leojrfs | patdk-lap: hmm, ok | 00:00 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: in my case its a simple 5x2TB NAS | 00:00 |
patdk-lap | in you case, unless you have a use for lvm, I wouldn't bother | 00:01 |
leojrfs | i wanted to use raid6 but im using mdamd and the speed will be a pain | 00:01 |
patdk-lap | you need to make accurate point in time backups? with degraded performance during the backup? | 00:01 |
patdk-lap | hmm, raid6 wouldn't be a pain | 00:02 |
patdk-lap | unless your doing this on like an atom cpu | 00:02 |
jcastro | utlemming: syndicated | 00:04 |
jcastro | utlemming: hey are you carrying precise-security too? | 00:04 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: nope, just simple uploads and downloads not frequent (3/4 clients only), transmission torrent service, samba | 00:05 |
leojrfs | yeah | 00:05 |
leojrfs | im doing it on a amd e-350 | 00:06 |
leojrfs | xD | 00:06 |
leojrfs | low power FTW | 00:06 |
patdk-lap | transmission will rape that poor raid5/6 | 00:06 |
leojrfs | with all 5 disks it was getting 90W max | 00:06 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: but there's no alternative | 00:07 |
patdk-lap | give it lots of ram :) | 00:07 |
leojrfs | 4GB | 00:07 |
patdk-lap | any torrent program, will rape disks | 00:07 |
leojrfs | DDR3 | 00:07 |
patdk-lap | you gave transmission 4gigs? | 00:07 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: i didnt understand | 00:08 |
leojrfs | 4GB DDR3 | 00:08 |
leojrfs | im talking about ram | 00:08 |
patdk-lap | I don't understand what talking about how much ram you have, has to do with how much ram you gave transmission | 00:08 |
leojrfs | i dont understand giving ram to transmission =P | 00:09 |
patdk-lap | "cache-size-mb" | 00:09 |
leojrfs | ah, i dont know, i didnt modified that field in my last config | 00:11 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: now that we are talking about that, how much do u recomend? | 00:11 |
leojrfs | i have 4gb as i said | 00:11 |
nineteen67comet | Hello .. I'm a long time Ubuntu Server user (since around 2005'ish) .. but I've never attempted LVM before. Right now I've got three hard drives (40, 60 & 80 gig). I would like the base OS to run off the 40 and my /var/www be loaded onto an LVM of the 60 and 80 gig hard drives .. is this possible? | 00:14 |
patdk-lap | nineteen67comet, anything is possible | 00:17 |
patdk-lap | but do you really want to do that? if one disk fails, you loose it all | 00:17 |
nineteen67comet | patdk-lap: is there a way to raid the 60 and 80 (mirror) since they are different sizes? | 00:18 |
patdk-lap | sure | 00:18 |
leojrfs | raid6 | 00:18 |
leojrfs | or | 00:18 |
leojrfs | raid5 with the 80 drive using a 60gb partition | 00:18 |
patdk-lap | if you raid different sizes, you just get the smaller size | 00:18 |
patdk-lap | leojrfs, no, raid1 | 00:18 |
nineteen67comet | Raid1 is the mirror raid with 2 hdd's .. I'll get to googling . | 00:19 |
leojrfs | raid1 he will be using only 60gb of the 60 and 80 drives all together | 00:19 |
patdk-lap | leojrfs, and what do you think a raid5 of the 80 and 60 will do? the same thing, but SLOWER | 00:19 |
nineteen67comet | I assumed I'll mirror the smaller of the two since the other way around would cause some "issues" lol | 00:19 |
nineteen67comet | I'm digging around the BIOS to see if it'll raid via that route .. | 00:20 |
patdk-lap | I wouldn't | 00:20 |
patdk-lap | the bios raid, is still software based | 00:20 |
patdk-lap | unless you have a real raid card, and I doubt that | 00:21 |
nineteen67comet | It's an older Dell Xeon processor machine a drafting company used to use .. (it's pretty old though) .. | 00:21 |
nineteen67comet | Had a Zip in it when I got it .. lol | 00:21 |
patdk-lap | I would say, no, and no | 00:21 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: well, ur right =P | 00:21 |
patdk-lap | it won't support anything | 00:21 |
patdk-lap | unless those happen to be scsi disks :) | 00:22 |
nineteen67comet | grin .. I wish | 00:22 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: raid5 will end up with 60gb anyways | 00:22 |
patdk-lap | leojrfs, yes, with the overhead of calculating the parity info, and decoding the parity info on disk failure | 00:22 |
patdk-lap | where raid1 has no overhead | 00:23 |
patdk-lap | and you can split the reads over both disks, and you can't with raid5 | 00:23 |
nineteen67comet | Might just dedicate the 80 gig to my sites, and the 60 gig to all the others (I tend to load mine up with junk faster) | 00:23 |
args[0] | hi | 00:25 |
leojrfs | well | 00:33 |
leojrfs | patdk-lap: tnks | 00:33 |
leojrfs | u were very helpfull | 00:33 |
leojrfs | go to go, bb | 00:33 |
skorv | hi... maybe you can help me... | 00:37 |
patdk-lap | no | 00:38 |
patdk-lap | !ask | 00:38 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 00:38 |
skorv | i host 2 webservers in my server farm and i want www to go to webserver1 and subdomain to go to webserver2 | 00:38 |
skorv | how do i do that? | 00:39 |
skorv | router nat forwards 80 and 443 to webserver1... how do i make it forward subdomain to webserver2 is what i'm after | 00:40 |
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uvirtbot | New bug: #1012921 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1012921 | 01:01 |
leojrfs | padk-lap, still there? | 01:59 |
leojrfs | what options to mount the ext4 fs on the raid5 setup do you recommend? | 02:01 |
patdk-lap | mount options? whatever you would normally use | 02:05 |
patdk-lap | there is no different mount options | 02:05 |
leojrfs | i normally do the raid setup and partition on the installation, so its all auto | 02:06 |
leojrfs | i never realize | 02:06 |
leojrfs | what options are default | 02:07 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
oddshocks | Hey there, we have a headless server and no way of seeing any output (we do have a keyboard). After a hard reset, we found that we were no longer able to SSH into the box. We did not change any system stuff at all since the last boot. We are getting refusals on ssh, http, telnet, but pings are successful. Any ideas? | 03:02 |
oddshocks | We thought it could be an IP conflict, so we gave it a new IP, no luck. | 03:02 |
twb | Go get a monitor | 03:06 |
qman__ | probably stuck at fsck or similar | 03:06 |
qman__ | when my file server is doing its three hour fsck, it's in that state | 03:07 |
oddshocks | qman__: Ahhhh, that could be it! We didn't even think of that. What keyboard stroke would cancel the fsck at startup? | 03:09 |
oddshocks | twb: It's on its way, two more days ;) | 03:09 |
qman__ | none that I'm aware | 03:12 |
qman__ | if you have no disk activity, that means there was some kind of error | 03:12 |
qman__ | if you do have disk activity, let it go until you don't anymore | 03:12 |
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cwillu_at_work | oddshocks, you can't steal a monitor from... any other computer in the city? :p | 03:14 |
twb | oddshocks: IME you cannot fix fsck in 10.04 without a live CD | 03:14 |
twb | cwillu_at_work: he might be in a national park | 03:14 |
cwillu_at_work | twb, that's a 3 day drive from anything else? | 03:14 |
twb | cwillu_at_work: I had that problem once :-/ Stupid on-site rent-a-engineers | 03:15 |
twb | cwillu_at_work: well he was in Kakadu. It's a big park. | 03:15 |
twb | 20km² | 03:15 |
cwillu_at_work | it takes 3 days to travel across something 20km²? | 03:16 |
oddshocks | Yeah, I'm sorry we're killing you guys here. We really should have a monitor. This is just a crappy box that we've been playing with. The disk activity light doesn't even work. And we have 11.10 for the record. | 03:16 |
twb | So I guess if you were doing 100kmph (which is unrealistic in bush) you would be out in a day | 03:16 |
cwillu_at_work | oddshocks, it could be anything from a bios prompt to a kernel panic | 03:16 |
oddshocks | We're just gonna let it run for a while and see if anything sorts itself out. I appreciate the help! | 03:16 |
cwillu_at_work | oddshocks, probably worth configuring a serial console in the future | 03:17 |
cwillu_at_work | then you can just hook a laptop up with a 5$ serial-usb cable to investigate | 03:17 |
oddshocks | cwillu_at_work: Got it. And good advice. We're going to see if we can steal a monitor from somewhere, like you suggested | 03:19 |
arooni-mobile | i'm trying to use curl to download a bunch of pdfs from getabstract.com before my subscriptoin ends. apparently cookies are used to auth sessions. i've got curl hooked up with cookies; but when i try to curl a pdf i see: "There is no getAbstract summary for this title. For available summaries, please browse the categories on the right or enter a key word in the search engine." which is baloney because i can paste that same url into my br | 03:20 |
arooni-mobile | owser window and it'll download just fine. what gives? | 03:20 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
=== smb` is now known as smb | ||
blendedbychris | if i have an interface that is using NAT to end up with a public ip address do i need to/can i declare the public ip as an alias? ie eth0:1 | 07:21 |
twb | interfaces do not have aliases. | 07:23 |
twb | Stop using ifconfig. | 07:23 |
blendedbychris | virtual interface? | 07:24 |
twb | cwillu_at_work: good idea re serial cable | 07:25 |
soren | The problem with serial cables is that they need to be connected when the problem occurs. You can't scroll up to see the kernel panic that caused the server to die. | 07:34 |
twb | soren: ah, well, then you want serial to UDP | 07:41 |
twb | modprobe netconsole blah blah | 07:41 |
twb | ...of which I am a Big Fan although I haven't used it recently | 07:42 |
lynxman | morning o/ | 07:54 |
freesbie_ | hey, anyone having problems with the latest kernel package ? im getting 'linux-image-3.2.0-25-generic' is missing final newline | 09:27 |
twb | freesbie_: uh, context? | 09:37 |
freesbie_ | sorry, áwhen im tring to remove it again | 09:46 |
freesbie_ | it couldnt load ext2 module, so i had to rollback | 09:47 |
freesbie_ | the .list files in /var/lib/dpkg/ was garbage for linux-image and linux-headers | 09:47 |
freesbie_ | had to copy from another machine, really strange | 09:48 |
twb | You should not be poking in /var/lib/dpkg unless you know what you're doing. | 09:48 |
freesbie_ | the .list file had 1 line with ^@ only .. | 09:49 |
twb | That sounds like your HDD or filesystem is trashed | 09:50 |
freesbie_ | turns out the original .deb file from the de. repo was broken but still installed | 09:50 |
freesbie_ | well, we did resize the qcow2 image, havent resized the lv in the volumegroup yet, but that might be the reason | 09:51 |
freesbie_ | luckily this wasnt a machine in production yet | 09:51 |
freesbie_ | ok, so you shouldnt resize a qcow2 image of a running machine :) | 09:53 |
twb | resize it how? | 09:54 |
twb | using qemu-img ? | 09:54 |
freesbie_ | yeah, just a qemu-img resize file +XG | 09:55 |
twb | Hum. I'd have thought that would work, but the guest OS would not notice the resize until a restart | 09:55 |
twb | I've never tried it myself | 09:55 |
freesbie_ | exactly, actually had to do a cold boot before pvdisplay showed the new size | 09:56 |
twb | That part I expect | 09:57 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
uvirtbot | New bug: #480530 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 2.4.4-1ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 321091)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/480530 | 10:26 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #508371 in bacula (main) "bacula does not create database (dup-of: 321091)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/508371 | 10:26 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #991808 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.2.5-0ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 321091)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/991808 | 10:26 |
WeissLehrer | for some reason the dhclient is not asking for a new ip after lease... any idea? | 10:28 |
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twb | Define "after lease" | 10:44 |
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RoyK | WeissLehrer: it should ask for a renew after (what?) half the least time has elapsed | 10:46 |
rbasak | Zero new/undecided bugs? | 10:47 |
* rbasak wonders if there's something wrong with the report | 10:47 | |
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uvirtbot | New bug: #969088 in keystone "Role conflict when importing nova auth" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/969088 | 11:31 |
tol | hey guys, is it possible to wake up a server behind router/NAT with wakeonlan and port forwarding? | 11:37 |
ikonia | tol: as long as the magic packet is forwarded, sure | 11:40 |
tol | ikonia: i've tried with multiple ports but my server dont want to wake up. btw from internal lan its working perfectly | 11:44 |
tol | ikonia: i think my server doesn't like me. My desktop boots when i wake it from WAN but my server does not :/ | 11:50 |
railsraider | anyone knows how to add nf_conntrack_udp to 10.04? | 11:55 |
patdk-lap | you can't, it doesn't exist | 12:03 |
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime | ||
chmac | Any idea if nullmailer listens on port 25? It doesn't seem to on my system, but I'm not sure if it's a firewall / other issue or not. | 12:12 |
ikonia | chmac: telnet locally, test it | 12:14 |
chmac | ikonia: Doesn't appear to work, but `service status nullmailer` suggest it's running, hence my question. | 12:14 |
chmac | It may be just a sendmail replacement, without the ability to receive mail via SMTP | 12:15 |
chmac | Documentation is a little thin though, couldn't find an obvious answer there. | 12:15 |
ikonia | chmac: use netstat to see if it's listening | 12:16 |
ikonia | chmac: do you actually know what it is/does ? | 12:16 |
ikonia | chmac: did you install it ? | 12:16 |
chmac | ikonia: Yes, I mostly understand it's function, and I did install it. | 12:16 |
ikonia | chmac: what is it's function | 12:17 |
chmac | ikonia: It's a very lightweight mailer that forwards all system mail to a remote "smart relay" in postfix terms. Avoids having to install the likes of postfix just to get mail delivered from the system to a remote SMTP server. | 12:17 |
chmac | ikonia: I figured it accepted mail by SMTP, but apparently it only does so via the sendmail command. | 12:18 |
chmac | I'll probably have to install postfix instead, as on our other servers, we send mail to localhost:25 from a few places. | 12:18 |
ikonia | chmac: sounds like it should be listening on 25 | 12:20 |
ikonia | chmac: check with netstat if anything is listening on 25 | 12:20 |
chmac | ikonia: I'm pretty sure it's not, `sudo ufw disable && telnet localhost 25` throws an error. | 12:21 |
chmac | ikonia: How do I check with netstat? | 12:21 |
ikonia | chmac: netstat -a | grep LIST | 12:21 |
ikonia | see if anything is listening on 25 | 12:21 |
ikonia | chmac: if it's a mail relay it will need to be listening on 25 | 12:21 |
chmac | ikonia: Nope, nothing listening on 25. | 12:22 |
chmac | This is nullmailer, a sendmail/qmail/etc replacement MTA for hosts which relay to a fixed set of smart relays. | 12:22 |
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chmac | ikonia: Anyway, I'll get round to resolving that issue another day, thanks for your input, I appreciate it. | 12:23 |
ikonia | chmac: no problem, sounds like it's not running if it's not listening on 25 | 12:25 |
ikonia | chmac: does ps show it running as a process | 12:25 |
chmac | ikonia: Yeah, it's running, so `echo "blah" | sendmail chmac` works, I receive the mail | 12:25 |
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WeissLehrer | there is something wrong with my dhclient, /var/lib/dhcp3/ does not exist tought it seems to be using that path to the leases file | 13:43 |
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WeissLehrer | so the client dont ask for a new ip after the lease | 13:44 |
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hallyn | zul: smoser: kirkland: any interest at all in looking over a debdiff to merge debian experimental's qemu-kvm-1.1 package to quantal? | 14:50 |
hallyn | it's working on basic things. I'll run testsuite, and probably push it tonight | 14:50 |
hallyn | oh, hm, i guess i need to check that it doesn't break qemu-linaro too | 14:51 |
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zul | hallyn: whats so experimental about it? | 14:59 |
hallyn | uh, it's from "debian experimental" | 14:59 |
zul | is there like a changelog i can look at | 15:00 |
hallyn | there's a whole debdiff! with changelog at the top | 15:00 |
hallyn | http://people.canonical.com/~serge/exp.to.q.debdiff.6 | 15:00 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #969545 in nova/essex "missing quotas on security group rules" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/969545 | 15:13 |
zul | uvirtbot: i dont have a problem with it | 15:17 |
uvirtbot | zul: Error: "i" is not a valid command. | 15:17 |
zul | hallyn: i dont have a problem with it | 15:17 |
Amina | Hi, I have /proc/sys/net/ipv6/all/forwarding set to 1, but IPv6 routing still doesn't work. Any idea about reason (IPv4 routing works fine) | 15:23 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #1013221 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 1009747)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013221 | 15:26 |
hallyn | zul: awesome, thanks for looking | 15:26 |
=== hazmat is now known as kapilt | ||
nullm0dem | Having some issues with dpkg. I am familiar with basic apt use but this sitution alittle over my head. I was told to fix an instance of ubuntu server running as a guest in xen. It is configured to boot a rhel xen kernel. I found the machine unable to update with a dpkg --configure -a messag. anyone available to help? | 16:35 |
smoser | hallyn, thanks for taking the time to do a good job on the changelog | 16:46 |
smoser | hallyn, so we're trying to get back to using debian package, right? as opposed to kind of having our own ? (well, debian package and delta necessary) | 16:47 |
hallyn | right | 16:47 |
hallyn | want to at least share source. i will open a bug with debian for each patch we still carry | 16:48 |
hallyn | note, i realize i inapproriately split some work between debian/rules and debian/*.links etc | 16:48 |
hallyn | (bbl) | 16:50 |
RixiM | I am just learning about ubuntu cloud infrastructure and I am trying to understand where the redundancy is in the system... does it make sense to mirror drives in the nodes or do the nodes provide redundancy? | 16:53 |
RixiM | Also, if I want something like software raid in used in mysql nodes, do I define that in my own mysql juju? | 16:54 |
RixiM | errr | 16:54 |
RixiM | charm. | 16:54 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk | ||
claude2 | hey hey everyone | 17:26 |
claude2 | anyone have any tips on how to troubleshoot a diskless pxeboot setup? | 17:26 |
claude2 | my client is getting an ip, and getting the initrd from tftp | 17:27 |
claude2 | but when it tries to nfs mount the root, i get an error | 17:27 |
claude2 | VFS: cannot open root device "(null)" | 17:27 |
saveme | Anyone experienced with ddrescue? I started this 2h ago, and its been stuck on "splitting failing blocks" ever since. With 0 succesful reads | 17:36 |
patdk-wk | it can't read | 17:41 |
patdk-wk | and you probably have it set for infinite retries | 17:41 |
patdk-wk | oh he left | 17:41 |
koolhead17 | zul, hello thetre | 17:48 |
zul | koolhead17: hi | 17:49 |
koolhead17 | zul, you got anything for me? i should test | 17:49 |
zul | koolhead17: nope | 17:49 |
Captain_Proton | anyone work with danguardian. I trying to Time limiting to keep my kids off youtube all day. Do I create a page the time limits and create a page for the site? or something else. I have looked at there wiki and have not found anything | 18:02 |
Captain_Proton | Thanks anyway. I will check in ubuntu | 18:11 |
bdmurray | zul: are your or your team planning on doing the verification of the nova SRUs? I find some of the test cases to be less verbose than I'd like. | 18:14 |
zul | bdmurray: yep we have a whole lab dedicated to it :) | 18:14 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
bdmurray | zul: and bug 997014 has a test case of None? | 18:16 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 997014 in nova "[SRU] Memory is not correctly computed for Xen+libvirt" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997014 | 18:16 |
zul | bdmurray: yes because we dont support it currently | 18:16 |
bdmurray | that would be useful information to have had in the bug | 18:18 |
zul | bdmurray: sorry will do it for next time | 18:19 |
bdmurray | bug 975043 is missing a test case | 18:20 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 975043 in nova "[SRU] Cloudpipe VPN instance can loose connectivity after starting openvpn" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/975043 | 18:20 |
bdmurray | zul: ^ | 18:23 |
zul | bdmurray: we have no way of testing that internally should i update that bug? | 18:26 |
bdmurray | zul: well it currently looks like the test case section was just forgotten / neglected | 18:26 |
bdmurray | zul: so yes please | 18:26 |
zul | bdmurray: ack | 18:26 |
zul | bdmurray: updated | 18:27 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
okwa | hi | 18:29 |
okwa | im the first time messing around with chroot | 18:29 |
okwa | host: xubuntu precise target: ubuntu minimal precise | 18:29 |
okwa | im entering the chroot via schroot | 18:30 |
okwa | i managed to install firefox and im able to run it | 18:30 |
okwa | but when i run it out of the chroot | 18:30 |
okwa | i can see the history of the hostsystems firefox and i can even brows in the downloads folder of the host | 18:31 |
okwa | whats wrong here? can anybody help me? | 18:31 |
smoser | ok. | 18:39 |
smoser | stupid question | 18:39 |
smoser | 'aptitude update' is that going to basically be the same as 'apt-get update'? | 18:39 |
LordOfTime | smoser: slightly different but the end result is the same | 18:40 |
smoser | by the same, i'm specifically wondering if it will respect 'Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth' from apt.conf | 18:40 |
okwa | anyone? | 18:40 |
smoser | http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=38608 seems to imply that aptitude will respect that setting (comment 8) | 18:44 |
smoser | okwa, 1 of 2 things is happening | 18:45 |
smoser | a.) $HOME is being put into the chroot by schroot for you as a convenience. | 18:46 |
smoser | b.) when you run firefox in the chroot, you already have a running firefox. | 18:46 |
okwa | b | 18:46 |
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smoser | instead of running a new copy, it asks a currently running copy to create a new window. | 18:46 |
smoser | you can tell firefox not to do that with 'firefox --no-remote' | 18:47 |
okwa | so there is still somehow a connection from chroot to host? | 18:49 |
patdk-wk | chroot only limits diskspace, not shared ram, or other things | 18:49 |
okwa | ah | 18:50 |
okwa | is my encryption passphrase, user pwd ect readable in the ram? | 18:51 |
patdk-wk | it has to be made available :) not just anything in ram is accessable | 18:51 |
patdk-wk | but chroot doesn't limit it, anymore than a normal program would have access to it | 18:51 |
smoser | okwa, well, the connection is done likely through unix socket. i'm not sure how it works exactly. | 18:52 |
okwa | firefox --no-remote gives back (process:26542): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale. | 18:52 |
okwa | so chroot is really nothing for security... | 18:53 |
okwa | virtualbox eats processor | 18:53 |
patdk-wk | chroot secures access to disk | 18:53 |
patdk-wk | if you want to make sure it doesn't access anything ondisk outside of x, then it's fine | 18:53 |
patdk-wk | but no, it's not a replacement for like, lxc or vm's | 18:54 |
nullm0dem | okwa If you had a powerfull enough machine you could use a xen instance for each application, build a minimal guest for each. | 18:54 |
okwa | i have a powerfull machine | 18:55 |
* patdk-wk does this | 18:55 | |
smoser | patdk-wk, well, it also limits filesystem access. | 18:55 |
smoser | not "just disksapce" | 18:55 |
patdk-wk | well ya, vfs access :) | 18:55 |
patdk-wk | hmm, my firefox has some 20+ unix sockets open | 18:56 |
okwa | the possibillities are chroot,lxc, like, virtualbox, Xen | 19:01 |
okwa | here is a pentium 5 2.7gHz quadcore 4gb ram intel grafics | 19:02 |
okwa | patdk-wk: what do you think? Xen? | 19:04 |
patdk-wk | well, xen would do it, without too much overhead, if using paravirt mode | 19:04 |
patdk-wk | issue is, keeping it updated | 19:04 |
patdk-wk | I haven't used lxc myself yet | 19:05 |
patdk-wk | what is the use-case of this? | 19:05 |
patdk-wk | doing something like, vmware view? | 19:05 |
okwa | i want something to be able to use securely unsecure software | 19:06 |
patdk-wk | that is very broad | 19:07 |
patdk-wk | the only way to do that, install it on a server, and put that server in a vault, with no power or network access | 19:07 |
zul | hggdh: ping again | 19:08 |
hggdh | zul: pong again | 19:09 |
okwa | .) | 19:09 |
zul | hggdh: hey are we doing any testing with piuparts? | 19:09 |
hggdh | zul: not to my knowledge | 19:10 |
zul | hggdh: ok....what scripts do we use for packaging automated installation testing | 19:10 |
okwa | thx kisses | 19:10 |
hggdh | zul: I guess (if I understood you) you are talking about the USIT | 19:12 |
zul | usit? linky link? | 19:12 |
hggdh | zul: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/ubuntu-server-iso-testing/ | 19:15 |
hggdh | zul: but we are starting the move from usit to utah | 19:15 |
zul | ah.....and utah is? | 19:15 |
zul | besides being a state | 19:15 |
hggdh | zul: apart from the state it is ubuntu testing automation harness | 19:15 |
zul | ok gotcha | 19:16 |
Daviey | . | 19:19 |
LordOfTime | : | 19:19 |
Daviey | ⋮ | 19:21 |
LordOfTime | :: | 19:21 |
LordOfTime | :P | 19:21 |
LordOfTime | Daviey: we must be bored as heck today xD | 19:22 |
Daviey | LordOfTime: yep, ⠟ | 19:23 |
LordOfTime | error: 5 has triggered the countdown. 4... 3... 2... 1... *SEGFAULT* | 19:24 |
* hggdh sits down and watches Braille | 19:24 | |
thebwt | how does one add a certfile.pem to the compiled certs in /etc/ssl/certs/ | 19:35 |
zul | bdmurray: where are we with the nova sru? | 19:37 |
smoser | zul, woot! https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8267/ | 19:39 |
zul | smoser: getting there | 19:40 |
smoser | zul, 2 things i thought of. | 19:41 |
smoser | a.) you still dont have the flag, which i think is actually necessary on the nova-compute node (to manually set the stuff versus letting libvirt decide) | 19:41 |
smoser | b.) i think it might make more sense to have the nova-compute node say "i support i386, i586, i686" than have the scheduler know "oh, you say you support i686, but I know that means you can do i386" | 19:42 |
smoser | i'll add these to the review, but i will not suggest that they should nack | 19:42 |
smoser | are you otherwise happy with that patch | 19:42 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
zul | yeah i think they can be added later | 20:00 |
skorv | would like to chat with someone who handles multiple web server inside a single serverfarm, it regards url redirection inside the network using only one wan ip | 20:10 |
patdk-wk | skorv, learn what, reverse proxy, is | 20:17 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
hpux | How can I be sure that i have mounted correctly my NTFS partion, because Samba is working not very smoothly | 20:41 |
RoyK | hpux: samba != ntfs | 20:42 |
RoyK | hpux: samba is for sharing files over SMB/CIFS, NTFS is for local access to a disk or partition with an NTFS filesystem | 20:42 |
hpux | RoyK: yep, i have an ntfs partion which is shared via samba. However whenever I try to make big read/writes, the application I use (for example loading music libary, or working on a VM), hangs as not responsive . I can see that smbd is taking 95% of the processor | 20:44 |
hpux | RoyK: so I'm guessing that either samba is having some trouble or that I have incorrectly mounted my fs | 20:46 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #939122 in nova "floating ips do not display in 'nova list' after association to instance" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/939122 | 20:52 |
RoyK | hpux: why do you use ntfs on linux in the first place? | 21:10 |
hpux | windows clients... | 21:11 |
genii-around | If you're using samba to share the fs, the clients don't care about the backend filesystem anyhow | 21:12 |
RoyK | hpux: window clients only see a share. what's underneath that doesn't matter | 21:15 |
RoyK | hpux: like genii-around said | 21:15 |
RoyK | hpux: use ext4 or something of preference, don't use alien filesystems unless you have a very good reason to do so | 21:15 |
genii-around | hpux: I've had pretty good success using XFS for shares, there's no "hiccup" when streaming large files for instance ( which happens with ntfs and ext ) | 21:21 |
hpux | genii-around: RoyK, I'm aware of that, however occasionally I have to physically remove the hard disk from the system and bring it over to windows machines. | 21:22 |
RoyK | hpux: why would you need that? | 21:23 |
RoyK | that's what networks are for ;) | 21:23 |
RoyK | hpux: anyway - using ntfs in such a setup is not supported and probably won't *be* supported on ubuntu or any other linux distro | 21:25 |
hpux | RoyK: not if you live in third world country in europe, working for global corporation which still have 10mb/s network equipment in the main server room, and big part of the workforce is using WYSE 50 terminals still on RS232 ports | 21:25 |
RoyK | hm.. ic | 21:25 |
RoyK | hpux: which country, btw? | 21:26 |
hpux | Bulgaria | 21:26 |
RoyK | would you need some 100Mbps switches with 1Gbps uplink? ;) | 21:26 |
RoyK | I think we have a few old ones that hasn't been discarded yet | 21:26 |
hpux | RoyK: you'll have to provide power consumption specifications to my manager, because they may be more expensive to run that the old ones :) | 21:28 |
RoyK | I don't do that, but I can provide the model numbers | 21:28 |
hpux | :D | 21:29 |
hpux | my manager is super mingy | 21:29 |
RoyK | anyway - for your setup, I'd use a USB drive to move data around | 21:29 |
RoyK | I'd *not* use NTFS on the server | 21:29 |
RoyK | except perhaps at gunpoint | 21:29 |
hpux | RoyK: this is kind of the situation :D 32 GB flashdrives are super expensive, and don't talk about external hdd.. | 21:30 |
RoyK | with a usb drive, the server will be operative during large data moves | 21:30 |
hpux | RoyK: uptime is not an issue | 21:31 |
RoyK | you can get a 500GB drive quite cheap from ebay, and the usb to sata interface is *dead* cheap | 21:31 |
hpux | RoyK: yea, but it's a matter of principle, i don't want to pay from my pocket to do my job correctly | 21:31 |
RoyK | hpux: 1. don't use ntfs on linux in production, 2. if you want to anyway, see 1., 3. if you have a very good reason, see 2. | 21:31 |
hpux | but maybe i I'll be better bend the knee.. | 21:32 |
RoyK | hpux: it's not supported, and it won't be supported | 21:32 |
RoyK | face it | 21:32 |
RoyK | you may make it work, somehow, but it will suck, and if it gets broken by some update, it still won't be supported | 21:32 |
hpux | RoyK: totaly agree with you | 21:33 |
RoyK | then tell your boss I said so - I've only been using linux since 1994 or so, but I think I know a few things ;) | 21:33 |
hpux | RoyK: old school hacker :) | 21:34 |
RoyK | yeah, and been working in operations since, what, 1996 or so | 21:35 |
hpux | RoyK: what exactly you do day to day? | 21:39 |
genii-around | You could get some filesystem driver for your Windows boxes to support like ext4, etc | 21:39 |
RoyK | http://driesve.tumblr.com/post/1560794187/how-to-mount-an-ext4-drive-in-windows-7 | 21:40 |
RoyK | or google | 21:40 |
genii-around | Night, i have errands to run | 21:41 |
RoyK | hpux: linux things, storage things, network things, fortran things, perl things, python things, windows things at gunpoint, even some DOS things at times, helping scientists fix their problems | 21:41 |
hallyn | smoser: all right qemu-kvm is built in ppa:serge-hallyn/virt. i'll probably push it in the morning, it's treating me well here | 22:10 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away |
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