
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [975056] KWin shortcuts don't work on second monitor @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/975056 (by Zoffix Znet)00:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 975056 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "KWin shortcuts don't work on second monitor" [Undecided,New]00:09
=== skreech__ is now known as skreech_
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
* Riddell uploads 4.8.90 to quantal08:47
* Riddell starts on 4.8.90 backports to precise10:05
RiddellScottK: shiny new packages for your review https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue10:53
BluesKajhiyas all11:20
debfxRiddell: so much mail in my inbox :o11:24
Riddelldebfx: love letters no doubt11:25
debfxnot sure if ubuntu installer is capable of loving11:26
ScottKRiddell: Why is the -dev audiocd-kio-dev instead of libaudiocdplugins-dev in audiocd-kio?11:55
RiddellScottK: hmm dunno, reject and I'll fix it12:24
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1012550] qtsql: no drivers loaded (incomplete library paths?) @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1012550 (by Jonas T.)13:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012550 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "qtsql: no drivers loaded (incomplete library paths?)" [Undecided,Invalid]13:26
ScottKRiddell: rejected.13:53
ScottKRiddell: Have a look at the license statement in cmake/FindFFmpeg.cmake in ffmpegthumbs.  I'm afraid that one gets rejected too.14:25
ScottKdebfx: ^^^14:26
ScottKSame problem in juk as well.14:29
debfxalso the binary name should be kde-thumbnailer-ffmpeg14:30
ScottKCan you fix both those things and re-upload?14:30
ScottKRejecting juk now too.14:30
ScottKkmix actually has cmake/modules/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS so if you need an example to steal from, that's a good place.14:32
ScottKkmix misses a copy of the GPL.14:35
ScottKIt has LGPL and GFDL, but not GPL.14:35
ScottKdebfx: kmix needs a copy of the GPL added and mention of the licensing of cmake/modules/FindCanberra.cmake in debian/copyright.14:38
ScottKyofel_: ^^^14:39
debfxI'm fixing ffmpegthumbs now14:40
Riddellhmm etherpad broken :(14:42
BluesKajdebfx, ffmpeg install on 12.10 has a lot of broken depoendencies , like so , http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040765/14:42
* Riddell kdesdk WIP14:42
ScottKSigh.  kscd too.  Needs cmake/modules/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS for cmake/FindMusicBrainz3.cmake and debian/copyright fixed.14:49
ScottKRiddell and debfx ^^^14:49
ScottKThat's everything in queue.14:52
debfxmeaning you rejected everything? :(14:52
debfxdefinitely no love letters in my inbox now14:53
debfxScottK: please reject ffmpegthumbs again14:54
ScottKIt's not there yet, but I will.14:55
ScottKdebfx: Rejected.14:56
debfxworking on kmix next15:02
Riddellkubuntu meeting in an hour?15:03
Riddellin here presumably since #u-m will be bust15:06
ybit2heyo Riddell 15:18
ybit2one of the biggest questions @ the southeast linuxfest was "where's ubuntu"15:18
ybit2outside of the KDE booth that is15:18
Riddellybit2: mm?  I've no idea I'm afraid15:19
Riddellpresumably the loco for the area didn't organise anything15:19
ybit2what's the meeting about?15:21
ybit2in 40 minutes15:21
Riddellkubuntu bits15:22
Riddellsee agenda15:22
Riddelland anything else anyone wants to bring up15:22
Riddellhi ScottK 15:26
Riddellhi soee 15:26
soeeguys anyone using the new Dolphin ?15:26
soeefrom 4.9.8015:26
soeeRiddell, is it possible to change icons and text size in left section (Places)15:28
soeebefore it was automaticly done when resizing15:28
RiddellI've no idea15:28
soeeah ok15:28
ScottKkmix accepted.15:29
ScottKdebfx: I thought you were changing the binary name in ffmpegthumbs?15:31
debfxScottK: turns out the package already existed before 4.915:32
ScottKLooks good then.15:33
ScottKjuk accepted as well.15:35
ScottKRiddell: If Kubuntu is moving to Universe soon, we should hold off on the l10n upload so they don't get stripped.15:37
RiddellScottK: I'm not touching l10n until universe is done15:37
ScottKWe should probably discuss not using LP translations anymore at the meeting.15:38
ScottKI don't expect it'll be controversial.15:38
Riddellthere's a spec that covers that (at least in part) so it comes under the work item review15:38
Mamaroksoee: please file a bug on http://bugs.kde.org15:41
debfxkscd uploaded again. is there anything else missing (except audiocd-kio)?15:41
ScottKFrom the ones I rejected today, no.15:42
Riddellaudiocd-kio is in ninjas15:43
ScottKCan you upload it to the archive?15:44
ScottKdebfx: kscd accepted.  Thanks.15:44
RiddellScottK: yep15:44
ScottKI'll review it then.15:44
soeeuhm i like the new plasmoids scroller ;)15:45
debfxScottK: bug #1013242 if you have some more time to exercise your archive admin powers15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013242 in kdemultimedia (Ubuntu) "Remove kdemultimedia source package from quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101324215:54
ScottKNeed to do some actual work for a bit ...15:54
Riddellapachelogger, Riddell, JontheEchidna, ScottK: council ping16:00
RiddellKubuntu meeting!  who's all here?16:00
apacheloggerahoy ahoy16:00
SteveRileySteveRiley is alive.16:01
Riddellsabdfl no online, tsk16:02
Riddelllet's start with membership16:02
RiddellSteveRiley: tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to be part of kubuntu?16:03
SteveRileymore than what's on the wiki page i suppose :)16:03
SteveRileytwo things that i think i could bring, based on what clay has mentioned16:04
* Mamarok is here16:04
SteveRileyat kfn, we'd like to see more cross-polination between irc, the list, and the forum16:04
apacheloggera summary would be a start, see, Riddell is lazy and only reads every other sentence missing half the stuff ^^16:04
SteveRileyso i could see myself encouraging more of that16:04
SteveRileythe other would be as an evangelist of sorts16:05
RiddellSteveRiley: what attracts you to kubuntu as a distro and community compared to any of the dozens of other options out there?16:05
SteveRileykubuntu is marvelous work. but it has a somewhat low profile16:05
SteveRileyi've spent a fair amount of my career doing technical communications, and i could bring some of that experience to kubuntu16:05
SteveRileyRiddell: when i started learning linux, ubuntu was my choice... i distro-hopped, but kept coming back mostly out of familiarity16:06
SteveRileybut i never really liked the direction canonical was going with unity16:06
SteveRileywhen i saw kde on another distro, i was drawn to everything about it -- flexibility, appearance, de integration16:07
SteveRileyso in early 2011 i finally decided it was time to settle on one distro and make it my primary work environment, thus kubuntu was the natural choice16:07
SteveRileymy background:16:08
RiddellSteveRiley: how functional is the kubuntu forums community?  are they friendly, do they solve people's problems, do they keep to date with changes in kubuntu?16:08
SteveRileyoh, ok... i'll answer that first16:09
SteveRileykfn is unlike any other linux-related forum i've seen.16:09
SteveRileythe core group of active members have exhibit a high degree of mutual respect16:09
SteveRileypeople go out of their way to research and solve problems16:09
SteveRileyi know i've spent hours sometimes doing that16:10
Riddellso your testimonial says, very impressive :)16:10
SteveRileyif you look at the number of posts in each release's section, you'll see that a lot of people do migrate, and keep up with the latest16:10
SteveRileyflame wars are very rare, we admins simply won't allow it. personal attacks are forbidden16:10
SteveRileyotherwise, we are very open and don't as a rule practice censorship16:11
RiddellSteveRiley: this might be controvertial but why use kubuntu forums rather than ubuntu forums?16:11
SteveRileyeven our social/casual talk forum, where religion and politics frequently come up, people exchange ideas in a civil manner16:11
SteveRileyi don't have an answer to that question, as zach and the others created the forum long before i came along16:12
SteveRileybut i'll hazard a guess:16:12
SteveRileyubuntu forum is BIIIIIIIIIIG. 16:12
SteveRileya number of our members have mentioned they find ubuntu forum intimidating16:12
SteveRileywe get quite a lot of windows exiles on kfn16:12
Riddelllovely, any other questions for SteveRiley?16:13
SteveRileysince we're smaller, and exhibit much more of a community feeling, they like what they see and they choose to stay16:13
ScottKSince you're a cloud person, what's your opinion on owncloud?16:13
SteveRileyriddell: re testimonies -- thanks.16:13
SteveRileyah, owncloud16:14
ScottKI warned you.16:14
SteveRileyi looked at v3 briefly and foumd that it appeared to be a promising platform, but it had a number of basic bugs:16:14
SteveRileyphp ui behaved unpredictably16:14
SteveRileythe sync clients mostly didn't work16:15
SteveRileypermissions issues abounded16:15
SteveRileyso when v4 came out, my observation was that's the version that will start taking off16:15
SteveRileystill a few glitches16:15
ScottKIt would very nice if would could offer a complete FOSS solution for people who didn't want to use Google/Amazon/whatever.16:15
SteveRileybut now at 4.0.2, it's lookig very nice16:15
ScottKRiddell has packaged it, but I dare say we could use some help from a cloud oriented person making it tip top.16:16
SteveRileybeing a pile of php and sql that sits on apache, you can install it anywhere16:16
ScottKWould you be able to help out with that?16:16
SteveRileyi run one on aws and one at home16:16
Riddellthe current owncloud package is from debian, testing needed16:16
SteveRileyscottk: absolutely.16:16
SteveRileyi run both my ownclouds on a ubuntu server install16:16
ScottKSteveRiley: OK. Then you are now KFN person and aspiring developer.16:16
SteveRileythe biggest problem is that owncloud's documented installation procedure is wrong16:17
SteveRileyscottk: wow, thanks!16:17
Riddellwell that's +1 from me for top contributions and community linking16:17
ScottKDo you use the packages or install the upstream tarball?16:17
SteveRileyi use the .deb16:17
ScottK+1 from me too.16:17
SteveRileythanks much, guys.16:17
Riddellapachelogger: vote?16:18
* apachelogger fires up his coin flip app16:18
apacheloggerthe mighty app says yay +116:18
ScottKJontheEchidna: ?16:18
RiddellSteveRiley: welcome into membership, please e-mail me your launchpad user so I remember to add you16:18
apachelogger(it litterally says that ... I think I might have written bogus code, it always comes up with +1)16:18
Riddellyou'll get a shiny @kubuntu e-mail and can put your blog on planet16:19
SteveRileyvery nice. been looking forward to opportunities to join.16:19
Riddell-Emerge support partner update16:19
SteveRileythank you, all.16:20
ScottKSteveRiley: Hang around here and let's make the owncloud packages better.16:20
ScottKAlso #ubuntu-server.16:20
Riddellas many of you know a nice non-profit company called Emerge want to be a support partner for kubuntu16:20
SteveRileyindeed. that sounds like a good first bit to tackle.16:20
Riddellwith any profits going back to kubuntu16:20
Riddell(not to be published widely, they don't want it announced until it's sorted)16:20
Riddellthis is currently blocked on canonical writing "yes you can use the trademark"16:21
Riddellshame sabdfl isn't here, but if anyone is in contact with canonical management do politely nudge them16:21
Riddelland if there's no comments on that it brings us onto the next topic16:22
RiddellKubuntu Council constitution https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Council16:22
Riddellwe need a constitution so we can open a bank account and so canonical can make an agreement which refers to the kubuntu council16:22
cjwatsontypo "quotate"16:23
Riddellwell spotted16:23
cjwatsonand "If a quorate is not at the meeting" isn't really English16:23
Riddellapachelogger, ScottK: as existing council members have you had a chance to read through it?16:23
ScottKNot as well as cjwatson apparently.16:24
Riddellit just defines in bank-friendly language what we already did (agreed in maverick times)16:24
agateauis anyone working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/995815 ? I'd like to give it a try if not.16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 995815 in apport (Ubuntu) "Apport shows black, empty window" [Undecided,New]16:25
apacheloggerRiddell: note that the entity KDE e.V. is not outlined in 1.16:25
Riddellit means we'll need a chair, treasurer and secretary which are pretty ceremonial roles except for the treasurer16:25
apacheloggeragateau: meeting16:25
agateauapachelogger: oh right16:25
MamarokRiddell: is this a call for volunteers?16:26
ScottKRiddell: Does it need something in there about how the constitution is revised?16:26
RiddellMamarok: nope, that's the council vote which apachelogger already started16:27
apacheloggerRiddell: that said ... I believe it should be mentioned that one member can only hold one of those positions16:27
RiddellScottK: yes I guess so16:28
Riddellwiki being slow so can't edit16:28
Riddellfeel free to suggest something16:29
Riddellapachelogger: likewise16:29
ScottKHow about "Revisions to the constitution must be pre-announced on the kubuntu-devel mailing list and approved by vote of the Kubuntu Council."?16:30
* apachelogger would think that a revision ought to be carried by >3 members16:31
RiddellScottK: added a bit about informing stakeholders "1. Revisions to the constitution must be pre-announced on the kubuntu-devel mailing list and informed the Ubuntu Community Council and other stakeholders and approved by vote of the Kubuntu Council."16:32
ScottKSounds good.16:32
Riddellapachelogger: it's difficult to put a larger number, that leads to problems if people disappear16:32
Riddellwhich happens a lot in societies like this16:32
* ScottK thought about a super-majority requirement and decided not.16:32
ScottKI think getting information out is the key.16:33
apacheloggerwell, a quorum is currently defined as 3/6, IMHO that ought to be 4/6 16:33
debfxmaybe we should have a process to replace inactive council members?16:33
ScottKThen we'd have to define inactive?16:33
ScottKI don't think it needs to be in the constitution.16:34
apacheloggerif >2 go MIA something ought to be terribly wrong anyway16:34
ScottKI think quorum of 3 is good.16:35
Riddell"if any council members do not make contact with the other council members project for over three months they shall be considered inactive and a vote may be organise to replace them" ?16:35
ScottKIt ought to be something like do not respond to contact attempts.16:37
Riddell"if any council members do not respond to contact attempts for over three months they shall be considered inactive and a vote may be organise to replace them" ?16:38
ScottK"if any council members do respond to contact attempts by other council members project for over three months they shall be considered inactive and a vote may be organized to replace them"16:38
ScottKMine is spelled better, but either one.16:38
Mamarokdo NOT respond you mean :)16:38
ScottKYes.  I dod.16:38
apacheloggerScottK: if a revisoinal quorum is 4 members it would enforce that at least one of the businessy members have to attend16:39
ScottKdo even.16:39
littlegirlI hope you don't mind, but I fixed the "quorate" grammatical errors on the https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Council page.16:39
apacheloggerwhich would then save us having to outline the process to hold a meeting16:39
ScottKapachelogger: Getting three at a time is hard enough.16:39
apacheloggerScottK: how often do you plan on changing the constitution?16:39
ScottKapachelogger: Approximately never, but it'll be some dire circumstance and I don't want to make it overly hard.16:40
apacheloggerI am fine with 3 attendees for regular votes, not for revisions of the constituation16:40
ScottKI guess.  Not my preference, but I can live with it.16:40
Riddellthanks littlegirl 16:40
littlegirlAny time. (:16:40
Riddellapachelogger: 4 or all active members?16:41
apacheloggerRiddell: 416:41
Riddellapachelogger: "4 or all active members"?16:41
Riddella simple number is liable to problems when nobody is active (been there, done that)16:41
ScottKThe lesser of 4 or all active members16:42
apacheloggerRiddell: yah16:42
debfxwell we can replace inactive members now so adding "all active members" is imho not needed16:42
apacheloggerif you need a somewhat immediate change ....16:43
ScottKYes.  Elections take time.16:43
Riddell"The vote must include the lesser of 4 or all active members."16:43
debfxvoting only takes 2 weeks16:44
apachelogger+3 months until someone can be considered inactive16:44
Riddellapachelogger: that's in the previous point (12)16:45
apacheloggeryes, that was regarding the 2 weeks election time not being long16:45
apacheloggeryou have to take into acccount that before those 2 weeks could be 3 months of not being able to carry a revision16:45
apacheloggerso being able to carry it after 3 months (at the worst) seems way more reasonable than 3.5 months16:46
Riddellany more comments?16:47
apacheloggerKDEev defintion16:48
Riddellapachelogger: added16:49
apacheloggerlooks good to me16:50
Riddellshall we vote?16:50
Riddellit gets a +1 from me for nicely defining what we do anyway16:51
Riddelllovely, thanks all16:51
Riddellany other business?16:51
apacheloggerI hope everyone voted on new council members already :)16:51
ScottKI think we should wait until the current election concludes to select the various roles.16:51
Riddellapachelogger: closes on sunday?16:52
Mamarokapachelogger: for that I should actually get a mail to vote, still haven't got it16:52
apacheloggeryes, sometime sunday when I get to close the vote (that is: when I get up :))16:52
RiddellMamarok: hmm related to the e-mail problems you reported?16:53
apacheloggercurrently we have 29 of 49 votes casted, which has been like this for a day or two, so I suppose everyone who is interested already voted anyway :)16:53
MamarokI guess so16:53
apacheloggerMamarok: oho16:53
Riddellapachelogger: are you able to add Mamarok manually?16:53
Mamarokthanks :)16:53
apacheloggerMamarok: myriam@kde.org?16:53
Mamaroknormally Launchpad should be fixed now, I hope it will not forward mails from @kubuntu.org to @ubuntu.com and vice-versa again16:54
Riddellspec review16:55
Riddellshall I go through them quickly?16:55
Mamarokyes, please16:55
Riddellhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-images 1GB images, no separate dvd16:56
RiddellScottK: still undecided16:56
Riddellit'll need some additions to ubiquity I think to replace all the features, which is happening on the gtk side16:57
ScottKNot sure about dropping powerpc.  We had testers for precise.16:57
apacheloggerisn't ppc a ports release anyway?16:57
RiddellI'd be all for dropping alternates but I guess people will complain if ubiquity doesn't replace all the features16:58
ScottKSpec says about dropping the images.16:58
ScottKRiddell: Agreed.16:58
debfxsounds good, but I think we should still aim to keep the size small.16:58
apacheloggerwhat would we get from dropping it?16:58
debfxso we don't fill up the 1GB just because we can16:58
Riddellapachelogger: one less hassle16:58
apacheloggerRiddell: well, if we have testers...16:58
ScottKWe tried to drop the alternate the cycle you were gone and got all kinds of hate due to lack of Ubiquity features.16:58
Riddellwhich is lots of little hassle when compiling packages16:58
apacheloggernever noticed?16:59
apacheloggerwhat's different for ppc?16:59
apacheloggerI mean, other than the odd FTBFS16:59
Riddellit's slow mostly16:59
ScottKThat's true if we make images or not.16:59
SteveRileyuh, well, i like the alternate installer because i prefer advanced-mode cli, but i'll admit i'm in a small minority there16:59
MamarokI tend to only use that one16:59
apacheloggerSteveRiley: one pretty much gets the same result with netinstall17:00
Riddellfeel free to add back powerpc but I won't care about it :)17:00
SteveRileyapachelogger: true.17:00
apacheloggerabout ppc ... I don't see the harm in having it around as long as someone but us ensures it works :P17:00
apacheloggerwhen/if that is not the case I am all for dropping it17:00
SteveRileyapachelogger: it involves more waiting for downloads, but i tend to forget that, what with my 60 mbps comcast connection :)17:01
apacheloggerSteveRiley: actually for advanced install it will mostly be faster as one can install only the stuff one really wants ^^17:01
Riddellok I removed the drop powerpc item, and add in "powerpc is very low priority"17:02
apacheloggerRiddell: +17:02
Riddellhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-active  plasma active 317:02
SteveRileyapachelogger: hmm... then the one time i compared them i must have done something weird... can't remember what, now.17:02
Mamarokapachelogger: what with people not having the bandwidth?17:02
Riddellassigned to rbelem17:02
ScottKRiddell: I think (re powerpc) that's good.  17:03
Riddell"script test sessions of Active with Xephyr and separate user" that's fiddly but rbelem seems to think he can do it17:04
SteveRileyfor plasma active - this is another interest of mine, and i can offer up testing services using my samsung 700t17:04
Riddell"buy/obtain tablets and get to useful people to ensure testing" Darkwing got a couple of those already17:04
apacheloggerMamarok: downloading alternate or downloading netinstall+download on-the-fly requires the same bandwith17:04
ScottKRiddell: I think the Active spec needs to work item to look at the missing kde4libs patches to see if there's anything in there too insane for us.17:04
RiddellSteveRiley: excellent17:04
ScottKto work item/a work item17:05
SteveRileylooks like i'm going to have to learn this packaging stuff reall quick-like17:05
RiddellScottK: "[kubuntu-dev] review kdelibs/base patches for potential technical issues: TODO" ?17:05
ScottKRiddell: Good.17:05
Riddellhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-development  all in some sort of progress17:06
Riddellexcept for "add hooks to language kcm to list all language then install them when selected by user"17:06
Riddellwhich is to replace language selector which is going away (so are our language packs anyway)17:06
rbelemRiddell, related to arm images17:07
ScottKI think PyQt/PyKDE4 works with Ptyhon3 is done.17:07
rbelemRiddell, we still need omap317:07
Riddellrbelem: why?17:07
rbelemRiddell, some tablets runs that17:08
Riddellrbelem: ones powerful enough to run plasma active?17:08
rbelemRiddell, i dont have the list on top of my head17:08
Riddelllast cycle we didn't have anything to test them17:08
rbelemRiddell, yup17:08
Riddellexcept beagle boards which aren't powerful enough17:08
debfxRiddell: some packages (at least kde4libs) will stay in main. so I think we still need the language packs.17:08
rbelemRiddell, i will list them then i will ping you17:09
Riddellrbelem: the item is "drop omap(3) image unless someone finds a use" so if you find a use that covers the item17:09
cjwatsonScottK: works for me certainly17:09
rbelemRiddell, yup17:09
cjwatsonubiquity and update-manager are using it so it had better17:09
Riddelldebfx: hmm, probably needs some thinking about17:09
cjwatsondebfx: or maybe we should blacklist those from language pack stripping17:10
cjwatsonthat sounds kind of easier17:10
ScottKkde4libs won't have translations in it anyway.17:10
Riddellhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-docs  has some items for Darkwing 17:10
cjwatsonScottK: there'll be a few others17:10
Riddelllittlegirl: but feel free to take over, don't let others prevent you from doing useful things in docs or elsewhere17:11
Riddellhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-future  has items already under way17:11
Riddellnew council elections, constitution, move to universe17:12
Riddellhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-packaging  has lots of things needing packaged17:13
Riddellwith debfx script for package reviewing the SC packaging is much nicer17:13
littlegirlOh, sorry, I was still playing around with https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Council which looks much better now. (:17:13
ScottKq-future work items need a bit of updating on assignees, but look good otherwise.17:13
RiddellI noticed plasma media centre is getting into a useable state so that should be looked at too17:14
littlegirlRiddell: Thanks - I appreciate the vote of confidence. I've been learning DocBook inside and out so that I'm prepared to make changes to the documentation instead of floundering around in it. (:17:14
* Mamarok goes to feed the cats before they eat the cables here17:15
BluesKajRiddell, Qt 5 (with wayland backend) , now that looks real interesting ! :)17:15
ScottKRiddell: Constitution needs to move off the wiki to kubuntu.org.17:15
RiddellScottK: will do17:15
ScottKRiddell: We don't need Qt5 for anything for Kubuntu.  Is that really our team's work item?17:16
RiddellScottK: it's needed to support upstream kde (in my opinion)17:16
Riddellbut much can be palmed off onto canonical and linaro17:16
ScottKOK.  Fair enough.17:16
ScottKPlease do.17:16
BluesKajantway , back to work 17:17
Riddellif we just leave it up to canonical that means they might get into habits of adding random patches17:17
ScottKFor a large value of might.17:17
Riddellany other comments or can we vote on them?17:18
debfxI just hope Qt 5 will be coordinated with Debian.17:18
Riddelldebfx: by linaro I mean fabo who is debian17:19
Riddellbut yes17:19
Riddellthese work items are +1 from me (cos I wrote them mostly)17:19
littlegirlI notice that the Precise documentation was located in the Kubuntu section here:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs while the Quantal documentation seems to be located in the Ubuntu section here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu - is that an oversight or intentional?17:20
Riddelllittlegirl: the spec is at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-docs17:21
Riddelloh I see, it's under a different project17:21
Riddellthat's not important17:21
littlegirlIt would be nice to have it in the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs section for semantics' sake. (:17:22
Riddellok I can look at that17:22
Riddellbut not just now I need to go out17:22
RiddellScottK: what say you?17:22
ScottK+1 on the specs as modified.17:22
littlegirlThat sounds good. (:17:22
* littlegirl is still sitting on 3 documents that never got pushed into Precise.17:23
Riddelllittlegirl: hmm there's probably a group you can be added to so you don't get blocked like that17:24
Riddellthanks friends17:24
* Riddell must run17:24
littlegirlRiddell: Okay, let me know in email. (:17:24
ScottKSpecs approved.17:35
ScottKRiddell: Is there anything else?17:35
claydohSteveRiley yay!17:57
* ScottK declares the meeting over.17:59
claydohSorry I missed it, large delivery today so a very late break for me18:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* yofel had a hell of a day and fell asleep the moment he got home -.-18:04
koolhead17y0 yofel 18:04
ScottKyofel: Then you're well rested.  You can get to work ...18:04
yofellol :)18:04
koolhead17yofel, how is ur phone doing18:05
koolhead17Riddell, supp18:05
yofelmy phone's fine... not sure what you mean18:07
yofelRiddell: another thing about alternate, rbelem wanted to keep it as it's used for offline upgrades for people with low bandwidth18:08
yofel*by people18:08
yofelSteveRiley: congrats :)18:08
SteveRileyyofel: thanks! 18:09
SteveRileyfeel like i have plenty to learn (launchpad intricacies, how do to builds, that kind of thing) ... looking forward to it18:09
ScottKyofel: I just noticed the kmix short description is the same as kmix-dev.  Please fix the -dev one.18:23
ScottK(for the next upload018:23
CIA-45[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kmix] Philip Muškovac * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) Fix the short description of kmix-dev so it says that it's a development package18:26
yofelfixed, thanks for spotting that18:26
ScottKRiddell (or anyone else with a minute): audiocd-kio is still missing cmake/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS and mention of the BSD license in debian/copyright.18:28
ScottK(see juk for a copy of the file to add)18:28
ScottKyofel: Can you fix ^^^18:28
yofelcan do18:30
CIA-45[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/audiocd-kio] Philip Muškovac * 12 * debian/ (changelog copyright) Add missing copyright entry for cmake/FindCdparanoia.cmake19:02
jussibugger, missed the meeting20:13
JontheEchidname too, $work got in the way :(20:41
JontheEchidnaagateau: bug 99367220:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993672 in intltool-debian (Ubuntu Quantal) "Ships malformed interactive upgrade hook which causes translations to be shown in the dialog" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99367220:41
JontheEchidnathat's the black rectangle20:41
dantti_laptopspeaking of it, it should really be removed from kded, killing that dialog kills kded, no gui should be put in kded...20:48
soeeare you planning to prepare kde 4.8.90 packages for 12.04 ?20:57
genii-aroundIs there any cure yet for battery widget thinking there's no battery?21:10
RiddellJontheEchidna: ooh what's the work?21:11
Riddelljussi: doesn't finland have more important things to worry about today?21:11
ScottKRiddell: Don't forget the release meeting mail ...  I"ll probably be offline most of tomorrow.23:16

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