
infinityRiddell / ScottK: calligramobile is no longer, what do you want to do about it being seeded in active?  Switch to calligra, drop it entirely...?02:48
JontheEchidnajust a rename on upstream's part02:51
infinityJontheEchidna: Ahh, I missed the rename.  Thanks.  Will update the seeds and meta.02:53
JontheEchidnathough one could make the argument that a transitional package would be desirable02:54
infinityJontheEchidna: One could, perhaps, though kubuntu-active was barely even a tech preview in precise, so I'm not sure how valuable littering the archive with transitional cruft would be.02:55
infinityI guess it did have an i386 release.  *shrug*02:55
infinityI'll leave that up to other people, I'm just fixing uninstallables. ;)02:56
RAOFOk. I've just totally dropped context. Time for lunch!03:06
RAOF@pilot out03:06
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
kira__hi everybody :)03:44
kira__I have stupid question..03:45
kira__I have ARM5 based Huawei 8110 ( Qualcomm)03:45
kira__so where I can get u-boot for it?03:45
micahgkira__: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-arm03:46
kira__ok.. thank for advice.03:46
hyperairRAOF: banshee has a microrelease exception. does it still need to complete the SRU stuff for the bugs?03:53
RAOFhyperair: Not by my understanding of the process, which is why I accepted it into precise-proposed.03:56
hyperairRAOF: oh, it's accepted?03:57
hyperairwhoops. =p03:57
RAOFhyperair: You shouldn't have switched to dh9, though.03:57
RAOFIt's fine in quantal, obviously, but that's not useful in an SRU03:58
pittiGood morning04:51
pittidobey: it was already, I think04:52
slangasekpitti: hi, has anyone brought bug #1013171 to your attention yet this morning?05:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013171 in xdiagnose (Ubuntu Quantal) "Many package hooks not ported to python3" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101317105:11
slangasekpitti: it looks to me like apport should be rolled back to python2 until this is resolved05:12
pittislangasek: not this morning, but we discussed it yesterday05:12
pittiit said ogra already fixed the package hook in his branch, so perhaps we can just upload the fixed hook instead, if the full port isn't ready yet?05:12
slangasekpitti: there are at least 10 affected packages05:12
pitti"many package hooks" is indeed a bit misleading05:12
pittimost of them are symlinks to source_xorg.py05:13
pitti"critical"? that seems very excessive to me05:13
slangasekit breaks upgrades05:13
pittihow so?05:13
slangasek/usr/share/python3/runtime.d/apport.rtupdate gets called and fails05:13
pittiuh, ok05:14
pittislangasek: actually, it's not supposed to pre-compile the hooks in the first place; perhaps I should just (or also) drop that pycompile bit?05:16
slangasekhow do you mean, not supposed to?05:16
pittithe python modules go into /usr/lib/python3.2/05:16
pittithe hooks are not python modules05:16
pittithey are plugins which get parsed and run dynamically05:16
pittithis .rtupdate thingy is bogus05:17
slangasekthat's a much faster fix then :)05:17
pittiso something in our dh_python2/3 stuff overeagerly tries to compile everything that looks like .py in any package directory?05:18
slangasekwell, it's the sensible default assumption05:19
pittihm, any idea how this bug can be reproduced? I tried sudo apt-get install --reinstall python3.2 apport05:19
slangasekthough perhaps there's a dh_python3 bug here in creating a .rtupdate for a directory that apport doesn't ship any .py files in05:19
pittioh, it does ship .py files in there (and python scripts which are not named .py)05:20
slangasekI think you have to install a new version of python to trigger it... so a precise->quantal upgrade, or remove + reinstall python3.2&apport05:20
pittiah, I see05:20
slangasekI think the tools are smart enough to not be fooled by a --reinstall05:20
pittisudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/python3.2.postinst configure -- not that either, hmm05:20
pittiI'll keep trying05:21
pittioh, silly me05:21
pittinot the python3.2 package, the python3 -meta package05:21
pittisudo apt-get install --reinstall python305:21
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
slangasekpitti: so I think dh_python3 --skip-private should be sufficient; testing now05:29
pittislangasek: I'm in the middle of fixing the (hopefully) last remaining autopkgtest failure (ETA 20 mins), then I'll do a new upload05:31
pittiwith either --skip-private, or just rm'ing the file05:31
slangasekpitti: alternatively, dump_acpi_tables.py can be renamed to dump_acpi_tables05:42
slangasekpitti: either should suffice05:42
slangasekanyway, tested the --skip-private solution and pushed05:42
pittislangasek: but apparently it also considers subdirectories? i. e. /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ is what's causing all the mess?05:42
pittislangasek: nice, thanks!05:43
slangasekpitti: I don't know if it looks at the subdirs or not05:43
slangasekbut if apport doesn't ship any files named .py in that directory in the first place, dh_python3 won't think it needs to provide a rtupdate script for private modules05:43
pittislangasek: thanks for the urlib fix, I'll commit that upstream05:44
pittislangasek: ok; I can see where that script is being used, but I think it's only in source_linux.py hook05:44
pittiso we can rename it easily05:44
pittibut --skip-private sounds more robust either way05:44
slangasekyes, probably05:45
pittislangasek: OOI, how did you notice the urlopen() bug? there is no python3-launchpadlib, or do you have a secret one?05:46
* pitti gets a dreaded cron mail from ddebs.u.c. running out of space again06:00
pittislangasek: do you happen to have some superpowers to bump RT #52633 ?06:01
mumblerpitti: about the title of bug 1013171 -- feel free to change "many package hooks".  :)  That was just my quick-n-dirty attempt to say "not just an xdiagnose bug".06:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013171 in apport (Ubuntu Quantal) "Many package hooks not ported to python3" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101317106:04
pittimumbler: seems fine to me06:04
mumblerpitti: ok, thanks.  do you have time for a couple apport questions while we are here?  if not, I should go to bed now, anyway...06:06
pittimumbler: just shoot06:06
pittiI'm wrapping a new release to fix that bug and the autopkg tests, but I can answer in between06:06
mumblergreat.  I saw a claim, maybe in someone's blog from UDS-Q, that apport was being phased out in favor of more from whoopsie, and I know not what.  That doesn't seem true now.06:07
mumblerSo I was going to submit some small doc patches for apport.  Is that still a good idea?06:08
pittiit's never been true06:08
pittimumbler: jockey is being phased out06:08
pittimumbler: the thing we introduced was whoopsie, to let apport run in stable releases, too06:08
pittito send crashes to errors.ubuntu.com instead of Launchpad06:08
pittieverything else is either a misunderstanding or a secret plot against me :)06:09
mumblerpitti: thanks -- I'm not sure what this bad source was, but I will pass that my cell leader^H^H^H correct it if I see it again. :)06:09
pittimumbler: Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One?06:10
mumblerpitti: We have no knowlegdge of such a sector, or a plot, nor would they be relevant if We could acknowledge them.06:12
mumblerpitti: so, sometime I will try to make a small patch, to document .apport-ignore.xml a little, in the manpage.06:12
pittimumbler: thanks06:13
pitti(or should I say "that is agreeable")06:13
mumblerpitti:  :)   I was going to try to speak borg, but I'm sleepy, and it's coming out more like queen victoria, "we are not amused"06:14
mumblerhm, I was going to ask about client-side duping a little, but I'm sleepy and you're working, so I'll try to come back another time.  thank you, and good night/morgen.06:17
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
jk-stgraber: ping?06:33
dholbachgood morning07:08
jamespage@pilot in08:14
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jamespage
jamespagemorning all08:14
tsdgeoswhen can one start complaining about a MIR being ignored?08:23
seb128tsdgeos, complaining is usually not really constructive, just mention what is blocking you and we will find a way to unblock you08:25
seb128tsdgeos, can you give the bug number?08:25
tsdgeosseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjpeg/+bug/101148708:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1011487 in openjpeg (Ubuntu) "[MIR] openjpeg" [Undecided,New]08:25
seb128tsdgeos, oh, that was rejected in the past08:26
tsdgeosit was a bad idea then D:08:26
tsdgeosseb128: why was it rejected?08:26
seb128tsdgeos, bug #71106108:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711061 in openjpeg (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libopenjpeg2" [Wishlist,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71106108:26
seb128tsdgeos, if you can address the comments from doko please do08:26
tsdgeosseb128: read this one, has no reason at all for closing08:27
seb128tsdgeos, because doko believes that libjpeg should do everything libopenjpeg does08:27
tsdgeosdoko has no clue then08:27
seb128tsdgeos, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjpeg/+bug/711061/comments/308:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711061 in openjpeg (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libopenjpeg2" [Wishlist,Expired]08:28
seb128tsdgeos, well, that's possible he doesn't know about everything, nobody does know about everything and doing MIR review is an hard job, I don't think saying people "have no clue" is helpful though08:28
seb128tsdgeos, he asked question and nobody replied ... maybe you could be productive and share your knowledge on the bug and reply to his questions?08:29
tsdgeosseb128: well, he didn't care to search that libjpeg is regular jpeg and openjpeg is jpeg2000 that is a total different format08:29
tsdgeosand that's like 5 minutes of searching08:29
seb128tsdgeos, did you read the comment I just pasted08:29
tsdgeosmore like 108:29
tsdgeosseb128: the one about embedded libtiff?08:29
seb128tsdgeos, the "FILE FORMAT WARS" comment from libjpeg08:30
tsdgeosseb128: sure, so libjpeg developers hate jpeg200008:30
didrockstsdgeos: want to be part of the MIR team? there are only 3 semi-active persons on the team who have a lot of other hats and other works to do. Help is welcomed08:30
tsdgeoswhat does that mean?08:30
tsdgeosseb128: are we letting other people shut down stuff?08:30
tsdgeosdidrocks: i'm not even an ubuntu developer, don't think i can/should be part of the MIR team08:30
didrockstsdgeos: you can start by that then :)08:31
seb128tsdgeos, you are not being constructive there, if you read the bug doko mainly asked for an example of image that is not rendered by our current main stack, can't you just provide one?08:31
tsdgeosseb128: sure i can, i already did in my bug08:31
seb128tsdgeos, I will mark yours duplicate and reopen the old one, he already has some history and record of review08:32
tsdgeosseb128: i am being constructive, i am trying to get our user to get better rendering08:32
tsdgeosand people are closing bugs on uninformed decisions08:32
tsdgeosand i'm the one not being constrcutive?08:32
tsdgeosseb128: good08:32
seb128tsdgeos, right, and calling the MIR reviewer clueless is not the way to get things approved, yes they don't know about everything, better helping them to understand the issue than to insult them08:32
tsdgeosdidrocks: had a look at the process, seemed to cumbersome08:33
seb128tsdgeos, I'm sure there are topic you have little clue about as well, MIR reviewer is not an easy job08:33
tsdgeosdidrocks: besides i know *nothing* about packaging08:33
seb128tsdgeos, like try to help them to understand the issue rather than blaming them for not knowing what you know08:33
tsdgeosseb128: there's lots of topics i have no clue, but i don't make decisions on them :-)08:33
didrockstsdgeos: well, we are 3 on the team, do you think 3 people can cover the whole stack?08:34
tsdgeosdidrocks: nope i don't08:34
didrocksso, please, bear that in mind08:34
didrocksand help rather than critize08:34
seb128tsdgeos, well, to be fair details where asked on this bug, and it got closed because nobody provided a good rational in a reasonable timeframe, and they garbage collect the bug to keep a managable queue08:34
seb128tsdgeos, bugs closing are not the end of the world, they can be reopened if the requested details are provided08:35
tsdgeosseb128: sure, it's fine, that was back then, don't blame me for that, i wasn't using ubuntu so i didn't care you guys closed the bug08:35
tsdgeosi'm using ubuntu now, so i do care about my pdf viewer sucking08:35
seb128so let's move on and get that fixed08:35
slomoseb128: you already have a jpeg2000 library in main btw (afaik). libjasper08:40
seb128libjasper1: JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library08:40
seb128slomo, hum, indeed!08:40
seb128tsdgeos, I guess poppler can't use that one?08:40
tsdgeosseb128: unless you write code for it :D08:41
tsdgeosseb128: besides jasper is worse08:41
tsdgeoshave a few images lying around that openjpeg renders and jasper doesn't08:41
tsdgeoslying around == sent to a kde mailing list a few years ago08:41
tsdgeosbesides jasper is unmaintained afair08:42
tsdgeosand openjpeg no08:42
slomoand libjasper doesn't bundle the world (libpng, libtiff, libz, liblcms2) ;)08:43
RAOFYou wouldn't happen to know if the various rdepneds of libjasper happen to build against openjpeg?08:43
slomoRAOF: no, the API is different08:44
seb128tsdgeos, it's a bit annoying, gdk and kde seems to use jasper08:45
tsdgeosseb128: i know08:45
tsdgeosnever got myself to rewrite kde's support to use openjpeg08:45
tsdgeosblame that on lazzyness08:45
tsdgeoswe still us ps for pdf preview generation08:46
tsdgeosgs i mean08:46
* RAOF wonders if fixing jasper is quicker and easier than porting to openjpeg08:46
pittiseb128: erk, DSL reconnect; got my message?08:47
pittipitti | seb128: looking at the gvfs loop bug ATM; sorry, didn't get to it yesterday08:47
tsdgeosRAOF: doubt it08:47
seb128pitti, no I didn't, thanks08:47
tsdgeosjpeg2000 is kind of non trivial stuff08:47
tsdgeosseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjpeg/+bug/711061/comments/1008:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711061 in openjpeg (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libopenjpeg2" [Wishlist,Confirmed]08:48
tsdgeosseb128: anything i forgot to answer?08:48
seb128tsdgeos, not that I know about, I guess the MIR team will be a bit unhappy about having 2 implementation of jpeg2000 in main though, that's the sort of things we don't like to duplicate08:49
seb128not sure if that will annoy them enough to force us to converge on one of the two though to accept it08:50
jamespageplease could someone with the right permissions delete/reject this MP - https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/precise/tgt/lp977621-start-on-install/+merge/10132108:50
tsdgeossorry my router restarted itself08:51
tsdgeosanything i missed?08:51
slomoseb128: jasper could be unmaintained upstream, so it might make sense to switch to the other one after checking if that's really the case (there was at least no release since a very long time)08:51
slomoseb128: so it might make sense to compare both and then maybe settle on one08:51
seb128tsdgeos, <seb128> tsdgeos, not that I know about, I guess the MIR team will be a bit unhappy about having 2 implementation of jpeg2000 in main though, that's the sort of things we don't like to duplicate08:51
seb128 not sure if that will annoy them enough to force us to converge on one of the two though to accept it08:51
tsdgeosi see08:52
seb128from the look of things we should converge on openjpeg08:52
tsdgeosfor one it has an accessible repo, accessible developers, accessible mailing list08:54
tsdgeoswhich jasper has not afaik08:54
seb128yeah, jasper didn't get an update in Debian since 2007 as well08:54
seb128like it got only one version ever08:55
seb128only packaging revision since08:55
seb128RAOF, tsdgeos, slomo: the gdk jpeg2000 loader seems small enough, it shouldn't be too much work porting it to openjpeg I guess if somebody wants to do that08:57
slomoseb128: i think everybody is only using jasper because it was earlier and everybody important (gdk-pixbuf, kde stuff) is using it. at least that was the main reason why we chose it in gstreamer08:58
tsdgeosthe thing is that almost noone has any jpeg2000 image around08:58
tsdgeosso it doesn't matter much for the desktop itself08:58
tsdgeosbut somehow it seems more common inside pdf files08:59
tsdgeosdon't ask me why08:59
slomotsdgeos: well, jpeg2000 is quiete important for video nowadays (digital cinema for example is using jpeg2000). but for plain images i didn't see it used much either, most probably because the advantage over jpeg is minimal compared to switching to a new format09:00
seb128tsdgeos, slomo: the gdk bug where jpeg2000 support was added mentions "The one reason for having a jpeg2000 loader at all is that OS X icons apparently store their payload in this format..."09:02
tsdgeoshe he09:03
seb128grrrrr, "Many package hooks not ported to python3" spamming09:12
seb128we should forbid people to do those "let's open 1 bug and make it affect a ton of sources"09:12
seb128if you are subscribed to any of the sources you get spammed to no end :-(09:12
pittibut it's much easier to delete one huge thread than 50 small ones?09:13
seb128ScottK, not thanks for that one :-(09:13
pittiand you can mute that bug for you if you aren't interested09:13
Laneyseb128: you can mute individual bugs in LP now09:13
seb128pitti, I wouldn't get emails about the 49 sources I'm not subscribed to and would have nothing to delete09:13
seb128Laney, I'm interested about the comments related to the source I'm following09:14
StevenK49 tasks on one bug makes Launchpad *VERY* sad.09:14
pittiwell, I'm actually interested in the progress of that bug, regardless of which packages it affects; it's not a "package" bug, it's a "project-wide task"09:14
seb128pitti, it's like "let's open a ftbfs bug and make it affect all the packages in the archive which ftbfs"09:15
pittiseb128: not the same root cause usually09:15
seb128well, there neither09:15
pittiif it's "30 packages FTBFS due to a glib change", then that should/could be one bug, yes09:15
seb128ok, let's agree to disagree with that09:15
seb128it seems people like the spamming for some reason, I will just mute the bug, but if any of my packages are in there you will need to reach me through another mean then09:16
pittiI do like the spamming, yes09:17
seb128pitti, the proper way would be to open different bugs, tag them and have you subscribe the to tag09:17
seb128pitti, not to impose the spam to any subscribe to any of the sources09:17
* pitti sticks with "agree to disagree"09:17
seb128ok, fair enough ;-)09:17
seb128let's move on09:18
pittiI'd consider the alternative way too much overhead09:18
xnoxpitti: you could have used a tag =) a check the progress of the tag.... just saying =)09:18
* xnox prefers many sources/tasks in a single bug09:18
seb128xnox, I just said that, I think that's what he considers "too much overhead"09:18
pittixnox: I didn't open it in the first place, but I've been guilty in the past of doing the same approach for similar situations09:19
pittixnox: you can't subscribe other people to a tag09:19
pittiand even doing it yourself is something that someone needs to ask you to do09:19
pittiand it would meen tag inflation, too09:19
seb128well let's hope it's not a practice that goes increasing09:19
seb128but that's the best way to make sure people do stop reading their bug emails09:19
seb128just spam them to no end about stuff they are not subscribed to because one thing they care happens to be in the middle of somebody's transition09:20
xnoxfair enough. pitti, I'm not familiar with apport API, I did 2to3 & compileall is there any way I can test the apport hook with python3?09:20
pittixnox: for the syntax errors you can just run "python3 source_foo.py"09:27
pittixnox: many hooks actually have a __main__ for testing09:28
pittixnox: for the remainder, run apport-bug srcpackage, and watch for tracebackes09:28
xnoxok. thanks.09:31
tsdgeosdo you guys know if .deb packages support filenames with newlines?09:43
tsdgeoshaving a look at the md5sums file inside the control tar inside the deb, it would seem no09:43
tsdgeossince the format seems to be09:43
tsdgeosmd5 filename<newline>09:43
tsdgeosmd5 filename<newline>09:43
tsdgeosso if the filename contains a newline it'd probably get confused09:44
pittiI've never seen one, and I would not ever accept a deb with a file name containing a line break, and usually not even spaces09:51
tsdgeoscan i quote you on that?09:55
cjwatson.md5sums is ancillary, but the .list format would be broken by a file containing newlines.09:56
cjwatsonWhich is much more important.09:56
cjwatsonI don't see any code that specifically forbids it, but I haven't spent much time looking for it and I haven't actually tried it.10:00
cjwatsonI would tend to say that if dpkg doesn't refuse to unpack such a .deb, it would be a bug, since its own file formats would be corrupted by it (unless it has some escaping that I've missed).10:01
cjwatsonAt any rate if you have somebody asking you whether they can put newlines in their filenames in a .deb then the answer is certainly no.10:01
pittitsdgeos: the only place I've ever seen newlines in file names are exploits; I see no legitimate reason for them in packages10:02
pittitsdgeos: and yes, you can quote me on that (but it's my personal opinion, not quoted from a policy document)10:02
tsdgeospitti: sure10:02
pittispaces in file names, maybe (e. g. in /usr/share/doc/ for .html files)10:02
tsdgeoscjwatson: well, i'm prototyping/defining something that is similar/replacement/complementary to .deb10:03
tsdgeosand knowing that .deb is doesn't support (or at least we don't seem to have any deb with) newlines, makes it easier for me to argue not to support that either10:03
tsdgeosand use the newline as "separator" in the file format10:04
cjwatsonSpaces in file names are valid and I've seen them in .debs.10:04
cjwatsonIf you don't mind the file format being binary, though, IMO the correct inter-file-name separator in a non-text file is NUL10:04
cjwatsonSince that genuinely is invalid in a Unix file name10:04
tsdgeosproblem is it makes it much more difficult to read10:04
cjwatsonWhich is probably why dpkg went for \n10:05
tsdgeosand people seem to struggle then why can have char * with a NUL that is not the end of the char *10:05
larsduesingsorry, again a question: What's about these "Related source package recipes" in launchpad bzr - are they needed?10:20
larsduesingexample in: https://code.launchpad.net/~lars.duesing/ubuntu/quantal/aiccu/aiccu-100740810:24
ScottKseb128: If you want to do the extra work of filing all the individual bugs and removing all the 'extra' tasks from that one, I'm not stopping you.10:25
pittithat alone could be scripted, but it's spreading out information that belongs together10:26
pittiparticularly for bugs where you need to discuss a solution10:27
debfxbarry: does apturl-common need to depend on python3-aptdaemon? only the gtk backend seems to use it.10:30
seb128pitti, the info doesn't belong together, udisk and xorg (taking random example) probably having different python3 incompatible issues, we don't do one bug "we should port the archive to python3" affecting all the ubuntu python2 sources10:38
xnoxis there a ppc64 ubuntu port?10:40
xnoxxnox: confired that there isn't one10:44
cjwatsonxnox: No10:47
rbasakIs there a generic way of determining what arches come from which main mirrors (eg. archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu for amd64 and ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports for armhf) and if not where would be appropriate to add this? distro-info?10:49
rbasakRight now every script seems to have its own lookup table, and the number of these is growing. Eg. debootstrap, lxc, previously cobbler and now MAAS10:50
bvadHey guys, anyone knows where can I find the source for the sound indicator applet in Unity?10:51
seb128bvad, lp:indicator-sound10:52
bvadseb128: thanks10:52
seb128bvad, https://code.launchpad.net/indicator-sound10:52
bvadThanks a bunch seb12810:52
bvadI'm trying to get the sound indicator applet to start the default gnome sound preferences dialog, instead of the unity one.. How'd I do that?11:08
seb128bvad, you log into a non unity session?11:11
seb128bvad, we do session detection on the system settings side11:11
seb128bvad, why do you want to do that? is there an issue with the unity one?11:11
bvadSort of, when I connect an HDMI cable to my laptop, the HDMI option does not always show up - which means no sound over HDMI. Using the fglrx driver11:16
bvadUsually un-plugging and plugging it in again works, but sometimes a reboot is required11:17
bvadI'd check out if it was possible to either modify the code for the unity sound settings, or replace it by the stock gnome one. Sorry for the multiple messages11:18
seb128bvad, you should report a bug and get that fixed11:30
seb128bvad, you can get the GNOME dialog by running "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center sound"11:31
jamespagecjwatson, would you be happy for me to sponsor a new upstream release of biosdevname into quantal?11:37
* jamespage notes that cjwatson is the maintainer of the package11:37
cjwatsonjamespage: Go ahead11:40
jamespagecjwatson, OK11:40
cjwatsonnp, thanks for taking care of that11:41
bvadseb128, thank you. I think the bug was already reported11:47
seb128bvad, do you have the number? is that bug #98654711:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 986547 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Precise) "[soundnua] can't change the output to 5.1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98654711:48
bvadseb128, let me look into it11:54
bvadseb128: It looks more like bug #97496311:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 974963 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[soundnua]: hdmi audio missing in sound settings" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97496311:58
seb128bvad, thanks, I will try to see if we can get those issues addressed in a stable update11:58
bvadseb128: A solution might be to always show the HDMI audio option, even without a cable plugged in, like the stock gnome settings does. Though this is sort of ignoring the problem at it's core...11:59
tkamppeterdoko, hi12:04
jamespage@pilot out12:05
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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larsduesingjamespage: kthx :-)12:10
jamespagelarsduesing, np12:10
dokotkamppeter, see my email about pysmbc, pycups is in the works. would be nice if you could do system-config-printer yourself12:17
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larsduesingoh... Can anybody describe me what: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/aiccu/quantal-201206042007 means? "Created by Ubuntu Package Importer on 2012-06-04 and last modified on 2012-06-04"12:56
larsduesingan unmerge proposal by package importer?12:56
SpamapSugh, collectd is such a bear to get compiled12:58
SpamapSits almost as bad as PHP with all the libraries to link12:58
SpamapSlarsduesing: that means there were pending changes for aiccu in that branch when somebody uploaded something else12:59
larsduesingmost certainly me... (as I am the only one working on that package...)13:00
larsduesingok, looking after that13:00
SpamapSlarsduesing: its worth bumping the uploader that they need to check the branch before uploading. :)13:13
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larsduesingno, there were some troubles with a bug with bzr-builddeb13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1006611 in bzr-builddeb "quilt patches are not reapplied after merge with debian" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:15
larsduesingI think it's all about that13:15
hallynslangasek: are there any plans of jumping qemu-linaro to 1.1 during quantal?13:20
hallynif i upload the new qemu-kvm 1.1, the one thing i've foudn will break is qemu-kvm-spice.  i believe bc of a bios mismatch.  if need be i should be able to have qemu-kvm-spice temporarily use a different bios...13:21
xnoxlarsduesing: and even if you apply them yourself... they get different fileids and conflict on merge13:21
larsduesingsomehow... yes13:22
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stgraber@pilot in13:41
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: stgraber
hrwdoes someone know when ARM became equal to x86 in Ubuntu?13:44
stgraberjk-: pong13:44
barrydebfx: i think you're right.  should be an easy fix.13:48
SpamapSdoko: is it possible the recent gcc 4.7 update fixed some problems with hand-optimized assembler that would go all the way back to gcc 4.6?13:51
SpamapShrw: what do you mean "became equal" ?13:52
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vibhavmdeslaur: ping14:00
hrwSpamapS: packages.ubuntu.com listing arm packages atleast14:02
hrwSpamapS: I can live with ports.ubuntu.com != archive.ubuntu.com but so far arm is second citizen14:03
SpamapShrw: I'd guess sometime around 10.10 ?14:03
SpamapSbut I really don't know :p14:03
hrwSpamapS: 10.10 is past ;D14:04
seb128ev, hey, whoopsie question for you ... the issues are reported only once or does the same issue keeps being reported every time it happens to the user?14:06
SpamapShrw: from my point of view, its definitely *not* a second class citizen14:06
evseb128: the intention is for the report to be sent every time it happens to the user, but I believe apport stops showing after the 2nd or 3rd report at the moment14:07
evI believe mpt has a bug open for this14:07
seb128ev, ok, I'm wondering why the numbers of errors.ubuntu.com have dropped so low compared to after release for some issues which didn't get fixed14:07
evseb128: apport's been broken14:08
seb128ev, I assume that's because we get reports only from new users14:08
seb128ev, in precise?14:08
evbut yeah, interesting14:08
evI see your point14:08
evwell, fixing apport to always send the report will fix this in any case14:08
vibhavIf a change in an ubuntu delta is transfered to debian, do I need to mention that the change has been tranfered to debian14:09
evI just haven't had the time to do it myself14:09
seb128ev, right, thanks for confirming14:09
xnoxvibhav: reamaining changes; dropped changes; new stuff:14:09
vibhavthanks xnox14:09
seb128ev, it also mean the current view is not a reflect of what issues are the most frequents atm14:09
xnoxvibhav: if all changes are dropped and no new onces introduced -> requestsync14:09
seb128ev, btw is the "if all updates were installed" setting working? it seems to not, like if I unselect "actual" there is no graphs displayed and the report is not changing compared to when "actual" was selected14:12
evseb128: not yet14:12
seb128ev, or asked different "can I select the month view and select out fixed issues"?14:12
evcan you elaborate? I don't follow14:12
seb128ev, if I go on https://errors.ubuntu.com/, change the "Most common problems in the past  " combo to "month" ... does that include fix commited,released bugs?14:13
seb128ev, like the ones that collected 5000 tickets during 2 weeks but are fixed for 3 days?14:14
evseb128: yes - I have a branch that fixes this, but haven't landed it on trunk yet due to issues using launchpadlib14:14
seb128ev, ok, I guess the simple question was "is the errors.ubuntu.com a view of all errors or of the non fixed errors"14:14
seb128I guess it's all errors atm14:15
evit currently greys out those rows14:15
evall at the moment, yes14:15
evcurrently> in this branch I have14:15
seb128ev, ok, excellent, thanks!14:15
seb128ev, that's enough questions from me for today, keep up the good work ;-)14:15
evbut that's just to see if we get any false positives. We may end up permanently hiding those14:15
evheh, thanks!14:15
evand thanks for the constant input14:15
evit definitely helps direct development14:15
evI just need a small army to do everything we need done14:16
hrwSpamapS: arm as architecture when it comes to support is first class. but when it comes to infrastructure support it still 2nd class14:16
seb128I know that feeling ;-)14:16
* ev goes back to teaching errors.u.c to expose "create bug" links where we don't already have a bug number14:16
tsdgeosjdstrand: about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjpeg/+bug/711061 i wonder if i should mention also that we only ship 1.3 when current version is 1.5 ?14:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711061 in openjpeg (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libopenjpeg2" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:16
hrwSpamapS: for example: try to find out which version of omap4 kernel is recent one...14:16
seb128ev, oh, another quick one, is there a way to point an errors.ubuntu.com to a bug number? or to correct a wrong reference?14:16
evseb128: that's what I'm working on right now. It's fairly involved though and requires a new backend to crash-digger (so that the apport duplicate db and errors.ubuntu.com duplicates share bug references)14:17
jdstrandtsdgeos: yes please14:17
seb128ev, ok, things as on track I see, I will let you work, thanks again for the replies ;-)14:18
evseb128: anytime! cheers14:18
dokoSpads, I can't see anything obvious ...14:18
dokoSpamapS, ^^^14:18
dokospam ...14:19
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tsdgeosjdstrand: done14:19
vibhavSpads: Please stop that14:19
jdstrandSpamapS: I like that last one :)14:20
jdstrandI don't know what it is, but I like it14:21
kelemengaborpitti: hi, got a few minutes?14:27
kelemengaboraccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/PreciseLanguagePackReleaseSchedule it is time to move some updated langpacks to -proposed for the second language pack update cycle - could you do that?14:28
kelemengaborokay, we are a week late, but better late than never :)14:28
kelemengaborI'll modify the wiki page and send out the call for testing mail - dpm, are you happy with that?14:29
dpmkelemengabor, I definitely am, thanks for staying on top14:30
larsduesinghmm, all aiccu bugs but one suggestion are incomplete or invalid. Mission accomplished? :-)14:57
zulbdmurray: ping15:02
mptmterry, to try and answer your question: This morning I had Update Manager offering to give me a "partial upgrade", i.e. updates that didn't include glib. It turned out (once I ran Synaptic) that all it needed to do, to install all updates, was remove a -dbgsym package.15:06
mptmterry, I reported bug 955022 about abolishing the "Not all updates can be installed"/"Partial Upgrade" dialog, but it needs technical sanity-checking.15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 955022 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Not all updates can be installed" requires a decision most people can't make" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95502215:08
tkamppeterdoko, OK. Is there somewhere documentation about migrating Python 2 -> 3?15:08
cjwatsontkamppeter: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Python/315:09
tkamppetercjwatson, thanks.15:09
xnoxmpt: partial upgrade is generally not a good idea. wait for the archive to settle. Generally it means that a library transition is still in progress.15:10
xnoxmpt: oh just one -dbgsym package15:11
xnoxmpt: use command line $ apt-get dist-upgrade15:11
mptmterry, for updates that would remove some other package, Ubuntu Software Center potentially has that issue as well, with the Conflicts field. So probably it should be part of Aptdaemon. Next week I'll be going through error and edge cases like that one with glatzor.15:11
mptxnox, that is a concise demonstration of why we should get rid of the dialog, yes. ;-)15:12
mterrympt, OK.  Yeah, your proposal in that bug looks reasonable, but would require some thinking of how to present packages that will be removed.  The normal "Updates Available" screen does that now15:12
mptmterry, Synaptic's does, but I don't remember ever seeing update-manager offer to remove stuff.15:12
mterrySorry, does NOT do that now15:12
mptok :-)15:12
mterrympt, ^15:12
mterryI hate that screen.  It's odd too because "Partial Upgrade" is actually a more complete update than a normal update.  Not very partial15:13
mterryI'm assuming it's using Upgrade in the distro upgrade sense15:14
mptev, seb128: The bug where you don't get repeat reports is bug 98980015:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989800 in apport (Ubuntu) "Error alert stops appearing for the same crash after a while" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98980015:14
evmpt: thanks!15:15
seb128mpt, thanks15:16
mterrympt, FYI I'm assuming that in the SoftwareUpdates spec where we say something like "Ubuntu 12.04" the updater should say "Xubuntu 12.04" if appropriate.15:49
mptmterry, yep15:49
mterrympt, I'm trying to figure out how to determine which it is...  But lsb_release seems to give the same output for both.  :(15:49
cjwatsonThat's necessary15:50
mterrycjwatson, the lsb_release bit?  Do you know of a good way to determine what the system was installed as?15:51
stgrabermterry: you don't really have a way of knowing. One way would be to look at the install media in /var/log/installer but it's not necessarily there nor it's reliable. Another is to look for the -desktop packages but there again, you can have more than one installed15:52
mterrystgraber, yeah, I would be happy enough to know what it was at first installation15:52
cjwatsonWhat he said15:52
mterrySeems silly that we can't do that15:52
mptPlymouth thinks I'm running Xubuntu solely because I installed XFCE15:53
xnoxone way to do this is to check what type of desktop session is running15:53
Davieympt: can't be worse than when everyones splash screen was switched to a different flavour by accident :)15:53
xnoxif I have both KDE/Kubuntu and XFCE/Xubuntu - if I'm running update in the XFCE session say 'Xubuntu', if the KDE session say 'Kubuntu'15:54
cjwatsonThat probably isn't awful, yeah15:54
xnoxas I would expect the frontend to match current desktop sessions, regardless of what packages are installed and which media was used15:55
mterryWe do have XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for that now15:55
xnoxexcellent =)15:55
stgrabermterry: /var/log/installer/media-info will contain what was used to install the system, but only for these installed from a media. If you netinstall you won't get it.15:55
xnoxstgraber: or debootstrap the way some of my friends prefer to install ubuntu.....15:56
stgrabermterry: (had to check in a VM as all my systems are netinstalled from PXE and don't have that file)15:56
DavieyOEM installs probably don't expose that?15:56
mterrystgraber, thanks!15:56
mterrySounds like I can't rely on that stuff and should just use the current desktop environment and map them to derivative names myself15:57
stgraberDaviey: I can't remember us explicitly stripping it for OEM installs in Ubiquity, but it's perfectly possible that OEMs wipe /var/log on their installs before imaging15:57
cjwatsonXDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP> of course provided the updater isn't running inside something that strips the environment, like sudo15:57
stgrabermterry: you know I'll open a bug because Edubuntu won't work if you do that, right? :) same thing for ubuntu studio I believe15:57
cjwatsonI think you need heuristics whatever way you slice it.15:58
stgrabermterry: we have multiple flavours running with unity, multiple flavours running with xfce and at the moment, only one flavour running kde. So you'll need some extra logic to figure out exactly what the system is :)15:58
cjwatsonTwo flavours - there's Kubuntu Active.15:58
stgraberah right15:59
mterrystgraber, :(16:00
stgraberstarting to wonder if it'd make sense to have some file storing the name of the flavour installed and use the good old alternatives to have it changed to the right value by the -artwork packages of the various flavours16:00
stgraberthat'd probably make it consistent with what's done for plymouth, distributor-logo and some other things16:00
mterryahem, got dropped16:01
mterrystgraber, an alternatives would be good16:01
azorinHello everyone! I'm having some issues with building a package on Launchpadl.16:02
mterrystgraber, maybe I should post to ubuntu-devel and get some feedback.  But seems simple enough to do16:02
DavieyUnrelated, but i'd quite like to see something like, if [ "$(pidof X)" ] ; then echo "Desktop Running" ; fi .. added to apport bugs.16:02
mterryDaviey, you mean to determine which desktop environment is running?16:03
Davieymterry: no, to determine IF X is running.. Metric that it might be a desktop or server.16:03
mvomterry: you can look at the installed metapackages16:04
stgrabermvo: no, see above, it's not reliable :) (edubuntu-desktop depends on ubuntu-desktop and some others are co-installable)16:05
mterrymvo, and just iterate on all the known ones?16:05
mvoyes, that is what the release upgrader is doing16:05
Davieystgraber: Surely some logic can be determined based on installed as a dep or explicitly.. not clean, but there is certainly hints that could be formulated16:07
stgraberDaviey: right16:08
mterrymvo, OK, so it looks like DistUpgradeCache has code to guess the best meta package.  And then we can just map to names...16:09
azorinI'm having some issues with building a package on Launchpad. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions if anyone may have any. Full details of the problem are here: http://goo.gl/mrVdl16:11
SpamapSdoko: indeed, I was mistaken and I'm still experiencing my problems16:12
mterryazorin, #ubuntu-motu might be a better channel?16:13
azorinThanks mterry! I'll check it out right now16:13
mterryazorin, but try moving the xwinwrap.o part of the link line before the LDFLAGS16:13
didrocksev: is there any particular order for e.ubuntu.com to show the stacktraces?16:16
didrocksev: like, I want to see the latest one16:16
evdidrocks: the instances of a problem?16:16
evoff a bucket page16:17
evI should really rename that to problem16:17
didrocksev: right :)16:17
argesSpamapS,  hi. Noticed some packages are ftbfs that depend on php5  (>= 5.4.1). Was wondering when that will be bumped? thanks16:17
didrocksev: like, I'm almost sure that I fixed oneconf0.
evnot at present - there's a bug there in that they're ascii sorted rather than sorted by the time component of the uuid16:18
didrocksgrrr, space missing from copy and paste16:18
evI noticed that last night16:18
evit's a tricky one to fix, but I will get to it once things calm down16:18
didrocksev: it seems that e.u.c it telling that it's still present on 2.8.1, which isn't really possible from the new code, so I wanted to see that particular stacktrace :)16:18
infinitySpamapS: Any plans to merge php5 soon (you, or someone else...)16:18
ev(cassandra does not support changing the comparator - you need to migrate the data to a new column family)16:19
evdidrocks: if this is precise, someone is likely hitting the bug wherein if you upgrade a package while the binary is running16:19
evand it crahses16:19
evit will use the new package version16:19
evrather than the version the binary was actually from16:19
didrocksev: yeah, same issue that what we have with old good apport?16:19
evpitti fixed this in quantal16:19
didrockshow so?16:20
evin quantal it doesn't send the report :)16:20
didrocksok, it knows "the upgrade has been done in this session, don't send the crash"16:20
SpamapSinfinity: Suhosin is still not available for 5.416:20
didrocksexcellent, that would help :)16:21
SpamapSinfinity: I had wanted to treat w/ the security team before dropping it16:21
SpamapSinfinity: though I'm pretty sure we're dropping it.. *everybody* else has.16:21
infinitySpamapS: Ahh.  Fair enough.  Seems like a bunch of autosyncs are build-depending on newer php5-dev, so would be nice to sort it.16:21
didrocksev: but I still wanted to double check, so if you can tackle the other issue (or just order if you know the timestamp as a quick workaround), that would be awesome :)16:21
SpamapSinfinity: but yes, I'd like to get that resolved soon.16:21
SpamapSinfinity: yeah, soon.16:21
infinitySpamapS: I was against adding suhosin in the first place, but I lost that argument.  or gave up caring.16:21
evdidrocks: I fully intend to16:22
evI was polishing the bucket/problem page last night16:22
evso it now displays python tracebacks there, as well as the thread stacktrace, IN FULL COLOR ;)16:22
didrocksev: yeah, I noticed that, it's nice! :)16:23
seb128ev, didrocks: the apport fix for the "don't send reports for binaries that got upgraded" has been SRUed as well (it's in proposed waiting to be verified)16:23
evand noticed that said giant list of uuids is A) not labelled, and B) not time-sorted16:23
evright now it's just grabbing the first 100 ascii-sorted16:23
evbut I'll fix the time sorting and put in pagination16:23
didrocksexcellent, thanks ev!16:23
didrocksseb128: wooow! ;)16:23
evsure thing!16:23
didrocksev: also, I guess you are aware/hear about a lot of sso failure when trying to access a bucket page?16:23
evno? Are you running into this?16:24
didrocksyeah, a lot16:24
didrockslike, 1/3 of my connexion works16:24
didrocksthe rest, I get denied access16:24
SpamapSinfinity: it has mitigated almost every major flaw in PHP..16:24
didrocksor "errors"16:24
didrocksalso, it reasks me for sso each time I'm trying to access a bucket16:24
SpamapSinfinity: not totally prevented it, but most of the time reduced remote code execution to DoS16:25
evyes, the reasking thing is because we're currently using an IS-provided open id wrapper16:25
SpamapSinfinity: that said, the maintenance burden is getting higher as Stefan Esser cares less and less ;)16:25
didrocksmost of the time, as I don't spend a lot of time on the page, it's fine, but still frustrating16:25
evand so there's no caching of credentials16:25
didrocksev: that would be fine if I don't end on this constant errors when logging in16:25
evI'm going to fix that, but doing it with python-openid-auth requires persisting information to the db, via an ORM, which I'm not fond of16:26
evyeah, that one is surprising16:26
didrocksyeah, I understand :/16:26
evI'll talk to webops and see if they get logs for these16:26
didrocksev: I'm in London the whole next week, we can have a look together mayve?16:26
evdidrocks: yes, definitely16:26
didrocksev: excellent, thanks a lot :)16:27
evno problem16:27
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stgraber@pilot out18:01
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
zulslangasek: ping18:01
larsduesingahm... who is to be informed on "bugs" in man-pages?18:01
larsduesing"Should any checks (or the build fail), the user has an option  to  edit the patched source and try building it again18:02
larsduesingI think the word fail should be outside of the brackets :-)18:03
infinitydoko: *poke*18:06
mhall119ScottK: ping18:06
infinitylarsduesing: Ideally, you should file the bug with Debian (unless it's an Ubuntu-only package).  Carrying a delta for small manpage fixes isn't generally worth the hassle.18:08
larsduesinginfinity: sponsor-patch is part of ubuntu-dev-tools18:08
infinitylarsduesing: Oh.  Right then.18:08
infinitylarsduesing: Then file a bug with a patch in launchpad. ;)18:09
larsduesingSo I will file a bug with bzr branch *G*18:09
dobeylarsduesing: i suppose you should push a branch and propose it for merging into the upstream tree or whatever :)18:09
larsduesingI'll do.18:09
larsduesingBut should I really do a changelog-entry for an edit of 1 line in the man-page?18:19
slangasekpitti: urlopen> hmmm; I got a rather opaque popup about "module something something named urlopen", and grepping the code this looked like the bit that was to blame, but maybe there's another bug lying somewhere still?18:22
slangasekzul: pong - but I'm off today, please just ask your question :)18:23
slangasekhallyn: qemu-linaro 1.1> well I intend to get us up to date with the releases for quantal, but I know I'm behind, sorry about that18:23
zulslangasek: ah it was about an SRU review but I can find someone else18:23
hallynslangasek: would be ok either way, was just wondering which way i'd have to go.  thanks18:24
slangasekpitti: RT 52633> it seems unlikely that we'll be able to get a speedy resolution to that, AIUI it's taking a while to get new hardware through the system... I can certainly give it a priority bump but it seems to already /have/ a priority bump from IS18:25
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larsduesingdobey, infinity: done :)18:29
larsduesing(but didn't create a bug for that...)18:30
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brycehI've got a package version 2.5 in precise, 2.7 in quantal, that I'm both the author and package maintainer of.  I want to do an SRU to precise; what's the best way to craft the version number?  2.5ubuntu1?  2.5-0ubuntu0.1?  2.5.1?18:44
infinitybryceh: It's native?18:47
infinitybryceh: And Ubuntu-specific?18:48
infinitybryceh: If both of those are true, 2.5.1, or, or, or anything along those lines. :P18:48
infinitybryceh: If it's not Ubuntu-specific, and just happens to be in sync with Debian, 2.5ubuntu1 (or ubuntu0.12.04, or whatever)18:49
brycehinfinity, yes native and ubuntu-specific18:52
brycehinfinity, thanks, 2.5.1 it is :-)18:52
ScottKmhall119: pong19:17
mhall119ScottK: key, I'm working on a blog post about the new 'Download for Ubunt' buttons in which I'm going to be telling upstreams what to do in order to get newer versions of their apps into precise-backports19:21
mhall119and I wanted to check and see if there is anything specific that I should include or warn against19:21
ScottKThe first thing about backports is we backport from the development release first.19:22
ScottKSo before you get to precise-backports, you have to get to quantal.19:22
ScottKAlso we require some basic testing in the target environment (that it builds/installs/runs).19:23
ScottKThis is not generally for packages with lots of reverse dependencies and the rdepends will have to be tested too.19:23
ScottKbroder or Laney: Can you think of anything else?19:24
mhall119thanks ScottK19:27
micahgmhall119: please advise people to use the requestbackport script from ubuntu-dev-tools when requesting a backport, it'll include information on what testing needs to be done as well19:28
mhall119micahg: I will19:29
mhall119micahg: for upstreams who aren't running Ubuntu, can they just file a bug against the backports project, and then someone else can update the bug description with the requestbackport output?19:30
micahgmhall119: I suppose, I think broder was working on something that makes that easier for us19:30
brodermicahg: for that specifically i thought i talked tumbleweed into doing that19:31
broder(requestbackport --rewrite)19:31
micahgbroder: oh, ok, that works as long as someone is doing it :)19:32
mhall119is that a work in progress, or something already available?19:33
* micahg doesn't see it in trunk yet19:33
Laneymhall119: you should link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports19:53
mhall119thanks Laney19:59
mhall119can someone verify for me that packaging fixes are allowed at any time, they don't need backports or SRUs?20:14
micahgmhall119: hrm?20:14
mhall119say, if a package was missing a dependency or something20:14
micahghypothetically where? :)20:15
mhall119if an upstream app developer says "Hey, people can't use the package for my app in Ubuntu because it's missing a dependency on libfoo", we can just add that in a -ubuntu2 version of the package right?20:15
micahgmhall119: it depends, it might need an MIR20:16
micahg!mir | mhall11920:16
ubottumhall119: mir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.20:16
mhall119what if it's in Universe?20:16
micahgmhall119: if it's in a stable release, you'll need to do an SRU and give the justification for the addition20:16
mhall119ok, so SRU is still required, even if the app itself wasn't changed, just it's packaging20:17
micahgmhall119: the package?, then in the dev release you could add it most likely20:17
mhall119what if it's correct in the dev release, but wrong in the stable release?20:18
micahgmhall119: yeah, the SRU process is meant to avoid regressions and breakage, the bar should be pretty low for a missing dependency though20:18
micahgmhall119: you can just propose an SRU assuming it's in the same component20:19
micahgerr...assumingthe dependency is met in the appropriate components20:19
mhall119I'm just trying to let upstream devs know what their options are if our packages aren't giving them the best user experience20:20
micahgmhall119: missing dependency can be easy to fix (much easier than a new upstream version :))20:21
mhall119right, new upstream should be backported instead, right?20:23
micahgusually, yes20:24
Laneyit doesn't really matter what the fix is20:45
Laneythe SRU process is the same20:45
Laneymhall119: I think you should mention that SRUs can contain bug fixes to the application's code as well as to the packaging21:42
Laneyand it doesn't really 'lock' versions like you said21:42
micahgmhall119: I'm also a little worrisome of "  So if we’ve done something wrong on our end that is giving your app a hard time, we’ll fix it", in most cases, we get stuff unchanged from Debian, so it would take someone who cares to submit the SRU (not just a bug report as we're drowning in those)21:48
micahgmhall119: and in case you're interested, the bottom paragraph appears funny in khtml (akregator rendering engine)21:51
micahghmm, looks fine in konqueror so must be an akregator quirk21:52
micahger..not exactly fine, but not the same weird21:52
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