
raminvase yad giriye php che barname hai ro to ubuntu nasb koni?08:36
raminvase yad giriye php ro ubuntu che barnamehai ro bayad nasb koni?08:44
unsodeuakasi to room hast???17:42
=== fvahid is now known as Guest5651
=== Guest5651 is now known as fvahid`
=== fvahid` is now known as vahid
raminaz dostan barname nevise php hast?18:05
iliuspsydroid: ping22:11
psydroidilius: pong22:14
iliuspsydroid: hi :)22:18
psydroidhi ilius :)22:19
iliuspsydroid: you that spanish physicist?22:19
psydroidilius, I'm not spanish, you probably mean Metaleer or Prince-ES?22:19
psydroidI am studying physics, but I'm from the Netherlands22:20
iliuspsydroid: oh22:20
psydroidwith Indian ancestry22:20
psydroidactually my studies are on hold for the moment, but I should still know a few things about it22:21
iliushere was a guy named "psychichist" or something like this22:21
psydroidyes, that's me :)22:21
iliusoh I see22:21
psydroidbut I don't use it much anymore because I'm usually on my phone these days22:21
iliusi should have mistaken with another guy22:21
iliuspsydroid: you still using xubuntu?22:22
psydroidilius, I use ubuntu and kubuntu on my systems, yes22:22
psydroidslackware or debian on some others22:22
iliuspsydroid: good22:24
iliuspsydroid: i have switched to archlinux22:24
iliuspsydroid: but I still install new distros on virtual box22:25
iliuspsydroid:i wonder you still here while everybody has left22:25
psydroidilius, that isn't bad, but I don't really have the time to deal with diy distros anymore22:25
psydroidilius, where is everyone?22:25
iliuspsydroid: there are more people on #technotux22:25
iliuspsydroid: take a look22:25
psydroidI am in other channels too, but not there. I'll take a look, thanks22:26
iliuspsydroid: its technotux.com's guys which is a old site for persian linux users22:26
iliuspsydroid: older that ubuntu.ir22:26
psydroidilius, I didn't know that22:27
psydroidare people more knowledgeable there?22:27
iliuspsydroid: yes I think so22:27
psydroidI know quite a bit about gnu/linux internals and programming, but I think the other guys there know even more22:28
iliusi see many old friends there22:28
psydroidhow did you find out about that channel?22:28
psydroidor were you always there?22:28
iliuspsydroid: from the site: technotux.org22:28
iliuswe have a history there22:29
iliusi learnt much of linux from that site22:29
iliusgood days22:29
psydroidah cool :)22:29
psydroidI found almost everything out myself, just good old rtfm :P22:30
iliusgooh habit22:30
iliusbut my english was not good many years ago22:31
psydroidhehe, yeah22:31
iliuswhen I started linux22:31
psydroidI can see your English is very good now22:31
psydroidwhen did you start using Linux?22:31
iliushmmm, 3 or 4 years ago22:31
psydroidthat's quite impressive22:32
iliusactually 4.3 years I think22:33
iliustime goes fast22:33
psydroidI meet and talk to people who have been learning English for many years and still make basic mistakes but I don't see that with you22:33
psydroidyeah :D22:33
iliuspsydroid: I watched too many movies in the last year22:33
psydroidI started coming here two and a half years ago and I could barely speak or understand Persian22:33
iliusand read documentations in last 3 years22:34
psydroidand now I can understand quite a bit when listening to music or watching movies22:34
psydroidthat helps a lot, doesn't it?22:34
iliusmovies specially22:35
iliusthe best way to learn language i think22:35
psydroidI have also read a lot of books and websites, now people often mistake me for a native speaker because they can't see the difference22:35
iliuswhats your native language?22:36
psydroidalthough some say my English is too perfect, so I should start intriducing some mistakes perhaps :)22:36
psydroidDutch and Hindi, but the latter is not so good22:37
psydroidthere are many words I don't know22:37
iliussocial networks can help a lot too22:37
iliusi like google plus22:37
psydroidso I end up using Persian words a lot :)22:37
iliushave you tried it?22:37
psydroidyeah, I am there22:37
iliusgive me your profile link22:38
psydroidok, let me see how I can get it22:38
iliusthen click on profile icon in the left22:39
ilius(or copy link address)22:39
iliuspsydroid: ^22:41
psydroidilius, ok, I'll try that22:41
psydroidilius, https://plus.google.com/app/plus/x/6jths4rrei18/?v=home22:45
psydroiddoes this work?22:45
psydroidexcept for the last part maybe22:46
iliusthis is my profile link22:47
iliuscircle me22:47
iliusi'm not sure how did you get that address22:48
iliuspsydroid: oh are you using android app?22:49
iliuspsydroid: sorry i thought you have a browser22:49
psydroidilius, yes, I am22:50
iliuspsydroid: give me you gmail22:50
psydroidilius, I gave it to you in a pm22:51

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