
thomioops :(00:00
ActionParsnipn2diy: you could kick them off with:  sudo killall -u guest00:00
n2diyActionParsnip, he denied giving out his password, and the kid said she was on the guest account.00:00
SmashcatActionParsnip: Cool - I used to use VLC on my old Linux workstation, but thought I'd give movie player a go as it was installed here. I know better now - haha00:00
ActionParsnipSmashcat: try gnome-mplayer it's pretty sweet imho00:00
ActionParsnipSmashcat: if you want the whole hog, you can add the medibuntu repo and install w32codecs (or w64codecs if you use 64bit ubuntu)00:01
natervader13hey does anyone know of a good music editing software I can get my hands on?00:02
harrrismrubini accidently uninstalled thunderbird in 12.0400:02
harrrismrubinwhen i reinstalled it it is not in the notification bar00:03
bazhangnatervader13, audacity00:03
natervader13well is it running?00:03
n2diyActionParsnip, yes, or I could have restarted after changing his password. But I'm wondering why max showed up as being logged in, when it was the guest account?00:03
SmashcatActionParsnip: Think I'm ok now - gnome-mplayer is playing my films great :-) Ubuntu need to remove that "Movie Player" trash. It's broken and not worth using00:03
wylde_n2diy: I've never used it, but could it be caused by "user switching"?00:04
ActionParsnipSmashcat: not used totem tbh but I always leave it in :)00:04
gnubienatervader13>  Ardour00:05
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  do you know how to re add it00:05
kionwhat is the difference between  Nvidia Current-version and Nvidia Current-Updates Drivers?00:05
Smashcathehe, getting over 10MB/s download on torrents atm - love my new cable connection :-)))00:05
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: readd what?00:05
natervader13gnubie: thanks ill check it out00:05
harrrismrubini accidently uninstalled thunderbird in 12.04  when i reinstalled it it is not in the notification bar00:05
ActionParsnipSmashcat: nice :), if you use apt-fast instead of apt-get you'll max it out more often if you update in CLI00:05
gnubienatervader13>  my son thinks its great00:06
Wulfyuksmashcat downloading those linux iso's will be quick :D00:06
wylde_!info mail-notification00:06
ubottumail-notification (source: mail-notification): mail notification in system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.4.dfsg.1-5ubuntu1 (precise), package size 410 kB, installed size 1499 kB00:06
n2diywylde, I don't know, I'm going to investigate more. The box was off before the kid logged in, so I don't think it could have been user switching?00:06
SmashcatWulfyuk: heh, yeah I tried downloading Ubuntu when I had it installed - took about a minute :-)00:06
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: not something I use personally dude, sorry. Maybe someone can list their thunderbird packages to see if you are missing anything00:06
wylde_n2diy: ahh alrighty, was a thought :)00:06
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: is there a thunderbird glob al menu package etc?00:06
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  what do you use00:07
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: webmail00:07
harrrismrubinis that an app00:07
wylde_harrrismrubin: thunderbird-globalmenu  maybe?00:07
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: no, its just accessing your email via web browser00:07
wylde_!info thunderbird-globalmenu00:08
ubottuthunderbird-globalmenu (source: thunderbird): Unity appmenu integration for Thunderbird. In component main, is optional. Version 12.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 47 kB, installed size 247 kB00:08
ActionParsnipwylde_: sounds likely :)00:08
* Skaperen has decided his new computer build will be without a CD/DVD drive00:08
WulfyukSkaperen, good choice tbh ive not used mine in 2 years cd wise00:09
Wulfyukflash drives ftw00:09
SkaperenUbuntu images work on USB memory sticks, now, so there's no more need00:09
ActionParsnipi use mine for DVD playback and that's it. minimal install ftw :)00:09
ActionParsnipSkaperen: could even setup a PXE server, no need for flash drives then :)00:09
SkaperenI do have a USB external DVD drive, so I could use that in a pinch00:09
SkaperenActionParsnip: true ... except for the fact that this new machine will be the PXE server :)00:10
Skaperentemporary PXE server to the rescue00:10
RookI never have figured out how to set up a PXE server.00:10
ljsoftnetcan i change the volume of my left and rigth speakers?00:11
wylde_mine get's used for  making cd's to push ubuntu or other  *nixs on windows users I know ;)00:11
bairui...and I have my rhymes back! lyrical! \o/00:11
SkaperenRook: it's documented ... many ways ... but a long check list of things to do00:11
SkaperenTFTP server, DHCP server with the right configs00:11
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: run:  alsamixer  and you can use Q and E to increase the left or right channels individually :)00:11
wylde_!yay | bairu00:11
ubottubairu: Glad you made it! :-)00:11
WulfyukSkaperen,  lol my last pxe server took 3-4 minutes00:11
RookSkaperen: Yeah, I just haven't ever done it right.  I know it's all on my end why it doesn't work, but still.  I haven't done it right. :P00:11
SkaperenWulfyuk: probably a one purpose server, then00:12
Wulfyukto be fair it was on windows while i pxe'd a nix install over00:12
kionljsoftnet:  put a book infront of one :) just kidding.00:12
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project00:12
wylde_^^ is uber easy using the alternative installer ;)00:12
SmashcatI use mine to rip DVD's/CDs - that's the only reason I keep it00:13
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Wulfyukquicker to download tbh smashcat (public domain ofc!)00:13
RookIs this the right place to ask technical questions about Ubuntu installations?00:13
SkaperenUSB drives are big these days ... I'd like to see someone make an image for one that has a boot selection for all editions of Ubuntu all on one00:13
wylde_Rook: it is00:13
ki4roRook: ask away00:13
Wulfyukyou mean like a all in one windows boot cd for instance Skaperen ?00:14
chris_is_meSkaperen: there are multi option cds00:14
Skaperendunno about windows so cannot say00:14
RookThe last time I installed Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro, it bricked it.  Had to sell it for parts.  I have a nicer one now, and it'd be a shame to brick this one, but I really don't want OS X or Windows™ as my primary OS, but I also don't want OS X hosting my 'buntu VM.00:14
bairuithanks, wylde_ :)00:14
chris_is_meSkaperen: i've got a ubuntu/kubutu/edubutu00:14
Skaperenchris_is_me: they'd need to be DVDs00:14
RookIs there a way to install 'buntu as the primary OS without it hosing the machine's EFI?00:15
wylde_bairui: np :)00:15
chris_is_meSkaperen: i'm not sure if my disc is cd/dvd00:15
Wulfyuki remaber mandriva killing certain dvd rom drives a long time ago lol was funny as i stoped using it one version before00:15
Skaperenchris_is_me: I'd want Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, server edition, and both 32 bit and 64 bit of each00:15
ljsoftnetActionParsnip it doesnt change left or rigth00:15
kionRook: how did you installed it? I have never ever been able to even boot a usb with linux00:15
SmashcatRook - as OS' go, OSX is pretty good really. Not sure what you could do inLinux over OSX on a Mac00:15
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: if you drop one all the way down on the master, keep one side up, is it different?00:16
kionRook: I am pretty shure Apple is very frightened by Linux00:16
harrrismrubini got it to work00:16
RookKion, they should be.  They've got about the same market share.00:16
Skaperenkion: look what the fear did to Steve00:16
kionSkaperen: Agree!00:16
SmashcatRook: Linux has quite a bit more of a Markey share I think, if you count Android00:16
RookI don't.00:17
ljsoftnetActionParsnip both the left and rigth move the same i cant change left or rigth, even with Q E or Z C00:17
RookI don't mind OS X, but it's a memory hog for sure.  It's just not as efficient as it was when Jobs was making the decisions.00:17
Skaperenkion: and it isn't the unix-ish-ness of it ... OSX is based on BSD (which is OK) ... it's all the closed pieces00:17
RookHecks, Win7 uses less RAM than Lion.00:17
SmashcatRook: hehe, I'm pretty sure Jobs had nothing to do with OSX memory management00:17
ActionParsnipSmashcat: he doesn't have much to do with anything now00:18
RookSmashcat, maybe not directly, but as soon as he handed over the reins, you saw an instant move from utility and efficiency to gratuitous visual effects.00:18
Skaperenkion: too many corps want to control people's lives to monetize it ... Microsoft, Apple, Facebook00:18
kionSkaperen:  OSX is as closed as it gets!00:18
tjpoehaving some strange xorg problems. When I turn the PC on, i get display just fine. but if I turn the monitor (tv) off, and back on, or cycle thru the inputs, the monitor doesn't work when I get back.00:18
RookHonestly, I'm thinking about making an image of everything off my Mac and using my OpenPandora as my primary computer.00:19
RookNo 'buntu, but it'd be open and efficient.00:19
SmashcatRook: Not really. You know that stuff that gets rolled out today has been in the works since at least last year - when he was still in charge? Things don't change overnight00:19
kion Skaperen: that is why i Love my Linux Freedom!00:19
RookSpeaking of actual technical questions:00:19
n2diyAfter further investigation, I'm not seeing the guest logged in at all. the commands w, who, whoami and user all show max (the sudo user) as logged in, but that is actually me on the SSH connection, guest is stealth!?00:19
Swiss38974hello i m looking to buy a smartphone and i d like to know if there is any ubuntu smartphone version available ?00:19
tjpoeXorg.0.log output here: http://pastebin.com/mzbLX36400:19
Skaperenkion: the right to choose your distro ... I have more than one here00:20
chris_is_metjpoe: i had the same problem with a ati radeon over dvi, i don't think it was os specific00:20
SmashcatSwiss38974: Nope - Android is the better option - Linux designed for mobile.00:20
Swiss38974cuz on the web i remember i've seen a video00:20
kion Skaperen: Just as a test, I passed internet to my Macbook trough my linux box, and decided to block all the Apple's ip addresses, My Macbook went nuts trying to conect as much as 900 times a minute to different ip's under the Apple block!!!! And that was without using the computer!!00:21
Swiss38974it was about a guy usuing a smartphone00:21
chris_is_meSwiss38974: you can run ubuntu over andriod or something though00:21
Skaperenkion: oh dear00:21
Swiss38974and when he put the phone on a desk that became a normal ubuntu destop OS (on a normal pc screen)00:21
RookAndroid isn't as open as pure linux in practice.  Every vendor adds their own closed-source blobs and drivers and UI's and bloatware.00:21
SmashcatSwiss38974: People have hacked other distros onto phones, but you usually lose a lot of functionality - like  making phone calls for instance00:21
kion Skaperen: I belive that they are spying on you to develop new products...00:21
RookCan't stand closed source any more.00:21
bucsfan914hey guys, about to wipe windows and do a clea install of 12.04. anything i should download beforehand to make it go easier?00:21
Skaperenkion: were they encrypted?  did you try to let them connect and sniff them?00:22
Swiss38974Smashcat : ok thank you00:22
SmashcatRook: Android itself is totally open. It's the hardware drivers that are closed00:22
RookYeah, and the bloatware.00:22
kion Skaperen: you know what, I did not, but sounds like a gread rainy weekend project00:22
tjpoeworked fine in meerkat, but oneiric, it is broken00:22
ActionParsnipbucsfan914: just the install media is needed, most stuff works with the default dribvers00:22
Skaperensupposedly Samsung is open sourcing drivers for the Galaxy S II ... but I haven't looked to see if they are out there, yet00:23
Rookbucsfan914, it should go smooth if you tell it to use the whole hard drive.  Just make sure you use the try before installing option to make sure your wireless cards or whatever else works.00:23
Skaperenkion: I hope it storms on you soon :)00:23
bloodmoonhi all00:23
bucsfan914alright thanks!00:23
ljsoftnetis there a software to change my rigth speaker volume, it doesn't make any sound00:23
SmashcatSkaperen: Some of the hardware in the phones call stacks use a lot of proprietary tech I think, so they can't open them.00:24
Skaperenljsoftnet: volume manager should have a balance control00:24
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: is the plug for the speakers pushed all the way into the hole?00:24
bloodmoonhmmm odd mine has a balance control00:24
zizooHey, pavucontrol is not opening an application stream I want to shift off of my null output back to the sound card. It shows up for a second when I load pavucontrol, then disappears and I can't get it. How can I fix it?00:24
ljsoftnetActionParsnip yes, the left and the subwoofer has sound but the rigth doesn't00:24
SkaperenSmashcat: they _said_ they were ... issue as you mention might delay or prevent that ... need to find out if it ever happens00:24
SkaperenSmashcat: if Samsung does want to go open and gain a market edge that way, they are big enough to force chip makers and such to accept open00:25
bloodmoon-pokes- hi all?00:25
SmashcatSkaperen: Android's about as open as it gets though - I develop on the platform, and also OSX -  there's a big difference :-)00:25
SkaperenSmashcat: I need to get into doing Android ... but my love for OS building means I want ot build the whole thing from source and load my own image on to my Galaxy S II00:26
SmashcatSkaperen: Like most corps though, they do whatever makes the most money - if there's no advantage to opening up some other parts of a product, they don't do it00:27
* Skaperen has had an S II for 4 months now and has never made a voice call onit ... all text and email and such00:27
Skaperenthe mic might not even work ... never tested it00:27
RookOkay, speaking of technical questions: Anyone know how to get OpenGL acceleration working on a Trident CyberALADDiN-T, specifically in a Toshiba Portége 3500?  Having issues getting DRI working properly.  I don't really need it for 3D stuff, but I'd really like it for SDL programs.00:27
fleakiteI wish there was a way to remove t mobile bloatware apps00:27
linusoleanderIs there a way to list list memory heavy processes?00:27
* Skaperen needs an app that turns the mic into an audio oscilliscope00:28
ActionParsniplinusoleander: use:   top    in a termina;00:28
* Smashcat has got a stack of S2's here, along with 20 Google Samsung Nexus phones - I do a lot of event work with microcontrollers and mobile. Got stuff everywhere atm ;-))00:28
linusoleanderActionParsnip: How do I sort by memory useable?00:28
linusoleanderJust running "top" won't show anything useful00:29
SkaperenSmashcat: wow ... are they all unlocked or rooted?00:29
SmashcatSkaperen: No, just normal phones - no sim cards, unlocked - they only need wireless connections at the  next event.00:29
SkaperenSmashcat: you got that wifi adhoc walkit-talkie app on them?00:29
SmashcatSkaperen: They're going to be running an app I'm working on - nothing else really.00:30
SkaperenSmashcat: what does your app do?  gonna open source it?00:30
fishcookerhow to write the error message of command line to file?00:31
zizoopavucontrol isn't displaying some application streams that are mapped to the wrong output device. They flash on when I open it,  but then disappear and can't be brought back. Any ideas how to get to them?00:31
* Skaperen wants to get a few people's open source apps ... source of them00:31
SmashcatSkaperen: No, it's specifically for a corporate event - it has no purpose outside of that. Like most of my stuff, it's all owned by the client after i hand it over.00:31
Rook1Okay, I got disconnected, did anyone respond to my video card question?00:31
linusoleanderfishcooker: cmd 2&> file00:31
SkaperenSmashcat: I see ... work for hire stuff00:31
SkaperenSmashcat: but you could build an open source app if you wanted to00:32
SmashcatSkaperen: Yep. I did a job for the Google stand at the Mobile World Conference inBarcelona a few months back. A Claw arcade machine controlled by an Android tablet (using tilt and touch). Even the Google CEO had a go - heh00:32
SkaperenSmashcat: nice00:33
tjpoeanyone know what these two lines in Xorg.0.log mean:00:33
tjpoe[    30.820] (II) intel(0): Using EDID range info for horizontal sync00:33
tjpoe[    30.820] (II) intel(0): Using EDID range info for vertical refresh00:33
Skaperenmeans it is understanding your monitor better00:33
SmashcatSkaperen: You can see it on Youtube still I think. Had little Android toys in it for people to win. There were queues on it (plus 2 other clone machines) all day every day at the conference :-)00:33
fishcookerit works linusoleander00:34
tjpoethat is what shows up when I turn the monitor back on. and i get no video00:34
linusoleanderfishcooker: np00:34
tjpoe[    30.820] (II) intel(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:00:35
tjpoefollowed by all the modes the monitor can handle00:35
tjpoei never input any of those modes, they are default values, would it be beneficial to hard code the resolution & settings I want?00:35
Skaperenif your monitor and X can agree on modes, if it fails it's likely some other issue00:35
Skaperenthe EDID messages are normal00:36
Skaperenat least those are00:36
escotttjpoe, its just rereading the edid information when the monitor comes back on00:36
tjpoeit doesn't indicate a problem?00:36
Skaperenthe monitor will tell it the normal geometry, and if the video card can handle it, that would be the usual default00:36
ActionParsniptjpoe: is the screen ok otherwise?00:36
tjpoeno, the screen works fine when I boot up, but when I turn it off and back on, it doesn't detect a signal (like it has gone to sleep, but it has only been 5 seconds)00:37
Skaperenif you have a modern ATI or NVIDIA based video card with more than enough VRAM for your monitor size, that part isn't an issue00:37
tjpoeif I press a keyboard button, it "wakes up" but only to a black screen00:38
Skaperenif it got EDID data, it got the monitor's size00:38
Smashcattjpoe: I had that problem on this Dell laptop - had to press the monitor button (that wswitches between the screen and an external display)00:38
tking0037can someone help me... when i turn my computer on i get this message saying waiting for network configuration...00:39
Smashcattjpoe: I think the brightness button worked too.00:39
tking0037ive tried wicd and network-manager and they both produce the same problem00:39
tjpoehmm. it isn't a laptop, it is an intel based mac mini00:39
Skaperentking0037: one of the network setting steps is taking longer than normal ... does it eventually work after a few minutes?00:39
tking0037it will eventually boot up but i have to start network-manager manually00:40
Smashcattjpoe: Ah ok00:40
Skaperentking0037: check to see if you have /etc/network/interfaces configured with any NICs that are not really present00:40
tking0037eth0 is usually unplugged00:41
tking0037but i have network-manager managing that... shouldnt it know to disable that00:41
Skaperentking0037: then is eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces ?00:41
Skaperentking0037: it won't if it's hard configured00:41
Smashcattjpoe: I did have the same problem with a Dell PC - but that's in a MAME cabinet now, and doesn't get a chance to go to sleep when I'm playing on it :-)00:41
tking0037its only configured for network-manager to manage it and that it is dhcp00:41
tking0037should i give it a static ip?00:42
Skaperentking0037: no ... DHCP should be sufficient00:42
Skaperenunless you have a specific need for a static IP, use DHCP if you have that on your LAN00:42
tking0037im just trying to fix the problem00:42
tking0037should i disable eth0 with network-manager00:43
Skaperentking0037: you could try a fully static IP config and see if that makes it consistently work00:43
tking0037what does that mean00:43
Skaperentking0037: yeah, disable eth0 for testing ... but it should handle it normally00:43
sancas19i update my system and when i restart it pff... ubuntu die..00:44
sancas19Xorg cant start00:44
tking0037ok ... im going to restart ill brb00:44
sancas19now im in the live ubuntu00:44
sway_evening everyone00:46
fishbaiti have samba installed ubuntu 12.04 workgroup matches and i am trying to access \\\public theres no password required how do i access this00:47
sacarlsonfishbait: can you see it in nautilus?00:47
fishbaithow do i switch to that?00:47
sacarlsonfishbait: in ubuntu 10.04 is what you see in places00:48
fishbaiti'm on 12.04 in xfce400:48
sacarlsonfishbait: oh I'm not sure nautilus would be a part of xfce4 as I think it's a gnome app00:49
fishbaitits located in my router running dd-wrt00:49
n2diysacarlson, fishbait, thunar is the file manager with xfce400:49
=== andy_ is now known as Guest61421
n0tDoes anybody know what programs use port 50691?00:49
fishbaityes and i can get to nautilus somehow i just don't know how00:50
sacarlsonn0t: sounds like a random port like maybe an input to a browser or java or ?  is something listening on that port?00:50
escottfishbait, i nautilus smb://
sacarlsonn0t: also torrents00:51
ActionParsnipn0t: you could use netstat to search00:52
n0tsacarlson: I'm having 1000s of random IPs from all over the world being blocked by my router(I've been trace routing them and dns lookups), attempting to connect to my router using port 50691.00:52
fishbaitty that did it00:52
fishcookerhow to use *.sig file .. is it just like md5sum.. i want to check is the cygwin setup is valid or not00:53
Rook32 or 64 bit?00:53
n0tMy router logs are getting huge, its just being spammed every couple of seconds and slowing down my net :(00:53
devkorcvincen0t: are you using torrent apps?00:53
devkorcvincen0t: or downloading via torrent?00:53
sacarlsonn0t: my guess it's a torrent that might be from a session of the previose lease holder of that ip address00:54
n0tI have none running atm.00:54
josueso confused00:54
fishcookeris there any mechanism that apt will work with using the fastest repo?00:54
RookI'm sorry, I meant to keep my question simple, but I feel I have just been confusing.  Should I use the 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu Desktop?  1 GB RAM, so I don't need 64 bits, strictly speaking.00:55
sacarlsonfishcooker: there is an app that searches repository mirors to find the best connection for your location00:55
fishcooker32bit desktop00:55
escottRook, with such a small amount of ram you should probably go 32bit00:55
devkorcvinceRook: Just use 3200:55
fishcooker+1 escott00:55
wylde_Rook: if you have no specific need for 64, use 3200:55
RookThank you all.00:56
n0tjosue: what about?00:56
fishcookerwhat's it sacarlson00:56
sacarlsonfishcooker: I don't know I forget00:56
SkaperenRook: 32 bit can't lose on 1G ... and is fine even on 3G or 4G00:56
josue_i dont even know what im doing... to be honest00:56
fishcookerc'mon sacarlson.. :-)00:57
josue_first time to actually use this00:57
Skaperenbut personally, I go with 64 bit now for anything above 1GB00:57
Skaperenif the CPU can handle it ... no choice on my EEE netbooks00:57
sexykillaI provocative video and this is one of them. If you want more just go and click on advertising. I shall gain money by a single click and you are free ---->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptETHEjaHZg&feature=related00:58
sacarlsonfishcooker: seems it's built into synaptic http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-fastest-mirror-in-ubuntu.html00:58
Skaperensexykilla: go away, spammer00:58
RookI know that 32 bit is supposedly more "compatible," but I haven't run into any problems trying to run things on 64-bit.  I'm a bit hazy on what the actual benefit to 64-bit OS's.  They use more memory, but can process bigger things (or possibly chunks of things at a time).00:58
n0t64 bit == has more pointers00:59
SkaperenRook: I have a dual arch USB memory stick rescue image if you want it ... though it is currently slackware based00:59
RookNothing wrong with Slackware.00:59
Skaperenand it's text mode01:00
cogNeatoHow do I keep Mathematica while changing Linuxes?01:00
RookCLI = win.01:00
sexykillaI provocative video and this is one of them. If you want more just go and click on advertising. I shall gain money by a single click and you are free ---->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptETHEjaHZg&feature=related01:00
n2diy!ops seykilla01:00
n0tInstalled slackware 13.37 on VMware today to mess with it.01:01
wylde_n2diy: you need a pipe in there ;)01:01
Skaperensexykilla: what brain injury do you have?  momma dropped you at birth?01:01
fishbaithow do i delete a directory?01:01
n0tKDE crashes instantly, XFCE works wonderfully.01:01
wylde_!ot | sexykilla01:01
n2diywylde and to spell it right.01:01
ubottusexykilla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:01
Skaperenfishbait: rmdir if it is empty01:01
n0t...waiting to hear, "wait.... i have files in there :O"01:02
Skaperenn0t: :)01:02
Rookfishbait: There is a switch to delete everything in a directory recursively, but I'd be real careful with it.01:02
=== marcelo is now known as tmpGuy
Skaperenfishbait: man rm01:02
sexykillaI provocative video and this is one of them. If you want more just go and click on advertising. I shall gain money by a single click and you are free ---->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptETHEjaHZg&feature=related01:02
fishbaitoh yeah that kind of thing misused can delete the whole drive01:02
ronald2anything recursively is dangerous.......01:02
RookI had to learn that the hard way.01:03
ronald2i know thats right rook, i did too01:03
Skaperenfishbait: hint: type "(" before typing a command, so you don't accidentally run in until you can look it over to be sure it is safe ... then append a ) on the end when you are sure01:03
fishbaitoh ty for the tip01:04
=== Guest61421 is now known as AndyKing
RookSkaperen: That is an awesome idea.01:04
SkaperenRook: everyone learns it the hard way ... ONCE01:04
fishbaitok net drive access set01:04
ronald2yerah once....lol01:04
n2diycq ki7rw01:04
RookAnd if you learn the hard way twice, did you really learn it the first time?01:04
wylde_my hard lessons was backups. Now I backup often heh01:04
ronald2some things i had to learn more than once.....'cocaine is one hell of a drug'01:04
SkaperenRook: like I said :)01:04
fishcookeri've question is the new laptop technology will automaticaly switch to ac plugged in after battery is fully charged?01:05
SkaperenRook: they make screw up hundreds of times ... then they learn it once01:05
josue_anybody like to help out this ubuntu/linux newb?01:05
ki7rwwhat's a good voip client for linux that can call regular phones?01:05
Rookfishcooker: It should use AC to run the laptop even when charging it if you have it plugged in.01:05
Skaperenjosue_: not until we know what the problem is01:05
=== josue_ is now known as Sway17
Rookki7rw, does it have to be FOSS?  If not, Skype.01:06
RookAt least until Microsoft kills Linux support for it.01:06
Skaperenrunning on AC *and* charging at the same time either overstresses the adapter or slows down the charging, on most models01:06
ki7rwskype works ok but it appears that you can't set it up to allow others see who's calling01:06
Sway17the problem is... this is my first time in an IRC and i just got Ubuntu this morning never knowing much about the Linux OS'01:07
fishcookerwhat should i do to preserve battery life span Skaperen?01:07
sacarlsonfishcooker: I guess it does since when I don't have a battery installed the laptop still works01:07
wylde_Sway17: ...and then...?01:07
ActionParsnipSway17: you'll learn with time :)01:07
SkaperenSway17: did you install yet?  if so, which version and edition (editions are like "kubuntu" or such)01:07
natervader13Sway17: its pretty simple once you use it a little. If you know a good part of windows then your fine01:07
fishcookershould i remove the ac plugin when it is fully charged sacarlson01:08
sacarlsonfishcooker: no01:08
ActionParsnipRook: microsoft make money with the Linux app so will more than likely support it01:08
Skaperenonce it is fully charged, running on AC just leaves it charged01:08
Sway17im starting to slowly get it01:08
SkaperenI run my netbooks on AC when not carrying them around01:08
RookActionParsnip: For now.01:08
fishcookerwith battery installed Skaperen01:08
ActionParsnipRook: we'll see01:09
SkaperenSway17: Linux (and BSD and Unix) are a different kind of world ... one we love ... one that is new to you01:09
RookActionParsnip: Yes, we most certainly will.  I hope things pan out in the long run for Skype, even if not for Microsoft.01:09
SkaperenSway17: no popups trying to sell you on software or a service01:09
Sway17yeah i noticed that01:10
Sway17i love it so far01:10
wylde_Sway17: learn to love the command line ;) Not that you can't accomplish things the GUI way, you'll just realize how much faster and lots of time easier from commandline.01:10
=== marcelo is now known as Guest538
Sway17hahaha ill keep that in mind01:10
RookSkaperen: But there can be, people just care a bit more about their software design than to add ads.  Nothing's saying they can't.01:10
RookHooray labors of love!01:10
Skaperenlearn both command line an GUI ... I'm an old graybeard command line guy ... but I do it in xterm, now01:10
Sway17i think im slowly stepping to the dark side01:11
Sway17i got my friend from work who got me checking this out01:11
RookSway17, the dark side isn't Linux.  Linux is the good guys, from a philosophical standpoint.01:11
ActionParsnipSway17: its good to try new things01:11
SkaperenSway17: ah, so you are installing deathbuntu?01:11
josue_so ubuntu is a bad OS?01:12
SkaperenVubuntu ... the Ubuntu for Vampires ... runs on blood at night01:12
RookDid anybody need me for anything else before I go?01:12
Skaperenjosue_: yeah ... bad for those that prefer something else01:13
SkaperenRook: just come back again sometime01:13
AndyKingi got some problems when i create a extended partition on my disk01:13
RookSkaperen: I intend to.01:13
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AndyKingwhen i use fdisk, there is no extended option01:14
josue_i actually got the Mint 13: Cinnamon from my work buddy earlier today01:14
josue_is that any good?01:14
ActionParsnipjosue_: depends on needs, in most cases its good. In some cases it's not01:14
Skaperenjosue_: Linux Mint is OK01:15
ActionParsnipjosue_: mint and cinammon are not supported here01:15
Skaperenjosue_: some limitations sometimes in its repositories01:15
josue_yeah.... so any OS' near limitless?01:15
Skaperenyeah, they do have their own channels ... if you use them, ask help there ... some people here are there, too (to give you an idea)01:16
AndyKingi only got primary and logical options,  no entended01:16
ActionParsnipjosue_: all software has limitations.01:16
Skaperenjosue_: there are some junk and/or unsupported distros around ... beware ... caveat emptor ... but Mint is not one of those01:16
josue_roger that01:17
Skaperenhere we do ubuntu01:17
wylde_josue_: my advice startging, use "stable" OS's and software versions. Trying to go bleeding edge when you aren't sure about what you're doing = MAJOR headaches01:17
josue_thanks yal i really do appreciate the assistance01:17
josue_yal take care01:17
Skaperenjosue_: I'd suggest Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for now ... then if you feel you want more out of it, ask around01:17
josue_i have that at the moment i think01:18
linelevelDid Ubuntu really drop support in 12.04 for 32-bit non-PAE processors?01:18
kfankunity question - I have several terminals open.  When I click the "shrink" button on the terminal window, how do I get it back?01:18
Skaperenlinelevel: kernel did ... not sure which versions01:18
Skaperenlinelevel: oh wait, you said NON-pae01:19
wylde_kfank: "shrink"? You mean minimize?01:19
Skaperenlinelevel: PAE support in the kernel is being dropped01:19
wylde_kfank: look at the icon on the launch bar. It will have a small arrow or two next to it if there are minimized windows related to it.01:20
Skaperenanyone running more than 4GB on a 32-bit only CPU these days is silly01:20
escottlinelevel, the x32 abi is a better choice for those who want >4GB ram and 32bit userspace01:20
ActionParsniplinelevel: install xubuntu or lubuntu first then, they don't use the PAE kernel by default01:20
* Skaperen still has a server running 32-bit Slackware with 8GB ... that will be phased out when the new computer arrives01:20
ActionParsnipSkaperen: i have a dual core 32bit systemm, could have more than 4Gb in it...01:21
SkaperenActionParsnip: one of my netbooks is a dual core atom 32-bit onlt01:22
DaekdroomSkaperen, it's the opposite.01:22
DaekdroomNon-PAE kernels are being dropped from Ubuntu01:22
DaekdroomNot because they expect everyone to have 4GiB RAM but because most CPUs these days support PAE and it takes too much effort to maintain so many different kernels.01:22
Skaperenthat 8gb server is dual 4-core xeon and can do 64-bit, but at the time I built it I was not ready to switch over to 64 bit01:23
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: not in xubuntu..01:23
DaekdroomActionParsnip, isn't it getting removed from the repos in 12.10?01:23
Skaperenwhen the new box arrives, it will become the new server, then the old server gets a makeover01:23
SkaperenDaekdroom: well, that won't fly for too long, since PAE support is being dropped by the kernel at some point01:24
DaekdroomSkaperen, why?01:25
SkaperenDaekdroom: PAE is a messy hack and has limited the way they can clean up the kernel01:25
TransitTycoonhow do I add an alternate user to the sudoers file?01:25
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/linux-image01:25
kfankwylde_: Okay, so I need to double-click on terminal icon to get view of all running terminals, then go click on the one I want?01:25
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: seems all 3 exist.  :)01:25
wylde_kfank: yep.01:25
DaekdroomActionParsnip, Yeah, I'm looking at that.01:25
ActionParsnipTransitTycoon: just add the user to the admin group and it will have access to sudo01:25
ActionParsnipTransitTycoon: you don't need to mess with the sudoers file01:26
SkaperenDaekdroom: when the kernel itself needs to access specific userland data, it needs to get the real address/pointer ... and in 32-bit mode it has to use a function call to make use of it01:26
sacarlsonTransitTycoon: you can add another user to the sudo or admin group to add them to sudoer also01:26
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: I use quantal on my lappy but the CPU suports PAE01:26
TransitTycoonActionParsnip: Negative; running an unstable01:26
DaekdroomActionParsnip, linux-meta lists linux-generic-pae package as 'transitional package'.01:26
ActionParsnipTransitTycoon: how do you mean 'unstable'?01:26
kfankwylde_: okay, thanks.  No quicker shortcuts available?01:26
DaekdroomWhich means that -generic must have PAE now.01:26
TransitTycoonActionParsnip: Distro Upgrade, 12.10 sortof01:26
SkaperenDaekdroom: that means thousands of places in the kernel do function calls to let the kernel peek at userspace data01:26
ActionParsnipTransitTycoon: then ask in #ubuntu+101:27
TransitTycoonActionParsnip: thanks!01:27
wylde_kfank: other than alt+tab not that I know of. I'm not using unity atm either though.01:27
PoddoCan anyone help me with an email question?  I can't access comcast's webmail app on 12.0401:27
DaekdroomActionParsnip, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/
SkaperenDaekdroom: when the memory model allows a whole process to be mapped AND the whole real RAM to be mapped ... at the same time from the kernel's view, then that isn't needed01:28
kfankwylde_: Ahh, alt-tab.  That works for me.01:28
escottPoddo, what happens when you try01:28
SkaperenDaekdroom: in 32-bit that is limited to 1GB or 2GB RAM depending on which of 2 models are chosen ... so later 32-bit kernels may be limited to 2GB rather than 4GB01:28
Poddoescott, it just says the connection was reset while the page was loading.01:29
SkaperenDaekdroom: well, definitely limited to 2GB and maybe 1GB ... no way to map real and virtual at 4GB01:29
DaekdroomSkaperen, I honestly didn't understand much after 'limited the way they can clean up the kernel'.01:29
SkaperenDaekdroom: oh, sorry01:29
Poddoescott, it works on the same computerr under windows, other computers in the house as well.  Other websites and mail services work on the ubuntu computer (gmail, yahoo)01:30
SkaperenDaekdroom: summary: by eliminating PAE support, and limiting real RAM to 2GB or 1GB in 32-bit, a lot of the kernel can be cleaned up01:30
escottPoddo, what browser are you using on the other machines01:30
ActionParsnipSkaperen: true but Lubuntu and Xubuntu are designed for low end systems mainaly, which may not have PAE facilities...01:31
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escottSkaperen, you mean they are dropping some i386 HIGHMEM as well?01:31
DaekdroomSkaperen, it still seems to me that it'd only make sense for them to drop PAE when there's no reason to stick with 32-bit.01:31
Poddoescott, chrome on most of the other computers, but I've tested it with firefox as well01:31
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SkaperenActionParsnip: which is fine ... but they won't be able to use more than 2GB01:31
escottPoddo, and what are you using on the machine that isnt working?01:32
SkaperenActionParsnip: largest allowed user space virtual memory size for one process PLUS the real memory size PLUS any hardware reserved memory cannot exceed 4GB on a non-PAE 32-bit kernel01:33
Poddoescott, I've tried firefox, since it was default installed, and also chromium01:33
escottPoddo, odd. does it require flash or anything?01:33
ActionParsnipSkaperen: max ram for 32bit is 3.2Gb01:33
SkaperenActionParsnip: there is a way to use 3GB RAM ... but limit processes to 1GB which also limits executable size to even smaller like I think 256MB01:33
Poddoescott, not that I know of.  I've tried just pinging the server that it tries to connect to and get no response either01:34
adarshaj_devI wanted to know how to deploy a dkms based module to launchpad ppa for auto building, any links/suggestions?01:34
SkaperenActionParsnip: that varies a bit, actually ... but the issue is how much of that you want a Linux kernel to be able to use01:34
escottPoddo, is the page source being downloaded correctly01:34
Poddoescott, this time when I pinged the server I got "icmp_seq=49 Packet filtered01:34
Alan502Hi, I have installed the drivers for my wifi device with ndisgtk (ndiswrapper gui). The device shows as "connected" on ndisgtk but I can't see it on network manager or iwconfig; what could be wrong01:35
wylde_adarshaj_dev: make a launchpad account and you get access to 2GB to use for ppa's01:35
SkaperenActionParsnip: the kernel code has to be able to see ALL of RAM and ALL of the current process VM in a single 4GB view w/o PAE01:35
adarshaj_devwylde_: Thanks for that, any links specific to deploying a kernel module on launchpad?01:35
escottPoddo, if everything else works when browsing the web i dont see what difference that would make01:35
SkaperenActionParsnip: and the user space VM is divided up in 3 or 4 parts, too01:36
* wylde_ is wondering if he's surrounded by kernel devs01:36
wylde_adarshaj_dev: probably in launchpad's help system. I don't have any links handy. I'll look real quick tho01:36
Zeelothey guys, I used to have an option to close windows with middle click in the Scale Compiz plugin but I can't find it in 12.04, anyone know why?01:37
trismadarshaj_dev: it shouldn't be any different than any other package, since the module isn't actually built until you install the dkms package01:37
sacarlsonadarshaj_dev: only app I know that has kernel modules that compile at install is virtualbox,  maybe take a look inside there deb file as an example01:37
adarshaj_devtrism: Oh, right. Thanks for that insight.01:38
DeckardCainhow do I get sound in wine? I played with the settings in winecfg -> audio, but no luck so far.01:38
SkaperenActionParsnip: BTW, if you have a system that is stuck on 32-bit user space for some reason, you CAN switch the kernel to 64-bit (don't forget to update modules, too) ... then the memory model actually allows full 4GB per 32-bit process AND as much RAM as your machine supports, in the clean way01:38
adarshaj_devsacarlson: Cool, that closely matches with my usecase. Will checkout :)01:39
ActionParsnipSkaperen: I'd just reinstall to get 64bit apps personaly, well tbh I'd just install the right arch first time :)01:39
SkaperenActionParsnip: as would I01:40
Skaperen32-bit is the exception around here just because of a couple legacy machines I've been too lazy to upgrade, and the netbooks that can only do 3201:40
wylde_adarshaj_dev: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas might at least get you started.01:41
Skaperenthat an my rescue USB system is dual-arch01:41
escottSkaperen, how did you make that?01:41
Skaperenuh oh ... email from my boss01:41
Skaperenoh, no problem ... she liked my plan for 2 drupal tests sites01:42
adarshaj_devwylde_: Thanks for that link, it seems to give me right pointers :)01:42
RelondoWhere does Ubuntu install games and other applications, by default?01:42
wylde_Relondo: /bin /usr/bin01:43
escottRelondo, most applications end up in /usr, but its not a single folder per application the resources are spread around based on type01:43
Skaperenescott: I made a script that makes the image that I dd to USB memory sticks ... but for now it is based on Slackware 13.37 ... other versions later ... I'm expecting to release this project before the other distros ... so maybe other people will do those01:43
wylde_Relondo: you can also use 'locate thisbinariesname' after you 'sudo updatedb'01:44
escottSkaperen, im just wondering what you mean by "dual-architecture" do you mean you have a system you can boot and choose to go 64bit or 32bit so as to be able to chroot into either?01:44
Skaperenescott: you pick 32 vs 64 at the boot menu for now ... later I'll be making the boot menu gray out the 64 bit choices on 32-bit only CPUs01:44
ActionParsnipRelondo: its to appeal to a bigger audience. I uninstall them myself01:44
Relondowylde_: Not sure how to do that.01:44
fanzhenI lost my mails in thunderbird  .  can anyone tell me where is the archive mails??01:44
Skaperenescott: it has the choice, but it's not chroot based ... it uses pivot_root()01:44
escottSkaperen, and did you do that by having two different root partitons or something more complex01:44
Alan502Hi, I have installed the drivers for my wifi device with ndisgtk (ndiswrapper gui). The device shows as "connected" on ndisgtk but I can't see it on network manager or iwconfig; what could be wrong?01:45
wylde_Relondo: are you using unity or gnome shell?01:45
ActionParsnipRelondo: the playdeb ppa has a tonne of games though if you want games. Urbanterror is a fantastic game if you like counterstrike with wall jumping :)01:45
Relondoactionparsnip: I'm talking about stuff I installed myself.01:45
Relondowylde_: Unity.01:45
Skaperenescott: actually they are both in ONE partition (ONE filesystem) ... I do bind mount of the selected directory ("root32" vs "root64") then pivot the bind mounted mount point to be /01:45
RelondoAnd I have yet to find it in either of those places you guys mentioned.01:46
Skaperenescott: that after hunting down the correct device via UUID01:46
fanzhenwhere does the thunderbird save the archive mail ??? I lost  all mails of last year.01:46
Skaperenescott: it's done in a little C program I wrote that runs before /sbin/init runs01:46
wylde_Relondo: ok ctrl+alt+t will open a terminal, then enter "sudo updatedb" (no quotes) once that finishes you can look for files using" locate thisfilename"01:46
roastedQuestion - is there a way to get the "displays" menu in system settings to display in the system tray with the clock, etc? I'm trying to find some sort of display manager that stays "docked" in the upper right corner for easy switching.01:46
escottSkaperen, cool01:46
n1ckn4me09876543Is it possible to get a virus if I open/install an EXE file with virus/malware in them thru WINE ?01:47
sacarlsonRelondo: did you compile the apps you speak of?01:47
escottfanzhen, ~/.thunderbird01:47
ggzi just upgraded to 12.04 and networkmanager don't configure my network card anymore (says "not ready" (non pret) in the menu), it works fine with "sudo dhclient", do you know how to fix it ?01:47
Skaperenescott: I'll be distributing the build kit, not the image for dd-ing ... you make your own image ... so it's easier to customize01:47
Relondosacarlson: All I know is that I installed Super Meat Boy through Ubuntu Software Center, and I need to get at its install files.01:47
ActionParsnipn1ckn4me09876543: it will only affect your ~/.wine folder01:48
escottSkaperen, it would be nice to have something like that on the livecd01:48
fanzhenescott , but I dont know how to import the archives and not find the archive file...01:48
escottfanzhen, unless you ask for one im not sure it makes one01:48
Relondowylde_: That worked. Thanks.01:48
DeckardCainhow do I get sound in wine? I played with the settings in winecfg -> audio, but no luck so far.01:49
wylde_Relondo: np :)01:49
n1ckn4me09876543ActionParsnip, oic01:49
sacarlsonRelondo: you can look in synaptic right click the app and look at properties>file list  and see the path of each file in the package01:49
Relondosacarlson: Ah, okay. Thanks for that, too.01:49
fanzhenescott, it is the thunderbird's default configuration ...01:49
Skaperenescott: I use to run another script I wrote that too Ubuntu ISOs and morphed them into hybrid ISOs ... did then for when I was working on the Easypeasy derivative of Ubuntu ... but it worked fine on Ubuntu itself ... but now I don't need to do that anymore01:50
* Skaperen believes anything worth doing is worth scripting01:51
sacarlsonggz: I guess as a work around you could setup your system with a static ip address01:51
escottSkaperen, it would be nice to avoid the "should i download the 64bit or 32bit install image"01:51
Skaperenescott: yeah ... but a dual arch is larger01:51
escottSkaperen, i think they were going to give up on the 700MB size anyways01:52
ActionParsniptrue and non techy users may be irked by a menu system at install etc01:52
ggzsacarlson: you mean setup dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces ? yes i could, but it would be nice to know the problem =)01:52
Skaperenescott: yeah, they should ... people use USB memory sticks more and more these days01:52
ActionParsnipescott: I payed for Linux Tycoon game, the only bugbear folks had was my distro didn't fit on a CD, the year was 2050 :), very funny01:53
escottActionParsnip, no need for the menu. just check if the cpu supports long mode and install a 64bit system if it does01:53
RelondoHow can I change the permissions for a folder without being the owner?01:53
Skaperenonly older machines have CD non-DVD drives ... so Xubuntu and its friends will probably still have small base install media01:53
escottRelondo, sudo01:53
=== Htbrdd is now known as zz_Htbrdd
wylde_!sudo | Relondo01:54
ubottuRelondo: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:54
sacarlsonggz: I agree and I'm sure there are many ways to get it to work,  I would assume it's in the sequence of upstart01:54
ActionParsnipescott: tru, cat /proc/cpuinfo     could easily by used :)01:54
Relondoescott: I don't know the terminal commands for that. I need to know either the commands or the way to do it graphically :/01:54
SkaperenFYI I use syslinux for booting on the memory stick rescue project, not grub ... easier to work with in the script that generates it01:55
xanguaRelondo: and why do you want to change the permisions on a directory you don't own¿ explain what you want to do01:55
sacarlsonggz: did you already say you tried wicd?01:55
escottSkaperen, sorry one more question. im just curious on the technicals. by the time the kernel is ready to run a program to select the rootfs and do the pivot... you would have to have a kernel. so how do you pick what kind of kernel to boot?01:55
Relondoxangua: I'm editing some .cfg files for a game, but I lack the permissions to do so.01:55
escottRelondo, do you want to change permissions or ownership?01:56
RelondoBetter yet, how do I make myself the owner of all files?01:56
wylde_Relondo: "sudo gedit /path/to/file" will work.01:56
Relondoescott: Either would serve my purposes, I suppose.01:56
ActionParsnipRelondo: gksudo gedit /path/to/filename.cfg01:56
ActionParsnipwylde_: gksudo for gui apps, not sudo01:56
Skaperenhttp://phil.ipal.org/minne-pinne-0.4.0-96.png <-- what my boot menu looks like01:56
wylde_oops my bad, yes should have been gksu01:56
RelondoActionparsnip: Thanks.01:57
Relondowylde_: No problem.01:57
escottRelondo, i would go with ActionParsnip's suggestion and just edit as root01:57
wylde_I wish kdesu worked. -.-01:58
freespirit-girlI am trying to in stall Java on Ubuntu and i am having a hard time01:58
wylde_I know it's only 2 characters but hey...01:58
ActionParsnipfreespirit-girl: there is a PPA for Oracle java 1.7 if you want...01:58
freespirit-girlwell i was trying to use this.. http://www.devsniper.com/ubuntu-12-04-install-sun-jdk-6-7/01:59
ggzscarybeasts: no, wicd is an alternative to networkmanager ?01:59
ActionParsnipfreespirit-girl: http://thecybergal.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/install-oracle-javajdk7-in-ubuntu.html02:00
LoshkiRelondo: also, get into the habit of making a quick backup before you edit e.g. sudo cp /path/to/filename.cfg /path/to/filename.cfg.bak02:01
RelondoLoshki: Thanks for the tip.02:02
freespirit-girlThanks!!! that link looks so much more easier to understand ActionParsnip02:02
DeckardCainhow do I get sound in wine? I played with the settings in winecfg -> audio, but no luck so far.02:03
wylde_DeckardCain: #winehq would probably be able to help with that.02:03
ActionParsnipDeckardCain: ask in #winehq too02:03
Dr_Willisit may depend on what you are running in wine also02:03
DeckardCaink, thx02:04
DeckardCainDr_Willis: the winecfg test sound button and diablo 202:04
Skaperenit may depend on the default volume setting wine has in the audio system02:04
Dr_Willischeck the wine app database yet?02:04
harrrismrubinat the notification bar there is a message about respiratory fail what do i do to fix it or remove the respitory02:04
Dr_WillisYou mean Repository?02:05
wylde_zomg, get it to the ER stat!02:05
Skaperensee Sound Preferences, applications tab, to be sure wine shows up with a reasonable volume setting ... if it does not who up, ask #winehq02:05
wylde_</ot> >.>02:05
Dr_Williswylde_:  :) thats what i was thinking02:05
Skaperennot show up...02:05
DeckardCainDr_Willis: app database? for the built-in test button?02:06
harrrismrubinat the notification bar there is a message about  Repository fail what do i do to fix it or remove the  Repository02:06
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  which repository?02:06
sacarlsonggz yes wicd is an alternate for network-manager not sure it will correct the problem you say you have02:06
Dr_Willisharrrismrubin:  use the command line 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' look for some error messages with real info02:07
wylde_harrrismrubin: if it's been there for a while try 'sudp apt-get update', if that completes properly then it was probably a network failure of some sort when it was looking for updates.02:07
harrrismrubinok i clicked check for updates and here is what it said02:08
harrrismrubinW:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/antonio.chiurazzi/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found02:08
harrrismrubin, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/antonio.chiurazzi/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found02:08
harrrismrubin, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/crebs/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found02:08
FloodBot1harrrismrubin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
wylde_err sudo* illiterate fingers! >:(02:08
harrrismrubin, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/crebs/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found02:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:08
escottharrrismrubin, perhaps those ppa's are no longer working? when did you install them02:09
ki7rwthey made that ekiga too difficult to set up - skype doesn't have to worry about competition02:09
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun
escottharrrismrubin, looks like at least one of those ppa's is oneiric but not precise. when you upgrade versions 11.10->12.04 you need to disable your ppas02:10
ActionParsnipki7rw: skype can make webcams seem to be faulty when they are in fact fine02:10
wylde_harrrismrubin: you'll need to disable those ppa's. Dead links.02:11
escottki7rw, ekiga and skype are very different. ekiga supports a lot of different ip telephony tools, skype supports only its own system02:11
=== john__ is now known as ki4ro
sacarlsonharrrismrubin: I see that your ppa doesn't have a build for precise, it supports up to natty02:12
ki7rwActionParsnip: if you can't easily use their software then it's worthless to me - i did everything i could to make ekiga work but it won't register me - not to mention the hoops they make you jump through02:12
harrrismrubinhow do i disable them what features will it get rid of02:12
FriendlySovietONLY IRC02:13
ki7rwand they didn't seem interested in helping me and it appears that they don't intend to give me a refund02:13
FriendlySovietDon't worry02:13
DeckardCain#winehq says: "then go install 32 bit alsa plugins" "if you need help with that part i'm afraid i'll have to send you back to #ubuntu"02:13
escottDeckardCain, if you know the package name then its just going to be sudo apt-get install package:i38602:14
freespirit-girlActionParsnip: I feel silly asking but.. how do i get to the control panel. I am actually trying to help my cousin install using Ubuntu..02:14
roastedQuestion - is there a way to get the "displays" menu in system settings to display in the system tray with the clock, etc? I'm trying to find some sort of display manager that stays "docked" in the upper right corner for easy switching.02:14
DeckardCainescott: I don't know the package name02:14
roastedHey fellas, anybody know of a good screen capture program that also catches audio? I'd like to set up a video how to guide.02:15
devkorcvincekazam -> roasted02:15
roastedappreciate it!02:15
wilee-nileeharrrismrubin, I doubt you will loose anything, if you lost the ppa access with a distro upgrade the pckgs are already gine.02:15
=== ThePhoenix is now known as Guest12712
DeckardCainI'll have to postpone that. thanks anyway02:16
sacarlsonroasted: recordmydesktop is one I've used02:17
roastedsacarlson, I've used that too, but does it record audio?02:17
ActionParsnipfreespirit-girl: press CTRL+ALT+T and you can run the commands there02:17
roastedsacarlson, last I used it (quite a while ago, 1-2 yearS) it didn't02:17
sacarlsonroasted: yes it was recording voice when I used it02:17
roastedI'll keep it in mind - thanks!02:18
ggzsacarlson: ok thanks, i will use other tools until i have time to find a solution02:18
harrrismrubinso how do disable it02:18
freespirit-girli copied all the commands and installed what you sent02:18
escottharrrismrubin, find the lines in /etc/apt and remove them with gksudo gedit filename02:19
agc93Does anyone here use mirage?02:19
escott!info ppa-purge | harrrismrubin is another option02:20
ubottuharrrismrubin is another option: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB02:20
dariushall21Hey guys, can someone explain to me how to boot from a disc with the GRUB menu installed? I've tried removing my HDD from the boot list and it still boots to the GRUB menu. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 as a secondary and I'm trying to upgrade my windows to windows 7 and I can't get it to boot to the install disc.02:20
wilee-nileeharrrismrubin, go to the ubuntu software center-edit-software soyrces 2nd tab I think and un tick or remove02:20
escottdariushall21, go into your bios and change the boot order02:20
agc93dariushall21 the grub menu might be installed on a different disk, so change your boot order02:20
dariushall21escott, I have I have set my Disk drive, and removed my HDD allogether. There's only one HDD in my machine.02:21
agc93whats on the drive left in your machine?02:21
agc93i.e. any OSes installed on it?02:21
wilee-nileedariushall21, use the per session boot menu if changing the bios does not work.02:21
dariushall21agc93, It has Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows XP.02:22
agc93Right, and you put the Windows install disc in and it still shows Grub?02:22
dariushall21wilee-nilee, I've tried, that also doesn't work.02:22
=== Frood|Game is now known as Frood
escottdariushall21, the drives in your computer are a red herring. the only thing that matters is the bios boot order. you want the cd to be the first boot device (its often not set that way because probing for a cd takes a while and manufacturers want a fast boot)02:22
wilee-nileedariushall21, you found the menu then? sounds like a bad disc.02:22
dariushall21agc93, Correct. Even with turning off my HDD from the boot order altogether.02:23
agc93seems like a bad disc, then02:23
harrrismrubinwhy are all of my software sources unchecked02:23
dariushall21escott, it is set as my only boot option, HDD is off.02:23
escottdariushall21, then its a bad disk02:23
harrrismrubinwhat should be checked02:23
dariushall21escott, It02:23
agc93depends what you're looking for harrismrubin02:23
=== Frood is now known as FroodWP
Overlordis there any official Facebook group of ubuntu?02:24
dariushall21escott, oops, it's a brand new disk, I bought it yesterday, there isn't a scratch on it.02:24
wilee-nileeharrrismrubin, a distro upgrade turns off third party stuff02:24
harrrismrubinno nothing is selected02:24
escottdariushall21, did you burn it correctly?02:24
escottdariushall21, does it work on other systems?02:24
dariushall21escott, it's an official Windows disc. And yes it has worked on my other machine fine.02:24
OverlordUbuntu Facebook group??02:24
agc93then your boot options are messed up. If the HDD is turned off, then the BIOS should just come back with No Operating System, not the GRUB menu02:25
escottdariushall21, how is the cd drive connected to the system?02:25
agc93and Overlord, I'm not sure of any. Why?02:25
wilee-nileeOverlord, if there is google would find it02:25
escottagc93, a lot of modern bioses are smarter than that. they wont actually do that02:25
dariushall21escott, the disk drives cables hooked into the motherboard.02:25
agc93ah right. Min's pretty old :/02:25
^Lem^hi all, has anyone experienced a long pause when trying to drag a moderate (~10) selection of bookmarks in the Firefox bookmarks window under unity 3d/Ubuntu 12.04?02:26
dariushall21My computer was made in may 20 2004, I can see its manufacture date, it's not a new computer, but it's always worked fine.02:26
escottdariushall21, shrug. you bios is not recognizing the cd as bootable either because the cd is bad, or because there is something about the way the cd drive is connected02:26
dariushall21escott, could it just be the drive? It don't know. It's an old computer.02:27
escott^Lem^, what filesystem are you using?02:27
dariushall21I don't *02:27
agc93have you ever booted from another CD on that system dariu?02:27
agc93like the Ubuntu Live CD or similar?02:27
^Lem^escott: ext4 for both / and /home02:27
dariushall21It was booted from a CD when I installed linux on it.02:27
=== FroodWP is now known as Frood
agc93That's weird. Bad disc seems likely again02:28
dariushall21That sucks. $190 down the drain. I litterally bought it yesterday.02:28
agc93take it back. See if you can get another one02:28
agc93Try the same disc on another pc also02:28
dariushall21Why does it work in other machines though?02:29
sacarlsondariushall21: I have 3 old cd drivers 2 don't work anymore one works about 30% of the time,  seems the laser burns out?02:29
dariushall21It works fine on my laptop, and my other desktop without a problem.02:29
escottdariushall21, and try the session boot manager just in case the bios ignores its own config (one has to do that with usb devices)02:29
escott^Lem^, you could try running firefox under eatmydata and see if it goes away02:29
dariushall21escott, so set it to boot from only disk drive, and then manually set it to boot from the "IDE CD Drive" as it says in the boot manager?02:30
agc93Well, im out of ideas dariu02:30
^Lem^escott: i'm pretty sure it's related to unity. my whole display freezes about 1 second after picking up the bookmarks (i.e. floating graphic is created), even the clock indicator stops, then about 4-5 seconds later, the whole display updates again, and the unity panel greys out some icons. must be trying to process the drag/drop event?02:30
escott^Lem^, that would indicate that its an fsync issue02:30
^Lem^escott: eatmydata, ok i'll try that02:30
wilee-nileedariushall21, is this a windows release upgrade like windows pro to ultimate?02:30
=== ubuntu_ is now known as myhero
agc93also, does anyone here use mirage viewer?02:30
dariushall21wilee-nilee, No, it's a regular OS Windows 7 Ultimate.02:31
myheroway to check yesterdays irssi chat log ?02:31
escott!log | myhero02:31
ubottumyhero: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:31
s00p3rg33n00shoa2use bspatch??02:31
myheroescott: yes02:31
wilee-nileedariushall21, use the windows usb loader it will read a disc I believe and load a thumb, or rip it and use a thumb with the same tool.02:31
s00p3rg33n00sI guess the real-- nah.02:32
agc93good idea. Wilee. The USB DVD Download tool hasn't failed me yet02:32
myheroescott: ?????02:33
KRomohey guys02:33
wilee-nileeagc93, you can do it inubuntu as well with a extraction to a thumb of the iso a ntfs and a bootflag.02:33
dariushall21The problem with that is I don't have any USB Thumbs big enough for it. Or I just would have downloaded Windows and used my serial numbers.02:33
escottmyhero, what?02:33
myheroescott: that was command u specified or ???02:33
dariushall21Unless there's a way to install it directly from the Windows or Ubuntu enviroment I'm out of luck.02:33
escottmyhero, listed to ubottu02:33
^Lem^escott: no change with "eatmydata firefox" from a command line. the timeout before my display updates seems exactly 5 seconds. the delay before it freezes is about 1/2 second02:33
escott!log | myhero02:33
ubottumyhero: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:34
myherothnx | escott02:34
myhero!thnx | escott02:34
wilee-nileedariushall21, you only need about 3 gigs a thumb big enough is less than 10$02:34
KRomowhats the benefit of ubuntu one over drop box?02:34
wilee-nileeKRomo, street greds, lol02:35
RelondoWhen I shut down my dual-boot Win 7/Ubuntu from Ubuntu, it immediately reboots. Help?02:35
ActionParsnipdariushall21: could use the minimal ISO, it's 20Mb02:35
ActionParsnipRelondo: if you run:  sudo shutdown -h now    does it turn off?02:36
dariushall21actionparsnip, Windows 7 Ultimate is 6.8 GB02:36
Relondoactionparsnip: I'll try that. Won't be back to tell you if it worked, so thanks in advance.02:36
sacarlsondariushall21:  I boot windows iso from virtualbox running in ubuntu not sure that will do for you02:36
ActionParsnipRelondo: which release too? Does the system have a make and model?02:36
dariushall21scarlson, a VM would murder this computer.02:37
Relondoactionparsnip: Runnning 12.04 Precise. And yeah, but I really don't have time to figure it out. I'll be back. 'Night.02:37
ActionParsnipdariushall21: ok you could use virtualbox02:37
ActionParsnipRelondo: full details next time ok ;)02:37
codeshepherdhow long will it take for ubuntu 12.04 LTS to have php version 5.3.13?02:37
dariushall21And everyone, it doesn't appear that my disk drive is loading anything. I have a disk with music on it, and when I click on my D drive it says "Please insert a disk02:37
RelondoActionparsnip: Will do.02:37
dbboi have the latest version of X and the radeon driver, but X will not start. my chipset is an hd radeon 4200.02:38
codeshepherdor is there a way for me to get php version 5.3.13 installed in ubuntu 12.04 LTS via apt-get?02:38
dariushall21actionparsnip, My computer is not strong enough for a VM. Intel Pentium IV 2.6 GHZ. Tired old processors.02:38
harrrismrubinwhat does gthis mean Duplicate sources.list entry http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ testing/non-free i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_deb_dists_testing_non-free_binary-i386_Packages)02:38
sacarlsoncodeshepherd: I'm running php5 on 10.04 is something better about 5.3.13?02:39
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  grep -R google /etc/apt/*02:39
xanguaharrrismrubin: it's mean it's duplicated, open software center, edit. preferences02:39
dariushall21Maybe my Disk drive cable isn't hooked into the board right, or the cables are bad.02:39
xanguaharrrismrubin: and remove the entry02:39
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 have the gnome-magnifier installed? I need to known the command to run the app...02:39
dariushall21I'll be back everyone, I'm going to swap disk drives.02:39
codeshepherdsacarlson:  there is a critical bug in 5.3.10 - which has got fixed in 5.3.1302:39
fleakitewhy do the icons in the system tray keep disappearing?  i'm on ubuntu precise02:40
trismCrazyGangster: looks like /usr/bin/magnifier02:40
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: my command will highlight duplicates and we can clean you up02:40
CrazyGangstertrism: thanks i will give a try02:41
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  with the *02:41
trismcodeshepherd: looks like they backported the fix: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2012/CVE-2012-2311.html02:43
ubottusapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in PHP before 5.3.13 and 5.4.x before 5.4.3, when configured as a CGI script (aka php-cgi), does not properly handle query strings that contain a %3D sequence but no = (equals sign) character, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by placing command-line options in the query string, related to lack of skipping a certain php_getopt for the '... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2311)02:43
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes, I gave the command you need. run it then use a pastebin to host the result02:44
kallistiso I need to burn a CD while in an Ubuntu liveCD distro02:44
kallistiis there a way to do that? I have several gigs of swap I could dedicate for the entire disk.02:44
codeshepherdtrism: this is a different bug -02:44
CrazyGangstertrism: i dont know whats wrong but when i run the command i got lot of msg like this "we should clip at -196, -101"02:44
harrrismrubindo i give the url02:44
jonathonAnyone know of a Hex Editor that displays Japanese Characters?02:44
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: yes, copy the URL and paste here02:45
escottjonathon, gvim's hex mode should02:45
trismcodeshepherd: which bug?02:45
codeshepherd is it possible for me to get 5.3.13 from any other php repository? trism  sacarlson02:45
Dr_Williskallisti:  or you could partion the hd and make a 1gb partition and setup grub2 on it to boot an iso file02:45
sacarlsoncodeshepherd: I'm looking at php 5.4 in ppa02:45
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1038305/02:45
kallistiDr_Willis: hm, too much trouble at that point.02:45
Dr_Willisthats how i do very very speedy installs. ;)02:46
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list.save; sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.save02:46
jonathonThanks, escott02:46
harrrismrubinall in one code ActionParsnip02:46
escottcodeshepherd, if your reason for wanting to upgrade is a CVE notice i wouldn't install a ppa. you are more likely to get slower updates in the future02:46
kallistiDr_Willis: is there no way to relocate the liveCD to hard disk or just load the whole thing into RAM?02:46
Dr_Williskallisti:  used to be a toram option. but ive not  tried that in ages02:47
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: then run all this (without the top line): http://paste.ubuntu.com/1038306/02:47
escottkallisti, whats wrong with just letting the livecd use your existing swap. it might be slow but it should work02:47
Dr_Willisiso/grub2 would relocate /boot it from hard disk. freeing up the cd.02:47
trismCrazyGangster: is it still working? if so you can probably safely ignore the warnings (I haven't used the tool, and I don't see any bugs with the message)02:47
sacarlsoncodeshepherd: see https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5  it's 5.4.X  and supports from lucid up to precies02:48
kallistiescott: nothing is wrong with that. that's what I'm trying to do.02:48
codeshepherdthe bug is https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61045  trism02:48
kallistiI need the whole liveCD in ram (which includes my swap) so that I can change the CD out.02:48
escottkallisti, oh. that wont work02:49
Dr_Willismight be worth  googling for '12.04 toram'02:49
Dr_Willisseen quite a few distros have a toram option.02:49
kassiocarlosalguém de João Pessoa PB02:49
kallistihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM   this says:  Unnecessary on 11.04 LiveCD. Casper now includes a functioning toram option, which even works with the iso-scan/filename= option.02:50
kallistibut othewise doesn't specify how to do that.02:50
Dr_Willisedit the boot line like you would for nomodeset, only add 'toram' instead of nomodeset02:50
harrrismrubinnow what ActionParsnip02:50
jonathonescott, Not showing on there either, which font should I use?02:51
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: does that work in ubuntu?02:51
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: if you run:  sudo apt-get update02:51
Dr_Willisthere may be a toram option in the f5/f6 options02:51
trismcodeshepherd: there is a bug about it on launchpad: bug 999969 so that one probably isn't fixed unfortunately02:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 999969 in php5 (Ubuntu) "PHP5 doesn't send errors or warnings to fastcgi clients" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99996902:51
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  not tried it in ages. no idea02:51
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:51
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: I know it works in puppy :)02:52
escottjonathon, sorry i dont know then. gvim supports unicode so as long as your font has the correct unicode characters it should work02:52
Dr_Willisworks in tinycorelinux also02:52
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: is it smooth now?02:52
harrrismrubinit is running02:52
harrrismrubinif i remove a app will the source that is for it be removed02:53
Dr_Willis'source' meaning?02:53
codeshepherdthanks trism02:53
harrrismrubinno same thing02:54
strictlandhello everyone, I get this error when my system boots up... Error: out of disk. grub rescue>02:54
harrrismrubinstill has the duplicate02:54
kallistiDr_Willis: well it seems to be working so far without the liveCD in, but it is taking a long time at "creating image checksum" when I attempt to burn this CD so maybe it's waiting for a binary to load02:54
strictlandi simply ctrl+alt+del and it boot up fine... but how can I avoid that whole error message02:55
Dr_Willismd5summing a 700mb file may take some time.02:55
natervader13strictland: just clear up some space on your hdd, otherwise go to the interwebs for answers02:55
escottstrictland, you mean it boots find warm, but not cold?02:56
Dr_Willisgrub failing due to a full hrd drive? cantg say ive ever seen that'02:56
wilee-nileestrictland, there is a out of disc option in the advanced part of this tool. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:56
escottnatervader13, thats not what out of disk means02:56
strictlandwilee-nilee, I'll look into it02:57
harrrismrubinActionParsnip,  all smooth02:57
strictlandfor the record, my hdd still has plenty of room, like 25gb free02:58
wilee-nileestrictland, if you continue to have problems start a thread on the ubuntu forums with the out of disc in the header.02:59
escottstrictland, it has nothing to do with the disk usage02:59
escottstrictland, it means roughly "i asked the bios to read some part of the disk, and the bios gave me an error, i guess im 'out of disk'"02:59
escottstrictland, so it could be a bios bug, or it could be an issue with your partition tables03:00
wilee-nileestrictland, it is the limitations on how for on to the disc can be read 136 gigs or so I believe03:00
escottstrictland, you might try creating a small boot partition at the front of the disk and using that03:00
wilee-nileestrictland, escott is correct here, +103:00
agc93anyone got any ideas if a program is giving python invalid literal errors on starting? Never happened before.03:01
agc93Seems to have something to do with recent logs03:01
sacarlsonagc93: what app do we speak of?03:02
agc93wont even start03:03
notsmellyhey all03:03
qwebirc792331can anyone help me out03:04
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: sweet, good to go :)03:04
qwebirc792331i just built a new computer, and for some reason when i try to boot ubuntu from a usb03:04
qwebirc792331it goes to the screen whre i have to press a key on the keyboard03:04
ActionParsnipqwebirc792331: what GPU do you use?03:04
qwebirc792331then i do that and select install ubuntu, then it goes to a black screen with flashing cursor03:04
ActionParsnipqwebirc792331: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=103:05
qwebirc792331and how do i do this?03:05
Dr_Williswonder how that differs from nomodeset03:05
ActionParsnipqwebirc792331: and ease up on the ENTER key, posting a long long long question like this I am doing now is better than lots of lines03:05
ActionParsnip!bootoption | qwebirc79233103:05
ubottuqwebirc792331: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.03:05
qwebirc792331okay thanks03:05
Froodqwebirc792331: this is unrelated to your question, but what do you think about the 550 ti?03:06
escottDr_Willis, thats blacklisting the nouveau module in its entirety. not just saying "kernel don't do modesetting"03:06
qwebirc792331idk, haven't used it yet ahaha03:06
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: the display timings were moved into the kernel, I believe nomodeset defaults it to the old regime03:06
Froodah, okay03:06
Dr_Willison my nvidia machines where i used to have to use nomodeset. ;) ive noticed i dont need it any more03:06
escottDr_Willis, you can still have nouveau with nomodeset in which case X does its own probing and modesetting03:06
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 explains it nicely03:07
qwebirc792331so right now, i'm redownloading the iso file, of 12.04.  is there any way I can change the boot options on this computer?03:07
Dr_Willisbe nice if ghey had some of thse common options  we seem to suggst in here daily.. on the grub/boot menus easier to get to03:07
ActionParsnipqwebirc792331: read the link ubottu gave, that's why I made her give it....03:07
fission6do these insturctions look well "advised" http://utkarshsengar.com/2011/01/manage-multiple-accounts-on-1-amazon-ec2-instance/03:07
Dr_Willisqwebirc792331:  why redownloading it? You just boot thecd. and  append the right options to the boot line. like the guides show03:08
sacarlsonqwebirc792331: redownloading the iso?  why did the md5sum mismatch?03:09
qwebirc792331no i just thought maybe I did something wrong so I'm trying it from windows now03:09
Dr_Willistrying 'what' from windows now?03:10
strictlandmy hdd is 80gb, 15gb alloted for swap, and 60 gb for my boot partition, about 32gb used and roughly 27gb unused...03:10
ActionParsnipqwebirc792331: some nvidia GPUs don't like the nouveau driver, by blacklisting it you will use the nv driver which will more than likely work03:10
ActionParsnipstrictland: how much RAM do you have?03:10
Dr_Willisstrictland:  you mean 60gb for 'root partition' not /boot ?03:10
strictland16gb ram03:10
ActionParsnipstrictland: you only need 16Gb then, if you don't need hibernate you probably won't need swap at all03:11
qwebirc792331thanks action parsnip, i'm gonna do some searching im not even sure what nouveau driver means....03:11
ActionParsnipstrictland: /boot will need to be 100Mb at most03:11
ActionParsnipstrictland: if you mean the root partition to hold the OS then 10Gb is probably enough03:11
polygonshey guys, when i go to open my home directory, i get this:  Failed to open directory "brad".  Error stating file '/home/brad/.gvfs': Transport endpoint is not connected.  i think this happened after my laptop crashed and i had to cold-restart.  thanks!03:11
escottstrictland, with that broken bios keep you /boot under 100MB and put it at the very front of the disk03:12
ActionParsnipstrictland: you can assign the rest for /home to store your user data03:12
ActionParsnipescott: old school03:12
strictlandi feel like a noob now, but be patient with me... in gparted, it shows mount point "/" with a size of 59.60gb, used 32gb and unused 27gb, under the flags category, it says "boot"....03:13
agc93a boot partition would be a separate one with mount point /boot03:15
escottstrictland, flags shouldnt matter, but with your broken bios they might03:15
agc93the boot flag just says that the partition can be booted from03:15
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.03:16
ActionParsnipstrictland: yes, it uses that partition to boot with.03:16
strictlandso its seems i shouldnt have trouble with my available space correct? why the error message?03:17
qwebirc792331actionparsnip:  I'm still not clear on how I do this, do I create the live disk (USB), then go into it from ubuntu that I have installed on this computer and edit the boot options?03:17
escottstrictland, its a bug in your bios. just make 100MB of space at the front of the disk. create a /boot partition there, mark it bootable and you should be ok03:17
ActionParsnipqwebirc792331: read the page, its why it exists03:18
strictlandi okay, i can do this within gparted, or do i have to boot from live cd and do this03:18
harrrismrubingtg bye03:18
harrrismrubinthnx for all of your help03:18
escottstrictland, livecd03:18
Dr_Willisqwebirc792331:  i thinkthe  nomodeset wiki page shows scrfeen shots of almost the same procedure, only with a differnt option03:18
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:18
qwebirc792331No I understand, but when I loaded it before, it wouldn't let me use any F key other than F103:19
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, there is failsafe boot in the recovery of grub as well.03:19
Dr_Willisboot cd..tap the space key like crazy wwhen a little man=keybord option imagee appears03:19
VirtualBlacknessDr_Willis: space or shift?03:19
Dr_Willisfor the cd its space i belive..03:19
Dr_Willisfor a grub/insgtall its shift03:19
VirtualBlacknessDr_Willis: I know it WAS escape... it is possible all three work at this point.03:20
wilee-nileeshift for the cd as well03:20
Dr_Willisactually on the instal cd it maybe any case..03:20
strictlandokay escott, thanks for the help.... and just so i don't miss anything.... should i do the boot-repair thing wilee nilee mentioned earlier before the /boot? or just the /boot thing?03:20
Dr_Willisaany key03:20
escottstrictland, you'll also need to copy the files in /boot to your new partition, mount everything and chroot in and reinstall grub onto the mbr03:20
escottstrictland, from what you said earlier grub is working. at least on warm boots. but on cold boots the bios hiccups. so grub is not the problem03:21
ActionParsnipqwebirc792331: try SHIFT03:22
Skaperenhmmm ... writing a solid data pattern on a flash drive really is faster if the entire patter is all 0xff bytes03:24
escottSkaperen, thats probably the pattern the firmware uses for unallocated03:25
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KRomocan anyone suggest  a domain hosting company?03:29
KRomoim using dotster and they are too expensive03:29
daslinkardHello room!03:30
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sergioguerraHelp i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and i cant get wifi on?03:32
ActionParsnipKRomo: noip is free03:33
KRomooh hey ActionParsnip !03:33
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: why are you not using Precise?03:33
sergioguerraaction cause want to use 10.04 please help!03:34
KRomocan i transfer my domain to noip?03:34
Dr_Willisjello. ;003:34
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: what wifi chip are you using?03:34
pikkachuin user management, option to encrypt home dir is gone since 12.04, even though it existed in the installer's account creation. Any clue?03:34
sergioguerrabroadcam im using a netbook03:34
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:35
sergioguerrano i cant do thaty03:35
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: why not?03:35
sergioguerrahold on03:35
* ActionParsnip shrugs03:35
codeshepherdi want to install php 5.3.9 in ubuntu 12.04 via apt-get - what repository should I add?03:36
sergioguerraaction cause i cant get on the internet on that one!03:36
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: read the whole page, there is an offline option!03:37
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ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.03:37
Dr_Willisor run a cable and use the addational-drivers tool  for a few min.03:37
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: not only that, tyhe netbook is mobile, so you can move it near the router and get a wired connection which makes life a tonne easier03:37
escottpikkachu, because its much more complicated to setup after the fact03:37
Dr_Willismy netbook dident need any extra drivers for wireless to work.  runs 12.04 great also03:38
lizzini am trying to install 'sbt'. the site says to first install a 'deb'. how do i do this?03:38
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: why are you wanting to use Lucid, its so old. What could the reason possibly be?03:39
Dr_Willislizzin:  .deb is the extension for  packages for debian/ubuntu03:39
tryingtobootwhat was the command to blacklist the nouveau driver on boot options?03:39
agc93If you have the deb file, just double click it to install03:39
sergioguerrai dont have a usb stick03:39
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: how did you install then?03:39
lizzinDr_Willis: but how do you install it?03:39
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: oh jeez it gets better and better03:39
lizzinagc93: is there a way to install it via terminal?03:40
Dr_Willislizzin:  download tghe  file. be sure to get the  .deb version, double click...03:40
sergioguerraoh dur i just have to down load them from windows IM SUCH A DIPSHIT03:40
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: no need there is a native driver03:40
Dr_Willissergioguerra:  id just run a network cable for 5 min...03:40
lizzinDr_Willis: is there a way to install without a mouse, from terminal?03:40
ActionParsnipsergioguerra: grab a wired connection and it will be available in the additional drivers03:40
sergioguerraaction i cant its my FREINDS WIfi03:40
Dr_Willis!apt | lizzin03:40
ubottulizzin: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)03:40
Dr_Willislizzin:  sudo dpng -i foo.deb03:41
Dr_Willisoops.. dpkg -i foo.deb03:41
lizzinDr_Willis: ok thanks, ill read up on that03:41
Dr_Willislizzin:  or 'gdebi foo.deb'03:41
tryingtobootblomg thank you guys so much.... ubuntu 12.04 is loading now i can safely say that I didnt install any hardware wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!03:42
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tryingtobootahaha my hard drive is in wrong03:45
lizzinDr_Willis: https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki/Getting-Started-Setup .this says to install the deb, which i did with 'sudo dpkg -i foo.deb' but 'apt-cache search sbt' still doesnt show an sbt pkg. any idea what could be going wrong here?03:45
pikkachuescott: because to what why? what fact?03:45
escottpikkachu, all the user data has to be moved into a new encrypted partition which has to be mounted in a non-standard place. basically momentarily doubles the disk usage03:46
pikkachuescott: the user wasn't created yet03:47
escottpikkachu, oh. thought you were talking about an existing user.03:48
pikkachuescott: so the approach changed?03:48
escottpikkachu, i guess its just a gui change then03:48
=== JW_ is now known as JW1
pikkachuescott: in 11.10, I could create an user and encrypt his *home*, the encryption was done with *his password* which hence worked as a passphrase03:49
Exploiterhow can I change sound theme (newly placed in usr/something/sound) in ubuntu 12.04?03:49
JW1Hi all, does anyone know how to associate a file type with a command that does not appear in the right-click menu?03:49
pikkachuescott: 12.04 works the same way, checking home encryption for the user you need to create there will require you to fill in a password03:50
ActionParsnipSerotonergic: it will still have ethernet ports...03:50
Exploiterhow can I change sound theme (newly placed in usr/something/sound) in ubuntu 12.04?03:50
KRomocan anyone suggest  a domain hosting company that is like super cheap? lol03:50
KRomonoip is $15 year03:51
ActionParsnipExploiter: in the sound app in Unity, you can change the sound theme there03:51
ActionParsnipKRomo: 15 a year is nothing03:51
KRomojust for the domain03:51
KRomono web hosting03:51
ExploiterActionParsnip: I m in gnome classic and i dont no that app03:51
ActionParsnipExploiter: there is still the sound app in the menus some place03:51
JW1For instance, I open up my home folder, and I have a file with an extension of .log, and I right-click on the file and I get "Open With" and several options, but none of those options work for me03:52
JW1I choose "Open With Other Application" but the application that I want to use doesn't appear there either03:52
ActionParsnipJW1: file extensions in Linux don't mean much03:52
ActionParsnipJW1: what app do you want to use?03:53
ExploiterActionParsnip, Can you tell me the exact one, because system tool > system setting does not allow me to change theme, just the aler sound and new theme is not there03:53
ActionParsnipExploiter: search through for sound, you'll find it, possibly in system03:54
Exploiteri quit03:55
JW1ActionParsnip, the program is wxmacmolplt, it does not come with the standard Ubuntu distribution nor is it on the Ubuntu servers03:55
ActionParsnipJW1: bit of a hack but you could add: TextEditor;    to the end of the categories line in the .desktop file for the app in /usr/share/applications03:55
agc93anyone here use GNOME 3 and multiple monitors?03:55
ActionParsnipagc93: I'm sure many do03:56
WhiteStarEOFIs there a way I can figure out what module is driving wlan0?03:56
pikkachudoes anyone know why the check for encrypting a user's home doesn't show anymore in 12.04?03:56
JW1ActionParsnip, where would I add it in this file?  It looks like this file has the format of variable=value03:56
pikkachuwhat's the purpose of the templates dir in home?03:56
agc93Has anyone on GNOME 3 managed to get a second monitor to display *above* the first monitor?03:57
JW1ActionParsnip, oh never mind, I just read your last comment, thanks03:57
Omen_20Hi, I'm trying to go on standby and I'm getting an error "could not write bytes broken pipe"03:57
CodedninjaCan anyone help me?03:58
JW1ActionParsnip, that didn't seem to work, wxmacmolplt still doesn't show up when I right-click on a .log file03:59
ActionParsnippikkachu: its so that when you right click and selct new, the files you make in there will be referenced04:00
ActionParsnipJW1: try logging off and on04:00
lizzinDr_Willis: just realized that i needed to do 'apt-get update'04:00
lizzinDr_Willis: thanks04:00
JW1ActionParsnip, hmm is there a way to do it without restarting my session?  I have a job running that I would prefer not to interrupt04:00
ActionParsnippikkachu: usually you will make blank files in there. Commands like:  touch ~/Templates/Blank\ Writer\ Doc.odt      will make a template for you04:01
ActionParsnipJW1: not sure, i'd just wait for the job to finish. Maybe they are read periodically...04:01
ActionParsnippikkachu: and:  touch ~/Templates/Blank\ Text\ Doc.txt04:02
lizzinDr_Willis: https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki/Getting-Started-Setup .this says to install the deb, which i did with 'sudo dpkg -i foo.deb' but 'apt-cache search sbt' still doesnt show an sbt pkg. any idea what could be going wrong here?04:02
ActionParsnippikkachu: you can now right click in nautilus and make new files, kinda like in WIndows04:03
JW1ActionParsnip, unfortunately the job will take several more days to finish.  Guess I will try it out then.04:03
ActionParsnipJW1: wow, large job!04:03
JW1ActionParsnip, it is a quantum chemical calculation04:03
ActionParsnipJW1: dang04:04
glitsj16JW1: if wxmacmolplt has an 'Open File' option you could start it and pen the .log file in question from inside it temporarily no?04:05
duhameli have just installed fresh ubuntu studio 12.04 alongside windows 7 on 128gb ssd, i designated my old home parttion on a seperate 2tb hdd as the fresh installs home partition. in terminal it goes straight into old home when i type cd /home/ but on desktop home icon is empty how do i get the old /home into that icon?04:06
duhamelsorry that was long winded.04:07
ActionParsnipduhamel: on the desktop is it just a symlink?04:07
duhamelwhewn i look in gpart i don't see a second home partition anywhere.04:07
ActionParsnipduhamel: if it's on a seperate drive, you will need to switch gparted to manipulate the other drive04:08
duhamelActionParsnip: im not sure, how woul;d i know? im a noob.04:08
duhamelIm a noob.04:08
pikkachuActionParsnip: the idea is having templates just for the file names? (because touch create empty files)04:08
pikkachuActionParsnip: I feel like no04:08
pikkachuActionParsnip: I will make a test04:09
hptwhitei have a canon pixma mp560 printer and running ubuntu 11 (i think). my printer is on wifi wpa2 and my computer is also connected wirelessly on the same network. is there a good tuorial out there i can go to, to get this figured out? i tried google, but not getting very far04:09
JW1glitsj16, yes however the file in question is on a remote machine, so I'd like to be able to connect to the remote machine via the Desktop Browser and right-click to open the file in wxmacmolplt (like I can in Windows)04:09
ActionParsnippikkachu: yes but the file names etc will make the blank docs, you can have anything you want in there04:09
ActionParsnipduhamel: if you run:  ls ~/Desktop    do you see the file you use to access the home?04:09
pikkachuActionParsnip: but complex types won't work I think, for example ODT files04:09
ActionParsniphptwhite: did you try the canon site? They make debs for driver for their products some times04:10
ActionParsnippikkachu: sure it will, try it04:10
duhamelno. i see nothing. it's empty.04:10
JW1Sorry, that should be the file browser, not the desktop browser04:10
glitsj16JW1: fair enough .. what about adding the mime-type 'application/x-log' to the .desktop file for wxmacmolplt?04:11
ActionParsnipduhamel: ok, if you run: ln -s $HOME ~/Desktop/HOME     you should see a handy link :)04:11
hptwhiteActionParsnip: getting the driver loaded isnt the issue; its getting it connected wirelessly that is. i dont know which wireless option to choose from the printer setup and even if i did, i wouldnt know how to put in the address04:11
harshadura!seen niklas04:11
ubottuI have no seen command04:11
JW1glitsj16, how would I go about doing that?04:12
ActionParsniphptwhite: I'd check your manual then04:12
ActionParsnipJW1: same way you added the TextEditor   option I gave..04:12
duhamelcould it be because i gave my last ubuntu install a different name?04:12
JW1ActionParsnip, but I don't see a mime type variable in the .desktop value, what is the precise syntax?04:12
ExploiterActionParsnip, Can you tell me the exact one, because system tool > system setting does not allow me to change theme, just the aler sound and new theme is not there04:12
ActionParsnipJW1: look at some of the others, you will see the category. With you stating this sort of thing I'm doubting you did what I sugegsted earlier at all...04:13
ActionParsnipduhamel: the system name is irrelevant, you may need to chown the old data to the new user04:14
JW1ActionParsnip, no I did, because I just had to append it to the end of an existing variable, but there is no mime type variable in the .desktop file04:14
duhamelhow do i do that, i just realized i can see the old name and new home name can i merge them?04:15
pikkachuActionParsnip: it is an empty file, not an ODT or whatever, you'll need to rely on how the underlying apps would handle an empty file04:15
pikkachuActionParsnip: LibreOffice's Calc for example shows a filter dialog for an empty file04:15
glitsj16JW1: add a new line containing 'MimeType=application/x-log' to it04:15
pikkachuActionParsnip: we just have to use the proper app to create the model04:15
ActionParsnipJW1: look for: MimeType=    in the .desktop file and add what glitsj16 suggested04:16
hellyeahi always took an error like error: spars file not allowed what does that mean04:16
ActionParsnippikkachu: I guess, but now you know what the folder is for :)04:16
glitsj16JW1: and come to think of it .. there should always be the option to use a custom command to open your .log file with04:16
pikkachuActionParsnip: yeah, thanks!04:16
ActionParsniphellyeah: what triggers the error?04:17
hellyeahwhat do you mean? this occured after selecting ubuntu from grub04:17
JW1glitsj16, that is what I would think too, but I cannot find it04:17
hellyeahi saw this error like 30 secs then it went on with normal boot04:18
ActionParsnipJW1: use the search function in the text editor you are using, or just add the line in full04:18
hellyeahmay be it was meaningless i dont know but i took same error 10.04 10.10 and current version04:18
JW1ActionParsnip and glitsj16 unfortunately the MimeType trick didn't work either04:18
glitsj16JW1: first choose the 'Open with other application' menu, it is there04:18
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JW1glitsj16, okay did that04:18
ActionParsniphellyeah: are you using btrfs?04:18
hellyeahbecause of btrfs04:19
glitsj16JW1: don't it show 'use a custom command' arrow below?04:19
JW1glitsj16, no04:19
ActionParsniphellyeah: yeah I had the same in btrfs04:19
ActionParsniphellyeah: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/73674304:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 736743 in grub2 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "environment block not implemented on btrfs" [Wishlist,Triaged]04:19
glitsj16JW1: strange ... what file manager are you using?04:19
JW1glitsj16, I am using the standard file browser, the icon the second from the top on the Unity toolbar04:20
hellyeahhmm i guess there is no solution yet it seems harmless04:21
slicknick5181how do i install a .package file04:21
ActionParsniphellyeah: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/464743   has a few lines you can remove from grub.cfg but you will need to remove it each time...04:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464743 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "error: sparse file not allowed with reiserfs" [Undecided,Fix released]04:21
ActionParsniphellyeah: yeah its fairly harmless as far as I know, I switched back to Ext4 though. I found btrfs to be slow04:21
JW1glitsj16, I get a button that says "Show other applications", and I click that and wxmacmolplt doesn't show up there either, and there are no arrows for selecting a custom command04:22
JW1glitsj16, I also get a "Find applications online" button and that doesn't help either04:22
glitsj16JW1: i use thunar, just checked that you are correct: nautilus (the file manager you're using doesn't have that option)04:22
hellyeahhmm slow how come? because ıof the structure btrfs use afaik ext4 use doble linked list btrfs use balance tree04:22
ActionParsniphellyeah: no idea, just was noticably slower but I was due a reinstall so I formatted to Ext404:23
hellyeahi gotcha04:23
slicknick5181how do I install a (dot) package file?04:24
glitsj16JW1: log out/log in seems needed for the mimetype setting to catch as well04:24
KRomoActionParsnip, i went with godaddy :)04:24
nobody1234what is the best way to add an ubuntu machine to a windows domain.. I used likewise but it was a pain and I had issues i had to resolve with resolv.conf  by installing by openresolv04:24
ActionParsnipKRomo: good enough04:24
Dr_Willisslicknick5181:  you mean someappname.package ?04:25
slicknick5181Dr_Willis: Yes sir04:25
ActionParsnipnobody1234: http://www.youtube.com/embed/uwdlhrqy33Y?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=1&version=3&auto hide=1&iv_load_policy=3&wmode=opaque04:25
Dr_Willisslicknick5181:  i belie theres some 'autopackage' homepage with details on that. but  id suggest looking for a ppa, or other  repo with the app first.  that autopackage stuff has never worked well04:26
fishbaiti ran sudo apt-get install wine now how do i install direct 3d?04:26
federated_lifehey what happens if I install ubuntu along side windows from the cd if I already have a wubu installation present ?04:26
ActionParsnipfishbait: its there by default04:26
Dr_Willisfishbait:  wine has directx allredy built in.04:26
fishbaitok ty04:26
nobody1234dont most programs use opengl as an option too?04:26
fishbaitworking on installing star trek online.04:26
Dr_Willisfederated_life:   i dont think the installer looks for wubi.04:26
ActionParsnipfishbait: wine is an abstraction for the directx calls in windows apps04:26
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:27
fishbaitoh i see04:27
ActionParsnipfishbait: make sure you chack the appdb for compatibility04:27
fishbaitis the a #wine?04:27
federated_lifehow will I select which ubuntu to startup from if theyre both listed as ubuntu04:27
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:27
fishbaiti prefer irc in old skool ways04:27
slicknick5181Dr_Willis: Ok thanks for the advice. Have you ever heard of Xtera graphics/drawling program04:27
Dr_Willisfederated_life:  boot the windows install and then elext wubi.. i imagine04:27
Dr_Willisslicknick5181:  neverheard of it04:28
ActionParsnipfishbait: how do you mean?04:28
federated_lifethe real issue I have is that I can't shrink my windows disk even though I have 80GB free04:28
rollitupgoodmorning folks04:28
fishbaiti mean in my old skool ways*04:28
slicknick5181Dr_Willis: Thank you so much for ur time.. Do you have any experience with LTSP?04:28
ActionParsnipfederated_life: may want to chkdsk and defrag it04:28
rollitupwhenever I try to do an update in Precise Pangolin , the update happens but a red exclaimation mark is shown on the top taskbar04:29
Dr_Willisfederated_life:  check the disk partioning scheme. only 4 primary partions allowed.04:29
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Dr_Willisslicknick5181:  never needed lstp. i just use old pcs for x terminals. :004:29
ActionParsnipfishbait: repeating the same words doesn't make it any clearer04:29
fishbaitah i was asking if wine had an irc support channel?04:29
Dr_Willis!wine | fishbait04:29
ubottufishbait: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:29
slicknick5181Dr_Willis: Makes sense to me lol.. thank you for ur time!04:30
ActionParsnipfishbait: yes, #winehq04:30
federated_lifeI used auslogics to defrag...but it doesnt solve the issue..04:30
ActionParsnipfederated_life: are you using windows 7?04:30
ActionParsnipfederated_life: Windows7 can shrink its own partitions04:30
federated_lifeyea, from computer manager in adminstrattive tasks04:31
Dr_Willisfederated_life:  but shrinkingone - wont do much good if you have 4 primary partitions in use04:31
federated_lifebut it doesn't allow to shirnk more than like 7GB04:31
JW1Okay, thanks all for your help.  Good night.04:31
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WindBuntusomething new and strange just occured in my ubuntu 12.04, i looked at the top of my screen next to the little email icon and there was  red triangle with a red exclamation point inside of it. it warned me that something sint working with updates and to do it manually. i did that and sure enough there were 3 updates, so i installed them? is this a bug?04:43
rollitupWindBuntu: I am experiencing the same thing and am waiting to hear for someone to help us resolve this04:44
WindBuntuit had a bit of a malware feel to it04:44
WindBuntubut it prolly isnt04:44
WindBuntui have never seen that signal in any ubuntu OS dating back to 8.0404:45
WindBuntuor in any other buntu04:45
rollitupi guess this maybe caused by some sources not being able to update coz the output i get when doing update also includes this Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Sources                                 404  Not Found Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main i386 Packages                           404  Not Found Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Sources                                 404  Not Found Err http://ppa.launchp04:45
agc93If the update process is interrupted, it can lead to packages needing be manually updated04:46
agc93or needing dpkg to reconfigure them04:46
WindBuntulooks like we have to manually update ubuntu now to be safe04:46
agc93I don't think I'd go that far04:46
rollitupi do the updates from the terminal04:46
JoseeAntonioRrollitup: That is because the PPA doesn't exist, it was removed or you typed the addess incorrectly04:46
WindBuntui dont trust termianl for updates anymore04:47
agc93update-manager is definitely not malware04:47
WindBuntuive seen it freeze04:47
WindBuntuor hang04:47
ActionParsniprollitup: the PPA just won't be used, shouldn't cause issues04:47
agc93and why would you not trust terminal?04:47
agc93It's the safest way to do upgrades04:47
rollitupso do u think I should remove it from the PPA list04:47
agc93Probably a good idea rollitup04:47
WindBuntuill never upgrade ubuntu in terminal again thats for sure04:47
WindBuntuill just do clean installs04:47
agc93Terminal is definitely way more reliable than GUI04:47
JoseeAntonioRrollitup: If you want to, but the error won't cause malfunctions in the system04:47
agc93thats how I've done every upgrade since 9.1004:48
WindBuntuive seen it hang and then just sit there for hours04:48
WindBuntuvery very frustrating04:48
agc93the normal GNOME Terminal?04:48
artieHi All, I hae a single user on my system that opens in a command line rather than the traditional gui/desktop. All the other users open into the gui normally. How do I change the settings so that all users open in gui mode?04:48
WindBuntuyou will feel that way until it burns you a good one04:49
JoseeAntonioRartie: Have you checked you04:49
agc93Seems unlikely, as that would be indicative of the whole system hanging if the terminal session hangs04:49
rollitupalso i haven't got most games that i downloaded to run, they always keep on hanging04:49
agc93artie: have you checked their session files?04:49
rollitupalthough i have 3 gigs of ram and an onboard Nvidia graphic card04:49
JoseeAntonioRartie: Have you checked you're using the Ubuntu theme when logging in?04:49
ActionParsniprollitup: which games?04:50
RajiI am trying to install lamp server using tasksel but its showing a dialog box and then it stops. I just 2 days old in ubuntu04:51
artieosee: I have not checked session files, not even sure what they are. Not sure how to check what theme....but user knows lss than me, it's highly unlikely they did exotic changes.04:52
ActionParsnipRaji: is the ubuntu install fully updated?04:52
rollitup0.AD and some others , i am able to install and run small games such as Gejeweled etc04:53
RajiActionParsnip: Yes04:53
ActionParsnipRaji: the release is irrelevant, if you run:  sudo apt-get update; sydi apt-get upgrade    are you fuly updated04:54
WindBuntubut anyway i was talking about updates not upgrades04:54
RajiActionParsnip: Yes i updated yesterday04:54
ActionParsnipRaji: ok, run the taskel command and pastebin the output please04:54
Dr_WillisRaji:  tab key. space key. and enter key to selwct stuff in the dialog?04:54
rollitupActionParsnip: Most of the games start but they keep stuck up on the initial page and aso the mouse gets very very slow04:55
rollitupalmost frozen04:55
ActionParsniprollitup: have you tried Unity2D?04:55
Raji       04:55
rollitupi think i am using Unity 2D , how can i confirm this ?04:56
ActionParsniprollitup: run:  ps -ef | grep compiz | grep -v compiz04:57
celthunderwell does 3d work?04:57
hellyeahubuntu is little slow04:57
federated_lifeI trashed compiz, its bloated04:57
ActionParsniprollitup: if you see compiz in the output you are using 3D04:57
ActionParsnipcelthunder: in what sense?04:57
RajiDr_Willis:  i juts typed in terminal Sudo tasksel then a dialog box came and i selected lamp server then clicked enter and then i was back into terminal04:58
SDXhellyeah: You might want to try Xubuntu if Ubuntu is slow.04:58
federated_lifeIm on xfce, its crap too04:58
rollitupActionParsnip: does not give any output when i run that line04:58
federated_lifejust buy better hardware and os x04:59
ActionParsniprollitup: then you are using 2D :)04:59
ActionParsniprollitup: do you have 3D accelleration configured on your video hardware?04:59
jazzyyMy install has a set size for /home/, is there any way to make it larger?04:59
rollitupno I haven't done that04:59
RajiDr_Willis:  Now its showing tasksel:aptitude failed(10004:59
rollitupthe only thing after installing Ubuntu was installed the proprietary drivers which was prompted to me05:00
rollitupand added the one's that came as Recommended05:00
SDXjazzyy, if you boot from a LiveCD you should be able to resize most, if not all of your partitions.05:01
SDXYou don't have to reinstall from the LiveCD, just use the partition editor and then reboot.05:01
rodhashguys... need little help... wpa_supplicant is being initialised by init but I just installed it and didn't configure init.... under /etc/init or /etc/inet.d/ I found thong related to wpa05:01
jazzyySDX: and that can resize specifically /home/? My partition is huge but the /home/ folder is limited to 30GB05:01
SDXjazzyy: Yes.05:02
jazzyyalright thanks!05:02
RajiActionParsnip: tasksel:aptitude failed(100)05:02
SDXYou're welcome.05:03
cappicardgood evening. what's a good way to convert a compressed swf file to mp4 or avi?05:03
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cappicardi'm using 12.0405:03
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jagginesscappicard, swf isnt a video format05:06
cappicardwell, i want to convert the flv contained inside it to avi05:07
jagginesscappicard, you're probably thinking of capturing the .flv stream.. there's probably tools for that..05:07
rollitupActionParsnip: I haven't configured the 3d hardware accelearation for my graphic card05:08
docvellthere is an add-on for Firefox05:08
jagginesscappicard, no need to convert .flv if you just want to play it (vlc can)05:08
cappicardbut the problem is that it's compressed05:08
docvellfor downloading .flv or making it an .mp405:08
cappicardvlc and mplayer can't play compressed flv files05:08
mi3I have a dual boot operating system consisting of windows and ubuntu, I have two ntfs partitions of windows, and 1 ext4 partition of ubuntu, I intend to replace those two partitions with ext4, and remove windows entirely. Also, I need full control over the newly created ext4 partitions, can someone suggest how can I do all that ?05:09
jagginesscappicard, you have a sample? i think i've been able to playback any .flv05:09
jagginessmi3, gparted live cd05:10
mi3jagginess, I already have gparted on my ubuntu pc :D05:10
jagginessmi3, why not merge all3 into 1?05:10
cappicardhttp://saiya-jin.dyndns-home.com/~cappicard/9-11-01/9-11-01-remembered.swf is the flash file05:11
jagginessmi3, you also need swap (type 83) partition05:11
mi3jagginess, I need 2 seperate partitions to preserve some data such as movies and songs, so that , in case the home partition goes berserk, I can restore my data from that05:11
Tux_1and reinstall grub05:11
mi3jagginess, I have swap partition05:11
jagginessmi3, ?05:11
mi3jagginess, what ?05:11
ActionParsnipjagginess: could use a swap file instead :)05:12
mi3Tux_1, you were suggesting something , sir ?05:12
mi3HI ActionParsnip !!05:12
mi3ActionParsnip, how are you , sir :D05:12
jagginessmi3, well it doesnt make sense only 1 partition goes berserk.. it's usually it's either a few sectors or the whole drive (I started using Raid1 a few months back..)05:12
ActionParsnipmi3: tired, you?05:12
mi3ActionParsnip, having fun xD05:12
ActionParsnipmi3: awesome05:12
Tux_1yea, have the install dvd ready to reinstall grub05:13
jagginessmi3, /home and multi partitions are made when you have thousands of users..05:13
docvellI used to have a dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.10 and later on decided to start fresh and install Ubuntu 12.04 full05:13
jagginessmi3, keep it simple :)05:13
mi3jagginess, but if I create the 2 partitions, will it be given the root permissions ? or will the limited account user still store data on it ?05:13
jagginessmi3, i thought you have only 1 ext4 partition05:14
mi3jagginess, yes I do05:14
mi3jagginess, I was talking about that permissions AFTER creating those partitions :D05:14
jagginessmi3, so backup your user data to usb.. then try to merge two blank/unallocated partition space to the ext405:14
neuroexploiterguess whos back back agian05:14
SDXWoo.  Just finished downloading Xubuntu.05:15
mi3jagginess, I dont want to merge all 3 into 1, I need 2 ext4 partitions05:15
mi3SDX, YAYY05:15
jagginessmi3, of course have a ubuntu install cd at hand, you'll need to re-reun the grub-install command05:15
SilentDisSDX: what does xubuntu use as it's wm now?05:15
mi3so, jagginess err my writer is damaged, I threw it against the wall in anger xD05:16
jagginessmi3, you cant convert ntfs to ext4.. thats why i say to backup05:16
SDXI assumed it used Xfce WM.05:16
SilentDisSDX: it's been a while, so I didn't know if they'd change or anything :)05:16
RajiWhile installing lamp server i am getting an errr message "Tasksel: aptitude failed(100)"05:17
sobersabreI'm trying to add udev rule: http://dpaste.com/758889/05:17
sobersabreneed some feedback.05:17
mi3jagginess, I will give you a screenshot, wait05:17
jagginesscappicard, .fla isnt a compressed .flv stream -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWF#Related_file_formats_and_extensions05:20
subcool_Do i really have to dl this in non-3d?05:22
subcool_HOW do i watch this movie!@?!05:22
photonwaveHi, I'm a total linux/ubuntu newbie, can someone direct me as to how I can upgrade by kernel?05:22
subcool_your smart too05:22
subcool_help me05:22
Dr_Willisphotonwave:  use the package manager tools they will upgrade the whole system to the latest versions in the repos05:22
Dr_Willisplease what?05:23
subcool_i dl'ed a movie labeld 3d05:23
subcool_and - well it is showing in VLC in double vision, side by side05:23
subcool_how do i disable05:23
photonwaveDr_Willis from what I understand, the newest Ubuntu distro doesn't come with the newest kernel. If I use the package manager tools, will it upgrade to the newest kernel, or just the kernel that's included with the latest release of the Ubuntu distro?05:23
Dr_Willisthat sounds like 3d to me..05:24
cappicardbut  the .swf contains the video i want to convert.05:24
Dr_Willisphotonwave:  stick with whats in the repos is how it works.. unles syou have some real major need for a newer version.. its best to stay with whats int he repos05:24
Dr_Willissubcool_:  seen where dvdfab can convert a 3d movie to 2d.. i belive.. but never used it05:25
photonwaveDr_Willis I have a major need to upgrade my kernel, as my machine is rebooting every time I shutdown, and a newer kernel might solve the problem05:25
jagginessmi3, it says that because a "mounted" filesystem is preventing the disk partitioner from working on it. So "unmount" that partition in use.05:25
wkayhi there; sorry to disturb..; I got a problem & Im here to find some help..05:25
subcool_Dr_Willis, :(05:25
mi3jagginess, its already been unmounted :D05:25
subcool_so there isnt some like disable thing i can do?05:25
jagginessmi3, what did i tell you like 10 minutes ago?05:25
Dr_Willisphotonwave:  or it could be some less drastic acpi/power manager fix.  or the next kernel update may fix the issue05:25
ActionParsnipphotonwave: I'd test RAM first05:25
subcool_ActionParsnip, your smart too- please help05:26
ActionParsnipsubcool_: sup?05:26
Dr_Willissubcool_:  never noticed.. i would be suprised if there is.05:26
mi3jagginess, what ?05:26
sobersabreguys, when you're trying to help ME, please don't interrupt each other: speak one by one.05:26
subcool_I have jon carter in 3D..05:26
jagginess"<jagginess> mi3, gparted live cd"05:26
* sobersabre needs help with udev...05:26
jagginess"live cd"05:26
subcool_VLC is viewing it in side by side05:26
subcool_i would like to watch it - in normal vieiwing05:26
ActionParsnipsubcool_: do other players play it ok?05:26
mi3jagginess, ok05:26
mi3jagginess, thanks :D05:26
subcool_ActionParsnip, idk.....05:26
ActionParsnipsubcool_: not thought to try....05:27
SDXCover half of your monitor with a sheet of paper.05:27
subcool_i only have vlc and dragon....05:27
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photonwaveDr_Willis any pointers on how to do a acpi/power manager fix would be appreciated. Also any links that would guide a newbie on how to upgrade their kernel would be appreciated.05:27
Dr_Willis3d movies dont wwork for me. ;)05:27
subcool_i hate dragon05:27
jagginessmi3, you'll still need to know what's hooking that partition.. to be safest, it's always best to use partitioning outside the OS05:27
wkayIm using ub10.04 . im trying to set the "Super_L" key to startup terminal ..using this command "gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_terminal --type string "Super_L"" but didnot work ..someone can help me05:27
ActionParsnipsubcool_: try dragon would be a natural thing to try then, wouldnt it05:27
Dr_Willisphotonwave:  check the forums and askubntu for your exact make/model device. theres also some ppa's that might have newer kernels. but those are unsupported by this channel.05:27
ActionParsnipwkay: if you use terminal a lot I can recommend installing guake05:27
Dr_Willisphotonwave:  'newbie upgradeing kernel' is like  'newbie learning to defuse a bomb'  not a good idea05:28
subcool_ActionParsnip, Dragon does the same, but massivily shakey05:28
mi3jagginess, I will find out about that later, after I have done a clean installation of ubuntu :D05:28
mi3jagginess, I am doing that05:28
mi3jagginess, but thanks :D05:29
ActionParsnipsubcool_: are there options in either player to accommodate the file?05:29
ActionParsnipsubcool_: have you asked in #mencoder or #ffmpeg05:29
wkay:) thanks ActionParsnip ; Ive used the windows key for years.. already used to it.. Ill try ur advice .. ; but how can I set that key?05:30
brophatit is possible to backup an entire hard drive so that when you install a new hardrive you can put the back up onto the new hardrive and the computer will boot and be exactly the same as it was before the new hard drive?05:30
Dr_Willisbrophat:  you can image the hd completely with dd if you want an exact clone.05:30
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:30
brophatDr_Willis would you happen to know if the same thing is possible in windows?05:30
photonwaveActionParsnip I have dual channel  4G ram05:30
subcool_ActionParsnip, Dr_Willis hey- listen i hate to push this.. but ... please? im really really not in a great state right now. The most important person to me in the world died today.05:30
SDXYou could try making an iso image of the file, but it might not work.05:30
photonwaveDr_Willis thanks for the pointers05:31
Dr_Willissubcool_:  i have never even owned a 3d movie - or 3d video file.    no idea how they work05:31
subcool_ActionParsnip, i have no idea if there are thing in theplaye rto accomodate this, and no- i havent asked anyplace else05:31
photonwaveDr_Willis this bug is really frustrating, as I bought a new machine and was hoping to have it work without any major problems05:31
subcool_Dr_Willis, neither have i..05:31
Dr_Willissubcool_:  other then seeing  dvdfab  mention some 3d-:2d converter feature.. thats all i know on the topic05:31
subcool_Dr_Willis, i just tried to ap-get it... not there05:32
Dr_Willisphotonwave:  often with very 'bran d new, just came out' machines, theres patches that slowly make it into the kernel tree. so eventyally there may be a normal uupodate that fixs the issue05:32
Dr_Willissubcool_:  its a windows app...05:32
subcool_Dr_Willis, ouch.05:33
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subcool_appears im not watchi this movie tonight05:33
fizyplanktonlol subcool_05:33
subcool_fizyplankton, ya05:33
subcool_i spent 4 days dl'ing this movie to---- to delete it05:34
Dr_Willissubcool_:  it was mentioned that ffmpeg or mencoder Might be able to convert it.. tried doing any research on that  method yet?05:34
subcool_no- just finished d;ed it about 5 hour ago- when i foudn out my family member died05:34
subcool_not mcuh time to research it05:34
subcool_OPk- thanks05:36
subcool_i have mourning to induce05:36
subcool_ill see u guys in a week or two05:36
* Dr_Willis dosent have the hart to tell him that i hesrd that movie sort of stinks... ;)05:38
ActionParsnipsubcool_: maybe you should buy films...05:38
Dr_Willisthink i saw it at teh redbox koisk today also..05:39
ActionParsnipphotonwave: why is the ram amount of interest?05:39
photonwaveoh sorry, I assumed it was..05:39
Blah1is there a very small iso i can use to mount existing fs and update root forgotten root pw?   grub is broken on this system (blank screen instead of menu) so i can't use that option to boot into single user.  ubuntu remix is what i'm using now but it's a couple hundred megabytes and using it over IP is kinda slow05:39
ActionParsnipphotonwave: no, if you are getting random reboots then a memtest is a good first step05:39
Dr_WillisBlah1:  tinycorelinux = 10mb :)05:40
ActionParsnipBlah1: setting root pw isn't supported, needed or advised05:40
photonwaveActionParsnip I see, I'll check to see how to do that05:40
Viking667What application can record an audio stream both from my microphone and the audio from a program such as minecraft?05:40
ActionParsnipphotonwave: hold shift at boot, select memtest05:40
Blah1ActionParsnip, oh ya that's right i meant the ubuntu user ;)05:40
Blah1Dr_Willis, i'll try that one out.  thx05:40
photonwaveActionParsnip please note, it's not a random reboot, it always reboots after I shutdown05:40
photonwaveActionParsnip in case that changes any thing05:40
ActionParsnipBlah1: hold shift at bppt, select recovery mode, select root and you can set your password there05:40
Blah1ActionParsnip, what's 'bppt'?05:41
Dr_WillisViking667:  i think there  was discussion of somthing like that last night.. its a bit hard to record both at the same time. but i think there was mention of using the pulse volumecontrol/tools to   let a recorder record both05:41
ActionParsnipBlah1: boot, typo05:41
Viking667so, his user doesn't have permission to shut down, but does have permission to reboot? I don't get that.05:41
Blah1ah ok.  i didn't know about that shift trick!  thanks05:41
ActionParsnipphotonwave: if you run:  sudo shutdown -h now    does it turn off?05:41
HimuraWhat am i missing here? I did a ssh-keygen copied the .pub key and pasted it at the authorized_keys at the remote machine, but still cant authenticate thgrough the keys.05:42
Dr_Willisamazeing the # of ways you can shutdown or reboot a linux box. :)05:42
rodhashhow can I register in some group that looks to be protected?05:42
Viking667I'm trying to use "gnome-sound-recorder", but I can't balance the stereo mix against the microphone. Either I get just the application at normal volume, or I get seriously suppressed volume (i.e. 5%) on application, and too much volume on microphone.05:42
photonwaveActionParsnip no it reboots after the shutdown, like other cases05:42
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: indeed, plus the subtler ones like chainsaw05:42
ActionParsnipphotonwave: same as a new user too?05:42
glitsj16Viking667: audio-recorder is very nice05:42
Viking667thank you. I'll look at that. Is that just the package name, or the name of the binary to execute?05:43
Dr_Willisphotonwave:  ive seen bios setings that hafe the pc auto power back up after power failure, or similer.. that might be confused and causing the issue05:43
glitsj16Viking667: both :)05:43
photonwaveActionParsnip to be honest, I'm nto sure if I tried that exact command ("sudo shutdown -h now"). I can give it a try now. I don't know how to do it as a new user either..05:43
Viking667glitsj16: weird. I don't see it in apt-cache's search output05:43
ActionParsnipphotonwave: try the command first, then make a new user if it's bad, log on as the new user and try shutting down there05:44
glitsj16Viking667: i might have gotten it from a PPA, please hold, i'll check05:44
photonwaveok I'll try it now05:44
Viking667sigh. Figures.05:45
glitsj16Viking667: https://launchpad.net/~osmoma/+archive/audio-recorder05:48
Viking667ah. I'll add that and see what packages he has.05:50
Viking667thank you.05:50
glitsj16Viking667: np05:51
Viking667meh. "apt-add-repository thaturl" gets me .... yeah. I'll check the sources.d/ out.05:51
Himuracan anybody help me with ssh connections with keys authentication?05:51
Dr_WillisHimura:  about all ive ever done was ssh-keygen, then ssh-copy-id remotebox05:52
Viking667how do I ACTUALLY add that repo so that it imports the keys for me?05:52
Viking667this silly thing doesn't have a man page for the apt-add-repository command. Sigh.05:52
HimuraDr_Willis: do i have to set something else at the remote box?05:52
bazhang!addppa | Viking66705:52
ubottuViking667: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details05:52
Dr_Willisapt-add-repository --help    perhaps?05:52
ActionParsnipViking667: use add-apt-repository and the ppa address#05:53
glitsj16Viking667: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:osmoma/audio-recorder05:53
Dr_WillisHimura:  other then installing ssh server? not that ive ever had to do]05:53
Viking667heh. thank you.05:53
weebl-_My friend is trying to install ubuntu and has a blinking underscore has anyone ever heard of this?05:53
weebl-_I've installed ubuntu on about 30 machines and never had this issue05:54
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | weebl-_05:54
ubottuweebl-_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:54
ActionParsnipweebl-_: what video chip does the system use05:54
ActionParsnipweebl-_: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=105:57
gartralhello all05:58
* Dr_Willis wonders what would happen if you do 'nomodeset nouveau.blacklist=1' ;)05:58
weebl-_its installing from a cd05:58
Dr_Willisweebl-_:  the menus ont  he cd early in bootup has the feature. that nomodset guide has screenshots of doing it05:58
Dr_Willisyou see a little man=keyboard image. you hit sshift, space, esc, or somthing.. ;) and it getes to an options page05:59
gartralcan I get some help the lowlatency kernel and IDJC? I keep getting xruns every minute of so..05:59
poddmotuxubuntu 12.04 : installing as xen dom0 host hangs on reboot. Hypervisor boots then dom0 kernel complains that sysfs in unavailable. Any ideas?06:01
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 have the gnome-magnifier installed? I need to known the command to run the app...06:02
Dr_Williscompiz has a zoom  feature  ;)06:02
Dr_WillisCrazyGangster:  use synaptic to see what files the package installed. it should show what binaries it installed06:03
CrazyGangsterDr_Willis: i think the binary is in /usr/bin/magnifier but when i execute on the terminal i get a bunch of "we should clip at -196, -101"06:06
rawfodogI'm trying to batch convert some pictures with imagemagick but am getting this error ... "no decode delegate for this image format" for my jpegs. What do I do ?06:08
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poddmotuxdoes apparmor place nicely with xen dom0?06:16
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freedomrun_help, can`t report bugs anymore! reinstalling apport doesn`t help, does anyone knows how to reactivate this functionality??06:17
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bobweaverfreedomrun purge then reinstall ubuntu-bug ?06:19
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CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 have the gnome-magnifier installed? I need to known the command to run the app...06:31
Viking667... install that package. Not sure if the binary name matches the package name.06:33
glitsj16Viking667: regarding the audio-recorder package ... just wondering if you tried it and if so, what are your experiences? I'm preparing a review and all feedback is welcome, so feel free to pm me06:36
Viking667heh. I haven't even managed to try it out yet, give me a chance. I've been hammering keys non-stop since I got here.06:37
glitsj16Viking667: no problem :) i hang out here often enough06:38
Viking667lol. good to know. I pop in when I want a question answered. But I rarely get it answered, and end up answering about nineteen other things in the interim06:38
glitsj16heh, that's bound to happen yes06:38
lizzincan apt-get be used to install old versions of apps?06:39
lizzin...need to rollback to fix a few things06:39
glitsj16!pinning | lizzin06:40
ubottulizzin: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:40
glitsj16lizzin: synaptic makes things like that somewhat easier if you're familiar with that06:41
Dr_Willislizzin:  whats broken?06:41
lizzinDr_Willis: sbt 0.11.3 scala 2.9.1 and lifty 1.7.5-snapshot don't seem to work together06:42
Dr_Willisdident you install some of those via .deb files earlier today?06:42
Dr_Willis!info sbt06:42
ubottuPackage sbt does not exist in precise06:42
lizzinDr_Willis: i installed the deb file in order to add the repository06:43
Dr_Willisso they came from some ppa?06:43
lizzinDr_Willis: ppa?06:44
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:44
lizzinoh right06:44
lizzinyes, it came from teh typesafe debian repository06:45
lizzinubottu: thanks06:45
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:45
Dr_Willisdebian?  what is the exact repository they came from?06:45
lizzinglitsj16: ha, thanks06:45
Dr_Willisif they were made for debian.. thats not quite the same as for ubuntu. You may want to see if thers an actual Ubuntu PPA for the tools.06:46
Dr_Willisadding debian repos to a ubuntu system. can  break things06:46
lizzini don't think thats the issue06:46
lizzini checked my osx system and it's showing the same issue now06:47
lizzinDr_Willis: http://hpaste.org/6987606:48
Dr_Willisbbl. got a job to do..06:48
lizzinpretty sure it is simply a version issue06:48
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taylor_Is anyone using gnome classic?06:53
taylor_how can i customize the panel at the bottom06:53
rawfodogim trying to batch convert some images in ubuntu, I get this error 'no decode delegate for this image format'. I think I need to install some restrictted jpeg stuff, does anyone know how to fix this issue ?06:53
Viking667you hold down the Alt key, and right-click on the panel06:53
taylor_Viking667: yes .. nothing happens06:53
Viking667Choose Properties.06:53
Viking667weird. You do Alt-Rightclick?06:54
taylor_if i alt click i can drag the panel around06:54
Viking667not alt-leftclick.06:54
taylor_right ... if i do alt right click nothing happens06:54
taylor_is it compiz?06:54
Viking667hm. could be.06:54
Viking667$ ps ax | grep metacity06:55
Viking667err, scratch that06:55
taylor_im using compiz  i know...06:55
rexhey i need some help partitioning my disk for ubuntu/windows boot with a second partition for /home can someone help me06:55
Viking667ah, right. Tried right-click on the panel?06:55
Viking667(without the alt key)06:55
taylor_yes.. nothing happens06:55
Viking667ANd Control?06:55
taylor_still nothing...06:55
Viking667i.e. Control-leftclick,  Control-rightclick,06:55
Viking667what about Middle-click?06:56
taylor_i actually have a middle click button .. i tried it .. nothing happens06:56
Viking667You can get to some aspects of panel configuring if you've got gconf-editor installed, but that doesn't work for everything.06:56
taylor_im starting not to like gnome classic...06:56
taylor_it hides alot of my notification icons too06:57
Viking667heh. I couldn't get to like Unity, much as I would have liked.06:57
taylor_i might switch to linux mint see what they've got going on06:57
taylor_GOT IT!! its super + alt + right click06:58
taylor_that was an ordeal06:58
Viking667wow. What's "super"? Windows?06:59
Viking667heh. Figures. Gotta kick ol compiz in the fork to get what you want.06:59
Viking667I don't use compiz here, I use metacity06:59
C-S-BIronic, seeing how un-super windows is.06:59
taylor_guess so..06:59
taylor_thats what they always call it06:59
snyp1How can I install the haskell package on ubuntu? can anyone help me, i am a newbie?07:00
Jordan_UViking667: It's the key that's wearing a cape.07:00
snyp1http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/quantal/haskell-cabal-install this package specifically.07:00
taylor_is there a way i can add the system menu back07:01
snyp1http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/quantal/haskell-cabal-install  how do i install this in ubuntu?07:04
Viking667taylor_: no idea, sorry. I'm missing that as of 11.10 myself07:04
Viking667there's a system inside the applications on my ubuntu07:05
Viking667sorry, "System Tools" menu.07:05
taylor_i wonder if its possible to get it back the old way07:05
sidvee_getting the error "cp: omitting directory `XYZ/'" with executing "cp" command07:06
StarryNighthey would anyone recommend running nvidia in linux?07:11
fleakitegenerally, intel has better drivers. nvidia is better than ati though.07:11
fleakitejust google for your model number and read a few experiences before deciding07:12
Blue1fleakite: as metallica would say -- sad but true07:12
StarryNighti am using intel on my laptop which is like u said np i am usinging nvidia gt 520 on my tower when i isnatll ubuntu i ned to do some tweaks but after it is installed i like it07:13
smookeyHey! in 10.04 i had setup a few gconf rules (proxy and so on), do you guys know where to place enties that will affect dconf? i mean where is the "/usr/share/gconf/defaults" of dconf? How do i make sure that policys are set without using gsetting all the time07:13
fishcookerwhy StarryNight07:13
StarryNighti dont do ati u really cant upgrade drivers especially in windows i get the black screen of error but when i set nomode setup and then upgrade my first time boot i can download the drivers with no problems07:14
sidvee_[OT] am using webchat.freenode.net , is there anyway I can filter the content here. I don't want to see who is getting disconnecting,or leaving or connection.07:15
fishcookerme 2 here StarryNight07:15
dontknowi am wondering if it is possible to watch mkv files using hardware acceleration with corei5 internal gpu?07:16
StarryNightbut i love it even thou i have problems with install i have less issues with linux than i did with windows07:16
miss_ubuntu_question : command `find . -name *.xls` fails , filenames contain spaces ...07:18
miss_ubuntu_question : py_xls2txt `find . -name *.xls` fails , filenames contain spaces ...07:19
StarryNightfishcooker i been using linux for 2 years and i like it07:19
dontknowsomeone can tell me about current intel core i cpu's situation. its internal gpu working well with linux?07:19
mckangin #coffeenix07:20
StarryNighti am using using i5 second generation cpu with intel graphics and been testest on my machines with kubuntu ubuntu and linux mint with no issues07:20
DJonesdontknow: I have a 2 i3 processor laptops and they work without problems, I can't say anything in general, just that those two machines are fine07:20
StarryNightme neither my works excellent07:20
dontknowStarryNight, DJones those cpu's have official intel gpu drivers? or using open source?07:21
DJonesdontknow: Mine are just using default ubuntu drivers07:21
StarryNightyea defult drivers07:22
dontknowi see, thanks.07:22
StarryNighthttp://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/weirdchars.html explanation for long file names07:22
StarryNightnever had to install any other drivers07:22
StarryNightwith nvidia it is other story mint crashed after installing drivers07:24
StarryNightbut ubuntu does not07:24
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, how i kill fullscreen flashplayer in chromium?07:25
StarryNightomg u use chromium?07:25
CrazyGangsteryes why?07:25
CrazyGangsteru use chrome?07:25
StarryNightnothing but grief i use firefox07:25
StarryNightno chrome either07:26
CrazyGangsteroh ok07:26
miss_ubuntu_question : py_xls2txt `find . -name *.xls` fails , filenames contain spaces ... Resolved  command arguments to be given in ""07:26
dontknowCrazyGangster, push esc?07:26
StarryNightnever had any problems with it but i last time used it used i know simple thing but it worked for me only cntrl-alt-del07:27
aquanova2000Hello all, I am using ubuntu 12.04 and check the issue with firefox and chrom and same problem, unclickable flash player settings when need to allow my camera and mic, any solution?07:27
miss_ubuntu_question Resolved : py_xls2txt `find . -name *.xls` fails , filenames contain spaces ... Resolved  command arguments to be given in ""07:27
CrazyGangsterdontknow: thats impossible when flas gets frozen07:27
miss_ubuntu_new question: how can i give " " for a list of arguments in a command?07:27
StarryNightwhat camera are you using?07:27
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aquanova2000USB camera logitech07:28
glitsj16CrazyGangster: run 'xkill' in a terminal and you can click on what you want killed07:28
CrazyGangsteri have to switch to text mode ctrl+f07:28
StarryNightyea thats what i use to never tried it with java only with skype07:28
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C-S-Baquanova2000: I don't know of any fix for that, but you can whitelist apps so you can use your webcam using the flashplayer settings here: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager02.html07:28
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CrazyGangsterglitsj16: i will check07:29
StarryNightu use cheeze for ofline video07:29
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aquanova2000I know the whitelist from macromedia, but I dont want my users to go through this too, is it a bug in chrome or ubuntu07:30
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CrazyGangsterglitsj16: xkill dont work in text mode07:30
Dr_Willisaquanova2000:  for unclickable flash player settings. ive heard you can  have a flash video go fullscreen. then you can  use the settings07:31
CrazyGangsteri have to kill the flash player process07:31
C-S-Baquanova2000: it's been there since I've known. I've never seen a fix, would love to have it fixed07:31
Dr_Willisi doubt if flash issues will ever getg fixed..since adobe dosent really care to fix them.07:32
C-S-BDr_Willis: and tbf, we don't care about it.07:32
C-S-Bshame website designers dont get the idea...07:32
gogetaDr_Willis: and they droped flash linux07:32
Dr_Willisgive it a year or so.. flash will vanish like real player has. ;)07:32
Blue1Dr_Willis: oh the smurfing problem in youtube?07:33
StarryNightu still use real player?07:33
Dr_Willisyoutube color messed up = disable hardware accell in the flash settings. ;) or use html5 setting07:33
* Blue1 applauds Dr_w07:33
gogetaDr_Willis: real is back on mobile and quite good07:33
Dr_WillisStarryNight:  seen people ask about real player in here about once a month  - more during baseball seasaon. it seems that the MLB.com site still uses it.07:34
Dr_Willisgogeta:  they decided to not drop mobil flash?07:34
Blue1Dr_Willis: i went to a prior version.  http://pkill-9.com/de-smurfing-youtube-or-people-youtube-blue/07:34
StarryNightdamn real player on linux?07:34
StarryNightnever needed to use it07:34
gogetaDr_Willis: they droped mobile flash to07:34
Dr_WillisBlue1:  i just download the flash vieos.. then watcch them ;)07:35
Blue1Dr_Willis: yup that works too.07:35
aquanova2000so whats the alternative to transmit your cam over your website besides flash?07:35
gogetaDr_Willis: adobe kboes html5 is going to kill it.07:35
Blue1Dr_Willis: from what I hear tell, they will never fix it.  I hope there is a 19th level of hell just for them.07:36
C-S-Baquanova2000: video stream?07:36
C-S-Bno, that.07:36
Dr_Willistheres ways to streaam video - other then flash. :)07:36
C-S-Bstraight up mpeg.07:36
CrazyGangsterneed help to kill flash in text mode...07:36
gogetaBlue1: html507:36
Dr_WillisCrazyGangster:  kill -9 the pidofthething07:36
Blue1gogeta: can't get here fast enough07:36
Blue1CrazyGangster: kill -9 (the song)  http://pkill-9.com/monzy-kill-9-nerdcore/07:37
gogetaBlue1: you can stream in html5 aruldy it just lacks ads why many sites are not yet07:38
Blue1gogeta: how would I do that?07:38
Dr_Willis'lacking ads' is a feature. ;)07:38
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gogetaBlue1: just get s streaming app that supports it07:39
Amadoryour mother07:39
CrazyGangsterDr_Willis: doesn't work with "killall chromium-browse"07:40
Amadoryou are a ashole07:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.07:40
CrazyGangsteris the browser im playing flash07:40
Blue1gogeta: right and that is what I am asking.  what is the name of such a streaming app?07:40
dontknowati hd2400 video playing performance sucks07:40
dontknowwith catalyst07:40
Amadorwith yout mother07:41
fidelgogeta: i doubt that its a pure language issue with him ;)07:41
dontknowwith open source it is good07:41
fidel!ops > Amador07:41
ubottuAmador, please see my private message07:41
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:41
Amadorfuck you !07:42
Amadormother fucking07:42
DJonesAmador: Stop that07:42
Sw33NY!kick Amador07:42
AmadorDJones your moher eat my shit every day07:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:42
gogetafidel: willis is a op07:42
Dr_Willisthis is why you shouldent let your 8 yr olds into irc,., and i am not an op..07:42
Dr_Willisi just dont have a life...07:43
Dr_Willisi am ircing from work. on my cell phone. so i cna hang out here all day. :)07:43
fidelvia cell phone sounds ....not perfect ...but we are getting OT07:43
gogetaDr_Willis: doing the same thing07:44
Dr_Willismost likelyuu that wont be able to do that any  more after  the 25th,. changeing shifts07:44
NaeroCan anyone provide some assistance with using alias commands on XChat?07:44
Dr_Willisandroid phone + ssh = very usefull. too bad i cant find a better ssh client for android07:44
gogetaandorid + teamviwer07:45
NaeroIf anyone has the know-how for executing multi-channel commands on XChat, it'd be appreciated.07:46
Dr_WillisNaero:  the xchat docs  are decently well done at their homepage. and theres the xchat channels. but we can try to help i guess07:46
fidelNaero: join #xchat07:46
Dr_WillisI use weechat these days07:46
fidelirssi - guess we mentioned all freaky solutions now ;)07:47
Dr_Willisandroid coulkkd definatly use somebetter irc and ssh clients07:47
gogetaDr_Willis: yaaic lol07:47
StarryNightanyone uses windows phone or zune?07:47
Dr_Willisbe neat to see what happens with  that Ubuntu Phone.if  it ever gets here07:48
fidelStarryNight: this question sounds way offtopic07:48
glitsj16CrazyGangster: next option ... inside chromium click the wrench icon, select 'view background pages' and try closing the tab and or flash plugin07:48
StarryNightactually no cause i dont see many ppl with windows none i should say and zune07:49
C-S-BDr_Willis: I had the N900, that was an amazing sysadmin phone.07:49
C-S-BDr_Willis: full keyboard and proper linux.07:50
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StarryNightppl use android for phones and ipods (which has unix code in it)07:50
Dr_Willisusing a Blue toothkeybord here.  some keys  dont work right for me over 'connectbot' on android and ssh.07:51
C-S-BStarryNight: Android has a linux kernel...07:51
Dr_Willisso you   may notice i cant do some bash commands properly  ;)07:51
C-S-BDr_Willis: that could be down to skill, not hardware. lol07:51
Dr_Willisthe greater then and less thena keys give me  a colon and semicolan07:52
Dr_Willisno backtick or tilda either07:52
C-S-BDr_Willis: is that not just keyboard layout?07:52
Dr_Willisnormal ; : key works..07:53
Dr_Willisso what layout would have the identical characers on 2 keys :)07:53
Dr_Willisand no tilda/backtick07:53
C-S-BDr_Willis: I'm going to blame America. Their layout is frankly crazy.07:54
C-S-B'@' doesnt belong there.07:54
Dr_WillisC-S-B:  its not a layout issue. rest of the keys are all correct. just the ;: and tilda/backtick..  are goofy.07:55
Dr_WillisF kleys dont work at all either.07:55
C-S-BDr_Willis: I'm sticking to my '@' comment.07:55
Dr_Willisso its Bluetooth -: android -: connectbot -: ssh      couldbe an issue in any of those layers07:55
C-S-BDr_Willis: have you eliminated connectbot?07:56
gogetaDr_Willis: check out hacker keybord for andorid it has all the keys07:56
Dr_Willisconnectbot is the only ssh client i have07:56
Dr_Willisgogeta:  im using a real phyusical keyboard. :)07:56
C-S-BDr_Willis: but it's not the only app you can type in...07:56
Dr_Willismade for android tablets07:56
fidelDr_Willis: could you tell me the name of that keyboard for android? i guess its just a common bluetooth device?07:57
Dr_Willisno other apps take the F keys.  and ive not really needed the other keys when msging07:57
Dr_Willisfidel:  its a Motorola one. was $80 found it on sale for $13   bought 3 of them07:57
DJonesDr_Willis: Have you tried irssiconnectbot, i found that works better than ordinary connectbot for use with irssi (has ctrl-alt-d setup ready to use, things like that)07:58
Dr_Willis i am using irssi connect bot. and connectbot.07:59
Dr_Willisboth have same keyboard issue. which is also an issue in all he android apps i just tested. ;)07:59
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DJonesDr_Willis: I'll have to test that tonight when I get home with my prime & the physical keyboard on it08:00
StarryNightanyone knows of a gaming linux not running wine?08:01
Dr_Willisthere are native linux games.08:01
fidelStarryNight: there are tons of games08:01
DJones!games | StarryNight Have you looked at these?08:01
ubottuStarryNight Have you looked at these?: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/08:01
the_legendUTK 2004 doesnt require wine08:01
fidelStarryNight: the currently sold Humble Bundle is a nice example of a cheap games collection running on almost all platforms08:01
Dr_WillisTrine , ;)08:02
StarryNightyea i noticed that but i get a lot of questions from gamers about it and i have some windows equivalent games08:02
Dr_Willisif your primary goal is games.. stick to windows.. unless thers just specific games  you can get going on linux..08:03
fidelStarryNight: the question is always: does the game-designer/developer offer a linux version or not - in case he doenst offer one - wine or similar are / or might be your last options08:03
Dr_Willisthat work well with wine, or native08:03
fidelStarryNight: apart from that - there will always be games you just cant run on linux without big extra-work & pretty specific setups08:04
Dr_Willisive had to do major work on windows to get windows games going... in windows...08:04
fidelso - if you really consider yourself a full-time gamer -> go for a windows-partition08:04
StarryNightyea unless u r gamer who design games or work for company that design games there is NO excuse for ppl not to switch08:04
StarryNightfidel will not put up with windows atm i see some dumb ppl crashing it all the time because they get either a game which they had problem installing or downloaded a porno with virus no offense08:05
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glitsj16why does ubuntu releases nothing beyond chromium-browser v18 anymore? even the PPA's don't seem to follow the release schedule...08:06
fidelStarryNight: so whats your actual question/problem?08:07
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fidelglitsj16: ask ubuntu or better the chrome devs08:07
StarryNighti dont do chrome or chromium they crashed on my system when i tried to update last time i get nothing but gnome errors in kde!08:07
fidelor the ppa maintainer08:07
fidelor compile it yourself -....somehow i remember we discussed that already in the last 1-2 weeks ..havent we? ;)08:08
Akivahow can I get jack working for say, an mp3?08:08
Dr_Willisfidel:  yesteerday there was a guy ranting about it.08:08
Akivado I need to uninstall pulse?08:08
glitsj16fidel: fair enough, it's not my first choice browser, just wondering08:08
fidelDr_Willis: pretty sure it was some weeks ago aswell ;)08:08
taylor_can someone help me... the battery icon isnt showing up in my notification area anymore08:08
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Dr_WillisFF just got updated last week.. theres only so many  man hours  out there. ;)08:09
NaeroOpen up your icon tray and click on the "Customize" button.08:09
Dr_Willisplus if they are porting the bug fixs back to the older versions, you may not see any big version # jumps08:09
eli_hello how can i upgrade virtualbox in ubuntu 12.0408:09
NaeroThen you can customize your notification area to choose which icons should be visible on the task bar near the clock.08:09
taylor_Naero: how..08:09
NaeroThere should be an arrow pointing up next to the clock, which will open up the tray.08:10
taylor_im using gnome classic...08:10
Dr_Williseli_:  use the version in the repos../ or get it from the vbox homepage08:10
eli_Dr_Willis: do i need to desintall the old one08:10
Dr_Williseli_:  may be best to do that - if youare  getting it from their homepage08:11
Dr_Willisi only use the one from the repos normally08:11
eli_Dr_Willis: is that better to use only what is repos is? or it doesn't matter to compile some time08:12
Dr_Willisi dontknow of any  new features in vbox that i need to update it..08:12
Dr_Willisso the repo version works for me08:12
Dr_Willisless hassle08:12
eli_no i mean generally, other packages08:13
Dr_Willisi use whats in the repos most of the time08:13
eli_ok thanks :)08:13
Dr_Willisi rarely if ever compile.08:14
Erebus_How do you get the terminal to not show the entire directory tree when cding around? Like I really want to see is the current directory.08:14
Dr_WillisErebus_:  you mean in your prompt?08:14
C-S-BErebus_: where?08:14
Dr_Willischeck out the bash prompt howto. if you want  to change that08:14
Erebus_Alright, thanks08:15
loneclockhi, i just installed ubuntu on this computer for the first time, what are the first couple of things i should do? i would like to take the timer of the boot menu and remove some of the default installed programs08:15
Dr_Willisexport PS1='something '  but i forget what the code is for just the root of the cwd.08:15
taylor_loneclock: you should try to install burg08:15
taylor_and burg-manager08:16
loneclocktaylor_, what is burg?08:16
Dr_Williserr... dont fight with burg.. :)08:16
taylor_the brand new unified loader from grub08:16
op_Anyone can tell me why Im getting lesser internet speed readings on Firefox 13 than on my Google Chrome 19? 1 MBit difference08:16
taylor_its like a graphical version of grub .. its pretty cool08:17
Dr_Willisloneclock:  update and upgrade to  be sure everything is up to date. then figur eout wht you want to do next. ;)08:17
loneclockDr_Willis, what is the command to do that?08:18
taylor_sudo apt-get upgrade08:18
Dr_Willisloneclock:  use the gui package manager/update tool.. or  sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade08:18
loneclockwhat is the key to open a terminal?08:19
Us3r_Unfriendlyalt and T08:19
Dr_Willisi always put an icon on the panel for the terminal. ;)08:19
Us3r_Unfriendly...well back in the old days08:19
Dr_Willisof cours ei always have  one open also...08:19
taylor_is there a binary somewhere for indicator-power so i can start it and get the icon in my panel.08:19
Dr_Willispress and hold the SUPEr key to see  some unity shortcuts also08:20
loneclockalt t didnt work, i already have one open for xchat but how can i open another one?08:20
Dr_Willisloneclock:  if a terminal icon is in the panel, middle click on it08:20
loneclockhow do i remove all these programs i dont want like libreoffice08:22
Dr_Willisloneclock:  use the package manager tools.. notice the 'software center' icon?08:22
Dr_Willisor install/uuse synaptic for a  simpiler gui08:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyloneclock: sudo apt-get purge "libreoffice"08:23
loneclockDr_Willis, i like to learn the commands :)08:23
loneclockUs3r_Unfriendly, ty08:23
Dr_Willis!apt | loneclock start reading then08:23
ubottuloneclock start reading then: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)08:23
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Us3r_Unfriendlysu -c 'apt-get purge libreoffice' root                    for non-exsitant sudo users08:24
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  dont use su. use 'sudo' for rooty tasks08:24
Us3r_UnfriendlyUs3r_Unfriendly = not a beginner.  but thanks.  agreed on new users using sudo though...but for someone wanting to know how to do something with cli...there's always another way around something, as I used in the second example.  Ubuntu doesn't use synaptic anymore right??08:27
Us3r_Unfriendlyborislav: hi08:27
wdp_someone can suggest an easy-to-follow guide on how to create packages for ubuntu (i.e. .deb)08:28
op_Will this boot loader ( http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-install-burg-in-ubuntu/ ) Work in Lubuntu 12.04?08:31
kroonrsI just upgraded from 10.04 (kubuntu netbook edition) to 12.04.  The upgrade said "too many errors" were reported, but the upgrade was completed.  However, now my machine no longer shows eth0, wlan0 or my network manager...  How can I try to fix it? (no anwer on #kubuntu)08:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: you think maybe some op might one day hide connecting ip's that join channel.  A bit frightening I have always thought being in these irc channels08:31
Us3r_Unfriendlykroonrs: burg I believe to work in lubuntu08:31
Pravihow can i retreave my data from a drive which is unallocated08:32
kroonrsUs3r_Unfriendly: I don't understand?..08:32
op_<Us3r_Unfriendly>  How sure are you  :D ?08:32
taylor_im sure... i followed that guide exactly08:33
taylor_im using it now...08:33
Pravisir i accedenttly deleted a drive of  9 mb which was there and my 2 drives were deleted08:33
* Dr_Willis is back08:33
Us3r_UnfriendlyPravi: have you tried "Testdisk", should be in the repos.  not sure if it will work on a unallocated drive, but it's worked wonders for me08:33
Us3r_Unfriendlyop_: i don't understand08:33
Pravibt i don`t know how 2 use it08:34
Dr_Willishow did you set the partitions to be unallocated?08:34
op_<Us3r_Unfriendly>   nvm Ill try to install it anyway. :)08:34
Pravithis 9 mb drive was swap area08:34
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taylor_op_: are you installing burg?08:34
* Dr_Willis does not reccmend using burg08:35
Us3r_UnfriendlyPravi: when you install "Testdisk", use the command "photorec", should recover a bunch of data08:35
op_taylor_  yes , on lubuntu 12.0408:35
Dr_WillisPravi:  9mb or 9gb?08:35
kroonrsany suggestions for how I can get my machine to detect eth0?08:35
Pravibt wen i installed xp it became a drive and now my 200gb drive is not visible on xp since it is unallocated08:35
Praviit`s 9 m,b08:36
taylor_super boot manager makes it really easy to configure burg... nice gtk gui for everything08:36
Dr_Willis!info burg08:36
ubottuPackage burg does not exist in precise08:36
op_taylor_   will keep it in mind ,thanks08:36
Praviit was like drive which was extended08:36
Dr_Willisso burg basically is not supported by this channel.. so if it makes yiur system unbootable.. well.. good luck08:36
taylor_you have to activate another ppa08:36
op_Dr_Willis then Grub rescue disk comes in handy :) or test disk :D08:37
Pravihow can i get my data back ?????/// many imp study materials!!!!!!08:38
Dr_Willisnever really need either of those.08:38
Dr_WillisPravi:  details as to exactly what you did - would be helpfull08:38
taylor_burg and grub are really similar configuration wise .. you shouldnt have any problems08:38
* Dr_Willis has seen many people in here with burg issues.. but then agaion.. you also see grub issues. ;)08:38
Pravifirst wen itried to install ubuntu 12.04 it extended my c drive of 50 gb into 30 and 20 were 20 was taken by ubuntu08:39
Dr_Willisi dont see the point in boot time eyecandy i see once a month.. due to  30+ days uptime08:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: I gotta know what you call this when you use a cli app that kinda looks like msdos.  say for example when compiling a kernel...you'd use the command "make menuconfig" which brings you to a menu where it's not commandline, but more interactive.  Another example is cfdisk, or even htop.  would you consider these "command line" or something else.  what do you call them??08:39
minasHi, when I used windows 7, I used to listen to online radio from firefox. In ubuntu this doesn't work. I think it's because firefox on win7 used windows media player to play the music... Is there a way to achieve it on ubuntu? Here's the radio station if someone wants to test it: http://www.e-radio.gr/player/player.asp?sid=19108:39
Dr_WillisPravi:  it resized the 50gb into a 30 for windows. and a 20gb for linux you mean?:08:40
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  'ncurses interface'08:40
Pravi20 was extende frm 5008:40
op_Dr_Willis I use Linux distros as my hobby bcs not one of them run as fast and responsive (or working correctly ) as my Windows 7 OS. So Im not concerned if I mess something up :D08:40
taylor_any linux almost runs alot faster than windows08:41
Dr_WillisPravi:  extended means somthing else.. it resized the windows partitiosn and Made an 'extended' partition.  which  contains 2 logical partitions one for / and one for swap - normally08:41
Pravibt i didn`t like it so i just formatted it so that i cud use wind 708:42
Us3r_UnfriendlyI think photorec does recover on a newly erased partition08:42
Dr_WillisPravi:  formated what? be more exacting in your terms08:42
xspiderminas: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly08:42
Pravic drive08:43
Us3r_Unfriendly/dev/sda3 ??08:43
Dr_WillisPravi:  you formated your windows c:  why?08:43
Us3r_Unfriendlywell on mine it is08:43
op_taylor_  Depends... :D  my main issues are flash , video card drivers (Old ATi) and sluggish sound which work flawlessly on W7 without 2 hrs of googling :)08:43
Pravibt wen i tried to...... install ,,,,the  extended  20 gb became a new drive for08:44
op_Thats why I said this is my "hobby"08:44
K-Labhi all08:44
Us3r_UnfriendlyK-Lab: hi08:44
Dr_WillisPravi:  you seem to be skipping half the words that we need to be   seeing...08:44
Pravii formatted it becoz my mom and dad  don`t know to use it08:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyi wish i could hi 5 the guys that made "parted"08:44
minasxspider: thank you! I will try it in a bit because something else is being installed right now :)08:44
Pravisry sir08:45
taylor_my grandmother uses xubuntu..08:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyi'm new to all tablets...is it possible to take a android tablet and erase android completely off the drive and install say Ubuntu??08:46
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Us3r_Unfriendlyor would i be basically vnc'ing it?08:46
op_taylor_  my dad ubuntu 11.10 with LXDE  . :D08:46
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  ive heard its a work in  progress. and may be doable soon. ubuntu tablets are due out  sometime also.. there is a kde tablet thats like supposed to be out next month08:47
Us3r_Unfriendlymy mom uses ubuntu 10.0408:47
fidelUs3r_Unfriendly: this might depend on what hardware you choose in the first place08:47
taylor_i think ubuntu with the one of the light weight desktop managers  is easier for old people even than windows08:47
StarryNighti seen kde tablet and it is more user friendly than a windows tablet08:47
op_Mostly bcs I dont need to worry about viruses... Noscript ,and UFW are doign their job :D08:47
Pravinow when i tried to install windows 7 i saw this 9 mb drive......... so what i did was i deleted that 9 mb drive and made it as unallocated but then as soon i deleted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  my 200gb drive and 50gb c drive both became unallocated08:48
Dr_Willisyou can install ubuntu in a vm now on many cellphones. and rooted tablets i imagine08:48
op_taylor_ yeah ,just put FF and maail on desktop and everything is fine :D08:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: fidel:  why is this an issue?  why are tablets so difficult.  That's why i haven't even bothered with them08:48
fidelPravi: what is your native language?08:48
Us3r_Unfriendlyop_: UFW ftw08:48
fidelUs3r_Unfriendly: what means difficult? industry just doesnt care so far to run something else on them08:49
loneclockok, i updated and upgraded, removed the programs i didnt really want....anything else vital i should do?08:49
fidel!in > Pravi08:49
ubottuPravi, please see my private message08:49
Dr_Willisloneclock:  set a cool wallpaper08:49
fideli hope i am guessing right with that language ;)08:49
minasxspider: It seems I have this package (gstreamer) in its latest version...08:50
loneclocki would like to import my gnucash stuff and my thunderbird stuff from windows partition if thats possible but i would first like to change the timer on grub08:50
Dr_Willis!grub2 | loneclock08:51
ubottuloneclock: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:51
Us3r_Unfriendlyfidel: i mean as in android is something for the new generation to play with.  for me this means nothing.  I want my linux distro I choose to run on a common tablet of my choosing.08:51
Dr_Willisloneclock:  time out delay  is set in  /etc/default/grub  change it. run sudo update-grub :) other grub tweaks in the docs abovvbve08:51
fidelUs3r_Unfriendly: i get that i just dont get your problem ;). There are tablets already where ppl try or successfully run other os'es on them.08:52
Dr_WillisIm not sure how well unity, or most apps would run on a tablet.. the change from mouse-keybord to touch screen. can  cause all sorts of .. issues08:52
Us3r_Unfriendlyfidel: without vnc'ing on top of android?08:52
fidelso check the available hardware - and then if you find an interesting model spend some minutes to check if someone was able to run your-distri on it08:52
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  theres Ubuntu-arm port yes..08:53
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: thanks Dr_Willis and fidel08:53
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  heard of a ubuntu phone that runs  both  comming  out.. sometime...08:53
fidelUs3r_Unfriendly: i think a pretty common model - running linux&kde might be the vivaldi-tablet08:54
Dr_Willisandroid/tablet/phones are evoloving at a very fast pace08:54
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: fidel: I'm looking forward to the ubuntu phone.  i'm tired of android and ios08:54
_P3S_where can I find a kernel stable fot i7 mobile edition...08:54
Dr_Willisamazon phone   in  the works alsoi hearr. :)08:54
_P3S_because the uficial kernel genric is affected by several freze08:55
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: amazon as in amazon.com ??08:55
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  yes08:55
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: weird08:55
Us3r_Unfriendlybut cool08:55
Dr_Willisi want one of those e-ink displays as a monitor :_ for my spare monitor. heh08:55
_P3S_I can't  figure out  what this freze are caused by...08:55
Dr_Willisi dont need fancy colors for my  ircing 2nd mnitor.08:56
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: eink...cool.  not like ebook readers where it's black on white.  your talking about with color08:57
duoihey guys. im doing a sample exam for this final i have and one question has me stumped. it asked for 3 system directory calls. naturally i assumed opendir, closedir and readdir, which is fine. however the next question asks "why is the write directory system call not included in the above list?"08:57
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  i dont need color. :)08:57
duoii've tried looking online with no avail. can anyone help?08:57
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  id like to have a android phone with e-ink and a ;loooong battery life08:58
sneakzaI'm using pressed  with an installation, it seems the whole install goes well until i try boot the new system, where i end up with a grub error which says out of disk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1038693/ id my preseed config and the install log which says grub install successful… any ideas08:58
t432Where do add a .jar library so that app can find it?08:59
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: good luck with that.  I downgraded to my lg slider phone from my new iphone due to battery life.  I get 3 days on my lg slider, as I get a couple of hours with the iphone08:59
Dr_Willissneakza:  erlier today some one mentioned how grub 'out of disk' means the boot files are to far 'back' on the hard drive like in the old lili 1023 cylinder limit. putting a /boot/ partition at the start of the drive might fix the issue08:59
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  my phone is 'on' full display here on irc.. for  like  4 hrs.. befor i have to change batteries. ;)09:00
Dr_Willisim ircing 90% of the time. so i dont neef lots of color. just battery09:01
kroonrsis lshw supposed to put all output on one line (overwriting itself repeatedly) and then just stop at "PCI (sysfs)", instead of terminating and giving a prompt back?09:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: your using your phone for irc?  I tried that using my iphone and the screen was horrible to read everyone's questions09:01
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  i see the teext finbe.,09:02
taylor_my fingers got cramped typing with irc on my phone09:02
Dr_Willisits a bit laggy since im ssh'd to my linux box. :)09:02
sneakzaDr_Willis: i'll check that but I think /boot is my first partition /sda109:02
Dr_WillisFull Sized Bluetoothe keybords.. are handy09:02
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Us3r_Unfriendlytaylor_: i second that...the keyboard was horrible trying to use irssi in iphone09:02
Viking667WHat's a good program to record audio and video from an application (minecraft, in this case). I'd like it to record both the microphone and the sound that the application makes, in addition to the 3D buffer.09:03
Us3r_UnfriendlyViking667: audacity09:03
taylor_audacity doesnt do video09:03
Viking667I've tried "Desktop recorder", and the video's all ... chocker squares, and the audio's only from the mic09:03
taylor_+1 to your question ... id like to know also09:03
Dr_Willis!info gtkrecordmydesktop09:03
ubottuPackage gtkrecordmydesktop does not exist in precise09:03
Dr_Willishmm. how its spelt..09:04
loneclockhow do i make a window fullscreen (covering the sidebar) and how do i minimize it once i have made it full screen09:04
Viking667I found an app to do the audio, but I can't exactly string that together with video09:04
Us3r_Unfriendlytaylor_: your right, i totally miss read that09:04
Us3r_UnfriendlyViking667: Dr_Willis is right09:04
Dr_Willisloneclock:  you  need to set the 'launcher' to auto hide. then just doule clixk  the windows title bar09:04
Dr_Willisdouble click09:04
Viking667I think that's what I was trying.09:05
taylor_its 5:04 am here... ima go... ill see you guys later09:05
Us3r_Unfriendlylater taylor_09:05
tstaceyneed some good cards09:05
Viking667Yup. That was.09:05
Dr_Willisgetting   the screen capture apps to capture sound can be a pain.. getting both sound and mic.. may be trickier09:05
Dr_Willissomeone in here was asking about just that task yesterday09:06
Dr_Willissome forum posts where mentioned,. perhaps check the logs09:06
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/09:06
Viking667I'm trying to do the run all at once, so I don't have to add audio layers.09:06
loneclockDr_Willis,  how do i set it to auto hide?09:07
Dr_Willisloneclock:  some of the unity tweak tools can do it. I normally set mine to never hide, '09:07
Dr_Williswhich is the default now. :)09:07
Dr_Willis!info myunity09:08
ubottumyunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB09:08
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com should have several  answers on setting the panel hide settings also09:08
Dr_Williswe need a feature for the bot to show the top voted askubuntu.com hit for a query ;)09:09
AkivaI started the qjack server, and now my sound does not work09:09
infshello ... what would be the easyest and failsafe way to remove old kernells from boot menu?09:10
Dr_Willisinfs:  just use the package manager to uninstall them09:10
SteeNkhello all09:10
Dr_Willisdont uninstsll th one you are using. :) and keep at least one older one around09:11
anoshi dude what is this error for "timing out command, waited 180s"09:12
infsDr_Willis: can I uninstall all that has 2.6.32-39(old) in package name?09:12
Dr_Willisinfs:  i doubt if the package name has (old) in it...09:13
Dr_Willisuse the synaptic package manager. and look at the version 3's09:13
infsno i mean that <4109:13
Dr_Willisid keep the current and at least ONE older one.. just in caswe09:13
infsthe last two numbers after -09:13
infsbut every old backages can go?09:14
Dr_Willisi dont really find it an issue worth worrrying about... i rarely uninstall the kenrels09:14
Nom-Hey all, was curious if anyone can direct me to any info about the script(s) used to generate the official Ubuntu CD?09:14
Dr_Willisuninstall the oldest 2 or 3 if you want i ugess..  or whatever you feel safe with.09:14
infswell I'm having a very big list when I boot up ... I dont like it =)09:15
ubuntu_Hello can someone tell me how i get the resolution of my output screen via hdmi? is it Xrandr?09:15
Dr_Williserr.. i dont see a big list.. they are all in a sub menu in grub here....09:15
ubuntu_Hello can someone tell me how i get the resolution of my output screen via hdmi? is it Xrandr?09:15
Dr_Willisall under "Older kernels"09:15
dizzylizzyubuntu_, "get"?09:16
dizzylizzywhat do you mean by "get the resolution of..."09:16
infswell my easypeasy ubuntu has all from 21 to 41 in the boot menu09:16
ubuntu_dizzylizzy: I want to know my current resolution on the laptop and the tv to which it does a mirror output09:17
ubuntu_How to i find out the resolution via the cli?09:17
Dr_Willisno idea on easypeasy.. im using 12.04 clean install.. it puts them in a sub menu here09:17
Dr_Willisbut removeing them.. and updateing grub.. should clean out the list09:17
Viking667sigh. Right, I so don't want to use Windows for this.09:18
adamkubuntu_: Did you try xrandr? :-)  If so, you would have seen that it shows the current resolution.09:18
Viking667... because that has its own issues09:18
ubuntu_adamk: yes but im not sure which is which09:18
dizzylizzyubuntu_, how about xdpyinfo |grep 'dimensions'09:19
dizzylizzyor without the grep09:19
Dr_WillisViking667:  seems it would be easier to record the game session, then add voice over later via  a video editing app. so you can  edit out stupid things you say. ;)09:19
dizzylizzyi recommend piping it through 'less'09:19
adamkubuntu_: As the xrandr man page says: " If invoked without any option, it will dump the state of  the  outputs, showing  the existing modes for each of them, with a '+' after the pre-ferred mode and a '*' after the current mode."09:19
Dr_WillisViking667:  as soon as you hit record.. the phone will ring. ;)09:19
dizzylizzyxrandr would definitely be more concise, yeah :P i suck09:21
troulouliou_devhi is it normal that rpcinfo is not located in libc-bin on ubuntu 64 bits ?09:22
fidel!info > rpcinfo09:23
ubottu'rpcinfo' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable09:23
troulouliou_devfidel ?09:23
llutz!find rpcinfo09:23
fideltroulouliou_dev: ignore that line ;)09:23
troulouliou_devi mean the bin file is not in the package09:23
ubottuFile rpcinfo found in eglibc-source, libc-bin, ltp-network-test, manpages-ja, nmap, openvas-plugins-dfsg, rpcbind09:23
troulouliou_devubottu, should be in libc-bin09:24
ubottutroulouliou_dev: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:24
llutztroulouliou_dev: "libc-bin" should be09:24
troulouliou_devllutz, it isn't09:24
troulouliou_devdpkg -L libc-bin -> no file09:24
glitsj16troulouliou_dev: i believe rpcinfo is in rpcbind on 64bit09:24
troulouliou_devonly the man page09:24
troulouliou_devglitsj16, ok will try09:25
troulouliou_devstill weird09:25
troulouliou_devman page still in libc-bin09:25
ApplesouceHello, I have a problem. I resized my Windows partition to 120GB and now have 80GB unallocated, but cant add it to my Ubutu partition09:25
llutzlibc-bin should contain /usr/bin/rpcinfo, rpcbind contains /usr/sbin/rpcinfo...09:25
troulouliou_devglitsj16, it is thanks09:26
fepi have an amd c-60 mini with 4mb ram, when i tried wubi to see how it would run on this, everything went very very slow. any ideas or tips to how i can make it run smooth? or is it any mini-lap version of it?09:26
glitsj16troulouliou_dev: np09:26
llutztroulouliou_dev: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/libc-bin/filelist   i'd check the installation09:27
ApplesouceI have resized my Windows partitin with gparted, now I have 80GB unallocated space, but cant add it to mz ubuntu partition09:27
troulouliou_devllutz, yes it is not in the list09:28
troulouliou_devonly the manpage /usr/share/man/man8/rpcinfo.8.gz09:28
llutztroulouliou_dev: seems to be in transition to something else09:29
fideltroulouliou_dev: same here09:29
fidelso its at least not only on your install ;)09:29
llutzchangelog might tell more09:29
troulouliou_devbtw what is the offcial way to disable a service on boot un upstrat /etc/init/ ?09:30
troulouliou_devi mean it is still echo manual >> /etc/init/portmapper ? for instance09:30
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fepis a mini with amd c-60, 1.0ghz - 1,3ghz processor too slow to run ubuntu?09:31
llutztroulouliou_dev: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting09:31
llutztroulouliou_dev: seems still to be the prefered way09:31
troulouliou_devllutz, thanks for all09:32
fepdoes anyone see what i write=?09:32
Applesoucehelp I cant resize mz extended partition09:32
infsty DR.09:33
ApplesouceIs there somebody that wants to help me with my partitioning problem :<09:34
MonkeyDustApplesouce  if you're sweet09:34
eahrhi, i installed the minimal ubuntu system and X on top of it. i tried changing the mouse cursor theme with update-alternatives, but no matter which theme i use, the "normal" cursor icon is always the black x icon (which is the default in X). any ideas how to apply the new theme to that too?09:34
ikoniaeahr update-alternatives to change a mouse theme ?09:35
eahrikonia: update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme09:35
ApplesouceWell I have decreased the size of my Windows partition, now I have 80GB unallocated space but cant add it to my extended partition09:35
phantomeApplesource why not just mount it?09:36
Applesoucemount what09:36
MonkeyDustApplesouce  guess you have to create a partition inside the extended partition, you cannot move them09:36
ikoniaeahr: I didn't know you could do that with a theme09:36
zaggynlCan anyone recommend me a Remote Desktop server alternative for Ubuntu?09:37
ApplesouceI cant create more partitions09:37
zaggynlTo take over the Ubuntu desktop that is.09:37
eahrikonia: yeah, i don't have any desktop environment installed or anything, so i have to get it done from the command line09:37
MonkeyDustApplesouce  in a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url in the channel, so we can see09:38
Ceborhi, i get an error while compiling powertop: http://pastebin.com/7wwhfqWT   can someone help me to solve this ??09:38
phantomeApplesource: I imagine that you tried to merge the free space with your root partition09:38
phantomeApplesource: and couldn't do it because it was mounted right?09:38
phantome(i mean the root pt)09:39
glitsj16eahr: dconf > org.gnome.desktop.interface > cursor-theme (n clue what cli syntax that should be)09:39
ApplesouceNo did I say that09:39
ikoniaeahr: a very interesting approach09:39
phantomeIf you are going to do it (to add the free space to your root partition) you will ***NEED*** to do backup your root just in case and use a livecd with gparted installed09:40
eahrglitsj16: hmm.. sounds like something related to gnome, which i don't have?09:40
phantomeHere http://bit.ly/Lx9FIa (on the ubuntu site) there is a short discussion, but I guess a little googling around will help alot. But, be carefull, backup your root in any case09:41
phantomeApple, a side question, how much ram do you have?09:42
MonkeyDustApplesouce  is there a reason for the 3 NTFS partitions?09:42
glitsj16eahr: that's how i made my new cursor theme stick, i'm afraid i have no more clues on this09:42
ApplesouceThey are for Windows09:42
MonkeyDustApplesouce  all 3 of them, or can you delete one or two?09:42
phantomeThen know that you don't need swap partition09:42
phantomeyou can delete it, merge the free space into that09:43
phantomeand make it a partition and mount it09:43
eahrglitsj16: i see, i'll have to look into it. thanks09:43
Applesouceehm not really because one is C and one is D and the other one is for System Resource09:43
phantomewith 8gig ram you will NEVER use swap09:43
phantome( well, if you reach the swap then you got serious problem :DDD )09:43
ApplesouceWell it was made by Ubuntu so I just kept it, Im now having a different problem09:43
phantomeyou can remove it. Your partitioning problem will be solved by removing the useless swap. You will be able to create a partition, and also merge all freespace there09:44
phantomejust saying...09:45
Applesouceno it didnt help09:45
glitsj16eahr: have you tried adding the theme to /usr/share/icons, and to get X11 support, change /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme09:45
glitsj16to point to the new theme (Inherits=<theme dir name>)? that's how it used to work before ubuntu precise09:45
MonkeyDustApplesouce  what /dev is (or was) the unallocated space?09:45
Applesouceit was a part of the C drive09:45
Applesouceehm &dev&sda209:46
phantomeOh, it was on different drive? Anyway, it was useless :D09:46
Applesouce This is all on the same harddrive09:46
eahrglitsj16: i got the themes from the ubuntu repositories (for examples dmz-cursor-theme), and it seems that's where they have been installed. index.theme also points to the correct theme09:48
phantomeIt doesn't make any sense though, if you deleted a partition then you must be able to create a new in it's place. Anyway I'll check the net09:48
Applesouceit was under a extended partition so no it didnt count09:48
Viking667mrm. I'm not exactly finding a videorecording app I can even use, yet.09:49
glitsj16eahr: it might need a logout/login, but i guess you've already tried that09:49
Viking667All the ones I've tried under Linux have erm, sucked like 34-day-old bread09:49
eahrglitsj16: the selected theme works fine, except for the normal cursor icon, which should be a regular arrow in dmz, but it's the x-icon instead (the default in X.org)09:49
phantomeok Applesource, I found a similar story like the one i linked before on suse forums too. They say that it's plain easy: You boot with live distro (with gparted) and then resize your partition09:51
Applesoucedamn its Applesouce why does everyone think its source ...09:51
glitsj16eahr: yes your problem sounded familiar, i had a similar experience changing cursor themes from the official repositories ... perhaps someone more familiar with dconf can help out09:52
phantomeThe only note was that you need to have a clean filesystem ... (meaning no problems with your fs, which is usualy the case)09:52
phantomehahah sorry09:52
ApplesouceIM on a live partition09:52
phantomelive cd?09:52
phantomethen run gparted09:52
Applesoucehow should I resize my mount partition09:52
eahrglitsj16: i've found people with the same (or similar) problem, just never a solution ( http://askubuntu.com/questions/69105/ and http://askubuntu.com/questions/95564/ )09:52
Applesoucehow did you think did I resize in the first place I have that running09:52
eahrglitsj16: but yeah, thanks anyway :)09:53
phantomeehm I didn't understand09:53
phantomeYou did resize it right?09:53
ApplesouceI have resized my Windows partition09:53
Applesoucewith gparted09:53
phantomedid you reboot?09:53
phantomeyou need reboot for the changes to take effect09:54
Applesouceno Im on a live CD why should I reboot09:54
ApplesouceI want to add it to mz other partition09:54
glitsj16eahr: np, these 'small' things can be a pain ;)09:54
diverdudeI read some news that amazon stored more than a trillion objects in their cloud systems. What are these objects?09:54
Applesoucebut it doesnt work ... as I said now like one million times09:54
MonkeyDustApplesouce  do you have windows installed, or do you *plan* to install it?09:56
ApplesouceI have windows installed09:56
MonkeyDustApplesouce  at this point, my advice would be to backup your windows, delete all partitions and start over partitioning09:58
qwhello all09:58
ApplesouceIs this reallz the onlz way09:58
glitsj16eahr: an ugly hack might be to replace your 'old' normal cursor icon with the 'new' one in /usr/share/icons10:00
kroonrsI'm trying to shift from kubuntu to ubuntu.  For first step (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop), I get error "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages".  But apt-get upgrade shows no problems.  (I have just upgraded 10.04 to 12.04).10:01
Ceborhi, i get an error while compiling powertop: http://pastebin.com/7wwhfqWT   can someone help me to solve this ??10:02
D[4]nikroonrs: does `dpkg --get-selections | grep hold` show anything?10:02
MonkeyDustkroonrs  try sudo apt-get -f install        -f means fix10:02
eahrglitsj16: i was considering doing that, but i'm not sure where i would find the default icon theme of X10:02
kroonrsD[4]ni: no - nothing10:03
kroonrsMonkeyDust: -f install doesn't do anything10:03
glitsj16eahr: i believe it's either DMZ-Black or DMZ-White (in /usr/share/icons)10:04
D[4]nikroonrs: you _must_ have some packages on hold since it says "held broken packages"10:05
D[4]nikroonrs: are you by any chance using aptitude?10:05
kroonrsD[4]ni: am using apt-get10:05
D[4]nikroonrs: did you copy the ` with the command? because you shouldn't10:06
lukas1321Can someone tell me how I can add Ubuntu into my NTLDR?10:07
D[4]nilukas1321: download, install and run EasyBCD on your windows10:07
eahrglitsj16: that's actually the icon theme i'd like to use (well, one of the possibilities), but i mean the fully black icon theme that X.org uses by default. can't find a screenshot of it anywhere right now though.10:07
D[4]nilukas1321: wait, win xp?10:07
lukas1321D[4]ni: Already did that, no dice :(10:07
lukas1321D[4]: 7 and 810:08
kroonrsPart of the error says "This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation of if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming".  Not quite sure what they mean by "Incoming" or "the unstable distribution10:08
kroonrsD[4]ni: no, I didn't copy the backtick-quote10:08
lukas1321D[4]ni: I run Win7 and Win8 (release preview, on diff artitions)10:08
D[4]nilukas1321: well, easybcd works for me(tm)10:09
D[4]nikroonrs: try to remove kubuntu-desktop first10:10
lukas1321D[4]ni: Right now I'm running PartedMagic from HBCD. Can I flag my Ubuntu partition with "boot"?10:10
eahrglitsj16: hmm.. maybe it's that one called "hicolor"10:10
heresjohnnylukas1321: not needed10:10
tanveer_i need help guys!!10:11
tanveer_i cant get into win 7 after installing ubunut10:11
Dr_Willisi dident think grub used the boot flag at all10:11
dizzylizzysounds like you need a grub timeout, tanveer_ !10:11
lukas1321heresjohnny: since "Windows" entry is already on my GRUB10:11
tanveer_whats a grub timeout?!10:11
Dr_Willistanveer_:  so what does the system do exactly?10:11
eahreahr: or not, i renamed the directory, but the black x-icon still appears magically :)10:11
heresjohnnytanveer_: i think you can hold left shift10:11
heresjohnnytanveer_: at boot to get a grub menu10:12
tanveer_i prese enter on win 7 on grub it just goes back to grab10:12
D[4]nidizzylizzy: doesn't grub have a default timeout of 10 secs?10:12
kroonrsD[4]ni: I need to keep the desktop until I have another one...10:12
dizzylizzyD[4]ni, that depends!!!! :D10:12
eahrglitsj16: or not, i renamed the directory, but the black x-icon still appears magically :)10:12
tanveer_i have 10 seconds on grub but problem is i hit enter on win7 yet it goes back to grub10:12
D[4]nikroonrs: ever tried ctrl+alt+f[1-6]?10:12
tanveer_all my families stuff in win710:12
D[4]niand ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to the gui10:12
kroonrsD[4]ni: yes, but I use applications on the desktop that I can't use on the console10:12
tanveer_what should i do??10:13
Dr_Willistanveer_:  i  would suggest booting into linux, then doing a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and  se eif any updates  fix the   grub entry for windows. since it seems to be in error.10:13
D[4]nikroonrs: just for replacing the desktop10:13
dizzylizzywell at least you can always mount the windows partition from ubuntu10:13
Dr_Willistanveer_:  also see if you can access the windows drive from inside linux10:13
kroonrsD[4]ni: and if I remove kde and can't install gnome (or possibly reinstall KDE), I'm stuck without a desktop...10:13
tanveer_i can access the 80gb file system in ubuntu il do the updates quikcly10:13
heresjohnnykroonrs: cleanest way would be to just backup home and etc and install ubuntu then manually copy the needed stuff over10:14
Dr_Williskroonrs:  you could intall some 3rd desktop/window manager as a backup. :) or learn to use the  console shell10:14
D[4]nikroonrs: you should always be able to reinstall what you just uninstalled.10:14
kroonrsD[4]ni: I'll try it if I have no other option.  In any case, can't do it now - need to get home10:14
D[4]nikroonrs: installing ubuntu-desktop shouldn't be a problem either.10:14
kroonrss/home/an appointment10:14
tanveer_ok guys what after the update?10:14
tanveer_what if I still cant boot into win 7?10:14
Dr_Willistanveer_:  i  would suggest booting into linux, then doing a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and  se eif any updates  fix the   grub entry for windows. since it seems to be in error.10:14
tanveer_dr willis i am in linux and im doing the updates in terminal10:15
Dr_Willistanveer_:  upgrade does the actual  upgradeing of packages10:15
Dr_Willisso do both the commands mentioned10:15
tanveer_ok i did update and im doing upgrade now10:15
antarusI'm curious about ubuntu-minimal10:15
antarusis it safe to remove?10:16
Dr_Willistanveer_:  its possible the grub entry is trying to boot the wrong windows parittio n10:16
Dr_Willis!info ubuntu-minimal10:16
ubottuubuntu-minimal (source: ubuntu-meta): Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Version 1.267 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 57 kB10:16
Dr_Willisantarus:  its a meta package. why are you removeing it?10:16
tanveer_dr willis oh i see how would i change that?10:17
Dr_Willistanveer_:  one way.. as a test - edit the grub boot entries from the grub menu as a test..  other way make a custome entry for windows with the right info in /etc/grub.d/40_custom10:17
D[4]nitanveer_: if the upgrade doesn't work, try 'update-grub'10:18
antarusDr_Willis: I'm just curious how the OS dependencies are structured10:18
Dr_Williswindows can be installed weirdly by some  companies10:18
antarusDr_Willis: like ubuntu-minimal depends on eject, and I don't want eject, so I could possibly remove eject10:18
antarusbut then some packages might break (because they expect eject)10:18
antarusbut it seems like nothing depends on ubuntu-minimal10:18
Dr_Willismeta packages just pull in other packages..10:19
Dr_Willisi belive10:19
tanveer_upgrade is almost done10:19
glitsj16eahr: looked around some more, but only bug reports, no clear fixes i'm afraid ... what i forgot, do you have the correct index.theme file also in ~/.icons/default ?10:19
nyuszika7hMetapackages have a collection of packages as dependencies, I think.10:19
antarusDr_Willis: I'm curious if the dependencies of other packages are missing dependencies, because the dependencies are provided by ubuntu-minimal10:20
antaruslike if i remove eject, will things break because they expect eject to be installed by ubuntu-minimal, or should they depend directly on eject?10:20
eahrglitsj16: hmm.. i don't seem to have .icons, i guess i could try creating it10:20
Dr_Willismeta packages are not depended on.. they are used to make it easier to install 'sets' of other packages10:20
Dr_Willisat least thats how i think its setup10:21
glitsj16eahr: yes do, this seems to be a regular file, not a symlink as the one in /usr/share/icons/default10:22
eahrglitsj16: i copied /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme to ~/.icons/default/index.theme , didn't seem to make a difference unfortunately :/10:25
glitsj16eahr: too bad, seems food fr a bug report10:28
eahrglitsj16: maybe, i guess this isn't all that important though, would have just been nice to have a prettier mouse cursor :)10:30
glitsj16eahr: true :)10:31
tanveer_dr willis it didnt work10:31
tanveer_did all updates and all upgrades10:31
tanveer_still couldnt boot into win710:31
lizzinmy resolution and font size are set to what i am used to in osx(1920x1200 and 14pt.) but everthing still looks so big. what can i do? decreasing the font size degrades they way chars look10:32
tanveer_who can fix my problem over teamviewer a remote desktop application?!10:33
tanveer_im screwed if i cant boot into win 710:33
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest76433
tanveer_nooooooo theirs no one here10:34
MonkeyDusttanveer_  grub issues?10:35
tanveer_I cant boot into win710:35
tanveer_I press enter on win7, but it just goes back to grub menu10:35
g[r]eekHi fellas. I am using PHP to send emails using the mail() function. I'd like to figure out what mail() is calling. The PHP docs only refer to "the program configured to send emails on your server" <- how do I figure out more about this program? I'm on Ubuntu 11.0410:35
LiksoHi. I'm using a live cd with ubuntu (11.10 64bit). I need to burn an iso with ubuntu 12.04 but my computer has just one dvd drive. Can I take out the live cd, burn the ISO of Ubuntu 12.04 without problems?10:35
tanveer_no you cant likso10:36
heresjohnnytanveer_: could be grub or windows 7s bootloader got mssed p10:36
tanveer_heresjohnny do you think you can fix it over teamviewer??10:36
tanveer_or anyone free?10:36
DarwinSurvivorLikso: if you have a usb drive, you could boot ubuntu off of that, then your cd burner would be free for burning10:36
heresjohnnytanveer_: theres a prog called easybsd that can repair it, but it might not even be that10:37
tanveer_shall I re-explain the problem just to be sure10:37
Likso@DarwinSurvivor that's a good idea. I didnt' think about that. Thanks! :)10:37
lizzinmy resolution and font size are set to what i am used to in osx(1920x1200 and 14pt.) but everthing still looks so big. what can i do? decreasing the font size degrades they way chars look10:38
tanveer_change resolution?10:38
heresjohnnytanveer_: not a good idea on lcd10:38
DarwinSurvivorlizzin: is this in libreoffice, gedit, then entire system, just your user account...?10:39
tanveer_DOes anyone know how to fix my problem?!?10:40
Viking667Well, finally found what I wanted, cobbled together into a really long convoluted ffmpeg recording command.10:40
DarwinSurvivor!fixgrub | tanveer_10:40
ubottutanveer_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:40
Viking667pulls in two audio streams, and a video stream...10:40
tanveer_No no i didnt lose grub, I cant get to win7 from grub menu10:40
Viking667I'm recording the video and the audio to two separate hard drives to increase the quality of encoding. And MAN the vidcap is good.10:40
DarwinSurvivortanveer_: look at thos instructions, it may also help you get windows working again10:41
Viking667so, I'm a happy camper. Just requires me to tune ffmpeg.10:41
MonkeyDusttanveer_  and a grub-repair, or grub-update?10:41
szaltanveer_: indeed, 'sudo update-grub' might help for starters10:41
heresjohnnytanveer_: you need to restore windows boot with fixboot10:41
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: well with firefox, only the menu buttons look overly big. same with evince and other apps. terminal chars are also big10:42
heresjohnnytanveer_: try booting with a windows 7 dvd if you have one and running fixboot it might sort it10:42
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: fwiw, it is a fresh install10:42
szaltanveer_: if that doesn't cut it, then download & burn a Super GRUB2 Disk, reinstall Windows bootloader w/ Windows install medium, then boot *buntu w/ Super GRUB2 Disk, & reinstall Grub10:42
DarwinSurvivorlizzin: did you set any custom video settings (dpi, etc)?10:42
tanveer_thats quite alot to do szal il quikcly try sudo update-grub and see if dingoes anyth10:43
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: i dont recall doing so. played around with xrandr. thats it though10:43
tanveer_does anything*10:43
Viking667tanveer_: heh. I really did read that as "dingoes anything"10:43
DarwinSurvivorlizzin: do you have the same issues if you create a new user and login as them?10:43
tanveer_windows 7 is SDA1 is their any way i can check this and make it default boot priority10:44
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: one sec10:45
tanveer_brb going to re try to boot into win 710:46
Anomie211Friend installed Ubuntu last night, he says once he gets past the home/login page all he can see is a white screen, just wondering if anyone has experienced this before? So I know what to look for10:46
freedomrunAnomie211, vga driver issue10:46
olala22000< tanveer_> hi before look at here http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/boot-repair10:47
Anomie211freedomrun: How would I resolve that? Since I can't see the screen to do anything lol10:47
freedomrunAnomie211, by booting in cli mode, or ctrl+alt+f1 at login screen, before you login10:48
tanveer_ok sudo grubupdate didnt fix the problem I still cant boot into wni710:49
tanveer_on grub menu I press enter on win 710:50
tanveer_goes back to grub menu10:50
tanveer_i have a wIN7 ultimate disc10:51
ubuntu_i just deleted my logical drive by mistake and my data was lost............... then i tried to get the data back using TEST DISK but after the quick search  it says that "files cannot be shown ,files have been damaged" .... Please help me to get my data back????????/10:53
Anomie211freedomrun: Will other desktop enviroments work? Like Unity2D10:54
freedomrunubuntu_, testdisk but 1st for file partition/system, then your files will be available10:54
ubuntu_sorry i didn`t get u!10:55
freedomrunAnomie211, once you setup xorg properly they all are going to work10:55
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: even new users are bigger than what i am used to in osx10:56
ubuntu_freedomrun_,, sorry i didn`t understand10:56
freedomrunubuntu_, here is documentation and examples of usage: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk just keep in mind you are trying to recover partition not files10:56
DarwinSurvivorlizzin: can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?10:57
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: working on it now10:57
ubuntu_freedom_run,,, but i just need my data back10:57
freedomrunubuntu_, well when you recover partition your disk will know where and how to search for your data :)10:59
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: what is a good site to post a screenshot?10:59
ubuntu_ya i got that ...... but after quick search..... when i tried to get into the drive ,,, it says that files have been damaged11:00
MonkeyDustlizzin  http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add11:00
DarwinSurvivor!pastebin | lizzin11:00
ubottulizzin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:01
freedomrunubuntu_, what filesystem was recovered and was it same before the problem11:02
ubuntu_what i didn`t get you???//11:03
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: http://imagebin.org/216217 hopefully you can see the size diff. also notice the diff in the brightness. can the brightness on the ubuntu terminal(on left) be increased too?11:04
freedomrunubuntu_, maybe it is better that you try to describe what you did with TestDisk instead of my guessing11:04
morsnowskiAnybody an idea where I can find libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_amd64.deb11:06
DarwinSurvivorlizzin: that looks normal to me. the terminal tends to have a fairly large font, I usually run mine with "monospace 10"11:06
ubuntu_i just opened test disk and started the quick search as soon as i saw my hard disk ..........then after analysis it said that the files have been damaged11:06
morsnowskiit's not on any ubuntu mirror11:06
DarwinSurvivormorsnowski: why do you need it?11:06
morsnowskiI have an old lexmark and their install script needs that one11:07
DarwinSurvivormorsnowski: what install script?11:07
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: why would the same settings(font and resolution) be different sizes?11:07
MonkeyDust!find libstdc | morsnowski11:07
ubottumorsnowski: Found: libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg, libstdc++6-4.4-dev, libstdc++6-4.4-doc, libstdc++6-4.4-pic, libstdc++6-4.5-dbg, libstdc++6-4.5-dev, libstdc++6-4.5-doc, libstdc++6-4.6-dbg, libstdc++6-4.6-dev (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libstdc&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all11:07
morsnowskiyes i know the current version but I do need the old one11:08
DarwinSurvivormorsnowski: non-repository drivers and install scripts are very dangerous because it is very difficult to tell what they are doing to the filesystem since they *rarely* ever use the package managers. they aer also VERY difficult (or impossible) to remove11:09
DarwinSurvivormorsnowski: have you checked the http://www.openprinting.org/printers database to see if the printer is supported?11:09
morsnowskiDarwinSurvivor, I know but I'm not going to kick out a perfectly working printer11:09
morsnowskiand I refuse to boot into windows11:09
tanveer_Neeed help11:10
tanveer_the windows file system is there11:11
tanveer_but i cant boot into it still11:11
tanveer_i have a windows cd11:11
morsnowskiDarwinSurvivor, will do that again but as of three weeks ago there wasn't anything there either11:11
tanveer_come on guys11:12
freedomrunubuntulog, that could mean that your boot sector is damaged or cannot be read you can rebuild that with deeper scan but you should know what was your partition layout before problem11:13
freedomrunubuntulog, partition table is written in bootsector11:14
MonkeyDusttanveer_  maybe ask in ##windows11:15
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: any idea why the same settings(font and resolution) would appear differently?11:15
DarwinSurvivorlizzin: who knows. fonts are *supposed* to be standard sizes, but anyone who has worked with layout software and document editors enough knows it simply doesn't happen11:16
tanveer_this is a grub problem munkeydust11:16
tanveer_i cant get into wnidows from grub11:16
tanveer_i never had this problem before in kubuntu11:16
nannestanveer_: Have you tried to reinstall grub on hda0 ?11:17
tanveer_how do i do that11:17
nannes!grub | tanveer_11:17
ubottutanveer_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:17
DarwinSurvivorlizzin: one reason is that font points are defined by the PHYSICAL size (a "point" is a unit of measurement), so if the DPI settings for the display settings are different, the fonts will be different11:17
tanveer_I did the grub updates11:17
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tanveer_can u take a look at my computer?11:17
tanveer_i dont understand how the file system works on ubuntu11:18
freedomrunubuntu_  that could mean that your boot sector is damaged or cannot be read you can rebuild that with deeper scan but you should know what was your partition layout before problem11:18
lizzinDarwinSurvivor: oh ok, i look into the dpi settings11:18
nannestanveer_: it's pretty simple11:18
DarwinSurvivormorsnowski: hmm, unfortunately non-repo software is unsupported (this includes PPA's), so for help using them you will need to contact the author directly (Lexmark in your case)11:18
tanveer_nannes with remote desktop connection11:18
freedomrunubuntu_ partition table is written in bootsector11:18
tanveer_you view my screen11:18
nannestanveer_: :OO11:18
tanveer_i have it installed11:18
nannestanveer_: Ok I can, but you should know it's very risky to ask about it in a public IRC channel11:19
DarwinSurvivor!private | tanveer_11:19
ubottutanveer_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:19
tanveer_yeah dont worry11:19
tanveer_how can i private message you11:19
nannestanveer_:  /quote nannes11:20
DarwinSurvivortanveer_: have you CONFIRMED that it is a grub issue? Windows can be VERY picky about it's boot loader being replaced11:20
tanveer_darwin yes im sure11:20
tanveer_and rootpass is 12311:20
tanveer_just take a look at my laptop11:21
nannestanveer_: PV me!!!!11:21
nanneslol how crazy people11:21
tanveer_oh the /quote nannes ?11:21
nannestanveer_: yep11:21
tanveer_I did11:21
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fidel!ask > geff11:24
geff./irc.freenode.net 666711:24
ubottugeff, please see my private message11:24
kulhashello, I use last ubuntu with unity and there is something that I dont like it, what annoys me most is that open app's and closed app's are all together… is there any solution to this ? (btw I am thinking to install another desktop manager, but first I would like to give unity a oportunity)11:24
fidelkulhas: could you try to rephrase your issue?11:24
fidelkulhas: looking for some kind of dock which only shows open apps or whats your target?11:25
geff./irc.hackerzvoice.net 666711:25
fidelgeff: without the .11:25
fideland with connect or server instead most likely11:25
fidelor like that ;)11:26
kulhasIn unity in the sidebar app menu it have the closed apps and open apps, so I need to scrool to switch from active app to active app. I don't want to scroll and would like to have my open apps grouped11:27
DarwinSurvivorkulhas: well you can always move your most-used applications to the top of the bar (drag right, then up/down)11:28
fidelkulhas: i would just replace the unity-dock/sidebar with something else (like awn/docky/tint2 or similar) - but i dont use unity either11:28
DarwinSurvivorkulhas: there is no shame in using another DE if you don't like Unity. KDE, gnome-shell and xfce are all quite popular11:29
freedomrunkulhas, try MyUnity11:29
kulhashumm ok tx11:32
morsnowskiwhats up with kernel.org have they given up the ghost ?11:33
MonkeyDustmorsnowski  yes, won't load here, either11:35
fidelsame here11:35
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:37
riegersnhow can I modify my keyboard settings to swap the default FN mode? I'd like it to be set to on by default so i can control volume and music without hitting the fn key every time.11:38
riegersnits a logitech wireless solar k75011:39
DarwinSurvivorriegersn: you mean the Fn+something keybindings?11:41
tziOmDoes ubuntu setup not support I350 ethernet?11:42
DarwinSurvivortziOm: the printer...?11:43
tziOmethernet printer?11:44
tziOmno, intel gb etherner11:44
Ceborhi, i get an error while compiling powertop: http://pastebin.com/7wwhfqWT   can someone help me to solve this ??11:45
DarwinSurvivortziOm: I'm seeing references to Intel having released the drivers in 2011, so they *should* be supported.11:45
morsnowskiMonkeyDust, thanks11:46
tziOmbut seems the ubuntu bootloader does not support in the igb driver..?11:46
DarwinSurvivorCebor: why not use the version in the repositories?11:46
DarwinSurvivor!details  | tziOm11:47
ubottutziOm: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:47
CeborDarwinSurvivor, the version dont start on my machiene11:47
DarwinSurvivorCebor: could you be more specific?11:48
hankeI have installed 12.04 on 2 computers already and everything is running smoothly. Now i wanted to install it on another laptop (Acer). Installation went fine, however after i enter my password nothing happens anymore. I can move the mouse but screen stays blank. I have reinstalled twice already but same behaviour. Anyone seen this kind of problem?11:49
CeborDarwinSurvivor,  i got a black screen, and i must kill my terminal11:49
tanveer_it didnt work it went into sda1 I think11:50
tanveer_so i just came back onto ubuntu11:50
DarwinSurvivorCebor: oh. unless there is some debug info (or terminal output) you can capture, the best I'd be able to do is recommend filing a bug report. the compile error appears to be an issue with the source code, so you'll have to report *that* issue to the developers11:51
Ceborok thanks11:52
riegersnDarwin4Ever, got disconnected. Yes I was to swap the default state of the FN key, so I can change volume and music without hitting it.11:52
DarwinSurvivorhanke: did you use the same install disk for all 3 machines?11:52
hanke@Darmin: yes11:52
DarwinSurvivorriegersn: so problem solved?11:52
riegersnDarwin4Ever, no. Did I miss your resolution maybe?11:52
szalCebor: why do you _compile_ powertop in the 1st place?11:53
DarwinSurvivorhanke: you said "nothing happens" and "screen stays blank", did it go to a black screen when you logged in or something?11:53
szal!info powertop11:53
ubottupowertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 1.97-2 (precise), package size 121 kB, installed size 372 kB11:53
hankeI get a login screen; i enter my password and press enter11:53
DarwinSurvivorriegersn: you just said you were able to swap them, I thought that was what you wanted to do? if not, what do you still need to do?11:53
hankethen it looks like its dong something, but it will stay like that ...11:53
hankeonly thing that i can move is the mouse pointer ...11:54
DarwinSurvivorhanke: so it's not blank, it's frozen?11:54
Ceborszal,  sorry dont understand what u want...11:54
hankenot frozen... the mouse responds thats the most qurious part ...11:54
szalCebor: you could as well install powertop from the above mentioned package, no need to build yourself11:54
riegersnDarwin4Ever, sorry about the confusion, I meant I WANT to swap the FN key. I'm here for help in figuring out how to do it ;p11:55
Ceborszal, powertop from the repos dont work for me,   the last version from github worked fine until the last days11:55
lemarcmy touchpad hangs very frequently on ubuntu 11.1011:56
DarwinSurvivorriegersn: the Fn key is not a normal modifier key (like shift, ctrl, alt, super), it is a HARDWARE modifier which means that the OS has absolutely no idea the button was ever hit. F8 and Fn+F8 appear as completely different keys to the operating system. some computers allow the key to be change in the BIOS, but other than that you will need to rebind each key individually (beware of hardware combos such as Fn+F8 disabling touch11:57
DarwinSurvivorhanke: did the livecd log in fine?11:58
riegersnDarwin4Ever, I see. Ok, thank youj11:58
hankeyes; no problem. Also when i enter 'rescue mode' i can start a shell and mount everything ... so the problem looks like related to some GUI program that does not start correctly ?11:59
DarwinSurvivorhanke: can you boot the install media and select "check this disk for defects"? it could be that one of the drivers or something on the disk (which is only needed on the third machine) is corrupted12:01
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operatorplikmet malam12:02
hankeokya, i'll try that ... will take a while though ... I'll let you know :)12:02
DarwinSurvivorhanke: ok12:03
softmanpetroI wans noticed I have 3 ip addresses for eth0 and edited the /etc/network/nterfaces and deleted 2 blocks there auto eth0:0 sand auto eth0:112:04
softmanpetrorestarted networking but still 3 addresses when ifconfig12:04
softmanpetroany hint please how to remove the uneeded 2 ?12:04
ikoniasoftmanpetro: please pastebin the output of "sudo ifconfig -a" please.12:05
SunSoulMorning all. I am trying to get Ubuntu 12.04 to boot with an EFI boot system. I have made a EFI boot partition already. How do I go about making sure that Ubuntu 12.04 will install the boot loader within that space, so t hat it iwll boot proper with EFI support. Note, that I am doing a fresh install, so I have not modified anything, or have not done any installation so far, just beginning.12:07
softmanpetrohttp://pastebin.com/VKfy4BDx ikonia12:07
hanke@DarwinSurvivor: I wanted to reboot but then a 'window' popped up: The application COMPIZ has closed unexpectedly.12:08
DarwinSurvivorhanke: and you hadn't logged in yet?12:08
hankeTHis is probably the problem, but how can i solve it ???12:08
DarwinSurvivorhanke: you got that from the login screen?12:09
hankeI entered my passwd to login and after that the system stops responding ... (only mouse still working)12:09
tanveer_nannes u there12:10
hankethen after long time the COMPIZ problem pops up ....12:10
Tinkernoob[help] I removed myself from the admin group, how do I put myself back in the sudoers file? I am the only user on my vps running ubuntu 12.04lts12:10
ikoniasoftmanpetro: you're not using network manager are you ?12:11
ikoniaTinkernoob: you need to boot into recovery mode12:11
ikoniaTinkernoob: from there you can re-add yourself to the admin group12:11
serdar_I am using ubuntu 11.10, I would like to upgrade it to 12.04. Is it possible to do it?12:11
ikoniaserdar_: sure12:11
serdar_ikonia: how can I do it?12:12
ikonia!upgrade > serdar_12:12
DarwinSurvivorhanke: could be, but check the disk first. if the disk is corrupted, you have bigger fish to fry!12:12
ubottuserdar_, please see my private message12:12
ikoniaserdar_: check the link ubottu just sent you12:12
hankeokay, i'll continue with disk checking12:12
serdar_ikonia: thank you12:12
Tinkernoobikonia: How do i do that from the commandline, i only know reboot command12:13
MonkeyDustTinkernoob  try visudo12:13
ikoniaTinkernoob: it would be easier to boot from a livecd, or select recovery mode from the grub boot option12:14
SunSoulMorning all. I am trying to get Ubuntu 12.04 to boot with an EFI boot system. I have made a EFI boot partition already. How do I go about making sure that Ubuntu 12.04 will install the boot loader within that space, so t hat it iwll boot proper with EFI support. Note, that I am doing a fresh install, so I have not modified anything, or have not done any installation so far, just beginning.12:14
Tinkernoobikonia: but I am remotely over ssh connected to my vps not sure how i would do that12:15
serdar_ikonia: it is very easy to upgrade the ubuntu, thanks for your help12:15
ikoniaTinkernoob: you'll need to contact your VPS hosting provider to fix it then12:15
Tinkernoobok will do that then12:15
softmanpetrosolved it ikonia12:18
softmanpetrobut needed a restart12:18
softmanpetroafter deleting the 2 auto blocks in interfaces12:18
softmanpetrothere is any ifconfig eth0 restart ?12:19
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firasoftmanpetro: uh, /etc/init.d/network restart ?12:21
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softmanpetrothat still kept the result for ifconfig showing 3 ip's even after deleteing 2 of 3 of them inside interfaces12:23
softmanpetroifconfig eth0 down is making machine unavailable so I did a restart12:23
softmanpetronetwork restart does not refresh somehow it's results12:23
napsterI have an activity running inside a tabhost. Its onResume is not called always. Does someone here experience in this issue?12:24
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manitouhow i startx on machine without monitor (headles) ?12:26
savrI am having a really weird problem with my wifi12:27
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savrwhen ever I try to connect to a network I previously connected to I can not get any network access12:27
savreven to the router12:27
savrthis start right after someone renamed a network while I was connected to it12:28
savrcurrently I am connect via a wifi network I have never connected to12:28
fidelsavr: could you check if you have defined some kind of 'prefered wifi-network' somewhere in your network-configuration12:29
fideljust wild guessing here12:29
sacarlsonmanitou: best I can find so far http://www.thinkplexx.com/learn/howto/linux/system/start-and-use-xfdb-enable-x-server-on-headless-system12:30
savrfidel, and what setting would that be?12:30
fidelsavr: to remember and priorize a specific wifi-network - which might result in issues with some bad luck12:31
savrI have rebooted, logged in as guest12:32
fidel-> prefered wifi-network. Cant check further right now as i dont have wifi-hw right here12:32
savrfidel, they are all secure networks12:32
dominikmanitou: you can run vncserver, it will provide you a "fake" display12:32
savrand none are in range of each other12:32
savrcurrently I am connected to an insecure network12:33
savrso maybe that is why I can connect12:33
manitoudominik, ok but machine wont boot ?12:33
manitouand it boot when monitor attached12:34
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subdesignppl why my browser wants to download a localhost site , and not render? i didn't do anything, once i load one of my dev site that happened12:34
sacarlsonmanitou: you should be able to boot in recover mode where it won't start X12:35
fidelsubdesign: php & local server?12:36
subdesigni restarted apache212:36
fidelsubdesign: check if phpinfo works12:36
subdesigneven the computer12:36
tanveer_it worked12:36
tanveer_your a legend12:36
nannesThank god you didn't find a lamer here..12:37
pznusing ubuntu 12.04 64bits updated. when I press "attach" button on thunderbird, it takes about 2 minutes to open the attach window. how can I debug/solve this?12:37
nannestanveer_: never give your root psw or TeamViewer access to anyone12:37
tanveer_oh ok12:37
nannesbut me :D12:37
minatuWhat app that allow preview new email?12:37
fidelminatu: please rephrase12:38
minatuI want to a application on my Ubuntu and allow to preview new mail12:38
minatuI searched on google, but nothing12:39
fidelminatu: your question is - at least for me - still pretty unclear12:39
llutzminatu: nearly any mailclient available allows to "preview new mail"12:40
jenniehello   I have installed a music player in 1204 through this command sudo apt-get install qmmp but how do I find it and run , please help12:40
fidelpreview mail? this would need knowledge of your mail server, user and pw. therefor we already have mailclients12:40
fidelminatu: how are you currently using mail? browser only?12:40
minatuI'm finding a Ubuntu Application to pre-view ,mail content without opening mail client ( such as thunderbird)12:40
fideljennie: use an launcher or start the app/cmd from a terminal12:41
subdesignfidel: yes phpinfo gives info12:41
subdesignfidel, whats next?12:41
minatuNo, I'm using Thunderbird for mailing12:41
fidelsubdesign: if phpinfo() works - your php page must work too - otherwise you have issues in your code12:41
fidelat this point you are using the wrong channel subdesign12:41
fidelas we focus on ubuntu issues - not php-code12:42
fidelconsider enabling showing php error output12:42
subdesignfidel: all my sites on localhost is forced to download thats strange12:42
jenniefidel , it is closing when i closing terminal12:42
petanhi, is 10.04 LTS latest version? it doesn't let me upgrade to any newer version12:42
jrib!upgrade | petan12:42
ubottupetan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:42
minatuBut, For some new email, I only want to read content without replying.12:42
savrany ideas?12:42
fideljennie: well - thats normal like that - as you normaly dont launch apps like that. & might help. on the other hand - find a way to start it that you prefer12:43
piethello, ubuntu and pc noob in general, using laptop HP, 64bit, win7, wanting to install ubuntu 12, but when i use WUBI, then PC restarts, to ubuntu on CD, then appears ubuntu desktop, where i choose option to install, PC restarts, and goes straight to ubuntu desktop on CD again, and nothing has been installed12:43
jribpetan: unless you take special action (see ubottu's links) 12.04 will not be offered as an upgrade until 12.04.1 is released12:43
kanylIs it safe to upgrade ubuntu server from 10.10 to 12.04 without physical access? The server is a 500km drive away :312:43
fidelpetan: wait for 12.04.1 or do it manually12:43
petanjrib: 12.04 is LTS?12:43
minatuWhile Thunderbird take at least 10 second for starting up12:43
jribpetan: yes12:43
fidelpetan: lts to lts without manually fiddling needs 12.04.112:43
subdesignfidel: thx12:43
jribkanyl: realize you must upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 to 11.10 and then to 12.0412:43
petanproblem is that do-release-upgrade tell me there is no update12:44
jribpetan: see ubottu...12:44
petanI do12:44
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kanyljrib: Is there a big risk something will break?12:44
crizisthere's always a risk12:44
fidelkanyl: got issues on 1 of 3 hosts where i did lts-to-lts ...if that helps ;)12:44
petanjrib: what should I see there?12:45
kanylfidel: big issues?12:45
jribpetan: read the relevant section... (10.04 to 12.04 upgrade)12:45
fidelkanyl: yep - and this host wasnt even that special ;)12:45
petanjrib: I don't see that section on that page12:45
jribpetan: what page?12:46
sacarlsonpiet: if you leave the cd in the drive and you have bios set to boot cd first before your hard disk then that's what it will do12:46
jribpetan: read the first line12:46
piethow to enter bios?12:46
kanylfidel: what do you think, should I upgrade? I'm really fucked if the server goes offline12:46
petanjrib: eh? An upgrade is the process of going from an earlier version of Ubuntu to a newer version of Ubuntu with an installed system.12:46
sacarlsonpiet: other option is remove the cd from the drive before boot if you don't want to boot it12:46
jribpetan: read the first line, not the second one...12:47
jrib!notes | petan12:47
ubottupetan: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) release notes can be found here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.0412:47
jribpetan: that has upgrade instructions too if you prefer12:47
jribpetan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS12:47
fidelkanyl: we cant answer you that question12:47
fidelkanyl: at the end you have to answer that yourself12:47
jribpetan: ubottu's first link seems to not tell you how to bypass the wait for 12.04.1 on desktop (that I can see) but this last link does12:48
pieti don't know whether my quastion was clear: the question was that i can not start to install ubuntu 12, it just restarts into the ubuntu onto the CD12:48
petanjrib: that's my problem I was doing the same what is descried there12:48
petanit doesn't work12:48
jribpetan: just click the last link12:49
jribpetan: that I put in this channel12:49
pznI need a special "mail account" in which people access using imap, and mails are read-only (no way to move folder, no way to delete message, no way to mark as read)... any ideas?12:49
petanjrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades12:49
sacarlsonkanyl: I wouldn't upgrade remote system unless I had a way to simulate exact system I can touch first12:49
petanjrib: that's what I read now12:49
jribpetan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS12:50
pietso i start wubi, it goes to ubuntu onto the CD when restarts automatically, then it shows an ubuntu desktop, where there is the option install, i click it, it asks what i want (i choose dual install) and then restarts back to ubuntu, but on the CD, thus NOT the install12:50
petanjrib: I don't have desktop12:50
pietit's like a circle12:50
jribpetan: ok then read the section for servers12:50
jribpetan: if you actually take the time to read and understand what is written, it is all there12:51
sacarlsonpiet: you not looking at the wubi boot,  you looking the live cd boot mode12:51
piet@sacarlson??? what do you mean?12:51
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Tzemhow to play a file .dv4?12:52
sacarlsonpiet: you keep saying wubi,  wubi is where you run a virtual like ubuntu within your windows partition12:52
jribpetan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer#From_10.04_to_12.04 here's the section in the notes if you prefer12:52
petanjrib: I found that12:52
somedude¡Hello! Do any of you use a time tracking software? which one?12:52
jribpetan: and?12:52
petanjrib: I am trying it12:52
pietok, so i should change my bios then, in order to get on the CD? so, how do i enter my bios?12:53
fidelsomedude: it might help if you mention what you want to track for. if i play dumb ...yes - using nagios which tracks time as well ;)12:53
somedudeI've tried hamster time tracker but it has some limitations and I'm looking for an alternative12:53
somedudemi requirements are:12:53
sacarlsonsomedude: I track many things with time,  what are you wanting to track?12:53
petanjrib: what is "It is generally recommended that users of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS wait until the first point release, due in July, before upgrading. "12:53
petandoes it mean there is no stable version yet?12:53
somedude1.- Start/Stop counters through command line (ssh)12:54
somedude2.- Track concurrent activities12:54
somedudeHamster has number1 but not number212:54
sacarlsonsomedude: oh ok track exicution times12:54
jribpetan: no, it means that it's recommended you wait until a point release to upgrade to 12.0412:54
somedudeyeah, is for tracking any kind of time12:54
somedudethe time you spend doing your everyday tasks and so12:54
petanaha, then I will upgrade later12:54
jribpetan: it's fine to upgrade now if that's what you want12:55
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biebI have to run a script (print.sh) for all users, it is for our print accounting system.. I have followed: http://linuxcritic.wordpress.com/2010/04/07/anatomy-of-a-desktop-file/ to create a xxx.desktop file that runs the script. When I copy it from one user to another to test it, it does not execute. The chmod is 755, when I do ls -ll, it shows owner is root root What should I check next?12:57
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jribbieb: why aren't you just using /etc/xdg/autostart/ ?12:58
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jribbieb: in any case, does it work with any user?12:59
biebjrib: I am going to add it to /etc/xdg/autostart  just figured I should test it first... right?12:59
newcodewhat's the exact syntax for granting admin group nopassword privileges in ubuntu natty?12:59
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subdesignfidel: an update was erased some of my AddType setting, resetting it now works..13:00
biebjrib: should I just add to autostart and see if that works?13:01
jribbieb: did it work with any user yet?13:01
sacarlsonnewcode: maybe something like: sacarlson ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL13:01
newcoderight now I have %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL13:01
biebjrib: I have only tried one regular user13:01
newcodesacarlson: I tried that but when I exited then I could no longer use sudo :(13:02
biebjrib: figured it was something I missed in the setup13:02
jribbieb: where did you put the file?13:02
newcodesacarlson: that's why I'm asking for the exact syntax, seems like the visudo file is a bit touchy13:02
sacarlsonnewcode: why not?  what did you use to edit /etc/sudoer with?13:02
biebI created it as the default user.. then sudo cp /home/user/Desktop  for testing13:03
sacarlsonnewcode: in my case it's only one user not a whole group13:03
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newcodesacarlson: I haven't edited /etc/sudoer yet13:03
rick1121Hello. I'm trying to install the broadcom-sta driver module, but it doesn't come with dkms in precise. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Note that bcmwl-kernel-source provides an earlier version of this driver (and it's not what I want). https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/broadcom-sta13:03
sacarlsonnewcode: the visudo is what's used to edit /etc/sudoers13:04
newcodesacarlson: ok :)13:04
newcodesacarlson: I just typed sudo visudo then13:04
sacarlsonnewcode: show me your exact line then13:04
crackerjackzi want an antivirus that specifically looks for linux viruses / malware13:05
amgarchingHi, how do I fix scrollbars in GTK apps?13:05
newcode%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL13:05
newcodesacarlson: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL13:05
sacarlsonnewcode: yes that should get you into the sudoers editor13:05
sacarlsonnewcode: that won't add nopassword13:06
newcodesacarlson: what I showed you is what I currently have13:06
jribbieb: that command would error out...13:06
sacarlsonnewcode: yes before you add to a group try it on a single user first13:06
biebjrib: why?13:06
jribbieb: because cp expects at least 2 arguments13:07
newcodesacarlson: how so?13:07
g[r]eekHi how do I determine which email server is running on my server?13:07
sacarlsonnewcode: did you read my above?   newcode  ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL13:07
biebjrib: cp worked.. I just didnt put whole command here..13:07
llutzg[r]eek: sudo lsof -i :2513:07
jribbieb: then I still don't know where you put the file...13:07
gryAfter upgrade to 11.10, system says 'waiting for network configuration' 'waiting 60 more seconds for network configuration' 'booting without full network configuration' then boots normally; commenting all lines in /etc/network/interfaces (http://pastebin.ca/2160842) is a workaround; what is the real problem and how can it be fixed please?13:08
jribbieb: the per-user directory for autostart is ~/.config/autostart/ .  If you want, you can just use the gui tool to create a startup program and it will create a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart/ for you13:08
sacarlsonnewcode: change newcode to your user name for passwordless account13:08
newcodesacarlson: cool, done!13:08
softmanpetrohow can I find the upTime of the server to last reboot ?13:08
softmanpetroi already did the reboot13:08
newcodesacarlson: I guess I should test this13:08
jribsoftmanpetro: uptime13:08
biebjrib: ok.. let me try that13:09
sacarlsonnewcode: yes now login to that acount and try sudo ls13:09
softmanpetroit said 58 minutes jrdnn13:10
softmanpetroit said 58 minutes jrib13:10
newcodesacarlson: it seems like it worked13:10
softmanpetroand I need last uptime no the current one13:10
newcodesacarlson: so now I just do the same for the group admin, same syntax?13:10
rick1121Would anyone be able to give a pointer with adding a kernel module that does not have dkms packaged?13:10
sacarlsonnewcode: yes for group you add % in front of the group name13:11
newcodesacarlson: thanks so much :) that really helped13:11
sacarlsonnewcode: don't blame me if you get hacked13:11
newcodesacarlson: lol13:12
jribsoftmanpetro: maybe the « last » command and some math then13:12
biebjrib: the .desktop is named pc-client-linux.sh.desktop13:12
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patcHello! How can I disable kernel updates? I've got an updated kernel installed and don't want apt-get upgrade to install upgrades. My kernel is newer than the one that the updater wants to install.13:18
biebjrib: can I message you? I am losing your questions in the room13:19
firapatc: so you mean you manually installed yours without using the package manager ?13:20
mithranam using ubuntu 12.04 i want to make a Bootable Master CD/DVD of my ubuntu Packages for formatting my computer what shall i do13:20
ruvili just tried to dist-upgrade my ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 and it returned this error: http://pastebin.com/xGBd1imh how should i solve this?13:21
jribbieb: I'd prefer not13:21
biebjrib: ok.. did you see the desktop command that was created with the startup program gui?13:21
jribbieb: the name is fine13:22
biebjrib: what do you want me to try now?13:22
jribbieb: did it not work?13:22
biebI havent restarted yet13:22
biebjrib: wasnt sure if you wanted me to restart.. copy the .desktop to a user or to /etc/xdg/autostart13:23
jribbieb: if it's in the users ~/.config/autostart/ you can just leave it in there for now and test13:24
mithranhello  ia want to formatt my computer and re install all the current software in ...What Shall I do for making my ubuntu DVD????????13:24
jrib!clone | mithran13:25
ubottumithran: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate13:25
biebjrib: ok.. will be back in a min13:25
mithranjrib: how can we use !Clone13:27
jribmithran: !clone just has ubottu send you info13:27
ptuwho can help me, why my laptop cannot shutdown13:27
gry(resent) After upgrade to 11.10, system says 'waiting for network configuration' 'waiting 60 more seconds for network configuration' 'booting without full network configuration' then boots normally; commenting all lines in /etc/network/interfaces (http://pastebin.ca/2160842) is a workaround; what is the real problem and how can it be fixed please?13:27
mithranjrib: What is the Command osing in the terminal?13:27
gryptu: What happens when you try?13:27
judgenIs there anyway to use the Hudson azalia chip without pulseaudio installed?13:27
ptui cannot shutdown when i press button shutdown on menu13:28
jribmithran: the one ubottu said13:28
ikoniagry: is it fighting with network manager13:28
pietHP laptop, 64bit, win7: ubuntu 12 does not install: when starting PC up, have GRUB, choose ubuntu, it goes to ubuntu desktop (from CD) choose to install, then it asks kind of install (dual-boot) and the pc restarts, after it throws out CD, then it goes to "no media to read from) or when i not close the CDtray, it goes back to the ubuntu desktop from CD without install...i'm in a loop13:28
behzadhi there13:29
gryikonia: I don't know, I think I have NetworkManager installed but I don't know what it's fighting with13:29
behzadI have a problem with internet connection using ADSL broadband13:29
ikoniagry: if you comment out the lines in /etc/interface does it work/boot straight away13:29
ptugry:it shown shutdown screen for a time and then nothing happen13:29
judgenptu, does "gksu halt" work?13:29
behzaddoes anybody to help me please>?13:29
gryikonia: Yes13:29
ikoniagry: that suggests to me it's fighting13:30
ikoniagry: when you comment out the interface lines, does it come up with any networking configured ?13:30
ptujudgen: i don't know, let me try button command shutdown not work13:30
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Joselini have got a problem13:30
Joselinwhy appear here cone13:31
sacarlsonpiet: when you selected to install (dual-boot) did you have a spare partition to install it on?13:31
gryikonia: in both cases, I log in to xfce and have working networking13:31
TetracommDoes anyone here know of a way to get the Hauppauge HVR-850 tv tuner to work in Ubuntu?13:31
Kenny__hello? I cannot get my Wubi installer to start up. So cant even install ubuntu13:31
behzadany body help me ????13:31
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ikoniagry: ok, that suggests network manager is having a little fight, hence the 60 second wait13:32
ikoniagry: do you need/want network manager /13:32
grybehzad: we can't help with 'a problem' but if you ask a full question that can change! :)13:32
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=== JoyRideAlphaX is now known as 5EXAA310K
piet@sacarlson: it never asked for one... do i need one? because i have 4 already... :s13:32
gryikonia: I would just need working networking and the networking applet I currently have; if networkmanager isn't needed for any of that, I can probably disable it13:33
ikoniagry: yeah, you can dump it13:33
sacarlsonpiet: if you have 4 you just need to select of the one you wish to install to,  remind you that the selection will delete all contents on that partition13:33
Kenny__I cannot get my Wubi installer to start up. So cant even install ubuntu. Any help?13:33
gryikonia: could you probably send an URL to me about what its role/activity is, what does it do?13:33
ikoniagry: I'm assuming your prefered choice is to set the networking in the interface file13:34
mi3hello, I am getting 30-60 % cpu usage while browsing in firefox, I am not watching any flash videos, just scrolling web pages, I am using cairo-dock session with compiz enabled, any suggestions ?13:34
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ikoniagry: I can try to dig one out for you, hang on13:34
pieti have none which can be deleted, all 4 have their proper use... can i only have 4?13:34
behzadI've installed new version of ubuntu 11.10, in my system,connecting to my Adsl is able using broad band connection by lan or wireless. I've created a connection there but I can't connect to internet. can you help me ???????13:34
nelson8874using onboard graphics on a P8Z68-V LX board. Ubuntu 12.04 beahaving strange. Some slowdowns and stuff. You know why?13:34
NoVoteLossmi3 try different browsers and see if you have the same issues13:34
sacarlsonKenny__: might try live cd/usb boot instead of wubi13:34
mi3NoVoteLoss, ok13:34
ikoniagry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager legacy article, but scanning it seems true now apart from it doesn't mention the dnsmasq setup13:34
gryikonia: I need that file for the n900 interface but I do the desktop networking using the networking applet in xfce which I don't know what is named and what application it uses13:34
gryikonia: many thanks13:34
Kenny__sacarlson: no go- no cd drive, and cannot boot USB13:34
NoVoteLossmi3 happens to me too sometimes, im currently trying out like 4 browsers because of that13:35
mi3NoVoteLoss, err ok :D13:35
ikoniagry: in that case it maybe easier to just remove the non-n900 interface from network manager control13:35
sacarlsonKenny__: there is software to enable a system that doesn't support usb boot to enable usb boot you can try plop13:35
NoVoteLossmi3 and i have the same dock, and it happened before the dock so it shouldnt be that13:35
ptui can't shutdown system13:35
mi3NoVoteLoss, I am currently installing chromium, will tell you the cpu usage in a few moments :D13:35
ptugksu halt not work13:35
nelson8874using onboard graphics on a P8Z68-V LX board. Ubuntu 12.04 beahaving strange. Some slowdowns and stuff. You know why?13:35
ptushutdown not work too13:35
ikoniagry: sorry, remove the n900 interface from network manager control, not the non-n900 interface13:36
Kenny__sacarlson: used it before, forgot there was a way to use it without CD. Thanks13:36
ptuwho can help me13:36
ikoniaptu: sudo shutdown -h now13:36
patcfira: sorry.. i'm back... yes I did install it with apt-get13:36
NoVoteLossmi3 i hate chrome but it does seem to work better13:36
ptuikonia: not work :(13:36
mi3NoVoteLoss, me too !13:36
ikoniaptu: define "not work"13:36
NoVoteLosswhich is why im trying out a few others.13:36
behzaddid you told to me ? that   in that case it maybe easier to just remove the non-n900 interface from network manager control??????13:36
gryikonia: ok, I'll give it a read; I'm unaware what the nm control is but I'll try13:36
ptuikonia: it show shutdown screen but nothing happen13:36
ikoniagry: it's basically the backend to the applet you use13:37
ikoniaptu: "shutdown screen" ?13:37
nelson8874using onboard graphics on a P8Z68-V LX board. Ubuntu 12.04 beahaving strange. Some slowdowns and stuff, mouse cursor behaving strange (slow and fast) You know why?13:37
behzadwhere is the non-n900 interface ?13:37
mi3NoVoteLoss, how many browsers have you tried, and which one gives you the lowest cpu usage, sir ?13:37
ikoniabehzad: something gry is using13:37
ptuikonia: a screen with logo ubuntu13:37
gryikonia: oh, I won't want to remove the backend I guess - and the applet doesn't really have n900 so removng n900 from nm control doesn't really sound doable I'm afraid :)13:37
ikoniagry: ok, let me think on how to best manage this13:38
NoVoteLossmi3, opera, chrome, firefox, iceweasel, midori(cant get to work that well) and konqueror13:38
behzadis any body there to help me ?????13:38
ikoniagry: I've seen similar things with "bluetooth" network devices in the past.13:38
NoVoteLossmi3 and chrome wins :(13:38
NoVoteLossbut i hate it13:38
mi3NoVoteLoss, xD13:38
NoVoteLossso im still trying and tweaking13:38
rootkitbehzad: State your problem and someone will deal with it. Asking to ask is just a waste of everyones bandwidth.13:38
NoVoteLossi really cant stand anything google13:38
mi3NoVoteLoss, can the cause of high cpu usage be compiz ?13:39
ikoniagry: in your network manager applet what interfaces do you see ?13:39
nelson8874using onboard graphics on a P8Z68-V LX board. Ubuntu 12.04 beahaving strange. Some slowdowns and stuff, mouse cursor behaving strange (slow and fast) You know why?13:39
NoVoteLossmi3 i had it happen before compiz or any dock13:39
gry!network | behzad, please read a bit here (we would probably need more details on what happens; the guide gives troubleshooting guide info too):13:39
ubottubehzad, please read a bit here (we would probably need more details on what happens; the guide gives troubleshooting guide info too):: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:39
mi3NoVoteLoss, err ok13:39
gryikonia: autho eth013:39
gryikonia, auto eth0 **13:39
ikoniagry: check out (not sure if this is still valid on 11.10) /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf13:40
ikoniagry: ok, so dhcp on eth0 only13:40
ikoniagry: is the interfaces file configuing eth0 /13:40
mi3NoVoteLoss, have you tried some other distro ?13:40
behzadok thanks , bye now,13:40
ApplesouceHey I want to install Ubuntu on the 500GB Partition? Should I only create root or also /home and how much should I give what partition?13:40
NoVoteLosson this computer? yes13:40
ikoniaApplesouce: up to you13:40
gryikonia: http://pastebin.ca/216085913:40
mi3NoVoteLoss, which one ?13:40
NoVoteLossCrunchbang worked fine with no hangs mi313:40
nelson8874using onboard graphics on a P8Z68-V LX board. Ubuntu 12.04 beahaving strange. Some slowdowns and stuff, mouse cursor behaving strange (slow and fast) You know why?13:41
ikoniagry: rats13:41
mi3NoVoteLoss, ok, did it give you high cpu usage ?13:41
ApplesouceWell is there a adventage of devising into root and home13:41
mi3NoVoteLoss, while browsing, I mean13:41
gnubieptu, ikonia   the bug report shows no been has been assigned yet. From a terminal sudo halt -p usually works or hold the laptop power button down for a few seconds.13:41
gryikonia: feel free to stab me for upgrading ubuntu so it broke :) I should have installed it fresh when it had major releases as per the guides but I just upgraded anyway ;)13:41
NoVoteLossmi3 not at all! other than watching like a youtube video or other streaming, general usage and browsing never brought CPU usage over 15-20% total13:41
ikoniagry: can we do a little test ?13:42
gryi could try13:42
mi3NoVoteLoss, sounds cool, sir !13:42
ApplesouceIsnt home placed on root anyway so it would be the same on the end13:42
ikoniagry: change the line "managed=false" to "managed=true" put your details back in the interfaces file and bounce the box13:42
ikoniagry: if I'm correct it should boot without waiting13:42
gryikonia: ok thanks, I will give that a try within 24 hours and give you a shout :)13:43
ikoniagry: I'd be interested in knowing13:43
MeridiousCan anyone here explain High Availability and Load Balancing Clusters to me?13:43
ikoniaMeridious: in what respect ?13:43
ikoniaMeridious: they are services that never go down and distribute the load across multiple devices ?13:43
ikoniain what respect do you want to link that to ubuntu13:43
MeridiousWhat are they, what do they do, how are they different?13:43
ikoniaMeridious: try ##networking13:44
ikoniaOrian: please stop that13:44
mi3NoVoteLoss, its still downloading, hope you are with me, sir13:44
Orianikonia › Oke tu parle français ?13:44
ikonia!fr | Orian13:44
ubottuOrian: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:44
NoVoteLossmi3 yup for about another 2013:44
fepalways when i drink three bottle of strong beer (alc. 8,2 vol) my system goes real slow, any tips or tricks to fix that?13:44
mi3NoVoteLoss, will take no more than 5 min :D13:45
ikoniafep: stop messing around, this is your only warning13:45
fepikonia: sorry, wont repeat that13:45
ikoniathank you13:45
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chintanparikhHey all, I'm having an issue with dual monitors in Ubuntu13:46
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chintanparikhI have them set up fine via AMD Catalyst Center, but Ubuntu is no longer snappy/responsive13:46
fepi have a new minilaptop with a c-60 (amd) in it.. i tried to install wubi and it went real slow. will it go smoother with an original standard installation?13:46
adamkchintanparikh: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.13:46
chintanparikhLike, I'll type, and it'll come up half a second later. Same with when I switch tabs and pretty much all actions13:47
zenguy_vmaccount add oscar jfalpha family login.messaging.aol.com13:47
zenguy_vmaccount on13:47
chintanparikhadamk, two seconds13:47
biebjrib: ok.. the startup doesn't work. so I opened a command prompt and tried to launch the program at /usr/local/bin and here is the result:  http://pastebin.com/61Bh2uYe13:48
d0xHi, does someone know a channel where i can ask wich datasource maxmind.com has?13:48
d0xto get the geo location13:49
jribbieb: this is an issue with your script13:49
biebjrib:  looks like java isnt on the server, but it is.. I installed java13:49
jribbieb: pastebin your script13:49
mi3NoVoteLoss, incredible, I tried a few pages on chromium, and the cpu usage sticks below 30%13:50
biebjrib: ok.. it is the script that comes from the software company13:50
mi3err NoVoteLoss ?13:50
NoVoteLossmi3 still here.13:51
fepikonia: do you know anything about if ubuntu will run faster when installed standard instead of wubi installation?13:51
mi3NoVoteLoss, ok, I told you :D, so now ?13:51
Dr_Willisfep full install should be faster then wubi13:51
ikoniafep: my personal view is yes, I don't believe in the concept of wubi personally, the official answer may differ13:52
judgenfep, it will have better access time as it does not have to run through the by now very old NTFS filesystem of windows.13:52
chintanparikhadamk: http://pastebin.com/BzaVEdpv13:52
judgenbut the CPU or GPU speeds should not be affected. But swapping will be slower13:53
biebjrib: here is the script:  http://pastebin.com/h9rXNHUR13:53
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ruff3rIs there a bug with thunderbird and unity? If I open thunderbird I get a new Symbol in the sidebar instead of the dot?13:55
adamkchintanparikh: Nothing jumps out at me as being particularly bad in there.  Does this problem happen if you don't use any compositing?13:55
mi3NoVoteLoss, ??13:56
chintanparikhAs in dual screens?13:56
judgenchintanparikh, no as in 3D enabled desktop.13:56
mi3hello, I am getting 30-60 % cpu usage while browsing in firefox, I am not watching any flash videos, just scrolling web pages, I am using cairo-dock session with compiz enabled, any suggestions ?13:56
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chintanparikhI'm not too sure, how would I check?13:56
ruff3rforget I asked. just added it to the launcher again13:57
myherowhen i am installing vlc media player from software center it is installing with its icon in launcher but when i am installing vlc offline fron the debs copied from the cache it is installing fine and working fine also but without its icon in launcher.....is there anything wrong or i am doing it wrongly ?13:57
jribmyhero: where did you get the deb?13:58
sgp913Hi all, on my 11.04 install, apt-get decided to update my nvidia drivers for my ION-based htpc and now after bootup the screen will go blank (no signal over hdmi) after about 30 seconds, sometimes more, sometimes less. I reinstalled 12.04 as well as XMBC Live to see if it would make a difference, but nothing has changed. I've googled for a bit but nobody seems to have the same issue. Any advice on where to begin? I've already updated13:59
myherojrib: i copied the debs fron the cache when i previously installed it from software center.....13:59
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sacarlsonmyhero: if the old one works can't you just add it to the launcher?14:00
myherosacarlson: means14:00
sacarlsonmyhero: maybe I don't understand what a launcher is?14:01
myheroi copied the debs frm var/cache/apt/archives14:01
myheroi copied the debs frm /var/cache/apt/archives14:01
sacarlsonmyhero: I thought you could add any application you wanted to the launcher to make it easy to start14:02
JapserHi can someone help me with my tv card, it makes my kernel crash?!14:02
biebjrib: anything look odd in that script?14:03
sacarlsonJapser: i've had one tv card that only works in one of the two slots in my computer I guess some kind of irq conflict14:03
hanke@Darminsurvivor: Disk check was fine (no problems found). I reinstalled again (now with a 10Gb partition in front like my original 10.04 had) The 10.04 was working flawlessly and i could imagine a harddisk problem somewhere, but this also did NOT solve the problem. I still have a 12.04 that will ask me to login but after i supply the correct password, the system will 'hang' (i am still able to move the mouse) and after a long while i get a message 14:03
Japsersacarlson: I have only one pci slot!14:03
myherosacarlson: yeah i can add manually but previously when installed through software center it got added to launcher by itself and now doing manually it is not adding....i m running live 12.04 and whenever i boot i install it manually thatsy....14:04
myherojrib: ???14:05
myheroikonia: u there ?14:06
JapserPlease can some expert tell me why my kernel crashes when i put my tv tuner in my computer?14:06
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sacarlsonmyhero: I still run 10.04 i'm not an expert at 12.04 with unity,  it's just a few clicks away on 10.04 to add to apps to the pannel for quick start,  it keeps even after reboot.  another reason for me not to upgrade to 12.04 I guess14:06
nelson8874having problems wit P8Z68-V LX motherboard. Am i the only one?14:07
sacarlsonmyhero: maybe try the ppa for VLC, but I also tried that and it didn't work with the android remote control anymore,  so if that's not important to you then?14:08
ikoniamyhero: what ?14:09
myheroi copied the debs frm var/cache/apt/archivesthing needs to be updated and installed...14:09
myheroikonia: how r u....14:09
ikoniamyhero: I'm fine ? what do you want ?14:10
Dj_FlyBySo I had a power surge at my house yesterday due to a storm. I wasn't home at the time and when I got home my computer was turned off from the surge. Now when I turn it on it gets to the point where it "appears" to be loading (The coloured dots) but does not pass this point. What could be wrong?14:10
myherohow to save the apps installed through software center ?14:10
nelson8874having problems wit P8Z68-V LX motherboard. Am i the only one?14:10
MeridiousDj_Flyby: I bet it is because the OS did not shut down properly14:11
ikoniawhat do you mean save them ?14:11
Dr_Willis!clone | myhero14:11
ubottumyhero: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate14:11
MeridiousDj_Flyby: try booting into recovery mode14:11
MeridiousDj_Flyby: through grub14:11
sacarlsonDj_FlyBy: It could be running the fsck to test your drives after a bad shutdown it might take some time depending on size of disk14:11
sacarlsonDj_FlyBy: oh but that should be displayed14:12
myheroikonia: means i run live 12.04 from usb so when i boot everything installed is gone so i want to save whatever i install so that next time i can install them manually so as saving time and more importantly the limited bandwidth....14:12
freedomrunis it possible to publish an folder in Obuntu One?14:12
Dj_FlyByMeridious, how does one get to that grub menu?14:13
ikoniamyhero: I don't really recommend that option, you need to download the debs and all their dependencies to do that, and it's just not worth it, just use a proper install or look at a persistant install14:13
myheroikonia: what do u mean by proper and persistant ?14:14
MeridiousDj_Flyby: It should always pop up after your computer displays its BIOS stuff14:14
Dj_FlyByMeridious, nope... it just goes to the screen to load Ubuntu... never seen grub once14:14
ikoniamyhero: proper = install to disk14:15
MeridiousDj_Flyby: if not, press the key to select a boot device at boot, and select your drive with the ubuntu install14:15
ikoniamyhero: persistant = live CD with persistant disk based storage14:15
MeridiousDj_Flyby: this might force it to display14:15
myheroikonia: plz throw some light on persistant14:15
MeridiousDj_Flyby: not entirely sure here14:15
Dj_FlyByMeridious, nope, just went to the little dots to load the os14:15
ikonia!persistant | myhero14:16
ubottumyhero: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:16
MeridiousDj_Flyby: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm14:16
myheroikonia: also what i usually do is whenever i install any app from software center then its debs get downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives so i copy these debs to other usb and then next time when i boot live i install these copied debs sudo dpkg -E -G -i <directory>/*.deb14:18
sacarlsonDj_FlyBy: might try hold the shift key at boot to get to the grub menu and try select the rescue mode as an option if it fails to boot14:18
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ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:19
ikoniamyhero: so what's the problem ?14:20
myherodoing this way vlc media player is running fine but its installing without its icon in launcher....xine-ui is showing some errors for dependency but when installed after vlc then it also is installing fine....ubuntu restricted extras is showing some errors for flash....14:22
myheroikonia: doing this way vlc media player is running fine but its installing without its icon in launcher....xine-ui is showing some errors for dependency but when installed after vlc then it also is installing fine....ubuntu restricted extras is showing some errors for flash....14:23
sacarlsonmyhero: your method of installing will not always bring in all the dependancies14:23
jribbieb: does this script work anywhere?  Seems like there are some relative paths in there...14:24
myhero_sacarlson: any way to make offline deb which install fine....with all the files and dependencies....14:25
sdfsd64sup 'ma niggaz:)14:25
myhero_any way to keep all the installed apps with all the dependencies....14:25
sacarlsonmyhero_:  I've created local repository to make things load faster but seems you need to just setup persistance14:26
myhero_sacarlson: how have you ccreated local repos ?14:27
sacarlsonmyhero_: you should be asking how do I setup persistance as given to you above14:27
sacarlsonmyhero_: a local repository is used to install the same software sytem group onto a group of computers14:28
myhero_sacarlson: brother i know that learned that b4....but right now i cant install os to disk coz hdd got crashed....so i m running live14:28
jondoe2I switched apparmor for selinux earlier, but it didn't work well with ubuntu, so I changed back to apparmor but now I get "AppArmor not available as kernel LSM. [fail]"14:28
jondoe2what's wrong?14:28
myhero_sacarlson: yeah how to create local.....14:29
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sacarlsonmyhero_: you have a usb drive don't you?  with that you can setup persistance14:29
myhero_sacarlson: yeah14:30
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sacarlsonmyhero: I've never done it so I'm no expert but you might try reading about it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence14:33
Jonii_Hey, can I get two separate logins, with unity and stuff, open at the same time, using this ctrl+alt+f<number> separate login thing14:33
myherosacarlson: ok...14:33
SunSoulSince Ubuntu 12.04 does not boot with support for EFI, does me creating a FAT32 Partition, labeling it /EFI, matter, in order to isntall grub with EFI support?14:33
myheroikonia: u there brother...14:33
crazypeteafter installing openbox and setting nodm to load openbox-session, I get "broken pipe" errors and the console and gui is "mixed". How do I fix this?14:33
ikoniamyhero: yes why ?14:34
gigihothoti installed google sitemap generator but I can't find where is the app14:34
gigihothotcan anyone help14:34
myheroikonia: the wi-fi card driver compiling didnt work....it was way too long step for a noob like me....i left it all in between after headache14:35
ikoniamyhero: I didn't think it would work, hence the warnings I gave you14:35
biebjrib: hasnt worked on 12.04.. but worked fine in 10.0414:37
Jonii_what is the google-name for those ctrl+alt+f<number> things?14:37
myheroikonia: yeah i read it all but that time i didnt had any choice or alternative ...i wanted to make it work...after that i googled n the most working quote which i found was that the user replaced his broadcom card with intel after fighting with the card for 15 days14:37
jribbieb: you should sort that out first14:37
sacarlsongigihothot: if it was loaded from the repository you should from synaptic right click on the package you installed and view the file list of path of each file in the package14:37
kubancis there any simlilar live editor like adobe dreamviewer for Ubuntu?14:37
jribbieb: but it really seems like that script can't be moved around, it needs to sit in the appropriate directory14:38
myheroikonia: do u get it to the developers or bring something from the developers here....14:38
biebjrib: I have tried to call it from the "printlimit" user's home dir, same issue14:38
SietsemHey :)14:39
SietsemSomeone who can help me?14:39
SietsemI' m trying to install Ubuntu14:39
SietsemBut I'm getting some trouble :/14:39
SietsemWhen I open the installer14:40
niuxiaowangwhat trouble?14:40
SietsemIt asks me if I want updates & closed source software14:40
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:40
myheroikonia: also whenever i boot it shows that restricted drivers available for install for broadcom wi-fi card stating that its tested by ubuntu developers but it dosent works....14:40
SietsemBut as soon as I click next it just freezes, I can't do anything then14:40
SietsemI can't even close it normally14:40
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sacarlsonSietsem: what media did you use to install from?   a live cd or live usb or ??14:42
SietsemIt asks for Wi-Fi connection if I'm not connected already, and it freezes after that. I'm on liveCD now (11.10). It doesn't matter if I take out my network USB14:42
niuxiaowangmaybe you can try  to type order           rfkill  list all14:43
niuxiaowangto look at the state of hardware or software14:43
sacarlsonSietsem: so this live cd you booted is the same that you are trying to install?14:43
applesoucehello, I have a problem, I've installed Ubuntu on my Computer and when I minimize the terminal its just gone14:44
Sietsem$ rfkill list all 0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no14:44
applesouceI cant maximize it again afterwards, it's not "going" into my sidebar14:44
myheroSietsem: i dont know much but i can tell that i had the same problem and i upgraded to 12.04 and after that not a single freeze until now....14:44
ikoniamyhero: I explained all this to you at the time14:45
ikonianiuxiaowang: that language is unacceptable14:45
SietsemAt first I just installed via Wubi14:45
SietsemBut that sucked14:45
jribbieb: it seems like it's part of some sort of software package, is it not?14:45
SietsemAnd now I' m trying with LiveCD but that doesn't really work either14:45
zackiv31whats the preferred way to add a directory to $PATH for a given user?14:46
niuxiaowangthen  i dont know why either14:46
sacarlsonSietsem: I"ve had more luck with live usb installs as my cd's seem to intermitently don't work on my old cd readers14:46
myheroikonia: yea....but all that were too much for me....anything out of the box....14:47
SietsemYeah, but the only working USB I have is the one where I put the backup from my old Ubuntu installation xD14:47
sacarlsonzackiv31: a temp add to $PATH or perminent one?14:47
bazhang!who | niuxiaowang14:48
ubottuniuxiaowang: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:48
niuxiaowangare you american?14:48
zackiv31sacarlson: permanent14:48
SietsemI wonder how I can run the installer via a terminal, maybe that will give some more info about the freeze14:48
bazhangniuxiaowang, this is ubuntu support only14:48
t432can connect to mysql-server, if i try to remove, get message package not installed?14:48
SietsemOr just a installer I can run in TTY1 is fine for me14:48
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic for chat niuxiaowang14:48
sacarlsonSietsem: I"ve also setup a partition to boot an iso direct from hard disk with an entry in grub, but that requires a spare partition to play with14:48
biebjrib: yes.. but that is just the client for linux. the rest of the software package is on an active directory server14:49
niuxiaowangwho can provide me an  chat id where i can talk about daliy life14:49
Sietsemsacarlson: I will have a look at other options, thanks :)14:49
bazhangniuxiaowang, I just did14:49
bazhang!ot | niuxiaowang14:49
ubottuniuxiaowang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:49
myhero!t432 ma14:50
Pici!msgthebot > myhero14:50
ubottumyhero, please see my private message14:50
applesouceCan someone help me, when I minimize my terminal, it's not minimizing in the Unity Sidebar14:50
sacarlsonSietsem: another option is pxe boot off lan if you have a spare computer that you can setup to boot from over lan14:50
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:51
bazhangmyhero, /msg ubottu14:51
alkisgErr is it normal with Unity that 'alt+f2; sh -c xterm' doesn't do anything?14:53
alkisgMeh, /sbin/sh -c xterm does work though...14:54
amikropHello, what is the best/simplest GUI app for editing a PDF?14:54
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)14:55
t432myhero: ?14:56
hollywoodatheisthow can i install ubuntu server from ubuntu desktop? i am using 12.04. i am searching the repos for ubuntu-server package with synaptic but I can't find it.14:58
alkisgMeh now it started working... looks like a problem with uninitialized variables somewhere14:58
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amikropMonkeyDust: yeah, but for editing? It is a schedule (like a sheet), and I want to "highlight" some of its cells15:02
glosoliI tryed to install LibreOffice 3.6 beta from PPA of Webupd8 And I crashed my dpkg: http://dpaste.org/9eIeK/ any ideas how to fix.. ?15:03
alkisgI'm running unity-2d, could someone running unity-3d verify that pressing "Alt+F2" and then in the execute command dialog writing "sh -c xterm" does NOT open an xterm?15:03
bazhangglosoli, contact the PPA maintainers. they are not supported here15:03
iaj_lo there.. whats the command to find out about the mail queue again :(?15:04
llutziaj_: mailq15:04
glosolibazhang: any way I can revert ? ppa-purge maybe would help  ?15:04
bazhangglosoli, ppa-purge is what I would do, yes15:05
glosolibazhang: ah I dont have ppa-purge in system and dpkg is dead15:05
MonkeyDustamikrop  edit with inkscape15:05
amikropMonkeyDust: it will handle it like an image?15:06
LmAtat http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/font-formats-1.html (it works right?) the paragraph with text, "this font position".15:08
LmAtI don't understand that paragraph, does someone else understand it?15:08
LmAtIt looks like each glyph in the font should have a unicode point assigned to it...15:08
amikropMonkeyDust: anyway thanks15:08
LmAtOr perhaps more than one point mapped to it.  But I don't see how that can be with this protocol.15:08
DeltaHeavyMy Ubuntu installation is starting to every so often mess up all theme colours making things appear very oddly. It's also now for some reason taking me ~30 seconds to open up Chrome after a fresh boot and login. Are there any solutions for this problem?15:09
tobi_I only get a resolution of 1024x768, but my monitor supports 1600x1024 :(15:09
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MonkeyDust!resolution| tobi_15:10
ubottutobi_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:10
Guest62982I need help with cron in ubuntu15:10
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LmAttobi_: Go to /boot/grub/menu.lst15:10
Guest62982I need help with cron in ubuntu15:10
llutz!details | Guest6298215:11
ubottuGuest62982: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:11
LmAttobi_: Change the kernel boot line and add "vga=33443", then restart, it will ask you what monitor mode you want, take note of the one that is correct.15:11
LmAttobi_: Then, start your computer and replace 33443 with the monitor mode you like.15:11
wrapidsFor some reason I seem to be having problems saving files. Initially I was using Eclipse with the RSE plugin to browse and load files over SSH. Everything was working for a few days then suddenly some files stopped being updated at the remote site. Not all of them. Some of the files that are no longer being updated were created with my account, some of them are older and came with the original system. I switched over to Subclipse (Eclipse Subversion plugin)15:11
wrapidsand had the same problem. It would make the changes locally and save it in the cached version,but still no update at the remote site. I scrapped Eclipse thinking that it was an Eclipse issue but now I'm having the same problem with RapidSVN.15:11
LmAttobi_: This all assumes you're using GrUB <2.15:11
Guest62982I have 1 sh with 2 config that do not run15:12
Guest62982-rwxr-xr-x 1 respaldo ftp 328 2012-06-08 18:15 dirbackup.config15:12
Guest62982-rwxr-xr-x 1 respaldo ftp 328 2012-06-08 18:15 dirbackup.config15:12
Guest62982-rwxr-xr-x 1 respaldo ftp 845 2012-06-12 16:00 respaldo.sh15:12
kubancwhat wireless mouse and keyboard do you suggest for Ubuntu?15:12
Guest62982-rwxr-xr-x 1 respaldo ftp 596 2012-06-11 15:40 variables.config15:12
Guest62982but this -rwxr-xr-x 1 respaldo ftp  56 2012-06-12 16:39 ej.sh have work15:12
Guest62982any ideas?15:12
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MonkeyDust!enter| Guest6298215:12
ubottuGuest62982: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:12
LmAtGuest62982: forgiven15:13
wrapidskubanc: Something comfortable.15:14
Guest62982if I use crontab -e dont work but if I use sudo vi crontab, the ej.sh have work15:14
myherowhere is irssi log saved locally ?15:15
kubancwrapids, i need companies and models name...15:15
MonkeyDustmyhero  in ~/.irssi, but log is not activated by default15:16
wrapidskubanc: Most wireless keyboards and mice will work with Ubuntu... It's just a matter of preference. I find Razr products quite comfortable.15:16
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dmsupermanWhat's the quickest/easiest way to set up a VNC server on my remote machine such that I don't have to restart X15:17
myheroMonkeyDust: checed the directory, there is no log in it....how to activate it or get the log....any way to automatically log all the msgs15:17
dmsupermanany suggested software? I'm unfmiliar with the modern VNC world15:17
DJonesmyhero: my irssi logs are in ~./irclogs and that is configured in my irssi config file, so may have been something I changed from the default15:18
christian__hey guys15:18
MonkeyDustmyhero  type /set autolog=on15:18
compdocI like vnc4server, but dunno about restarting X15:18
christian__can you help me, how do i add a repo to my package manager15:18
christian__https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-freefont  i want to add this15:18
christian__:D please help me15:18
christian__i am lost15:18
bazhang!addppa | christian__15:19
ubottuchristian__: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details15:19
dmsupermancompdoc: do you know if/how I could run a VNC connection through an SSH tunnel?15:19
theadminbazhang: That's not a PPA, just random packages15:19
dmsupermanso I don't have to open the VNC port on my router15:19
MonkeyDustmyhero  it's /set autolog on15:19
myheroMonkeyDust: ok...anyway to get all the logs to desktop or any other specified directory15:19
theadminchristian__: It's not a repo, they just have packages, I guess you just download and install those15:19
christian__but how do i do ppa:user/ppa-name i just have the link15:19
MonkeyDustmyhero  it's /set autolog off15:19
christian__yes, i just want to add this ppa15:19
dmsupermansudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name15:19
compdocdmsuperman, i use it through a vpn tunnel15:19
christian__dmsuperman: but i only have the url :(15:20
dmsupermanwhat URL15:20
theadminchristian__: Your problem is, it's NOT a ppa.15:20
victorliferockHellow : P15:20
christian__but in the forum they named it ppa15:20
christian__i also was wondering15:20
victorliferockAlguien habla español ?15:20
dmsupermanchristian__: what URL.15:20
DJones!es | victorliferock15:20
christian__https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-freefont   they said this is a ppa15:20
ubottuvictorliferock: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:20
theadminchristian__: It looks like an official Ubuntu package as a matter of fact...15:20
theadmin!info ttf-freefont15:20
ubottuttf-freefont (source: ttf-freefont): Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts. In component main, is optional. Version 20100919-1 (precise), package size 2649 kB, installed size 5020 kB15:20
christian__Just add this PPA and you will get any version of this font you want...they are all supported: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-freefont     thats what they said15:20
theadminchristian__: There, it's just a package from the official repos: sudo apt-get install ttf-freefont15:20
victorliferockno... just was asking, thanks for the answer15:20
christian__otf free font is also contained ? :D yeah15:21
christian__i ned otf-freefont15:21
myheroMonkeyDust: any way to retrieve older irssi logs other then going to the archives....15:21
MonkeyDustmyhero  the archives?15:21
theadminchristian__: It seems to be merged with ttf-freefont now15:21
dmsupermanchristian__: they were mistaken15:21
myheroMonkeyDust: chat logs archives...15:22
christian__:( no theadmin... i need the real otf-freefont, otherwise i can't install the game i want15:22
MonkeyDustmyhero  they are stored online,not local15:22
Picimyhero: ~/irclogs/15:22
christian__it says ttf-freefont is already the newest version15:22
christian__then i want to install the game, but it says its missing otf-freefont15:22
victorliferockWell... i need a recomendation.... I use Xubuntu in my old machine, but still with xubuntu is very slow (Specially with the browsers) so... could be better Lubuntu than xubuntu ?15:22
theadminchristian__: Well, you can try "sudo apt-get install otf-freefont", but it looks like a dummy package15:22
theadmin!info otf-freefont15:22
ubottuotf-freefont (source: ttf-freefont): Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono OpenType fonts. In component universe, is optional. Version 20100919-1 (precise), package size 3806 kB, installed size 6232 kB15:22
christian__no otf-freefont doenst work15:23
christian__i tried it15:23
myheroPici: there is no ~/irclogs/15:23
MonkeyDustmyhero  the archives are not on your pc15:23
christian__This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source15:23
DJones!logs | myhero If You're looking for the official logs of the ubuntu channels, they're detailed here:15:23
ubottumyhero If You're looking for the official logs of the ubuntu channels, they're detailed here:: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:23
theadminchristian__: What game are you trying to install, and more importantly, how? If you're compiling from source you need development libraries15:23
myheroMonkeyDust: yeah i know...15:23
PiciMonkeyDust: he was asking about irssi logs15:23
Picimyhero: see /set autolog_path15:23
christian__from repository15:23
Picimyhero: also /set log15:23
christian__sudo apt-get install spring15:23
FloodBot1christian__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:23
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
myheroPici: ok15:24
christian__sry FloodBot1 please excuse me sir15:24
MonkeyDustmyhero  Pici yes and I said to type /set autlog on15:24
theadminchristian__: Spring is not a game, it's a game *engine*15:24
christian__i know15:24
christian__but you just need the engine and some lobby15:24
christian__then you can download games / maps via the lobby15:24
=== Mot_ is now known as mot
christian__but i cant install the newest spring engine cause i am missing otf-freefont15:24
MonkeyDustchristian__  better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic15:25
christian__is this offtopic ? :( its related to ubuntu, cause on 10.04 its non existent15:25
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=== tazjin|away is now known as tazjin
dioarcwhat is the package that allows line-updates in the terminal. So instead of a progress bar printing a new line at each update, it uses one printed line and modifies it. ?15:28
sdfsd64Guys. Just installed Ubuntu-desktop over kubuntu, how can I get rid of kubuntu?15:28
|Scorp|Hello... I need some help... how can I install webcam drivers in ubuntu 12.04 lts? Thanks.15:28
wrapidsSo here's the problem I'm having. Open gedit > open file in remote directory > edit file > save file > close file> open file in same file from remote directory > Changes have been made > close file > open file with vim > no changes have been made to server version.15:28
bazhang!puregnome | sdfsd6415:28
ubottusdfsd64: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome15:28
L3topchristian__: it is a Japanese font? look at otf-ipaexfont15:28
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christian__i dont know... :/ spring dependencies...15:29
christian__i will try this one L3top15:29
=== good is now known as good_samaritan
good_samaritanin to know difference between ultimate edition and version of ubuntu15:30
stefgHi room! Obviously the "open with ..." functionality in nautilus changed from 10.04 to 12.04. I want to add xbmc to the list of media players in the right click menu for "open with"... but there's no obvious way. i can "search other application" (xbmc isn't listed there) or "search online" (stupid, i have that app already installed). Any info on how to do it?15:30
sdfsd64bazhang. Found something similar to that on psychocats.net. It just ****** up the OS entirely, I had to reinstall it. What if I do all that without "......install ubuntu-desktop" at the end?15:30
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MonkeyDustgood_samaritan  start here http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ultimate15:32
powerstationHey Guys. I want to move a file from me download folder to a ect folder. but i get "No such file or directory" from "mv file.txt /ect/folder". What am i doing wrong?15:32
MonkeyDustgood_samaritan  apparentally, UE is not based on ubuntu, but on mint15:33
good_samaritanMonkeyDust, let me read15:33
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:33
MonkeyDustpowerstation  it's etc, not ect15:33
powerstationMonkeyDust, Mistype in the irc. I've used ect in terminal15:34
B0g4r7also, it's directory, not folder.15:34
powerstationMonkeyDust, and then again..15:34
good_samaritanMonkeyDust, Pici ,ubottu  but we share the same  core15:34
good_samaritanMonkeyDust, Pici ,ubottu  but we share the same  core15:35
powerstationMonkeyDust, I got it. Thx for the spelling!15:35
Picigood_samaritan: Ultimate is NOT supported here. Period.15:35
good_samaritanPici,  if i install it in ma pc wont u give me assistance when am run errors15:36
Picigood_samaritan: We will not support any install of Ubuntu Ultimate.15:37
good_samaritanbut now i have errors with this ubuntu 12.0415:37
good_samaritanPici, but now i have errors with this ubuntu 12.0415:37
Picigood_samaritan: Ubuntu Ultimate?15:38
good_samaritanPici,  yes UE15:39
LmAtwrapids: You are forgivven15:39
Picigood_samaritan: What part of this channel does not support Ubuntu Ultimate do you not get?15:39
good_samaritanPici, refer mr ubottu's commnet15:40
good_samaritanPici, refer mr ubottu's comment15:40
=== graft_ is now known as graft
nUwbhello everyone!, I was reading up on my Linux bible and read somewhere about converting binary files into readable files, but I forgot the command for that. Does anyone know that comand?15:40
ikonianUwb: you need to decompile it15:41
grafthi, so i'm trying to install flashplugin-installer, but it just does nothing, even if i do dpkg-reconfigure15:41
graftit won't download a new version15:41
good_samaritanPici, refer mr ubottu's comment  " There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition"15:41
nUwbikonia: how?15:41
soeeok i have had nging installed but not configured etc so i uninstalled it now when i try to run apache iv got: http://pastebin.com/UfrvTxim15:41
wrapidsI can't get any local text editors to actually save a file remotely. They think they're saving and not giving me errors, its just not happening.15:41
soeeany ideas ?15:41
ikonianUwb: you need a decompiler for the language it was witten in15:41
AGrinsPaulHey guys anyone interested in signing a petition at Dell's ideastorm forum to end the blacklist and blockade against Ubuntu?15:42
nUwbiknoia: oh o.k., so if it was written in c I need ....15:42
plonkyhello there15:42
good_samaritanPici,  have you get it15:42
bazhangAGrinsPaul, offtopic here15:42
DJonesgood_samaritan: As it says in that Ubottu factoid, Ultimate edition is not supported here15:42
ikoniaAGrinsPaul: not in this channel please.15:42
plonkyany usb serial guru ?15:42
graftprobably because the canonical file is 404'ing hmm15:42
AGrinsPaul@ikonia @bazhang, where should I go for this?15:42
MeridiousnUwb, you would need a C disassembler or decompiler15:42
Picigood_samaritan: I know what ubottu said.  I'm confused as to why you continue to ask questions about UE here.15:43
plonkyi got a w510 lenovo and i try to make my gsm qualcomm hardware working15:43
good_samaritanDJones, stop  stayon  ur side15:43
plonkyunder latest ubuntu release15:43
nUwbMeridious: got it. Thanks Meridious and ikonia15:43
nUwbikonia: thanks.15:43
good_samaritanPici, i was curious to kknow15:43
AGrinsPaulikonia, where can I go to discuss this?15:43
ikoniaAGrinsPaul: #defocus ?15:43
plonkybut it seems all doc i can found on internet are 2years old15:43
plonkyand not talking about latest kernel15:44
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plonkyany help from you guys ?15:44
AlineIt's roughly equivalent of software with ruby :P.15:44
AGrinsPaulI just feel that this is a great issue but I have no idea where to go to discuss it...15:45
Aline%stats %convo %stopconvo %help.15:45
PiciAline: What?15:45
AlineQuite similar to decompile it adds a puppetmaster?15:45
AGrinsPaulPosting on Slashdot.org and ycombinator news did nothing and was 0% productive15:45
AlineIts space i add it is a few min.15:45
ikoniaAGrinsPaul: #defocus as you've been told15:45
AlineEscott: because its like her when i worked as a way to setup after asking, telling myself "It's right there" and "irb is in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in binary files.15:45
ikoniaAGrinsPaul: what part of "NOT HERE" am I not making clear15:45
AlineActually save a hoe.15:45
AGrinsPaulGot it15:45
AlineGood_samaritan: ultimate Edition".15:45
AGrinsPaulikonia, thanks for the help15:45
AlineActually save a hoe.15:45
good_samaritanAline, yes15:45
AlineIts space i want to your favorite open source.15:45
AGrinsPaulIf i have a technical question I will go here15:46
=== tazjin|away is now known as tazjin
DeltaHeavyMy Ubuntu installation is starting to every so often mess up all theme colours making things appear very oddly. It's also now for some reason taking me ~30 seconds to open up Chrome after a fresh boot and login. Are there any solutions for this problem?15:46
=== DJ is now known as Guest86689
PiciAline: Are you done with the nonsense?15:48
P-Chanhow I see what depencencies the package need to compile15:48
smwP-Chan, apt-cache show [package]15:48
P-Chani COMPILED AMSN BUT. When I am generating deb i must put what dependencies needs15:48
smwP-Chan, sudo apt-get build-dep [package] will just fetch it all for you15:48
P-Chansmw: ok15:48
plonkyany help for configuring gobi15:50
plonkyand loading wireless gobi2000 on 3.2.0 ?15:50
P-Chansmw:  E: Impossível encontrar um pacote fonte para amsn15:51
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smwP-Chan, I don't speak french15:52
P-Chansmw:  sorry :(]15:52
plonkyits not french15:52
plonkyits spanish15:53
P-Chanplonky: no. It's portuguese15:53
P-Chansorry for that15:53
=== Guest86689 is now known as DJ
plonkyim not the one who have grief15:53
KornKage2portugal will lose today :)15:53
KornKage2and im from lisbon15:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:54
P-ChanKornKage2: I am brazilian15:54
plonkyso nobody can help about this gobi2000 ?15:54
KornKage2bendter or as i call it BENDER from futurama, will defeat portugal easy :D15:54
KornKage2for the 3rd time in 2 years15:54
DJones!ot | KornKage215:54
ubottuKornKage2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:54
kionello everybody I installed the repository "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates" but my nvidia driver is not actualized15:54
DeltaHeavyMy Ubuntu installation is starting to every so often mess up all theme colours making things appear very oddly. It's also now for some reason taking me ~30 seconds to open up Chrome after a fresh boot and login. Are there any solutions for this problem?15:57
plonkyroot@netmonk:/lib/udev# ./gobi_loader /dev/ttyUSB0 /lib/firmware/gobi15:57
plonkyFailed to open serial device: : No such file or directory15:57
plonkyusage: ./gobi_loader [-2000] serial_device firmware_dir15:57
plonkywhy this /dev/ttyUSB0 isnt created ?15:58
plonkyor doesnt exist in /dev ?15:58
rootkitsudo lsusb to ensure that ubuntu recognizes it.15:58
plonkyrootkit: it doesnt15:58
plonkyi try to follow each guide i find15:59
plonkybut lsusb doesnt show the qualcomm device15:59
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Chuck_Norrisaloha all :D16:02
Chuck_Norris*sounds of wind*16:02
NurseDadcan someone please tell me how to watch imbeded quicktime videdo from firefox?16:04
bazhangNurseDad, apple trailers?16:04
NurseDadbazhang: yep16:05
bazhangNurseDad, they are blocked on Linux, wget them16:05
NurseDadbazhang: they are blocked on Linux?16:05
wrapidsSo Ubuntu thinks Eclipse is uninstalled, but it's still working just fine. Why wont this uninstall?16:05
bazhangNurseDad, yes. you need to wget them16:06
wrapidsWait. I lied.16:06
NurseDadbazhang: how do i do that16:06
bazhangNurseDad, using the wget command to retrieve them16:07
MonkeyDustNurseDad  link for the video?16:09
p1l0tAnyone have an issue with Chromium coming up with a pop-up saying it has crashed when it has not?16:11
AGrinsPaulikonia, thanks but no thanks, amazing how little Linux users do to support their own...16:12
MonkeyDustp1l0t  type ps -e|grep chromium, it shows a lot of processes, maybe one of those crashed16:13
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AceFace1hello all16:19
AceFace1is there a way to change the footer at the bottom of an apache index page?16:19
AceFace1http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ <- for example16:20
AceFace1i want to change "Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server" to say something else16:20
NurseDadMonkeyDust: that link is http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/126pihbedvcoihbefvbhjkbvsefbg/event/index.html16:20
TurbolinuxHello everyone. Is it possible to communicate on MSN platform with video and audio functions at the same time? Thank you for your help.16:20
ikoniaAceFace1: that is part of the apache source code, you can disable the foot with ServerTokens16:20
ikoniaAceFace1: but you can't change the text16:20
MonkeyDustNurseDad  yes, it asks to install quicktime, but i havent tried16:20
AceFace1bummer, thank you for the info though!16:21
PiciAceFace1: you can add your own custom footer though.16:21
AceFace1hmmm, custom footer16:21
NurseDadMonkeyDust: yea i know i was looking for a plug-in or something16:21
AceFace1i will look into it16:21
TurbolinuxCan you help me? I must solve this problem.16:21
MonkeyDust!find quicktime > NurseDad16:22
NurseDadMonkeyDust: thanks anyway16:22
NurseDadvery sad16:23
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TurbolinuxCan aMSN do this job without any problems?16:25
ikoniaTurbolinux: no16:25
MonkeyDustTurbolinux  ot without problems: for a start, amsn is no longer in the repos16:26
TurbolinuxWhich program is capable for this job? Can be Empahty?16:26
TurbolinuxI understand.16:26
MonkeyDustTurbolinux  guess nobody has ever tried, why not try empathy and report in the channel16:27
marcoTurbolinux: MS changes MSN implementations details almost periodically. There's no way to reliably support that16:27
ccvvcchow can i change global file descriptors? /proc/sys/fs/file-nr, first column16:27
TurbolinuxMonkeyDust: You are right. I will try.16:27
TurbolinuxMarco: I know. Shame for us.16:28
marcoTurbolinux: I'd suggest you to use googlchat browser plugin. Works reliably16:28
TurbolinuxI will test it. Thank you.16:28
theadminmarco: Haven't Microsoft basically abandoned the old MSN protocol and swithced to Jabber instead? (well, that is given that you can only connect to their server with a valid MSN account anyway, but)16:29
marcotheadmin: AFAIK that is only text message and does not includes audio and video16:29
theadminmarco: Ah, I see16:29
rootkitFor MSN stuff, I would recommend emesene16:30
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n-iCeHello, how can I share internet using my wi-fi card, to other wi-fi card? I use network-manager I have created the hotspot I can the the AP in other devices it connects gets ips but does not surf the internet, the AP is not sharing internet i THINK16:31
theadmin!ics | n-iCe16:31
ubottun-iCe: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:31
n-iCeLet's read16:32
n-iCetheadmin: I did that, Zally66616:33
n-iCeOpen Settings->Network->Wireless and create a new Ad Hoc network. To use a common denominator for all devices choose WEP for security and create a 5 letters password from 0..9A..F. Note that this a least secure encryption standard.16:33
n-iCeDon't you read my question? The AP has been created, I can see the AP in other devices(Iphone) but once the device connect can't use the internet.16:33
Zally666Wardrive on apt?16:33
n-iCeis that for me Zally666 ?16:34
Zally666N-ice answer is ics readup16:34
n-iCeZally666: I did that16:35
Zally666No u made an ap16:35
n-iCeZally666: what's ICS16:35
EtaleHi y'all. I'm trying to put a video file on my iPhone. I installed gtkpod, but it says that I don't have a hashinfo file, so it can't do anything. Got any ideas?16:36
n-iCeI don't get it16:36
Zally666Internet connection share ubuntu in google16:36
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DeltaHeavyMy Ubuntu installation is starting to every so often mess up all theme colours making things appear very oddly. It's also now for some reason taking me ~30 seconds to open up Chrome after a fresh boot and login. Are there any solutions for this problem?16:37
MonkeyDustEtale  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone16:37
EtaleThanks, MonkeyDust16:37
n-iCeZally666: I did what the tutorial say I don't get it, I created the AP checked the package to install16:38
Zally666Delta same issue here., after install of 12?16:39
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ccvvcchow can i change global file descriptors? /proc/sys/fs/file-nr, first column16:40
Zally666N-ice u must share internet adapter with wifi adapter16:40
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n-iCeI think you don't get me, I have done that, I have two wireless card, and I am connected in one and sharing in other16:41
kjzz121Who can I talk to about libglib? It's just a few versions behind from the newest, which is causing problems in midori.16:41
Zally666N-ice no idea then16:44
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rickrocki have windows on HD (a) and have installed ubuntu 12.04 on HD (b). Now i cant get into the windows. Tell me how to install grub so i can have both windows and ubuntu.16:51
italoxpRun "sudo update-grub" in the terminal and see if it works.16:52
italoxpUbuntu install grub during the setup automatically16:52
theadminrickrock: If they're on different drives, you can simply use your BIOS' features to boot from the one you want, but yeah, "update-grub" usually does the trick16:52
rickrocki will come back need to see the g update grub worked for me!16:53
demoklionhello, I have a simple noob question. how do I configuje default account in persistence USB?16:54
italoxpdemoklion, I'm afraid I can't help you with that... Have you tried creating it with adduser?16:56
demoklionyes but there's some default account I'm not able to change via GUI and I'm not very comfortable with the terminal (yet)16:58
rickrockupdate grub did not worked , i dont see grub .16:58
karthick87Do anyone ever used twinkle application ?16:59
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rickrocki have windows on one hdd and installed ubuntu 12.04 on other hdd, i want to install grub but can't see grub after using update grub command, i want to have dual boot .17:01
n-iCeHello, how can I share internet using my wi-fi card, to other wi-fi card? I use network-manager I have created the hotspot I can the the AP in other devices it connects gets ips but does not surf the internet, the AP is not sharing internet i THINK17:01
demoklionn-iCe I don't think you can share internet on the same wifi you use to connect to it17:01
n-iCedemoklion: I have two wifi cards17:02
demoklionhave you bridged them?17:02
mknarrn-iCe, some wifi cards come with that capeability17:02
rickrockhow to install grub? i have windows on one hd and ubuntu on other, i want dual boot.17:03
n-iCedemoklion: how?17:03
n-iCedemoklion: I mean I crated the hot spot like tutorials says in network-manager, indeed everything seems to be working I can connect in other devices to the AP iahe dhpc working I get ips, but just no internet17:04
theadminrickrock: You already have Grub, otherwise Ubuntu wouldn't boot17:04
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rickrocktheadmin: the how to get into windows ( i am a newbie)17:05
xGrub11hello... i have a question... > is every tarball contents the readme file?17:05
theadminrickrock: I'm not sure, maybe you're not seeing the menu... Try holding Left Shift while GRUB loads17:05
theadminxGrub11: Uh, no... Tarballs are just archives17:05
demoklionn-iCe: does DNS work? have you tried ping?17:05
rickrocktheadmin : ok i will try that17:06
B0g4r7n-ice, sounds like youre missing some pieces yet.  You'll need to turn on IP forwarding, and put the appropriate NAT rule into iptables.17:06
theadminrickrock: i.e. after the BIOS POST.17:06
xGrub11is there a default procedure to install tarball?17:06
n-iCeB0g4r7: I think the same, but don't know what to do17:06
n-iCedemoklion: how can I test? sorry17:06
theadminxGrub11: Nope.17:06
demoklionn-iCe try ping www.google.com17:06
demoklionin terminal17:06
B0g4r7n-iCe, Forwarding is easy.  'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'17:07
n-iCedemoklion: with the device? or the host?17:07
n-iCeB0g4r7: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward permission denied17:07
mneptokxGrub11: "tarball" is the same thing as "zip file."17:07
demoklionon host it should work if you are online17:07
B0g4r7Huh, that's odd...17:07
n-iCedemoklion: I am right now in the host, I have internet or IRC would not work :)17:07
demoklionit just checks the basic internet connnection17:07
xGrub11theaddmin: well, so, .... do you have some advice for me if i met a tarball? i'm confuse... thanks before17:07
demoklionyes so try it on the device17:08
B0g4r7n-iCe, As for the nat rule, it'd be something like 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ij MASQUERADE'17:08
theadminxGrub11: Sometimes there's a README file inside. Sometimes instructions are on the site where you acquire it... But most of the time, you should be using the repositories (through Synaptic, Ubuntu Software Center, or apt-get).17:08
DeltaHeavyxGrub11: Think of it as a .zip, however uncompressed.  .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 are examples of things more similar to .zip as they're compressed.17:08
B0g4r7Assuming your private network is 192.168.1.x17:08
demoklionif it says no connection, try ping your host's ip17:08
B0g4r7-j MASQUERADE, not ij.  typo.17:08
n-iCeB0g4r7: Bad argument `ij'17:08
n-iCeB0g4r7:  now?17:09
n-iCethe ip is
n-iCeis what my iphone gets17:09
demoklionanyone has suggestion how do I edit default user in live USB with persistence? I want some basic security17:09
B0g4r7mm, well you might wanna apply it to then instead of
xGrub11theadmin; DeltaHeavy; thanks. :)17:10
theadmindemoklion: The default username is "ubuntu", so simply run "sudo passwd ubuntu" and that'll let you set the password17:10
__victorhi, I have ubuntu in virtualbox, and when I try to ssh into it: PTY allocation failed on channel 0: stdin not a tty17:11
__victorI can't reboot that machine17:11
__victorcan someone help me?17:11
DeltaHeavyxGrub11: np17:11
demoklionvictor are you trying to ssh into other VM on same machine or through the internet17:11
__victordemoklion: same machine: i'm on the host, and ssh to the guest17:12
__victorbefore it was working.17:12
DeltaHeavy__victor: That is most likley, although I'm not certain a VM/Networking problem. You might have better luck in those channels17:12
demoklionhave you configured host-only network?17:12
dazeIs there a (not necessarily easy) way to have 'application groups' in unity? You click on a launcher icon, and it expands kinda like the 'dash' icon, revealing applications in that group. I think Apple has sth. similar in the iOS/MacOS.17:12
__victordemoklion: yes17:12
n-iCeyou know what other devices does not detect it17:12
n-iCeonly the iphone17:12
B0g4r7__victor, Is it the case that ssh to the VM normally works, but it's in a broken state now?17:12
B0g4r7And you want to recover somehow without rebooting the VM.  Could be tough.17:13
__victorok I reboot.17:13
B0g4r7Unless you can find an existing open session.17:13
B0g4r7ssh session17:13
demoklionI have similar problem, but reboot didn't help17:13
B0g4r7For physical hosts, I'm fond of using the serial ports with a terminal server for access in case the IP network falls over.17:15
B0g4r7I suppose something similar could be done with VMs.17:15
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DeltaHeavyB0g4r7: I doubt he needs to do anything like that at all nor would it be any easier than just fixing the problem normally. IMO see if your VM software has a support channel here and ask there as Id think that's where the problem lies.17:18
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secsomebody knows how I can disable tapping while I scrolling in my touchpad (macbook pro)??? When I do vertical scrolling with two fingers sometimes occur accidental touches (tap)17:24
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Dj_FlyByI am looking for a howto on how to entirely disable and remove the firewall in Ubuntu. Anyone got suggestions?17:28
smwDj_FlyBy, by default, the firewall is off17:29
cloudgeeklooking for a coding guru17:29
smwDj_FlyBy, what is your real problem?17:29
smwcloudgeek, odesk?17:29
ruedigerI want to create a deb package. I have a file vobsub2srt_1.0pre2.orig.tar.gz containing the source code and a directory vobsub2srt_1.0pre2/ containing the debian directory with all the required files. When I call debuild -S it creates a package but it seems to ignore the source in the .orig.tar.gz file and when I call debuild -b I get an error message because the CMakeLists.txt (and everything else) is missing.17:30
icerootDj_FlyBy: its disabled by default17:31
cloudgeeksmw: !17:31
icerootcloudgeek: #language-you-are-using17:31
cloudgeekiceroot: i am newbie , just know some c and python , but i want to learn any , main aim want to do coding this summer17:32
cloudgeekiceroot: i am newbie , just know some c and python , but i want to learn any , main aim want to do coding this summer17:32
theadmincloudgeek: pm me, I wouldn't mind teaching the basics :P17:32
trismruediger: -sa forces inclusion of the original source, although if you are just building locally, you can just debuild -b from the extract source directory17:33
ruedigertrism: I already tried running -sa but it has no effect17:35
trismruediger: it is mostly useful when uploading to launchpad, I'm not really sure what you are doing. to build a package you just need to dpkg-source -x package.dsc; cd package-dir; debuild -b;17:36
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ruedigertrism: I want to upload to launchpad17:37
T3Xis anybody in the world samba worked for him???????17:37
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trismruediger: then -sa is what you want, debuild -S -sa17:38
trismruediger: and the original source will be included in the changes17:38
ruedigertrism: it seems that it ignores the .orig file. Here is the output of debuild http://codepad.org/RUprMQbY17:38
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trismruediger: that looks fine, except you can't upload to launchpad with -uc -us17:40
ruedigertrism: yeah that was just for the test run :)17:40
ruedigertrism: arg I think I found the problem17:40
ruedigerfor some reason I had format set to 3.0 (native) and I guess it should be 3.0 (quilt)17:41
trismruediger: ahh yeah that would do it, native packages don't have orig.tar.gz files17:41
tehRidlerMy screen locks but i have the setting for that set to off.17:44
Dj_FlyByall is good. I just wanted to see a document on removing it as I was confused as to whether or not ubuntu-standard could be removed as it gets removed while removing ufw and iptables, but I found out that ubuntu-standard can be safely removed17:45
trismruediger: good catch, I completely missed that17:45
ruedigertrism: ok now it doesn't ignore the orig file but I get warnings like "dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file CMakeLists.txt" (for every file in the package) and it still doesn't contain the source17:46
alchemist9the user list made me dizzy......17:46
thebishophi, i accidentally lost an init script for openldap.  can i get it back with apt without losing my ldap users?17:47
AceFace1hello all, how can i rename "htaccess.txt" to ".htaccess" in bash?17:48
Devilzhi..Is it possible to create a proxy server using a vm ware ubuntu in windows and test that proxy server with windows.. ?17:49
PiciAceFace1: mv htaccess.txt .htaccess17:49
AceFace1damn, been trying rename17:49
AceFace1thanks Pici, it worked17:50
PiciAceFace1: np17:50
alchemist9Anyone have any knowlege about the Imac G3 and Xorg?, So far all I have is a black screen...17:50
trismruediger: hmm, not sure without looking at the package, how did you create it?17:50
ruedigertrism: git archive --prefix=vobsub2srt_1.0pre2/ -o vobsub2srt_1.0pre2.orig.tar.gz HEAD17:51
trismruediger: oh so it already had a debian directory?17:51
ruedigeryes but it only contains the changelog17:52
itmustbejjHas empathy been misbehaving constantly for anyone else since upgrading to 12.04?17:52
ruedigertrism: I should probably remove it?17:52
itmustbejjie Not able to open new chats, randomly refusing to interface with account manager17:52
trismruediger: might be a good idea17:55
trismruediger: then you can use dh_make to create a the basic structure with the extracted source17:56
n-iCeHello I just installed Ubuntu 12.04, my first goal is to create an AP, I have two wireless card, wlan0 which has Internet and wlan1 the one I would like to share internet from, I have crated a new connection with wlan1 created the essid name, key ,etc I can see the AP in other devices now, but the devices cant connect to the internet, any idea? They are not getting IPs dns, etc17:59
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
docvellHi just a general question is there a way to create a desktop shortcut for a program to run through Terminal?  I have 12.04 release and using gnome 3 desktop18:00
Chuck_Norrisdocvell: gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new18:01
HillDevapt-get question, I am getting an error due to depends18:01
docvellthen click on Application in Terminal?18:02
HillDevI'm running a server18:02
docvellthe program is atari800 (emulator for the Atari 800 computer)18:02
Chuck_NorrisHillDev: sudo apt-get install -f18:02
HillDevI did, and it still give me the same error18:02
Chuck_NorrisHillDev: sudo aptitude install -f18:02
good_samaritanAline, yes18:03
docvellworks :)18:03
HillDevworking.. Thank you18:03
docvellcopying that code to a document so I can do more of them later18:03
HillDevChuck_Norris knows all!18:04
Chuck_Norrisye, i know everything18:04
HillDevoh yeah?18:04
HillDevthen what open source should I be running, eucalyptus or openstack?18:04
Jordan_U!ot | Chuck_Norris18:05
ubottuChuck_Norris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:05
rob_can anyone tell me how to make boot messages be displayed in ubuntu 12.04?18:07
odmrob_: dmesg in terminal will show you some18:09
rob_odm: that's not what im after, im after the init messages18:10
rob_odm: the service messages18:11
odmOk, I only know how to do it with OpenRC.. but that's in gentoo. So doesn't help much =)18:12
blackbitrob, are you looking for a temporary or a permanent solution to see init messages?18:14
rob_blackbit: permenant18:14
blackbitrob: there was a line to add in the grub menu18:14
rob_blackbit: i want to turn off the splash so i can see all the services starting18:14
n-iCeHello I just installed Ubuntu 12.04, my first goal is to create an AP, I have two wireless card, wlan0 which has Internet and wlan1 the one I would like to share internet from, I have crated a new connection with wlan1 created the essid name, key ,etc I can see the AP in other devices now, but the devices cant connect to the internet, any idea? They are not getting IPs dns, etc18:14
rob_blackbit: any ideas what? :)18:15
blackbitrob: ubuntu 12.04?18:15
rob_blackbit: yeah18:15
blackbitrob: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199719918:16
blackbitrob: basically, you remove 'quiet splash' from the grub menu entry of ubuntu, and then do sudo update-grub18:16
ruedigertrism: dh_make just generates the debian/ directory and the required files?18:16
rob_blackbit: ok cool but where is the grub menu file? dont you have to use /etc/default/grub or something?18:16
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blackbitrob: let me check18:17
trismruediger: yes, it will ask you a few questions about the package and generate the files you need (plus extras you can safely delete)18:18
blackbitrob: menu should be in /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:18
ruedigertrism: well I shouldn't need that. I have a build script that generates most of the debian directory and git dch generates the changelog from git log.18:19
rob_blackbit: i think that file is generated from /etc/default/grub18:20
ruedigertrism: but just to understand it right. If I call debuild -b it should unpack the orig directory and then call debian/rules with target build?18:20
rob_blackbit: i see all the kernel messages but i dont see any of the init messages, it's quite annoying...18:21
trismruediger: usually you unpack the source and then use debuild from the source directory18:21
rob_i have nosplash noquiet and debug kernel perameters18:21
ruedigertrism: this isn't done automatically?18:22
benjamenohey i have a problem. i was using kubuntu, but i decided to reformat my hard drive and install ubuntu on it. the problem is i'm getting an I/O error when i try to install and it's impossible for me to boot my computer now without the CD18:22
blackbitrob: open /etc/default/grub and search for  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash". try modifyng that line in RUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" , then sudo update-grub18:22
rob_blackbit: have edited that file but those parameters didnt exist there, that's where i added noquiet, nosplash and debug and then if i run grub-update i can see the changes reflected in /boot/grub/grub.conf18:23
benjamenoit says something about how there might be something wrong with the cd but right now i have no means of burning a new cd because my only CD burner is occupied by the ubuntu installation disk18:23
benjamenoi'm starting to think maybe the drive crapped out on me18:24
SnypWhy does my ATI gpu fan rotate at such a high speed when i'm on ubuntu? Is there a way to fix this?18:24
trismruediger: no, you could use pbuilder and point it at the dsc file, and have it unpack and build the source in a chroot18:24
benjamenocan anyone help me?18:24
devxdevany reason why i can't apt-get in a chroot?18:25
jondoe2I just modified the /boot/grub/grub.conf, it was a safe change from security=selinux selinux=1 to security=apparmor, is there any easy way to boot failsafely in case I messed up though? like last working grub.conf thing?18:25
blackbitrob: so, did you try to do  update-grub without results already?18:25
jondoe2Snyp, got the latest driver?18:25
benjamenoi don't think something's wrong with the cd because i run ubuntu in test mode fine with it18:25
SnypYea.. the proprietary one that was shown in the update list.18:25
Snypfglx or something like that18:25
rob_blackbit: correct18:25
ruedigertrism: but then how does it work on launchpad? Do I have to unpack the orig file prior to creating the source package to have it included?18:26
trismruediger: for launchpad you would dput the changes file, which will upload the dsc/tar files and then launchpad will unpack and build it (eventually)18:27
SnypAny idea how I can manually change the fan speed. Its always at a constant high speed even though there are no graphics heavy program running.18:28
trismruediger: I think launchpad uses sbuild? which is similar to pbuilder18:29
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witha1207sepi ajaaaaa18:30
rob_blackbit: this might work: http://virtual-drive.in/2012/05/20/ubuntu-12-04-text-boot/18:32
blackbitrob: good, try it :) if it works I'll probably do it as well18:33
fission6how do i copy a local user's pub key to a remote machien and login as a different user, the user i copied the key to on the remote machine18:33
rob_blackbit: hooray! it works..18:34
llutzfission6: ssh-copy-id user2@remotehost18:34
jondoe2my computer doesn't seem to automatically power off after shutdown is completed, is there any quick fix?18:34
blackbitrob: great, you solved it yourself :) may google always be with you18:34
xGrub11some one, would you like to give me a download link to a downloadable tarball package those could work with xfce4-terminal on xubuntu 11.10? thanks before...18:34
jondoe2xGrub11, downloadable link of what?18:35
xGrub11an example tarball those installable18:35
jondoe2of xfce4-terminal?18:36
rob_blackbit: cheers18:36
xGrub11jondoe2: did you visit one ?18:36
jondoe2I think easiest would be sudo apt-get install xfce4-terminal18:36
xGrub11jondoe2: no, i mena, a link that contains a installable tarball package18:37
loneclockhow can i minimize something once i have maximized it?18:37
xGrub11jondoe2: or could you teach me how to install a tarball?18:37
jondoe2xGrub11, what do you want to install?18:38
jondoe2what program18:38
xGrub11here i have "kanatest-0.4.8.tar.gz"18:38
xGrub11how to install it trough xcfe4-terminal18:39
jondoe2xGrub11, first do tar zxfv kanatest-0.4.8.tar.gz18:39
ruedigertrism: thanks for your help so far!18:39
jondoe2tar zxfv kanatest-0.4.8.tar.gz18:39
jondoe2that is18:39
=== StaffZombie is now known as yano
jondoe2then do       cd kanatest-0.4.818:39
jondoe2then      ./configure18:40
xGrub11ok, then...18:41
jondoe2xGrub11, you do not need to install from tarball though18:41
jondoe2did you do ./configure ?18:41
xGrub11yes i did18:41
jondoe2now do     make18:41
scruffy00Hey all,18:41
kunaldHey, my ubuntu 12.04 system won't start X anymore after I installed kernel 3.2.0-25. have there been any other reports of similar problems?18:42
Jordan_UxGrub11: Stop, you don't want to install software by compiling from source.18:42
fission6can a remote user have more than one public key?18:42
jondoe2xGrub11, you can do        sudo apt-get install kanatest18:42
llutzfission6: yes18:42
jondoe2and it will install automatically18:42
Jordan_UxGrub11: kanatest is available in Ubuntu Software Center, or you can install it from the terminal by running "sudo apt-get install kanatest".18:42
fission6ok thanks llutz18:42
xanguakunald: tried to use the previous kernel¿18:42
kunaldYeah, and that works just fine18:42
scruffy00Can't get 12.04 to shut down properly.  Added the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=force" in grub.  Still doesn't work.   Any help would be appreciated.18:43
xGrub11jondoe2: ok wait i though my GTK+ doesn't upgraded yet... it stop after ./configure... it can't do "make"...18:43
jondoe2xGrub11, ok you better try          sudo apt-get install kanatest18:43
jondoe2much easier18:43
xGrub11 Jordan_U: xGrub11: kanatest is available in Ubuntu Software Center, or you can install it from the terminal by running "sudo apt-get install kanatest". <-- iknow it is, i just training to install it by tarball18:43
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Jordan_UxGrub11: Why are you "training to install it by tarball"?18:44
xGrub11jondoe2;  Jordan_U; thanks :)18:44
jondoe2Jordan_U, because some enjoy learning, why not?18:44
jondoe2xGrub11, hmmm. what gtk+ is missing?18:44
jitaWhats the best way app for rsi break application which prevents you from continuously working on the pc ? I dont like KDE apps like workrave etc.18:44
xGrub11i wanna save some tarball to burning to a cd,, so when i my linux crash, a can install it by offline...18:45
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jondoe2xGrub11, usually when you install something with apt-get, you see something like These programs will be installed: libasd libasdf2 and so on18:45
jondoe2those are called dependencies,they are needed for the program to work18:45
jondoe2if you install from tarball you have to install all those manually18:46
xGrub11 jondoe2: xGrub11, hmmm. what gtk+ is missing? <-- i dont know.. in the terminal it says like this:18:46
xGrub11checking dependency style of gcc... gcc318:46
xGrub11checking whether GTK+ version >= 2.12... no18:46
xGrub11configure: error: GTK+ not found or too old (version < 2.12)18:46
xangua!offline | xGrub1118:46
ubottuxGrub11: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD18:46
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se-nseican someone point me in the direction to install bootable ubuntu to an external hard drive? 500GB NTFS. I'm using a windows PC18:46
Snyphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2002687  How do I do what he just said, I wonder if gpu fan speed can be controlled from the BIOS?18:46
xGrub11xangua:oops sorry :|18:46
jondoe2xGrub11, I think you need   libgtk-3-018:47
L3topxGrub11: you can just dump the packages from /var/cache/apt/archives/blahblah.deb, and you will have the packages you need. Can then just dpkg -i blahblah.deb... but as was mentioned, there are dependencies etc18:47
jondoe2xGrub11, you need   libgtk2.0-018:47
jondoe2xGrub11, here you can see what is needed: http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-11.04/ubuntu-universe-i386/kanatest_0.4.8-2_i386.deb.html#requires18:48
trismjondoe2: -dev package (so libgtk2.0-dev)18:48
trismjondoe2: also since it is in the repos, sudo apt-get build-dep kanatest; will do the heavy lifting18:49
pepeereally, pastebinit not working?18:50
L3topoh wow... xGrub11 ignore what I said... xangua has the better answer there18:50
L3topthey broke the api on 1004 a while back. Ubuntu has fixed it. You should update and grab the newest version.18:50
anommieHi, got a mate who installed ubuntu, and it reads "completing the ubuntu installation" and doesnt start without the disk, when you put the disk in it starts up but everything but the unity sidebar is white, there are no icons on the unity startbar?18:51
xGrub11(01:50:27 AM) L3top: oh wow... xGrub11 ignore what I said... xangua has the better answer there <-- isn't it .. ok i'll go there18:51
jondoe2xGrub11, do try      sudo apt-get build-dep kanatest18:51
jondoe2usually internet will still work even if some things are broken18:52
anommiei can access the wifi, sound, but when i try and log out it wont let me? (no error message)18:52
pepeehttp://pastebin.com/Cz8LLx6r  <- broken pastebinit18:52
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Guest40510@search origami18:52
Guest40510@search drawing18:52
Guest40510@search cartoons18:52
jondoe2anommie, maybe it's not quite finished?18:52
jondoe2if it says "completing .."18:53
DJones!list > Guest4051018:53
ubottuGuest40510, please see my private message18:53
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anommiehe says the installation went through to the point where it asked him to restart, when he restarted this happened.18:53
pepeeubuntu, always braking what works18:55
n-iCeHello I am sharing internet(wlan0) to others(wlan1) but when I connect to the AP they does not get IPs18:55
xGrub11(01:51:51 AM) jondoe2: xGrub11, do try      sudo apt-get build-dep kanatest <-- no, it can't work either sudo apt-get install kanatest... i thougt there is some missing items in my linux... ok, its allright for now, i will try search info at google... btw thanks...18:55
hashany one know y i might be getting a ..... does not exist when im dragging the folder on to the terminal window18:56
llutzn-iCe: you need a dhcp-server running and listening on wlan118:56
xGrub11jondoe2: thank you ;)18:56
llutzn-iCe: dnsmasq might do, it also manages dns18:56
n-iCellutz: done I installed it, now?18:57
arusselI'm having a server with postgres package in a very bad state. I'm trying to remove everything. "aptitude purge postgresql-common" works, but then "aptitude install postgresql-common" gives me: "Can't locate PgCommon.pm in @INC", any ideas ?18:57
llutzn-iCe: now read the documentation how to configure it18:57
n-iCellutz: I read that I don't need to install dnsmasq and I need to install dnsmasq-base18:58
scruffy00Anyone have a fix for the shutdown issue with 12.04?18:58
llutzn-iCe: however they splitted the package now. you need the service runnig, so install whatever is needed18:58
n-iCellutz: I am sure it is running, cuz was already installed18:59
ruedigerare lintian errors a problem for a ppa? e.g. because of uncompressed manpage18:59
llutzn-iCe: well, then configure it18:59
n-iCellutz: I read network-manager does it in 12.04 all tutorials says just to select on ipv4 SHARED TO OTHERS19:00
n-iCeAnd I did19:00
B0g4r7arussel, that's a perl error.  It's complaining that t can't find a particular module.19:00
kunaldxangua, I think it was an issue with fglrx19:01
sstaruediger: why not compress the manpage?  The debhelper tools do that for you even...19:01
arusselB0g4r7: I've been this far, but I would expect a file named PgCommon.pm to be provided by postgresql-common package.19:01
sstaruediger: occasionally, there are valid reasons to ignore lintian warnings (hence the lintian overrides mechanism), but they are rare...usually the problems are very easy to fix and so should be fixed19:02
anommientfs error prefix not set? what does this mean?19:02
arusselI've got the message : "Setting up postgresql-common (129) ", but then the error so it unpacked everything.19:02
sstaruediger: anyways, NEVER just ignore a lintian warning/error.  If you want to override it (with appropriate documentation as to why)19:02
ruedigerssta: it would require adding compression support to my build scripts19:02
B0g4r7Nevermind, my comment was likely not useful.19:03
arusselB0g4r7: thanks for trying :-)19:03
ruedigerssta: not impossible but I don't want to do it for now19:03
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Dashhhi, where is the dir with keymaps in ubuntu 12.04?19:03
sstaruediger: why not just compress it in the source package?  If you're using debhelper you should be using dh_installman anyway19:04
ruedigerssta: I'm not using debhelper19:04
hashany one know y im getting an /../../../ dosent exist when im dragging the folder over to the terminal window19:04
sstaruediger: mostly leaving the warnings there is just seen as sloppy...and if you're sloppy about easy to fix stuff in your ppa package, why would I trust it to be right for the hard stuff?19:05
ruedigerssta: I'm not saying I won't fix it. But I want to get the ppa running first19:05
B0g4r7arussel, you might fool around with the CPATH env variable, and include /usr/share/postgresql-common in it.19:05
xGrub11why do "sudo apt-get install bla-bla-bla" can't work, someone help me19:05
sstaruediger: fine, go for it19:05
sstaruediger: I duno what the launchpad ppa does about lintian, but if it's your own ppa it's up to you :)19:06
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faryshtaIs there a minecraft-like game for ubuntu?19:06
hashxGrub11, are u getting an error19:07
SkippersBossxGrub11: what is it saying exactly ??19:07
hashifso what19:07
ruedigerssta: yeah I'll give it a try :)19:07
sstahash: minecraft19:07
hashssta, what19:07
sstahash: google for "minecraft ubuntu".  There's like a bazillion blogs/forum posts/howtos on getting it done19:08
faryshtassta, I think you mean me.19:08
sstaoops, sorry hash19:08
faryshtassta, I wanna play something free (as speach)19:08
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ruedigerfaryshta: there is minetest http://minetest.net/19:09
sstaminetest is in the archive even, you can get it in software centre19:10
SkippersBosshash: xGrub tried to sudo apt-get install GTK+19:10
n-iCePlease I have two cards, wlan0 connected to internet and wlan1 which is the one I would like to share internet from, I am using network manager in order to create a new connection, I see the AP created in my devices but they don't get ip, something must be wrong, any ideas?19:10
faryshtaruediger, thakns. Let me check.19:10
sstaumm, there's no suck package as "GTK+"19:11
arusselB0g4r7: the problem is that the file is not on the system.19:12
B0g4r7Yeah...it sounds like it installs it as a part of that package, and then tries to use it, and fails to find it.19:12
Zxixii installed mysql-server but it isn't starting up mysqld_safe it's starting mysqld does anyone know how i can change it to the safe one?19:13
B0g4r7arussel: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlrun.html#ENVIRONMENT19:13
faryshtaruediger, is minetest experimental or something? Looks like there is no game play. Just a map with blocks.19:13
B0g4r7You might try setting PERL5LIB to that path, as mentioned in there.19:13
ruedigerfaryshta: I haven't tried it19:13
B0g4r7And then retrying the apt install.19:14
HillDevhey yall!19:14
HillDevmy bridge is giving me hell, does anyone else have this same problem?19:14
jitaWhats the best way app for rsi break application which prevents you from continuously working on the pc ? I dont like KDE apps like workrave etc.19:14
faryshtaruediger, looks like a sandbox. Nothing to play, just to explore.19:15
B0g4r7You'll need to be more specifc, HillDev.19:15
HillDevhaha I know19:15
ruedigerfaryshta: that's what some people say about minecraft as well :D19:15
HillDevI have a bridge19:15
HillDeveth0 is hooked up to the internet19:15
LimpalotHi channel.19:16
LimpalotCould anyone please tell me how I can set the screen resolution to 1366x768 regardless of what screen is connected on xubuntu?19:16
LimpalotI miss xorg.conf...19:16
jagginessjita, try to use keyword 'scim'19:16
D_LSIJust a stupid newbie question.  I have to install LSI Raid drivers during the CD install Process.  How do I do that?19:16
faryshtaruediger, but I don't even see the tools, options or anything. I can just move around.19:16
HillDeveth1 is hooked up to another computer,19:16
HillDevthe bridge setting seem to work because computer A has internet, but computer B the one hooked up to eth1, does not have internet or network access for that matter19:17
D_LSIanyone ??19:17
DeltaHeavyHillDev: You're going to need to use netfilter (iptables) to forward things for eth1 to eth019:18
HillDevoh ok..19:19
LimpalotHillDev: And enable ip_forward19:19
HillDevhow do I enable ip_forward?19:19
D_LSIIs there anyone here willing to help me?19:19
D_LSIguess not19:20
SkippersBossD_LSI: If someone has an answer to your question u will get it19:20
LimpalotHillDev: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward19:20
LimpalotD_LSI: Willing, yeah, but I haven't had the need in years, so I don't remember (or even know with the new installer)19:21
llutzHillDev: set "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" in /etc/sysctl.conf and run "sudo sysctl -p  /etc/sysctl.conf "19:21
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D_LSINew installer is nice, I think.  But can't seem to find anyway to install a new LSI driver during the install process.19:22
HillDevThank you19:22
SkippersBossLimpalot: can't you do anything with xrandr19:22
Zxixiis this script supposed to keep mysqld up if it dies? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1039569/19:22
LimpalotSkippersBoss: I don't know, will that hold across reboots and different monitors?19:23
dudolWhat is that Linux distribution which has a female name?19:23
jussifluffy :D19:24
Meridiousdudol: gentoo19:24
ruedigerdudol: http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/19:24
Meridiousdudol: hannah montana linux19:24
GRMrGeckoI need to disable Net::FTP and LWP in CPAN. I've tried dontload_hash and dontload_list. I'm using perl v5.14.2 on ubuntu 12.04.19:24
durka42rhythmbox question, can I synchronize with a device (my phone) where the phone has the more up-to-date library19:24
durka42I want to add all the music from my phone as opposed to overwriting what's already on the phone19:25
durka42or is rhythmbox the wrong choice19:25
SkippersBossLimpalot you could always drop the command line somewhere. I have it on a launcher for en/disabling and positioning a monitor19:25
SkippersBossSome one else in here might be in a better position to tell you where to put it exactly19:26
LimpalotI have never used xrandr, I can script it? Neat, I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the tip!19:26
SkippersBossur welcome19:27
scruffy00Quick question.  Can't get Ubuntu 12.04 to shutdown or restart.  Edited grub but it still won't work.  Any suggestions?19:27
adamkLimpalot: If you miss xorg.conf, why not use xorg.conf ?  You can specify monitors and "PreferredResolutions"19:27
TheLordOfTimescruffy00: why would grub control shutdown/restart?  any errors when you try to shutdown or restart?19:28
Notimikis it possible to change how a program is run from the unity bar? like i would like to add an export LANG=se:en befora I launch x-chat to get dual spell checkers19:28
Limpalotadamk: Yeah, maybe I'll just reinstate xorg.conf...19:28
scruffy00TheLordofTime...it hangs.  I've been looking on line and the suggestion on line was to edit grub and with the following line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=force".  It hasn't helped.19:29
TheLordOfTimescruffy00: hangs how?19:29
dacshello folks, i just did the update and it messed up my laptop screen19:31
scruffy00TheLordOfTime:  Laptop screen goes off, but the computer fans still run.19:31
dacslinux-headers-generic-pae: Depends: linux-headers-3.2.0-25-generic-pae but it is not installed19:31
dacscan someone help me please19:31
nerdistmonkI just updated my kernel to 3.4.0 and now my firewall wont stay enabled, does anyone know why this is?19:31
brandonI am using 10.0419:32
brandonand wondering if i can get the apps 12.04 can?19:32
dacsthis is on 12.0419:32
hashy would i get a /.../.../... does not exits19:33
nerdistmonkim Xubuntu 12.0419:33
dacsbrandon, i suggest you wait, i am have hell of a time to get 12.04 work for me19:33
TheLordOfTimebrandon: i take it you're not willing to upgrade to 12.04?19:33
jayshawnI'm running 12.04 and trying to configure four monitors with xrandr. I have fully described the position (left,right,above,below) for each, but inevitably one display will show a streched desktop with a mouse, but I am unable to put windows on it. What could be going wrong?19:34
roothoricklaptop running 12.04 LTS. Wireless is working, I'm connected to my local WiFi right now, but iwconfig claims the WiFi card is "Not-Associated". Why?19:34
jitahow to check installed dependencies of a package /19:35
B0g4r7brandon, most of the apps should will probably work on 10.04.  Maybe an exceptino here or there.19:35
dacsany help with the update screwing my monitor please19:35
scruffy00TheLordOfTime: Did my response make sense?19:35
TheLordOfTimescruffy00: i might've missed it :/19:36
TheLordOfTimescruffy00: sort of, did you try 'shudown -h now` from the command line?19:36
TheLordOfTimejust as a test19:36
TheLordOfTimesudo shutdown -h now   *19:36
nerdistmonkI just updated my kernel to 3.4 and now my firewall wont stay enabled, why is that?19:37
scruffy00TheLordOfTime:  No problem.  Monitor goes blank but hard drive and fans stay on.  I have tried the sudo shutdown -h command and has worked.  I've had the problem with the new versions of Ubuntu (12.04) and Linux Mint (Maya).  I would like to not have to run a command every time I shutdown or reboot.19:38
TheLordOfTime!mint | FYI, scruffy0019:38
ubottuFYI, scruffy00: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:38
TheLordOfTimeso for mint side help, go there19:38
TheLordOfTimescruffy00: as for why its hanging on your end, i dont know why specifically, so...19:38
scruffy00TheLordOfTime:  Not running Mint now.19:38
TheLordOfTimenor do i have a fix19:39
nerdistmonktheres a bug with nouveau and kernels 3.2-3.3 where you will get no picture when you boot, nomodeset=0 has to be set if your on nouveau19:39
ircnode0strange. I want to list folders in terminal with ls -d, but got "." as output19:39
scruffy00TheLordOfTime:  Ok.  Thanks anyway.  Anyone else have any suggestions.  Whatever I see on the web doesn't seem to help.  I'm running a Dell Inspiron 142019:40
nerdistmonkso i would would really like my firewall working again19:40
llutzircnode0: "." IS the actual directory19:40
Meridiousircnode0, do you have no other directories inside of . ?19:40
ircnode0llutz: there are more than "."19:40
ActionParsnipnerdistmonk: or blacklist nouveau ;)19:41
Dacsdo development have their own channel ?19:41
ircnode0Meridious: yes there are A,B,C and D folder19:41
llutzircnode0: ls -d   won't list contents of a dir, just the dir19:41
hashanyone here use audiogalaxy19:41
scruffy00Can anyone tell me what the Nouveau driver isn't able to do over the Nvidia drivers?19:41
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment19:41
ActionParsnipDacs: #ubuntu+1 if you mean development of Quantal (Ubuntu 12.10)19:41
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nerdistmonkthe nvidia drivers are able to push some serious performance where as nouveau are meh19:42
ircnode0llutz: do I need to add something to list current path's folders? e.g. folders under "."19:42
nerdistmonkanyways why would a kernel upgrade disable my firewall?19:43
nerdistmonki cant turn it back on either19:43
Toph2i'm going to be buying a video card,, which is better supported by linux, nvidia or ATI?19:43
llutzircnode0: find . -type d19:43
scruffy00I've noticed that when I don't use the Nividia Driver I can shutdown and reboot Ubuntu 12.04.  When I use Nvidia it won't shutdown or reboot.  Thanks nerdistmonk.  Can the Nouveau driver run games?19:43
jitaIs there any graphical application which list all the running tasks and their memory usage ?19:43
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nerdistmonkit can but it wont run high end stuff very quick19:43
nerdistmonki play minecraft and such on nouveau and it works fine19:44
Chuck_Norrisjita: system monitor19:44
guntbert!enter | nerdistmonk19:44
ubottunerdistmonk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:44
ircnode0llutz: thanks.19:44
mneptokjita: i just use htop, which is CLI, but very understandable19:44
ActionParsnipjita: system-monitor19:44
ActionParsnipjita: or use: top19:44
ZeZuwhat is the correct way to set nameservers on current ubuntu server for use w/ static ip?19:44
scruffy00nerdistmonk:  Thanks.  I don't think my laptop can handle high end stuff, but if I can play Monkey Island I might be able to make it work.  Just disappointed I'm having the issues with 12.04.19:44
mneptokZeZu: open /etc/network/interfaces with sudo privileges19:45
nerdistmonkyour welcome scruffy, i guess i have to fix my problem myself since the only response i can get is from a grammar nazi lol19:45
mneptokZeZu: even better, pastebin that same file for me19:45
ZeZumneptok,  lol ...19:46
ActionParsnipscruffy00: there is a scumm vm system you can use for monkey islan etc19:46
mneptokZeZu: i'll do the edits you need, if you're lazy19:46
ZeZumneptok,  that contains internal NAT addresses so no ... also i've never seeen nameservers in there only in resolv.conf19:46
mneptokZeZu: you asked, i'm telling you how. i'm not guessing.19:46
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ZeZumneptok,  nameserver is valid in that file then?  ( it wasno't before )19:47
llutzZeZu: "dns-nameservers x.x.x.x"19:47
mneptokZeZu: if you put the correct parameters, yes.19:47
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scruffy00ActionParsnip:  Thanks for the heads up.  I actually bought the re-released version a year or two ago and I can run it under wine/Play on Linux.19:48
mneptokllutz / ZeZu: that paramter, as well as "dns-search" and "dns-domains"19:48
ActionParsnipscruffy00: sweet, if it works then awesome :)19:48
llutzZeZu: it was always valid, just needs package "resolvconf" to be installed19:48
Dacsany support for 12.04 here please19:49
arejayanyone know know why i no longer get prompts when i insert usb sticks/memory cards etc the prompt that used to ask what i wanted todo19:49
guntbertDacs: yes19:49
ZeZumneptok, http://pastebin.com/3WFL7Uzx19:49
llutzZeZu: "dns-nameservers x.x.x.x"19:49
ActionParsnipDacs: absolutely, read the motd from when you came in ;)19:49
ZeZuI see that now thanks19:50
LimpalotSkippersBoss: xrandr in a script works like a charm, thank you very much!19:50
Dacsi just did an update and it screwed my monitor19:50
jitaOk whats the best way to get the memory usage of specific task ?19:50
Dacs3.2.0-25-generic-pae #40-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 22:11:24 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux19:51
cypher-neojita, What are you looking to test?19:51
SkippersBossHappy to help19:51
mneptokZeZu: http://pastebin.com/iR0ppZR619:51
DacsActionParsnip, aptd crash, update manager crash, monitor crash19:53
ActionParsnipDacs: what GPU?19:53
cypher-neojita, You could try using "strace -c <program>"19:53
EtaleHi people. When I restart my ubuntu 12.04 LTS, it gets stuck on that stage of showing the periods under the word ubuntu. The animation continues, but it doesn't seem like it's doing anything, and it doesn't seem to be ending. It's as if it's stuck in an infinite loop. Do you know what that could be?19:53
ZeZumneptok/llutz: thanks19:54
cypher-neojita, That will open up a new copy of the program, and you after you close it, it will show all the commands that generated memory and CPU usage, and how long they took to execute.19:54
DacsActionParsnip, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 320M] (rev a2)19:54
jitacypher-neo, like i have a running process of alarm-clock-applet, i want to see how much memory is it consuming, i can do it in system monitor, but i want to find that using command line19:55
ActionParsnipDacs: try uninstaling the proprietary driver, reboot then reinstall it19:55
anomieeejust done a fresh install from disk, no errors. but my full screen is white except for the task bar and the unity sidebar. i cant open anything, or log out but i can access the unity search, whats going on?19:55
cypher-neojita, try "strace -c <program>" or "ltrace -c <program>19:55
ks07Hey all - been trying to install 12.04 server remotely via ipmi/ikvm. Installation appears to complete normally, but on restart the system doesn't boot and doesn't appear to even attempt to load GRUB. It's a new mobo, and it appears to be UEFI, which I have no experience with19:55
jitacypher-neo, ok thanks19:56
DacsActionParsnip, how do i do that please , i don't want to mess it more that what i did already19:56
cypher-neojita, Both will open up a new instance of the applet and break down how it's using memory19:56
anomieeethis is the third time ive tried to reinstall, nothing to indicate the installation went wrong, can anyone tell me how to get into the command line and what checks to run?19:57
ActionParsnipDacs: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-current nvidia-settings       should do it19:57
ActionParsnipanomieee: log off then log in to Unity2D session, should be ok19:58
anomieeeActionParsnip: i cant log out19:58
ActionParsnipanomieee: sure you can#19:58
ActionParsnipanomieee: press CTRL+ALT+F1   and run:  killall -u $USER19:59
anomieeeActionParsnip: 2sec19:59
DacsThe following packages have unmet dependencies:20:00
Dacs linux-headers-generic-pae : Depends: linux-headers-3.2.0-25-generic-pae but it is not going to be installed20:00
DacsE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).20:00
DacsActionParsnip, sorry about the pm , but i didn't want to flood20:00
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Dacs20:00
ubottuDacs: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:00
norbert_that URL, can anyone click "Save" there?20:00
norbert_I tried it in Chrome, Firefox and Opera, without success20:01
norbert_maybe someone with Windows could try?20:01
anomieeeActionParsnip: its just giving me an output like incorrect syntax?20:02
anomieeeim typing 'killall -u $willymck'20:02
Kai_i have hybrid graphics (intel/ati (radeon hd 6300m in particular)). after installing fglrx (either from ati's website or from the repos (without post-release updates)) without using aticonfig, i get a badrequest error from fglrxinfo. after using aticonfig, i get failsafe X. anyone know what i can do?20:02
ActionParsnipanomieee: no, don't change the command, run it as I gave it20:03
Kai_once i tried using the open-source driver, but vgaswitcheroo wouldn't ever switch to the amd card. it seemed to be stuck on intel20:03
ActionParsnipanomieee: killall -u $USER     run that, don't change it20:03
Kai_in case it's relevant, i have an hp pavilion dv7 4285dx / xz029ua20:03
hashso i keep getting a /blah blah doesnt exist but i know the directory does20:05
Meridioushash: triple check your filepaths20:06
dz0nyhash you must esacpe spalce like /blah\ blah20:06
hashive tried20:06
hash\ the whole thing20:06
Meridioushash: ls -al20:07
hashand drag and dropping the folder20:07
dz0nyalso "/blah\ blah/"20:07
DamnedGood evening. Question: Im gonna run ddrescue. Im copying from a 1TB external drive, to a 2TB internal drive. Does the target 2TB drive need to be blank?20:08
theadminDamned: It doesn't "need" to be blank, it will be wiped likely though20:10
theadminDamned: If you are copying to a drive itself, obviously. If you're copying to a file, it will be fine20:10
DamnedI have to create a 900GN image :/ since the usb drive has crashed20:11
Damnedallright, could just as well format the 2TB disk before I start then20:11
Damnedtheadmin: just re-read your reply. So I should be fine with copying it to a gigantic 1TB image then?20:12
theadminDamned: Sure, why not20:13
theadminAny chance of ghc getting updated to 7.4.2 in Precise? 7.4.1 has some bugs which make xmonad go crazy20:13
Damnedlol, ill give it a shot, even if i can rescue data, I might be more afraid of opening that image later on...20:13
ActionParsnipDamned: it will make a 1Gb ISO file on the 2Gb partition20:13
theadminActionParsnip: ISO is not a valid term, that relates to CD images, but yeah that's the point20:14
Galvatrontheadmin: There are always PPAs20:14
theadminGalvatron: Hm, true enough20:14
joel135Damned: just make sure your filesystem can handle the gigantic file. for ext3, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Size_limits20:14
lesshastewhen I click on a pdf I just get a black blank page.. how can I work around this?20:14
lesshastethis is in firefox20:14
Damnedwhy would it create a 1GB ISO when I save it as a .img, and the disk itself is 1TB big?20:14
hashmeridious: thats just my home directory the folder is on an external which is also accessible thru the media folder in my Hdd which is the same external20:14
DamnedIts NTFS as file system. Im running win 7 but gonna run the ubunto live rescue disk in an attempt to try save data from the usb20:15
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joel135lesshaste: does firefox display the pdf or does it launch another application to do that?20:16
DamnedIn my google adventures ddrescue seems like my best bet (usb disk cant be explores, it just freezes). Unless you have a better idea for me?20:17
ActionParsniptheadmin: not strictly CD images20:17
lesshastejoel135, firefox tries to display it20:17
EtaleHi fellas. Okay, so every time I restart I'm stuck on the splash screen with the logo.20:17
EtaleGoogling doesn't seem to bring about an answer to my problems.20:17
EtaleDo you have any idea what I should do?20:17
ActionParsniptheadmin: its just a data stream20:17
Shojosuna bine andres20:17
Shojoscoate cifrele doar enetual20:17
joel135lesshaste: I'd set firefox to open the file in evince (the default pdf viewer)20:17
ShojoEtale: about what?20:17
theadminDamned: There's Photorec, which is a nice way to recover files from *any* filesystem as such, but idk if it will really work for you, might be best to not load the drive much20:18
lesshastejoel135, I think I need to manually delete the plugin to do that20:18
EtaleShojo, so that when I restart it wouldn't be stuck on the splash screen, and it will actually restart.20:18
Edwardf414Just received a MacBook pro 2010 anyone has installed 11.04 smooth install or to Manny problems to even bother20:18
Chuck_Norrisjoel135: http://www.muylinux.com/2012/06/13/firefox-15-aurora-ya-tiene-soporte-nativo-para-pdf/  translate it20:18
theadminEtale: Add "reboot=bios" to the kernel line20:18
Shojoomg i'm so off, sorry i just quit smoking i'm a mess i didn't mean to type in this chan :920:19
Etaletheadmin, where at? I don't know where to add that line.20:19
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Etaletheadmin, do you mean in /etc/default/grub?20:19
theadminEtale: Type "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub" in a terminal. Next, find the line which says something like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="foo bar baz", change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="foo bar baz reboot=bios"20:19
theadminEtale: Save the file, run "sync", then reboot in any way possible, and it should be working fine, more or less20:20
Damnedtheadmin: I will try ddrescue, and give photorec a looksie. As Ive understood it I need to create an imagae ASAP and do recovery attempts from that image instead of the actual drive (as you said, becuase I dont want to overload the faulting disk)20:20
glosoliIs there any way to permamently change Unity Launcher color ? that stupid behaviorus of auto chaning it according to background makes it look like crap20:21
EtaleOkay, I'll try. theadmin, what does adding it actually do?20:21
Damnedthanks for the advise20:21
theadminEtale: Makes the kernel ask BIOS for reboot/shutdown instead of using the built-in power management features.20:21
ActionParsnipglosoli: anything in myunity?20:21
EtaleOkay. I'll leave now to reboot.20:21
mike__I think I might have found a bug with the "lshw" terminal command.  Can someone help me verify that it is a bug?20:21
Chuck_Norrisglosoli: try: sudo apt-get install myunity20:22
glosoliok will check myunity as I hadn't used it for quite a time20:22
gandhijee_hey, i upgraded to 12.04, and now i don't have GLX extensions anymore....20:22
gandhijee_any idea on what might have happened?20:22
ActionParsnipgandhijee_: do you use proprietary drivers?20:22
gandhijee_ActionParsnip: nope, i was using the free ones20:23
DacsActionParsnip, you are awesome dude20:23
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ActionParsnipDacs: np dude, get that bug reported...20:23
GalvatronEdwardf414: Best stick to OSX. It will offer you a similar functionality, ans a much better battery life.  Believe, as of now it is a superior system. If you want Ubuntu, try 11.10 or 12.04, as "Natty" is a bit old and out of support already (it ended up with 12.04).20:23
B0g4r7I fear for the future of OS X.20:24
DacsActionParsnip, i am on linux 3.2.0-24-generic-pae now20:24
B0g4r7Even at WWDC 2008, the OS X sessions were dead.  Everyone was at the iOS sessions.20:24
ratcheerEdwardf414: OSX is BDS Unix under the hood. You can use it like Linux, if you want.20:24
mike__running "lshw -xml -C network > out.xml" does not generate a valid xml file if more than 1 network adapter (no root tag) in 12.0420:25
theadminratcheer: That's stretching it a bit. Yes, OS X is based on BSD, but it doesn't mean you can use it *like* Linux, there are too many major differences.20:25
B0g4r7Edwardf414, if you want to play with linux, you might consider installing it inside a VM.20:25
Galvatronratcheer: But you are likely to break it, if you overdo things.20:25
Dukaanyone have solution for this error,  dpkg -i *.deb http://pastebin.com/yVqujjD520:26
Etaletheadmin, it's still doing it.20:26
Edwardf414Thanks guys20:26
theadminEtale: Bah, forgot to tell you, you gotta run "sudo update-grub" after editing the file20:26
Galvatronratcheer: Installing the Linux desktop enviroments is theoretically possible, but definitely not recoomended (and makes little to no sense).20:26
Etaletheadmin, the relevant line is: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash reboot=bios"20:27
ratcheerGalvatron: I guess it depends on what you do. I like to ssh to my Ubuntu box from out on my deck with my son's Macbook Pro.20:27
Etaletheadmin, I did run sudo update-grub.20:27
theadminEtale: Hm, okay, well, you can try changing it to "reboot=force" but I'm not sure how helpful that will be.20:27
Dacs, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:27
B0g4r7Duka, I encountered the same problem when trying to install a self-compiled 3.4.2 kernel.  I did not solve it.20:28
EtaleLet's try! What does that do now, theadmin?20:28
theadminEtale: Some magic... lol, I honestly have no idea, I just got that one off some article on the web20:28
RelondoSometimes, Ubuntu does not recognize my keyboard or mouse on startup. Rebooting, usually once, but no more than twice, always fixes it. The mouse and keyboard are never not recognized at the same time; only spearately. Hlep?20:29
EtaleOkay, here we go again.20:29
theadminEtale: Well, as you would've probably guessed, rebooting *once* won't solve it, you have to boot with the new parameters first and *then* the reboot should work20:29
DukaEtale, already exists BCM4312 driver 3.4.0-030400-generic-pae?20:30
DacsActionParsnip, its asking me to do apt-install -f20:31
GalvatronRelondo: USB, PS/2, bluetooth? Pastebin (http://pastebin.com) the output of lsusb.20:31
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Etaletheadmin, gah! Nothing works!20:32
RelondoGalvatron: It's on a laptop, so I'm assuming the keyboard is USB, but the mouse is bluetooth, using a USB bluetooth receiver. And here's the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039669/20:32
theadminEtale: :( Sad. Well, I can't really help much here, but you can hit Escape during shutdown to see the details, and maybe it will lead you to understanding the problem20:32
Etaletheadmin, will it create some log file somewhere?20:33
theadminEtale: Not sure about that, sorry20:33
DukaEtale, already exists BCM4312 driver 3.4.0-030400-generic-pae?20:33
dudolYesterday I've installed my laserPrinter to use with CAPs and everything was alright printing and stuff, today at windows side it giving me errors. What that could possible be? Could someone help please?20:33
Chuck_NorrisEtale: what is your issue?20:33
lysdexiaIs there a way to configure individual unity launcher icons to allow more than one instance of a program to be started? I really need more than one instance of  xterm and gvim at a time.20:33
EtaleChuck_Norris, my issue is that ubuntu is stuck on the splash screen when I restart.20:34
EtaleDuka, I don't know. How do I check?20:34
theadminlysdexia: Do you? gvim has :sp, :tabnew, and such. For xterm you can use tmux or screen. :P20:34
ratcheerlysdexia: Just right click it on the launcher and select "Open new window"20:34
Jordan_UEtale: I assume that you mean that it's stuck on the splash screen before powering down rather than after starting up again?20:34
theadminlysdexia: That's not really an answer though but20:34
hashthis is from a drag'd and drop'd folder http://pastebin.com/UBwU64vY20:34
EtaleJordan_U, you are right. Only on shut down. Never on start up.20:34
EtaleStart up is fine.20:35
Jordan_UEtale: Does shutting down (not rebooting) work as expected?20:35
EtaleJordan_U, I haven't tried.20:35
Jordan_UEtale: Please do, and report back.20:35
DukaEtale, okay, thank you20:35
EtaleI usually hibernate, which works fine.20:35
lysdexiatheadmin: I use screen on remote sessions, so that's kind of out. I guess I could fiddle with colors and the like.20:35
EtaleOkay. Jordan_U, I will try and report back.20:36
EtaleI have to quit for that.20:36
EtaleSee you in a bit.20:36
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sebas_hi every one20:36
sebas_can any one help me ?20:36
theadmin!ask | sebas_20:36
ubottusebas_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:36
wojoxask away sebas20:36
lysdexiaratcheer: buh? I don't think we are using the same launcher. :-)20:37
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Chuck_Norris!it | daniele20:38
ubottudaniele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:38
ZoohouseI'm trying to connect to my computer via ssh. Does Ubuntu come with a firewall that I may need to configure?20:39
gandhijeehello, so i had the fglx drivers and radeon drivers installed.20:39
lysdexiazoohouse: do you have sshd installed?20:39
joel135Zoohouse: it allows ssh by default20:39
dudolI am getting this at log window:20:39
dudollocalhost - - [13/Jun/2012:17:34:12 -0300] "GET /admin/log/access_log HTTP/1.1" 200 6698 - -20:39
dudollocalhost - - [13/Jun/2012:17:35:36 -0300] "GET /admin/log/access_log HTTP/1.1" 200 6791 - -20:39
dudollocalhost - - [13/Jun/2012:17:35:54 -0300] "GET /admin/log/access_log HTTP/1.1" 200 6884 - -20:39
dudollocalhost - - [13/Jun/2012:17:36:00 -0300] "GET /admin/log/access_log HTTP/1.1" 200 6977 - -20:39
dudollocalhost - - [13/Jun/2012:17:36:05 -0300] "GET /admin/log/access_log HTTP/1.1" 200 7070 - -20:39
FloodBot1dudol: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
ActionParsnipZoohouse: by default it should just let you in20:39
ratcheerlysdexia: Sorry. Not Unity?20:39
gandhijeei removed the fgrlx drivers for the radeon, now all my text and all in the window managers are upside down!20:39
gandhijeeany idea on how i can fix that?20:40
EtaleI'm back, y'all.20:40
lysdexiaratcheer: Yes, unity.20:40
EtaleJordan_U, there's a problem with shutdown as well.20:40
Zoohouselysdexia, joel135, ActionParsnip: It's supposed to just let me in, even if sshd is not installed?20:40
lysdexiaZoohouse, if you don't have sshd, there is nothing listening for incoming connections.20:40
ratcheerlysdexia: Ok, I am lost. Sorry. I will butt out.20:40
Zoohousethat makes perfect sense.20:41
adamkgandhijee: Just the text?  The windows themselves aren't upside down?20:41
ActionParsnipZoohouse: sudo apt-get install openssh-server    on the server side, it's not default installed20:41
mneptokZoohouse: the package is openssh-server20:41
Chuck_NorrisEtale: append "acpi_osi=Linux"  in the line "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"20:41
ZoohouseActionParsnip, mneptok: doing that right now20:41
EtaleOkay, Chuck_Norris, I'll try.20:42
EtaleChuck_Norris, what will it do?20:42
Chuck_Norrisand will be: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux"20:42
gandhijeeadamk: correct, the windows and the rest of the desktop is fine20:42
Chuck_NorrisEtale: try it20:42
gandhijeeis all the text within the windows.20:42
sebas_I have a very weird behaviour in my ubuntu since several monthss ago, suddently i get the shutdown windows popedout, and the windows close and popups over and over...  somes times for a few minutes some times for several hours,  until the widows stop poping out and then the counter (60 segs) starts and when it finish, my computer shut down.  itts quite annoying and i dont have a clue on how to solve it20:42
adamkgandhijee: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?20:42
mneptokChuck_Norris: that is not an answer to "what does your advice actually do?"20:43
shiIIanyone know ubuntu determines what algo to use in hashing passwords into /etc/shadow? i've tried looking it up and everything says that Ubuntu switched to sha a long time ago, but my new ubuntu server 12.04 install is still using md520:43
Chuck_NorrisEtale: then: sudo update-grub20:43
lysdexiaratcheer: Hey, it ain't nothing but a chicken wing. I just don't see any such  option. However, if I middle-click on it it seems to work fine. :-D20:43
EtaleChuck_Norris, sure.20:43
Chuck_NorrisEtale: finaly reboot20:43
EtaleOkay. Will reboot now. (again...)20:43
lysdexiaI guess unity launcher is using the browser convention here.20:44
Chuck_Norrismneptok: better help someone20:44
Chuck_Norrisbeeter you*...20:44
Chuck_Norrisbetter* =P20:44
mneptokChuck_Norris: if someone wants to know what affects your advice will have, it is best to tell them rather than say "just try it."20:45
ki4ro_¨Store music lens for unity¨ is stuck in my update manager...any suggestions?20:45
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manitouanyone who trying to make headless ubuntu with  started without monitor ataached , can try to use "vesa" instead gpu drivers20:45
gandhijeeadamk: http://pastebin.ca/216094620:45
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B0g4r7shiII, Hmm, well on my 11.04 system, the password in /etc/shadow is a long Base64 string that doesn't look like md5 to me.20:46
EtaleChuck_Norris, still the same deal.20:46
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ki4ro_¨Store music lens for unity¨ is stuck in my update manager...any suggestions?20:46
Chuck_NorrisEtale: Etale idk how to help you =(20:46
Chuck_NorrisEtale: you sure did: sudo update-grub20:47
RelondoHow can I switch to a certain directory in the terminal?20:47
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EtaleI have xfce4, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, if that helps.20:48
Chuck_Norrisis a notebook?20:48
adamkgandhijee: Nothing particular unusual in there.  I take it this didn't happen with the radeon driver *before* you installed fglrx?20:48
EtalePeople kept telling me to change the line you told me to change to various things, and do update-grub, but it never changed anything. I don't think that's the problem...20:48
gandhijeeadamk: actually i upgraded from 11.10 to 12.0420:48
shiIIB0g4r7, if you cat /etc/shadow and look at an entry for a user that has a password, the hashing method is listed as the first $n20:48
gandhijeethen all this craziness started happening....20:48
EtaleChuck_Norris, it's a Lenovo laptop.20:48
ki4ro_¨Store music lens for unity¨ is stuck in my update manager...any suggestions?20:49
Jordan_UEtale: You shouldn't do this as a general soltuion, but try closing all important programs and using sysrq magic to reboot just to test if that works (if it does, then something's probably stalled in user space).20:49
Jordan_U!sysrq | Etale20:49
ubottuEtale: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key20:49
shiIIB0g4r7, I just did a fresh install of 10.04 and 12.04 server x64 last week and they both say $1 which translates to md520:49
sebas_any one can hep me to figure why the shutdown screen is poping over and over again?20:49
shiIIB0g4r7, the $6 prefix translates to sha-512, which is supposedly the default now20:50
B0g4r7shiII, Hmm, mine says $620:50
B0g4r711.04 Desktop x64.20:50
EtaleJordan_U, how do I use sysrq?20:50
mneptokEtale: you get stuck on the splash screen whether you cold boot or reboot?20:50
B0g4r7Clean install, not upgrade.20:50
shiIIyea, this is just weird20:50
Etalemneptok, what is cold boot? I click on "log out" and then "restart".20:50
adamkgandhijee: Sorry, unforutunately I don't think I cna help.  You could try seeing if a liveCD of Ubuntu 12.04 has this problem for you, or perhaps seeing if it works with another window manager or DE.20:51
adamk 20:51
mneptokEtale: you power off the machine, and turn it back on.20:51
shiIImaybe it's related to the VMware install script20:51
Zoohousesshd is working and I have forward port 22 to my laptop (where sshd is running). When I check for open ports, http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ reports that my port 22 is closed.20:51
gandhijeeadamk: tried both kde and gnome20:51
gandhijeelet me show you some pics20:51
Etalemneptok, it gets stuck only upon shutting it down. When I open it back up it never gets stuck.20:51
mneptokEtale: OK, just checking as i missed earlier input.20:52
B0g4r7Zoohouse, maybe you have more NAT routers in front of you that you don't know about.20:52
RelondoOkay, so I'm entering "cd /home/[my user name]/downloads"...but it says no such directory exists. I can most definitely navigate to the directory. Help?20:52
eightieskI ran an update on ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 and now i don't have a login screen what can I do on a live cd to fix this issue?20:52
EtaleJordan_U, how do I use sysreq magic to shut down all important processes?20:52
B0g4r7Zoohouse, in any case, I would advise against running sshd on port 22 on a public IP.  I would recommend putting it on an alternate port.20:52
eightieskit loads to the login screen but then doesn't fully load the login screen20:52
Chuck_NorrisEtale: paste: sudo netstat -putan20:53
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Etaleokay, just a sec.20:54
ActionParsnipeightiesk: what happens when you boot?20:54
adamkgandhijee: Looks like from the screenshot that you checked the output of 'glxinfo' and it didn't have direct rendering.  What's the full output of 'LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo' ?20:55
Etalehttp://pastebin.com/bgixN9hP, Chuck_Norris20:55
mneptokEtale: did this work at one point and broke?20:55
Etalemneptok, yes.20:56
EtaleI'm thinking that maybe it's because I'm over-using apt-get autoremove, and I accidentally removed some important thing...20:56
mneptokEtale: have you tried booting a previous kernel?20:57
Etalemneptok, I don't know how to do that.20:57
gandhijeeadamk: umm did you not notice the whole thing is upside down?20:57
mneptokEtale: hold <shift> at boot20:57
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Etalemneptok, on the splash screen?20:57
adamkgandhijee: Yes.20:58
mneptokEtale: you will see a menu of previous kernels.20:58
mneptokEtale: before the splash screen.20:58
=== Evita is now known as faz
EtaleWait, on start up or on shut down?20:58
adamkgandhijee: Again, pastebin the whole output of 'LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo'20:58
EtaleOn start up, then.20:58
mneptokEtale: start up20:58
gandhijeeadamk: thats easier said that done20:58
EtaleI'll give it a shot, I guess.20:58
EtaleOkay. Here we go.20:58
mneptokEtale: you boot the system using a previous kernel, which does not work so well when shutting down ;)20:58
sebas_can any one help me to figure why the shutdown windows is poping up over and over again?20:58
gandhijeei can't get that info because of the upside down terminal20:58
DeltaHeavyMy Ubuntu installation is starting to every so often mess up all theme colours making things appear very oddly. It's also now for some reason taking me ~30 seconds to open up Chrome after a fresh boot and login. Are there any solutions for this problem?20:59
adamkgandhijee: I don't see why it would be that difficult.  You can certainly type the command, and then copy and select the text.20:59
DeltaHeavysebas_: It sounds like you're most likley experiancing a hardware error. Maybe a sticky button or something else.21:00
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Zally666How the heck do i fix a tuner in ubuntu?21:01
ActionParsnipZally666: fix in what way?21:01
Zally666Modprobe fix21:02
adamkgandhijee: I have to run out for a bit. I'd willing to bet your drivers are not installed properly, based on the little bit of the glxinfo I saw.  Probably, you still have remnants of fglrx installed.21:02
ki4ro_¨Store music lens for unity¨ is stuck in my update manager...any suggestions?21:02
Chuck_Norriski4ro_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:03
zykotick9ki4ro_: from terminal try "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:03
ki4ro_Chuck_Norris: I ll give it a try..thanks21:03
gandhijeeadamk: ok21:03
sebas_DeltaHeavy: If i boot with a windows 7  partition i dont have the shutdown problem, so i'm not sure about the sticky button theory21:03
gandhijeei am going to try to flush it out again21:03
ActionParsnipZally666: can you state the issue fully please21:04
DeltaHeavysebas_: Yeah that sounds like a software issue then for sure. idk then. Sorry :(  Might be a hardware/software compatability issue21:05
Zally666Well i added a init modprobe device in init.d21:05
Jordan_UEtale: You don't shut down all important programs with SYSRQ magic, you shut down all important programs (where in this context "important" is defined by you, like if you're writing your doctoral thesis in LibreOffice you probably want to close that before force shutting down the computer). The SYSRQ combination will tell the kernel to reboot directly (without doing a full normal nice shutdown from userspace first).21:06
Zally666Now tuner only when i scan21:06
ubuntu_64bitJordan_U, what da problem is21:07
Etalemneptok, holding down shift didn't do nothin'.21:07
Zally666Action can uhelp me in the weekend21:07
ki4ro_Chuck_Norris: It stayed in update manager and the terminal says the following packages hve been kept back  unity-scope-musicstores21:07
Jordan_UEtale: You don't shut down all important programs with SYSRQ magic, you shut down all important programs (where in this context "important" is defined by you, like if you're writing your doctoral thesis in LibreOffice you probably want to close that before force shutting down the computer). The SYSRQ combination will tell the kernel to reboot directly (without doing a full normal nice shutdown from userspace first).21:07
zykotick9Jordan_U: nice explanation (seriously, not sarcastic) :)21:07
ubuntu_64bitJordan_U,  like mine21:08
EtaleJordan_U, how do I do that?21:08
Jordan_U!sysrq | Etale21:08
ubottuEtale: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:08
Zally666Cuz im internated during the week21:08
Chuck_Norriski4ro_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  should install update everything even unity-scope-musicstore21:08
EtaleBefore I thought that ubottu was someone else giving me a different advice!21:08
ActionParsnipEtale: or ALT+K+PrintScreen21:09
Chuck_Norriski4ro_: but, the only thing that "unity-scope-musicstore" does is, shows you info about musics cds that might wanna to buy21:10
ki4ro_Chuck_Norris: So really nothing to be concerned with?21:10
Chuck_Norriski4ro_: if you don't buy music so, is not need it for you, you can, update it or remove it21:10
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ki4ro_Chuck_Norris: I would like to remove it21:11
Chuck_Norriski4ro_: sudo apt-get remove unity-scope-musicstore21:11
Chuck_Norrissry ki4ro_: sudo apt-get remove unity-scope-musicstores21:11
=== moi_ is now known as Etale
EtaleJordan_U, it works.21:11
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EtaleNow what?21:12
Dacsi have installed 7zip compression/uncompression tool  but i cant find it any where :)21:12
ki4ro_Chuck_Norris: Gone!  Many thanks!21:12
arfbtwnDacs, it's integrated into your desktop. File roller will use it instead of the other implementations I think-and therefore so will the compress submenu of nautyluss21:13
sk8|how's it going21:13
gandhijeegot it!21:13
gandhijeeit was the xorg ati drivers mucking it all up21:14
Jordan_UEtale: Now you know that you're probably looking at a problem with upstart or an upstart script hanging at shutdown. I can't really think of what to try next, but hopefully that can point you somewhere useful.21:14
Dacsarfbtwn, didn't understand what you mean21:14
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arfbtwnDacs, select a group of files in nautilus and right click-there'll be an option for "Compress..." which uses file-roller and your 7zip  installation21:15
EtaleJordan_U, is "upstart" a formal term?21:15
EtaleWhat does that mean "upstart script hanging at shutdown"?21:16
Dacsarfbtwn, but i want to uncompress a .bin file21:16
Jordan_UEtale: Upstart is what handles startup, shutdown (among other things): http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:18
EtaleIs there some way to reinstall it, Jordan_U?21:18
Jordan_UEtale: You might try asking in #upstart.21:19
Socracheesejust installed ubuntu 12.04 and latest gnome, when i maximize stuff the top toolbar doesn't go away so i can't minimize or close without right clicking on the bottom taskbar21:19
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Jordan_UEtale: This isn't the type of thing I would expect to be fixed by re-installing, and upstart is a crutial part of your system which you don't want to mess with lightly.21:20
_abc_How does one set the DNS manually once the IP is set manually?!21:20
_abc_I get my settings written into /etc/resolv.conf wiped by NetworkDaemon21:20
Jordan_UEtale: It would also be good for you to file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug upstart".21:21
ratcheer_abc_: Yes, that always happens.21:21
_abc_okay, how about that not happening?21:21
_abc_Where is the NetworkDaemon setting for DNS, fixed21:21
sk8|what does powersave do to the battery/wifi card when running on battery?21:22
_abc_http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html incidentally this is wrong21:22
ratcheer_abc_: You need to look into package resolvconf. I have avoided it, myself.21:22
sk8|when i disconnect from a power source wifi cuts out shortly after21:22
sk8|i disabled the power feature on wlan021:23
sk8|and just recently pm-powersave false21:23
sk8|is there anything else i could do to keep my wifi card up while running on battery?>21:23
LjL!it | COLEMAN8021:24
ubottuCOLEMAN80: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:24
stephenhhello.  is anyone using the ssh feature in remmina to tunnel their connection?21:24
salvosk1976 /EXEC rm -vf /home/salvo/.xchat2/buduscript/tmp/budus_XDCC_24952.query21:24
Jak2000sk8|: http://pastebin.com/YNx7rX3j   apt-get install -t <name of release>    wich is the name of the release ?21:24
salvosk1976 /EXEC rm -vf /home/salvo/.xchat2/buduscript/tmp/budus_XDCC_24952.query21:24
sk8|12.04 LTS21:25
sk8|i'll give it a go Jak200021:25
sk8|Jak2000, should i revert to old settings/defaults?21:26
adamkgandhijee: You still had them installed?21:26
Chuck_Norris!sysrq | Etale21:26
ubottuEtale: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:26
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:26
_abc_ratcheer: No, I need to look into Network configuration, tab DNS, set some magic values, then hunt them in the file system using find21:27
Jak2000sk8|: any advice?21:30
sk8|Jak2000, in regards to ?21:30
Jak2000sk8|: http://pastebin.com/YNx7rX3j   apt-get install -t <name of release>    wich is the name of the release ?21:30
sk8|i may have misunderstood the reply21:30
Jak2000i want install mysql server 5.5.2421:30
Jak2000a friend tell me:21:30
Jak2000apt-cache policy mysql-server   show you version and name of release21:30
Jak2000after that you can install apt-get install -t <name of release> mysql-server21:31
Jak2000but i not know the name of the release21:31
sk8|Jak2000, name - precise21:31
Jak2000then need run: sudo apt-get install -t precise        ?21:32
provolaHi all21:32
ZoohouseUbuntu comes with a firewall that I may have to configure to get connections (ssh) from the web?21:33
provolaI've a problem related to /usr/include/math.h; where I should ask for help?21:33
ratcheerZoohouse: Yes, ufw21:33
Zoohouseratcheer: ahhhhhh :)21:33
Chuck_Norrisprovola: maybe c++ ?21:33
_abc_ratcheer: for next time: the settings are in the text file: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Auto\ eth021:33
_abc_editable with sudo vi etc21:34
Chuck_Norrisprovola: /j #c++21:34
provolaBut math.h is related to Ubuntu21:34
trismprovola: is the question just about compiling a program with math.h?21:34
ratcheer_abc_: Cool, thanks.21:34
Chuck_Norrisye, but is a header21:34
provolaI mean: C++ is a programming language, /usr/include/math.h is Ubuntu related.21:34
TransitTycoonfor the life of me, I can't get jack to record with recordmydesktop21:34
Chuck_Norrisand a header is related to c as well21:34
sk8|Jak2000, yes21:35
ThePendulumI have been dual booting Ubuntu (12.04) and Windws 7 for a while now. However, how am I supposed to boot from USB stick? I always end up in GRUB and get to choose between the already installed OS'21:35
Chuck_Norrisprovola: paste your issue here if you want21:35
provolaNo th equestion is related to the fact that using math function in C IDE under Ubuntu doesn't work, while under arch works21:35
provolaAnd I've looked and noticed that arch and Ubuntu have different /usr/include/math.h21:36
Jak2000sk8|: http://pastebin.com/5enyizHY21:36
trismprovola: doesn't work as in the symbol isn't resolved?21:36
provolaI'm asking only for general advice.21:36
provolaIt doesn't work as it says "undefined reference to 'sin' "21:37
trismprovola: how are you compiling it? you must specify -lm after the source files that reference it when passing to gcc21:38
trismprovola: in ubuntu 11.10+ anyway, since the linker is more strict21:38
provolaI know, but we're using an IDE and I can't specify -lm21:38
provolaWe'rem not using a script or so, we're using a software, it's a study purpose.21:39
trismprovola: might help to specify what IDE you are using, I'm sure there are options for it in the project settings21:39
provolaI've googled but didn't find anything21:40
provolasearch string: "codeblocks ubuntu math.h lm"21:41
alankilaaren't things like sin() supposed to be intrinsic anyway21:41
trismalankila: we used to get implicit references to many things before 11.10, but the linker is more strict now, so you have to specify -lm21:42
alankilawell whatever, but if it's intrinsic there shouldn't be a linkage to sin21:42
provolaNow I'm downloading this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe2kINbOngA21:43
trismalankila: I just said it isn't anymore21:43
alankilasounds like a step backwards. Why isn't it anymore?21:44
trismalankila: http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking21:45
trismalankila: although the fedora link on that page has better details21:45
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alankilatrism: unfortunately I still do not understand why sin is not intrinsic anymore, if it was before. What does this page have to do with that?21:47
RookL9r, JUR.21:48
trismalankila: it was always in libm, libc uses symbols from libm, so when you linked with libc, you implicitly got libm too, now you don't21:48
alankilatrism: I see21:49
nemetroidhi, I want to upgrade from natty to precise, but update manager only shows 11.10, any ideas?21:50
geartrooperhello somehow I botched my upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 and I need help21:51
k1lnemetroid: you need to update to oneiric first. you cant overtake on the upgrade route besides the lts to lts step21:51
mister_hi, i just set the resolution too high, now my monitor is plack. i logged in into this tty, so now i'm here. how can i get a graphical login again?21:51
alankilaand it seems sin() is not intrinsic21:51
brandonhows it  going21:52
Chuck_Norrismister_: sudo service lightdm restart21:52
mister_Chuck_Norris: ok, thx for that hint...21:53
alankilaprobably never was either21:53
mister_Chuck_Norris: thank you :)21:53
trismalankila: interestingly, if you call sin with a constant though, you don't need libm since gcc implements a special version21:53
alankilatrism: constant folding, I imagine21:54
sk8|Chuck_Norris, any idea why wifi disconnects when removed from power source?21:54
alankilagcc is pretty good at that, propagating constant values, evaluating statically known conditions, removing dead code, etc.21:54
Chuck_Norrissk8|: no idea but  you can try "jupiter" por managing devices21:55
nemetroidright, i need to install oneiric on the way from natty. might as well start fresh in that case i guess.21:55
sk8|i will try jupiter21:56
Chuck_Norrissk8|: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/jupiter ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install jupiter21:56
mister_Chuck_Norris: i am really surpirsed that there is such a problem for gnomeshell and unity to work on higher resolution :/ seems like i'll be only able to use gnome calssic or xfce or something like that21:56
Chuck_Norrisde nada xD21:56
mister_Chuck_Norris: ofc it's my old hardware... but i thought at wort it might go slow...21:57
ikoniamister_: you can use gnome shell on any resolution your card supports21:57
mister_ikonia: i used the monitors dialog to set everything21:57
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ikoniamister_: that doesn't change what I just said21:58
Chuck_Norrismister_: ye, just use those DE they are lightway21:58
Chuck_Norrislightway* =P21:59
aspiditesdoes a symlick to /usr/bin/python2 exist in ubuntu?21:59
Urchinwhere can I see my graphics card ram?21:59
aspiditesor is it only python and python3 ?21:59
mister_ikonia: Chuck_Norris thank you both for your input!22:00
hashgot the folder to work dont know what i did22:00
Chuck_Norrismister_: np22:00
aspiditesUrchin: combination of lspci and grep of xorg logs22:00
aspiditeslspci | grep VGA to find out device id22:00
aspiditesin my case, its 00:02.0, so i'd then...22:01
hashso I need to know how to run the program with out having to open a terminal and leaving it open22:01
aspiditesor wait. don't need grep22:01
aspiditesUrchin: lspci -v -s <id>22:02
aspiditesin my case, lspci -v -s 00:02.022:02
aspiditescould grep that for Memory and that will tell you memory22:02
hashie start automatically when i start my comp22:02
aspiditesdepends on your desktop. if you're in ubuntu, i presume gnome, so http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/08/add-an-application-to-gnomes-autostart/22:03
aspiditesor more specifically, http://askubuntu.com/questions/48321/how-to-start-applications-at-startup-automatically-in-unity22:03
bairuiI keep losing my net connection (usb wifi device TP-LINK TL-WN821N, using the ath9k_htc driver). When lost, iwconfig either shows blank information for all devices, or hangs and doesn't respond. Running on arch, this happens much less frequently. On ubuntu, it's happening around ten times a day. :-(22:03
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hashaspidites: thanks22:05
aspiditeshash: you're welcome22:05
hashaspidites: just to make sure im typing the right command under start up applications since i open it in a terminal with ~/.audiogalaxy/audiogalaxy it would be the same command there right22:07
geartrooperhello my upgrade to 12.04 was interrupted and running sudo dpkg --configure -a reveals a problem with libqt3-mt-dev.  Can someone help me with this problem/22:08
crazypetehow do check if overlayfs is available on my installation?22:12
kingnebexhey guys22:14
kingnebex im having problems...my computr is using a long time to load on startup can any one help me with a solution?22:16
mickster04kingnebex: why do you think that's a problem? how new is your pc?22:16
ActionParsnipkingnebex: run:  dmesg | less    look for large spaces in the time on the left22:16
BlueEaglekingnebex: Well it would help if you could be a tad more spesific. Have you tried disabling bootsplash to see what is really going on? What does dmesg say?22:16
kingnebexnt  new bt its nt that full22:17
kingnebexBlueEagle> ho do i do that?22:17
nerdistmonki updated my kernel and now my firewall has stopped working (Error with ufw-init) can anyone help22:18
BlueEaglekingnebex: When I google "ubuntu disable bootsplash" i find several related articles. But as ActionParsnip also pointed out, checking dmesg would be a more logical first step.22:19
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: When do you receive that error?22:19
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
nerdistmonkwhen i try to type in sudo ufw enable22:19
nerdistmonkthe firewall doesnt work at bootup either22:20
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Does the kernel log say anything useful when you run that command?22:20
nerdistmonkwheres the kernel log located?22:20
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: /var/log/kern.log22:20
mickster04kingnebex: it probably isn't related to how full your hdd is, but the speed at which it can read and write data...and other things...get a terminal open (ctrl+alt+T perhaps?)22:21
gnutunhey all; apt isnt allowing me to upgrade to a new version of a package, despite it being listed in the available versions; how can i tell why it's not being upgraded?22:21
ruedigergnutun: by the error message that apt gives you22:21
Jak2000i installed a .deb package22:22
BlueEagleJak2000: Grats.22:22
fepi gt an usb funskjon ærrør22:22
Jak2000with dpkg -i hwo to uninstall?22:22
fepjp+e ah fuclk22:22
=== faz_ is now known as faz
hash 22:22
hash  22:22
hash 22:22
FloodBot1hash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
gnutunruediger, i can apt-get install it with a forced version (e.g. package=version) and it does it fine, but won't do it automatically22:23
nerdistmonki dont see anything22:23
BlueEaglefep: Is your keyboard broken?22:23
fepbliu SPFRRY IM DREUNK22:23
ActionParsnipJak2000: could use apt-get22:23
BlueEaglefep: Then I think you should leave the error until you sober up.22:23
fepi aGREE22:23
fepexuse myself22:24
ruedigergnutun: maybe it required a dist-upgrade22:24
nerdistmonkidk what to do, ive tried flushing iptables and resetting ufw, ive tried reinstalling ufw22:24
ActionParsnipJak2000: as its a deb it will integrate into the packages just like the ones from the repos22:24
ubottusalvosk44444: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:24
gnutunruediger, is there a way to tell?22:24
ruedigerrun sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:25
fepi got a c-60 instead of intel a50m , why does ubuntu does slow in qwuibvi, does irt goes faster original22:25
ruedigergnutun: apt-get upgrade reports those as "kept back"22:25
Dshoewhats goin on guys22:25
gnutunruediger, they're not in that list22:26
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gnutunruediger, the newer versions are in lucid-security22:26
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Did you try googling: "Error with ufw-init" or the exact error message you are receiving?22:26
gnutunruediger, synaptic still lists the one in lucid main in its "latest version" column, even though the newer one is listed in the "versions" tab22:27
pqatsiUbuntu have https://secunia.com/advisories/49381/ bug reported?22:27
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Did it actually read "Problem running ufw-init"?22:27
pqatsiP.s: CVE still candidate22:27
nerdistmonkand then it enables the firewall and proceeds in blocking everything22:28
DshoeI made the mistake of moving my windows partition during the day. this is going to take houurrsss.22:28
nerdistmonki got you beat, im backing up a 2 TB disk right now22:28
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Oh.. Nice of you to mention that piece of info. I assumed that it did nothing...22:28
Dshoedamn man22:28
Dshoehaha you do22:28
fepis an c-60 better than an intekl \\+++¨¨¨¨ 1,6 ghz22:28
DshoeI hate being on live cd22:29
Dshoeand not having another PC22:29
nerdistmonkfunny i said that at the beginning already22:29
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: What does `ufw status` give you?22:29
nerdistmonkinactive becasue if i try to enable it , it blocks everything regardless of default rules22:30
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: No, you said the error message was something different that it actually was and that the firewall was "not working". A firewall that is blocking everything is working perfectly.22:30
nerdistmonknerdistmonk: i updated my kernel and now my firewall has stopped working (Error with ufw-init) can anyone help22:30
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: My point exactly. That's not what is happening at all.22:31
Dshoeman, I wish I had more experience with this stuff22:31
Dshoewhile playing with Ubuntu and hackintoshing I ended up with like 3 unallocated partitions22:32
Dshoeand now I have to move everything around22:32
crazypetehow do I check which filesystems are available?22:32
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Are you accessing the box via SSH?22:32
nerdistmonkno.....im typing to you on it...22:32
MrNetflixHi, I want to run netflix in Ubuntu. I've tried to install firefox using wine and silverlight, but I don't think the silverlight install is working. I'm not interested in using a virtual machine or windows emulator, this is an old machine.22:32
Dshoeman I'm so happy I installed ubuntu again though22:33
Dshoemakes my pretty decent lappy even faster22:33
Dshoestupid fast22:33
mneptokMrNetflix: not possible. only the Windows Flash player has the DRM bits necessary to enable Netflix playback.22:33
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Ok. Is your IRC client accessing the server on port 6667?22:33
nerdistmonki guess it is, i havent touched it22:34
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: or even better try `ufw allow 80` followed by `ufw enable` and see if you can access web pages. If you can then the issue is reading the configuration file.22:34
mneptokMrNetflix: Windows and OSX, rather.22:34
ichbinderhello. My system isn't booting anymore. In recovery mode, it needs a very long time after it says: "attached scsi generic sg7 type 5". And then, after 3 Minutes or so, it gives me some output and the last part starts with "Call Trace: ..."22:34
ichbinderany idea what might be wrong?22:35
nerdistmonkblueeagle why doesnt ufw default allow outgoing work22:35
nerdistmonkand that doesnt fix my init anyways22:35
MrNetflixmneptok, I'm aware of the DRM problem. I'm looking for a workaround... I am also aware it has been done by a few people.22:35
crazypetehow do I check which filesystem _types_  are available?22:35
mneptokMrNetflix: not to my knowledge it hasn't.22:35
Dshoewould be what id use crazypete22:35
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Answering questions is easy. Figuring out what the problem is, that is the hard part. Why don't we try figure out what the hard part is first?22:35
ActionParsnipMrNetflix: I think you may need to dual boot22:35
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: I know that allowing port 80 won't resolve the root cause, but it will help identify it.22:36
mneptokMrNetflix: this is not some issue that crops up randomly in the Linux community. our platform is just not supported.22:36
crazypeteDshoe, ?22:36
JohnTeddyI have a laptop, I attached an additional screen. There is this invisible wall/line about 15% of the bottom of my additional screen where I can not cross the mouse cursor over it. This might be because my additional screen is much bigger than my laptop screen. How can I get rid of this invisible line?22:36
Dshoeits a program22:36
ActionParsnipMrNetflix: it may be coming native to Linux but it's been back and forth so much now22:36
MrNetflixmneptok, see here: http://forums.darklordpotter.net/showthread.php?t=17530    previous scripts have been able to do this22:36
Dshoein the software store22:36
MrNetflixActionParnsip, not interested in dual booting either, just trying to get it to run inside ubuntu22:36
Dshoeyou're talking about formatting a drive or partition right crazypete ?22:37
ActionParsnipMrNetflix: i'd put money on you not getting it to work22:37
BlueEagleJohnTeddy: Which make and model is your GPU?22:37
mneptokMrNetflix: a 2 year old hack is hardly going to be reliable.22:38
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Were you able to access web pages?22:38
nerdistmonkenabled ufw resulted in error in init22:38
crazypeteDshoe, no, I want to see which filesystem types are available on my installation. Particularly wether aufs or overlayfs are available?22:38
nerdistmonkhang on22:38
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Yes, but were you able to access web pages?22:38
nerdistmonkyou said irc is port 666722:38
ActionParsnipnerdistmonk: it is22:38
mneptokMrNetflix: your best bet for stability and reliability is dual-booting, or a very lightweight VM for Windows/Netflix.22:39
nerdistmonkit wont let me out22:39
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: Did it give you an error when you tried `ufw allow 80`?22:39
nerdistmonkbut it did when i enabled ufw22:40
nerdistmonkthen it blocked it all22:40
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: I see. Can you pastebin your rules?22:40
nerdistmonkwhat rules they were wiped out22:41
nerdistmonki uninstalled and reinstalled ufw, so the only rules would be the ones you asked me to add22:41
BlueEagle...so you do not have any before.rule or after.rules?22:41
nerdistmonki installed ufw, then told it ufw default allow outgoing22:42
nerdistmonkthen ufw default deny incoming22:42
nerdistmonkthen i added port 80 and 666722:42
nerdistmonkthen i enabled22:42
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: I see. You said you had reinstalled ufw. When you did, which command did you use? reinstall and uninstall do not necessarily remove configuration files.22:43
kingnebex<BlueEagle>  hey r u still round?22:43
nerdistmonkwell deleting /etc/ufw certainly will remove the rules22:43
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: For real?22:43
BlueEaglekingnebex: Nope.22:44
nerdistmonkyeah, i did complete remove, then delete the folder22:44
BlueEaglenerdistmonk: By complete remove you ofcourse mean apt-get purge ufw22:44
kingnebex<BlueEagle>  goood then can u help?22:44
JohnTeddyBlueEagle: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)22:44
nerdistmonkthe synaptic equivelent of it22:45
BlueEaglekingnebex: I cannot help unless you state a problem. Also when you use "u" and "r" as words I become less inclined to provide assistance.22:45
nerdistmonkand regardless deleting the /etc/ufw folder removes the rules22:45
nerdistmonkand the configs22:45
aspiditesbtw, can't you just pass non-free to the debian repo line to get "questionably licesned" stuff22:45
aspidites(questionably not meaning illegal)22:45
kingnebex<BlueEagle>  i just want to fix my computer in being slow22:46
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ActionParsnipkingnebex: tried Unity2D session?22:47
BlueEaglekingnebex: Good. Then I assume you have either reviewed your dmesg and/or disabled bootsplash. Did anything appear to take an abnormal amount of time during the boot process?22:47
Jordan_Uaspidites: I don't understand your question. Could you rephrase it?22:48
kingnebex<BlueEagle>  how do i do that?22:48
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BlueEaglekingnebex: 00:16 < ActionParsnip> kingnebex: run:  dmesg | less    look for large spaces in the time on the left | 00:19 < BlueEagle> kingnebex: When I google "ubuntu disable bootsplash" i find several related articles. But as ActionParsnip also pointed out, checking dmesg would be a more logical first step.22:48
nerdistmonkmeh well i guess im going to go purge iptables, ufw and gfw and then delete every living instance of the 3 and put them back in since this heap wont work all because of a routine kernel upgrade22:48
BlueEaglekingnebex: Also, when you place the angle braces around my nickname the line does not highlight in my IRC-client. If you type "bluee" and press the [TAB]-button your IRC-client will most likely auto-complete my nick and add a colon as well.22:49
=== BlouBlou is now known as Leche
sk8|any wifi wizards around?22:55
scientesanyone know how i can turn of xvidieo in flash?22:55
scientesand make it use x11 for video?22:55
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Chuck_Norrisscientes: do you see blue flash videos?22:56
ActionParsnipsk8|: ask away22:56
scientesChuck_Norris, no, not the xvda extension bug22:56
scientesoh i found it22:57
sk8|ActionParsnip, when i'm running on battery power wifi disconnects22:57
scienteswait, didn't seem to work22:57
scientesit still tries to use xvideo when i untick "use hardware acceleration"22:57
ActionParsnipsk8|: does the system have a make and model?22:57
sk8|but when plugged in to a powersource it works22:57
scientesxvideo is broken with nouveau on my system22:57
sk8|sorry is a toshiba satellite a215-s581822:57
scientesand it breaks youtube, except for 240p22:57
scientesnah, even 240p has problems22:58
sk8|wifi card is i believe an Atheros 242x/542x22:58
schultzai installed postgresql on ubuntu... is there anything else i need to setup? like LD_LIBRARY_PATH ? (this is from the ubuntu apt-get database)22:58
Chuck_Norrisscientes: did you try HTML5 on youtube?22:58
scientesChuck_Norris, html5 works ok, but that is not available for all videos22:59
scientesChuck_Norris, you can also build firefox 15 with h264 support via gstreamer22:59
sk8|i just did pm-powersave false and it seems to be holding on to a signal for a little long but still unsure whether it will disconnect or not22:59
scientesbut thats not the problem, the problem is that xvideo is broken22:59
schultzanevermind... it's time to go home today22:59
scientesit broke vlc and totem too22:59
Chuck_Norrisscientes: ye, try a firefox plugin called "falsh video replacer"22:59
sk8|tried some (many) other things with no luck22:59
Chuck_Norrisit will replace most of the youtube's videos23:00
sk8|ActionParsnip, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12024286#post12024286  : I posted sys info there not sure if it will be useful or not since it's maintaining a wifi connection23:00
ActionParsnipsk8|: what wireless driver do you use?23:03
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ActionParsnipsk8|: I suggest you report a bug with acpi23:03
sk8|not a power management issue?23:04
scientesChuck_Norris, yeah i need flash video to work on all sites23:04
ActionParsnipsk8|: try:  sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off23:05
ActionParsnipsk8|: http://askubuntu.com/questions/85214/how-can-i-prevent-iwconfig-power-management-from-being-turned-on23:05
djhashIs there a list of known webcams and if they are supported in ubuntu?23:08
xangua!webcam | djhash23:09
ubottudjhash: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:09
PRINCEOFPEACE22Hello I need help to install Ubuntu to 16 GB Pend drive23:09
djhashxangua: Thanks!23:10
PRINCEOFPEACE22i cant seem to to enable the usb mode in my boot menu23:10
wilee-nileePRINCEOFPEACE22, use the per-session boot23:11
PRINCEOFPEACE22whats the per-session bioot?23:11
wilee-nileePRINCEOFPEACE22, and check for any locks in the bios as well23:11
wilee-nileePRINCEOFPEACE22, it is a menu outside of the bios that is what the name says, mine is a f12 prompt, you can find that info on the web if needed23:12
PRINCEOFPEACE22i went there but it says nother about usb booting23:12
PRINCEOFPEACE22it just says *normal23:12
wilee-nileewhat is the computer and model PRINCEOFPEACE2223:12
PRINCEOFPEACE22Dell Dimension E52123:13
sk8|ActionParsnip, I did that a few days ago23:13
sk8|i may just have to go back to 11.1023:13
sk8|still no dice23:13
sk8|i turned off powermanagement to the card23:13
wilee-nileePRINCEOFPEACE22, try f12 like you would be going to the bios my dell uses this key23:14
sk8|it's been off power source for about 10-15 mins so far23:14
sk8|and it's holding on23:14
sk8|if i did something i have no idea what23:14
PRINCEOFPEACE22ok then what?23:14
PRINCEOFPEACE22illee are you a bot?23:15
PRINCEOFPEACE22wilee are u a bot?23:15
PRINCEOFPEACE22cause you beep every time you ansewer me23:16
PRINCEOFPEACE22ok ill be back23:16
ActionParsnipsk8|: run:  history     you may see clues23:16
wilee-nileePRINCEOFPEACE22, page 117 the manual. http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/dime521/en/index.htm23:17
sk8|i'm gonna reboot and see if it holds a connection after a reboot23:17
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pc-mooni wanna know how i can install Cinelerraby code23:19
ZoohouseI'm connected directly to my home DSL. ssh localhost works just fine but port 22 is closed when I use www.canyouseeme.org. I also ran sudo ufw disable. What might be wrong?23:20
xanguapc-moon: http://cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu23:20
pc-moonwhat i can do by this url23:20
PRINCEOFPEACE22Tank you you are very good at this!23:21
PRINCEOFPEACE22"thank you!"23:22
xanguapc-moon: did you read the part that says, on bold and big letters, "Adding this PPA to your system"¿23:22
wilee-nileePRINCEOFPEACE22, I never bother with the bios for booting. ;)23:22
pc-moonhow add23:22
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pc-moonwhat's mean this code23:25
pc-moonsudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name23:25
wjis there a way, to mimic windows drive letters in ubuntu?23:25
ZoohouseWhat's the command to restart a service like sshd?23:25
pc-moonand how i can add to this code23:25
pc-mooni wanna add https://launchpad.net/~cinelerra-ppa23:25
eagle_eyeZoohouse: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart23:26
Zoohouseeagle_eye: thanks23:27
damms005I am using wubi installed ubuntu. pls is there a way I can install real ubuntu 12 ffrom CD and still have my current apps(filezilla, bluefish, etc.) or will I simply have to redownload23:27
yeats!clone | damms00523:28
ubottudamms005: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate23:28
galvy /join #ubuntu-zh23:28
stefancrsawkward join.fail23:28
mcphaildamms005: redownloading is the most sensible way23:28
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rypervenchedamms005: You could backup your /home directory and list of installed packages before doing it though.23:29
damms005yeats:  what'd you mean?23:29
stefancrsHey, I need to set up a bunch of users (for uploading via ftp) but I need to have another user (www-data:www-data) have full access (777) to anythng those specific ftp users upload, how would one do that?23:29
sk8|ActionParsnip, no dice upon reboot23:29
damms005rypervenche: how'd I get list of installed apps to backup23:29
Jordan_U!clone | damms00523:30
ubottudamms005: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate23:30
rypervenchedamms005: People have said it twice now :P23:30
damms005rypervenche: well, you can be so nice as to tell me what you guys mean by !CLONE23:31
WG1337Hi! I'm using jailkit and I need to update java in it. How can I do it? Trid to copy /usr/lib/jvm but in jail still says old java version.23:31
rypervenchedamms005: ubottu just told you in plain English.23:31
pikkachuhow to add a folder to the unity bar?23:32
eagle_eyepikkachu: open the folder and pin it to the launcher23:33
damms005rypervenche: is your style not okay?(copying /home and list of all packages)23:34
xanguapikkachu: eagle_eye just bookmark it in Nautilus to show in the places list in right clic23:35
Jordan_Udamms005: Make sure that you don't install the "lupin-support" package on your non-wubi installation. (or at least don't leave it installed long)23:36
rypervenchedamms005: It's the same thing. The list of packages is what ubottu told you how to do. As for your home directory, copy it to a USB drive or something before installing :)23:37
damms005ubottu: i guess aptitude is acommand. (I typed man aptitude and there is no entry for it on my ubuntu 11.1)23:37
Jordan_Udamms005: ubottu is a channel bot. We send her commands like "!clone" and she displays answers to commonly asked questions.23:37
rypervenchedamms005: You have to install it first. Here, talk to me in PM.23:37
eagle_eyedamms005: sudo apt-get install aptitude23:37
NotJimCarreyi'm trying to upgrade to 12.04 and i'm getting 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules, probably a dependency cycle.' Any ideas?23:38
eagle_eye!upgrade | NotJimCarrey23:39
ubottuNotJimCarrey: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:39
Jordan_UNotJimCarrey: What release are you trying to upgrade from, what steps did you follow, and how far through the upgrade process are you?23:39
NotJimCarreyJordan_U: upgrading from 11.1023:42
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natervader13hey guys I need some help here on my laptop23:44
natervader13Im adding two four gig ram sticks into it, but when it boots the screen does some weird color thing23:45
eagle_eye!ot | natervader1323:46
ubottunatervader13: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:46
Jordan_UNotJimCarrey: I asked three questions.23:47
jordyalguém ta ai ?23:47
NotJimCarreyran do-release-upgrade, and it gets to part way through dependency checks23:48
Jordan_UNotJimCarrey: Could you pastebin the entire output from do-release-upgrade?23:48
NotJimCarreyupdating nvidia drivers real quick, then i can tell you exactly where23:48
WG1337I'm using jailkit and I need to update java in it. How can I do it? Trid to copy /usr/lib/jvm but in jail still says old java version.23:49
jordycomo eu faço pra entrar na outra sala ? --'23:49
eagle_eye!patience | WG133723:49
ubottuWG1337: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:49
Gallomimiais it possible to make the ssh server in ubuntu listen on more than one port?23:49
JoseeAntonioR!br | jordy23:50
ubottujordy: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:50
jordyuse #ubuntu-br23:50
jordy #ubuntu-br23:50
WG1337ubottu, sorry, didn't want to repeat, simply asked again maybe if someone came and know the answer23:50
ubottuWG1337: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:50
eagle_eyejordy: I think /join #ubuntu-br may help23:52
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:53
eagle_eye!guidelines | serpentar23:54
ubottuserpentar: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:54
ActionParsnipGallomimia: in theory yes23:54
GallomimiaActionParsnip: is it easy?23:55
arooni-mobilei'm using wget trying to download .pdf files from getabstract where i have a username/password.  when you login to the site; it's over https;, but then after its http.  i've tried using the http-user/http-password options for wget and it appears that's not working (resulting html page shows me as logged out and says that that file doenst exist (it does ; i think i just havent authenticated yet).  ideas?23:55
ActionParsnipGallomimia: http://fixunix.com/ssh/364505-running-multiple-sshd-instances-one-server.html23:55
Jak2000Gallomimia you know about percona?23:56
Gallomimiaarooni-mobile: try curl? it supports authentication methods23:56
GallomimiaJak2000: no what's a percona23:56
Jak2000Gallomimia: http://www.percona.com/downloads/Percona-Server-5.5/Percona-Server-5.5.24-26.0/deb/23:56
Jak2000wich reocmmend download?23:56
Gallomimiano seriously. wtf is a percona23:57
pikkachuxangua: eagle_eye's is a solution to me23:58
eagle_eyepikkachu: ;)23:59
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