
grantbowfire at West Oakland BART at 2AM this morning shut down BART service across the bay for about 12 hours but trains are running again now.00:00
scientesdo they know what caused the fire?00:01
grantbowhttps://twitter.com/#!/sfbart had this link with details and a picture: http://1.usa.gov/M0tQxG00:04
scientesA hacker group using ISO-8859-1, wtf is this http://www.2600.com/news/view/article/1223700:26
philipballewbkerensa, I gave up on it, I have instructions for 3months though02:37
iheartubuntuPasadena Ubuntu Hour a success with 9 people this time around! wooohooo. Now at the local LUG to learn about Ruby02:46
iheartubuntuhow are you akk02:53
iheartubuntudid the venus event happen already?02:53
akkyep! it was last week, and it was really fun.02:53
iheartubuntubetter than the lunar one?02:54
iheartubuntui loved the shadow photos all on the net02:54
akkGood question. I liked both of them02:54
akkand having both of them so close together, and both close to be geographically, was just too excellent. :)02:54
akkVenus was maybe more exciting because it's such a rare event -- but OTOH I'd gone my whole life so far without seeing an annular eclipse either.02:55
iheartubuntui remember in the 80s my brother drove his friends and i down baja to cabo for some event. lunar or solar. i dont remember but it was a big event02:58
MarkDudebkerensa, future advice- dont attack Nixie for her choice of clothes- it makes you look really bad, and rather un-enlightened19:55
bkerensaMarkDude: Like I told you I am done discussing this matter with you. You got across the point that you think sexual objectification of women is ok and I strongly disagree.19:56
MarkDudeYou are the person commenting on Nixies looks19:56
MarkDudeits not fair that it would be ok if she were ugly19:57
MarkDudenow go read up on 10119:57
MarkDudeShe made a CLI video19:57
MarkDudefar more technical than many have done19:57
MarkDudeYou started a debate- then left19:57
MarkDudein a not favorable manner19:58
bkerensaI am not favorable of sexual objectification of women. You got that part right.19:58
scienteswheres the video?20:01
* MarkDude can share log later20:03
* MarkDude will PM log if anyone wants- it pertains to California folks 21:11
MarkDudewill be in cali-ot21:12
scienteswhat a woman wears is her own business, and the business of other girls that talk behind their back ;)21:14
scientes*behind her back21:15
scientes<bkerensa> she doesnt exactly communicate with people21:21
scientesoh come on21:21
bkerensashe doesnt?21:22
scientesthats just something that rude to say21:22
scientesI don't know the people, so I am going to shut up on this21:23
MarkDudescientes, you can meet her on the 23rd in Walnut Creek and decide for yourslef21:26
MarkDudeShe is rather bright21:26
scientesabout event21:26
scientesMarkDude, and I don't like how bkerensa is judging her behind her back21:27
MarkDudeBen means well21:27
MarkDudethat has NEVER been in doubt on my part21:28
MarkDudeHe is a really cool great person21:28
MarkDudeAnd a huge asset to both Ubuntu and Linux in general21:28
MarkDudeThe only reason I push it- is the same happened to me a while ago21:28
MarkDudeI was making points about Go Daddy21:28
MarkDudeand how much I dont like them21:29
MarkDudeDuring which I made a comment about their attractive racecar driver21:29
MarkDudeIt was made very clear to me- her looks had no bearing on anything21:29
scienteswell, their "attractive" racecar driver is almost so textbook its a hyperbole, IMHO at least21:31
scientesexcept that its not, and in that way it is certainly objectification21:31
* MarkDude has decided this is an area I will let women comment on21:32
MarkDudeClothing is not equal for us21:32
MarkDudeA man can own 3 suits his whole life and be fine21:32
MarkDudeWomen have other standards- they understand better and IMO  are more able to comment if they choose to21:33
MarkDudeExample: when people attacked Sarah Palin about her outfits- I thought that was unfair- go after her policies21:33
MarkDudeBeing apolitical here- just that men talking about her clothes seemed not fair- to me21:34
scientesthat sounds like a fair statement21:34
scientesin general talking behind peoples back is not productice nor nice21:34
MarkDudeHe would not do that tho21:37
MarkDudeHe is very fair21:37
MarkDudeand would be willing to directly debate her21:37
MarkDudeBen is really fair21:37
scientesWow, she taught me stuff i didn't know about find21:37
MarkDudeI broguht her name up - he reacted21:37
MarkDudeAnytime Ben has an issue- he is willing to be direct with that person21:38
MarkDudeHe is a very stand up person21:38
* MarkDude cant say that enough21:38
* MarkDude now knows how he was when he first started learning nuance as far as geek feminism21:38
MarkDudeIt lead to a process- and just a few years ago- I decided to identify myslef as a FEMINIST21:39
scientesoh shes great, "what would you change if you had the source code to the world"21:42
scientesthats awesome21:42
scientes1. GUI Option Available for All CLI Tasks21:45
scientescome to the dark side of learning the power of CLI ahhahahahhahaha21:45
MarkDudeShe has been using all sorts of Distros for a while21:49
MarkDudeHer favorite being Mint21:50
MarkDudeShe has taken people that were gamers - and got them interested in Linux21:50
MarkDudeby definition she is a Linux advocate21:50
MarkDudeOne that has recruited more than most of us21:51
scientesI would like to see the ability to use IOMMU hardware to put windows in a virtual machine with NATIVE graphics be better advoted, and streamlined so a linux newbie could successfully set it up21:53
scienteslike, take an existing computer that has intergrated AND dedicated graphics, and IOMMU hardware, install keeping windows, and boot linux, then assign the graphics card to windows, and boot21:54
scientesto do this smoothly some primary vga stuff from xen needs to be ported to kvm21:54
scientesand also way too many people are using sub-part virtualization platforms IMHO (virtualbox and vmware), instead of virt-manager+kvm which provides a better experiemence21:55
scientesvirt-manager needs to be more prominent21:55
MarkDudeThe next geeknic will be Ubuntu Cali and BAMF togehter22:06
* MarkDude was able to get funding for this party :)22:06
MarkDudeFB link if anyone wants to RSVP- otherwise- just let me know- so we can figure how much food to get22:09
scientesI jut added it to my calendar22:23
scientesnow how am i suppose to get there via the bart?22:23
MarkDudeCall me and we can get a ride the rest of the way22:26
MarkDudewe have shuttles22:27
* MarkDude PMs #22:27
MarkDudeor you can type my mark terranova into google- my number is on the 1st site22:27
jyoAnyone here familiar with mutt, perchance?22:36
scientesjyo, i've used it, but not much22:53
scientesit uses tyokocabinet22:53
jyoWhen I try to sent mail, writing a copy to +.Sent (maildir) errs out with 'No such file or directory'.22:56
scienteswell that is a error from libc, and it means, well, the directoriy doesn't exist22:56
scientesso create it22:56
jyoYep, .Sent with cur new temp dirs22:57
jyoMore specifically: /home/james/Maildir/.Sent/tmp/cur.1339801070.3353_2.domainname:2,S: No such file or directory (errno = 2)22:58
jyoof course, domainname is not actually domainname.22:59
scienteshmm i have no ide23:00

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