
marsSpamapS, alright.  I need to sign off.  Thanks for looking at my problem.  I'll watch the bug for a fix that I can test.00:03
SpamapSmars: should be soon I think. :)00:05
hazmatSpamapS, back00:35
hazmatthere are some pyzk bugs with fixes in trunk that haven't been backported / packaged but nothing relatable00:36
SpamapShazmat: seems odd that after a while it would go from lazy polling to furious reconnecting00:37
hazmatmars, is zookeeper running?00:37
SpamapShazmat: anyway, I say we just stop trying to start agents that will never work00:37
hazmatps aux | grep java00:37
SpamapShazmat: the whole point is that zk is not running00:37
hazmatSpamapS, so two options make local envs survive restarts, or remove upstarts for all of them00:37
SpamapShazmat: well I'd like them to survieve00:45
SpamapShazmat: seems that we'd need to re-start zookeeper and it would work00:45
SpamapShazmat: oh, and the containers. ;)00:46
SpamapShazmat: either way, the half-done bit needs to go00:46
SpamapShazmat: I say remove the start stuff until we can get around to finishing the feature00:46
hazmatSpamapS, sounds good to me00:48
surgemcgeeWell, running 6 m1.small instances got a little pricey. I have two large amazon bills. Ahhhhh =:s00:54
surgemcgeeI blame that on you guys. Need to put the handy constraints options more close to the front of the documentation.00:55
SpamapSsurgemcgee: I topped $200 this past month, and thats just from testing stuff for 1 - 2 days at a time ;)00:57
SpamapSsurgemcgee: constraints only landed about 2 months ago.. so.. before that you just had to eat it. ;)00:57
_mup_Bug #1013469 was filed: Reactor issues (should switch to solar) <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013469 >03:17
twobottuxaujuju: What is the correct way to set config options to a juju service unit with a file? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151075/what-is-the-correct-way-to-set-config-options-to-a-juju-service-unit-with-a-file>03:30
twobottuxaujuju: Can't get juju to deploy, problem with ec2 keypair? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151088/cant-get-juju-to-deploy-problem-with-ec2-keypair>04:53
* negronjl is done for the night06:41
* imbrandon just got done with the second round of updates for the doc theme06:42
rogpeppewhat's a good idiom for detecting when all my relations have been joined? store the joined status in a file?07:19
imbrandonrelations can be joined at any time, even weeks after a deployment when new nodes or services are added07:21
rogpeppeimbrandon: what if i depend on those relations, so i need them to be fulfilled before i can proceed?07:25
rogpeppeimbrandon: i guess i'm wondering if there's some way of querying the status of the other relations while within a relation-joined hook07:27
imbrandonthen dont do anything until relation-joined07:28
imbrandonalmsot every charm has something like that, e.g wordpress cant work without a db07:28
imbrandonso it waits for the mysql to join relation07:28
rogpeppeimbrandon: that's fine. but in this case i want to wait for *both* relations to be joined07:29
rogpeppeimbrandon: and i'm wondering what the idiomatic way to do that is07:30
imbrandonok so do some setup in one and some in the other and make them inter depend07:30
rogpeppeimbrandon: by storing state in a file?07:30
rogpeppeimbrandon: or is there some other way to track local state?07:31
imbrandoncould be that or checking for a file that only exists on setup, like a settings.php07:31
imbrandonconfig-set would be an option but it has not be coded yet :)07:32
rogpeppeimbrandon: i'm not sure that config-set is quite what i'm after, as that's global to the service, but this is something local to the unit07:33
rogpeppeconfig-set --local, perhaps07:34
rogpeppeimbrandon: BTW i'm not quite sure what you mean by "checking for a file that only exists on setup, like a settings.php"07:34
imbrandonumm so i am wordpress, i need a webserver and i need a db07:34
rogpeppeimbrandon: the other end of the relation is remote, right? so there won't be any associated files.07:34
imbrandonso i setup myself on www when i get the ww relation07:35
imbrandonbut ther eis no settings file as that is made by the db relation07:35
imbrandonso i know its not be setup yet by [[ -t /pth/to/settings.php ]]07:35
imbrandonand can wait till next relation fires07:35
rogpeppeimbrandon: ah, so you're tracking which relations have been joined by which files you've created. i see.07:36
rogpeppeimbrandon: and then in both relation-joined hooks you test for both files and start the service if they exist.07:36
imbrandonnot really cuz very rearely do i reeally care, i'll set up the relation regaurdless of the other state07:36
imbrandonthe charm wont work untill they all come about anyhow :)07:37
imbrandonbut if i did care that would be the simplest way07:37
rogpeppeimbrandon: thanks a lot07:38
imbrandonnp heh :)07:38
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imbrandonSpamapS: btw did mention i LOVE sphinx doc system, like it has some funky parts to work arround but for real, i even installed the PHP and JavaScript domain plugings to document my personal libs and such15:39
m_3imbrandon: do you use trello mobile?  jorge's recent change to ubuntu group borked my mobile boards15:55
imbrandonyea, but i havent logged into it in a few days15:56
imbrandonlemme check15:56
imbrandonios right ?15:56
m_3not sure if I'm just being dumb... yeah ios15:56
imbrandonahh crap ipad is dead, i'll check it here in afew once it charges a lil15:56
imbrandonshould only take a few min to charge enought to come on15:56
m_3np.. no hurry... just wondering if I was the only one15:57
* m_3 can also just rtfm :)15:57
imbrandonheh yea, i actually leave that and mail clien up on my ipad alot15:57
imbrandonjust sitting off to the side15:57
negronjl'morning all15:57
imbrandonkinda nice to just thumb through but not have a tab15:57
imbrandonheya negronjl15:58
m_3negronjl: yo15:58
negronjl'morning imbrandon15:58
negronjlm_3: hi15:58
m_3wish they had a native ipad version... that'd be really cool with trello15:58
m_3visual layouts n stuff15:58
imbrandonyea, all the effect with the movement would be nice15:59
imbrandonlike iphoto, well the new one15:59
* m_3 nod15:59
imbrandoni think this is thr first time i;ve charged this one since i got it16:00
imbrandonabout a month ago ( the new 3, traded off my 2 )16:00
imbrandonbut honestly i can tell no diffrence at all, even with the retna display16:01
imbrandonseems ok here m_316:16
m_3imbrandon: ok, thanks16:19
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
jcastroSpamapS: hey clint, may I brainstorm an idea with you?17:36
jcastrohave we thought about the equivalent of like a debian watch file?17:36
jcastroso we can test/know when a charm is out of date vs. upstream?17:36
imbrandonthats what i was tracking with the x-vcs , we could approve a metadata field easy enough for a upstream url and then have charm tools check it17:37
imbrandonlike watch does, via the charm store too17:37
imbrandonlike bts17:37
SpamapSjcastro: No we haven't throught about it, but I'd love to have something like it17:38
SpamapSAnd there is a discussion in Debian right now to add Vcs to watch files17:38
hazmatimbrandon, i'm starting to wonder if this sphinx bootstrap layout wouldn't be better (retains navigation tree) .. demo -> http://code.scotchmedia.com/engineauth/docs/index.html code ->17:39
imbrandonhazmat: yup, already on it17:39
hazmatimbrandon, +1 on upstream url17:39
hazmati was thinking how to get that into the browser with google search api ;-)17:39
hazmatbut ofc a metadata field for it would be much nicer17:39
imbrandonheh yea :)17:39
imbrandonthe feeds api is great for that btw, if you ever dig more17:40
jcastroSpamapS: ok, and one other thing, where'd you put in the docs the info for other distros?17:40
imbrandonbut yea a dedicated field/fields for tarball/vcs17:40
imbrandonwould rock17:40
imbrandonjcastro: http://local.assets-online.com/docs/operating-systems.html17:41
imbrandonerr . correct domain17:41
imbrandonthats my local copy heh17:41
jcastrogot it17:41
imbrandonhazmat: yea i ve got an update 3.4 done with better navigation17:42
imbrandoncloser to the old way17:42
imbrandonbut still ubuntu like17:42
imbrandonprobably will need more tweaks but much better than whats i put up yesterday17:42
imbrandonbtw i am splitting out the theme so other sphinx users in canonical/ubuntu can use it too + i have a "base" plain .html verion i;ve been mirroring too so that i can convert it to drupal/wordpress/django easy as well17:44
imbrandonfor the little one off cananical non-webteam or pre-web team sites17:44
imbrandonbut yea my .plan hazmat was to utilize the responsive css, and the 1170 and 980 screens use the tree on the side17:46
imbrandonand the smaller ones and tablets use a dropdown17:47
imbrandonits what i;ve been working on between nginx/spdy stuff this morning17:47
hazmatimbrandon, sounds good to me17:48
hazmatimbrandon, nginx spdy is pretty experimental was my understanding17:48
imbrandonalso noticed i hard coded a few http:// and ssl errors are throwing, got that fixed up too17:49
hazmatimbrandon, awesome, thanks17:49
imbrandonSpamapS: so can we add upstream: and vcs: pweease ! *said in his best kid on christmass day voice*17:50
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
jcastroSpamapS: are you planning on adding it more or should I post this to the list?17:56
SpamapSjcastro: I have no plans. ;)17:59
m_3SpamapS: yo18:37
m_3SpamapS: I'd like to kick off a jjj build18:37
m_3SpamapS: is there anything that should happen before `make dist`?18:37
SpamapSm_3: autoreconf :)18:41
m_3SpamapS: yeah... got all that18:41
SpamapSactualy make dist probably does that18:41
SpamapSwell no18:41
SpamapSmake diest is after .. anyway18:42
m_3SpamapS: just can't quite tell if I need to bump the vers18:42
SpamapSm_3: no, it should be self contained18:42
SpamapSm_3: only bump the version if you're doing an actual release :)18:42
SpamapSshould be like, 0.11 or something righ tnow18:42
m_3so `make dist` now will create 0.10.1?18:42
SpamapSno make dist does not create a version.18:43
m_3is there also build recipe to kick off manually from the web or is that handled in make dist?18:43
m_3I see "create a release" button on the web18:43
SpamapSm_3: there's a build recipe attached to the trunk18:43
SpamapSm_3: it points at the stable branch..18:43
SpamapSm_3: unfortunately we can't use {latest-tag} in bzr build recipes.. or it would be fully automatic18:44
m_3SpamapS: you have any problems with me creating a new release version with jim's changes (they're approved and merged into trunk now)18:44
m_3(watch subcommand)18:44
SpamapSm_3: the release procedure is to bump the version in configure.ac, commit+tag that, push that to trunk+stable, then bump again and push that to trunk only18:45
SpamapSm_3: then make dist, create release, upload tarball, etc. etc.18:45
SpamapSm_3: would love to automate this so its 'make release'18:45
m_3hmmm... wow, didn't think I'd need to upload tarballs... ok18:46
SpamapSm_3: the final step is to edit the recipe and bump the revision to the next stable version, and request a build18:46
SpamapSthat last step is the most annoying18:46
SpamapSbecause its just waiting on an update to launchpad to be automatic :-P18:47
SpamapSm_3: you don't *have* to push tarballs18:47
m_3before I get started on that... bigger question: should this process sync up with bigger cycle milestones?  or is it ok to be when we feel like it?18:47
SpamapSm_3: I just wanted to make it easy for anybody who wants to run it18:47
SpamapSm_3: jjj is experimental. We release whenever.18:47
SpamapSoften :)18:47
SpamapS1 commit is enough18:47
SpamapSanyway, I have to run and do some errands18:48
m_3SpamapS: cool18:48
m_3SpamapS: I'll work on the bump... I'll try to ping you only as last resort :)18:48
MarkDudeimbrandon, pingy18:49
imbrandonsup MarkDude18:49
MarkDudeGood news on Fedora JUJU?18:49
imbrandonyea its, in the wild, did not see 1000 tweets from everyoen ? heh18:50
* MarkDude has some that may help with process now the questions start18:50
* MarkDude hasa had time taken by ladyfriend18:50
imbrandonseriously tho its on gitup, all ready to start and take a beating, i noticed there is a zookeeper issue i need to fixup18:50
imbrandonbut it works :)18:50
MarkDudealso we are STILL arguing over names in Fedora18:50
MarkDudeAntoehr board meeting18:50
MarkDudesome polls18:51
MarkDudechanging the voting system18:51
* MarkDude calleda few people humorless18:51
MarkDudedue to their lack of humor18:51
imbrandonhttp://github.com/jujutools/rpm-juju should be where it is atm18:51
imbrandonheh make it beefy18:51
imbrandonjust beefy18:51
MarkDudeThey are pushing for a theming way to do it18:52
* MarkDude has suggested BBQ18:52
imbrandonbtw you should have seen my gimp job i posted with the rpm's18:52
imbrandoncheck out brandonholtsclaw.com its still on the front pahe18:53
imbrandonMarkDude: but yea i'm sure that they are not perfect, i'm more than happy to take bugreports or help or whatever from the testers18:56
MarkDudeIm putting it out now on IRC18:56
MarkDudeThen will go to MLs18:56
imbrandonif they do file a bug report , i'll give ya the tracker url18:56
imbrandonone sec18:56
imbrandonand patches more welcome too as i'm not a native rpm'er :)18:58
imbrandoni was gonna try that suse build service soonish to try and build centos / suse / fedora packages all form the git repo automatic18:59
imbrandon=just had not got that far :)18:59
MarkDudeSo Jeff Spatula is wrong about charms needing to be hosted on LP- am I correct?19:04
imbrandonthey dont NEED to be, it would be easy for yall if they were19:04
imbrandonjust means you have to setup your own store if you want to not use LP ( there is talks about the store moving to github , not sure where thats gonna go tho )19:05
jcastronegronjl: mira mira19:46
jcastrowhen do you want to do the graphs for the charm store?19:46
jcastrohazmat: what's the refresh interval on the review queue, I believe you said 15 minutes?20:17
hazmatjcastro, yup20:24
hazmatjcastro, max delay with the http cache is 18m20:24
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
_mup_Bug #1013457 was filed: twistd still autostarted for juju after juju is removed from system <juju> <storage-server.log> <twistd> <juju:Confirmed> <juju (Ubuntu):Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013457 >21:13
SpamapSm_3: how did it go?21:20
m_3SpamapS: almost there!!!21:22
m_3on the last step... can't seem to edit the recipe21:22
m_3is it owned by you?21:22
SpamapSm_3: let me transfer it to juju-jitsu21:27
m_3SpamapS: also, I see a deb version in the recipe (0.10-0stable1) but no updates in the changelog in lp:juju-jitsu/packaging... did you just make up 0.10-0stable1?21:30
SpamapSm_3: https://code.launchpad.net/~juju/+recipe/juju-jitsu-stable21:30
SpamapSm_3: yes I just made that up21:30
m_3cool... trying again now21:30
SpamapSm_3: Have to run. TTYL21:30
m_3ok, thanks... that seemed to work21:32
m_3SpamapS: awesome... it built21:55
hazmatSpamapS, m_3, jamespage around?23:48
hazmattrying to figure out python-dbg stuff to trace down a deadlock23:48
hazmatbut it can't seem to import any extensions on precise23:49
hazmatit always fails with ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apt_pkg.so: undefined symbol: Py_InitModule23:49
hazmatwhich is troubling23:49
hazmatjust removing sys.excepthook gets rid of apport which was the problem23:50
hazmatfailure in the failure system ;-)23:50
hazmathm... didn't work as well i had hoped23:52

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