
robert_ancellthomi, this patch seems to fix it for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039976/.  Not sure if I'm missing anything there, seems to be simple00:25
robert_ancellto be too simple00:25
thomiSo what do we do now?00:26
robert_ancellthomi, open an upstream bug and see what they say, patch the ubuntu package if they take too long and we think it's a good patch00:27
robert_ancellthomi, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67805900:43
ubot2Gnome bug 678059 in general "memory leak in pango_layout_get_extents" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:43
thomirobert_ancell: wonderful, thanks. I'll keep ane ye on it00:53
robert_ancellthomi, does this effect precise?01:09
thomirobert_ancell: yes01:11
robert_ancellthomi, are you familiar with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?01:12
thomirobert_ancell: uhhh, I am now01:13
thomirobert_ancell: I guess that gets done by whoever manages the pango packages for us?01:15
robert_ancellthomi, well, for it to qualify as an SRU we need to know how severe the problem is, can you describe how much of a problem it is in precise?  i.e. is it just a few k here and there or does it bring unity to a halt over time01:16
robert_ancellI can do the rest01:16
thomirobert_ancell: that's hard to say with certainly. I don't think anyone has reported that unity dies because of this leak, but it certainly shows up in our valgrind logs a lot. By my estimate, at least 20% of all the leaks reported by valgrind  are this pango issue01:21
robert_ancellthomi, so is it worth backporting?01:21
thomiI think so. We should probably see what thumper thinks01:21
robert_ancelloh, he's gone offline01:26
robert_ancellok, well prod him some and he can get back to me if he thinks it is worth it01:27
robert_ancellit's in quantal now01:27
robert_ancelland upstream accepted the patch01:27
thomirobert_ancell: awesome, thanks. He should be abck online soon, I'll ask him01:30
RAOFrobert_ancell: You're the proud owner of a radeon card in your devel rig, right?01:46
thumperrobert_ancell: have you fixed that bug already?01:51
thomioops, entirely the wrong window02:06
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
robert_ancellRAOF, nah, I got rid of that machine03:58
RAOFrobert_ancell: Ah, so you're an intel man now? Superb.03:58
RAOFOr, indeed nouveau. Both of those have less crackful xwayland patches ;)03:58
robert_ancellRAOF, so we can be blissfully unaware of problems?03:59
RAOFNo, so I can unblock you without rewriting the radeon patch first.03:59
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
didrocksgood morning06:03
micahghi didrocks, just the person I need :)06:08
micahgdidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040330/06:09
micahgthat's in natty06:09
didrocksmicahg: hey, this is the package sil2100 gave to you?06:13
micahgdidrocks:  yep06:13
didrockshum, let's see with him, when he's around06:14
didrocksmicahg: I'm not even sure what was used06:14
didrocksmicahg: has this been uploaded?06:14
micahgdidrocks: it built fine on oneiric and precise06:14
didrockswell, the branches are different ;)06:14
micahgdidrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity-2d/natty-security/revision/54906:15
didrocksmicahg: thanks, I'll check with him06:15
didrockssalut seb128 :)08:18
seb128didrocks, lut, en forme ?08:18
didrocksseb128: ça va bien, et toi? :)08:18
seb128nickel ;-)08:18
pittibonjour seb12808:23
* pitti waves to the desk-TOP!-ers08:23
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?08:23
pittigut, danke!08:23
seb128pitti, how is QA doing? ;-)08:24
pittiwas a bit tired this morning, went to bed late08:24
pittibut the game was great to watch08:24
seb128pitti, 2 wins in 2 games, not bad ;-)08:24
pittiseb128: fairly well indeed! I'm posting my progress to G+ (QA team policy), if you are intested08:24
pittiseb128: I just finished my remaining "desktop backlog" work items, ported more stuff to python3 (language-selector, ubuntu-drivers-common, etc.)08:24
pittigreat to see aptdaemon-py3 in quantal now08:25
pittiseb128: so I concentrate on the autopkgtests now08:25
pittiI worked on udisks2's test suite upstream, and now want to make it succeed in jenkins08:25
pittiit already uncovered two real and nontrivial bugs, so it's so worth having08:25
pittionce udisks is covered, I go "up" to gvfs08:25
pittithat's my current plan, anyway08:25
pittiseb128: yeah, Gomez is on fire :)08:26
seb128cool, I'm looking forward that ;-)08:26
seb128hey Sweetshark08:27
didrockshey pitti ;)08:27
seb128pitti, jenkins says that udisk2 testing is red? first step set it up, next step make it work...? ;-)08:27
Sweetsharkseb128, didrocks, pitti: heya08:27
didrocksgood morning Sweetshark08:28
pittiseb128: right; need to find out why "modprobe scsi_debug" fails in that VM08:32
pittiseb128: same problem as in the old udisks 1 adt08:32
seb128oh, ok08:32
pittiit says "memory error", but that has 4 GB of RAM08:32
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
glatzormvo, mpt hello michael, is there an easy way to get a package -> application from software-center?09:02
seb128hey glatzor, how are you?09:03
glatzormvo, mpt would like to merge error notification dialogs ("your cache is broken") and resolution confirmation dialog ("do you want to remove the following packages to repair your cache?") into a single dialog09:03
glatzorseb128, hello, I am fine! and yourself?09:04
seb128glatzor, I'm good thanks09:04
mvoglatzor: yes, you can use something like db=softwarecenter.db.database.StoreDatabase(); db.get_apps_for_pkgname("foo") and that will give you a bunch of docids that you can then use to get the real application object09:04
seb128glatzor, thanks for the aptdaemon SRU, could you make the bugs SRU compliant though (impact, test case, regression potential), the SRU team will not review it until that's done, they started being strict on that because we had too many SRUs not testable or tested without those infos and they were never moving to -updates09:05
chrisccoulsongood morning desktop team09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, good morning firefox team ;-)09:08
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you today?09:08
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?09:09
seb128chrisccoulson, a bit tired but good otherwise09:09
seb128looking forward the end of week :p09:09
glatzormvo, so a possible way could be to add an optional argument to AptErrorDialog. I would like to avoid a software-center dependency on python3-gtk3widgets :)09:09
mvoglatzor: I'm adding testcases now if you could double check them once I'm done, that would be awsome09:09
mvoglatzor: haha, understandable09:09
glatzormvo, if the package_app_mapper is specified the error dialog will show applications instead of packages09:09
mvoglatzor: sounds good09:10
mvoglatzor: building r840 gives me test failures, that is known, right?09:10
glatzormvo, aptdaemon is now aware of the internet connection (a side effect of the pkcompat) so I could improve the download failed dialogs on the daemon side09:11
glatzormvo, 845 is the way to go09:12
glatzormvo,  the test suite is now in a good shape.09:12
mvoglatzor: aha, so I was just outdated09:13
glatzormvo, funnily packagekit will in the futrure support parallel transactions. I think about enabling this already now in pkcompat :)09:13
mvoglatzor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040491/ is what I get from r845 in bzr-buildpackage09:16
mvoglatzor: I added testcases to the bugs in the SRU now, please double check if you have time09:20
mvoglatzor: aha, that seems to be something in quantal, looking at this now09:25
mvoglatzor: nothing releated to your code :)09:25
mvoglatzor: so are we good to upload? I will update the changelog (if you are not on it already)09:26
glatzormvo, should I invite ubuntu-core-dev to aptdaemon-developers?09:29
mvoglatzor: sounds good09:29
mvoglatzor: I will also fix the lintian*tags* rename in the .install file09:29
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
mvoglatzor: ubuntu-quantal branch is updated, so I can upload whenever you want09:36
mvoglatzor: one file overwrite issue in fake-polkit.py, so python3-aptdaemon.test and python-aptdaemon.test can not be installed at the same time, should that go to aptdaemon instead?09:41
glatzormvo, sorry I am away for some time. see you then09:47
mvoglatzor: so I fix it in whatever way I see fit? or shall I wait ;) ?09:47
didrockswaow, crash inside the intel driver10:03
seb128go intel ;-)10:04
didrocksseb128: it's all because of you! I took intel because you never had issues with it :)10:05
seb128I still don't have issues! ;-)10:05
didrocksand one small crash to completely changed my mind, of course :p10:05
glatzorhello mvo10:27
glatzormvo, I am on the train now so the connection could be a little bit flanky10:27
glatzormvo, I updated ubuntu-quantal since we can now drop the test_suite_fixes10:27
mvoglatzor: aha, ok10:28
mvoglatzor: I updated it as well :)10:28
mvoglatzor: so the delay from 0.5s -> 2.5s  is no longer needed?10:28
mvoglatzor: I don't see a (new) commit in ubuntu-quantal, did you push this yet?10:29
glatzormvo, it is still required. But I changed it in upstream10:30
mvoglatzor: ok10:31
mvoglatzor: thanks, I updated the quantal branch to point to r846 now10:31
Sweetsharkseb128: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2012-June/001310.html heh, Ubuntu/Canonical will just grow itself some mor people comfortable to review LibreOffice commits ;->10:39
seb128Sweetshark, lol10:39
seb128good luck to them ;-)10:39
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
glatzormvo, I haven't tried the simulate test on a build daemon. so this issue could still exist. but perhaps it was just a side effect of another patch10:42
mvoglatzor: oh, good to know, lets see10:46
mvoglatzor: I can alway add it back if it ftbfs10:46
glatzormvo, mpt, so what do you think about a aptdaemon.gtk3widgets.SmartErrorDialog ?10:50
glatzorthanks mvo10:50
glatzormvo, I would like to make this re-usable by sessioninstaller and update-manager10:53
glatzormvo see you10:57
chrisccoulsonoh, that gnome-settings-daemon crash is i386 only?11:01
chrisccoulsonfun ;)11:01
seb128chrisccoulson, is it?11:02
seb128i386 users are nice people, why so much hate :p11:03
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it looks like it11:03
chrisccoulsonok, i'll ask for someone to get a valgrind log whilst i set up a more appropriate environment11:06
chrisccoulsonjust in case something tramples over the GOT :)11:06
seb128chrisccoulson, GOT?11:09
seb128chrisccoulson, you can grab mterry when he gets online, he was complaining about how annoying the issue is the other day11:09
seb128chrisccoulson, he can probably get you a valgrind ;-)11:09
chrisccoulsonseb128, the global offset table. the GOT entry will either have a pointer back to the plt (to call in to the linker), or a pointer to the real function11:09
chrisccoulsonbut if that gets overwritten, then it will go quite wrong :)11:10
seb128oh ok11:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, also, rebuilding gnome-settings-daemon with LDFLAGS=-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now would expose if the issue is memory corruption11:21
chrisccoulsonas that would make it crash where the error occurs :)11:22
didrockschrisccoulson: FYI, I juts got bug #196058, had to edit the file manually to get it back to not fullscreen11:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 196058 in thunderbird "Thunderbird starts in a full-screen mode and cannot be restored" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19605811:36
chrisccoulsondidrocks, oh, fun ;)11:39
didrockschrisccoulson: I wouldn't use that term TBH ;)11:39
chrisccoulsondidrocks, no, i meant it is fun for me ;)11:40
didrockschrisccoulson: you have weird ways of enjoying bugs ;)11:40
seb128didrocks, heh, he was on my g-s-d plt "fun" first, keep your party for later ;-)11:43
didrocksseb128: I don't care, I edited the file and it's fine for me. Seems the issue isn't new though (from 2008)11:44
seb128k ;-)11:44
chrisccoulson"PPA exceeded its size limit (4452.00 of 4096.00 MiB)"12:19
chrisccoulsonoh, fantastic! no crash on i386 for me here ;)12:21
chrisccoulsoni guess mterry will need to feed me information :)12:21
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128chrisccoulson, you got a mterry!13:18
seb128mterry, hey ;-) how are you ?13:19
chrisccoulsonhi mterry!13:19
mterryuh oh13:19
seb128mterry, too late to pretend not being here :p13:19
=== mterry is now known as rickspencer
=== rickspencer is now known as mterry
mterryWhat's up?13:20
seb128mterry, chrisccoulson is looked at the plt g-s-d issue13:20
seb128mterry, he needs debug infos from you13:20
seb128mterry, since you get the issue13:20
mterryseb128, ah yeah, I saw his comment go by.  chrisccoulson, you want valgrind output?13:20
chrisccoulsonmterry, yes please :)13:21
chrisccoulsoni can't seem to recreate it here13:21
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
seb128mterry, are you on the valgrind thing or should I give it a try (I can but I don't want to dup work if you started)13:46
mterrychrisccoulson, really? interesting.  I uploaded a valgrind13:46
mterryseb128, sorry, I got delayed, but it's there now13:46
seb128mterry, np, you are on i386 right?13:47
mterryseb128, yup13:47
mterryi386 4 eva13:47
seb128==26228== Invalid read of size 413:48
seb128==26228==    at 0x1027EF00: ??? (in /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-3.0/libmouse.so)13:48
seb128==26228==    by 0x10281EC4: gsd_mouse_manager_idle_cb (gsd-mouse-manager.c:1124)13:48
seb128I wonder why the first frame lacks symbols when the second one has the infos13:49
desrtwow.  as if you need more than 3 lines in order to know exactly what the problem is there14:00
mterryseb128, because the first frame is the plt magic.  probably doesn't correspond to a given line14:01
seb128mterry, could be yes14:01
seb128desrt, the log is longer than that, I didn't want to flood the channel ;-) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1007588/+attachment/3189382/+files/valgrind.log14:02
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1007588 in gnome-settings-daemon "[mouse]: gnome-settings-daemon SIGSEGV in gdk_device_manager_list_devices@plt()" [High,Confirmed]14:02
desrtseb128: i wasn't being sarcastic. totally classic class of problem14:02
desrtand it always has exactly one of two solutions14:02
desrtthe problem is that someone dispatches an idle then destroys the object before the idle has a chance to run14:03
desrtthe solutions:14:03
desrt1) have the idle itself hold a ref on the object and free it from the handler function14:03
desrt2) when scheduling the idle, save the source ID number and cancel it from the finalize of the object, if pending14:03
seb128desrt, weird think is that this issue just happens on i386 when building with gcc 4.714:04
seb128desrt, precise with gcc 4.6 with the same gtk and g-s-d has no bug14:04
desrtseb128: it's probably an issue on the other platforms too, but you 'get lucky'14:04
seb128chrisccoulson, ^14:04
desrtthese kinds of errors are so common all over GNOME that i'd hesitate quite a lot to finger gcc14:04
seb128desrt, well, we got 0 of those issues in precise, the code didn't change and we get a lot of this in quantal after a rebuild, and people said that rebuilding on gcc 4.6 "fixes" it14:06
chrisccoulsonmterry, seb128, thanks. will look in a few moments14:06
seb128but yeah, maybe for some reason we get "lucky" and the code generated by gcc 4.6 is on the right side of the race :p14:06
desrt^ should have fixed that bug14:07
mterrydesrt, I don't think this is a classic idle callback bug.  It's dying in the plt code for handling shared libraries14:08
desrti'm starting to agree14:08
desrtnow that i see that the bug got fixed over a year ago14:08
desrtit used to be a classic idle bug ;)14:08
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't think it's that either14:11
chrisccoulsonalthough, i was hoping to see an invalid write in the valgrind log14:11
chrisccoulsondamn ;)14:11
chrisccoulsonmterry, this is easy for you to reproduce?14:12
desrtone more possibility14:13
desrtthis is a plugin, right?14:13
desrtis it possible that the plugin is unloaded when the idle fires?14:14
* desrt takes that back because of the proper cancelling...14:14
mterrychrisccoulson, every time14:16
chrisccoulsonmterry, and the trigger is changing your monitor resolution?14:17
mterrychrisccoulson, no, the trigger is just doing nothing.  The bug has some misleading data about monitors, but it has nothing to do with that14:18
mterrychrisccoulson, if I just wait a few seconds, it will crash14:18
chrisccoulsonmterry, oh, that makes more sense14:18
mterryI've been living unthemed for a while.  :(14:18
chrisccoulsonok, i'll try again in a second14:18
* desrt thinks chrisccoulson and mterry get to spend the next 3 days performing the fun task of reducing this crash to an irrefutable testcase to present to doko14:19
desrt(or finding the real bug on the way...)14:20
* chrisccoulson fires up kvm again14:20
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
chrisccoulsonmterry, it still isn't crashing here. could you make it crash again in gdb please, and show me the output of "info registers"? :)14:51
mterrychrisccoulson, yup!14:51
mterrychrisccoulson, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1040903/14:53
chrisccoulsonmterry, thanks14:53
chrisccoulsonoh my14:56
chrisccoulsonebx            0x014:56
chrisccoulsonthat's meant to be the base address of the got :)14:56
chrisccoulsoni guess that's where the "invalid read at address 0x38" comes from in your valgrind log14:57
chrisccoulsonthis is going to be fun14:57
chrisccoulsonmterry, ok, could you try again please, but this time do "watch $ebx == 0x0"?15:05
mterrychrisccoulson, sure15:05
chrisccoulsonhopefully you will hit that once, be able to get a stacktrace, and when you continue you should hopefully see it crash15:05
chrisccoulsonfingers crossed :)15:05
mterryok, I hit the breakpoint15:06
mterrychrisccoulson, do you want a dump of registers every time I hit the watch point?15:07
chrisccoulsonmterry, just a stacktrace. are you hitting it more than once?15:07
chrisccoulsoni was hoping it would just be once :)15:07
mterrychrisccoulson, oh, I see your above comment15:07
mterrychrisccoulson, yah, all over the place15:08
chrisccoulsonmterry, and it's always a different call stack?15:08
mterrychrisccoulson, yeah mostly15:09
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that's a shame15:09
mterrychrisccoulson, I can send some of them to you?15:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can take a look15:09
mterrychrisccoulson, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1040940/15:10
chrisccoulsonmterry, oh, of course. it might be better to first break on main, and then set up the watch15:11
chrisccoulsonto get all of the linker stuff out of the way first :)15:11
mterrychrisccoulson, k, will do15:11
mterrychrisccoulson, now I'm going through a bunch of locale loading.  hopefully it will end soon15:13
seb128mterry, restart it, break on main, once you hit it, add the break on ebx15:13
seb128that should be easier15:14
mterryseb128, that's what I did15:14
mterrysetlocale is after main15:14
mterryparse args also does some similar things...15:15
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that's a pain :(15:15
mptmvo, do you know what glatzor meant by "aptdaemon.gtk3widgets.SmartErrorDialog"?15:24
mterrychrisccoulson, now I'm getting some from the plugin loads15:28
mvompt: I think he means that apps need removing when fixing broken dependencies15:33
mvompt: i.e. instead of saying "the package gedit-foo needs rmoeval" he wants to show reall appname and icon15:33
mptmvo, that would be nifty. I sketched that dialog at <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwarePackageOperations#broken>, but showing real application names would be a great improvement.15:35
seb128chrisccoulson, mterry: can't you script gdb to bt, c automatically when it reach those b?15:35
seb128chrisccoulson, and look at the log what was the last bt before the segfault?15:35
mterryseb128, ooh15:36
seb128mterry, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2388799/automate-gdb-show-backtrace-at-every-call-to-function-puts15:36
mterryI forgot gdb could do that15:36
seb128mterry, something like that?15:37
mterryyah, just a simple bt; c should do15:37
* mterry waits for next natural break15:37
chrisccoulsonheh, i should remember how to do that too :)15:39
mterrychrisccoulson, OK, commands set.  It will still take some time to get results.  It's really slow when it has to watch that register15:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can imagine :)15:40
* mpt wonders idly about dropping the "Statistics" tab from Software Sources15:53
seb128mpt, move it to the privacy panel in system settings?15:57
mptseb128, ooh, good idea15:57
mptIf we're not careful, though, soon we'll end up with people sending their software inventory in three different ways: USC recommendations, metrics, and popcon16:00
LaneyI wonder if that panel shouldn't be protected by your password16:01
seb128mpt, that's a good point, I'm not sure popcon has ever been a good metric, we should perhaps just drop it16:01
Laneyit's likely to be a place where you note down stuff you'd rather other people not see16:01
seb128Laney, your keyring is not protected by your password, why would that panel be?16:01
seb128Laney, if somebody got physical access to your user account you are screwed anyway16:01
mptOh, not three ways. Four. With the fourth being OneConf. :-)16:02
seb128Laney, same for i.e your firefox passwords16:02
LaneyI'm not talking about the sophisticated attacker here16:02
Laneybut yes, those could be protected too16:02
Laneybut creating a false sense of security is probably a valid argument against doing it16:02
seb128Laney, I don't need to be a sophisticated attacker, if I've access to your email I can read your email, user your webbrowser to connect to any of the site you stored credential for, etc16:02
seb128if I've access to your account*16:03
seb128Laney, I don't think the infos in that panel are sensitive over i.e emails16:03
seb128mpt, yeah, let's drop popcon ... want to email ubuntu-devel to suggest that?16:04
chrisccoulsonmterry, is it still going?16:05
mterrychrisccoulson, yes16:06
chrisccoulsonmterry, oh, i didn't expect it to take this long :)16:06
chrisccoulsoni hope this turns out to be worthwhile16:06
chrisccoulsoni wouldn't want to waste your time ;)16:07
chrisccoulsonmicahg, what's happening with bug 1010466?16:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1010466 in unity-2d "dropdown boxes on sites stop working" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101046616:07
micahgchrisccoulson: natty didn't build, waiting to hear back16:07
chrisccoulsonmicahg, hear back from?16:07
micahgchrisccoulson: didrocks or sil210016:08
didrocksmicahg: sil2100 told me that he saw that with you16:08
micahgdidrocks: ah, yeah, he fixed it already :)16:08
* micahg will get that uploaded16:09
micahgshould go out today then16:09
mptseb128, yep. That would get it from four down to three. I just discussed it briefly with ev, and he has vague ideas to get from three down to one. :-)16:10
mterrychrisccoulson, still not done.  :(16:58
chrisccoulsonmterry, oh :(16:59
chrisccoulsonthat is taking much longer than i thought it would ;)17:00
mterrydconf reads also trigger the read...17:00
mterrythe watch I mean17:00
chrisccoulsonit's all desrt's fault!17:01
* didrocks waves good evening17:08
* desrt wonders what's going on17:08
seb128desrt, don't pretend it's not your fault! ;-)17:23
bcurtiswxhey kenvandine , i have a friend who changed their default group to be 'users' and now empathy has write permission errors for items that allow for logging and saving connections18:31
bcurtiswxbug #101392118:32
* kenvandine wonders where the url is from the bot18:37
kenvandinebcurtiswx, ubot2 must be upset with us18:39
bcurtiswxok, so it isn't my machine.. thought it was18:39
kenvandinebcurtiswx, oh... i can't find a bug with that number18:39
bcurtiswxbug #101329118:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1013291 in empathy "changing users default group causes file write permissions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101329118:40
bcurtiswxi see what I did there18:40
bcurtiswxfile write permission errors**18:42
bcurtiswxanyways, the user changed their default group in /etc/group to 'users' and it seems to have caused empathy issues in saving items18:48
kenvandinebcurtiswx, that is apparmor related18:48
kenvandinei don't think it is the group18:48
kenvandineit is the homedir18:49
kenvandinelook at /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home18:49
kenvandinebcurtiswx, you can edit /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d/ubuntu18:50
bcurtiswxkenvandine, so that should be @{HOMEDIRS}=/heise1/ ?18:50
kenvandine@{HOMEDIRS}=/home/ /heise1/18:51
kenvandinei guess18:51
kenvandineit is a space separated list18:51
bcurtiswxin home.d/ubuntu or just home ?18:51
kenvandineyou put overrides in /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d/ubuntu18:52
kenvandinethe packaged defaults are in the other18:52
kenvandinethis is probably breaking more than telepathy18:52
bcurtiswxso should we worry about this not changing if a user changes their home directory and doesn't know to change anything else?18:52
kenvandinenot sure what we can do to help them :/18:53
bcurtiswxthat just seems bad though...18:54
kenvandinebcurtiswx, pretty much everything that ships an apparmor profile relies on @{HOME}18:55
kenvandineusers shouldn't really change their homedir without knowing the implications... but there isn't really a good way to warn them18:55
bcurtiswxthey used the command 'usermod'19:00
bcurtiswxkenvandine, you'd think if thats the case then using usermod would know to change that value as well19:02
kenvandineor warn them that it probably isn't a good idea :/19:03
bcurtiswxeither way there needs to be something done so basic desktop functionality isn't lost with a change of the homedir. IDK how often this happens or not though...19:05
seb128bcurtiswx, change user directory doesn't seem a real usecase but rather a "what can I do to break my system" thing19:15
seb128bcurtiswx, the users who know how to do that should know better19:16
bcurtiswxseb128, can't disagree, just wanted to make sure it wasn't something we should fix that we are not.19:22
bcurtiswxkenvandine, thanks :)19:27
kenvandinebcurtiswx, np19:27
thumperrobert_ancell: morning22:05
thumperrobert_ancell: how can I test out your new pango fix?22:05
robert_ancellthumper, hello22:05
robert_ancellthumper, install quantal?22:05
thumperrobert_ancell: I'd like to run valgrind again and see if it is good22:05
thumperrobert_ancell: so... about precise...22:05
robert_ancellthumper, it's not too hard to do a precise package22:05
thumperrobert_ancell: I think it would me nice to SRU, as it effects every app that uses pango to draw text22:06
thumperrobert_ancell: which is a lot (I think)22:06
robert_ancellthumper, can you write out the SRU for it?22:06
robert_ancellI can see the bug, but I don't know how severe it is22:06
thumperhmm.. I wonder if I can convince a minion to do it :)22:07
robert_ancellthumper, ok, I did all the SRU stuff in bug 837145, you just need to write the test case for it22:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 837145 in pango1.0 "Memory leak in pango_layout_get_extents" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83714522:16
thumperrobert_ancell: ok, thanks... I'll try to get to this this afternoon22:17
robert_ancellRAOF, do you do SRUs?22:31
thumperrobert_ancell: do you know what type of details are needed for a test-case?22:36
thumperso far we just use valgrind22:36
robert_ancellthumper, yeah, I was just going to check with someone like RAOF how detailed they need to be.22:40
thumperrobert_ancell: ok, cool22:40
robert_ancellThey normally need to be pretty clear, i.e. "run these commands"22:40
robert_ancellthe program needs a bit of specialised valgrind knowledge to know how to test.  And at least for me it shows so many errors it's not clear which one is being fixed!22:41
thumperrobert_ancell: I'd like to run valgrind locally (precise) with the fixed version22:41
RAOFWe'd really like the test case to be detailed enough that an educated non-expert could run and verify it.22:42
RAOFWell, what we *really* want is some assurance that it'll *actually* get verified. A test case that anyone can run is one way of helping to ensure that.22:44
robert_ancellthumper, ^22:47
thumperif I can work out how to run the test locally, that'd be as start :)22:48
thumperrobert_ancell: what is the easiest way for me to get a precise version that is fixed?22:48
thumperrobert_ancell: compile it myself? or can we get something in a ppa?22:48
robert_ancellthumper, bzr-buildpackage from lp:~robert-ancell/pango/precise-lp-83714522:49
robert_ancellwill do it, then dpkg -i22:50
thumperok, thanks, I'll try this shortly22:50
robert_ancellI've uploaded it to precise-proposed, but that's no use until the test case is there and it is approved right RAOF?22:50
RAOFrobert_ancell: You can get the source out of the unapproved queue, but you're right; it won't build until it's accepted, and it won't be accepted until it's got a test case.23:00
robert_ancella vicious circle!23:01
* micahg would think it's more like a rainbow leading to a pot of build time :)23:06
* thumper builds in an attempt to determine a good test case23:22
thumperrobert_ancell: ok, so I'm building your pango package now23:23
thumperrobert_ancell: I trust that dpkg -i will install the package23:23
thumperrobert_ancell: how can I switch between them?23:23
thumperrobert_ancell: just dpkg -i the existing deb?23:23
thumperyou can tell I'm not really an ubuntu dev23:23
robert_ancellyeah, you need to get the old debs to do that23:23
robert_ancellI just download them from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango1.0, but I think you can do it cleverly through apt23:24
robert_ancellor they may be in /var/cache/apt/archives/ still23:25
* thumper needs build-dep for pango1.023:25
thumperrobert_ancell: I see a libpango1.0 in /var/cache/apt/archives23:26
thumperthat's probably it...23:26
thumperrobert_ancell: the builddeb failed on the signing at the end ('cause I don't have your key), but I'm guessing that is the last step?23:44
thumperrobert_ancell: there is a buildir that has debs in it23:44
thumperrobert_ancell: I'm assuming they are ok?23:45
thumperrobert_ancell: also, there is a gir1.2-pango-1.0_1.30.0-0ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb package, do I need that for your memleak fix?23:45
TheMusothumper: if using bzr-builddeb to build a package, add -- -uc -us at the end of the command line arguments so that no attempt is made to sign the package.23:45
thumperTheMuso: thanks for that23:45
TheMusoI use that a lot when testing packages, and only sign, or build/sign when I'm satisfied with the results.23:46
TheMusoUseful when working on sponsoring other people's work too.23:46
TheMusoAnd np.23:48
thumperthe -dbg package, is that just the symbols?23:54
RAOFYou might want them, for valgrind's benefit. Or not.23:54
thumperyeah, was going to :)23:57
* RAOF resists the urge to complain about Debian's backward-arse debugging infrastructure.23:59
RAOFBut does so unsuccessfully!23:59

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