
thumperwhat is a .udeb?00:02
RAOFYou can ignore that; that's for the installer.00:06
TheMusoTO be clear, its for the Debian installer system. Whilst Ubiquity uses parts of Debian Installer, it doesn't use udebs.00:08
TheMuso^^ for thumper's benefit.00:08
robert_ancellthumper, so, you're totally keen to be an ubuntu developer now right?  Loving our shaky architecture?00:22
thumperhaha, oh he left00:27
thumperwhere is package config normally kept?00:30
RAOFthumper: What do you mean by ‘package config’ in this context?00:37
thumpertrying to use pkg-config00:37
thumperand attempting to workout the names of packages00:37
RAOFpkg-config --list-all | grep pango ☺00:42
thumperrobert_ancell: bad news... it doesn't actually fix the bigger memory leak00:49
robert_ancellthumper, got a good test case for it?00:49
thumperlooking at the output for the valgrind log of the test case attached to the bugzilla bug00:50
thumperjust comparing valgrind output for the pre and post fix00:51
robert_ancellthumper, you mean the 500 errors valgrind gives?00:52
thumpera lot of the possibly lost is just g_type_init00:53
thumperand I can look past those00:53
thumperrobert_ancell: ok, compared, and it did fix quite a big leak00:54
thumperbut not all the leaks :)00:54
robert_ancellso, write some test cases and they'll get fixed!00:54
thumperI'm getting there00:55
thumperrobert_ancell: in the pango-leak.c file connected to the bugzilla bug00:59
thumperrobert_ancell: when I run it under valgrind with: G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=50 --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --log-file=valgrind.log ./pango_leak00:59
thumperI get two definite loss records00:59
robert_ancellyeah, I got that too, but only on varied with the number of loops, the other one seemed to be constant01:00
thumperrobert_ancell: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1041714/01:00
thumperrobert_ancell: yeah, probably a single parse call thingy01:00
robert_ancellthumper, file a new bug :)01:01
thumperHow do I find the source for /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpixman-1.so.0.24.4 ?02:53
thumper'cause it has a bug :(02:53
RAOFthumper: apt-cache showsrc $(dpkg -S libpixman-1.so | cut -d':' -f1)  will do it :)03:02
RAOFBut that's showing off; dpkg -S will find you the package(s) that contains libpixman-1.so, apt-cache showsrc will show you the source package for that.03:02
RAOFOr you could just ‘apt-get source libpixman-1-0’03:03
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thumperRAOF: ta03:16
micahgthumper: if you don't have it installed, apt-file is a nice tool to have installed03:17
micahgs/it/the package with the file in question/03:17
pittiBonjour mes amis04:53
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didrocksgood morning05:57
micahghi didrocks05:57
didrockshey micahg05:57
rickspencer3bonjour didrocks, hi micahg05:59
micahghi rickspencer306:00
rickspencer3micahg, are you not in USA? you must be up late06:00
micahgrickspencer3: yeah, bad habits and such, hopefully will start having earlier nights soon :)06:00
ajmitchmicahg: where early for you means 2AM?06:01
micahgheh, yeah :)06:01
didrocksbonjour rickspencer3, comment ça va?06:02
rickspencer3didrocks, ça va bien ... je n'ai pas beacuoup des reunions a'jourdi, donc, je suis content and productif ;)06:03
rickspencer3didrocks, et tois?06:04
didrocksrickspencer3: ça va bien, je peux prendre le temps de faire les choses biens, rien de trop pressé, donc ça change :)06:04
rickspencer3très bien :)06:06
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micahgdidrocks: should I propose merges for my changes on top of the ones that sil2000 gave me (just changelog or packaging stuff)06:39
didrocksmicahg: packaging stuff?06:40
micahgdidrocks: natty I reverted to source format 1.0, oneiric I converted it into a patch (as I would've had to revert a patch to convert)06:40
didrocksmicahg: no need to convert it as a patch, we are using bzr merge-upstream workflow06:41
didrocksthat just gives extra headaches as a patch, that's why we never do that when the packaging branch is derived from the parent one06:42
micahgdidrocks: I did it that so as to make a minimum chnge06:42
BigWhaleGood Morning06:42
didrocksmicahg: well, we wanted to use that opportunity to remove the wrong quilt usage in the previous upload06:42
micahgdidrocks: if you SRU to oneiric, feel free to revert, I took the path of least resistance in each06:42
didrocksmicahg: the diff was small, so it was a good opportunity06:42
didrocksso no need for us to take the branch :)06:42
micahgdidrocks: well, I didn't want to do that in a -security upload, so I guess you just need my changelog06:44
micahgif you SRU to oneiric, you can fight it out with the SRU team06:44
didrockswell, when it's moving 2 files from debian/patches/ to inline patch, the diff was small…06:45
didrocksI guess everyone around here is smart enough to understand it :)06:45
didrocksso now it will be more difficult because you changed the second patch to a quilt patch06:46
didrocksbut well, we'll get over it :)06:46
micahgdidrocks: nah, just say that change never made it into your VCS :)06:46
pittihey didrocks07:22
didrocksguten morgen pitti, wie geht's?07:22
pittididrocks: sehr gut, danke!07:23
pittididrocks: how about you?07:23
didrockspitti: I'm fine, thanks :)07:24
didrockstaking time to play with python3 and python-mock :)07:24
pittididrocks: ah, nice; p-mock was introduced to apport quite recently, and it's quite neat07:26
didrockspitti: yeah, I love being able to test assert_called_once_with(args)07:27
pittiah, nice; I use something like self.assertEqual(self.app.ui_start_upload_progress.call_count, 1)07:28
pittiyour's looks easier to read, thanks for pointin gout07:28
didrockspitti: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/, look for "assert_called_once_with"07:29
didrocks(also, using decorator "@patch", loving it!)07:29
pittiyeah, indeed07:30
pittibefore I used it, I had some gems like07:30
pitti    MyClass.my_method = my_foo_method07:31
pitti   MyClass.my_method = orig_method07:31
pitti@patch is so much easier07:31
didrocksoh yeah, way better than doing and hoping you will revert successfully to the previous state :)07:32
pittifinally: will care for this, but it's still a bit bulky07:32
didrocksyeah :)07:34
didrocksnow, I would just hope that nosetests3 get coverage support (python-coverage is only for python2)07:34
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:06
chrisccoulsonwho sent a pandaboard to my house?08:06
chrisccoulsonone just arrived ;)08:06
seb128chrisccoulson, jasoncwarner ordered one for everyone in the team08:07
seb128chrisccoulson, cf weekly summary email from last week08:07
chrisccoulsonseb128, ah, thanks. that's good then. it means i have a new toy to play with :)08:07
RAOFBecause we care about arm, and it's a pain in the arse not having any hardware.08:07
RAOFGood morning chrisccoulson & seb128!08:07
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF, how are you?08:07
RAOFI'm pretty good.08:08
seb128hey RAOF, chrisccoulson: happy friday! how are you guys on the rainy day?08:08
RAOFIt's the weekend now!08:08
seb128lucky you ;-)08:08
RAOFAlso, I think I've pretty much got enough to unblock Robert on the lightdm work for the system compositor, which means I'll be able to go back to actually coding. Huzzah!08:08
seb128RAOF, nice! are we going to see anything landing in distro to play with soon?08:09
RAOFAlthough there's probably the need to fix upstream mesa's build system (again!).08:09
RAOFseb128: Landing in the distro is blocked on a couple of transitions; mesa 8.1 and xserver 1.12, specifically.08:10
seb128RAOF, ok, not next week I guess then ... I mostly asking because I'm about to write the weekly team summary for -release08:11
RAOFxserver 1.12 is about ready and should go in soon; mesa 8.1 will require me (or, god willing, someone else) to wade through upstream's half-autotools, half-hand-rolled-makefiles and get the damn thing to build.08:11
seb128RAOF, which includes "changes coming in the next week that might impact other teams or users"08:11
seb128RAOF, looks like the mesa and xserver transitions might be for next week then?08:11
seb128chrisccoulson, did you get anywhere with g-s-d btw?08:12
RAOFxserver is likely for next week, yeah.08:12
RAOFMesa, maybe not.08:12
RAOFppa:raof/system-compositor-scratchpad + ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-staging (until 1.12 lands) should get Robert a functioning system to do lightdm integration work on, though.08:13
seb128RAOF, thanks08:13
didrockssalut seb128 :)08:13
seb128didrocks, lut08:13
didrocksseb128: FYI, it's *sunny* here08:13
didrocksand the whole week-end will be *sunny*08:13
seb128didrocks, we will get some of that on sunday apparently08:14
didrocksseb128: you should think bigger and request sun from the friday, not only on sunday!08:14
seb128didrocks, yeah, I'm learning, will do better next week! ;-)08:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, i didn't hear anything back from mterry actually. i think the session in gdb yesterday was taking a long time08:15
didrocksseb128: I hope so, you will get an evaluation soon :)08:15
seb128chrisccoulson, would have been faster to install a 32bits vm for you :p08:15
chrisccoulsoni wonder if i'll be able to reproduce it if i run a i386 ISO on bare metal08:15
chrisccoulsoni couldn't reproduce it in a vm yesterday :(08:15
seb128wth is robert_ancell doing?08:17
seb128he did upload stuff depending on gtk 3.5 without gtk08:17
didrocksI made the same comment this morning when seeing it :)08:18
seb128didrocks, was robert_ancell still around? did you ask him?08:18
didrocksseb128: no, he wasn't online when I looked at the user list08:19
seb128I dropped him an email08:19
seb128let's see08:19
seb128didrocks, btw look at your queries, I've asked you a question there ;-)08:20
* didrocks didn't receive any query from seb12808:21
didrocksso you can wait for an anwser :)08:21
seb128didrocks, thanks, it was a good idea to ask because my client was behaving like I was connected where I was not08:22
didrocksseb128: indeed :)08:23
seb128pitti, guten tag08:37
Laneyah, /me just saw that as well :P08:47
pittihey seb12808:47
seb128pitti, hello08:47
seb128didrocks, ok, for info robert_ancell meant to upload gtk 3.5 but we agreed to not risk that on a friday and let stuff depwait until monday09:47
didrocksseb128: hum, we should have wait for uploading everything once ready then, if we have something else to upload on the depwait, but well, not that important :)09:47
seb128didrocks, well, everything was ready, he missed the dput09:49
didrocksok :)09:49
seb128didrocks, he though he had uploaded it09:49
didrocksah ok, so the "we agreed to not risk" is the post-reason09:50
didrocksnot what was meant on purpose :)09:50
seb128didrocks, it's "I just discussed with him, he could dput and let us deal with any potential issue"09:51
seb128didrocks, but I think I will prefer the "let's deal with it on monday"09:51
didrocksseb128: agreed :)09:51
pittiis anyone on updating glib to 2.33.2 in debian experimental?09:54
seb128pitti, I was going to ask you if you wanted to do it at some point, I just didn't want to ask too many things at the same time since I already pinged about the udisks,gvfs,loop thing ;-)09:55
pittiyeah, I don't have time for it today09:56
pittiI run stuff in jhbuild for the things I need it for, so I'm not immeidately blocked09:56
pittiI was mostly curious09:56
LaneyI could try to look at that on Monday09:57
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chrisccoulsonwow, it has just got incredibly dark outside12:44
chrisccoulsongot my fingers crossed for a thunderstorm12:45
seb128you really like those ;-)12:46
seb128didrocks, pitti: you guys have thinkpads right? did you get issues with the pad not working or had to do anything special to get it working?12:51
seb128I'm looking at bug #80410912:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 804109 in gnome-settings-daemon "can't enable touchpad in Ubuntu (thinkpads)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80410912:51
didrocksseb128: nothing special to do, works out of the box12:51
didrocksno, no such thing here12:52
seb128ok, thanks12:52
pittiseb128: the trackpad? no, that has always worked without a hitch for me12:57
mterrychrisccoulson, so, the gnome-settings-daemon gdb session is still going.  (it was sleeping overnight, so it only had the workday to run)  It's possible that we're not hitting the bug with this setup?  Like, maybe some race condition isn't being met?  (seems unlikely, I don't know why a plt matter would be racy...)12:59
mterrychrisccoulson, the last stack trace I see is still from loading plugins.  I'll let you know if I get one that's past that point.13:00
chrisccoulsonmterry, if it's still going, then maybe it isn't going to hit it :(13:00
mterrychrisccoulson, well, the crash was from an idle callback in a plugin, so it would have had to finish loading plugins to hit it13:00
mterrychrisccoulson, ooh, let me turn off the watch until then.  I was thinking we'd hit it during plugin load, but it's an idle callback!13:01
seb128mterry, if you want to reduce "noise", try to turn off all the plugins but mouse (set their "enable" in dconf to false)13:05
seb128pitti, ok, thanks, I asked for details on the bug, let's see what config those users have13:06
mterryseb128, yeah no, just skipping all plugins does it.  i forgot the crash happened in an idle callback, and thus after plugins.  now let's see what the next major blocker is13:07
mterryseb128, oh oh btw, is GUADEC awesome?  Or more particularly, terribly useful?  I'm trying to figure out whether it makes sense for me to go13:08
seb128mterry, depends what you are looking for, it's less of an hack conference than Boston summit, it's rather a "let's meet people once a year"13:09
seb128mterry, I would say it's a sort of a distro rally for GNOME, in a conference format (I wouldn't say UDS like before the sessions format is rather plenary like than work oriented)13:10
seb128mterry, but it's good to meet everybody, get face to face discussion, and do some hacking on the side13:11
mterryIt happens at an inconvenient time for me, so I am a bit torn13:14
mterrydidrocks, you also go to GUADECs a lot, right?13:17
didrocksmterry: yeah, I try to, why? :)13:18
didrocksoh backlogging ;)13:18
didrocksmterry: yeah, seb128 gave a good description13:18
didrocksmterry: don't expect to be able to ack a lot or get technical discussions, it's more someone gives a talk on something13:19
mterrySo good to keep up with what people are doing in GNOME13:19
didrocksmterry: exactly13:19
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larsuhey didrocks, I'm trying to build unity-panel-service from trunk. cmake doesn't run through because libnux-2.0-dev is missing, which I can't install because I have "held broken packages"16:40
larsulibboost1.46-dev to be precise16:41
didrockslarsu: on what are you on? precise, quantal?16:41
didrockslarsu: if you apt-get install libboost1.46-dev, what does it tell to you?16:41
larsudidrocks, it wants to remove 70mb of packages16:42
didrocksinteresting, I'm sure you want to do that :)16:42
didrockscan you pastebin that?16:42
larsuit seems to be boost mostly16:42
larsudidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042620/16:43
didrocksah you do have installed libboost 1.4916:43
didrocksso yeah, it's one boost stack or the other :)16:44
didrocksunity with boost 1.49 is still no uploaded because of the now famous C++ libsig++ issue16:44
larsuI don't care which one, don't even know why I have the 1.49 installed16:44
didrockslarsu: so just accept the change, it seems you won't loose anything :)16:44
larsuunity-panel-service should really be buildable without configuring all of unity16:45
didrockslarsu: right, the source is really not modular16:45
larsudidrocks, yup, doing that now. Thanks!16:45
didrockslarsu: yw :)16:45
larsuworked! thanks again didrocks16:46
didrockslarsu: no worry!16:47
* didrocks waves good evening and good week-end!17:01
mterrychrisccoulson, while I wasn't looking, the gdb run finished and crashed!17:06
chrisccoulsonmterry, oh, that's fantastic :)17:06
mterrychrisccoulson, the previous two backtraces: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1042651/17:06
chrisccoulsonmterry, interesting. i wonder if the reason i couldn't trigger it here is because my VM doesn't have a touchpad17:10
chrisccoulsonlet me try writing a USB stick and booting on my actual hardware :)17:11
chrisccoulsonif i can find USB stick17:11
mterryinteresting, good point17:11
chrisccoulsonok, bbiab17:19
chrisccoulsonmterry, ok, bingo!17:38
chrisccoulsonyou can work around it btw, by turning off "disable touchpad whilst typing"17:38
* mterry has come to love his unthemed GTK+17:39
chrisccoulsonmterry, ok, i've updated the bug now17:48
mterrychrisccoulson, awesome, thanks dude17:53
chrisccoulsonmterry, i might continue looking at this on monday. not sure if i want to bury my head in assembler on a friday evening ;)17:54
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