
=== leto is now known as Guest19554
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gerald hi, I'm a complete noob who has just installed Ubuntu on a Mac with virttualbox and I need help mounting (permanently) my shared folders. Can any of you guys help?06:32
bioterror!fstab | gerald06:36
ubot2gerald: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:36
geraldThanks, I'll check those out06:37
yeehiPlease help me!06:57
yeehiI am using a proxy - I try to connect to the servers for sudo apt-get update but do not reach them06:58
yeehiTherefor, I tried something like this command line: export http_proxy=http://thisismyusername:thisismypasasword@123.456.7.8:123406:58
yeehiI didn't get any error messages, but I still can't download from the servers for an update -06:59
yeehido I have to substitute data for http_proxy= ?06:59
yeehiWhat should I do?06:59
yeehihello kempe_07:06
yeehiis anybody here? I have a problem08:53
yeehiHello! I need help!09:20
yeehiI am using a proxy, so I need to configure apt for the proxy. I enter a command very similar to this:09:20
yeehiexport http_proxy=http://thisismyusername:thisismypasasword@123.456.7.8:123409:20
yeehiI don't get an error message, but I am still unable to download from the repoitories. Do I need to change the command I entered? eg do I need to substitute data for http_proxy ?09:21
yeehihello aeoril can you help me?09:25
aeorilyeehi, probably not - I am not that good at Ubuntu, but go ahead and shoot09:25
yeehihello aeoril, do you know how to configure apt for a proxy? I have tried something like this command:09:43
yeehiexport http_proxy=http://thisismyusername:thisismypasasword@123.456.7.8:123409:43
yeehiBut I am still unable to download from the repositories. Do I need to substitute http_proxy= for some data?09:44
aeorilyeehi:  no, sorry.  man apt?  google 'apt proxy'?09:44
yeehiI have had a look at the manual page for apt - I have followed it as best as I can09:45
yeehiI will try googling apt proxy! Why didn't I think of that?!09:45
hobgoblinyeehi: if you've got synaptic you can do that in the settings somewhere09:46
kristian-aalborgholstein, mike, are you there?17:07
okwahey hi hello      im trying the first time a chroot17:52
okwai run it with schroot17:53
okwaim running xubuntu precise (host) and ubuntu precise minimal (target)17:53
okwai installed firefox in the chroot17:53
okwaand now typing      $firefox17:54
okwait returns Error: no display specified17:54
okwaanyone knows what i could do?17:54
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okwa[19:52] <okwa> hey hi hello      im trying the first time a chroot [19:53] <okwa> i run it with schroot [19:53] <okwa> im running xubuntu precise (host) and ubuntu precise minimal (target) [19:53] <okwa> i installed firefox in the chroot [19:54] <okwa> and now typing      $firefox [19:54] <okwa> it returns Error: no display specified18:09
holsteinkristian-aalborg: pong18:09
kristian-aalborgholstein, morning18:09
holsteinokwa: other than referring you to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot, or suggesting what i do, which is just a virtualbox installation...18:10
okwavirtualbox? do you use virtualbox or something else as virtualmachine envoirement?18:13
okwavirtual box is eating processor here18:13
holsteinfor my testing purposes, on the machine i use.. it works fine.. it = virtualbox18:15
holsteintry vmware or one of the others if you like.. or maybe try the server channel for more info on chroot18:15
okwai found it18:18
okwa(for the log)  here the solution:18:18
okwaadd in etc/schroot/schroot.conf   the line       preserve-environment=true      this takes DISPLAY and PATH18:19
okwa:)    thx  beautiful day18:19
Moesbiehi, trying to install valgrind 3.7.0 on ubuntu 12.0418:39
Moesbieafter running ./configure i get18:39
Moesbiechecking the GLIBC_VERSION version... unsuported version 2.1518:39
Moesbieconfigur: error: Valgrind requires glibc version 2.2 - 2.1418:39
Moesbiei guess this is why there is no makefile, what should i do?18:40
holsteini usually look for PPAs... maybe https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/valgrind would help18:41
holsteinthen, i check for a .deb ...otherwise, you might need to do some heavy lifting on some package versions18:41
holsteini would expect problems18:41
Moesbiethanks, i guess a PPA would make it a lot easier19:00
holsteinppa's can break things too... but using ppa-purge can be helpful in that case, and i find it easier to recover personally19:01
=== nothingspecial is now known as angela-android
DerelictNew to 12.04 LTS Server from FreeBSD.  How to I confirm that linux-image-3.2.0-1414-omap4 is installed?  apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade has not indicated it was installed.19:03
holsteinDerelict: i would open the package manager of your choice, and search for it.. i still grab and use synaptic19:04
holsteini would check out...19:05
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:05
holsteincould be you have it installed...19:05
holsteingrub is hidend by default.. usually hitting shift at boot makes it pop up, and the earlier version are under a sub group these days called "previous entries" or soething like that19:06
bioterrorholstein, hey, he's from freebsd :D19:06
bioterrordpkg -l |grep omap419:06
bioterrorfor example19:06
bioterrordpkg -l lists packages installed19:06
DerelictYup.  "LONG TERM SUPPORT" is what I seek.  Rebuilding servers every 18-24 months is getting really old.19:11
Derelictso dpkg -l | grep omap matches no lines19:12
Derelictand apt-cache search omap does not yiels the patch.19:12
holsteinmaybe you should "big picture" what you are trying to do19:12
DerelictI am trying to make sure this server is patched for19:13
DerelictUbuntu Security Notice USN-1474-119:13
DerelictJune 13, 201219:13
Derelictlinux-ti-omap4 vulnerabilities19:13
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
holsteinif you installed that on your own, it wont show up in the package managers19:14
DerelictI didn't.19:14
DerelictThe problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following19:14
Derelictpackage versions:19:14
DerelictUbuntu 12.04 LTS:19:14
Derelict linux-image-3.2.0-1414-omap4    3.2.0-1414.1919:14
DerelictAfter a standard system update you need to reboot your computer to make19:14
Derelictall the necessary changes.19:14
DerelictI read that as apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade ; apt-get dist-upgrade19:14
holsteinthen, its good to go, correct?19:15
holsteinuname -a shows what you expect?19:15
Derelictdpkg -l still doesn't list linux-image-3.2.0-1414-omap419:15
DerelictThat's what I'm trying to verify - that it's good to go.19:15
holsteinyou could try the kernel team i suppose19:16
DerelictLinux hostname 3.2.0-25-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 20:30:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:16
holsteinthats what i would expect to see19:16
DerelictHmm the timestamp on that kernel is 5/23.  The security notice was 6/1319:18
Derelictand nothing ever gave any indication that "linux-image-3.2.0-1414-omap4" was being installed.19:18
DerelictI'm being stupid.19:21
phillwhmm, I thought they were still testing the new 12.04.1 kernel? But, i don't get all the release notes :P19:24
hobgoblinphillw: pretty sure they still are19:24
phillwI'd have expect a note from QA to state it is out in the wild :P19:25
phillwlast update I have.19:26
hobgoblinI was asked to test it only yesterday - so I doubt if much has gone on since then19:35
phillwhobgoblin: hmm, seems that http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/223/builds is not logging bugs correctly, I'll go and give Nicholas a ping on QA19:38
Moesbieis there a way to see what a PPA did to install something?20:34
yeehiHelo! I am in trouble! I edited the sudoers file21:38
yeehinow I can't open it21:39
yeehiI left a parse error in the sudoers file and now it says there are no valid sudoer files and I can't use sudo - i need sudo to edit that file21:39
yeehiHelp - i made a mistake in the sudoers file, now i can't use sudo - I can't use my sudo password for root - what should I do?22:04
ntwrk_keithNeed some Samba help22:16
ntwrk_keithtrying to follow a guide and create a Samba user22:16
ntwrk_keithbut I'm getting this error back22:16
ntwrk_keithFailed to add entry for user22:16
holsteini typically make sure i can ping the machines22:21
holsteinsometimes i disable firewalls temporarily22:21
holsteinpermissions errors are usually the issue... i usually use ssh to share instead22:21
ntwrk_keithI'm just trying to create a user at this point22:22
ntwrk_keithlocally on the samba server22:22
ntwrk_keithand its failing22:22
holsteinshouldnt need a "sambe user" necessarily22:22
ntwrk_keithI want to enforce logging in22:23
ntwrk_keithi dont want guest login22:23
holsteinsure... that'll happen with the permissions22:23
holsteincan you ping the machines from each other?22:23
holsteinwhat operating systems are you using?22:23
ntwrk_keithI dont think you understand me22:23
holsteinntwrk_keith: im quite sure i dont22:23
holsteinntwrk_keith: but im working on it22:23
ntwrk_keithI am trying to create the username on the server, from the server22:23
ntwrk_keithsudo smbpasswd -a username22:24
holsteinyou should have a user on the server22:24
ntwrk_keithI dont want to use that username22:24
ntwrk_keithI want to create a separate username22:24
ntwrk_keithto share22:24
holsteini would make another user22:24
holsteinsudo adduser username22:25
ntwrk_keithYou have to create the user first before creating the Samba User22:25
ntwrk_keithIt works!22:26
ntwrk_keithWhere is the default directory that a USB drive would be mounted to, if mounted at all?22:35
holstein /media maybe22:35
holsteinyou can mount them where you like though22:35
ntwrk_keithYeah but I dont know how... I know the command22:36
ntwrk_keithbut dont know what drive it is22:36
holsteinsudo fdisk -l22:36
holsteinsudo mount /dev/sd** /path/to/whatever22:36
ntwrk_keithit could be /sda522:37
ubot2mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:37
holsteini would refer to that and make sure you dont need any flags22:37
ntwrk_keiththatnks buddy :)22:38
ntwrk_keithstill learning linux, especially cli22:38
holsteinyou're doing great!22:38
ntwrk_keithmount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'22:40
ntwrk_keiththis mean anything to u?22:40
holsteini would make sure you are mounting what you think you are mounting22:41
holsteinlooks like thats an LVM volume22:42
ntwrk_keithI think the drive isnt even showing up22:42
holsteinhttp://www.linux-sxs.org/storage/fedora2ubuntu.html ..assuming that is correct22:43
ntwrk_keithunplugged it and the same 3 devices were there22:43
ntwrk_keithah.... there it is22:44
ntwrk_keithit wasnt getting full power before22:44
ntwrk_keithNow I'm cooking22:45
ntwrk_keiththanks so much22:45
ntwrk_keithI'm in business22:52
ntwrk_keithcan see the files from this machine22:52
ntwrk_keiththis is cool22:52
ntwrk_keithThanks again holstein22:58
holsteinntwrk_keith: anytime!22:58
ntwrk_keithOk this might not be a ubuntu specific question but if I have a movie with 2 .avi files or whatever file type, is xbmc smart enough to continuously play through them?23:21
holsteinntwrk_keith: i would ask the content creator for one file23:21
WilsonBradleyI reinstalled 12.10 because I had problems with 12.04, now it doesn't return completly from standby (suspend), the screen is black but it looks like it came back except LCD screen or external monitor. Asus 1015Pem , N550, GMU 3150 graphics23:57

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