
sapienshello :)00:04
sapiensI have a question...00:05
sapiensI'm quite new, so some things may be harder for me to understand :)00:06
sapiensbut I want to install flightgear on the beagleboard00:07
sapiensI have an xm, rev c00:07
sapiensI installed ubuntu 11.04 on it00:07
sapiensubuntu 11.04 r7 minimal armel...00:08
infinitysapiens: That's not an official Ubuntu image.00:08
infinitysapiens: For starters, I'd suggest an official 12.04 image.00:09
infinityOh, at which point, you'll find out that flightgear doesn't work on ARM...00:09
sapiensinfinity, I'd like to, but I need to have the openscenegraph installed00:09
sapienshow come it doesn't work?00:10
infinityBecause of the lack of openscenegraph, as you note.00:10
sapienswell... I have it installed on 11.0400:10
sapiensIt installed good with the synaptic00:11
infinityYeah, and flightgear is also in 11.0400:11
infinityI have no idea if either actually works.00:11
sapiensI can boot it too00:11
micahghrm, openscenegraph looks like it just needs one of those GL fixes00:11
infinityOh, I see, it's GL/GLES fallout.00:11
sapiensbut when in subsystems... I have a nasal runtime error00:11
GrueMastersapiens: You would see better performance with 12.04 armhf.00:11
infinitySo, yeah, OSG on natty will work, but it won't have any hardware acceleration.00:11
infinityGrueMaster: Yeah, but no openscengraph or flightgear on 12.04, so it's a moot point for him. :P00:12
infinityIt's going to suck anyway.00:12
infinityNo hardware acceleration, and I can't imagine it'll be "fast" with software rendering.00:13
micahghrm, if it's the same issue in precise, it's SRUable :)00:13
micahgand it looks to be that way00:13
infinitymicahg: "one of those GL fixes", you say?  You say this as if you've done some QTGL->GLES porting.00:13
micahginfinity: no, but I've seen other people's patches :)00:13
infinitymicahg: Well, I look forward to seeing yours, then. :)00:14
micahgI keep telling myself one of these days I'll figure them out00:14
sapiensok, but seriously... I have these nasal runtime errors00:15
micahgI guess at this point in Debian's release cycle there's no chance of GLES on arm for Debian00:15
sapienshow can I fix them :)00:15
infinitysapiens: "nasal runtime errors" means nothing to me.00:15
infinitymicahg: Nope.00:15
* micahg passes sapiens a tissue00:16
infinitymicahg: And it'll be a bit of an uphill battle to convince people to do it, since our motivation is binary drivers.00:16
infinitymicahg: In Debian, if no one cares about binary drivers, it's just crazy extra work to have one port use GLES.00:16
* infinity is still really annoyed that GLES even exists and wasn't just, say, GL1.200:17
infinityWould have been so much simpler if it had been a strict subset (or older version), instead of what it is. :/00:17
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waltermixxx_howdy, I just installed the latest 12.04 ubuntu for beagleboard xM and I'm not getting any sound...01:45
waltermixxx_dummy output is listed in the sound control panel, play sound through....01:46
waltermixxx_initrd.img version 3.2.0-24-omap01:49
waltermixxx_if that helps01:49
infinitywaltermixxx_: Probably needs someone to write a ucm profile for it.  I don't have an xM.01:51
infinitywaltermixxx_: See the profiles in /usr/share/alsa/ucm/ for other boards.01:51
waltermixxx_ok will check that out01:51
infinitywaltermixxx_: And /lib/udev/rules.d/90-alsa-ucm.rules is where they get loaded.01:52
waltermixxx_no beagle in there01:53
waltermixxx_just panda pandaes spd4430 and tegraalc563201:53
infinitywaltermixxx_: That's sort of my point.01:54
waltermixxx_i understood that, simply confirming :)01:54
waltermixxx_should ubuntu be so slow on this board?01:55
waltermixxx_not slow all the time01:55
infinityEverything should be slow on that board.01:55
infinityAlso, running from SD is awful.01:55
waltermixxx_yes I saw the swap file on it01:55
infinityIf you have a USB hard drive, I *highly* recommend installing to it.01:55
infinity(using a d-i netboot image)01:55
waltermixxx_just put the boot files on the sd and put the rest on the usb drive01:55
infinityWe're dropping the preinstalled images in quantal for this very reason.01:55
infinityIt's an awful user experience.01:56
waltermixxx_i understand.01:56
waltermixxx_so sound isn't happening any time soon?01:56
waltermixxx_i suspect I don't need sound01:56
infinityYou could probably make sound go yourself with minimal effort.  And if you do, I'd happily integrate the patch in Ubuntu.01:56
waltermixxx_not sure I need a gui at this point... but it's nice to have another working sd image :)01:56
infinityBut I have no xM of my own to fiddle with, so..01:57
infinityNot much I can do.01:57
waltermixxx_i appreciate the advice...01:57
infinityIf you don't need a GUI, start with a server image, you'll be much happier with the speed.01:57
infinityOur default GUI environment kinda eats all your RAM.01:57
waltermixxx_i think that is a good idea01:57
waltermixxx_the server images available where I got the desktop image....01:57
waltermixxx_that was a question :)01:58
waltermixxx_and the ones listed there, they don't have a gui?01:58
waltermixxx_Ideally I just want a basic web server,  and something to mess with gpio's01:58
waltermixxx_i have a Trainer xM for beagle board01:59
waltermixxx_hoping to light up some leds01:59
waltermixxx_(people get so excited about that... me included...)01:59
waltermixxx_starts there and then a dog treat dispencer....01:59
waltermixxx_with a web interface :)01:59
waltermixxx_does the server image on the site come with apache?02:00
waltermixxx_and python?02:00
waltermixxx_or would I simply do a get-apt install apache02:00
waltermixxx_kinda thing...02:00
waltermixxx_you may be able to tell, I'm a linux nubee02:00
waltermixxx_is it easy to take the sd card that I currently have and move the linux install onto a usb hard drive?02:03
infinitywaltermixxx_: Oh, sorry.  Got distracted.02:03
infinityAlternately, if you have an external HDD (do you?), you should try a netboot image.02:03
waltermixxx_i think i saw some instructions on that02:04
infinityNot much to instruct.02:04
infinityGrab either boot.img-fb.gz or boot.img-serial.gz (depending on if you're using a keyboard and monitor, or a serial console), zcat the image to an SD card, and boot.02:05
infinityIt'll install the OS to your hard drive, and the kernel and bootloader to the SD.02:05
infinityAs for what's included in a barebones server install, the answer is "not much", but the whole archive is available to you.02:05
infinitySo, "apt-get install apache2", etc.02:06
waltermixxx_keyboard and monitor02:06
waltermixxx_so boot.img-fb.gz02:06
waltermixxx_http://mirrors.0c3.net/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/installer-armhf/20101020ubuntu136/images/omap/netboot/  does not want to open...02:08
infinityOh, hahahaha.02:08
infinityThat would have worked better if it wasn't my local mirror.02:08
waltermixxx_thank you... that works02:09
infinityI really should punch a hole for that mirror from the outside, since I make that mistake so often. :P02:09
waltermixxx_np :)02:09
waltermixxx_i appreciate the correction02:09
waltermixxx_the uncompressed boot.img-fb file02:11
waltermixxx_i zcat that to the sd card02:12
infinityWell, the compressed one.02:12
waltermixxx_oh no need to uncompress it, that's right02:12
infinityzcat boot.img-fb.gz > /dev/sdX02:12
infinityWhatever X is your card reader.02:12
infinityOr that. :)02:12
waltermixxx_once I boot from it, will it give me the choice of what I want to install on the external drive?02:13
waltermixxx_server or desktop?02:13
waltermixxx_gonna try it now.02:14
infinityIt'll just be serverish, IIRC.02:14
infinityYou could preseed it to do desktop (or install ubuntu-desktop later), but since that's what we're trying to avoid... ;)02:15
waltermixxx_server I think is what I am after :) and a slim line server sounds good02:16
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waltermixxx_i took some notes on the above,  and will give it a shot when I find an external hd that is powered by external power adapter and not via usb02:22
waltermixxx_I may try it first on an 8 gig usb stick02:22
waltermixxx_that should work... for testing...02:22
waltermixxx_boot from sd, and install on 8 gig usb stick?02:22
infinitywaltermixxx_: Yeahp, that works.02:25
infinitywaltermixxx_: That's how I test the installer when I don't have a spare hard drive to kill.02:25
infinitywaltermixxx_: It's obviously not going to be fast, though still a bit better than SD, in most cases.02:25
waltermixxx_ok cool02:27
waltermixxx_thanks again for your assistance :)02:27
codinhoHi guys03:48
codinhois gstreamer works with ducati in 12.04 ?03:48
twbYour car is running ubuntu?03:50
twbEr, motorcycle03:51
codinhotwb I mean omap4 ducati03:53
twbNever heard of it03:53
twbBut AFAIK Ubuntu works well on omap4 generally03:53
codinhoDucati is hardware accelerator for image processing and video/audio decode/encode03:54
twbOh.  Well I don't know, sorry :-)03:55
heathkidanyone here runnning ubuntu on an ARM with a USB wifi adapter that works 100%?03:55
twbheathkid: define "100%03:55
heathkidas in it actually works and is reliable03:55
heathkiddoesn't work for a few hours or a day and then stop working...03:56
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codinhois it possible to install ubuntu-omap-extras-multimedia from trunk ppa on 12.04?06:05
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ppisatiif anyone has an idle panda board and an empy sd card, could you try to reproduce lp1013204? thanks14:46
ppisatibug 101320414:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1013204 in linux-ti-omap4 "Serial losing characters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101320414:46
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mythosppisati, erm, so you loose chars over a serial-console14:51
mythoswhich char is missing?14:51
mythosi mean, in your bugreport14:52
mythosand you know, that with the default settings (http://www.omappedia.com/wiki/Serial_Port_Settings) it's not unusual, that bits are not transfered right?14:54
ppisatiany kind of characters14:57
ppisatijust type and you'll see that some won't get through14:58
ppisatisome times it works, some times it won't14:58
ppisation armel14:58
ppisation armhf everyhing is ok14:58
mythosmaybe they use another baudrate?14:59
mythosso... which ubuntu should i use?15:00
mythosoh, i see 12.04 armel15:01
mythosi'm going to try it later15:02
ppisatithe simplest way to reproduce it15:02
ppisatiget the O omap4 preinstall15:02
ppisationce you finished with the installation, let it reboot till the serial console15:02
ppisatithen paste a long line of text and see what happens15:02
mythosi'm going to try it in an hour or so15:03
mythosbut first i have to go home ;)15:08
ppisatimythos: i updated the bug with a comment about reproducing the problem15:10
ogra_and make sure the insulation of your cable has no cracks, might be that the chars are dripping out through it :P15:12
ogra_what a weird bug :)15:12
ppisatiyes it is15:12
ppisatii swapped hw15:12
ppisatisd cards15:12
ogra_serial terminal app ?15:13
ppisatinow i want someone else to reproduce it15:13
ppisatii'm using cu15:13
ppisatiit works with my amrhf installation15:13
ogra_well, did you try screen or minicom ?15:13
ppisatiso should work with armel15:13
ogra_oh, ok15:13
ogra_well, who cares ... its armel :P15:13
ppisatiogra_: if you can devote and sd card to the cause, i would love it15:15
ppisatii want someone else to say "yes, i've it too"15:15
ppisatimy bad18:37
ppisatithe sd that i used was actually a preinstalled system were i used to mess on18:38
ppisatimythos: ^18:38
ppisatiogra_: ^18:38
mythosppisati, so i don't have to? :O18:38
ppisatiforget about it18:39
mythoshurray \o/18:39
* ppisati feels really stupid now18:39

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