
dholbachgood morning07:08
=== silverlion is now known as Guest66208
=== Guest66208 is now known as silverlion
Unit193pleia2: Sorry I couldn't run it, can now though. :P19:25
nhandlerpleia2: Did jono sort out that old UWN wiki editing issue?20:25
silverlionnhandler: hi there20:26
nhandlerHi silverlion20:33
pleia2nhandler: haven't heard back yet, but they haven't made any changes since22:27
pleia2Unit193: haha, where have you been!?22:43
Unit193Middle of no internet zone, basically.22:43
Unit193Figured was only for 3 days, and nobody would notice if I slipped out the back, didn't work.22:44
Unit193(Back of IRC land that is(22:44
pleia2yeah, we noticed22:44
MrChrisDruifUnit193! You're back! ^_^22:46
* pleia2 back2conference22:46
Unit193I sure am.22:46
Unit193Have a good one.22:46

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