
rohanhi.. can someone here help me build a debian of the latest nvidia driver?01:32
rohani have to test something for the bumblebee devs01:32
bjsniderrohan, i'll be sending that into x-updates pretty soon01:34
bjsnideryou can just copy it01:34
rohanbjsnider: oh awesome :)01:35
rohani'll wait for a heads up from you then01:35
rohani have x-updates repo enabled01:35
rohani want to enable palm detection for my synaptics touchpad02:06
rohanwhat is the correct place to put the config?02:06
rohan/user/share/X11/xorg.conf.d ?02:06
rohanor /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d?02:06
RAOFOr /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:08
rohanRAOF: but what is the preferred location?02:09
RAOFAnywhere under /etc/ is fine; xorg.conf is simple.02:09
rohani read the man page, but i am not too clear -- is /etc/X11/xorg.conf read first, and then the files under xorg.conf.d and in /etc/ and /usr?02:13
RAOF /etc/X11/xorg.conf is authoritative; anything in there overrides everything else.02:19
rohanyes, but is it mutually exclusive? 02:19
RAOFOther than that /usr/share/xorg.conf.d is overridden by /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d02:19
rohanguess i'll just have to try 02:19
RAOFOh, in case I wasn't clear: Anything in /etc/X11/xorg.conf overrides anything in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d, which overrides anything in /usr/share/xorg.conf.d.02:22
RAOFSo xorg.conf → etc/xorg.conf.d → usr/xorg.conf.d is the priority order. Sticking your configuration in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is perfectly reasonable.02:23
rohanso just 3 lines having an inputclass and identifier, and endsection, is enough, right?02:25
rohanor do i need to put in a prototype xorg.conf which has sections for monitor, graphics card, etc?02:25
Sarvattrohan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041775/ as /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:30
rohanthank you so much! Sarvatt 02:32
Sarvattrohan: may be easier to just install gpointing-device-settings02:35
rohanoh but that's a gnome thing right.. i tried finding the same setting in kubuntu ksynaptics02:36
rohanbut no luck02:36
Sarvattmany more synaptics options in there than the gnome touchpad settings02:36
rohani guess i'll install that utility02:36
Sarvattoh gotcha02:36
Sarvattyeah not sure about synaptiks02:36
rohanyeah i hate how gnome thinks i want to scroll only by using edge or two finger .. no way to enable both02:37
Sarvattthe guis are all lacking, doesn't help possible synaptics touchpad settings change all the time :( synaptiks in kde is broken with what will be xf86-input-synaptics 1.7 because things were removed02:39
rohanah i see02:44
rohanare they expected to have a stable interface?02:45
Sarvattwell synaptiks was just unconditionally expecting options to exist, but the huge amount of untested options were making the synaptics driver unmaintainable so they were removed by the maintainer (stuff like circular touchpad support that was only ever used on one laptop 8 years ago)02:48
Sarvattbug #1002736 may be a problem in kde in 12.1002:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002736 in synaptiks (Ubuntu) "[xorg-edgers] Synaptics driver crashes KDE touchpad control module" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100273602:48
bjsniderwhat is bumblebee again?02:55
rohanit supports hybrid graphic switching on linux02:56
rohanwhich i currently can't use because nvidia 295.53 doesn't support my card [gt 640m le]02:57
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
tjaaltonbryceh: please push your xkb-data changes to git :)07:56
RAOFGood morning!09:05
RAOFWoot! We have a functioning system-compositor-scratchpad!09:29
tjaaltonwhat's that?09:30
mlankhorsti dont know, but we have it09:31
tjaaltonbryceh: thanks :)09:43
mlankhorsti get to debug firmware some more, figure out why accel isn't working on d909:53
seb128Xephyr segfaults for me on precise :-(11:02
seb1280: Xephyr (xorg_backtrace+0x37) [0xe3a107]11:03
seb1281: Xephyr (0xc9b000+0x1a2e8a) [0xe3de8a]11:03
seb1282: (vdso) (__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0) [0xf3640c]11:03
mlankhorstsweet, pandaboard arrived13:26
bjsniderRAOF, you're on phoronix's front page again. i guess all the work you do is going to be big news from now on13:53
SarvattPrf_Jakob: vmware.h needs an #include "compat-api.h" also after the port to the new compat API change15:42
Sarvatt../../src/vmware.h:180:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'xf86ScreenToScrn' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]15:42
Sarvatt../../src/vmware.h:180:5: warning: nested extern declaration of 'xf86ScreenToScrn' [-Wnested-externs]15:42
Sarvatt../../src/vmware.h:180:5: warning: return makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]15:42
SarvattFunction `xf86ScreenToScrn' implicitly converted to pointer at ../../src/vmware.h:18015:42
Sarvattubuntu buildds wont allow the upload on amd64 with that, adding the include fixes it15:43
Sarvattsent it to xorg-devel at any rate15:57
Prf_JakobSarvatt: 16:47
Prf_JakobSarvatt: pushed18:41
Prf_JakobThanks again18:41
mlankhorstbryceh: i love how i can tell blob arm drivers work because of graphical glitches :)20:49
brycehmlankhorst, :-)21:08

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