
wormmdIs there a program to manage desktop backgrounds in Lubuntu 12.04? I'm running the awesome window manager and am having trouble changing mine.02:34
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silverarrowI  have an old mac, a white ibook. do  you think lubuntu would install painlessly?16:35
silverarrowso noone really knows?16:36
silverarrowI don't know the specs of the cpu, but RAM is 512MB16:36
silverarrowanyone on at all?16:36
silverarrowI need a linux laptop16:36
silverarrowit runs fine with most stuff with a bit of effort16:37
silverarrowso, lubuntu isn't that popular anymore16:37
silverarrowI hope it is, it's still my favorite16:37
silverarrowthe other buntus are for new computers only16:38
silverarrowalmost at least16:38
silverarrowI really like the macbook air16:39
silverarrowor pro is not far from these days , very slim16:39
silverarrowwhich time of day is most active?16:44
zleapnot sure i am usually on #ubuntu-uk16:45
zleapcan you find out the spec of the ibook16:45
zleaphttp://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/ibook/index-ibook.html see if it is listed here16:46
zleapi would guess 512mb would be enough for lubuntu yes16:48
silverarrowI see, I  must do some investigation16:48
silverarrowI've been given this old ibook, it works fine, all I need is a new power supply16:49
silverarrowI was hoping so, at least, 512 used to be fairly good, but years a go no16:49
zleapcheck the link i posted see if your model is listed16:50
silverarrowright now I have vista, and annying stuff with firefox16:50
zleapon an ibook16:50
silverarrowthanks, not sure, it's either 2004 or 200516:51
silverarrowI think 200516:51
silverarrowit's old, but it runs quiet and smooth with os x16:54
silverarrowI might reinstall os x, if possible, and if lubuntu doesn't work16:55
silverarrowI rather have the new lubuntu though, if it runs well16:55
silverarrowthe old os x is all right, but a bit old now16:55
silverarrowsee you later after some research and install attempts16:56
silverarrowa live boot up can never be a bad thing at least16:57
silverarrow;- )16:57
jewardSo... if I want a wee CPU meter down by the battery and sound widgets, what do I specifically look for?17:22
jewardI'm unsure of the openbox terminology.17:23
jewardThat's not called a dock at the bottom of the screen?17:23
pcroquejeward: I think you're talking about the panel. In lubuntu it's LxPanel. Right click on a blank part of the panel to configure it.17:33
jewardOkay, I think I am looking for a load monitor panel applet.17:35
pcroqueIn 11.10 the applet is call CPU Usage Monitor.17:36
jewardI'm on 12.04.17:36
jewardIs it something I can agp-get install?17:36
pcroqueI think it should already be there. Click Add/Remove Panel Items --> Panel Applets. Click the Add button and look for it there.17:38
jewardSadly, no.17:38
pcroqueHmmm...sorry...can't help then. I don't run 12.04.17:39
jewardSo, it may come along later I guess.17:39
jewardapt-cache search pxpanel didn't turn up much.17:40
pcroqueI just looked on a laptop I have running 12.04. CPU Usage Monitor is there as an option.17:41
jewardI wonder why I don't have it?17:42
jewardYou're running lubuntu 12.04?17:42
pcroqueYou have to click the Add button to the right of the list. It has a big green plus sign on it.17:42
jewardPerfect, thanks!17:43
smile-busybye! :)18:32
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=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
daker-cloudany software center guys here ?20:36
bioterrordaker-cloud, rarely he's here20:47

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