18:27
Kilossflr, do you use other im goodies too18:28
sflrTweetdeck for Chrome is pretty slick. HTML518:28
Kilosi mean do you chat on them18:29
sflrI use Gtalk, Skype, Google Hangouts. mostly for work18:29
Kilosi have twitter in my pidgin but only look there now and again18:29
Kilosdo you use pidgin?18:30
sflrwhat's your twitter handle?18:30
Kiloscan do all of them in one place18:30
sflrno, i dont use pidgin. used it before though.18:30
sflrfound you :)18:31
sflrI think mxit is also on pidgin18:31
Kilosi use mxit and xmpp on pidgin for family18:32
smile-busybye :)18:32
Kilostoods smile18:32
Kilossleep tight18:32
sflrcool! havent used mxit in long time18:33
smile-busyKilos: daag! :)18:33
smile-busyknuffel :)18:33
smile-busy= hug ;)18:33
Kilosfunny guy18:34
Kiloswb sflr 18:34
sflr_timeout. lol18:35
Kilosaw i lost twitter on my pidgin18:36
* Kilos cries18:36
sflr_what do you mean you lost it?!18:36
=== sflr_ is now known as sflr
Kilosmy drive got some bad sectors in the mbr last week and i had to start from scratch18:37
sflroh krap18:38
Kilosbeen trying to find a way to move the mbr but i dont think you can18:38
charlvnvery irritating18:38
charlvnmove the mbr?18:39
charlvnin principle you should be able to reinstall the grub boot loader into the mbr18:39
charlvni have tried to do it once or twice but that was on an efi boot loader system and i couldn't get it to work18:39
charlvnbut it's probably because i didn't spend enough time figuring it out18:40
Kilosthe mbr is the first 512k on the drive, i was hoping i could move it a bit18:40
charlvnyeah i know but i don't think you can really "move" it18:40
Kilosto like from 513k to 1024k18:40
charlvnactually i'm not sure... if you have bad sectors, in principle it should be possible, but i never tried it18:41
charlvnthat's a tricky one18:41
Kilosyeah moving the boot sector isnt a prob , but the mbr is serious18:41
charlvnyeah if you have other sectors that get damaged but if it's the master boot record it could get tricky18:44
charlvnhave any of you people played with the raspberry pi18:49
charlvni haven't either but i have been following the development18:49
charlvni am quite keen on this project ...18:49
charlvni am busy watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaIjCLVmqXU - around 24:20 they have an interview with the founder18:51
inetprocharlvn: I've been ignoring the buzz, what's it about?18:53
charlvninetpro: it's a small arm-based linux "computer" that you can use a bit like a fancy microcontroller18:54
charlvncosts $25 - who could argue18:54
charlvnabout 20 euro or 210 zar18:55
charlvnthey are working on all kinds of expansions etc18:56
charlvncould be handy for physical security monitoring or access control, robotics etc, besides just being a fancy toy :)18:56
inetprocharlvn: have you seen the calxeda system?18:58
charlvnit's an arm-based server right?18:58
inetpromy 8ta connection is absolutely terrible this evening18:58
charlvnheard about it but haven't been hands-on or anything18:59
inetprocharlvn: arm based 18:59
charlvni am quite positive about arm-based microprocessors18:59
charlvnanything to challenge the x86 intel all-your-base19:00
charlvnand it's efficient too19:00
inetproyep, looks like a new market with lots of potential indeed19:06
sflrlooks interesting. are you planning to buy one charlvn?19:06
sflr_connection is krap19:08
Kilosthe whole internet is sick today19:08
charlvnsflr_: i should definitely buy one although i don't really know what i really want to do with it yet19:09
inetproahh, so it's not just me?19:09
Kilosboys and their toys19:09
sflr_the site says they built it for the kids to learn programming :)19:09
charlvnyeah that's what the founder said during the interview i linked to above19:11
charlvnalthough i think it can be just handy for a lot of things19:11
sflr_but if you look at the specs is really hardcore. blueray quality graphics, ARM1176JZFS processor, usb, lan. all on a credit card sized board19:11
sflr_Processor technical doc: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ddi0301h/DDI0301H_arm1176jzfs_r0p7_trm.pdf19:12
charlvnyeah it19:12
charlvnit's not half bad19:12
charlvneducation is good but i am looking for real world uses for it19:13
sflr_245 sec ping. haha. mutter! is there a freenode SA server?19:13
charlvnnope unfortunately not19:14
Kilossflr_, inetpro do you's public timeline twitter19:14
sflr_yes, i agree charlvn. I played with Arduino for home automation, but this look much better :)19:14
charlvnyup and cheap19:14
inetproKilos: huh?19:14
charlvnmore power for less i mean19:14
Kilosgtwitter has a choice of public timeline or friends19:15
sflr_yes, the small size is big advantage19:15
Kilosif you got good eyes19:15
sflr_almost scarry to think about it19:16
sflr_Kilos, not sure. I use Tweetdeck, Android app and Twitter.com19:16
Kilosdo you see everybodys tweets?19:17
Kilosor friends and followers only19:17
sflr_Tweetdeck is good to manage multiple accounts, lists19:17
sflr_I see tweets of who I follow19:17
Kilossec i check if maverick has tweetdeck19:17
charlvnyeah the public timeline won't be too interesting, it's just a flood19:18
sflr_there is a Tweetdeck for Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hbdpomandigafcibbmofojjchbcdagbl19:19
sflr_if you use Chrome. lol19:19
Kiloslol 19:19
Kilosmaybe gtwitter is more thrifty19:20
Kiloswith luck it will use tcp not a browser19:20
charlvni think it just uses http requests in the background in any case19:21
charlvnthe twitter api is all http afaik19:21
sflr_yes, that's correct19:21
charlvnalthough, if it uses JSON, it's much more compact on data than say XML or especially normal HTML19:21
sflr_what does it take to get an SA freenode server?19:22
Kilosthe thing is if you go publick timeline dont you then see everybodys tweets19:22
=== inetpro changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Next IRC meeting Mon, 18 June @ 19:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/LYp5jY || Ubuntu South Africa LoCoTeam || Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/ || Forum: http://za.ubuntuforums.org/ || Join: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za || Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za || Events: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za/events || Pastebin: paste.ubuntu.c
Kilossflr_, speak to Symmetria 19:22
inetproKilos: topic is changed19:22
charlvnsflr_: there is also the twitter streaming api, i have used it a couple of times, but i don't know how many clients make use of it19:22
sflr_I never came across any twitter timeline showing everybody's tweets. that is like thousands per second19:23
Kilosi see inetpro . what did you change19:23
charlvnsflr_: in principle it is supposed to be super efficient but i think most clients still use polling every x seconds19:23
Kilosyeah it has a setting where you can change it, default is 5mins19:23
* inetpro called in for help with op rights from the highvoltage guru19:23
charlvninetpro: i think you can just use chanserv to set the topic of the channel directly, it's easier19:23
sflr_i understand. most people still think of polling solution to dial the server19:24
sflr_thanks inetpro for title update.19:24
charlvninetpro: sorry cancel that, apparenty not on freenode19:24
inetprocharlvn: ahh, thanks19:25
=== sflr_ is now known as sflr
Kilosoh i see all the sites are there too19:25
inetprohmm... I'll try19:25
Kiloswell done inetpro 19:25
sflrcut off at the end of title? -> Pastebin: paste.ubuntu.c19:26
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Next IRC meeting Mon, 18 June @ 19:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/LYp5jY || Ubuntu South Africa LoCoTeam || Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/ || Forum: http://za.ubuntuforums.org/ || Join: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za || Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za || Events: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za/events || Pastebin: paste.ubuntu.com
inetprocharlvn: it works19:26
inetprosflr: fixed19:27
sflrkool. now it just needs some flashing neon light. haha19:27
charlvninetpro: oh wait sorry, i was looking under the wrong place, it's just /msg chanserv topic, not /msg chanserv set topic19:27
charlvninetpro: was looking under the wrong place, knew it was possible somehow lol19:28
inetprothat topic is just so terribly long19:29
sflrhaha. thinking in code #getsetters19:30
charlvnre hosting a freenode server: https://www.freenode.net/hosting_ircd.shtml19:30
charlvnnot unreasonable requirements imho19:30
inetprocharlvn: cool19:30
inetprocharlvn: how about setting up one on our local shores?19:31
inetprowe used to beg Symmetria to setup a server for us when he was still at Tenet, but he never got around to do it19:32
sflrit would be a big advantage for us, as I suspect most ubuntu-za citizens are from SA19:32
charlvnyeah that would make sense19:32
charlvnfreenode is quite a major network19:32
charlvnif i remember correctly, i spoke to Symmetria about this issue a long time ago19:33
sflrit says 350Gig traffic per month, but I dont think anybody from northern hemisphere wants to connect to an SA server19:33
charlvnand if i recall correctly, the reason they didn't want to do it at tenet is because freenode requires ssh access to the server19:33
charlvnthat is quite a strange requirement actually for joining an irc server to a network19:33
charlvnmost other networks don't have that requirement - irc.ac.za subsequently got linked to efnet instead19:33
charlvnthey are more relaxed on this issue i think19:33
sflryes, where would you put it? outside the datacenter :)19:33
sflrI will find out, but who would do this setup? somebody from freenode?19:34
charlvnmy virtual server at hetzner has a 1TB per month soft cap and then i get shaped down to 10mbps (instead of 100mbps)19:35
charlvnbut that's hosted in germany, not .za19:35
sflrProbably I can get a server sponsored locally, but I wont be able to set it up19:35
charlvnsflr: it's a good question, but it doesn't look too tough to do it from a software perspective19:35
charlvni'm happy to help with this in any case, just saying19:35
inetprosflr: that sounds like a great offer19:36
sflryeah, that would be great!. It would be in Cape Town, if there are no objections. haha19:36
* inetpro is always willing to help as time allows19:37
charlvnsame here19:37
inetprocharlvn: so what do we need, ubuntu server or *bsd?19:38
sflrcharlvn, do you think a Virtual server will do it?19:38
charlvninetpro: according to the site, anything running the linux 2.6 kernel is fine, so i'm sure ubuntu would do the trick just fine19:39
sflrthe site says: FreeBSD 8+ or Linux 2.619:39
charlvnsflr: they seem to have a preference for a dedicated server but that's old-school, i think a virtual server with enough resources would be the way to go19:39
charlvnyeah i guess it doesn't really matter, linux or bsd, for this instance19:39
inetproI think a VM is worth a try19:40
Kilosinetpro, i sjoed you19:40
inetproKilos: ?19:40
Kiloshehe tweeted you sjoe with your 200 followers man19:40
sflrKilos, you must promote yourself on twitter from an egg ;)19:40
* inetpro lol19:41
Kilossflr, huh?19:41
sflrOk, I will try for a VM based on the specs19:41
charlvnlol this conversation is turning weird19:41
sflrKilos, I am talking about your Twitter avatar19:41
charlvnsflr: sounds good19:41
Kiloshee hee19:41
charlvnsorry i need to go as well19:42
sflrcharlvn, the only real problem I see is to find a place on it on the network. Open ports, etc19:42
charlvnciao all!19:42
Kilosthis will take a while man. 19:42
sflrok bye19:42
Kiloscheers charlvn 19:42
Kilosgtwitters prefs open opera browser here19:43
Kilosinetpro, do you guys look at all of those tweets19:44
inetproKilos: all those tweets?19:44
Kilosyeah from eshistoria etc19:44
inetprohmm... I think twitter is oppiekoffie vandag19:45
sflrKilos, you need to follow more people :)19:45
Kilosso then one just goes with friends and follows them only not everyone19:45
Kilosbut to follow you need to find who to follow first19:46
sflryou will get the hang of it. you follow interesting people, companies19:46
sflryes, that takes time. you can look in trends, search for things. look at friends followers, etc19:47
sflrI follow and unfollow lots of people, if I dont find them interesting anymore.19:47
sflrThere are also lots of bots on twitter. sexy chicks following you :) then spam you to death19:48
inetproKilos: I only tweet like 3.1 times per day19:48
sflrif you like somebody's tweet, then you just retweet it19:49
Kiloswhew now i get mail from twitter too19:50
inetproahh... mobile twitter ftw! https://mobile.twitter.com/19:50
Kilosok first i go trends and go change hey?19:50
Kilosor leave it at tailored friends19:51
Kilossee tweets like  you are the toughest guy in your school will drive me nuts19:52
sflryou get suggestions. you can set to show trends locally or internationally, etc19:53
sflrinetpro, I hated mobile.twitter. But the Android app is pretty cool. Except the crashes. haha19:53
inetprosflr: somehow the normal twitter is extremely slow for me this evening, especially when trying to post something19:54
sflrhmm.. that sounds like a big problemo19:56
inetprobut I think it's an unstable connection from 8ta19:56
inetprovery inconsistent and lot's of packet losses on and off19:56
sflrin the twitter architecture, the write operation is quick, so you can see your own tweet (and make you think your friends see it too :))19:57
sflrok, that sounds like 8ta then19:57
sflrmy connection had problems earlier, but now its working. even the soccer is streaming properly19:57
Kilosinetpro, can you go twitter with elinks20:04
Kilos?can one i mean20:04
Kilosalready 20m gone with a browser20:04
inetpro Kilos: hmm... not so sure20:05
inetprotechnically probably yes20:05
Kilosok i will try20:05
inetprojust not sure how the authentication would work20:05
Kilosoh ya20:05
sflryou can try the mobile version, much lighter on resources https://mobile.twitter.com/20:06
sflruser's backgrounds are big in size20:06
inetproKilos: you could also turn off images in your browser20:08
inetproin Firefox select Preferences, click Content and uncheck Load images automatically20:11
Kiloslol you forgot i purged firefox20:11
Kiloshave epiphany and opera20:12
inetproKilos: you removed it entirely?20:12
Kilosjust some ubufox stuff still there methinks20:12
inetprohmm... well, you could do the same thing with Opera20:13
inetprowhat version of Opera>20:13
inetproApparently you click on View in your Opera menu, select the Images and Show images20:15
Kilossjoe slow down im still trying to find the version20:15
Kilosmine doesnt show any images20:16
Kilosmust be a new one20:16
inetprobut I must be honst, sites are looking terrible with images disabled these days20:17
Kilosyeah but if you are uncapped then images are fine20:17
Kilosmaybe i should use gwibber like before hey?20:18
inetproweb developers no longer consider the visually impaired20:18
Kiloswow no wonder im falling of the chair20:20
Kiloslook at the time20:20
Kilosthe mobile twitter is more thrifty20:22
Kilosnight inetpro sflr see you tomorrow20:25
Kilosnight everyone else too20:25
inetproKilos: good night20:25

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