
* infinity takes the ti-omap4/oneiric SRU.00:27
micahginfinity: can you take care of these? ^^04:29
infinityDo I want to know how we managed a security hole in unity-2d?04:30
micahginfinity: not a security hole04:30
* infinity points at the pocket.04:30
micahgbug 101046604:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1010466 in unity-2d "dropdown boxes on sites stop working" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101046604:31
micahginfinity: basically unity-2d sets the window timestamp to seconds from epoch04:32
micahgcausing a noticeable bad behaviour with the new version of firefox04:32
infinityThat's a pretty questionable use of the security pocket, but meh.04:33
micahginfinity: well, for everything except precise, I think it was a regression exposed by a security update04:34
micahgprecise might have had the issue at release (which technically means it should be SRU'd), which I can do if you really want04:34
* micahg will publish a USN for it04:34
infinityI'm going to close my eyes and scream "la la la", after I review the bug and the code.04:34
micahginfinity: and I've got the LP command to copy to quantal as soon as it's accepted as well (or do I have to wait for it to be published)04:35
infinityPlease don't copy to quantal.04:35
micahginfinity: it FTBFS and I'm not fixing it, they've got a new version coming soon (and quantal currently has this version)04:36
infinityIt's FTBFS?04:36
micahgwell, if I would upload it would be :)04:36
infinityMeh.  Whatever.  Fine, copy it. :P04:36
ScottKskaet: You'll want to have Bug #1013171 on your radar I believe.04:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1013171 in xdiagnose "Many package hooks not ported to python3" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101317104:37
micahginfinity: yeah, gcc-4.7, they've got all of it fixed in trunk I thnk04:37
ScottKMany is 10 that we know of.04:37
micahgah, I do have to wait for them to be published before copying to quantal04:45
infinityScottK: Oh, fun.  I don't think this even occurred to us during the sprint.04:46
micahgwas brought up in -devel a few hours ago04:47
ScottKIt's currently blocking upgrades.04:47
infinityScottK: Shouldn't be hard to scrub the Contents file for hooks by location, and then 2to3 them.04:47
ScottKSomeone should do that.  I'm about to go to sleep.04:47
infinityYeah, I'm heading out the door to pretend to have a "life" for a couple of hours before I sleep.04:47
infinityBut Europe will be awake soon enough.  And Europe love python.04:48
ScottKinfinity: pitti's already confessed to being awake on another channel.04:56
ScottKGood night.04:56
slangasekwhat package hooks are these?  all apport hooks?05:07
slangasekwould rolling apport back to python2 fix this?05:09
slangasekhmm, I think it would05:10
micahgdidrocks: are you planning a unity-2d upload to quantal soon, or should I copy the precise version over?05:57
didrocksmicahg: copy the precise version over for now05:57
didrocksmicahg: normally we will release a new version next week, but we never know :)05:58
micahgdidrocks: ok05:58
didrocksthanks micahg05:58
* micahg is still waiting for the binaries to publish06:02
* micahg wonders why LP is saying the precise binaries aren't published when they're on security.ubuntu.com06:13
micahgah, the -updates copy :)06:14
micahgfinally, copied06:36
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1042093/ - looking a bit more sensible now08:49
cjwatsonstill a fair number of binary-only movements to universe, but I'm not necessarily going to do those all anyway - more concerned about the source movements08:49
* xnox can't spot anything08:54
cjwatsonphew :-)08:57
cjwatson(I do appreciate the checks ...)08:57
debfxcjwatson: demoting qca2-plugin-ossl while keeping qca2 in main seems wrong to me (libqca2 is mostly useless without a backend)09:42
cjwatsonlibqca2 is only there as a build-dep.09:46
cjwatsonBut I can probably Extra-Include it or something, so that it's kept in main if and only if libqca2 is in main.09:47
cjwatsonOh, that won't work, it's a separate source.09:47
cjwatsonlibqca2 is clearly useful for the use it's being put to in main (being a build-dep).09:48
cjwatsonOtherwise whatever build-deps on it would build-dep on libqca2-plugin-ossl too.09:48
cjwatsonSo I'm not sure I agree with your premise :-)09:48
debfxlibplasma3 depends on libqca2 and seems to stay in main09:48
cjwatsonapport Build-Depends: python3-pykde4 -> kde-runtime -> libkactivities6 -> libkactivities-bin -> libplasma309:50
cjwatsonIt's all build-dep chain stuff09:50
=== gridcube_ is now known as GridCube
cjwatsonRiddell: Sorry for the delays in sorting out Kubuntu -> universe.  I made a number of seed changes this morning to get some things that aren't really Kubuntu-related off the list, but unfortunately I've run into a glitch in Launchpad deployment that's meant I'm not getting up-to-date germinate output.  That's being fixed.13:08
Riddellthanks for that cjwatson13:09
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== ogra is now known as ogra_
tseliothi, can anybody reject my upload of cedarview-drm-drivers, please?14:08
tseliotautomatically rejected. Great!14:11
=== peterm-ubuntu is now known as Peter-phone
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1042480/ - latest version.  I'm going to start in on this soon.  I seeded libenchant-voikko and tmispell-voikko, since they shouldn't be on that list.14:38
* cjwatson moves python3-germinate to main so that stuff like livecd-rootfs is installable again, whoops14:41
cjwatsonAnd icedtea shouldn't be in that list.14:53
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1042500/ - last call14:55
cjwatson(Sorry, not wrapped)14:55
cjwatsonI'll wait until after the next publisher run starts (7 mins) to maximise the chances of this completing within a single publisher run.14:56
cjwatsonHere we go.15:03
cjwatsonRiddell: Done.  That ran more quickly than I expected.15:13
Riddellcjwatson: could you e-mail a list of packages demoted to kubuntu-devel@  then we'll be able to work out what is still in main15:17
Davieycjwatson / skaet_ : bug 1002248 assigned15:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1002248 in mythbuntu-meta "[quantal] xfce4-utils is deprecated in 4.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100224815:46
scott-workbug 100225015:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1002250 in ubuntustudio-meta "[quantal] xfce4-utils is deprecated in 4.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100225015:59
scott-workDaviey: cjwatson : mr prouit has some nice instructions for resolving the xfce4-utils deprecation ^^^15:59
infinitycjwatson: Ahh, I see the kubuntu->!main thing is underway.  Did you plan to do all the overrides too, or still going through it with a fine-toothed comb?16:04
Davieyscott-work: yeah, most helpful.. I spoke to Thomas before assigning it to him, he seems happy to drive it.16:05
skaet_have gone ahead and dropped ubuntu DVD from the daily crontab based on seb128's +1 in the meeting.16:46
skaet_Riddell,  I didn't spot Kubuntu's DVD there,  so someone must have dropped it already.16:47
skaet_stgraber,  I've gone in and removed Ubuntu DVD and Kubuntu DVD from the iso tracker daily images.16:49
stgraberskaet_: ok, the products should probably be completely disabled too, unless they're included in the point releases16:52
skaet_stgraber,  they *may* be in the point releases,  wasn't clear.   Riddell and seb128 have actions on what to do about them for 12.04.1 ;)16:54
Riddellstill pondering that but I'm currently not wanting to do dvds in 12.04.116:55
skaet_Riddell,  let us know the final decision on ubuntu-release mail list.   If you don't want to do them for 12.04.1 - will they be needed at any time,  or can they be dropped from LTS supported manifest?16:56
bjfinfinity, i have a few kernel packages in various upload queues ... just saying :-)17:06
infinitybjf: That was delightfully vague. ;)17:07
infinitybjf: But yeah, I see all the stuff queuebot spewed up there.17:07
bjfinfinity: could you New them please?17:07
infinitybjf: I'll poke shortly.17:07
bjfinfinity: thanks!17:07
cjwatsoninfinity: I actually did them all around the time c-m first listed them.  It just took the publisher and c-m some time to catch up with the giant pile of publication records.17:42
cjwatson('cos I worked out the list in advance of the production c-m run)17:44
cjwatsonHm, there are some left apparently.  Possibly there were some uploads around the same time as my massive change-override run.17:44
cjwatsonBut I'm travelling now, so feel free to resolve those without me.17:44
cjwatsonI mailed the full list of intended override changes to kubuntu-devel, so you can xref against that.17:45
infinitycjwatson: Alrighty.17:46
skaet_Riddell,  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-images  is this approved now?   and can I consider that 1GB will be the limit you'll be using for Desktop?17:54
Riddellskaet_: yes that's approved, marking approved and tidying up work items is on my todo17:55
skaet_thanks Riddell   :)17:55
Laneyque, queuebot?18:04
infinitystgraber: queuebot go byebye?18:04
stgraberinfinity: respawned. It only notices its offline when it tries to post something, which it didn't have to in a while apparently18:06
infinitystgraber: That's odd that it had nothing to post, since it missed a bunch of my kernel accepts.18:47
infinityWhich reminds me that I need to follow those up for override fixing.18:47
infinitybjf: For the ones that required override fixes, I've done so and updated the tracking bugs.19:06
infinitybjf: For the ones that didn't, the tracking bugs are all yours to update. :P19:06
bjfinfinity: ack20:17

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