
MarkDudebkerensa, sometimes you annoy me00:33
MarkDudeYou are far tooooo charming00:33
bkerensaMarkDude: Whats up?00:35
MarkDudeMke it easier on the rest of us, and Just realizing that I will have to bring my *A game * to CLS and OSCON00:42
bkerensaMarkDude: hah?00:52
bkerensanathwill: long time no see ;)00:52
nathwillhey bkerensa00:58
nathwillyeah, been a busy couple weeks00:58
nathwillwife's been sick and got family sh*t going on :(00:59
nathwillhow's things?00:59
bkerensanathwill: ahh ya know life goes on? good here ;)00:59
bkerensajust trying to make sure my new flowers dont die... dealing with an epic slug problem00:59
nathwilli should send my gramma your way. nothing makes her happier than going out in the garden and cutting up slugs with her monster clippers01:00
bkerensanathwill: so your still on for the event next week? or is it this weekend01:01
* bkerensa will likely not be there but instead just remotely ;)01:01
nathwillbkerensa, check your email01:02
nathwillalso... laaame01:02
bkerensanathwill: I dont wanna go to PSU... its a long trek for me01:02
bkerensaand its very hot at PSU01:03
nathwillyes, there are hotties at PSU01:03
bkerensatheir engineering campus feels like a underground datacenter with inadequate cooling :P01:03
bkerensanot hotties01:03
bkerensanathwill: I will see what I can do :s01:03
* MarkDude has seen hotchicks in proximity of PSU01:03
bkerensaMarkDude: lies01:04
nathwillimpuning psu, my goodness01:04
MarkDudeWe are not talking Gresham or sumthin'01:04
bkerensanathwill: I laugh if your the only one who shows up ;)01:05
nathwillnah, i betcha blkperl and slangasek at a minimum are gonna be there01:06
bkerensais kees going?01:06
nathwillthey both sounded pretty confident about the day being doable01:06
bkerensaoffer beer and its a done deal ;)01:06
nathwilli don't see him registered01:06
nathwillso probably not, unless he's coming incognito01:07
nathwillso i made the truly epic mistake of deciding to clean behind my stove this week...01:08
nathwill'twere not pretty. not pretty at all01:09
bkerensaMarkDude: I'm only short 7,000 followers before I pass @Ubuntu up on twitter01:10
bkerensaI have almost double the followers of Fedora ;)01:11
MarkDudeWell as far as more than Fedora goes, <yawn> nobody cares01:15
MarkDudenot even Fedorans01:15
MarkDudeAs far as ubuntu goes thats awesome01:16
MarkDudepeople actually care about that01:16
* MarkDude has some advice as you pass them01:16
MarkDudelet me find link01:16
MarkDudeDo what Lennon did- say you are more popular culturally01:18
MarkDudeAnd send out on Twitter-01:18
bkerensaI imagine most of my followers live in the Middle East and India and would not get it01:21
bkerensathat seems to be the case on G+01:21
MarkDudeWell go into lengthy explanation of how you are now more popular than God01:24
MarkDudeStart using terms like MINIONS01:24
MarkDudealso include phrases like *grand plan* as well as our hour of truth*01:25
MarkDudeYou could have an Aubergine little compond in Oregon like the Rajneesh folks01:26
* MarkDude for one salutes you in your plan to take over the world01:26
MarkDudeHopes this ass kissing will make me one of the last to die XD01:26
MarkDudeMark S will one day bow down to kiss your Ubuntu pinkie ring made of platinum01:27
bkerensaMarkDude: You are a silly man01:29
* MarkDude has an active imagination01:29
slangaseknathwill: not much of a BSP if only 3 people show, though; I could stay at home and fix bugs in that case :)  Do we know if there'll be more people from PSU coming?04:17
blkperlslangasek: not sure how many psu folks, hopefully a bunch, its been posted all of the engineering building, spammed to the masses and the flier is on the tvs near the front door05:01
slangasekmmk :)05:05
bkerensablkperl: what time does it start?05:25
bkerensaI might have to come just so slangasek comes too :P we need him there05:25
bkerensaI think Finn will come05:25
blkperlbkerensa: the loco event time says 10 :)06:03
blkperlill probably try to get there at 9 to post signs06:04
bkerensablkperl: huh06:04
bkerensablkperl: do you guys have a keg?06:04
blkperlbkerensa: really you think a public state insitution has a keg? :)06:04
MarkDudebkerensa, you might want to join this- it may be amusing16:35
MarkDudeANNOUNCEMENT: There is a meeting on the subject of "The Future of Fedora Release Names" starting in 30 minutes over in #fedora-meeting-1. Please join us. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2012-June/014378.html16:36
KorvinSzantoTomorrow night, what time in pst is it17:40
MarkDudeOMFG the naming thing in Fedora is still dragging on - boards are looking at it- we might have another vote- holy crap18:41
* MarkDude is looking forward to the day - when Mark S just lets bkerensa pick the name18:41
MarkDudeThe day grows closer....18:42
bkerensax.x your disturbing my work on a clients site ;p18:42
bkerensaKorvinSzanto: for the jam?18:43
bkerensaKorvinSzanto: Should start at 10am and go all day... nathwill blkperl and co are running it :o18:43
* bkerensa will likely come down18:43
* kees will be handing out build systems again, I think18:43
bkerensaOk I commit but I wont be there at 10am... Saturdays are for sleeping in :P18:46
keesjust go to bed earlier! ;)18:59
nathwillyou gonna be there kees ?19:23
bkerensanathwill: I will be there but likely closer to 1119:27
keesnathwill: yuppers, at least until 2pm or so19:29
nathwillkees: glad to hear it :)19:29
bkerensanathwill: you should swoop by and pick me up :P19:48
bkerensaotherwise Ill come at 11am ;)19:48
bkerensaUgh... I need to not talk on Fedora channels19:48
MarkDudeBest not to attack Nixie19:50
MarkDudeif you would have chose me as target- you would have won19:50
bkerensaI was not attacking her and we will not carry this conversation over here. I'm not going to tolerate it here.19:50
MarkDudeFair enough- if you want to play with the big dogs- dont play like a puppy19:51
bkerensale sigh19:54
keesbeefy kick20:01
bkerensain fedora channel we were discussing nixie20:01
bkerensaand he basically said he thinks sexual objectification of women is ok now he is trying to bring the conservation on every channel I am on20:01
KorvinSzantoI have to work out around noon, but I'll stop by until then and show up some time after20:05
nathwillisn't naming your release after a hotdog objectification of men?20:07
bkerensanathwill: heh20:19
bkerensanathwill: you around?21:58
c_smithbkerensa: just to make sure, the meeting tomorrow is at 7PM, correct?22:06
bkerensac_smith: let me double check22:06
c_smiththought it would be better to  check, looks like it is better. :P22:06
bkerensac_smith: uhh it will be at 1pm or perhaps earlier not set in stone22:07
bkerensawill be holding it on irc from PSU22:07
bkerensathe event there starts at 10am22:07
c_smithalright, I'll be sure and be here early tomorrow.22:08
c_smithWon't be 9AM, but I might Idle starting at 10:3022:09
nathwillhey bkerensa, i'm here22:22
nathwillwhat's up?22:22
bkerensanathwill: so the local council meeting appears to be on Tuesday22:23
bkerensanot this weekend?22:23
nathwilloh really?22:25
nathwillwell that's much more convenient22:25
nathwilli thought it said it was on the 16th22:25
nathwillin that case, i was totally on time to add our stuff22:25
bkerensanathwill: we should try to get a group photo at the event this weekend22:26
bkerensaperhaps Ill lug the banner on the bus with me22:26
bkerensanathwill: want a Goobuntu sticker btw?22:26
c_smithwhat is Goobuntu?22:27
bkerensac_smith:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goobuntu22:27
bkerensaits just a remix of Ubuntu that Google uses internally22:27
c_smiththought I had heard of it before.22:28
tgm4883Goobuntu is google's version of Ubuntu22:28
bkerensait doesnt look much different from Ubuntu at all22:28
tgm4883not to be confused with Gobuntu, which is Ubuntu comprised of completely free software22:28
bkerensaI think the only different is some hardening and special tools22:28
tgm4883not to be confused with Gubuntu, which is Ubuntu with Gnome Shell instead of Unity22:28
c_smithI'd read a article on how supposedly secure Google's datacenters are.22:28
c_smithif memory serves correct, it was a ZDNet article, but my memory has been wrong in the past.22:29
bkerensasecure their datacenters are?22:29
bkerensaLast time I checked most datacenters were pretty secure22:29
tgm4883bkerensa, eh, I doubt that, but it depends on your definitions of datacenter22:30
bkerensaBiometric Access... Man Trap Doors... Heat Sensors... Cameras.... etc22:30
bkerensatgm4883: really? What datacenters are we talking about?22:30
tgm4883bkerensa, well it all has to do with funds22:30
c_smithbkerensa: I never said there weren't. just saying that I'm taking their word for it as I won't ever get the chance to see it myself.22:31
tgm4883define datacenter22:31
c_smithdefine tgm488322:31
c_smithyeah, just sitting here installing software.22:31
tgm4883google is surely secure, as they A) have the money to protect it, and B) the need to protect it and (most importantly) C) the people in charge of the money know how important it is to protect it22:32
bkerensatgm4883: yeah but most have SAS auditing and have some level of approval from a standards org?22:32
bkerensaI would never colo in a facility that did not have 24/7/365 video, biometric access etc22:32
tgm4883but take some smallish ISP, their datacenter isn't going to be as secure22:34
tgm4883aren't you trying to colo at PSU?22:34
tgm4883and while pretty nifty, is there really biometric locks on OSUOSL's datacenter?22:34
c_smithcolo = collaborate22:34
bkerensatgm4883: I would imagine OSL has biometrics but I just pinged one of their NOC people to ask22:36
bkerensasmall ISP's maybe not but I also dont consider small ISP's server rooms to be DC's22:36
c_smitheh, for $99 Acer is fixing my Iconia Tab A100, they better be able to.22:36
bkerensac_smith: Colocation22:36
tgm4883bkerensa, I think it depends on your definition of datacenter, if you are a medium sized business with  1 or 2 racks, is that in a datacenter22:36
c_smithoh, I see.22:37
tgm4883bkerensa, ah ok, so how many racks does it take to be a DC?22:37
bkerensaMy definition of a DC is over 500 machines22:37
bkerensaotherwise I would consider it a server room at best22:37
bkerensaI also think a DC should always have secure access that is SSAE-16 audited22:37
nathwillit mostly has to do with data22:38
nathwillwhat data you're processing... there are specific facility security requirements for processing certain kinds of data22:38
bkerensalike for instance there are companies her in portland who have lots of racks but they dont consider themselves to have a full DC22:38
bkerensaand in fact they also have cages offsite in real DC's22:38
tgm4883well see, you just created rules to make yourself correct22:38
nathwillso a generic "data center" isn't necessarily going to use more security than a shop in the mall, for example22:39
tgm4883now we're just talking statistics22:39
bkerensaThere is definitely a balance of amount of servers and access that seperates a server room from a data center22:39
nathwillbut if you want to handle PII, it takes a whole different kind of access control22:39
tgm4883eg. 100% of the datacenters with over 500 machines have biometric locks22:39
c_smithhmmmm.... so Puppet Labs is up in Portland.... Google uses Puppet..... must mean Puppet is very successful, yet again, it might not.22:39
tgm4883meh, semantics22:40
nathwilli think... i'm going to excuse myself until y'all start talking sense22:40
tgm4883so wikipedia says there are 4 levels of data center tiers22:41
tgm4883Single non-redundant distribution path serving the IT equipment22:41
tgm4883Non-redundant capacity components22:41
tgm4883Basic site infrastructure with expected availability of 99.671%22:41
tgm4883tier 1^22:41
tgm4883that sounds pretty smallsh to me22:41
tgm4883bkerensa, tier 4 is the only one that is mentioned for biometric security22:42
tgm4883thanks for posting those links that back me up ;)22:42
bkerensatgm4883: I think its silly to not have biometric myself22:42
bkerensabut thats just me22:42
tgm4883"The most stringent level is a Tier 4 data center, which is designed to host mission critical computer systems, with fully redundant subsystems and compartmentalized security zones controlled by biometric access controls methods."22:42
bkerensa<mythmon> bkerensa: we don't use any biometrics.22:42
bkerensaOSL does not22:42
bkerensaand I think thats fail22:42
tgm4883bkerensa, I don't22:42
bkerensabut then again they are not hosting enterprise clients either?22:42
nathwilly'all hear they just got 300K from google?22:43
tgm4883bkerensa, there data is arguable just as if not more important in terms of security22:43
bkerensaSo when I had two racks at XO in California22:43
bkerensathey had mantraps22:43
tgm4883bkerensa, sillicon valley?22:43
bkerensain fact almost all the DC's in the bay area have man traps except for this one I did a call at in SF which was in the Sega Building22:43
bkerensabut I considered it more of a Server Room22:44
bkerensatgm4883: fremont22:44
bkerensaFremont, CA = Datacenter World, USA :)22:44
tgm4883yea, silicon valley seems like they would be all up in the "we've got to have the sweet new datacenter with cool biometric locks"22:44
tgm4883bkerensa, as with any business, it's a cost/benefit ratio22:45
bkerensatgm4883: its actually a very old DC22:45
tgm4883osuosl doesn't think their data is worth the investment in biometric locks22:46
bkerensaand better yet Fremont's Datacenters are known to be pretty lousy and budget :P22:46
bkerensalike for instance Hurricane Electric is in Fremont22:46
tgm4883i got to say I probably agree with them22:46
bkerensaand they have so many power problems its not even funny22:46
tgm4883power problems :(22:46
tgm4883I've not seen any hospital's datacenter, but if it's anything like most of their networks, it's very very bad22:47
bkerensatgm4883: hospital's do have pretty poor IT22:48
tgm4883I wouldn't be surprised if most of them didn't have a door on their datacenter22:48
tgm4883we'd get some good hospital virus outbreak calls when I worked at Symantec22:49
bkerensaI remember my doctor's office had their router in a corner of their lobby that had like no line of sight22:50
bkerensaI told my doctor I was like thats not a very good idea22:50
c_smithbkerensa: I just saw the OSCON Booth volunteer email, what are the dates for it?22:50
tgm4883"you have zero wireless security, no firewall, wide open network shares, and run XP SP1? Thank you have a nice day sir. *click*"22:50
c_smithand is there going to be carpooling?22:51
tgm4883bkerensa, hospitals aren't always bad because of bad IT, sometimes there are dumb policies that they can't work around22:51
tgm4883(or they have just given up)22:52
bkerensatgm4883: yeah they had a cisco router and their T1 relay sitting right there in the public area22:52
bkerensaI was like WTF is this22:52
tgm4883such as change requests that take an hour to fill out22:52
bkerensaI hope they someday get it sorted... I explained someone could drop a patch cable on their and packet filter them22:52
bkerensac_smith: no carpooling22:53
c_smithah, and looking at the dates, I'd have to work then, anyway.22:53
bkerensamost people do22:54
c_smithso I wouldn't be able to.22:54
c_smithwish I could help. but alas....22:54
bkerensaand its a solid obligation so if someone volunteers they need to be there the whole time22:54
bkerensatgm4883: you should do it22:54
tgm4883let me get right on that ;)22:55
tgm4883I need a cheap SAN22:56
bkerensatgm4883: for what?22:57
tgm4883uh, storage ;)22:57
tgm4883I just need more storage at home for my media center22:57
nathwilltgm4883, what's your current setup?22:59
tgm4883nathwill, at home?23:00
tgm4883I have a 2 disk readynas23:00
tgm4883with 1.5TB drives23:00
tgm4883so not much storage23:00
nathwillthat's not too bad23:01
tgm4883I'm trying to decide if I want to just turn my desktop into a server by stuffing a bunch of hard drives in there with a RAID card (or doing ZFS) or if I want to buy a network device that can take 5+ drives23:02
nathwilli recently upgraded my single bay (qnap ts-110) plus external, to a 4bay hp proliant w/ 4x 2TB23:02
nathwillit's a tough call23:03
nathwilli think there's a market gap for a low-capacity device with massive storage capacity23:03
tgm4883yea, there isn't a ton out there23:03
nathwillall the 4+ bay devices i found also came with big ol' upgrades in cpu/ram/etc23:03
nathwilland subsequent price bumps too23:04
nathwillwhich sucks23:04
nathwillhonestly, the 800mhz/256MB RAM system is fine... preferable even, due to wattage, if only it had many bays23:04
tgm4883yea I'm fine with my readynas, it's  just too small23:05
tgm4883runs debian, but only takes 2 drives (and only up to 2TB drives)23:05
tgm4883I'd really like to get a separate device, but the more I look at it the more I think I just need to stick freenas on my box and shove more drives in it23:06
nathwillif you do, lmk what you think of freenas23:07
nathwilli'd be more interested if it were linux23:07
tgm4883We've installed in on an old SUN box at work23:07
tgm4883just last week23:07
tgm4883works pretty well, but the next version will be alot better23:08
tgm4883specifically if you want to use ZFS23:08
nathwillis that why you're interested in ZFS?23:09
nathwill(i haven't messed w/ zfs since years ago when i played w/ opensolaris)23:09
tgm4883snapshots and deduplication23:09
nathwillyah, makes sense23:09
tgm4883deduplication is in the next version23:09
tgm4883snapshots we don't use much, we're still testing with those23:09

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