
Twiggy2centswhat is the typical size of the operating system (obviously mythbuntu)00:06
Twiggy2centsJust the installed size.  Recordings are housed in another drive00:06
tgm4883Twiggy2cents, looks like mine is 3.3GB00:14
Twiggy2centsOkay I am gonna build a new backend... Dang technology00:15
Twiggy2centsI have 3 IDE drives.00:15
Twiggy2centsI have one sata though.00:15
Twiggy2centsIt will be condensed into 2 storage and 1 boot so that will be better00:15
Twiggy2centsI think my cheapest route is to just get a 40gb hdd anyway00:16
Twiggy2centsIt is cheaper than ssd's00:16
Twiggy2centsPrices seem to be going down.. slowly though.  2TB drive is $100 and 40gb is $1300:17
tgm48832TB for $100 seems about back to normal00:19
Twiggy2centsyeah they were going for about $70-$80 preflood00:20
tgm4883I don't recall seeing them that low, but that's a pretty good price00:20
tgm4883i wasn't looking either though00:21
Twiggy2centsI wasnt either, that is just what I read in the reviews of this drive00:22
patdk-lapI haven't seen 2g for <$12000:31
patdk-lapand I'm looking00:31
patdk-lapI need 30t :(00:31
Twiggy2centsheh I think 30t only comes in BigFoot drive size!01:22
rhpot1991prices are still a little high on hard drives03:03
rhpot1991I've been watching some western digital enterprise level drives for my nas and amazon is still about 33% over the pre-flood low price03:04
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