
HawkiesZAMornin ya'll06:27
Kilosmorning superfly and all others07:07
sflrmorning all07:07
Kilosyo sflr 07:08
Kilosbeet you07:08
Kilosbeat as well07:08
superflyhi Kilos, sflr07:08
Kilosaw SmilyBorg really sucks outa power hey?07:09
sflrwho did you beat Kilos?07:09
sflrmorning superfly07:09
Kiloscame on less than 1 min before you sflr 07:09
SmilyBorgKilos: yup. Woke up to the sound of my UPS at 2am. surviving on Red bull now07:09
sflrhaha Kilos, you win07:10
SmilyBorgphoned the electricity department at 5:30. still no power by 7:30 when I left home07:10
sflrwhich city SmilyBorg?07:10
SmilyBorgluckily our geyser is fairly well insulated so there was still hot water when we woke up07:11
Kilosaw i didnt know durbs has the same probs as us07:11
SmilyBorghehe, the whole country has power issues from time to time. thats life in ZA07:12
Kilosnormally its us maplotters that get pushed to the backseat07:12
Kilosbut good to know you in durbs, will start nagging the durbanites for an ubuntu hour soon07:13
sflrwish Eskom website had a section to check for power outages07:13
SmilyBorggetting Durban to do anything is not easy. I tried to resurrect the local LUG last year but we are back to no meetings and a quiet mailing list again. At least we have a mailing list though. 07:14
sflrDurban news: No blackouts despite cold: http://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/no-blackouts-despite-cold-1.1318962#.T9rgbbQtjyM07:14
superflySmilyBorg: which mailing list is that?07:14
Kilossflr, its quite amazing. a while back i went to the top of the local govt peeps because of power on offs and 5 mins at a rtime etc and got mails as they passed it down the line.07:15
SmilyBorgthough I'm looking to stir things up a bit in the next few months by opening my apartment to small groups once a month for training, hacking, learning, tinkering stuff07:15
Kilosand near the end one mailed showed a pc printout of all the power offs in the area for a month07:15
SmilyBorghttp://dbnlug.co.za/  http://groups.google.com/group/dbnlug/07:16
sflrthats a great initiative SmilyBorg!07:17
KilosSmilyBorg, have you joined our list?07:17
SmilyBorgI think our power issues at the moment are hardware failure. that seems to be the usual thing07:17
SmilyBorgwhich list?07:17
sflrKilos: new twitter user to follow: https://twitter.com/#!/DurbanLinux07:17
SmilyBorgI'm on so many07:17
Kilosthe most important one of course07:18
SmilyBorgsflr: thanks. I'm kinda big on community. Been an isolated geek all my life and the world opened up to me once I went to my first LUG meeting back in 1999ish. So I'm big on trying to get like minded people together to teach and learn from. Sharing knowledge is good. And knowing that there are other like minded people around is a great way to not feel like some sort of freak07:20
SmilyBorgKilos: will double check that07:20
SmilyBorgmight be on it already07:20
SmilyBorgyup, on the list07:21
superflySmilyBorg: what's your day job, if I may ask?07:21
Kilosoh you were still in the lurking stage maybe07:21
SmilyBorgjust lurk most of the time though07:21
SmilyBorgI'm a linux sysadmin/network admin/annoying bitch who tells techies that they are lazy and or stupid07:21
superflySmilyBorg: ah, OK07:22
Kiloswe have woken up a sleeping giant07:22
SmilyBorgIt's kind of a strange position that my co-workers respect my wide knowledge of stuff(well wider than most of them), but they don't like it when I get annoyed that they don't do things properly07:24
Kiloslol human nature07:24
SmilyBorgat least I've calmed down over the years. I worked with a bunch of them about 5 years back, and back then I would throw things at techies who asked stupid questions07:25
Kilospatience is a virtue07:26
SmilyBorgand I would tell techies to leave and never come back. One for example was working on an ISP helpdesk. I asked him for his PCs IP since someone was torrenting in the office. he asked how he should find that, so i told him to leave07:26
SmilyBorgnot that I have the power to fire anyone, but someone who does not know how to find the IP of a windows box should not be working on an ISP helpdesk07:27
* Kilos hides07:27
SmilyBorganyway, I like to think I've mellowed a bit in my "old age", and various changes in my life in the past year or 2 helped too07:28
sflrlol @ SmilyBorg.07:28
sflrwww.whatismyipaddress.com comes handy sometimes :P07:29
KilosSmilyBorg, old age?07:29
sflrdo you work for an ISP SmilyBorg ?07:29
SmilyBorg31, thats ancient in internet time ;-)07:29
SmilyBorgya, small one07:29
Kilosoh my, the young ones, darling they're the young ones07:30
SmilyBorgsites like that only help if you have live IPs, not so much help behind NAT07:30
sflrwe were talking here last few days about getting a local irc server. Symmetria suggested to go and approach mweb. What do you think of a local ZA freenode irc server?07:30
SmilyBorgsounds like a good idea07:31
sflrplease come to Monday's meeting http://bit.ly/LYp5jY there is lots to discuss.07:33
SmilyBorgI wonder if it might makes sense to talk to the wug.za.net guys about IRC though. They run a server locally that is used by a few WUGS and it might just make sense to pool resources and expand it into the freenode network07:33
SmilyBorgI'll try to make it. just been really busy lately sorting out moving into a new place.07:33
Kilosgood idea07:33
SmilyBorgputting it on my callendar now07:34
sflrok, it is just one hour, but there are some serious items there.07:34
sflrtime is precious, we shouldnt be longer than 1 hour. if things run longer we can set up other meetings afterwards.07:35
SmilyBorgoki. will do my best to make it07:35
sflrI hate when at work people run out of time and keep you in meeting07:35
sflrthanks SmilyBorg 07:35
SmilyBorgpower and telkom permitting ;-)07:36
sflrhaha, yeah07:36
sflrSmilyBorg: Do you guys do website hosting or only ISP?07:37
SmilyBorgthere is some site hosting, on a windows server in the UK though. glad I dont have to touch that too much. mainly adsl and wireless internet access and VOIP services07:38
sflrcool. thanks07:39
SmilyBorgvery small ISP ;-)07:39
SmilyBorgbeen beating my co-workers over the head this morning for double NATing a wireless client07:39
sflras long as there are customers and making profit, size doesnt matter :)07:40
SmilyBorgI so wish I could just switch everything to IPv6 now07:40
SmilyBorgtrue. the bills get paid and that's the main thing07:40
sflrhaha, something to talk about later over a beer07:40
Kilosbbl, just gotta go check fences07:41
sflrok Kilos, be safe!07:41
Kilosty sflr will do07:41
Kilosthe big man is on my side07:41
Kilosinetpro, is gonna be shocked when he reads logs this morning07:42
sflrSmilyBorg last night we talked about setting up an NPO to create a legal entity for this community, so we could get sponsorhips for events and spreading the good news07:43
SmilyBorgbeing an NPO can really open doors07:43
inetprohmm... who woke me up so early? Kilos, that you?07:43
inetprogood morning gents07:43
Kilosha ha ha07:43
SmilyBorghi inetpro07:44
inetprowe still don't have ladys in here, do we?07:44
Kiloshi inetpro you got lotsa reading07:44
sflrhi inetpro . did the alarm go off? hehe07:44
SmilyBorgyes you do07:44
inetprohi SmilyBorg, nice to see some durbanites in here07:44
SmilyBorghave ladies in there I mean07:44
SmilyBorgwell, one at least I mean07:44
inetproSmilyBorg: eh07:45
sflrthought Maaz is a sex bomb!07:45
SmilyBorgwhat's wrong inetpro?07:46
* inetpro has some fleas to kill07:47
sflrSmilyBorg: these are the requirements for freenode server hosting https://www.freenode.net/hosting_ircd.shtml07:48
inetproSmilyBorg: whether man or woman doesn't really matter, you're welcome regardless07:48
SmilyBorgoh, on the subject of NPOs, one group I'm involved with was able to get free use of the "multi purpose" room at the local library because they are an NPO. Non NPOs have to pay like R60-80 an hour or something/07:48
sflrwhere is fleas? dog?07:48
inetprosflr: fleas in the office, can't focus me attention in here07:49
SmilyBorgThanks inetpro. That's the way it should be. :-)07:49
sflrSmilyBorg: tell us more about your NPO knowledge? :)07:49
sflrat the office? oh no. gonna be a long day07:49
SmilyBorgI don't know much, just the little bit that I heard from the guy who runs the group07:50
inetproSmilyBorg: so I guess I shall stick to just good morning everyone then :-)07:50
* inetpro wbb07:50
SmilyBorghehe, well "good morning people" works too07:50
SmilyBorgwow, fairly basic requirements for an IRC server. guess bandwidth is the real killer though07:51
Symmetriabandwidth is never a killer07:53
Symmetriauntil you get attacked07:53
Symmetriabandwidth on irc servers is next to nothing 07:53
* Symmetria just asked his gardener to play with his pup so he could actually work :P07:53
Symmetriagod puppy was being a nightmare, trying to work and she's getting all cross that Im not playing with her, so she jumps on my lap and tries to bite my hands while Im typing07:54
Symmetria(and she weighs 30 kilograms)07:54
Symmetrianot to mention I have no socks to wear cause she stole them all! arghhhh07:54
Symmetriashe's cute just really full of energy07:54
SmilyBorgone of my dad's neighbors used to have a cat who would come into our house and steal socks out of our cupboards07:55
SmilyBorgstrangest thing07:55
Symmetrialol, we used a radar gun to see how fast my dog could run on the beach 07:56
Symmetriashe managed to hit 50 kilometers an hour :p07:56
Symmetriaand she never stops running07:56
Symmetrialol, will show you a photo in a second, its uploading :P lol, good photo to, shows what my new toy can really do :)07:56
sflrhey Symmetria!08:01
sflrlol @ the cat stealing socks! haha08:01
Symmetriatook that yesterday with the 7D 08:02
SmilyBorgaww. cute puppy08:06
Symmetriahehe the quality of that photo is just sick08:06
KilosMaaz, google twitter commands08:14
MaazKilos: "Twitter Help Center | Twitter SMS Commands" http://support.twitter.com/articles/14020-twitter-sms-commands :: "List of Twitter Commands [splitbrain.org]" http://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2008-01/22-list_of_twitter_commands :: "Twitter Syntax ยท Microformats Wiki" http://microformats.org/wiki/twitter-syntax :: "Top 7 Twitter Commands Everyone Should Know" http://cantondog.com/128/top-7-twitter-commands-everyone-should-know/ :: "36 Thin08:14
Kilossjoe inetpro die mense kan gesels ne08:15
inetproKilos: eh, ja looks like we're in for some fun today08:15
inetproSmilyBorg: you sure sound like one of a kind 08:16
inetproI like that attitude08:16
Kilosand maybe maia too08:16
Kiloswe do have chicks here08:16
Kilosmrs_fly, good morning08:17
Kilosconfluency, 08:17
Kilosthe world doesnt have enough geekchicks08:18
SmilyBorghehe, we exist, just many lurk in the shadows because too many buys make to much of a big deal about it08:19
SmilyBorgthat or people assume we don't know our stuff08:19
inetproSmilyBorg: true08:20
Kilosis that why you lurked so long here?08:20
Kilosthis is the happiest friendliest irc channel around08:21
SmilyBorgI don't  think my girlfriend went to more than 2 or 3 Lug meetings last year because of some of the highly abrasive and misogynistic  personalities, though she is still a very dedicated list admin08:21
SmilyBorgmost of the time I lurk because I'm busy with other stuff08:21
Symmetriain general you wont find me anywhere near any lug meetings08:22
SymmetriaI got sick of the religion at those meetings 08:22
SmilyBorgwhy not Symmetria?08:22
SmilyBorgI guess it depends on the group08:22
SymmetriaSmilyBorg because everything out there has a purpose, if it didnt, it wouldnt exist, and instead of people taking about the virtues of X, they spent their time slagging on other things08:22
* SmilyBorg nods08:23
Banlamreligion? as in people being religious towards ubuntu? or actual religion?08:23
Symmetrialike it or not, windows has a place, just as linux has a place, just as qnx has a place, just as BSD has a place, its not a productive use of time to sit slagging on microsoft :)08:23
Symmetriabanlam as in "bow down and worship the linux kernel and all that is ubuntu, and everything else is of the devil and should burn in the fires of hell"08:23
Banlami agree with you there08:24
SmilyBorgya. I have my dig at the M$ stuff now and then, but it all has its place and to me its all about having the choices available to us. everyone is free to choose08:24
Symmetriamy biggest complaint is that linux users scream that opensource gives them choice, but they dont want choice, they want world domination :p08:25
SmilyBorggood point08:25
Symmetriaits like the ANC, ZOMG WE WANT DEMOCRACY! "Oh shit, we're losing some votes, quick, lets rig it" :p08:25
SmilyBorghehe, thats annother story. one of our LUG members became a DA councelor after being in linux/IT for 10 years or more08:26
Symmetriaheh, I use a combination of pretty much everything08:27
Symmetriawindows, linux, osx, qnx, bsd08:27
Symmetriaaint used solaris in a fair while but know my way around that as well 08:27
SmilyBorgat the end of the day, the only thing I tend to get somewhat religeous about these days is open standards. as long as things interoperate, then I dont care what someone else uses, just don't expect me to fix it08:27
Symmetriawas actually really suprised to see QNX finally being used by for something productive08:28
SymmetriaSmilyBorg heh, Im pretty particular about open standards and implementations in the network gear I use08:28
SymmetriaI point blank refuse to use network protocols that are proprietary 08:28
SmilyBorgoh? pleas tell me you don't mean for blackberry ;-)08:28
Symmetria(eigrp for example)08:28
SmilyBorgwith you there08:29
Symmetriathen again, the network vendors cant seem to agree on anything yet08:29
Symmetriafor the better part of 8 or 9 months, 100GE interfaces from one vendor wouldnt talk to another08:29
Symmetriabecause IETF couldnt agree on the 100GE standard08:30
SmilyBorghehe, typical08:30
Symmetriaheh, ZR networking optics STILL arent standardized 08:30
Symmetria(ZR being 80 kilometer single wavelength optics)08:30
SmilyBorggonna get fun with the competition between TRILL and SPB08:31
SmilyBorgand the various forms of BGP origin validation stuff that is flying around08:31
Symmetriaheh, occasionally though, someone proposes an open standard that is so bizarre and dangerous that some of us stand up and scream08:31
SymmetriaSmilyBorg *RPKI NEEDS TO DIE*08:32
SymmetriaI am probably the most vocal opponent of RPKI on the continent right now08:32
SmilyBorghavnt delved into it yet. just herd about it the other day on the packetpushers.net podcast08:32
SymmetriaI had a huge go at afrinic for going down that path in gambia 3 weeks ago08:32
Symmetriaheh rpki is dangerous, more dangerous than I can even begin to explain 08:33
SmilyBorghow so? because of the centralized root authority or something else?08:34
Symmetriacentralized root authority for one thing, and the risk of government interfearance 08:35
* SmilyBorg nods08:35
Symmetriathere is already enough bullshit going on out there with governments trying to take control08:35
Symmetriathe DHS accidently revoked 80k domains a few months ago 08:36
Symmetriaverisign revoked a domain that was not even registered by a US company or a US citizen, under a US court order08:36
Symmetriaheh, the 80k thing was a royal screwup08:37
Symmetriathe second one was very deliberate08:37
Banlampirate bay or something?08:37
SmilyBorgya, thats ridiculous. the internet should not be under any form of government control in my opinion08:37
Symmetriabanlam heh, an online gambling site08:40
Symmetriathey said gambling was illegal in the particular state that granted the court order08:40
Banlamoh, an american one?08:40
Symmetriaso they revoked the domain 08:40
Symmetriano, it was a canadian one :p08:41
Symmetriaload of b.s if you ask me :)08:41
Banlamis nothing sacred08:41
Banlamwhat's your feeling on the new top level domains? I think it's a waste of time personally08:41
Symmetrialo, its pure vanity08:42
Banlamyeah, it just seems like it's going to complicate matters08:42
SmilyBorggonna confuse people08:42
Symmetria:P I still want co.ke though08:43
Banlamis ke currently a tld?08:43
Symmetriathen I can sell columbian.co.ke to some drug dealer for millions08:43
SymmetriaI once tried very hard to get someone to make me piz.za :P08:43
SmilyBorgwe've spent the last 20 years teaching people to go to companyname.com. now they are gonna be screwed being told to go to docs.google or itunes.apple or something08:43
Symmetriado you have any idea how much hut.piz.za would be worth?08:43
Banlama helluva lot08:44
Banlamdo kenya also do the xyz.co.za08:44
Banlamor just xyz.ke08:44
Banlam.ke *08:44
Symmetriaor.ke etc 08:44
Symmetriathey have a second level there 08:44
Banlamso same setup as SA08:45
Symmetriaand most other countries 08:45
Banlami like the setup08:45
Symmetriabrb, I need a smoke :)08:45
Banlambut it does prevent you playing wiht names08:45
Kerberomore people with control08:45
Banlamlike i would get gare.th08:45
Banlamif they weren't so damn expensive08:46
inetproYikes! You guys sure are having fun in here today.08:48
inetproMaaz: what's for lunch08:48
Maazinetpro: A bowl of miso soup and noodles08:48
Kerberothat's a good thing08:48
Kilosoh my08:49
* Kilos needs to make my scroll back remember more that 1400 lines i think08:50
Symmetriaholy shit08:54
SymmetriaI just saw the price of an underwater housing08:54
Symmetriafor my camera08:54
sflrkenya is co.ke08:54
sflrnigeria com.ng08:54
sflrhow much is the housing Symmetria ?08:55
sflrBanlam: you can try to register via local isp08:56
Symmetriasflr about 15 grand !08:57
Banlamsflr, what do you mean? the price is still damn expensive, and they don't allow xyz.th domains, only a xyz.co.th08:57
BanlamSymmetria, when i start work and get myself a new camera, I'm gonna try make myself a case for my 350D :)08:58
BanlamI say "how hard can it be"08:58
Symmetrialook at this:08:59
Banlamdoes it come with the camera :P09:00
sflrI wonder if anybody bought it. there are no reviews. haha09:00
Banlamif they've made the product, someones bought it09:01
Banlamcompanies don't spend thousands-millions of dollars on product development if there's no market, generally in any case09:01
sflrwas just kidding. lol09:02
Banlamdamn sarcasm tags :P09:02
sflrBanlam I see what you mean with the th domain being expensive :/09:03
Banlamyeah, for the time being i'm quite happy with my R80pa .com09:04
sflrwhat about Gar.et/h?09:04
Banlamwtf is et? estonia or something?09:05
sflrethiopia :)09:05
Banlamwhat do they gofor?09:05
sflrtop level not allowed I think, you can only use .com.et, etc09:06
sflrbanl.am would work. Armenia09:07
KilosBanlam, did you give me the follow command for twitter?09:08
Banlami did09:08
Kilosis unfollow also one09:08
Banlamtry it :)09:09
Banlam"Gwibber doess alllow follow/unfollow from the profile view, since about 3.1.6 or so."09:09
Banlamwhat happens if you try to view the person's profile?09:10
sflrisnt there a better twitter client alternative?09:11
* Banlam uses the browser or phone's client09:11
Kilosi see no profile choice anywhere09:11
Kiloslemme try setup gtwitter and see whats there09:12
* inetpro uses choqok with an update interval of 30 minutes09:13
inetprothe web interface unfortunately talks to much the whole time09:13
Kilosis choqok inna repos inetpro ?09:13
sflrjust checked now gwibber. designed by developers. it is far from a true twitter user experience.09:14
Kilosyeah gwibber is basic once you have setup online methinks09:14
inetprounfortunately, at least last time I tried, choqok didn't work so nicely in the normal Ubuntu interface09:17
inetproKilos: but yes choqok is in the repos09:18
sflr5 linux twitter clients: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-linux-twitter-clients/09:19
inetproSmilyBorg: your power restored yet?09:25
SmilyBorgdunno. I'm at work and the power issue was at home09:26
SmilyBorghopefully telkom will call soon about my new ADSL line install soon, will go check on it then09:26
inetprohmm... 09:26
Kilossjoe spanne k stuff to install09:27
inetproSmilyBorg: BTW, what desktop are you using, just for interest sake09:28
Kilosbetycha not kde09:29
SmilyBorgum..lets see. using gnome 3 on my work and home desktops, and the gnome-no-frills-compatibility-crippled-version on my laptop since AMD/ATI stopped supporting my video chip09:29
SmilyBorgactualy been contemplating trying kde again09:29
Kilosthe pro and the fly are kde fans09:30
SmilyBorggnome 3 is nice, but I miss the flexibility of gnome 209:30
SmilyBorgand the addons are just not doing it for me09:30
Kilosyou dont like unity?09:30
SmilyBorgI didn't like it when it first came out. I should probably give the latest version a go09:31
SmilyBorgit was way laggy on my old work pc though09:31
inetproI think Unity has come a very long way and is starting to look promising09:31
Kilosthere were some complaints in the lists about that but they sorted them09:32
SmilyBorgit seems to have some nice ideas09:32
inetprobut KDE is IMHO the most underestimated giant 09:33
inetproa default install is perhaps not the most inviting and that is where unity is winning the race for the everyday user09:34
Kilossflr, is happy with it09:34
SmilyBorgya. I used to use KDE for many years. I loved the integration between the mail and chat client, and so much of the 4.x rework did some cool stuff. I think the big change hurt them though, much like the change to gnome 3 has hurt gnome09:34
Kilosi mean unity sorry09:35
inetproSmilyBorg: very true09:35
Kiloseish now poqok setting up09:37
* Kilos hates setting stuff up09:37
Kilosoh choqok sorry09:37
sflri'm running ubuntu desktop 12.04 using unity 3d. happy so far09:43
SmilyBorgI'll probably give unity another look once my home PC is setup again. being in the middle of a move, it's currently unplugged09:49
SmilyBorgand has no desk to sit on09:49
SmilyBorgif telkom actualy arrive today, then maybe I can get it setup again this weekend09:50
Kilosyeah then you can be at mondays meet09:51
Kiloshehe i love stirring09:51
SmilyBorgguess I could allways try to participate from my phone or tablet if push came to shove09:51
Kilossome of the guys do09:52
Kilosoh you are a guy here hey09:52
Kilosguy=person here09:52
SmilyBorghehe, ya, the non gendered version of guy09:53
Kilosanyone else using choqok?09:57
Kilostext so tiny i have to use reading glasses09:58
SmilyBorgpidgin here09:58
Kilosoh pidgin twitter?09:58
SmilyBorgno. I use tweetdeck for twitter these days. I think pidgin can do twitter though. or at least it used to be able to09:59
Kilosi have used pidgin twitter but then all the peeps came off the bottom of the screen10:00
* SmilyBorg nods10:00
SmilyBorghehe, twittering-mode for emacs. why am I not surprised?10:00
SmilyBorgjust did a search for twitter in synaptic10:01
SmilyBorgother than IRC/IM I tend to use web apps and chrome pluggins for most stuff these days10:02
SmilyBorgsaves me having to sync stuff between PCs10:02
Kilosyeah 10:03
SmilyBorgalso plugged fairly securely into the google/android ecosystem too10:04
Kilosi try not use browser as much as possible10:04
Kilospidgin xchat and mail mainly10:05
sflri follow the same practice SmilyBorg. living in the cloud :) nowadays many apps were ported to Chrome which makes things convenient to use10:08
SmilyBorgya, especialy now that chrome syncs everything between systems :-)10:09
sflrare you using the Chrome Tweetdeck SmilyBorg ?10:12
sflrThanks to the cloud, my switch from Windows to Ubuntu was a breeze10:13
SmilyBorgI dont think "the cloud" as it exists today was around when I switched10:14
SmilyBorgwell when I switched to Linux10:14
SmilyBorgstarted playing with Linux back in 1996 and it has been my primary OS at home and work since 200110:15
SmilyBorgonly use Windows for games10:15
HawkiesZAWith Humble Bundles, not even that much10:16
sflrThe corporate environment handed me Windows to work with. But now it is different. Thanks to dropbox, Google drive, etc10:16
sflrwhat games do you play?10:16
SmilyBorgthe humble bundles are nice, tried some of them a while back10:16
Kiloshi HawkiesZA 10:16
sflrI was Linux user at varsity10:17
SmilyBorgmainly RPGs these days. Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age10:17
SmilyBorga bit of portal here and there10:17
HawkiesZAI'll play almost anything. I've found indie games to be way more enjoyable than AAA titles because the indies are always trying something new.10:17
HawkiesZAStill have to finish Witcher 2 though10:17
HawkiesZABought the collectors ed and haven't finished it10:17
* HawkiesZA hangs head in shame10:18
HawkiesZAHowdy Kilos10:18
SmilyBorgbeen meaning to take a look at witcher. a friend had it and it looked good10:18
SmilyBorgdont feel bad HawkiesZA, I still havnt finished most of the games I've started in the last year or 2, other than portal 10:18
HawkiesZAIt's really good. Sexy graphics, great story, excellent characters10:18
HawkiesZAToo many games nowadays have poor characters that mean nothing to the player10:19
SmilyBorgstill part way through skyrim, dragon age 2, mass effect 3, Deus Ex: Human revolution, Alien vs Predator and Duke Nukem forever10:21
SmilyBorgportal 1 I finished in 1 evening and portal 2 in 2 evenings for the single player bit10:21
HawkiesZASmilyBorg: I was so disappointed with DA2 and still haven't played further than the first mission in Deus Ex10:21
HawkiesZAHahahaha, yeah, I was about the same with Portal 2. Just. Could. Not. Stop. Playing.10:22
SmilyBorgI quite liked DA2, though it became repetitive. ya, havnt got very far on Deus Ex either. think I'm on the first mission10:22
SmilyBorghehe, ya, me either. 10:23
SmilyBorggirlfriend gave it(portal 2) to me for my birthday last year and she watched me play through most of it. 10:23
SmilyBorghavnt been able to convince her to get it so we can play co-op though10:23
SmilyBorgshe doesnt like games where things try to kill her10:24
SmilyBorgshe liked minecraft though once I turned off the monsters10:24
HawkiesZAWhat is Minecraft without the green wang monster?10:25
SmilyBorga sandbox10:25
HawkiesZANo excitement10:25
SmilyBorgwe like to build things10:25
SmilyBorgand not have them blown up10:26
HawkiesZAExplosions are fun!10:26
SmilyBorgits hard enough to keep chickens out of one's underground base10:26
HawkiesZAhaha, true10:26
SmilyBorgtrue, but they are more fun when you want something to blow up rather than the intricate device you just spent 2 hours working on10:27
KilosSquirm[A], you still going lad?10:40
Kilosyo Superhuman meeting monday night hey10:40
Symmetriamy puppy went and buried 13 of my socks10:50
Squirm[A]Kilos: where to?10:51
Squirm[A]Symmetria: lol10:52
Banlamthat's a lot of socks10:52
=== Squirm[A] is now known as Squirm
Symmetrialol, every time I turn my back she's running outta the door with another one10:52
Symmetriashe figured out how to open my cupboard and she knows there are fun things in there to run off with10:52
Symmetrianot as bad as when I was packing my suitcase for another trip and turned around for 5 minutes and found half the contents of my suitcase on the way out the door10:53
Kiloslol @ Squirm  maintaining10:54
Kilossurviving, winning10:55
Squirmstill very well :)10:55
Kilosgood ty10:55
Squirmlife's good so far10:57
Squirmgood work, good people and for once, good boss10:57
Kilosdo you tweet Squirm ?10:58
SquirmI have an account. but I don't really use it.10:58
Squirmmeh, even facebook is boring10:58
Kilosah cause we got ubuntu-za there now10:59
inetproSymmetria: now here's one for you11:04
inetproA Skype call in Ethiopia will now get you 15 years in prison http://venturebeat.com/2012/06/14/ethiopia-skype-illegal/11:04
sflrfacebook is boring Squirm  :)11:22
sflrinetpro - article says that VOIP is a security risk. It just confirms that telephone conversations are being monitored. lulz11:25
Kiloshmm all the tummy's full now almost asleep12:08
Squirmspeaking of which12:13
SquirmI need to go and fetch my biltong12:14
inetprowould be so nice if we could have irc clients connect to twitter to keep communication in a single application12:21
inetproall this graphic bloat is so unnecessary12:22
Kilosmind you with so many workspaces and popup windows to show messages we survive quite well12:23
inetproand boticelli seems to have that two way integration into twitter over a bot specific twitter account http://code.google.com/p/boticelli/12:33
Kilosactually dunno if i want twitter mixed up in my xchat12:38
Kilosthis is where guys talk about important things12:39
Kilosoh inetpro how do i get text bigger in choqok12:51
Kilosbefore you start working12:52
inetproMaaz: coffee on12:52
* Maaz starts grinding coffee12:52
Kilosim cheeky hey?12:52
KilosMaaz, coffee please\12:52
MaazKilos: Excuse me?12:52
KilosMaaz, coffee please12:52
MaazKilos: Sure12:52
inetproKilos: sadly that is one thing that is just not perfect yet about choqok12:53
inetprothere are settings for changing the appearance though12:53
Kilosyeah but i just need to be able to read it without changes glasses tween the screen and keyboard everytime12:54
KilosMaaz, google how to increase text size in choqok12:55
MaazKilos: "PortableLinuxApps โ€ข View topic - Choqok and Blogilo" http://portablelinuxapps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=58 :: "ncb000gt/choqok-bitly ยท GitHub" https://github.com/ncb000gt/choqok-bitly :: "Choqok User Survey Available - Softpedia" http://news.softpedia.com/news/Choqok-User-Survey-Available-255322.shtml :: "Salix OS โ€ข View topic - Choqok crashes when authenticating Twitter ..." http://www.salixos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32812:55
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!12:56
inetproKilos: have you tried changing font size?12:56
KilosMaaz, thanks man12:56
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)12:56
inetproMaaz: thanks12:56
Maazinetpro: Sure12:56
Kiloson my pcs appearance yes i have it to 16 already12:57
inetpronow what happened with SmilyBorg?12:57
Kilosdonwent home i suppose to see if telkom arrived12:58
Kilosand see if power back on12:58
Kilosyo zergi 12:58
Kiloswheres the l12:58
inetproI like her idea of TweetDeck in the browser12:59
Kilossomeone else also uses that12:59
inetproI just don't really like the look and feel of it so much but will give it a test when I'm at home12:59
Kilossflr, methinks12:59
Kilosnee man choqok is good enough13:00
zergilol Kilos13:00
=== zergi is now known as zerlgi
Kilosi always get it mixed up anyway13:01
sflrin Chrome app13:01
Kilossee it as zergli13:01
sflrTweetdeck new shiny HTML5 app13:01
zerlgii use hotot in browser13:01
zerlgi(chromium extension)13:01
Kilosinetpro, do one of maaz's links tell you how to increase text size13:09
inetprowhat I really like about choqok is that it shows the unread items very clearly13:11
inetprountil you close the window13:11
Kiloslol if you can read them ya13:11
Kilosian is using kubuntu11.10 hey13:12
Kiloshe is still happy with kde13:12
inetproKilos: my default text size on choqok is very readable 13:12
inetprobut I would like it slightly bigger13:13
inetproKilos: have you tried changing font size?13:13
Kilosoh maybe your eyes are a bit younger13:13
Kilosfont size in choqok?13:13
inetproKilos: Settings | Configure | Appearance13:13
Kilosthe ones in appearance do nothing to choqok13:14
inetprothen use custom appearance13:14
Kiloscustom colours?13:15
Kilosnothing about fonts13:15
inetpronothing about Post Fonts?13:16
inetprosounds like you have a very old version13:16
inetproI have version 1.213:16
Kilosits the one in maverick13:16
Kiloswill upgrade choqok work13:17
Kilosor must i get the ppa13:17
inetproyour maverick is getting old now13:18
Kilosya man but to install 11.04 is gonna use too much data13:18
Kilosi have 11.04 on my 6g drive13:19
Kilosbut also coupla 100 m short on updates13:19
inetproKilos: you're becoming famous again13:30
sflrwhat about 12.04? :) will post a CD13:30
inetproyour tweet is even listed at http://choqok.gnufolks.org/13:31
Kiloswhat now inetpro ?13:31
Kilossflr, pc cant handle unity13:31
Kilosmethinks graphics card too tiny13:31
sflrsjoe. what spec PC?13:32
inetproAdilson dos Santos Dantas has a Experimental Packages PPA with choqok 1.313:33
Kilosits a P4 1.7g clocked to 2g13:33
Kilosbut graphics card is only 32m memory13:33
Kilosone of the first P4's methinks13:34
Kilosstill uses sda ram13:35
sflrisnt there Ubuntu monochrome you can try? :)13:36
Kilosthe pc works lekker man. can watch videos and everything13:36
Kiloseven dvds copied onto drive from boets pc13:37
Kilossoftware sources list. can i do that from cli guys?13:40
Kilosor must i go fiddle in update manager13:41
zerlgisudo add-apt-repository13:41
Kilosty zerlgi 13:41
zerlgisudo add-apt-repository ppa:adilson/experimental 13:42
zerlgiand... sudo apt-get update for it to show up in known software 13:42
Kilosthanks alot13:43
zerlgiI just use hotot in chrome. I haven't found a desktop twitter client that I like. (hotot is also available as an app)13:44
zerlgialias ai = sudo apt-get install13:44
zerlgi... 13:44
zerlgiai hotot13:44
zerlgialias au = sudo apt-get update13:44
zerlgialias ac = apt-cache search13:44
zerlgi... makes it a little faster for the fingers()13:45
Kiloshi psydroid 13:53
psydroidhi Kilos13:55
Kilosdo you tweet psydroid 13:55
Kilosfirst thought only twits tweet but now see there are some serious dudes there13:56
psydroidKilos, I have an account but I didn't use it for the same reason as yours13:57
Kiloslol do like me and only got to ubuntu-za13:57
psydroidand so far my twitter career hasn't taken off yet13:57
psydroidyeah, that's what I've been doing all along13:58
Kilosnot here man on twitter13:58
psydroidI know14:01
Kilosoh you been lurking and looking on the sly hey14:02
Kilosi been so busy i have missed some of you methinks14:02
psydroidok, I am following now14:06
Kilosgood lad. bbnn14:06
psydroidI might as well add a few more channels at the same time14:06
psydroidwb Kilos14:18
Kilosty psydroid 14:26
zerlgicheers peeps14:39
KilosQcheers zerlgi14:39
Kiloshi drussell 15:06
drussellKilos: hey! how's things?15:07
Kilosgood ty and you?15:07
Kilosyou havent joined ubuntu-za on twitter yet15:07
Kilosor dont you tweet15:07
Kilosinetpro, when you finished working and settled at home ping me15:23
Kiloshey charl 15:28
charlgood afternoon15:29
charlhi Kilos 15:29
Kiloswheres the vn15:29
charli might as well just log in as charl15:29
Kilosyeah, dont forget the meeting monday night hey15:30
charlyeah i was in training the whole day today, will also be on monday15:30
charli will try t join in the evening15:31
Kilosplease do its gonna be a good one15:31
Kiloslotsa ideas coming in15:31
charlsounds good15:31
magespawnEvening all16:41
Kilosevening magespawn 16:42
magespawnHey Kilos16:42
Kilosyou shoulda been here this morning. channel was alive16:43
magespawnMmm, had to work unfortunately16:44
superflyhey magespawn16:47
Kiloshi superfly i need to pick your brains again please16:49
superflyKilos: what's up?16:49
Kilosi have installed choqok and the text remains tiny no matter what. so install quassel to see what happens and exactly the same16:50
Kilosis it a binding or hook or some integration witrh ubuntu thats upset16:50
Kilosin the apps i make fonts bigger but it doesnt recognise the change16:51
superflyKilos: hrm16:53
magespawnHey superfly16:55
superflyhey magespawn16:55
superflyKilos: I know *why* but I don't really know *how*16:55
Kilosbecause im trying kde stuff on gnome?16:56
superflyKilos: in essence, yes17:14
Kilosty superfly will try get kubuntu alternates to upgrade with17:23
Kiloshi smile17:23
smilehoi :D17:24
Kiloshmm the geekchick must still have no power17:58
charlKilos: how do you mean? he/she/it is in #glug.za17:59
Kilosoh my17:59
Kiloswe must bored her this morning17:59
charlyou sure it's not an "it", the username is "bots@elegua.za.net"18:00
Kilosno too cheeky18:00
Kilosand too clever to be a preprogrammed bot18:01
charlthe owner of elegua.za.net is a Jean-Pierre Viljoen18:01
Kilosare we talking about the same person?18:02
Kilosi go see glug18:02
charlno idea, don't know the guy18:03
Kilosha ha ha that geekchick is a bot18:03
Kilosthats glugs bot18:03
charloh so there is more than one? :)18:03
charlyeah i also thought so actually, that's why i was somewhat confused18:03
Kiloshehehe no man smilyborg i was refering too18:04
Kiloswerent you here this morning?18:04
charlnope i was in training the whole day18:05
charli'll check the irc logs18:05
Kilosya lots18:05
Kilosyo AndChat|68096 18:05
AndChat|68096Kilos guess who?18:05
Kilosmagespawn, 18:05
Kilosbad connection you have there18:06
=== AndChat|68096 is now known as magespawn
magespawnWas not paying attention.18:07
Kilosnot a prob. will check if you got the same number everytime18:08
magespawnShould do, I think that is the second choice in the list of nicks in the program settings.18:09
Kilosah the dont let you add what you want18:09
magespawnThey do, but I only changed the first one.18:10
magespawnDid anyine bring up the idea of making a non profit orginisation again?18:10
Kilosyes the chick and sf??18:11
Kilosshe will talk to her mom i think18:11
Kilossomewhere someone has more experience18:12
magespawnIndeed. I will spend sometime tomorrow to see what I can find out.18:13
Kilosthink she said her mom was involved or something18:14
Kilosshe seems clued up,18:15
Kilosspose sysadmins gotta know what they are talking about18:15
magespawnI think the benefits will be good for the community, a permanent structure.18:18
magespawnPerhaps we could set up official training too.18:19
Kilosno one has time magespawn 18:21
Kilosthats why the LPI classes battled so18:22
magespawnIf there is a non profit they can pay salaries18:22
Kilosdont forget someone still has to find the money to pay those salaries18:22
Kilosand apart from being forgetful i would rather learn from peeeps like the guys here than go to classes18:23
Kilosin classes they got a schedule and havent time to help those battling to click on18:24
Kilosalso we are all too far apart for something like that18:25
Kiloshey magespawn you havent followed ubuntu-za on twitter yet18:25
magespawnNo not yet. Not classes just for us, but anyone, and people would pay for those classes.18:27
Kilosthen you need someone like mark shuttleworth to sponsor you. premises and all cost big bucks18:30
Kiloshi never18:30
Kilosnever when?18:30
Kiloshmm kubuntu user18:32
magespawnWould have to see what would work. 18:32
Kiloshe gave up so quick18:33
KilosNeVeR, wb18:33
NeVeRlol thx.. I dont own this nick :|18:33
Kilosyour first time here18:33
Kilosand using kubuntu18:34
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za18:34
smilebye! :)18:36
Kilosbye smile sleep tight18:36
Kilosdont forget the meet monday night18:36
smileKilos: bye :)18:36
=== NeVeR is now known as NeVeR_
Kilossorry superfly do you think that installing kde-desktop might fix my choqok and quassel18:44
superflyKilos: I don't think so18:44
Kilosok ty18:44
=== NeVeR_ is now known as NeVeR
KilosQMaaz: coffee on18:50
* Maaz washes some mugs18:50
KilosMaaz, coffee please18:50
MaazKilos: Alrighty18:50
Kilosyoohoo i get 2 mugs of coffee18:50
inetproKilos: pong18:51
Kiloslo inetpro 18:52
inetproheh Kilos and charl, you really made me roflol with that geekchick discussion18:52
Kiloshahaha ya i took a while to catch on18:52
inetproI guess charl is still reading those logs18:53
Kilosanyway inetpro i installed quassel to see if font size would work and it is exactly the same as choqok18:53
MaazCoffee's ready for KilosQ and Kilos!18:54
=== NeVeR is now known as NeVeR_
Kilosso asked the fly if there was some integration/bindings/hooks missing18:54
KilosMaaz, ty18:54
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:54
KilosQMaaz: ty18:54
MaazYou are welcome KilosQ18:54
NeVeR_I was here last week :>18:55
NeVeR_trying a new IRC client18:55
inetproKilos: can you increase the size on quassel with Ctrl++ ?18:55
Kiloshe agreed i think its because of kde app on ubuntu18:55
NeVeR_using Quassel18:55
Kilossec i see18:55
Kilosstays tiny18:56
magespawnNeVer_ a client only or are you connected to a core?18:57
magespawnCool kilos18:57
inetprosadly I don't think that will work on choqok18:57
KilosQmaybe that will work in choqok too18:57
NeVeR_Ctrl + works for me18:57
NeVeR_client only18:57
KilosQi try choqok18:58
Kilosdoes quassel not go through freenode?18:59
Kilosi had to use ctrl+shift++ NeVeR_ 19:00
superflyKilos: what do you mean?19:00
magespawnIt does but you can have a core installed on a server, then connect to that with the client.19:00
magespawnThe core stays connected to the channel.19:00
Kilossec superfly i gotta go look what i said19:01
NeVeR_ooooh. so u only connect once with a core then can connect to the code with as many clients as you want?19:01
superflyNeVeR_: indeed19:02
Kilosoh sorry superfly i didnt finish what i was trying to tell him then he came up with ctrl++19:02
NeVeR_whats the point of that though??19:02
magespawnSo you never miss anything19:02
NeVeR_in some channels it would be bad19:03
magespawnThe core would normally be on a hosted server or some such.19:03
magespawnToo much chatter.19:03
superflyNeVeR_: I can connect from my phone too :-)19:06
NeVeR_lol cool19:06
NeVeR_I used to connect from my phone yeaaaaaaaaaarrrs ago19:06
NeVeR_havent really used IRC for the past few years though19:06
NeVeR_just started last week19:06
NeVeR_cos I hate my job :P19:07
KilosNeVeR_, are you new here?19:07
Kilosor an old ubuntu-za guy19:07
Kilosty inetpro now just to get choqok fonts bigger then im good for anything19:09
inetproKilos: eh, I'm struggling to get choqok running19:10
Kiloshahaha why?19:10
inetproon unity19:11
inetproit starts but then goes missing 19:11
Kilosoh my19:11
inetprogoes missing from the panel19:11
inetproso I can't launch the app to change anything19:11
Kilosreconfigure the thing19:12
Kilosor reinstall it19:12
NeVeR_Im new here, was here for the first time about 2 weeks ago19:12
NeVeR_wanted to know if it was worth doing any certification19:12
NeVeR_got told its a waste of time19:13
Kiloswell welcome to ubuntu-za NeVeR_  who told you that and did you ask him why?19:13
Kilosthere must be a reason19:14
NeVeR_Can't remember who.. was someone in here.. they said experience is all that matters, and you won't get paid more based on having a certificate or not..19:14
NeVeR_I wanted to do RHCE and ubuntu certified engineer exams19:15
NeVeR_but if I won't earn more then its wasting my time :P19:15
Kilosqualifications are never a waste of time19:15
Kiloswere you on the same pc?19:16
NeVeR_yea but I wanted to do them to earn more money now.. I dont intend to work for anyone in a few years so wanted something to do something that will help me earn more now so that I can save more and start my company sooner :P19:17
Kilosas in can you scroll back and look it up19:17
NeVeR_I was using the web based client19:17
superflyNeVeR_: certs help you attain a certain level of skill, but unless you practice those skills the certs will be useless19:18
Kilossomeone place a link here last night about what diffs qualifications make to salary19:18
superflyexperience trumps certificates any day19:18
Kilosbut dont know if i can scroll back far enough19:18
NeVeR_I been a system administrator for 5 years19:19
Kilosyes superfly but without any certificates its hard to get in the front door19:19
NeVeR_using mainly CentOS and gentoo.. started using ubuntu about 6 months ago19:19
magespawnCertificates back up your skill claims19:19
magespawnLpi is based on centOS19:20
NeVeR_ubuntu is the business :) debian ftw19:21
KilosNeVeR_, if you want to self study i can give you some links19:21
NeVeR_its fine I dont want to study... hehe19:22
NeVeR_I just wanted to do the exams, but if it won't help me earn more then I dont want to waste money19:22
Kiloshaha 19:22
Kilosis it that expensive to write exams19:22
NeVeR_I'm trying to save R200k so that I can take 2 years off work19:22
NeVeR_to start a company19:23
magespawnSomewhat Kilos. What do you want to do NeVeR_ ?19:24
NeVeR_I want to start as many companies as possible.. starting a TShirt printing company at the moment with my gf, starting a web dev / hosting company with another guy.. I can't really do web dev while I'm working because its conflict of interest, so I want to save as much money as quickly as possible19:25
NeVeR_I thought a quick way to earn more was to do RHCE19:26
magespawnSpend less, lol19:26
NeVeR_because a friend of mine got offered 4x his salary with another company as soon as he finished his RHCE19:26
magespawnUse as little as possible of your own money when starting a business.19:27
NeVeR_I dont spend allot.. mine and my gfs combined living / social costs are R10k a month... everything after that we save19:27
NeVeR_Yes I don't want to use my money for the company :P I want to use my money to live off for a few years. if I can get 2 years without working for anyone, I'm pretty sure I'll get at least one company to work19:28
magespawnA lot is relative, thats more than my wife and I earn combined19:28
NeVeR_R10k is more than ur combined income? how? we have a tiny 1 bedroom place and the rent is R4k a month O_o19:29
magespawnI live in Hluhluwe, so rent is cheaper, but we make domsome how.19:30
NeVeR_my gf doesn't currently work... if our tshirt company takes off then I might be able to leave work soon soon19:30
NeVeR_what work do u do magespawn?19:31
magespawnWell I am always on the look out for new businesses, so if you want advice or just to chat you can fine me here.19:31
magespawnI work as a field guide, but I also have a Internet cafe and pc shop.19:32
NeVeR_nice :) all I really want is my own company(ies)19:32
NeVeR_I dont work to work for anyone19:33
NeVeR_so sick of it19:33
NeVeR_My previous manager never ever told me what to do, then he became CIO, now he and my current manager always tell me what to do19:33
NeVeR_just over it :P19:33
superflyNeVeR_: working for others has the advantage of no worries of where your salary is coming from, and you don't work yourself into the ground19:33
superflybeing your own boss means always worrying about where the next bit of cash is coming from, and working yourself to death just to earn a few rands (especially in web dev)19:34
* superfly has done it, and doesn't want to go back there if he can help it19:34
magespawnMm, even when employed you can lose your salary, false sense of security. You take the path most suited to you, the world needs all types.19:35
NeVeR_I dont mind working myself to death.. .I currently do that anyway. I work almost 300 hours a month as it is19:36
NeVeR_I'm sick of corporate bs and poor management. I'd be happy to work for the company I currently worked for if I could work from home all the time and if they would never phone me19:37
Kilosouch dead isnt lekker, no girlfriends there19:37
Kilosinetpro, you winning?19:39
* superfly has a wife and family... they don't take lightly to a husband and father they never see19:41
* Kilos agrees19:41
NeVeR_but if I work for myself, I'll always be at home, so my gf will be happy19:42
KilosNeVeR_, where are you?19:42
NeVeR_she doesn't mind if I work allot at home, its when I'm at work and dont talk to her that she gets upset19:42
Kilosah lotsa work there19:43
NeVeR_yea where are you?19:43
NeVeR_lots of work there too?19:43
NeVeR_or not really?19:43
Kilosi dont work19:43
Kiloswork on sisters nerves only19:43
Kilosand the guys here19:44
NeVeR_why dont u work?19:44
Kilosi kinda crashed19:44
magespawnKilos is the Oom of the group19:44
NeVeR_crashed? O_o u retired?19:44
magespawnDoes enough here, me thinks.19:44
Kilosno disabled kinda because of head injury19:44
Kilosargued with a windmill19:44
magespawnReformed geek19:45
NeVeR_sorry to hear :(19:45
Kilosits fine now since i found ubuntu and ubuntu-za19:46
Kilosnow i dont need brains, there are plenty here19:46
inetproKilos: eh19:46
inetprosorry, had closed quassel19:47
Kilosinetpro, whats happening19:47
inetprotried lotsa stuffs19:47
Kilosdid you google?19:47
superflyNeVeR_: just because you're at home doesn't mean you'll be available... that's a common fallacy19:47
Kilosgoogle is your friend19:47
inetprochoqok now working in my Unity interface but the icon in teh system tray is still missinhg19:47
NeVeR_:P Yes I know, but if I give her an hour each day, and maybe a few extra on a sunday, she'll be happy19:48
superflyinetpro: it's because Unity doesn't support the SysTray standard19:48
superflyNeVeR_: if you work from home she'll think you're always available19:48
inetprosuperfly: I tried that ^^ but it still aint werking19:48
Kilosis quassel always a cli starter19:49
magespawnIndeed superfly, indeed. My work follows me home more than I want, getting called at 07:30 on Sunday for ex.19:49
Kilosdont see it in internet goodies19:49
NeVeR_she knows I work hard.. we've been living together for a year and a half. I work from home 2x a week so she knows how hard I work.19:49
inetprosuperfly: any other ideas?19:49
magespawnNot as far as i know.19:49
superflyinetpro: not the foggiest19:50
superflyNeVeR_: doesn't matter, my wife and I have been married for almost 5 years, she still thought I was always available when I did some freelance work between jobs at the end of last year19:51
Kiloshey psydroid whats your nick in twitter19:52
Kilosyou follow but dont say anything so i can see who you are19:52
NeVeR_my gf is very busy too though.. she's an artist, so she's constantly paiting/drawing/writing poems/etc... she's going to have a crap load of work to do once the shirt printing company takes off... its allot of work19:52
Kiloshaha then you can bug her NeVeR_ 19:52
NeVeR_:P indeed.. she's already saying I'm going to be in her spacethe whole time19:54
NeVeR_http://unroll.me/ <--- anyone tried this?19:54
NeVeR_looks interesting19:54
KilosBanlam, why so quiet?19:57
Kilosoh my all of a sardine quassel is in internet goodies19:57
Banlamkilos, i was being quiet?20:00
Kilosah lurking20:00
Banlamwell i mean i'm always on20:01
Banlamwhether i'm paying attention or not is another question20:01
Banlambut flashing windows tend to change that20:01
Kilosyou dont get sounds20:01
Kiloslol i love the bloep when someone talks to me20:02
Banlammy system alert sounds are pretty much muted20:02
inetproKilos: moet jy nie slaap nie?20:15
inetprolooks like you found a new life?20:15
Kiloslol no man im sukkeling with quassel20:16
Kilostrying to find alerts and nick list shows empty20:16
inetproKilos: probeer konversation20:16
Kilosis dit n ander im ding20:17
inetprohmm... dalk nie20:18
inetprote veel dependancies20:18
inetproquassel is lekker lig20:18
Kilosquassel het baie gehad maar ek dink ek wen stadig. net als het ander name20:18
Kiloslol dit was vir n rukkie als in japanese20:19
* inetpro installing konversation20:20
inetproamasing that it even depends on mysql20:20
Kilosyou giving up on quassel20:20
inetproKilos: nee, ek eksperimenteer maar net20:20
Kilosoh same here20:21
inetprowil eintlik ontslae raak van unity20:21
Kilosquassel and xchat look lots alike20:21
inetprook, that didn't go down well20:25
Kilostruth hurts20:26
inetproafter installing and running (configuring) konversation compiz uses 100% cpu20:26
Kilosoh my20:27
Kilosthat sucks20:27
inetprobut I'll try again20:27
Kilosok then guys. sleep tight. see you tomorrow20:32
Kilosgood luck inetpro 20:32
hibanahmm... he left?20:33
hibanakonversation still as nice as ever20:34
magespawnNight all.21:00
inetproI think I've found my twitter client of choice22:01
inetproit's on the web22:02
inetproJust perfect for me on Firefox https://web.tweetdeck.com/22:02
inetproor it just could be, will test over the next few days22:13
inetpronow time for some sleep22:13
Banlamit's already tomorrow22:14
inetproBanlam: exactly22:14
* Banlam is going to do some work for a few hours22:14

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