ochosi | morning everyone | 07:58 |
hobgoblin | morning ochosi | 07:58 |
hobgoblin | you know anything about lightdm and setting sessions, if you do someone could use your help :) | 07:59 |
ochosi | hmm | 08:04 |
ochosi | well generally i think you need to create a session file and then set a session in lightdm.conf | 08:05 |
ochosi | but i could be wrong, has been a while since i set up my own sessions | 08:05 |
knome | madnick knows more about lightdm | 08:05 |
* ochosi thinks it's not lightdm specific | 08:05 | |
hobgoblin | I have fluxbox - did sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -s fluxbox - that sets lightdm.conf ok, it also made no difference - fiddled with .dmrc to change that - that failed as well | 08:06 |
* hobgoblin gave up :) | 08:06 | |
ochosi | hobgoblin: i think you need something like: /usr/share/xsessions/xubuntu.desktop | 08:06 |
ochosi | for fluxbox | 08:06 |
hobgoblin | I got a fluxbox.desktop | 08:09 |
hobgoblin | but no matter - wasn't for me :) | 08:09 |
ochosi | quick reminder: there's a xubuntu team meeting today (15:00 UTC) | 12:42 |
astraljava | Oh cr*p, gotta run to the grocery store now instead of after the QA meeting. | 13:47 |
knome | astraljava, heh. :) | 14:09 |
knome | Xubuntu community meeting in about 50 mins at #xubuntu-devel. Everybody is welcome! Agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings | 14:10 |
astraljava | knome: Is the next meeting's agenda always on that page? | 14:12 |
knome | astraljava, yup. | 14:12 |
astraljava | 'k, thanks. | 14:12 |
knome | astraljava, after the meeting, the chair updates the minutes and the "prev meeting", and empties the agenda | 14:13 |
knome | (or leaves the items that are carried on, but you get the idea) | 14:13 |
astraljava | Sounds like a good process. | 14:13 |
knome | well, it works. | 14:13 |
knome | you don't have to edit *too many pages* | 14:13 |
astraljava | knome: Just a quick check, am I correct in not seeing any real updates recently? | 14:20 |
knome | yup, that's correct | 14:21 |
astraljava | Well, my seeing is not the part that needs a reality check. :D | 14:21 |
knome | heh :) | 14:21 |
astraljava | Ok, thanks. | 14:21 |
* astraljava tries to pay more attention from now on. | 14:21 | |
knome | i'm expecting things to start rolling soonish, hopefully our meeting at sunday clears some things up | 14:21 |
astraljava | It's been a helluva spring/early summer | 14:21 |
knome | well, things should be reported at the meetings | 14:21 |
astraljava | Sunday? | 14:21 |
knome | so that should be relatively easy | 14:21 |
knome | xubuntu QA? | 14:22 |
astraljava | Oh yeah, that. | 14:22 |
knome | what time was that again, btw? :P | 14:22 |
astraljava | I was thinking the Team meeting. | 14:22 |
knome | not that i ever forget any times. | 14:22 |
astraljava | Well I don't know, for some reason it's not visible in my google cal at the moment. Let me get back to you on that one. | 14:22 |
knome | awwh :D | 14:23 |
knome | pleia2! | 14:23 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
knome | hey GridCube | 14:31 |
GridCube | hi knome :) | 14:31 |
GridCube | sup? | 14:31 |
knome | meeting in 30 | 14:31 |
knome | nothing much else up ;) | 14:32 |
GridCube | :D i know | 14:32 |
GridCube | :D good to know | 14:32 |
Cynic | Ха!!! Назгул с нами... :-) | 14:39 |
knome | !en | 14:39 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 14:39 |
knome | humph, goes for -devel too | 14:39 |
Cynic | Sorry!!! | 14:39 |
knome | no problem | 14:39 |
=== newbie is now known as Guest20627 | ||
astraljava | Err... ok, for some reason, I'm not seeing the QA meeting for X anymore. | 14:53 |
astraljava | I wonder what happened. | 14:54 |
astraljava | pleia2: HALP! | 14:54 |
knome | so, who's here for the meeting? | 14:56 |
GridCube | o/ | 14:56 |
ochosi | have to run now :( | 14:56 |
knome | see you ochosi | 14:56 |
knome | madnick_ also told he's not able to make it today | 14:56 |
bluesabre_ | I'm around | 14:56 |
knome | hey bluesabre_ :) | 14:56 |
ochosi | but: on the subject of compositor by default: i'm for keeping it on. haven't had (m)any complaints about it | 14:56 |
ochosi | the only bug i know is from ubiquity installer | 14:57 |
knome | ochosi, we'll probably postpone any decisions to next meeting anyway | 14:57 |
knome | ochosi, regarding that, i mean | 14:57 |
ochosi | mhm, just wanted to tell you what i think quickly :) | 14:57 |
ochosi | seey'all! | 14:57 |
knome | yop | 14:57 |
bluesabre_ | seeya ochosi | 14:58 |
knome | astraljava, micahg, mr_pouit, pleia2, Unit193: you around? | 14:59 |
astraljava | o/ | 14:59 |
knome | and others too, of course (just pinging team members) | 14:59 |
hobgoblin | :) | 14:59 |
knome | seems like we don't have quite as good attendance as hoped for, but anyway | 15:00 |
knome | #startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting | 15:00 |
meetingology | Meeting started Wed Jun 13 15:00:21 2012 UTC. The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 15:00 |
meetingology | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 15:00 |
knome | #topic Items carried on | 15:00 |
knome | #subtopic Open action items from previous meeting | 15:01 |
knome | #action pleia2 and knome to work on marketing products | 15:01 |
meetingology | ACTION: pleia2 and knome to work on marketing products | 15:01 |
knome | #action pleai2 to raise publicity on triaging, testing and docs | 15:01 |
meetingology | ACTION: pleai2 to raise publicity on triaging, testing and docs | 15:01 |
knome | -typo :) | 15:01 |
knome | that was it for the action items, there's nothing special going on there, still need to get working! | 15:02 |
knome | #topic Team updates | 15:02 |
knome | #subtopic Development | 15:02 |
knome | #info Some work done to get Xfce 4.10 in Quantal | 15:02 |
knome | #subtopic Quality Assurance | 15:03 |
knome | astraljava, your stage | 15:03 |
knome | (please use #info) | 15:03 |
astraljava | #info Some work was done recently to enhance the testing docs, I will dig up the link to those in a minute. The testcases were sanitized, and should now be easier to follow was non-regulars as well. | 15:04 |
astraljava | #info Since Xubuntu did not do an Alpha-1, we haven't used the new tracker much, yet. We should pick up on that now, though. | 15:05 |
GridCube | :) i zsynked the images yesterday | 15:05 |
knome | #info https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-testers is now an *open* team, no need to add your information on the wiki anymore. | 15:06 |
astraljava | #info There's an upcoming QA meeting this Sunday, I will post info about it on the mailing lists after this meeting. | 15:06 |
knome | #action astraljava to send information on the Xubuntu QA meeting | 15:06 |
meetingology | ACTION: astraljava to send information on the Xubuntu QA meeting | 15:06 |
astraljava | bah... you beat me to it. | 15:06 |
xacobe | hi | 15:06 |
astraljava | .. | 15:06 |
knome | :)= | 15:06 |
knome | xacobe, hello | 15:06 |
knome | i suppose that's it | 15:06 |
knome | #info The testers should try to make the QA meeting on Sunday to organize | 15:07 |
knome | #subtopic Marketing, Promotion and Artwork | 15:07 |
knome | #info Some improvements done for Greybird, more information later | 15:07 |
knome | #action ochosi to send more information on Greybird and a request for feedback to ML | 15:08 |
meetingology | ACTION: ochosi to send more information on Greybird and a request for feedback to ML | 15:08 |
GridCube | can i paste what ochosi said? | 15:08 |
knome | GridCube, the thing about compositor is on the agenda, not WIP | 15:08 |
knome | GridCube, (it's a new item) | 15:08 |
knome | GridCube, but if it's something that's WIP, go ahead :) | 15:09 |
knome | (i mean, if it's something else) | 15:09 |
GridCube | :) no, it was that | 15:09 |
knome | okay, let's go forward | 15:09 |
knome | #subtopic General updates | 15:09 |
knome | #info knome has been working on the Strategy Document review, more info soon | 15:10 |
knome | #action knome to send information about the revised Strategy Document to ML soon | 15:10 |
meetingology | ACTION: knome to send information about the revised Strategy Document to ML soon | 15:10 |
knome | is there anything else? | 15:10 |
knome | #info All blueprints are now in place, start your engines! | 15:10 |
GridCube | i have a comment but goes more to the meetings part | 15:11 |
knome | ok, let's discuss that there then :) | 15:11 |
knome | #topic Announcements | 15:11 |
knome | #subtopic Changes in chairing the meetings | 15:11 |
knome | #link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008239.html | 15:11 |
knome | #info The change described in the mail will take place now | 15:12 |
GridCube | that was what i wanted to comment :) i like that | 15:12 |
GridCube | we should enforce it to happen, meetings are extremely important to me | 15:13 |
knome | #info Basically, any team lead can chair a meeting; if the project lead or any team lead is not available, an informal meeting should take place, and the main points sent to the ML | 15:13 |
knome | #subtopic Changes to the Testing lead position | 15:13 |
knome | #link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008242.html | 15:13 |
knome | #info Since there has been no objections against the mail, the change takes place now | 15:14 |
knome | #info Janne Jokitali (astraljava) is the new Xubuntu QA lead | 15:14 |
knome | ...aaaand for the records, it's Jokitalo (will fix that in the minutes) | 15:14 |
knome | astraljava, congrats! | 15:14 |
astraljava | *smirk* | 15:14 |
astraljava | Danke. | 15:14 |
knome | is there any announcements any team leads (including new ones) would like to shout out? | 15:15 |
knome | #subtopic Other announcements | 15:15 |
astraljava | From QA: a small addition. | 15:15 |
knome | (again, use #info :)) | 15:16 |
astraljava | #info The updated (short) testcase sits now at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Short | 15:16 |
astraljava | No idea what happened to the longer one. | 15:16 |
astraljava | .. | 15:16 |
knome | that wasn't updated; the old one is still at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/TestingInfo/Long | 15:16 |
astraljava | Oh okay, that's the reason. (we can have a word on why it wasn't updated later...) | 15:17 |
astraljava | *smirk* | 15:17 |
knome | hehe. :) | 15:17 |
knome | #topic New and emerging items | 15:17 |
knome | #subtopic Feedback on Precise development cycle | 15:17 |
knome | okay, so | 15:17 |
knome | if there is any feedback on the dev cycle, how to do things better, proposals, what worked better than before or anything, the floor is yours | 15:18 |
GridCube | i think we need more communication | 15:18 |
knome | please note that we are not evaluating the *product* but the *process* | 15:18 |
GridCube | oh | 15:18 |
GridCube | well | 15:18 |
knome | no, you are right :) | 15:18 |
knome | that's exactly about the process | 15:19 |
GridCube | ah | 15:19 |
knome | and i agree | 15:19 |
knome | we started well with the meetings, but somehow let that slip | 15:19 |
astraljava | +1 | 15:19 |
GridCube | yes, that what i mean, i was extremely surprised by the logo change | 15:19 |
knome | this is one of the reasons why i made the change to chairing | 15:19 |
GridCube | i think that was handled pretty bad | 15:19 |
GridCube | i like the new logo now, but it was an unpleasant surprise | 15:19 |
knome | GridCube, while i agree that we could've communicated better on it, but it was announced | 15:20 |
GridCube | yes i know, but meeting where so far apart and sporadic that missing them was extremely easy | 15:20 |
knome | i think the biggest reason why the communication was bad was that it happened so late in the cycle; we actually had a real rush to even get it to the release | 15:20 |
knome | GridCube, exactly; again, that's why the new chairing stuff :) | 15:20 |
GridCube | :) | 15:20 |
knome | GridCube, (and note about the informal meetings) | 15:20 |
GridCube | yes i see that | 15:20 |
knome | generally, any communication between contributors and community is encouraged | 15:21 |
GridCube | and i see we have a twitter feed and g+ | 15:21 |
GridCube | so i hope we use it | 15:21 |
knome | yes, though that's for a bit different communication, but still | 15:21 |
knome | yes, the twitter and G+ accounts will be used to announce meetings and new articles on the blog | 15:21 |
GridCube | no, it the same, sending the minutes to twitter and g+ | 15:21 |
GridCube | its part of the communication | 15:22 |
knome | (and we now have an official linkedin xubuntu users group) | 15:22 |
astraljava | Whee! | 15:22 |
GridCube | :) yes, i hope the password didnt got stolen in the bunch :P | 15:22 |
knome | GridCube, yes, it's part of it, but it's not developer-developer communication; IRC, wiki and the mailing lists are designed for those :) | 15:23 |
hobgoblin | I hope all of those twitter etc are extra to existing methods of communication - or some od us will miss things | 15:23 |
GridCube | :) i know | 15:23 |
knome | hobgoblin, yes, that's how it is | 15:23 |
hobgoblin | ok thanks :) | 15:23 |
knome | hobgoblin, as long as you follow the -devel ML, this IRC channel (and maybe the website), you're fine | 15:23 |
knome | and wiki too, if you're interested in a specific area | 15:24 |
hobgoblin | I do | 15:24 |
GridCube | :) | 15:24 |
knome | #agreed We need better communication this cycle; actions already taken are changes in the meetings and social media accounts | 15:25 |
knome | anything else on the subject? | 15:25 |
GridCube | not from me | 15:25 |
knome | somebody else? | 15:25 |
knome | bluesabre_? | 15:25 |
bluesabre_ | I'm good. :) | 15:26 |
knome | bluesabre_, is there something we can do better to make new contributors feel more included? | 15:26 |
bluesabre_ | I felt pretty included the whole time | 15:26 |
knome | that's good feedback - thanks :) | 15:26 |
bluesabre_ | Thanks! | 15:26 |
knome | let's get rolling again then! | 15:26 |
knome | #subtopic Blueprints; feedback, questions and answers | 15:27 |
GridCube | o/ | 15:27 |
knome | #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/ | 15:27 |
knome | GridCube, go ahead | 15:27 |
GridCube | #info I've been working on the comparison of music players against gmb, can not continue until i have some input about which are the ones that could be considered to compare, because if media libary integration is not obligatory we already have parole | 15:27 |
GridCube | :) | 15:27 |
GridCube | .. | 15:28 |
knome | i'd suggest scheduling some time in the near future (maybe next week) with me, you and maybe ochosi (and of course, others interested) to go through what you have done already, and what would be the next steps | 15:28 |
knome | does that sound like a good plan? | 15:29 |
bluesabre_ | (I'm a fan of keeping something with a library and sound menu support) :) | 15:29 |
knome | mmh, one of the things we need to discuss is what the "requirements" for features are for the default media player | 15:30 |
knome | that needs to be done before we can rule out players from the comparison | 15:30 |
GridCube | yes | 15:30 |
knome | i agree that we have way too many players up right now; it would be way too much work to compare all those | 15:30 |
GridCube | i agree, it sounds like an idea knome | 15:31 |
knome | my stance on it is that we should at least drop anything with Qt or anything that's CLI off | 15:31 |
knome | and, everything that is not on the repositories too | 15:31 |
knome | (and everything that takes >200MB) :D | 15:31 |
GridCube | mmhm yes, i added them just because they qhere recomended to me to test | 15:31 |
knome | yup, that's good | 15:32 |
GridCube | in this channels | 15:32 |
knome | #action knome to follow up about the default media player -blueprint on the ML, scheduling some time to go through the spec next week | 15:32 |
meetingology | ACTION: knome to follow up about the default media player -blueprint on the ML, scheduling some time to go through the spec next week | 15:32 |
knome | GridCube, something around these times is good for you? ~15UTC ? | 15:33 |
knome | anything else on the blueprints? | 15:34 |
knome | #info Generally, all blueprints have no or slow progress, but things are expected to change relatively soon as infrastructure on a few things has been set up | 15:35 |
GridCube | knome, yes, that a good time | 15:36 |
knome | GridCube, ok, good | 15:37 |
knome | bluesabre_, you have anything about the blueprints? | 15:37 |
knome | astraljava, you? | 15:37 |
bluesabre_ | Not really. Slow going on the keyboard shortcuts overlay and catfish (which is nearly done) | 15:37 |
GridCube | o/ | 15:38 |
knome | bluesabre_, great to hear :) you know it already, but please remember to update the work item statuses while you progress :) | 15:38 |
knome | GridCube, yep? | 15:38 |
GridCube | about the arandr thing | 15:38 |
bluesabre_ | sure thing :) | 15:38 |
astraljava | Not really, pretty much the same as others; slow progress, unfortunately. Trying to pick up soon. | 15:38 |
knome | GridCube, what's up with that? | 15:38 |
GridCube | theres just arandr, grandr is not been made anymore | 15:38 |
GridCube | i mean theres only one current interface for xrandr | 15:39 |
GridCube | !info grandr | 15:39 |
ubottu | Package grandr does not exist in precise | 15:39 |
knome | GridCube, mm-hmm; in that ase, the question is if we want to include that or not | 15:39 |
knome | +c | 15:39 |
GridCube | yep | 15:39 |
knome | i'm not sure what the status on xfce monitor management dialog is | 15:39 |
knome | if that looks good, then it's an option too | 15:40 |
GridCube | in 4.10 its the same that in 4.8 | 15:40 |
knome | if not, then there shouldn't be much stopping us from shipping arandr | 15:40 |
GridCube | so its not good | 15:40 |
knome | well, we can cherry-pick changes if the dialog gets much love in the next weeks | 15:40 |
GridCube | mmhm | 15:40 |
GridCube | i agree | 15:40 |
* micahg sees there's a meeting of some sort going on | 15:40 | |
knome | micahg, yes, the community meeting announced on the ML;) | 15:41 |
GridCube | micahg, a community meeting not the less | 15:41 |
GridCube | :D | 15:41 |
knome | #info grandr is no more, keep an eye on the xfce monitor management dialog | 15:41 |
knome | anything else on the blueprints? | 15:42 |
GridCube | not from my pocket :P | 15:42 |
knome | ok, let's continue then (let's try to fit this in 1h) | 15:43 |
knome | #subtopic Enable or disable compositor by default? | 15:43 |
knome | #info ochosi told he's +1 for enabling by default | 15:43 |
bluesabre_ | I'm all for keeping it by default | 15:43 |
GridCube | i don't really care | 15:43 |
astraljava | Keeping? | 15:44 |
knome | the reason why i brought this up is that it takes some resources and even causes some problems when enabled | 15:44 |
bluesabre_ | *enabling | 15:44 |
knome | astraljava, it's enabled by default now. | 15:44 |
astraljava | Ok. | 15:44 |
bluesabre_ | What problems exist with it enabled (besides ubiquity)? | 15:44 |
GridCube | i think that it might be disabled by default in the livecd and enabled in the final install | 15:44 |
knome | bluesabre_, for some people it has brought some rendering issues | 15:45 |
knome | (really rare, but happens) | 15:45 |
bluesabre_ | ah | 15:45 |
knome | i think the main argument for keeping it enabled is our semi-transparent launcher panel | 15:45 |
knome | we'd have to change that if we disabled compositor | 15:45 |
knome | GridCube, yes, that's something we should look at, because it brings some problems to ubiquity | 15:46 |
knome | GridCube, or, just fix how ubiquity runs xfce, because that's what is actually causing the problems | 15:46 |
knome | maybe we can make some performance tests on how it affects low-end machines at installation time | 15:47 |
GridCube | knome, the pseudo dock can be rezised and centered and locked so it wont be on all over the bottom of the monitor | 15:47 |
knome | GridCube, yes, but that's not the issue; the issue is that if we disable the compositor, we can't have panel transparency | 15:48 |
GridCube | and that doesnt need transparencies | 15:48 |
knome | possibly | 15:48 |
knome | #info drop compositor on ubiquity? performance issues with low-end machines at installation time if compositor enabled? | 15:49 |
knome | i think we should investigate this more when we start testing | 15:49 |
knome | right now, there is not much to do | 15:49 |
astraljava | I'll mark it as a TODO for me. | 15:49 |
knome | astraljava, ok, thanks:) | 15:49 |
knome | #action astraljava to look at enabling/disabling compositor | 15:50 |
meetingology | ACTION: astraljava to look at enabling/disabling compositor | 15:50 |
knome | #subtopic Meeting schedule; how often should we have meetings? | 15:50 |
knome | weekly, be-weekly? | 15:50 |
knome | we should just run a quick poll to get some idea | 15:50 |
astraljava | I think bi-weekly is enough. | 15:51 |
knome | #vote Meetings; +1 for bi-weekly, -1 for weekly | 15:51 |
meetingology | Please vote on: Meetings; +1 for bi-weekly, -1 for weekly | 15:51 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) | 15:51 |
knome | +1 | 15:51 |
meetingology | +1 received from knome | 15:51 |
astraljava | +1 | 15:51 |
meetingology | +1 received from astraljava | 15:51 |
bluesabre_ | +1 | 15:51 |
meetingology | +1 received from bluesabre_ | 15:51 |
knome | GridCube, micahg? | 15:51 |
GridCube | -1 | 15:51 |
meetingology | -1 received from GridCube | 15:51 |
GridCube | sorry i have a huge lag | 15:51 |
knome | no problem :) | 15:51 |
knome | i'll try to wait for some time before proceeding | 15:52 |
knome | i'm sure not all can be as focused as i am... | 15:52 |
knome | i mean, need to chair == need to be focused | 15:52 |
knome | hobgoblin, ? | 15:52 |
hobgoblin | hello | 15:52 |
hobgoblin | oic | 15:52 |
hobgoblin | +1 | 15:53 |
meetingology | +1 received from hobgoblin | 15:53 |
GridCube | vote hobgoblin :D | 15:53 |
micahg | +0, biweekly except around a release milestone IMHO | 15:53 |
meetingology | +0, biweekly except around a release milestone IMHO received from micahg | 15:53 |
knome | micahg, mm-hmm, might be ideal that way :) | 15:53 |
knome | #endvote | 15:53 |
meetingology | Voting ended on: Meetings; +1 for bi-weekly, -1 for weekly | 15:53 |
meetingology | Votes for:4 Votes against:1 Abstentions:1 | 15:53 |
meetingology | Motion carried | 15:53 |
knome | let's set the next meeting to two weeks from now | 15:54 |
knome | if there is need, people can have an informal meeting next week :) | 15:54 |
GridCube | :D | 15:54 |
micahg | I'd actually suggest a meeting next week if you want an alpah2 | 15:54 |
knome | micahg, ah. | 15:54 |
micahg | *alpha2 even | 15:54 |
knome | in that case... | 15:54 |
knome | let's make it next week ;) | 15:54 |
astraljava | Decisions are made to be broken anyway. | 15:55 |
knome | #info Next Xubuntu community meeting at 21st of June, at 15UTC | 15:55 |
micahg | especially with the meetings on wed, the pre freeze meeting can be planning and the pre release meeting can be make sure everything is good | 15:55 |
* GridCube wonders if that wouldnt actually be alpha1... you know... because we hadnt that one... | 15:55 | |
micahg | GridCube: because the release schedule says so :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule | 15:55 |
knome | GridCube, no, that's still a2 in the ubuntu calendar :) | 15:55 |
GridCube | :P | 15:55 |
knome | #endmeeting | 15:55 |
meetingology | Meeting ended Wed Jun 13 15:55:50 2012 UTC. | 15:55 |
meetingology | Minutes (wiki): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-06-13-15.00.moin.txt | 15:55 |
meetingology | Minutes (html): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-06-13-15.00.html | 15:55 |
knome | okay, thanks! | 15:55 |
knome | i'll set up the minutes soonish, or at least today | 15:56 |
GridCube | :D | 15:56 |
astraljava | Thanks knome, all! | 15:56 |
knome | see you all next week | 15:56 |
GridCube | :) | 15:56 |
knome | thank astraljava and congrats again on the new position | 15:56 |
GridCube | add a link to the google calendar | 15:56 |
GridCube | :D | 15:56 |
astraljava | Merci beacoup. | 15:56 |
knome | astraljava, i promised ochosi he can chair the next meeting, but you can do the next after that if you want ;) | 15:56 |
pleia2 | sorry | 15:56 |
knome | pleia2, heh, no problem... :) | 15:56 |
astraljava | knome: Sure thing, I already mentioned to balloons I need practice. :) | 15:56 |
knome | hehe | 15:57 |
GridCube | also the google calendar link should be linked on the topic fo this channel | 15:57 |
knome | GridCube, we'll get to that later, the whole calendar things is still WIP :) | 15:57 |
knome | (need to see what are the best practices) | 15:57 |
GridCube | :D yes i know, im just saying | 15:57 |
knome | i need to go to the gents', brb | 15:57 |
pleia2 | astraljava: meeting is on sunday, see it? | 15:58 |
astraljava | pleia2: Yeah, for some reason it just didn't appear on my other machine. I see it now, thanks! | 15:59 |
pleia2 | ok good :) | 15:59 |
astraljava | knome: It's 1600 UTC, as well as the QA roundtable. | 15:59 |
astraljava | pleia2: Are you an expert on google accounts, btw.? | 16:00 |
astraljava | ...or anyone else in here? | 16:00 |
pleia2 | that's quite a big topic | 16:00 |
* knome is always when he is paid on that | 16:00 | |
astraljava | I have a problem; I want to use another address for all ubuntu-related work, but I can't use google calendar links directly, because that address isn't a google account thingie. | 16:00 |
knome | ^ exactly that :D | 16:00 |
knome | i can learn but.. | 16:01 |
knome | astraljava, i think you need a google account | 16:01 |
pleia2 | astraljava: the other address has to request access | 16:01 |
astraljava | pleia2: Oh? Tell me more? | 16:01 |
pleia2 | and create a google account with it, as knome says | 16:01 |
pleia2 | google account != gmail | 16:01 |
astraljava | Hmm... ok. I'll look it up, for now I have no idea how to do that. Thanks! | 16:02 |
pleia2 | just create a google account with the other address | 16:02 |
knome | hmm, any reason the meetings page has the ubuntuteams category? | 16:04 |
knome | isn't it enough for the main page to have it | 16:05 |
knome | ermh, the meeting is of course on the 20th. | 16:06 |
knome | updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Leaders | 16:23 |
knome | astraljava, you don't seem to have a wikipage | 16:23 |
knome | astraljava, or, tbe, anything 'custom' on your wikipage | 16:24 |
astraljava | No I don't. Yeah, I need to do that. | 16:24 |
knome | yup. once you've done that, link to it from the leaders page | 16:25 |
astraljava | Will do, thanks. | 16:26 |
knome | np | 16:28 |
astraljava | *ARGH* | 16:40 |
astraljava | Now that I created an account for my other email address, there's a rule that you cannot connect two google accounts. | 16:40 |
astraljava | Am I really asking impossible things here? Surely I can't be the only one doing this? | 16:41 |
pleia2 | you can't connect two accounts | 16:41 |
pleia2 | you can be logged into two at once (I'm always logged into pleia2@gmail and lyz@princessleia) | 16:41 |
pleia2 | it's a bit annoying sometimes when services go to the wrong account, but they've made improvements so most services have a dropdown now to let you select which logged in account you wish to access it with | 16:42 |
astraljava | Yeah. So I really can't have calendar invitations sent to my @kapsi.fi address to open in my @gmail.com account? Like, no way in thatburningfieryplace? | 16:43 |
pleia2 | no | 16:43 |
astraljava | How lovely. | 16:43 |
pleia2 | invitations are tied to email address (how else would they do it?) | 16:44 |
astraljava | Well I understand that, but there's the alternate email address thingie for a google account. Apparently it's just for password reminders etc. | 16:45 |
pleia2 | yeah, and there is a "send mail as" thing, but I think that's just for actually sending the mail (since you *can* include other gmail accounts there too, it still has to know which calendar account to associate it to) | 16:46 |
astraljava | Ok, so now I have a work flow: Only sign in to gmail on the other account, and G+ if I want to. But not Calendar. For that I sign in with the other google account named after the ubuntu-related email. So then I can c&p the links from invitations, and they get added to the calendar that I share for the other account. :) | 16:53 |
xubuntuuser | hello, I was wondering if there was currently a dev-fork of xubuntu/xfce/thunar which checks for space on a device before file copy/moving, or if such a feature is currently available but must be turned "on"/configured because it takes extra CPU time to use. | 17:47 |
xubuntuuser | ? | 17:48 |
astraljava | knome: Can you send a follow-up email on my nomination for the QA lead position? It'd be much easier if I could just link to that instead of the whole of the minutes for the meeting. :) | 18:14 |
* astraljava is writing the wiki page | 18:14 | |
martinphone | did you have a reunion earlier today? | 19:55 |
hobgoblin | there was a meeting yes | 19:57 |
martinphone | global proxy settings option? | 20:13 |
martinphone | systemwide? | 20:13 |
hobgoblin | ? | 20:15 |
astraljava | What is this? A buzzword bingo? Integrated! MaaS! ROI! | 20:32 |
drc | Best buzzword I know...beer. | 20:33 |
knome | astraljava, will do. | 20:34 |
knome | martinphone, discussions will not be raised unless there is somebody to raise them | 20:35 |
knome | bleh, seems like i've lost the original email. | 20:37 |
knome | astraljava, sent. | 20:39 |
knome | internet lags today | 20:39 |
astraljava | knome: Thanks! | 20:41 |
knome | no problem | 20:41 |
martinphone | in the meeting, did you discuss the possibility of creating an app to change proxy ettings systemwide? | 20:43 |
knome | martinphone, no. as i said, matters will not be discussed if nobody adds an item to the agenda and is around to initialize and steer the discussion | 20:45 |
martinphone | misunderstood sorry | 20:45 |
knome | besides, i doubt we would make a decision on a meeting. it's not a trivial issue, so it's hard to make a good decision right away | 20:45 |
knome | if it proves to be very complex, we most probably don't have the resources for it | 20:46 |
knome | anyway, send an email to the xubuntu-devel mailing list and interested people will be able to comment | 20:46 |
knome | and maybe it will generate enough interest for somebody to start investigating it more closely | 20:46 |
knome | (no promises though) | 20:46 |
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