
rick_h_stink_: http://www.amazon.com/YUI-3-Cookbook-ebook/dp/B0086I5M4W/ref=kinw_dp_ke?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC200:01
rick_hbuying now to the kindle, woot00:02
derekvhttp://www.amazon.com/Bluecell-Repair-Replacement-Unibody-Macbook/dp/B007ZW548E/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1339724446&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=mac+pro+screws and the rape-age begins01:41
derekvbut it comes with a free cable tie01:42
shakes808good morning11:33
brouschWhat's the favorite do what you want license? BSD?11:52
brouschMan, I forgot how much work prepping a module for release to PyPi is12:50
brouschWrite up docs, get all the files in the right place12:50
MaskedDriveranybody know of any good django books they can recommend? I learn best from physical books12:51
brouschrick_h gave me all of his 2 years ago12:53
brouschI could ship them to you12:53
brouschmostly outdated12:53
brouschMaskedDriver: There aren't any new book for Django12:55
MaskedDriverbrousch: where are you located? no need to ship if you're close enough12:55
brouschI'm in Grand Rapids12:55
MaskedDriverso not that close lol12:55
MaskedDriver2 years ago, probably not very relevant anymore12:56
brouschI don't see a single book after 200912:57
brouschAh, Django 1.1 testing and debugging, but it still only covers 1.1. Current version is 1.412:59
brouschThere are 2 incomplete books you can download13:02
brouschCC, so you are free to download13:03
brouschSorry, this is the second onehttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/djenofdjango.pdf13:04
MaskedDriverlol very incomplete13:05
snap-lMaskedDriver: If you can stomach eBooks, apress has the most up-to-date Django books13:06
MaskedDriversnap-l: ok thanks13:06
MaskedDriverebooks are what I have my xyboard for13:06
brouschsnap-l: But they still only cover Django 1.113:07
snap-lAgain, the most up-to-date books. ;)13:07
brousch2010 is the newest13:07
brouschIt's really kind of strange13:07
brouschMaskedDriver: Did you try Flask yet?13:08
snap-lbrousch: That PDF of Django Design Patterns is incomplete.13:08
brouschThat's what I said :P13:08
snap-lbrousch: Incomplete is 5 chapters of an 11 chapter book13:08
snap-lnot 5 pages, all front-matter.13:09
MaskedDriveryeah that first one is 99% useless13:09
snap-lMaskedDriver: You're way too kind13:10
MaskedDriverhey, it gives me an idea of what could possibly maybe be in the book13:10
brouschThey didn't take my pull request for instructions to compile on Ubuntu on the design patterns book. They have probably abandoned it13:10
snap-lA license, and a table of contents13:10
snap-land possibly a title page13:10
brouschThey did take my pull request on the Djen of Django, so maybe they are still working on that one13:11
snap-lThe other two nuggets of info are the Dive Into Python Book, and the Django Docs.13:11
snap-l(links to)13:11
brouschAfter the Django Docs, the Django TDD tutorial is really nice13:11
MaskedDriverok thanks guys13:12
brouschGoes back through the official tutorial in a TDD manner13:12
brouschOK, so I am trying to make my setup.py, but I need a version of a package that's only on github. How do I add that to my install_requires[]?13:31
jrwrenbrousch: BSD or MIT are great do what you wants. CC0 is also possible if you don't even care about attribution13:48
brouschhah! got it14:15
brouschThe geeker fixed a bug a year ago, and changed the verson on github, but never uploaded the fixed version to pypi14:18
PainBankheya, for those that followed that 38 Studios big layoff a couple weeks ago.... here is a podcast with a lot of info about it... about the 20-25 minute mark...14:22
PainBankdidn't know Curt Shilling owned that company...14:22
brouschSo apparently AWS went down around midnight and Heroku too14:34
Blazeixyeah, i noticed netflix went kaput. that uses aws, right?14:40
widoxheh, yeah basically the internet stopped14:40
derekv2doe heroku run on amazon?14:41
brouschderekv2: looks like it14:42
jrwrenyes, they do.14:42
jrwreni'm surprised heroku isn't big enough to run on thier own systems. they could increase margins by doing so14:42
derekv2i'm sure they get different pricing14:43
derekv2also think about opening multiple datacenters in geographically diverse locations14:48
jrwrenI actually doubt that they get different pricing.14:50
jrwrennetflix has already startd moving away from amzn for content. see recent articles on their new CDN14:50
krondorit doesn't take too many events like that to justify a move from aws.  Didn't reddit do that a bit back too14:53
jrwrenwell, you are SUPPOSED to design your app to run in multiple aws datacenters, but many don't.14:54
jrwrenAWS gave you fair warning.14:54
jrwrennetflix likely was not entirely down, just limping, becuase I know netflix is across data centers and they have thier well known chaos monkey14:55
nullspaceI've heard and read horrible preformance issues with heroku15:01
jrwrenlink please?15:02
jrwrenyou SHOULD be able to just throw more dynos at it, but that is only if your app was written to scale that way.15:02
krondorwell and that rebutal to that; http://rdegges.com/heroku-isnt-for-idiots15:07
jrwrennullspace: ty, excellent read.15:09
nullspaceI'm confused by the App cloud business model, they all seem way more expensive (except aws) then just a VPS15:15
jrwrenyes, they are.15:16
jrwrenbut they are way more convenient.15:16
jrwrena whole lot of web devs don't know how to admin any server, let alone a linux server15:16
nullspaceif you have a userbase already to go then I can see that15:16
jrwrenthe apeal of git push heroku to them is huge15:16
nullspaceI can see that15:18
Milyardo+1 to anything that encourages those kinds of people to use revision control in my book15:18
nullspacethough it only makes sense if they already have a product and are making profit of it15:18
jrwrenyou get 1 free dyno at heroku, so it makes sense if you have no profit15:19
krondorI guess reddit dropped EBS, not sure on AWS in general.  http://blog.reddit.com/2012/01/january-2012-state-of-servers.html15:20
jrwrenEBS should be used sparingly and cautiously when designing to run on AWS15:21
jrwrenreddit, 240 servers. that is NUTS15:22
jrwrencompare with stackoverflow.15:22
jrwrenoh, well... i guess SO is a bit smaller, but not THAT much smaller.15:22
jrwrenin fact, 240 AWS instances is definitely around the point I'd start looking to selfhost15:23
jrwrenactually, far far before that.15:23
nullspacetime to buy a datacenter in a shipping crate15:25
krondorgoogle adplanner shows reddit as much larger than stackexchange, but I think that might not be fair comparison15:31
krondorhave to aggregate the stack sites15:31
krondorreddit 2.7b page views/month, se+askubuntu+stackoverflow 260.7m page views/month15:33
krondorstill stackexchange was what 21-24 servers in 2011 and they're not 10 times smaller than reddit...15:35
jrwrenyes, that was my point.15:41
jrwrenand they were 4 servers to start, which is a great place to start. they scaled to damned huge on those 4 servers.15:41
krondoryep, with thought and planning its impressive what you can do.  I wouldn't say reddit was a good example of an optimized site initially (they're getting much better recently though)15:42
rick_hyea, reddit's been understaffed for years15:45
rick_hit's going to be behind the eight ball15:45
rick_hSE isn't that much smaller than reddit because of all those windows machines :P15:46
jrwrenya know that point where you know the next test you need to write, but you really don't want to write it... been there all morning.15:46
jrwrenrick_h: if only that were true. its actually teh opposite.15:46
rick_hnullspace: the advantage with the app hosts is that they admin and provide tools/apis for you to do sysadmin at the click of a button15:47
rick_hI can scale my heroku app up to 5 instances in 2min15:47
rick_hwhile scaling up 5 new vps's isn't happening for a bit15:47
rick_hand the heroku model of supplying add-ins means I don't have to setup a vps for my app, one for postgres, setup memcache, scale up my memcache server, move it to it's own vps, etc15:48
rick_hjrwren: yuck on the test, and :P on the windows jab15:49
rick_hafter all, you're not running ec2 small instances for that stuff15:49
jrwrenits not windows v. linux though. its app designed one way v. app designed another.15:49
rick_hyea, but it is rare for big web things like that to be the windows stack. <3 SE and all that15:49
rick_hbut I've got no pity for any large site that's not across multiple AV zones today15:50
rick_hit's not like this lesson didn't come up for everyone last year15:50
jrwreni'd love to see them move to linux and Mono :)15:50
rick_hsuck it up, do it right15:50
rick_hsorry, availability zone, AZ my bad15:51
jrwrenah, yes, agreed15:51
rick_hsorry, catching up on backscroll15:52
brouschI need my module to work as 'import android' but I don't really want it to be installed with 'pip install android'. Any idea how I configure that?15:52
rick_hbeen putting the pooch in the hospital and all that, freaking mess of a night/day15:52
rick_hbrousch: change the name in setup.py to be android15:52
rick_hbut then don't make that the module15:53
rick_hand also...don't do that. I HATE that15:53
brouschWell it has to be import android to do what it needs to do15:53
rick_hugh, that sucks15:53
brouschin SL4A you 'import android' to get access to all the Android API stuff15:54
brouschI'm simulating that on the desktop, so I need the same module name15:54
brouschBut it's too generic of a name for pypi15:54
rick_hright, you can just change the package name in your setup.py to mock-android or something15:54
brouschthe first 'name'?15:55
MaskedDriver10-4 over and out15:57
brouschrick_h: You are my hero15:58
rick_hbrousch: :) I trey16:01
rick_htry, damn I can't type on no sleep16:01
brouschSomething wrong with your dog?16:01
rick_hyea, she's had some kind of bad reaction to meds or something16:02
rick_hwas up the last two nights with puppy messes and today she's being hospitalized16:02
rick_hnow instead of sleep, I need to take this rented steam cleaner and pray some of it comes out of the carpets else break out the credit card for new floors16:03
brouschOh man, I hope she's OK16:03
rick_hyea, they're thinking just bad reactions to the pain meds they sent her in on, but now she's all dehyrated and a mess, so they're keeping her for the day16:04
brouschAll right, My second thing on PyPi http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sl4a_pydroid_mock_api/16:08
MaskedDrivergratz brousch16:08
rick_hawesome man16:09
jrwrenmy names not shirley and dont' call me roger.16:15
snap-lAnd this afternoon, it's a cement cutter in front of the house. ;)16:42
jrwrenhaving an office is nice.16:43
jrwreni was on the couch all morning.16:43
snap-lWell, it's for our driveway, so it's expected16:43
jrwrenwent to desk to eat, charge bat and work, then back to couch16:43
jrwrenoh shit, I'm lame. I just wrote method missing in python *sigh*17:26
rick_himplemented __call__ ?17:36
brouschmethod missing?17:36
brouschstring him up!17:37
nullspacewhat's his char_set encoding?17:39
nullspaceup = him.ToString()17:39
jrwrenactually, __getattr__17:58
jrwren__call__ just makes an instance callable17:59
jrwrenwhoa, cool think I learned about vim: / then ctrl-p&n to toggle through previous searches, and it navigates me through them.18:29
rick_hjrwren: ah, thought you were more going after methods vs attrib access18:36
jrwrenturns out method call IS attr access that just happens to be callable and then it is called ;)18:38
rick_hlol, wheeee18:39
jrwrenat first i thought i was being hacktastic, but i googled and found writing saying, YUP that is how it works.18:41
jrwrenthat is python18:41
rick_hyea, there are cool hooks for doing nice things. Seems hacky, but lets you implement the API you want to write18:46
rick_hjust wait until you start wanting to do some __new__ and metaclass stuff to make the code you write look like you want18:47
jrwreni've read up, i think i'm capable of doing it if I need to.18:47
MaskedDriverbrousch: yeah.. using old docs is kind of annoying. Simple things like "maxlength" getting renamed to "max_length" can be a pain.18:48
greg-gman, typing on any other keyboard now is annoying. love the kinesis18:56
rick_hgreg-g: :)18:59
rick_hgreg-g: yea, the whole middle section for thumb operation is really sweet19:00
jrwrenwhat kb is this?19:01
rick_hkenisis http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/contoured.htm19:03
rick_hwoot! two spdy articles on the front page of HN today19:04
derekv2kinesis needs to come up with something new19:29
derekv2I want them to make a countoured / split / bluetooth19:29
derekv2they could have added a few extra buttons for programming19:30
greg-git has macros19:30
greg-gand bluetooth? bah19:30
derekv2i want someone to make a keyboard that works off my fingers directly, like initial or something.  or video19:32
derekv2but just so that i twitch my fingers and letters happen19:32
derekv2so that I'm not needing to carry around a kb thats a lot bulkier than my computer19:34
derekv2or soon i'll just be stuffing the computer inside the kb and whoof! back we go 25 years19:34
derekv2and yea it'd need a usb option19:36
snap-l"Skype is written in the Qt framework which is multiplatform so this isn't very surprising. Microsoft litterally just has to write the code once and compile it on each OS and it works.19:46
snap-l-- idiot on the internet award, 2012-06-1519:47
greg-galways question a sentence that has the word "literally" in it19:49
greg-gderekv2: actually, I was just thinking that I should shove a rasperry pi in this kinesi :)19:49
snap-las in "my cats litterally used their box"19:50
greg-gsnap-l: heh, more so then19:50
snap-lAlso a reminder that it's Free RPG day tomorrow20:52
snap-lgo get some loot, and make friends with your local gaming store.20:53
jrwrendoes playing d3 all morning count?21:03
snap-ljrwren: not really21:06
snap-lbut that just means more stuff for everyone else.21:06
jrwrenomfg, I think I'm python idiot nub21:22
jrwrenGAH!!! I FAIL AT LIFE!21:23
rick_hjrwren: what did you do now?21:24
jrwreni thought class A(object):\n  m=[]21:25
jrwrenm was an instance member, instead of a class member21:25
rick_hnope, because you can do A.m without ever creating an instance21:26
jrwreni was just hoping for the shorthand syntax outside of init21:26
jrwrenguess there isn't one21:26
rick_hyea, also watch out for the def method(self, books=[])21:26
jrwrenyeah, already doing that reasonably well.21:26
rick_hthat catches new devs as well21:26
jrwrenplus, pylint!21:26
rick_hoh, does pylint warn on using mutable defaults?21:27
jrwrenI believe so.21:27
rick_hah, good stuff then21:27
jrwrenlet me see :)21:27
rick_hyea, the 'shortcut' for the init is to just do kwargs21:27
jrwrenW0102:432,0:main: Dangerous default value [] as argument21:27
rick_hbut figure if you were goint to do a bunch of m=[], doing __init__(self): m=[] is only one line more21:27
rick_hah, nice. This is why I love lint tools21:28
rick_hbut cool, check out @classmethod and your original idea with m = [] and you can do some cool stuff with constant-like and static like behaviors21:30

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