
tumbleweedinetpro: sailing06:13
Kiloscremora minora06:21
Kiloshiya sflr 06:28
Kilosbusy trying to get a ubuntu-za account on twitter06:29
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as Smilyborg
=== Smilyborg is now known as SmilyBorg
sflrHey Kilos , busy bee bright and early :)06:31
Kiloshehe stupid thing wants another mail addy06:31
Kilosyo smiley06:32
Kilosoh my06:32
sflrhmm.. maybe a gmail addy? or ubuntu.com? not sure what is legally allowed06:32
Kilosyo SmilyBorg 06:32
SmilyBorgHi all06:32
Kilosit says mine is already registered06:32
sflrhi SmilyBorg 06:34
Kiloshi Hodgestar 06:47
Kilosmornin charlvn 06:48
charlvnhi Kilos 06:48
Kiloshi superfly need some info on legallities on opening a ubuntu-za gmail addy please06:54
Kilosand the date of birth of ubuntu06:54
superflyKilos: what do you mean?06:55
Kilosi wanna open a ubuntu-za account on twitter but need a mail addy as mine is already registered now i dunno if i can legally open a mail addy in ubuntu-za's name06:56
Kilosso thought i would open a ubuntu-za@gmail.com too06:57
superflyKilos: well, there's nothing stopping you06:58
Kilosoh you guys wont sue me06:58
superflyKilos: I don't see any legal problems with it either06:58
Kilosthen i just need ubuntu's birthdate06:59
Kiloshope mark doesnt mind07:00
sflrSomething you can remember easily :) 1 Jan 198007:01
Kiloshehe i forget my own07:01
sflrUbuntu birthday: 20 October 2004 .07:04
Banlamubuntu's older than that surely07:04
Banlamjust check a wiki article07:04
Banlaminitial release07:05
Banlami see07:05
sflrI got it from there :)07:07
Kiloseish someone already has ubuntu.za and ubuntuza usernames07:11
sflrAre you sure? It says "No people results for ubuntuza."07:12
Kilosgmail tells me that07:12
sflroh gmail. sorry. I was checking twitter07:13
Kiloslol 07:13
sflrubuntuza-loco@, ubuntuza-official@, ubuntusouthafrica@07:14
sflrsome ideas07:14
Kilosty busy trying them all07:15
sflrwe wouldnt use it for coummunication, we have the mailing list. so it doesnt really matter(?)07:15
Kilosyes thats right07:16
Kilosthis brings back memories on how i battled to get my gmail account07:16
Kiloslooks like just about everything with ubuntu is used already07:21
* Kilos tries ubuntoooo07:21
Kiloshate gmail07:23
Banlamthe email address doesn't matter atll if you're not goign to be using07:24
Banlamif it's just for twitter07:24
Banlamyou can just use dfgg234534q@gmail.com07:24
Kilosyay will try exactly that07:25
* Banlam quickly creates account before kilos07:25
Kilosand i struggle to see them images07:26
Kilosand everytime you go forward there is another one07:27
Kilosha ha ha ha  ha07:30
Kilosnow it says cant create an account im not old enough07:30
Kilosoh my got ubuntu-za twitter and it shows im already following lady gaga and some other funny animals07:39
Kiloscome on guys tweet to ubuntu-za so i can find peeps to follow07:44
sflrhaha, funny animals like lady gaga? lol07:55
Kiloswhew what a job07:55
charlvnwith gmail, you can add a + at the end of the address08:01
charlvnfor example, if my address is charlvn@gmail.com, i could make up addresses like charlvn+twitter@gmail.com08:01
charlvni will get all the mail routed to my mail account but technically they are separate addresses08:02
charlvnso you can register multiple twitter accounts for example08:02
charlvnbut then because it's a valid mail account, i can confirm the registration (afaik that's necessary for twitter) and do password recovery08:02
Kilosoh ty charlvn 08:02
charlvnnp Kilos 08:03
charlvnthere is one thing to keep in mind with this technique though - some email validation scripts don't see a mail address containing a + as a valid address08:04
charlvnit is of course perfectly valid, but some scripts weren't written with the standards in mind08:05
charlvnusually just a bad regular expression08:05
Kilosi think i will try keep the ubuntu-za twitter apart from other stuff for now08:05
Kiloswho is gonna write a little bio for ubuntu-za to place in the twitter account08:07
charlvni guess a simple description like "South African Ubuntu User Community" is sufficient?08:07
charlvnwhat exactly are you planning to do with the twitter account? use it for communication, announcements, etc?08:08
Kilosthis was sflr and inetpro 's idea08:08
inetprogood mornings08:09
Kilosi will monitor it and inform where possible08:09
charlvnah ok, i missed out on part of the conversation this morning :)08:09
Kilosyo inetpro 08:09
charlvnhi inetpro 08:09
Kilosinetpro, you can tweet to ubuntu-za08:09
* inetpro be follower no1 08:09
inetprocharlvn: no worries, I think I also missed it08:11
Kiloslol this started day before yesterday not this morning08:11
charlvnah ok, yeah i totally missed it, been busy08:11
inetpronot sure where I suggested that we have our own twitter channel but it sounds like a cool idea08:11
inetproKilos: nou wat nou?08:14
Kiloshehe you getting older than me08:15
Kilosyou and sflr started the whole thing08:15
Kilosi even installed ff again08:26
charlvnbah sorry :)08:40
sflrits working. handle is @ubuntuza, name is ubuntu-za09:00
sflrKilos, its all your hard work 09:00
sflrfollower no1. lulz09:01
sflrKilos, here you can get some related users to follow: https://twitter.com/#!/search/ubuntu09:02
Kilosty will check them09:03
inetproKilos: you may just want to change that profile image to something with an Ubuntu logo09:13
inetproback in the days we used to have a logo with a SA flag integrated09:13
Kilosok i gotta get one somewqhere09:13
inetproour favicon still has it http://ubuntu-za.org/sites/default/files/LucidLoCo_favicon.ico09:15
inetprobut it's a bit small09:16
inetproperhaps superfly knows where we can find the original09:16
Kilosi have just srtolen one from that other site09:16
Kilosstolen too09:16
Kilosalso as well09:16
Kilosnow gotta try find profile again09:17
inetproactually the one on launchpad might do it for you09:18
inetprosee: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7127918/UbuntuLogo-za_small.png09:18
Kilosok i go get it09:18
* inetpro noticed it at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za09:19
Kilosya thats a nice one09:19
inetproKilos: wow, you already have 4 followers, now just follow them back 09:30
Kilosoh my hi SmilyBorg_w 09:33
SmilyBorg_wjust lurking while at work09:33
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
Kiloslooks like sflr is lying down09:34
Kilosmust be very old09:34
sflrhaha, turn your screen :P09:35
Kilosha ha ha the others are right way up man09:35
sflrthere is a whole Ubuntu marketing material pack on the internet.09:36
sflrIt's twitter's fault, cant recognize orientation EXIF data. I will change it one day09:36
sflrI was looking for some sponsorship letters I can use to find sponsors for local freenode server. I didnt find anything, it is mostly marketing material for posters, graphics, cds09:37
sflrI like the logo. keep it09:38
Kiloswill do09:38
Kilostween us all it might turn out well09:38
Kilosnot good for the head though09:39
inetproReminder: Next ubuntu-za LoCo monthly IRC meeting on Monday, 18 June at 19:30 SAST. Agenda at: http://t.co/i5BjNieK 09:58
inetproKilos: please tweet that ^^ when you have time09:58
Kiloswill do sir09:59
Kiloswhats my username by twitter?09:59
Kilosnot ubuntu-za09:59
inetproKilos: tweet that on ubuntuza09:59
Kilosim trying to setup gwibber but somewhere username password is unhappy10:00
inetproKilos: you mean the one for sharpeys?10:00
Kilosusing the fox for twitter has used 25m already this morning10:00
Kilosno ubuntu-za10:01
inetprolooks like you did it with the "-"10:01
inetprojust ubuntuza10:01
Kilosno not sharpeys10:01
Kilosoh ty10:01
Kilosoh must you put the @ in?10:04
sflrare you trying to log in?10:05
Kilosyeah gwibber is battling10:05
sflryou can also try to log in with the email address, not username10:06
sflrmaybe the password is not correct10:06
Kiloslol just asked for password reset10:06
Kiloswhat a business10:06
Kilosthen it tells me i am already logged in10:09
sflrnothing you cant master =)10:09
Kiloslook on another workspace and find a tiny gwibber open10:09
Kiloswhen in doubt use a hammer. bigger the doubt bigger the hammer10:11
Kiloshahaha sflr you sat up10:54
sflryes, specially for you. hehe11:05
Kiloshehe ty sir11:06
sflrmweb.co.za down. server ran out of space. hehe http://i49.tinypic.com/2vmamhf.jpg11:11
sflrRunning Microsoft. We should pay them a visit =)11:11
charlvnoh no that is hilarious, an asp.net error page12:21
charlvnthey even left debug mode on! oh my12:22
charlvnyou would think they would have at least gotten that right12:22
Kilosyo zeref you well?12:41
Kiloszerlgi, i mean12:41
inetprowho ever uses the ZA forums linked in the topic?12:54
* inetpro thinking of cleaning up the topic12:54
inetprothat mailing list URL is also way to long12:55
zerlgita Kilos12:55
inetprosuperfly: would be nice if you could just setup a short url like http://ubuntu-za.org/mm12:56
charlvninetpro: in principle all this info should be on the website in any case so you just need to link to ubuntu-za.org right?12:56
charlvnyou could also link to the irc logs, that might be handy12:56
inetprocharlvn: true12:56
Banlamjust use bitly links or something12:56
inetprois everyone ok with bitly links?12:57
charlvnBanlam: it will help but imho the title is bloated in any case12:57
charlvninetpro: i don't mind, bitly is probably overall the best service for shortening12:57
zerlgihttp://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/436/detail/  shortened to http://goo.gl/BdP0f12:57
inetprocharlvn: I do think it is worth having frequently changing events but I agree with you, it's way to bloated12:58
charlvninetpro: yeah i would rather have the links that are fairly static in any case removed and more dynamic announcement-type stuff12:59
charlvnlike the meetings etc12:59
inetprook, here's my suggestion13:02
inetproUbuntu South Africa LoCoTeam http://ubuntu-za.org || Mailing list: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || Pastebin: paste.ubuntu.com || Next IRC meeting Mon, 18 June @ 19:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/LYp5jY13:02
inetprostill a bit long though13:02
inetproany other suggestions?13:02
charlvnsounds good, but maybe still include a link to the irc logs?13:03
charlvnthat's always handy13:03
sflrcan we train Maaz to shorten links automagically? 13:06
inetprocharlvn: hmm... the IRC logs URL varies by day http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/06/14/%23ubuntu-za.txt13:07
inetproor http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/06/14/%23ubuntu-za.html13:07
charlvnsflr: afaik it can use tinyurl13:08
charlvnMaaz: tinyurl shorten http://google.com/13:08
Maazcharlvn: What?13:08
charlvnMaaz: shorten http://google.com/13:08
Maazcharlvn: That reduces to: http://is.gd/N05DMr13:08
inetproNew suggestion: Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || MMList: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || PBin: http://paste.ubuntu.com || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Mon, 18 June @ 19:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/LYp5jY13:08
charlvninetpro: the dutch channel just links to the root of irclogs.ubuntu.com13:09
charlvnyeah exactly13:09
sflrwow, there you have it then :)13:09
charlvnMaaz: botsnack13:09
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well13:09
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || MMList: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || PBin: http://paste.ubuntu.com || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Mon, 18 June @ 19:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/LYp5jY
inetprook, better?13:10
sflrwhat is pastebin for?13:10
charlvnfor pasting stuff ? :)13:11
charlvnif you want to share a script or some log output or anything13:11
sflris it used so often?13:11
sflrok. i understand. it is important13:11
inetprosflr: yep, very often13:11
charlvnnot in this channel but it's quite a handy thing ti have13:11
inetprowe have not used it recently, but often yes13:12
charlvnoverall on irc it's a necessity13:12
SymmetriaI just got me a new camera13:12
charlvnaccording to me you can just use whatever pastebin implementation you want but some channels have preference for some implementation or the other13:12
Symmetriabeen waiting a while and tossing around buying one, finally went out, closed my eyes and handed over the credit card lol13:12
BanlamSymmetria, nice, what model?13:13
sflrgood for you Symmetria. which camera did you get?13:13
charlvnSymmetria: well it's not like you can claim to not have the money to spend on one right :P13:13
Symmetriahehe, I got the canon 7D 13:13
sflrwas it your credit card? haha13:13
* Banlam is jealous13:13
Kilosits handy when one needs to show info when you having probs and dont wanna spam the channel. but slexy.org is faster smoother and dont hang my pc13:13
Symmetriagot a 300 zoom, a 35-135 IS standard, and a wide angle 13:13
charlvnah nice, a dslr, good choice13:14
Banlamthe 300 zoom, standard 70-300?13:14
Banlamthat 35-135 will be handy13:14
Symmetriathe 35-135 is the standard travel lense, its a very very nice lense13:14
Banlami've got a sigma 18-200, it's ncie, slightly heavy13:15
Banlambut convenient13:15
Symmetriabut the thing I love about this camera is that it does 8fps 126 frame continuous shooting at 18 megapixel13:15
Symmetriawhich is REALLY nice is you wanna shoot stuff like lightning etc 13:15
inetpronow we must just make sure we take care that stuffs dropped in the topic doesn't get lost13:15
Banlamalthough if i was doing lightnign I'd do long exposure13:15
inetproForum: http://za.ubuntuforums.org/ 13:15
inetproJoin: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za 13:15
inetproMailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za 13:15
inetproEvents: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za/events13:15
Symmetriabanlam even with long exposure, its still damn tricky13:16
SymmetriaI tried it at length with my old 450D 13:16
Banlamfor sure13:16
Symmetriawithout huge success 13:16
Banlami would love to get a shot13:16
Banlambut opportunity doesn't come around very often13:16
Symmetrialol my dad is gonna be rather happy, he gets my 450D :p13:16
sflrSymmetria: looking forward to see some of the pix!13:16
Symmetriaand he's wanted a camera forever 13:16
Symmetriasflr lol, me 2, Im waiting for the battery to charge goddammit :) hehe13:16
Banlami'm still struggling along with my 350d13:16
sflrI have a 10D, still rocking for almost 10 years!13:17
Symmetriaheh i wanted that 1D X 13:18
Symmetriabut lol @ R62.7k for the body :p13:18
sflryeah, rather buy a small car :P13:18
Banlamworth is a funny thing13:18
Banlamor value should i say13:19
sflrif you are a professional yes, but as a recreational photographer I really dont need anything expensive13:20
sflrplus paying insurance too :/13:20
sflrSymmetria: what is the camera body made out of?13:20
Banlami should actually take my lenses and camera for a service13:20
Banlamthey need some tlc13:20
Banlamwhich icertainly don't give htme13:20
charlvnKilos: just one bit of feedback over the ubuntuza twitter account - maybe the url in the profile should point to ubuntu-za.org instead of the facebook group? just a thought13:22
charlvnfor people that don't use facebook it's handier to have it go to the main site13:22
charlvnand then from there they should also be able to make their way back to both the twitter and the facebook pages13:22
Kilosah thats an idea ty13:22
charlvnsure thing13:23
Kilosone of you shoulda done the thing13:23
charlvnsince we're talking about social networks and stuff, do we have any linkedin groups?13:23
charlvni'm not a big linkedin proponent but was just wondering13:23
charlvnsince we are on twitter and facebook now and all13:24
Kiloscan one login to twitter from 2 places?13:25
charlvnafaik yes13:25
charlvnbut it's been a while since i used it13:25
sflrthere are ubuntu loco teams on Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/search-fe/group_search?pplSearchOrigin=GLHD&keywords=ubuntu+loco13:25
Banlamyes you can13:25
Banlami'm logged in on two computers, celphone and tablet13:26
Kiloslol now it tells me my password has been changed woo hoo13:27
Kiloswhere do you point it to fb etc?13:28
Kilosin accounts or profile13:28
charlvnif i remember from long ago it was profile13:28
Kilosyeah thats it13:29
Kiloscharlvn, is that http://ubuntu-za.org13:30
charlvnKilos: yup that's right13:30
Kilosah ty not the https13:31
charlvnjust checked but https doesn't seem to work on ubuntu-za.org13:31
charlvnthe port is open but it doesn't have a valid certificate and the site is just a holding page13:32
sflrcertificate expired on the 15th last month. issued to soda.clug.org.za13:33
inetproI don't think we need https on the site13:34
Kilosi gotta kill some tweeters13:35
Kilosnoah for one i think13:35
Kilosand vodacom 13:35
Kilosshould we have it just for followers?13:36
inetproKilos: it's your choice13:36
Kilosfriends i think is the option13:36
sflryeah, i dont think https needed13:36
inetprowe don't really see what your followers of @ubuntuza are posting unless they are on our side as well13:37
sflrwith a twitter account, we could have a tweetroll on the site now :)13:37
inetproKilos: in fact you don't really need to follow to many peeps13:38
Kilosgrrr its not my twitter13:38
inetprobut it's a good way to get involved and to see what happens out there13:38
Kilosits ours13:38
Kilosyou can have the password too13:38
inetproKilos: the more you follow the more bandwidth it will consume for you13:39
Kilosyeah but its for ubuntu followers not guys chatting about beating up a man and mucsic\\13:39
inetproso we will have to make plans for Kilos to have enough juice to get him through every month13:39
Kilosmusic adds13:39
sflryou don't need to follow many people. we would use it for announcements, etc13:39
Kiloshave been helped ty inetpro 13:40
inetproKilos: cool, so far you're doing an excellent job13:40
Kilossome dude inna cape was kind to me13:40
Kiloslooks like a young dude too, not a ballie13:41
* inetpro lol13:41
sflrcant we move the events to ubuntu-za.org from loco.ubuntu.com? then we can share just one site13:43
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || MMList: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || PBin: http://paste.ubuntu.com || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Mon, 18 June @ 19:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/LYp5jY || Announcements: https://twitter.com/ubuntuza
inetprook, I just added a little more bloat just for now, while the twitter account is still new13:45
Kiloshehe now i cant find where it said friends only13:46
inetprosflr: we should probably spend some time improving the site 13:46
sflrwho could add this to the site? http://drupal.org/project/twitter_profile_widget13:46
inetprosflr: I think superfly is the man, but he's quite busy13:47
sflrok. we should put some admin tasks in the Agenda to talk about, like website update. Announce the Twitter account,etc13:49
inetprosflr: I agree, can you do that please13:51
inetproI guess we could also get Maaz to link to the twitter account's RSS feed and let it post announcements in here13:51
Kilosyou not we13:51
Kiloshead thumpin13:51
Kilosjulle maak my oud13:52
inetproKilos: no worries, we'll pull you through with this thing :-)13:52
inetproI doubt whether we'll have many announcements every day13:53
inetproanyways, /me has some more work todo13:54
sflryou mean to Maaz to tweet?13:54
Kilosyeah sflr 13:55
inetprosflr: now there's an idea I hadn't thought of13:55
Kilosjust tell maaz so and so is <reply> link13:55
inetpronot sure whether that is practical13:55
sflrIt should be restricted somehow, not everybody should be allowed to command Maazs to tweet. haha13:55
Kiloshe wont tweet13:56
inetproI thought the other way around13:56
sflrIt would save you bandwith Kilos  ;)13:56
Kilosinetpro, whats the link to twitters ubuntu-za13:56
sflrwhat do you mean other way around?13:56
Kilos old maaz does one command at a time im sure he wont tweet13:57
sflrKilos: what twitter link are you looking for?14:02
Kilosthe one you guys would use to get to ubuntu-za14:02
inetproThe bot can monitor the RSS feed for ubuntuza at https://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/608002266.rss14:02
inetprowhen a new items gets added it will post here14:03
Kilosevery tweet inetpro ?14:03
Kilosguys will complain14:03
sflryes, i understand14:03
HawkiesZAOnly if the account is extremely active14:04
sflrsounds good. it wont be channel spamming14:04
inetproKilos: all depends on how many posts you put in there14:04
Kilosat the moment its got vodacom and other stuff but i cant find where to make it only show friends or followers14:04
sflris it only tweet or includes mentions too?14:04
Kilosoh only when i tweet14:05
inetprobut it's just an idea14:05
Kilosyo HawkiesZA 14:06
inetproand we certainly don't want to abuse the bot 14:06
inetproHawkiesZA: wb14:06
HawkiesZA'lo Kilos14:06
sflrKilos: i dont understand. I only see my timeline, tweets from people I follow14:06
HawkiesZAfanks inetpro14:06
HawkiesZABeen an interesting day14:06
sflrhey HawkiesZA!14:06
inetproHawkiesZA: how so?14:06
HawkiesZAsflr: Where? That guy owes me money!14:07
sflrinetpro: i'm thinking that what we post on twitter first will be discussed and posted here?14:07
sflrwhat guy? lol14:07
HawkiesZAinetpro: Oh, just busy fixing what I didn't break14:08
Kilosyay i killed trevor and vodacom14:10
HawkiesZAThat explains why my phone lost signal yesterday14:10
Kilosthey too busy promoting music14:11
Kilosinstead of making their signal better and more rteliable14:12
sflranother thing I will add to agent the local irc server setup14:32
Kilosgood idea sflr 14:32
Kilosgonna be a long meeting14:33
sflrmost of the items we can just propose and discuss/action it later14:34
Kilosyeah good to just get the ball rolling on new things14:35
sflryes, to see who would be interested in getting involved14:37
Kilosi think the main thing will be getting someone to sponsor a server. the setting up the guys will sort out14:39
sflryes, the setup will still take few weeks based on the doc https://www.freenode.net/hosting_ircd.shtml14:43
Kilosmaybe Symmetria will help. thats his game14:43
Symmetriawhats the question?15:17
Symmetriaoh, a freenode server15:17
Symmetriathe reason we never did that is because freenode wanted complete root access to the server and thats a major no no 15:18
KilosSymmetria, if we can get a server sponsored on those terms will you help set it up for us?15:20
Symmetriakilos if you can get a server I dont mind helping set it up15:21
Symmetriaconfiguring ircds isnt hard :) 15:22
Kilosty Symmetria . will let you know15:22
Kilosmaybe you can give classes at the same time15:22
Symmetriaheh its really not that hard15:24
Symmetria90% of an ircd config file is comments :)15:25
Kilossflr, you reading?15:25
Symmetriabasically though, the config file normally has Y lines, I lines, U lines, O lines and C/N lines that are really important 15:25
SymmetriaY lines generally setup things like your text flood queues etc, though they can be set in your I lines as well15:25
SymmetriaU lines determine which servers can execute certain things15:26
SymmetriaO lines are your operator lines15:26
Symmetriaand C/N lines are your connect and network lines15:26
Symmetriaits different from ircd to ircd, but really, it aint hard15:26
Symmetriaoh, the I lines are the lines which set who you allow onto your server15:26
Kiloslets hope we get one sponsored15:27
Symmetria(I lines have also been replaced by auth blocks in some version)15:27
Symmetriaauth {15:27
Symmetria        user = "*@::/0";15:27
Symmetria        flags = need_ident;15:27
Symmetria        class = "ipv6";15:27
Symmetriasomething like that 15:27
Symmetriasays let on any ipv6 user, so long as they are running ident15:28
sflri'm reading now :)15:30
sflrSymmetria: when we get a server, would you assist to configure it? charlvn also volunteered to help out with the setup15:31
Symmetriayeah I dont mind :)15:31
SymmetriaIve been running ircds for more years than I can count :)15:32
Symmetrialol one of these days I need to reboot my current irc server lol15:32
Symmetriairc etc # uptime15:32
Symmetria 5:32PM  up 1386 days,  7:51, 1 user, load averages: 0.01, 0.01, 0.0015:32
* Symmetria laughs15:32
sflrhmm... your Zen server where you meditate and monologue :P15:33
sflrthat is awesome news though15:33
sflrwill a VM do it? or need physical?15:33
SymmetriaVM should be fine, ircd is typically very very light on resources15:34
Symmetriaratbox   42294  0.0 15.9 165860 165284  ??  Ss   27May10 661:13.91 bin/ircd15:35
Symmetriathats running with 400 users connected on a network with 40k users connected to the network15:35
sflrok. a local server shouldnt get much traffic. but will drop our lag times15:36
Symmetriaheh, with a gig of ram though and a box with a P2 cpu you could run a few thousand users15:36
Symmetriaheh, just be warned, irc server attract attacks15:36
Symmetriathere is nothing on the internet more likely to get ddos'ed than irc server15:37
sflryes, i thought so. any recommendations to mitigate that?15:38
sflrddos comes and goes, matter of time15:38
Symmetriaheh, we deroute the public v4 address internationally15:40
Symmetriaon irc.ac.za15:40
Symmetriayou can connect to irc.ac.za via v6 globally, and v4 locally, but v4 global it isnt even announced15:41
Symmetriaand has backup null routes all the way through the network just incase it ever does get announced15:41
sflrthat sounds like the right solution15:41
sflrdoesnt that conflicts with freenode terms, etc?15:42
Symmetrianever run a server on freenode terms :)15:47
SymmetriaI didnt like their terms about access to the server and who controlled the actual server15:47
sflrhaha. ok, lets start with the obvious question :) do you think would be good to have a local freenode server?15:50
Symmetriayeah, it would be good, *IF* you could find a host that has enough bandwidth and enough clue to weather the ddos15:54
Symmetriabasically, if the server keeps splitting, because of attacks etc, it doesnt help anything15:54
Symmetriaif the server stays linked and can weather the storms, then its useful15:54
Symmetrianow the question of if I think you can find a host that can weather that, thats another story :)15:54
Symmetriain reality, you have 5 possible places that have the capacity to risk hosting something like this15:55
sflrany suggestion for a place?15:55
Symmetriaa.) Telkom b.) Internet Solutions c.) MWEB d.) TENET and e.) MTN 15:55
* sflr all ears15:55
Symmetriayou stand less than no hope on a and e15:56
Symmetriaand very little hope with b 15:56
Symmetria(b has suffered under 2 many irc related ddos attacks in the past)15:56
Symmetriayour most likely is convincing mweb its advantageous 15:56
sflrok, we can try mweb then. I wonder if they host irc servers already15:57
Symmetriatenet wont host it, they already host irc.ac.za and even that is still run by me since I left, and as I said, the conditions around freenode servers when I was at tenet made it unattractive, I seriously doubt they will change that stance with me not there15:57
Symmetriayour best option is to contact someone like Jaco Muller at mweb 15:57
sflris it optinet mweb?15:58
Symmetriayeah, optinet/mweb same thing :)15:58
Symmetriaif you convince mweb to agree, I will work with mweb if they want to setup proper protections 15:59
sflrok, thanks Symmetria! i must come up with some speech to sound convincing. hehe15:59
sflrthey do host game servers as i remember15:59
Symmetriaand I've done a LOT of work with mweb so they will know who I am ;p15:59
Symmetriayes, they do, but thats for business reasons :)16:00
sflrmust I tell Jaco that Symmetria sent me? ;)16:00
Symmetriathe business case for irc is more difficult :P16:00
Symmetriasflr no :) please dont do that :P 16:00
sflrits for Ubuntu! 16:00
Symmetriayou can tell him that if they agree to it you have a team with experience who will help set it up and that includes Andrew Alston, but dont say I sent you, and dont say I endorse this thing :) I do neither, I am just willing to help if you get them convinced16:01
sflryes, that is correct.16:01
sflrthe convincing part also needs to include the free hosting :)16:02
sflrso it will definetely not be a sales speech16:02
Symmetriayou'd have to convince them its in their interests and the interests of their clients :)16:03
sflrbut hey, we can give them free Cds!16:03
Symmetria:P do you have any idea how many free cds you might be giving out if you offer mweb free ubuntu cds?16:03
SymmetriaI dont think you have that many cds to give :p16:03
Symmetriaor that many years to wait for them to burn :p16:03
sflrhaha, we can host iso at mweb. free download for mweb clients16:04
sflrjust kidding. I will sleep on it16:04
Symmetria:P mweb clients already get free download from the official ubuntu mirror in .za16:04
sflris Jaco working at optinet cape town or in joburg?16:04
Symmetriacape town16:04
sflrawesome, will pay them a visit then16:04
Symmetriaand he's not just a techie, you may not find it all that easy to get in to see him :) 16:05
SymmetriaJaco is *very* senior management 16:05
sflri hoped so. techies dont make decisions16:05
SymmetriaLOL techies make more decisions than you think :)16:06
sflrbusiness decisions16:06
Symmetriaheh, many more than you think :)16:06
sflrdont want to bribe a techie to host it on a hidden VM16:06
SymmetriaI was CTO for TENET, I made most of their decisions :p 16:06
sflrCTO is not techie in sense of workforce. its senior management16:07
Symmetria:) just depends on the level of techie you are dealing with lol 16:07
Symmetriahehe this is true I guess :)16:07
Symmetriathough peering managers are techies in teh sense of work force and they wield more power than you can imagine :)16:07
sflrI will sleep on it and dream up the speech16:07
Kilossflr, be a diplomat16:08
Symmetriaok supper time :p16:08
KilosMaaz, diplomat16:08
MaazA diplomat is a person who can tell others to go to hell in such a nice way that they look forward to the trip16:08
Kilosty Symmetria 16:08
sflrthanks Symmetria . will keep you updated. hope you will be able to unleash your techie power on new irc server at mweb soon =)16:09
sflrKilos, hope you took notes. lol16:10
Kiloshahaha thats your job16:10
Kilosbut get the server and andrew will help16:10
Kilosjust not when he is photgraphing lightning16:11
sflrcool, will come up with the battle plan and lets see how it goes. failure is not an option16:12
Kiloshow are mweb gonna do something like this if there server is already too small16:12
sflrneed to go now. laterz16:14
Kilos<sflr> mweb.co.za down. server ran out of space. hehe http://i49.tinypic.com/2vmamhf.jpg16:15
Kilos<sflr> Running Microsoft. We should pay them a visit =)16:15
Kilosgo safe16:15
Kiloshi psydroid 16:38
psydroidhi Kilos16:40
Kilosyou missed the fun today. we setup ubuntu-za on twitter16:47
Kilosyo plustwo  why so quiet lately16:48
Kilosyou didnt answer sflr 17:23
sflrhmmm.what was the question? im on mobile17:31
Kiloshow are mweb gonna do something like this if there server is already too small17:31
sflrwhat do u mean too small?17:33
sflrthey have a datacenter. will ask them to get a server there17:33
Kilosthats what you said they ran out of space17:33
sflroh. that was on their one server only17:34
sflrwhere their website is running.17:34
sflrif we get a server it will be a new one17:35
Kilosah , i still gotta learn how all this stuff works17:36
sflryou know a lot already and always helpful :)17:37
Kilosi thought a server was a few harddrives connected inna large box with the rest of a pc inside17:38
Kiloswont bug you no more. it sucks using a mobile17:39
sflrok. will chat later!17:41
magespawnEvening all17:49
Kilosyo magespawn 17:49
magespawnHey Kilos whats up?17:50
Kiloslol spent the day getting ubuntu-za working on twitter17:51
Kilosbut peeps are slow to follow17:51
magespawnI will have a look17:57
magespawnWho is running it? You?17:57
Kilosbut i had lotsa help getting the thing going right17:58
Kilosand working here on gwibber was another schlep17:58
inetproKilos: hmm... I'd say leave the conversational stuff for your personal account and stick to real ubuntu related announcements or retweets from interesting peeps on the official account17:58
inetprobut that's just my opinion17:59
Kilosi agree 18:00
Kiloswhat official account?18:00
inetprolet's take that example of the vodacom and the trevor dude, your ubuntuza followers would not even have realised that you followed them18:00
Kilosi didnt know that, i thought you guys all saw it too18:01
Kilosdunno how i became followers of them18:01
magespawnTalk about having a split personality18:02
inetproKilos: just be patient about followers following that account, they will come with time18:03
inetproI'm not saying there's anything wrong with what you posted, I would just say it's worth giving it some thought as to what it is that you want to achieve with the account18:05
Kilossuggestions welcome18:06
inetproobviously there are many different aproaches to get to 100 or 1,000 or 1,000,000 followers and I don't have all the answers18:07
Kilospersonally i dunno what to do there when we have this channel here18:08
Kilosbasically maybe ubuntu followers only methinks18:08
inetproKilos: twitter is very popular out there18:09
Kilosif we 20 then we 2018:09
inetprosomething like 140 million active users 18:09
inetprolots of scope for us to spread the message :-)18:10
Kilosmost are kids and windows users though18:10
Kilosand mobile users18:10
magespawnI have few followers who would be interested.18:11
Banlamdon't underestimate the power of the RT18:11
Kilosi see gwibber doesnt show that option here18:12
Kilosjust reply and menu18:13
Kilosoh its in menu18:13
* Kilos hangs his head18:13
Kiloscould even run twitter from pidgin18:15
magespawnNo worries, learning a new system takes a little time.18:15
Kilosmagespawn, how are you plans going?18:16
Kilosare you still doing tours through the park18:16
magespawnYes, the wireless ones have taken a bit of a back seat, I am busy working out the legalese to a commerce website18:17
Kilosah good luck18:18
inetproahh... that conversation between Symmetria and sflr was rather interesting18:20
inetprohope we can get somewhere with that18:21
Kilosheres hoping mweb bites18:21
Kilosdunno how they gonna be convinced its too their advantage though18:21
inetproKilos: good advertising if they deliver a good service 18:22
Kilosfrom where inetpro 18:23
inetprothey do maintain their own network and such on which this irc server will be runnind and if it's well managed and the server is well protected...18:25
Kiloscan you just explain to me. andrew said a P2 cpu with 1g ram is good enough18:26
Kilosisnt it then possible to run a server for freenode from a spare pc from someone with a good internet connection18:27
Kiloswhy does it have to be hosted with the big guys18:28
inetproKilos: heh you should know, Symmetria likes to  exaggerate18:28
magespawnThe speed of the internet could be an issue, and reliability of the machine.18:28
inetproand I say that with a huge lot of respect for the man18:28
Kilosbut lets say an old p4 with 2g ram should work shoudnt it18:30
Kilosis the freenode bit just for here or for all of freenode18:30
inetproand magespawn is right18:30
inetprotechnically anybody can connect to any other freenode server out there18:31
inetproat least anyone of them that is publicly accessible 18:31
inetprobut it just makes sense to connect to the closest server18:32
Kilosi see his point about not wanting them to have total control of the server but if its on a home pc say then so what18:33
inetproKilos: he didn't mention "a.) Telkom b.) Internet Solutions c.) MWEB d.) TENET and e.) MTN" for no reason18:34
Kilosthe maintenance man will still have ultimate say over what happens18:34
inetproKilos: freenode's client servers should expect to sustain around 2-4Mbps of traffic, with much higher peaks18:37
inetproTotal usage for client servers is usually around 320 gigabytes per month18:37
Kilosthats not gonna be easy to get from mweb18:38
inetprofreenode doesn't even consider home cable/DSL connections18:38
Kilosoh thats bits/sec18:38
Kilosah they want like direct optics?18:39
inetproah, and I must apologise to Symmetria 18:40
inetproFreenode's minimum requirenment is Pentium4 with 1GB RAM18:41
inetproso he didn't even just make that up18:41
Kilosyou looking at requirements18:42
Kiloswas too tiny for me to read18:42
Kilosrsync let me down18:42
inetproI'm looking at http://freenode.net/hosting_ircd.shtml18:43
Kiloswb sflr 18:48
sflrhey guys18:48
charlvnhi guys18:48
magespawnThats a fair amount of data just for chat.18:48
sflrI solved my Flash problem from yesterday: rewrite the app in php. lulz18:48
magespawnHi sflr, charlvn18:48
charlvnhi magespawn 18:48
sflrahoy charlvn, magespawn18:49
charlvnre the ircd issue, isn't it possible to restrict the access to south african IP ranges?18:49
charlvnon ircnet this is quite a common thing to do18:49
charlvnfor example if i connect directly i can only connect to a ircnet server in .nl while if i connect from my server i have to connect to an ircnet server in germany18:49
sflrif you have access to earlier logs Symmetria was explaining how is done properly18:50
charlvnthis might not be a common thing to do on freenode though but maybe they will make an exemption considering the special circumstances (first server in africa)18:50
sflripv4 only in SA, ipv6 overseas18:50
charlvnsflr: ok lemme browse up a bit, i probably missed it18:50
sflrit was all regarding getting a server setup at mweb18:51
magespawnKilos maybe things like this for the twitter account http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/18:51
sflr"first server in Africa" thanks charlvn! that i include in my email to mweb. haha18:51
sflrapp showdown, wow! didnt know about it. are we doing anything? :)18:52
charlvnok i get the gist of it18:53
charlvnyeah sounds like mweb is the best option18:53
charlvnthey are also behind the open routing thing18:53
charlvnopen peering i mean18:53
inetprocharlvn: you read very quickly :-)18:53
charlvnsflr: no i mean the first freenode server lol18:54
Kilosya he has 2 eyes18:54
Kilosyoung ones18:54
charlvnthe only at the moment, maybe there were others previously18:54
Kilosi think the guys spoke about us having one years ago with Symmetria  too i think hey inetpro ?18:55
inetpromagespawn: nice one18:55
sflryes, lol. i also meant freenode server :) but we also need to promote Ubuntu with it...18:55
charlvnhttp://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml <- there is literally only one server outside the usa and europe and that is in australia18:55
charlvninetpro: no i just mastered the art of skim/scan reading18:55
charlvna good skill to have for online :)18:55
sflrcharlvn, hope you dont see dead ppl too :P haha18:56
magespawnty inetpro got it from google+ Ubuntu18:56
sflrhow is the Ubuntu use in sub-saharan africa? any stats?18:56
inetproG+ is really very very cool for staying up to date with news18:57
Kilosmagespawn, whatsin that link. opera cant get in?18:58
Kilosor taking forever anyway18:58
magespawnWelcome to the Ubuntu App Showdown, an exciting contest to create an app from scratch for Ubuntu in three weeks, and delivered in the Ubuntu Software Centre.18:59
sflrThe best apps will win some awesome prizes from System76 and Qt including a System76 Gazelle Professional laptop and Nokia N9 phone for the gold prize, a System76 Lemur Ultra laptop and Nokia N9 phone for the silver prize and a Nokia N9 phone for the bronze prize.19:00
sflrpriiizeeee :)19:00
Kiloswrite guys write19:00
inetproKilos: you may want to follow https://twitter.com/#!/Ubuntu_OS19:01
magespawnCopy, paste.19:02
Kilosno man write the prize winning app19:03
Kilosideas on how to tell gwibber to follow them will be appreciated19:05
Kilosor must i go to twitter with a browser to do that inetpro ?19:06
Kiloslike is there a /j command or something19:08
inetprohmm... I don't really use gwibber19:08
Banlamsummary: - Follow a user19:09
Banlam+ Provide ability to Follow a user 19:09
Banlam"To follow a person, just type "follow <Nick>", without the @, as if you would send a new tweet."19:09
Kilosty Banlam 19:09
Banlamnp, all hail google19:10
Kiloswithout them " " things too hey19:10
Banlami would imagine so19:10
Banlamand without the < >19:10
Banlamfollow Ubuntu_OS19:11
Kilosty did that but gwibber doesnt give you the option to see who you are following19:12
Kilosso heres hoping19:12
Banlamsurely there are better progams than gwibber?19:13
Banlamit sounds kinda uselss19:13
inetproBanlam: it really is useless19:13
Banlamare you using it just for twitter Kilos?19:14
Kilosmaia uses it and got me using it a few years back. it can do adentica and fb and some others as well19:14
Kilosyip just twitter ubuntu-za19:14
Banlamwhat's adentica?19:15
inetproto be honest, I actually have it running in the background on my home Ubuntu system but I rather use the web interface19:15
Kilosleft my sharpeys out19:15
Kilosoh my forgot the spelling19:15
Kilosidentica or something19:15
Banlamwhat's identica?19:15
inetproubuntu needs something that can compare with choqok19:15
Banlama canadian twitter it would seem19:16
inetproif I can find some time over the weekend I might wipe this Ubuntu and install Kubuntu again19:16
inetprolong overdue19:17
Kiloshehe you still on unity?19:17
Kiloswell done. that was a long while19:17
Kilosdig twitter identica friendfeed  buzz flicker19:19
Banlamkilos according to twitter you are following ubuntu_os19:19
Kiloslots like pidgin19:19
Kilosya ty Banlam it worked19:19
Kilosyay not ya19:20
Banlamand you now have 8 followers19:20
KilosBanlam, are you following yet?19:20
Banlami just started19:20
Banlami'm starting to reach the point where i need to make lists :/19:21
Banlambut i'm too lazy19:21
Banlamand have real work to do19:21
Kiloseish Banlam you follow and say nothing19:24
Kilossflr, you still on the fone19:24
Banlamkilos, what do you mean?19:24
Kilosi see niks from you there19:24
inetproBanlam: you from PE?19:25
BanlamI am living in PE, but not from here19:25
* Banlam = gareth cawood19:25
Banlamyeah, nic eenough :)19:25
Banlamdon't know of any other ubuntuers in the area though19:25
Kiloswould be nice if i could make gwibber bloep19:26
inetproBanlam: that's why I like the idea of having this twitter account19:26
inetproso many ubuntu locals out there that we still don't even know about19:27
Kiloswasnt there someone in pe asking for cds the other day19:28
Kilosin the lists19:28
* Banlam is not actually on the lists :/19:28
Kiloswish maia would come visit 19:28
* Banlam isn't the most active ubuntu user19:28
inetproKilos: have you even announced the account on the mailing list yet?19:28
Kilosno inetpro  was hoping you would19:29
Kilostoo far to scroll back to that link you gave me19:29
Kiloshands frozen19:29
Kilosone thing about gwibber is it isnt as data hungry as using a browser19:30
inetproKilos: that's good to know19:31
magespawnHow hungry is pidgin?19:31
Kilospidgin mxit uses nearly nothing but msn and aim run the data19:34
Kilosmxit uses under 200kB the whole day19:34
Symmetriaheh any text communication uses virtually nothing19:35
magespawnSo the pidgin isn't hungry then,depending on the networks.19:36
Kilosgoing online to twitter today for the setting up was around 40mB19:36
SymmetriaI think our efnet server averages around 20k/second :P19:36
Kilosyeah pidgin is great19:36
Symmetriaand thats with like 400 users online on it19:36
Kilosfreenode eats 200kB per hour19:36
Kilosmethinks pidgin mxit only counts the text in and out not all the refreshing freenode does19:38
Symmetriairc is actually a pretty efficient protocol 19:39
Symmetriafor example, a leaf server will not see traffic for channels/people that arent connected to it or though it19:39
Symmetriaso if you have 5 servers, all through a hub in a star topology, the hub will see it all, but if you have a channel of 10 people, 5 on server 1 and 5 on server 2, servers 3 4 and 5 will see nothing of that channel until someone joins it on one of them19:40
magespawnThat seems a better setup than the star setup19:41
magespawnSo thw traffic only goes to the servers that are active19:46
magespawnMiss read that at first19:47
inetproKilos: ok, I posted a message on the ML19:49
Kilosty inetpro just got the mail19:49
Kilosyou left you out19:50
inetproKilos: heh I am part of we19:51
* Kilos wonders where maia is19:51
Kilossorry inetpro 19:52
inetproKilos: np19:52
Kilosmaybe the monkey will be here monday night as well19:53
Kilosnuvolari, yoohoo19:53
inetprosflr: BTW, where are all those ideas that you wanted on the agenda?19:54
sflrsorry guys a bit slow tonight. kids are high on hot chocolate and there is school tomorrow.19:54
inetprosflr: np, I understand everything19:55
inetprobut it's time for them to go sleep now19:56
Kilossflr, ages?19:56
sflrI wanted to add to agenda: twitter channel announcement (including people who will be able to post), and website updates ideas (ubuntu-za.org)19:56
sflrinetpro, they supposed to be sleeping an hour ago already19:56
sflrKilos, 3 & 919:57
Kilosoh my goodness. you must be about ians age19:57
Kilosor goosies on the outside19:57
inetprosflr: shall we put those under Ubuntu Experience?19:57
magespawnWow they are up late.19:58
superflysflr: we have an almost 3 year old - fun times19:58
inetproor rather let's make a standing point called Administrativia19:58
sflrmagespawn, they are high on hot chocolate. :( haha19:58
superflymagespawn: btw, our sales lady is very please with me ;-)19:58
magespawnThats cool.19:59
sflrinetpro> yes, administrativiakus19:59
Kilosyay superfly what you sold19:59
superflyKilos: Ice, to an Eskimo19:59
sflrsuperfly, yeah from there is all downhill. haha19:59
Kilosha ha ha19:59
Kilosmaaz define administrativiakus20:00
sflrhow is the new camera? took any lightning photos? lol20:00
MaazKilos: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?20:00
sflrmaaz> error 50020:00
sflri meant some administrative agenda item, where we can add more items if need be.20:01
Maazsflr: *blink*20:01
Kilosi love maaz20:02
Kiloswait till he tells you "You not the boss of me"20:02
superflyWow! Humble Indie Bundle V has hit $5 million!20:03
superflyJust under 3 hours left to pay what you want for a bunch of games that run on Linux20:04
inetprosflr: I added the point with you as owner20:05
sflrcool. guess I have to be here then :P20:06
inetprosflr: for sure :-)20:06
inetproand superfly as well20:06
inetprosince he's the chief webmaster20:06
superflyinetpro: I'll do what I can20:07
sflri only play xbox :) Battlefield3 lately20:07
superflysflr: apparently Psyconauts and Bastion are excellent... Braid is really good (I have it already)20:07
sflrthat's great. superfly, was thinking to add tweetroll to the site, now that we twitter account20:07
Banlamfinished bastion the other day20:07
Banlamreally fun game20:08
sflrI must check them out20:08
superflysflr: 2.75 hours left, don't waste your time!20:08
sflris it GMT? lol20:09
Kilossuperfly, you the clever editor. help sflr  sort a plea to mweb20:11
inetproI just restructured the agenda a bit so we don't waste time jumping around20:15
sflrwhich plea? for the server? yeah, if anyone has some input would be great. we can make a generic sponsorship plea letter to raise funds for ubuntuza activities20:15
Kilosdidnt you read the fly sold ice to an eskimo20:15
superflya plea to mweb? for what server? Kilos, are you getting your lines crossed again?20:16
Banlambecomes difficult, when there's no ubuntu bank account, nad people are paying into random accounts20:16
Kilosirc server20:16
Banlamaccountability becomes an issue20:16
Kilosfreenode sorry20:16
sflrto get a server superfly, freenode20:16
superflypfff, mweb would sooner smoke their socks20:16
magespawnCould we set a bank account?20:17
sflrBanlam, good point. we only take goods then.20:17
magespawnSection 21 company stuff20:17
sflryou need some trust or entity to open? 20:17
magespawnSection 21 is a not for profit company20:17
sflrif we want to organize some big event we need some funds20:18
Banlamthen you need a constitution20:18
Banlamneed accounts audited20:18
sflrok. what about tax?20:18
Banlammajor effort20:18
magespawnYes it is but could be worth it20:18
sflrsuperfly, why do you think mweb wouldnt sponsor us with a server?20:18
magespawnYou pay much reduced tax.20:18
Banlamyou need some committed people, who're gonna be around for at least 5 years to make sure it gets going20:19
sflrwe can look at other loco teams world wide. I'm sure there is someone who can give advice20:19
magespawnIt would pay mweb in advertising alone I think.20:19
sflrconstitution can be tricky to put together20:20
magespawnSure we could find an example on the net.20:21
sflr5 year commitment? sounds like marriage. however we would need a structure20:21
sflrthen people can still come and go, as long as the roles are defined20:21
Kiloseasiest to just trust someone to look after the  money and shoot him if its short20:21
Banlamthat is true :)20:22
sflrthanks Kilos. haha20:22
Banlamjust need to find someone to trust20:22
Banlamsflr, it's often difficult to find people to fill those roles20:22
Banlamit's easy to setup a structure20:22
Kilosthe fly for one20:22
Kilosgoosie for another20:23
Kilosthey past the skelm age20:23
Banlamwhat if the goose eats the fly?20:23
KilosBanlam, you in pe hey?20:23
magespawnHave elected posts.20:23
Banlamthis is correct20:23
sflrthe question is how many people see this viable to do? we need goals, visions, short/long term plans etc20:23
Kilosvincent bullet and vijay something are there too and vijay is getting cds from maia20:24
magespawnI will see what I can find out.20:24
Banlamoh, cool20:24
Banlamgetting CDs isn't really an issue20:24
Banlamif CDs are needed, i'm probably going to make it to stellies next month some time20:25
Kilosno man just to let you know you arent alone there20:25
charlvnoh my goodness, i just saw a belgian video!20:25
charlvnmy reaction: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/185/168/misc-jackie-chan-l.png20:25
Kilossearched through over 1000 mails to get that20:25
sflrUTAH loco team constitutions https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtahTeam/Constitution20:26
Banlamhaha, to find the PE people?20:26
Banlamwe had a SULUG constitution20:26
Banlamwas very simple though20:26
Banlamdon't think it'd pass a NPO setup20:26
Kilosya i member some things and pe was one of them20:26
Kilosjust had to find it20:26
Banlamthanks Kilos20:26
Kilosnow you gotta join the lists20:27
sflrwhat's SULUG Banlam?20:27
Banlamstellenbosch university linux users group20:27
Banlamlol, just signed up to ubuntu za, emails go straight to Gmail's spam folder20:27
Kilosyeah i had to tell it they not spam a coupla times20:28
Kilosi think if they see linux commands they start shaking20:28
sflrthanks Banlam20:29
Banlama couple times we considered joing the universities society's council. would have given us some benefits, but would have required a lot of work20:30
Banlamand commitment was a problem20:30
Banlamwe have a much smaller active user base20:30
Banlamtrying to a committee was a challenge itself20:31
Banlam* ..to fill a...20:31
magespawnI would like to find out how to do it anyway, so I will do some research and we can look from there.20:31
Banlamewwww: http://www.npo.org.za/20:32
bakumanAnd now there is not even a secretary, because he decided he had enough and packed his bags and left us20:32
Banlamyou know it wasn't by choice20:33
Banlamwell, not my first choice20:33
sflrhahaha. lol20:33
Banlambakuman, dalk moes ek die jaar net afgevat, n BA gedoen en sommer in stellies geblyu20:33
sflri think NPO site is not the correct one20:34
sflrlooks, smells, tastes dodgy20:34
Banlami think it does have useful info on it20:35
Banlameven if it's not the official government website20:35
Banlam)(" %*20:35
* Banlam curses PDFs20:35
Kilosoh my20:35
Banlammy bad20:35
Kilosspam spam spam20:35
Kilosha ha ha20:35
Banlambasically, you fill in a form, write up a constitution and have a committee of at least 5 members20:36
Kiloshee hee heeeeee20:36
sflrvery cool art. comes in colors?20:36
bakumanso gaan een van julle vir ons n app code? http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/20:36
Banlamthen you wait 8-12months20:36
inetproyou guys talk lots this evening?!20:36
Banlamand register with SARS for tax emption20:36
bakumanits because of the Bannn Lammmm20:36
* inetpro lol at Banlam "what if the goose eats the fly?"20:36
sflryou mean need to wait for a year? whats the benefit of registering? just for SARS?20:37
Banlamno, that's just part of the process20:37
Banlamthe year is for the application to be processed20:37
sflri see. ok. have you done this before Banlam?20:37
sflrbakuman, do you have any ideas for AppShowdown?20:38
Banlamnot specifically, i'm just looking around here, but my mom has formed and helepd run an NPO for the past 15years20:38
Kilosi told you, use a private account and maybe even make it so 2 peeps must sign20:38
Banlamkilos, yeah that will be the least hassle20:38
Banlamjust need to find the two people who live close to each other, and are willing20:39
sflrok, thats good news20:39
bakumannope sflr, nothing i have time for at least20:39
magespawnAnd ppl you can trust20:39
sflrtrust with what magespawn? 20:40
sflrthe money part?20:40
sflrwhoever wants to make money off ubuntuza community will burn in hell (Judas 11:44) #truestory20:41
sflrit is reality though20:41
sflrmembers who join must sign ubuntu code of conduct20:42
sflrmust be in the constitution20:42
magespawnMost ppl who would steal money do not believe or care20:42
sflrI know magespawn, we can raise money for events then.20:43
sflrBut we might also get a big sponsorship from a company for a year20:43
sflrthen they will also keep us accountable on where the money was spent etc20:44
Kiloswhere is judas20:44
Kilosis that afrikaans20:44
Banlamit's unlikely that a company will give sponsorship unless we're registered as an NPO or some organisation20:44
sflrjudas priest?20:44
Banlamtoo many people scamming these days20:44
sflryes Banlam, we are getting the NPO or some legal entity20:45
Banlamthen we also need to find a kindly soul or make sure we'er getting enough money to pay for auditers20:45
sflrthis is late night philosophy, but if we see a need to do it, then we should20:45
magespawnOr sponership for auditors20:46
sflrBanlam, doesnt the state has auditors? we promote free software. 20:46
Banlamsflr, if they do, I doubt they'll let us use them for free20:46
Kilosarent the rules for a cc cheaper anmd less involved20:47
sflrwe must recruit then professionals from different disciplines into the community. then they can help us. I mean it in a good way.20:48
Banlamyou can no longer form CCs20:48
sflrCC is history20:48
Banlamunfortunately :/20:48
Banlambut CC won't give us the NPO status20:48
Banlamwhich is what you want20:48
Banlamto be tax exempt, and get donations from big companies20:49
Banlambut yes, recruiting is essential20:49
magespawnYup with npo fund raising number etc.20:49
sflrNPO it is then?20:51
sflrshould we raise issue on monday meeting? to go legal? lets see what other people think20:52
Kilosask in the lists if there is an auditor in our community20:52
magespawnYes lets add it to the agenda.20:52
sflrMaaz> who is auditor in our community?20:52
Maazsflr: Not a clue, sorry20:52
Banlamit will be a long process which cna be beneficial long term, lots to discuss, but you may as well get the ball rolling20:52
sflrI agree Banlam, it will take months and lots of discussions. As long as we have a clear goal and vision of why we doing it, we will make it20:53
Kilosnight all of you. sleep tight and warm20:54
sflrMaaz> please recruit an auditor20:54
Maazsflr: Sorry...20:54
sflrI am also out for the day. Cheers20:55
inetprogood night all20:56
magespawnBye Kilos sflr20:56
magespawnNight all20:56
inetproMaaz: seen highvoltage20:59
Maazinetpro: highvoltage was last seen 21 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes and 5 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-05-24 10:52:51 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2012-05-29 17:48:26 PDT20:59
inetproI hope that highvoltage and tumbleweed will be able to attend our meeting on Monday21:00
inetprowill be nice to get feedback from the UDS event21:01
inetpromarcog: any more ideas for the Agenda from your side?21:02
inetproMaaz: seen drubin21:02
Maazinetpro: drubin was last seen 20 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes and 25 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-05-24 15:49:27 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2012-06-02 17:55:07 PDT21:02
inetprodrubin: you are way to quiet these days21:03
charlvnnn all21:06

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