
KryvyshI need help!, I accidentally removed my password for my account, which happens to be the administrator of this computer. (the only account to be honest). I just installed ubuntu yesterday and today I no longer have administrative privilages because of my actions. I try to add a password but it won't let me. It says "None" for password but when I click it, it gives me 3 options. Current Password, New Password and Confi02:35
Kryvyshrm password, but no matter what I do or try, I can't get it to be able for me to click "change" ... The button is unclickable.. I can't get a password, I don't know what to do.02:35
phillwKryvysh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery03:21
phillwcovers most things :)03:22
KryvyshThanks phill Imma try this right now, hopefully it works! :D03:22
phillwKryvysh: it is good, just do take time to read it through03:24
Kryvyshbut I can't type any of those commands in the terminal without it asking for my password, which was removed >.> so i can't03:24
phillwyou need to boot from the CD. do you not have it?03:25
Kryvyshwell, i had used unetbootin so the CD is actually my flashdrive.. i put it in and nothing really happened.03:26
phillwI'm not familiar, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:27
Kryvyshi tried that. tried giving my admin account a password and didn't work.. i need to create a new administrator account or somehow give my account a password (which won't let me)03:27
Kryvyshbasically I no longer have any sort of administrative powers in this comp >.> im basically a normal none admin user.03:28
phillwKryvysh: if you get into rescue mode, you are root user.03:29
Kryvyshalright I'll give it another try.03:30
phillwIs it that your account does not have admin access?03:30
Kryvyshit doesnt, not anymore03:30
Kryvyshand I want to give my account a password and admin access03:30
phillwUbuntu has altered certain things for admin users. I'm sorry I cannot tell you what the work arounds are.03:31
phillwKryvysh: they are all noted at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:32
Kryvyshits okay. Thanks for the help, and I hope recovery mode or the live cd helps me this time.03:32
Kryvyshill check that out/.03:33
phillwif the wiki pages are not working, then they are obviously in need of an update for some one who has access to the computer.03:34
Kryvyshphillw, I managed to fix it. Wasn't as hard as I was expecting it. I just had to add a new pw, and it worked. Thanks for the help earlier today :)04:36
phillwKryvysh: glad it is sorted & thanks a lot to actually take the time to say it is sorted.04:38
phillwwhich bit was it?04:38
KryvyshI just went into recover mode, from root control I reset my password, and then I actually had a password. Which was all i was missing so I could authenticate and give myself rights for whatever i wanted to add or install in this comp :P04:40
Kryvysh(ohh and you're welcome, I like to actually let people know when something is fix, and also to give thanks cause most people don't take the time to do that :P )04:40
phillwKryvysh: so the instructions via recover mode worked for you?04:41
KryvyshI accidently somehow shut the computer, so when it was restarting I went to recovery mode and decided to search online (through this old laptop I have next to me) and found my answer here: psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword04:42
phillwhe is one of the forum mods :)04:43
phillwand a very trusted guy.04:43
Kryvyshand it helped me alot x) hehehe04:43
phillwyou can always tab in #ubutnu-forums we do not bite on there :)04:44
KryvyshI shall :P04:44
Kryvyshso far, I like the Linux Community, so glad I'm over the microsoft and apple. [never was a fan to start with]04:44
dizzylizzyfreedom is good for youuuu09:50
dizzylizzyoh wait that was like 5 hours ago nvm09:50
hobgoblinstill good for you - regardless ;)10:13
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=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
freeroutehi everyone, I just ran gpg for the first time to encrypt a file in my home dir and it created a bunch of files and dirs in my home dir, so (supposedly) if an attacker gets hold of those files, would it be possible for the attacker to decrypt that encrypted file?13:25
freeroute(I used the gpg -c [file] command btw)13:26
JO__Not sure If this is right place, please direct if I am in error.  Looking for an answer to an ipod mounting error - Unhandled Lockdown error (-15) Which I see is a 'no running session' error ...  Trying to figure that one out.18:13
JO__Have tried sudo apt-get install ifuse libimobiledevice-utils   and   idevicepair unpair && idevicepair pair to no avail although terminal states paired succesfully18:14
heythisisevanhello all21:28
=== Kryvysh is now known as KRYVYSH

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