
=== riddlebox2 is now known as riddlebox
hangdeadmanHow can I set a .gif image as a wallpaper in ubuntu 12.04?00:04
SS01hey, can anyone tell me how to remove read-only from a usb drive and then mount it normally? Thanks!00:04
mstefanyone getting a 4-5 minute  boot time after upgrading to 12.04?00:04
SS01not here00:04
ActionParsniphangdeadman: right click desktop -> set wallpaper then select images folder and click the little + button if the image is not listed00:04
Some_PersonIs anyone here familiar with photorec? Is it possible to resume it after an interruption (in this case, a reboot for an unknown reason)?00:05
ActionParsnipmstef: run:  dmesg | less      look fr large gaps in the left hand colomn00:05
ChrisieAnyone have sound notifications working with Empathy in 12.04?00:05
Some_PersonThis thing has been running for *DAYS* and I do not want to have to start over00:05
mstefActionParsnip: i looked..i didn't see any gaps00:05
MonkeyDustSome_Person  try testdisk00:05
Some_PersonMonkeyDust: testdisk failed to fix the drive00:06
mstefActionParsnip: gaps as in big jumps in numbers?00:06
Some_PersonIt was about 12 hours away from finishing00:06
hangdeadmanactionparsnip: an animated gif will not animate as a wallpaper... how do I animate it?00:06
NotJimCarreyJordan_U: how can i pipe the do-release-upgrade output? tee doesn't catch it00:06
MonkeyDust!recover| Some_Person00:06
ubottuSome_Person: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:06
GallomimiaNotJimCarrey: i would suggest using the script command00:07
Some_PersonMonkeyDust: Yes, I've already gone through the ropes. photorec was the only solution that even seemed to do anything00:07
Gallomimiascript filename.txt <enter> then type your stuff, then exit00:07
SS01how do I remove read-only from a USB drive? Thanks!00:07
Gallomimiaman mount00:08
malachi7hey guys, just installed 12.04 and volume control does not work - sound does tho.00:08
MonkeyDustSS01  is it a system file?00:08
Some_PersonAm I seriously going to have to wait several days again?00:09
Jordan_UNotJimCarrey: sudo do-release-upgrade 2>&1 | tee /path/to/file.log00:09
MonkeyDustSome_Person  you're rejecting any other advice or solution00:10
rypervencheSome_Person: What do you want? You screwed up your drive, these are the consequences if you want your data back.00:10
Some_PersonMonkeyDust: I've tried testdisk, gpart, etc. etc. already00:10
mstefActionParsnip: boot time is 244 seconds00:11
Kirahi here00:11
SS01MonkeyDust: mount -t /dev/sdb1 worked. It was just a 2gb usb with lubuntu on it.00:11
Some_PersonMonkeyDust: I could try some of the other programs that do the same thing as photorec, but wouldn't they also take several days?00:11
Kiraok. I upgraded my lucid to maverick and added several PPA's and keyboard doesn't work in Xorg :) .. also onboard keyboard doesn't work too)  my hardware is Acer 5750G   Keyboard work in win7 and liveCD00:11
mstefbiggest jump is from 8 to 4200:11
ZoohouseWhen I try to connect to my self with SSH using my public ip, I get: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused. I checked on www.canyouseeme.org and port 22 is open. I have sshd running...00:12
KiraANybody helps me00:12
NotJimCarreyJordan_U: here's the pastebin, http://pastebin.com/hvGn5kxt00:12
malachi7does 12.04 still use PulseAudio?00:12
xanguaKira: why did you not upgrade to precice¿ maverick is no longer supported :/00:12
SS01wait 8.04 is still supported? o.o00:13
malachi7pulseaudio in init.d does nothing. alsamixer (terminal) seems to work but not gnome volume control00:13
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xanguaSS01: only server00:13
Some_PersonMonkeyDust: I'm not rejecting other solutions, just ones I've already tried00:13
SS01oh ok00:13
KiraI can but what it can change? I doubt that keyboard depends from distro00:13
ActionParsnipSS01:on server only, but yes00:14
Kiranope 8.04.. only server supported00:14
adamkKira: Seems very likey that your mixing different versions of the Xorg server package and the keyboard drivers.00:14
skorvi run a local server for learning and testing purposes... based on Proxmox VE and running Ubuntu as webservers00:15
ActionParsnipmalachi7: not in lubuntu afaik00:15
KiraI think so..but I fix Xorg ver and reinstallled(purge and install).. same situ nothing changes00:16
adamkSo check the Xorg log file for errors, and check your package listings for different version numbers.00:16
skorvhow can i redirect a subdomain ( sub1.domain.com) to another internal ip other than the webserver(www.domain.com)?00:16
Kirammm... one strange thing.. why "onboard" screen keyboard doesn't work too?00:17
GallomimiaZoohouse: you have a firewall blocking port 22 on outgoing or incomming to yourself00:17
adamkDon't know, don't really care :-)  Never used it.00:17
ActionParsnipKira: can you expand 'doesn't work' please00:17
SS01oh. after mounting, I still get http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039967/ when I view the drive in nautilius00:17
Gallomimiaskorv can you elaborate00:18
ZoohouseGallomimia: it doesn't work even when I sudo ufw disable.. Should it work then?00:18
Gallomimiathat doesn't sound difficult... what are you trying to do?00:18
crackerjackzZoohouse, are you sure you're not using public key authentication with password authentication disabled?00:18
GallomimiaZoohouse: i think it's probably a firewall that's not on the server, but on your network. in your router00:18
NotJimCarreythe error starts at line 784600:18
crackerjackzZoohouse, are you behind a router?00:18
crackerjackzZoohouse, did you check ufw is not blocking 22?00:18
Gallomimiayep. start at the beginning. how is your network structured00:19
ActionParsnipKira: have you tried gok as an alternative?00:19
Gallomimiawhat devices control it00:19
Kirawhen I press keys.. just sound ..like sound when wrong key or keykombination pressed.. nothing in input dialogs.. no reaction on keyboard at all.. Alt+ F1 doesn't work too.. mouse works.00:19
skorvok... inside the hipervisor there is the webserver(for http/http purposes) but i run a service that runs over https on another VM00:19
Gallomimiaskorv any details?00:19
crackerjackzKira, does it still do it after a reboot?00:19
crackerjackzor after unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in?00:19
Gallomimiaso you don't want their ports to interfere?00:20
Gallomimiayou have separate ip's for the two servers?00:20
Zoohouserouter is fwd port 22 to my laptop (sshd). crackerjackz: when I ufw enable; ufw status:  22 ALLOW       Anywhere00:20
GallomimiaZoohouse: is your laptop the system you're connecting to?00:20
skorvservers are runing at .2 and .3 (xxx.xxx.xxx.?)00:20
pikkachueagle_eye: however it didn't work00:21
ZoohouseGallomimia: yes00:21
Kirayep.. it happens each boot. (  ... mb prob in acerhk-source? I removed it .. but mb it brake something?00:21
crackerjackzZoohouse, just for testing purposes type sudo disable ufw (only for a couple moments) just so that we can insure its not ufw causing it00:21
Gallomimiaokay it's simple skorv just add an A record for that subdomain to your domain registry00:21
Gallomimiawho hosts your domain?00:21
pikkachueagle_eye: drag & dropping doesn't work00:21
sapienshello :)00:21
skorvi do...00:21
sapiensI have a question00:21
Gallomimiaalright then in that host record add the details...00:21
mstefhow do i fixed a 250 second ubuntu 12.04 boot time?00:21
Gallomimialet me dig it up00:21
crackerjackzskorv, #httpd might be able to help00:21
Zoohousecrackerjackz: i disabled ufw aginn00:22
skorvty mare00:22
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sapiensI want to install flightgear on a beagleboard xm rev c00:22
crackerjackzZoohouse, what is the make and model of your router?00:22
Gallomimiayeah skorv that's actually an issue with bind9 it's easy to deal with00:22
sapiensI have Ubuntu 11.04 installed00:22
crackerjackzdisable the spi firewall in your router and tell it to respond to ICMP traffic00:22
sapiensI installed flightgear with the synaptic00:22
crackerjackzZoohouse, i would actually completely open your router up and just use IPTABLES to filter the traffic across your network00:23
sapiensnow, when I start the game, I have some nasal runtime error...00:23
sapienssomeone knows how to get rid of them?00:23
crackerjackzalso disable password authentication and use public key authentication with ssh keys instead00:23
crackerjackzyou can also set a passphrase on your ssh  key if you like00:24
adamksapiens: "nasal runtime error"?  Use a service like http://pastebin.com/ to show us the exact error you are getting.00:25
crackerjackzmakes me think of a runny nose00:25
sapiensok adamk00:26
SS01hello, while using pmount: Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Read-only file system00:27
adamkSS01: What's the output of 'file -s /dev/sdb1'?00:27
SS01/dev/sdb1: no read permission00:28
=== keith_ is now known as keefer
Zoohousecrackerjackz: I have vonage voip connected to my linksys wrt54gs00:29
ZoohouseVonage is forwarding port 22 to linksys, and linksys is forwarding to my laptop (sshd)00:30
skorvGallomimia: Bind9... how do i configure it to do that00:30
crackerjackzZoohouse, what device.. the vonage device is also a firewall00:30
crackerjackzi used to have vonage00:30
crackerjackzZoohouse, completely disable firewall on your router and dmz your IP00:31
crackerjackzthen forward port 22 on vonage device to your computer00:31
panduhello ?00:31
crackerjackzZoohouse, ensure that you have spi firewall disabled on your router00:32
crackerjackzpandu, hello00:32
Zoohousecrackerjackz: Its the VDV21-VD00:32
Zoohousecrackerjackz: spi firewall? are you seeing that in the docs? I've never seen anything named spi firewall on the linksys00:32
pandusomebody knows about third party application in ubuntu ?00:34
ActionParsnippandu: ubuntu is made of 3rd party apps...00:35
panduactionparsnip : like adobe photoshop ?00:36
adamkSS01: Pastebin the output of 'ls -l /dev/sd*'00:36
ActionParsnippandu: yuo'll have to check the appdb for compatibility00:36
panduactionparsnip : how ?00:36
ActionParsnippandu: search, google will bubble you to the right answer :)00:36
NotJimCarreyJordan_U: i cleaned up the pastebin to make it easier (removed all the % lines): http://pastebin.com/hvGn5kxt00:36
ActionParsnippandu: you'll need wine installing00:37
panduactionparsnip : yes I already isntalled my wine00:38
ActionParsnippandu: check the appdb, see how to get it working00:38
panduappdb ?00:38
sam555hello all!00:38
panduI'm new on ubuntu00:38
sam555 what is an active document root?00:38
panduhelp me00:38
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ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:39
ActionParsnippandu: I bet if you search you'll find it. Seriously. Even the most BASIC search will find it00:39
Kira<pandu> I 'll try00:39
ActionParsnippandu: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=appdb&kp=1   note the top link...00:39
ActionParsnippandu: also note what I actually searched for00:40
Kirabtw no ideas about my kb?(00:40
ActionParsnippandu: its nearly nothing yet it found the the desired00:40
panduokay okay00:40
ActionParsnippandu: that's why I told you to search, but you didn't. Why not?00:41
OerHeks PS version 7 is platinum : http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=1700:41
Kirais anybody works in canonical in this chat?00:41
OerHeksWe all volunteer, Kira00:42
Zoohousecrackerjackz: the only thing I can't turn off of the router's firewall is spi firewall00:42
Kirasame here)00:42
Zoohousecrackerjackz: sorry, meant to say the only thing I can't turn off is Filter IDENT(Port 113)00:42
panduI'll search it ;)00:42
ejoWith System Monitor I was able to change the priority of a process to Very Low.  Then I decided to change it to Low, but I'm getting "permission denied" on that.  Why was I able to lower it but not raise it?00:43
KiraI simply want to find anybody who helps  me to repair my keyboard00:43
adamkKira: It's unlikely anyone from Canonical would support 10.10 being... well... unsupported these days :-)00:45
ActionParsnipKira: broken in what way?00:45
Kirabroken in Xorg :)00:45
ActionParsnipKira: are you using Maverick?00:46
KiraI'm using maverick00:46
ActionParsnipKira: have you tried it in a liveCD of Precise?00:46
Kiracertainly tryed.. I'm blondie but not natural blondie :)00:46
ubukouany good Hacking simulation games around? i searched a bit but nothing came up exept uplink that is not free...00:46
ActionParsnipKira: is the system a laptop or is it a proper keyboard?00:47
Zoohousecrackerjackz: ah, the problem was with the linksys router. As soon as I turned on dmz, it worked.00:47
Kirait's acer 5750G laptop00:47
Kirabut I tryed usb-keyboard too and on-board (sceeen keyboard)00:47
ActionParsnipKira: is there a key to enable / disable the keyboard?00:48
ejoIs it normal that you can lower a process priority but are not allowed to raise it?  Or maybe it was just something specific about this process.00:48
adamkKira: You shouldn't just assume that they are the same problem, though that is a possibility.  You said you tried it in a liveCD of Precise...  Did it work there?00:48
PiruBalitahello, we are opening a social center for disabled people,inclund blind people, so we are using F123, an ubuntu modified version for disabled people, I need to get a BEEP on the syslinux when asks for a password, and I dont know how to set the BEL order to get the beep working, may someone please help us?,we spent the whole day without successful00:49
Kirayep it works in any Live CD include Ubuntu 10.04 Live CD.. and it's strange00:49
pandusomebody know abt backtrack ?00:49
adamkSo did you check the Xorg log file as I suggested?  Clearly it's not a hardware problem, but something with your installation or your preferences.00:49
Kirayep.. it's my third sys on laptop00:50
ActionParsnipKira: have you tried other distros like suse or puppy?00:50
SkippersBossKira: so purge did not purge everything00:50
wylde_!backtrack | pandu00:50
ubottupandu: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:50
P-Chanpandu: If fsf makes free software, maybe fsf borrow some money for poor person right?00:50
Kirayep. but I love ubuntu00:50
pandubacktrack for hacker :P00:50
pc-moondpkg: error processing qmail (--configure):00:51
pc-moon subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100:51
pc-moondpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of qmail-run:00:51
pc-moon qmail-run depends on qmail (>= 1.06-2.1); however:00:51
pc-moon  Package qmail is not configured yet.00:51
pc-moondpkg: error processing qmail-run (--configure):00:51
FloodBot1pc-moon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
pc-moon dependency problems - leaving unconfigured00:51
ActionParsnipKira: does the keyboard work in other distros, is my point...00:51
PiruBalitamay some ubuntu lover helpo it to be used by disabled people please?00:51
wylde_!paste | pc-moon00:51
ubottupc-moon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:51
adamkActionParsnip: What would that tell us?  We already know it works in Ubuntu LiveCDs, so we know it's not the hardware.00:51
P-ChanKira: I love UBuntu because ubuntu developers don't care if the software are pŕoprietary or free00:51
pc-moonhow avoid this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040008/00:51
ActionParsnipadamk: ah, missed that bit00:51
Kirabacktrack for right person. ubuntu + security packages = backtrack.. so it's marketing game :)00:51
pc-mooni wanna install some software00:51
ActionParsnipKira: did you say it worked in Precise?00:52
OerHeksP-Chan, wrong assumption.00:52
P-ChanI wanna compile pure data extended for Ubuntu 12.0400:52
Kirayep It works in Precise Pangolin00:52
ActionParsnipadamk: using another distro isn't testing the hardware, its seeing if its a setting in Ubuntu or maybe the default xorg version shitpped in ubuntu00:52
pandumacintosh vs ubuntu | which one ? :P00:52
crackerjackzZoohouse, now use IPTABLES to filter the traffic across your network, maybe even just get rid of that linksys and build your self a linux router00:53
ActionParsnipKira: then wipe out Maverick and install Precise and you have no issue00:53
ActionParsnipKira: 2 bird with one stone00:53
wylde_!ot | pandu00:53
ubottupandu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:53
ActionParsnippandu: this is support only, so polls are not only worthless but are also offtopic here00:53
panduyaya --" sorry00:54
Zoohousecrackerjackz: I got ufw back up now. Problem is I have other computers that I want to connect via ssh. If I fwd all the ports to this laptop then how am I going to connect to other pcs?00:54
infameUbuntu all the way bby00:54
crackerjackzZoohouse, that's why i suggested that you build a linux router00:54
PiruBalitahello, we are opening a social center for disabled people,inclund blind people, so we are using F123, an ubuntu modified version for disabled people, I need to get a BEEP on the syslinux when asks for a password, and I dont know how to set the BEL order to get the beep working, may someone please help us?,we spent the whole day without successful00:55
infameUbuntu, and Windows 7, you can be damn sure that you're in heaven.00:55
crackerjackzZoohouse, for now though i would disable the spi firewall on the linux router and undo the dmz of your computer then just use port forwarding00:56
crackerjackzon the linksys*00:56
crackerjackzuntil you build your own router*00:56
ZoohousePiruBalita: I'm not sure but I think you can even get it to say "Enter Password" or something like that...00:56
ubukouHey all..Any good Hacking simulation games around? i searched a bit but nothing came up exept uplink that is not free...00:56
OerHeksPiruBalita, open terminal: " alsamixer "  and see if pcspeaker is muted00:57
PiruBalitaZoohouse, well, we need just a beep,more simple,no?00:57
ActionParsnipinfame: Who needs win7 ;)00:57
Zoohousecrackerjackz: what spi firewall?00:57
PiruBalitaOerHeks, no,it is not00:57
PiruBalitasounds work00:57
crackerjackzZoohouse, there should be a setting in your router somewhere you should see it00:57
PiruBalitajust need to set a beep on the bootmanager,not at the system boot00:57
wylde_ubukou: 'apt-cache search game hack'  <-- try that in a terminal.00:58
crackerjackzZoohouse, it might be called something different00:58
Trian3Ok, this is embarassing, but I've forgotten my NickServ password and using SENDPASS results in "You are not authorized to perfom this operation..."  What are my options?00:58
ejoIs it normal that you can lower a process priority but are not allowed to raise it?  Or maybe it was just something specific about this process.00:58
wylde_Trian3: assk in #freenode00:58
Kiraejo depends on process00:58
Trian3Wylde_ Thanks00:58
ActionParsnipejo: use sudo to lower niceness00:59
ubukouwylde, cool thanks00:59
ejoActionParsnip: cool thanks... I wonder why we can raise it without00:59
ActionParsnipejo: sudo will especially needed to set a negative nice value00:59
Kiraor you can do it as root00:59
ActionParsnipejo: because it makes it use less CPU than it normally would, i guess00:59
ubukouwylde, cool command.. it searches only the sources you have right ?01:00
wylde_ubukou: yep01:00
=== PiruBalita is now known as Beastie33
wylde_ubukou: lots of "cool" things you can do on the command line ;) Lots of times it's even more interesting than a hacking game ;) lol01:01
infameActionParsnip, .NET and Games(good games) requires Win7 ;)01:01
ActionParsnipinfame: depends on your idea of good. UrbanTerror and Penumbra pretty much kick ass in my world :)01:02
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ubukouwylde, hahaha.. i ve come to Looovee the console over the years... :)01:02
ActionParsnipinfame: and mari0 rocks too and has a Linux port01:03
infameWell, linux got Neverwinter Nights 1, albeit, a bit late.01:03
infameActionParsnip, I bet ;)01:03
amikropHi, I installed windows after Ubuntu 12.04 and I am trying to fix bug the MBR (so GRUB will load).  And I am following this (in the "Reinstalling" section): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing But when I run sudo grub-install /dev/sda I get this error message01:04
ActionParsnipamikrop: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video01:04
sapiensadamk:  sorry for the delay ;) Here's the pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/jsx9Pzvh01:04
Kiraabout priority of procces.. only root can change priority..user can only make priority lower... and another  one thing http://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=man+nice&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CGIQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.manpagez.com%2Fman%2F1%2Fnice%2F&ei=ejjZT_iiEeeU0QXknYGQBA&usg=AFQjCNGJ_iTZR-e_Vq1gFqsyhRm1YCsLVw01:05
amikropActionParsnip: http://dpaste.com/759339/01:05
ActionParsnipinfame: plus carmageddon reached 600k so will be porting to Linux01:05
ActionParsnipamikrop: yes, you need to mount dev proc and sys01:06
ActionParsnipamikrop: the link I gave shows you all that...01:06
infameNow, that's a title I haven't heard about in a long time...01:06
ActionParsnipinfame: it's being remade01:06
amikropActionParsnip: thanks!01:06
Kiraas I remember nice command for changing priority from console01:06
Kirasee also http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_nice.htm01:07
Kiramy time to return to hell :) ( I wanted to say reality) bb :)01:08
robertzaccourHow do I change the page layout to fullscreen instead of page print layout in LibreOffice?01:08
Kirathank for help or at least trying to help01:08
robertzaccourI want what I type to fill up the monitor and not be restricted to the size of paper01:08
robertzaccourLet me rephrase that01:10
abdWondering if someone can do me a strange favor01:11
robertzaccourI'm trying to figure out how to change the page text layout to fullscreen rather than page print margins01:11
calindahi robertzaccour01:11
calindatry using weblayout + full screen01:11
wylde_robertzaccour: could try "web layout" in view then ctrl+shift+j form fullscreen?01:11
OerHeksrobertzaccour, left ctrl + mousewheel ?01:11
ActionParsnipabd: without asing, we'll never know :)01:12
robertzaccourok thanks very much :-)01:13
booiwhy does alt-tabbing not save the order of windows but selecting windows by the mouse does?01:14
ActionParsnipbooi: which ALT-TAB plugin are you using?01:14
calindarobertzaccour if you need the toolbars, you could also try "weblayout" and then  View->Zoom...->fit width01:14
robertzaccourcalinda, I want just fullscreen :)01:15
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: F11 maybe...01:15
=== Tabmow is now known as evilTabmow
booiActionParsnip, uhh. what's the default? Application Switcher?01:17
RelondoCan someone tell me what I did wrong here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040036/01:17
ActionParsnipbooi: sounds right01:17
ActionParsnipbooi: not sure, I ditched compiza while ago now01:18
ActionParsnipbooi: could switch to ring switcher after disabling the app switcher01:18
wylde_Relondo: why were you unpacking a deb file?01:18
booiActionParsnip, i figured it out. it's because by default the application switcher actually brings the window into focus so while you're tabbing through it actually changes the stack01:18
Relondowylde_: That's how I install .deb files...I thought.01:18
booiwhich... is stupid.01:18
wylde_Relondo: nvm me, omg I need more coffee,01:18
Relondowylde_:Lol, no problem. So do you know what went wrong?01:19
wylde_Relondo: I'll have a llok, then I'll go make coffee! hehe01:19
Relondowylde_: Thanks.01:19
wylde_Relondo: ...someone else should look. Possibly a bad package file? Have tried downloading another copy?01:21
OerHeksRelondo is it a humie indie bundle game ?01:21
ActionParsnipbooi: could report a bug01:21
RelondoOerHeks: Yeah.01:21
RelondoWylde_: Nope. I can, though.01:22
Relondowylde_: Ubuntu Software Center can't handle it, either. Or does the Software Center being unable to handle it mean I definitely can't install it via terminal?01:22
wylde_Relondo: that makes me think the deb is bad, to be honest.01:23
Relondowylde_: Oh.01:23
wylde_Relondo: if a new copy still fails with the same error, I'd email/contact the maintainer/author/host site01:23
wylde_and with that, off to prev my caffeine IV01:24
Relondowylde_: Alright. Next problem: I can't shut down Ubuntu. Well, I can, but then the computer immediately restarts.01:24
Relondowylde_: And "shutdown -h now" doesn't work, either.01:26
wylde_Relondo: I've actually never ran into that issue myself.01:28
booiActionParsnip, yeah maybe.01:28
ActionParsnipRelondo: do you have the latest BIOS?01:30
booiActionParsnip, do you know how to increase the speed of the application switcher? It doesn't seem like "speed" or "time step" do anything...01:30
errynIs this the place to get help with a Windows install for 12.04?01:30
ActionParsnipbooi: not sure, maybe the guys in #compiz can help. I use Unity2D and it's sweet01:31
ActionParsniperryn: how do you mean?01:31
booioh sh*t there's a compiz channel01:31
wylde_Relondo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125844/shutdown-does-not-power-off-computer<--- does that help?Seems to be Dell related though.01:31
errynActionParsnip: Well, I have wubi from the ubuntu website and the 12.04 desktop i386 iso (download via BT)...01:31
Relondowylde_: Mine's a Toshiba.01:31
Relondoactionparsnip: Not sure.01:31
ActionParsnipRelondo: worth checking01:32
agc93anyone tried moving /home from a separate partition back into the main partition?01:32
errynActionParsnip: But running wubi just jumps to the status bar being about 40% "done", with the message "Downloading information on installation files"...and never leaves that01:32
agc93Can I just rsync copy all the files over, then comment out the mount command and reboot?01:32
ActionParsniperryn: you can mount the ISO using magicdisk / daemontools and run Wubi from there. If you use Win7 you can resize the NTFS easily in Windows and install to the new unpartitioned space01:32
Relondoactionparsnip: Hm. BIOS updates scare me.01:33
ActionParsnipagc93: should be ok01:33
errynActionParsnip: In this instance, I was really hoping to set up a single-file install rather than a partition.01:33
boshheadI am attempting to upgrade to kernel 3.4 on precise by using the quantal repository. (Yes, I have a serious need to upgrade). In /etc/apt/preferences.d/01kernel I have this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040052/ -- but it seems to not be working. Although I can see kernel 3.4 with 'apt-cache policy...' it doesn't want to install it. In fact, it seems I've pinned myself to my currently-installed kernel version (there is a 3.2 upgrade that it doesn't want ...01:33
boshhead... to do either). What did I do wrong? :(01:33
ActionParsniperryn: MD5 test the ISO then mount it, should be ok01:33
errynActionParsnip: I'll give that a try, thanks01:34
ActionParsnipboshhead: kernel 3.4 isn't supported in Precise01:34
boshheadActionParsnip: that's nice, but 3.2 isn't supported on my hardware platform either. :P01:34
ActionParsnipboshhead: its offtopic here01:34
boshheadActionParsnip: is there a place I can get general help with apt configuration?01:34
ActionParsnipboshhead: if you are having issues installing a new kernel using apt, I wouldn't go messing with kernels01:35
boshheadI'm having an issue with packing pinning, and installing a kernel is simpler than package pinning.01:35
ActionParsnipboshhead: if you want a half made OS with teh 3.4 kernel you could install alpha1 of Quantal01:35
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boshheadI don't want Quantal, I just want kernel 3.4.01:36
Edwardf414Is there a channel to discuss Linux rigs or can I do it here?01:36
ActionParsnipEdwardf414: as in the hardware?01:37
xangua!mainline | boshhead remember you are on your own with it01:37
ubottuboshhead remember you are on your own with it: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds01:37
boshheadxangua: thanks, I saw that in my google-fu'ing but I thought this would be a better way... I guess I'll have to go that route though.01:38
Edwardf414ActionParsnip: yes looking at ultrabooks for school/personal use01:38
bazhangEdwardf414, ##hardware  or #ubuntu-offtopic01:38
Edwardf414Bazhang: thanks01:39
adektoubuntu instal asking to change the partition but it isnt giving an otion01:44
vp18anyone know how to start conky on startup01:45
TransitTycoon  Depends: libasound2 (=1.0.25-1ubuntu10) but 1.0.25-1ubuntu10.1 is to be installed" What does this mean?01:45
ActionParsnipvp18: ln -s /usr/share/applications/conky.desktop ~/.confi/autostart/conky.desktop01:46
agc93Transit it means youve got a dependency mismatch01:46
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 vp1801:46
agc93Not sure how you can resolve a libasound mismatch01:46
vp18type it in terminal01:46
kingofswordsmy flash keeps crashin01:47
wylde_~/.confi should be ~/.config01:47
kingofswordshelp plz?01:47
agc93whats the problem kingofswords?01:47
ActionParsnipvp18: ln -s /usr/share/applications/conky.desktop ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop      copy that and paste to a terminal01:47
agc93that doesnt tell us a lot01:47
kingofswordsagc93, flash keeps crashing01:48
bazhang!work | kingofswords01:48
ubottukingofswords: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:48
agc93what makes it happen. What does it say when it happens?01:48
kingofswordswell  i play something in flash....2 seconds later crashes01:48
agc93how do you know it crashes?01:48
agc93what do you see?01:48
kingofswordsagc93, says nothing just has that white jigsaw fae01:48
xangua!details | kingofswords01:49
ubottukingofswords: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:49
agc93so you're in chrome or firefox?01:49
kingofswordsagc93, chrome and ubuntu 10.04 lts01:49
n00b_Hi all I was hopeing to find help with an install of ubuntu 12.04 64bit. I have it working on a flashdrive but when I tried to install it on a HDD for a toshiba p300 laptop the mouse or mouse pad will not work and all LAN function is lost. I did the install so that updates were downloaded at the time of install any ideas would be greatly appreciated01:49
agc93what version of flash player?01:49
agc93kingofswords: have you tried it in Firefox?01:50
TransitTycoonagc93: Ah, didnt see you ping me, thanks01:50
ActionParsnipkingofswords: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|spark|swf'     Thanks01:50
kingofswordsagc93, 11.0201:51
kingofswordsActionParsnip, sure01:51
TransitTycoonagc93: What is a dependency mismatch? Does that mean that I just need to manually find what it is dependent on?01:51
agc93It seems to be dependent on an older version of a package you have installed, which is odd01:51
agc93What are you trying to install?01:51
TransitTycoonwell, i am trying to install that01:52
TransitTycoonno, the 32 bit version = the program I use is 32 bit only01:52
vp18how can i get conky to start on boot up01:52
kingofswordsActionParsnip, agc93 http://pastebin.com/Pin3EJzf01:52
ActionParsnipvp18: does my command not fly?01:52
agc93vp18: use the command given to you above01:52
agc93not fly?01:53
jinjonBoohey guys, sorry if i'm in the wrong channel but, i need to use IRC/mIRC at my college, but they have blocked 6667 port (i guess??). is there anyway i can use my home's internet connection as a proxy to connect to IRC servers?01:53
kingofswordsActionParsnip, ive just used bleachbit to clear my pc of unused files01:53
polygonshey, i think my package manger is bricked.  trying to get mysql-server working.  even if i uninstall it, it seems to still be running, so it won't reinstall, beacuse it will hang until i stop the process which should be running in the first place because i unstalled it.  any ideas?01:53
agc93and Transit, I'm honestly not sure, sorry :(01:53
vp18give it to me again please01:53
jinjonBooby mIRC i say XChat ^^01:53
xanguakingofswords: by chrome you mean Google Chrome or Chromium browser¿ tried to disable flash hardware acceleration¿01:54
kingofswordsxangua, sry chromium01:54
n00b_I was hopeing to find help with an install of ubuntu 12.04 64bit. I have it working on a flashdrive but when I tried to install it on a HDD for a toshiba p300 laptop the mouse or mouse pad will not work and all LAN function is lost. I did the install so that updates were downloaded at the time of install any ideas would be greatly appreciated01:55
agc93vp18: ln -s /usr/share/applications/conky.desktop ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop      copy that and paste to a terminal01:55
ActionParsnipkingofswords: I suggest you uninstall thse, enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin. It will give 64bit flash for your 64bit OS01:55
kingofswordsacicula, 64bit didnt work01:55
ActionParsnipjinjonBoo: if you can SSH home, you can use irssi and IRC in terminal via SSH :)01:55
JohnTeddyDoes Ubuntu use Xinerama, XrandR  or TwinView by default for dual screens?01:56
kingofswordsxangua, just diabled hardware acc'ln doesnt make differenc01:56
agc93JohnTeddy: depends on driver and hardware. What GPU are you using with what driver and Ubuntu version?01:57
agc93kingofswords: have you tried Firefox?01:57
JohnTeddyagc93: It's the built-in intel graphics. it's on my laptop.01:57
JohnTeddy00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)01:57
jinjonBooActionParsnip: hmmm ok thanks :)01:58
kingofswordsagc93, ff seems better01:58
agc93JohnTeddy: Then my guess (I'm not 100%) would be that it would use XandR01:58
agc93Xinerama can be turned on, but I think TwinView is a NVIDIA-only thing01:59
JohnTeddyI'm using Ubuntu 12.04. My extra monitor has a much higher resolution than my laptop since it's bigger. Though when I drag my mouse from the bottom of my extra monitor to my laptop.. it won't let me. I have to raise the cursor to the resolution level where my laptop gets to. How can I fix this?01:59
JohnTeddyI'm not sure if I'm describing what is happening well, if you don't understand I can rephrase it.01:59
vp18hello ace send it to me again01:59
agc93vp18: just check the logs and then put it in a text file or something.02:00
jinjonBooActionParsnip: and does it work also on win32 ?02:00
agc93JohnTeddy: You can move the monitor's position in Displays menu, but I don't know of a way to have 100% of the edge map to 100% of the edge on mismatched resolutions02:00
jinjonBooActionParsnip: i mean, i'm not sure if i want to go to IRC through a console...02:00
jinjonBoocan't i use XChat anyway?02:01
vp18it wont let me02:01
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adektono root file system, what dous that mean02:01
wylde_jinjonBoo: if you use the -X flag. Not sure how well it'll work over remote net connection.02:01
agc93vp18: ln -s /usr/share/applications/conky.desktop ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop      copy that and paste to a terminal02:02
agc93And this time, hang on to it02:02
mwallacesdHi my sound system has stopped... I  run the command sudo alsa force-reload and than the command speaker-test -D plughw 0.0 -t sine it is running but there is no sound02:02
jinjonBoohow so, wylde ?02:03
agc93mwallacesd: have you tried running alsamixer from the terminal and making sure nothings muted02:03
agc93jinjonBoo: wylde's method allows you to forward X windows over an SSH connection02:03
mwallacesdagc93, yes I tried and it is not muted02:03
agc93theoretically, allowing you to use remote applications on your local comp02:03
mwallacesdAny sugestions?02:03
agc93mwallacesd: sorry I'm out. I haven't done much with sound :(02:04
adektooke wtf, no root file system is defined, please correct this from the partitioning menu, i press ok and it show me the same error02:04
wylde_jinjonBoo: -X allows xforwarding. if you connect using that flag eg. 'ssh -X server.ip.address' you can run individual x apps starting them from the command line.02:04
mwallacesdany one else?02:04
mwallacesdHi my sound system has stopped... I  run the command sudo alsa force-reload and than the command speaker-test -D plughw 0.0 -t sine it is running but there is no sound02:04
unholycrabhow do i set which video card drivers to use within ubuntu? looks like they got rid of xorg.conf02:04
agc93adekto: are you in the process of installing?02:05
wylde_!patience | mwallacesd02:05
ubottumwallacesd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:05
agc93unholycrab: no, its still used02:05
agc93adekto: when you choose your partitions, one of them must have the mount point /02:05
agc93otherwise you cant install02:05
adektoi dont have any options02:05
agc93where are you in the installer adekto?02:06
unholycrabagc93: where is it? it isn't /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:06
agc93unholycrab: it should be, so thats odd. Are you trying to use proprietary or open-source drivers. NVIDIA or ATI?02:06
unholycrabagc93: they got rid of xorg.conf02:07
unholycrabits VIA onboard video02:07
unholycrabbut, thats irrelevant02:07
adektowel i start it up in save grapics mode thats the only one that dousnt freeze up, then it start instal bar then no root file system02:07
ActionParsnipunholycrab: not fully, if one exists it will be obeyed02:07
agc93well, I still use Xorg.conf, so I'm not sure02:07
agc93adekto: did you choose a partition to install it on?02:07
unholycrabcan i generate a xorg.conf using my running configuration?02:07
adektoon windows yes02:07
agc93on windows?02:08
adektog drive02:08
agc93Oh right02:08
ActionParsnipunholycrab: if you use nvidia then yes02:08
agc93I've never used Wubi, but if you're in the installer at some point you should need to set mount points02:09
unholycrabActionParsnip: im using an onboard VIA graohics chip02:09
agc93one of which needs to be "/"02:09
unholycraband its not using the right drivers02:09
unholycrabits probably generic display drivers02:09
agc93have you tried using jockey-gtk (Additional drivers on the menu)?02:09
agc93see what it says?02:09
jinjonBooahh ok thanks guys02:09
jinjonBoowylde_ thanks wilde02:10
agc93if all else fails and you're sure of what you're doing, you can try writing your own xorg.conf and specify a driver in there02:10
ActionParsnipunholycrab: you can use:  Xorg -configure   in a root recovery mode and use the skeleton file to make the xorg.conf file02:10
adektothing is i had crashes and freezes befor and it finaly work today all of a sudden a week ago i installed it and i tint work, but then it was the wrong version and i forgot the pasword at this point02:10
unholycrabthat is retarded.02:10
ActionParsnipagc93: VIA don't have any extra drivers, its already in the default install02:10
agc93nvm, actionparsnip's method is better02:10
agc93oh right.02:11
unholycrabagc93: no proprietary drivers02:11
agc93I use NVIDIA and ATI and S3's so I haven't used them02:11
free_jsHi all, I have a school windows environment and am running a pilot Ubuntu program. I am still using Windows DNS. My Ubuntu machines are not showing any entries in the DNS. Strangely, my windows machines can ping them via hostname, but Ubuntu machines cannot (except where the ubuntu machine being pinged has a fixed IP). I'd be really grateful for any help. Ping will not resolve either the simple host name or the fqdn. Thanks02:11
adektowhat sude i do02:11
unholycrabgoing to do this now02:11
agc93adekto: have you tried/can you just wipe the old ubuntu install and make a new one?02:12
adektothats what i did02:12
adektonow i have this problem02:12
ActionParsnipfree_js: if you run:  cat /etc/resolv.conf    are your DNS servers listed?02:12
agc93Right, and when you launch Wubi what happens/what do you do to get to this stage02:12
free_jsThanks I'll try it.02:12
adektoif i start wubi now it wil ask to unistal ubuntu02:13
agc93right, and if you choose to uninstall ubuntu?02:13
adektothis is the problem02:14
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loneclockhow can i minimize firefox ?02:14
free_jsHi ActionParsnip, yes the dns is listed02:14
ActionParsniploneclock: click minimise in the top left of the screen..02:15
ActionParsnipfree_js: how about if you run:  nslookup name    where name is another ubuntu system?02:15
loneclockActionParsnip, there is none when i have it fullscreen02:16
loneclockActionParsnip, nvm i am retarded02:16
agc93loneclock: can't you press Esc to go out of fullscreen?02:16
agc93You can also use Alt-Space and choose Minimise to get the same effect02:16
sarySalutation .02:17
thomiDoes anyone know how I can determine the kernel version number from the vmlinuz file? Is there some way to do that without booting it?02:17
ekajer, is it possible to integrate Ubuntu in a Windows Server 2K3 domain, and have a static IP address, file sharing, etc?02:17
free_jsI'll try it02:17
adektowhy is the forum surch bugged02:17
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ActionParsnipthomi: the file command may tell you02:18
loneclockhow can i find the files on my windows partition in ubuntu02:18
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sacarlsonis there a live boot cd that will boot as a pxe server to install ubuntu from lan (boot from lan pxe)02:18
thomiActionParsnip: it does indeed, thanks02:18
agc93loneclock: you should be able to see the partition as a place in Computer02:18
ActionParsnipthomi: YAY02:19
saryisn't odd that am unable to upload to online services , like imgur.com in Ubuntu .. but am able to in Windows/Mac OS X with the same ISP on the same Machine !02:19
agc93sary: what happens when you try?02:20
loneclockagc93, i cant seem to find it02:20
saryagc93: it gets stuck at 3% or 12 .. thats it .02:20
agc93loneclock: open up Disk Utility. can you see it in there?02:20
agc93sary: thats not an Ubuntu problem. Mine works just fine. Have you tried with different files?02:21
free_jsserver can't find it02:21
saryWhere should i look to determine the issue ..02:21
loneclockagc93, no, where should i be looking?02:21
ActionParsniploneclock: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l   do you see the NTFS partition02:21
adektowhy is this not working, how come it worked 20 min ago02:22
unholycrabActionParsnip: i changed the driver to "openchrome" apparently in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and its not making a difference02:22
unholycrabsays there are no additional drivers in use02:22
saryagc93: i have , but i should also mention that i have the same issue under Debian !02:22
unholycraband youtube videos still look like crap02:22
sacarlsonIf there is no live cd boot pxe server to install ubuntu iso images I was thinking about creating one,  I just don't want to do something that's already done and working02:22
agc93adekto: usually that means something changed in the intervening 20 minutes02:23
loneclockActionParsnip, yes there are 2 ...02:23
agc93sacarlson: You can install ubuntu via PXE already02:23
agc93It just needs TFTP and NFS on a server somewhere on your network02:23
sacarlsonagc93: from live cd you can set to pxe boot another system?02:23
adektoi mean i found the it on the forum but i canot open root.disk since its 30gb file02:24
unholycrabin fact it looks like it deleted xorg.conf02:24
unholycrabwhen i bootec the computer02:24
sacarlsonagc93: were is the documentation for this live boot pxe server you speak of?02:24
adekto4:24 in the morning, im pist and i got work02:25
agc93sacarlson: wait, so you want a client to be able to pxe boot from a server using only the live cd in the server?02:25
ActionParsniploneclock: you can mount them then :)02:25
sacarlsonagc93: yes02:25
agc93oh right. Sorry. Misinterpreted your first message.02:25
sacarlsonagc93: that's ok02:25
loneclockActionParsnip, what is the command to do that?02:25
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount02:25
sacarlsonagc93: I know we had them before but none are working anymore02:26
adektocant anyone just give me a basic root.disk since wubi disk is oviusly broken02:26
agc93sacarlson: Now i think about it I can see why that would be handy02:27
sacarlsonagc93: I plan to use openwrt to be setup as a pxe server to feed the iso file of ubuntu,  it should only be about 20 meg or less02:28
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dilutedhow do i find out what version of ubuntu i got in terminal, and i dont mean uname02:28
agc93Yeah I use a dedicated PXE boot server on my network so I just have an NFS share with all the images I want02:28
bazhang!version | diluted02:28
ubottudiluted: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:28
xcyclistAt root I did apt-get -f dist-upgrade, but my GUI still shows I'm on 11.10.  Was the 12.04 distribution aborted???02:29
ActionParsnipxcyclist: if you run:  dpkg -l | grep linux-image    do you see the 3.2 kernel?02:29
sacarlsonagc93: I've setup pxe boot severs also but found when I wanted to add some newer version of ubuntu it no longer worked, missing some driver in the iso02:29
xcyclistversion 3.0.0 on x86/x86_6402:30
agc93thats annoying. I haven't tried mine in a while so last one I tried would've been 11.04 and I think that worked02:31
unholycrabfor all i know my computer is using the openchrome drivers, for the via chipset... but youtube videos still play  like garbagte and the web bowser scrolls really bad02:31
ActionParsnipxcyclist: is that the only kernel you see in the output of the command I gave?02:31
ActionParsnipunholycrab: tried minitube?02:31
sacarlsonI was hoping if a supported package existed for pxe live boot that those problems could have patches to enable more or all to work or at least documented that they didn't work02:31
ActionParsnip03:29 < ActionParsnip> xcyclist: if you run:  dpkg -l | grep linux-image    do you see the 3.2 kernel?02:31
princeofpeace22hello is this the same site i was on before?02:32
free_jsIsn't it weird that windows machines can ping the ubuntu when they are not in the dns?02:32
ActionParsnipxcyclist: so just the 3.0.0 kernel is output from the command I gave?02:32
agc93free_js are the Ubuntu machines in the windows machines ARP cache?02:32
ActionParsnipfree_js: use nslookup and you will see the method used :)02:32
princeofpeace22is theis the site that has a guy in red named Willie?02:32
free_jshow do i see that?02:33
xcyclistJust the 3.0.0 kernel.02:33
ActionParsnipxcyclist: You could grab the alternate ISO and upgrade to Precise that way02:33
agc93on the windows box arp -a should do it from memory02:33
princeofpeace22i mean wille02:33
xcyclistNo way to do it with apt-get?02:33
agc93princeofpeace22: huh?02:33
princeofpeace22wille the guys name is willie and he helped me out02:33
princeofpeace22ids theis #ubuntu from irc.freenode.net?02:34
princeofpeace22is this the one?02:34
agc93noone with that name online at the moment but this is #ubuntu, yes02:34
free_jsyes they are (or it is - I only have one I can check for at present)02:34
agc93then pings might be working from the arp cache, bypassing DNS as a whole. Just a guess02:35
princeofpeace22ok if Wille nille comes on with a red username just tell him i had failed to install ubuntu with Dell computer on a usb stick but02:35
ActionParsnipxcyclist: its just an alternate way to upgrade02:35
ActionParsnip!upgrade | xcyclist02:35
wormmdIs there a program in Lubuntu 12.04 to manage desktop backgrounds? I'm running the awesome window manager and am having problems changing mine, so any advice from someone with a similar setup would be greatly appreciated :)02:35
ubottuxcyclist: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:35
agc93free_js you could try running Wireshark on the windows box when  you do the pings02:36
princeofpeace22i did get it installed using cd02:36
agc93princeofpeace22: wilee-nilee is on if thats who youre thinking of02:36
agc93not necessarily here, but in the room02:36
princeofpeace22but i had problems logging into Ubuntu 3D but got logged into the 2D version02:36
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, whats up02:36
agc93there you go02:36
xcyclistHmm.  Funny, my other machine I just upgraded the same way, and that command you gave me shows it GOT the 3.2 kernel, so my laptop is being weird.02:36
princeofpeace22hey i didnt get my ubuntu installed with usb but did with cd02:37
ActionParsnipxcyclist: yeah sometimes it can be.02:37
xcyclistActionParsnip:  Thanks for the time.  I'll go and look at UpgradeNotes now.02:37
hylianis there a way to set hotkeys from the cli? i want to make control alt t run terminator, not gnome-terminal...02:37
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, have you done the full update and checked the additional drivers app, graphics are not a strong area fro me.02:37
princeofpeace22but ran intoso installationssues with Ubuntu 3D Login02:37
ActionParsnipxcyclist: np dude, thanks for the gratitude :)02:37
princeofpeace22but managed to login in the 2D loin version02:38
loneclockhow can i copy some folders from my desktop to a folder of another user? it says i dont have permission02:38
lauratikaim using tor and proxy on filezilla in ubuntu how to know which address is connecting as?02:38
ActionParsnipunity2d is great :)02:38
ActionParsniploneclock: use sudo, or: gksudo nautilus $HOME02:39
princeofpeace22"2d login version"02:39
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, so use nics if you can02:39
wormmdhylian: check gconfeditor02:39
princeofpeace22sorry i just installed wireless keyboard and its kinda of funny02:39
mwallacesdHi anyone know how about to config the sound system? My sound is not working anymore after a apt-get update / upgrade... Here is some results http://sprunge.us/SbVD    AND http://sprunge.us/BhTQ    AND FINALY    http://sprunge.us/OGdI02:39
wormmdhylian: nvm, you said *from* the command line..02:39
princeofpeace22hey whats Nics?02:40
hylianloneclock: by running your filemanager with sudo pr gksu, you should then be able to copy the files over. i.e. gksu nautilus, should give you the option.02:40
vp18ace i just type it in the monitor and start it myself02:40
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, you can type a few letters then hit the tab to complete02:40
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, nick names the user names on the channel02:40
hylianwormmd: i am running openbox on my netbook. Unity is too much of a hog. printscreen runs scrot somehow automatically, but i can't find a way to run terminator from the control alt t standard for terminals in ubuntu.02:41
free_jswhat is wireshark?02:41
princeofpeace22i di that but a messed up ubun tu background with a folder showed upon it but not task bar or dock02:41
ActionParsnip!info wireshark | free_js02:41
ubottufree_js: wireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.7-1 (precise), package size 801 kB, installed size 2138 kB02:41
wormmdhylian: wait, why are you concerned about doing it from command line if you're going to be running a terminal in a window manager anyway?02:41
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, then I see you in red like when I use yours, basically we are notified and we know who is being talked to.02:41
hylianwormmd: i want to run terminator from anywhere inside of openbox.02:41
wormmdhylian: Openbox has it's own config file, I forget where...02:41
wormmdhylian: maybe ~/.config/openbox/something.conf02:42
hylianwormmd: hmm, you think it's in the config file... i'll take a look. I know it has a auto file, but I created that myself...02:42
loneclockcp is copy, do i just type paste to paste something in bash02:42
princeofpeace22i still dont understand what your talking about im not advanced with ubuntu02:43
wormmdhylian: auto file? I think it's in a config file for openbox because I remember setting stuff like that before.02:43
ActionParsnipwormmd: ~/.config/openbox if memory serves02:43
crondHi.  If I have a Core i5, should I upgrade to the 12.10 kernel in 12.04 PPA to deal with that Intel GFX bug, or is that not a big issue?02:43
princeofpeace22but im an intermediate02:43
wilee-nilee!nic | princeofpeace2202:43
ubottuprinceofpeace22: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:43
wormmdActionParsnip: that's what I thought02:43
wormmdhylian: what ActionParsnip said02:43
princeofpeace22but again what is the full term for Nics?02:44
ActionParsniploneclock: no, you'd run:  sudo cp filename /path/to/folder02:44
RalliasI'm looking to keep file systems across multiple contenents in sync with a tool based on inotify, but don't wish to use a network based file system. What are my options?02:44
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: nickname02:44
princeofpeace22i dont like abbereviations they bug me to death02:44
princeofpeace22oh ok02:44
hylianwormmd: i see what you mean now, yes, it is in the rc.xml file. thank you!02:44
c_smithloneclock, cp is copy yet you don't need a paste command as cp takes the input file and uses the thee second piece of input to know where to copy to.02:44
wormmdhylian: that's the one!02:44
princeofpeace22but i tested the software on the cd and its said it had no issues02:44
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: so do you say: hypertext htransfer protocol    or do you say HTTP?02:45
c_smithloneclock, for instance: cp <file> <direcory-to-copy-to>02:45
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, if you type in the first few letters of the name on the channel and hit the tab key it complets the nams you type in the message then. It shows up in red like you see this now or should anyway and we are notified you are addressing us , and the channel knows who you are talking to. This is not a ubuntu issue works the same with any OS02:45
princeofpeace22but im opk with what i have so thanks and have a good day i just came by to lwet you know i have successfuly installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS02:45
c_smithloneclock, did I explain it alright?02:46
princeofpeace22oh ok02:46
wilee-nileeprinceofpeace22, cool02:46
anubidhallo :-)02:46
loneclockc_smith, do i have to type the whole directory name? i am trying to copy from one user to another02:46
ActionParsniploneclock: do you have a desktop UI?02:47
c_smithloneclock, yes, for instance: cp <directory-to-file/file> <directory/to/paste/to>02:47
princeofpeace22hows ths?02:47
c_smithloneclock, there isn't a paste command as the function is in cp.02:48
princeofpeace22so you got it ?02:49
princeofpeace22is it in red?02:49
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: type the first few letters of the user's nickname and hit TAB, it will complete02:49
c_smithloneclock, although if you have a GUI, it's better to use the file manager as root ("gksu nautilus" sans quotes for Ubuntu) to copy these files, but remember to exit after your task is done.02:49
free_jswireshark is running, what am looking for?02:50
darbedo you have sny idea?02:50
darbe gcc-4.6-base:amd64 4.6.3-4 cannot be configured because gcc-4.6-base:i386 is in a different version (4.6.3-1ubuntu5)02:50
princeofpeace22 still nothing on my side02:50
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: the nickname of the user you want to address, not your own02:50
c_smithdarbe, just ask your question.02:50
wormmddarbe: for starters, amd64 != i38602:50
princeofpeace22oh ok ha ha02:50
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  Hey02:51
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: perfect :)02:51
darbei got following error02:51
darbe gcc-4.6-base:amd64 4.6.3-4 cannot be configured because gcc-4.6-base:i386 is in a different version (4.6.3-1ubuntu5)02:51
darbehow can I fix it?02:51
darbeI have intel i7 but amd works02:52
c_smithdarbe, you need to get the same version of gcc-4.6-base:i386 as the one your trying to install02:52
c_smithand install that version.02:52
darbec_smith: ok i will try thanks02:53
shanky_tyhey i have loaded gnome shell extendin02:53
c_smithdarbe, the versions need to be an exact match.02:53
c_smithdarbe, shouldn't be that hard. just so you know.02:53
mmcgrawhello... i have an odd server question02:53
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  how do i get to see my nickname color at work?02:53
c_smithmmcgraw, just ask your question.02:53
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: how do you mean?02:54
shanky_tyhey i have loaded gnome shell extension  but how to switch new interface ...? at login02:54
c_smithmmcgraw, if someone knows, they try and help you.02:54
mmcgrawmy server blanks the screen after about 10 min02:54
c_smithshaneo, yes, at the login screen.02:54
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  everyone has green or whatever and mine is black02:54
mmcgrawi have tried setterm and i have tried consoleblank=002:54
c_smithshanky_ty, yes, at the login screen.02:54
c_smithshaneo, sorry, wrong person.02:54
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: your text to others will be normal colour02:55
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip, ok02:55
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  i just like to let you know i had successfully installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS from cd i created02:56
mmcgrawi am using 10.04.4 server02:56
majnoonwhat *dm does Xubuntu use ??02:56
shanky_tyc_smith, thanks..02:57
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  But failed to to login into normal ubuntu login screen i had to switch to Ubuntu 2D02:57
mmcgrawfor sake of discussion, let's say i don't have X or a DE installed02:57
jamescarrI get this whenver I try to install something02:58
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  in  login screen before i type in my password i click on the round earth thing and selsct Ubuntu 2D02:58
jamescarrin ubuntu1202:58
polygonshey guys, i want to reinstall mysql, but it's not working, it seems like it keeps running even after it's uninstalled02:58
jamescarrhow the hell can I remove those two?02:58
Roasted_Question - When I run this command "find /media/NAS/motion/backdoor_cam -mtime +1 -exec mv {} /media/NAS/motion/archive/backdoor_cam \;" I expect it to move everything 1 day and older to the archive directory. But in the main directory, I still have files from the 13th, 12th, and 11th. I'm confused over why the 11th is still there... does the 11th not qualify for being 1 day or OLDER? Or is this expected behavior?02:58
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: the last session is remembered so you don't have to keep setting the 2d session02:59
princeofpeace22i guess i can ask later cause its getting to demanding in here lol02:59
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  but when im in the Ubuntu session it wil just come to the ubuntu background and theres a folder in the top right hand corner and there is no dock or task bar  on the top its all messed up03:00
mmcgrawi have to leave the channel, is there a safe way to post my email add in case anyone has any thoughts?03:01
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: even the 2D?03:01
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  nope 2D is fine03:01
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: what video chip do you use?03:02
ActionParsnipRoasted_: I'd check the creation times etc..03:02
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  it has AMD Athlon 203:03
free_jsok I have to leave this in a minute.I guess I'll need to come back later...03:03
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: thats the CPU, not the GPU03:03
Roasted_ActionParsnip, creation times are stamped for the 11th03:03
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: the video hardware...03:03
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  but for some reason i installed the wrong one i installed i38603:03
ActionParsnipRoasted_: what about last nmodified maybe03:03
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: thats fine, it will run03:03
Roasted_ActionParsnip, yeah, that is last modified actually.03:04
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: what video chip do you use?03:04
Roasted_ActionParsnip, these files are video files from my video surveillance server. they're created on the fly and never touched again besides me viewing them back, so the date modified stamps don't change whatsoever.03:04
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip, i use Nvidia chip03:04
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I've let it run for a few days, and it always seems to keep 3 days... 6 7 8, 11 12 13, etc03:04
dickiebHey guys I have a question. My internet setup is kindof bad at the moment and something has been giving me a bit of packet loss that often prevents me from downloading big files. When I tried to install the FGLRX driver with jokey, an error occured and im just going to assume its because the big file was corrupted. Despite uninstalling FGLRX and rebooting, Jokey seems to have the fglrx file already on my computer. Where do I go to delete this file so I03:05
dickieb can redownload it again?03:05
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip, Nvidia Geforce03:05
princeofpeace221600 series03:05
XiRoNHi! :) I have a problem where 'socat' keeps closing, Is there any way to keep socat's connection alive under any circumstance?03:06
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  1600 series03:06
polygonshey guys, i just installed mysql, i want to make sure it's not running, hwo can i?03:07
ActionParsnipprinceofpeace22: in the 2D session, run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current03:07
ActionParsnippolygons: sudo service mysql status03:08
cruxnetif you just installed mysql, you can try to connect to it using the mysql command03:08
polygonsActionParsnip, thansk, it says unrecognized service03:08
ActionParsnippolygons: try tab completing the service name03:09
polygonsActionParsnip, but when i go to install it again, it won't work03:09
cruxnetdid the install complee successfuly?03:09
ActionParsnippolygons: you could ask in #mysql03:09
polygonsActionParsnip, it's not in there, they sent me to ubuntu actually :-).03:10
fauxtonichegreetings! anyone had experience (and success) getting an exchange 2010 account set up on ubuntu?03:10
agc93fauxtoniche: are you using evolution mail?03:11
polygonsActionParsnip, i think this is basically an package manager thing.  when i go to install it, it will hang on setting up mysql-server until i hit "stop mysql" ,implying that it's running, although i don't see it.03:11
Ralliaspolygons, try stop mysqld nto stop mysql03:11
fauxtonicheagc93: yes, using evolution03:11
fauxtonicheinstalled the MAPI plugin too but it seems to only support through 2007...03:12
polygonsRallias, thanks, but it says unknown process, i'll do it one more time with you guys around :-)03:12
Ralliaspolygons, ps -Af | grep mysql03:13
agc93fauxtoniche: you could also try #evolution on irc.gnome.org03:14
polygonsrallias, that's interesting, i started the install, let me uninstall and check03:14
fauxtonicheagc93: i'll give them a try. thanks for the tip!03:14
agc93no probs03:15
ActionParsnipfauxtoniche: evolution may be able to do it03:15
fauxtonicheactionparsnip: i think it can, but I either have wrong information in the configuration or it doesn't support exchange 201003:16
fauxtonichei'm getting "authentication failed. mapiLogonProvider: network error"03:16
=== rbrooks_ is now known as rbrooks
ActionParsnipfauxtoniche: MS are great at keeping 3rd parties out.03:20
polygonsRallias, hey, good call with that ps thing, here's the result:  brad     29338 29223  0 20:20 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql03:20
polygonsbrad     29338 29223  0 20:20 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql03:20
polygonsRallias, so it looks like it's running?  i could restart?  maybe i need to restart after uninstalling?03:21
ActionParsnippolygons: thats just the grep running03:21
agc93polygons, those two processes are just your grep processes looking for mysql03:21
polygonsActionParsnip, damn03:22
agc93its not actually tunning03:22
ActionParsnippolygons: you can see what's happening with:  ps -ef | grep mysql | grep -v grep03:22
polygonsActionParsnip, what's that commnand?03:22
agc93it looks through the processses03:23
agc93looking for grep03:23
agc93but removing the grep process itself03:23
ActionParsnippolygons: shows the processes but will not show the grep running :)03:23
polygonsActionParsnip, Rallias, agc93, ok, so now i know that it's not running, at least anyway we can see, so now i want to install it03:23
polygonsActionParsnip, Rallias, agc93, maybe i should first check that the package isn't installed?03:24
agc93probably a good idea. Is it showing in Synaptic or APT?03:25
robertzaccouris there any good webcam software for Ubuntu that records audio and video in sync?03:25
polygonsActionParsnip, Rallias, agc93, but i'm pretty sure i have all the mysql stuff really uninstalled, it doesn't show in syanptic03:25
polygonsActionParsnip, Rallias, agc93, yeah it doesn't show in apt, or synampitc, and its not running as a process or as a service, so i' m going to install and it won't work03:26
`thomashello -- i can play sounds (e.g. aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav) as root but not as my normal user (which is in the audio group) -- any ideas?03:26
arusselhow can I know which package should install stuff in /etc/postgresql ? how can I know why it doesn't ?03:26
ActionParsnip`thomas: check the groups you are in03:29
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ActionParsniparussel: dpkg -S /etc/postgresql03:29
XiRoNHi! :) I have a problem where 'socat' keeps closing, Is there any way to keep socat's connection alive under any circumstance?03:29
`thomasActionParsnip: my groups include audio and pulse-access...03:30
polygonsActionParsnip, Rallias, agc93, so it to setting up mysql-server and it hangs.... and then says: Unable to set password for the MySQL "root" user                                                                     │03:30
polygons   │                                                                                                                      │03:30
polygons   │ An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative user. This may have happened because the   │03:30
polygons   │ account already has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MySQL server.                         │03:30
polygons   │                                                                                                                      │03:30
FloodBot1polygons: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
arusselWould that work if I don't have a /etc/postgreql directory ?03:30
arusselnothing returned03:31
borillionguys can I image and and assemble an mdadm raid0 from files?03:31
mynameisthomhello,, it's me again. Now, I've got another problem. I'm using Mint 64-bit, on ASUS A43E, With graphic card, detected as Intel Sandybridge Mobile and RAM 2G. Now, I've the following error (I upload in an image hosting) http://i.imgur.com/OKzOT.png Could somebody help me out? FYI, if I maximized the window, the 'error' sometimes gone. And if it still there, I just minimized/ maximized/ restore the window till it's gone.03:31
hernilHello! I have a problem that occurs from time to time resuming from suspend on my ThinkPad T420s with 12.04. Where should I go for help troubleshooting and fixing? :-)03:31
bazhangmynameisthom, get mintsupport03:32
bazhang!mintsupport | mynameisthom03:32
ubottumynameisthom: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:32
borillionthank you bazhang03:32
mynameisthombazhang: Oh,, sorry. Thankyou for the reminder :D03:32
arusselcould someone with a properly install postgres 9.1 run "dpkg -S /etc/postgresql" ?03:33
arusselwhat is the difference between 'aptitude purge foo' and 'apt-get remove --purge foo' ?03:35
Dr_Willisarussel:  should be the same03:35
Dr_Willisaptitude ussage is sort of becoming  oobsolete03:36
arusselso I am03:36
majnoonok have xdmcp setup for incoming connections on desktop how do i set up xubuntu (on laptop) so can log on to desktop ??03:36
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.03:36
Dr_Willismajnoon:  nprmally the login manager hasa 'query' feature to find other xdmcp servers on the network, or you use the query option when you startx03:37
Dr_Willismajnoon:  thats getting rather.. well.. obsolete also. ;)03:37
majnoonno see any settings though :(03:37
Ali_nz1Hi All. I have a linux based IP camera which records to a Ubuntu computer. I had to reboot the Ubuntu computer and it didnt auto mount the disk that the IP camera recordings go to. When I did mount the target disk the cameras record, but report "Stale File Handle" - Its to do with the Ubuntu box, and no amount of rebooting and remounting seems to fix this message. Google solutions so far have03:37
Ali_nz1not worked. Anyone able to help please?03:37
arusselDr_Willis: I had a badly installed postgres, aptitude purge then install wouldn't install the /etc/postgreql directory. 'apt-get remove --purge' and then apt-get install' did.03:37
Dr_WillisIm not sure if lighdm even has xdmcp featgures03:37
majnoonworks ok with xming03:37
borillionok maybe a better idea can raid partitions be mounted as loop devices?03:37
arusselDr_Willis: might be the install that was different.03:38
Dr_Willismajnoon:  yep. done that befor ;)03:38
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majnoonkk let me try something03:38
Dr_Willisarussel:  i think the 2 differ in some 'resoloving dependencie' area. but its a but  over my apt skill level ;)03:38
borillioncan raid partitions be mounted as loop devices?03:39
al_nz1Its a NFS share03:40
codinhoguys where is the ubuntu for Omap developers channel?03:44
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wylde_!alis | codinho03:45
ubottucodinho: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:45
agc93well there is always #ubuntu-arm03:45
codinhoagc93, thanks03:46
luckylee1hi there03:46
juniorhello everyone i need some real help please03:46
unholycrabActionParsnip: minitube plays the video just fine, and then seg faults after a few seconds03:46
luckylee1why is ubuntu very slow on Ivy Bridge - I have Lenovo X230 - it's probably 50% slower to boot compared to my old X220 (same install - Ubuntu 12.04) … please help03:47
unholycrabi want to be able to watch colbertnation.com too03:47
luckylee1please help ubuntu very slow on Ivy Bridge - I have Lenovo X230 - it's probably 50% slower to boot compared to my old X220 (same install - Ubuntu 12.04) … please help03:48
crondluckylee1, is this a brand new system?03:49
ActionParsnipunholycrab: gah, minitube is great. Doesn't use flash :)03:49
luckylee1just got it 2 days ago, then installed 12.0403:49
luckylee1very slow and the fan was constantly on03:49
juniori need help setting up a password for phpmyadmin, anyone please?03:49
luckylee1ubuntu 12.04 on the older x220 (i7-2640m) was quick … but not on the new x23003:49
LaibschMy GPG agent is not working in my session.  When I run a gpg command on the command line, a pop up comes up three times but is closed immediately and then the action fails. "gpg: public key decryption failed: bad passphrase" and "gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available". What am I missing here on lucid?03:49
luckylee1can you help03:50
LymSo what is the nice clean way of installing CPAN modules on Ubuntu03:50
crondluckylee1, there's intel bugs of some sort graphically speaking with the default kernel in 12.04, I can't say for sure if that's your issue, but you could look at http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/uq210/running_1210_kernel_on_1204_the_supported_way/ and see if it helps03:50
LymShould I use the perl supplied CPAN application or apt-get?03:50
LaibschI think the pop up is supposed to be for entering my password but there is no time to do that.03:50
luckylee1reading it … so this affects all IVY bridges ?03:50
luckylee1this is like going back to 80486 slow … doesn't feel like i7-2640 when running linux ubuntu (the old x220 was fine)03:51
crondluckylee1, odd.03:51
luckylee1it's super duper slow it's killing me … even boot, starting X, shutting down03:51
crondtry the updated kernel? also I know on my U31SD I had to switch to GPT instead of MBR, or else I got horrific drive performance.03:52
luckylee1also crashes when waking up from Standby03:52
luckylee1I haven't tried hibernating it03:52
crondluckylee1, eh, for me hibernate works, but standby reboots on wake, so I can't help there.  I just switched everything to hibernate ;)03:52
luckylee1i assume it will also fail because it crashed on standb (just bllack screen no kernel panic whatsoever)03:52
luckylee1crond: x230 ??03:53
luckylee1I'm talking about lenovo x23003:53
crondluckylee1, I know.  Try the new kernel.03:53
luckylee1damn I just bought this new laptop and now I have to install the new kernel already ?03:54
luckylee1why didn't ubuntu wait until everything is stable03:55
luckylee1this is bad03:55
luckylee1ubuntu is now buggier than Windows ME :( My new laptop with Ivy Bridge crashes03:55
luckylee1and also very slow03:55
rinzlerI want to dual boot windows. is there a guide or tips to do this correctly?03:56
luckylee1ok nobody can help me here this is a waste of time … kthxbye03:56
crondrinzler, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot03:56
rinzlercrond: thanks03:57
smwrinzler, for the most part, linux finds and dual boots windows03:57
smwrinzler, you need to make sure not to delete windows when installing though03:57
smwrinzler, and backup anything of value03:58
smwrinzler, while unlikely, anything can go wrong03:58
rinzlersmw: I've already got linux. I'm wanting to know the intricacies of installing windows as my second OS.03:59
smwrinzler, step one, figure out how to install windows without destroying linux.03:59
smwrinzler, step 2, restore grub03:59
agc93yeah, windows can be a very destructive install process03:59
smwrinzler, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:59
agc93nice smw, i was just looking for the guide I followed. Which was that one :)04:00
Atakanyone know where I can get libssl1.0.0  for 64bit?04:00
Atakwhenever I try an install it, I get 404 not found04:00
Atakits driving me nuts04:01
rinzlermy machine actually can choose which HD to boot from, so I'll just use a different HD04:01
smwrinzler, you can then run update-grub so linux finds windows04:01
paulisdead i did setup a linux machine inside a virtualbox, a bridged one. I did founded the eth interface at the vm enabled it and its working, i can ping from inside out and vise-versa. What i cant do is access the internet inside the vm. Any tips?04:02
Nom-Is the Ubuntu Custimization Kit suitable for doing install CD's too, or is it really Live CD Specific04:03
androidbrucehow do I stop my headless console from making my monitor go to sleep after a few minutes?04:03
androidbrucenot headless, but No X configured04:03
michydhi, where is ubuntu's keymap files, there is no /usr/share/keymaps/ directory in ubuntu. where is it?04:07
michydanyone can help?04:07
Nom-sudo updatedb && locate keymaps ?04:07
SwedeMikemichyd: /lib/udev/keymaps/ seems to contain keymaps.04:08
SwedeMikemichyd: /usr/share/X11/xkb/keymap as well04:08
michydthanks, i know. but which one i should modify?04:09
agc93remember that xmodmap is very useful for this04:09
michydwhat's the difference?04:09
agc93between xmodmap? or between all the files?04:10
michydagc93, thanks, but xmodmap is can only used in X11.04:10
robertzaccourAre there any good applications for recording webcam video for Ubuntu? No luck with guvcview and cheese04:10
agc93ah right. never needed it outside of X11 so I had no idea.04:10
michydI just want to swap caps_lock and ctrl_l for both X11 and console.04:10
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour: no luck meaning what?04:11
michydi'll trying..., thanks all.04:13
robertzaccourDr_Willis, guvcview records the audo and video out of sync and cheese just freezes and has a horrible hissing sound04:13
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: vlc can do it04:16
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14373204:16
Dr_Willisi wonder if theres not some deeper bugs in the driver causing issues04:17
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: so can ffmpeg http://superuser.com/questions/200277/ffmpeg-fast-motion-webcam-recording04:17
Dr_Willisi always found tghe app 'webcamstudio' (not in the repos) fun for doing things with a webcam04:18
mmmfungohello! i was updating my system today and all of a sudden im getting an error having to do with google's repo for chrome..the error is as follows..W: GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG A040830F7FAC5991 Google, Inc. Linux Package Signing Key <linux-packages-keymaster@google.com>04:19
mmmfungoi have tried removing chrome and the repo and gpg key, then downloading it and reinstalling the package from google' site but still the error persists..any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated :) thank you04:20
ActionParsnipmmmfungo: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com A040830F7FAC599104:20
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mmmfungoActionParsnip: thank you for the quick response...the error still persists however...the following is a paste of the results of your suggested command and the error im getting :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040237/04:23
RajiI trying to save a php file in//var/www/ but an error message is sghowing permission denied  what to do04:24
nate_I want to know is who you think is the smartest tech, program, it guys,hacker currently out there04:24
ActionParsnipnate_: that's offtopic here04:25
nate_ok then there must be a standard top 10 that stay in the top ten for some time or are at least the current famous ones04:25
ActionParsnipRaji: you'll need to use sudo to copy the file04:25
sacarlsonRaji: you can add yourself to the www-data group or sudo cp file.php /var/www/file.php04:25
nate_check your file /folder permissions and chmod04:25
Dr_Willisdont just  toss chmods around...04:25
nate_but honestly who's worried about security LOL04:27
Rajisacarlson:  i have done that now its showing error like this cp: missing destination file operand after `file.php'04:27
Dr_WillisRaji:  whats the  exact commandline you are using04:27
sacarlsonRaji: dude that was just an example use your file path04:27
nate_security doesn't need to exist if theirs nothing to hide LOL04:27
bazhang!ot | nate_04:27
ubottunate_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:27
nate_so PHP is related ?04:28
Rajisacarlson:  I dont know much about ubuntu or linux i just started 2 days b404:28
ArtemЕсть кто по русски говорит?04:28
bazhang!ru | Artem04:28
ubottuArtem: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.04:29
RajiDr_Willis: rajiv@rajiv:~$  i am using this command line04:29
ActionParsnipRaji: sudo cp file.php /var/www04:29
nate_so who do you guys think is the best PHP coder :)04:29
bazhangnate_, stop the chit chat04:29
Dr_Willissacarlson:  you may an tto read up on some bash tutorials also.04:29
ActionParsnipnate_: that's offtopic here, this is support only04:29
taylor_is anyone using broadcom-sta ... im getting pretty poor performance compared to windows04:29
bazhangnate_, #ubuntu-offtopic as you have been told many times now04:29
ActionParsniptaylor_: tried disabling ipv6 ?04:30
taylor_will do... one sec..04:30
ActionParsniptaylor_: there are also lines you can add to /etc/sysctl.conf   which can help04:30
RajiActionParsnip: I have done that now showing like this rajiv@rajiv:~$ sudo cp file.php /var/www cp: cannot stat `file.php': No such file or directory04:30
taylor_will disabling ip 6 in network-manager do it..04:30
sacarlsonDr_Willis: well this works sudo cp ./zamgo.txt /var/www/zamgo.txt  so is there something wrong with this method?04:31
polardude1983Hello, Trying to resolve freezing in Ubuntu 12.04. I believe its a kernel version problem. But I'm having trouble updating the kernel because of unmet dependencies. Any help would be appreciated.04:31
taylor_disabling ipv6 helped with latency but not with throughput...04:32
Dr_Willissacarlson:  permissions and ownership on the file  many be wrong04:32
taylor_ActionParsnip: disabling ipv6 helped with latency but not with throughput..04:33
ActionParsnipRaji: well, is the file you want to copy in /home/rajiv ?04:33
sacarlsonDr_Willis: oh so it will copy but may not have perms set for www-data to access it.  this is true04:34
celthunderpolardude1983: ? more info04:34
ActionParsniptaylor_: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf    and add these lines: http://paste.ubuntu.com/104024304:35
ActionParsniptaylor_: save the new file, close gedit then run:  sudo sysctl -p04:35
sacarlsonDr_Willis: but normaly the perms of packages downloaded to install for apache and php have perms already set, just not the owner04:35
polardude1983celthunder: 12.04 using Nvidia driver, and currently using linux kernel version 3.2.0-24. Thought i would try to upgrade to 3.4.004:36
taylor_ActionParsnip: should i restart the computer now04:37
polardude1983celthunder: here is what is displayed in the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040247/04:37
RajiActionParsnip: dont much about that somebody told me to run that command and i searcched that file but idint find it in that folder04:37
celthunderpolardude1983: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux-3.4.2.tar.bz2 cp your config from /proc/config.gz and you can make --oldconfig04:37
celthunderpolardude1983: or start over and make menuconfig04:38
ActionParsnipRaji: then that's why. Where is the file located?04:38
ActionParsniptaylor_: the sysctl -p command means you don't have to. Linux is designed to not be rebooted ;). This isn't windows04:38
celthunderpolardude1983: and what happens if you apt-get -f install as it says?04:39
polardude1983celthunder: it says the same thing again04:40
taylor_ActionParsnip: Didnt make that much of a difference04:40
brycehi all, im wondering how i would remove grub loader. I am dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu studio. i have used easybcd to assign windows boot loader but if i select ubuntu from os list it first goes int grub menu and i have to select to boot into ubuntu again.04:40
celthunderpolardude1983: probably because its trying to install an older version of stuff04:41
celthunderpolardude1983: apt-get update04:42
ActionParsniptaylor_: if you use a different DNS, is it faster. Or are you only testing LAN?04:42
taylor_im testing it on the lan..04:42
polardude1983celthunder: done the sudo apt-get update :)04:42
celthunderpolardude1983: what did you do to install kde?04:42
sacarlsonbryce: I guess you could set the grub loader side to just default to boot to ubuntu since you now decide in your windows 7 loader what you want to boot04:42
polardude1983celthunder: never installed KDE. currently using Unity 3d04:43
brycesacarlson: how do i do that?04:43
Dr_Willisor just let grub manage the bootloading..04:43
celthunderpolardude1983: ...you have kde-runtime and libplasma3... apt-get remove them i guess.  you dont really need either without kde04:44
bryceits so much easier for my kids if i let windows do it. they are very young and the big basic print is much simpler.04:44
sacarlsonbryce: after ubuntu boots you can install grub-customizer to provide you a gui to change grub default boot http://www.ubuntugeek.com/grub-customizer-graphical-interface-to-configure-the-grub2burg-settings.html04:44
brycethank you sacarlson04:44
RajiActionParsnip: Actually my problem is that i am a web developer and i want create a php page and run it using lamp server but i am not able to save my page in /var/www then only i can run it04:44
celthunderbryce: should be able to set your timeout to 0 or showmenu to hidden and youll never see it04:45
gcadenaiiiAnyone able to help me with a touchscreen driver problem in Ubuntu 12.0404:45
brycehow would i do that with terminal?04:45
celthunderRaji: you want only you to be able to run it or you want everyone to04:45
polardude1983celthunder: won't let me remove them says i have unmet dependencies again lol04:46
celthunderbryce: look in /etc/grub.d/ i think...im still on legacy grub04:46
celthunderpolardude1983: yay welcome to dependancy hell04:46
sacarlsonbryce: those settings for timeout and quite to not see menu are also settings that can be set in grub-customizer04:46
RajiActionParsnip: I am not sure about the insatallation  about the packege. I have done it through tasksel please direct me some other way to check its right  or not04:46
Dr_Willis!grub2 | bryce04:46
ubottubryce: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:46
polardude1983celthunder: Somehow one way or another I get stuff like this :(04:47
Dr_Willisits a good idea to learn some grub2 basics befor messing eith  it.04:47
Rajicelthunder: No i just want to run and develop it from there04:47
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip, hey you on?04:48
gcadenaiiiall this is the first time, I have pinged a forum.  Is there a protocol for asking a question?04:48
celthunderpolardude1983: try using aptitude it handles crap better i think04:48
Dr_Willisgcadenaiii:  just ask  in clear concice terms. ;)04:48
sacarlson!ask | gcadenaiii04:49
ubottugcadenaiii: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:49
Dr_Willisaptitude can have issues these days in some cases04:49
celthundergcadenaiii: this isnt a forum, its irc and just ask04:49
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.04:49
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip, hey i figured out how to run ubnu in regular session!04:49
munwhat's a good way to check the model of my video card from console?04:49
taylor_mun: lspci04:49
celthundermun: lshw or lspci04:50
gcadenaiiiHP TouchSmart 320 touchscreen isn't working in Ubuntu 12.04, any ideas why?04:50
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  I figured out how to adjust ubuntu to run in regular session!04:50
celthunderDr_Willis: i use neither and multi arch installs arnt good anyway.  thats what kvm and chroots are for04:50
* Dr_Willis wonders what a 'regular' session is./04:50
RajiI am not sure about the insatallation  about the packege. I have done it through tasksel please direct me some other way to check its right  or not04:51
princeofpeace22ActionParsnip,  all i had to do was go into bios setup and set video memory apture size to 32- bit!04:51
taylor_does anyone know how to improve the throughput of broadcom-sta driver04:51
celthunderRaji: what package04:52
muntaylor_, celthunder but that would only give me the chipset rather than the model of my card, right?04:52
princeofpeace22just get wireless04:52
brycealso how do i set chrome as defualt for xfce04:52
celthundermun: depends often you get both.04:52
polardude1983celthunder: damn computer froze :(04:52
celthunderpolardude1983: happens.04:52
Dr_Willisbryce:  i belive chrome and chromium  both  have a 'set this browser as th4 default..' in their menu/settings04:52
taylor_mun: I do lspci | grep Intel i get Intel HD 300004:52
RajiActionParsnip: I have found out the file File.php /usr/share/geany/templates/files04:52
polardude1983celthunder: happens once every hour or so it seems.04:53
RajiActionParsnip: but its showing a locked sysmbol04:53
princeofpeace22get Netgear WNA 1000  wireless router and also buy Netgear WNA 1100  wireless 150 N usb Adapter04:53
celthunderbryce: xdg-mime default04:54
celthunderRaji: so chmod it04:54
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Dr_WillisRaji:  templetes are 'blank' forms for  you to copy and edit..04:55
celthunderpolardude1983: i dont use ubuntu or apt so no idea how to get you out of dependancy hell.04:55
princeofpeace22if you have more than 2MB downlod spthen go into router login.net and st security password as a Wpa2 AES key04:55
polardude1983celthunder: what do you use opensuse? slackware?04:55
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ActionParsnipRaji: sudo cp /usr/share/geany/templates/files/File.php /var/www04:55
princeofpeace22youll get interne seed fast!04:56
princeofpeace22internet speed!04:56
celthunderpolardude1983: archlinux lfs freebsd and occassionally gentoo04:56
celthunderpolardude1983: why?04:57
polardude1983celthunder: just curious :)04:57
princeofpeace22you must also have any propriertary drivers activated04:57
taylor_do you guys know where ubuntu stores the wl driver ... i want to try to compile it and replace it04:57
celthundertaylor_: /lib/modules/ probably04:57
airlynxMy phone doesn't automount and I don't know how to manually mount it and can't seem to find any good answers for 12.04 on how to do it, it's recognized as a mass storage device in lsusb but what do I do from there?04:57
celthunderor /usr/lib/modules04:57
princeofpeace22and have installed the right modem driver for ubuntu debian its not KDE04:58
celthunderairlynx: are you using udev or no?04:58
princeofpeace22its GTK04:58
airlynxcelthunder: I don't think so, not really sure04:58
Rajicelthunder: Now i have copied it to www now what i have o do04:58
celthunderairlynx: ok then there are other things that take care of automounting.04:58
princeofpeace22and must havwe t=it to open in your Ubuntu Software Manager04:58
celthunderRaji: chmod it and/or chown it04:59
airlynxcelthunder: I don't even really care if it automounts or not, I just need to get into it to transfer some files, not something I do very often04:59
Rajicelthunder: can you tell me elaborately how to do it04:59
farkasWhy doesn't this work? $ ssh remotehost "ps | less"    It runs the ps command but immediately exits without running less. I have a suspicion that the pipe isn't working.04:59
princeofpeace22hey do tyou have your usb plugged into your modem?05:00
celthunderairlynx: mount /dev/phonedevicedrive1 /mnt05:00
taylor_is the driver in updates/dkms the right one>05:00
princeofpeace22try unplugging ang replugging your modem cable back in05:00
polardude1983celthunder: Well i am going to try some stuff thanks05:00
airlynxcelthunder, that's where I'm lost, what /dev/phonedevicedrive1 would it be or how do I find out?05:00
Dr_Willisfarkas:  or less is running on the remote and exiting due to that fact.05:00
Dr_Willisfarkas:  perhaps ssh command | less05:00
princeofpeace22and disable other ueless modem drivers that you arent usin g05:01
celthunderairlynx: ls /dev |grep sd05:01
taylor_im going to lose you guys when i try to recompile this... brb05:01
celthunderairlynx: whatever ones arent your hard drive is your phone05:01
farkasDr_Willis: Wow I'm an idiot. Thanks lol05:01
princeofpeace22such as libdrivers and enable the broadcom driver05:01
farkasDr_Willis: It worked05:01
Dr_Willisfarkas:  your quotessent it all to the remote05:01
FroodleIs it possible to modify the icons on the Unity launcher?05:02
celthunderFroodle: probably05:02
Dr_Willisfroo you can use differnt icon themes05:02
airlynxcelthunder, they are all sda or sdb (I have an external drive plugged in right now, so that's probably sdb)05:02
celthunderairlynx: is your phone set to mountable in the phones os05:02
princeofpeace22ok adious05:02
FroodleI had in mind to swap to user-generated icons.05:03
airlynxcelthunder, yes, when I plug it in it asks if I want to just charge or connect to the PC05:03
Dr_WillisFroodle:  youwould need to make your own theme. or custome .desktop files i  belive05:03
airlynxcelthunder, if I select to just charge then it shows up in lsusb as a modem05:03
celthunderairlynx: connect to pc is usually the phone developers shitty software stuff05:03
FroodleGot a tutorial link on that?05:03
celthunderairlynx: select mount as disk drive05:03
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:04
FroodleAwesome, thanks.05:04
airlynxcelthunder, I've been able to do it before without using any 3rd party software05:04
celthunderairlynx: you shouldnt need any05:05
airlynxcelthunder, select mount as disk drive? in the phone?05:05
Rajicelthunder: i have read the properties of that file and its written i am not the owner of that it root but my account is administrator account05:06
celthunderairlynx: yeah05:06
Dr_Willis!permissions | Raji05:06
Rajicelthunder: what should i do05:06
ubottuRaji: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:06
celthunderRaji: chmod 755 is pretty generic should work05:07
airlynxcelthunder, I dont anything like that in the settings anywhere05:07
celthunderairlynx: what os is your phone05:07
airlynxcelthunder, that is questionable, it's a Samsung Seek, it runs Java apps, lol05:08
Rajicelthunder: so waht i shoud write in terminal sudo chmod 755 /var/www/file.php05:08
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celthunderairlynx: lol good luck.  basically once the phone introduces itself as a drive itll show up in /dev05:09
airlynxcelthunder, okay thanks, at least I have some idea of whats wrong now05:10
taylor_recompiling the broadcom driver with the source from the website solved the problem05:13
shahriyarguliyevwho knows about VPN connection?05:13
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN05:13
shahriyarguliyevi am looking for a free host from foreigner country05:13
bazhangshahriyarguliyev, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support05:14
shahriyarguliyevDr_Willis, thanks for recommendation but i know what is VPN05:14
OngabongaI don't know about any free that is any good, but at private tunnel you get 500GB traffic for 50 US $05:14
bazhangshahriyarguliyev, wrong place to ask05:14
shahriyarguliyevbazhang, I thought you should know05:14
celthundershahriyarguliyev: buy a vps somewhere and make a tunnel cheapest way to do it05:15
Rajicelthunder: rajiv@rajiv:~$ /home/public$ chmod 755 file.php bash: /home/public$: No such file or directory05:15
Dr_Willisbeen using btguard here. :0 but its not free..  doubt any are free these days05:15
pb3I have a quick question about installing packages from source. Specfically the google python libray python-gdata.05:15
Rajii have copied that file into public folder in home05:16
fr500I use vyprvpn05:16
celthunderRaji: so file.php doesnt exist use exact locaiton or cd to the dir first05:16
Dr_WillisRaji:  you may wan tto learn some bash basics. You are doing rather fundamentals typos and mistakes05:16
celthunderRaji: or use relative location05:16
shahriyarguliyevmy cards are maxed out, so looking for a free host05:16
bazhang!ot | shahriyarguliyev05:16
ubottushahriyarguliyev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:16
fr500shahriyarguliyev: free host for what?05:16
bazhangshahriyarguliyev, stop asking here05:16
pb3I'm on Lucid right now and the latest version from official repos is 1.xx.xx. Apparently I need 2+ for upload support.05:16
shahriyarguliyevbazhang, this is also ubuntu related q! stop dazzling on me05:16
fr500it wasn't that a big deal jesus...05:17
Ongabongahey there, I'm having problems with dependencies, and at the bottom is an install that wants to remove a bunch of software http://pastebin.com/XKhC8AZX05:17
OngabongaIf I would click yes, is there a simple way to reverse things again?05:17
celthunderOngabonga: reinstall them but likely you dont need them or theyre outdated05:18
celthunderor theyre replaced by what youre installing05:18
celthunderexample udev and system-toolsd05:18
daslinkardHello Room!!!!!!!05:18
celthunderyou dont need both05:18
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pb3daslinkard: hello05:19
Ongabongacelthunter, thank you for the reply, I'll give it a try05:19
daslinkardhow are you pb3?05:19
=== hash is now known as DeviceZer0
Rajicelthunder: chmod: changing permissions of `file.php': Operation not permitted05:19
pb3daslinkard: not bad bro. not bad. you?05:19
daslinkardI'm good...loving the chat rooms!05:20
Rajicelthunder: i have done that now it showing this error05:20
celthunderRaji: so do it as root and as someone else said rtfm this is basic stuff you should know about05:20
pb3Raji: What are you trying to do?05:20
bazhangdaslinkard, ubuntu support question?05:20
Dr_WillisRaji:  paste the exact command you are using.05:21
pb3daslinkard: you been using ubuntu for a while?05:21
bazhangcelthunder, never suggest that here05:21
Rajirajiv@rajiv:/var/www$  chmod 755 file.php05:21
daslinkardpb3: I have been using it since November....this is my 3rd time utilizing freenode05:21
Dr_WillisRaji:  to alter system files - you need 'sudo' rigths.. a very fundamental concept05:22
celthunderbazhang: what reading or chmod?05:22
pb3bazhang: +1. Although I agree that it's a good thing to do your homework celthunder05:22
bazhangcelthunder, the bit about rt <>m05:22
pb3daslinkard: sweet man. what version of ubuntu are you on atm05:22
daslinkardpb3: 11.10....I went up to 12.04 on my desktop but had A LOT of system freezes05:23
Dr_WillisRaji:  i strongly reccomend spending at least an hr or so,, reading through some 'beginner bash guides'05:23
Rajipb3: I am php developer and i have just started ubuntu 2 days before  i have installed lamp server using sudo tasksel and now  iam not able to save any  php file in var/www/05:23
pb3daslinkard: yeah I am on 10.04 (LinuxMint 9 actually). I tried 12, but didn't care for the new desktop.05:23
wylde_Raji: is the lamp server going to be devlopment only?05:24
Dr_WillisRaji:  it was also mentioned earlier that your user who is altering the files, should be in the www-data group. then they could alter the files (i think)05:24
crizismint is not 10.04 or ubuntu05:24
crizismint is mint05:24
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:24
daslinkardpb3: I was the exact same way....right now there seems to be too many bugs in the system...when does the support run out for 10.04?05:24
celthunderRaji: probably because you arent root. if you want a lazy fix chown /var/www into a group you and apache are in and then change the group permissions05:24
pb3Raji: k. I won't be too much help for you. Stay with it. It gets easier.05:25
Rajiwylde_: yes05:25
pb3daslinkard: April 2013 i think (I know it's 2013)05:25
daslinkardteekay: hello!05:25
cheloguiGoodnight everyone, Has anyone managed to install 3D video drivers for Ubuntu 4.12 on Dell Inspiron notebook?05:26
sacarlsonRaji: best you read about file permisions to get the idea https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:26
daslinkardpb3: I was thinking you were on Ubuntu....if I'm not mistaken have they stopped supporting Ubuntu 10.04?05:26
daslinkard<---- not that it matters....as I use 11.1005:26
agc9310.04 is supported. It's an LTS05:26
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)05:26
pb3crizis: mint is an ubuntu variant.05:26
shahriyarguliyevchelogui: NVIDIA supports 3D drivers, what are your Video Card?05:26
wylde_Raji: easy way is to edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and set the docroot to a directory in your users $HOME like /home/username/public_html05:26
teekaycan someone help me join anonymous on irc?05:26
agc93teekay: huh?05:27
wylde_Raji: then you don't jhave to worry  about permissions05:27
OerHeksteekay we don't know you, so you are fine.05:27
Dr_Willisteekay:  not really ubuntu relateed.. perahsps ask in #freenode05:27
cheloguishahriyarguliyev :  I think it's Intel05:27
wylde_Raji: you'll have to 'sudo service apache2 restart' after you make the changes to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default though05:28
pb3daslinkard: yeah I started with ubunt about 5 years ago, but switched over to mint 2 years later (Mint 6). I like it because it's a bit more polished but I can use all the ubuntu packages, etc.05:28
daslinkardpb3: I started with Mint Julia and loved it for the brief time that I used it but then decided to switch to Ubuntu after speaking more and more with one of my friends05:29
agc93I'm still an Ubuntu user but the best derivative I've tried was Pinguy. That's a polished package, right there. Not as well supported, though.05:29
pb3daslinkard: Oh sweet. Yeah I love Isadora. What specifically made you want to switch back?05:30
pb3agc93: hmmm haven't heard of that one.05:30
wylde_hmmm I  wonder if replacing the actual /var/www directory with a symlink to to the $HOME/public_html would work..05:30
agc93Yeah it's not very big. It's basically Ubuntu massaged, plus running Enlightenment and a different set of defaults05:30
Dr_Williswylde_:  or he could put his user in the www-data group i belive..05:30
Nom-wylde_: As long as you have followsymlink on05:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:31
daslinkardpb3: The biggest thing was the peer pressure to be with the rest of them05:31
wylde_Dr_Willis: yep that too, or learn about file perms :)05:31
Dr_Williswylde_:  or enble gthe  home .html/www features..05:31
sacarlsonwylde_: I put symbolic links in /var/www and know that works,  I never tried to replace the whole directory05:31
Dr_Williswylde_:  using www.data grioup was mentioned like  2hrs ago to him. ;)05:31
pb3agc93: k cool05:31
pb3daslinkard: lol. yeah I can get that.05:32
wylde_Dr_Willis: yeah, I figured as much, have just been watching the tail end of the convo.05:32
daslinkardpb3: Now I'm trying to become fluent in Linux....trying to work the CLI...I've thought about going to Fedora for the similarity in RHEL05:32
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Dr_Willisi rarely use groups.  for my small home lan. so  ive been quiet. ;)05:32
savrthere is something wrong with my wifi05:33
daslinkardpb3: I've got 15 years of Windows experience and it is sometimes frustrating not necessarily alwaysk knowing the answers to the issues...but Google is my friend...and the forums.05:33
bazhangdaslinkard, pb3 chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here05:33
daslinkardsavr: What's going on with your wi-fi?05:33
savrI can not connect to secure networks in ubuntu. If I boot into windows I can05:33
savrI can connect to the network via ethernet05:33
Dr_Willissavr:  open networks do work however?05:33
agc93whats your network secured with?05:34
savrDr_Willis, yes05:34
sacarlsonsavr: did you try wicd with wpa-supplicant?  that seems to work better for me with wifi05:34
pb3K. Here is my support question: What's the worst thing that can happen if I make a deb from source on a package version taht is not officially supported by my current release (ie the package is a whole version ahead of what the same package that is listed in the repos)05:34
jamescarrhalp! How can I install oracle java?05:34
savrit use to work yesterday05:34
MrNazi have been using a program called devede for DVD authoring, which uses mencoder and a bunch of other libs... since i did an in-place upgrade from maverick to precise, that package has stopped working... is it possible that the in-place OS upgrade broke it? should i try wiping and reinstalling precise from scratch?05:34
jamescarrI followed some instructions I found for JDK7 + Ubuntu05:34
jamescarrbut it broke05:34
Dr_Willis!java  | jamescarr  and stop with the   help!05:34
ubottujamescarr  and stop with the   help!: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.05:34
savrthen the network was rename while I was connected05:34
wylde_pb3: it won't run.05:34
savrand I can not connect since05:34
savrI can connect but I can not even ping the router05:35
jamescarrDr_Willis, I didn't say "help", I was addressing the user Halp05:35
jamescarrbut thanks :)05:35
harovalihi, I've seen that ubuntu 12.04 autodetects the scx-4623f printer. Can anyone help me to tell which package contains the /etc/cups/ppd/Samsung_SCX-4623_Series.ppd file ?05:35
pb3wylde_: can I foobar other dependencies. I guess the biggest question is how hard is it to roll back?05:35
savrand entering the wrong password leads to a connection failure05:35
sacarlsonsavr: in wicd you can try all or most posiblites of encryption drivers that are selectable in the gui05:35
pc-moonE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:35
pc-moonhow slove this E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:35
daslinkardOn your router, change the WPA2 setting to TKIP and not AES.05:35
daslinkardsavr: On your router, change the WPA2 setting to TKIP and not AES.05:35
sdfsd64Guys is there something like this: http://www.tamilcreation.com/forum/showthread.php?41481-Guide-How-to-Remove-Hardcoded-Subtitles  : but for ubuntu?05:35
wylde_pb3: nope, worst thing it could do that way is add dep packages I imagine05:36
savrdaslinkard, okay05:36
Dr_Willissdfsd64:  check the ffmpeg and mencoder forums/faqs would be  where id look05:36
sacarlsonsavr: if you fail to get an ip address from network-manager then your encryption isn't getting decoded05:36
savrsacarlson, I do get an IP and it matches both on the router and ifconfig05:37
pb3wylde_: k.05:37
wylde_pb3: if you use checkinstall it makes a package that can be managed with whatever package manager you like.05:37
sacarlsonsavr: oh I could be wrong then I guess encryption is done after they give you an IP?05:37
wylde_!checkinstall | pb305:37
ubottupb3: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!05:37
pc-moonhow slove this E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:38
pb3wylde_: Yeah I was just reading up on checkinstall. I saw that it "Because the package has no notion of dependencies we could install it on any machine"05:38
pb3that is a cool command.05:38
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!05:39
wylde_pc-moon: paste the full output from the dpkg error please.05:39
wylde_!paste | pc-moon05:39
ubottupc-moon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:39
wylde_pb3: you can /msg ubottu !command and explore the factoids there ;)05:40
pb3wylde_: sweet. thanks.05:41
savrOk going to try to connect via wicd05:41
wylde_pc-moon: you need to configure your FQDN ... I don't recall off the top of my head where that gets set....05:42
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wylde_pc-moon: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/hostname.1.html05:43
pb3is it possible to grab a single package from another repo and not affect all the other packages on my machine?05:44
pc-mooni'll read and back05:44
wylde_pc-moon: once you have that set, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure qmail'05:44
savr_wicd is telling me I have a bad password05:45
pc-moonPackage `qmai' is not installed and no info is available.05:45
savr_yet the password is correct05:45
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wylde_pb3: meaning a non ubuntu repo?05:45
agc93pb3: what effects are you trying to avoid?05:45
pb3wylde_: no an ubuntu repo, just for a newer version than what I am running currently.05:46
wylde_pb3: if you're looking to resolve dependencies first try using 'sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>'05:46
pb3agc93: trying to avoid foobaring my system by grabbing packages that don't play nice with my current release05:47
pb3wylde_: good to know05:47
wylde_pb3: I'd suggest first enabling the backports repo, 'sudo apt-get update' then run 'sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>'05:47
agc93pb3: You can try downloading the deb from the repo's but installation will still actually make changes05:47
agc93or you can use apt-get's simulate option if you want to see the effects that would occur.05:48
pb3agc93: can you download the deb from a repo over http in a browser? or do I need to use apt-get, adding the repo, etc.05:48
wylde_pb3: see http://packages.ubuntu.com ;)05:48
agc93what wylde said05:49
agc93:P or you can find a local repo for example05:49
pc-moon<wylde_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040309/05:49
pb3wylde_: thanks05:49
pb3agc93: thanks too05:50
wylde_pc-moon: you have a typo.... qmai should be qmail05:50
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pc-moonsee http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040311/05:52
RajiDr_Willis: i got this error message waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName05:52
Rajiwylde_: i got this error msg waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName05:53
wylde_pc-moon: Your system needs to have a fully qualified domain name (fqdn) in order to install the var-qmail packages. <---- looks like you still haven't fixed the first issue.05:53
wylde_Raji: that's not overly important for  local dev machine, however you have to do the same thing pc-moon does.05:54
Chat7980Hello can someone help me with a Mac issue?05:55
wylde_afk for a bit.05:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:56
OpenTokixRaji: is this a machine on the internet serving web or just your dekstop?05:56
Rajiwylde_: At the time of installation of lamp server there was some error while reading the package what shoud i do whther it was installed correctly05:57
RajiOpenTokix: Just my desktop05:57
pc-moonsame error when i try to install var-qmail05:57
nate_How would one kill a program like this if it is currently running ?05:58
aeon-ltdChat7980: no, ask in #mac unless it's ubuntu related05:58
OpenTokixRaji: Add like your-local-ip foobar in your /etc/hosts - ie. foobar foobar.local and your apache-startup will be fine and dandy05:58
nate_without rebooting05:58
Chat7980I have an iMac with an external drive that I partitioned for Time Machine and Ubuntu.  It worked up until I tried to start from my Mac HD again, which doesn't work.  It gives me a black screen after the grub menu reaches timeout over Mac OS X (64-bit). How can I fix this?05:58
Dr_Willisnate_:  kill,  killall, xkill are commonly used tto kill programs05:58
RajiOpenTokix:  Can you tell me the methow to do that05:59
OpenTokixRaji: method? - Edit the /etc/hosts as root and then restart apache05:59
nate_look at http://pastebin.com/3fwc8dEi a little closer it uses signals and infinite while loop so I cann't just kill it so easily is there any other way then rebooting06:00
pb3wylde_: That did it. I found the deb package I needed, installed it just fine. Awesome. You're the man (or woman) ;)06:01
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shahriyarguliyevChat7980: what is your issue exactly?06:01
Chat7980When reaching the grub boot menu, the default is Mac OS X but booting from it brings up a black screen.06:02
shahriyarguliyevChat7980: this question is not ubuntu related06:03
nate_thanks killall did it06:04
Chat7980Is there any way I can boot into Ubuntu again to check for problems?06:04
Dr_Willisso grub is totally dead?06:05
agc93Chat7980: Isn't Ubuntu an option in the GRUB menu?06:05
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Chat7980No, grub isn't totally dead, I just have no way to switch options to Ubuntu06:05
Dr_Willisso.. you see a boot menu?06:06
agc93what entries are on it?06:06
Dr_Willisso thee arroww keysdont work on the boot menu?06:06
Chat7980And when I unplug the external disk, it says No device detected...and then grub rescue06:06
Chat7980Dr_Willis: yes06:07
agc93so to clarify, a boot menu appears when the drive is connected, but even when the menu appears, you cant choose what option to boot into?06:08
agc93do you have a Mac Install DVD or an Ubuntu Live CD around?06:08
tknzHey guys. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 server on Win2008 Hyper-V.. After the host restarted, I seemed to have lost internet connection on the ubuntu server.06:10
tknzNo settings were changed.. Can someone help me out?06:10
tknzOur system admins are all windows folks :\06:10
Chat7980Yup, Mac install DVD and Ubuntu live USB. Doesn't matter though, I think, because I can't boot into anything but the unresponsive os x at the moment. Note that I also have a rEFIt cd stuck in the SuperDrive right now06:11
wylde_tknz: have you tried just restarting the networking on the VM?06:11
Chat7980(I can't eject it, it's not stuck sorry)06:11
Tethhello, #ubuntu06:12
tknzOne other thing. If I change my static IP to DHCP it seems to just hang06:12
tknzBefore I remember DHCP worked fine..06:12
Tethdoes anyone here have IPv6?06:12
Teththe problem with IPv606:13
Tethis that if you live in a place in which many people share a connection06:13
Tethi assume everyone will have their own IP06:13
Tethwhereas right now my identity is hidden my NAT06:13
wylde_tknz: odd. I'm not overly great at networking issues I'm not sitting in front of heh, sorry. The dhpc server is ok though06:14
Tethso no one can claim to identify me as a bittorrent user06:14
chintanparikhHey all. I'm having an issue with Gnome shell. It seems to be quite laggy. All the animations that should be smooth are jagged, etc. Any ideas how to fix this? I doubt its my system as it's fairly high end06:14
tknzwylde_: lol i'm screwed06:14
shahriyarguliyevTeth: u wanna hide your ip?06:15
tknzI can't seem to ping the dns server06:15
agc93chintanparikh: it is probably your drivers06:15
wylde_tknz: nawww there's some pretty knowledgab;e people who frequent this channel. Just have to catch one of them.  :)06:15
agc93not your hardware06:15
wylde_tknz: that's not good06:16
chenyuweihi, all06:16
tknzwylde_: Yeah..06:16
chintanparikhagc93: That would make sense. It's also become more noticeable after I started using dual screens. Does Ubuntu have anything to automatically find updated drivers, or should I go to the vender sites manually?06:16
wylde_tknz: this is a VM guest on a windows host?06:16
Tethoh, i know there will still be proxy servers out there06:17
Tethi just don't look forward to the extra work to find and use them06:17
tknzwylde_: Yup. WIN2k8 server running hyper-v06:18
linuxuz3r_hi fidel06:18
Chat7980agc93: so there is no other way to boot from something different with a Bluetooth keyboard?06:18
agc93chintanparikh: there is a tool called Jockey (it's actually called Additional Drivers in the menu) that you can use to install proprietary drivers06:18
wylde_tknz: just thinking you would be justified looking for helpfrom the VM software's maintainersor product support site06:19
agc93Chat7980:  You don't have a USB keyboard anywhere? Does your keyboard use a dongle at all?06:19
wylde_...as well*06:19
chintanparikhagc93: Thanks.06:19
chintanparikhAnyone know what Xorg is?06:19
ubottuThe X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf06:19
chenyuweiXorg is GUI06:20
chintanparikhCheers. It's near the top of my 'top'06:20
chintanparikhIs that normal?06:20
chintanparikhAlong with Gnome shell and Gnome terminal06:20
Chat7980Its an Apple wireless. Is there an alternative? Can I use a windows laptop as a keyboard?06:20
linuxuz3r_chenyuwei, its the server for the gui stuff06:20
agc93Chat7980: Definitely. Any USB keyboard should work06:20
agc93chintanparikh: It's not great, but its nothing to worry about. It just means that your GUI is using up a fair bit of your CPU06:21
chenyuwei<linuxuz3r_ yes06:21
Chat7980agc93: I meant a full on windows laptop with a built in keyboard. That should work?06:21
chintanparikhagc93: I see. Is there a way to make that lower? I assume that's also slowing me down and causing this lag06:22
agc93Chat7980: No, that's not possible.06:22
chenyuweiis there  like cs game in ubuntu 12.0406:22
linuxuz3r_cs game?06:23
dax!info xonotic06:23
agc93chintanparikh: drivers might let your GPU take over more of the load06:23
ubottuPackage xonotic does not exist in precise06:23
daxugh, of course not06:23
linuxuz3r_chintanparikh, or you could use other desktop manager06:23
chintanparikhagc93: Installing now :)06:23
Chat7980There is nothing else that can send keystrokes?06:23
chintanparikhlinuxuz3r_: But they're all so ugly :( Besides Gnome Shell!06:23
agc93apart from that, none that I know of without changing window managers. Which, like you, I don't want to, since I rather like GNOME06:23
chintanparikhagc93: cHEERS06:24
chintanparikhOops caps06:24
linuxuz3r_i have embedded intel video card06:24
linuxuz3r_with gnomeshell it is fast06:24
linuxuz3r_what video card do you have06:24
chintanparikhAMD Radeon 6540G2. It definitely should be able to handle Gnome Shell06:24
linuxuz3r_what problems are you experiencing06:25
tknzI can't ping the windows host. But the host can ping the ubuntu server06:25
wylde_tknz: problem might be the host then06:25
linuxuz3r_tknz, did you check your firewall settings?06:25
tknzlinuxuz3r_: firewall where?06:26
chenyuweiwindows have firewall06:26
linuxuz3r_wylde, did you check your firewall settings?06:26
wylde_linuxuz3r_: I'm not the one with the issue. :)06:26
tknzlinuxuz3r_: what do I need to do with the firewall?06:26
agc93chintanparikh: yeah, once you upgrade to the good aTI drivers, that should improve06:27
linuxuz3r_you need to add the program and the port to ping your host06:27
linuxuz3r_to the firewall06:27
linuxuz3r_sorry wylde06:27
wylde_linuxuz3r_: no worries06:27
tknzlinuxuz3r_: The guest is the Ubuntu..06:28
linuxuz3r_are you running vm?06:28
chintanparikhagc93: Hm, installation of the driver failed06:28
linuxuz3r_i dont have any experience with hyper-v06:28
agc93chintanparikh: does it say why at all?06:29
agc93Which one did you try and install?06:29
linuxuz3r_tknz, are you in hyper v ubuntu guest?06:29
Tethwould someone in here be able to unban me in #defocus?06:29
tknzlinuxuz3r_: Yeah.. So the host is  windows 2008 machine06:29
tknzlinuxuz3r_: It worked fine. Until the host needed to be restarted06:29
tknzlinuxuz3r_: No settings were changed at all.06:30
chintanparikhagc93: Just said to look at /var/log/jockey.log, which makes no sense to me. I tried to install the post-release update one, but for some reason, after failing it deactivated my first one06:30
linuxuz3r_is your ethernet bridged or whatever06:30
chintanparikhTrying again now06:30
agc93yeah, only install the first one (not the updates)06:30
agc93then reboot06:30
tknzlinuxuz3r_: Not sure. It's attached to a network adapter06:30
linuxuz3r_tknz, how is your virtual ethernet getting ip06:30
tknzvirtual network06:30
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agc93then you can try installing the post-release updates afterwards06:30
chintanparikhagc93: I'm fairly sure I already had the first one installed from when i set up ubuntu06:31
daxTeth: #ubuntu is not the ban resolution channel for #defocus. Try #defocus-ops.06:31
chintanparikhAlso, this lagginess is pretty new. I'm not sure if it's because I started using two monitors, or whether thats a coincidence06:31
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chintanparikhAnyways, restarting06:32
agc93Well, in my experience Ubuntu + 2 monitors = irritating06:32
chintanparikhagc93: Oh yeah, it was a huge pain06:32
tknzlinuxuz3r_: It's a vritual network I'm not sure how it works but there are other VM's using it and they are all working fine..06:33
agc93Unfortunately, with ATI/AMD cards, its actually harder to get two monitors going right than with Unity06:33
linuxuz3r_tknz, hi try allowing connections to your ip address of your ubuntu to windows 2008 firewall06:33
agc93I've never been able to get mine working properly06:33
chenyuweivm network is host-only06:34
linuxuz3r_try network bridge to your vm06:34
chenyuweiping IP06:34
linuxuz3r_im sure hyper v has it06:35
tknzI can't bridge06:35
tknzI've seen that mode in virtualbox but yeah it's not here.. you can only select a network adapter06:35
tknzI can't ping the host, dns, or gateway06:36
linuxuz3r_tknz try adding firewall to your ubuntu06:36
linuxuz3r_can your guest ping outside connection06:36
tknzlinuxuz3r_: you mean the host? Yeah.. The guest can't ping anything06:36
VolisI am trying to upgrade ubuntu with the ISO image I have of latest ubuntu amd64.06:37
linuxuz3r_can you browse the internet?06:37
VolisI mounted it.06:37
ithello all06:37
Dr_WillisVolis:  alternative isoi or desktop?06:37
tknzlinuxuz3r_: I honestly have no idea what to do with the firewall..06:37
VolisThe steps on the internet said to execute, gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade" but it doesn't work.06:37
VolisDr_Willis, Desktop06:38
linuxuz3r_tknz can you browse the internet?06:38
tknzThe host can yeah.06:38
Dr_WillisVolis:  i think  that may only work with the alternative iso06:38
linuxuz3r_the guest?06:38
tknzNope. Nothing..06:38
VolisDr_Willis, What is the way to upgrade from the desktop ISO I have then?06:38
agc93Yeah, I think Dr_Willis might be right. I've only ever seen it done with the alternative iso. What happens when you try that command?06:38
VolisIt doesn't even autorun.06:39
Dr_WillisVolis:  not sure its  possible.06:39
linuxuz3r_then it might be that ubuntu does not recognize the virtual adapter hyperv has06:39
itwould some please tell me how to autologin a user to another desktop than gnome06:39
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VolisDr_Willis, Can I do a fresh install?06:39
itor xfce on xubuntu?06:39
chintanparikhOkay, so it seems fairly good now. I'll try reattaching my second monitor06:39
Dr_WillisVolis:  you can always reforamt/reonstall06:39
tknzlinuxuz3r_: But it worked fine before the restart?06:39
tknzlinuxuz3r_: Yeah I told you :p06:40
VolisDr_Willis, See there seems to be a problem with my computer. I made a bootable USB from unetbootin and it cannot boot.06:40
tknzafter the restart the networking failed.06:40
linuxuz3r_i dont know then06:40
tknzifconfig is all correct.. resolv.conf is fine06:40
VolisI already have given USB first priority from boot loader options under BIOS.06:40
linuxuz3r_try setting again your network card in hyper v06:41
linuxuz3r_then boot again to ubuntu guest06:41
tknzlinuxuz3r_: Yeah I just tried that06:41
VolisDr_Willis, On windows I could have made it boot by the help of wubi making a boot sector but I don't know how to proceed now on ubuntu.06:42
VolisI have ubuntu 10.0406:42
Dr_WillisVolis:  i use the tools from the pendrivelinux site.  - i never use wubi06:43
VolisDr_Willis, I used that too.06:43
VolisAnd mylinuxlive too.06:43
VolisWhy isn't my computer identifying bootable USB?06:44
VolisIt has a option in the boot priority menu in BIOS for USB so I am sure it can boot from usb too.06:44
Dr_Willistry the usb in pther pcs. see if it works in them06:45
chenyuweifirst boot is USB-ZIP?06:45
chenyuweiin BIOS?06:45
LymI was doing a routine update and it failed on the flashplugin-installer so I ctrl+c'd and the rest of the install went fine. Now my flash doesn't work so I tried apt-get remove and then apt-get install flashplugin-installer but it still freezes when it tries to download the flashplugin06:47
agc93Lym: This may seem stupid but are you sure it was frozen and not just taking a very long time?06:48
LymI had it running for an hour before I cntrl+c'd06:48
agc93ok, yeah, thats not normal. Have you tried apt-get purge  ?06:49
LymI"m trying again the normal route but I think there might be a problem with the server that its getting it from =/06:51
chintanparikhOkay, so its defs my dual monitors that screw it up06:54
agc93thats what mine did too, unfortunately06:54
chintanparikhHowever, I tried to fix this by going to the Catalyst control center and switching them to individual desktops (multi-desktop)06:54
chintanparikhWhich speeds it up again, but appears to completely break gnome shell06:54
chenyuweiI want to finde a game like CS in ubuntu 12.04. But i can not finde it06:55
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chintanparikhHold up, i'll sceenshot06:55
chintanparikhAnyone know the command to launch chromium from terminal?06:56
Cottustype chrom<tab><tab>06:56
chintanparikhagc93: Screenshot, http://i.imgur.com/SEjgU.png06:57
chintanparikhAny ideas?06:57
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
agc93chintanparikh: I at least know whats going on06:59
agc93It's gone back to GNOME Fallback, but that cant deal with what ATI is trying to give it07:00
agc93no idea how to fix it unfortunately. Thats also as close as I got to making it work.07:00
agc93I even tried GNOME's IRC but nobody really knew for mine, which was a slightly different problem. You can try #gnome-shell on irc.gnome.org07:01
r0b-why would 10.04.4LTS kernel panic about Linksys WMP54G WIFI?07:02
chintanparikhagc93: I see, thanks a lot. I'll let you know if I do get it fixed. It's a damn shame. I basically need to choose between dual displays + lag, or a single display07:02
linuxuz3r_chintanparikh, i wish i can help07:03
agc93At least you've got the option :P I'm now at the stage of needing Unity if I want two displays07:03
linuxuz3r_i got dual display working on 10.04 but not 12.0407:03
agc93yeah 10.04 was pretty simple by comparison07:04
rodrigohello, I'm trying to set mupen64plus as the default program for .v64 files, but mupen64plus when i try to choose mupen64plus, it is not listed anywhere07:04
agc93I've actually found NVIDIA's slightly easier to work with than their ATI counterparts07:04
rodrigoI use ubuntu 12.04 btw07:04
agc93rodrigo: When you right click on the file and choose Open with Other Applications what do you get?07:05
linuxuz3r_he needs to find mupen64plus07:06
linuxuz3r_try whereis mupen64plus07:06
agc93yeah, but if its in the list, that would be easier07:06
rodrigoNo applications found to open "007.v64"07:06
linuxuz3r_what is mupen64plus07:06
dfcnvtDid anybody figured out the solution for Flash(adobe) issues?07:07
rodrigolinuxuz3r_: It's a n64 emulator07:07
agc93When you right click on the file and say Open with Other Applications you get No Applications found??07:07
rodrigoI am not sure it is exactly that in English, but yes. maybe it's because I don't use the ubuntu repository version that is a little outdated07:08
Dr_Willisid just run the emulator.. and  load the file from it. ;)07:10
rodrigothis version has no gui, everytime i have to run it from the terminal07:11
Zally666So tuner mess this weekend dr?07:11
agc93thats probably your problem rodrigo07:11
Dr_Willismany emulators have alterantive gui front ends.07:11
damagednoobi'm running Ubuntu 11.10 and I just got a new router but I can't seem to connect to it consistently. I've run several commands and the output can be seen here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1040384/.07:12
damagednoobOn failures, I seem to be getting a 'Reason 2' error in dmesg which seems to mean 'Previous authentications no longer valid'07:12
jagginessdamagednoob, you mean your "wifi" and your AP(access point).07:14
ak5My ssh session was killed during installing a pkg and now dpkg is complaining: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable07:14
jagginessak5, LOL07:15
jagginessak5, next time use "screen -RR"07:15
rodrigook, i think i saw something that should solve my problem, thx07:15
damagednoobjagginess, well i don't think there's anything wrong with my laptop's wifi or my AP, I dual boot win7 and it connects without a problem everytime07:15
Cottusdamagednoob, is it possiible that two network managers are working at the same time?07:16
damagednoobCottus, not sure, how do i tell?07:16
jagginessdamagednoob, says the ip is
jagginessdamagednoob, can you do ping ?07:17
damagednoobjagginess, nope, but the gateway is set to
jagginessdamagednoob, and your ap is "MyWifiNetwork" ?07:17
damagednoobjagginess, yes07:18
ak5jagginess: yeah, I wasn't expecting tht shit07:18
jagginessdamagednoob, um.. so what about pinging to .254 then?07:19
damagednoobjagginess, that works, i get a response07:19
jagginessak5, not sure how to figure that lock unfortunately.. see if anything is being processed using ps or lsof07:19
jagginessdamagednoob, oh it does.. then what "does" not work?07:20
Abhijithi. i got missing plugni error while trying to open .xls file in chromium, nothing happends in firefox and opera for same file. help plesae07:20
jagginessak5, but once its completed, try --> apt-get -f install, and dpkg -C"07:20
jagginessak5, and "dpkg -C"07:21
jagginessdamagednoob, maybe you mean the dns isnt working?07:21
blendedbychrisif i have an interface that is using NAT to end up with a public ip address do i need to/can i declare the public ip as an alias? ie eth0:107:21
damagednoobjagginess, it takes a long time to connect to a wifi network, today, 3 and a half minutes07:21
jalalhi guys i am facing a problem in ubuntu07:21
Cottusdamagednoob, maybe two configurations overlap07:21
jagginessdamagednoob, what does the wired ethernet get as it's ip?07:22
jalali need to solve it07:22
jalali do not know if it is bug or what07:22
damagednoobjagginess, when I look at the output from dmesg, i see a 'Reason 2' error right before it connects to the same network07:22
jagginessdamagednoob, the wired shouldn't get a similar ip in the same subnet (eg: it shouldnt get an ip from the same AP router)07:22
Cottusjalal, first ask07:22
jagginessdamagednoob, disconnect the ethernet?07:22
jalalwhen i use ubuntu software center and i try to install software nothing happend07:23
XiRoNHi, I have a problem where 'socat' keeps closing when nothing is connected to it, Is there any way to keep socat's connection alive under any circumstance?07:23
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damagednoobjagginess, i'm not connected via cable, i only connect via wifi07:23
jalalanyone one alive?07:23
dontknowhow can i learn my monitor's current refresh rate? using open source driver07:23
damagednoobCottus, how do i tell if two configurations overlap?07:23
XiRoNI'm alive but my socat isnt07:23
XiRoNHi, I have a problem where 'socat' keeps closing when nothing is connected to it, Is there any way to keep socat's connection alive under any circumstance?07:24
jalalur socket wil be soon07:24
jalalplz help me for ubuntu soft center07:24
Cottusdamagednoob, i messed some time my network , /etc/network/interfaces/, wpa_supplicant, network-manager, wicd07:25
XiRoNI'm gonna cry if someone doesn't help me07:25
CottusCottus, i don't know how to tell07:25
jalali guess i need to go07:25
CottusCottus, but you can close all of them and open only the default07:25
jalalno one will help here07:25
testethi Cottus :)07:26
Cottusjalal, try running software-center from the console07:26
Cottushi testet07:26
jalalcenter is running07:26
jalalbut when i click on install nothing happend07:26
xuzizzzHow do I closed 3 D hardware acceleration in ubuntu07:26
jalalafter clicking on install nothing happend07:26
Cottusjalal, open a terminal> type> ubuntu-software-center ithinks07:27
Cottusdamagednoob, how is it going?07:28
jalaldoes not working form conole too07:28
wubinoI want to start a LAN in my home.  I have a netgear gs105 gigabit switch is this enough to get started?07:28
damagednoobCottus, i have both wpa_supplicant and network-manager installed, but not wicd07:28
jalalinstall button doesn' works07:28
Cottusthe only thing i know is network-manager uses wpa_supplicant , but you can you wpa_supplicant as a standallone i guess you don't so no worry07:29
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agc93wubino: at a bare-bones level, yes. But that also depends on how you currently connect to the Internet?07:30
wubinoagc93: The internet is connected into the netgear switch and a laptop and desktop get the internet from there07:31
Cottusdamagednoob, i have similar problems all the time , code 11 , code ? , code ? about 3 codes i have seen, no idea07:32
artyui would like to trun off 5 pc in sametime how to ?07:32
wubinoagc93:  I cannot find any good ref on setting the ipv settings manually, the docs just mention it in passing and say check manufacture docs07:32
damagednoobCottus, i did find this site: http://etutorials.org/Networking/Wireless+lan+security/Chapter+4.+WLAN+Fundamentals/Basic+Choreography/07:32
wubinoagc93:  manufacturer docs say nothing of the sort07:32
agc93What device are you trying to set the IP address for?07:32
damagednoobCottus, it has a list of the reason numbers and what they mean07:32
Cottusthat would be helpfull07:33
sacarlsonwubino: I think there is a command that lists the ipv setting available on the device as each device has different ipv's07:34
wubinooutdated but it just might work: http://linhost.info/2008/11/how-to-set-a-static-ip-on-ubuntu-810/07:37
sacarlsonwubino: see  sudo iwpriv interface --all  to list all ipriv of your device  man iwpriv07:38
agc93if you're just trying to set a static interface you can just edit the connections from the network icon and say static instead of automatic07:40
VolisHi guys,07:41
VolisI have a dell laptop and they have these two exe files filed under BIOS on their product support page, since my BIOS is giving me a few problems. Is there a way to install them?07:42
VolisWine will do?07:43
fidelVolis: what kind of problems do you have?07:44
Volis(My main trouble is that the computer won't recognize any bootable media)07:44
Volisfidel, ^07:44
Volis(Yes, I have set the boot priority menu correctly)07:44
fidelregarding your question: we cant tell you if a random exe file you dont link might be a flash-util, or the bios as archive or whatever else07:44
fidelso - we cant really answer if you can use wine or not - as bios-flashing from within winie/linux is most likely not a good idea ;)07:45
VolisThe USB has 1st priority then CD and last is HDD. I plug in Bootable USB, it loads up from HDD anyway, I load up bootable CD, still boots from HDD anyway.07:45
fideldepends on what exe & functionality you are talking about in the first place - basically07:45
VolisI get your point.07:46
VolisI guess I am not really left with any option other than to contact customer support.07:46
ciampixhello list, I think I found a (IMHO important) bug07:47
fidelhave you checked your bootable CD on another machine?07:47
fidelis the CD working on this other pc?07:47
Volisfidel, Yes it works. I have also checked the USB, it works there too.07:47
agc93ciampixk in that case you might be better off on Launchpad rather than here07:47
fidelciampix: or maybe using ubuntu-bug cmd in cli which submits all relevant data to the related launchpad project07:48
ciampixagc93:  I would like to report it the best way ... I'm here to ask some questions about lauchpad...07:48
fidelciampix: personaly i just do: ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME07:48
fidelas a result it collects some sys-info - and opens up your browser & launchdpad-page to finish the report07:49
fidelthis needs an launchpad account afaik to be able to edit the report07:49
ciampixfidel: thanks !07:49
KuRAwhen I uninstall application via software center, is it the same as using apt-get purge or apt-get remove?07:50
fidelthis will result in status mails - unless you change it - everytime someone adds something to this specific bug07:50
ciampixIf you are curious I finally found a way to make suspend work reliably again from transition from 10.04 to 12.04: adding at boot nomodeset07:51
fidelciampix: what kind of bug is that?07:51
ciampixI have a very common portable: Acer Extensa 5220...07:51
ciampixfidel: suspend works reliably only with nomodeset, if I do not append that command at boot I can suspend just 3 or 4 times before freezing the PC, I think this is a BIG and potentially dangerous bug!07:54
fidelciampix: just not sure how easy it is to reproduce that without your device ;)07:56
fidelbut good luck07:56
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ciampixfidel: my pc is _really_ common and the fact that with a so common PC suspend does not work is not a good thing at all....07:58
kokozedmanhey guys...07:59
kokozedmancan anyone tell, if the "TCP Proportional Rate Reduction" feature is on Ubuntu Server 12.04?07:59
ciampixI thing that is to blame is the video card driver (Intel integrated GM965)...07:59
kokozedmanis there anything to activate it? is active by default?07:59
ciampixbtw how can I stop all these messages warning me that that use is entered and that other user is leaving the chat (I'm using empathy...)?08:01
Abhijithi. i got missing plugni error while trying to open .xls file in chromium, nothing happends in firefox and opera for same file. help plesae08:01
Dr_Willischeck its settings/plugins  ti  hide parts/joins08:01
Dr_Willisor use a better irc client.  empathy is better fir im, then irc08:02
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ciampixDr_Willis: there is no settings in Empathy, which client irc do you use?08:04
Dr_Willisciampix:  check itd plugins. i belive  they  are in there. i use weechat08:04
Dr_Willisweechat has 'smart' filters feature to hide part/joins of people that have idled for so  long.. someonewho just talked. i do see them leave08:04
Dr_Willissome who just enters then leaves.. i dont  even see it...08:05
ciampixDr_willis: you are right ...08:05
Dr_Willismost IM clients dont really work well with chat rooms that can  have 2000+ people in them. :)08:06
Dr_Willisdsk_:  put a/ befor commands08:08
ciampixDr_willys: ...I was looking in the chat window, in the other (main) there are some setting ... I try fiddling with options...08:08
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CrazyGangsterhello ppl, i will create a ad-hoc on my system but first i want to known if i can use WPA2 and if is possible to monitor failed attempts to my network...08:16
Dr_Willisyou using a wireless router?08:24
Dr_Williscat sayive ever gotten ad-hoc to work in any os.. ;)08:25
Dr_Willisbut i imagine threds some logs somewhere about it08:25
Dr_Willisyou can hide your ssid if you realy want to be extra secure i guess08:25
jagginessDr_Willis, nope08:26
jagginessDr_Willis, that doesnt add any more security..08:26
llutzit adds more problems08:26
jagginessalso ad-hoc is plain stupid..08:27
l0lcatjagginess: I dont like ad-homniem either08:27
Dr_Willisas i said.. ive never gotten ad-hoc to work on any os or machines ive ever tried it on08:27
l0lcatDr_Willis: Layer 8 probably08:28
Dr_Willisthey do make these battery powered portable routers.. ;)08:29
Dr_Willisfriend had one that worked well for our 'frag fest' one sat night at work..08:30
l0lcatDr_Willis: frag fest?08:30
Dr_Willisyep. good old quake fragging each other..08:30
Dr_Willisactually it was RTCW:et  an oldie..08:31
Zally666Et on console08:33
kanhaI have plugged in my USB pendrive, but it is not mounting automatically. I want to mount it manually. Where do I view the logs and how do I troubleshoot this issue?08:33
Zally666Bin2o makes objects but howto object to source?08:34
Zally666Bin2o makes objects but howto object to source?08:34
userhi people, i wanted to boot xubuntu on a machine and it didnt detect the HD. but when i want to install xubuntu it detects the harddrive when it comes to partitioning it. can someone tell me y?08:34
ikoniauser: using raid ?08:34
userbecause i have some data that i would like to recover before formatting it.08:35
userikonia: no it is an ide08:35
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount08:35
l0lcatuser: bye08:35
ikoniauser: what is the error when you try to boot08:35
ful-jonasDoe canonical post a yearly budget review anywhere? Or does anyone know how large canonicals loss (or profit) where last year?08:35
ikonial0lcat: why bye ?08:35
l0lcatikonia: He left?08:35
ikonial0lcat: so he did08:35
ikoniaful-jonas: it's a public company08:35
kanhathanks ubottu :)08:35
l0lcatIt is customary to say bye when someone leave08:35
Zally666Can i do the opposite of gcc ? O to c08:36
Dr_Willisa decompiler?08:37
Zally666I can with gdb but manually08:37
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Zally666Dr yes revers08:38
Dr_Willisbeen years since ive seen a decompiler.08:38
Guest48301sry got dc somehow, i was the user called user08:38
Guest48301ikonia: no i dont use raid, it is a ide dh08:39
Zally666And witch one did u see?08:39
Zally666And witch one did u see?08:39
ful-jonasikonia: I really can not find anything. But then again I'm not sure what the word for the final budget review is in English..08:39
AdvoWorkis there anything out there that will report disk usage on /  thats not slow? im doing du -csh /  but it takes forever!! and doesn't report anything for ags08:40
Zally666Dr most emu use one08:40
eFfeMpuzzled with 12.04 & wireshark, somehow it persists that I give root access, can't get it to run from a regular user (it will immediately prompt for passwd)08:47
eFfeMthat is when launched from unity, when launched from cmd line it is ok08:47
Dr_Willispersists?  you mean it insists? ie: demands?08:47
Dr_Willisthe unity launcher may be using 'gksudo wireshark' as its coimmand08:48
fishcookerdue to green computing .. i've forced to manage the power of my cluster @lab,, anyone with Wakeup On LAN08:48
ikoniait will need root access to run in promisious mode08:48
eFfeMDr_Willis: indeed insists, sorry english is not my native language08:49
eFfeMwill check the cmd08:49
JohnnyricoMC[10:48:42] <fishcooker> due to green computing .. i've forced to manage the power of my cluster @lab,, anyone with Wakeup On LAN08:49
JohnnyricoMCanyone with wake-on-lan what?08:49
ikoniawake on lan depends on the hardware and bios08:49
eFfeMhm any idea where I can configure the unity cmd for wireshark ?08:50
Dr_WillisWakeOnLan - seems to be very picky also. ;)08:50
Dr_WilliseFfeM:  look for its .desktop file08:50
JohnnyricoMCmost modern NICs support WoL, try sudo ethtool <NIC>08:50
Dr_Willisor make a custom launcher for it08:50
ikoniawake on lan is probably inappropriate for a cluster08:50
JohnnyricoMCto see whether your nic supports magic packet08:50
JohnnyricoMCIf it outputs "Supports Wake-on: <letters>" and letters contains a g, your NIC supports magic pcket08:51
JohnnyricoMCIf it contains a d as well, it does support magic packet but it's not currently enabled08:52
JohnnyricoMCso you'll need to do "sudo ethtool -s <NIC> wol g"08:52
Dr_WillisI got 'wake on: g' :)08:53
JohnnyricoMCOr make it persistent by editing /etc/network/interfaces with "up ethtool -s <NIC> wol g" under "iface <NIC> ..."08:53
fishcookerHow to know that my board support wake on lan without turnoff n get bios up, ikonia JohnnyricoMC?08:53
llutzfishcooker: you just have been told08:53
JohnnyricoMCFishcooker, I just told how to08:54
BlouBlouWhat's the web in which is explained how to move from kubuntu to ubuntu by using a command? (remvoing and reinstalling applications)08:54
eFfeMDr_Willis: no gksudo or sudo or related in /home/usr/share/applications/wireshark.desktop :-(08:54
JohnnyricoMC[10:50:39] <JohnnyricoMC> most modern NICs support WoL, try sudo ethtool <NIC>08:54
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome08:54
JohnnyricoMC[10:51:42] <JohnnyricoMC> If it outputs "Supports Wake-on: <letters>" and letters contains a g, your NIC supports magic pcke08:54
JohnnyricoMC[10:52:12] <JohnnyricoMC> If it contains a d as well, it does support magic packet but it's not currently enabled08:54
JohnnyricoMC[10:52:35] <JohnnyricoMC> so you'll need to do "sudo ethtool -s <NIC> wol g"08:54
JohnnyricoMC[10:53:33] <JohnnyricoMC> Or make it persistent by editing /etc/network/interfaces with "up ethtool -s <NIC> wol g" under "iface <NIC> ..."08:54
BlouBlouthere's not for 12.0408:55
fishcookersorry my bad llutz JohnnyricoMC08:55
BlouBlouDr_Willis: isn't there another web? since it doesn't supoort 12.0408:55
fishcookerJohnnyricoMC: what is <NIC>08:55
Dr_WillisBlouBlou:  no idea.i rarely ininstall stuff.08:55
fishcookerjust like ip_address?08:55
JohnnyricoMCNetwork Interface Controller08:55
Dr_Willisrarely Uninstall ;)08:55
JohnnyricoMCaka eth008:55
JohnnyricoMCor eth1,eth2,...08:56
JohnnyricoMCTo actually boot a WOL-enabled computer, there are several tools08:56
AdvoWorkis there anything out there that will report disk usage on /  thats not slow? im doing du -csh /  but it takes forever!! and doesn't report anything for ages, and massively slows my system down08:56
JohnnyricoMCPersonally, I use wakelan: "wakelan -b -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"08:57
JohnnyricoMCThis sends a magic packet to the subnet's broadcast address. The x-es need to be replaced with the MAC-address of your NIC08:57
BlouBlouDr_Willis: see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu08:57
fidelAdvoWork: would 'df' be enough?08:57
fidelmaybe combine it with 'watch'08:58
llutzJohnnyricoMC: "wakeonlan -b ..." you mean?08:58
BlouBlouDr_Willis: a last question, shall I use "purge" instead of remove?08:58
JohnnyricoMCnope, wakelan08:58
JohnnyricoMCthere's a frakton of WOL-programs out there llutz08:58
Dr_WillisBlouBlou:  purge removes system configs.08:59
VectorXhi, i am connecting to a win machine via rdesktop -f, once its full screen i cant get back to ubuntu unless i close it, whats the method to also use ubuntu at the same time ?08:59
BlouBlouDr_Willis: so it would remove kde configs08:59
llutzJohnnyricoMC: yes, and wakelan is NOT in debian/ubuntu08:59
JohnnyricoMCI just use wakelan in a little script on my NAS to boot my desktop when I'm not at home08:59
JohnnyricoMCso that explains things :)08:59
Dr_WillisBlouBlou:  if you wan tto remove the system configs yes.. None will touch stuff in thee users home dir08:59
llutzso better to stick with stuff from repos like wakeonlan, etherwake08:59
Dr_Willisso i can set an alarm on m y android phone to wake up my pc at 9:00 ;)09:00
JohnnyricoMCit's just an example. Essentially, it boils down to the same with each one: send a magic packet to the broadcast address, containing the MAC-address :)09:00
BlouBlouDr_Willis: okay, thank you, doing that command now!!! :)09:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:00
ubottupoldinho92: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:01
AdvoWorkfidel, not really, i need to know whats taking up all the space on my drive, ie which folder(s)09:01
lonely_leafhello ,everyone09:03
llutzAdvoWork: since any reporting tool has to read and calculate the filesizes, the speed only depends on your hdd-speed09:03
fidelyep - i doubt you can heavily speed that up09:04
llutzyou can, using ssd :)09:04
fidelthere might be small diffs depending who the tool checks it ...but basically it should be hw-limited - not sw-wise09:04
fidelllutz: good point hehe09:04
tjadcHi, I'm using chrome and and would like to use the flash debug player. I have downloaded and copied files to their relative locations, however the plugin is not listed in chrome. I have even placed the replaced the normal flash player .so file with the debug player .so file, then both plugins are not listed09:04
AdvoWorkhmm, can I run du -sh /var/www/test/whatever/test/* and either order by file size descending or ignore individual files?09:13
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Dr_Willispipe it through sort perhaps?09:14
llutzAdvoWork: "man du" --exclude=....09:14
Dr_Willisive seen awk scripts that can parse the output also to donicer reports09:14
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DarwinSurvivortjadc: chrome uses a built-in flash player, not a plugin. I'm not sure if it's even *capable* of using the plugin version.09:18
tjadcDarwinSurvivor: Thanks. Yes, supposedly 2 versions of the plugin will be listed in the plugins list, where you should disable the built in flash player09:20
AdvoWorkllutz, i can and saw --exclude but thats for specific files according to the docs, all the files are different, unless * would exclude files, but i would assume it would exclude folders too?09:20
tjadcCan't get the 2nd plugin to be listed09:20
llutzAdvoWork: it takes a pattern and will exclude any file/dir matching it (iirc)09:21
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mi3Hello, I use ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I use a DSL connection for connecting to the internet, a few minutes ago, the dsl connection disconnected all of a sudden, I tried to reconnect it by clicking on the nm-applet, but it did not have an option at the time, so, I restarted my computer, and then only it got connected, can someone suggest whether its a fault from the ISP's side or my network manager ?09:23
DarwinSurvivortjadc: you might have more luck in the chromium or google channels09:24
DarwinSurvivormi3: when was the last time you updated the system?09:25
tjadcDarwinSurvivor: Alright, thanks09:26
mi3DarwinSurvivor, about 4 hours ago, sir09:26
DarwinSurvivormi3: sometimes when a service or driver get updated, it can a little buggy until the service is restarted or driver is reloaded (which happens when you reboot). This is a common issue with video drivers as well09:26
mi3DarwinSurvivor, I upgraded the computer, which also included the kernel update, and it had asked me for a reboot, which I did, after the updates installation was complete, and it ran for 2 hours or so without any problems , sir09:28
DarwinSurvivormi3: was that reboot before or after you had the "disconnect" problem?09:29
mi3DarwinSurvivor, before .09:30
winlintechHello I`ve done changes in httpd that has cpanel on it09:30
XiRoNI just finished updating my Interfaces file, how to I reload the network?09:30
winlintechYou will also need to add an A record mapped to * (asterisk) for the subdomain.  >> unable to understand meaning of this line09:30
Viking667winlintech: you're pretty new to setting up dns.09:31
DarwinSurvivormi3: ok, then that's probably not what caused it. unfortunately I don't think network manager logs stuff like that, so unless it is *still* hapenning, there's not much troubleshooting that can be done.09:31
DarwinSurvivormi3: if it happens again, come back while it is still having issues and we'll be able to run some tests to see if something is mis-configured09:31
Jonii_I was told by a html-document that in order to cron to work, process named crond must be running09:31
winlintech@viking667: yes09:31
Jonii_is process named cron enough, or does it have to be crond?09:32
mi3DarwinSurvivor, sure, I will be happen to inform you or someone else about this problem. Now, the connection is working normally, thanks for your time.09:32
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sacarlsonwinlintech: I think it means like *.surething.biz  ?  I wouldn't worry about it if your sites are hit ok09:32
DarwinSurvivormi3: no problem09:32
llutzJonii_: cron  should be fine too, just different implementation09:32
winlintechno m proxying traffic from 8080 to 8009:33
winlintechusing mod_proxy09:33
Jonii_llutz: next, i want to make sure my revision control system days relatively up to date, does it make sense to use cron for the job?09:33
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llutzJonii_: i'd say yes09:34
Jonii_that is, i'd use cron to set git commit to happen daily09:34
mi3DarwinSurvivor, one more problem, I removed unity and installed cairo-dock session, I can use the cairo-dock with gnome effects without any problems, but when I use the cairo-dock WITHOUT gnome effects, and try to remove any launcher, the cairo-dock hangs, is it a bug in cairo-dock ? suggestions please.09:34
Jonii_Next, what if the computer is not running if cron is scheduled to happen?09:34
llutzJonii_: make sure you have anacron installed, it handles that situation09:35
winlintech@sacarlson: if i need to do it, how would i do?09:36
sacarlsonwinlintech: I'm not reading enuf between the lines sorry09:36
sacarlsonwinlintech: If I had some clues as to what file you might be editing?09:36
winlintechsacarlson: how to refer you directly? using @ ?09:36
sacarlsonwinlintech: bind9 config files?09:37
winlintechsacarlson: exactly09:37
Jonii_llutz: next, do you happen to know where to look for really really simple documentation about how to do this specific task. man cron contained lots of stuff I had difficulty understanding09:37
mi3I removed unity and installed cairo-dock session, I can use the cairo-dock with gnome effects without any problems, but when I use the cairo-dock WITHOUT gnome effects, and try to remove any launcher, the cairo-dock hangs, is it a bug in cairo-dock ? suggestions please.09:37
llutzJonii_: man 5 crontab09:37
MalsasaAre there any download manager which can used behind a proxy server included handling proxy account (userpass)?09:38
mi3Malsasa, try wget09:38
mi3Malsasa, its terminal based.09:38
Malsasami3: but i want a download manager which can do splitting and has a GUI...09:39
llutzJonii_: example: use "crontab -e"  add a job "@daily git commit ....someoptions..." and save it.  different aproach would be to write your commands into a script and just putting it into /etc/cron.daily09:39
Malsasami3: anything else wget?09:39
mi3Malsasa, try axel download manager09:39
dariushall21Hey guys, can someone link me on how to get official oracle/sun java for ubuntu 12.04? OpenJDK won't work for MC09:40
llutzJonii_: 1st example would run it as your user, /etc/cron.daily is run as root. you have to decide which is better for your task09:40
Malsasami3: Axel?09:40
sacarlsonwinlintech: you should do some reading about it if you've not done before http://linux.justinhartman.com/DNS_Installation_and_Setup_using_BIND909:41
mi3Malsasa, Axel is a download manager. and so is Steadyflow.09:41
winlintechsacarlson: its all pinging,getting correct hits.09:41
Malsasa mi3: i know but as short as I know, Axel cant handle userpass in proxy09:41
sacarlsonwinlintech: tools like dig come in handy09:42
winlintechsacarlson: was making some changes so that traffic of 8080 port is proxied to 80 port09:42
mi3Malsasa, sudo apt-get install axel, if you want to install axel, and sudo apt-get install steadyflow, if you want to install steadyflow download manager09:42
sacarlsonwinlintech: that's not bind9 that's apache209:42
winlintechsacarlson: yeah it is09:42
mi3Malsasa, I know very little about downloading through proxies, but I guess you can give those two a try :D09:42
sacarlsonwinlintech: again I can't read your mind09:42
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winlintechsacarlson: yeah ,after doing with apache2 when i moved to bind i got problem09:43
phanindrarameshhai all,is there any graphical xml parser in ubuntu?09:43
Malsasami3: i have tried for many times and so long. I failed. And in the end, i ask you here :)09:43
mi3Malsasa, did you configure the settings properly ?09:44
winlintechsacarlson: i`ll cm up with specific error09:44
sacarlsonwinlintech: more reading then http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_proxy.html09:44
DarwinSurvivormi3: sorry, I don't know much about cairo-dock. I used it a long time ago for a week in openbox, so I have no idea how it would interract in a gnome environment09:44
winlintechsacarlson: ok09:44
Malsasamie: what settings? All setting i can, i have done them :)09:44
mi3DarwinSurvivor, err ok, sir, thanks for the suggestion, again :D09:44
Malsasami3: and they still cant work behind proxy (proxy which use userpass)09:45
Nom-Hey guys, I've followed the community docs on remastering a CD and i'm running into an error where the Signature verification for Release.gpg is failing... consequently it's not finding any kernels... any idea where i might have gone wrong?09:45
mi3Malsasa, use wget, it has plenty of documentation regarding how to use it with proxies.09:45
Malsasami3: but i dont wanna use it because it cant do splitting09:46
Malsasami3: that is my own reason :)09:46
Malsasami3: but thank you09:46
mi3Malsasa, I prefer wget, now its upto you, sir/ma'am :D09:46
mi3Malsasa, you are welcome.09:46
Malsasami3: i am man :)09:46
mi3Malsasa, LOL09:46
mi3Malsasa, wget is cool, its terminal based, but the best one .09:47
Malsasami3: so there is no download manager which can work behind passworded proxy in Linux?09:47
Malsasami3: yes i agree  if wget is good, but it is not pass my qualification09:47
longbii have prob with apache2/mysql -- error is given below09:47
longbiWarning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)09:47
mi3Malsasa, I feel you should give wget a try, sir, it also has plenty of docs online09:48
mi3!paste | longbi09:48
ubottulongbi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:48
fishcookeri hope rite now im rite due to green computing i want to give my cluster command $ 'pm-suspend' $ sudo apt-get install 'what'?09:48
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mi3fishcooker, *right09:48
serverboyhello everyone09:48
sacarlsonlongbi: sound like the mysql server isn't running or listening on that address09:48
llutzfishcooker: pm-utils09:49
fishcookerwhat package i need?09:49
mi3fishcooker, yes ?09:49
fishcookeri've got it09:49
winlintech<VirtualHost> cannot occur within <VirtualHost> section09:49
winlintechSyntax error on line 1 of /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/209:49
eutheria<rant> alert, why or why does unity want to hide the applications menu from me, having to look for it drives me nuts! :) </rant>09:49
mi3fishcooker, can you elaborate a little more? your question is too insufficient to help me in solving your problem.09:50
longbi@sacarson: how do i start/rrestart mysql server?09:50
sacarlsonwinlintech: that's closer but you should just pastebin.ubuntu.com the file, also a strange location for it to be09:51
winlintechsacarlson: ohk09:51
DarwinSurvivorlongbi: "sudo service mysqld restart" should do it09:51
MalsasaHaha. I have tried wget and it is slow...09:51
Malsasami3: Haha. I have tried wget and it is slow...09:51
fishcookerok mi3 i've got pm-utils installed as llutz said09:52
mi3Malsasa, umm probably.09:52
sacarlsonlongbi: do you have phpmyadmin installed?  with that you can test conectivity09:52
mi3fishcooker, what package are you asking about ?09:52
longbi@DarwinSurvivor: mysqld: unrecognized service09:52
fishcookerthen i'll wakeonlan it after pm-suspend it, will that happening llutz09:53
fishcookerpm-utils : for suspend my box09:53
DarwinSurvivorlongbi: oh sorry "mysql" not "mysqld" :P09:53
sacarlsonlongbi: so guess mysql isn't installed then09:53
mi3fishcooker, sorry, cant help :(09:53
longbi@sacarlson: phpmyadmin is installed. but i cannot login with it.09:53
llutzfishcooker: if your machine support suspending, yes09:53
fishcookerhow to know it llutz.. john*mc tell me that it will be good for green computing09:54
sacarlsonlongbi: on my system to restart mysql  sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart09:54
DarwinSurvivorlongbi: in case you missed my above comment, you need to use "mysql" not "mysqld" (I got confused since I use other distros as well that use mysqld instead)09:55
longbi@DarwinSurvivor: thanks alot man. its working again. was thinking of reinstall, now not needed. thanks to you.09:56
Papa-SmurfHi guys09:56
rigvedhi eveyone. how do i enable the terminal bell in ubuntu 12.04? I have enabled the check mark for Terminal Bell in Edit > Profile Preferences, but it does not work.09:57
llutzfishcooker: that thing you have to test. suspend your machine, power it on again and look if everything works again09:57
Papa-Smurfi'm trying to run Xorg -conf in my computer after stoping the gdm server and i get "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices. Configuraion Failed"09:57
Papa-Smurfdoes anyone knows why this happens?09:57
llutzfishcooker: if it does, be happy. if it doesn't, forget it. the time to track down suspend/resume issues is wasted time. easier to poweroff/poweron09:58
Malsasami3: thank you... i wanna go home... :)09:58
longbi@sacarlson: thank you. hope your help will be usefull in the future. thank again.09:58
Jonii_Weird, I'm starting to see why people like this command line interface so much09:58
mi3Malsasa, are you taking me with you ?09:59
mi3Malsasa, LOL09:59
DarwinSurvivorrigved: it should be enabled by default, can you verify that the cli application you are using is sending a bell signal?09:59
llutzJonii_: it makes lots of things easier, just needs some time to get used to it09:59
Jonii_I always thought command line was sorta ritualistic way of signaling to other nerds that you are so hardcore that you can use this bare and confusing interface and still get some stuff done10:00
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DarwinSurvivorJonii_: well, there's that too! :D10:01
Jonne_anyone know how i can check when the locatedb was last updated?10:01
Jonii_But to think that it actually makes lots of stuff actually easier and faster10:01
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: i am using irssi. i have enable beep in the config. but no beep sounds.10:01
DarwinSurvivorrigved: can you open sound settings (advanced volume adjustment window) and make sure "beep" is turned up?10:01
Jonii_is beep nowdays done using that legacy sound hardware, or is it soft-beep?10:02
Jonne_i guess just looking at when /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db is enough10:02
DarwinSurvivorJonii_: soft-beeps. in fact you can even chose visual beeps (flashing) or a different sound for the beep.10:02
kanupatarhow can I use dd command to dump the contents of a cd?10:03
DarwinSurvivorJonii_: typically the only time you'll hear a hardware beep is if the *motherboard* generates it10:03
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: i do not see "beep" in any of the tabs in Sound Settings...10:03
Jonii_i think there was a funny story behind the way legacy-beep remained on desktop computers for so long10:03
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path_to_image_file" should do it. You may need sudo10:03
Papa-SmurfHow to reconfigure my Xorg.conf ???? Any clues?10:03
=== aaron is now known as Guest12467
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: ok, how can I specify any blockwsie read?10:04
MonkeyDust!xorg| Papa-Smurf10:05
ubottuPapa-Smurf: The X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf10:05
DarwinSurvivorrigved: oh, they renamed it to "sound effects"10:05
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: dd is a blockwise reader/writer, you shouldn't need any other settings.10:05
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.10:05
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: In Sound Effects, Alert Volume is on full and the alert sound type is default.10:05
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: but it can't hurt to make sure by adding "bs=64k" at the end10:06
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: I mean , how can I read from sector 0 to sector 10 ?10:06
Papa-Smurfif X11 is deprecated what is then in use??10:06
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: "dd bs=64k if=/dev/cdrom of=/path_to_image_file " ?10:06
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: i was searching online and there was mention of enabling pcspkr kernel module. it in my /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf. so, do i need to whitelist it?10:07
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: that sounds like a strange thing to do, what are you actually trying to do....?10:07
DarwinSurvivorrigved: when you adjust the "alert volume" slider, do you hear a "popping bubble" sound when you let go of the slider?10:07
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: I just want to read the sector header of sector 0 in the cd10:07
kanupatarcd ==  data cd , mode 110:07
Papa-SmurfHave somebody run two graphics cards with Ubuntu?10:08
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: in that case, use count= "sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/kanupatar/some_path.iso bs=64K count=10" assuming the sectors are 64K each (you'd have to check that)10:08
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: if you want to know what else dd can do, run "man dd" for a list of options and switches10:09
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: ohh okay...great info and great thanks....10:09
MonkeyDustPapa-Smurf  ati, intel, nvidia?10:10
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: why it is of *.iso at output folder?10:10
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: it is just a hex dump right?10:10
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: .iso is the standard filename extension for disk images, though if its only a header it's probably not appropriate anyways.10:10
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: it is a 1:1 direct copy of the bits on the disk10:11
Papa-SmurfMonkeyDust, Nvidia + Intel10:11
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: yes, so just any name will satisfy the need10:11
DarwinSurvivorrigved: I am running gnome-terminal on my ubuntu system right now and every time my name gets called I hear the beep. This system was fresh-installed 2 weeks ago, so it should be enabled by default10:12
MonkeyDustPapa-Smurf  there's this https://supersmasters.appspot.com/post/8198110:12
DarwinSurvivorkanupatar: you can put what-ever filepath you want after "of="10:12
Papa-SmurfMonkeyDust, thanks i will have a look10:12
kanupatarDarwinSurvivor: thanks10:12
MonkeyDustPapa-Smurf  http://askubuntu.com/questions/21455/how-to-manage-two-video-cards-on-a-laptop-ati-and-intel10:13
SDXI just installed Firefox 13 in /opt, but I can't find where I'm supposed to put any plugin files.  Plugins in ~/.mozilla/plugins aren't recognized.10:13
SDXDoes anyone here know where they should go?10:14
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ikoniaSDX: you'll ned to look at where that package reads from, it's not an ubuntu package so whoever configured/build the package will know where it reads10:15
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DarwinSurvivorSDX: you do know Firefox 13 is already in the repos right?10:16
SDXNo, I didn't know that.10:16
DarwinSurvivorSDX: ubuntu usually has the latest firefox version within a week, so unless you are a beta tester, there's not much point in installing it manually anymore10:17
k1l_SDX: take a look at the changelog: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/13.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.110:18
Northwoodshow can i increase font of terminal on ubuntu ?10:19
DarwinSurvivorNorthwoods: edit -> profile preferences -> general -> font (uncheck "use the system fixed width font)10:20
whudThis question proved hard to Google: I have a laptop+docking with 2 external monitors. This setup works fine as long as im logged in to Ubuntu 12.04. If I reboot\logout the monitors will to black when I hit the login-screen and I have to login "blind" to get everything working again.. Anyone experienced this or know of a fix? its kinda annoying...10:21
sacarlsonwhud: autologin maybe?10:26
abhilashucspi-tcp-0.88]# make10:28
abhilash./load tcpserver rules.o remoteinfo.o timeoutconn.o cdb.a \10:28
abhilashdns.a time.a unix.a byte.a  `cat socket.lib`10:28
abhilash/usr/bin/ld: errno: TLS definition in /lib64/libc.so.6 section .tbss mismatches non-TLS reference in tcpserver.o10:28
abhilashcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status10:28
abhilashmake: *** [tcpserver] Error 110:28
FloodBot1abhilash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
abhilashplease help me out the above error10:28
abhilashmake: *** [tcpserver] Error 110:29
abhilashDoes anybody know the above error10:29
MonkeyDustabhilash  put it in a pastebin10:29
Ben64and give more details10:30
adamkAnd be patient.10:30
linuxuz3r_and breathe10:30
linuxuz3r_and be happy10:30
linuxuz3r_and smile10:30
linuxuz3r_and be sad10:30
linuxuz3r_and frown10:30
FloodBot1linuxuz3r_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:30
fishcookeron which port dhcpd-server running?10:31
jitawhy is source command used ?10:31
abhilashHunk #1 FAILED at 1.10:31
abhilash1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file /usr/include/errno.h.rej10:31
fishcookerfor load the file config jita10:31
whudmaybe sacarlson.. but that would be giving up! was hoping someone else had seen it so i could fix it permanently.10:32
jitafishcooker, like source ~/.zshrc if i run this, what would happen ?10:32
whudi was checking and while the external monitors are black, i can open the laptop and get picture there10:32
fishcookerthat will execute the file10:32
fishcookerjust open your .zch* file10:33
fishcookeryou will look many bashscript there jita10:33
sacarlsonabhilash: is there a reason you need to compile this rather than sudo apt-get install ucspi-tcp ; ?10:34
WeissLehrerfor some reason the dhclient is not asking for a new ip after lease... any idea?10:34
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: what does it do loose your ip address then?10:35
WeissLehrersacarlson: my isp10:36
elijahIs there an indicator to display what workspace I am on?10:36
WeissLehrerim not sure I understand the question10:36
elijahEverything I search for says I need to install from a PPA, I was hoping there would be something stock.10:37
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: you say it doesn't ask for a new IP so after the lease expires what does it do?10:37
WeissLehrersacarlson: it keeps the old ip losing connection to internet eventually10:37
WeissLehrerI think10:38
WeissLehrersacarlson: I don't really know how to analize it10:40
VictorCLhow can I make the command :  du  -ch   to skip showing me the list of files and folders , I just want the result10:40
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MonkeyDustVictorCL  from the man pages      -s, --summarize display only a total for each argument10:42
VictorCLand how can I list folders that are bigger than a x amount of MB for example?10:43
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: and when this happens you can still see dhclient running?   sudo ps -A | grep dhc ;10:43
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: yes. i hear a pop bubble when i move the slider to the max.10:44
BlouBlouhi, I'm using pidgin, when I minimize a conversation, how can I restore it?10:44
BlouBloufor example an IRC chat10:44
DarwinSurvivorrigved: can you confirm that irssi is sending the beep sound? Usually you have to install and load a script to do that10:44
geworhi, am new using xchat and irc actualy, anyone can see my type ??10:44
BlouBlougewor: yes10:45
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: if i just enable beep in config file, then it should work, right?10:45
quixotedongewor: yes10:45
geworoke, thanks10:45
WeissLehrersacarlson: it is weird that there are 3 dhclients... two dhclient3 and one dhclient10:45
BlouBlouwell, so does anyone know how to maximize again a pidgin conversation in Unity?10:45
DarwinSurvivorrigved: not sure, I've had my irssi customized for quite a while, so I'm not sure what it does by default anymore.10:45
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: no, i do not hear a beep when my name is mentioned in irssi10:45
DarwinSurvivorrigved: if you run it in tmux, the title at the bottom of the screen should invert when a beep is sent (you have to be looking at a different tmux screen at the time though)10:46
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: ok. can you confirm that you have some irssi script which does the sound part?10:46
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: that shouldn't be,  how did you make that happen?10:46
infernobonjour je suis un p'tit noob ;) et ma commande et pas bonne.. pourrier vous m'aider svp find -name *.jpg -exec -mv Images *jpg\;10:46
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: did you compile one and have the original one installed?10:46
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:46
MonkeyDustinferno  et c'est n00b et non pas noob10:47
DarwinSurvivorrigved: I have "hilightwin" installed, but I'm not positive which script (if any) is responsible for sending the beep. I do know you have to tell irssi what your username is so it knows what text to watch for.10:47
WeissLehrersacarlson: actually I think I got it from a previous version, I did some release-update in the past10:47
WeissLehrersacarlson: but this is the first time I use the dhclient in the machine10:47
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: well kill all of them and restart one10:47
elijahIs there an indicator to display what workspace I am on? Everything I search for says I need to install from a PPA, I was hoping there would be something stock. I would think that this would be a standard option for those who use workspaces. "Indicator Workspaces" appears to only be supported for Oneiric --> https://code.launchpad.net/indicator-workspaces. Any guidance would be appreciated. Sometimes Ubuntu pops my windows to another work10:48
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: ah. i have not done that. not told irssi what my name is...10:48
DarwinSurvivorrigved: the #irssi channel has a lot of people in it, one of them can probably more easily help you make sure irssi is sending the beep10:48
SkippersBossBlouBlou: your window should be available via "window Buttons"... Oops you are using Unity.10:48
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: ok. thanks! will look into it in a some time.10:48
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: I think upstart will detect that dhclient that it want is not running and restart one, so make sure you restart with upstart10:48
DarwinSurvivorrigved: are you running it directly or inside screen/tmux?10:49
rigvedDarwinSurvivor: directly10:49
DarwinSurvivorrigved: "/hilight -mask yournick" might do it. but that will be undone each time you restart irssi (there is a setting in the config file for it as well)10:50
quixotedonBlouBlou: the windows button is somehow called Super, :d10:50
DarwinSurvivorrigved: run the /hilight command and see if it fixes it, if so then it's an irssi config issue10:50
WeissLehrersacarlson: upstart you mean init.d?10:50
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: no the new version upstart I'm not too up on it10:51
BlouBloualt + masculine ? what's that?10:51
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: http://geeknme.wordpress.com/2009/10/15/getting-started-with-upstart-in-ubuntu/10:51
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: so it should be like sudo restart dhclient10:52
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:52
dsirijusanyone had issues with ubuntu running under virtualbox? i.e. completely missing top panel? it does show shadow though10:52
dsirijusi've installed -ose guest additions, though, x11, dkms, guest10:52
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: I assume you run ubuntu 12.04 that is moving into upstart,  I still run 10.04 so still work mostly the old way10:53
MonkeyDustPapa-Smurf  use /msg ubottu for factoids to self10:53
dsirijus(i'm a little cross-poster, here's my snout, oink, oink...)10:53
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)10:53
WeissLehrersacarlson: Im running 11.1010:53
dsirijusthis issue is what i have - http://askubuntu.com/questions/126673/black-line-across-top-of-display-in-virtualbox-guest10:54
dsirijusthough, no solution there10:54
DigitalFluxHi There10:54
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: even in 10.04 there are parts already starting in upstart10:54
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1210:54
DigitalFluxCan i have multiple instances of runcmd in my cloudinit bootstrap file ?10:54
WeissLehrerstart: Unknown job: dhclient10:55
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: ya I note the same as it's in something else like networking or ??10:56
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: so I'm not sure10:57
Papa-SmurfIs there any problem for running dual monitors to run different drivers in each card10:57
gewormay i ask some qoestions ??10:57
WeissLehrersacarlson: if I restart networking I will be unable to connect until a classmate tell me the ip cause I'm not in the same network as the server10:57
MasterOfDisastergewor: don't ask to ask, fire away.10:58
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: well don't do that then10:58
Dr_WillisPapa-Smurf:  did that with intel and nvidia once..10:58
Papa-SmurfPapa-Smurf, thanks good to know10:59
geworoke, i just installed lubuntu 12.04 in my pc, dual boot with windows 7, everythin' after install.10:59
VictorCLI just deleted a 12G file and df  -h still shows the same empty space10:59
WeissLehrersacarlson: well, gtg, I10:59
Dr_Willisdeleted how VictorCL11:00
WeissLehrerI'll try to solve this later11:00
VictorCLrm file11:00
geworproblem is, after i type sudo apt-get purge lubuntu* and when i restart i can boot to windows, img brocken or somethin'11:00
geworhow can i fix it ??11:00
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: so I guess just try kill the dhclients and see if on will apear later?  I'm just guessing11:00
balduinhy, it is possible to run a real graphics card with virtualbox or qemu-kvm?11:01
Dr_Willisgewor:  why would you remove lubuntu*11:01
Papa-SmurfWhats happen if a i get the error "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility"11:01
gewori just want to using openbox11:01
Dr_Willisgewor:  you mean you 'cant' get to windows?11:01
MonkeyDustgewor  then just install it and select it in the login menu, no need to uninstall anything11:02
geworand i can mouth windows partision11:02
gewori cant11:02
gewori mean11:02
Dr_Willisi dont see how removeing the lubuntu package is related to the windows boot issue.11:02
NotSrijanIs it a really bad idea to use chmod to gain write privilege on an ntfs partition?11:02
gewori cant boot to windows and i cant mouth windows partision11:02
Dr_Williswhat does grub/windows do when you boot windowxs11:03
Dr_WillisNotSrijan:  you cant chmod on ntfs or vfat11:03
gewordefault grub from lubuntu11:04
Dr_Willisgewor:  check sudo blkid, and sudo fdisk -l output. see what windows partitions exist11:04
geworso what package i must install, to make i can log/boot to windows, cz my brother is still strange to linux11:05
geworsory for my english11:05
Dr_Willisgewor:  nothing.. the 2 are not related11:06
Dr_Willisunless you removed grub files..11:06
gewori not remove grub11:06
Dr_Willisthen nothing would boot i imagine11:06
gewori still can log to ubuntu and my openbox11:07
MonkeyDustgewor  what's your native language?11:07
gewori was update-grub but its dont work11:07
Dr_Willistry the commandds above.. see what windows partitions you have11:07
Dr_Willisthen see if you can mount them by hand11:07
geworoke, i try latter, cz i use my netbook now11:08
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:08
maria_zknoob here, I am trying to rsync files of a folder. all files have  nobody nogroup and I get rsync: send_files failed to open "Permission denied (13)11:08
maria_zkcould someone please advise?11:08
geworsory i new using this :)11:09
sacarlsonmaria_zk: show us the line you used to rsync with11:09
geworno people on there11:10
maria_zksacarlson: thank you for your reply, rsync --rsh='ssh -p204' -arv /backup auser@<myIp>:/home/auser/backups11:11
WiWHow would you change a url without changing the destination?11:12
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Dr_WillisWiW: like the tiny url services?11:12
angsI am using windows 7 and installed ubuntu 12.04 by wubi. however my pc works too slow since 32 bit ubuntu was installed and there were not option in wubi to select 64bit OS. So, how can I install 64 bit ubuntu addition to windows 7?11:13
MonkeyDustWiW  the l in url means location, what is it you want to do?11:13
sacarlsonmaria_zk: I may not be reading this correct but I see a source but no destination path11:13
WiWIsn't there some thing where only the last "http://*" is considered when a browser tries to resolve the url? So, like, yahoo.com/http://google.com will resolve to google.com?11:13
Dr_Willisangs:  whats your ram size11:13
angs4 GB11:13
angsis there any option in wubi to select 64 bit ubuntu to install?11:14
fidelangs: i doubt running a 64bit wubi ubuntu makes it that much faster then a 32bit wubi ubuntu11:14
WiWI have a url, and I want to add characters to make a new url, but I want it to mean the same thing11:14
Dr_Willisangs you wont see much gain by 64bit. doing a full normal install would help more11:14
fidelangs: 32 vs 64bit isnt about speed in general11:14
Papa-SmurfMonkeyDust, I've got both cards working11:14
Papa-Smurfbut know i get this message when doing login ""Stopping System V runlevel compatibility""11:15
fidelangs: while i never used wubi myself - i assume using wubi MAY cause more performance issues then 32 vs 64 bit - just as example11:15
MonkeyDustPapa-Smurf  great, for future reference, share with the channel how you did it11:15
WiWDr_Willis: I want to run the same url to the tiny url service multiple times (until I get a good simple one)11:15
Papa-SmurfMonkeyDust, i think i'm now in the last step11:15
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maria_zksacarlson: ?11:15
MonkeyDustPapa-Smurf  i guess ubuntu no longer uses system V11:15
angsI mean when I use several firefox and couple terminal pages, my pc works too loud whereas, I use many programs like matlab, chrome, etc. at the same time and it works fine11:16
Papa-SmurfMonkeyDust, it does not led me to move forward11:16
Dr_WillisMonkeyDust:  its handled by a upstart scripts. i belive that sort of emulates sysv11:16
fidelangs: and why do you mix up speed, loudness and 32 vs 64bit?11:16
Papa-Smurfi did install gdm before could it be the problem?11:16
angsloudness, freezing, etc11:16
angsI should have used different word for it11:17
fidelangs: and why do you think that is a 32bit issue?11:17
sacarlsonmaria_zk: example just one file but need a path on both sides rsync ./bitcoin.conf.mm3TEST sacarlson@
Dr_Willisangs:  you want better performance - do a full normal install11:17
angsfidel: I checked it before somehow. then I saw that it is 32 bit issue11:17
fidelangs: what?11:17
fidelangs: i HEAVILY doubt being slow is a 32bit wubi effect11:18
Dr_Willisangs:  i find that doubtfull11:18
fidelits most likely a wubi effect ;)11:18
sacarlsonmarrusl: just like cp /from/path/  /to/path;  same for rsync /from/path/ /to/path11:18
Dr_Willisthere is no 64bit wubi that i know of.11:18
fidelas wubi needs some specific settings to work - which may be far away from perfect11:18
angsmy question is that is there any option to select 64 bit installation in wubi11:18
fidelangs: this will NOT solve your issue - but i give up now11:19
Dr_Willisangs there is no 64bit wubi that i know of.11:19
adamk_I just downloaded the wubi installer, went with the default options, and it's now downloading ubuntu-12.04-wubi-amd64.tar.xz11:19
sacarlsonmaria_zk: rsync is just like cp:  cp /from/path/  /to/path;  same for rsync /from/path/ /to/path11:19
MonkeyDustwubi :(11:19
WiWseems I can simply add as many spaces as I want before the http11:20
Dr_Willisadamk_:  could it be you are on windows 64?11:20
maria_zksacarlson: all files have nouser and nogroup11:20
Dr_Williswubi is worth... avoiding11:20
maria_zkshould that cause problems?11:20
adamk_Dr_Willis, The machine is 64-bit but Vista on this machine is 32-bit.11:20
zezomHi, I seem to have had a hard drive corruption where my partition /dev/sdc1 is no longer there. This is a lvm2 disk and I would like to restore the partition so that I can start to repair the lvm. If I use gparted's Create partition table feature with gpt will this erase the lvm data? I don't think it will but I don't have a back up so I only have one shot at this.11:20
sacarlsonmaria_zk: your user on the account must also have priv to write on the /to/path11:21
Dr_Willisadamk_:  that may get interesting...11:21
sacarlsonmaria_zk:  oh and your user must also have priv to read from the /from/path11:22
maria_zksacarlson: so I guess that my user does not have read permissions on the from path11:23
maria_zki know the other user has write permissions on the to path11:23
maria_zkcan I assign read permissions to the from folder to the from user?11:23
MacreadyHi. Anyone know if there's a way to view all previously purchase software in Ubuntu Software Centre?11:24
sacarlsonmaria_zk:  no I think you have NO /to/path to send to look at your line where is the /to/path ?11:24
MonkeyDustMacready  the software in the software centre is free11:25
zykotick9MonkeyDust: not all of it!  :(11:25
* MonkeyDust opens software centre11:25
MonkeyDust...and learned something new :)11:26
MacreadyMonkeyDust - no, so today I bought the Humble Bundle for about $8.50 (£6 ish). 8 cool games - but would like to verify that they are all purchased properly.11:26
maria_zksacarlson: if possible, can we assume that the rsync command has correct syntax. i know it is a very noob question, how can i have read permissions to files owned by nouser ?11:26
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maria_zkalso, thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.11:26
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sacarlsonmaria_zk: ls -l  will show the details of ownership and read write perms11:27
maria_zkok that's -rw-------  which means that only user nobody has read permissions.11:28
maria_zkbut files are generated from a script11:28
sacarlsonmaria_zk: depending on the mask you might have to be a member or the nouser group11:28
maria_zki also added the user to the nogroup11:29
maria_zkbut didn;t help, since there are no group read permissions according to -rw-------  correct?11:29
zykotick9maria_zk: group has NO permission, only user has read/write11:29
maria_zkok, this is what I thought. so how to handle that?11:29
maria_zkshould I maybe create a sxript to sudo the from user then run rsync?11:30
SDXI can't seem to get the Java plugin for Firefox to work.11:30
sacarlsonmaria_zk: I might be wrong but that would be -rw------ that only root can read right11:30
SDXCreating a symlink to libnpjp2.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins did nothing.11:30
maria_zkwell I don;t know but zykotick9 says that only nouser does11:31
sacarlsonmaria_zk: ya I think he's correct I'm wrong11:31
maria_zkthis means that only nouser and root can read this?11:31
Macreadyso no-one knows if it's possible to view purchase software on USC?11:31
sacarlsonmaria_zk: yes and since there is no nouser I guess only root can read or write it11:32
maria_zkany ideas how to handle that then?11:33
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sacarlsonmaria_zk: try add sudo to the front of your line if you have sudo privs in your account11:35
sacarlsonmaria_zk: note you will need sudo rights on both the source and destination path11:36
zykotick9maria_zk: is this an EXT filesystem or FAT/NTFS?11:36
MasterOfDisastermaria_zk: run chmod o+r file or use acls specific to your user. Only the superuser (root) may access all files.11:37
sacarlsonmaria_zk: zykotick9: has a good question11:37
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maria_zki don'k now...11:38
zykotick9maria_zk: acls = action control lists11:39
MasterOfDisastermaria_zk: run 'mount' and look at the output, what's after 'type' on the line with the FS in question?11:39
zykotick9maria_zk: i wouldn't worry about that... probably doesn't apply11:39
tolhey guys, is it possible to wake up a server behind router/NAT with wakeonlan and port forwarding?11:40
Gl1d3_Okay this question is for anyone, where would you store MAME roms? I would like for this location to be consistent with Ubuntu 12.04's filesystem and the way it is logically organized. A short rationalization would be appreciated.11:40
aaawhile playing Battle For Wesnoth in fullscreen, the bar at the top of ubuntu hides part of the game. how can o hide it while playing (ubuntu 12.04, BfW 1.10.2)11:40
aaawhile playing Battle For Wesnoth in fullscreen, the bar at the top of ubuntu hides part of the game. how can o hide it while playing (ubuntu 12.04, BfW 1.10.2)?11:41
zykotick9Gl1d3_: a subdirectory under /srv would makes sense as far as file system hierarchy is conserned... or home directory (if only one user will use them)11:41
maria_zkshould I write a script that first changes all files to o+x then rsync?11:42
maria_zkdoes this make sense?11:42
railsraiderany one know how to fix this error: "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_udp_timeout" is an unknown key , how do i add this module? I am running off of rackspace11:42
MasterOfDisasterGl1d3_: I'd pick a location where apt would steer clear of - what about /opt/mame-roms?11:43
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zykotick9Gl1d3_: nothing wrong with what MasterOfDisaster just suggested, but /opt is "typically" used for programs, not files/libraries11:44
sacarlsonmaria_zk: can you locally copy any files in that directory  like cp ./thisfile  ./thatfile ?  maybe you have read priv for nouser11:44
railsraiderdo i need to install contrack_tools?11:44
aaawhile playing Battle For Wesnoth in fullscreen, the bar at the top of ubuntu hides part of the game. how can i hide it while playing? (ubuntu 12.04, BfW 1.10.2)11:45
MonkeyDust!patience| aaa11:45
ubottuaaa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:45
sacarlsonmaria_zk: but your chmod idea might be a solution11:45
PriceChildAre there any known gotchas with Ubuntu 12.04 and dual booting? I cannot prevent myself getting dumped to 'grub rescue>' on a dual boot setup. The alternate installed guides me into / on a logical ext4 partition. Is that an issue?11:45
maria_zksacarlson: i created a file and cp it in the backup folder11:46
maria_zkyes, i can do that11:46
maria_zk-rw-r--r--  1 nobody nogroup         2 Jun 14 13:45 tmp.txt11:46
zykotick9maria_zk: notice that the tmp.txt has read for owner/group/other, very different from -rw---------11:47
Dr_WillisPriceChild: thats typical setup11:48
sacarlsonmaria_zk: so you must have created the file you didn't copy it11:48
PriceChildDr_Willis: arg so why is this not working :p11:48
PriceChildThe error is 'cannot read filesystem' iirc.11:48
PriceChildls (hd0,msdos5) etc. fail11:48
sacarlsonmaria_zk: copy a file that already exist that you plan to rsync to another file name11:48
sacarlsonmaria_zk: or just open one in an editor to prove you have read priv11:49
Dr_Willisyry the boot repair tool yet PriceChild  hmm11:50
searHas anyone else noticed us.archive.ubuntu.com being really flaky the last couple days?11:50
PriceChildDr_Willis: no luck11:50
Gl1d3_zykotick9: I'm looking at putting it under /srv. I'm going to read quickly about the file system hierarchy as well.11:51
Dr_Willisbeen flakey for a week or so sear11:51
Gl1d3_MasterOfDisaster, Thanks for your answer as well.11:51
maria_zksacarlson: ok i copied a file, and changed it too11:51
searDr_Willis: Hm.  I didn't notice until yesterday.  It was fine for me up until then.  Guess I got lucky.11:51
sacarlsonmaria_zk: so it's not a problem with read priv it's the original fact you have No /to/path in your rsync line11:52
MasterOfDisasterGl1d3_: you're welcome. I wouldn't care what a spec says, ultimately, it's your system.11:52
maria_zksacarlson: -rw-rw-r--  1 me me 928 Jun 14 13:50 index.php11:52
zykotick9Gl1d3_: see "man hier" for some details11:52
maria_zkbut here the file is owned by me and the permissions are different too.11:52
kanhaA custom written service claims to run on my system on port 2290. How can I verify this?11:54
sacarlsonmaria_zk: oh I'm wrong the destination is optional in rsync so it defaults to your pwd11:54
railsraideranyone knows how to add nf_conntrack_udp ?11:54
railsraiderto ubuntu 10.04?11:55
zykotick9kanha: "lsof | grep ^2290" might show you.11:55
maria_zksacarlson: does it make sense to make a script that changes the permissions, then rsync?11:55
aaawhile playing Battle For Wesnoth in fullscreen, the bar at the top of ubuntu hides part of the game. how can i hide it while playing? (ubuntu 12.04, BfW 1.10.2)11:55
sacarlsonmaria_zk: well if your rsync like you do what directory are you now in that you plan to rync to?11:55
kanhazykotick9: does netstat -an | grep "2290" is good choice ?11:56
maria_zkI am in backup directory and the destination is 777 backup folder11:56
ShizuoooHow can I connect to Wifi Via Terminal CAuse i just upgrad from 11.10 -> 12.04 and can't find the shortcut in buttom of the screen11:56
zykotick9kanha: i don't use netstat very often (read, almost never) - but ya, that should probably work11:56
kanhazykotick9: thanks11:57
MonkeyDustShizuooo  explore iwlist, iwconfig and wpa_supplicant11:57
sacarlsonmaria_zk: ok in your pwd you can touch test.txt then?11:57
sacarlsonmaria_zk: ok and you can ssh into that source directory and read those files?11:58
ShizuoooMonkeyDust: Well already Checked iwconfig  but what is the command to connect to any acc point11:58
maria_zkthose files?11:58
maria_zki am in the source directory and I cannot read the files11:58
sacarlsonmaria_zk: you remote shell with rsync to another location do you have priv there?11:59
maria_zkthis is the problem.11:59
maria_zkyes, I do.11:59
ShizuoooMonkeyDust: Well already Checked iwconfig  but what is the command to connect to any acc point11:59
maria_zksee, the problem is that I cannot read the files in the source directory11:59
maria_zkbecause of -rw------  1 nobody nogroup11:59
ShizuoooMonkeyDust: and how can i use search12:00
MonkeyDustShizuooo  i'm not too familiar with wifi myself12:00
sacarlsonmaria_zk: that's what I was expecting you were doing you should have performed those test by ssh into the remote and seen if you have priv on those files with thows owners not on the local side12:00
kanha I want to connect three computers (named A, B, C) , as if they were in an internal network, I want all of them to access the internet, via a single ethernet cable which can assign only a single ip address to one computer only.can anyone help me wid this?12:01
maria_zksacarlson: so ssh to remote and try to read the file son the source?12:01
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sacarlsonkanha: sounds like a vpn question  openvpn12:02
ShizuoooHow can i connect to wifi via termian ... Anyone ?!12:02
ShizuoooMonkeyDust: THANKS ANwat :D12:02
sacarlsonmaria_zk: yes that apears to be your problem on the source as you note12:02
kanhacan you explain how please?12:03
ShizuoooHow can i connect to wifi via termianl neeeeeeeed help12:03
Ashaeli installed Gnome shell 3.4 and shell extentions tweak tool, but i can't see any of the extentions in the tweak tool shell tab. any idea?12:03
sacarlsonmaria_zk: same as I said copy ON THE SOURCE SIDE an already there file to another temp name just as a test12:03
agc93Ashael: what tool are you using? gnome-tweak-tool?12:04
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agc93and have you installed any extensions yet?12:04
sacarlsonkanha: another posible solution is virtual lan12:05
Ashaeli want to enable theme selection, but the shell tab is completely blank.12:05
agc93and when you go the to the Shell Extensions tab in Gnome Tweak Tool what do you see?12:05
SkippersBossShizuoo: U have read this ? www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/12:05
Ashaelabsolutely nothing.12:05
Ashaeltrying to install the extentions again i get a "already installed" message.12:05
agc93and you're sure you're logged into a GNOME 3.4 session, not a fallback or anything?12:05
Ashaelhmm no. how do i check?12:05
maria_zksacarlson: I am on the source side. and if I understand correctly, i cp <existingfile> <othername>12:05
ubottuventrone24: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:06
kanhasacarlson: can you please explain a little about virtual lan?12:06
agc93what does the desktop look like? what happens when you press Start?12:06
maria_zkI get permission denied12:06
maria_zkis this what you are saying, or?12:06
sacarlsonkanha: as you didn't tell us what there real positions of the three systems A B C , are they on totaly different nets on wan someplace?12:06
Ashaelthe dash opens12:06
agc93Unity Dash or Gnome Dash?12:06
Ashaelhmm how can i tell?12:06
agc93is there a vertical launcher down the left of your screen normally?12:07
sacarlsonkanha: virtual lan would be more like they are already on the same network now but we can make them route as if they are not over virtual networks12:07
Ashaeli think it's unity.12:07
edgyHi, when I update my kernel or grub I get lots of: error: physical volume pv0 not found.12:07
agc93Yeah, it is12:07
Ashaelhow do i change to G3.4?12:07
agc93You need to log out, then choose GNOME from the menu, then log back in again12:07
Ashaelhmm ok\12:07
kanhasacarlson: they are using same cable so they will be on same net12:08
agc93then you'll log in to GNOME instead of Unity12:08
sacarlsonmaria_zk: yes you don't have priv on your source12:08
Ashaeli'll try that\12:08
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sacarlsonmaria_zk: maybe you can chmod on the source side?12:08
mi3hello, I installed setpppoe application so that I could manage my dsl connections, however the application turned out to be buggy, so I reverted back to the old network manager, but now it says "device not managed", and there are now 2 nm-applets instead of one, any suggestions ?12:08
sacarlsonkanha: oh ok then they are now on the same net but you want the to think they are not,  that would be virtual lan then for you12:09
maria_zksacarlson: not without sudo12:10
sheena_29hi at all12:10
sacarlsonmaria_zk: so you don't have sudo rights on that system?12:10
sheena_29anybody knows how can i see the output text of an /dev/pts please???12:10
maria_zki do12:10
kanhaI also want to know how to start and stop applications from running on a port?12:10
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sacarlsonkanha: there is tons of docs on virtual lan on linux http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-virtual-networking/index.html12:10
eutheriadoes anyone know if it is yet possible to force the global menu to always show?12:10
maria_zksacarlson: those files are generated automatically. the idea is to rsync to another server on cron.12:11
sacarlsonkanha: that link I gave might not be the best one12:11
sacarlsonmaria_zk: then have the auto script chmod them?12:11
kanhasacarlson: thanks :)12:11
sheena_29anybody knows how can i see the output text of an /dev/pts please???12:12
agc93sheena_29: where is the /dev/pts? what's being output onto it?12:12
maria_zksacarlson: should I write a script to chmod them first then rsync?12:12
sacarlsonmaria_zk: note it might be that the source is not on an ext partition check if it's not ntfs with mount12:12
sheena_29agc93 i have an application running in background, writing in /dev/pts/312:13
sheena_29and, i´m unable to access this12:14
maria_zksacarlson: you are right, it is nfs12:14
maria_zkso what changes?12:14
zykotick9maria_zk: nfs or ntfs?  very different.12:14
sacarlsonmaria_zk: you must mean ntfs not nfs so you can't change users on ntfs12:14
sacarlsonmaria_zk: and you can't change permisions12:15
sacarlsonmaria_zk: you can force what they are set to at mount time of the ntfs partition12:15
maria_zk192.168.122.1:/export/user/www on /var/www type nfs (rw,hard,intr,addr=
sheena_29agc93: i have an application running in background, writing in /dev/pts/312:15
sheena_29agc93: and, i´m unable to access this12:15
agc93sheena_29: okay, thats odd. I'm not too sure. Gimme a sec, Ill see what mine does12:16
sacarlsonmaria_zk: oh ok nfs should still be changeable but I guess that also depends on what it remotely connects to as nfs is a remote connection to another system12:16
sheena_29agc93: thank u very much12:16
agc93sheena_29: what happens when you try from a terminal: cat < /dev/pts/312:17
agc93you may need to sudo12:17
sheena_29agc93: nothing... : (12:17
Ashaelagc93: i logged back in and now i see no menu...12:17
maria_zksacarlson: my head will explode :D12:17
sacarlsonmaria_zk: instead of guessing I guess you will just have to try to change something chmod or chown on that12:17
agc93Ashael: what do you mean no menu?12:18
agc93sheena_29: then I'm honestly not sure. Either try here again later or see what Google can tell you?12:18
sheena_29agc93: ok, thank u anyway12:18
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Ashaelagc93: all i see is the icons on the desktop.12:19
agc93Ashael: and is there a black bar across the top of the screen with icons on it?12:19
kanhaI am using a system running Ubuntu 11.10. I have a C program's executable, but I want it to execute automatically during startup and also in the background. How do I do this?12:19
agc93Ashael: and when you press the Super/Windows key?12:19
Ashaeli may have logged back in wrong. how do i log off again without the top bar?12:20
agc93Try Alt-F212:20
kanhaAshael: try ctrl+alt+L12:20
agc93kanha: won't that lock the session?12:20
sacarlsonkanha: you could start it from cron with @reboot  or setup a upstart12:20
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danileigh79Is anyone else having trouble with update manager right now?12:22
Ashaelalt+f2 didn't work, ctrl+alt+l locked the session but didn't give a log-off option, or at least when i switched users nothing changed.12:22
kanhaagc93: it will provide an option to switch between users12:22
agc93Ashael: how did you install GNOME?12:22
Ashaelagc93: from the terminal12:23
agc93Ashael: I mean, with what commands?12:23
Ashaelsudo apt-get12:23
agc93Ashael: what came after apt-get?12:24
agc93after install12:24
Ashaelone moment12:24
agc93did you just do sudo apt-get install gnome-shell?12:24
agc93Ashael: try this. Press Ctrl-Alt-F1. This should kick you back to a terminal screen. Now type sudo service lightdm stop12:24
agc93then sudo service lightdm start12:25
agc93and then it should take you back to the GUI12:25
agc93if not, try pressing Ctrl-Alt-F7, or just reboot it (last resort)12:25
Ashaelagc93: care to repeat those commands? i thought it would open a terminal, it kicked me completely off and i wasn't prepared12:28
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zykotick9agc93: just an FYI, but ctrl+alt+FKEY is only required in Xorg, just alt+FKEY or alt+LorR-ARROW in VTs is required12:34
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sulaimanapt-get tells me that imagemagick is already installed, but when I try to execute it my system tells me it wasn't found12:38
Ashaelagc93: success!12:39
adamksulaiman: Exactly what command are you running?12:39
sulaimanadamk, imagemagick12:39
adamkdpkg -L imagemagick | grep bin12:39
Tuxsulaiman, the command is "convert"12:40
adamkThat will list all binaries.  As you can see, imagemagick is not a binary.  It's just the name of the program.12:40
adamkThere are various binaries in the imagemagick package.12:40
agc93Ashael: good to know!12:40
sulaimanThanks Tux, adamk!12:40
Ashaelagc93: now, how do i install a theme from a tar.gz?12:41
agc93just had my own laptop problems. :P12:41
sulaimanI didn't know about dpgk -L, really useful12:41
Ashaelagc93: you're awesome and thank you.12:41
agc93Ashael: no problem. Happy to help!12:42
Ashaelso, um, how do i install a theme from a tar.gz?12:42
Dj_FlyByis there a way to disable the FGLRX driver from the livecd???  I enabled it on a fresh install of 10.04 and now Ubuntu won't start (Hangs on loading). System worked perfectly fine before I enabled the driver.12:42
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Zally666Recovery console?12:43
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agc93Recovery console should work if you go in and change/create /etc/X11/xorg.conf on the actual install to be a different driver like glx or something12:44
serverboyis ther anyone figured out how to install gtranslate on ubuntu 12?12:44
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, i will create a ad-hoc on my system but first i want to known if i can use WPA2 and if is possible to monitor failed attempts to my network...12:45
Ashaelagc93: how do i install a theme from a tar.gz?12:48
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conleyWhat causes the colors in Ubuntu's vim to look different than other distros? Vim is using the default theme12:49
tiredofthissomeone plz help me12:49
tiredofthismy ubuntu 12.04 can't seem to find anything12:49
alankilaconley: the terminal emulator most likely12:49
conleyalankila: Right, so where would the config files be for the terminal? I don't have an .Xresources file or anything of that sort12:50
alankilaconley: vim uses the 16 xterm colors available to it, but doesn't actually specify how they appear. They're merely standardized.12:50
alankilaconley: nobody uses xresources anymore12:50
alankilayou just righ click on the terminal and edit the profile settings12:50
conleyalankila: Arch12:50
tiredofthisI'm getting ''No such file or directory'' always, whenever I look a file up. Isn't linux supposed to know where the file is, or do I have to point it to the exact place of the file?12:50
alankilaconley: you're on the wrong channel then12:50
biebjrib: you here?12:51
conleyalankila: No, they use .Xresources :) I'm on Ubuntu trying to extract the colors :)12:51
adamktiredofthis: If you are trying to run a program, it either needs to be in your users $PATH or you need to specify the full path to the program.12:51
tiredofthisI downloaded iron-linux.tar.gz, it's sitting on the desktop of ubuntu but sudo mv iron-linux.tar.gz /opt/ doesn't give me anything12:51
alankilaconley: you sure they use xresources? I mean, you practically have to be using xterm for your terminal emulator in that case, but most people don't use it because it uses those pixel fonts instead of truetype ones12:51
tiredofthishow do i specify the full path?12:52
tiredofthisisn't it something like desktop/iron folder/12:52
adamktiredofthis: "doesn't give me anything"?  If that command succeeds, it shouldn't print out anything.12:52
tiredofthisit tells me no such file or directory12:53
zykotick9tiredofthis: try "sudo cp /home/tiredofthis/Desktop/iron-linux.tar.gz /opt"12:53
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  what's iron-linux?12:53
tiredofthisok is the desktop inside my user?12:53
tiredofthisits a browser derived from chromium with privacy features12:53
tiredofthiszykotic i get missing destination file operand after your suggestion12:55
SDXHow would I go about replacing PulseAudio with ALSA in Xubuntu?12:55
zykotick9SDX: pulse requires alsa - they aren't the same thing at all.  pulse replaces esd12:56
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:56
SDXThat would explain the lack of Google results.12:56
kanha Does apache always runs as root user; if so how to set it to run as user “xyz”?12:56
Dj_FlyByZally666, it doesn't seem to want to load the menu so I can boot into recovery.12:57
ikoniakanha: it never runs as root12:57
ikoniakanha: not in a default ubuntu setup12:57
Dj_FlyByno matter what I push it just goes straight to loading Ubuntu12:57
llutz_kanha: it starts as root, forks to www-data then after binding to port 8012:57
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llutz_kanha: and it has an config option to define as which user/group it runs in apache-config12:58
kanhawhere can i find this apache-config?12:58
llutz_kanha: /etc/apache2/....12:59
tiredofthiszychotic why do u think i get missing operand after your sggestion?12:59
kanhathanks llutz_12:59
Chuck_Norrisaloha all :D12:59
Chuck_Norris*sounds of cricket*12:59
tiredofthiswhere can i go hurl abuse at ubuntu?12:59
zykotick9!tab > tiredofthis12:59
ubottutiredofthis, please see my private message12:59
zykotick9tiredofthis: are there any spaces in the path names?13:00
tiredofthiswhat is autocompletion of nicks?13:00
tiredofthisYou mean spaces in between the words of each folder?13:01
zykotick9tiredofthis: ya, have any?13:01
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  so you don't have to type them completely, some nicks are really difficult to type, like 'zykotick9' or so ;)13:01
tiredofthisat least not in theory no13:01
ajones_morning all13:01
tiredofthisbut i'm not actually sure i have my path right, as there's nowhere in ubuntu i can actually see the path unlike in windows13:02
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zykotick9MonkeyDust: ;)  even z-y-k requires x2 tabs13:02
tiredofthisoh cool thanks MonkeyDust13:02
tiredofthisI'm pretty sure the name of my username is ubuntu3213:03
tiredofthisBut I don't know where to see the full path that leads to my desktop13:03
zykotick9tiredofthis: try "cd ~/Desktop" then "pwd"13:04
tiredofthishow can i get that squiggly line before desktop?!13:06
fideltiredofthis: that what?13:06
zykotick9tiredofthis: check top left side of keyboard, beside 113:06
fideloh tilde ;)13:07
tiredofthisok i get /home/ubuntu32/Desktop13:07
zykotick9tiredofthis: and if you "ls" do you see your iron-linux thing?13:07
tiredofthisif i now type in ls13:08
tiredofthisi get a blue iron-linux a red tar.gz13:08
tiredofthisah yes i see yes i do13:09
amanthakurhi guys13:09
zykotick9tiredofthis: try "sudo cp iron<TAB> /opt"13:09
amanthakurcan anyone tell me how can i get the boot screen in ubuntu to edit the kernel parameters? i mean i want the shortcut key to pull up the menu13:10
fidelamanthakur: its E to edit on grub stage13:10
llutz_amanthakur: holding left-shift at boot, then "e"13:10
fidelif i understood you right13:10
tiredofthisit tells me ommitting directory is that good?13:10
agc93try the cp again with -r this time13:11
tiredofthisok i think its working thanks13:11
zykotick9tiredofthis: AHH.  it's a directory.  "sudo cp -r ..."13:11
agc93that will recurse through the folders13:11
tiredofthiswell im trying sudo mv following this guide now13:11
tiredofthisnope still no luck13:11
tiredofthismy tar xvf iron-linux.tar.gz gives me no such file, i'll try your cp with -r13:12
tiredofthiswhere do i put the -r ?13:12
tiredofthisshould i escape the desktop folder i seem to be in at the mo?13:12
zykotick9tiredofthis: is this a file or directory?  "ls -l"13:13
tiredofthisdesktop is a directory13:13
tiredofthisoh ok one secon13:13
zykotick9tiredofthis: sorry -- continued: does it say d or - on far left.  for the file iron-linux...13:13
tiredofthisls -1 gives me a blue line13:13
tiredofthiswhich means its giving me a directory i think13:14
tiredofthisthat weird i seem to have erased the tar13:14
amanthakurllutz, thanks13:14
zykotick9tiredofthis: 1 != l13:15
ghotiCan anyone recommend a solid VPS provider in .au?13:15
tiredofthisanyway at the beginning I used to have both the directory and the tar, as I had extracted the tar into the desktop13:15
tiredofthisnow I think I may have unpacked the tar and evaporated it13:15
tiredofthiswell no, what i've done is i've sudo'd it13:15
chturneI'm looking to buy a new laptop, I don't want Windows installed (I get it for free at my uni anyway), can anyone help me find such a laptop in the UK that works well with GNU/Linux?13:16
tiredofthisbut when I tried to unpack with the tar command I was told no such file or directory13:16
tiredofthisno wait, thats wrong, oh i dunno what i've done i'm useless13:16
quixotedonchturne: actually most laptop works well with Linux13:16
DJoneschturne: It might be worth you join #ubuntu-uk (UK local channel) to ask that13:17
tiredofthisghoti vps providers in australia are very expensive13:17
chturneDJones, oops. Thanks!13:17
tiredofthistry lowendbox for cheap SSH13:17
SDXHow can I use Xfce's Mixer to adjust my volume instead of PulseAudio's volume control in Xubuntu?13:17
dontknowwhy linux is more safe? explain it with two sentences!13:18
SDXI tried #xubuntu.  No response yet.13:18
tiredofthiszykotick9 to answer you whether it says - or d, it says neither13:18
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agc93dontknow: you might get a better response in #ubuntu-offtopic13:19
ghotitiredofthis: yes, but I need to find a place to host content to clients in Sydney that isn't going to get pulled across oceans.  thanks for the lowendbox pointer, I'll do some research there.13:19
tiredofthisit just gives me a blue 'iron-linux'13:19
zykotick9tiredofthis: you need to use "ls -l" to see permissions that's a lowercase L13:19
tiredofthislinux isn't more safe, i'm just being paranoid13:20
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tiredofthisI mean paranoid by setting up ubuntu just because of security13:20
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dontknowagc93, it looks like abandoned13:20
ghotiparanoid is good.  they really are out to get us.13:20
fastaWhat is the maximum possible value of fs.inotify.max_user_watches?13:20
tiredofthisok so its lowercase ls-1 while i'm the desktop folder? that just gives me the folders and the files in the desktop13:20
dontknowghoti, did you set selinux?13:21
fastaAnd what does it mean for a watch to be created? I.e. how much memory/CPU does it use?13:21
ghotidontknow: er, no...13:21
dontknowtiredofthis, did you set selinux13:21
dontknowghoti, i asked mistakenly13:21
ghotifasta: i=`sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches`; i=${i##* }; while sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=$i; do printf "\r%s " $i; ((i++)); done; echo ""13:24
fastaghoti: that could take a month to run.13:25
ghotiyou didn't give me a time limit.13:25
fastaghoti: you can better binary search then.13:25
fastaghoti: even then, it doesn't answer the question.13:26
fastaghoti: because I asked for two functions from N, the number of watches to the amount of memory and CPU required.13:26
hayden_ruAnyone playing Humble Bundle games on Intel HD3000 on Ubuntu? How is performance?13:26
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sacarlsonSDX: I'm sure alsamixer would work13:27
dr--willishayden_ru:  depends on the game I imagine.13:28
ghotifasta: I've seen systems using fs.inotify.max_user_watches > 200000, but I don't know if there's an upper limit hard-coded.  And if there isn't one hard-coded, then the limit is flexible, and your question can't be answered here.13:28
hayden_rudr--willis: interested in Bastion and Psychonauts :)13:28
fastaghoti: the default is already 2.5 times what you claim to have seen.13:29
katherinem13_Hi, I'd like to change my unity settings so that I can move windows upwards past the top bar (I have a small screen and need to do this to see the bottom of some windows).13:29
katherinem13_How can I do this?13:29
fidelhayden_ru: and those 2 dont mention hardware-requirements?13:29
ghotifasta: what I "claim" to have seen?  gfy.13:29
fidelon the related project pages?13:29
fastaghoti: gfy?13:29
Dj_FlyByhow does one get to the grub menu to choose the recovery options in 10.04 (I thought it was the ESC key, but that is nto working)13:29
fastaghoti: I was just pointing out that your knowledge is out of date.13:29
fastaghoti: no need to feel bad for being ignorant.13:29
zykotick9katherinem13_: see if holding ALT while dragging the window will allow moving past top - compiz might prevent this...13:29
dr--willisDj_FlyBy:  try shift13:29
agc93katherinem13_ I don't think thats possible. What you can try is holding down the Alt key, then clicking and dragging on a window13:29
ghotiyet, to express that, you used words that implied that I was lying to you.  Great choice.13:30
SDXsacarlson: Thank you, sacarlson.  alsamixer worked for my purpose of muting sound from certoin speakers.13:30
katherinem13_zykotick9: Oh, great! That does work. Thanks.13:30
fastaghoti: yeah, I suppose in this case the doubt expressed by the word claim was not needed.13:30
fastaghoti: still, I wasn't there with you when you saw it :)13:31
dr--willisKatherine2046:  try alt-click and moveing it up? that used to wirk13:31
tiredofthiswhat is selinux?13:31
ghotifasta: I certainly don't feel bad for ignorance.  we all have that, or we wouldn't ask question.  I feel bad about wasting time trying to help you.13:31
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  security enhanced linux13:31
tiredofthisi hate ubuntu13:31
backboxhello guys13:31
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  then dont use it13:31
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backboxi love ubntu13:31
tiredofthisi'm not sure, i do know i ran all the updates13:31
SDXThat's generally not a good idea in Ubuntu.13:32
tiredofthisMonkeyDust should i install selinux13:32
backboxwhat is you problem?13:32
dr--willistiredofthis:   and the issue is?13:32
SDXUpdates break things sometimes.13:32
fastatiredofthis: if you want to secure your box, yes.13:32
backboxbtw guys13:32
tiredofthisare the updates the reason its not working for me?13:32
fastatiredofthis: if you want a usable system without advanced administration skills, no.13:32
SDXThey could be.13:32
SDXWhat isn't working exactly?13:33
tiredofthisso all i should have done is install selinux, encrypt the ubuntu and thats it?13:33
sacarlsontiredofthis: simple secreet is if it works don't fix it.  don't upgrade unless you have to13:33
backboxme adn my brother were arguing about Windows vs Lunix password file security13:33
fastatiredofthis: encryption and selinux are unrelated.13:33
fastatiredofthis: disk encryption in this case.13:33
backboxi mean ntvlm and the free bsd md5 hashing13:33
tiredofthiswell if i'm going into this much trouble installing iron i can only imagine the issues i'll run into when i try to install bitcoin and bitcoin armoury13:34
fastatiredofthis: iron?13:34
fastatiredofthis: the browser?13:34
tiredofthisactually i also failed at trying to install bitcoin the other day on this ubuntu i'm a TOTAL failure at ubuntu13:34
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  use chromium, it's in the repos13:34
dantix1hi all13:34
tiredofthisbut its also because ubuntu isnt friendly AT ALL13:34
fastatiredofthis: iron is a broken browser.13:34
tiredofthisyes iron the browser13:34
agc93MonkeyDust: he apparently needs the security of Iron13:34
tiredofthisthat bad?13:34
tiredofthisi'd heard good things13:34
fastatiredofthis: it's insecure out of the box.13:34
sacarlsontiredofthis: wow bitcoin I wrote multicoin a branch of bitcoin13:34
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  it's friendly to me13:35
tiredofthisso what browser is secure13:35
darkblue_bhi all - I just created a new Ubuntu-Server 12.4 VM. I wanted to look at nginx, so I instaled nginx, then I wanted to get rid of nginx, so I did apt-get remove nginx; guess what ? it is still there, still running13:35
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  internet is not secure13:35
agc93any browser on a sufficiently secure system :P13:35
fastatiredofthis: only latest chrome for the chrome family.13:35
tiredofthisit treats me badly doesnt even let me see where the directories are13:35
tiredofthisall the commands take days to learn13:35
tiredofthiswhen i'm not in a chatroom i'm waiting for answers in forums13:35
fastatiredofthis: read a book.13:35
OerHekstiredofthis bla bla bla13:35
agc93tiredofthis: anything new takes time to learn13:35
darkblue_bso I installed aptitiude, installed again with apttude and then purged, and guess what - nginx is si still there and *still runing* after a erboot too ?!!?13:35
fastatiredofthis: then you aren't dependent on lesser beings.13:35
dr--willisbooks are good.13:35
tiredofthiswhy ubuntu isn't gui installer friendly beats me13:36
backboxso guys13:36
dantix1I have a netbook running lucid and at the skype's camera test the image is head down, say flip vertically13:36
MonkeyDusttiredofthis  please take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic13:36
backboxthe shadow file encryption13:36
agc93tiredofthis: it is a gui installer. It works fine for me13:36
dr--willisvague ramblings are vague13:36
backboxis there any way to make more secure13:36
panduini budi, budi bermain bola13:36
SDXFirefox with NoScript, FlashBlock, and Ghostery is quite secure.13:37
tiredofthisyeah but im a disaster at it, although its also the fault of linux, i remember earlier this year breaking my centos server half a dozen times13:37
dantix1anybody faced with this problem?13:37
dr--willisdantix1:  I use webcamstudio for effects like that13:37
angsI use ubuntu 12.04 and get the following error for the code that I am executing in here http://pastebin.com/aMBL0pd0 what is wrong with it? I already installed linaro-image-tools and live-build by apt-get install ...13:37
darkblue_baside from being in incredulous, how do I get rid of nginx now?13:37
SDXGranted you don't add every website you've ever heard of to to your whitelist, of course.13:38
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dantix1dr--willis: but my problem is that skype filps the image.13:38
pandusaya pikir skype itu bagus13:38
MonkeyDustwell, that's lame, windows doesnt read .ogg13:39
dr--willisdantix1:  could use webcam studio to flip it back. ;)13:39
morsnowskipandu, do you have a support question?13:39
panduyes I do13:39
katherinem13_Next question: How can I make xterm always start maximized when launched from the Unity launcher? This is a netbook, so actually it would be nice if I could have all windows maximize automatically.13:39
backboxnot that kind of security i need13:39
dustinspringmananyone know of a viewer for MS visio?13:39
pandukamu tau ini apa morsnowski ?13:39
backboxi need to improve local passwd and shadow security13:39
dantix1dr--willis: understood...thanks13:40
despoenahi guys im getting an error on ubuntu 12.04 that says Home Directory /home/dottie not ours how can i fix this13:40
MonkeyDustdustinspringman  what's ms visio?13:40
fidelpandu: this channel is english - what language are you looking for?13:40
compdocdustinspringman, not for linux13:40
dustinspringmancompdoc: lame..13:41
despoenamy audio isnt working and when searching for a solution i found that pulseaudio requires access to the home directory something obviously changed my permissions and it could be the main factor in my audio problems13:42
despoenai read that i just need to change owner and group id on the home folder but dont know how to do so13:42
compdocdustinspringman, have you tried Firefox Visio Viewer?13:42
dustinspringmanooh, good idea13:43
angshow can I install .deb file?13:44
toldespoena: chown -R owner:group, but be careful with it13:44
despoenatol, careful ?13:44
tolangs: dpkg -i file13:44
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:44
WeissLehrerthere is something wrong with my dhclient, /var/lib/dhcp3/ does not exist tought it seems to be using that path to the leases file13:45
toldespoena: -R means recursive for all files/folders13:45
WeissLehrerthere is something wrong with my dhclient, /var/lib/dhcp3/ does not exist tought it seems to be using that path to the leases file, sacarlson13:45
despoenatol, ok do i need to change owner:group to anything or keep it as is13:45
dustinspringmancompdoc: looks like that will do it, thanks!13:45
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: I thought that dir was only needed if you run the dhcpd  the dhcp server13:46
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sacarlsonWeissLehrer: oh and in 12.04 the path has changed to /etc/dhcp13:46
angstol: thank you13:46
despoenatol, getting chown: missing operand after `owner:group'13:46
WeissLehrersacarlson: I use 11.1013:47
WeissLehrerbut the lease file exist in /var/lib/dhcp/13:48
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WeissLehrerbut the client is looking for /var/lib/dhcp313:48
WeissLehrermaybe I could symlink dhcp3 to dhcp ?13:49
katherinem13_So... can I make xterm start maximized when launched from the Unity launcher?13:49
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dr--willisKatherine2046:  give xterm a size argument us one way. or use compiz window rules plugin. or try devilspie13:51
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: yes so is my other server and it has changed the path name to /etc/dhcp and the restart name also to isc-dhcp or something13:51
tomasteincan someone help me with geoip on ubuntu? the package was installed correctly but I can't make it work13:51
tomasteinis it the correct place?13:51
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MonkeyDust!find geoip13:52
ubottuFound: geoclue-ubuntu-geoip, geoip-bin, geoip-database, libgeoip-dev, libgeoip1, python-geoip, python-geoip-dbg, libapache2-mod-geoip, libcherokee-mod-geoip, php5-geoip (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=geoip&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all13:52
MonkeyDusttomastein  seems to be apache/php, their channels may be more suited13:53
katherinem13_dr--willis: What to I have to do to get a control panel for the windows rules plugin? I didn't see it in the system settings by default.13:53
backboxwipe hard drive then re-install13:54
tomasteinall these are different geoip channels?13:54
blakehellow everyone. im currently having an issue on shutting down my laptop when its running on the battery everytime when i go to shut down it just restarts my laptop, but when my laptop is plugged in it shuts down fine13:54
dr--willisKatherine2046:  its a ccsm setting I recall. nit on a ubuntu box to look right now13:54
MonkeyDusttomastein  better ask in #apache13:55
katherinem13_dr--willis, okay, I'll try installing ccsm.13:55
dr--willisa ccsm plugin setting. in the rules plugin13:55
backboxinstall pwnOS13:55
backboxth passwd13:55
dr--willisbackbox:  huh?13:56
bazhangbackbox, pardon?13:56
Nytelifekonboot would work for pw bypass13:57
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Nytelifenm im stoopid13:57
WeissLehrersacarlson: so would it be creating a symlink a possible workaround?13:57
Guest86925Hello, I have a little question (i'm not english, sorry for the stranges sentences)13:58
blakehellow everyone. im currently having an issue on shutting down my laptop when its running on the battery everytime when i go to shut down it just restarts my laptop, but when my laptop is plugged in it shuts down fine13:58
WeissLehrer!question Guest8692513:58
Guest86925I want to format de windows partition on the dual boot, how I can prepare to it before format?13:58
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WeissLehrer!ask Guest8692513:59
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: what app is looking there?  maybe the upgrade messed up and still looks in the wrong place13:59
dr--willisaezaerth:  gparted tool is handy13:59
Nytelife•blake• try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/144559/my-notebook-cant-poweroff-normally-on-battery13:59
WeissLehrersacarlson: dhclient313:59
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: do you see the directory that I spoke of?13:59
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sacarlsonWeissLehrer: look at the path to that file dhclient3 where is it from14:00
aesmileFiouuu, all nickname is registered ^^14:00
WeissLehrersacarlson: /var/lib/dhcp/ exist but the data from 'htop' makes me belive it is searching for the unexistent /var/lib/dhcp3/14:00
aesmilegparted, in RIP or Knoppix you think?14:00
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhcp3/+bug/3814014:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 38140 in dhcp3 (Ubuntu) "dhclient3 keeps running after ifdown" [Medium,Confirmed]14:00
aesmileBecause, if I format, I don't have an access at my ubuntu partition14:01
dr--willisaesmile:  any gparted.14:01
aesmileBut for the grub, sorry I don't precise14:01
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: oh this is back in 2006 didn't they fix this?14:01
dr--willisaesmile: your details are lacking. :)14:01
Fawzibanyone works with ZFS here? have a question14:01
WeissLehrerdhclient3 -e IF_METRIC=100 -pf /var/run/dhclient.eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases -1 eth014:02
aesmileFor find again a menu on the boot. :/14:02
WeissLehrersacarlson: the thing is it get an IP when the system start14:02
WeissLehreron boot14:02
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: ya it shows it's still here in 11.1014:02
aesmileBesause in the "manual" I do it this the liveCD14:03
Fawzibquestion: i have a zfs pool (media) that cant import (-f does not work), so I just want to get rid of it and recreate it. how can i do that?14:03
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: I didn't read the whole bug report not sure there is a work around for it14:03
aesmileBut I never see that on the LiveCD 11.04 :'(14:03
tomwolberevolution keeps hanging trying to receive messages...how can I quit it from CLI?14:04
Meridioustomwolber: open system monitor, and kill the process from there14:05
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: sounds like an if-down problem, you should be able to modify the script for if-down to be sure all dhclients are killed14:06
Meridioustomwolber: look under the processes tab, and find something that looks like evolution14:06
tomwolberMeridious: worked...thanks!14:06
Meridioustomwolber: Not a problem!14:06
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SkippersBossaesmile: something is lost in translation may ubuntu-fr could help ??14:07
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blakeNyrelife  i wana say thank you for that post ive been looking for an answer to this for weeks i appreciate your help14:07
__Xav92__hi all :D14:08
__Xav92__my first words on mIRC !! :D14:08
MonkeyDustmIRC is windows14:08
backboxfirst words on mIC or IRC ?14:08
washuu_deHi, are there another channel for another languages?14:08
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: is sounds like it's also a part of the /etc/init.d/networking script that will always keep running from upstart so seems a work around would be to disable network-manager and just run a single dhclient in your own start script14:08
__Xav92__IRC :o14:08
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:08
Myrtti__Xav92__: did you have Ubuntu related question or problem?14:09
OerHekswashuu_de, sure14:09
__Xav92__no :[14:09
__Xav92__no :[14:09
__Xav92__oops x]14:09
__Xav92__bye all14:09
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washuu_deYep, and tnx. -de und -at14:09
washuu_deI just thought that "Hinweis" is  good.14:11
washuu_deA note to non-english speakers14:12
aqerthi over there14:12
met12327Greetings all! Ran a fresh install of 11.10, attempted to update security, and dpkg promptly threw a fit - just froze; followed internet-based advice (now vaued at what I paid for same) and forced kpkg to reconfig. No success. Any thoughts?14:15
met12327Should note in passing, the reconfigure did nit to improve the situation.14:15
WeissLehrersacarlson: but the dhclient should be closed after the connection is done?14:16
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: did you not read the bug report14:16
mi3hello, I would like to download movies from spike.com using wget, any suggestions ?14:17
Meridiousmi3 find the filepath of the movie you want14:17
Meridiousand wget it14:17
mi3Meridious, and ?14:17
WeissLehrersacarlson: the reason there was more than one dhclient is because I typed 'dhclient eth0' in the shell to see what happened, I already killed them14:18
Meridiousmi3: that is basically it. What format is the movie in?14:18
mi3Meridious, I dont know, I want to grab that movie somehow14:18
met12327mi3: use firefox wi/ downloadhelper plug-in14:18
MonkeyDustmi3  are they free?14:18
end_guymi3: type in terminal man wget14:18
mi3MonkeyDust, yes they are free, you can watch them online for free14:19
mi3MonkeyDust, but it does not open in my location :(14:19
Meridiousmi3: use met12327's suggestion. Using wget for that is just more hassle than it is worth14:19
mi3met12327, will it work ?14:19
Meridiousmi3: you tell us ;-)14:20
mi3Meridious, ok :D14:20
met12327mi3, I use it on youtube; never tried on spike; also run throughy avidemux to convert for dvd, then build dvd w/dvdstyler - nice litttle toolchain there14:20
gsr"aptitude why blcr-dkms" : libcr0 -> "aptitude why libcr0": blcr-util -> "aptitude why blcr-util" : blcr-dkms  ... How do I find out what installed these packages?14:22
SkippersBossmi3: you probably need to go through a proxy in the reqion as access could be barred14:22
SkippersBossmi3: have you got access normally to the sites videos ??14:23
MonkeyDustmi3  just checked, the films are not available in every or any country14:24
mi3SkippersBoss, I cant watch the video, since I am from India,14:24
mi3MonkeyDust, err any way to bypass that ?14:24
one_menhello everybody14:24
SkippersBossso wget won't do you any good either14:24
MonkeyDustmi3  same here, guess not, legal policy issues14:24
mi3I really need those videos, they are nice ones14:25
sourcookiHi this may be more of a hardware problem, but I cannot use my keyboard on my computer to select bios or in grub. It only works when I get to Windows that have on this computer as well. This is a laptop btw.14:26
bazhangmi3, thats not an ubuntu support issue14:26
LordOfTimemi3: this isnt the place to explain how to bypass policies and firewall regulations by either  corporate or ISP14:26
mi3umm ok14:26
LordOfTimemi3: as well, its not an Ubuntu issue14:26
dshoemorning guys14:26
dshoeanyway I can change my default torrent app without having a .torrent file?14:26
sourcookigoogling only really gives me a legacy usb error, that is not related to me as i dont have a usb keyboard14:26
dshoestupid magnet links14:26
met12327sourcooki, what flavor of lappy (brand, not model)14:27
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LmAthttp://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/font-formats-1.html , section 1.3.  Can anyone help me decode this text?14:27
LmAtI'm having some trouble understanding it :(14:28
sourcookiit was working before, untill i just updated ubuntu14:28
met12327it's hardware, as in, there is no firmware bios; lenovo puts it on a hidden partition14:28
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sourcookiwell met, it was working for about a year now untill i installed updates and went to reboot14:28
met12327sorry, sourcooki, my bad14:29
ubottuMandrillone86: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:29
n1kn0kcan someone tell me how to organize the clipart gallery in libreoffice? I can see it sorted by artist instead of theme or content ... it's so hard to search for the clipart you want to use ..14:29
sourcookimet, do you know any other channels that i can try to get some help in?14:30
tiredofthishey guys how can i find user groups gui in unity?14:30
met12327not on irc much; sorry couldn't help more14:31
bcuraboyhow can i get guayadeque integration with pidgin on my ubuntu 12.04?14:31
sourcookiit is fine, thanks14:31
sacarlsonWeissLehrer: oh you didn't tell me you manualy ran dhclient to cause the problem14:32
n1kn0kanyone who can answer about libreoffice14:32
WeissLehrersacarlson: I created another problem trying to find out what was happening14:32
WeissLehrerthe problem is the leases file it looks for does not exist14:33
WeissLehrerit exist in /var/lib/dhcp/14:33
WeissLehrerbut not in /var/lib/dhcp3/14:33
eightieskI updated from 10.04 to 11.04 last night14:34
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eightieskI ran an update on ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 and now i don't have a login screen what can I do on a live cd to fix this issue?14:35
eightieskit loads to the login screen but then doesn't fully load the login screen14:35
bazhangeightiesk, to 10.10 first?14:35
eightieskbazhang, it did auto updates14:35
eightieskI work at a hosting company and all the workstations are running ubunut14:36
bazhangeightiesk, there is no one step upgrade path like that14:36
bazhangeightiesk, unless you mean 12.0414:36
paaniii need to choose between ubuntu 12.04 and windows 714:36
LordOfTimepaanii: Ubuntu14:36
LordOfTime(we're biased that way)14:36
LordOfTimepaanii: but realy, its up to your use case14:37
eightieskhow do i tell what it updated to14:37
LordOfTimewhat're you preferring/wanting?14:37
paaniiam a graphic designer by profession14:37
Chuck_Norrispaanii: ubuntu \m/-_-\m/14:37
eightieskif i can't get into it14:37
roastedpaanii: if you can't make a decision, dual boot. I've ran Ubuntu exclusively for the last 7 years nad haven't really cared to ever touch Windows again.14:37
paaniii have the dual boot but i dont want to see that boot loader screen anymore14:38
paaniijust want to load one good OS14:38
Chuck_Norrispaanii: what programs do you use?14:38
bazhang!version | eightiesk14:38
ubottueightiesk: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:38
MonkeyDustpaanii  and I guess photoshop runs well in Wine14:38
eightieski'm running a 10.04 live cd atm14:38
Chuck_Norrisi meant for your desings14:38
paaniithe Adobe suite14:38
bazhanglsb_release -a  eightiesk14:39
paaniiPhotoshop, indesign illustrator and dreamweaver14:39
roastedQuestion - I know there's a few display managers out there, but I forget their names. Can anybody fire out alternatives to display managers like ARandR? I'm looking for a small, easy to use display manager to use on our work systems for users who have a laptop and hook up to a projector (just in case the hardware fn keys ever fail)14:39
Chuck_NorrisMonkeyDust: ye, that's truth: http://i.imgur.com/vGHAE.png  http://i.imgur.com/uduWQ.png14:39
bazhangChuck_Norris, what is that14:40
Chuck_Norrismmm... photshop14:40
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tomysteindoes anyone knows about geoip and can help?14:41
MonkeyDusttomystein  have you asked in #apache or in #php ?14:42
SkippersBosspaanii: what about running a host on ubuntu and using a VM to run your adobe specific suite14:42
tomysteinyep but didn't get an answer yet14:42
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lilredyour opinion about jQuery Mobile?14:42
sacarlsonWeissLehrer:  I think that's were is should be for your version am I wrong?14:43
paaniiexactly or i am thinking of even using virtualbox14:43
mneptokunless you are doing color separations for pre-press, the GIMP does everything Photoshop does. and does not require stealing or spending the cost of a heart transplant.14:43
mneptokpaanii: what OS are you using now?14:44
mneptokpaanii: have you tried spending real time with the GIMP to see if it suits your needs?14:46
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paaniinot really14:46
* SkippersBoss prefers Gimp 14:46
Picitomystein: What is your question about it?14:46
paaniiGimp, i only use it for file conversion like from .png to .ico14:47
mneptokpaanii: an OS is just a vehicle to get you the computing tools you need. start with the question "Photoshop or the GIMP?" and move from there.14:47
paaniicos i cant get that in photoshop14:47
derek_ealy_R7Yesterday Ubuntu on my notebook prompted me to do an update, after it completed, gnome exits immediately after login and I'm returned to the login screen. I need help troubleshooting this problem, can anyone point me in the right direction?14:48
mneptokderek_ealy_R7: can you login from a TTY?14:48
paaniidoes the GIMP has a steep learning curve? because i have been using photoshop for like 4years now14:48
agc93check /var/log/syslog for any weird messages, perhaps?14:48
agc93Yes, GIMP has a learning curve, but shoudn't this really be in #ubuntu-offtopic?14:49
derek_ealy_R7yes, pressing ctrl+alt+f1 gets me to command line mode, where I can login14:49
mneptokpaanii: it's certainly less steep if you understand image editing principles, which after 4 years i hope you do ;)14:49
agc93can you see anything odd if you run tail -n 40 /var/log/syslog ?14:49
mneptokpaanii: http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-GIMP-From-Novice-Professional/dp/143021070214:50
MonkeyDustpaanii  and it depends on how skilled / smart you are14:50
paaniithanks mneptok for the link14:50
derek_ealy_R7nothing obvious in the syslog other than a warning about unable to load /etc/gdm/custom.conf14:50
paaniiam fast in learnign14:50
mneptokderek_ealy_R7: if you can login via TTY, then the issue is something with X or GNOME setup. try creating a new account, and see if that account can login to the GUI.14:50
mneptokpaanii: spend 24-48 hours playing with the GIMP, and then report back here?14:51
linuxnewb2Okay i need some help.14:52
mneptokpaanii: if the GIMP can replace Photoshop in your workflow, then a migration to Linux is a fairly easy decision and chore.14:52
linuxnewb2Trying to install "GPA", Can't find a source with it i guess is my issue.14:52
linuxnewb2"sudo apt-get install gpa"14:52
mneptok!info gpa14:52
ubottuPackage gpa does not exist in precise14:52
mneptoklinuxnewb2: there's your problem14:52
eein_anyone know of a linux wav editor that opens files directly in their original format rather than importing them?14:53
mneptoklinuxnewb2: what is "GPA?"14:53
linuxnewb2So i would need to downgrade.14:53
mneptokeein_: Audacity does not do that?14:53
linuxnewb2mneptok: from what i know it's a gui inferace for pgp14:53
mneptoklinuxnewb2: "seahorse" is what you are after.14:54
eein_mneptok: no its imports it as an audacity project so it can support multitrack etc things that dont exist in mp3 flac world14:54
linuxnewb2I can use kleopatra on windoze, but jeebus.14:54
linuxnewb2mneptok: Ty.14:54
ikonialinuxnewb2: it's called "windows"14:54
mneptokeein_: when you save in Audacity, you should be able to save as a WAV, and stuff gets muxed appropriate to the format.14:54
derek_ealy_R7well, after creating a new user it didn't exit immediately after login, however I'm stuck at a blank screen with just the desktop background image14:55
eein_mneptok: yeah too many steps, basically i need to reverse swears in music to make them radio versions.  exporting is just another step and slows things down when doing tons of songs14:55
eein_i just want to open a song reverse swears ctrl+s and be done14:55
eein_not setup a keybinding for eport then pick format yes overwrite etc14:56
mneptokeein_: maybe it's easier to hope FCC control isn't scanning you when those songs air ;)14:56
roastedQuestion - I want to set a keyboard shortcut to open terminal + run a command. What features do I need to cause terminal to open and then execute the command in question?14:56
paaniisure> means i have to re-fromat my HDD and do a new install of ubuntu 12.0414:56
ikoniaroasted: -e14:56
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ikoniaroasted: it will execute what you put after -e14:57
eein_mneptok: :-) its for dj house parties its more the people im concernerd about14:57
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MonkeyDustroasted  create a launcher and select "open in terminal", then assign a hotkey to it14:57
ikoniaroasted: (check the flag for the syntax for your specific terminal, but most respond to -e)14:57
roastedikonia: so if I want to run a bash script called "weather", is that to say "-e weather" is what I want?14:57
mneptokeein_: ah, the life of a private DJ. good luck. i have only ever used Audacity. sorry.14:57
ikoniaroasted: if it's in the default path of the shell you launch sure, however you can do -e /usr/share/bin/weather.sh too14:57
roastedMonkeyDust: where's that at? In keyboard shortcuts?14:57
roastedikonia: ah, gotcha. Let me try that.14:57
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roastedikonia: eh, that didn't fly. I'll read through the flags though.14:58
eein_yeah its annoying all the steps after you do a hundred or so and finding edited tracks isnt always an option14:58
ikoniaroasted: what terminal are you launching ?14:58
roastedikonia: whatever is in ubuntu *shrug*14:59
ikoniaroasted: how are you launcing a terminal, you need a command, eg: xterm -e "ls"14:59
roastedikonia: I just found a script on the forums that brings weather info through terminal. I was trying to assign it to a hot key so I can hit that, term launches, and brings up the feed instantly.14:59
MonkeyDustroasted  yes, in system settings, keyboard, shortcuts, custom14:59
ikoniaroasted: yeah, you'll need to launch a terminal for it to run in though14:59
roastedMonkeyDust: there is no run in terminal function though. just name and command. Are you sure you don't mean "run in terminal" thats under a custom startup application?15:00
ikoniaroasted: just tested it with xterm15:00
ikoniaroasted: xterm -e top15:00
ikoniaroasted: launched an xterm running top15:01
agc93so you could use gnome-terminal -e <a command here> to launch a normal terminal with a command15:01
agc93if you dont like xterm15:01
roastedikonia: I don't believe I'm using xterm. Do you know the name for the default terminal?15:02
ikoniaroasted: try uxterm -e top15:02
ikoniaroasted: you need to know the name of the terminal you are launching, how are you lauching a terminal from the command line15:02
agc93Assuming you use GNOME and not KDE15:02
roastedagc93: well, I'm on Unity, so I would assume gnome-terminal.15:02
ikoniaroasted: gnome-terminal -e top15:02
roastedgnome-terminal -e top isn't doing anything though15:02
ikoniaroasted: also works15:02
tanveerQUICk question guys15:02
tanveeranyone here15:03
roastedikonia: are you setting up a keyboard shortcut when you test these?15:03
ikoniaroasted: just tested it15:03
ikoniaroasted: no, just from the command line15:03
polygonsagc93, hey, you were helping me last night to reinstall mysql-server.  when i reinstall, it says, can't set root password for the server, maybe one already exists.  i guess that means there's some old config files laying around?  maybe i find those and kill them, then it will work?15:03
agc93roasted: worked for me15:03
roastedikonia: gotcha. I'm in keyboard shortcuts. Probably why we're seeing different things.15:03
tanveerGuys will Rasberry Pi get ubuntu15:03
ikoniaroasted: test it on the command line, comfirm it works.....then move forward15:03
roastedbut yeaht hat works fine for me if I launch in terminal15:03
agc93tanveer: eventually, probably15:03
k1l_tanveer: try #ubuntu-arm15:03
roastedikonia: maybe I need to incorporate that in the script instead of in keyboard shortcuts15:04
agc93polygons: if you can find it, then that should work15:04
ikoniaroasted: I'm on a modified desktop here, so I can't really test the shortcut function15:04
polygonsagc93, any idea where to look?15:04
agc93sorry, nope. Never done MySQL on Ubuntu :(15:04
agc93usual places are ~/.config /usr/share /usr/local/ /etc/ and occasionally in /var/ somewhere15:05
polygonsagc93, thanks!15:06
roastedikonia: side FYI, I did a 2 part youtube screencast on Motion... posted it on the forums last night... just an FYI since we had touched base on Motion before.15:06
ikoniaroasted: I'll take a look at it15:06
roastedikonia: still pending approval last I saw, but figured I'd mention it.15:06
ikoniaroasted: let me know when it's there15:06
roastedikonia: will do15:07
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roastedif I run gnome-terminal -e weather, it crashes immediately. terminal opens, but then it disappears.15:08
ikoniaroasted: open a terminal and run terminal15:08
agc93but running weather from a newly created gnome terminal window doesn't?15:08
ikoniaroasted: does it work15:08
ikoniaroasted: is it something that runs then exits15:08
angshow can I create an executable shell script? create a file with nano/vi then paste the code then chmod +x the file?15:09
ikoniaor something that runs and stays active (like top)15:09
ikoniaangs: that's it15:09
roastedikonia: I had a terminal open when I ran gnome-terminal -e weather15:09
angsikonia: thank you15:09
MonkeyDuststrangely, my local pc sees my remotely mounted usb disk, when I use sftp, but not when I use nfs15:09
agc93roasted: if you open a terminal window at / and then run weather, does it work?15:09
agc93is weather a one-time command or a recurring screen?15:10
WeissLehrersacarlson: I'm not sure15:10
roastedagc93: it's a long command I found on forums.      curl -s "http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/ForecastXML/index.xml?query=${@:-?????}"|perl -ne '/<title>([^<]+)/&&printf "%s: ",$1;/<fcttext>([^<]+)/&&print $1,"\n " ' | fmt -t;15:10
roastedagc93: with the ????? being where you put the zip code15:10
agc93because after the command has run, the terminal window will close15:10
agc93I'm not entirely sure what's going on there, but I have an idea. Gimme a sec15:11
roastedagc93: oh, maybe its completing that quick then?15:11
ikoniaroasted: try it with "ls"15:11
roastedIs there a way to cause the terminal to not auto close itself?15:11
ikoniaroasted: you'll see the same results15:11
roastedikonia: not sure I understand. what am I ls-ing?15:11
WeissLehrersacarlson: dhclient looks for /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases15:11
ikoniaroasted: gnome-terminal -e ls15:11
ikoniaroasted: you'll see it opens/ls/closes very quick15:11
agc93roasted: can you paste that command again? I just hit clear instead of copy :/15:11
ikoniaroasted: try adding "sleep 30" to the end of the script15:11
roastedagc93: it's a long command I found on forums.      curl -s "http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/ForecastXML/index.xml?query=${@:-?????}"|perl -ne '/<title>([^<]+)/&&printf "%s: ",$1;/<fcttext>([^<]+)/&&print $1,"\n " ' | fmt -t;15:12
roastedagc93: question marks being the zip code15:12
ikoniaroasted: just add sleep 30 to the end15:12
roastedha, bingo15:12
ikoniathere we go15:13
ikoniaroasted: that will dissapear after 30 seconds15:13
roastedikonia: actually, it doesnt disappear.15:13
ikoniaroasted: really ? it should15:13
roastedikonia: I did sleep 10. after 10 seconds, it just returns to prompt15:13
ikoniaroasted: sleep 10; exit15:13
lilredhow important are callbacks in day to day jQuery?15:13
wingnut2626I have 2 telnet clients PCManX and GEManX and both have blank "black" output when connected to a telnet bbs.  how can i correct this?15:14
ikoniawingnut2626: just use normal telnet15:14
wingnut2626yeah, but how can i download files from telnet from the command line?15:14
ikoniawingnut2626: uueencode15:14
ikoniauuencode sorry15:15
Picililred: #jquery would be a more appropriate place to ask.15:15
wingnut2626ikonia whats that?15:15
joekoroasted, gnome-terminal -e 'bash -c "weather; echo press any key; read"'15:15
agc93roasted: I've worked it out. Use http://pastebin.com/fA0ckXt9 as weather 2 or some such and then use gnome-terminal -e weather <number of seconds to wait between updates>15:15
ikoniawingnut2626: a method of transfering files over telnet15:15
lilredPici: sorry, wrong channel :|15:15
wingnut2626how do i utilize that15:15
roastedjoeko: I take it that allows me to press any key to have it exit?15:16
agc93roasted: that should work theoretically15:16
|MS|DjFlyByis there a way to find out what a package in the Ubuntu repo was compiled with?15:16
JoeKnot cool15:16
ikonia|MS|DjFlyBy: what do you mean what it was compiled with15:16
joekoroasted, possibly15:16
joekoroasted, listen to agc9315:16
ikonia|MS|DjFlyBy: it's compiled with the toolchain of the distro, eg: if you are on ubuntu 10.04 that uses gcc 4.4, then all c will be compiled with gcc 4.415:16
MonkeyDust!info indicator-weather| roasted15:17
ubottu'roasted' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable15:17
MonkeyDust!info indicator-weather | roasted15:17
ubotturoasted: indicator-weather (source: indicator-weather): indicator that displays weather information. In component universe, is extra. Version 11.11.28-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 119 kB, installed size 852 kB15:17
roastedjoeko: yeah, doesn't look like it took that15:17
MonkeyDustroasted  it also shows forecasts15:17
agc93MonkeyDust I have number of things that I want done in terminals, not in indicators, but nice suggestion.15:17
agc93roasted: have you tried my watch version yet?15:18
roastedagc93: in pastebin?15:18
arooni-mobilehi folks;  having package manager problems on ubuntu 12.04; it looks broken:  https://gist.github.com/6a884b98f986430359d1  ... any ideas on how to fix?15:18
agc93yeah, copy that into a new script, put your zip code in, and give it a shot passing the number of seconds15:18
roastedagc93: will do15:18
ikoniaarooni-mobile: looks like you have an external repo/PPA15:18
agc93like "weather 15" for 15 second updates15:19
arooni-mobileikonia, yeah; but they have nothing to do with mysql;  what do i do now15:19
ikoniaarooni-mobile: they have - they contain conflicting packages15:19
arooni-mobile  ikonia ok how do i fix15:19
ikoniaarooni-mobile: eg: perl, libz15:19
ikoniazlib even15:19
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ikoniaarooni-mobile: you don't, you'll have to setup some sort of package / repo pinning, but that won't work because you've already got the conflict15:20
arooni-mobileikonia, how do i go back then15:20
ikoniaarooni-mobile: it's just a badly managed/created PPA that's caused a critical conflict15:20
Eighteensquestion, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 on a older system, worked great from the live cd, but when reboot time came, all i get is black screen, and for some UNKNOWN reason, i can't boot from live cd anymore, or even any other boot cd...15:20
roastedagc93: just reutnrs me to a > prompt15:21
angsis there any difference to unpack a xz file by tar xJf and "right click and extract here" ?15:21
agc93roasted: just realised whats wrong. Hang on15:21
arooni-mobileikonia, how do i fix?15:21
ikoniaarooni-mobile: undo everything the PPA has installed, packages and dependencies remove the ppa, update your repo cache and then install what you want/need15:22
arooni-mobileikonia, i have no idea what the ppa installed;  i have multiple ppas15:22
ks07Hey all - is it possible to force the Ubuntu 12.04 server installer to use legacy MBR partitioning and boot loader setup?15:23
ikoniaarooni-mobile: there you go then15:24
ks07It appears to be trying to use EFI, which isn't working for whatever reason15:24
ikoniaarooni-mobile: you need to be more careful and aware of what you put on your machine15:24
ikoniaarooni-mobile: this is why PPA's don't get support as any man and his dog can create one with no responsability for the rubbish they push out15:24
OerHeksarooni-mobile, ppa-purge can solve rollback15:24
agc93roasted: can you try http://pastebin.com/PzkBGwSk15:25
Eighteens i just installed ubuntu 10.04 on a older toshiba laptop, A10s167 system and worked great from the live cd, but when reboot time came, all i get is black screen, and for some UNKNOWN reason, i can't boot from live cd anymore, or even any other boot cd...15:25
agc93its tricky for me to test since I dont know where it came from and Im not in the US15:25
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damms005anybody help me about connecting pc1 to pc2 via wireless?15:25
roastedagc93: still not flying, but that's all right.15:25
damms005I actually want to assess LAMPP on pc1 from pc215:26
agc93dammit. Oh well15:26
|MS|DjFlyByikonia: I want to know what a package was compiled with ....  ie ...  ./configure --enable-something --enable-something-else --disable-whatever ....15:27
ikonia|MS|DjFlyBy: you can see that in the source package for the binary package15:27
agc93roasted: oh its the quotes in that command messing it up. I can sort it out if you want, but if you've got it working?15:29
arooni-mobilefixed it ikonia and OerHeks ... apparently i had renamed my mysql config file in /etc/init.d to prevent autostart and that messed everything up15:29
akdroidi am currently on fedora15:29
akdroidis it possible to replace fedora with ubuntu directly?15:30
ikoniaakdroid: yes15:30
akdroidno uninstall required15:30
ikoniaakdroid: correct15:30
ikoniaakdroid: no uninstall is required15:30
ikoniaakdroid: you just install ubuntu over the top15:30
akdroidok thanks15:31
roastedagc93: looks like it's flying. For some reason "insert" as a shortcut refused to work in the custom keyboard menu.15:33
roastedagc93: I just changed it to CTRL M and it worked great.15:33
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agc93roasted: awesome15:34
roastedagc93: I'd like to do a "press any key to close" instead of a sleep 10. Any idea about that offhand?15:35
agc93I think thats what the read function is for15:35
agc93except I think it expects the Enter key15:35
agc93not just any key15:36
damms005pls  help with chromium from Ubuntu software center pop-up error: Package dependencies cannot be resolved15:36
agc93if you replace the sleep with just the word read and run it again, what happens?15:36
damms005pls  help with chromium from Ubuntu software center pop-up error: Package dependencies cannot be resolved   The following packages have unmet dependencies:  chromium-browser: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1) but 1:4.6.1-9ubuntu3 is to be installed                   Depends: libxss1 but it is not going to be installed                   Depends: zlib1g (>= 1: but 1: is to be installed                   D15:37
qwhello all15:37
wingnut2626how can i download files from a telnet BBs using putty?15:37
qwwhy i not see list programs in KPackageKit ?15:37
roastedagc93: read; exit did the trick15:38
roastedagc93: having read; alone just reutrns me to prompt15:38
ikoniawingnut2626: putty on ubuntu ? probably easier to just use the normal telnet client15:38
agc93damms005: can you try running sudo apt-get build-dep chromium-browser in a terminal15:38
ikoniawingnut2626: telnet is not normally a "download" client, unless you use uuencode as I said earlier15:38
agc93roasted: ah, of course. It's getting late and I'm getting fuzzy :P15:38
roastedagc93: works great tho! appreciate the help15:38
agc93roasted: no probs. happy to help.15:39
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damms005agc93: I get this error.......E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list15:39
Sietse__Hey, I need some help with apt. My packages seems to be broken when I accidentily killed the upgrade program when upgrading to ubuntu 12.04 (yes, this really happened). Now when I try to install anything via something with a GUI it just says that my packages are broken. If try 'apt-get -f install' I get this: http://pastebin.com/wf3THtDM15:39
Sietse__I really have no idea what to do :(15:39
Sietse__I am not a real Linux geek15:40
agc93damms005: ok, if you run gedit /etc/apt/sources.list what's in that file? A bunch of URLs or nothing?15:40
qwhelp me15:40
Sietse__I'm sorry that it's Dutch15:40
agc93Sietse__: yeah, I can't really decipher the Dutch, sorry :(15:41
agc93qw: you have to tell us whats wrong if we're going to help15:41
qwwhy i not see list programs in KPackageKit ?15:41
Sietse__Let's see if I can change it to English somehow15:41
agc93Sietse__: only suggestion would be to run sudo apt-get autoremove and then try again15:42
damms005agc93: all lines in that file are commented(starts with #) except this one at the end::   deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oneiric universe15:42
Sietse__That it says 'libreoffice-base-core : Required: libreoffice-core (= 1:3.5.3-0ubuntu1) but 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 is installed'15:43
agc93damms005: ah yes, that could be a problem.15:43
agc93damms005: can you try following exactly what this site says: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/01/restore-your-sources-list-to-defaults.html15:44
vsMSI'm looking for a http based rsync. can someone help?15:44
damms005agc93: You wouldn't mean I should uncomment all other lines like # deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu oneiric partner # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu oneiric partner15:44
Sietse__And some simulair messages that libreoffice-write, calc etc. require the  libreoffice-core15:44
agc93damms005: that might work, but without seeing the file, I couldn't be sure, so unless you've added your own sources to that list, just reset it to be sure15:44
damms005agc93: Should I uncomment all other links in that file?15:45
Sietse__Well, I gotta go. I'll talk to a Dutch Linux geek later this night, maybe he can help me better15:45
agc93Sietse__: okay, sorry. I'm out of ideas. You could try running sudo apt-get build-dep libreoffice-core and try again but after that, I've got nothing15:45
damms005agc93: I have never opened the file for once. This is my first time15:45
Sietse__Ok, I'll try that15:46
agc93damms005: in that case, follow that site's instructions and try again15:46
damms005agc93: which site please?15:46
vsMSis it normal that ext2online on ext4 FS is much slower than on ext3 filesystem?15:47
agc93damms005: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/01/restore-your-sources-list-to-defaults.html15:47
damms005agc93: after uncommenting the relevant lines, do I need to do some kind of refresh?15:47
damms005agc93: okay15:48
agc93if you've done that, then yes just run sudo apt-get update and try again15:48
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Guest93537hey, anyone else having trouble with flashplugin-installer?15:50
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grafti get a 404 for http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.233.orig.tar.gz15:50
graftnot sure what to do about this15:51
ikoniagraft: it means the file is not there15:51
graftyes, thanks, but why?15:51
ikoniagraft: http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/15:51
ikoniagraft: because it's been changed to a different version15:51
graftwell, why isn't the package pulling that version?15:51
sk84short question: is icq working for you?15:53
Zally666I find having diff builds for each compilation doll15:53
graftgah. how do i file a bug again?15:55
_MarcusI updated AppArmor and it installed a beta version it said. How can I downgrade? I personally don't like beta stuff as they may be unstable and/or have bugs, and I don't trust it more because it's a security progrma15:55
graftthere's no new bug link on launchpad15:55
graftah, ubuntu-bug15:56
Zally666Lol yah ubuntu bug15:56
graftman, how do i report bugs with ubuntu-bug?15:57
Zally666Bug it15:57
graftis there a link on launchpad to make new bugs?15:57
Zally666Ive never tried15:57
Zally666Just heard15:58
graftwell, this is certainly a way to limit bug reports15:58
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B0g4r7I wish my bug would get resolved.15:59
B0g4r7How some E350-based notebooks crash when trying to resume from suspend.  It looks like it's been a known issue since at least 2011, with no real solution.15:59
graftresume from suspend is hard16:00
grafti don't think i've ever had that work for me16:00
grafton any laptop i've run linux on16:00
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B0g4r7It's not really an easy thing to debug, since networking, display, etc is all inaccessible when the problem occurs.16:01
B0g4r7How unfortunate.16:01
B0g4r7It really makes the whole OS a lot less useful on a notebook.16:01
B0g4r7I'm left with installing Windows on it (which is less useful in other ways), or getting rid of it and hoping for better results with another notebook (well, netbook actually).16:02
B0g4r7I really wanted this one, because it can take 8 gigs of ram.16:03
B0g4r7And can do hardware virtualization.16:04
Dshoe_hey guys, just wondering if this partition set up sounds good16:06
MonkeyDust!bug| graft16:06
ubottugraft: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:06
Dshoe_swap/system reserved/win7/ubuntu16:06
Dshoe_I want to play with the partition sizes between win7 and ubuntu16:06
h00kDshoe_: that looks good as far as layout, as long as your sizes are appropriate16:07
Dshoe_they are16:07
Dshoe_but right now they are mixed up16:07
Dshoe_gotta backup win716:07
Dshoe_delete it16:07
FloodBot1Dshoe_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
Dshoe_ATM swap/ubuntu/system reserved/win716:08
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scoobymad555anyone point me in the right direction for some help with ubuntu server 12.04 network configs please?16:08
martinphonecan anyone confirm if pdftk works? I cannot open it16:09
Dshoe_Now that I've moved partitions and swap though I think I can handle this :P haven't used Ubuntu in 5 years16:09
martinphonefrom the repos16:09
e_t_scoobymad555: What is it you're trying to do?16:09
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scoobymad555swim but i'm not doing well lol! noob trying to get server 12.04 initiate a freenas hosted iscsi target16:10
B0g4r7scoobymad555, what you're doing is more of a general linux thing, and likely not very specific to ubuntu at all FYI.  You might consider that when searching the web for answers.16:11
[IFOC]75I currently have apache2 and vsftpd installed on my server machine, both are working, how do I link my ftp to my website?16:12
scoobymad555I know the freenas side is ok as verified with an ms client but can't get the ubuntu box to play ball - I think it may be the network config but don't really know enough to go looking (had organised for someone to do the config for me but they bailed on me last minute)16:12
scoobymad555web search hasn't yielded much specific to the error i'm getting either :(16:14
ccoloradoHello, i am wondering if its possible to run agian the "layout guesser" wizard on a ubuntu machine ?16:15
rootkityou mean the partition manager?16:15
ccoloradorootkit: "keyboard layout guesser" wizard16:16
ccoloradoMy bad, didn't mention I ment the keyboard layout "guessing" wizard16:16
Supranoany idea why my menu fontsize suddenly is 10 times as normal?16:17
Supranoand how to change it back?16:17
rootkitccolorado: Click the Ubuntu logo in the top left of the screen, type keyboard in the search bar that appears and select the appropriate setting16:17
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bd001I have no idea if this is the place to ask or not, so forgive me. Can someone verify for me if ubuntu.com's ssl server certificate was issued by godaddy.com?16:18
smwbd001, does their site have ssl?16:19
ccoloradorootkit: I am right now on "All Settings" > "Keyboard Layout" and there is no option to _guess_ my layout, so far I have been picking up the wrong layouts and want to know the system "option" on that matter.16:19
bd001smw: yeah, one.ubuntu.com, their cloud service16:20
smwbd001, in that case, yes, it is godaddy16:20
rootkitccolorado: I'm not too sure for the layout guessing once you've installed the system16:21
bd001smw: thanks! :)16:21
ccoloradorootkit: thanks16:22
ParagzHaving a problem, if anyone could help, i've downloaded the wubi installer, and when i try to install 12.04 it goes starting ubuntu for the first time, and then i get a login screen, with username to the left, however it's completely unresponsive i can use my mouse, but i cannot click anything, so it just hangs there, any suggestions?16:30
ParagzNo one? :/16:34
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numbertoHi guys, my ubuntu 12.04 fully crashes when I start skype-tab or skype16:35
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mdpatrickHow do I upgrade on php beyond 5.3.2 on Ubuntu using apt-get??? This version is a bit old16:41
LordOfTimemdpatrick: which version of ubuntu are you using?16:41
mdpatrickLordOfTime: lucid, 10.0416:42
mdpatrickUbuntu 10.04.4 LTS16:42
SkippersBossParagx: You are not the first one to experience this with the wubi installer hmm16:42
LordOfTimemdpatrick:  i gotcha there.  which version of php were you aiming for?16:42
ParagzSkippersBoss really? it worked fine on my old computer, but yeah16:43
mdpatrickLordOfTime: at least 5.3.3, but basically as up-to-date as I can get without deviating too far from what I should be using on this version of ubuntu16:43
SkippersBossi have heard a couple of people now with the same problem16:44
silverarrowhas anyone installed ubuntu on an old ibook16:45
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  imacDV ppc here.. ages ago...16:45
silverarrowoh cool16:45
bitabithello I am trying ot burn a dvd with a movie. the movie was in .avi format and it has two audio channels. dual spanish english...DEVEDE does not allow dual audio to make an iso file...is there any other ubuntu program that does it?16:45
mdpatrickLordOfTime: sorry, my connection got interrupted. may have missed your response.16:45
ParagzSkippersBoss made a forum post, will just have to see if anyone found a solution16:45
silverarrowI have an old white ibook, never used, I want linux on16:45
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  ppc dident work worth beans. :)  i ended up going back to OS-X and using a ssh client.16:46
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  that a PPC one? or IntelCPU?16:46
silverarrowso, no good really?16:46
mdpatrickLordOfTime: I want at least php 5.3.3, preferably installed with apt… or as up-to-date as I can get without screwing anything up or inviting the devil into my VPS. I'm using lucid 10.04.4 LTS ubuntu.16:46
LordOfTimemdpatrick: welcome back.  you missed nothing.  well... the latest version of PHP in Lucid is what you see, there is no newer version in Lucid.  There are newer versions in natty and onwards, did you try downloading the natty package and installing it16:46
LordOfTimemdpatrick: and don't repeat ;P16:46
silverarrownot sure how to get OS X back once it's gone though16:46
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  I dont even know how up to date the ppc ubuntu is these days. You could try Lubuntu If they have a PPC version.16:46
SkippersBossThe obvious solution is of course using a installation medium like dvd or usb stick16:46
mdpatrickLordOfTime: Ah. Hmm. That sounds like I might be inviting trouble there.16:47
Dr_Willissilverarrow:  boot the OS-X installer disk :)16:47
LordOfTimemdpatrick: you could have someone try and repackage the newer package for lucid16:47
mdpatrickLordOfTime: Right?16:47
ParagzSkippersBoss Aye, just don't have that available right now heh16:47
LordOfTimebut the reliability of that is... ...iffy16:47
SkippersBossAi :-)16:48
andrei_hi guys16:49
andrei_can you help me i have a sound prob16:49
andrei_i can hear it just its freezes for 1ms allways16:49
sacarlsonandrei_: maybe irq conflict?  should look at sudo lshw | pastebinit16:50
andrei_guys any idea why sound freezes for 1ms16:50
mdpatrickLordOfTime: OK, that helps a lot. I contacted our VPS support to ask them what approach we should take. Thanks for your input, very helpful.16:51
LordOfTimemdpatrick: i dont think that'll help you though16:52
andrei_so guys any idea how to fix sound freezing for 1ms16:52
LordOfTimeyour "VPS" support is probably limited to basic support16:52
LordOfTimenot systems updates16:52
LordOfTimemdpatrick: ^16:52
andrei_i cant listen to music  like this16:52
sacarlsonandrei_: yes16:52
andrei_so what should i do16:53
andrei_to fix it16:53
caionmy backtrack (ubuntu) don't show the mouse pointer, how do fix it?16:53
andrei_i wanna lsiten to music man the only reason im on the pc  is music16:53
andrei_so plss help me16:53
mdpatrickLordOfTime: Probably, but I'd bet they can at least shoot me some appropriate links. Setting apache, and php up on a clean install shouldn't be too bad. We also have a sysadmin on staff that would probably better be able to accomplish this than myself, and I can rely on him to some degree. Regardless, I'm satisfied with knowing I should probably progress no further until I get feedback from the both of them.16:53
mdpatrickThat is, support, and our in-house sysadmin16:54
LordOfTimemdpatrick: i hope he understands packaging ;P16:54
LordOfTimethat's what'd be done, backporting the package16:54
andrei_scacarlson so can you help ?16:54
DJones!backtrack | caion16:54
ubottucaion: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:54
andrei_scarlson: well ?16:55
sacarlsonandrei_: I already asked you I await your responce16:56
MonkeyDustseems gone16:56
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jasonmspHey all.  I'm trying to install a printer on Ubuntu 11.10 and the correct driver is found but it says it requires gs.  When I go to install gs it selects ghostscript-x instead of gs, and tells me its already the latest.  Should I force the gs or is there an alternative?17:08
numlock4045ok.. so how do i disable this damn Dock in 12.04?17:15
numlock4045anyone want to help me?17:15
jasonmsprunning 11.10 sorry.17:16
numlock4045does 11.10 have the dock?17:16
MonkeyDustnumlock4045  what dock do you mean?17:16
numlock4045the Heads up Display dock bar they have running on the right side of the desktop..17:17
MonkeyDustnumlock4045  it's part of unity17:17
MonkeyDust!notunity| numlock404517:17
ubottunumlock4045: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:17
numlock4045awesome thank you sir.17:18
numlock4045now to figure out how to get to the package installer with this damn unity dock..17:18
wasanzyplease how do you add an existing user to an existing group?17:25
Piciwasanzy: sudo adduser existingusername existinggroup17:25
KinenkayaAnyone use the Awesome WM here?17:26
KinenkayaOr could possibly direct me to a channel where people might use it, if no one does lol17:27
sergiufreenodewho play WoW?17:27
spowhi, silly question : how come when you enter your password it takes a split second to validate but 2-3 seconds when it's typed wrong ?17:28
fl1bbl3encrypted home area spow?17:29
spowfl1bbl3: I definitely remember asking not to encrypt hard drive17:30
savemeAnyone experienced with ddrescue? I started this 2h ago, and it hasnt done anything else but "splitting failing blocks" and 0 succesful reads17:31
TheChaoticGoodIm very new to ubuntu. I work with a nonproft and we are trying to get some donated laptops up and running with ubuntu, but when i try to install it i get an error that says "ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error " ubiquity17:39
TheChaoticGoodWhat is that about and how can I fix it? I have tried burning several Dvds and that doesnt seem to be the problem.17:40
alFReD-NSHTheChaoticGood: please provide mire information. Where does it happen? what is your system/hardware information?17:47
SkippersBossTheChaoticGood.: which of the ubuntu's are u trying to install ?? Can you do a USB stick install instead ??17:47
TheChaoticGoodI downloaded the ISO form the site. after i get past the part where you choose what partition to install it on, it tried to start installing. Either in a few seconds or ina few minutes I get a a pop up saying "ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error " and it states ubiquity as the problem17:49
TurbolinuxHello everyone. What's the required package for Empathy's video and audio conversation function?17:49
TurbolinuxI can't use these functions.17:49
TurbolinuxDoes it require a package?17:50
bLUEEhi there. i installed ubuntu using usb on my windows machine and i selected "windows boot loader" as one of the options which would allow me duel boot. however when loading when i select windows boot loader, it tries to load win by going to a black screen and then it goes back to ubuntu os selection screen. any ideas how to fix this?17:50
TurbolinuxCan you help me? Thank you for your help.17:51
SkippersBossTheChaoticGood: have you tried the alternative (text based) install iso instead17:52
jasonmspI've got a printer driver that is saying it requires gs package, but ghostscript is already installed (ghostscript-x).17:52
SDXbLUEE: Do you have a Windows recovery partition or recovery disc?17:53
L3topTheChaoticGood: I would recommend installing lubuntu over ubuntu in that circumstance17:53
TurbolinuxIs there anyone who is using Empathy with video and audio conversation functions on MSN platform?17:53
bLUEESDX: no :(17:53
TurbolinuxOr can you recommend a nice program?17:54
TheChaoticGoodI have not tried the text based install what is that?17:54
bLUEESDX: anything else? is it possible to edit the grub to fix it?17:54
TheChaoticGoodwhat is lubuntu?17:54
SDXbLUEE: I'm at a loss then.  Sorry.17:54
DJones!lubuntu | TheChaoticGood17:54
ubottuTheChaoticGood: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.17:54
bLUEESDX: okes..17:54
SkippersBossuses les memory to install.17:54
LordOfTimeTheChaoticGood: Lubuntu is ubuntu using the LXDE interf..17:54
SDXbLUEE: There could be, but I'm not experienced with GRUB.17:54
LordOfTimeDJones: don't ninja me :/17:54
TheChaoticGoodhow can I try the text based install.17:54
joekobLUEE, do you multiple hard drives17:54
SkippersBossthe laptops, how much ram are we talking about17:54
L3topTheChaoticGood: it is a light weight ubuntu specifically for laptops etc... esp older equip. Unity is a bit top heavy for your needs.17:55
bLUEEjoeko: i have partitions on a single drive on this laptop17:55
TurbolinuxCan Kopete do this job?17:55
DJonesTheChaoticGood: The text based install comes if you use the alternate install cd's for each version17:55
TheChaoticGoodso in order to use the text based install you ahve to get a different iso?17:56
fabianoHello folks!17:56
DJonesTheChaoticGood: You do need the alternate install cd for text based installs, the desktop cd's use a graphical install17:56
SkippersBosswill those laptops boot from USB stick ??17:56
joekobLUEE, can you use the grub cli to boot windows17:56
TheChaoticGoodlubuntu runs all the same software correct?17:57
L3topyes... it is ubuntu under the hood17:57
bLUEEjoeko: how do i attempt to do that ?17:57
DJones!who | SkippersBoss17:58
ubottuSkippersBoss: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:58
rhizmoeerf. unified menu bar still grates17:58
multi_ioI have 10.04 and I DON'T see 12.04 as being available in the Update Manager. Why?17:58
TurbolinuxCan you help me? I must solve this problem.17:58
SkippersBosssorry DJONES17:58
fabianoCould someone help me figure why cups are not workiing here please?17:58
Zally666WHAT PROB?17:58
MonkeyDustZally666  caps17:59
ks07Hey guys - how can I create a partition from the command line using all free space on the drive?17:59
multi_io(I only see 10.10 if I switch in the settings to "show normal releases")17:59
rhizmoeTurbolinux: isn't empathy video only available through google or something?17:59
DJonesSkippersBoss: No probs, was just thinking saying "yes" could apply to many people in that channel, better to say who you're replying to17:59
multi_iois 12.04 out yet?17:59
L3topmulti_io: Firstly, it will not exist as an option until there is a point release. Secondly... I think you will have to go through a couple of other versions to get there... I don't know that you will be able to go directly fro LTS to LTS17:59
rhizmoemaybe yahoo17:59
MonkeyDustks07  for a start, type sudo fdisk -l to see what it looks like17:59
rhizmoemulti_io: i know a way to find out17:59
DJonesmulti_io: Yes, April 2012 it was released17:59
fabianoMaybe I've installed it wrong at Windows side, not sure, how do I check it? What do I need to check?17:59
xanguamulti_io: you will see it when 12.04.1 is aviable; but if you really want 12.04 now you can force the upgrade with update-manager -d i believe17:59
Turbolinuxrhizmoe: I can see both buttons but they are inactive.17:59
kypormulti_io, - Yes17:59
TurbolinuxMy camera is working.18:00
rhizmoeTurbolinux: what did you see when you searched google?18:00
joekobLUEE, when the machine starts and displays the grub menu push e or push c18:00
rhizmoelocal camera means nothing18:00
xanguaL3top: yes you can go from LTS to LTS, that's the idea18:00
OranHello guys, i hope u can help me out with my problem: i already read servel tuts, but cant figure out what to do to use my gt 540m on ubtunu 12.0418:00
ks07MonkeyDust: kk, can I just use the end value +1 for the start when creating a new partition in fdisk?18:00
Oranit doesent seem to notice that there is the card18:00
multi_ioL3top: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34430/can-i-skip-over-releases  they say it's possible to directly upgrade from LTS to LTS18:01
multi_iothat's why I was wondering :P18:01
rhizmoereboot sigh18:01
L3topYes... I said I didn't know multi_io and xangua... Now I do... you can...18:01
alankilaI have had poor experience upgrading lucid to precise myself, using the do-release-upgrade. Not sure why.18:01
SDXOran: You could try the Additional Drivers tool or downloading the driver from Nvidia's website.18:01
MonkeyDust!partition | ks07 start here18:01
ubottuks07 start here: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:01
alankilathe update process crashed on some missing packages and I had to manually apt-get -f install it past. a simple dist-upgrade failed because python2.7 could not be upgraded by apt18:02
bLUEEjoeko: ah i see. i looked a windows bit of the code earlier, but i didnt understand it18:02
alankilaI had to just do dpkg -i manually for python2.7. Other than this kind of minor issues, though, I've successfully updated around 10 systems from lucid to precise.18:02
multi_ioxangua: ah, -d worked, thanks18:02
OranSDX , i tried to install the dowloaded ones from nvida (in tty after deacivation ligthdm )  and also i tried to install bumblebee and i added the xswap rep18:03
fabianoAt Windows side do I need to set it as a Internet Port or a TCP/IP POrt?18:03
L3topmulti_io: as someone else suggested, close update-manager, and open from terminal update-manager -d   but... it might be wise to wait for a point release. 1204 is als VERY different than 1004. You might grab a dvd and load it in VM and see if you are comfortable with the change.18:03
TurbolinuxRhizmoe: There isn't any clean information. Some of the users can use them.18:03
kyanHi. I've got a computer with no cd drive, and I'm trying to recover from a botched USB linux installation. I can't boot Windows or Linux now, and I can't make a super grub flash drive because unetbootin requires admin privileges (this is a public computer).18:03
kyanAny thoughts?18:03
TurbolinuxWhat's the problem?18:03
bLUEEjoeko: http://pastebin.com/PE6D5QgS18:03
bLUEEjoeko: line 14718:04
bLUEEjoeko: does something look wrong in there ?18:05
multi_ioL3top: well, I want to use xubuntu, not this Unity thing18:05
tiredofthisgksu nautilus is useless18:05
joekobLUEE, yeah18:05
multi_io-d works btw18:05
TurbolinuxIs there anyone who uses MSN platform with audio and video conversation function?18:06
TurbolinuxOr can I install MSN Messenger without any problems?18:06
DshoeSo if I delete my windows (and system reserved) partition, move my Ubuntu partition, then I restore my windows backup? Or should I leave the system reserved partition?18:06
Dshoewoah that sounds really out of context the way I typed it :P18:06
joekobLUEE, did you manually edit the file18:06
bLUEEjoeko: no18:07
tiredofthisDoes anyone know how to copy a file into the /opt directory?18:07
bLUEEjoeko: it was auto-created18:07
andresnhey guys18:07
LordOfTimetiredofthis: using sudo18:07
L3toptiredofthis: sudo cp /path/to/file /opt/path18:07
tiredofthisI followed the forum conversations in google, they suggested gksu nautilus, but all that does is open a file for me18:07
jfromahello, Whats the best video card I can buy to connect three monitors? Best means cheap and compatible, I dont play games.. so i need no fancy 3d graphics (i am developer). Or at least the brand. thanks18:08
andresnI'm having problems with tomcat7 in ubuntu 12.0418:08
jfroma(and use ubuntu of course)18:08
tiredofthisLordOfTime, how do i use the sudo?18:08
LordOfTimetiredofthis: in the terminal: sudo cp /path/to/file /opt/path18:08
xanguaTurbolinux: not posible with any current msn client, complain with microsoft; you have jabber for voice and video(gtalk for example) and even skype supports linux18:09
LordOfTimereplacing both paths with the actual ones18:09
andresn * no JDK found - please set JAVA_HOME18:09
tiredofthisalso how can i exit this 'gksu nautilus' file i seem to be stuck inside of?18:09
LordOfTimetiredofthis: alt+f4?18:09
LordOfTimethe little "x"?18:09
L3topit sounds like he is somehow looking at the binary.18:09
tiredofthislol ok18:09
joekobLUEE, that actually looks ok18:09
bLUEEjoeko: oh18:10
L3topguess not18:10
joekobLUEE, looks like my grub.cfg18:10
rhizmoenice. depmod crash on startup18:10
bLUEEjoeko: is my win f'ed then?18:10
joekoi don't know18:10
joekoCan you get a windows rescue disk18:11
joekotry to boot windows using it18:11
joekoDo you have a windows 7 cd18:11
joekoor rescue disk18:11
joekotry reinstalling the windows boot loader18:12
Captain_Protonanyone work with danguardian. I trying to  Time limiting  to keep my kids off youtube all day. Do I create a page the time limits and create a page for the site? or something else. I have looked at there wiki and have not found anything18:12
bLUEEjoeko: i dont have one :/ but i assume that is one answer18:12
tiredofthisshould the command be cp /home/desktop/file.deb /opt/file.deb18:12
tiredofthisshould the command be cp /home/desktop/file.deb /opt/file.deb18:12
tiredofthis..should the command be cp /home/desktop/file.deb /opt/file.deb18:12
tiredofthis..should the command be cp /home/desktop/file.deb /opt/file.deb18:12
joekobLUEE, could be18:12
tiredofthissorry for repeated lines i had the scroll thing wrong and thought it wasnt working18:12
mwallacesdHi, where are the temp files of Firefox into to the ubuntu 12.04? I seeing a flash presentation and want to copy that to my home folder/18:13
tiredofthisor is it /home/desktop/username/file.deb18:13
jfromahello, Whats the best video card I can buy to connect three monitors? Best means cheap and compatible, I dont play games.. so i need no fancy 3d graphics (i am developer). Or at least the brand. thanks18:13
joekobLUEE, did windows come preloaded18:14
MonkeyDust!polls| jfroma18:14
ubottujfroma: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:14
xanguamwallacesd: you'll want to use download helper, flashgot or one of the many download tools for firefox, flash is no longer stored on the /tmp/ directory if that is what you ask; is stored in some kind of limbo in the ram18:14
TurbolinuxRhizmoe: Thank you for your help. Goodbye.18:14
panigrcdoes anyone know about ubuntu cluster, I have old pcs and I wondered if I could build a cluster out of them18:14
B0g4r7I like AMDs cards myself.  The modern ones all usually have triple-head capability.18:14
jfromaubottu, thanks, sorry for insisting.18:15
ubottujfroma: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:15
adamkjfroma: I can't speak about nvidia video cards, but any radeon HD5xxx or higher will have support for as many monitors as there are connectors with the open source driver.18:15
bLUEEjoeko: i bought this laptop, but the guy installed win 7 on it18:15
mwallacesdhahaha thanks xangua18:15
mwallacesdLimbo hahahah18:15
adamkjfroma: The only limitation with the AMD HD cards is that only two can be non-displayport (VGA, DVI or HDMI).18:15
adamkjfroma: So, in your case, one of the monitors would have to be displayport.18:16
B0g4r7You can get adapter cables though.18:16
adamkYeah, except I remember seeing folks in #radeon with problems when using those cables.18:16
B0g4r7DP to HDMI, etc.18:16
adamkBut perhaps they're working now.18:16
B0g4r7I've tried setting up multi-head systems many times, and I always find I don't use but the one display.18:17
B0g4r7I do like several systems running Synergy though.18:17
jfromai was looking at a  Radeon HD 777018:18
joekobLUEE, can you access the windows partition from Ubuntu18:18
jfromai have been working with laptop + 2 displays... and one of the displays connected thru an usb-to-vga very sucky card18:19
jfromai love multiples monitors18:19
jfromabtw, thanks very much, i think Id have to try18:19
donvito2wich software is best for ubuntu 12.04 for remote controll?18:21
bLUEEjoeko: yup i can see the files18:21
lanoxxcan i install a php edition of nautilus with the ubuntu package manager?18:21
lanoxxcan i install a php edition of netbeans with the ubuntu package manager?18:21
Captain_Protondonvito, to controll other computer or controll a computer18:22
=== mang0 is now known as Seryth
Jonii_Anyone know any good floss substitute for skype?18:22
donvito2im on my room with windows xp and i want to controll my ubuntu on other room18:22
pavilionheee hiii18:23
pavilion   hi all of u18:23
Jonii_Tried ekiga, second highest rated phone on software center, and it was very, very awful18:23
pavilionhello  asyless18:23
joekobLUEE, sorry i am out of ideas18:23
Jonii_Does it make any sense to try go through these alternatives, are they all just as awful a ekiga?18:24
bLUEEjoeko: alright mate - apprecaite your help. thanks18:24
Captain_Protondonvito, I like x11vnc, but vino is installed by defult18:24
donvito2i tryed teamviewer but i dont like it it works with wine18:24
Captain_Protondonvito2, then use tightvnc on the windows box18:25
donvito2let me seach18:25
donvito2tightvnc is installed by default on ubuntu?18:25
adamkjfroma: I don't know for certain, but those cards may not be well supported with the open source drivers.18:25
jessebyeHi all18:25
adamkjfroma: jfroma: The code dump for HD7xxx GPUs was just a couple months back.18:26
jessebyeI am trying to install 12.04, 64-bit and having some issues getting grub to install.18:26
jfromathanks adamk18:26
jessebyeIt fails to install during the installation, and if I try manually via the terminal (using "grub-install /dev/sda" I get the following message:18:27
jfromaany other suggestion then?18:27
Captain_Protondonvito2, no remmia does vnc and rdp - vino is a vnc server so other computer can control the ubuntu desktop18:27
jessebye"/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)."18:27
donvito2but how i can controll from windows the vino ?18:27
jfromaadamk, HD 6XXX?18:27
Captain_Protondonvito, since you set up vino then download tighvnc on the windows box start the viewer and type in computer name or IP18:28
thebwtSo I've added extra groups so sudoers file (workplace ldap stuff, not my call). my problem is these new users can't use tab completion with things like apt-get. How do enable that?18:28
donvito2Captain_Proton vino is better than teamviewer?18:29
fwissHi, #ubuntu. I've a problem concerning the creation of the xpad drivers (for the Xbox360 controller). When I get to the step where I type 'make'18:29
Pinsenthi, if you change your password with the passwd command and forget it, you can never enter your system again, can you?18:29
Pinsenthi, if you change your password with the passwd command and forget it, you can never enter your system again, can you?18:30
Captain_Protonthebwt, check /etc/password and make sure the user have /bin/bash not /bin/sh18:30
fwissI get the error18:30
fwissmake modules -C /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-25-generic SUBDIRS=/home/fwiss/xpad18:30
fwissmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-25-generic'18:30
fwiss  CC [M]  /home/fwiss/xpad/xpad.o18:30
fwiss/home/fwiss/xpad/xpad.c:66:28: fatal error: linux/smp_lock.h: No such file or directory18:30
fwisscompilation terminated.18:30
FloodBot1fwiss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:30
fwissmake[2]: *** [/home/fwiss/xpad/xpad.o] Error 118:30
Captain_Protondonvito2, for local access i think so18:30
jessebyeCan anyone here help me with some problems getting grub installed?18:31
fwissOh, sorry FloodBot1. Here's the error I got when making xpad18:32
fwissit says it can't find linux/smp_lock.h18:32
fwissand jessebye, what's the problem?18:33
thebwtCaptain_Proton: The actual users are on ldap, `getent passwd` shows that the users are set to /bin/bash18:33
jessebyeGrub installation fails during a clean install. I try to install manually but it gives an error: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).18:34
jessebyeI am trying to install 12.04, 64-bit.18:34
fwissWell, you used the mount command or fstab, right?18:35
jessebyeno, just "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"18:35
jessebyeI also tried mounting everything and doing grub-install from chroot, which didn't work either.18:35
fwissWell, I'm not qualified to help you with this, sorry. I think the guys at #grub could help you better than I could.18:36
jeniahow to install java 6 on ubuntu?18:41
jeniathe packag ein the repository does not seem to be up to date18:41
Captain_Protonthebwt, sure then sorry. if you have try the ubuntu-server channel18:41
fwissThe repos are usually behind.18:41
Captain_Protonthebwt, not*18:41
clhhi, anyone recently tried installing Martin Pitt's postgres back ports to natty?  I can't seem to find the signing key needed for the PPA repo18:41
fwissJenia, try *shudder* Oracle's site. They should provide the newest .debs18:42
jeniaokay thanks18:42
MonkeyDust!java| jenia18:42
ubottujenia: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.18:42
The_BROSHow to login 2 accounts of Skype after upgrading to 4th version?18:44
fwissI don't think you can be logged in two at a time from a single client, The_BROS18:44
MonkeyDustThe_BROS  version 4 is very new, it's pioneering if you use it18:45
The_BROS<fwiss> it was possible from two different accounts on the previous version18:45
jessebyeAnyone else care to help me with my grub install problem?18:48
rootkitCare to elaborate on the "install problem"18:48
jeniajava.io.IOException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/nio/channels/SeekableByteChannel18:49
jeniathis is the error im getting when im running my program18:49
jessebyerootkit: during stock Ubuntu install, grub fails to install to /dev/sda18:49
jeniadoes anyone know how to fix this? it means that theres something missing in the jre18:49
ufrgsIf I want to my windows always open as List and reduces 50% how do I do that?18:49
jessebyerootkit: I tried a manual grub installation, but that fails too.18:49
ufrgsIs it possible?18:50
rootkitis it a dodgy installation src, or dying disk?18:50
rootkitjenia: which jre do you have installed? Sun or Open?18:50
jeniathere openjava?18:51
jessebyerootkit: no, installation goes just fine. Just torrented the install CD and burned to CDR. The hard drive is working fine, and hasn't exhibited any signs of dying. Up to this point I had a debian install on it that was functioning perfectly.18:51
donvito2Captain_Proton does x11vnc is runed by himself when ubuntu restart and starts again18:51
trismclh: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 8683D8A2; it is listed under technical details on the ppa page18:51
clhtrism: thanks!  can you send me that URL, i looked all over and somehow missed that18:52
i7chi, i tried to install the new version of skype by using the package from skype.com. but i alway get this error http://pastebin.com/ANP1QTj118:52
eranHi. I can execute C/C++ apps only by "./" preceding it, is there a way to remove this prefix?18:52
rootkitjenia: Sun Java isn't the same as OpenJava, I'd recomment Sun but as you have it, it may be a bug in the script.18:52
i7cdoes somebody know a solution to that?18:52
rootkiteran: Put it or symlink it to the /bin dir.18:52
ufrgseran, good question, I am interested in that as well.18:52
trismclh: https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/postgresql18:53
ufrgsrootkit, how to do that?18:53
Zally666Eran make install or cpy to bin18:53
elias_can anybody help me out with my dual screen setup ?18:53
rootkiti7c: It seems some skype data already exists in /etc, try removing and trying again18:53
eranI dont wish to start moving it because i make these apps every now and then during my studying, and in the univ. its possible with out, i just compile and run it normaly18:53
clhtrism: wow, I looked at that page 10 times .. no idea how i missed that .. thanks very much!18:53
Zally666I need help dualscr3en18:54
Zally666Dlp pico18:54
jc_how can i create a PDF form that has blanks that people can type in?18:54
i7crootkit: mhm i was wondering about that. ok let me see18:54
ufrgsIf I want to my windows always open as List and reduces 50% how do I do that?18:54
rootkitufrgs: Please refrain from spam posting. If someone knows the answer, they will pick it up.18:55
ki4rojc_: Sounds like a question for Adobe...not #ubuntu18:55
rootkiteran: you can always just make a simple executable text file which contains "!#/bin/bash \n ./prog_name"18:56
ufrgsrootkit, how do I access that?18:56
jc_ki4ro: i asked here because maybe there's an app that Ubuntu people use18:56
ncfiedlerhej is anyone here, who knows about user management in launchpad? on #launchpad no one seems to have an idea… :-(18:57
rootkitufrgs: You asked your question, and now you wait for an answer from the community in here or you google while you wait.18:57
ki4rojc_: I C....good luck with that18:57
thomasie22does anybody know a fix so i can use Gigabit ethernet with my chipset (Marvell 88E8056)18:57
ufrgsrootkit, oh, ok.18:57
thomasie22now i can only use 100 mbit18:58
rootkitthomasie22: as far as I know, both ends of the link need to support Gb ethernet, if your box does, then your router needs to as well, or vice versa.18:58
thomasie22 i know18:59
thomasie22and in windows i can use gigabit18:59
thomasie22but in ubuntu i can't18:59
donvito2Captain_Proton does x11vnc is running by himself when ubuntu restart and starts again18:59
TheChaoticGoodSo i downloaded lubuntu and verified the disc. but I still get the  Sorry ubuntu 12.04 has expericened an internal error ubiquity crashed with a valueerror in raw_decode(): no JSON object could be decoded18:59
dj_hamstaany good tutorials for vnc server insall?18:59
dj_hamstaubuntu 1018:59
TheChaoticGoodduring install at the where are you screen19:00
TheChaoticGoodi tried this on 20 computers and they all get the same error19:00
KM0201TheChaoticGood: sounds like something is wrong w/ the ISO19:02
hasharhello. Lucid had some language-support-fonts-<language code> packages that would provide fonts suitable for the language.  I can't find such meta packages in Precise.   Does anyone have a clue where I could ask for help about that please ? :-]19:02
TheChaoticGoodi tried 2 different ISOs19:02
TheChaoticGood1 of ubuntu and 1 of lubuntu19:02
blastermasterhi i have install ubuntu 12.04 server but have a problem, when i reboot it does not automatically connect to my wireless wlan0, any one know how to fix this? comman line only herer :)19:02
TheChaoticGoodthe cd did install on 5 computers19:02
KM0201TheChaoticGood: i dunnno, sounds like you have problems19:02
Kruptein1Hey, I'm using 12.04 with 2 screens and the unity bar on autohide,  however for some reason the bar on my main window stopped hiding and is now over some parts of my actual apps,  the bar on the second monitor just behaves fine19:02
TheChaoticGoodobviously. the question is what are the problem and how can i fix them19:03
thomasie22does anybody know a fix so i can use Gigabit ethernet with my chipset (Marvell 88E8056), now i can only use 100mbit. In windows i do have gigabit so i know it's ubuntu19:04
rootkitblastermaster: you could put the commant into a small executable text file in /bin then add a cronjob: @reboot /bin/wifistuff19:04
blastermasterrookit that should work?19:05
rootkitblastermaster: it does for me ;)19:05
blastermasterok ill tru that thanks rootkit19:05
rootkitdon't forget: chmod +x filename19:06
TheChaoticGoodSkippersBoss: any ideas19:06
scehey how can I change the bookmark in Places pointing to Network?19:09
sceand I also need to be able to delete bookmarks under Places19:10
Captain_Protondonvito2, yes here a how to http://mlepicki.com/2011/10/remote-vnc-login-to-ubuntu-11-10/19:10
xanguasce: Bookmars menu, edit bookmarks19:10
dj_hamstaany good tutorials for vnc server insall?19:10
scewhere is that? system>19:11
Kruptein1in your file browser (nautilus) sce19:11
Kruptein1in the menubar19:11
sceI need to point Windows Network under Network in Places menu19:11
sceto the correct location19:11
scewhere is the definition for Windows Network? gconf?19:12
sceI get Unable to Retrieve Location: Failed to retrieve share list from server19:12
sceI've set the correct workgroup in gconf-editor19:13
SkippersBossTheChaoticGood. so it HAS installed on 6 laptops but not the rest ??19:14
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TheChaoticGoodi have 40 laptops19:15
TheChaoticGoodit installed on about 519:15
TheChaoticGoodthe rest got that same error19:15
TheChaoticGoodim trying to get these working for some kids, but man is this frustating19:16
SkippersBossi know i know19:16
SkippersBosstell me19:16
SkippersBossbut you have been installing the live install or the textinstaller19:17
blastermasterrookit that should work?19:17
greenithi, i have a lexmark s405 printer, but i am unable to print anything from it.... can any1 help me get my printer to work?19:17
TheChaoticGoodthe regular one. of both ubuntu and lubuntu19:17
sceno one knows where the definition for Windows Network is at that points to Network://19:18
Artemius23hi guys19:18
Artemius23I have  a problem with installing Overgrowth on linux19:18
B0g4r7TheChaoticGood, is anything obviously different between the laptops that work and those that don't?19:21
B0g4r7Different model, BIOS version, etc...19:21
TheChaoticGoodwell most of them are different. since they are a bunch of donated laptops. but they all had other OSes on them before like suse and windows xp19:21
TheChaoticGoodbut some of the ones that work at the ame as some of the ones that failed19:22
B0g4r7If I were to guess, I'd say that maybe the optical drives are dirty and have trouble reading the discs.  Have you tried installing from a USB flash stick?19:22
TheChaoticGoodno im going to try that next19:23
SkippersBosswas my suggestion as well19:23
=== phf is now known as phf_
SkippersBossuse the alternate texbased install;ation19:23
SilentGuys, how do I re-configure my touchpad to use 3-finger clicks as a right mouse button and two-finger clicks as a middle button?19:23
phf_good evening19:23
SkippersBosstext based19:23
TheChaoticGoodthey seem to crash right after it changes the timezone.19:23
thebwthow does one add a certfile.pem to the compiled certs in /etc/ssl/certs/19:24
B0g4r7Cool.  There are some tools around that make it easy to create such a bootable flash stick.19:24
TheChaoticGoodit says detecting filesystem switching to page timezome. then it crashes19:24
i7cyay! i can only recommend the new skype 4.0 for linux. it's awesum19:24
TheChaoticGoodok im about to brurn the text based installer to a cd19:26
TheChaoticGoodlets see if it works19:26
SkippersBossB0g4r7: can you take over helping out TheChaotic as i am in on a v-call19:26
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SkippersBossThe ChaoticGood: Have you got a USB stick u can use ??19:27
B0g4r7I'm not sure if I can entirely SkippersBoss, but can try and keep watch.19:27
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SkippersBossthx the guy is trying to install lubuntu on 40 different laptops for use by disabled kids19:28
SkippersBossWe must support his effort19:28
BattlecatHi I was wondering if there is a way to get the repositorys for 12.04 on DVD? I have a computer which is not online nad will never be on the internet. I have already used a CD copy to load 12.04 but I need programs like inkscape as well.19:29
xangua!aptoncd | Battlecat19:31
ubottuBattlecat: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:31
=== isitme is now known as whoelse
kodenhey all so I just upgraded to 12.04 and had all my icons. Then I downloaded a couple things such as myunity and ubuntu tweak but now many of my icons are gone. I don't have a trash icon and any folder or file just looks like a blank file icon19:32
Neptuhej donno how I did it but I removed the bar over all my windows in ubuntu??? how can I restore them??19:32
kodenhas anyone run into this issue before/19:32
BattlecatWill Ibe able to use it when I do not have aptoncd installed on the target machine?19:32
zykotick9!offline | Battlecat19:32
ubottuBattlecat: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:32
kkerwinHi. Anyone know what happened to kregexpeditor in precise?19:33
dark3nGood evening19:34
westernanalogany tips regarding a clean 12.04 install on a new ssd?19:35
dark3nwesternanalog, i'm attempting this at the moment :)19:36
westernanalogwhat disk?19:36
dark3ncrucial c30019:36
i7cwesternanalog: are there any concerns? should work perfectly fine i guess19:36
westernanalogi have ordered a ocz octane 64gb19:36
thomasie22that is stupid19:36
thomasie22cancel it19:36
thomasie22it's very slow19:36
thomasie22and brakes down ALOT19:37
westernanalogbut it is on a old laptop19:37
thomasie22but you like your data don't you?19:37
hop5ukAnyone using ubuntu 12.04 server?19:37
westernanalogdid not like the breakdown part19:37
i7chop5uk: yep19:37
dark3nI'm falling at booting from the fresh install =/19:37
a1faremmina desktop sucks major balls.. i am considering uninstalling ubuntu because of it19:37
B0g4r7westernanalog, I've heard some talk about aligning your partitions with the SSD's internal erase-block size for the best performance.19:37
thomasie22i does that alot19:37
thomasie22all OCZ drives and sandforce drives do that19:38
a1fakeeps crash/disconnecting and not leaving any debug data19:38
beandogB0g4r7: really?19:38
beandogthats interesting.19:38
thomasie22only buy Crucial, Samsung or Intel19:38
B0g4r7I've heard that.  Google it for some discussin and benchmarks and such,19:38
hop5ukguntbert i spoke to you the other day about raid 5 ?19:38
a1fai got dual monitors, and as soon as i move my mouse to 2nd monitor it disconnects/crashes19:38
a1fawhat a TURD!19:38
phf_Hi i think i am not having an ubuntu related problem, but i was wondering, if anybody, who knew about dealing with broadcom-wlan-drivers could give me a suggestion about how screwed i am. So inside my Dell-netbookt here's a wlan-controller, called BCM92046. Does anybody know, if there's a solution for "gettin' it goin'" with a linux system?19:38
B0g4r7Also, you'll wanna look into activating TRIM support, if possible.19:38
westernanalogmust check this more19:38
beandogphf_: check linuxwireless.org19:38
B0g4r7Other than that, an SSD should be the same as magnetic media.19:39
beandogB0g4r7: so, stupid question, is it okay to use journaled filesystems on there?  I'm guessing yes19:39
B0g4r7Sure, I don't see why not.19:39
guntberthop5uk: sorry, I don't remember - can I help?19:39
phf_beandog: thanks a lot!19:39
beandogWhen I install stuff on USB drives, I typically use ext219:39
beandogas in, install an os19:40
MCl0vini have an issue with firefox, but i don't know how to describe it19:40
hop5ukguntbert I have been trying for a week now to get my head around setting up a raid 5 array for 3 x storage disks in 12.04 server.I have my Op Sys on 2 x ssd drives which i configured as raid one during the initial installation.When i attach the 3 staorage drive,the seerver wont boot.I am kind of stuck,any help?19:42
B0g4r7I'm also leery of cheap SSDs.  I've only bought Intels myself.19:42
MonkeyDustMCl0vin  then we can't know how to help19:42
B0g4r7And they work flawlessly.19:42
beandogB0g4r7: intel is spendy sometimes, but it is high quality stuff19:42
cuddylierAnyone know how to see how many files are open on my system?19:43
cuddylierLike a number19:43
B0g4r7cuddylier, 'sudl lsof | wc -l'19:43
B0g4r7sudo that it, not sudl.19:43
cuddylierApparently wc -1 is unknown19:44
cuddylierI need a number rather than a list of files as there is  so many19:44
guntberthop5uk: that was probably not me - but I didn't quite understand your problem now: di you configure the 3 HD as raid array already?19:44
MonkeyDustcuddylier  wc -l not wc -119:44
cuddylierAh, k19:44
beandogcuddylier: there's always gonna be a lot, just from the base system doing stuff (as in init, etc.)19:45
cuddylierI have hit my limit of 102419:45
cuddylierSo, I'm trying to see how many I have open atm19:45
cuddylierAnd then seeing the list to see why there is so many open19:45
cuddylierDoes it usually take a while for wc -l ?19:45
cuddylierIt's still doing it19:45
imbezoli'm going to go on a limb and say you ran wc -l without piping something into it19:46
hop5ukguntbert i have done it a few time with mdadm but it did not work properly.I have since remove the 3 drives and deleted the partitions by using a usb caddie attached a windows pc but i think there must be some remnant of the old array still on the disks19:46
geboyexcuse me, im trying to run keryx from a livecd ubuntu 12.04. but i cant make the file executable. how to make it executable?19:46
cuddylierMonkeyDust Does it usually take a long time for it to display the results?19:47
imbezolcuddylier: it should be almost instant19:47
B0g4r7lsof can take a few seconds, but shouldn't take real long.19:47
cuddylierNot for me :S19:48
cuddylierIt's taking like 5 mins still;19:48
cuddylieroh, just did it19:48
cuddylierA massive list of files19:48
imbezolif you're counting lines from lsof and it's taking a long time, kill it, and try with "lsof -n"19:48
imbezolthe -n will make it not resolve everything and it will run very fast19:48
cuddylierI dunno why there is so many, my minecraft server keeps saying "too many files open"19:48
dark3nI did a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 from a usb stick onto the SSD in my laptop, upon reboot, it refuses to boot from the internal SSD with "read error". attaching the internal ssd via USB boots up fine19:48
cuddylierIs there a way to see an actual number of open files though, imbezol?19:48
MCl0vinMonkeyDust, have you ever used cisco net academy ?19:49
riktking_hi, im trying to install unreal tournament on my laptop, it keeps failing http://pastebin.com/Tics0VEw is the error can anyone help me?19:49
imbezolcuddylier: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr19:49
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imbezolcuddylier: that will show your current and max19:50
cuddylierOkay, it's also taking a long time lol19:50
B0g4r7hop5uk, if you wanna erase the signature, it's mdadm --zero-superblock19:50
guntberthop5uk: I was searching, somewhere I stumbled upon a command to remove any raid entries from a HD - but I have not been successful yet19:51
imbezolcuddylier: sounds like your system is choking19:51
cuddylierI think it is19:51
cuddylierMy CPU is at 130%19:51
cuddylierIt doesn't apprechiate a 90 player mc server19:51
FloodBot1cuddylier: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
hop5ukhow do yopu get to a point where you can type in the commend when the system wont boot?19:52
B0g4r7hop5uk, where in the boot process does it hang?19:52
hop5ukguntbert <hop5uk> how do yopu get to a point where you can type in the commend when the system wont boot?19:52
cuddylierIt's still going!!19:53
B0g4r7hop5uk, if you can boot into single-user mode with kernel arg 'single', that might work.  Or maybe you can put the disks in USB cases and connect them after boot.19:53
guntberthop5uk: (I'm only guessing right now): did you try to change the boot order? did you try with only one of those disks attached?19:54
hop5ukB0g4r7 It goes past the bios screen then past the grub screen and then the screen goes black and nothing happens after that19:54
hop5ukguntbert yes i have tried that19:55
B0g4r7hop5uk, I'd fool with the kernel args, and make sure you're not booting with the 'splash' and/or 'quiet' options.  Once you get rid of those it may give you some more clues as to what's going wrong.19:55
guntberthop5uk: in that case it actually did boot - what about the recovery system?19:56
hop5ukB0g4rj sorry can you simplify that a bit19:56
MonkeyDustMCl0vin  no, have never use cisco19:57
B0g4r7hop5uk, in the GRUB menu, you should haver an opportunity to modify the kernel boot arguments.   Examine them, and remove 'splash' and 'quiet', if they're present.19:57
hop5ukguntbert If i remove the storage disks the system boots correctly19:57
guntberthop5uk: sorry, I'm going to leave you to B0g4r7, my mind is too slow today - Good luck :-)19:58
hop5ukguntbert thanks anyway19:58
hop5ukB0g4r7 I selected recovery mode from the grub menu with all disks attached i am now looking at (initramfs).What now?19:59
PsynoKhi0greetings, I've just upgraded to a Radeon HD7770 in precise, pulseaudio now fails to start, I think the hdmi output isn't properly recognized, is there a way to force alsa not to probe it? (pavucontrol won't start)20:00
MCl0vinMonarquista, am having issues with firefox and flash20:00
B0g4r7hop5uk, OK, well recovery isn't quite what I meant.  Will GRUB allow you to boot the regular kernel in its regular mode, but with the option to modify its boot arguments?  I think it usually wants you to hit 'e' or something to do that.20:00
hop5ukB0g4r7 I can also see some information which tells me that the system is trying to start the array which was previously configured on these disks even though i have deleted all partions20:01
craigbass1976Did something happen to the apache package lately?  All of a sudden, I can't access some files from a browser that are set to 77720:02
cuddylierimbezol Is there a way to stop this command? It's still going20:02
cuddylierAnd I'm worried something will happen20:02
B0g4r7hop5uk, so at this point you're looking to just erase the raid signature from those drives, or...?20:02
hop5ukB0g4r7 Yes i am20:03
hop5ukB0g4r7 pressed e and got into another scree20:03
B0g4r7craigbass1976, examine the entire directory tree that contains those files and make sure none of them disallow r or x to the apache user.  I think that's what apache does.20:03
hop5ukI ythink this is the screen you were talking about20:04
panbingI am a chinese20:04
cuddylierimbezol Would rebooting my server reduce the files open?20:04
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B0g4r7hop5uk, OK, so you see splash and quiet there in the argument list?  Remove them and then boot.20:04
craigbass1976B0g4r7, but apache (www-data) owns them to begin with20:04
wylde_!cn | panbing20:04
ubottupanbing: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw20:04
B0g4r7craigbass1976, and does the www-data user (or all users) have r and x permission on all directories in the tree which contain the directory those files are in?20:05
accmanagerhi can some one help me setup a cronjob for ifdown wlan0 and ifup wla0 on reboot? I did make a script on /bin/wifistuff  and edited crontan -e   with @reboot /bin/wifistuff but when i reboot it does not start my wireless card what im i doing worng? thanks20:05
* mikestewart|afk is away: Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go. (away)20:06
craigbass1976B0g4r7, yes20:06
wwdHi folks, I installed bridge-utils to setup bridging for a KVM virtual machine I had, I no longer need bridging and have removed all traces of the bridge from /etc/network/interfaces and restarted networking, however, ifconfig STILL shows bra and both eth0 what gives, please help, thanks20:06
Nitram66http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x3lnZcrw1dg magic :D20:06
B0g4r7crackerjackz, OK, I dunno then.  I'd look at the apache error log.20:06
PeckerIm trying to build LTSP client onto a separate /opt partition, but it fails with unable to mount with noexec or nodev20:07
wwdarg, i mistyped, ifconfig still shows br0 and not eth020:07
hop5ukB0g4r7 Not sure this is the correct screen as i cannot see a mention of splash20:07
wylde_!language | panbing20:07
ubottupanbing: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:07
MonkeyDust!away > mikestewart|afk20:08
ubottumikestewart|afk, please see my private message20:08
cuddylierWould rebooting my server reduce the files open?20:08
B0g4r7cuddylier, probably.20:09
cuddylierI'll try that tomorrow :) I've been reaching the 1024 limit recently20:09
imbezolcuddylier: it will make your files open 020:09
imbezolcuddylier: but whether it'll go back to a crazy number after who knows20:09
B0g4r7I think you can adjust those limits in /proc somewhere.20:09
accmanagerhi can some one help me setup a cronjob for ifdown wlan0 and ifup wla0 on reboot? I did make a script on /bin/wifistuff  and edited crontan -e   with @reboot /bin/wifistuff but when i reboot it does not start my wireless card what im i doing worng? thanks20:09
martijn_dekkerHey. I have a TC1100 (ancient tablet pc) running Ubuntu 11.04, using the Classic look. Would upgrading to 12.04 slow it down or speed it up? I intend to use it for some graphical thigns20:10
imbezolcuddylier B0g4r7 : /proc/sys/fs/file-max20:10
Peckermartijn_dekker: graphical as in games of photo editing, or what exactly?20:10
cuddylierThat command you told me before imbezol it's still doing it20:10
B0g4r7accmanager, any script run by cron is not going to get the regular $PATH and other environment variables.  You will probably need to have your script use absolute paths to any files, etc.20:10
imbezolcuddylier: you're pinned.. it can't even open files to run something20:11
imbezolcuddylier: you might as well reboot20:11
martijn_dekkerPecker, I mean as in Gimp and Mypaint20:11
cuddylierMy minecraft server is still fine20:11
cuddylierRunning fine I mean20:11
martijn_dekkerAs some sort of external input device, actually :P20:11
cuddylierWith 64 online20:11
wylde_accmanager: I believe you can simply add the appropriate scripts to /etc/network/ifup.dand /etc/network/if-down.d20:11
cuddylierThe last reboot I did was 80 days ago20:11
imbezolcuddylier: you can just up your limit right now20:11
cuddylierIs it a good idea to?20:12
imbezolcuddylier: if you go "cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max" and finally get it to run..20:12
cuddylierI've done cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr20:12
imbezolcuddylier: then do "echo XXXXX > /proc/sys/fs/file-max" where XXXXX is 25% more than the current value20:12
accmanagerwylde ill try that20:12
imbezolcuddylier: ok, then you know the current max20:12
imbezolcuddylier: the larger of those two values20:12
cuddylierIf I close putty will it stop the command? I know it is 102420:12
RamJettwwd: Check /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart20:12
imbezolcuddylier:  what? really? that's extremely low20:13
skorvcan i have url redirection inside a server farm using one wan ip only (ubuntu powers my webservers)20:13
cuddylierThat was the default20:13
martijn_dekkerTo be more precise: I already use it for drawing occasionally, but I'm thinking of hooking it up to my pretty overpowered desktop pc and use it as a fancy tablet-with-screen (poor man's Cintiq style) for pretty much any pic that the desktop can handle20:13
wylde_accmanager: there's also if-pre-up.d if you need something before the network is brought up20:13
=== Zorro is now known as Guest47282
wwdthanks RamJett20:13
cuddylierIf I close putty will my server go crazy?20:13
imbezolcuddylier: do this then... "echo 1000000 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max"20:13
cuddylierBecause I've typed the command20:13
accmanagerok thanks wylde20:13
imbezolcuddylier: try ctrl-c to kill your current command20:13
cuddylierWhat does that change it to?20:13
Peckeranyone here with experience on LTSP?20:13
cuddylierGood done20:13
B0g4r7skorv, sure, you can use nave-based vhosting for any http sites.  https is not so easy.20:14
imbezolcuddylier: did it make a difference?20:14
cuddylierIt stopped the command20:14
cuddylierIs that 100000 the file open limit?20:14
skorvhttps is needed20:14
skorvnave based....20:14
imbezoli says 1 million though20:14
hop5ukB0g4r7 r u still available20:14
cuddylierIs it wise to have that limit?20:14
B0g4r7still here hop5uk20:14
imbezolcuddylier: it'll be fine20:14
cuddylierI may try 2000 first20:14
cuddylierWould 3000 be okay?20:15
imbezolcuddylier: mine is just default and it's 780,00020:15
imbezolcuddylier: i have no idea why yours would be so low20:15
imbezolcuddylier: how much ram in that system?20:15
imbezolcuddylier: the number is determined based on your ram.. and i only have 8 gb in this system. very strange20:15
B0g4r7cuddylier, are you running a really old kernel or something?20:16
martijn_dekkerPecker, would you have any idea what the answer might be?20:16
cuddylierI may need to say no more20:16
martijn_dekkerOr anyone else, for that matter? Would Ubuntu 12.04 be slower or faster than 11.04 on an old TC1100 tablet pc?20:16
Peckerwell if its already doing ok runnign 11.04, i dotn see 12.04 making it worse20:16
Rahulhi guys20:16
Peckerdont ask me tho, I dont use unity20:16
skorvits actually something like this: www.domain.com goes to ; sub1.domain.com goes to and sub2.domain.com goes to
Dshoe|nunchakuSo i went to move my ubuntu partition in gparted and it ended up just extending my linux drive and now it said 50 GB of the 463 gb are used when the linux drive started as 50 GB20:17
Peckeri still use 10.04.. actually seen better fps in games in 10.04 than inn 12.0420:17
Rahuldo you guys know the filesystem type that ubuntu runs best on20:17
Dshoe|nunchakuSorry i mean 50GB are free20:17
cuddylierimbezol Apparently I have no permission for echo 2500 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max20:17
imbezolcuddylier: you have to be root20:17
Rahuldo you guys know the filesystem type that ubuntu runs best on?20:17
B0g4r7The only reason I upgraded past 10.04 was for a newer Python.20:17
Rahuldo you guys know the filesystem type that ubuntu runs best on?20:17
Dshoe|nunchakuAs in 350GB of use came out of no where20:17
imbezolcuddylier: try adding sudo in front of echo20:17
Rahuldo you guys know the filesystem type that ubuntu runs best on?20:17
cuddylierYes...I'm on a user account20:17
FloodBot1Rahul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:18
cuddylierI tried sudo20:18
imbezolcuddylier: and?20:18
Rahuljust tell me do you guys know the filesystem type that ubuntu runs best on?20:18
imbezolcuddylier: root definitely has access to write to that file20:18
DshoeSorry back20:18
Rahulsome1 answer me!!!!!!20:18
cuddylierIf I do it on root, does it do it for the user "ryan"?20:18
MyrttiRahul: ext3 or ext420:18
DshoeCan anyone help me?20:18
cuddylierI have access to the root account20:18
Myrtti!patience | Rahul20:19
ubottuRahul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:19
imbezolcuddylier: hmm.. maybe not.. sec..20:19
cuddylierJust, I use one called "ryan"20:19
cuddylierFor some reason20:19
PeckerDshoe: soudns like you extened the partition20:19
ufrgsIf I want to my windows always open as List and reduces 50% how do I do that?20:19
hop5ukB0g4r7 I need to remove the raid signatures using either the recovery mode in Grub or some other method20:19
ufrgsCouldn't find anything related on google.20:19
PeckerRahul: why is knowing the best so important?20:19
DshoePecker yea but now it says theres an extra 350GB IN USE!20:19
Moesbieis there a way to see what a PPA did to install something?20:19
DshoeIdk where it came from20:19
imbezolcuddylier: what's the output of "ulimit -Sn" and "ulimit -Hn" ?20:19
Peckerthast weird20:19
ufrgsPerhaps I am too newbie about it :P20:19
B0g4r7hop5uk, Well, if you can get to a shell, the command is 'mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdx'  replacing x with thge appropriate device name.20:19
RahulPecker: because i want it to be fast20:20
DshoeAnd now i cant shrink my drive for my windows partition20:20
cuddylierimbezol 1024 and 102420:20
hop5ukB0g4r7 I will try that from recovery mode now20:20
imbezolcuddylier: try this.. "sysctl -w fs.file-max=100000"20:20
imbezolcuddylier: that's your problem.. your ulimit is too low20:20
imbezolcuddylier: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-increase-the-maximum-number-of-open-files/20:21
Peckerwell different partition types wotn give you the same speedup that say adding ram will20:21
cuddylierit seems to be working20:21
Peckerso just use ext420:21
Rahul2 bad ubuntu dosent run exex without wine20:21
hpux_suxHello, is it possible to have low Read/Write speed and occassional Samba hanging due to unproperly mounted NTFS filesystem?20:21
imbezolcuddylier: even if the system limit goes up, your per user limit is 102420:21
cuddylieryeah..so this wont work ?20:21
szerzeteshy, I have a chine usb bluetooth stick, and the xubuntu 12.04 coudn't use, what sould i do?20:21
cuddylierimbezol Worked20:21
imbezolcuddylier: you'll probably want to adjust the per limit user up too... in /etc/security/limits.conf20:21
cuddylierHow do I do that like the other command?20:22
imbezolcuddylier: you'll have to logout and back in though to see the affect.. so the "login" that's currently running your mc won't be fixed until you restart the server20:22
cuddylierAh..I'll do a restart tomorrow :)20:22
cuddylierBut, how do I change the user limit just incase?20:22
DshoeI think im just going to have to format and start over :(20:22
imbezolcuddylier: do set it though in the limits.conf otherwise you'll run into this again after a reboot20:22
imbezolcuddylier: and set the system limit permanently in sysctl.conf20:23
imbezolcuddylier: see that link i gave you :)20:23
cuddylierOh, okay20:23
cuddylierThanks a lot20:23
hop5ukB0g4r7 it says CREATE user root not found20:24
B0g4r7hop5uk, in response to your mdadm command?  That's rather odd...20:24
hop5ukB0g4r7 I will try and connect via USB20:25
cuddylierimbezol -sh: start_pipeline: pgrp pipe: Too many open files in system -sh: /usr/bin/vi: Too many open files in system20:26
cuddylierimbezol My mc server just went crazy..20:26
cuddylierAnd died20:26
B0g4r7cuddylier, I'd say your system may have a resource leak20:27
cuddylierIt's absolutely messed20:28
cuddylierIs it my hardware?20:28
cuddylierMy cpu is 130%20:28
B0g4r7I'd guess software.20:28
cuddylierIt is the kernal ovh offer20:28
cuddylierI have20:28
cuddylierI think I'll just get a new server20:29
cuddylierThis one is trash :(20:29
cuddylierI'll try that command again20:29
B0g4r7It sounds like some process is running away with things.  Opening files and never closing them, spawning processes and never terminating them, etc.20:29
cuddylierBut,apparently this shouldn't be happening20:29
B0g4r7You'll need to monitor the system resource use when it's still in a working state.20:29
BattlecatHi Sorry to ask this again. I find it a bit frustrating but I need to have a decent set of DVDs for the Ubuntu repos to use to install to a set of machines that have no internet connection. Are there any ISO files anywhere for 12.04 of this?20:30
B0g4r7And see if you can see a trend of what's going out of control, before it wedges up the system completely.20:30
hop5ukB0g4r7 I disconnected all the drives and boot ed the server.I made a list of the drives with the fdisk command and found that the drive was sdc.I then run tyhe commend as SU and it gave me Couldn't open /devsdc for write - not zeroing20:31
Peckeranyone here with experience on LTSP?20:31
MonkeyDustBattlecat  why not just download the cds or dvds?20:32
BattlecatMonkeyDust Would that have all the possible software like Ubuntu Studio on it?20:33
B0g4r7hop5uk, I'm a little unclear on quite what you're describing doing.  You will, of course, need to have the drives connected to be able to write to them.  You will also find that the drive device node assignments tend to change when you add or remove drives.20:33
MonkeyDustBattlecat  yes20:34
MonkeyDustBattlecat  ubuntu studio just has other software preinstalled and perhaps also non-free codecs available20:35
BattlecatSo whats not on the DVD? I see that the DVD is only a bit over a gig not really like the whole thing. The machines I have are not on any network and I need a set of DVDs for them20:35
hop5ukB0g4r7I cannot boot when i have the 3 storage drives connected so i disconnected all of them and then once the system had booted i connected one of them by using a USB caddie20:35
cuddylierImbezol vi: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: Error 2320:36
MonkeyDustBattlecat  what's not on the dvd, is in the repos, if you need ubuntu studio, just download that cd or dvd20:36
B0g4r7oh I see hop5uk.  So something's blocking you from writing to that device.  Maybe if you use hdparm you can enable writing?20:36
MonkeyDustBattlecat  it seems there's no ubuntu studio 12.04 yet http://ubuntustudio.org/downloads20:37
BattlecatI guess what I want is to have a set of DVDs that no matter (within reason) I want to install I wont see you need to connect to the internet.20:38
X-tonichey i wish to do perform a version bump for a software in the repo. How do i go about it?20:38
MonkeyDustX-tonic  a version bump?20:38
X-tonicyes, a newer version is available outside the repo in debian20:39
hop5ukB0g4r7 How do you use it?20:39
X-tonicas in the newer version is present in debian unstable. I want to get it in ubuntu repo20:39
MonkeyDustX-tonic  debian may not be completely compatible with ubuntu20:39
PeckerIm trying to build LTSP client onto a separate /opt partition, but it fails with unable to mount with noexec or nodev20:39
MonkeyDustX-tonic  canonical decides what comes in the repos20:40
alankilaX-tonic: eh, just download the dpkg files once and try dpkg -i them... you could get by pretty easily20:40
X-tonicMonkeyDust: The one I am talking of, doesnt have any ubuntu modification patches in it.20:40
theseusfirst time using Tomcat Apache webserver, anyone know what the local URL for the default website is?  I cant seem to get it to launch.20:40
MonkeyDustX-tonic  then download it from outside the repos and hope it doesnt ruin your system20:41
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Bronylicioushello, i can't install ubuntu server on my other computer, i have tried both with USB and CD-Rom, but nothing works, i have set the first boot device to be "USB-HDD", second one to be "CDROM" and third one to be "HDD-0", but it still wont work, so how do i make it work? i can't get to boot menu either( i have tried to use F8, F11 and F12, nothing works) so i cant run it via that. any help?20:41
skaI'm installing another version of ubuntu on a AMD LLANO A6 system for HTPC. I want to install a lightweight version of Ubuntu that is mostly compatible. What version should I run, ?20:42
skorvany idea how to, from a single wan ip, redirect like this www.domain.com goes to ; sub1.domain.com goes to and sub2.domain.com goes to
jagginessBronylicious, i'm actually on a ubuntu usb.. so it does work from usb20:42
skorvi'm clueless20:43
dougmenckenhi guys; sorry for this; but I got a problem20:43
X-tonicMonkeyDust: So you are saying that any package that Ubuntu developers havent noticed in the world or not bothered to update yet hasa chance of ruining my system?20:43
skaCan I run 32-bit system? Should I? 32 would run faster i bet.20:43
SkippersBossska:lubuntu and xubuntu are the light ones20:43
Bronyliciousjagginess, it doesnt work for me on that computer20:43
Peckerskorv: apache redirects? idk20:43
Guest11783Hi, I have a dual boot with ubuntu 12.0420:43
jagginessBronylicious, does the install load? or does the install install but you cant boot the "installed" ?20:43
skorvall servers run http/https20:44
Guest11783I moved a file from windows and into linux and it got tagged as root20:44
hop5ukB0g4r7 One question will the raid signature be kept on the disk even though i have completely deleted the original partition?20:44
skorvactually  https only on the subdomains20:44
MonkeyDustX-tonic  you or anyone else can add a vicious piece in that not-controlled package, so yes20:44
skaI can access all my memory by using a special PAE kernel in 32bit right?20:44
MonkeyDustpiece of code*20:44
B0g4r7hop5uk, yeah, it may well still be there.  Just zapping the partition table doesn't change much.20:45
Guest11783I mean, I mounted windows partition and moved a folder into linux and all the files in it were tagged as root.  I couldn't get anything in it to work so I deleted20:45
Bronyliciousjagginess, i installed ubuntu 10.10 on it before, but now i can't get to the installation startup for 12.04 server, but it takes the installation cd for 10.1020:45
Guest11783But now I can't empty the recycle bin anymore20:46
dougmenckenhow to resolve my apt-gt problem?20:46
Bronyliciousjagginess, so no, it doesnt load installer20:46
Guest11783Any help?20:46
itaylor57ska, if your system is capable of 64bit your should install that not 3220:46
roastedQuestion - are there zoom in/out options for 12.04 or do you need compiz installed for that? I want to do a screencast but I want to zoom in during part of it.20:46
B0g4r7hop5uk, if you can erase the first few megabytes of the device that would probably get it.  'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1m count=3'20:46
hop5ukB0g4r7 I now have 3 x 1 TB drives that are useless unless i can get rid of it somehow20:46
jagginessBronylicious, the 12.04 installer does not boot for both as a usbinstaller or cdinstaller ?20:46
Bronyliciousjagginess, nope20:47
ki4roroasted: I use CTRL + and CTRL -20:47
B0g4r7hop5uk, how frustrating.  For me, if the raid(s) have a problem, I'm given the option to drop to a shell to try and fix.20:47
jagginessBronylicious, did you md5 checksum the iso?20:47
Guest11783Where is the trash folder in ubuntu?20:47
roastedki4ro: thanks, that helps for text but not exactly what I was after20:47
Guest11783I need to open it as root.20:47
Bronyliciousjagginess, no20:48
plouffeGuest11783, restore the rooted folder, then delete using sudo rm -rf <folder>20:48
doug_fHow can I prevent old kernel headder files from staying around?20:48
kyconquersis there a ubuntu version of ti connect? I have my TI 84 plus silver but have lost the cd and cord. I bought a new cord.20:48
Guest11783I already moved to trash and I can't get it out20:48
Guest11783When I go into trash it says I don't have permission to view contents20:49
hop5ukB0g4r7 i get the message that the 1 m is invalid number20:49
plouffe.local sorry not local20:49
B0g4r7hop5uk, try 1M maybe?20:49
OerHeksGuest11783, The trash folder is found at: /home/username/.local/share/Trash and If you deleted something via sudo, it's at: /root/.local/share/Trash20:50
Bronyliciousjaginess how do i md5 cheksum the iso?20:50
Bronyliciousjagginess, never done that before20:50
jagginessBronylicious, http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/20:50
jagginessBronylicious, (this too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM)20:51
jagginessBronylicious, a unique math number is made from any file.. this number has to match the reported checksum from MD5SUMS20:51
hop5ukB0g4r7 3+0 records in the the same out but the superblock command still doesn't work20:52
jagginess(sha1sums is another math algorithm used for the same purpose)20:52
B0g4r7hop5uk, That's good.  Maybe you got it now on that drive.20:52
B0g4r7hop5uk, yo can also try mdadm --examine to see if it still sees a signature on a device or not.20:52
jagginessBronylicious, and if the number doesnt match then you need to re-download the iso.. highlu this isnt the case, but to be sure this is always a first step..20:53
hop5ukB0g4r7 sudo mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdc mdadm: Couldn't open /dev/sdc for write - not zeroing20:53
jagginesshop5uk, mdadm should be used with allocated partitions20:54
organikshey all20:54
hop5ukjagginess sorry i'm a bit of a noob20:54
jagginesshop5uk, in theory its possible to, but in reality partitions should be allocated..20:55
hop5ukDoes that mean i should create a partion first20:55
jagginesshop5uk, mdadm is used for software raid.. "raid" type software partiitions can be made in linux -- 1- with a parted tool 2-then use mdadm against those partitions20:55
Guest11783This thing is really glitched20:56
Guest11783I can't delete it20:56
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jagginesshop5uk, When you use step 2-, you assemble an array.. then you have an md0p1 partition.. you'd format/work on md0p# partitions for ext4 ext..20:56
Guest61426how do i get the mp3 codec for lubuntu20:56
hop5ukjagginess so i should partition the disks first whilst connected to USB?20:56
MonkeyDustGuest61426  activate restricted areas20:57
jagginesshop5uk, i gave you a broad overview..20:57
Nepheriushey, any idea why my display turns off at the grub screen until ubuntu loads ?20:57
Bronyliciousjagginess, the md5sum matched the one on the site20:57
B0g4r7hop5uk, I tend to use partitions for all my raid members, rather than whole disks.20:57
organiksim trying to install skype 4.0 and when i do it does not bind to ubuntu 12.0420:57
jagginesshop5uk, intel is continuously improving mdadm.. so there's definitely documentation with them.. i can try to find some sources..20:57
jagginesshop5uk, also the desktop iso doesnt support raid upon install, but the server iso does20:58
MonkeyDustorganiks  skype 4 is bleeding edge, you're a pioneer if you try to use it20:58
jagginesshop5uk, unless they changed this after 11.1020:58
jagginessBronylicious, that's good20:58
jagginessBronylicious, so its either the install media or something else..20:58
organiksi have installed the one from the softwarecenter but it crashes then i send report and it tells me software not installed20:58
jagginessBronylicious, did you try  boot options with the installer?20:59
Bronyliciousjagginess how do you mean?20:59
organiksMonkeyDust: which ver should i use?20:59
MonkeyDustorganiks  the version that worked last time21:00
hop5ukjagginess I created a Raid 1 erray on 2 SSDs to deal with my Opsys.This seems to work as md0 and md1.This was easy when i used the install disk for server 12.04.Could i maybe boot of the disk again and make a raid 5 array with my storage disks21:00
SkippersBossorganiks: I avaoid software centre like the plague Its slow laging and when there is trouble it will not tell you whats wrong. Just installed the skype deb straight from the skype site21:00
GygesGuest11783, can u send a 'ls -al' of the folder?21:00
SkippersBossJust had a video chat as well and everything seems to be going smoothly apart that my call window now mimiks the Windoos version21:01
jagginesshop5uk, you'll need to research that..21:01
ancarius_is there a possible substitute for the ALPS driver? i have a dell laptop and the trackpad keeps getting recognized as PS/221:01
jagginessancarius_, probably evdev :/21:02
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ancarius_well...that would some SOME problems i guess. though i was really looking forward to multitouch support21:03
ancarius_especially since the trackpad doesn't include a scroll section21:04
cuddylierDoes mysql auto start on a server reboot?21:04
jagginessBronylicious, try acpi=off or nomodeset--  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:04
Peckeris there a way to set networkmanager to host dhcp on a specific interface?21:04
RelondoHow can I  unzip a .tar.gz file and then make it executable?21:04
Gygescuddylier, sysv-rc-conf controls which init in which runlevel21:04
cuddylierI think it auto started21:05
cuddylierBut I'm not sure21:05
cuddylierWhat does that command actually do?21:05
Relondo*Extract, decompress, whatever.21:05
Gygesit lets you change21:05
cuddylierI see21:05
beandogRelondo: tar xf <file> to extract it21:05
jagginessRelondo, .tar.gz -- you can extract it visually with ark or another gui archive tool21:05
Gygesservice mysql status21:05
B0g4r7tar -zxf for a .tgz.21:05
jagginessRelondo, btw.. its extracting (not unzipping-- unzipping is for .zip files)21:05
beandogB0g4r7: don't need -z21:05
beandogor -j21:05
Guest11783I have a folder I made called Games in home and it isn't recognized as even being there21:06
Relondobeandog: K.21:06
beandogB0g4r7: habit for me, but apparently it's supported that for years. -_-21:06
B0g4r7ya don't huh?  I've always used 'em...21:06
B0g4r7Well whaddya know...21:06
beandogB0g4r7: yah I just found out like last month21:06
Relondojajgginess: Yeah, that's what years of Windows does to a person. But how do I do it visually?21:06
Guest11783I tried to LS it or CD it and it keeps saying that it doesn't exist21:06
genii-aroundGuest11783: You probably need it to make it inside of /home/your-username/  instead of /home21:06
Guest11783It is in my home directory/username21:06
jagginessRelondo, should be in the menu21:07
beandogGuest11783: what are you looking for?21:07
jagginessRelondo, accessories/archive manager21:07
Bronyliciousjagginess how do i edit the grub file manually then, since it just starts the OS everytime instead of the other two that should start first?21:07
jagginess(or may be in the right-click open-with in the file navigator)21:07
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:08
Relondojagginess: Oh, right click + extract. Silly me. Also, how do I give myself permanent root access? It's annoying  to have to terminal + sudo everything.21:08
GygesGuest11783, try this: open it in the file manager, then grab the path from the pathline and do this: cd 'path'21:08
jagginessRelondo, be careful21:08
beandogRelondo: sudo su - ; visudo21:08
Relondojagginess: Why? Is it any different from being a permanent administrator on windows?21:08
MonkeyDustRelondo  permanent root access != good idea21:08
SaerynRelondo: Yes21:09
beandogRelondo: change %admin line to %admin  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL21:09
Relondobeandog: Thanks.21:09
beandogRelondo: then just do sudo <foo> and it at least won't ask for password.21:09
beandogor just do "sudo su -" and have fun21:09
Relondobeandog: Alright.21:09
Relondosaeryn: How so?21:09
beandogRelondo: oh, add your user to admin.  Probably not in there.  groupadd admin; gpasswd -a username admin21:10
Peckeris there a way to set networkmanager to host dhcp on a specific interface? (not ICS, want it to server up
Relondobeandog: Rather long process, isn't it?21:10
beandogRelondo: meh.  It's normal.21:10
beandogUsually you have wheel group21:10
beandogubuntu uses admin21:10
SaerynRelondo: sudo is there because running in root all the time isn't the best idea. Unless you have specific reasons to be in root, using sudo is the best approach ESPECIALLY for those new to *nix.21:11
GygesPecker, need to install dhcp-server21:11
Relondobeandog: Alright. Thanks.21:11
* beandog agress with Saeryn 21:11
Relondosaeryn: Okay. Perhaps I'll hold off on that, then.21:11
PeckerGyges: I did, trying to setup LTSP on existing machine...21:11
RelondoSometimes, my launcher bar seems to be frozen in display mode, though I have it set to hide until I mouse over it. Anyone know why?21:12
beandogRelondo: what I told you,  you just won't need to type password everytime you run sudo21:12
Gygesas for the interface, you have to set it in a static ip21:12
Peckernasically want networkmanager to play nice21:12
SaerynRelondo: Once you get a better grip on things it isnt so bad to run as root however there are programs that won't always run as root, not to mention the massive security hole it opens.21:13
jagginessSaeryn, ?21:13
jagginessSaeryn, you mean "services" .21:13
Relondosaeryn: Got it.21:14
jagginessSaeryn, you're saying it's ok to run things as root as a normal user.. that's wrong.21:14
beandogthat's not how I read that21:15
Relondosaeryn: So, really, I just want to be able to access all files. How can I do that, without running as root?21:15
jagginesswell then clarify .. because I want to know which program/s dont always run properly as normal user..21:15
beandogRelondo: sudo nautilus :D21:15
Relondobeandog: Is that permanent, or just for this session?21:16
beandogRelondo: just that session21:16
Saerynjagginess I'm saying that for someone unexperienced, who wants to run as root, and then say want's to open vlc, they'll be confused and annoyed, then have a lot more issues and questions.21:16
Relondobeandog: How can I do it permanently? Or is that a  bad idea, too?21:16
beandogRelondo: uh21:16
beandogRelondo: Make a shell script that sits on your desktop or something.  I guess.21:17
beandogRelondo: at this point I'm wondering why you need it. :)21:17
beandogor just do alt f2 and run it21:17
beandogthat's easy enough21:17
Relondobeandog: It's just annoying that I can't acccess half of my  filesystem. Have to use sudo and terminal commands to copy stuff.21:17
Bronyliciousjagginess where can i find the grub.cfg file in the iso then? cause its not in /boot/grub/21:17
jagginessbeandog, he's so new to linux i think telling him to make a script is totally out of the question.21:17
beandogRelondo: what part can't you access?21:17
gutis89hey guys! im trying to run an application .exe via wine but the program just don't connects with the internet. could anyone help me?21:18
Relondobeandog: Most stuff /usr, for example.21:18
beandogjagginess: ah, k21:18
beandogRelondo: like ... what?21:18
Relondogutis89: Did you check the wine forums for your particular program?21:18
beandogYou shouldn't really need anything on the system21:18
beandogoutside of your home directory21:18
jagginessBronylicious, you edit grub rules in /etc/default and /etc/grubxxxx/   .. then do update-grub2  -- this updates grub.cfg somewhere in /boot ... the grub1-2 stage loader looks for grub.cfg .. -- don't edit grub.cfg directly because you'll lose changes when you update kernel packages21:18
Relondobeandog: Alright, right now, I'm trying to install Java. I can't access the folders where the website recommends to install it.21:19
gutis89Relondo it's a program of a 'students challenge' that i am in, i think it wont have any solution there = /21:19
jagginessRelondo, package default-jre21:20
Relondogutis89: Ah. That's all I've got, then. Sorry :(21:20
beandogRelondo: oh okay.  Well normally I'd say install java through regular channels, but I don't know how to install it.  jagginess has the right idea I think21:20
gutis89Relondo thank's anyway21:20
Relondojagginess: God that's much easier.21:20
Relondogutis89: Yep.21:20
Relondojagginess: ...how do I install packages?21:21
SaerynRelondo: Why not YouTube some videos on Basic Ubuntu Operations?21:21
Relondosaryn: I have slow internet. But I suppose I could google it.21:22
jagginessRelondo, try the ubuntu software center21:22
SaerynThere are a ton. Beginnners forums and AskUbuntu help as well.21:22
SaerynRelondo; If you use Google look at Google's site: feature.21:22
jagginessRelondo, others use synaptic, and others like me use command-line tools21:22
beandogRelondo: specifically, apt-get install default-jre21:22
SaerynYou can search the beginnner forums that way Relondo if you don't like the forums search.21:22
RelondoAlright, thanks to all of you.21:23
beandoggood luck :)21:24
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Relondobeandog: Terminal returned this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041473/21:25
beandogRelondo: you've probably got software center open or something21:26
Relondobeandog: Ah, yes, I do.21:26
SaerynRelondo: For example, open Google (or in your search bar) type... site:http://ubuntuforums.org/ How to install software21:26
Relondosaeryn: Alright.21:27
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.21:27
SaerynYou'll get a ton of help by using the site: feature in conjuction with forums and wikis.21:27
Bronyliciousjagginess, where in the grub file do i put acpi=off ? cause i see that all of them have a GRUB_ prefix, so i am a bit confused now21:27
Relondosaeryn: Okay, thanks for the help.21:28
SaerynNo problem Relondo, just be careful, research before asking and most important. Have fun :)21:29
Relondosaeryn: Yeah, working out bugs is loads of fun :|21:29
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SaerynRelondo They aren't necessarily bugs, but user errors :) Once you learn how use the system, you'll never want to go back.21:30
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bastidrazorBronylicious: add it to /etc/default/grub   on this line  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""   ..in between the quotes, save the file then do a 'sudo update-grub'21:30
Jonii_Hello. For some reason, my 12.04 Unity on Zenbook does not have that brightness pop-up thing when adjusting screen brightness with function keys directly from keyboard. Why is that?21:30
Jonii_It has it for adjusting sound21:31
Relondosaeryn: Oh, I already don't. But I have two problems that I'm pretty sure ARE bugs. Or "issues" if you want to be politically correct.21:31
yairgoI am running 10.04 and I have two different keyboards connected to my computer.  pressing numlock on either keyboard changes the state of the light on both keyboards but the num pad still won't work as the numpad, anyone have any ideas?21:31
SaerynRelondo Then feel free to ask about them once you've researched them a bit :)21:31
Bronyliciousok, now what?21:31
Relondosaeryn: Reasearching now. Again. I'll ask around here if I can't find anything.21:32
Bronyliciousbastidrazor, now what?21:34
Peckeryairgo: is it moving the mouse when you press on numpad21:34
bastidrazorBronylicious: reboot21:34
Peckerthis happened to me twice: go into keyboard settings and set it to NOT use eyboard as mouse21:34
Peckeridk how it got set ...twice...21:34
Peckerand this is with 10.0421:34
yairgoPecker I don't know.  I just moved the keyboards to different usb ports and it is working now21:35
Peckergo to system->preferences->keyboard21:35
Bronyliciousbastidrazor, ok now what? it still wont start my cdrom and USB with the installation disk for the server21:35
Peckeruncheck box in mouse keys tab21:35
tomaszczy tu sie pisze po polskiemu ?21:39
imbezolcuddylier: there's nothing wrong with your server. you're running an mc server without adjusting the resources appropriately21:39
imbezolcuddylier: reboot, set the stuff up properly, and you won't have any issues21:39
cuddylierI did a reboot and it seems fine now..21:39
cuddylierIt hadnt been restarted for 80 days21:39
imbezolcuddylier: which means nothing21:39
cuddylieryeah thought so21:39
imbezolcuddylier: you should be able to run indefinitely if you configure it properly21:40
imbezolcuddylier: (not accounting for security patches of course)21:40
cuddylierWould running the server on the root account be better?21:40
tomaszhow  i can change chanel ?21:40
cuddylierSo I aint so restrcited21:40
imbezolcuddylier: just takes a bit of tuning to do what you're doing21:40
imbezolcuddylier: no21:40
Bronyliciousbastidrazor hello, you there? now what?21:40
cuddylierimbezol Only if I had the knowledge :(21:41
cuddylierWhen I did the user thing it just said "too many files open"21:41
imbezolcuddylier: i think you're doing alright. :) just need to set those params21:41
cuddylierI wonder if it would work now, I'm scared :S21:41
imbezolcuddylier: yeah, try editting the files and such now that your system isn't already hosed21:41
cuddylierYeah, I'll try21:42
stephthegeekis there any way to have ubuntu remember the last position/size of application windows?21:42
alien2050stephthegeek: have a look at wmctrl21:42
SaerynAnyone have any support questions that have yet to be answered?21:42
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ikoniaSaeryn: if they did, they would ask21:44
geenna ubuntu è merda21:44
Saerynikonia: Not always when I am able to see and they may not have been noticed.21:45
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cuddylierimbezol I did vi /etc/security/limits.conf and it's in blue :D21:47
stephthegeekalien2050, thanks, i've been reading up on that.... it seems to be a little more DIY than i was expecting though21:48
alien2050stephthegeek: true, but it'll do the job ;)21:48
stephthegeekalien2050, is this really a roll-your-own kinda issue?21:48
RastaZebrais it possible to use facetime on ubuntu?21:48
RastaZebrais it possible to use facetime on ubuntu?21:49
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alien2050well, you do it once and then it's set for a long time if you copy your .bashrc over when installing/upgrading21:50
alien2050just set an alias like this -> alias posit_firefox="wmctrl -r Firefox -e '0,6,0,1040,708'"21:50
RastaZebrais it possible to use facetime on ubuntu?21:50
k1lRastaZebra: dont you think its annoying to spam the channel?21:50
alien2050or in a script and have it run on a quick key21:50
SaerynRastaZebra: I'm going to say no. Why not look into Skype or Google Talk?21:51
RastaZebraok. thanks.21:51
SaerynEr, Google's Chat*21:51
ActionParsnipor ekiga21:53
loneclockhow do i turn off the touchpad in ubuntu21:55
loneclockor at least turn of the double tap for mousclick option21:56
loneclocknvm i am lazy21:56
jagginessloneclock, synclient probably.. if not then one of the defaults in /etc/X11/<subpath>21:57
cuddylierimbezol When I have finished with vi /etc/security/limits.conf  how do I save and close the file via command line?21:58
itaylor57cuddylier, <esc> :wq21:58
cuddylierWhat is itaylor57 Hold the keys together?21:59
Saeryncuddylier: Hit esc you'll be taken to command mode, type :wq and enter21:59
cuddylierAh, k21:59
ntwrk_keithis there a way to change the colors in VIM?21:59
ntwrk_keithor maybe its my putty client that needs to be reconfigured21:59
Saeryncuddylier: :wq is Write and Quit22:00
bibi23hi, has someone already connected its ubuntu to its tv with HDMI? I can't have the sound.. I've followed some tutorial but still nothing22:00
Saerynbibi23: Have you checked the forums?22:01
bibi23when I run sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins "pulseaudio-*" padevchooser paman pavucontrol paprefs pavumeter I have some missin packages22:01
ActionParsnipbibi23: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh22:01
cuddylierSaeryn When I have opened the file here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-increase-the-maximum-number-of-open-files/ where do I put the limit lines?22:01
cuddylierThe httpd soft nofile 4096 httpd hard nofile 1024022:01
rickb|serverhello.. after updates today my sound stopped working, i've seen some entries on the launchpad but no real fixes yet. anyone had this yet? 12.04 on an intel setup.22:02
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bibi23ActionParsnip: Your ALSA information is in /tmp/alsa-info.txt.HpD2uMDW3j22:02
rickb|serveri take it the sound issue is a big hit? lol22:03
Saeryncuddylier: If the lines are not in the file, add them to the file.22:04
cuddylierHow with those commands?22:04
cuddylierhttpd soft nofile 4096 httpd hard nofile 1024022:04
cuddylierIt randomly added them at the top22:04
cuddylierI'm not very used to editing text on ssh :(22:04
cuddylierI'm too stuck to a gui22:05
zykotick9doh ;)22:06
bibi23Saeryn: yes I've also followed a tutorial, I've installed some alsa packages then I run a command, I was able to choose my tv sound output instead of my laptop, but when I test no sound22:06
bibi23the command was gnome-alsamixer22:07
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zykotick9itaylor57: Saeryn :x = :wq with one key ;)  a good admin is a lazy admin.22:07
Saerynbibi23: I'm not sure really, best to rule out a problem with the televisions setup first.22:07
ActionParsnipbibi23: ok run:  gedit /tmp/alsa-info.txt.HpD2uMDW3j    and pastebin the file, if you'd selected YES to upload to teh server it would have done it for you22:07
Saerynzykotick9: I know, however I was explaining the command mentioned earlier.22:08
Jonii_How to edit keyboard layout?22:08
Jonii_Ubuntu 12.04+unity22:08
ActionParsnipJonii_: in what way, switch teh entire layout or just one key?22:08
rickb|serverany ubuntu developers in here?22:09
Jonii_Maybe few keys22:09
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts22:09
bibi23ActionParsnip: it's a big file, here it is : http://pastebin.com/xa2TPiVs22:09
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout22:09
SaerynJonii_ https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2F%20Keyboard%20layout22:09
BlouBlouI just configured out my scanner in ubuntu, what's a good ppp amount? I mean, by default it is set on 300 for image and 150 for text, is that fine?22:10
ActionParsnipbibi23: if you run the sound config app, is the HDMI set as the output?22:10
SaerynBlouBlou: Not really an Ubuntu question, best to use a Search-Engine.22:10
SaerynUbuntu-Support question*22:10
BlouBloumeh I'll try asking this in offtopic channel22:11
bibi23ActionParsnip: you're talking about  gstreamer-properties? yes I can see an HDMI 0 sound output, but when I select it and click the test button, no sound, when I select the other andd click test, it does an horrible sound test22:12
bibi23the sound on the tv is on no problem for that22:12
RelondoThe keyboard on my laptop had been having issues where sometimes on startup it wouldn't be recognized (the lights for num and caps lock didn't work, either), and stayed that way until a restart, but now it's completely broken. Help?22:13
fishcookerhow long 10.04 lts server will be supported22:13
bibi23ActionParsnip: when I say the other one it's just my laptop not the tv22:13
ikoniafishcooker: 5 years from 04 201022:13
ActionParsnipbibi23: the sound app, in dash22:14
ActionParsnipfishcooker: 5 years after release22:14
bibi23ActionParsnip: sorry I don't get it, wich app?22:15
kandinskiwhen my x220 wtih 12.04 comes back up from sleep, X shows a black screen with a moving cursor, but I can't do anything on it. Is this a common problem?22:15
ActionParsnipfishcooker: thats why the version numbers are handy :)22:15
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, i will create a ad-hoc on my system but first i want to known if i can use WPA2 and if is possible to monitor failed attempts to my network...22:15
AceFacehello all!22:15
ActionParsnipbibi23: press SuperL (aka 'windows key') and search for 'sound'22:15
ActionParsnipCrazyGangster: should be possible, yes22:16
fishcookerok that means 10.04 will be ok LoL22:16
Bronyliciousok, since the ones that helped me isnt helping me anymore, im gonna do this again. I cant install ubuntu server on my other computer, i have tried with both USB and CDRom but nothing works, since it wont get to the install screen, it just skips to the os start. i checked in bios so i have this order= USB: first, CDROM: second, HDD-0: third. i have ubuntu desktop 10.04 and i checked the MD5 sum, and it matches the one on http://rele22:17
Bronyliciousases.ubuntu.com/12.04/MD5SUMS and then i added acpi=off in grub, and it still wont start the installer. any help?22:17
ikoniaBronylicious: can you boot any other CD ?22:17
bibi23ActionParsnip: ah no you mean by the standard one, no this one doesn't detect anything, only my  laptop sound22:18
CrazyGangsterActionParsnip: you know any tutorial where i can do this?22:18
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fishcookerok ActionParsnip you're right22:18
SaerynCrazyGangster: I'd check a Search-Engine for that, or ##Networking22:18
Bronyliciousikona, i am able to boot the install cd that i installed the 10.04 desktop on, but not the 10.04 server(tried that one and 12.04 server)22:18
ikoniaSaeryn: stop that22:18
ActionParsnipbibi23: are there any bugs for teh make and model of the laptop?22:19
Bronyliciousbut only that one22:19
ikoniaSaeryn: if you don't know the answer - don't help, stop telling people to use a search engine22:19
meethow long does upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04 after the downloading packages step is done?22:19
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ActionParsnipCrazyGangster: according to:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc    wpa2 isn't supported in adhoc22:20
ikoniaBronylicious: can you use the server install CD on any other machine to boot ?22:20
Bodsdameet: how long is a london cab journey22:20
FLeiXiuSHow can I trouble shoot high load averages when CPU/Mem and Disk IO are low?22:20
Bronyliciousikonia yes22:20
meetBodsda: no idea don't live there22:20
ActionParsnipBodsda: twice as long as half of the time22:20
ActionParsnipBodsda: or 2(x/2)22:20
ikoniaBronylicious: does the bios have a key sequence to select a boot device, eg: press F11 to select boot device or press F2 to boot from CD rom22:21
BodsdaActionParsnip: :)22:21
meetActionParsnip: :)22:21
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: top will help22:21
bibi23ActionParsnip: it's a r540, I've found this : http://www.voria.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1040 , should I run the same commands than him ? sudo aitconfig ...22:21
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, Top doenst help.22:21
meetstill anyone? Bodsda: any answer? :P22:21
Bronyliciousikonia i have tried the ones that it usually is (F8, F11 and F12)22:21
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: or ntop22:21
Bronyliciousikonia, doesnt work22:21
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, There is no network traffic.22:21
Bodsdameet: my point was that you can't put a time on it because it depends on the number of packages and the capabilities of the pc22:22
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: oh, just cpu and mem will definately show in top22:22
ikoniaBronylicious: do you "KNOW" they are the right keys22:22
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, Did u even read my problem??22:22
ActionParsnipbibi23: try it is all I can say22:22
FLeiXiuSCPU/Mem / Disk IO are low - yet my load averages are ridiculously high.22:22
ikoniaFLeiXiuS: it's a load average not a "at this moment" figure22:22
meetBodsda: just needed an estimate mate.. not like 123 minutes and 21 seconds and 3 millisec etc!22:22
Bronyliciousikonia, yes, cause the F8 worked before but not anymore22:22
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: high load averages...the processes using a lot of cpu will show22:23
ikoniaBronylicious: what hardware are you trying to actually install onto22:23
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, No process is using CPU22:23
CrazyGangsterActionParsnip: thanks for the info22:23
SaerynFLeiXiuS: Ikonia is saying that it isn't a real time average but over-time calculation.22:23
FLeiXiuSikonia, Agreed; however, the averages are consistently high.22:23
Bodsdameet: no upgrade has ever taken me more than 40 minutes on a 6 core 3GHz processor with 8GB of RAM, a 100Mb internet connection22:24
FLeiXiuSEven over time the averages are through the roof.  There's no real measurement to figure out why either.22:24
bibi23ActionParsnip: ok, there is no risk to loose anything sound or image?22:24
ikoniaFLeiXiuS: please show me the output of the command "uptime"22:24
Bronyliciousikonia, amd athlon(tm) xp 2100+ but i dont know the processor(its kinda old)22:24
bibi23they start this way : aticonfig --set-pcs-u32=22:24
FLeiXiuSikonia, all three times are over > 522:25
ikoniaBronylicious: the server install CD has certain cpu requirements, you may no longer be meeting them22:25
Bronyliciousikonia, i see... well i did suspect that deeply inside( since it's slowly dying)22:26
ActionParsnipbibi23: your backups will take care of that22:27
bibi23ActionParsnip: aticonfig doesn't look installed, if I do apt-get aticonfig doesn't find it neither...22:27
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:28
panduubuntu 12.04 lts22:28
ActionParsnippandu: what of it?22:29
bibi23ActionParsnip: ok thanks22:29
pandu hohohohoh :322:29
ActionParsnippandu: do you have a support question?22:30
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: fyi load is purely a cpu usage measurement22:30
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ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: is the system responsive?22:31
pandu I do :P22:31
alankilait's not even a cpu usage measurement, in fact22:31
alankilait is the average number of runnable tasks22:31
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, that is 1000 times incorrect.22:31
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, Yes22:31
ActionParsnippandu: ask the channel and it wil reply, if it can22:32
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: then who cares B)22:32
* zykotick9 load average: 7.26, 7.32, 7.7322:32
bibi23ActionParsnip: I went to hardware drivers and 2 ATI drivers weren't activated, it's currently being installed, I'm full of hope :)22:32
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, my sip calls care ;-)22:32
panduhow to show the icon of wireless connection at launcher ?22:32
ActionParsnippandu: so you want to manage wiifi from the unity launcher?22:33
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, I wouldnt care if my system's processes didnt respond slower than dirt.22:34
panduno no22:34
panduI mean at the taskbar22:34
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: is it ok after a reboot and slowly get worse?22:34
panduin the top of my desktop22:34
pandusee ?22:34
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, its persistent after reboot22:34
ActionParsnippandu: nm-applet   gives the icon22:34
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: is it better in Unity2D session?22:34
pandusynaptic download manager right ?22:35
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, This is a server install - no GUI attached at all.22:35
ActionParsnippandu: its in the default ubuntu install22:35
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: aaaaah22:35
FLeiXiuS10.04 3 lts22:35
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: what services does it provide?22:35
panduhah ? what do you mean with default ubuntu install? --"22:35
lnxslckhello guys22:35
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, Right now NOTHING lol.  Even with all of them turned off at boot - the load averages are through the roof.22:35
ActionParsnippandu: network manager is in the default ubuntu-desktop metapackage22:36
lnxslckso after the recent updates on ubuntu 64 12.04 my dash now doesnt auto-hide22:36
lnxslckanyone knows if this is a bug?22:36
panduActionParsnip_metapackage? where's the metapackage ? --v22:37
ActionParsnippandu: did you install with the 12.04 ubuntu desktop CD?22:37
panduActionParsnip No, I upgrade my ubuntu22:38
ActionParsnippandu: ok bit do you have a desktop system?22:38
pandufrom natty to pangolin :322:38
ActionParsnippandu: did you upgrade to Oneiric in between?22:38
laserbled Hi, can I know what is the last hex value I see when I do a /proc/modules ?22:38
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: to see that load, is infact, a cpu measuremeant see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_%28computing%29 for an explanation22:39
pandudesktop system ? where is the desktop system's place ?22:39
ActionParsnippandu: do you use a mouse to use your OS>?22:39
ActionParsnippandu: please drop the "--v" nonesense, its completely redundant22:39
zeinHello everyone.  Absolute beginner here, quick question:  From the terminal, is it possible to open a jpg to view?  I'm just messing around trying to get used to this.22:39
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, Sure if your going to quote wikipedia.  Load not only depends on CPU but IO availability.22:39
bibi23ActionParsnip: now the command works, but "No layout section was found in the file: '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'." for sudo aticonfig --set-pcs-u32=DDX,EnableTearFreeDesktop,1 , ....22:39
FLeiXiuSThat's the entire intent of process queuing22:39
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: incorrect!22:39
panduokay :P22:40
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: please don't fight me on this... load 1 = 100% cpu utiliaztion, that's all it is.22:40
ActionParsnippandu: did you first upgrade from Natty to Oneiric, then upgrade Oneiric to Precise?22:40
bibi23and still can't see it in the sound app22:40
pandunooo ActionParsnip22:41
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, Then explain how top returns <1  percent utilization for total CPU usage.22:41
panduwait, I mean Yes22:41
FLeiXiuSIt may be kernel CPU processing that perhaps I cant see.22:41
FLeiXiuSNo idea22:41
panduthen 12.0422:41
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: is you had load = 3, then if you had 3 identical computers they'd all be at cpu 100%22:41
ActionParsnippandu: then I suggest you reinstall, you cannot leapfrog releases unless you upgrade LTS to LTS22:41
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: fyi, with dual core/smp you need to divide by the number of cores22:41
ActionParsnippandu: so why say 'nooo' if you actually DID do what I asked?22:42
ActionParsnippandu: think about it, even briefly22:42
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, Right - and I'm telling you the CPU usage is far below 100%.22:42
ActionParsnippandu: before you type, read then think, then type22:42
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: if your load is 5+ then something is running like mad!22:42
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, High disk IO can cause high load averages with no CPU at al.22:42
panduwell :P22:42
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, Agreed - thats what I'm trying to find.22:43
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: if the IO requires CPU sure...22:43
ActionParsnippandu: if you use Unity, you use the desktop OS, network manager is par of the default install so no additional software is needed to be installed22:43
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: you just explained why SCSI kicks butt ;)22:43
panduthen, what should I do ?22:44
bibi23Actionparsnip: I give up.. I'll try to reboot we never now maybe. in all cases thanks for your help ;)22:44
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, Still doesn't explain < 5% total CPU usage with > 10 laod22:44
ActionParsnippandu: press ALT+F2 and run:  nm-applet22:44
zeinAbsolute beginner here, quick question:  From the terminal, is it possible to open a jpg to view?  I'm just messing around trying to get used to this.22:45
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: i'm sorry - but one of your measurements of way out-of-whack with the other?!?22:45
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: isn't the load just processes waiting for a resource semaphore..22:45
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...22:45
zykotick9ActionParsnip: "resource semaphore" what...22:46
fleakite Hi.  I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and Cinnamon DE.  The window titlebars are inconsistent with the rest of the theme.  Any way to rectify it?22:46
ActionParsnipzykotick9: like disk io, or network etc22:46
ActionParsnipzykotick9: let me dig out my lpi book :)22:46
panduActionParsnip there are three applet of network connection, why ?22:46
xanguafleakite: cinnamon is not supported here :)22:47
ActionParsnippandu: you ran too many, you can kil the process IDs if you want and leave one22:47
zykotick9ActionParsnip: load is 100% cpu measurement.  did you know - % of CPU utilization is actually a measurement of time?  cause a cpu is either 0 or 1, that's it.22:47
fleakitewhere should i ask? xangua22:47
panduActionParsnip how to kill it ?22:47
FLeiXiuSI was under the impression that the load average refers to the kernels ability to process a request.22:48
panduI can't do anything with dash+alt+right click with this22:48
FLeiXiuSWhether it CPU // IO22:48
FLeiXiuSDoesnt matter.22:48
FLeiXiuSIt's a resource request.22:48
zykotick9percentage of times cpu was busy in a minute with a particulare time-sharing process = % cpu utilization22:48
alien2050pandu: pkill nm-applet22:48
alien2050if doesn't work, pkill -9 nm-applet22:48
ActionParsnip"load average on a Linux system is defined as the number of blocking processes in the run queue averaged over a certain time period"22:49
zykotick9ActionParsnip: of the cpu22:49
panduActionParsnip then how to kill my bluetooth manager applet ?22:49
ActionParsnip"A blocking proces is a proccess taht is waiting on a resource o continue, usually the CPU, disk I/O, or network"22:50
zykotick9ActionParsnip: so load 1 = no process waiting in cue22:50
ActionParsnippandu: search your proceses to see what you can kill22:50
Jonii_So, anyone know how to edit layouts?22:50
panduActionParsnip how ?22:50
zykotick9ActionParsnip: wow!  if "A blocking proces is a proccess taht is waiting on a resource o continue, usually the CPU, disk I/O, or network" is correct - then I'm wrong!  where did you get that?22:50
ActionParsnipzykotick9: there is an example of a busy web box with loads of 1.47   1.10   0.8322:50
ActionParsnipzykotick9: LPI linux certification in a nutshell - book22:51
ActionParsnipzykotick9: from O'reilly22:51
zykotick9ActionParsnip: that's not busy for my desktop most hours of the day!  i encode a lot of hd tv, 3 at a time usually, so will have load of 10+.22:51
ActionParsnipzykotick9: isbn: 978-0-596-80487-922:51
Noizehello all, i was wondering if someone could help me with my issue. I am trying to locate my Wireless Chip. I cannot connect to Wifi from Ubuntu because none of the programs in Ubuntu are locating my Wiireless chip. Anyone Help me??22:52
ActionParsnipNoize: sudo lshw -C network     will tell you22:52
panduActionParsnip how to search my proceses ?22:52
panduIm a newbie :P22:53
BlouBloupandu: "top" in terminal :)22:53
ActionParsnippandu: ps | less22:53
NoizeThank You!!!22:53
ActionParsnippandu: ps -ef | less22:53
panduActionParsnip Im confused, there are too many words here o.o22:54
zykotick9ActionParsnip: regarding load - without further evidence i'd suggest you take a peak at the load wikipedia as well.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_%28computing%29 i don't think i/o, network or anything else plays a part in it's calculation.  i rarely have high drive i/o.22:55
panduActionparsnip then how to kill the process ?22:56
panduwhat should I do now?22:56
ActionParsnipzykotick9: I'm going by the recommended reading of the LPI...22:56
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, I disagree.  Disk IO and Network thru traffic can bring a system to its knees.22:56
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: AGREED!  but it's not load.22:56
ActionParsnippandu: the left most value is the PID, you can use the kill command to kil that PID22:56
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: drive i/o is probably MOST important in system performance.  do you have an ssd drive - they're amazing22:57
bibi23ActionParsnip: woww it worked!!! I only had to go to the hardware drivers and install that ati driver, then reboot, now  the hdmi is display as an output in the sound app, and it works, great, thanks man ;)22:58
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, This is on one of my esxi clusters.  Fiber channel sans with 15k sas drives.22:58
zykotick9purchasing a high speed ssd drive was the best, most cost effective "upgrade" i've ever seen on a computer22:58
zykotick9FLeiXiuS: :p don't talk to me ;)22:58
FLeiXiuSMy Disk IO, mem usage and CPU are all low.22:58
FLeiXiuSzykotick9, It's baffling me how this is actually an issue.22:59
ActionParsnipbibi23: np dude. simple stuff :)22:59
pikkachubefore 12.04, when I created an user via gui I could check an option to encrypt their home dir. It's gone now! What's this?22:59
panduActionParsnip is there a simple way ? Im confused O.O22:59
bibi23bye ;)22:59
pandureally Im confused22:59
ActionParsnippandu: that's it, or you can use top for a text based UI but its teh same deal23:00
ActionParsnipyou want to kill the processes so that only one nm-applet is running as it sounds like you have many23:00
panduActionParsnip how to use the top ?23:00
ActionParsnippandu: run it in the terminal23:01
pandurun what ?23:01
ActionParsnippandu: top23:03
ceed^Anyone here installed the new Skype 4?23:03
ActionParsnipceed^: installed but yet to run23:03
panduActionParsnip then what should I do ?23:03
ActionParsnippandu: I sugegst you research a little bit, it wil answer all the questions you are asking as they are basic23:04
ceed^ActionParsnip: It's running here but no notification area icon. I wonder how to get that to work.23:04
panduNOT VALID T.T23:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ActionParsnipceed^: are there bugs reported?23:05
panduwhy always not valid ?23:06
SkippersBossceed^: Running as it should on this end23:06
ceed^SkippersBoss: Do you have a notification area icon?23:06
SkippersBossceed^ ugly icon though23:06
panduActionParsnip why always not valid ?23:07
ceed^No icon here, not even an ugly one :)23:07
ActionParsnippandu: what isn't valid? You can't expect me to know what you mean as I can't see your screen23:07
DangerOnTheRangrDoes anyone know if Pidgin supports SASL by default yet?23:09
rickb|serverhello. after the last updates came out, i lost my sound completely.. the sound device shows up in lspci and it ``appears'' as if it should work from the way the volume meter looks as well as alsamixer.. any ideas?23:12
rickb|serverfrom the research i23:12
rickb|serveram completely lost23:12
sabayonuser__helllo i have a problem after updating ubuntu my interner is very slow nyhelp23:13
sabayonuser__browsing is super slow23:13
sabayonuser__downloads pseeds are fine23:13
panduActionParsnip there sre too many words here o.o23:14
panduIm confused --"23:14
rickb|serverSkippersBoss: anything would be helpful, everything i have googled has not worked.23:14
sabayonuser__nyhelp browsing is super slow23:14
sabayonuser__cannot open ubuntu.com23:14
daaaandns issue?23:15
sabayonuser__idk maybe one update screwed this23:15
sabayonuser__lol download speed is fine browsing is super super slowwwwwwww23:16
SkippersBossPulse issue23:16
ActionParsnippandu: just read....23:16
rickb|serverSkippersBoss: i know ;-;23:16
sabayonuser__lol pandu23:16
rickb|serverits super annoying23:16
SkippersBossrickb: have you tried disabling it23:16
sabayonuser__ayeee panduu23:16
rickb|serverSkippersBoss: where do i put that?23:16
pikkachudoesn't anyone encrypts user homes when creating them in 12.04 the same way as in 11.10?23:17
zykotick9!enter > sabayonuser__23:17
ubottusabayonuser__, please see my private message23:17
cuddylierWhat is the command to start ftp?23:17
cuddyliervsftp or somethin23:17
gryikonia: hi, this is a follow-up to what we did a coupld days ago: we changed managed to false in networkmanaged config; that didn't help: the system still 'boots without full network configuration' as it did before23:17
gryikonia: or couple rather23:18
rickb|servercuddylier: sudo service vsftpd start23:18
rickb|serverif it isnt vsftpd it is just vsftp23:18
sabayonuser__u solve my problem ubotty browsing slow after update23:18
sabayonuser__download speed is fine23:18
sabayonuser__i tried google dns nothing happens23:18
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: what browsers have you tried?23:19
SkippersBossrickb|server http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2011/04/13/disabling-pulseaudio-has-been-a-solution-once-again/23:19
pandupandu     1702  1582  0 05:13 ?        00:00:03 bluetooth-applet23:19
pandu then, how to kill it ActionParsnip ?23:19
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: any others?23:19
ActionParsnippandu: kill 170223:19
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
grypandu: 'kill 1702'?23:19
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: mozilla isn't a browser23:19
gryfirefox is23:19
sabayonuser__after updating this happened23:19
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: if you log in as another user is it the same (make another user if necessary)23:20
genii-aroundsabayonuser__: Did you reboot yet since the update happened?23:20
sabayonuser__no in that guest it works23:20
sabayonuser__regular user i am havinfg problem23:20
sabayonuser__same for kubuntu mint23:20
sabayonuser__yaa i rebooted23:21
pandunothing's happend T.T23:21
sabayonuser__i also tried that opera23:21
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: then its a setting in your user, not the app itself23:21
grysabayonuser__: sorry what is your problem? browsing slow after update? do you see any error messages or do things just load slow without errors?23:21
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc23:21
sabayonuser__what tis that23:22
ActionParsnippandu: no news is good news in Linux, you just killed the process23:22
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: its a terminal command23:22
panduI confused to kill it ActionParsnip23:22
sabayonuser__i don't like terminal its very tough23:22
NotJimCarreyi'm trying to upgrade to 12.04 and i'm getting 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules, probably a dependency cycle.' Logcat: http://pastebin.com/hvGn5kxt23:22
L3topNot when it is copy and paste sabayonuser__23:23
sabayonuser__i just use sudo apt-get upgrade that is it23:23
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: how is it tough when I gave you the EXACT command to run??23:23
sabayonuser__how to run23:23
sabayonuser__i cannot copy23:23
sabayonuser__where is that command gone23:24
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: it's 14 characters...23:24
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: lsb_release -sc23:24
smithwI uninstalled windows before finding out my sd card reader model, and now I've found out it doesn't work out of the box on Ubuntu. how can I find out the model on ubuntu to look for a driver?23:24
panduHeelp mee T.T23:24
ActionParsnippandu: dude, make your life easier. Just reboot23:24
sabayonuser__command not found23:24
pandu:P okay23:25
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: it's an underscore23:25
L3topsmithw: lsusb23:25
sabayonuser__canu write it again23:25
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: in uppercase it would be:   LSB_RELEASE -SC23:25
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: but you type it in lower case23:25
sabayonuser__unity is confusing i never used macs23:25
smithwL3top, there's nothing there that suggests it might be a card reader...23:25
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: me neither23:25
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: but I use unity..23:25
wylde_this is an example of why pastebinit should be installed by default :P23:25
ActionParsnipwylde_: oh definately, and unp and guake23:26
L3topcan you please pastebin the output smithw?23:26
NelsonMhow do I configure my system so fsck never runs in interactive mode at boot? it's a headless server 1500 miles away from me.23:26
sabayonuser__i had this problem in 10.04 also after update browsing is super slow23:26
sabayonuser__download speed is fine lol23:26
smithwL3top, sure, one sec23:26
L3topsabayonuser__: it is probably flash related23:27
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: that's not the output of the comamnd I gave23:27
smithwL3top, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041636/23:27
sabayonuser__ohh yeaa i have installed flash but in utueb it says video not available23:27
sabayonuser__flash is installed23:27
ActionParsnipNelsonM: you can use:  sudo tune2fs -i 0 -c 0 /dev/sda1    (assuming your system partition is sda1) and it won't automatically fsck23:27
sabayonuser__it says command not found23:27
L3topBus 002 Device 003: ID 04f2:b2b0 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd  would be it smithw23:28
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: ok, run:  gedit /etc/lsb-release    and then use http://pastie.org   to host the text23:28
NelsonMActionParsnip: thanks, that'll help. but what if the disk didn't unmount cleanly? fsck must run, but it needs to run automatically for me.23:28
smithwL3top, actually, that's my camera, from what I gathered23:28
sabayonuser__do u have any easy method23:28
ActionParsnipNelsonM: good point23:28
sabayonuser__graphical way23:28
sabayonuser__terminal is confusing23:28
sabayonuser__should i reinstall flash23:29
infamesabayonuser__, you'll freakin' love it when you get used to it.23:29
L3topcould be smithw... that rings a bell... lsusb -vv and then look at the details under that heading to see if you can confirm this23:29
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: yes, using gedit is a graphical way..23:29
infameEverything just... goes faster.23:29
MonkeyDust<3 terminal23:29
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: typing is not hard byw23:29
wylde_sabayonuser__:  considering we are all communication over a text based medium. In all truth it's easiest over the command line.23:29
sabayonuser__i like clicking23:29
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: if you install pastebinit you can run:  pastebinit /etc/lsb-release23:30
infameAfter i learned Shell scripting, and general terminal commands, I tried to same thing in Windows... Wasn't quite... as fun...23:30
sabayonuser__can u tell me waht is the cause of this problem23:30
gandhijee_command line FTW23:30
fishbaiti'm going to reinstall i have a 500gb drive and an 80 gb what do you think of / on 500gb swap on 80gb and what are the benefits of a seperate /home?23:30
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: then run the gedit command I gave and you can use a web browser to manually make a pastebin of the text23:30
L3topYou are typing in here without problem... I do not see why you cannot transpose sabayonuser__  CLI is the true power of linux. You are robbing yourself.23:30
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: massively slow23:30
infameAlthough, Power Shell, looks kinda nice.23:30
sabayonuser__i need to buy some ubuntu books ;p23:30
L3topI did sabayonuser__. It is flash, almost guaranteed.23:31
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: no, you just need to use the OS.23:31
smithwL3top,  iProduct                1 Chicony USB 2.0 Camera <- yep, it's the camera23:31
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: I'm quite sure yu never got a Windows book, did you...23:31
sabayonuser__i use windows sometimes for playing formula one and fifa23:32
L3topOk smithw... I have never seen one that wasn't usb tied... linux does not recognize it it would appear.23:32
fishbaiti'm going to reinstall i have a 500gb drive and an 80 gb what do you think of / on 500gb swap on 80gb and what are the benefits of a seperate /home? my reason fo re-install is to install vmware and run windows 7 from there.23:32
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: if you install pastebinit, you can run:  pastebinit /etc/lsb-release     and make a URL easily23:32
sabayonuser__windows 8 is confusing my frnd is forcing me to install it lol23:32
NelsonMhmmm, Ubuntu's init scripts call "mountall" at boot time, which calls fsck. I can't see any way to configure it. Surely there's a way to make fsck run in noninteractive mode?!23:32
L3topsmithw: check lshw23:32
smithwL3top, I'll check23:32
=== Administrator__ is now known as ithuoghtwhat
sabayonuser__why is everything so touch oriented23:33
sabayonuser__best for me was ubuntu 10.10 with compiz lol23:33
rickb|serveranyone else having the whole no sound problem after the updates today? :(23:33
sabayonuser__omg no sound after updates23:33
L3topsabayonuser__: I can't help you if you wont use the terminal... but I could help you.23:33
smithwL3top, what am I looking for on the output?23:33
fishbaitrickb did you have to install your own drivers?23:33
sabayonuser__should i reinstall23:34
ActionParsnipfishbait: 10Gb / and the rest for /home on the 500Gb and 1xRAM for swap on the 80Gb, you could put /tmp and /var no the 80Gb too if you wanted :)23:34
sabayonuser__understand my problem i am not that good in in this commands23:34
L3topsmithw: not really sure... can you pastebin it?23:34
rickb|serverfishbait: no, sound worked when i first installed. idk what happened, the updates killed it. it is a known problem but they havent fixed it yet23:34
sabayonuser__i hardly use terminal lol23:34
smithwL3top, sure, but it's 373 lines long23:34
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: are you going to make the pastebin or waffle...23:34
L3topsabayonuser__: you dont have to be good at commands... you have to be able to read and type23:34
L3topsmithw: I know... Ill see if it is there23:35
sabayonuser__hey u said flash problem23:35
smithwL3top, there it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041640/23:35
fishbaithuh well search me then i just thought that you used custom drivers and didn't know that you have to re-install after every kernel update23:35
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit; clear; pastebinit /etc/lsb-release23:35
fishbaitwhats the purpose of /var?23:35
L3topYes sabayonuser__. In terminal, apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer | grep 'Installed'23:35
sabayonuser__lol i uninstalled flash23:35
L3topok... that is fine23:36
sabayonuser__i am trying to browse now download.com is very slow23:36
L3topsabayonuser__: reopen your browser (close if it is currently open) and check your browsing speed23:36
ActionParsnipL3top: I'd check the lsb-release file dude, s/he doesn't seem to be able to see my text...23:36
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: last time, run the command I gave and give the output and we can help23:37
Myrttisabayonuser__: what does lsb_release -a say?23:37
sabayonuser__hey man in chromium it opened but mozilla cannot open download .com23:37
sabayonuser__page is half whit23:38
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: why do you insist on writing worthless rubbish when people askple ask for command outpts?23:38
sabayonuser__what command23:38
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: cat /etc/lsb-release23:38
kyanHi :) Ubiquity keeps hanging while it's starting the partitioner (I chose to specify the partitions manually). What's happening to it? It needs kill -9 to stop it once it hangs.23:38
sabayonuser__no such file or directorey23:39
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: then you aren't using ubuntu23:39
agc93kyan: have you checked whether your install disc is alright?23:39
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: or you typed it wrong23:39
ActionParsnipkyan: do you have web access in the liveCD?23:39
fishbaitwhere does vmware store the virtual hardrives?23:39
sabayonuser__hey man i use ubuntu lol23:39
sabayonuser__i have this unity23:39
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: that file is in the default install, if that file isn't there then you aren't using ubuntu23:39
kyanagc93: I'm using a live usb stick from a custom live DVD image. I'm using the live system right now (it's online).23:40
A0Dfishbait in a subfolder in your home folder usually23:40
sabayonuser__ubuntu 12.04 lts 64 bit23:40
kyanActionParsnip: I'm using the live system right now (it's online).23:40
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: ok what is the output of:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit; ls /etc | pastebinit23:40
ActionParsnipkyan: then run:   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubiquity23:40
kyanActionParsnip, agc93: it's this bug I think: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/12264523:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 122645 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Hardy) "manual partitioning hangs indefinitely" [Medium,Confirmed]23:40
ActionParsnipkyan: gets it updated, you can then run it and the update may help23:41
fishbaitty okay so /home on 500gb now if i apt-get a program where does it put the program once installed?23:41
ActionParsnipfishbait: in the file system all over, it doesn't just go to one folder23:41
kyanActionParsnip: cool, working on it23:41
agc93fishbait: that depends on the application. What are you installing?23:41
A0Dfishbait depends on the program. it goes several places23:41
sabayonuser__ubuntu 12.04 has encountered an internal error :O23:41
fishbaitin genreal i'm trying to plot a partitioing scheme23:42
L3topsmithw: It appears to be tied to the Panther Point stuff... looking.23:42
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: use software centre and install pastebinit23:42
agc93sabayonuser__: Can you click more details... on that dialog box?23:42
fishbaitima re-install 500gb and 80gb swap on drive that doesn't have os23:42
sabayonuser__Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced internal error23:42
smithwL3top, ok, thank you so much for your help23:42
sabayonuser__shit closed23:42
* wylde_ decides it's time to look under the bridge...23:42
kyanActionParsnip: sorry this is taking a while23:42
IFB_Is anyone alive out there23:43
ActionParsnipkyan: its cool :)23:43
IFB_Can anybody hear me23:43
sabayonuser__hey man browsing is ok now in chromium thanks23:43
ActionParsnipIFB_: we're all dead23:43
sabayonuser__mozilla is problematic23:43
sabayonuser__i am uninstalling this mozzilla23:43
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: mozilla isn't uninstallable23:43
ki4ro_IFB_: Can t hear you, but I see what you're typing23:43
IFB_So I uh, just sacrificed my W7 to install Ubuntu and I'm having audio trouble, was told I should come here for help23:44
A0DIFB_ whats your problem?23:44
fishbait my shceme so far /home, /tmp /var /swap on 500gb /swap and os on 80gb23:44
sabayonuser__my audio is ok23:44
IFB_Well specifically, there is no audio23:44
MonkeyDustIFB_  open a terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM (mute) , go there and press m23:44
IFB_At all23:44
fishbait my shceme so far /home, /tmp /var /swap on 500gb and os on 80gb <<< revised to better express23:45
L3topsmithw: I have to do a chore before my wife garrots me with a shoelace. brb23:45
ActionParsnipfishbait: put swap on the 80Gb too, you'll want 1.1 x RAM amount (I assume more than 2Gb RAM)23:45
sabayonuser__hey guys can i nstall cinnamon shell in ubuntu23:45
smithwL3top, no problem :p23:45
IFB_Nope, I've checked and nothing appears muted23:45
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: if you can find a PPA, yes23:45
fishbaiti have 8GB ram23:45
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: its not supported here though23:45
ActionParsnipfishbait: then 8.8Gb swap23:46
wylde_sabayonuser__: Cinnamon isn't supported here.23:46
IFB_I should probably mention that the only sound that does play is the drum beat after startup / when you log in, after that it's silent23:46
agc93sabayonuser__: check Google, as I think there is a PPA for it, but you would need to talk to Cinnamon about that23:46
A0Dsabayonuser_ google it, there are several guides on how to do this23:46
sabayonuser__yaa ppa is a good thing23:46
agc93IFB_: When you go into the Sound Settings, and use test speakers, do you hear anything?23:46
fishbait my shceme so far /home, /tmp /var 1/2 /swap on 500gb and os on 1/2 /swap 80gb <<< revised to better express23:46
IFB_Not a thing.23:46
sabayonuser__but i like software centre best23:46
fishbaitifb do you use fornt headphones?23:47
IFB_I've tried a few "solutions" already including updating drivers but to no avail23:47
IFB_No headphones, nope23:47
=== FreeDoug is now known as DouglasA
IFB_Lemme get you mu soundcard name23:47
sabayonuser__which is better for torrent qbittorent or deluge23:47
IFB_It's an Intel Corporation 82801I, for what it's worth23:47
wylde_!best | sabayonuser__23:47
ubottusabayonuser__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:47
fishbaithmm output when mine did that i didn't have the right output selected23:47
A0Dsabayonuser_ I prefer deluge23:48
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: considering you can't open a file in gedit I bet you'll struggle with that too..23:48
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: neither is outright better, each has it's own advantages23:48
sabayonuser__kwrite is better than gedit23:48
sabayonuser__ok i am installing deluge ok23:49
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: maybe but installing it will pull in a TONNE of Qt deps, just for a poxy text editor...23:49
sabayonuser__man this amarok player is amazing23:50
wylde_!ot | sabayonuser__23:50
ubottusabayonuser__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:50
fishbaiti'm just sharing an experience man23:50
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: 164Mb for a text editor...not worth it at all23:50
sabayonuser__i am new also to this freenode thing23:50
Nav762000what is amazing bou amorok23:51
kyanActionParsnip: it says it was already the newest version :P23:51
wylde_sabayonuser__: if you just want idle chit chat, that's in #ubuntu-offtopic23:51
sabayonuser__my elder bro was very good in ubuntu now he left i am in trouble lol23:51
ActionParsnipkyan: try upgrading gparted too23:52
sabayonuser__hey one fun question can i play battlefield in ubuntu :P23:52
fishbaitifb did that work?23:52
kyanActionParsnip: also newest version...23:52
IFB_Sorry, what exactly? This is a little hard to keep track of23:52
MonkeyDust!find battlefield | sabayonuser__23:52
ubottusabayonuser__: File battlefield found in boswars-data, l7-protocols, libqglviewer-dev-common, openstreetmap-map-icons-classic, openstreetmap-map-icons-scalable, openstreetmap-map-icons-square, wesnoth-1.10-data, wesnoth-1.8-data23:52
kyanActionParsnip: I could install a newer version of one or the other from source...23:52
fishbaitokay open you sound settings do you see multiple outputs?23:53
kyanActionParsnip: or a newer repo...23:53
ActionParsnipkyan: possibly, I'd have thought the repo would have a newer one on23:53
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: check the appdb23:54
fishbaitIFB_: okay open you sound settings do you see multiple outputs?23:54
sabayonuser__hey i also have this problem in another browser that i use rekonq it says crashed unepectedly23:54
IFB_Yeah, there's "Speakers" and "Digital Output (S/PDIF)", nothing is muted23:54
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: midori, arora23:54
IFB_Huh, my computer just made... some kind of odd beep. Didn't do anything besides look at Sound Settings though.23:54
fishbaitIFB_: select speakers and test it again23:54
sabayonuser__does midori have private browsing23:54
IFB_Tha phuck, there it is again23:55
IFB_Woah woah23:55
IFB_Glorious sound23:55
IFB_How is this possible, I didn't even do anything... did I?23:55
fishbaitifb_: uh huh mine did the same thing23:55
wylde_ActionParsnip: ...there's the gedit problem. They're on Kubuntu23:55
IFB_Keeps beeping, though23:55
fishbaitit sutomatically select the wrong output23:55
kyanActionParsnip: yeah that was what we just checked, right? I meant a newer repo (maybe oneiric)... this is a 2010 ubuntu23:56
sabayonuser__hey does midori have this private brwosing23:56
IFB_Ah, so I should have just selected "speakers" from the beginning?23:56
ActionParsnipkyan: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc23:56
IFB_All these complicated terminal commands I've been putting in all day were for nothing?23:56
MonkeyDustsabayonuser__  install it to find out23:56
kyanActionParsnip: maverick23:56
sabayonuser__it is very simple i need  sophisticated browsers lol23:56
fishbaitIFB_: if it gave you the option mine didn't23:56
kyanActionParsnip: wait... if this is maverick it might not be supported anymore23:57
ActionParsnipkyan: maverick is no longer supported in any way23:57
sabayonuser__chromium is best23:57
kyanActionParsnip: I think it expired in april or something. :P23:57
sabayonuser__mozilla is very buggy23:57
ActionParsnipkyan: I'd suggest a clean install of Precise23:57
IFB_Well then, thanks a bunch23:57
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: mozilla can't be buggy. It isn't a software23:57
kyanActionParsnip: *too lazy to transfer all my customizations to the newer version23:57
sabayonuser__ok installed deluge23:57
IFB_I just hope this mysterious beeping does not persist23:57
ActionParsnipkyan: then you have no support and no updates23:57
fishbaitIFB_: no problem i just chimed in on something that happened to me23:57
sabayonuser__deluge is cool23:58
IFB_Though at this point I can't complain considering the hell Windows put me through23:58
* kyan is too lazy to try to get everything the way he likes it :( I've put probably upwards of 200 hours getting this system set up and now it's not supported anymore... waah! 23:58
WilsonBradleyI reinstalled 12.10 because I had problems with 12.04, now it doesn't return completly from standby (suspend), the screen is black but it looks like it came back except LCD screen or external monitor. Asus 1015Pem , N550, GMU 3150 graphics23:58
* kyan dies23:58
sabayonuser__ubuntu was very reliable for me upto 10.10 after this 11 it gives me pain23:58
MonkeyDust!12.10 | WilsonBradley23:58
ubottuWilsonBradley: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:58
wylde_WilsonBradley: 12.10 Quantal is alpha23:58
agc93kyan: i know that feel. Now I stick TO LTS's where possible23:58
kyanActionParsnip: guess I'm on my own then. I'll see what I can get going :D23:58
kyanagc93: sounds like a good plan ^.^23:59
WilsonBradleyjoin /#ubuntu+123:59
sabayonuser__unity is so apple like23:59
agc93kyan: has worked up until now. But 12.04 is giving me the shits23:59
kyanagc93: unfortunately I didn't :D23:59
MonkeyDustsabayonuser__  did you have a support question?23:59
L3top /join #ubuntu+123:59
sabayonuser__oh guys 1 more problem23:59
ActionParsnipagc93: I always grab the latest pre-release if one exists :)23:59
agc93sabayonuser__: that should probably be in #ubuntu-offtopic23:59

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