
agc93ActionParsnip: Brave. Definitely brave.00:00
kyanagc93: hmm. oh well that's life I guess. :P00:00
wubinocan anyone tell me how to find the install directory of a program?00:00
sabayonuser__when i turn on my pc i get this input not supported for few secs00:00
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: it's not very like apple00:00
kyanagc93: this is offtopic :P00:00
WilsonBradleythank you00:00
ActionParsnipagc93: my hardware is super Linux compatible, Quantall has been pretty good so far00:00
sabayonuser__i did not have this input not supported in 10.1000:00
agc93wubino: whereis <program-name> from the terminal00:00
kyanagc93: rofl, just saw your message to sabayonuser__00:00
WilsonBradleynot able to join /join #ubuntu+100:01
fishbait my shceme so far /home, /tmp /var 1/2 /swap on 500gb and os on 1/2 /swap 80gb okay for  solid performance and insuring plenty of temp space and space for downloads will this work?00:01
sabayonuser__hey man can u solve this input not uspported thing00:01
fishbait*os and 1/2 swap on 80gb00:01
agc93fishbait: 80GB is an awful lot of swap!00:01
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: the kernel timings have been moved into the kernel00:02
agc93fishbait: how much have you allocated?00:02
wylde_WilsonBradley: you made a post in there.....how do you figure you're unable to join?00:02
sabayonuser__what can i do00:02
fishbait4.4 gb on each drive.00:02
MonkeyDustfishbait  5-10GB should be enough00:02
rhizmoewhat is a good way to start a desktop app from the command line without it spoo'ing to stdout, is there a better way than >/dev/null 2>&1 ?00:02
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: what is teh output of:  lspci | grep -i vga00:02
ActionParsnipfishbait: you only need at most 9Gb swap00:03
relondoMy laptop doesn't recognize my keyboard on startup. I had this problem before and was working on finding a solution, but at first, a reboot would fix it. Now it's totally broken.00:03
Jordan_Uagc93: The old wisdom was twice as much as RAM, but that's been obsolete for a while now so you can go much lower than even 2X RAM.00:03
sabayonuser__command not found00:03
fishbaitmmhmm and i have 8GB of ram00:03
wubinoagc93: what about   hadoop/conf ?  is there a directory matching search?00:03
ActionParsniprelondo: want to tell us the make and modelof the laptop?00:03
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: it is, you aren't typing it right00:03
WilsonBradleywylde: I dont' see a chat tab for #ubuntu+100:03
sabayonuser__its actually not a problem00:04
agc93wubino: I don't know. Whereis has always done the job for me00:04
relondoactionparsnip: Sure thing. It's a Toshiba Satellite L-775D.00:04
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: Linux is very case sensitive. Don't change the command in any way00:04
wubinoThanks every bit helps00:04
ActionParsniprelondo: why did you not state that in the initial question?00:04
relondoactionparsnip: Didn't know that it was important. Trying to be concise. Sorry.00:04
sabayonuser__hey man can ny1 tell me how to compile a kernel so that booting improves00:04
sabayonuser__what is this custom kernel00:05
NotJimCarreytrying to launch xbmc on ubuntu but getting "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'dbiplus::DbErrors'" anyone know how to fix this?00:05
wylde_WilsonBradley: ok, nvm that anyway. Installing an alpha version is not at all an ideal approach to fixing a problem. Running alpha version will guarantee things will break.00:05
MonkeyDustsabayonuser__  if there were a way, the kernel developpers would have used it00:05
Jordan_Usabayonuser__: What about booting do you expect to improve if you compile your own kernel?00:05
fishbaithow big should /tmp and /var be?00:05
WilsonBradleywhat do you suggest?00:05
sabayonuser__once i read custom kernel improves whole performance ;p00:05
WilsonBradleyIf I could fix the standby problem , then I could live with it until and upgrade is relased00:06
sabayonuser__idk just asked if it is comman line then no nneed00:06
sabayonuser__irc is pretty cool nice chat00:06
ActionParsniprelondo: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub    find this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"     and change it to:    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8042.nomux=1 i8042.reset"     save the new file, close gedit then run:  sudo update-grub     reboot to test. Source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Toshiba_Satellite_L775D_S7340#Touchpad_and_keyboard_are_not_working00:07
MonkeyDustsabayonuser__  i guess #ubuntu-offtopic is more what you want00:07
sabayonuser__hey when did mint overtake ubuntu in distrowatch :O00:07
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: dude, you can't even run CLI commands. I wouldn't start messing with kernels00:07
wylde_he's been told a few times alreay MonkeyDust00:07
relondoactionparsnip: Thanks so much. I need to remember that website.00:08
sabayonuser__hey mint overtook ubuntu00:08
OerHekssabayonuser__, stick to real support questions. mint is offtopic.00:08
L3top!ot | sabayonuser__00:08
MonkeyDustsabayonuser__  please stop, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:08
ubottusabayonuser__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:08
ActionParsniprelondo: or just the boot options.... Could add it to your backup in case of reinstall :)00:08
Jordan_Usabayonuser__: This channel is for Ubuntu support discussion only, this is your last warning to stay on topic.00:08
sabayonuser__mint is bad distro it copies ubuntu and installs codecs lol00:08
sabayonuser__lol mint is no. 1 :O00:09
agc93Thanks Jordan_U!00:09
ActionParsnipsabayonuser__: and a custome kernel isn't necessarily faster, just like a custom car isn't always faster than mass produced00:09
relondoactionparsnip: Wait, what now?00:09
L3topIt is a credit to Ubuntu that the mentally challenged are able to install it.00:09
agc93L3top: but also a curse for Ubuntu's support channels!00:10
L3topoh smithw... sorry buddy I forgot you. let me get back to that00:10
sabayonuser__hey man waht happened00:10
Jordan_UL3top: That type of comment is disrespecful in many ways and is not acceptible here.00:10
ActionParsniprelondo: what step are you up to?00:10
agc93sabayonuser_ you need to keep offtopic posts to #ubuntu-offtopic00:10
smithwL3top, np, I can be patient :)00:10
sabayonuser__where is that00:10
MonkeyDustsabayonuser__  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:11
relondoactionparsnip: Haven't done any of it. I just realized that I'm still installing Java on there :/00:11
wylde_sabayonuser__:  /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:11
sabayonuser__yaa joined00:11
agc93its a different channel, same as you joined #ubuntu, join #ubuntu-offtopic00:11
sabayonuser__u all dere00:11
relondoactionparsnip: So I'll try it out in about fifteen minutes and get back to you.00:11
MonkeyDustsabayonuser__  now type /part in this channel00:11
sabayonuser__u guys also join this channel00:12
agc93sabayonuser__: this is a support channel, offtopic is for discussions00:13
pengwhi all00:13
pengwwhat is the second line represents in 'free' command?00:13
agc93what does the second line say on your screen?00:14
pengw-/+ buffers/cache  884 7075 what is this ?00:14
agc93if I remember correctly, those are your kernel buffers00:15
pengwbut the first line already told me that00:15
wylde_agc93: yep, that's exactly what 'man free' says00:15
agc93no the first line is all of your RAM memory00:15
agc93the second is kernel buffers00:15
agc93and the third is swap space00:15
agc93at least on my 12.04 box, thats the case00:16
pengwsure but the first line also told you buffers and cached00:16
ActionParsnippengw: can you pastebin all the text, it may be clearer, you can even use:  free -m \ pastebinit00:16
ActionParsnipfree -m | pastebinit00:16
agc93pengw: yours look a little different to what I was thinking.00:19
ActionParsnippengw: you have 8Gb ram and using 1.2Gb, you have 8Gb swap and using none00:20
pengwi got it00:21
pengwthe second line is the one that ignore the cached and buffer I have how many ram00:21
WilsonBradleysimple question.. is a swap partition nessesay for Hibernation to work?00:22
wylde_WilsonBradley: yes, and it must be at least equal to the amount of ram00:22
WilsonBradleyok, thanks..00:23
ActionParsnippengw: the right most value on the 2nd line is your actual free ram (without the buffers)00:24
ActionParsnippengw: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/  explains it well00:25
agc93ActionParsnip: that site is brilliant. *bookmarked*00:26
ActionParsnipagc93: very ;)00:26
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
fleakiteAnyone use Cinnamon Desktop Environment on Ubuntu?00:32
fishbaithow big should /tmp and /var be?00:32
dummyanhello! i need to install ubuntu via net. i followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot and i got the installer working. the problem is that the installer cant get the ip when configuring the network. im stuck, any help is needed00:32
nicolex^2I have a broadcom wireless card. I have installed proprietary wireless drivers with restricted driver manager. When I use "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan", it returns "Scanning not supported on this device."00:32
toothbrishwhere is everyone from?00:33
bazhang!ot | toothbrish00:33
ubottutoothbrish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:33
ActionParsnipfleakite: cinammon isn't supported here00:33
chris_whats up00:34
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: if you run:  dmesg | grep -i firm   do you see messages about missing firmware files?00:34
=== chris_ is now known as Guest6076
=== Guest6076 is now known as chris91
fleakiteThanks for letting me know.  My question still stands because I haven't found any assistance on the Linux Mint channel.00:35
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, it returns "Firmware left e100 interrupts enabled; disabling"00:35
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: ok thats fine, if you run:   sudo lshw -C network   is teh wireless device wlan0?00:36
bazhangfleakite, try #ubuntu-offtopic , it's not supported here00:36
=== Benny_ is now known as Benny_the_Doneky
agc93!patience | fleakite00:37
ubottufleakite: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:37
Relondoactionparsnip: Hey, that fixed my keyboard problems. Thanks so much.00:37
=== Benny_the_Doneky is now known as Benny_the_Donkey
maisondoufsomebody well the use of 'sed' here ?00:37
marvelouzonehello everyone , looking for a guru who can give me some insight on a strange problem00:37
donvito2how can i make x11vnc to run everytime ubuntu starts00:37
L3topfleakite: you will not get an answer here. That is what not supported means. This channel is only for Ubuntu support.00:37
agc93whats your problem marvelouzone?00:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:37
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, I'm not sure, I don't see where in the output the alias is. I have none for eth0 either, which is working.00:37
marvelouzonehey agc9300:38
agc93!ot | Benny_the_Donkey00:38
ubottuBenny_the_Donkey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:38
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, I'm pretty sure it is wlan0, because iw returns device does not support scanning, rather than device not found.00:38
marvelouzoneI just installed fresh 64bit 12.04 then installed zentyal as a gateway/router my sudo commands were working fine now anytime I type sudo anything it just drops back to a blank terminal prompt after I input password00:39
fleakiteWow. Thanks for the English lesson L3top00:39
maisondoufhow to change <char><backspace><char> into only <char> with 'sed, please00:39
bazhangfleakite, actual ubuntu support question?00:39
L3topIt wasn't a lesson in English, it was an explanation of terms, as you did not seem to understand fleakite.00:39
marvelouzonelogin passwords arent working either through ssh, samba shares, anything dealing with a password doesnt work00:40
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:40
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX00:40
bazhangdonvito2, /msg ubottu00:40
donvito2how can i make x11vnc to run everytime ubuntu starts00:40
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, My mistake, it returns "interface doesn't support scanning" for any device name, and when specifying no name (use all available devices) it lists no wlan device00:40
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot00:40
agc93marvelouzone: That seems odd. You don't get any errors? it just stops after password operations?00:40
genii-aroundBleh old factoid00:41
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: lshw will tell you the device name for sure :)00:41
L3topmarvelouzone: is it possible the commands you are entering are simply completing? Or are you saying it is dropping your runlevel or something?00:41
marvelouzoneno errors, everything I have searched related to the problem everybody else says they get errors00:41
fleakiteIf you have nothing constructive to suggest, please ignore my question L3top . I haven't found any assistance on the Linux Mint channel. And there are way more people here than the offtopic channel. So I'm putting the question out for anyone who might be able to answer. People telling me to ask anywhere else -- noted.00:41
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:41
chris91anyone able to help me with java? i've searched thru a lto of forums and and tried a dozen different things00:41
bazhangfleakite, its offtopic here. please dont ask about it anymore. thanks. #ubuntu-offtopic for that00:42
chris91can't seem to get jdk installed00:42
pengwso what is the problem00:42
marvelouzonefor instance if I do sudo gedit or gksu gedit and then enter password nothing happens gedit never opens..00:42
wylde_fleakite: you were told earlier as well that cinnamon isn't supported here, as per http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/06/14/%23ubuntu.html#t22:4600:42
fleakiteThanks for your input bazhang . Please ignore my question (or my handle) if it bothers you so much. Cheers.00:42
L3topfleakite: You do not understand. I expect a mod will make it clear. It was for your information, the same goes to you, you can feel free to ignore it, but I don't expect you will last long.00:42
bazhanghe's gone00:43
pengwsudo apt-get install ubuntu-re*-extra then OpenJDK will be installed00:43
marvelouzonethis is the second time I've done a fresh install and ran into this problem00:43
agc93What changed each time that caused them to stop working?00:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:44
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: use gksudo with gedit (and other gui apps)00:44
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, lshw | grep "logical name" shows clearly i have no wlan device00:44
marvelouzoneI installed zentyal from repos00:44
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator00:44
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: what is the output of:  file `which gedit`00:44
bazhangpengw, /msg ubottu00:44
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, what should I do?00:44
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: sudo lshw -C network     look at the names of the interfacs, what is the wireless one?00:44
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: do you dual boot the system?00:44
marvelouzoneI did gksu, I was just using that as an example. if I do sudo nano, it just drops back to prompt, no execution of app00:45
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: is your user in the admin group?00:45
nicolex^2ActionParsnip,   *-network UNCLAIMED00:45
marvelouzonei'll check.. gedit is definitely there though , if I simply do gedit it opens00:45
blackshirtwas sudo exploitable ?00:45
ZiberOn ubuntu server, if I have an executable script in a directory which is in my $PATH, can I cron it?00:45
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, Yes.00:45
blackshirtWas sudo exploitable?00:46
agc93Ziber: you should be able to. If you can run it from a terminal or with sh -c then it should work in cron00:46
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: in Windows, disable the ability for the interface to wake up the OS as well as disable power management00:46
Ziberagc93: Didn't know if chron ran from a different user or whatever.00:46
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: if you run:  groups | grep admin     do you get an output?00:46
marvelouzoneletm e check00:46
ActionParsnipZiber: you can cron as different users00:47
ZiberHow might a I run a cron every night at midnight from my user account?00:47
ActionParsnipZiber: do you have a desktop UI?00:47
ZiberJust server.00:47
blackshirtI was read some shellcode from exploits db and test them locally......and yes, this exploits give me root access... I think sudo was vulnerable for this attack00:47
marvelouzoneyes all users in adm group including the one i'm logged in under00:47
ActionParsnipZiber: then run:  crontab -e      and you can add the cron00:47
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, OK, brb00:47
RelondoWhat's the terminal command to delete a file/folder?00:47
ZiberActionParsnip: And it'll run as my user?00:48
ratcheerRelondo: rm00:48
ActionParsnipZiber: yes as your user ran the crontab command :)00:48
Relondoratcheer: It returned "rm: cannot remove 'minecraft': Is a directory"00:48
ActionParsnipZiber: you will add a new line: 0 0 * * * command_here00:48
blackshirtRelondo, use rm or rmdir00:49
ActionParsnipRelondo: rm -r minecraft     be sure you don't need the data within00:49
ratcheerFor a directory, use "rm -rf"00:49
ActionParsnipratcheer: why force?00:49
Ziberm h being minute and hour, both set at 0 for midnight?00:49
marvelouzoneAction would you be willing to take a look if I give you remote access?00:49
ActionParsnipZiber: exactly, the other text in the file you have opened shows the format :)00:49
ZiberActionParsnip: Thanks. :D00:50
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: is your user in the admin group?00:50
wylde_marvelouzone: that is extremely bad practice....just sayin'00:50
Relondoratcheer: I thought "rm -rf" was the super scary command that deletes everything :(00:50
marvelouzoneyes Action it is00:50
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: adm != admin00:50
Relondoactionparsnip: Thanks.00:50
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: if you are not in the admin group, you can't use sudo00:50
ratcheerRelondo: It depends on the argument you give it. Sorry, don't use it.00:50
marvelouzonewylde I can change ip's and passwords easily would not put info on open chat00:51
agc93Relondo: it can be. You must be very careful with rm00:51
meethow do i edit the icons in top right corner in 12.04?00:51
Relondoagc93: Ah.00:51
marvelouzonemy user is listed in admin group00:51
Relondoratcheer: Oh, does it just delete everyting in the current directory?00:51
Relondoratcheer: (Normally).00:51
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: ok what is the output of: lsb_release -sc00:51
agc93relondo: just rm -rf would probably fail00:51
ratcheerI would usually just give it a specific directory name.00:51
agc93rm -rf . would force delete everything in the current directory00:52
marvelouzoneeven when I do lsblsb_release -sc00:52
marvelouzonehold on00:52
agc93for your example, from ~, you could run rm -rf ./.minecraft/. and you should get rid of everything inside the minecraft folder00:52
agc93wait shit, rm -rf ./minecraft/* is what you want00:52
Relondoagc93: Got it. Stay away from from rm -rf for now, then.00:53
agc93as long as you clearly specify your directory args, its alright.00:53
blackshirtrelondo, just use it carefully00:53
marvelouzoneif I try to do ctrl, alt, f1 I cant even login in with root password which I did set unix passwd, or with my admin username and password00:53
Relondoblackshirt: Got it.00:54
ratcheeragc93: Exactly. I've been running UNIX systems for decades, and I know to check before I enter.00:54
blackshirtMaybe better use absolute path00:54
agc93ratcheer: I've been caught out one times too many, so I'm pedantic about rm these days00:54
t0ntinMy microphone volume is very low on 12.04. It was perfect on 11.04. I have messed with the volume bars in the control panel, but it's still low. Any ideas?00:54
agc93t0ntin: have you tried using alsamixer?00:55
bazhangt0ntin, adjust using alsamixer00:55
ratcheeragc93: I understand. I am sorry I said it. That is the way I do it, though, and I know to be very careful.00:55
RelondoWhen I didn't have Java installed, java -version would show me the standard packages. How do I see those again?00:55
t0ntinagc93, haven't. I'll try it.00:55
agc93ratcheer: of course, didnt mean it like that. Just checking! :P00:55
rnsif I want to upgrade from 10.04 will I lose all my data?00:56
t0ntin"GNOME ALSA Mixer"?00:56
KRomois firefox for linux obsolete since adobe ha dropped flash support for linux? i read that chrome only will get new flash verssions00:56
blackshirtRns. Shouldn't, but maybe better you have backup it00:56
ratcheeragc93: No problem. I am truly apologetic that I said it. I wasn't thinking hard enough.00:57
wylde_rns: you should make backups anyway. That's the ONLY way to be sure.00:57
marvelouzoneanymore ideas anyone00:58
rnsblackshirt, so I can go from 10.04 to 12.04 without losing my data?00:58
agc93t0ntin: just open a terminal, enter alsamixer and press <ENTER>00:58
gewori think you can00:58
bazhangt0ntin, open  a terminal, type alsamixer, adjust the bars00:58
t0ntinagc93, bazhang, OK, thanks.00:58
meethow do i edit the icons in top right corner in 12.04?00:59
fishbaitjoin #ubuntu-offtpoic00:59
agc93fishbait: this is a support channel, so some people may not want to go offtopic01:00
blackshirtRns, for a lot of packages installed, maybe need a deep knowledge in apt system troubleshooting...maybe upgrades not works like a charm..01:00
KRomoany way to get additional free storage on ubuntu?01:01
marvelouzoneanybody else who can help me with this problem with root problems01:01
KRomoubutu one?01:01
blackshirtRns, but i think, we can do release upgrade greatfully01:01
blackshirtKromo, what you mean with additional storage?01:01
KRomoubuntu one comes with 5gb01:02
bazhang#ubuntuone KRomo01:02
KRomobut dropbox gives 50 free01:02
bazhangKRomo, ask in their channel01:02
KRomook i will01:03
KornKage2you guys gave me an idea01:03
agc93also, dropbox actually only gives 2gb free, 50gb is a paid plan01:03
KornKage2how about booting ubuntu from internet01:03
geworhi, i use lubuntu but i remove lubuntu* and i use openbox for my wm, i was install UCK, but how can i call uck ? when i type in terminal and grun its nothing happen01:03
KornKage2from storeage directly01:03
KRomoi have 50gb free from dropbox on a hack01:04
RelondoIs there a Linux equivalent of a batch file?01:04
jvmxxzdon't you just refer yourself for the extra storage :P01:04
KRomothey gave 50gb free for samsung galaxy s3 users so i changed my galaxy nexus to report itself as a n s301:04
bazhang!ot | KRomo01:05
ubottuKRomo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:05
L3topRelondo: what is it you are actually trying to do?01:06
geworwhats command for call uck in terminal ??01:06
RelondoL3top: My ultimate goal is to make an executable file that launches a .jar file, because the default behavior for double-clicking a .jar file is to open with archive manager, and I don't know how to change that. Even if I did, I don't know how to make a shortcut to the .jar file.01:07
geworu can use file preference for change default file execution01:08
RelondoL3top: And I'm just curious as to whether or not there's a Linux equivalent for a batch file :)01:08
marvelouzonewhat would cause all passwords to stop working?01:08
Relondogewor: Where's that?01:08
ratcheerRelondo: Yes, it is called a shell script.01:09
L3topRelondo: you can script just about anything in bash.... and execute it like: java -jar whatever.jar01:09
t0ntinI am trying to adjust the mic. volume on alsamixer. I'm where it says <Mic Jack>. When I use the arrows, it just changes the text from "Line In" to "Mic In"01:09
geworin menu u can see that app, but i forget in what category01:09
Relondoratcheer: Do I make one of those just like a batch file? By making a text file and changing the extension?01:09
Relondogewor: Okay, thanks anyway.01:10
geworif you use gnome 2++ u can find in menu01:10
geworbut in unity i dont know,01:10
Relondogewor: I'm on Unity, yeah.01:10
RelondoL3top: Okay. And I assume "whatever.jar" is replaced with the actual name of the .jar file?01:11
ratcheerRelondo: Do "man bash" and it will tell you everything. Or just Google "shell scripting" or something.01:11
L3topyes... I am going to send you a pm.01:11
jjjciao questa e la versione italiana di ubunteu chatt?01:11
geworciao :D01:11
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:11
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h a01:12
Relondoratcheer: Got it.01:12
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jjjc'e qualche italiano?01:13
bazhangjjj #ubuntu-it01:14
zivesterwhere is the best place to link an executable? my $PATH is: /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games01:14
ratcheerzivester: /usr/local/bin should be fine.01:15
wylde_zivester: depenends what it is. I keep scripts I write in ~/bin and it's already included in $PATH by default.01:15
zivesterthanks ratcheer01:15
zivesterit does? but ~/bin isn't in the $PATH?01:16
wylde_zivester: try it ;) All I did was make the ~/bin directory and plopped my scripts into it and I can call the from anywhere01:16
t0ntinbazhang, I can adjust most of those bars, but when I get to <mic jack>, i'm not sure what to do.01:17
bazhangt0ntin, try the up/down arrows?01:17
marvelouzoneso who on is a ubuntu/linux guru?01:17
bazhangmarvelouzone, just ask the question01:17
ratcheermarvelouzone: Not I...01:17
bazhangmarvelouzone, if someone knows, they will answer01:18
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:18
t0ntinbazhang, up and down arrows change text on the screen from "line in" to "mic in" only01:18
FloodBot1b0llo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:18
bazhangb0llo, hold shift01:18
zivesterwylde_: doesn't work for me :-/01:18
DIMEBAGRIPhello what is this thing i just opened up chat or something like help for ubuntu is that what this thing for a help desk01:18
smwb0llo, 0llo) has joined #ubuntu01:19
bazhangDIMEBAGRIP, this is ubuntu support.01:19
smw* kevinsd has quit (Quit: Ex-Ch01:19
ratcheerzivester: Put it in /usr/local/bin01:19
wylde_zivester: hmmm, sorry for the bad info then. I'm sure I didn't add it to $PATH manually.01:19
smw!ot > DIMEBAGRIP01:19
ubottuDIMEBAGRIP, please see my private message01:19
b0llosorry about that01:19
zivesteri did, just was testing wylde_'s claim :)01:19
b0lloi am holding shift01:19
DIMEBAGRIPis there something like this for backtrack 5 r201:19
b0llobut what could be causing this01:20
bazhangsmw, thats not needed01:20
b0llois it a problem with xorg?01:20
smwb0llo, xmodmap -e "clear Lock"01:20
smwbazhang, sorry01:20
bazhangDIMEBAGRIP, yes, #backtrack-linux01:20
smwb0llo, sorry, meant to paste that before01:20
b0lloOKAY IT WORKED01:20
pikkachudoes Ubuntu One keep your files encrypted? with what key?01:21
bazhangpikkachu, ask in #ubuntuone01:21
DIMEBAGRIPi just tried out this thing i like backtrack better though what ur opinion blackbuntu better or no ??01:21
fishbaithow big should /tmp and /var partitions be?01:22
marvelouzonewhat would cause all passwords in ubuntu to stop working. I.e. login, ssh, sudo commands, etc.01:22
bazhangDIMEBAGRIP, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat/opinion/etc01:22
agc93fishbait: why not just have a partition for / and let Linux sort it out01:22
ratcheeragc93: I agree.01:22
t0ntinI have another problem. I suddenly have no access to my windows files :(01:22
smwfishbait, don't separate them unless you are running a server and understand what you are doing01:22
fishbaitb/c i'm going to install vmware and run windows 7 and want to make sure it uses th 500gb drive01:23
agc93t0ntin: doesnt your windows partition appear as a place in Computer?01:23
smwfishbait, I don't understand01:23
agc93fishbait: after all this, have you considered using LVM and a single large volume?01:23
fishbaiti have a 500gb drive and an 80gb i know swap will be split 4.5 x2 (1 per drive) and a 40+gb virtual drive on an 80gb hdd isn't wise01:25
agc93fishbait: what?01:26
wylde_fishbait: you only need 1 swap partition01:26
t0ntinagc93, it used to be to the left of the file manager. Now that you said that about the place in Computer, I went there and it magically appeared! Thanks.01:26
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fishbaithmm 8gb on drive that isn't the os then01:26
agc93why wouldn't you use LVM and be done with it in a single swoop?01:26
fishbaitmmm call me old fashioned i'd prefer not to contend with lvm01:27
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, I cannot do it, windows is simply too unstable to get to that point01:27
smwfishbait, I make a root, /home, and swap parition01:27
smwfishbait, no reason to separate out the standard ones like var or tmp01:28
fishbaitok will the tmp folder take up too much space with internet browsing?01:28
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: wassup, nipped out for a smoke01:28
dejahwhook, you have your linux installed on a drive called sda. But sometimes when you boot it shows up as sdb and you don't get to boot at all. any solutions?01:28
ActionParsnipdejahwho: use UUIDs01:28
fishbaitthat was why i was seperating01:29
dejahwhoI tried, but then it crashed everytime even when it was seen as sda01:29
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, I cannot disable power management or anything within windows for my nonfunctional BCM431101:29
ratcheerdejahwho: Use UUID instead of /dev addressing.01:29
nicolex^2It is functional however, within windows, as a network device.01:29
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: in device manager, right click the NIC -> properties01:29
dejahwhoI tried UUID, then it crashes anyways01:29
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, windows locks up before I can do that.01:29
ratcheerdejahwho: Weird!01:30
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: is the RAM healthy?01:30
smwfishbait, a desktop does not need a separate partition for anything01:30
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, I haven't tested it01:30
dejahwhothen there an error message about how the uuids it sees are zero01:30
ActionParsnipdejahwho: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc01:30
nicolex^2ActionParsnip, I imagine so, since linux is fine, only windows has issues.01:30
smwfishbait, although I recommend a separate /home to anyone who has the skills to understand what that measn01:30
ActionParsnipnicolex^2: if windows is locking it may be caused by that, try booting windows to safe mode too, you may be able to do it there01:30
fishbaitunless vmware puts a sizeable virtual hdd under /home01:31
smwfishbait, what?01:31
ActionParsnipdejahwho: the default in Ubuntu for a good while now is to use UUIDs01:31
wylde_fishbait: you're making no sense.01:31
marvelouzoneAction.. willing to take another guess at what my problem could be?01:31
dejahwhocommand output is "lsbrelease: command not found"01:31
celthundermarvelouzone: what was your issue?01:31
kestenhowdy.  Anybody heard of a malware program that takes pictures using your webcam - affected in ubuntu 11.10 and 12.0401:31
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: what is the output of:  ls -l `which sudo`01:31
fishbaitfor compatability i'm going to install vmplayer and it stores the virtual hard drive under home01:32
ActionParsnipcelthunder: the issue is taht sudo doesn't launch the app given but the username is in the admin group01:32
dejahwhowhen I tell it to use uuids, it says all the uuids it can find are zero01:32
wylde_marvelouzone: ....only reason I can think of is you got rooted. Since NONE of your administrative passwords work.01:32
fishbait*correction vmware player01:32
celthunderActionParsnip: visudo any errors?01:32
dejahwhothanks anyways01:32
ActionParsnipdejahwho: sudo blkid    will tell you the UUIDs, if you label the partitions yuo can use LABEL=  in /etc/fstab too01:33
laserbledHi, can someone tell me which file in linux source stored stores the available type of MODULE_LICENSE01:33
ActionParsnipcelthunder: not sure yet, starting with the easy stuff :)01:33
marvelouzonels: can not access which sudo: no such file or directory01:34
marvelouzoneif it helps, I cant login with password either01:34
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: did you put the backticks as I used?01:34
marvelouzoneI couldnt copy and paste let me double check01:35
wylde_` != '01:35
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: alternatively run:  file /usr/bin/sudo01:35
celthunderActionParsnip: better question is sudo installed lol01:35
ActionParsnipcelthunder: the last command will show that too :)01:35
celthunderwell assuming thats where he put it01:36
b0llohow do i log in as root01:36
ActionParsnipb0llo: you don't01:36
celthunderb0llo: sudo -i or sudo su -01:36
wylde_!noroot | b0llo01:36
ubottub0llo: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.01:36
ActionParsnipb0llo: if you want a root console, use:   sudo -i    as celthunder said.01:36
marvelouzone-rwsr-xr-x 2 root root 69078 May 31 23:53 "/usr/bin/sudo"01:36
fishbaiti want temporary files to be accessed from the non-os drive that way it can read them faster without interference from other reads to the os01:38
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: ok, try:  /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/nano01:38
marvelouzoneI think its more than a sudo issue like I said I cant log into anything, and when I first installed I could i.e ssh from another maching ask for user and pass but just disconnects after I input it, samething with ttyl on the machine. the only reason I can get in because this time around I set autologon with no password01:39
celthunderActionParsnip: wouldnt do that.01:39
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: hold shift at boot and select recovery mode, then select root, you can now run:  passwd foo; reboot     change foo for your username01:40
ActionParsnipcelthunder: why not?01:40
marvelouzonearewe checking for a path issue?01:40
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: indeed :)01:40
celthunderActionParsnip: nano hates sudo.  it will make history files and etc as root you then have to clean out later.01:40
ActionParsnipcelthunder: so how can we run nano to edit files we don't have access to as a normal user?01:40
marvelouzoneno go, its ask for password, I input it, and it just goes back to the prompt waiting for new command01:41
ActionParsnipcelthunder: must admit I've had ~/.nano_history owned by root01:41
RelondoHow can I create a Unity icon that points to a script?01:41
ActionParsnipmarvelouzone: try resetting password in root recovery, may help01:41
celthundermarvelouzone: did it output invalid or anything?01:41
ActionParsnipRelondo: make a .desktop file for it in /usr/share/applications   you can copy noe from ~/.config/autostart  as they are simpler01:42
celthunderActionParsnip: dont use nano or use a root login shell01:42
ActionParsnipcelthunder: bah, nano is awesome, so simple :)01:42
marvelouzoneno error message at all01:42
ActionParsnipRelondo: it will also make it appear in dash01:42
L3topActionParsnip: celthunder  try joe01:42
marvelouzoneline I said if I just type nano it opens01:43
* L3top sticks with vi01:43
Relondoactionparsnip: Even better!01:43
ActionParsnipL3top: might learn vi, just for kicks01:43
marvelouzonesudo is there because when I type it it brings up options01:43
celthunderL3top: i use vim emacs or pico/nano... i dont need more editors01:44
fishbait*swears by nano*01:44
RelondoActionParsnip: I don't have ownership. What's the terminal command to make a new .desktop file?01:44
celthunderRelondo: touch <filename>01:44
celthunderRelondo: thats generally the accetped way to make an empty file01:44
L3topI use vi because I never know what I am going to be using and it is ubiquitous across distros01:45
ActionParsnipRelondo: copy one of the files from ~/.config/autostart to $HOME, edit it then use sudo to copy it, or run:  gksudo nautilus   and move it with GUI01:45
fishbait* swears by nano01:45
fishbait* swears by nano *01:45
celthunderL3top: also accross operating systems nothing funnier than watching a moron cry because the bsd they installed only has csh and vi01:45
laserbleddoes someone know the possible MODULE_LICENCE arguments....or is there any linux file where you can see available params ?01:45
marvelouzonewhat would cause all passwords to stop working? I believe thats where the problem is01:46
celthundermarvelouzone: /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd and /etc/sudoers01:47
b0llonano is a joke editor01:47
b0llomight as well use MS-DOS edit01:47
celthundermarvelouzone: check each of the above01:47
b0llovi is for powerusers01:47
ActionParsnipb0llo: I use that in windows, works well01:47
RelondoActionparsnip: I have no /.config/autostart folder.01:47
marvelouzonecheck to make sure they are there? I checked those the first time I had the problem and they were, i'll check again01:47
fishbaitbah nano is awesome b/c nano is simple01:47
b0llohow hard is that01:48
ActionParsnipRelondo: /$HOME/.config/autostart01:48
celthundermarvelouzone: no look to make sure the contents arent fucked.  id especially look at visudo01:48
RelondoActionparsnip: But I had already made the .desktop file, anyway.01:48
ActionParsnipb0llo: CTRL+O, CTRL+X01:48
b0llotake your fingers off home row01:48
fishbaiti mainly just edit config files you don't need powerful to do that01:49
ActionParsnipb0llo: done, as I am typing :)01:49
b0lloand press awkward keybindings01:49
bazhangcelthunder, no cursing here01:49
b0llono thanks01:49
celthunderb0llo: everyone has a different home row.  im in dvorak for example01:49
marvelouzonewell I have no elevated priveledges so its hard for me to check, I just get permission denied01:49
celthunderb0llo: btw im agreeing with you i like vi better than nano any day01:49
Relondoactionparsnip: I don't have one of those, either.01:49
celthundermarvelouzone: reboot and go to recovery/init1 or whatever ubuntu wants to call it and check from there.01:50
fishbaita true master is a master only of the basics01:50
sleepie^eyesActionParsnip, This is nicolex^2, there is no Disable Power Management tab in device manager>properties for the wireless device01:50
harrrismrubinevery time i reboot a error message comes up... i took a screenshot how do i paste it01:50
b0llowell even on dvorak home row is the same01:50
sleepie^eyesActionParsnip, There is one for the ethernet device, so I'm in the right place, it's just not there01:50
b0llopositionwise anyway01:51
fishbaitthe editor doesn't matter what matters is that you can use it to edit what you need to01:51
alusionHow is skype 4 on ubuntu ?01:51
b0lloits in the middle of the keys01:51
b0lloand ctrl is still off to the side01:51
marvelouzoneI tried that earlier, when I would run commands in there they just would not execute for istance passwd would do nothing01:51
celthunderb0llo: end convo i use vim already :)01:51
L3top!pastebin | this has a screenshot link as memory serves harrrismrubin01:51
ubottuthis has a screenshot link as memory serves harrrismrubin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:51
fishbaiti'm editor agnostic01:52
celthundermarvelouzone: interesting.01:52
sleepie^eyesActionParsnip, Please help if you're not out smoking :)01:52
celthundermarvelouzone: so the problem isnt sudo its literally you cant run anything as root01:52
marvelouzonethats what I was trying to say01:52
celthundermarvelouzone: yeah...you got problems id definitly login from a live system run a rootkit finder and change your /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files01:53
L3topmarvelouzone: what is the output of: groups01:53
marvelouzonethis is the second time I had this problem, the first time I got totally locked out, I could enter through recovery and my root password worked, but couldnt do anything01:53
marvelouzoneI can only get in this time because I set autologin with no passwd01:54
fishbait*looks at marvelouzones problem and holds up hand*01:54
fishbaitwhat security programs are available for linux?01:55
ActionParsnipsleepie^eyes: thats all I can advise, are there any bugs reported?01:55
sleepie^eyesActionParsnip, Found it, disabled power management for all pci express01:55
celthunderfishbait: selinux iptables chmod chown netstat01:55
marvelouzonethe output of "groups" list (my user name) adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare01:55
celthunderprobably a few hundred more i didnt list01:55
sleepie^eyesActionParsnip, I'll head over to Google01:55
compdocfishbait, i use rkhunter01:55
L3topfishbait: linux.01:56
fishbaithmm i shall have to look at those and do this amazing thing called learning01:56
RelondoL3top: What was the command to make executable, again?01:56
marvelouzoneso fishbait what do you think?01:56
celthunderRelondo: chmod +x01:56
L3topfishbait: each of the things mentioned have specific purposes, but you are from the windows school of thought where you need security on top of the os, rather than using a secure os.01:57
fishbaitwas the previous rootkit fully cleared up01:57
Relondocellthunder: Thanks.01:57
fishbaitother then that i'm all out of ideas01:58
marvelouzoneroot kit?01:58
celthunderfishbait: dont follow it word for word as some of it is outright wrong and wont work but there is an nsa paper on redhat security.01:58
harrrismrubinthis is what comes up when i reboot http://imagebin.org/21646201:58
alan502Hello. I have just installed dhcp3-server but there is apparently no /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server?01:58
fishbaithmm i just don't want to get a nasty root-kit and completely screw up my install01:58
ActionParsnipalan502: try:  sudo service dh    and hit TAB01:59
celthunderfishbait: give you a good startingy point on logging and filesystem security.  learning basic ccna stuff will practically teach you iptables as well01:59
fishbaithmm well i'm currently a+ and network+ certified01:59
MichaelGldon't install untrusted software01:59
L3topharrrismrubin: is your username literally username?02:00
alan502ActionParsnip: I can see nothing :(02:00
fishbaitoh yes thats a given on any operating system02:00
MichaelGlthen you're good02:00
celthunderFilibustero: a+ is like saying you can change a tire on a car and call yourself a mechanic (honestly ccna is the same)02:00
fishbaitcelthunder: yes?02:00
harrrismrubinwait no02:00
celthunderabove comment was for you :)02:00
marvelouzonecelthunder any ideas on what I can do to fix?02:00
ActionParsnipalan502: or hit tab a few times after the word service, should show all service names02:00
L3topharrrismrubin: touch /home/username/.shotwell/data/photo.db02:00
celthundermarvelouzone: do you have a usb stick or something you can live boot from02:01
fishbaitooh i see02:01
celthundermarvelouzone: id live boot and then try to find the problem outside the system02:01
alan502ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/CxEWLTih02:01
ArmageddonL3top, reboot ?02:01
L3topsorry that was meant to be at the end of my post to harrrismrubin02:01
Armageddonit's still wrong02:01
Armageddonyou mean log and back in02:02
alan502Is the dhcp3-server enough to install dhcp?02:02
fishbaitdoes video streaming write to the tmp or var folders?02:02
celthundermarvelouzone: i suspect you will have an easier time fixing from a chroot02:02
alan502Is the dhcp3-server *package enough to install dhcp?02:02
celthunderfishbait: depends what youre using to stream02:02
L3topwrong is an interesting word.02:02
ActionParsnipalan502: not sure then dude, is it used that way?02:02
fishbaitflsh video players to be specific02:02
marvelouzonecould you give me a little more specifics on what I should chroot?02:02
alan502ActionParsnip: I think so. I have been reading a couple of tutorials on the web and appanrently installing that package should be enough :P02:03
celthundermarvelouzone: your install? so you can find the problem.  look at it especially /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow and if you find the problem fix it then chroot and see if it worked02:03
fishbaitcelthunder: flash video players to be specific02:03
loneclockhi, i was wondering why i have to use sudo to install everything?02:04
alan502ActionParsnip: it's weird, apparently the config files should also appear but I had to create them02:04
alan502*googles again*02:04
harrrismrubinnothing happens when i touch it02:04
celthunderfishbait: dont use flash cant help you but i doubt it probably $HOME/.browser/tmp or something02:04
celthunderand flash shouldnt have much of a que /tmp usage02:04
celthunderif any02:04
fishbaitcelthunder: hmm ok02:04
L3toploneclock: you do not have to use sudo to install EVERYTHING, however many many things require root access in order to affect other parts of the system during the install.02:05
marvelouzoneok, I'll make an attempt, just not sure what I'm doing lol.. I wonder what zentyal is changing in my system thats causing this problem, when I look on there website no one else has that issue..02:05
harrrismrubinL3top,  nothing happens when i clicked it02:05
L3toploneclock: this is part of the security of linux. Things cannot install without your permission.02:05
celthunderloneclock: if you have access to compilers you dont need sudo for anything just build a system inside your home dir02:05
L3topL3top: clicked what?02:05
L3topharrrismrubin: clicked what02:06
loneclockL3top, i would like to install wine but i need to use sudo for it....what if i was on a system where i didnt have acess to sudo?02:06
celthundermarvelouzone: wats zentyal02:06
celthunderloneclock: build it in your home dir. as i just said02:06
L3topsorry... I said to touch, touch is a builtin command. You would type this in a terminal.02:07
L3topharrrismrubin: but you are saying it exists?02:07
alan502*reinstalling dhcp3-server*02:07
loneclockcelthunder, i am pretty new....if i use sudo am i just building inside my root directory ?02:07
harrrismrubinL3top,  bash: /home/username/.shotwell/data/photo.db: No such file or directory02:07
marvelouzoneits software that you use as a server/gateway/router/firewall I have two broadband connections that I load balance, I also have a zentyal on ubuntu servers at two other locations with vpn02:08
fishbaitrevised partition scheme / on 80gb drive 9gb /swap and /home on 500gb i believe this will give plenty of space for applications variable usage and a slight performance advantage. am i on the right track here?02:08
celthunderloneclock: no.  and you shouldnt build as root anyway.  sudo lets you install software using package managers and system wide.02:08
celthunderloneclock: you can however dl dep files and rpms if you want and use them from your home dir and or build them (much better) with prefix of your home dir02:09
fishbaittrue you don't need sudo to install things but apt-get needs sudo to look at a few files. right?02:09
L3topI don't use unity. Is this http://imagebin.org/216462  crash title using "username" as a generic obscura of the persons username, or is it literally pointing to /home/username ?02:09
celthunderfishbait: you dont have to use apt-get to install stuff.  you dont need to use package managers for anything really if you dont want.02:09
celthunderit just makes it a tad easier.02:09
loneclockcelthunder, so when i am using sudo i am just installing wine for all users? but if i installed inside my home directory i am only installing for one user to use02:10
celthunderloneclock: something like that02:10
fishbaithmm but then what is the alteRnative command? i only know apt-get (install/autoremove) *pacakge name here*02:11
fishbaiti know make install to but i think thats drivers only02:12
celthunderfishbait: wherever you learned that...smack them02:13
fishbaiti guessed it from only having used it to install my nic drivers02:13
celthunderyou can use it to build pretty much anything.02:14
celthunderkernel your userland...02:14
celthunderlook at lfs.02:14
pedahzurWhere do we go to ask questions about the Canonical Partners repository?02:14
fishbaitah i see so it for installing from source right?02:14
EDawg878I have two ethernet ports on my computer, how can i share the connection from one out the other?02:15
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing02:16
celthunderfishbait: you can often just extract deb files and rpms as well to your home dir02:16
L3topholy poop... 3 days?02:16
celthunderfishbait: not EVERYTHING will work like that...but enough and anything that doesnt you should probably have sysops permission for anyway02:16
celthunderL3top: lol yeah long time cant wait for the chaos02:17
fishbaitooh i see02:17
celthunderfishbait: for example you can install ifconfig and iptables in your home dir all you want it wont do you any good02:17
fishbaitah then vmware will need sysops permission but my browser should probably work fine like that02:18
celthunderfishbait: exactly02:19
fishbaiti see the distinction now between what is and what isn't extract runable02:19
fishbaitbut what do i do to make a link from which to access it?02:20
celthunderln -s ?02:20
fishbaitfrom the menu or launcher02:20
celthunderor ln -h if you want to link that exact harddrive location02:20
celthunderwhat menu/launcher?02:21
fishbaithmm xfce02:21
celthunderno idea :) dont use it02:21
fishbaitevised partition scheme / on 80gb drive 9gb /swap and /home on 500gb i believe this will give plenty of space and a slight performance advantage. am i on the right track here?02:24
=== LofS is now known as Last
celthunderfishbait: ?02:26
celthunderbut i would never put 9gb on swap and your fs type and stuff matters too.  look at making an lvm or using zfs02:27
fishbaiti have 8gb of ram and it seems most things that aren't system related go under home i ntend to use vmware for compatability layer02:27
celthunderso you can resize as needed.  personally i have 30MB /boot 16MB swap rest is btrfs under an lvm. / is 5GB /home is whatever freespace i happen to have left02:28
celthunderif you are using vmware and running them nearly all your real ram yeah keep the swap if not...you dotn really need it for anything other than suspend02:28
celthunderultimately up to you02:29
celthunderjust find what you need where and put it there02:29
fishbaitmmhmm i intend to give vmware 1 core and 4gb with a 50gb drive02:29
ActionParsnipfishbait: sounds good to me :)02:29
panduhey ActionParsnip can you help me again ?02:30
harrrismrubini want this error gone02:31
ActionParsnippandu: sup?02:31
fishbaitokay i think this is entirely planned out to me nothin to do now but wait02:31
celthunderharrrismrubin: whats the error sorry02:32
fishbaitgotta finish setting up my little brothers new laptop02:32
celthunderpandu: hi agin02:32
panduwhat's the website for download icon or theme for my ubuntu ?02:32
celthunderfishbait: later02:32
fishbait /leave re-installing02:32
harrrismrubinhere is a screen shot celthunder  http://imagebin.org/21646202:32
ActionParsnippandu: www.gnome-look.org is a good starting point02:32
MadBoatHey guys. Im trying to compile an ubuntu kernel for the first time, and I'm running into a problem with a video driver for the platform im compiling for02:32
nickmoeckHi.... quick question for a friend who's using 12.04.  Is the mouse pointer supposed to disappear when you move it over an icon or something like that? I'd check myself but I really don't want to install unity/ubuntu-desktop on my system.02:32
=== octavio is now known as octaviordz
MadBoatI'd like to know how to go about stopping the make process from trying to compile this driver02:33
panduActionParsnip Thanks a lot :D02:33
=== octaviordz is now known as octavio
celthunderharrrismrubin: is your username literally username on your system?02:33
ActionParsnipharrrismrubin: does the filename in the error exist?02:33
celthunderharrrismrubin: mkdir -p /home/username/.shotwell/data/02:34
celthunderharrrismrubin: touch /home/username/.shotwell/data/photo.db02:34
snadgemy launcher has stopped autohiding for some reason.. only thing i've done is install skype 4.0, which should be unrelated?02:34
snadgealso skype 4 doesnt show skype icon in the notification area anymore :/ anyone else noticed that?02:34
celthunderharrrismrubin: and then if your username isnt literally username chown -R YOURREALUSER /home/username02:34
snadgei could try deleting my skype settings.. rebooting etc.. but maybe someone has already tried all of this and can save me the trouble02:35
harrrismrubinno it does not exist02:35
alan502Hello. I am trying to share my wireless internet connection through a wired router; can somebody help me?02:36
harrrismrubinhow do i uninstall it02:36
genii-aroundcelthunder: Maybe more like mkdir /home/$(whoami)/whatever02:37
L3topmkdir -p02:37
ActionParsnipsnadge: I suggest you report a bug with skype02:37
celthundergenii-around: his error literally said /home/username so...thats what i gave him since i suspect the parents dont exist i put in -p02:37
pedahzurWhere do we go to ask questions about the Canonical Partners repository?02:38
bluechaosgood morning02:38
ActionParsnippedahzur: here02:38
panduActionParsnip what will happend if I always change my ubuntu appearance ?02:38
celthunderpedahzur: why not just ask02:38
ActionParsnippandu: nothing much02:38
celthunderbluechaos: evening02:38
celthunderpandu: it will 'appear' different02:38
pedahzurbluechaos, celthunder: I thought this was Ubuntu-only discussion.02:39
MadBoatalan502: First, be more specific about what you're trying to do. You want to, what, split a wireless connection between multiple computers using a wired router, some LAn cable and 1 wireless adapter? 2: I don't know how to do that :p02:39
bluechaostell me one software to burn a bootable cd/dvd02:39
pedahzurAnyway: Skype 4.0 was released today. Any ideas when it will show up in partners repo?02:39
celthunderbluechaos: cdrkit02:39
genii-aroundbluechaos: Brasero02:39
MadBoatAnyone knowledgeable about building the ubuntu kernel in here?02:39
bluechaosgenii-around,  I try brasero but is not good02:39
panduActionParsnip My ubuntu could get broken ?02:40
celthunderMadBoat: ive done it..knowedgable..probably not02:40
bluechaosI faild to do that cd ..02:40
MadBoatceltthunder: I wanted to disable a particular graphics module from the build02:41
celthunderMadBoat: usually the graphics is added as modules you just have to blacklist it02:41
L3topharrrismrubin: try this instead... sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity-scope-shotwell         or if you really want to get rid of it, sudo apt-get remove unity-scope-shotwell           but it may remove something you want.02:41
alan502MadBoat: I connect to the internet through a wireless connection on this computer. The wireless connection uses an http proxy to connect to the web. This computer is also connected to a router via wired network. I want the wireless internet connection on this computer to be shared via my router. Can you help me? I'll really appreciate it02:41
L3topharrrismrubin: it would show you what it was taking with it though and ask permission02:41
celthunderMadBoat: that said if it is compiled in you can recompile..02:42
celthunderalan502: does your wireless card have a master mode02:42
alan502what is master mode?02:42
celthunderalan502: if you cant put your wireless card into the proper modes it will never work02:42
MadBoatceltthunder: I haven't successfully compiled it yet02:42
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harrrismrubinL3top, ` does that get rid of all of the packages it installed02:43
alan502celthunder: what is master mode?02:43
MadBoatceltthunder:I've only got pre-compiled images to work02:43
L3topIt would remove anything which depended on it harrrismrubin02:43
L3topharrrismrubin: again, it will tell you what it is doing, and ask you yes or no. It is safe to run it to see.02:43
celthunderalan502: basically it lets you use your wireless card as you want to.02:43
ActionParsnippandu: its an icon, nothing more...02:43
L3topharrrismrubin: if you are really paranoid you can throw a --dry-run in there02:44
panduActionParsnip alright :D thanks02:44
snadgepedahzur: you can install skype 4 manually from their website using software centre.. but it appears the icon for it no longer shows up in the notification area02:44
celthunderL3top: why is he removing it?02:44
rbik?join #python02:44
L3topcelthunder: I gave him options, one of which was what he asked... which is how to remove it.02:44
snadgei wouldn't suggest adding it to the partner repo.. until at least that is resolved.. also my launcher no longer autohides.. and im not sure if thats related to installing skype 4, or a coincidence02:44
celthunderL3top: ah odd solution02:45
* L3top suggested he apt-get install --reinstall it02:45
snadgeand yes.. i've tried toggling the autohide option.. it doesnt appear to achieve anything02:45
L3topI mean if it is literally pointing to /home/username... something got borked in an install script or something.02:45
pedahzursnadge: Hmm..never used software center (I'm on 11.04, Kubuntu).  Was hoping it'd show up as an update in the partners's repo.02:45
pedahzursnadge: Thanks.02:45
celthunderL3top: yeah lol why i told him to mkdir -p it...02:46
alan502celthunder: apparently it does support master mode.  sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode master   returns no error02:46
L3topme too02:46
snadgepedahzur: you just right click on the file and say install. and it defaults to installing it that way02:46
celthunderalan502: then just set up iptables and bridging as needed02:46
pedahzursnadge: There is that. Skype say the version on their web site is for 10.04...I guess they mean 10.04 or later.02:47
gr33n7007hI've just downloaded an ubuntu game and it's a .run file how do i execute it??02:47
snadgeright.. they also say they have a 64bit version.. which is lies02:47
alan502celthunder: I don't know how to do that tho; this is why I come for help.02:47
snadgewhen you install the 64bit version, it depends on like 90mb worth of 32bit libs02:47
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:   ./foo.run  or  sh ./foo.run   or, chmod +x foo..run   then ./foo.run02:47
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: mark it as executable and run it in terminal (may need sudo)02:47
Dr_Willisgr33n7007h:  ie: you 'run'  it.02:48
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: its a binary file02:48
gr33n7007hActionParsnip, Dr_Willis Thanks guys02:48
KryvyshI need help!, I accidentally removed my password for my account, which happens to be the administrator of this computer. (the only account to be honest). I just installed ubuntu yesterday and today I no longer have administrative privilages because of my actions. I try to add a password but it won't let me. It says "None" for password but when I click it, it gives me 3 options. Current Password, New Password and Confirm passwor02:48
Kryvyshd, but no matter what I do or try, I can't get it to be able for me to click "change" ... The button is unclickable.. I can't get a password, I don't know what to do. 02:48
KryvyshNo longer with admin priv in my comp. If anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it very very much (and sorry for such a long response)02:48
Dr_Willisuse of .run type installers is  sort of frowned upon. ;)02:48
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alan502celthunder: can you help me?02:48
ActionParsnipKryvysh: boot to root recovery console and you can set your password there02:49
Kryvyshi tried that02:49
Kryvyshit didnt work02:49
Kryvyshfor some odd reson02:49
=== Nappy is now known as BlueChaos
celthunderalan502: apt-get install bride-utils set your wireless card in master made02:49
sam555hello all02:50
sam555when I type this sudo ufw allow Samba02:50
L3topKryvysh: how did you accidentally remove your password?02:50
celthunderalan502:  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-wap/index.html there02:50
sam555i get this error:ERROR: Could not find a profile matching 'Samba'02:51
sam555any ideas?02:51
Dr_Willissam555:  perhaps its 'samba'not Samba02:51
L3topsam555:  samba02:51
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.02:51
harrrismrubinwhat is a dry run02:51
Dr_WillisCaSe MaTtErS02:51
=== bluechaos is now known as DragMeToHell
KryvyshL3top: not thinking, I delete it >.> and then i couldn't re add a pw because of my actions...02:51
L3topIt is a simulation of what would happen if you were really doing it harrrismrubin02:51
L3tophow did you delete it Kryvysh02:52
sam555Dr_Willis: & L3top same error with lower case02:52
Dr_Willissam555:  could  ibe  'samba' is not the right  name. try the tab completion to show possible names?02:52
Dr_Willisi dont use any firewall rules. ;)02:53
Kryvyshi went to users, and i clicked mine (the only one) and was curious what login without password or some option like that was, and it removed my pw, then i clicked the lock unlock thing, and I no longer was able to unlock so I could change it back or what not.02:53
Dr_Willisdont see much need for them on my home lan02:53
* octaviordz hi02:54
L3topwent to users in what Kryvysh? I am not understanding how you could do this.02:54
celthunderDr_Willis: firewall rules can do more than just stop traffic they can also redirect it etc02:54
Alan502_celthunder: sorry i disconnected02:54
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celthunderalan502:  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-wap/index.html there basic directions02:55
KryvyshL3top: top right cornor i clicked my account. then under account i clicked my account. then from there i saw password and i fidgetted with it, to the point where I was left w/out a password and no password i guess means, no password to use to authenticate administrative privilages.. i think/hope that made sense...02:56
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L3topwhat version are you on?02:56
Alan502celthunder: again, did you send anything?02:57
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* Dr_Willis wonders if the account has a password - but is set to be disabled.02:57
L3topKryvysh: lsb_release -sc02:57
celthunderalan502:  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-wap/index.html there basic directions02:57
* L3top is just not familiar enough with unity to address this, but it doesn't seem as though anything you "click" from desktop should be able to screw this sort of basic necessity up02:58
celthunderKryvysh: so set a new one?02:58
Dr_Willisi recall a 'disable account' button in the user configs. seems odd he could disable  all the accounts. :) but ive seen weirder  thingfs happen.02:59
L3topKryvysh: well... regardless. I believe the solution is going to be to live boot to cd, chroot into the machine and set a password.02:59
Dr_Willismake a new admin user also may be a good idea while chrooted.. just in case02:59
L3topOr create02:59
Kryvyshalright, thanks you guys, Imma try it right now!,03:00
Alan502celthunder: I think you misunderstood me. I connect to the internet through the wireless connection but I want to share it through a wired connection03:08
Alan502celthunder: I have read the tutorial but apparently it teaches you how to do it the other way03:08
celthunderAlan502: oh same stuff applies03:10
sacarlsonAlan502: as far as I know there should be no difference in shareing wifi or shareing wired just the interfaces are reversed eth0 = eth1 ; eth1 = eth0; or whatever your interfaces are named03:10
celthunderAlan502: just pretend its a kvm or xen vm in bridged mode.03:11
Alan502celthunder, sacarlson : but my wired connection is connected to a wireless router. I attempt to share my wireless connection through my router.03:11
celthunderAlan502: except in this case its real hardware.03:11
L3topsorry missed the pm Kryvysh... these things are best left in main chan. If I make an error, someone would catch it this way.03:12
sacarlsonAlan502: just make sure you don't have conflicting dhcp servers running then, that's it03:12
Alan502sacarlson: can I leave the dhcp server of my router and disable any other dhcp servers, would that work?03:14
Alan502sacarlson: and also, should my computer be connected to a "regular" port or to the "wan" port03:15
Zephyrusuoregular port03:15
Zephyrusuowan means wide area network which is where the router connects to modem03:15
Zephyrusuowan is the internet for example03:16
sacarlsonAlan502: as long as the remaining dhcp server can provide the correct values for ip , mask, gateway, I would think you can run it anywhere, but I run mine on my ubuntu03:16
sacarlsonAlan502: oh and dns ip03:16
L3topKryvysh: Boot to live cd. Open a terminal and type sudo -s. mount /dev/sdXY /mnt      where X is the disk and Y is the partition. Typically /dev/sda1.  then chroot /mnt. To create a user: useradd -G admin mynewusername       using an actual user name.03:16
Alan502sacarlson: correct values?03:17
L3topKryvysh: if we were doing more than this we would want to mount more things... but for this we shouldnt need to03:17
sacarlsonAlan502: I just disable the dhcp server in my adsl+wifi router03:17
blackshirtI have usb modem and try to connect with wvdial..03:17
Alan502sacarlson: what dhcp server do you use in ubuntu? dhcp3-server or isc-dhcp?03:18
sacarlsonAlan502: well yes the values given from dhcpd must provide the values that will hook up to your present network03:18
L3topKryvysh: then, because I like things clean, umount /dev/sda1 (or whatever your partition is) and reboot to the hd.03:18
sacarlsonAlan502: I run both of those dhcp3-server and isc-dhcp  as I run 2 different versions of systems on my network,  one will pick up the service if one dies03:19
L3topKryvysh: you would have to type exit before the umount... sorry... to leave the chroot jail03:19
blackshirtBut why, init3 = at+cgdcont=1,"apn","ip" was daid bad init string03:19
sacarlsonAlan502: and both isc-dhcp and dhcp3-server both work fine03:19
randianyone good at troubleshooting wifi problems?03:19
ActionParsniprandi: state your issue and the channel will reply if it can03:20
Alan502sacarlson: i installed dhcp3-server but no configuration files where created on ubuntu and the daemon was not present on /etc/init.d03:20
blackshirtBut why, init3 = at+cgdcont=1,"apn","ip" was said bad init string03:21
Alan502sacarlson: I am trying to get isc-dhcp-server to work right now but with no success; can the router serve as a dhcp server instead do you think?03:21
intrapatahi how can i disable autologin on Lubuntu03:21
sacarlsonAlan502: what version of ubuntu are you running?03:21
intrapatahello hi how can i disable autologin on Lubuntu03:21
ActionParsnipintrapata: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc03:21
sacarlsonAlan502: the router might be able to run the dhcp it depends on the firmware installed in it and how flexible the config of the device is03:22
celthunderAlan502: you really onl need iptables forward and/or ip routes no dhcp server needed03:22
randiI installed Ubuntu 10.10 and the wifi worked fine.. after updating there is no wifi option03:22
celthunderAlan502: then just set the ips statically03:22
ActionParsniprandi: what version did you update to?03:22
Alan502celthunder: I am trying to set this for my whole family with several devices which would not be ideal to set each one of them statically03:23
sacarlsonAlan502: in the past seems the dhcp3-server was very easy to install it was plug and play as far as I know,  can I see your config file?03:23
randiActionParsnip :  11.1103:23
ActionParsniprandi: did you upgrade to 11.04 first?03:24
randiActionParsnip: sorry that's what I meant 11.0403:24
intrapata<ActionParsnip> sir its says precies03:24
sacarlsonAlan502: on my system the config is at /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf  but yours might be  at /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf03:24
L3topWhat is your ultimate goal for the system Alan502?03:24
Alan502sacarlson: the thing is, there was no config file created after install. I added this under /etc/dhcp3 though: http://pastebin.com/TcpL8Z1803:25
ActionParsnipintrapata: edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf   and you can comment out the line: autologin-user=foo03:25
blackshirtI have add init3= at+cgdcont=1,"apn","ip" to wvdial.conf, but why was said bad init string03:25
ActionParsniprandi: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     does it show the network adapter? Is it disabled?03:25
sacarlsonAlan502: sorry my ISP filters http://pastebin.com can you try http://pastebin.ubuntu.com03:26
Alan502L3top: I have a system which is connected to the internet via wireless (it connects to a network which has a proxy which I use to go to the internet) however, I would like to share this connection via wireless router to other systems in the house (this system is wired to the router) do you think its possible?03:26
intrapata<ActionParsnip> do i need to su ?03:26
Alan502sacarlson: sure :)03:27
randiActionParsnip: yeah it shows the AR5008 Wireless adapter03:27
sacarlsonAlan502: I see no gateway address in you config03:28
ActionParsniprandi: ok and is it disabled? does it have a driver loaded for it? What is the interface name? Does it have an IP address?03:28
randiit does say "*-network UNCLAIMED" just above it though03:28
L3topYes. Definitely possible.03:28
ActionParsniprandi: ahhh then no driver is oaded03:28
Alan502sacarlson: is my own computers ip the gateway?03:29
ActionParsniprandi: if you hold shift at boot and select the old kernel, you can see what driver module it uses03:29
intrapataSir <ActionParsnip> i run  edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf  ,, and get this error "no write permission for file "/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"03:29
sacarlsonAlan502: oh you have option routers;  outside your subnet,  I guess that might work03:29
ActionParsnipintrapata: gksudo leafpad /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf03:30
Alan502aaaaaaaaaaaaaa why is networking so haaaard03:30
sacarlsonAlan502: that looks like it might work,  so if you restart do you get any errors?03:30
arusselI have a tomcat that will send mail using javamail, do I have to configure anything for this to work ? (ie either tell tomcat to use a different port)03:31
Alan502sacarlson: I got an ntp error before but I installed the ntp package on synaptic and it does not give me any more erorrs03:31
intrapata<ActionParsnip> sir  which of this should i edit  " [SeatDefaults]03:31
FloodBot1intrapata: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
Alan502sacarlson: i'll paste you the output when i restart the daemon03:31
sacarlsonAlan502: ok and your devices that connect do they get an ip address?03:31
sacarlsonAlan502: oh and we should see that dhcp is listening on the ethernet port you desire03:32
Alan502sacarlson: no they dont get an ip adress03:33
sacarlsonAlan502: so they can connect to your access point as that's how they are supposed to connect yes?03:34
pandujaiihooo Alanparsnip03:35
Alan502sacarlson: if I enable the dhcp on my router all my devices can connect without problem but If i disable it so that ubuntu will serve as a dhcp server they won't connect03:35
Alan502can connect to the network03:35
MeXTuXI want to enlarge my Ubuntu partition. Maybe resize it 20 GB. Windows 7 is also installed on same PC. I need advice on how to do this safely. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041823/03:35
sacarlsonAlan502: and for now I hope you have encryption turned off just for tesing to remove that as a posibility03:36
Alan502sacarlson: ok, removing it now...03:36
celthunderMeXTuX: lvm/zfs?03:38
L3topAlan502: to be clear... there is nothing ELSE spitting DHCP on the internal network right?03:38
L3topbecause that will break the dhcpd03:38
celthunderAlan502: did you make sure your dhcp realizes its not the real router?03:39
MeXTuXcelthunder: what? i'm newbie03:39
randiafter booting into older kernel the wifi is still not working ? or am I doing it wrong?03:39
celthunderMeXTuX: lvdisplay if you are in an lvm just resize it03:39
modernbobwhats the latest kernel for 12.04?03:41
genii-around!info linux-image03:41
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB03:41
modernbobmodern@crawfordneb:~$ uname -r03:42
modernbobdon't see the ,26 part03:42
OerHekstry uname -a03:42
modernbobOerHeks: Linux crawfordneb 3.2.0-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 21 16:52:17 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:43
OerHeksLinux oerpc 3.2.0-25-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 20:30:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:43
modernbobso I don't have the latest version03:44
celthundermodernbob: i think its 3.503:45
celthunderas latest03:45
modernbobcelthunder: but thats not a supported kernel right?03:46
OerHekswell 3.5-rc203:46
celthundermodernbob: unless you totally screw up making it or you go back ridiculously far it shouldnt really be unsupported03:46
celthunderaka building 2.4.x would expect problems03:47
OerHeksI wouldn't load any other kernel unless i had a very good reason, and would try QQ 12.10 daily first.03:47
modernbobOerHeks: I agree.. everything appears to work fine03:48
celthunderOerHeks: theres some things you just have to build one for...03:49
sacarlsonL3top: I think Alan502:  needs to add a line in his /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf   INTERFACES="ethX"  so that he won't be serving himself a number on his ISP side.  what you think?03:50
Borillionuh one of my drives is showing 2199GB and no partition available, am I toast?03:50
OerHekshere is a view about mirrors and status of updates > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors03:50
sacarlsonL3top: I've never had to do this since I run static on my server side but he needs to get an address from his ISP from his wifi connection to it03:51
OerHeksBorillion, no, i think you have GPT and using a tool that cannot handle that?03:51
WildbatIs there a way to change mouse scrollwheel speed system wide?03:51
BorillionOerHeks it was ext4 when I could read it03:52
L3topI think I am happy I use LinuxMCE and it does all this crap automagically http://pastebin.com/QEKUWs2N03:52
sacarlsonL3top: I'm not sure that was to me and I can't read http://pastebin.com as my ISP has it filtered out03:53
L3topthats my dhcp.conf is all, and yes... it was aimed at you. I am familiar with it because I have to write stuff to be included, but do not have a firm understanding because it all "just works" for me.03:53
ntiyhow can I compress a directory into many tar files, so that each individual .tar is small?03:53
celthundersacarlson: your isp filters pastebin? who is your isp..and why do you not go around there filters..more to the point why are you paying them to filter you03:53
L3topexcellent question celthunder.03:54
Abhijithi guys. anyone knows a working widget/screenlet or something for gnome3 shell for currency converting?03:54
celthundermy isp filters me i go around it they complain i go elsewhere03:54
sacarlsoncelthunder: it has something to do with india law suit for torrents that use pastebin.com to host torrents.  it's not in dns it's in ip filter I guess03:55
celthundersacarlson: vpn03:55
ntiyoh, split03:56
sacarlsoncelthunder: I was getting a web proxy working for some time but my ISP works on filtering them also03:56
celthunderand you cant stop torrenting anyway...idk why people dont just support it.  i torrent all the time.  if your product is good people will still go and pay you for it03:56
sacarlsoncelthunder: seem the more I try to go around them the more they filter so sometimes if you don't really need it don't do it03:57
celthunderif its a bad product (quite a bit of things) or not worth what you sell it for (adobe) people wont pay you03:57
celthundersacarlson: lol just buy a server or vps and make a vpn to tunnell al your traffic to03:58
celthunderif they ask say its your employers03:58
ActionParsnipAbhijit: found one for KDE so far..03:58
sacarlsoncelthunder: I'm not a rich man like you very poor boy in Thailand03:58
celthunderim piss broke03:59
AbhijitActionParsnip, ammm. will it work flawlesslly / smoothly in gnome shell?03:59
ActionParsnipAbhijit: http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2012/04/trick-currency-converter-on-command.html04:00
ActionParsnipAbhijit: you could make a gui thing for that04:00
AbhijitActionParsnip, ok04:01
ActionParsnipAbhijit: that code works well :)04:02
nate_is there any alsa-drivers downloads that you don04:03
nate_don't have to ./configure & make & make install but just the binary so you can modprobe the ,ko files04:04
nate_i,e just a download of all the binaries / .ko files needed in modprobeinng or using  alsa-driver not interested in building and currently don;t have a working gcc anyway. plus don't want to build just install04:04
AbhijitActionParsnip, good one04:04
L3topnate_: apt-get install alsa-base04:04
L3topnate_: apt-get install alsa-utils04:04
L3topnate_: what version buntu you on?\04:05
sacarlsonfor anyone in thailand or indea I found what seems to be a working web proxy for http://pastebin.com problems http://www.webproxy.ca/  it works today but who knows about tomaro04:05
ActionParsnipnate_: that's what the repos are for, they are all binaries..04:07
sacarlsoncelthunder: see with an investment of time there is always a free method04:07
nate_not on a ubuntu system need it for a centos yum system so I was trying to wget it since they don't seem to have it in the repo that I have be default so is there a wget that allows you just to get the binary not have to build it from sources04:07
celthundersacarlson: you can also set up your own pastebin thats free too theres hundreds of them04:08
ActionParsnipnate_: sudo apt-get install -d alsa-base alsa-utils04:08
nate_I understand that but don't really need a local pastebin when I got tons all over the net to uses... not like I am trying to hide info or something04:09
nate_is there a .tar I can wget instead?04:09
ActionParsnipnate_: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Driver_Compilation   all the tar's are source though04:10
sacarlsoncelthunder: yes but the problem is that people here like to use http://pastebin.com and I can't read it without this present method with http://www.webproxy.ca/ to see the results04:10
ActionParsnipsacarlson: I use pastie, it runs fast on mobile devices04:11
nate_crap does anybody want to apt-get the binaries and send me over the deb files for them ? or just extract the binary parts I need and tar them up?04:14
nate_:) sucks to here about the tar files being all source builds but I guess that is the smart thing to do anyway04:15
L3topYou can download the packages and extract what you need... or the source... I am not understanding what you want nate_.04:16
L3topapt-get is your friend.04:16
ActionParsnipnate_: apt-get install -d   will download the debs for you and put them in /var/cache/apt/archives04:16
genii-aroundL3top: Centos system04:16
L3topGuess I should get around to figuring out what that is genii-around.04:17
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nate_sudo yum install apt-get gives me no package exists I am screwed04:20
L3topnate_: I would expect aptitude... but what you are doing is a bit outside of the norm.04:22
ActionParsnipnate_: you'd run the apt-get command in Ubuntu, then transfer the files...04:22
L3topnate_: wait... there is a site to dl the debs.04:22
L3tophttp://packages.ubuntu.com/ nate_04:22
L3topthat is probably what you want, and it will show depends etc04:23
L3topof course... it is probably easiest to do what ActionParsnip said, and download and extract the binaries from the packages in ubuntu and then xfer them04:24
nate_thanks I forgot about that stupid me I will have to try downloading at that rpm site again to get the rpm version guess it won't matter though since I can extract it from a deb or rpm package the problem will arise in installing it and it installing at all04:26
Dr_Williswhenever i detatch my screen session, weechat goes back to the first buffer when i reatatch.. wonder why its doing that.04:26
ActionParsnipnate_: doesn't centos have sound or something?04:29
thyagujoin #git04:30
Alan502Is the default gateway of a computer determined by an ip adress?04:31
Alan502i mean04:31
Alan502dhcp server?04:31
nate_not for my old hardware dell computer no normally I would supect it would this is one of those rare rare ocassions kind of like to push the edge kind of stuff04:32
sacarlsonAlan502: yes both come from the dhcp server04:32
Alan502sacarlson: hello sacarlson04:32
Alan502sacarlson: I am now trying a different approach04:32
Alan502sacarlson: I want to use the dhcp server on the router and use a squid transparent server to forward all the http requests04:32
=== VGoff is now known as VGoff_afk
Alan502sacarlson: to do this I just would need all devices on the same lan network and have the computer with internet access and squid installed with the lowest ip adress right? (so that other systems try to access the internet through it and use squid trasnparent server)04:33
sacarlsonAlan502: I was thinking since to connect to your wifi ISP you must use dhcp to get that so you would have to add the line INTERFACES="ethX"  with the device that is on your non isp side04:34
sacarlsonAlan502: oh they are all on the same network card?04:34
ActionParsnip!away > VGoff_afk04:35
ubottuVGoff_afk, please see my private message04:35
Alan502sacarlson: no no, there is one card connected to the internet (wireless) and one to the home lan (wired)04:35
sacarlsonAlan502: I don't use squid I just forward through my router04:35
Alan502sacarlson: I have done that, can't remember in which specific file but I am sure i have set INTERFACES="eth0" somewhere as I found it on a forum post04:35
sacarlsonAlan502: and you pick up your ISP on the wifi side with dhcp ?04:35
Alan502sacarlson: yes04:36
Alan502sacarlson: the wifi has dhcp04:36
sacarlsonAlan502: it wasn't in the file you sent us04:36
Alan502sacarlson: so i need to add it in that file?04:36
sacarlsonAlan502: if you aren't having probems getting a working address from your wifi ISP I guess you must have something correct04:37
Alan502sacarlson: yes my wifi's ISP gives me my address via dhcp04:37
Alan502sacarlson: right now I have my internet connected system and my other systems in the same lan network 192.168.1.x via the dhcp of my home router04:38
sacarlsonAlan502: and what device is this ISP on?04:38
Alan502sacarlson: wlan004:38
sacarlsonAlan502: oh so you don't have the mask for the two nets setup correct?   let me see ifconfig wlan0  and ifconfig eth004:39
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Alan502sacarlson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1041869/   eth0 is on the same lan network as my other devices with 192.168.1.x does that help?04:41
Alan502monkey: try a / in front of that04:41
sacarlsonAlan502: Alan502 ok that looks good and route -n04:41
Alan502sacarlson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1041873/04:42
sacarlsonAlan502: ya all your other devices should be on eth0 side04:42
Alan502sacarlson: aha04:42
sacarlsonAlan502: but this route looks mest up  I think04:43
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sacarlsonAlan502: it apears you ISP is         UG    0      0        0 eth0   this  I thought the wifi was your ISP04:44
Alan502sacarlson: my wifi is my isp04:45
Alan502sacarlson: if i go to network manager and click on disconnect wifi i will no longer have internet04:45
sacarlsonAlan502: well then your wifi connects to a device on
ra0mb1erhi  everyone04:45
Alan502sacarlson: i think so04:46
sacarlsonAlan502: well that's on eth0 not wlan004:46
Alan502sacarlson: i am not sure how it works to be hones04:47
Alan502sacarlson: at the ip adresses/routing level04:48
sacarlsonAlan502: I would think if you disconect wlan0 you should still be connected to something04:48
Alan502sacarlson: but my wifi connects to a network which then I use a proxy in that netwrok to connect to the internet04:48
Alan502sacarlson: yes, I will be connected to my home network04:48
sacarlsonAlan502: you over complicate with this proxy I guess04:48
Alan502sacarlson: I have no control over this network04:49
sacarlsonAlan502: start simple and add proxy later04:49
sacarlsonAlan502: I guess I don't have the full picture as I don't understand how your proxy works04:50
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Alan502sacarlson: it is just a regular http proxy04:50
sacarlsonAlan502: and what is the address of this proxy?04:51
re-sure-pushow do i get the terminal up?04:51
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sacarlsonAlan502: just for grins you should be able to run without eth0 connected on this computer correct?04:51
Alan502sacarlson: correct04:52
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re-sure-pussacarlson: how much do you know about ubuntu04:52
sacarlsonAlan502: oh ok well that's what I was missing so that will route then04:52
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sacarlsonre-sure-pus: never enuf04:53
Alan502sacarlson: aha04:53
sacarlsonAlan502: so that address should be what you set in your dhcp route then I guess04:53
re-sure-pussacarlson: how can i make my system preform better?04:54
Alan502sacarlson: the proxy address?04:54
Kryvyshquick question. Idk what I did now I'm running in Ubuntu 2D, how do I switch it back?04:54
ActionParsnipre-sure-pus: press CTRL+ALT+T for a terminal04:54
sacarlsonAlan502: so this line has always been wrong  option routers;04:54
ActionParsnipKryvysh: press ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace04:54
L3topKryvysh: at login, press the little icon thingy in the corner and choose Unity.04:55
L3topor... that is better04:55
Alan502sacarlson: should be option routers
Kryvyshlol, thanks 2 two :)04:55
ActionParsnipUnity2D ftw04:55
sacarlsonAlan502:  option routers ?  but how do you add the port 8080 ?  I'm not sure04:55
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re-sure-puswhats the comand to show the system stats?04:55
ActionParsnipre-sure-pus: in what sense?04:55
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re-sure-puslike  the prossesor speeds and ram, im interested in overclocking my cpu  :actionparsnip04:56
sacarlsonAlan502: no that can't be correct its  option routers
saliakanyone had luck getting avahi to broadcast a netatalk share such that it shows up in osx finder?  iv'e setup netatalk and can access my home directory, but I can't see it in finder's list of network places, and i have to access it by ip address04:56
L3topre-sure-pus: top04:57
re-sure-pusL3top , its just top?04:57
sacarlsonAlan502: I guess I should have asked for all the info to start so I had the picture04:57
L3topre-sure-pus: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:57
Alan502sacarlson: but thats only for the dhcp server right?04:58
re-sure-pusL3top , alrighty ill give it a try thanks04:58
sacarlsonAlan502: ya just that one line as far as I know04:58
charHow do I run an application from the terminal?04:58
Viking667char: you type in its name04:58
re-sure-pusL3top , wont work :(04:59
Viking667i.e. gedit04:59
sacarlsonAlan502: but you will have to setup the proxy on each of your clients that connect I don't know how to set that up auto04:59
L3toptop will give you general process/mem usage... /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/meminfo will give you heaps of info04:59
L3topone second re-sure-pus04:59
re-sure-pusL3top , ight04:59
L3topyeah... they will work04:59
sacarlsonAlan502: there might be some iptables redirect that can do it auto but the proxy is behond me05:00
re-sure-pusL3top , im gettin an error05:00
L3topWith what and what is the error05:00
re-sure-pusthe terminal thing05:01
Alan502sacarlson: thanks05:01
L3topwhich terminal command, and what is the error?05:01
roastedIs there a way to crop a video in Ubuntu?05:01
L3top!details | re-sure-pus05:01
ubotture-sure-pus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:01
re-sure-pussacarlson: what do i do when the terminal says cat is not valid05:02
sacarlsonAlan502: and might want to add INTERFACES="eth0"  to the config as well I don't think it could hert05:02
re-sure-pusL3top , it says its not a comand05:02
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: I would need to see the line you did at the term05:02
re-sure-pusL3top , it says cat not a comand05:03
L3topcat (space) /proc/cpuinfo05:03
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: try whereis cat05:03
Zylumwhy is it every time I run a game in wine, could be any game, the fps is incredibly low?  I'm using an xfire 2gb radeon 6700 setup.. I've tried every driver, tinkered with every setting but nothing ever seems to run as well as it does in windows05:03
re-sure-pussacarlson: i put cat /proc/cpuinfo05:04
re-sure-pussacarlson: is this a joke?05:04
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: I think cat is installed as default05:04
wylde_Zylum: might want to ask in #winehq05:04
L3topre-sure-pus: no it is not a joke.05:05
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: I see  whereis cat05:05
sacarlsoncat: /bin/cat /usr/share/man/man1/cat.1.gz05:05
re-sure-pussacarlson: ok ill type it in05:05
re-sure-pussacarlson: its not a command ether... seriusly i would like some help from some one05:06
cliffsterin case others ask, it was a bitch to set up on a USB  HDD05:06
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: sound like you shell path might be mest up05:06
re-sure-pussacarlson: how do i fix that?05:07
cliffsterpaid $70 for a cheap HDD05:07
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: try echo $PATH05:07
L3tophe wont have echo either05:07
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: or your not fully booted?05:07
L3topthese are all builtins05:07
re-sure-pusthats a command05:08
cliffsternever did get the USB HDD thing working... a CD install onto a USB HDD05:08
re-sure-pussacarlson: it worked05:08
L3topecho "$PATH"05:08
L3topwhat is the output?05:08
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: /bin/cat05:08
re-sure-pusits $path05:08
Gallomimiahi there i'm having a minor problem: every time i login to my ubuntu box via ssh it says i have 71 updates to perform. well i just performed the updates.... twice. how can they run more than once?? it also says i have a load higher than 2.0 when i don't and thus stats are disabled. what's wrong with the update of this message? why is it out of date?05:09
L3topre-sure-pus: are you talking to us on the machine you are typing these things on?05:09
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: it is case sensitive05:09
L3topre-sure-pus: Capitalization counts, for one...05:09
L3tophowever... it shouldnt have echoed that05:09
L3topit should have echoed the value of the string path, which would have been empty05:09
re-sure-pusyeah i typed it like  echo $path  then it poped out  $path05:10
cliffstera 12.04 install...don't do it to a pure USB HDD05:10
cliffstermajor trouble05:10
cliffsterI didn't say "from", I said to05:10
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: use CAPITAL leters when asked05:10
L3topStill not going to get that output...05:11
re-sure-pusok what should be capitalised?05:11
cliffster12.04 doesn't like seeing a USB drive as the only HDD05:11
cliffster(as the target)05:11
sacarlsonre-sure-pus:  echo $PATH05:11
L3top(should put that in quotes sacarlson)05:12
re-sure-pusohhh ok05:12
* cliffster has a smoke05:12
cliffsterOh, and btw05:12
re-sure-puswhen i type   echo $PATH     i get     $PATH05:12
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: also we might try /bin/cat /proc/cpuinfo05:12
cliffsterLAMP is gonna make my day05:12
sacarlsonL3top: funny that without "" works is that something setup in my env?05:13
cliffsterX says, "There's no X here"05:13
re-sure-pusshould i just put    /bin/cat05:14
L3topIt will work. It is just wrong. If, for instance, the variable had multiple lines, it would blurt it all out on the same line.05:14
nate_try http://www.sendspace.com/file/mrs12z :) don't need to build it LOL if you know what it is05:14
cliffsterwhat's with the floodbots?05:14
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: I think we should also try as L3top suggests and put ""   with echo "$PATH"  ;05:14
re-sure-pusugh.. ok lol05:15
* cliffster is no stranger to pulling shit l;ike that off irc channels05:15
bazhang!ot | cliffster05:15
ubottucliffster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:15
bazhangcliffster, no cursing here05:15
cliffsteryea, I know, just asking05:15
cliffsterand sorry for the f words05:16
re-sure-puswhen i add "" i just get  the same deal    "$PATH"05:16
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: well the full /bin/cat /proc/cpuinfo ;  would be my next try05:16
cliffsterI'm kinda new to this05:16
bazhangcliffster, stop with the excessive chit chat05:16
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: how did this thing boot?  is it fully booted?05:17
* cliffster admits to being a noob05:17
re-sure-pusthat directory/path dosent exist?05:17
cliffsterall I wanna do is get 12.04 working with apache05:17
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: doesn't seem you have a root sytem mounted05:17
cliffsterso shoot me05:17
Gallomimiaokay so the files /var/run/motd and motd.new what is responsible for updating these things05:17
re-sure-pusyeah its got the chat thing goin and a terminal05:17
cliffsterthe terminal rox05:18
cliffsterI can do that05:18
re-sure-pussacarlson: where did i go wrong??05:18
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: maybe it's the way this user is configured with minimal access to resources?05:18
Gallomimiare-sure-pus: then you'll want to watch out for procedures that will result in loss of connection to the room while you're on the same system as you're editing05:19
re-sure-pussacarlson: i dont know anything about this stuff, its all giberish to me05:19
cliffsterlemme read it05:19
cliffsterGall makes sense05:19
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: I don't know what you did I expect you might want to reboot.  I don't know what state your system is in and without resources can't do anything05:20
GallomimiaGall only makes sense in a gall-bladder, or later in the small intestine as it's being used.05:20
re-sure-pussacarlson: smaller words plz05:20
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: reboot05:20
cliffsterreboot...sounds like ewwww windowz05:20
re-sure-pussacarlson: you want me to turn it off right?05:21
* cliffster selected LAMP for a reason05:21
L3topsacarlson: bing=$(echo -e "a\nb"); echo $bing; echo "$bing"               just so you can see what I am saying.05:21
Gallomimiasounds like a game just dropped and all the characters need to turn into game sprites to beat the user05:21
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: I'm out of ideas any one step in05:21
bazhangcliffster, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here05:22
cliffsteralright, let me try it05:22
sacarlsonL3top: that's the default env settings I guess?05:22
Gallomimiait wouldn't be so spammy in here if this cmr guy would just fix his flood problem.05:22
cliffsteryes, re?05:22
re-sure-puscliftster cam you help me with my system?05:23
cliffsterI can try05:23
* cliffster runs 12.0405:23
re-sure-puscliftster any comand i try says its not a command05:23
L3topre-sure-pus: type env05:24
cliffsterwhat L3 says05:24
cliffsterubuntu is a fine OS05:24
re-sure-puscliftster L3top it says its not a command05:24
re-sure-puscliftster, L3top, it says its not a command05:25
cliffsterperhaps he/she isn't at the command line05:25
immonen#Pro hotelli05:25
cliffster<--- just some old guy05:25
sacarlsonL3top: what you think reboot for re-sure-pus?  I'll stay out of it if you have any other ideas05:25
L3topI cannot imagine it would spit xxx is not a command if he werent...05:25
cliffsterhard to go wrong with a re-boot05:26
L3topI think he should reboot, and if it is persistent, something is terribly wrong with the install05:26
sacarlsonL3top: I secound that re-sure-pus05:26
* L3top doesn't understand how it COULD function in this state.05:27
re-sure-pusso just turn it off?05:27
sacarlsonwow 0 for 3 for me and rising05:27
L3topif I have to explain what reboot means... it is gonna be a long night.05:27
Viking667L3top: welcome (once again) to helldesk 10105:28
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L3topre-sure-pus: /sbin/reboot05:29
L3top(that will actually just shut down most likely... odd little thing)05:29
sacarlsonL3top: it would have to be power off he has no commands re-sure-pus05:29
Gallomimiashutdown -r now05:29
L3top/sbin/reboot is a binary05:29
Gallomimiaso.... anyone know anything about /var/run/motd(.new)05:30
L3topin fact... interestingly... ls -l /sbin/shutdown05:30
sacarlsonL3top: it's like he has not root so no /bin /sbin ....05:30
L3topahhhhhhh aren't you the shiny penny sacarlson... I wonder if he DOES have sudo...05:30
GallomimiaL3top: weird.... it has +x for everyone eh?05:30
L3topsorry... I meant ls -l /sbin/poweroff05:31
tokinwhitemanI am having trouble installing Skype 4.0, I keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041914/05:31
Gallomimiahah. now that's funny05:32
Alan502My ubuntu has something very weird. Before, I couldn't see dhcp3-server under /etc/init.d now I cant see iptables under /etc/init.d/ what could it be?05:32
* Viking667 blinks. Skype 4??05:32
tokinwhitemanI have tried both an upgrade path and install path after purging skype05:32
Gallomimiaskype 4 came out today... or yesterday?05:32
Viking667tokinwhiteman: what platform are you attempting to install SKype4 on?05:32
wylde_hmmm victim of a misused rm -rf command? If so a reboot is going to....well.....you know05:32
tokinwhitemanubuntu 12.04 x86-6405:32
Viking667Gallomimia: wow. I wasn't aware of that. I'm still on 2.25.xx.ff05:32
Gallomimiai happened to visit the skype page and they're proudly toting skype4 for linux05:33
Viking667sigh. Figures. You know it's now owned by Microsoft, don't you?05:33
tokinwhitemanYea it was all over reddit today on r/linux and r/ubuntu05:33
Gallomimiai can tell you on mac and windows it looks fucking horrible so05:33
Gallomimiai didn't actually!05:33
Gallomimiabut i had already decided to never rely upon them in a free society05:33
Viking667That's rather old news. For nearly six months or so.05:34
Gallomimiawell not something i follow all the time... this is quite off topic tho, and i'm still trying to figure out what the frack handles the motd files in ubuntu05:34
L3topre-sure-pus: what happens if you type sudo /sbin/reboot05:35
Viking667 that'd be /etc/issue, and /etc/issue.net I think.05:35
Viking667as for motd, I don't know what provides that.05:35
Gallomimiare-sure-pus the working theory is now that you've accidentally erased most of your hard drive and any kind of reboot and any kind of attempts to fix it are going to fail. backup any files you can and reinstall would be the solution. make sure first05:35
sacarlsonAlan502: there is no iptables  in /etc/init.d05:35
cliffster(and I got bounced?) lol05:35
ActionParsnipGallomimia: I usinstaled the old first, installed ok :)05:35
Gallomimiai don't think iptables is a service?05:35
GallomimiaActionParsnip: i'm sorry the old what? i think it's been a few days since i spoke to you last...05:36
re-sure-pusit says its not a command05:36
tenXGallomimia: right05:36
sacarlsonGallomimia: is correct iptables is not a service Alan502:05:36
Gallomimiare-sure-pus: then you've destroyed that system. backup your files and reinstall ubuntu05:36
ActionParsnipGallomimia: the skype, if you uninstall old skype and install the new deb it installs ok05:36
L3topyeah... I agree you have chunked this install re-sure-pus05:36
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: did you power off power on yet?05:36
Gallomimiai don't use skype on a linux machine... as for iptables it's built into the networking portion of the kernel right?05:37
wylde_re-sure-pus: you didn't happen to use any 'rm' commands before this problem came up did you?05:37
tokinwhitemanActionParsnip: I tried that didn't work for me.heres my error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041914/05:37
Noizehow do i figure out my my numbers in this commandline? " sudo modprobe iwl#### ?05:37
re-sure-puswhen i push it it dosent turn off05:37
Gallomimiapull the power plug out05:38
Gallomimiathat'll turn it off05:38
Gallomimiathen try to reboot05:38
FloodBot1Gallomimia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:38
tenXGallomimia: interface for kernel netfilter05:38
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: eather push the reset botton or hold power for 12 secounds05:38
L3tophold the power button down for 5 seconds05:38
Gallomimiado you have any files you NEED on this system?05:38
cliffsterI apologize05:38
Alan502sacarlson: should i be able to run?             sudo service iptables save         right?05:38
sacarlsonAlan502: maybe without the service part05:39
elkycliffster, join #ubuntu-ops to discuss the ban please05:39
cliffsterOK, elky05:39
ActionParsnipNoize: hit tab a few times, you will get suggestions05:39
re-sure-puswell its my moms computer05:39
Gallomimiathen you should try and back up everything in /home05:40
sacarlsonAlan502:  I think it's sudo iptables-save  and sudo iptables-restore05:40
tokinwhitemananyone have any idea's here?05:40
Gallomimiascp -R /home myusername@myothercomputersip:backupfoldername05:40
wylde_Gallomimia: apparently he has no commands available. Hence my suggestion that a particular rm command was used.05:40
ActionParsniptokinwhiteman: did you uninstall the old skype first?05:41
Gallomimiayeah i am starting to agree with you wylde_05:41
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: you broke it you fix it05:41
tokinwhitemannot at first, when it failed, i did then it didn't work, then i purged skype and tried to reinstall05:41
re-sure-pussacarlson: ive been holding the power button for a while and its still not turning off.. un plug it then?05:42
Gallomimiawell first05:42
tokinwhitemanyea unplug it man05:42
Gallomimiayou should do the backup05:42
Gallomimiacause if our theory is correct05:42
L3toptokinwhiteman: uname -m05:43
Gallomimiait WILL NOT boot back up05:43
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: yes last resort unplug it05:43
Gallomimiabackup your mom's files first05:43
Gallomimiaunless you want her to commit infanticide.05:43
wylde_Gallomimia: there'll be no files to backup if that rm command was used against / which kind of seems to be the case05:43
tokinwhitemanL3top   x86_6405:43
Gallomimiaah that sucks05:44
Gallomimiawell look inside /home and see what there is05:44
tokinwhitemanre-sure-pus do you at least have a terminal in front of you?05:44
Gallomimiatokinwhiteman: he's on it. now05:44
wylde_the only applications available will be the ones still in memroy heh05:44
L3toptokinwhiteman: I would apt-get remove it and reinstall.05:44
Gallomimiawylde_ he i suppose the scp command will fail too05:45
wylde_from what I'm seeing, yep05:45
Gallomimiawell.... if that's the case, sorry for you re-sure-pus. everything's gone.05:46
re-sure-pusbut i have the terminal05:46
wylde_I haven't been watching intently, but what I did see seems like only the shell built-ins are usable. No external commands seem to work.05:46
Gallomimiatype ls -l /05:46
sacarlsonGallomimia:  re-sure-pus might be able to mount the present disk from a live cd boot and recover files from /home/??05:46
L3topwylde_: buitins dont work unless they are in memory05:47
re-sure-puswhere theres a shell theres a way?05:47
L3topwylde_: and echo isn't even working right.05:47
tokinwhitemanL3top I already tried that, didn't work, heres the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1041924/05:47
Gallomimiasacarlson, re-sure-pus it's possible yes.05:47
sacarlsonGallomimia: or maybe it will just boot up and work perfectly for the rest of his moms life05:47
wylde_L3top: ahh ok, I must have missed that.05:47
Gallomimiawho knows05:47
re-sure-pusthank god05:47
sacarlsonGallomimia: that is if he kills her tomaro05:47
L3topNo... the terminal just runs commands, commands you have all erased05:48
Gallomimiaa few more tests to see if it's actually been deleted, then a reboot to a live cd05:48
L3topre-sure-pus: cd /sbin05:48
tokinwhitemanwell he could use a magnet on the ha... oh well, that won't work05:48
L3topis cd not a command re-sure-pus?05:48
Robr3rdI was deleting some unused iconsets, and somewhere along the line I removed some app-specific icons (such as Management Service, Mahjongg, Privacy, and various games). Where can I download these icons again (obviously the games are somewhat of a lost cause, but the "shipped with programs" are what I'm looking for05:48
re-sure-pusno but it says its not a directory05:49
Gallomimiavery nice D3bash3r but i don't think they like to have spam in this channel. perhaps you could post it somewhere else where people from ubuntu will see?05:49
wylde_Robr3rd: 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>05:49
tokinwhitemanre-sure-pus what does ls /home show?05:49
Robr3rdwylde_ Genius! I shall try that now05:49
re-sure-pus"ls" is not a command05:50
tokinwhitemanyea you might be screwed05:50
Gallomimiado a cd of it then05:50
Gallomimiacd /home05:50
wylde_re-sure-pus: you're in trouble dude.05:50
re-sure-pusit just says its not a directory05:50
Gallomimiacd /boot     ?05:50
tokinwhitemanbetter throw it out and say a crackhead stole it05:51
re-sure-pusalso not a directort05:51
Gallomimiayour system is destroyed.05:51
re-sure-pusalso not a directory05:51
Gallomimiaall files are gone05:51
L3topand if it aint ext2 you aint gettin it back.05:51
Gallomimiaeverything. the os, all saved documents, music05:51
Gallomimiait's gone.05:51
Gallomimiatry recovering using a live cd05:51
re-sure-pusi think its fat3205:51
wylde_re-sure-pus: sounds like reboot to a live cd and research file recovery05:51
Gallomimiabut at this point, your next step is to put a live cd in the drive and reboot05:51
tokinwhitemanL3top any more ideas?05:51
Gallomimiayour computer has no programs to run, no OS to boot, and no files to use them on05:52
L3toptokinwhiteman: that looks like an install not a remove...05:52
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tokinwhitemani did the remove already05:52
tokinwhitemanthat is trying to reinstall it05:52
Gallomimiasorry dude. always know what your commands will do before pressing enter05:52
tokinwhitemanman is your best friend05:52
re-sure-puscan i un delete them05:53
L3topI expect skype has all sorts of numbers and info saved you dont want to deal with redoing...05:53
tokinwhitemanwhat do you mean?05:53
wylde_re-sure-pus: it will take a lot of time and patience.05:53
L3toptokinwhiteman: apt-get remove --purge05:53
ActionParsniptokinwhiteman: is it instaling ok now?05:53
re-sure-pusmy mom is going to freak out]05:53
wylde_re-sure-pus: lesson learned?05:54
sacarlsonL3top: all skype info is on there servers all he needs is his account05:54
re-sure-pusis there any thing else i can do?05:54
aeplusi've lost four years of data, no biggie05:54
L3topre-sure-pus: df -h05:54
ActionParsniptokinwhiteman: you can always force install the deb so that the conflicting file gets overwritten05:54
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: unplug it05:54
L3topnot that it will work.05:54
ActionParsnipaeplus: backups are great05:54
re-sure-pusdf isnt a command ether05:55
L3topre-sure-pus: to explain a bit better... the tools you would need to even try, have been deleted05:55
aeplusi'm a bacula person myself =)05:55
wylde_re-sure-pus: try doing data recovery from a live cd distro, and in future be careful what commands you use. Also, keep proper backups of important data05:55
L3topNo telling. It happend before you got here re-sure-pus.05:55
cliffstertalk about sensitive05:55
* cliffster reads about his apache server05:56
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: you might find out by looking at it with a live cd after you power of and on with a live cd/usb05:56
L3topcliffster: you don't seem to understand... this is NOT A CHAT ROOM05:56
L3topstop hitting enter unless you have a question, a clear ubuntu support question, on one line... or an answer to someone elses question.05:57
re-sure-puswhat if it wont turn back on05:57
L3topre-sure-pus: your only hope is if the FS is NOT current, and you can try to do recovery from a live cd05:57
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: then buy a new one05:58
L3topre-sure-pus: it is not going to load back up once it goes down.05:58
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: if you don't have the money get a job05:58
re-sure-pusalright bye im un pluging my computer05:58
wylde_re-sure-pus: the power will come on, but that's about it. Unless it's a dual boot05:58
L3topre-sure-pus: you will need to get your hands on a live cd05:58
re-sure-pusL3top how do i get that?05:59
L3topthat will be a trick05:59
L3topdo you have a browser open?05:59
sacarlsonre-sure-pus: with another computer if you don't already have05:59
=== idefix is now known as rataplan
L3topman... even if you get it downloaded... you have NO way to get it off or burned06:00
bkerensare-sure-pus: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop <-- guides are on the right sidebar06:00
tokinwhitemanre-sure-pus it is always a good idea to have a live cd or usb handy at all times.06:00
L3topre-sure-pus: your best bet is to just play dumb. Unplug it... plug it back in, and walk away06:01
L3topre-sure-pus: or do the hard thing and fess up.06:01
wylde_re-sure-pus: http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/ looks interesting.06:01
hekateHi, how do I change the default editor launched by quickly when I type `quickly edit` from gedit to something else?06:01
nerdistmonkI want to install pulseaudio from git (i am ready to compile it) but how do i replace the repo version of pulse with my new git version? the whole system depends on PA so i cant just remove the repo version.06:02
L3topbut without an os.. .he cant do anything with it wylde_06:02
sacarlsonL3top: I like that one ruuuun re-sure-pus06:02
tokinwhitemanwouldn't that be under default program?s06:02
wylde_L3top: yep, going to need another computer06:02
noworldordertotal newbie needs help...06:02
noworldorderI would like to create a user with permission to access only one folder06:02
re-sure-puswhat do i do after it downloads?06:03
Gallomimianoworldorder: that sounds pretty durn difficult. since everything on the system has access to plenty of stuff06:03
Robr3rdHello, so I was removing some unused iconsets and somehow managed to delete many default and non-default apps' icons. Reinstalling the packages has not yielded any success. How might I get these icons back?06:03
L3topre-sure-pus: Unplug it and run... cause you have no way to get it onto anything.06:03
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tokinwhitemanL3top and ActionParsnip. I used "apt-get autoremove skype and redownloaded the .deb from skype and resinstalled and it worked06:03
tokinwhitemanI guess the purge didn't remove all the binary files or whatever06:04
Gallomimianoworldorder: can you be a bit more specific about what one folder you want them to have access to? is it full of programs? is it a few documents?06:04
sacarlsonnoworldorder: I guess you would just chmod to make all other dir unreadable to other and make this user a member of no groups that have any folders06:04
noworldorderGallomimia - is is full of MP#s06:04
noworldorderno ther folders06:04
Gallomimiaand all programs?06:05
Dr_Willisnoworldorder:  and how is the user supposed to be accesing it?06:05
noworldorderremotly via ummm06:05
Gallomimiassh scp sftp?06:05
noworldordernot putty but something like it that has a gui06:05
Dr_Willisssh can use any ssh client,.06:06
Gallomimiaokay. do you want them to have shell access?06:06
tokinwhitemanthanks guy, good night!06:06
Dr_Willisif they are sshing in. they can basically just access their own home. so whats the issue noworldorder ?06:06
noworldorderit is called Data Freeware06:06
Gallomimiahe wants them to have access to the FILES not a shell06:06
Dr_Willisnoworldorder:  that a windows app?06:06
noworldorderyes windows06:07
wylde_could chroot them to a directory inside the users home?06:07
noworldorderthe user has XP06:07
Gallomimianoworldorder: userad -g [somegroup] -s /dev/null -d /path/to/mp3s06:07
Gallomimiaoops. and one more thing06:07
Dr_Willisthere are ways to setup a 'sftp' only  user06:07
Gallomimiaadd the username at the end of that06:07
Abhijithi. there is no ./configure file in my gambas source code. how can i install it?06:07
Abhijithelp pelase06:07
noworldorderGallomimia - I am a newbie remember - I can do this but I need specific instructions06:08
wylde_Abhijit: from the repos? Why are you compiling?06:08
Dr_Willisnoworldorder:  why does it really matter? youi are afraind the user is going to ssh in and do somthing nasty?06:08
Gallomimianoworldorder: that makes two of us :) this command will make a user with the group you specify, no access to shell, and access to the directory you set. and you have to put the username at the end06:08
Gallomimiathen you'll type passwd username06:08
Abhijitwylde, gambas 3 is not in repo06:08
Gallomimiaand it'll ask you to set the password for them06:08
Gallomimiaafter that, you'll have to use some chmod stuff06:09
noworldorderchmod stuff06:09
Gallomimiaor, it's possible to host a separate ssh or ftp server with greater restrictions. refer to software manuals for doing that06:09
Gallomimiachmod basically everything so they can't access it06:09
noworldorderso to beging with...06:09
Gallomimiai'm a noob in this regard also... but i've heard of the trick to set the user's shell to /dev/null06:10
wylde_Abhijit: there's a ppa for it on launchpad.06:10
Gallomimiathe FIRST thing you need is the directory with mp3's in it. set your user's home dir to that06:10
Abhijitwylde, i dont want it06:10
Gallomimiathen useradd with care06:11
Gallomimiathen passwd06:11
hekateHi, how do I change the default editor launched by quickly when I type `quickly edit` from gedit to something else?06:11
sacarlsonnoworldorder: I'm not sure how far you want to go but you can at least limit user not seeing other users folders with: cd /home ; chmod -R o=-rwx *06:11
Gallomimiathen shore up any problems you have with file permissions. i'm hesitant to give you advice in this department since i don't know what taking away permissions for everyone will do06:11
noworldorderso I am a bit confused Gallomimia>06:12
Gallomimiasacarlson that's a good idea. only /home will protect things reasonably06:12
Dr_Willisseems a bit extrme making  user just for accessing some mp3 files.06:12
noworldorderyou said: noworldorder: userad -g [somegroup] -s /dev/null -d /path/to/mp3s06:12
noworldorderbut where does /bootstrap fit in06:12
Gallomimiais there a reason you don't want to use apache to host the files instead? you can make it require a user/pass that way too06:12
Gallomimiaoops. /bootstrap was a message to someone else, sorry06:13
noworldorderwhat is apache?06:13
Gallomimiaapache is a webserver06:13
Gallomimiahosts on port 8006:13
FloodBot1Gallomimia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:13
GallomimiaSHUT UP FLOODBOT!!!06:13
wylde_!caps | :P06:13
ubottu:P: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:13
Robr3rdHello, so I was removing some unused iconsets and somehow managed to delete many default and non-default apps' icons. Reinstalling the packages has not yielded any success. How might I get these icons back? Any place/package to download them from?06:13
Gallomimiai wasn't shouting at you wylde :P06:13
noworldorderGallominia - this server is using pot 80 for another purpose06:14
noworldorderwill there be an issue using apache?06:14
Gallomimiathen change it to anything you want06:14
Gallomimiado you already have a web site on that machine?06:14
ThePirateBay_seI'm on Natty Narwhal, and I want to install the nvidia propriarety drivers, but I don't know if I'll get the newest ones if I do it via the "additional drivers" tool, will I?06:14
hekateI've tried setting the default text editor for python from gEdit to Sublime Text 2 with the Open With dialog in Nautilus, but to no luck, `quickly edit` still opens it with gedit06:14
noworldorderit is a voip server (of sorts)06:14
Dr_Willismay be easier to just make a normal user and set their shell to be the restricted bash shell 'rbash' that way they cant really do anything if they ssh in directly, other then  mess with the mp3 files/06:15
Gallomimiahekate i think you're going to want to change an environment variable called "EDITOR"06:15
Gallomimiathere's another good idea.06:15
noworldorder<Dr_Willis> hoe do i do that ? (me newbie)06:16
ponrajuganeshis any one using emacs here06:16
Gallomimiai personally would just host all the files on apache and require a login/pass06:16
Gallomimiai wish i'd learned emacs06:16
Gallomimiais your question specific to ubuntu ponrajuganesh ??06:16
dooglusis it safe to run a -pae kernel on a 32 bit processor?06:16
ponrajuganeshis Gallomimia06:17
noworldorderso <Gallomimia> should google apache or is there somthing you would suggest there06:17
Dr_Willisnoworldorder:  it would be worth  your time to red up on some linux basics so you are no longer anewbie. Im not even sure why you are doing all thos  for just mp3 files.  you would add a new user, then change tgheir shell  i think the gui tools let you do it under the user management stuff.06:17
L3topyes dooglus.06:17
wylde_hekate: 'man quickly' may also hold the answer :)06:17
Gallomimianoworldorder: if you want to put apache on your system it's just apt-get install apache206:17
ponrajuganeshnope not like that , just I need to see the adding the .el file inside the emacs06:17
dooglusL3top: sweet06:17
lotuspsychjeany fake webcam software for ubuntu?06:17
L3topWhat is fake webcam software?06:18
dooglusL3top: I'm using apt-cacher-ng to avoid having everyone download their own copy of the packages - but one old laptop is still 32bit.  all the rest use -pae, so want to switch the old one to it too, so avoid two different kernel package downloads06:18
dooglusL3top: he means like 'manycam.com' for windows - makes a virtual webcam device that you can stream movies etc. to06:18
Gallomimiaagree with Dr_Willis for sure. noworldorder you definitely want to move toward not being a noob. best way is to sit in this channel and read what people are talking about while working on whatever you feel like working on, googling lots, and even better taking written notes06:19
L3topdooglus: that would be the way to do it. pae also gives you the ability to use large memory on 32 bit.06:19
nerdistmonkso how does one go about replacing a package thats installed with one i want to install from source06:19
dooglusnerdistmonk: look into 'checkinstall'06:19
L3topAhh thanks for the education dooglus.06:19
Abhijithow to install libtoolize?06:19
wylde_!checkinstall | nerdistmonk06:19
ubottunerdistmonk: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:20
dooglusL3top: and I've often wondered the same thing, but have long given up my search.  people use it to overlay subtitles on their webcam streams, for example06:20
Gallomimiaponrajuganesh: by the way i know very little about emacs. i was going to suggest you visit the #emacs channel and see if there's anyone there who knows the answer you seek06:20
dooglusL3top: or to add effects - warps, colour changes, etc.  maybe 'cheese' can do some of that, idk06:20
nerdistmonkok, so when i run checkinstall (i got it) it will replace the old packages already in from the repo?06:20
lotuspsychjedooglus:cheese cant do fake webcam i think06:20
wylde_nerdistmonk: no ,it will create .debs that you can use to install06:21
noworldorderI am looking at the gui - maybe it has the security features I need06:21
dooglusnerdistmonk: it will.  but maybe update-manager won't respect your new version, so you'll have to 'pin' your version06:21
Dr_Willisdooglus:  webcamstudio (not  in the repos) can also fake a webcam06:21
Gallomimiahey noworldorder look at that link Dr_Willis posted that's exactly what you want06:21
nerdistmonkwebcamstudio dont work for beans on xubuntu 12.04, also thanks dooglus06:21
dooglusDr_Willis: a linux program?  I didn't hear of it06:21
Dr_Willisdooglus:  its for linux, written in java. lets you do neat tricks with webcams and  things tht use webcams06:22
Dr_Willisdooglus:  like play a video and its 'sent' to the  webcam06:22
nerdistmonkit dont work at all06:22
dooglusDr_Willis: thanks.  I'll give it a go06:22
Dr_Willisgeese ive last used it06:22
Dr_Willisbeen ages..06:22
dooglusnerdistmonk: we'll see about that! ;)06:22
Gallomimiapandu please don't randomly pm people in this channel. that's quite rude06:24
dooglus/msg Gallomimia what are you wearing?06:24
panduI didn't do it --"06:25
Gallomimiaanyway, going to have a short convo with this guy06:25
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L3top!pm | pandu06:25
ubottupandu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:25
panduwhat's the meaning of pm ?06:26
dooglusI tried installing webcamstudio, but it doesn't like my java7 jre, insists on java6, and "Need to get 86.2 MB of archives."06:27
dooglusI don't have 86.2 MB of bandwidth for the month left...06:27
doogluspandu: "private massage"06:27
L3top<pandu> hiii :D    <=---------- that06:28
dooglusI was wondering earlier if there's a more efficient way of checking for updates than redownloading the whole 25MB Packages file every time06:28
panduwhats wrong with that ? -_________________-"06:29
dooglusI remember when I used debian it used to just download daily 'pdiff' files - the differences in the package file since the previous day06:29
L3top!pm | pandu06:29
panduwhats wrong with pm ? -________-"06:29
L3top<ubottu> pandu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:30
panducheese -_____-"06:30
wylde_!ot | pandu06:30
ubottupandu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:30
panduI do -________-"06:31
wylde_pandu: do you have an ubuntu support question? If not, general chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic06:32
pratzhey guys any one successfully installed vlc2.0 on ubuntu 10.04 ?06:32
ThePirateBay_seDoes Flash on YouTube on x64 Ubuntu always suck ass?06:33
L3topYes pratz... but I am not fond of it. It got bloated and buggy... and... I prefer the older versions.06:33
traianowhi all … I have a question relating to xorg, gdm and xdm running on an ubuntu server, with a sun ilom console:06:34
Viking667what's "sun ilom" mean?06:34
L3topThePirateBay_se: yes. And watch the language. flash on linux is just bad in general, but esp on 6406:34
traianowbasically, i'd like to have gdm over the sun ilom console when I connect to the server06:34
ThePirateBay_seL3top; Yay! Also, I'm not going to watch my language..06:35
traianow"sun ilom" = sun integrated lights out manager … like dell drac, or hp ilo ?06:35
nerdistmonkdooglas all checkinstall did was make a mess, maybe i should rephrase my question, im trying to install pulseaudio from git....06:35
traianowit's a remote kvm over ip like technology06:35
L3topThePirateBay_se: Then you will get kicked in short order. Do you have a support question?06:35
ThePirateBay_seL3top; No.06:35
Dr_Willisyoutube supports html5 for maany videos now06:35
ThePirateBay_seYay.. Because we all know that HTML5 player is oh so good..06:36
Dr_Willisnot all. but a large number of them06:36
Viking667I normally grab videos with youtube-dl, and play them using mplayer.06:36
L3topThePirateBay_se: This is not a chatroom. If you want to chitchat/complain then go to #ubuntu-offtopic... but the same guidelines apply there.06:37
traianowwell basically: when I try to start GDM I get: "ubuntu is running in low resolution mode … device driver and settings  for monitor could not be determined"06:37
ThePirateBay_seL3top; Whatever.06:37
traianowbut when I make xdm the default  display manager, it works fine06:37
L3topwhat is the GPU on the server traianow06:37
Dr_Willistraianow:  that is odd.06:37
Dr_Willistraianow:  so the desktop is the  proper res even  if it says its in low res mode?06:38
traianowL3top : I'm not sure, but basically , hee  there is no monitor, it's  SUN server and the ILOM/ILO/DRAC controller is providing "headless" remote console redirection06:38
traianowkind of like KVMoIP06:38
traianowDr_Willis : yes06:38
panduthis is LOL :P06:39
traianowGDM can't pick it up and crashes, but XDM runs fine06:39
nerdistmonkhow would i go about about install pulseaudio from source? i got it compiled and ready06:39
traianowso I'm wondering why XDM can determine the right graphics/device settings from Xorg but GDM can't ?06:39
Dr_Willistraianow:  theres otrhe *dms out.. but im not sure why yiou need a DM at all.. guess for the remote desltops sessions. :)06:39
wylde_nerdistmonk: sudo make install06:40
Dr_Willistraianow:  id guess xdm isent even  looking..  its  a gdm failsafe featgure thats kicking in.06:40
nerdistmonkthat isnt going to replace all those debs from the repo.....06:40
traianowDr_Willis : yes, for remote management, and the remote management utilisites have to be run in a full desktop environment, GDM , sadly06:40
nerdistmonksounds like it will make a mess06:40
Dr_Willisgdm is just the login manager not the desktopo.06:40
noworldorderDr_Willis - you are correct - I need to learn linux - but in the mean time ... are you willing to spell out your suggestion for my file permission issue?06:41
virtxwhat can i see if in alsamixer the volume is ok, but the audio that i listen is only on line-out and not the speaker?06:41
Dr_Willisnoworldorder:  im on my android phoen. at worek.. so i dont have the luxery to spoonfead you stuff thats written up in various  docs.06:41
panduwho can install cicilalang on ubuntu ?06:42
nerdistmonksudo chown username:username /path/folder will grant ownership06:42
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:42
traianowDr_Willis : understood. Now the question would be : "Why can I get a fully functional desktop  when accessing the desktop via XDM, butnot with GDM ?"06:42
traianowthat's what I need to pin down06:42
panduanyone ?06:43
noworldorderthx ubotto06:43
Dr_Willistraianow:  what desktop is it using?06:43
kanupatarhow can I read the encoded data from CD using dd ? I have used the dd like this "dd if =/dev/cdrom of=<my path to destination iso>" bs=64k , But I am getting the decoded data.means no sync headers or any sector headers in the cd.06:43
Dr_Williswhich gnome.. what vrsion of ubuntu also06:43
Dr_Williskanupatar:  a music cd?06:44
panduwhooo can install cicilalang on ubuntu ?06:44
L3toppandu: what don't you get? This is not a place to play around? Why do people enjoy being banned?06:44
kanupatarDr_Willis: any cd06:44
traianowDr_Willis : Ubuntu 11.04 … GNOME version default …. but let me get back to you with the GNOME version06:44
Dr_Willistraianow:  so not gnome3 then06:44
Dr_Williskanupatar:  data cds are differnt then music cds i belive06:44
BorillionCan anyone tell me why I see ttyUSB[0-3] when I plug in my modem?06:45
pandui'm serious -______-"06:45
kanupatarDr_Willis: yeahh...data cd's are mode 2/3 and audio are mode 0 (cdda)06:45
ThePirateBay_seL3top; I have a question now. I have Natty and want to install the nvidia proprietary drivers, but I don't know if I'll have the latest if I use the Additional Drivers tool.06:45
kanupatarDr_Willis: I need to read the header of any cd06:45
Dr_Willisi dont recall ever using dd to image a music cd. just data cds.06:46
Borilliondd works on all cd's06:46
L3topThePirateBay_se: you will not get access to the most recent. I am not sure you need them though... newest isnt always best... what is the output of lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'06:46
Borillionyou can even do dual layer ones works fine06:46
kanupatarDr_Willis: any how, I need to get the encoded data from cd using dd..dont allow the cd mechanism to decode the data06:46
BorillionI mean dvd06:46
pandusomebodyy ? -____-"06:47
Borillionkanupatar what are you trying to do?06:47
Dr_Williskanupatar:  'encoded datga' ? why would a data cd be encoded06:47
traianowDr_Willis : definitely not Gnome306:47
ThePirateBay_seL3top; I'm not at it at the moment, I booted into Windows in the meantime. What would that output generally?06:47
Dr_WillisBorillion:  ive seen video 'dvds' that dd cant  read. ;( or at least has a hard  time imageing.06:47
pandubangkit :D06:47
L3topThePirateBay_se: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation C77 [GeForce 8200] [10de:0849] (rev a2) in my case.06:48
BorillionDr_Willis interesting, have not run across that one yet06:48
aarghhi, anyone happen to know how to change the loading screen text in a minimal ubuntu install? it says "Ubuntu 12.04" currently, i'd like to change it something else06:48
ThePirateBay_seL3top; Oh, the um GPU? It's 8400GS.06:48
L3topthe 0849 is what I am looking for to tell you the best driver for your chipset06:48
Dr_Willistraianow:  you could check askubuntu.com about how to disab le the low-res check.06:48
L3topthe 0849 (in my case) is the PCIID.06:49
malakeyehey, im having trouble getting gnome volume & sound settings to work, but alsamixer (terminal) works fine.06:49
Dr_Willistraianow:  that may  be the easiest fix.06:49
kanupatarBorillion: I need to replace the cd mechanism decoder by software...and now the hardware is not yet ready for testing..so i need to get a dump of the cd to test my decoder code06:49
L3topHowever, nvidia-current in natty will be dandy.06:49
kanupatarBorillion: see my ans06:49
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traianowDr_Willis : thanks , let me  take  that route …. will feedback later06:49
ThePirateBay_seL3top; What if I use the um.. The latest .run installer from their site? I think that's the extension..06:49
L3topThePirateBay_se: There is a regression in the 295 driver... it is better with the .53, but you are frankly better off with what is in your repo06:49
ThePirateBay_seL3top; I just have this feeling that newest is always better when it comes to Nvidia.. Dunno why.06:52
malakeyehaving trouble getting gnome volume & sound settings to work, but alsamixer (terminal) works fine - any suggestions?06:52
blinkizHello. What channel to ask for if question is about advanced dhclient.conf question?06:52
blinkizDo it exist channel for dhcpd?06:52
L3topLike I said... newest isn't really synonymous with best. In the effort new chipsets, they sometimes gum up the works for older ones. The best imo for that guy was the 260... but... that was just a rock solid iteration.06:52
Gallomimiauh.... there's a channel for bind isn't there? i would visit a channel for the isc06:53
Gallomimiatry #isc ??06:53
terminhellello ello06:53
LeelooGirlI dont know/06:53
ThePirateBay_seL3top; So, should I just go with nvidia-current for natty?06:53
L3topmalakeye: you can right click the volume icon, and select master channel I believe.06:54
Borillionis there an appropriate place for ubuntu/linux drivers thats more specific than here?06:54
terminhellBorillion: check the arch wiki?06:54
L3topThePirateBay_se: I would apt-cache policy nvidia-current | grep Candidate     and apt-cache policy nividia-current-updates | grep Candidate06:55
ThePirateBay_seL3top; What would that do? Can you just copy it in paste.ubuntu.com?06:55
L3topmalakeye: it is possible that it is tied to HDMI or something silly...06:55
malakeyeL3top: using 12.04 - right click brings up volume, rhythmbox and sound settings - dead end06:55
L3topyou can put them here, they are one liners06:55
malakeyeL3top: perhaps, i have hda-intel and hdmi input although not using it atm06:56
L3topmalakeye: truth be told I use KDE... somewhere in your system settings there will be a way to assign the channel being controlled06:56
terminhelli know on my laptop i have to switch to hdmi+digital audio 'device' when i want to use hdmi06:56
malakeyei remember having to update grub settings with radeon.hdmi=1 or something similar. will look into that..06:57
L3topThePirateBay_se: It will tell us the versions avail for both, and I can tell you which I would use.06:57
malakeye.. in 11.1006:57
L3topmalakeye: are you outputting on HDMI? Because there IS no volume control for that.06:58
virtxwhat can i see if in alsamixer the volume is ok, but the audio that i listen is only on line-out and not the speaker?06:58
L3topit is either on, or off06:58
ThePirateBay_seL3top; I'll boot into it in like 10-15 minutes and you can diagnose it I guess.06:58
lotuspsychjewebcamstudio cant start because java sun folder doesnt exist..what to do?06:58
L3topNo worries ThePirateBay_se. I will be here a while.06:58
gaymishhey guys, I have a slight problem with apache I was hoping you might understand. I want apache to respond to hostname in the Virtual Host only, not IP. I have set that but I think that the DNS is rewriting the address to an IP so Apache wont respond. Does anyone know the solution? I know its not a strictly ubuntu section but didnt know where to go.06:58
gaymishI think that dns cloaking might be what I am looking for?06:59
L3toplotuspsychje: you will need to go to oracles website and install the official java06:59
lotuspsychjel3top:for ubuntu then?06:59
L3toplotuspsychje: actually... there is a ppa, it is a whole lot easier06:59
lotuspsychjeoh ok lemme try06:59
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L3toplotuspsychje: no deb at oracle06:59
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L3topsun java LeelooGirl07:00
L3topnot free java07:00
malakeyeL3top: using laptop, no hdmi cable in there, so no. alsamixer in terminal is the only way i can volume up and down b/c the gnome volume control in the upper-right does not work07:00
LeelooGirlon ubuntu?07:00
lotuspsychjeOracle (Sun) Java 6 is no longer available to be distributed by Ubuntu, because of license issues.07:00
L3topyeah... its a... well... yeah.07:01
LeelooGirli know ..that`s why i ask/07:01
malakeyeinstalling gnome-alsamixer07:01
Gallomimiagaymish: i think you need to remove any server directives from outside the virtual host in your conf. the mechanism works when the client sends the hostname it's looking for07:01
malakeyequickfix :-P07:01
L3topmalakeye: it is a setting in your system settings.07:02
L3topmalakeye: I dont have any gnome/unity installed or I would go figure out where.07:02
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LeelooGirlhateball ping timeout?07:04
gaymishGallomimia: what do you mean by other server directives. It works when I have it respond to the IP as well as the domain names making me think that it is a DNS issue. The other thing is that the machine is behind a firewall so it is possible they may rewrite headers for the NAT.07:04
traianowDr_Willis : question about XDM :07:04
traianowGDM can show a list of users in the login window07:04
traianowbu can XDM do the same ?07:05
traianowGoogle doesn't turn up andy  results for that … and I can't find any obvious options in the XDM config files ...07:05
aeplusgaymish, are you sure you used the NameVirtualHost directive correctly??07:05
Gallomimiagaymish there is nothing to do with NAT, headers, packets, firewalls, or DNS. the client sends the request to ip xx.xx.xx.xx and tells that server that it's looking for somedomain.com that is all07:05
aeplusi agree with Gallomimia, the http protocol will include a line that says "Host: xx.yy.zz" which is used to determine the virtual host07:06
Gallomimiait's been so long since i played with apache configs. so long in fact that apache2 was still in beta and everyone said "no you should use apache 1.4"07:06
gaymishaeplus, Gallomimia: I'll have a look at the directives now. Thanks for your help, Apache is such a headache...07:07
aeplusbeen deploying it for years, i still remember how long it took me the first time around07:07
Gallomimiayes it's a bit of an odd one. your other option would be to have it direct to a DIFFERENT website when no matching virtual hosts are found07:07
PyroBlastGuestIs there something like this in Ubuntu? http://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/image21.png07:07
strkI've a 1280x1024 capable monitor which all of a sudden stopped being detected by the "Monitor Preferences" widget. It was detected correctly before a reboot. Ideas ?07:10
strkcurrently, I can only use it at lower resolution, and worst, at wrong aspect ratio :(07:10
strkthis is a laptop, so the monitor is an external one07:11
gaymishaeplus: the problem is knowing all the damn directives. I assume that i need to set NameVirtualHost to the url's that it should respond to?07:11
gaymishaeplus: Can it have multiple NameVirtualHost directives?07:11
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aeplusyou set NameVirtualHost to the socket, such as NameVirtualHost, then you create VirtualHost entries with ServerName directives... <VirtualHost 192..:80>ServerName mydomain.com</..>07:12
demonвсем прет07:13
demonкто может помочь?07:13
DJones!ru | demon07:13
ubottudemon: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:13
damms005Pls help with 7zip. My Ubuntu Software Center shows it as installed but I dont see it anywhere and can't even use it07:14
L3top!info normalize07:14
ubottuPackage normalize does not exist in precise07:14
gaymishaeplus: awesome thanks! Considering it is Friday, I think I'll just leave this problem until Monday :)07:14
aeplusyah, let's call it a week07:14
L3topPyroBlastGuest: check out http://normalize.nongnu.org/07:15
damms005When I do "man 7zip",  It doesn't even show anything. All I get is "which manual page do you want"07:15
PyroBlastGuestL3top: Oh my.. That might be what I want. It's real-time, right?07:16
damms005Please help on how I can use 7zip07:16
L3topyes PyroBlastGuest07:16
aeplusthere should be a way to list the files that were installed for the package07:16
damms005!info normalize07:16
ubottuPackage normalize does not exist in precise07:16
Gallomimiawait, what do you need 7zip for on ubuntu? most of the tools to work with compressed files are ready to go07:17
L3topwait PyroBlastGuest... I may be wrong on that... I think it normalizes files... sorry... I have used a live filter... I cant remember where.07:17
PyroBlastGuestL3top: Dammit..07:17
Gallomimianoworldorder: how are you doing on that problem of yours? let me know in a pm how you're doing if you want07:17
damms005Gallomimia: I want to use it to extract .exe files  (Babylon dictionary for GoldenDict)07:18
Gallomimiaoh self extracting files.... i see07:18
Gallomimiadid you open a new terminal since you last installed it?07:18
damms005Gallomimia: So what do I do?07:18
L3topPyroBlastGuest: take a look at this http://www.miscfits.com/2009/09/normalize-all-your-audio.html07:18
damms005Gallomimia: Since I last installed 7zip? Yes07:19
PyroBlastGuestL3top: Well that might just be what I'm looking for. I need to test it, though.07:20
damms005Gallomimia: But I don't seem to be able to use the 7zip. I can't find it anywhere. How can I use what I don't find07:20
Gallomimiathe program is called 7z07:20
Gallomimianot 7zip07:21
Gallomimiaso, type which 7z07:21
Gallomimiaand see what it says07:21
superuseri figure out why no commands would work07:21
damms005Gallomimia: Thanks so much.07:21
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strkmonitor resolution solved with a reboot (reminds me of windows times!)07:24
whiteroseWhen installing APC, is there still a bug fix that need to be run?07:24
re-sure-pusproblem solved ;]07:24
Gallomimiare-sure-pus how?07:24
smegzor1After installing a wireless driver it works until I restart the computer.  After restart the wireless device does not function unless I repeat the install (compiling from a script).  Is there a step that I am missing to permanently add the new driver so that it is active after a restart?07:25
ninstaahHi All, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 with vsftpd 2.3.5 installed I configured it to use mysql virtualusers - but can not connect to the server ( vsftpd.conf & vsftpd: http://pastie.org/4090828 ). If i try to FTP I get this "ftp: connect: Connection refused" - What am I doing wrong?07:25
re-sure-pusi did an upgrade i guess lol but its working now07:25
Gallomimiasmegzor1: can you show some of the script? maybe the interface is not configured on reboot07:25
rob82_pcrs(just out the blue) i read somewhere that 12.04 TLS had a few floors in security, dont get me wrong this is what i heard07:26
smegzor1Gallomimia: Sorry I can't.  The computer is not here.  I figured there was a missing step to load the driver.07:26
rob82_pcrsP.s is it true?07:26
agc93TLS can be broken given the right access and a very specific situation, but it is not very easy07:27
Gallomimiasmegzor1: i am going to suggest that you're going to need to add something in the configs for interface on boot. i've forgotten how to do that :/07:27
re-sure-pusit wouldent let me burn a cd tho..   so i mounted the iso file then up graded07:27
smegzor1Gallomimia: thanks.  that gives me something to google for.07:28
Zally666Mnt proc nd profile stack07:28
damms005_Gallomimia: 7z ex /dict/Babylon9_setup_dict.....error is...:Error: Incorrect command line07:28
Zally666Break step07:29
smegzor1Gallomimia: hmm..  it probably needs to be modprobed?07:29
emanb29I need some advice with a wifi USB adapter (WUSB45Gv2), does anyone know where to get the driver necessary?07:29
damms005_Gallomimia: Please help. When I type this:....7z ex /dict/Babylon9_setup_dict.....I get this errors...:Error: Incorrect command line...Please help07:29
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Gallomimiai unfortuantely dont' know anything about 7z but07:30
Gallomimiatake the e out. the command you want is x not ex07:30
re-sure-pusi learned something today07:30
MasterOfDisasterdamms005_: isn't it 7z x, not 7z ex?07:30
Gallomimiadamms005_: i looked at this page http://www.howtoadvice.com/7zipHelper07:31
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: you verified that port 21 is reachable?07:31
re-sure-pusno linux commands dont work with windows 7 except "cd"07:32
MasterOfDisasterre-sure-pus: might want to try powershell :D07:33
Dr_Willisive seen bash shelland otehr commands for windows :)07:33
Gallomimiasmegzor1: i wish you luck. i'm really not any good at linux networking or wifi hardware. i have a macbook pro. i turn it on and the wifi says "would you like to connect to ... ?"07:33
ninstaahMasterOfDisaster, yes - it is fully available.07:33
re-sure-puswith ubuntu you configure wifi manualy07:34
ninstaahit hangs on startup07:34
ninstaah# initctl list | grep vsftpd07:34
ninstaahvsftpd stop/waiting07:34
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damms005_Gallomimia: I don't find that helpful. It is only compressing files. I need to extract07:35
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: look at the logs for clues07:35
Dr_Willis!info unp07:35
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7 (precise), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB07:35
Gallomimiadamms005_: near the bottom it talks about it. man page should help you now. is the man called 7z?07:36
TheLynxHi there guys. what's up with the packages? Cannot install any software:an error message pops up.07:36
ninstaahMasterOfDisaster, no /var/log/vsftpd.log - is there another log I could see?07:36
rob82_pcrsyou arnt using a proxy by chance07:36
TheLynxit says 'the installation will require smth. from untrusted..07:36
GallomimiaTheLynx: working fine for me.... maybe you have a sources issue?07:36
Gallomimia!sources > TheLynx07:36
ubottuTheLynx, please see my private message07:36
Gallomimiahow does that bot work??07:37
rob82_pcrsii know software packages wont work if u use a proxy mine failed once07:37
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: /var/log/syslog07:37
damms005_Gallomimia: Yes thanks I found it.  The problem is even complicated now. I don't see any .blg files in the achive..(GoldenDict official page says the achive consists .blg file which is the dictionary file I am looking for)07:37
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Gallomimiagood luck man07:37
smegzor1Gallomimia: Found a solution online.  It will definitely work, just got to return to the site to finalise the install.07:37
Gallomimiaand with that, it will be time for rice.07:38
ninstaahMasterOfDisaster, that returns this to me; init: "vsftpd respawning too fast, stopped"07:38
damms005_PLS HELP WITH GOLDENDICT DICTIONARY. NO .blg files in Babylon907:38
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: stop the service, pass the config file to the binary on the command line and see if it chokes on it07:40
MasterOfDisasterman vsftpd: syslog_enable, log_ftp_protocol should be interesting for debugging07:40
gulimonis there a irc channel for talking t07:41
Dr_Willis!alis | gulimon07:42
ubottugulimon: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:42
Zally666Dr willis care to help me with my tuner tonight?07:43
TheLynx.seen rantic07:43
ninstaahMasterOfDisaster, I dont know why I should stop a service that cant start - but how do I pass it to binary in command line (doing everything over ssh)?07:44
Zally666Only picture when scanning07:44
Dr_WillisZally666:  last tv tuner i used was 3+ yrs ago. and it was plug and it worked.07:44
Dr_Willisand that was when i was using  MythTV07:45
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: as root: vsftpd /path/to/config/file/vsftpd.conf07:45
ninstaahok thx07:46
Zally666But its a dmesg modprobe issue07:46
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satya-ktreeI need t create ftp user with multiple directory access, is this possible?07:50
Dr_Willisi imagine it is..07:50
miss_ubuntu_Question: is there any software in ubuntu , similar to gmail tasks ? gmail tasks rock but i need offline app07:50
Dr_Willisbut i only use ssh/sftp these days.07:50
pentagonpieUbuntu 11.10, with KDE, trying to change login screen but nothing changes.07:50
ninstaahMasterOfDisaster; 500 OOPS: bad bool value in config file for: guest_enable (in my conf it is: guest_enable=YES)07:51
Dr_Willispentagonpie:  change what about it  how are you changeing it?07:51
satya-ktreeActually, i prefer to give ftp access to our clients07:51
pentagonpieDr_Willis, system settings - login screen07:52
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TheLynxIs there a substitute  for Rocket Dock on ubuntu?07:53
tevs_kapoaNTry Docky07:54
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: try removing the line07:54
pentagonpieDr_Willis, The default theme for the login screen doesn't even appear in the option in system settings07:54
tevs_kapoaNTheLynx: There's Cairo dock, Avant Window Navigator, Plank...07:55
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.07:55
TheLynxwtf? "Requires installation of untrusted packages"07:55
cscsabahow can i set scripts for users and root as well ? i have to always change back and forth and scripts would be useful on either sides07:55
cscsabaups sorry, so hello07:55
Dr_Williscscsaba:  scripts to do what?07:56
tevs_kapoaNTheLynx: what are you trying to install?07:56
ninstaahMasterOfDisaster, I think I am making progress, thank you so far - you got my troubleshooting start.07:56
tevs_kapoaNtry to install it using sudo07:56
Dr_Willisi think theres been some server/key issues lately.07:57
cscsabasorry, ff() { find -name $1 ...} and for aliases07:57
tevs_kapoaN$ sudo apt-get install docky07:57
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: you're welcome07:57
Blue1Dr_Willis: if you run skype on a 64 bit system, skip v 4.0 if you need video.07:57
Dr_Williscscsaba:  how ae you switching to root?   if you do it the right way. you keep your users alias's07:57
Dr_WillisBlue1:  i dont do skype any  more07:57
Blue1su -07:57
MasterOfDisastercscsaba: there are system-wide config files for your favourite shell...07:57
Blue1Dr_Willis: smart man!07:57
MasterOfDisastercscsaba: e.g.: /etc/bashrc07:58
Dr_Willissu -    is not the right way to switch to root on ubuntu07:58
TheLynxit works buddy! TY:)07:58
Dr_Willissudo -s or sudo -i07:58
Blue1Dr_Willis: ahh07:58
tevs_kapoaNNo problem. Give Avant Window Navigator a try as well.07:58
cscsabaDr_Willis, MasterOfDisaster : so im new to linux07:58
Dr_Willisyou shouldnt be needint to switch  to root a lot once you got things setuop either. ;)07:59
cscsabaDr_Willis, MasterOfDisaster : i noticed that i cant use my aliasses when i root07:59
cscsabaand back07:59
BrainwrightHaving a monster of a time trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop with no cd drive and can't use usb to boot.  As soon as I log in, it freezes completely.  Error messages through the many ways I've tried installing this suggest that I may need PAE support, which seems to have recently been removed from Ubuntu.07:59
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Dr_Williscscsaba:  and how are you switching to root?07:59
ninstaahGot it working now MasterOfDisaster, Thank you so much - Have a nice day!07:59
cscsabaDr_Willis: with su07:59
meteohrhey guys, im a new ubuntu user and got no sound at all - im working on fixing this problem for some time now and just can't get it done, can anybody help me?07:59
MasterOfDisasterninstaah: wondeful :D07:59
Dr_Williscscsaba:  and as i said earlier.. 'su' is not the right way to switch to root...08:00
Dr_Willis!sudo | cscsaba08:00
ubottucscsaba: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:00
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: what computer are you on?08:00
tevs_kapoaNIs it a laptop?08:00
wdpBrainwright, pae should only be needed (i might be wrong though) if you want to use more than 4 GB of RAM08:00
wdpBrainwright, and, there still should be a -pae kernel.08:01
BrainwrightAll I know is that I tried installing it one way, and I got an error saying that I required a PAE kernel.08:01
cscsababut su ask my password and i get root prompt08:01
cscsabaso then i root08:01
cscsabai guess08:01
rob82_pcrsits built into the cpu08:01
meteohrtevx_kapoaN: Samsung Q45 Notebook, i got a hda intel soundchip with a lsi id 1040 codec and i even reported this bug on launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/19970108:01
Dr_Williscscsaba:  su to root is by default disabled on ubuntu.. no idea how you eneabled it.. learn to use 'sudo'08:01
rob82_pcrsincomoatble iv had the same thing08:01
rob82_pcrsincompatble iv had the same thing08:01
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: do you have Windows installed on it as well?08:02
meteohri also tried playing around with the  alsa-base.conf adding different lines08:02
BrainwrightThen I just don't know what to say.  The damned thing freezes.08:02
cscsabaDr_Willis: it is on Suse but i know that this irc is very helplful thats why im asking here08:02
wdpBrainwright, linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae  <- that kernel i use.08:02
Dr_Williscscsaba:  suse is niot ubuntu.. forget about su on ubuntu. use sudo..........08:02
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cscsabaDr_Willis: ok08:03
meteohrtevs_kapoaN: why should i border installing windows?08:03
Brainwrightwdp, where should I look to find that kernel, and how would I use it?08:03
rob82_pcrs-pae i had the same thing using Meego08:03
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cscsabaDr_Willis: so i have to chek its man pages08:03
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info08:03
rob82_pcrswouldn let me install08:03
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: when you go to System Settings > Sound, which device is selected under Output?08:03
wdpBrainwright, apt-cache search linux-image | grep pae    <- will list pae kernels. apt-get install linux-image....-pae will install one of them.08:04
meteohrdummy-output, wait i can post a screenshot08:04
rob82_pcrsif you have the -pae on the processor08:04
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: no reason at all, I asked that because I have windows and I have sound problems when I use Windows and log on to Linux afterwards.08:04
BrainwrightGot it, thanks.08:04
wdpBrainwright, and check if grep "pae" /proc/cpuinfo produces output08:04
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cscsabathanks guys08:05
Dr_Willistevs_kapoaN:  ive had some older weird hardware that would not work right if i booted to windows then 'rebooted' to linux. but if i powereed down. then booted straight to linux. it would work.. the Devices mustg have had some odd Plug and Play  quirks08:05
BrainwrightI can't.  I'm a fresh user, and I don't have an Ubuntu system up and running.08:05
wdpBrainwright, that'll work in any linux.08:05
rob82_pcrsDr_willis ''same''08:06
satya-ktreeIs it possible to create a ftp user with access to multiple directories?08:06
rob82_pcrslinux just seems to work like a charm08:06
BrainwrightWell, I don't have any Linux system up and running, which is why I was doing this in the first place.  I know, it's painful how hard I'm trying.08:06
Dr_Willisi cant evven rember what the devices were.. or how i figured out that trick. It may have been an old ceative sound card08:06
tevs_kapoaNDr_Willis: I think I had the same thing. After I use Windows, there will be no sound on Ubuntu, until I play something, like Youtube and suspend my computer. After waking up it would work.08:06
noworldorderI have been trying to figure out how to grant a user access to only one folder.  I think I am close.  The user is now able to download any file from any directoy but only upload to the directory I assidned.  I desire that files can be only uploaded and downloaded from a particlular folder.08:07
noworldorderTHis is what I did08:07
noworldorder[root@go ~]# chown axxarecord /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/MP308:07
noworldorder[root@go ~]# chown -R axxarecord /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/MP3 #recursive08:07
rob82_pcrstry an install over the network (using the network) when prompted08:07
FloodBot1noworldorder: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:07
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: hummm... You got me on this.08:07
Dr_Willis!pastebin | noworldorder08:07
ubottunoworldorder: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:07
meteohrthats what i heard every time asking for help :) so im used to it08:07
BrainwrightThanks for the help, folks!08:08
rob82_pcrsnaughty naughty08:08
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: maybe this post thread will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147518508:08
meteohrthanks, i'll try this, and if it doesnt work im gonna install windows7 :/08:09
tevs_kapoaNHave you tried reinstalling ubuntu?08:09
rob82_pcrsii use to be scared at 1 time, doin it over network, but iv had my confidence build over the last few years and have learnt to trust the servers, thats all it is that does it08:09
gits1225How to fix:08:10
gits1225error while loading shared libraries: libpng15.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:10
gits1225I am trying to install emacs 24.1 on ubuntu 12.0408:11
rob82_pcrsreinstll libpng08:11
schnuffle1gits1225: which version of libpng is installed?08:11
meteohrtevs_kapoaN: no, why?08:11
rob82_pcrssounds like the setup didn go right08:12
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tevs_kapoaNMaybe some config item is messed up in your installation. I'd try reinstalling ubuntu before going to Windows08:12
tevs_kapoaNBut I've found this thread claiming to have solved your problem08:12
rob82_pcrsstay away from win, pointless, use wine08:12
tevs_kapoaNSorry, the thread is here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/dummy-output-lost-sound-839789/08:12
noworldorderpastebin is down it seems http://codepad.org/tbiIxEAe08:14
gits1225schnuffle1: libpng 1.5.1108:14
meteohrok im gonna go through it tevs_kapoaN08:14
sadasdasdasDoes Ubuntu support brtfs fairly well? I just downloaded the updates and I think it's been like 40 minutes and it's still installing them on brtfs.08:15
schnuffle1gits1225:  you can try to set a symlink if the version you have installed is compatibel08:15
meteohrtevs>_kapoaN: im not sure if oss supports my soundchip08:16
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schnuffle1gits1225:  for example: ln -s /lib/libpng12.so.0 /lib/libpng12.so.0.44.008:16
rob82_pcrsabout before that -pae , is in the same category as -cmov,08:16
sadasdasdasOr does it usually take that long?08:17
tevs_kapoaNYeah, now I'm going through it as well. I see it's a better idea not to try to install OSS08:17
meteohrim gonna reinstall ubuntu08:17
meteohrhow do i do this?08:17
linuxdroidmeteohr,  reboot ur system with the live cd..!!!08:18
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: just bear with me for a few minutes, I'll get back to you08:18
burghello. i am being told that one of my ubuntu servers floods the network (sends too many data packets somewhere, making the router to fail and stop the internet connection) -- how can i check if this is really what is happening?08:18
gits1225schnuffle1: I think something went wrong when I installed libpng. Checking...08:18
rob82_pcrsthey are the ii mean if you get Unable to install u get them errors -pae and /or -cmov iv had them both08:18
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rob82_pcrscpu incompatibility with the OS08:18
schnuffle1gits1225: Did you install it from repository or manually?08:18
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: what's yoru output of $ cat /proc/asound/cards08:18
gits1225schnuffle1: I didn't find it in repository. Installed manually.08:19
schnuffle1gits1225:  12.04?08:19
gits1225schnuffle1: yes.08:20
meteohrtevs>_kapoaN: $: command not found08:20
rob82_pcrstry version below the 1 you tried08:20
schnuffle1gits1225:  I would create a symlink from the libpng12 to the version you need and try if it works08:21
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: you should type it without the $ sign. Just type cat /rpoc/asound/cards08:21
gits1225schnuffle1: kk08:21
tevs_kapoaN$ is only symbolizing beginning of a command.08:21
meteohrcat: /proc/asound/cards: File or Directory not found08:22
tevs_kapoaNSweet :)08:22
tevs_kapoaNHow about cat /proc/asound/devices08:22
bairuibah... i don't believe it. :-( I had to reinstall u1204 because of an imminent HD failure. I got mpd working beautifully alongside other sound apps in the prior install (2 days ago!) but can't for the life of me get it to cooperate now. I either get no mpd sound or only mpd sound. bairui sad.08:22
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: are you still there?08:25
meteohrtevs>_kapoaN: also not found08:26
tevs_kapoaNOkay, then I might have a solution for you.08:26
tevs_kapoaNTry going through this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131663408:26
meteohrasound folder does not exist08:26
tevs_kapoaNIt's a bit long, but many people claim to have resolved their problem there.08:27
meteohrwait wait08:27
meteohri just remember08:27
meteohra few min ago i think i did $ sudo alsa unload08:28
meteohrdoes this affect asound/cards or devices08:28
tevs_kapoaNTo be honest, I'm not sure.08:28
tevs_kapoaNPerhaps it does.08:28
rob82_pcrstry reloading it08:29
rob82_pcrssudo alsa reload08:29
Dr_Willislogical shell is logical08:29
meteohrok still nothing found08:30
vidyutIs there a way to see what ports are open in my computer and what applications are running on them? I also want to know how to start and stop applications from running. Can anbody help me with this?08:30
rob82_pcrsnetstat sumthing08:30
Dr_Willisvidyut:  you mean 'services' ?08:30
tevs_kapoaNWell then, why don't you take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131663408:30
rob82_pcrsnetstat -a or -s or -v08:30
rob82_pcrssumthing like that08:30
tevs_kapoaNThe guy had the same problem like you and he says he solved it.08:30
vidyutDr_Willis: apps running on ports08:31
rob82_pcrsor better get nmap08:31
Dr_Willisvidyut:  normally theres no listening services by default.   starting and stopping 'applications' is differnt then 'services'08:31
rob82_pcrsat command line08:31
tevs_kapoaNLet us know if you make any progress.08:31
rob82_pcrssudo apt-get install nmap08:31
rob82_pcrsnmap -a -V etc08:32
rob82_pcrsorr whatever ur ip is08:32
vidyutDr_Willis: I want to know the command to see what ports are open in my computer and what applications are running on them08:32
rob82_pcrsnmap -a -V
rob82_pcrsvidyut: nmap -a -V
rob82_pcrsvidyut: get nmap08:32
dazeis there a way to append the Nautilus 'move to'/'copy to' menu? Would be cool for mounted external drives to appear there, just like in Windows :)08:33
ezbbunkwhy can't he use netstat?08:33
rob82_pcrsii mentioned that08:33
rob82_pcrsnmaps better08:33
rob82_pcrsshows more verbosely08:33
ezbbunknmap is excessive08:33
vidyutrob82_pcrs: and how to start and stop an apps running on a port?08:33
rob82_pcrsii use nmap in my sleep08:34
tenXezbbunk: cause it doesnt show firewall impact08:34
Dr_Willisdaze:  nautilus has  a scripting feaature. but not sure if it can change 'on the fly' with device insertion08:34
tevs_kapoaNHA HA HA!08:34
rob82_pcrsuninstall them08:34
Dr_Willisvidyut:  kill the app/close it..08:34
dazeyeah, I found out about scripts, but they are put into 'scripts' menu. This one should require a plugin.. still searching for one :/08:34
rob82_pcrsbutt you need to know what app to port08:34
bairuiawesome... fixed it. i thought i'd tried the   paprefs, Network access   path but i was obviously not holding the sacred blade to the sacrificial lamb's throat in quite the right way. bairui happy again. \o/08:34
ezbbunktenX: neither does nmap actually -- assuming that we're scanning lo and lo is on quick pass08:35
mbutubuntuhey guys, I'd like to know why ffmpeg -i /path/to/videoFile.mp4 | grep foo doesn't grep anythink but prints out all the ffmpeg output... o.008:35
mbutubuntudo you know why?08:35
vidyutok thanks Dr_Willis rob82_pcrs08:35
Dr_Willismbutubuntu:  perhaps its printing to stderr instead of stdout08:35
rob82_pcrsfor ports use : nmap -v -A (target address) P.S. i dont like smart aliks08:35
ezbbunkmbutubuntu: try 2>&108:36
mbutubuntuDr_Willis, mmh, maybe08:36
tenXezbbunk: my idea was to scan externally but you could always restrict access on lo via iptables08:36
Dr_Willisno idea why it would be using stedrr08:36
ezbbunktenX: ja, as I said, I was assuming lo was on quick pass08:36
rob82_pcrswhy externally not all ports a re forwarded u wont get shit on the scan08:36
mbutubuntuDr_Willis, ezbbunk you're right... it prints to STDERR08:36
rob82_pcrsyou scan internally08:36
solid91hi everibody, my system is frequently crashing, how can i find what's wrong with it?08:37
rob82_pcrswhy externally not all ports a re forwarded u wont get shit on the scan08:37
ezbbunkrob82_pcrs: that is assuming that all listeners are bound to lo or IN{6,}ADDR_ANY08:37
rob82_pcrsthat is correct08:37
tenXezbbunk: depends on the setup. externally was basically about scanning from another system, maybe within the same subnet08:37
schnuffle1solid91: check the syslog file in /var/log for errors08:37
rob82_pcrsthat is correct08:37
rob82_pcrsthat sound good to08:37
sddhrthrtsolid91: try to read the logs08:37
ezbbunktenX: ja - but imho, to just find which services are listening on which interface / node / file08:37
tenXezbbunk: use both :)08:38
rob82_pcrsis their a Event Viewer app on linuz or similar08:38
meteohrcat /proc/asound/cards  0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel                       HDA Intel at 0xf0500000 irq 4508:38
sddhrthrtsolid91: pastebin the logs during oand just before the crashess - that might help.08:38
meteohrso i remember that this worked for some time08:38
rob82_pcrsiif theres crashes try dpkg reboot and go into recovery mode08:38
solid91@sddhrthrt where can i paste the log?08:39
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: but you still have dummy-ausgabe in your Sound Settings?08:39
rob82_pcrs.txt viewer08:39
meteohrmaybe my soundcard ist just broken :/08:40
rurufufussHi, I've been having erratic scroll wheel problem, and it doesn't seem to be the mice, has there been problems like this previously reported?08:40
tenXezbbunk: and if you nmap locally to the systems device and dont allow lo access generally you should get the same results as from external08:40
rurufufusson 10.04 here08:40
rob82_pcrspossibly but if it works on linuz, its definetly windows issues08:40
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: have you looked at other replies in that thread?08:40
rob82_pcrsprovided you a port forwarding all 65000 ports08:41
tevs_kapoaNSome people report their own solutions, like this08:41
tevs_kapoaNI followed all your steps and my card shows up when running cat /proc/asound/cards, but I still had a dummy output in the gnome sound preferences. But after editing /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and adding options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=1 model=asus-v1s it finally worked!!! Thanks so much!08:41
tevs_kapoaNOf course, pay attention that he's writing about ASUS, not Samsung.08:41
vidyutand how to start a application on a particular port?08:41
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meteohryes, but i cant tell which one i should choose out of those: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt08:42
tevs_kapoaNYeah, that is a bit tricky.08:42
rob82_pcrsyou can change target ports on your router08:42
solid91where can i past my sylog for checking what my crashes are due to?08:42
rob82_pcrsfrom 80 to 81 e.g.,08:42
rob82_pcrsyou dont realy have to change them on ur machine08:42
schnuffle1!paste | solid9108:43
ubottusolid91: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:43
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: you said you have a Samsung, right?08:43
tevs_kapoaNWhat is the exact model?08:43
grandrewhi all! Does anybody know how do ubuntu mouse settings relate to real mouse CPI ? I want to know where is 1:1 on that Slow/Fast slider?08:43
tevs_kapoaNjust a minute please.08:43
rob82_pcrsright at beginning or dead center in the middle08:44
rob82_pcrs1:1 should be default08:44
solid91@schnuffle1 ok this is my sylog http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042088/08:45
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yharrowhey guys08:46
yharrowanyone here?08:46
tevs_kapoaNmeteohr: sorry. Can't find anything else useful about this :(08:46
yharrowok so i plugged my laptop into a HDMI TV but now my microsoft Lifechat doesnt work08:46
meteohrok ok08:46
yharrowlike when i click lifechat in sound08:46
meteohri think ill stop trying08:46
yharrowthe TV starts playing the sound08:47
meteohrno problem, thanks for your help08:47
schnuffle1solid91: Just pasting you syslog is a not enough. What crashes, when does it crash, is it just spontaneous or can it be reproduced?08:47
tevs_kapoaNIf you wish to keep ubuntu, try opening a topic on Ubuntu Forum08:47
yharrowlifechat = microsoft usb headphones08:47
mbutubuntuezbbunk, I've redirected the stderr output to a variable but now echo $VAR | grep foo doesn't work again...!08:47
tevs_kapoaNI'm sure people more skillful than me will look into it.08:47
yharrowhas anyone heard of my issue before08:48
rob82_pcrsmeteohr: um bushed. ... .08:48
rob82_pcrsmeteohr: um bushed.08:48
rob82_pcrsmeteohr: um bushed08:48
rob82_pcrs: um bushed08:48
rob82_pcrsum bushed08:48
llutz_rob82_pcrs: pls stop that08:48
yharrowi searched the forums but i couldnt find anything08:48
yharrownobody knows anything about sound?08:49
rob82_pcrsdamn scroller spoofed up08:49
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solid91@<schnuffle1>  ok so, it was spontaneous, not reproducible. When it crash only my mouse works, anithing else.08:49
rob82_pcrsllutz_ sorry if i hurt ur feelings08:49
llutz_!ot | rob82_pcrs08:49
ubotturob82_pcrs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:49
rob82_pcrsyour point is08:50
meteohrthank you very much tevs_kapoan08:50
tolyharrow: HDMI automatically transmits the sound to the tv, so try to switch the sound output08:50
schnuffle1solid91: my guess is problems with Compiz08:50
rob82_pcrsii allways follow the rules, butska08:50
rob82_pcrsbutska stands for pal, mate whichever you prefer08:51
rob82_pcrsii am king  of my domain08:51
yharrowtol I already tried but it wouldnt let me08:52
ynotworkingany upstart wizards?08:52
yharrowi am scratching my brain here tol08:52
tolyharrow: what have you tried and what was the output08:52
yharrowwhen i click on the lifechat usb headphones option it still outputs hdmi08:52
rob82_pcrscompiz fusion>08:52
rob82_pcrscompiz fusion?08:53
yharrowi used sound settings to select Lifechat lx-300 but the modes available were HDMI08:53
yharrowand HDMI 5.108:53
yharrowso basically there were too entries for HDMI08:53
yharrowthe HDMI08:53
yharrowand then the headphones08:53
belgianguyyuck, just updated and had to reboot, but now I get dropped into console08:53
yharrowthat actually output to HDMI08:53
belgianguyLightDM fails08:53
rob82_pcrstry using HDPI08:54
solid91@@<schnuffle1  ...mmm so what can i do?08:54
belgianguyany idea where I could look for a log?08:54
yharrowtol any ideas?08:54
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:54
llutz_belgianguy: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:54
yharrowuse enlightenment if u want to be hipster leet08:54
schnuffle1solid91: just checking. its in your post line 2441 where the intel 915 chip fails08:54
belgianguyllutz_: thanks, could it have to do with fglrx?08:54
tolyharrow: have you tried it with the alsamixer08:54
yharrowno i have not08:55
rob82_pcrswait theres a kit in software packages,,checking08:55
llutz_belgianguy: idk, from what i read here, it could08:55
yharrowi dont think so08:55
yharrowlet me try08:55
schnuffle1solid91:  remove compiz helps08:55
belgianguyk, brb, thanks for the info08:56
schnuffle1solid91:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173964608:56
rob82_pcrsor uubuntu software centre (corrction)08:57
yharrowtol I've only used alsamixer before to change volume. how to i activate lifechat08:57
solid91@@<schnuffle1 so i should install that packages?08:57
rob82_pcrsyeah openjava jdk08:58
yharrowtol how do i make lifechat the active output08:58
solid91@<schnuffle1 or remove compiz?08:58
vidyutI have a web application written in php. How to access and administer the MySQL database from the web application?08:58
rob82_pcrssee what pport its on08:59
schnuffle1solid91: if you don't Compiz I would go that route08:59
nicekiwihow do I tell if im running Nvidia or Nouveau drivers in KDE?08:59
solid91@<schnuffle1 ok thanx man!08:59
rob82_pcrsvidyut: see what pport its on08:59
yharrowtol u still here?08:59
stuk_genhi all :)09:00
stuk_genwhat package is need for GL/gl.h ?09:00
vidyutand then ?09:00
schnuffle1solid91: what kernel version are you running09:00
sacarlsonnicekiwi: sudo lshw; will show your hardware and the drivers each part uses09:00
yharrowanybody here know anythinga bout sound09:00
solid91@<schnuffle1 12.0409:00
yharrow@tol you still here man?09:00
llutz_!find GL/gl.h        | stuk_gen09:00
ubottustuk_gen: File GL/gl.h found in libogre-dev, mesa-common-dev, mingw-w64-dev, mingw32-runtime, nvidia-173-dev, nvidia-173-updates-dev, nvidia-96-dev, nvidia-96-updates-dev, nvidia-current-dev, nvidia-current-updates-dev09:00
tolyharrow: yes, still here. i thought you could change the output in alsa. but im at work and dont have an working alsa here09:01
schnuffle1solid91:  paste uname -a :)09:01
yharrowim pressing random stuff09:01
yharrowhoping it fixes sound09:01
rob82_pcrsyharrow: didn that forum help ya, that whats -ee gave ya09:01
yharrowi just activated lasaucm09:01
yharrowwhatever that does09:01
yharrowand installing random alsa tools09:01
solid91@<schnuffle1 sorry =)      3.2.0-25-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 20:30:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:02
yharrowi hope one of these tools will make it work09:02
nicekiwiOMG OMG OMG OMG... running Team Fortress 2 with a decent FPS on the Nouveau graphics driver!!! :D *dreams have come true*09:02
tolyharrow: maybe this can help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41858/shortcut-to-switch-between-analog-stereo-output-hdmi-audio-output09:02
LordDeathis it possible to redirect the terminal output direclty into http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ??09:02
schnuffle1LordDeath: use pastebinit09:02
DJones!pastebinit | LordDeath09:02
ubottuLordDeath: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:02
LordDeaththx guys09:03
tenXnicekiwi: 3d acceleration for nouveau? never tried it is it working?09:03
miss_ubuntu_ 09:03
miss_ubuntu_Question: is there any software in ubuntu , similar to gmail tasks ? gmail tasks rock but i need offline app ?09:03
tenXnicekiwi: depends on the card, doesnt it?09:03
yharrowtol no because selecting the lifechat channel selects the HDMI09:04
yharrowits a bugged entry09:04
nicekiwitenX: it appears to be, the game insent accepting navagation from my mouse, but i can shoot, run move and kill ppl quite smoothly! xD so i guess it is. Its never been this good before Nouveau went stable09:04
tenXnicekiwi: what card is that?09:04
yharrowit has the lifechat name but activates HDMI09:04
nicekiwitenX: 9600GT 1GB DDR3, released in 2008.09:04
rob82_pcrsyharrow:go to themes and tweaks09:04
tolyharrow: does this usb-thing has its own soundcard?09:04
tenXnicekiwi: okay that is pretty old09:05
yharrowi have no idea09:05
nicekiwitenX: yeah :P09:05
yharrowbut maybe09:05
yharrowits a headphones09:05
tenXnicekiwi: checked out the support list not too long ago09:05
yharrowi cant see how it does09:05
rob82_pcrsyharrow:go to themes and tweaks, there a package called "additional driver'09:05
rob82_pcrsyharrow:go to themes and tweaks, there a package called "additional drivers''09:05
tenXnicekiwi: and found only few cards supported for 3d09:05
rob82_pcrsbut theres another...proding09:06
CokeAddicthow do I know what version of netbeans Ubuntu has in the repo?09:06
CokeAddict!package netbeans09:06
nicekiwitenX: oooh i have mouse input now xD, only some cards maybe "offically" supported, dosnt mean others wont work though.09:06
yharrowits already installed09:06
tenXnicekiwi: hope they keep making progress, glad it runs at all for now09:07
nicekiwitenX: yeah, major improvments :) im loving it09:07
tenXnicekiwi: i'm on gentoo hardened which makes it impossible to use the proprietary drivers09:08
nicekiwitenX: good luck :)09:08
tolyharrow: i think the lifechat has its own soundcard so it may be a driver issue09:08
yharrowtol its already installed09:08
tenXnicekiwi: also those drivers where the only reason to crash my system on the machine before09:08
yharrowand if it was a driver issue why would the name show up and be recognized09:08
yharrowit feels more like some kind of conflict09:08
nicekiwitenX: truuuu09:09
yharrowbut i cant verify it cuz my HDMI output is my monitor09:09
tolyharrow: have you tried to plug the headphones in after connecting the HDMI?09:09
tenXnicekiwi: have you heard about steam being ported to linux?09:09
yharrowthe problem is that the "mode" options for the device are HDMI09:09
yharrowso somehow09:10
yharrowthe device LIfechat is inheriting its modes from HDMI09:10
z999hello, I'm trying to install myunity (on 12.04) and I can't find it in the software center or using apt-get. How can I get it?09:10
fishcookeranyone with condor + globus?09:10
nicekiwitenX: yes!! :D and being released before the end of THIS year!!! :D :D heck yes!09:11
tenXnicekiwi: and how about the performance with your nouveau drivers?09:11
nicekiwitenX: am trying a real server (was in practice mode before) with 1600x900 res now. mid graphics09:11
tolyharrow: hmhm, i have no idea, sorry09:11
nicekiwitenX: dam.. wine crashed09:12
rob82_pcrsyharrow:you can try: ubuntu-restricted-extras package in "system"09:13
tenXnicekiwi: well the graphic performance shouldnt depend on wether you play online or not09:13
sacarlsonfishcooker: doing some number crunching?09:13
yharrowi already have it09:13
yharrowand listen to this09:13
tenXnicekiwi: wine i dont know about09:13
nicekiwitenX: i know :P but still..09:13
rob82_pcrsare u sure you have this 109:13
yharrowthe volume control buttons AND microphone on the headset work fine09:13
yharrowand it shows up in the output list09:14
yharrowjust when i click it as an output09:14
yharrowit doesnt do so09:14
rob82_pcrsmight be a pluggin thing09:14
yharrowplugin thing?09:14
rob82_pcrsoutput plugin09:14
rob82_pcrsor switch09:15
tenXnicekiwi: whatever i've tried with wine hasnt really worked.09:15
rob82_pcrssorry i cant help much09:15
dontknowcan i recompile  my current kernel without download kernel sorce?09:15
nicekiwitenX: :P yeah tis a lil touch and go sometimes, CrossOver Office is a good time though09:15
llutz_dontknow: no09:15
z999hello, I'm trying to install myunity (on 12.04) and I can't find it in the software center or using apt-get. How can I get it?09:15
yharrowanyone here know anythigna bout soudn?09:15
tenXnicekiwi: still props to the effort and development, dont get me wrong09:16
vidyutdoes anyone know irc channel for networking things?09:16
dontknowllutz, where can i download current kernel with its default configuration to compiling?09:16
rob82_pcrsiss that a knew drink?09:16
llutz_dontknow: sudo apt-get install linux-source09:17
llutz_dontknow: the config is /boot/config-$(uname -r)09:17
tenXnicekiwi: but the idea to clone a registry based strange OS within another is a hard job09:17
llutz_vidyut: ##networking09:18
dontknowllutz, will it give me current ubuntu kernel with ubuntu patches or whatever?09:18
sacarlsonvidyut: what are the things we are trying to network?09:18
nicekiwitenX: yup.. using windows = hardjob ha ha09:18
rob82_pcrsyou cant clone running processes09:18
rob82_pcrsyou could do it incrementally09:18
llutz_dontknow: it should09:18
dontknowllutz, i mean if i compile out of box, will it give me same as current kernel?09:19
tenXnicekiwi: well these days its fairly usable i find09:19
tenXnicekiwi: dont like it but have to work with it a lot09:19
dontknowllutz, where can i download "linux-source", i don't want to use apt-get09:20
nicekiwitenX: ja, same09:20
llutz_dontknow:  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/09:20
rob82_pcrsdontknow: sourceforgenet09:21
tenXnicekiwi: what can we do about that ;)09:21
tenXnicekiwi: w8 4 win8?09:21
nicekiwitenX: lol :P09:21
nicekiwitenX: ha ha.. yeah... no09:21
llutz_dontknow: why don't you use the given tools?09:21
rob82_pcrswin8......Never, , , , ,09:22
rob82_pcrscrap, d rather use Android09:22
tenXwin7 is really usable - why for sakes name do they just drop the whole desktop environment?09:23
dontknowllutz_, which directory will kernel source be downloaded after using apt-get install?09:23
llutz_dontknow: /usr/src  most likely09:23
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rob82_pcrscrap, d rather use Android09:23
dontknowllutz_, so oyu use custom kernel?09:24
dontknowdo you*09:24
klopshi, any chance anyone able to help with ubuntu 12.04 not resuming properly after a suspend? system resumes (can login via ssh), but the screen stays blank...09:24
tenXrob82_pcrs: opposing to what? win8?09:24
llutz_dontknow: no09:24
dontknowllutz, why?09:24
llutz_dontknow: why should i?09:24
rob82_pcrsklops does TAB change it from bank09:24
llutz_dontknow: the last custom kernel i used, was 2.0.3x09:24
rob82_pcrssoo u can see what is happening09:24
dontknowllutz_, they optimize for their cpu09:25
klopsnope, backlight doesnt even turn on...09:25
llutz_dontknow: urban legends09:25
rob82_pcrstenx: yes09:25
rob82_pcrstenx: yes, sux09:25
dontknowllutz_, is it?09:25
rob82_pcrswiin 8 ridiculous09:25
tenXrob82_pcrs: well but it cant compare09:25
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:25
rob82_pcrsAndroid leaves it for dead09:25
rob82_pcrs2 min istall, shame microsoft09:26
llutz_dontknow: waisted time in most cases09:26
klopshavent used ubuntu since 10.04... so things are a little weird... no xorg.conf?09:26
tenXrob82_pcrs: thats mobile device usage09:26
llutz_!ot | rob82_pcrs09:26
ubotturob82_pcrs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:26
rob82_pcrsthink again09:26
rob82_pcrsAndroid OS has been out for YEARS09:26
dontknowllutz_, and they say it is much better compiled in your current system, it will be optimised fot your system09:26
tenXllutz_: wrong topic?09:27
rob82_pcrsubottu: whats up G09:27
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:27
llutz_tenX: how is that ubuntu-support related?09:27
rob82_pcrsohh , thats ok then09:27
dontknowubottu, you have intelligence09:27
ubottudontknow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:27
rob82_pcrsii didn bring it up G09:27
dontknowubottu, you are skynet09:28
ubottudontknow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:28
rob82_pcrsubottu: Ur funny09:28
klopsso... noone has any idea why the screen wont resume after a suspend? or where i could look to diagnose the issue? :)09:28
dontknowubottu, don't pretend09:28
tenXllutz_: i'd like to give help in case i can. but there seem to be no questions around at the time09:28
rob82_pcrsturn of screensaver G09:28
rob82_pcrsextend time, whatever09:28
rob82_pcrsremove it in/etc somewhere09:29
rob82_pcrsii think09:29
llutz_tenX: and? this is not a chitchat channel09:29
klopsnot a screensaver issue :/09:29
tenXllutz_: can it be so wrong to discuss general tech stuff09:29
tenXllutz_: k09:29
tenXllutz_: see your point09:29
rob82_pcrsii stay'n out of it..!09:29
llutz_!ot | tenX  please read this (its not MY point)09:30
ubottutenX  please read this (its not MY point): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:30
rob82_pcrswjhat up g09:30
rob82_pcrssavr: sUp09:30
savrhow do I send a PDF file as a fax using a VoIP account?09:30
tenXllutz_: i got it the first time and apologized09:30
dontknowwhy no one compile chromium for ubuntu?09:31
savrdarn credit card company needs to enter the 20th century09:31
rob82_pcrschromium sux cant run it as root09:31
sacarlsonsavr: my guess is you won't be able to use voip for fax but I could be wrong,  there are fax services on the net that can09:31
llutz_!info chromium-browser | dontknow09:31
ubottudontknow: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.0.1025.151~r130497-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 21157 kB, installed size 78055 kB09:31
dontknowllutz_, i know and it is still 18!!!09:32
llutz_dontknow: if you don't like this, you shouldn't use a distro with fixed release cycles09:32
dontknowllutz, current version is 19, it released about 3 weeks ago!09:32
rob82_pcrsii have had a lotta luk with Mint 709:33
rob82_pcrsbased on ubuntu09:33
rob82_pcrsMint 10, 1109:33
sacarlsonsavr: I guess I was wrong http://www.3cx.com/PBX/FOIP.html09:33
rob82_pcrsMint 10,09:33
rob82_pcrsMint 10, stuick wit 1009:33
k1lrob82_pcrs: would you mind stopping that and join the offtopic channel instead?09:33
rob82_pcrsF**** the core09:33
dontknowllutz_, they are fixing security issues and it is still 18 in ubuntu09:34
dontknowllutz_, it is unacceptable09:34
rob82_pcrsF**** the core, who cares what core it is old or knew, you use what works and thats it09:34
llutz_dontknow: see line above. discuss that with the devs09:34
savrsacarlson, yeah I need linux software not windows09:34
klopsdoes anyone know if 12.04 still uses xorg? if not what does it use?09:34
savrI don't want to boot into windows 8 to send a fax09:34
rob82_pcrsGo wit Mint 1009:34
k1l!ops rob82_pcrs09:35
Myrtti!language |  rob82_pcrs09:35
ubotturob82_pcrs: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:35
rob82_pcrsyou could just install xorg on top of it09:35
dontknowllutz_, what line?09:35
llutz_dontknow: if you don't like this, you shouldn't use a distro with fixed release cycles09:35
rob82_pcrssorry though i was a bit rough09:35
rob82_pcrssorry thought i was a bit ough09:35
rob82_pcrssorry thought i was a bit rough09:36
rob82_pcrsdamn keys09:36
rob82_pcrscan i say damn?09:36
dontknowllutz_, but they gives firefox updates immediately09:36
SajjaDhi everyone09:36
SajjaDcvr: hi09:36
SajjaDcvr: do u remember me?09:36
rob82_pcrsii apolgise if i sounded off anybody09:36
=== sergio is now known as Guest97208
llutz_dontknow: "discuss that with the devs" this is not the place for it09:37
rob82_pcrswhy people change names, pointless i dont know09:37
=== Guest97208 is now known as sergios
dontknowllutz_, where is devs?09:37
k1ldontknow: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser09:38
rob82_pcrsquick change ur name KGB is scanning,,,,quick09:38
DJones!ot | rob82_pcrs09:38
ubotturob82_pcrs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:38
sacarlsonsavr: this free web service apears to be able to fax a pdf file direct tell me if it works http://faxzero.com/  limit is 5 free pages per day09:39
savrsacarlson, it is to my credit card company so I don't want to use any free services like that09:40
dontknowk1l, they looks like retired09:40
sacarlsonsavr: good point09:41
SajjaDi have problems with installing every apps and pkgs  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042152/09:41
rob82_pcrsSajjaD: have you tried fix from boot splash09:43
=== sergio is now known as Guest12561
SajjaDrob82_pcrs: no, how?09:44
rob82_pcrsrecovery mode09:44
rob82_pcrsrecovery mode, wait till it fully loads09:44
rob82_pcrsselect dpkg answer yes when prompted09:44
ikoniarob82_pcrs: stop09:44
ikoniawhat reason ware you suggesting using recovery mode09:44
k1lSajjaD: have you read the message you just pasted?09:44
rob82_pcrsdpkg repair packages09:45
ikoniaSajjaD: it looks like you have a package conflict in it's dependencies09:45
k1ltry the "apt-get -f install"09:45
SajjaDk1l: yes09:45
=== Guest12561 is now known as sergioss
ikoniarob82_pcrs: you don't need to do that from the recovery shell09:45
rob82_pcrssorry, it still woorks09:45
ikoniarob82_pcrs: it's unsessary09:45
rob82_pcrswhy so jumpy did i give away a secret or something09:45
ikoniarob82_pcrs: no, you where giving a user bad advice09:46
rob82_pcrsikonia i insist you reboot to recovery TRST ME09:46
ikoniarob82_pcrs: there is no reason to reboot to recovery mode to fix a dependency problem09:46
rob82_pcrsWhy have you hacked his os09:46
SajjaDk1l: i've tried that and got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042153/09:46
ikoniaSajjaD: which repo are you getting codeblocks from, and do you have any PPA's or 3rd party repos enabled09:47
=== domenic is now known as ZeeFox
=== ZeeFox is now known as ZeFox
SajjaDikonia: i have problem with every apps i want to install not only codeblocks, you see!09:49
=== ZeFox is now known as domenicvossen
ikoniaSajjaD: understood, do you have any PPA's or 3rd party repos enabled ?09:49
SajjaDikonia: yes09:49
ikoniaSajjaD: which ones ?09:50
rob82_pcrsSajjaD : if u did what isaid G , youd be fine ignore Ikonia'09:50
SajjaDikonia: what do u mean which ones?09:50
binnican my entry into the ubuntu app showdown be based on old code by me or do I have to start coding from scratch at 18th of June?09:50
ikoniaSajjaD: which PPA's and 3rd party repos do you have enabled ?09:51
k1lSajjaD: you have 3rd party and PPAs enabled which cause the problems09:51
SajjaDrob82_pcrs: recovery didn't work for me09:51
daysaverI would like to set up an ssh server  using ubuntu how would I access this from outside my home?09:51
klopsikonia: do you know anything about debugging suspend/resume in 12.04?09:51
ikoniaSajjaD: recovery mode won't work it has no relevence, rob82_pcrs has been removed from the channel for trying to miss-lead you09:51
=== gwen_ is now known as gwen
daysaversorry to use from outside my home09:51
llutz_daysaver: if you are behind a router, setup portforwarding and use a service like dyndns/no-ip09:51
SajjaDi'm confused cause of many answer09:52
ikoniaklops: I've done bits and bobs in the past, but it's normally an issue with an ati video card module or a broadcom network card module, so I rarley bother going beyond that09:52
SajjaDlet me answer09:52
savrsacarlson, found hylafax-client09:52
SajjaDikonia: can u say step by step for me what to do?09:53
sacarlsonsavr: I'm looking at CallWeaver09:53
andybrinehey everyone09:53
ikoniaSajjaD: which PPA's and 3rd party repos do you have enabled09:53
klopsyeah its an old laptop with a radeon graphics card in it... its using the open source radeon drivers... am lost where to start looking since its been 2-3 years since i used linux regularly...09:53
andybrinedoes anyone know how to install intel integrated video drivers on ubuntu 12.04?09:54
SajjaDikonia: many09:54
andybrinejust skrewed up my graphics drivers09:54
ikoniaSajjaD: ok, well, it's clear without checking further that they are causing the conflict, you need to work out which repos are causing the conflict, remove the conflicting software and dependencies and then move forward09:54
ikoniaklops: sorry to be negative but it will go no-where, suspend has knonw issues with the ati cards.....09:54
SajjaDikonia: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042158/09:55
ikoniaklops: hence why I said earlier, I never bother going beyond that because it is just a fact that won't change at this time09:55
klopsty :)09:55
binnican I base my ubuntu-app-showdown entry on old code by me?09:55
ikoniaSajjaD: that's a lot, and a lot of bad ones09:55
ikoniaSajjaD: do you need all of those ?09:55
SajjaDikonia: maybe09:56
sacarlsonsavr: but that apears to require going through a hylafax server so it's just as insecure as the website I originaly gave you09:56
ikoniaSajjaD: you need to work out what you actually want and need, if you need all of them then you are going to have to learn how to check for dependency conflicts and learn how to manage them09:56
savrsacarlson, I can't load callwaver in china for some reason09:57
sacarlsonsavr:  I was having the same problem with there blog but this http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/CallWeaver#T38FaxoverIP09:58
klopsFixed! Changed from suspend, to shutdown in the power settings haha... oh well, wife is insisting i reinstall windows on the machine, was hoping to change her mind... ;p09:59
SkippersBossandybrine: define screwed up ?? what is it saying09:59
andybrinei have installed nvidia drivers in error as i thought my graphics were nvidia09:59
andybrinei am not able to remove them now :s09:59
sacarlsonsavr: I see some packages that use skype to be the interface between the fax but not sure in linux, I wonder if this callweaver will work over skype?10:00
andybrineI need to install the intel drivers instead10:00
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rob82__pcrswho had the nerv to ban me!!10:00
savrsacarlson, will look into it thanks10:00
rob82__pcrsii didn do nothing G10:00
klopssigh, he's back :/10:00
savrrob82__pcrs, you use bigpond10:01
ikoniarob82__pcrs: I can reban you if you do'nt calm down10:01
rob82__pcrsii give advice which is Usable10:01
savrrob82__pcrs, and act like a moron10:01
zivedonvidia drivers for intel integrated? puhh10:01
ikoniasavr: enough please.10:01
rob82__pcrswho cares what use,10:01
ikoniarob82__pcrs: stop now10:01
rob82__pcrsWhy did you though10:01
ikoniarob82__pcrs: if you join #ubuntu-ops, I'll explain to you10:01
SkippersBossandybrine: what is the error message you are getting10:02
rob82__pcrsforget about it10:02
belgianguyso I can't boot into any 3.x anymore10:02
SajjaDikonia: what should i do now?10:02
ikoniaSajjaD: exactly what I said10:02
belgianguybut GRUB allowed me to boot into a previous version10:02
belgianguyhow do I best move forward to repair the 3.x version?10:02
ikoniabelgianguy: explain your problem10:02
SajjaDikonia: but how?10:02
belgianguyI did some updates, and it caused lightdm to crash on reboot10:03
andybrineSkippersBoss, there is no specific error. It just stoped the 3d graphics working and gone back to 2d10:03
belgianguyeg, no gfx anymore, got dropped to console10:03
ikoniaSajjaD: well, the first step is working out which of those PPA's you actually need10:03
rob82__pcrsrepair boot now (grub)10:03
andybrineand old style menus :s10:03
ikoniarob82__pcrs: stop - that advice is not applicable to SajjaD's issue10:03
andybrinei will do a quick reboot and be back10:03
belgianguyso now I found a way back in so to say, through GRUB > Previous versions > 2.6.x10:03
SajjaDikonia: how can i disable ppa's that make problems?10:03
rob82__pcrsHe cant boot anymore into them10:04
ikoniaSajjaD: you can't, that's why I said you need to work out which ones you actually need, then remove the software of the ones you don't need AND all theid dependencies10:04
rob82__pcrsdidn u read10:04
SkippersBossandynrine: well sudo apt-get purge <nvidia-drivers package> in terminal should in theory remove a previously installed package10:04
ikoniabelgianguy: when you boot, do you get the grub menu ?10:04
belgianguyikonia: yes10:05
ikoniabelgianguy: what are the options  ?10:05
belgianguy3.2.25 (IIRC) and the 3.2.25 recovery mode, the "Previous Options", memcheck and Windows 710:05
ikoniabelgianguy: so you don't have a menu item for a previous kernel in there ?10:06
k1lbelgianguy: did you install the grafix driver manually?10:06
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belgianguykll, yes, I updated fglrx not long ago10:06
ikoniathere we goo.....10:06
k1lbelgianguy: if you do it manually you have to repeat it for every new kernel10:07
belgianguykll, ohh...10:07
belgianguycan I revert to "go with the flow" style graphics drivers? :/10:07
Guest44754I want bots10:08
andybrineSkippersBoss, it says that im using mesa drivers10:11
dontknowdoes ubuntu default kernel use patches or is it vanilla on kernel.org?10:11
llutz_dontknow: it uses patches10:11
andybrinehere is the output from glxinfo Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset x86/MMX/SSE210:11
dontknowllutz_, are you sure, if so, what patches?10:12
llutz_dontknow: get linux-source, read changelog10:12
dontknowllutz_, ok ok10:12
llutz_!info linux-source   | dontknow10:12
ubottudontknow: linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB10:12
andybrineglxgears is working ok now10:13
Kerby82_hey anyone there know the equivalent of chkconf on ubuntu?10:13
lizzinhow do i specify which commands i wanted executed when i run startx?...i want `xrandr -s 1920x1200` ran each time i startx10:15
llutz_lizzin: add it to ~/.xinitrc10:16
lizzinllutz_: before or after the listing for the window manager?10:16
lizzinllutz_: just tried before and it worked, thanks10:17
lizzinllutz_: before asking, i tried it after with no luck :( figured i needed another file10:17
llutz_lizzin: idk, try it10:17
llutz_lizzin: does it work if you run it from ~/.config/autostart?10:19
lizzinllutz_: nope10:20
OrigenAGHey Guys, I messed up my mdadm array and my mirror shows a disk as removed yet I'm unable to re-add it. Anyone have experience with mdadm and care to help out?10:25
Nyan_doganyone here?10:27
dontknowanyone know where gnome do index location?10:28
devxdevCan anyone help with "Buffer I/O error on device loop0, logical block nnnnnnn" this is occurring when mounting10:29
dontknowanyone here using gnome do?10:29
dontknowi have questions about gnome do10:30
pioneerdontknow, whats up with gnome do?10:30
dontknowpioneer, it duplicates filenames10:31
dontknowpioneer, i mean gives me two results about same file, i will give you exmaple10:31
bvadHey guys, is it a known bug that using Emerald in unity(with compiz and everything), causes the window buttons(minimize, maximize, close) to disappear after maximizing and minimizing the window?10:33
Lewandowski__How do I change the the last acces and modification for file with touch ?10:33
dontknowpioneer, one of them "~/downloads/filename" other ones is "file://~/downloads/filename" two of them same file, every files indexed that way in gnome do10:33
Lewandowski__How do I change the the last acces and modification for a file with the touch command?10:34
dontknowpioneer, are you there?10:34
devxdevtouch filename10:35
Lewandowski__How do I change the the last acces and modification for a file with the touch command?10:35
Lewandowski__dev can you tell me the whole command?10:35
bvadLewandowski__, using touch -t MYFILE10:35
bvad-t followed by the stamp10:35
Lewandowski__bvad,  and that change the acces and the modification of the file10:36
devxdev!touch | Lewandowski__10:36
Lewandowski__And how do I change modification and acces for separated ?10:36
Lewandowski__for example acces- june modification september10:37
bvadLewandowski__, if you want to change the access and modification to NOW, you can use just "touch MYFILE"10:37
bvadTry running "man touch", there are some different flags you can try10:37
Lewandowski__I want to change them but for diferent dates for example acces june and modification september10:38
bvadYou'd have to use -t first, to change both, then -a to change the access time. So you set both to september, then afterwards you set access to june with -a10:38
meethow do i change the indicator applets i ubuntu 12.04??10:39
bvadmeet, change them how?10:39
bvadThe icons, which are shown or something else?10:39
meetbvad: ya, the icons10:39
bvadmeet, Do you know how to change icons normally?10:40
meetbvad: like there is this universal access settings applet which i want to remove, or even the battery icon is showing only a graphical battery10:40
meetbvad: no i don't10:41
bvadAre you using gnome or unity?10:41
bvadI see, sec10:41
bvadmeet, go here: https://extensions.gnome.org/ then find "remove accessibilty"10:41
bvadthere should be sort of an enable button on the webpage, enable it, and it should go away10:42
bvadGnome is a bit odd when it comes to the indicator applets10:42
meetdoes this site now work in chrome?10:42
bvadIt should10:42
bvadhttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/112/remove-accesibility/ this is it10:43
ezoesay, why does this channel kick people who was just idle at that time?10:43
meetbvad: btw the other extensions which i had installed through this site earlier in 11.10 are now all showing an outdate icon before them.. what does that mean?10:44
bvadThe extensions are not compatible with the new unity used in 12.04\10:44
bvadi mean gnome :)10:45
bvadGnome 3.410:45
bvad11.10 had 3.2 in the repos afaik10:45
meeti have installed that fallback session in unity which gives me gnome, gnome classic etc..10:46
meetbvad: thanks, was able to remove that icon :)10:46
_sundar_i am trying to compile kamailio on ubuntu 12.04. i get an error that mysql.h file not found. which package should i install for this? i tried mysql-server, mysql-source5.1 and mysql-client10:46
bvadmeet: Great :)10:46
bvad_sundar_: look for something with mysql-dev in it10:47
_sundar_bvad, i get 4 packages listed with mysql-dev10:47
bvadAre they installed?10:47
bvadI just have to look this up :)10:47
_sundar_no, but they seem to be for java bindings and LUA10:48
bvadOh, give me a sec, I'll see if I can find something10:48
_sundar_bvad, ok thanks :)10:48
bvadI'm not sure, but try libmysqld-dev10:48
_sundar_bvad, installing it...10:49
FloodBot1ssyed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:49
lelamal!es | ssyed10:50
ubottussyed: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:50
_sundar_bvad, thanks that was the package needed :)10:50
_sundar_bvad, thanks much!10:50
bvad_sundar_: No problem! :)10:50
ssyedocm fe facsbook10:50
burg_hello. how can i find which application/service uses a specified port?10:52
sipiorburg_: have a look in /etc/services10:53
burg_sipior: my problem is that someone installed something on my server and now an application connects to hundreds of ips over smtp and most probably sends spam.10:54
burg_sipior: cat /etc/services | grep smtp only shows smtp and ssmtp10:55
sipiorburg_: that sounds right.10:55
burg_sipior: so how can i find which is the application that sends spam?10:56
belgianguyI can't get into anymore10:56
belgianguynow I'm in the (recovery mode)10:56
burg_sipior: iftop -P shows lots and lots of ips with smtp port10:56
meethow to remove previously added bluetooth devices from the bluetooth menu?10:56
belgianguybut I don't know how to reinstall fglrx with all its dependencies10:57
sipiorburg_: the -p switch to netstat will show you the offending pids10:57
bvadbelgianguy: have you tried "apt-get install fglrx-updates" ?10:57
belgianguybvad, I was running a manual driver installation it seems10:58
belgianguyand that update is queued10:58
belgianguybut I don't dare to install it, as I fear it'll break more10:58
bvadIt shouldn't really break anything, if you're already stuck in recovery :) Does the opensource driver work for your system? You can try it as a temp. solution to boot normally10:59
belgianguybvad: I tried to revert to the open source driver, and I think that succeeded11:00
bvadblegianguy: Okay, are you able to get into X?11:00
belgianguybvad, after recovery I picked 'resume'11:00
belgianguywill that still be recovery, or just 'regular'?11:01
belgianguyas now the fglrx driver is highlighted in the "additional drivers" dialog11:01
bvadbelgianguy: You picked recovery in grub? If I were you, I'd reboot and try booting normally now11:02
belgianguybvad: ok11:02
belgianguybrb :)11:03
nicekiwiheyyy im getting an error when I try to do an upgrade, i think its trying to upgrade the kernel? http://pastebin.com/DkeuS6j111:05
nicekiwiklops: Ubuntu 12.04 DOES use Xorg11:06
klopsbut doesnt use xorg.conf?11:06
adamk_klops, Not by default, no.  It autodetects everything.11:07
nicekiwiklops: ^^11:07
adamk_klops, You can still create an xorg.conf file, or a file under /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/11:07
dontknowcould someone please, please tell me where gnome do index location?11:07
dontknowthere is no information about that on internet!é11:08
dontknowi need to remove gnome do index and reindex files11:08
MonkeyDustdontknow  what do you mean by 'gnome do index location'?11:08
dontknowMonkeyDust, it indexes file names for quick launch, right? i am looking for where the location is11:09
klopsty for that info though :)11:10
nicekiwihmmm awkward... how big should a  /boot partition be?11:10
atlantidehi  i am using autofs5, the daemon don't unmount them after a period of inactivity and it mount automatically all users partition instead of one user, thanks11:11
SonderbladeWhere in kde is the configuration for which directories a user is sharing through samba?11:11
sipiornicekiwi: 100MB is usually plenty.11:11
nicekiwisipior: yeah i thought so too, but its like 2 days since i installed ubuntu and its already used 84MB out of 94MB :/ ????11:11
sipiornicekiwi: and the culprit is?11:12
klops100mb used to be about 2-3 kernel images...11:12
bvadOn a side note, is it really necessary to have a separate boot partition?11:13
nicekiwisipior: i dont know, how do I find out?11:13
sipiorklops: more like twenty.11:13
ejobvad: can make integrity scans after accidental shutdown much faster11:13
nicekiwisipior: disk space analyzer?11:13
sipiornicekiwi: "ls -l"11:13
klopsdu -h /boot ?11:13
ejobvad: also potentially you can recover from breaking your boot partition without losing other partitions, of course11:13
bvadejo: Thanks :) I'm not using one on my SSD, since, well, it's not too big11:13
ndlovudoes anyone know of issues that could arise if I use both shotwell and digiKam for managing my photos?11:14
bvadejo: That's more what I was thinking, but the faster scans are nice11:14
MonkeyDustnicekiwi  run sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade;sudo apt-get autoremove for a first basic cleanup11:14
nicekiwiMonkeyDust: it removed a few packages, but still the same error :(11:16
wubinoI started a python script on the cl via terminator, the program in running according to the system monitor and terminator is on the unity bar but I cannot get it to expand to a full view11:16
wubinowithout starting a differnet and new instance11:16
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Dr_Willisterminator. or the python app?11:18
klops25mb for 1 kernel image in /boot atm... :|11:18
MonkeyDustnicekiwi  sure you don't have too many kernels installed in / ?11:20
nicekiwiMonkeyDust: yeah that seems to be the issue, i had 311:20
caiyueabout   samba4  ,  i  can  not  install11:21
MonkeyDustnicekiwi  i use the 3rd party app ubuntu-tweak to remove kernels, it's not in the repos, have to download it11:21
BlackshirtCaiyue, samba4 was on development stage..not ready for production11:21
MonkeyDustnicekiwi  ubuntu-tweak *is* in the repos11:22
Fashioncome di fa a scarica un file???11:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:24
nicekiwiMonkeyDust: ahhh good call :P i just deleted them from boot via console, but that'd be an easyer option. thanks :)11:25
Fashionlo devo prima trovare...ahah11:25
hariomWhen I try to play an audio file using aplay, I get this error:   ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave, aplay: main:660: audio open error: Device or resource busy11:26
hariomHow to get audio working?11:26
hapsterHello. I just bought an asus k55v laptop with nvidia 610m and ivy bridge processor. How can I set nouveau to read the nvidia gpu instead of the intel gpu? Ubuntu's details shows its using the intel gpu. lscpi | grep VGA shows both nvidia and intel.11:26
bvadhariom: Does audio not work at all? System wise11:27
adamkhapster: If this is a laptop with Optimus (which is what it sounds like) you can only use the nvidia GPU with the nvidia driver, and only with bumblebee.11:27
bvadsystem wide*11:27
MonkeyDustnicekiwi  good thing you're familiar with the CLI :)11:27
hapsteradamk: It has no optimus.11:28
adamkhapster: Then disable the intel GPU in the BIOS11:28
hapsteradamk: I've dealt with optimus laptops before. I'm sure this one doesn't have11:28
nicekiwiMonkeyDust: :D slowly learning :) good times! cheers11:29
hapsteradamk: Ok. Will try that out. Thanks. brb.11:29
adamkhapster: If it has two GPUs, and it's not Optimus, then there would be an option in the BIOS.11:29
hariombvad: It works11:29
hariombvad: I can play youtube video11:30
hariombut not on cmd line11:30
klopsis it via ssh? or on your actual machine?11:31
=== hz_ is now known as _hz_
hariomAnybody to solve this? When I try to play an audio file using aplay, I get this error:   ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave, aplay: main:660: audio open error: Device or resource busy11:34
bvadhariom: I think it might have to do with pulseaudio, which is using alsa. Can you try typing the command you use to play sounds in the cl?11:34
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bvadhariom: Are you sure you using aplay to play to the correct sound device?11:36
klopsi should give up on this suspend problem, but im enjoying figuring out how things have changed since i've used ubuntu :)11:36
hariombvad: aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: I82801AAICH [Intel 82801AA-ICH], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel 82801AA-ICH]  Subdevices: 1/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #011:37
hariombvad: I just tried aplay <sound file>11:37
adamk_hariom, Did you create a custom ~/.asoundrc file or edit /etc/asound.conf?11:37
bvadhariom: give me a sec, I might have an idea :)11:38
hapsteradmak_: no option in the bios to turn off intel gpu.:(11:38
hariomadamk_: nope11:38
hariombvad: ok11:38
adamk_hapster, So then it's an optimus laptop.11:38
hapsteradmak_: I'm pretty sure it's not an optimus laptop. haha. I can use the nvidia-current driver.11:38
hapsteradmak_: But I want to use nouveau11:39
bvadhariom: try "aplay -D plughw:0,0 (SOUNDFILE)"11:39
bvadhariom: This should direct the to the correct card at least11:39
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
hariombvad: that worked11:40
bvadhariom: great! :)11:40
hariombvad: I can listen the audio11:40
hariombvad: How to make it work without directing to hw by default11:40
klopscreate an alias?11:41
bvadhariom: I think you will have to modify your ~/.asoundrc file, but I'm not quite sure if this will not break pulse, or if it will even work11:42
dzup1or arecord|aplay11:42
dontknowcould someone tell me how to make gnome do reindexed, i did "sudo apt-get purge gnome-do" and removed "~local/share/gnome-do. after installed it again all indexed files was there!! how can i reindex files?11:43
hariomdzup1: whats it for arecord|aplay?11:43
dzup1mic to speakers11:44
bvadhariom: It redirects your default input device(mic) to default speakers11:44
dzup1try but will loop your voice, ctrl c will stop11:44
Dr_Willisyour own pa system11:44
hariombvad, dzup1: got it11:44
bvaddontknow: AFAIK there should be an option in gnome-do to do a reindex11:45
Dr_Willisor mrr. microphone ;)11:45
hariombvad, dzup1, any way to make aplay work without -D option?11:45
dontknowbvad, no there is no11:45
bvadhariom: does the arecord|aplay think work?11:45
hariombvad: nope11:45
bvaddontknow: Hmm, let me try figuring something out then11:45
dzup1hariom: idk11:46
bvadhariom: Your default device must be set wrong then, sec11:46
adamk_hapster, I'd love to see the Xorg log file from when you were using the nvidia driver.11:46
bvadhariom: have you tried alsamixer?11:46
dontknowbvad, i searched for how to reindex, couldn't find on internet, i woul appreciate if you find a way11:46
hapsteradamk_: Ok. hang on.11:47
dzup1hariom: you have no sound?11:47
bvaddzup1: He has sound, but he has to direct it to the correct HW device11:47
dzup1bvad: i see, alsamixer11:47
dabbui have nvidia gt 520M but my graphics experience is standard ..any help ?11:47
invlpg[1]ubuntu's package manager makes me lots of trouble lately. mysql-common's package is a total wreck and somehow it is affected the entire system. what can i do to repair? (synaptic could not repair due to some weird problems)11:47
hariombvad, dzup1: alsamixer has given me options to change the volumn in command window (no GUI)11:48
dzup1hariom: one terminal run arecord|aplay   other terminal run alsamixer   tweek alsamixer into you hear something11:48
hapsteradamk_: This is the dmesg file: http://pastebin.com/WctWPbdm And this is the Xorg log: http://pastebin.com/vZUBSfaV11:50
bvadhariom: The issue at it's core is that the default device is set wrong. You can change the default device in ~/.asoundrc, if you like I can show you how11:50
hariomdzup1, doesn't works that way11:50
* dzup1 hides11:51
adamk_hapster, That Xorg log file shows Xorg using the intel drive, not the nvidia driver.11:51
bvadhariom: Do you really need aplay to work without the need for -D ? Ubuntu uses pulseaudio, which should do all this stuff for you11:51
hariombvad: Should I install pulseaudio and uninstall alsa?11:51
hapsteradamk_: That's my problem. I'm chatting in the nouveau channel as well. I want it to read the nvidia 610m.11:52
hapsteradamk_: According to them, my chips are relatively new so it doesn't support 3D acceleration yet.11:52
bvadhariom: Do you have a default ubuntu 12.04 installation? Pulseaudio is an audio server, which uses alsa or something else as it's backend afaik11:52
adamk_hapster, Again, I believe this is a laptop with Optimus.  You said it wasn't because it worked fine with the nvidia driver without bumblebee.  But you have yet to show it working with the nvidia driver.11:52
hariombvad: I have 10.04 LTS11:53
ks07Hey all - does TRIM work when SSDs are used for a software raid device? The raid array is formatted as ext4 via the installer, but I don't know how to check/if anything needs to be done?11:53
bvadhariom: It should use pulseaudio, try running "which pulseaudio", it should return something like /usr/bin/pulseaudio11:53
hapsteradamk_: It's working with nvidia-current. Nouveau guys said nvd9 is not yet supported.11:54
hariombvad: pulseaudio11:55
hariomE: pid.c: Daemon already running.11:55
hariomE: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.11:55
adamk_hapster, Alright so, again, pastebin the Xorg log file from when you are using the nvidia driver.11:55
hapsteradamk_: So I guess I'll have to wait if I want to use the nouveau driver.11:55
thehumanerrorHello guys. My update-manager isn't working, it works when I run it with sudo, but that's no good because it never alerts me that updates are needed11:55
thehumanerrorapt-get update and apt-get upgrade work fine11:55
bvadhariom: this means that pulseaudio is already up and running :) There should not be a need for you to reconfigure the alsa default device, pulseaudio is doing this for you11:55
hapsteradamk_: But then I'll have to reload it and restart it. haha. Brb. Will get the logs.11:56
thehumanerrorbut even when I manually run update-manager it never finds any updates11:56
bvadhariom: Unless you specifically need aplay to work without the -D flag11:56
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adamk_hapster, This is mostly out of curiousity.  I've not heard of a modern laptop, with two GPUs, that is not Optimus and does not have an option in the BIOS to disable the onboard GPU.11:57
hapsteradamk_: http://www.villman.com/Product-Detail/K55VD-SX03511:58
hapsteradamk_: That's my laptop's model11:58
klopshapster: nice laptop :)11:59
hariombvd: Ok, I have install sox and now play cmd works11:59
hapsterklops: thanks. Just got it today.12:00
bvadhariom: Okay, great!12:00
bvadhariom: Do you mind if I ask you what you need this for? :)12:01
hariombvad: playing audio files and transcoding if require12:01
bvadhariom: Okay, cool :) Have fun and all12:01
roundsheephello ,everyone . i am coming from china12:02
tenXroundsheep: greetings12:02
burg_sipior: it seems that it stopped sending smtp spam at the moment, any oither idea how can i detect the application which does that?12:03
thehumanerroranyone have any ideas on my update-manager problem?12:03
MonkeyDustroundsheep  this is the ubuntu support channel12:03
dontknowgnome do is duplicating files, i mean it indexes same file twice. what is the correct term for search about this issue with google because i am not native english language12:04
bvadthehumanerror: What problem? :)12:06
ubottuAngelica: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:09
ictxiangxinhow to send image?12:28
ictxiangxinuse irc12:28
DJonesictxiangxin: A screenshot?12:29
notwistictxiangxin upload it to imgur12:29
ictxiangxingive me a url please12:29
=== cisco is now known as ciscon
DJones!imagebin | ictxiangxin12:30
ubottuictxiangxin: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.12:30
Anomie21Can anyone help with this cronjob?, I know its the positioning of my quotation marks, but don't know how to fix it, I tried escaping them (as you can see by the /'s) but its still not working  http://bpaste.net/show/WWp04DgpgszmGARPE7rg/12:32
matcoutoHi y'all, Is there a way to find out what made the ubuntu to freeze? any log? I had to shut it down by holding the power button. Ps.: I'm using MATE as W.M.12:33
panduActionParsnip ?12:34
ictxiangxinubottu: thank you12:36
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:36
=== zybiski is now known as scotty
=== scotty is now known as zybiski
zybiskihaha i love this12:38
zybiski<ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:38
zybiskiremember that one12:38
zybiskirobots will be treated as humans - not because theres a question of their humanity12:39
zybiskibut because humans react in a courteous manner when they recognise aspects of humanity in whatever it is they're interacting with12:40
zybiski(people are much more courteous to a squirrel then to a rock, and again more to a chimpansee than to a squirrel)12:40
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=== matriuxu1er is now known as serverboy
zybiskiso, there's some degree of courteousness towards rocks12:41
zybiskinow imagine that this rock could talk, communicate, and help you fix pc troubles12:41
zybiskihow much kindness would you show it then?12:41
MonkeyDustzybiski  did you have a support question?12:42
zybiski:) no. Point taken.12:42
Oran_Hi, i got a problem, i use ubuntu 12.04 and a notebook with nvidia gt540, i tried serval thinks but ubuntu wont recognize my gpu.12:45
Oran_can anyone help me12:45
solid91hi everibody, i've totally lost my graphic interface. i can only see the desktop icons and the terminal...what can i repair?12:45
solid91*how can i repair12:45
T3XHi guys, my server is behind a router, my router is not able to monitore the bandwidth on the network how can i monitor bandwidth usage on my ntnetwork?12:45
Oran_could some querry me if he or she cna help me12:46
serverboyTX3: try to use pfsense12:47
adamk_Oran_, Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.12:47
Oran_adamk_:  1 sek12:47
Oran_i will be back in a sec12:48
=== rbrooks_ is now known as rbrooks
T3XHi guys, my server is behind a router, my router is not able to monitore the bandwidth on the network how can i monitor bandwidth usage on my ntnetwork?12:50
ichbinderhello. I have an NTFS drive that I need to look at. When trying to mount it (Ubuntu 12.04) I first got an error MFTMirr and MFT differ. Using "ntfsfix" fixed that. But now, I get the error "Failed to calculate free MFT records: input/output error". Using "ntfsfix" again doesn't help, it says it can mount the partition... I would like to follow Ubuntus advice to run "chdsk" in windows, but I currently haven't access to a windows OS.12:50
ichbinder Any other suggestions? Really appreciat any kind of help.12:50
ikoniaichbinder: why are you using ntfsfix to mount it12:51
ikoniajust mount it12:51
gryT3X: darkstat ntop and probably few others; 'apt-cache search monitor bandwidth' 'apt-cache search network usage'12:51
ikoniaichbinder: you really should find a windows machien to run chkdsk on12:51
ikoniagry: did you test the network-manager change ?12:52
T3Xgry: these tools will allow me to monitor also the bandwidth of the other machines on the network? because i tried ntop and tcptrack they allow only to monitor my local interfaces on my comuter12:52
ichbinderikonia: hm, guess that was misleading. I'm not using ntfsfix to mount it. I wanted to see if ntfsfix can fix that last error. It's output was http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042336/ and that's what I meant with "ntfsfix can mount it"12:53
gryikonia: did you get couple highlights (~16 hours ago)? (the networkmanager managed=true option didn't change the problem; the system boots in the same way with the same delay & messages as it did before)12:53
ikoniaichbinder: manipulating ntfs in linux is not something I'd recommend12:53
Oranadamk what kind of log u needed?12:53
ikoniagry: didn't see the higlights, annoying it didn't change anything, I expected it to boot smooth after that12:53
ikoniagry: I'll do some more research12:54
ichbinderikonia: I use "$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt/test" to mount it and the output was: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042337/12:54
Oranadamk_ what kind of log u needed?12:54
adamk_Oran, Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.12:54
ikoniagry: I'm confident with the issue, any I know forcing either all network manager or no network manager will fix it, however doing that to your mixed needs is tricky to manage12:54
ikoniaichbinder: yes, so running chkdsk is where you should be going12:55
ichbinderikonia: hm... tough to find a windows machine... but ok, I'll try to.12:55
ichbinderikonia: thanks12:55
gryT3X: I fear that you'd probably have to do that on the router itself (or does the server actually see the traffic of other machines on the network? if it does, just give a few hints on how exactly it does that for someone to suggest a solution)12:55
belgianguyikonia, bvad: I'm back in my regular Ubuntu ^^ seems to work again12:55
dontknowwhat is the "file://" structure?12:55
belgianguydoes seem to take a little longer to boot now for some odd reason12:55
ikoniabelgianguy: it will come and go12:55
Oraniam kind of new to this adamk_ should copy the whole file to the channel ?12:56
ikonia!pastebin | Oran12:56
ubottuOran: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:56
solid91hi everibody, i've totally lost my graphic interface. i can only see the desktop icons and the terminal...how can i repair?12:56
belgianguyikonia: yeah, I know, I have some residuals of a long gone Plymouth installation12:56
andaiGot 3 gigs of ram. Should I get 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?12:56
belgianguythat's bugging up the works as well12:57
miss_ubuntu_can sm1 plzzz answer my Question: is there any software in ubuntu , similar to gmail tasks ? gmail tasks rock but i need offline app ?12:57
ubottusalvatore91: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:58
belgianguymiss_ubuntu_: http://namsisi.wordpress.com/2009/02/22/gmail-tasks-in-your-ubuntu-system-tray/12:58
Oranadamk_ like this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042349/12:58
theubuntuwarriorwhats up people12:58
adamk_Oran, Pastebin the output of 'lspci' now.12:58
miss_ubuntu_belgianguy thanks alot12:59
miss_ubuntu_belgianguy thanks alot but this is online ,  i need an offline solution12:59
Oranadamk_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042355/12:59
adamk_Oran, This laptop likely has Optimus.  If that's the case, you will have to look into a project called Bumblebee to make use of the nvidia GPU.13:00
Oranadamk_ i already did this13:01
adamk_Oran, You can check the computer BIOS, though, and see if maybe there's an option to disable the on-board intel GPU.13:01
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:01
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv13:01
Oranbut it seems that the problem for bumblebee seems that i doesnt bring in the corrct driver13:01
Orani also tried the otion in the bios, to turn from switcheble to integrated13:02
Oranboth doesnt work13:02
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belgianguymiss_ubuntu_: seems it doesn't exist (yet) and people have been asking for it since a few years already13:04
Orandid u saw my posts ?13:04
miss_ubuntu_belgianguy thanks alot13:04
belgianguymiss_ubuntu_: there is a Chrome extension though13:05
adamk_Oran, Yes, but there's nothing more I can contribute.  I know nothing about bumblebee, and if you had started by telling us you tried bumblebee already, I wouldn't have even replied in the first place.13:05
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belgianguymiss_ubuntu_: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jekhpicinnaamcmadbipjejafgkjdokh13:05
Oranadamk_:  soory than for stealing ur time13:05
belgianguybut if this is possible, I don't see how it cannot be standalone13:06
adamk_Oran, Oh, don't worry about that :-)  Good luck.  You might have more luck on #bumblebee13:06
ssrverboyhello guys, is ther any one here figured out how to work netgear wireless usb on ubuntu 12.4?13:06
Orani already was there thoose guys directed my to this channel13:06
miss_ubuntu_oh thanks belgianguy let me try it13:07
=== amiki is now known as gregorath
fastaHow do I get rid of a defunct process?13:08
fastakill -9 won't get rid of it.13:09
fastaIsn't there some kind of kill --IMeanIt option?13:09
zykotick9fasta: is it a zombie?13:09
JWFoxJrDid they take the User Wallpaper feature out of Unity Greeter? Or does my wallpaper have to live in a certain directory for it to work?13:10
fastazykotick9: probably, ps didn't list that.13:10
zykotick9fasta: does "top" report any zombies?13:10
Oranadamk_ could u help me with this ? : First, if you are using Ubuntu using version 3.0-1~...ppa1, upgrade to 3.0-1~...ppa2 or newer and be sure that bumblebee-nvidia is installed if you are using the proprietary nvidia driver. A reboot may be necessary.13:11
fastazykotick9: yes, 29 in fact.13:11
xendonhello can someone help me to get my alsa working ?13:11
rebeanyone else have a problem with flash in chrome, so everything is blue ?13:11
fastarebe: I have seen that.13:11
zykotick9fasta: wow that's a lot.  only why i'm aware of getting rid of zombies is to reboot.  good luck.13:12
fastarebe: solution is to disable hardware accel.13:12
fastarebe: and yes, it is a crappy solution.13:12
rebeIt happend today, before it was all good13:12
fastarebe: no need to tell me that, complain to someone else.13:12
adamk_Oran, Sorry, as I said, I really don't know anything about bumblebee.  I'm not sure what those version numbers even refer to.13:12
zykotick9rebe: fullscreen the video, then right click and disable h/w acceleration13:12
fastarebe: there is nothing you can do.13:12
Oranhmm i though that would be a ubtunut think13:13
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fastazykotick9: don't you think it's kind of pathetic that a user process cannot be get rid of?13:13
gryOran: #Bumblebee ?13:13
fastazykotick9: as in that it is a huge design flaw?13:13
Orancause the troubleshooting   tells me to do this with13:14
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rebeyup that was hardware acceleration13:14
xendonHey, can someone help me to get my ALSA working ? got no sound at all on my minimal installation13:14
rebedoes it mean that my graphic card is going to break soon ?13:15
Orangry jeah iam in the bumblebee room ;)13:15
zykotick9rebe: no - it's a flash issue13:15
MonkeyDustxendon  open a terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM (mute) , got there and press m13:15
rebeok thanks for help13:15
xendonMonkeyDust its all unmutet .___.13:15
fastazykotick9: ok, it seems that there is a way to get rid of them.13:16
fastazykotick9: you can send some signal to signal the parents to get rid of their children which are in some state.13:16
VirtualBlacknessOran, which GPU do you want to use?13:17
Orangt 540m13:17
OranVirtualBlackness: i want to use the gt 540m from nvidia13:17
VirtualBlacknessOran: there are two gpus embedded. Do you want to use the intel, or the nvidia...13:18
Orani want to use the nvidia13:18
VirtualBlacknessOran: If you want to enable the switching, then #bumblebee are the only ones who can help you.13:18
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OranVirtualBlackness:  i doesnt really need the switching , i would be finde if i could use the nvidia13:19
Toph2i', running xfce and my default sound control seems to be PulseAudio . I also have alsamixer installed. I often have audio problems with utube, etc. Are the 2 controls conflicting?13:19
William_after update today, I restart my laptab, some goes wrong, screen is very dark, and I try to use Xchat, when I press / it show +,13:19
William_a few other keys with wrong response13:20
VirtualBlacknessOran: The way Bumblebee works, basically, is that an ACPI switch is sent to turn one or the other off. One second while I find a document to try and help.13:21
dontknowwhat channel do you recommend for support gnome-do?13:21
MonkeyDustdontknow  try #ubuntu13:21
OranVirtualBlackness: ok , thanks a lot13:21
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gryikonia: i got your message; as i wouldn't be likely to just switch to using 'route' instead of networkmanager, i would proceed by asking if you know any alternatives to networkmanager and cli to manage network connections?13:23
miss_ubuntu_oh thanks belgianguy it seems what i was looking for13:23
gryikonia, if no non-cli alternatives i could just comment out everything in etc/entwork/interfaces and see if i can get that interface working in networkmanager13:24
Orangry could u come around in the bumblebee room ?13:24
William_any one know about it, a lot of keys have wrong response13:24
MonkeyDustdontknow  try ##ubuntu-beginners13:25
xendonCan someone help me geting my ALSA working? got a Crystal Semi 3D Stereo Enhancement (Cirrus Logic CS4299) Card13:26
MonkeyDust!alsa| xendon13:27
ubottuxendon: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:27
xendonMonkeyDust ... allready read it ..13:28
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VirtualBlacknessOran: apt-cache policy acpidump iasl | grep 'Installed'13:32
OranVirtualBlackness:  copy paste it to my terminal ?13:32
baotiaohi guys. is there a tutorial about how a ubuntu connect to network?13:32
OranVirtualBlackness: did it, but nothink happend13:33
VirtualBlacknessdid you perhaps copy the space in front of it or something Oran?13:33
VirtualBlacknessnot all of the characters?13:34
Dr_Willisbaotiao:  you are looking for a  networking for begfinners guide? or looking for answers for a specific problem?13:35
VirtualBlacknessStay in channel Oran.13:37
VirtualBlackness!pm | Oran13:37
ubottuOran: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:37
dontknowcould anyone tell me where gnome-do's index location is? i am looking for hours, please tell me!13:37
vidyuthow to Generate the MD5 hash of the file ls (ls linux binary file)?13:38
Dr_Willisindex of what dontknow ?13:38
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Toph2i', running xfce and my default sound control seems to be PulseAudio . I also have alsamixer installed. I often have audio problems with utube, etc. Are the 2 controls conflicting?13:38
dontknowDr_Willis, file and folder index13:38
Dr_Willisvidyut:  md5sum filename13:38
Dr_Willisdontknow:  its not using that  zetgeist thing is it?13:39
MonkeyDustdontknow  i guess there is no such thing as a gnome-do index file13:39
impaktorIf I want to update to Skype 4.0 in 12.04, should I just download the deb from their homepage, and double click? Will this remove the old version?13:39
vidyutso what exactly i have to write in place of filename?13:39
Dr_WillisMonkeyDust:  ive never noticed the feature13:39
vidyutDr_Willis: ^13:39
dontknowDr_Willis, no, it uses its own index13:39
Dr_Willisvidyut:  psth to the file..13:39
hop5ukCan anyone help with commands in gnu grub13:39
vidyutDr_Willis: do you know path of ls ?13:40
Dr_Willisvidyut:  the 'which' command can show you...13:40
greid like to write a book and im looking for a freeware i could install on linux (it would install a website interface like a DMS for example asking me User & password before enter) to read directly the word files i have sent by ftp (so a .doc viewer or kinda), any idea?13:40
llutzvidyut: md5sum $(which l)13:40
llutzvidyut: md5sum $(which ls)13:40
vidyutthanks :)13:41
Dr_Willisgre:  whats its suppoded to do with the word files?13:41
greto display them directly without downloading13:42
greor better, editing them directly on the website13:42
Dr_Willisyou mean convert to html?13:42
hop5ukAnyone know how to remove a raid signature from a HDD13:42
greright or display them with a pdf13:42
Dr_Willisyou want a cloud office suite then?13:42
grea "cloud office suite" maybe, i dunno it13:43
MonkeyDustgre  yes, there is such thing in ubuntu, moment, look it up13:43
Dr_Williswe dont really know either.. but perhaps check out that google docs stuff13:43
grethe way would be to send my .doc files on my ftp, then i could read my files from everywhere with no downloads13:44
greok Monkey, ty13:44
vidyuthow to decrypt a file which is encrypted by a privtate key using a public key?13:44
MonkeyDust!info webservice-office-zoho | gre13:44
ubottugre: webservice-office-zoho (source: webservice-office-zoho): Ubuntu Webservice Office (Zoho). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 21 kB, installed size 164 kB13:44
greyeah i know "zoho" but its a provider :/ i mean... id like to install my own User interface, only for me on the web13:46
MonkeyDustgre  then try ramhost, but it's not free13:46
BattlecatHi: I am feeling very frustrated right now. I am trying to figure out how to create or download a series of DVDs that would be used as an offline repo for computers that are not on a network or ever will be. Does anyone have any good ideas? I have done to much googling and its all just people copying the same articles that are outdated over and over.13:51
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MonkeyDustBattlecat  what you can do: use a pc with internet, download the packages you need and use aptoncd (apt on cd) to create an iso, that you can copy to dvd's13:53
eeinhi, im having issues with the command rename, if i have two files House-artist-track.mp3 and RnB-artist-track.mp3  raname 's/\House-//' works but rename 's/\RnB-//' does not13:54
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llutzeein: why do you escape first char \H \R?13:57
eeinllutz, yeah i guess i dont need to13:57
icerooteein: you only need to escape special chars13:58
eeinit works without it, i just copied from the man without looking13:58
eeinwhy does it work on House though?13:58
marrrkI just installed Linux Mint but grub has not been updated. I booted in one of my two ubuntus and now I would like to fix grub such that linux mint shows up. Any hints?13:58
icerooteein: doesnt matter why it is working, both are wrong13:58
llutzeein: \H has a special meaning  (non hex digit iirc)13:59
eeiniceroot, i guess its just interesting that it does13:59
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eeinllutz, ahh that would make sense13:59
llutzeein: as iceroot said, only escape special chars.13:59
eeinllutz, its still interesting that it removes the H as well though13:59
eeinif the \H is not interpreted as a characte14:00
icerooteein: your example will also match Gouse14:00
icerooteein: because you are not searching for H14:01
llutziceroot: i guess \House will match "any-char"ouse14:01
icerootllutz: correct14:01
llutzlike .ouse14:01
eeinthanks thats really helpful, trying to learn all this stuff14:02
eeinis there something that explains all those meanings like \H14:02
llutzeein: one list http://perldoc.perl.org/perlrebackslash.html14:02
icerooteein: man egrep  and look at Character Classes and Bracket Expressions14:03
eeinthanks iceroot and llutz thats really helpful14:04
icerooteein: there are examples for the common usage of regular expressions14:04
llutzeein: see also http://www.regular-expressions.info/reference.html14:05
icerooteein: ah as it seems rename is using perlexpr14:05
icerootthat sounds so evil... perlexpr....14:05
llutziceroot: rename is just a simple perl-script14:05
icerootllutz: nothing in perl is simple :)14:05
icerootthe best encryption of all14:06
theseusdoes anyone know how to open the predefined software list again after an ubuntu server installation?14:07
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theseusdoes anyone know how to open the predefined software list again after an ubuntu server installation?14:09
blackgatocatnegrHi, desides games deb, what other places I should check for games on ubuntu?14:10
MonkeyDusttheseus  try dpkg -l | grep ii14:10
MonkeyDustblackgatocatnegr  http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html14:10
sloceatertheseus, try typing tasksel in terminal14:11
fourlastorhello everyone :)14:11
fourlastoranyone tried this? http://subfictional.com/2011/10/19/logitech-wireless-touchpad-with-ubuntu/14:11
blackgatocatnegrThank you, I had a few sites, but they haven't updated in ages, ubuntu does not have a distro specific for videogames, right?14:11
MonkeyDustblackgatocatnegr  maybe you could create one14:12
blackgatocatnegrMonkeyDust, why invent the wheel?14:12
fidelblackgatocatnegr: what would be special on such agame-specific distri?14:13
fidelbasically not more then some pre-selected packages or am i wrong?14:13
betinhoHi people. My ubuntu is no longer supported but i need to run apt-get update without downloading error. What i need to do in /etc/apt/sources.list?14:13
fidelbetinho: mention your current version and update to one which is still supported - in theory14:13
MonkeyDustbetinho  better faster easier would be to backup and fresh install14:14
sloceaterbetinho, which version are you running14:14
blackgatocatnegrMonkeyDust,, if I had the time I would do a webpage to catalog and rank games made in python, make some sort of top ten, but that would be insane due to the very large amount of games.14:14
betinhoCodename: maverick14:15
fidelbetinho: so your way is either upgrading from10.10 to 11.04 to 11.10 to 12.04 (current lts) OR backup and do a fresh install14:15
blackgatocatnegrbetinho, install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in a different particion, updates tend to trip a lot of nasty bugs in my past experiences.14:15
betinhoMonkeyDust, at the moment i don't want to upgrade ubuntu14:15
riclashi guys. i just installed 12.04 32 bit on a quad-core opteron 6272 server, but /cpu/procinfo shows 8 CPUs of 4 cores each... it should be 4 CPUs 16 core each... what could be wrong? maybe i should have installed 64 bit version?14:15
sloceaterbetinho, So you just need some new program installed but the repo is down right?14:16
blackgatocatnegrbetinho,, that way you will keep all your old programs, and you can gradually reinstall everything in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, is the safest option so far.14:16
betinhoblackgatocatnegr, thanks a lot!14:17
philinuxbetinho: you need the old releases repo. http://www.warpconduit.net/2011/07/31/apt-repository-for-old-ubuntu-releases/14:18
blackgatocatnegrbetinho, is what I do, saves trouble and work, would be better if you install the new distro in another hard disk, but is your pick.14:18
SDXIs it possible to create a permanent user on a LiveUSB with Ubuntu  on it?14:18
DJones!persistent | SDX14:18
ubottuSDX: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:18
SDXThank you.  I wasn't sure what to call it.14:19
SoMuchsome one help i try to install ubuntu 12.04 along side with windows 714:19
sloceaterSoMuch, what's the problem?14:20
Dr_Willislive setups can be quirky. ;014:20
MonkeyDustSoMuch  if you have space left, the installer does it for you -- what goes wrong?14:20
SoMuchand when i go to advanced oartition option and choose specific partition it told me no botloader what i have to do14:20
betinhoblackgatocatnegr: So using old releases as philinux said above is no safest?14:20
blackgatocatnegrfidel, it would mostly save time to manually install and or compile a lot of games yourself.14:21
SoMuchi clear 50 gb partition to install on it14:22
blackgatocatnegrbetinho, nope, if you trigger a nasty bug, you are on your own if that version is unsoported, if you want to keep using an old version for a long time, try a LTS version.14:22
MonkeyDustSoMuch  my advice it to create separate /home and / partitions inside that 50GB14:23
SoMuchMonkeyDust how14:23
MonkeyDustSoMuch  you could use gparted (gui) or fdisk (cli)14:23
SoMuchplease send me the steps it's my first time14:24
philinuxbetinho: I would also recommend a fresh install. But it's your choice14:24
SoMuchi need office 2010 for my master14:24
shaneois anyone in here running artillery honeypot?14:24
ezbbunkSoMuch: remember to use a condom (sorry couldn't resist)14:24
SoMuchso i still need windows14:24
Dr_Willisyou could pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l also to help    us14:25
icerootSoMuch: you can use playonlinux to install ms office14:25
SoMuchezbbunk okay funny anyway can anyone help14:25
shaneoim getting an smtp error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042459/ and this is my config http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042461/14:25
blackgatocatnegrbetinho, ubuntu 12.04 LTS is the latest LTS version. as I said make a new particion with it, (Or install it in another/second hard disk) so you can keep your old programs in the old partition, not everyone can compile (I always suck at it for example), and learning to use different programs and getting used to them takes time.14:25
icerootSoMuch: but for a master a usefull software should be used instead of a software which will make the thesis trash (layout). have a look at LaTeX14:25
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aljosa"synclient RBCornerButton=3" (getting mouse right btn click when clicking in right/bottom touchpad) command has no effect. any idea why?14:26
greenithi, i have a problem, my ubuntu does not recognize my wireless network card anymore... however, yesterday it still worked :S14:26
sloceaterSoMuch, Or LyX. LaTeX With a somewhat nice gui. Of cource if you're requierd to use MS office 2010 then you'll need windows14:27
blackgatocatnegrgreenit, try to reinstall the drivers, then reboot. if that does not work, do a complete removal of drivers (Including configuration files) Then do a fresh install with the latest (Stable) available driver versions14:28
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greenitblackgatocatnegr, ok... but which drivers do i have to reinstall? i have a linksys network card14:28
blackgatocatnegrDr_Willis, let the guy use gparted14:29
SoMuchno one told me why it said no bootloader when i try to install it on partition d:  i clear it just for it some one help me whith the steps i want to install it along side windows 714:30
theseusdoes anyone know how to open the predefined software list again after an ubuntu server installation?14:30
sloceatertheseus, try typing tasksel14:31
TraumadogHaven't been on here in a while, been pretty self sufficient, but I need help now and google isn't doing much good :(14:31
blackgatocatnegrblackgatocatnegr, in ubuntu sofware center under "installed" try to search for "linksys network card" if that does not work search for "wireless network card" or "Wifi"14:31
vidyutcan anyone tell me how to decrypt a file using a public key?14:31
TraumadogAnyone here know much about Samba?14:31
ezbbunkvidyut: you can't14:31
ezbbunkpublic keys encrypt, private keys decrypt14:31
ezbbunkyou might be able to bruteforce it - but g'luck w/ that14:32
icerootTraumadog: #samba14:32
theseussloceater : tasksel in terminal didn't do anything14:32
iceroot!samba | Traumadog14:32
ubottuTraumadog: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:32
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch, tried to install from the live cd? Is really helps to automate things, also, always install linux last.14:32
saratogaare there ready made VB images for ubuntu that are slimmed down to the min?  i need to setup an easy to download dev environment14:32
sloceatertheseus, Command not found or what?... just nothing14:33
blackgatocatnegrvidyut, try the page where you got the file from, it usually has instructions14:33
SoMuchblackgatocatnegr i just download it yesterday and i made the live cd14:33
jc_can someone help me set up twinkle with my new SIP account info?14:33
icerootsaratoga: just install an own minimal image14:33
theseussloceater : "taskel: command not found14:33
saratogaiceroot:   well i was hoping to have gnome14:33
iceroottheseus: tasksel14:33
vidyutbut I read on net that even public key can be used for decryption when file is encypted  using private key?http://www.devco.net/archives/2006/02/13/public_-_private_key_encryption_using_openssl.php14:33
icerootsaratoga: then we have different opinions about a minimal system14:33
theseusiceroot: thanks, i just typed it wrong14:34
GeeksOnHugsthe ring chart thing in the disk drive app analyzer is a pretty cool idea...when were ring charts invented, I've never seen em before...good information and they look cool too14:34
icerootvidyut: you need the priavte key for that14:34
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch, just pick the option that says "Install with windows" or something like that.14:34
saratogaiceroot:  well not minimal, but as small as possible, the idea is to allow windows users to easy to compile our code14:34
icerootsaratoga: then install a system which fits your needs14:34
saratogacan you recommend one ?14:34
icerootsaratoga: ubuntu 12.0414:35
icerootsaratoga: and if it should be small, use lubuntu 12.0414:35
impaktorIf I want to update to Skype 4.0 in 12.04, should I just download the deb from their homepage, and double click? Will this remove the old version?14:35
blackgatocatnegr saratoga, windows user and compile? better just make a live cd, unless you really want a windows port.14:35
paul_ukhey guys, running 12.04 64bit and I have to tell you.  I love this release, best so far!  Just one hickup trying to run an IDE and I keep on getting this error:  ./sublime_text: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory   What do I need to install to install this dependency?14:35
saratogai'm using virtualbox actually14:36
ezbbunkpaul_uk: probably libgtk-x11-2.014:36
ajiri had black screen whwn installing ubuntu precise using UFD..14:36
vidyuticeroot: but i dont have private key what i have is a public key and a signature14:36
blackgatocatnegr impaktor, better make a backup of the configuration files just in case, when upgrading, sometimes the older configuration files get deleted14:36
icerootvidyut: then you can decrypt it14:37
SDXsaratoga: There are other, smaller distros if you don't limit yourself to *buntu variations.14:37
paul_ukezbbunk, yeah tried that.  can't locate any package with that name14:37
vidyuticeroot: how?14:37
SoMuch<blackgatocatnegr> look i do that but it want to install it on d: i made 50gb and i don't want ubunto to miss with hard drive till i fully understand it every time i choose d it told me no bootloader found14:37
icerootvidyut: it would be totally stupid and useless if you can decrypt with a public key14:37
GeeksOnHugshey speaking of ubuntu, is anyone familiar with ubuntu for android?  canonoical only talks with mobile manufacturerers for it and there are no downloads...how likely is it someone could rig their own ubuntu for android system?14:37
vidyuticeroot: but i need to14:37
icerootvidyut: sorry i mean then you cant14:37
icerootvidyut: doesnt matter if you need to, its not possiblre14:37
impaktorblackgatocatnegr: OK, so I shouldn't use synaptic/program central to install skype 4.014:38
MonkeyDustimpaktor  if you use skype 4, don't expect much support, as it is very new; you are then the one who tries it out14:38
blackgatocatnegr impaktor, actually, try to add a repository to synaptic/program first.14:38
thenryskype is what?14:38
impaktorMonkeyDust: so it's not a stable release?14:38
icerootimpaktor: ask microsoft14:39
thenryi wonder to know14:39
icerootimpaktor: we dont distribute skype 4.014:39
dilutedif i were to upgrade to 12.04 from 11.10 via do-release-upgrade, i'd have to reboot afterwards correct?14:39
icerootdiluted: yes14:39
impaktorthenry:  http://www.geek.com/articles/news/skype-4-0-for-linux-now-available-2012061414:39
galacticboyHi is it possible to install apps offline without using apt on cd?14:39
impaktorOK, thanks14:39
icerootgalacticboy: dpkg if you have the debfile14:39
ezbbunkgalacticboy: copy the packages to a local respository?14:39
bazhang!offline | galacticboy14:40
ubottugalacticboy: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD14:40
GeeksOnHugswhat about ubuntu on my arm mobile device? http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android14:40
mbeierlvidyut, the link you pasted shows encryption with public key, followed by decription with private.  Are you sure you are following the directions correctly?14:40
dilutedwould it hurt if i didnt reboot right away cause i got a nice uptime14:40
diluteddont really wanna lose my uptime lol14:40
icerootdiluted: then why upgrading?14:40
blackgatocatnegrdiluted, yes, but just after that, do a massive update of 12.04 using update manager, or you will trigger some errors14:40
paul_ukimpaktor: wow thanks, i didn't know I was running skype 2 which was installed from the packates.14:40
icerootdiluted: you will have a new dbus, libc6 and kernel and everything from that needs a reboot14:41
dilutedoh ok14:41
dilutedthank ya thank ya14:41
vidyutmbeierl: Please read this So by example if Person A want to send Person B data in a secure fashion she just have to encrypt it with Person B’s public key, only Person B can then open the file using her private key. There are other advantages to this kind of encryption. If I met you in person and gave you my public key, I can send you something electronically using my private key to encrypt it, if the public key you have can decrypt 14:41
blackgatocatnegrdiluted, also you might wanna configure synaptic to only "Use LTS versions" as next version, 12.10 wont be a long term version.14:41
galacticboyThank you guys! That way i can install any application?14:41
thenryskype cant apply to China14:41
Traumadogwell nobody is answering in #samba14:41
dilutedim in terminal mode on server blackgatocatnegr14:41
tenXvidyut: ?14:42
impaktorpaul_uk: Interesting that even though they've released a new skype the download for ubuntu still says 10.10.14:42
TraumadogMy problem is that Samba keeps making me lose my internet connection when I'm transferring files.14:42
dilutedaka no x windows14:42
icerootdiluted: is that a public server?14:42
vidyuttenX: sory didn't get you14:42
TraumadogDoes anyone have any experience with Samba kicking them off their connection when transferring files?14:42
dilutedno, privately used, privately kept14:42
icerootdiluted: good14:43
dilutedits a server with no monitor/keyboard/mouse in my closet14:43
dilutedbut 09:35:33 up 240 days, 3:46, 1 user, load average: 0.22, 0.06, 0.0614:43
mbeierlvidyut, and so, did you try: openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey public.key -in file.ssl -out decrypted.txt ?14:43
icerootdiluted: nice, 240 days, a lot of security issues14:43
blackgatocatnegrdiluted, then just use the old sudo apt-get update after reboot14:43
compdocTraumadog, is samba running on your firewall server or something?14:43
tenXvidyut: was only wondering about your encryption output14:43
vidyutmbeierl: yes,but it didn;t worked14:43
dilutedive been doing apt-get update & upgrades tho14:43
dilutedso hopefully that helps14:44
icerootdiluted: no14:44
TraumadogI am running off a desktop and trying to reach it from my laptop from within the same network.14:44
icerootdiluted: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:44
icerootdiluted: that is the correct way to install security updates14:44
blackgatocatnegrdiluted, it does but after install ubuntu 12.04 you have to update right away to prevent some nasty bugs.14:44
icerootdiluted: and that will NOT change the ubuntu version14:44
Traumadogis there a router setting that might be causing it?14:44
icerootblackgatocatnegr: the release-upgrade will automaticly install the newest 12.04 release14:45
mbeierlvidyut, who did the encryption of the file?  I tried reversing the directions on that link you cited, but it doesn't work.14:45
compdocTraumadog, look at the cpu usage while the files are transferred.14:45
Traumadogcompdoc: ok let me recreate the issue, one moment.14:45
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blackgatocatnegriceroot, I know but after 12.04 release install, you have to update again, or you get errors.14:45
vidyutI don't know i just got it from git repo14:46
vidyutmbeierl: ^14:46
greeniti have a ralink 2800 network card, and since the update yesterday it does not work anymore.... it is not even listed when i enter "ifconfig" (as wlan0)... how can i get it working again? :(14:46
icerootblackgatocatnegr: if that is the case, open a bug but i dont think that is happening14:46
dontknowwhere is the "recent documents" location?14:47
blackgatocatnegriceroot, actually, it happened to me in 12.04 LTS, solved it after using updated manager14:47
compdocTraumadog, how do you transfer the files? If you used rsycn, you can control how much cpu the transfer takes up14:47
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SoMuchblackgatocatnegr, look i do that but it want to install it on d: i made 50gb and i don't want ubunto to miss with hard drive till i fully understand it every time i choose d it told me no bootloader found14:48
Traumadogcompdoc: well that happene quickly. The network just dropped almost the instant I started copying files. I have a screenshot of the cpu usage here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/77181932/Screenshot.jpg14:49
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch, you are the one who wanted to install another linux distro or the one who wanted to install linux and keep windows 7? sorry I got confused -_-14:49
MonkeyDustSoMuch  linux does not use c: and d: , it uses partitions, that's parts of a hard disk14:49
Traumadogcpu usage seemed normal, if anything it dropped a little14:49
dontknowi disabled activity log with privacy app but it still shows recent documents when using a software selecting folder etc, how can i disable it permanently14:49
mbeierlvidyut, still looking.  gimme a few more minutes14:49
vidyutmbeierl: ok14:49
compdocTraumadog, it looks normal up until the connection drops. you could have a hardware problem14:50
SoMuchthe one who want to keep windpws 714:50
Traumadogit only started occuring since I installed Samba, and only when using Samba. Nothing else is causing this effect.14:50
MonkeyDustSoMuch  windows is usually located on the partition /dev/sda114:50
compdocTraumadog, I have seen some netowrk cards that overheat when under a load14:50
SoMuchMonkeyDust, i see i choose the partition which has the same size as d14:51
fourlastoris there a way to make skype multiple instances with the version 4?14:51
TraumadogI don't think it's an over heating issue unless Samba is doing something very strange. I can FTP for hours without problems.14:51
MonkeyDustSoMuch  yes, that space must be divided in separate parts/partitions14:51
compdocTraumadog, I use samba on many systems with many types of hardware, and by itself, samba doesnt cause that issue14:51
Traumadoggot any other ideas?14:51
TraumadogTrust me, this is a Samba issue. I can google it and see it all over the net.14:52
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch,  if you want to install another linux distro (Yet keep the old one9 Just ignore the error mensage, install anyway, then boot the old distro in option 2 and update grub. To install linux and keep windows 7 using the the live cd, just pick option one, then select how much space you wanna give to the linux particion. Then keep doing the installation.14:52
TraumadogThe reason I came here is that there was no real resolution online. So I guess it's just a mystery then. I'll have to find a different networking method.14:52
blackgatocatnegr, be sure to DO NOT FORMAT if you do now know what are you doing.14:53
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch, be sure to DO NOT FORMAT if you do now know what are you doing.14:53
SoMuchMonkeyDust, blackgatocatnegr,  so what i am gonna do i don't want ubuntu miss with my partition14:54
kndavidhi, I don't know what happened to my graphics but all of a sudden cairo dock doesnt work (it used to before) it wouldnt launch , any idea what could be the problem , am using natty14:54
zahntronhi, anyone have experience with the MacBook Air2011 and 12.04?14:54
MonkeyDust!mac| zahntron start here14:55
ubottuzahntron start here: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:55
mbeierlvidyut, this is as close as I could get: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.openssl.user/43737 , which gives me the following command: openssl rsautl -pubin -verify -inkey public.pem -in encrypted.txt -out plaintext.txt but I get a block size mismatch as I don't know the original block size.  I think you need to check with the owner of the git repo.  Or at least the person who did the commit14:55
blackgatocatnegrzahntron, well, better option is dual boot, keep MAc OS somewhere, that way if something goes wrong with linux, you can still boot from MacOS.14:56
zahntronyeah i used that. i have a specific issue though. the disc times out and goes black when i navigate to install ubuntu14:56
mbeierlvidyut, you might also have better luck in #openssl.  Just be patient as there are not a lot of people there14:56
zahntroni have an external optical drive14:56
vidyutmbeierl: thanks :)14:57
mbeierlvidyut, for what I could offer, which doesn't work completely, you're welcome!14:57
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch, as I said install linux in the 50 Gb particion, then rebbot and update grub (option 2 in boot loader, then pick "update grub") that way you should be able to pick whate version of linux to boot at PC start.14:57
NelsonMGot a sec? What does "grep FSCKFIX /etc/default/rcS" say on your Ubuntu box? (Trying to figure out how to get my system to fsck in non-interactive mode at boot).14:58
MonkeyDustSoMuch  if you're not sure, then use the complete partition / d: to install ubuntu14:59
blackgatocatnegrzahntron, try the alternate install CD.14:59
zahntronI'm using the AMD/MAC14:59
blackgatocatnegrMonkeyDust, don't make the poor guy DELETE EVERYTHING, ok?15:00
SoMuchblackgatocatnegr, i am sorry but what you write is like puzzle to me i can't understand anything it's my first time to use ubuntu what is grub and how can i am gonna make ubuntu on this specific 50 gb15:00
SoMuchMonkeyDust, just tell me how i can do that15:00
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch, ok, you are trying to install linux and keep windows, yes?15:01
MonkeyDustSoMuch the space on d: , on that partition, is it empty?15:01
vidyutmbeierl: here it is openssl rsautl -verify -inkey public-key.pem -pubin < signed.dat15:01
blackgatocatnegrSoMuch, live cd option 1 should work for you.15:01
SoMuchyes for both of you15:01
MonkeyDustSoMuch  if it's empty space, you can use it -- i guess it's /dev/sdb or so15:02
SoMuchMonkeyDust, thats what i try to say every time i choose this option from the advanced partition it told me no boot loader15:03
MonkeyDustSoMuch  don't use the advanced settings, if you're not sure -- select the partition in the litlle drop down menu, top right15:04
blackgatocatnegrhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1958059 *Ubuntu 12.04 beta2 issues with Ralink RT2800 PCI loses connection* See if that works for your problem with the Ralink RT2800 PCI  card.15:04
vidyutWhat is the CIA triad? What are the current methods available to ensure CIA?15:05
bazhangvidyut, hows that related to ubuntu15:05
SoMuchMonkeyDust, it's not active i try it15:05
ace_meshould I be able to receive email after modifying aliases as root: mygmail@gmail.com without installing devcot pop3 and imap ?15:05
SoMuchthats why i ask15:05
vidyutbazhang: sory15:06
sabayonuser_i cannot get desktop cube effect in ubuntu 12.0415:06
llutzace_me: if your mta uses /etc/aliases, yes15:06
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga15:06
icerootace_me: only a MTA is needed15:06
icerootace_me: and every debian based distro is coming with an mta by default15:07
ace_mesendmail you mean ?15:07
icerootace_me: devcot pop3 and imap have nothing to do with sending mails15:07
sabayonuser_when i play a video in ubuntu it is tearing15:08
wylde_sabayonuser_: desktop cube does not play nice with unity. You need to be careful using ccsm in unity.15:08
blackgatocatnegrsabayonuser_, install propietary drivers15:08
sabayonuser_will it break unit y this desktop cube15:08
icerootace_me: for example sendmail or postfix15:08
harrrisis there a google search lens for ubuntu 12.0415:08
wylde_sabayonuser_: it can, some other options will too.15:09
sabayonuser_i heard nvidia driver had problem did  they sort this issue15:09
sabayonuser_nvidia unity problem15:09
icerootsabayonuser_: working fine here15:09
ace_mePostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu.15:09
wylde_sabayonuser_: fine here as well.15:09
ZoohouseHello everyone15:10
sabayonuser_hey ppl i have a strange problem unity is consuming too much memory gnome sheell is less resource hungry ??15:10
blackgatocatnegrsabayonuser_, as a general rule, flash and video problems with ubuntu are solved by installing the proprietary drivers instead of using the genetic ones. If you wanna keep using the generic ones, you will need a compatible video card.15:10
llutzace_me: and postfix won't use /etc/aliases. you have to generate aliases.db /sudo newaliases/15:10
sabayonuser_unity is taking 1 gb of ram i have 2 gb :O15:11
sabayonuser_gnome shell takes 326 mb15:11
icerootsabayonuser_: its not15:11
SDXCan I use the Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator to install Puppy Linux to a USB drive?15:11
icerootsabayonuser_: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/15:11
=== jayne_ is now known as jayne
mbeierlvidyut, good find!15:12
sabayonuser_unity was taking 600 mb when i first installed it after few update s it is taking nearly 1 gb ram :O15:12
icerootsabayonuser_: and i am telling you its not using 1gb15:12
Zoohousesabayonuser_: If you turn off all the special effects, unity would consume less resources. That said, GNOME can be more, equal, or less resources hungry than Unity depending on all the extra effects stuff you have on it.15:12
sabayonuser_but i have everything closed15:12
vidyutmbeierl: also read http://anandopaul.wordpress.com/2010/04/13/openssl-public-key-cryptography/15:12
blackgatocatnegr*Before asking about installing Ubuntu, please read this* https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation15:12
icerootsabayonuser_: can you just read the link i have posted?15:13
SDXI have to find some other way to use that picture.15:13
sabayonuser_is this compiz old one?15:13
sabayonuser_cheers for the link :D15:13
paul_ukhey all, just installed the new skype.  But I can't see the skype icon in the notifications panel, so I can't click on options.  How do I get this back?15:13
SDXRelaunch Skype?15:14
sabayonuser_compiz is cool but still it is a bit buggy ;p15:14
blackgatocatnegrsabayonuser_, use a lighter GUI, lubuntu and or LXDE  is recomended, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LXDE15:14
paul_ukSDX: you'd think right? no15:14
sabayonuser_noo i lubuntu is very bad15:14
sabayonuser_i am fine with this lts release15:14
paul_ukSDX: rebooted and launched twice and re-installed a couple of times.  Nada15:15
glitsj16paul_uk: a fix is actually in the Skype README15:15
SDXsabayonuser_: Xubuntu/Xfce is like the lightweight child of LXDE and Gnome.  You could try that.15:15
icerootsabayonuser_: most of the packages from lubuntu are also lts15:15
blackgatocatnegrsabayonuser_, try https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xubuntu and Xfce  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfce. Xfce is what I am using.15:15
wylde_sabayonuser_: all 12.04 *buntus are lts...the difference is the desktop. That's it.15:15
icerootSDX: lxde is the lightweight child of xfce415:15
icerootwylde_: no15:15
sabayonuser_i may install zubuntu desktop later :D15:16
icerootwylde_: lubuntu 12.04 is no lts release15:16
SDXReally?  I thought the opposite.15:16
wylde_iceroot: ahh alrighty.15:16
icerootSDX: no15:16
paul_ukglitsj16, thanks for that15:17
glitsj16paul_uk: you're welcome, it has good instructions, and it could solve other issues you might encounter15:18
blackgatocatnegrsabayonuser_, see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu15:19
sabayonuser_hehe thanks cheers again :D15:19
greenitit seems that the driver rt2860sta is not installed in my kernel (sudo modprobe rt2860sta         says          FATAL: Module rt2860sta not found.)... how can i install that module again? i dont know why it is no more here, but it was yesterday15:21
blackgatocatnegrgreenit, try looking at the manufactured web site, sometimes they have drivers for ubuntu, also try to look if the driver wasn't simply upgraded to a newer version.15:22
=== Furai` is now known as Furai
GDIanyone notice some bugs with pidgin using ubuntu 12.04 lts and unity? contact list suddenly appears in other workspace or moves out of screen15:24
blackgatocatnegrGDI, have you tried to update pidgin first? also make sure the specific unity pidgin packages are installed.15:25
eutheriathere is a ppa with a version of unity that you can force to always show the global menu, damn i am one happy bunny i dont' have to hunt for menu options15:25
greywalkhi. the theme controls the app icons that are displayed say in tray, correct?15:26
HoNgOuRuhi, how can I set dhcp server to listen on wlan0 device?15:26
GDIblackgatocatnegr: yes, i've the lastest version of pidgin, but i didn't know about the packages for unity, gonna check that, thanks15:26
HoNgOuRuI configured all but Im having that problem now15:26
blackgatocatnegrgreywalk, please say what version of ubuntu you are using, and what GUI/desktop environment, it really helps, thank you.15:27
greywalkblackgatocatnegr: kubuntu 12.0415:27
Jon--My mouse pointer is a vertical bar of a few pixels suddenly. How do I fix?15:28
blackgatocatnegrblackgatocatnegr:, I will asume you are using KDE, please go to #kubuntu  for KDE questions15:29
greywalkblackgatocatnegr: alright )15:30
Jon--No one knows hmm? It's really annoying. About 20 little pixel dots, about 2-3 times larger vertically than my typical mouse pointer. I assume restarting X will fix it, I don't want to do that if I don't have to. Odd bug.15:32
greywalkJon--, logout or reboot15:32
greywalkJon--, this happened to me as well. especially on kubuntu 11.1015:33
OerHeksJon--, try reset the monitor, that used to work for me.15:33
Jon--greywalk, Sounds like how you fix a Windows issue.15:33
icerootJon--: try  to change the mouse pointer theme15:33
Jon--Oh what the hell, it just came back.15:33
Jon--I didn't do anything.15:33
Jon--. . . -_-15:33
fwissHey guys, I have a problem with KDE's volume mixer. Namely, there isn't one right now. Is it possible to use Ubuntu's standard GNOME volume mixer on KDE?15:33
blackgatocatnegrJon--, please be more specific, please say what version of ubuntu you are using, and what GUI/desktop environment and if you have installed the propietary drivers or not.15:33
greywalkJon--, yes it does. it also means crappy pointer integration in ubuntu15:34
L3topfwiss: ps aux | grep kmix | grep -v grep15:34
greywalkJon--, and also means you brain couldn't come up with at least a window-ish solution. sorry but your previous statement deserves this one.15:34
blackgatocatnegrfwiss, yes, it will probably install some GNOME packages as well, like when you use  in Totem, but it should work.15:35
Jon--greyfox, ctrl+alt+printscreen+k would fix my issue. That's not the point.15:35
Jon--Kids, don't do this ^.15:35
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!15:35
icerootJon--: dont post that here15:35
L3topJon--: While we are piling on, 2 minutes is not a reasonable amount of time to complain that nobody is helping you.15:36
dontknowi have an applet.js file, it shows recent documents, also clear the recent document. could anyone tell me what directory or what file clears looking at source? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042537/15:36
dannelwhat am i doing here i dont help anybody. ever.15:36
Jon--iceroot, I said "don't do this" right afterwards.15:36
Jon--That's the new command to restart the X server.15:37
Jon--L3top, I enjoyed having everyone gang up on me. Can I smoke a cigarette now?15:37
fwissNothing happens when I use L3top's command.15:37
icerootJon--: then dont post something when you have to say "dont use that"15:37
icerootJon--: that is not the command to restart the x-server15:37
blackgatocatnegrJon--, this is not a channel for jokes, we have #ubuntu-offtopic for that15:37
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icerootJon--: that command has nothing to do with x1115:37
HoNgOuRuhi, how can I set dhcp server to listen on wlan0 device?15:37
L3topfwiss: type /usr/bin/kmix15:37
fwissI don't think I have it/15:38
fwissGuess I should just install kmix15:39
Jon--iceroot, That doesn't kill the X server?15:39
L3topdhcp doesn't listen, it brodcasts HoNgOuRu. Check your /etc/dhcp3/dhcp.conf15:39
Jon--I thought they replaced ctrl+alt+backspace with that upstream.15:39
L3topyes fwiss... that was coming next :)15:39
icerootJon--: it will kill much more then just x1115:39
icerootJon--: your command is a kernel command15:39
Jon--Kills all processes in userspace?15:39
ikoniait's the sysrq magic key sequence15:39
icerootJon--: called magic syskey requests15:39
icerootor like that.. :)15:40
Jon--iceroot, thanks, I got the relevant wiki now. Why did Ubuntu remove ctrl+alt+backspace?15:40
llutziceroot: its the recommended way to stop a hanging x-server since 9.04, published here and everywhere else15:40
ikoniaJon--: ubuntu didn't15:40
icerootJon--: because itsa evil15:40
Jon--There used to be an option to enable it in keyboard settings, and it just killed x. Was it removed upstream?15:40
icerootllutz: x11 is not hanging in that case15:41
blackgatocatnegr Jon--, because of abuse15:41
HoNgOuRuL3top, I get "Not configured to listen on any interfaces!" so it listens15:41
HoNgOuRuL3top, help me out here15:41
Jon--blackgatocatnegr, Doesn't make much sense to me, it was disabled by default back in 9.04 if I recall, or a bit earlier.15:41
icerootllutz: Kill all processes on the current virtual console (Can be used to kill X and svgalib programs, see below)15:42
llutziceroot: i know what sysrq-k does15:42
icerootllutz: and its bad because killing x means also killing all programs the hard way15:42
OerHeksJon--, now you can use Alt + PrintScreen + K15:42
icerootllutz: the same discussion as kill or kill -915:42
blackgatocatnegrJon--, what is removed or not is always cause of arguing, thats why we have LTS versions, so people can keep using the same stuff for years.15:43
wunzis there any newbie guide to ubuntu/linux? i installed Ubuntu 12.04 last night and seems i'm dumb, can't find where all the applications are, etc.15:43
fwissThanks, guys15:43
ikoniawunz: https://help.ubuntu.com15:43
MonkeyDustwunz  the way to learn, is by using it15:43
bazhang!manual | wunz15:43
ubottuwunz: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:43
wunzthanks ikonia15:43
wunzMonkeyDust: i'm using it but can't seem to find anything15:44
bazhang!rute | wunz and this15:44
ubottuwunz and this: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com15:44
wunzi don't even know where terminal is15:44
=== VGoff_afk is now known as VGoff
blackbear008linux MINT1315:44
ikoniablackbear008: what about it ?15:44
blackbear008any one using this?15:44
MonkeyDust!mint| blackbear00815:44
ubottublackbear008: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:44
ikoniablackbear008: the people in the mint support channels are15:44
schnuffle1blackbear008: its offtopic but im using it15:44
blackgatocatnegrWe should really really add a FAQ to the links listed on the topic, if we don't have already.15:44
OerHeksblackbear008, better not.15:45
blackbear008some on told me LINUX mint13 is a distribution from UBUNTU15:45
blackgatocatnegror better yet, have a bot that pms you the most useful links when you join this channel15:45
ikoniablackbear008: no it's not15:45
icerootblackgatocatnegr: and ubuntu is a distribution from debian15:46
DaekdroomIt's a distribution DERIVED from Ubuntu.15:46
icerootblackgatocatnegr: based on is maybe the better word15:46
DaekdroomThe same way Ubuntu is derived from Debian.15:46
Meridiousblackbear008: mint and ubuntu have alot in common15:46
blackgatocatnegrblackbear008, please, to to keep friendly, "based on"  is not the same as a "distribution from"15:46
VGoffDon't know why it was marked DANGEROUS as it doesn't cause injury to equipment or loss of data, it simply restarts the X server.  Warning, but not DANGEROUS.  not like a command that will format your drive.15:46
icerootVGoff: you lose your work for example15:47
blackbear008I see ,blackgatocatnegr15:47
icerootVGoff: if someone here is just executing it and dont know what it is doing15:47
VGoffTrue.  But it is not dangerous.  Not like some commands that historically could send high frequency to a monitor and damage your display.15:47
VGoffBut don't be an alarmist.15:47
icerootVGoff: we dont want such commands here15:48
VGoffOf course you do, you want to educate the users of what commands are available... with the caveat that if they do such a thing to please be aware.15:48
icerootVGoff: and if there is something like that posted its always recoomend to write what they are doing15:48
oCeanlet's move on, ok?15:48
VGoffI just wanted to state that it is something that can be useful and in the proper context.15:48
icerootVGoff: you have a support question?15:49
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gdanei have a problem15:49
gdanei had 18 mb free space15:49
gdanebut then ill free it15:49
schnuffle1VGoff: I think its better suited to be duscussed in #ubuntu-offtopic15:49
VGoffSure... if I must state the comment in the form of a question... why would you unduly alarm the folks that are trying to get honest help here by trying to scare them into thinking that something is dangerous?15:49
bazhangVGoff, lets move on15:50
oCeanstop the bickering. Now15:50
gdanewhen i tried to cut and paste my files to other disk my disk went into readonly status15:50
icerootVGoff: because writing down commands here which will kill all your unsafed work are dangerous. end of discussion15:50
VGoffRight, I was ready to, until someone asked me to ask a question.  I am done with it.  Just made my statement and wanted my view heard.  It has been, and that is fine.15:50
* Sidewinder1 Is moving on..15:51
MonkeyDustgdane  I have that too, with my remote external disk... drag and copy works15:51
gdanewhen i do reboot it says : mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/c7.... /root faild15:51
bazhanggdane, copy and paste is not the way to move files, perhaps you mean drag and drop15:51
gdaneinvalid argument15:51
gdaneyeah drag and drop15:51
gdanemy system is ubuntu linux/gnu 12.04 lts15:51
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gdanei sit at busybox now15:52
schnuffle1!anyone | honney15:52
ubottuhonney: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:52
schnuffle1gdane: so your system fails to mount the root partition during boot?15:53
honneycomment registreer15:53
schnuffle1gdane: how did it happen?15:53
bazhanghonney, join #freenode15:53
honneyet apres15:54
bazhanghonney, ask there15:54
honneyje peux poser une question??15:54
Sidewinder1Why, when I mount an ext. HD through Places do multiple versions/instances of Nautilus (usually just two, thank the deities) open? 10.04 Desktop; it only happens occasionally and is not a major problem. I was just curious if I am the only one that experiences this phenomenon.15:54
oCean!fr | honney15:54
ubottuhonney: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:54
bazhanghonney, in english15:54
schnuffle1!fr | honney15:54
honneymy english es very bad :(15:55
honneyi preferer is hrer15:55
koskozcommence à apprendre l'anglais alors15:55
schnuffle1honney: alors utilise le channal francias avec /join #ubuntu-fr15:55
honneyi learn is here15:55
honneyje vais essayer15:56
MonkeyDusthonney  not here, try #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to learn15:56
koskozor try to go in class :o15:56
blackgatocatnegrhonney, ubuntu has suport forums in many languages, try there first.15:57
honneyi know15:57
gdaneshnuffle1 i posted here my problem15:58
gdanebut u didnt see it, i think15:58
schnuffle1gdane: So you cleaned your disk and now it can't be mounted anaymore? Have you tried to boot from live system and mount it there?15:58
belgianguyany favourite html editors in Ubuntu?15:58
belgianguyI bet there are tons15:58
vincenzoml_Hi there, I am unsure if I just typed the same message as empathy is misbehaving, however, I can't use apache+php5 in a directory symlinked from my public_html, although I can use it in my public_html15:58
funkyHatSo in 11.10 shutting the lid and then pulling the plug out would make it suspend, but in 12.04 this doesn't seem to work. I have a vague memory of there being an option like "should the power manager check the state of the lid when it detects the power cord is removed", but I can't find it15:58
schnuffle1gdane: I did, but wasn't really interested in the problem because there's not enough info right now15:59
fmafhi! anyone knows how to config geany dir ~/.config/geany/?15:59
bazhang!html | belgianguy15:59
ubottubelgianguy: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+ - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/15:59
schnuffle1belgianguy: fedit16:00
belgianguyschnuffle1: I'm using gedit atm16:00
belgianguybut it lacks some features16:00
schnuffle1belgianguy: installed the plugins?16:00
belgianguyschnuffle1: eh? :$16:00
mneptokbelgianguy: please don't !poll and ask for favorites. tell us what you need from an editor/environment.16:01
* belgianguy is about to learn something16:01
gdanei didnt try to use live cd16:01
blackgatocatnegrfmaf, almost any simple notepad-like text editor  works.16:01
schnuffle1belgianguy: gedit has plugins for syntx highlight .......16:01
gdaneto mount16:01
schnuffle1gdane: then try it to see if the partition is alright16:01
gdanei rebooted my pc and it cant mount rootfs16:01
blackgatocatnegrfmaf, but you NEED TO KNOW, what you are doing.16:01
schnuffle1gdane: How did you clean your partition16:01
belgianguyI'm writing a html and javascript app, and was wondering if there is a full featured ide for making websites16:02
gdanefirst of all i delete all files16:02
gdanewhich i no need any more16:02
mneptokbelgianguy: do you use Linux exclusively?16:02
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gdanethen i drag and drop other files to my backup disk16:02
blackbear008belgianguy: Eclipse16:02
belgianguymneptok: no, I do try to use both16:02
belgianguyWindows and Ubuntu16:03
mneptokbelgianguy: both Linux and ....16:03
Sonderbladeis the package w64codecs required/useful on ubuntu precision?16:03
mneptokbelgianguy: alright, so something that works in both so you do not need to relearn on each platform would be ideal. yes?16:03
gdanewhen i droped my files to that disk it had an error - this is readonly disk16:03
belgianguyblackbear008: right, now you mention it, I used to do php in Eclipse16:03
schnuffle1gdane: So you cleand your hone dir only?16:03
belgianguymneptok: right16:03
schnuffle1home dir16:03
gdanemay be its because my disk has no more free space16:04
mneptokbelgianguy: do you need WYSIWG HTML editing?16:04
gdanei cleaned documents and downloads16:04
belgianguymneptok: no :) I'm a coder16:04
schnuffle1gdane: To check all this boot into a live system and then we can see where the roblem is16:04
VGoffbelgianguy, if you want an editor that will work on both and will act as a full featured IDE, you could use vim or gvim.16:04
mneptokbelgianguy: i.e. can you wite HTML and Javascript, and just need tree views and such.16:04
belgianguymneptok: yeah16:05
mneptokbelgianguy: look at jEdit before Eclipse, IMO.16:05
mneptokbelgianguy: works everywhere, is packaged for Ubuntu. be sure to look at the Plugin Manager when you first run the app.16:05
mneptokbelgianguy: http://jedit.org/16:05
mneptok!info jedit16:05
ubottujedit (source: jedit): Plugin-based editor for programmers. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.4.2+dfsg-1 (precise), package size 2552 kB, installed size 8907 kB16:05
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belgianguythanks mneptok and all, I'll go and check those out16:06
B0g4r7Yeah, I like Eclipse myself.16:06
B0g4r7It's rather heavyweight, but it does a lot.16:06
blackgatocatnegrbelgianguy, there any many editors you could use, heck most of the time I use libre office and gedit for quick edits.16:06
mneptokbelgianguy: Eclipse is the machete. jEdit the pocket knife. both are sharp.16:07
tenXblackgatocatnegr: libreoffice?16:07
blackgatocatnegrbelgianguy,  basically try anything that apears on ubuntu software center when you type "Html editor" and just pick one.16:08
blackgatocatnegrbelgianguy, libreoffice to just make an html page quick, then gedit for details.16:08
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  kompozer is nice but not nearly as advanced as dreamweaver16:08
mneptokblackgatocatnegr: your advice fails to take into account the desirability of cross-platform use.16:09
KircleI want to make a clone of my usb's files as well as it's partitions so if it gets corrupted or I want to use a different device I can. How can I do this? dd?16:09
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate16:09
mneptokKircle: exactly right.16:09
Kirclemneptok will it create a img file?16:10
blackgatocatnegrmneptok, libre office is available for a lot of Os, gedit can be easily replaced with a lot of text editors, and this is an ubuntu channel, so ubuntu answers take priority.16:10
schnuffle1Kircle: There also tools like clonezilla or partimage16:10
belgianguyI want something lean and mean, and not the WYSIWYG, I write each letter of code myself ;)16:10
mneptokKircle: it will create what you specify in of=16:10
belgianguyso I'm leaning towards the vim solution, or gedit with plugins, perhaps Eclipse if dynamic languages come into play16:11
belgianguy(I already use Eclipse for Android dev)16:11
chuhaha, dare I say gnu emacs?16:11
mneptokbelgianguy: no gEdit on Windows.16:11
Sidewinder1I guess I'm the only one experiencing this..16:11
belgianguymneptok: I have Notepad++ there16:11
blackgatocatnegrbelgianguy, define clean, I know guys who write their code in leafpad, basically it will take some trial an error to find the programs you are most confortable with.16:12
Sidewinder1Why, when I mount an ext. HD through Places do multiple versions/instances of Nautilus (usually just two, thank the deities) open? 10.04 Desktop; it only happens occasionally and is not a major problem. I was just curious if I am the only one that experiences this phenomenon.16:12
mneptokbelgianguy: seriously, look ay jEdit. then ditch Notepad++ on Windows in its favor.16:12
mneptokbelgianguy: *at16:12
mneptokbelgianguy: and especially if you're doing Java API development as it is (on Android).16:13
belgianguymneptok: oh, that would be interesting16:14
blackgatocatnegrbelgianguy, on windows I prefer metapad for some things, I wonder if it works in vista and seven.  Your question is very subjective, I recommended you try several editors, preferable those that are cross-platform, and keep the ones you like.16:14
mneptokbelgianguy: there is a Windows installer. on *Ubuntu, 'sudo apt-get install jedit"16:15
blackgatocatnegrbelgianguy, read this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_HTML_editors and just pick the ones that fit your needs best.16:16
aslanHi, I want the basic package info for developing liux from scratch, but I cant understand.16:16
bazhangaslan, try the lfs channel16:17
bazhang!alis | aslan search using this16:17
ubottuaslan search using this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:17
ikoniaaslan: it's #lfs-support16:17
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witten1with upstart, how do I restart/start a job regardless of whether it's currently running?16:28
witten1/sbin/stop and /sbin/restart both error if the process isn't already running16:28
FloodBot1lab13: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
rootkitwritten: try: /etc/init.d/<service> restart16:29
witten1rootkit: this is using upstart, not initd16:29
witten1rootkit: initd-style init scripts don't exist16:29
rootkitAh. Sorry, I didn't ready that properly. As for upstart, I have no idea.16:30
witten1thanks anyway :)16:30
zambahow do i set preferred applications in 12.04? i'm using gnome classic16:31
brodro_So, I have a bit of an extremely annoying problem. if anyone could help i'd appreciate. This is probably a total newbie problem but I have downloaded adobe flash like 10000000 times and I have no clue how to upgrade the thing D:::::::::::::::::16:31
brodro_and also, the plug-in doesn't even appear in my list of plug-ins for firefox16:32
glitsj16witten1: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ is loaded with info16:32
i7cbrodro_: why don't you use the "flashplugin-installer" package?16:33
MonkeyDustbrodro_  what i7c says, find flashplugin-installer in the software center or use sudo apt-get16:33
witten1glitsj16: thanks16:34
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dontknowi completely removed zeitgeist, but recent documents are still storing in ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel. How can i disble this, because gnome-go logging recent documents by using it and gives me duplicate files after search16:36
dontknowi am not talking about removing it's content, i am talking about completely disable16:37
maurizioHi, I need help finding a good query to solve my issue. I am not sure if my HDD is set up correctly since for every action I do (open a tab, start a text editor) the HDD clicks a lot, like it doesn't use any kind of cache for anything.16:38
i7cdontknow: btw, can i just delete the file or will it harm the system?16:38
maurizioWorse is that I'm trying to add 1000 data to a mysql db and it's like hearing a formatting hdd16:38
maurizio1000 = 100000016:39
dontknowi7c, you can delete file, but after that it will create new one16:39
i7cdontknow: i see, thank you.16:39
glitsj16dontknow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1678004 has a few tips you might try16:39
dontknowglitsj16, will look at now16:40
sriniHi root16:41
schnuffle1maurizio: check syslog and dmesg perhaps your HDD is dying16:41
sriniI am looking for help on Ocropus!16:41
maurizioschnuffle1,  good point. I'm checking now, though i suspect that's not the problem (windows doesn't suffer that)16:42
sriniI am trying to compile the sources, but stuck in the configure because of the tesseract not found! It is installed in /usr/local, but --with-tesseract=/usr/local is still not helping!16:42
schnuffle1srini: http://code.google.com/p/ocropus/wiki/InstallTranscript states a different way to compile16:45
blackgatocatnegrmaurizi, try  reset the default the bios, also your  hard disk might be faulty.16:45
genii-around!info ocropus16:45
ubottuPackage ocropus does not exist in precise16:45
MonkeyDust!info ocrodjvu16:46
ubottuocrodjvu (source: ocrodjvu): tool to perform OCR on DjVu documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.7-1 (precise), package size 34 kB, installed size 180 kB16:46
maurizioschnuffle1, nothing. Btw, I've read somewhere that it depends from the fs. ext3/4 do write sparsely and not contigous like ntfs.. sound strange to me.16:46
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, as  general rule, when you hard disk starts to make strange noises, backup everything.16:46
Ca11umHey guys.16:47
dontknowglitsj16, look like sudo chattr +i worked, thanks16:47
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, to be honest it did the same with the old working hd. I am now worried because I have to do the 100000 inserts on a mysql db16:47
Ca11umWhen it comes to running various services on a Linux server, should you typically use screens?16:47
glitsj16dontknow: nice, one less thing, you're welcome16:47
Ca11umOr do you setup a new user for every process, or what16:47
blackgatocatnegrmaurizi, as  general rule, when you hard disk starts to make strange noises, backup everything. then try a live cd that has disk cheeking tools, if your hdd has errors that cannot be fixed, I recomend getting a new one.16:48
dontknowglitsj16, i was looking for different ways but permission did it :D16:48
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, what gui/ are you using? and Hardware? Is a laptop? your motherboard/bios might be to table.16:48
maurizioubuntu 12.04/ mb Asus P5K with a Sata HD16:50
mauriziodon't know how to check my bios version without rebooting16:50
maurizioi suppose if the bios is to blame, I should read something on dmesg, like if it's not using the hdd's internal cache16:51
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, try to reset the bios settings to default, check the cables, try booting with a more lightweight gui, add more ram, have the motherboard cheeked. thats all the solutions I can think off.16:51
maurizio(which sounds weird/impossible)16:51
nothingmuchi'm using a texlive installation in /usr/local and I'd like to install texmaker (tex IDE) without the system texlive (because it's very old and I don't want to accidentally get confused between the two versions) and it's not a real dependency (i.e. no linkage of libraries, in theory you can use texmaker to edit .tex files without ever compiling)16:52
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, bad bios settings might not trigger error mensages, check the list of process your Os is running, maybe some background process are to blame, what version of Ubuntu are you using? With what gui/ desktop environment?16:52
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, i will thx.  any idea how do i search for solutions on google? sounds stupid, i know, but I was using "hdd clicking noise ubuntu" and it's not enough.16:52
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, Ubuntu 12.04 stock. I just moved the windows buttons to the right and moved back the menu to the window (like everyone should do :) )16:53
kensamaje voudrais avoir de l'aide svp16:53
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, open gparted, see if you have a linux swap in any of the harddisks, if you don't, make one about 5% 10% size of the hard disk.16:53
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, have it. 1gb. while I have 4gb of ram.16:54
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, actually 2gb swap16:55
maurizioMem:   2061228k total,  1870092k used,   191136k free,    22272k buffers16:55
maurizioSwap:  2095100k total,   259344k used,  1835756k free,   271292k cached16:55
ubottukensama: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:55
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, ok, reset your bios to default, try another GUI besides unity, (like Xfce desktop) check the process you are running at startup, and as I said your hardware might be to blame, better backup just in case.16:56
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, also I don't believe it's some process' fault, otherwise I would hear the hd always clicking.16:56
kensamasorry i was not advise of this16:56
andrewacltAny twitter client recommendations?16:56
nothingmuchaha: apt-get --no-install-recommends install texmaker16:56
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio,, if you had the same problem with another hard disk, the motherboard could be faulty, is weird, but could happen.16:57
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, it's the Windows ws Ubuntu that nerves me. windwos = ok, linux = clicky16:57
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, well, I say you try the bios settings first. where you using a portable?16:58
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, actually I remember having a similar issue with an older pc with another asus Mb.16:58
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maurizioblackgatocatnegr, no. minitower with a oem asus mb (p5k), which is fairly common16:58
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, try power manager "Slow down hard disks"16:59
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, then reboot16:59
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alanddhi, I am missing aufs. Anyone know of a good tutorial on installing it.]17:02
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, can't find power manager :( stupid translated ubuntu :)17:03
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, please tell me what language you installed ubuntu with17:03
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, look for the italian for "energia"17:04
erictr1ckim running aptana studio 3 out of the /opt directory and after locking the application to the taskbar, it will not actually launch when trying to launch from the taskbar icon. what am i doing wrong?17:04
quixotedonwengyanqing: hi17:04
dcunyI'm just installed Ubuntu 12.x via WUBI. Everything seems fine... But I get no audio. It looks like things *should* work, and nothing's muted. Any ideas?17:04
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, in spanish is usually is "Gestiones de energia" or something like that17:05
Zero_Angeldid you go to audio properties tab?17:05
dcunyYes. And the terminal version as well.17:05
quixotedondcuny: go to Sound and check out your hardware there17:05
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, well, maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but on system settings i can't do much, only tell when to shut down when on battery mode.17:05
quixotedondcuny: what does it say?17:05
dcunyIt recognizes the audio card, and says everything should be good. Nothing muted, all volume levels up.17:06
dcunyBut... No test sound.17:06
Zero_Angelare you sure that you're not selecting a 'digital' or HDMI output source?17:07
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, look at the settings options, try each one, there should be one for "ON AC" Spin down hard disks17:07
dcunyYes, it's "Analog Stereo Duplex".17:07
dcunyIt's integrated nvidia audio.17:07
Meridiousqwebirc30502: hello17:08
qwebirc30502Hi people I have a big problem and I can install any distro of linux17:08
dcunySpecifically, 'HDA NVidia',  'Realtek ALC1200'17:08
Meridiousqwebirc30502: what seems to be the issue here17:08
oCeanqwebirc30502: this channel focuses on Ubuntu only17:08
Zero_Angelqwebirc30502, go to the pinguyos channel. I will help you there.17:09
kag_anilwhich is a good backup utility in linux??17:09
ceed^kag_anil: rsync!17:09
kag_anil@ceed^ what it is able to backup??17:10
qwebirc30502the problem is that when, i burn the dvd/cd of linux mint then boot, on the desktop I choose install, then languages, then on the partions, I dont have the option of alongside on windows, and worst is that the distro tell me that i dont have any os installed17:10
qwebirc30502and I have a windows 7 installed17:10
oCeanqwebirc30502: mint distribution is not supported here17:10
zykotick9!mint | qwebirc3050217:10
ubottuqwebirc30502: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:10
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, i suppose we are using two different systems, since i can't find it.Is there some other settings window other than the one you can access when clicking on the top right corner on your username?17:11
qwebirc30502who can I connect to mint?17:11
zykotick9qwebirc30502: notice it's on a different network then this (freenode)17:11
oCeanqwebirc30502: change to irc network  irc.spotchat.org17:11
oCeanqwebirc30502: see ubottu message, it is hilighted to you17:12
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, other option is to manually edit the config files so your hard disk does not spin so much, but is risky. I sugest you edit the speed settings in your bios and see if that does help.17:12
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, i reboot to see if there is something to do. i'm highly skeptic though.17:12
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, even the freaking menu of firefox makes the hd work too much17:13
P-ChanI can't build puredata extended... why? http://pastebin.com/wPtRppCd17:13
P-Chanubuntu repositpories must have the sources right?17:13
maurizio..and i don't have 512mb of ram..17:13
Zero_Angelmaurizio -- how much RAM do you have?17:13
ceed^kag_anil: It's command line based, but can back up and sync almost anything. I have simple scripts I use for backup. You would have to read the rsync documentation. See here: http://bit.ly/Nsa3u817:13
maurizioMem:   2061228k total,  1039236k used,  1021992k free,    12328k buffers17:14
Zero_AngelThere is a way to reduce the 'swappiness' of your virtual memory which should cause the hard drive to be accessed less often17:14
Zero_Angeldo a google search for vm swappiness17:14
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, well, try looking for the user manual for your bios, and adjust the settings so the hard disk goes slower, otherwise trype your "system name" + "Ubuntu" on goggle and see what happens.17:14
oCeanZero_Angel: please don't refer to google here17:14
kag_anil@ceed^ can it backup my installed programs and then restore them to some other machine??(a curiousity  question)17:15
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Zero_AngeloCean why not?17:15
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Zero_Angelcertainly people possess basic search skills17:15
toxster_hi there, i run KVM and have a pfsense box as guest, the guest runs on a bridged network accessing my LAN, and a pci-passthrough interface to access WAN, on my KVM host, i can ping and do dns, but i cannot reach anything, what am i missing?17:15
oCeanZero_Angel: people know google exists, they are here for actual help.17:15
oCean!google | Zero_Angel17:15
ubottuZero_Angel: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:15
ceed^kag_anil: It's not really designed for that kind of backup, more for data and directory copy/sync17:16
kag_anil@ceed^ what about those kind of backup?? is there any other utility available in linux17:16
maurizioZero_Angel, I have a swappiness of 60, 2gb of ram and 2gb of swap17:16
ckwalshmaurizio, http://unixfoo.blogspot.com/2007/11/linux-performance-tuning.html17:16
maurizioi suppose 60 is too high17:17
qwebirc30502Why dont help me?17:17
ckwalshmaurizio, Wait a second: you are concerned you are using too much memory?17:17
oCeanqwebirc30502: because this is Ubuntu channel, not mint17:17
ckwalshmaurizio, What is the full output of the free command?17:17
mauriziockwalsh, i am concerned that my computer is destroying my hdd by writing every time i do something like opening a menu17:18
blackgatocatnegrckwalsh,  hard disks spins too much while using ubuntu17:18
maurizio             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached17:18
maurizioMem:       2061228    1266676     794552          0      17176     33719617:18
maurizio-/+ buffers/cache:     912304    114892417:18
maurizioSwap:      2095100     232540    186256017:18
Zero_Angelso maurizio -- is your hard drive failing or something?17:18
Zero_Angeland you are trying to recover data from it before it fully fails?17:18
ckwalshmaurizio, install iotop. It should let you see what process is actually accessing the drive17:18
maurizioZero_Angel, no. not failing. and if it fails it's no biggie. (but it's new so shouldn't happen)17:18
ckwalshI would be surprised if it's memory swapping17:19
palis11What the hell is a QUIRK?17:19
ckwalshYou have plenty of memory...17:19
blackgatocatnegrZero_Angel, maurizio hard disk works fine on windows, spins  much in Ubuntu17:19
aaas how can I boot to a prompt without network support?17:19
oCeanpalis11: in what context17:19
aaaswithout using a live cd/drive17:19
ckwalshaaas, should be an option in your grub menu for single user mode, or safe mode17:20
palis11oCean: I am trying to install nvidia drivers: I am getting this in the terminal: http://pastebin.com/51aug2Fw17:20
aaasckwalsh recovery mode?17:20
ceed^kag_anil: I've never used a program for it, but rather the method described here. Works great: http://bit.ly/M6x6Yv17:20
ckwalshSounds right17:20
Meridiousaaas: add 'single' to the end of any of your normal boot options17:20
palis11oCean: I guess I have to customize one of the files to match my machine, but I don't know how.17:20
aaasok ill try thanks17:20
quixotedonmaurizio: in my opinion, hd spins more in windows though17:20
oCeanpalis11: can't help you there, sorry17:21
solid91hi guys!! every time i switch on my system i have an error... "system program problem detected" how can i undestand what is it and how can i fix it? thanx17:21
maurizioquixotedon,  wait.. for me "spins" = rotating. click = "writing here and there"17:21
ckwalshpalis11, If I had to guess, those quirks are patches for specific graphics cards17:21
MonkeyDustpalis11  is it with a PPA ?17:21
maurizioso it rotates ok in both, but on ubuntu it clicks/scratch a lot17:21
JoMsHi, anyone knows if there's any solution for installing mysql-server-5.5 on ubuntu 12.04 yet? seems a lot of people have trouble installing it (including me)17:21
ckwalshlooks like it's trying to use patches/settings for a graphics card you don't have17:21
palis11xorg edges17:21
blackgatocatnegrquixotedon, He is using an ASUS system, maybe that has something to do with it?17:22
Meridioussolid91: does this occur during your bios output or during boot?17:22
ckwalshmaurizio, Use iotop to see what process is writing to the drive17:22
quixotedonblackgatocatnegr: well, i'm using a dell laptop, i don't know much about dealing with ubuntu on asus17:22
palis11ckwalsh: there are 3 files there: lenovo, tochiba and insert_your_quirk_here. IS it safe to delete them?17:22
palis11MonkeyDust: It's a ppa :)17:22
ckwalshpalis11, I have no clue, I have never installed your driver17:23
soup-n-sandwichpalis11: what is PPA anyway?17:23
ckwalshpalis11, Why don't you move them to another folder and try it?17:23
mauriziockwalsh,  well that's not the point. when I use mysql, i clearly see mysqld writing, when i open firefox17:23
mauriziockwalsh, wait..i have to try with firefox again.. weird17:23
dcunyStill no audio. Nothing muted, volumes at full. Used terminal and System tools, no change. Hardware  works under Windows. Any clue?17:23
MonkeyDustpalis11  find 'quirk' on this page and read the answer below it http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-nvidia-295-40-drivers-in-ubuntu-12-0411-10-using-ppa.html17:23
solid91@<Meridious> exactly when the system is ready and i can use the computer, after all the starting operations i think17:23
palis11soup-n-sandwich: xorg edges17:23
Zero_Angelsoup-n-sandwich, a PPA is like a mini-repository where certain people upload their packages17:24
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio,  it seems you DO have process running in the background thats why your hard disk spins so much.17:24
soup-n-sandwichpalis11: it's not some sort of repo for software?17:24
Meridioussolid91: so right after you log in17:24
palis11it is17:24
solid91@<Meridious> yeah17:24
ckwalshmaurizio, If it's clicking a log, there are writes. It sounds like you are shooting in the dark for where those writes are coming from. First things first, figure out where they are coming from, then fix them17:24
Meridioussoup-n-sandwich: it stands for Personal Package Archive17:24
palis11MonkeyDust: did that already, read all the pages in English about it. I'm going to remove them though17:25
Meridioussoup-n-sandwich: its a repository17:25
soup-n-sandwichZero_Angel: I see.Ok just making sure17:25
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:25
Meridioussolid91: and it does not say what program?17:25
soup-n-sandwichubottu: ahhh thanks17:25
aaasMeridious 'single' doesn't disable network support, ckwalsh options in recovery are resume, clean, dpkg, failsafeX fsck grub, network root system-summary,  root gives me prompt but everything is read-only  failsafe tries to load network17:26
palis11soup-n-sandwich: it's a repo. Why?17:26
mauriziowell the point is that while i write now, I see on iotop init, kthread,jdb, gtk etc.. on top..but i barely hear the hd. when i do things a bit more intensive, like opening a text editor, I hear the clicks, but it'weird.. if I write an app that writes 5mb of file, i don't hear so many clicks.. it's like the head is going reading a bit here and a bit there etc..17:26
kag_anil@ceed^ thanks buddy for that post... :)17:26
solid91@<Meridious> no, only if i want to report the problem...then sometimes i have another one:"Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error...ecc"17:26
ckwalshaaas, You can remount the file system17:27
maurizioif I were on windows, i would have said that I need to defrag my hd.17:27
aaasckwalsh i tried but still ro...is there a switch i need to use17:27
Meridioussolid91: These are simply bugs in the recent 12.04 release being caught by the OS17:27
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio,, please be specific about the system, os and gui you are using, thank you very much.17:27
soup-n-sandwichpalis11: I have seen the term a lot in the last few days but didn't look into what it was.  I'm new to Ubuntu but have been using Linux professionally for 6 years...just haven't see the term until lately17:27
ckwalshaaas, one sec, I always have to google it17:27
Meridioussolid91: Go ahead and click "report to Ubuntu" and ignore them17:27
Meridioussolid91: they will get fixed in updates to your system17:28
solid91@<Meridious> so i should ignore the errors every time?17:28
ckwalshaaas, "mount -o remount,rw /"17:28
Zero_AngelThe PPA system is neat -- much more convenient than, say the Arch User Repository system -- even though AUR has its strengths too17:28
Meridioussolid91: There is a tickbox for "ignore future problems of this type"17:28
soup-n-sandwichpalis11: I have to say that I was very excited to switch over to 12.04...but in the last 12 hours I have had some issues that I just don't remember having in other systems.17:29
Meridioussolid91: on the pop up message17:29
solid91@<Meridious> where? :P17:29
palis11soup-n-sandwich. Well, I was just trying to install my nv drivers, and I've got that. Deleted the content of folder Quirks now, I'll see how it goes. I'm a linux n00bster though :D17:29
ckwalshmaurizio, "sudo swapoff -a; sudo swapon -a;"17:29
ckwalshAnd report if it still clicks a bunch17:29
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, I had the problem since ubuntu 11.10, now upgraded to 12.04, unity  on a Asus p5k mb 2gb ram core2duo 4600 os 32bit17:29
Zero_Angelwax on wax off17:30
soup-n-sandwichpalis11: that's exactly what started this issue for me too!  On the notebook about two weeks ago ...now this administration desktop machine.17:30
soup-n-sandwichpalis11: samba printer sharing issues also17:30
aaasckwalsh thanks that worked17:30
Meridioussolid91: on the pop up message itself. It may be after you click "report."17:31
solid91@<Meridious>there isn't any tickbox about "ignore future message"17:31
edwinkcwhello, I have a question about php open source project. Is there any open source image pool on the web? I need to have category, upload and image chooser function.17:31
soup-n-sandwichpalis11: this could be a deal breaker if I can get things working.   Can Samba really be this far from working?17:31
Meridioussolid91: but yeah, these will gradually be fixed as you update in the future17:31
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio, try booting from the live cd, if you don't have the same problem there, is probably some bad configuration or running processes you don't need. best option would be a clean linux install (Delete your current one), but is up to you.17:31
rottik9How do I get, and install ifuse, in 12.4?17:31
Jordan_Uedwinkcw: Try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:32
soup-n-sandwichAny know a consistant way to get a printer being shared with samba on 12.04?17:32
Kornkascanner sharing17:32
maurizioblackgatocatnegr, I don't see how a process can cause gedit to load so weirdily. I will think about reinstalling everything though.17:32
edwinkcwJordan_U: oh sorry, I though I was in php channel..17:32
Kornkawhy isnt there a scanner sharer17:32
Kornkaon ubuntu17:32
ckwalshblackgatocatnegr, Are you seriously suggesting a reinstall for an overactive hard drive?17:33
MonkeyDust!brainstorm | Kornka17:33
ubottuKornka: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!17:33
ckwalshblackgatocatnegr, wtf?17:33
Kornkathere is17:33
Kornkajust googled it17:33
qwebirc30502http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=105223&p=594262#p594262 help me17:33
ckwalshqwebirc30502, This is an ubuntu channel, not a mint channel17:33
Jordan_U!mint | qwebirc3050217:33
ubottuqwebirc30502: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:33
blackgatocatnegrckwalsh, well is not the only problem he has with linux.17:33
qwebirc30502but its happen on ubuntu too -.-17:34
solid91@<Meridious> i think i have some problems with compiz man...now i have "the application Compiz has closed unexpectedly."17:34
maurizioi'm going to test the live cd and also see how the mysql query react on windows17:34
dcunyRevised audio question: all the output is going to headphones. It looks like ALSA doesn't know how to route the signal going to the back to the speakers.17:34
soup-n-sandwichubottu: do you know if there is known issue with Samba printer and file sharing on 12.04?17:34
blackgatocatnegrmaurizio., just how many problems are you having with ubuntu?17:34
maurizioi'll report back17:34
ckwalshsoup-n-sandwich, It's a bot, not a person :P17:34
maurizioblackgatocatnegr,  actually this is the only one i have.17:34
Jordan_Uqwebirc30502: Can you boot from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB?17:34
mauriziosee you later17:35
ckwalshblackgatocatnegr, ...17:35
qwebirc30502but the problem is that17:35
qwebirc30502but on ubuntu17:35
soup-n-sandwichckwalsh: lol...oh thanks..."it's like talking to the wall" :)17:35
Jordan_Uqwebirc30502: Please do so and pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a && sudo parted -l"17:35
blackgatocatnegrckwalsh, (02:32:39 PM) maurizio: blackgatocatnegr, I don't see how a process can cause gedit to load so weirdily. I will think about reinstalling everything though. ***that does hint some other problems**17:35
qwebirc30502who can i do this?17:36
qwebirc30502jordan i dont know what to do17:36
wylde_!paste | qwebirc3050217:36
ubottuqwebirc30502: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:36
aaasKornka if you're talking about sane, it doesn't support all scanners, depending on your setup, it might just be easier to scan and share over the network or just plug the scanner into a laptop, scanner sharing is different than printer sharing: with scanners you alway shave to bring the thing you want to scan to the scanner17:37
MonkeyDustqwebirc30502  using mint?17:37
Jordan_Uqwebirc30502: Do you know how to run commands in the terminal?17:37
sudobangbanganyone here running a system76 laptop from the last year or so?  wondering what your conclusions are about the laptop17:37
wylde_qwebirc30502: run the command in terminal and copy and paste the output to the link in the factoid17:37
qwebirc30502yeah I know17:37
MonkeyDust!polls| sudobangbang17:37
ubottusudobangbang: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:37
MonkeyDustwrong factoid17:38
blackgatocatnegrsudobangbang, what do you want to use it for? wikipedia has several comparison lists you could use as reference.17:39
sudobangbangyeah, i just want human feedback...just got one and i'm a little dissappointed about how cheap the casing is17:39
Jordan_Uqwebirc30502: OK, now that you have been given the factoid explaining how to use pastebin, do you understand my request for you to boot an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB and pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a && sudo parted -l"?17:39
dcunyIs there another mixer panel app which might allow me to toggle audio ports? I'm trying to get audio to come out of the back port (where the speakers are plugged in), but Ubuntu doesn't "see" them as an option.17:39
qwebirc30502run this on ubuntu live cd "lsb_release -a && sudo parted -l"17:40
qwebirc30502and the copy the info and paste into the pastebin?17:40
=== cornfeed is now known as zz_cornfeed
dcunyI've got alsamixer open (in the terminal window) but don't see any options...17:41
dcunyThat is, I don't see any options to route to anywhere other than the device it's using, and no options for that device.17:42
BelseruskOn UbuntuForums main page it says "Members: 1,674,268, Active Members: 51,655". What are 'active' members?17:42
blackgatocatnegrsudobangbang, well, try looking about the system online, see if there are too many conplains and that. lack of BlingBling does not mean a  system is bad.17:43
sudobangbangblackgatocatnegr: thanks17:43
dcunyI see Master, Headphone, PCM, Front, Front Mic, Front Mic Boost, Surround and Center. No option for Rear. ???17:44
blackgatocatnegrBelserusk, active menbers, menbers who post a lot.17:44
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Belseruskblackgatocatnegr, Thats a bit vague.17:45
Belseruskblackgatocatnegr, perhaps it means those that have visited the site within the last x amount of days?17:45
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JoMsHi, anyone knows if there's any solution for installing mysql-server-5.5 on ubuntu 12.04 yet? seems a lot of people have trouble installing it (including me)17:45
blackgatocatnegrBelserusk, forum statistics are usually made by that kind of stuff, in theory members who post more and do not spam should be the most useful members of the forum.17:46
dcuny_Ooop... See more options as I arrow right...17:46
dcuny_OK, got it fixed. "Auto Mute" was enabled in the AlsaMixer (way off-screen to the left). PIty it doesn't show up in the regular mixer. :-(17:49
andai1I have 3 GB of RAM. Do I need 64 bit?17:49
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xanguaandai1: if you need to ask if you need 64 bit you are better of with 32 bit17:50
blackgatocatnegr andai1, ask again when you have 8 GB17:50
andai1xangua: I had 64 bit 5 years ago, it had some minor issues but I thought they might have been resolved by now. What I mean was,17:50
andai1how much of my 3 GB will go wasted on a 32 bit system*17:51
llutzandai1: nothing17:51
andai1perfect. Thank you!17:51
DshoeWhats up guys17:52
pablo_is it posible to run an ubuntu 12.04 desktop without hardware acceleration?17:52
CNnecesito ayuda17:52
pablo_CN, creo q aqui es solo ingles17:52
Jordan_Upablo_: Yes, by using Unity2D or one of the many other shells which do not require 3D accelleration.17:53
blackgatocatnegrandai1, ubuntu can use more than 2GB of ram on a 32 bit system, I need to find the page with the details, but basically running a 64 bit system with less than 8 GB is a bit let down.17:53
CNhay un chat ubuntu español?17:53
Jordan_U!es | CN17:53
ubottuCN: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:53
andai1blackgatocatnegr: PAE?17:53
andai1andai1: is it PAE by default?17:53
blackgatocatnegr pablo_, try lubuntu for slow hardware17:53
TriesteHi, I'd like to get the ink levels of my epson printer, but none of the apps I tried (mtink, ink, escputil) work. mtink refuses to use any other device file than /dev/usb/lp0, and when I symlinked /dev/bus/usb/002/004 (as found out by lsusb and the fact that the file's group is "lp"), it halts for a while, and then prints error about the printer. ink prints "could not get device id", and escputil prints "Invalid argument" when suppliied the raw17:54
Triestedevice file17:54
pablo_blackgatocatnegr, is not slow hardware but the video drivers are not available17:54
quixotedonpablo_: or you can install gnome-fallback-session for gnome classic, cmiiw17:54
andai1so... i'm downloading 32 bit now, but i'm wondering, what issues are there still with 64 bit?17:55
llutzandai1: there are none17:55
quixotedonpablo_: have you checked through 'additional drivers'?17:55
blackgatocatnegrpablo_, then try to get them, or get a different video card, using ubuntu without the right video drivers is bad.17:55
zykotick9blackgatocatnegr: i'd say 4GB is the tipping point for 64bit myself.  PAE is a hack.  (i use 64bit on everything that can support it myself).  andai117:55
andai1So... why is 32 bit the recommended one, and 64 bit a let down? blackgatocatnegr llutz17:56
llutzandai1: if hardware supports 64bit, one should use it. there might be exceptions when using special software (3rd party)17:56
blackgatocatnegrzykotick9, is a difference on opinion, as time passes 64 bit programs will hog more and more ram, so having 8 GB would be nice.17:57
llutzandai1: they recommend 32 because it will run on all machines17:57
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zykotick9blackgatocatnegr: saying 64bit uses more memory is only true if you're using a 32 bit perspective ;)17:57
andai1llutz: They recommend it for people who don't know the difference? :P17:57
s9iper1any body knows a good tool kit of php web development for ubuntu ?17:57
gigixpablo_: 32 bits is sure to work on all machines, though more and more processors are 64 bits compatible17:57
llutzandai1: kinda...17:57
blackgatocatnegrandai1, And because you only have 3 GB of ram, is not justified to run a 64 bit system there as 32 bit would run faster.17:58
llutzblackgatocatnegr: you won't see any difference in most cases17:58
zykotick9andai1: with 3GB of RAM you'll have more ram available if you use 32bit...17:58
soup-n-sandwichanybody know why sharing printers and file with samba is such a nightmare with 12.04?17:58
blackgatocatnegrzykotick9, 64 bit games sure do use more ram17:58
FlipptoHey all, i really need some help. I just installed ubuntu (on windows). But when i boot into ubuntu, my keyboard and mouse ain't working. I've got a Logitech k800 keyboard and Logitech Performance MX mouse.17:58
andai1it's for a friend's laptop. All she needs is Firefox and Flashplayer anyway17:58
zykotick9blackgatocatnegr: the only 64bit game i've seen is UT2003/4? and it's broken these days anyways.17:59
blackgatocatnegrzykotick9, whats the limit of ram you can use on a 32 bit system?17:59
llutzblackgatocatnegr: 3.2GB18:00
zykotick9llutz: is correct.  with PAE, it's quasi-more obviously.18:00
blackgatocatnegrThen what os do thoser games that use 4 GB of ram or more use?18:00
llutzzykotick9: even with PAE you still will have the 4GB(minus kernel etc)  limit per process18:02
FlipptoHey guys, help a newbie out here ;)18:02
llutzzykotick9: as you said, just a hack18:03
zykotick9llutz: agreed - that's the base fact i use to justify calling pae a "hack" ;)18:03
i7cFlippto: go ahead, just ask :)18:03
FlipptoI just installed ubuntu (on windows). But when i boot into ubuntu, my keyboard and mouse ain't working. I've got a Logitech k800 keyboard and Logitech Performance MX mouse.18:03
=== jonas_ is now known as Guest77279
FlipptoBoth running on Unifying receiver.18:03
i7cFlippto: do they work before booting? like in bios or something?18:03
SilentAny idea how can I install MP4 codecs on Parole?18:04
FlipptoBios works fine, and here (in windows 7) and in the bootloader to.18:04
blackgatocatnegrSilent, ubuntu restricted extra?18:04
i7cFlippto: try disconnecting and reconnecting the receiver after ubuntu booted completely18:04
FlipptoTried that, all USB ports, none of them does any difference.18:05
SilentThat sounds like some kind of nuclear facility data log18:05
blackgatocatnegrSilent, try to install ubuntu restricted extras package, it install a lot of propietary codecs18:05
SilentRestricted extras.18:05
i7cFlippto: i use the unifying receiver and works great, even tho i head this issue once in the installation process18:05
i7cafter a restart it worked again18:05
SilentAlright thanks18:06
FlipptoI tried installing from CD, but when i get to language options, mouse and keyboard are gone. Thats why i used Wubi to install over windows. But when i get to the login screen, nothing is working.18:06
gigixFlippto: any spare keyboard ?18:08
FlipptoNope, thats the problem. Only got my laptop, but cant connect through SSH because it isn't installed on this machine.18:09
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, try to see if they have linux drivers, meanwhile try using an usb keyboard and or mouse to update ubuntu18:11
gigixdid it work on the live session ?18:11
Flipptoblackgatocatnegr, i would, except i dont have a spare mouse and keyboard to plug in.18:11
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, ok try using the alternate install cd, and see if it works from there18:13
FlipptoThe alternate cd ? Isn't that just extra languages ? Or am i missing something ?18:13
kubancwhat's the version of Linux disto, that's using old GNOME as default GUO18:13
gigixhow would the outcome be different from the live-install ?18:14
quixotedonkubanc: you might be interested to try 10.04 or 10.10 use gnome classic18:15
kubancquixotedon, It's Linux Mint...18:15
xanguaquixotedon: 10.10 is no longer supported18:15
xangua!mint | kubanc18:15
ubottukubanc: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:15
quixotedonah, sorry xangua18:15
gigix10.04 + backports is an option too18:15
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pragmaticenigmaI really wouldn't recommend going to an older version of ubuntu. There have been way too many kernel vulnerabilities lately and it's unknown if those will get patched through backports18:16
gigixdepends on how old is his hardware18:16
quixotedonkubanc: why not installing gnome-fallback-session? cmiiw18:17
quixotedon(on your recent version of os)18:17
pragmaticenigmaAnything can run Lubuntu.  I have an old pentium 3 with 512 Megs of RAM that run Lubuntu with no problems18:17
tataI installed new version of adobe, after that I lost preveligie, now I am not a root, why?18:17
gigixI used to have a laptop with tricky hardware that was running fine on Centos 6 (kernel 2.6.32) but failed on 11.1018:17
quixotedon!lubuntu| quixotedon18:18
ubottuquixotedon, please see my private message18:18
pragmaticenigmatata, you should never be logged in as root on Ubuntu18:18
blackgatocatnegrgigix, try Lubuntu18:18
ryan_Why won't VM run?? D:18:18
pragmaticenigmagigix, Ubuntu 11.10 uses the 3.x kernel18:18
Lunar_Landerhi I got a problem with the four desktops of Ubuntu, I got pidgin on the second desktop now and can't find out how to get it back on desktop 118:18
quixotedonlubuntu uses lxde, heard that it's suitable for low spec hardware18:19
ryan_Hey, does somebody know any good links of simple programs in C++ for Linux?18:19
pragmaticenigmaLunar_Lander: Use the CTRL + ALT  then arrow keys to switch back and forth18:19
gigixrunnin lubuntu won't change hardware recognition18:19
Lunar_LanderCool thanks!, that is easy18:19
Ca11umIn a typical server environment (for hosting game servers, and other programs), would the program data go within /home or in a root folder?18:19
quixotedonLunar_Lander: can you click on the window?? right click on it then choose move to workspace (any number you want)18:19
Ca11umlike /servers18:19
ryan_Why won't VM run?? D:18:19
Lunar_Landerquixotedon, let me try18:20
ryan_Hey, does somebody know any good links of simple programs in C++ for Linux?18:20
blackgatocatnegrgigix, lubuntu is made for use on older hardware, specially 10.0418:20
quixotedonLunar_Lander: in your case, move to workspace 118:20
Lunar_Landerquixotedon, YAY that worked18:20
Lunar_LanderTHANKS! quixotedon  pragmaticenigma18:20
quixotedonLunar_Lander: :d18:20
Lunar_Landerand Lubuntu is the version for computers with low power?18:21
quixotedonLunar_Lander: low hardware spec to be exact18:21
tatahow to be root again?18:21
ryan_Hey, does somebody know any good links of simple programs in C++ for Linux?18:21
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Lunar_Landerquixotedon, yeah18:21
fidel!root > tata18:21
gigixblackgatocatnegr, agreed but lxde is just a DE optimized for slow hardware, it does not change how the hardware is recognized by your kernel under the hood18:21
ubottutata, please see my private message18:21
Kornkai can install Lubuntu in 486 ?18:21
ryan_tata, type su in terminal18:21
pragmaticenigmatata: "sudo -s" will give you a root shell18:21
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quixotedonKornka: for pretty low hardware, maybe you can try puppy (that's what some may suggest here, though i haven't tried it yet)18:22
quixotedon!puppy | Kornka18:22
mikeconceptssh: 1: inxi: not found18:22
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Lunar_Landerhave a nice evening!18:23
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blackgatocatnegrgigix, actually lubuntu 10.04 has a different kernel than modern lubuntu 12.04, and lubuntu treats it as a LTS release to keep support with old hardware18:23
pragmaticenigmablackgatocatnegr: 10.04 is no longer supported with the release of 12.0418:23
quixotedonblackgatocatnegr: how's lubuntu compared to puppy, any explanation?18:23
orosis there any way to start a program from the terminal and then being able to close the terminal without quitting the program? Have tried the &, but it didn't work. What does it exactly do?18:24
tatathanks all18:24
pragmaticenigmaquixotedon: They use different window managers is their biggest difference.  Otherwise they are both capable of allowing you to use your favorite programs18:24
pragmaticenigmaoros: You can try and use screen18:25
blackgatocatnegrpragmaticenigma, I will ask in the lubuntu channel to be sure, wait a while18:25
orosOk, so ' screen xchat ' example, without the ' ofc18:26
quixotedonpragmaticenigma: i think ubuntu 10.04 is supported up to 3 years which ends next year18:26
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gigixI thought lubuntu 10.04 was no lts ? http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-1004-now-available-download18:26
quixotedongigix: don't know whether it's lts or not18:26
pragmaticenigmaLubuntu does not use the LTS designation18:27
TITO_can i install sony pc companion in ubuntu?18:27
pragmaticenigmaOnly Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu use the LTS.  All of the other's are supported "spins" which cannot use the LTS label18:27
TITO_ Can i install sony pc companion in ubuntu?18:28
gigixI guess the LTS just gives you an idea of the length of support. Indeed Lubuntu 12.04 is 18 month support as opposed to the other *buntus supported for 3 years18:28
pragmaticenigma!wailt | TITO_18:28
gigixand Ubuntu for 518:28
pragmaticenigma!wait | TITO_18:29
ubottuTITO_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:29
FlipptoOkey guys, just tried the alternate CD for installation. Boot menu works fine, but after choosing "install ubuntu" my keyboard and mouse stops working. Any ideas ? Or is Ubuntu just not for me ?18:29
TITO_k thanks18:30
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, so they work until you pick the install option?18:30
gigixAfter you've clicked install ubuntu, the alternate cd loads a minimal ubuntu kernel to allow you go through the installation18:30
pragmaticenigmaFlippto: what is your CPU?18:30
gigixIf that failed then it means your keyboard/mouse combo is just not recognized18:31
Flipptoblackgatocatnegr, excactly18:31
roasted_Question - I'm looking for a simple display manager. I want to enable a quick way to mirror displays or non-mirror displays. I looked at ARandR but I can't find mirror options on it. Is there anythign else out there besides the obvious hardware function keys?18:31
xGrub11hello... everybody... :)18:31
pragmaticenigmagigix: It could also mean his system has "hung" because of a kernel panic18:31
Flipptopragmaticenigma, its an Intel Core i7-382018:31
quixotedonFlippto: did u install 64 or 32?18:32
pragmaticenigmaThanks Flippto, I had a similar issue with a Pentium 4 with HyperThreading, sadly my solution that's not going to work for you18:32
quixotedonFlippto: well, kinda risky18:32
mikeconceptskernel 3.2.0-24 usb cam Intel cs330 works, 3.2.0-25 it dosen't18:33
xGrub11is somebody know NES emulator for xubuntu? thanks before?18:33
Jordan_Uroasted_: Ubuntu's default "Displays" app does this.18:33
Flipptoquixotedon, why is it risky18:33
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, that means ubuntu has support for your keyboard but some weird bug happens. oR you tried the cd running from windows?18:33
quixotedonFlippto: 64 is kinda unstable18:33
pragmaticenigmaquixotedon: I'm running Ubuntu 64bit 12.04 on i7 without issue18:33
quixotedonpragmaticenigma: dunno but just have a freak on 64.. :d18:34
Flipptoblackgatocatnegr, i restarted my pc and booted from cd, straight from bios, so no windows interference.18:34
gigixxGrub11: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Emulators18:34
quixotedonFlippto: maybe you should try a restart and see if you have the same experience18:34
pablos99My refresh rate always resets after reboot. Nvidia18:34
roasted_Jordan_U: I know, but I'm looking for more alternatives. Right now I'm just trying to get a slew of ideas on the table that I can check out.18:34
epinkyHello all,  I have a problem with my system, it boots up mounting / with readonly permissions, /etc/fstab is ok, the machine is in farawayistan, what could I do to boot (rw)?18:34
pragmaticenigmaquixotedon: You shouldn't let your experiences scare others.  We are all trying to help here.18:34
Flipptoquixotedon, ive restarted againg and again, no luck.18:35
pragmaticenigmaquixotedon: And with the 3.x kernel, 64bit is much better supported which is what 11.10 and up have been using18:35
quixotedonpragmaticenigma: heard so, but can not make it sure as there's practically no 64 to try on.. :d18:36
pragmaticenigmathere are tons of CPUs on the market with 64 bit18:36
pragmaticenigmaall of the Intel core i series are 64 bit18:36
gigixpretty much every of them now18:36
Flipptoquixotedon, allmost every cpu coming out nowadays is 64bit.18:36
Jordan_Uepinky: It's probably mounting read only because there is fileystem corruption which needs to be fixed, which may also mean that the hard drive hardware is dying. First step is to back up anything important.18:37
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, ok, that means is some kind of bug, When you installed using windows, did you pick the update while install and install restricted drivers options?18:37
gigix64 bits is nothing to be afraid of if you're running pretty recent hardware tbh18:37
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epinkyJordan_U: ok, backup is done18:37
quixotedonyeah, i'm still using before i series hardware.. :d18:37
theseusanyone know of a folder brower that supports the mouse back button?  Dolphin just isn't capable of doing this yet.18:37
gigixI've got a Penryn processor ^^18:38
Flipptoblackgatocatnegr, when using wubi to install through windows, i dont have that option at all, it just downloads 12.04 64bit and installs. I only get to chance partition size and username/password. Thats it.18:38
quixotedonFlippto: so you install using wubi??18:38
pragmaticenigmatheseus: That is a question beyond the scope of this support..18:38
quixotedonFlippto: sorry, didn't check the chat before18:39
pablos99My refresh rate always resets after reboot. Nvidia18:39
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, wait 64 bit? How much ram do you have?18:39
theseuspragmaticenigma: lol, no its not.18:39
Flipptoquixotedon, when installing through windows yes, but like i said before, i tried booting from cd straight from bios, but then i cant even get the install going because of the mouse and keyboard missing.18:39
epinkyJordan_U: what to do next?18:39
Flipptoblackgatocatnegr, i have 32gb ;) So i have enough18:39
pragmaticenigmatheseus: It is, your best bet is looking at KDE support forums18:40
quixotedonFlippto: ah, i see, what's the port of your mouse and keyboard? usb?18:40
Flipptoquixotedon, yeah18:40
micr0beDamn, my wifi is not stable ... Sorry, but does someone telled me how can i configure gvfs-open ?18:40
Flipptoquixotedon, tried both usb 2.0 and 3.0.18:40
quixotedonFlippto: but they work fine just on windows?18:41
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, you should have said that before, try borroring a regular mouse/ keyboard and install usb keyboard/mouse drivers18:41
gigixblackgatocatnegr: even 2 Gb would not change anything, using 64 bits is not pre-conditioned by your amount of RAM, just by whether your processor is able to handle it or not18:41
Flipptoblackgatocatnegr i have noone to borrow from. everyone i know is on laptops.18:42
Jordan_Uepinky: Run "dmesg" and see if it shows any relevant error messages (and pastebin the output too so that we can check it).18:42
Flipptoquixotedon, yeah, works in the bios, in bootloaders, and windows. Only ubuntu is messing with it.18:42
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roasted_Does anybody know of a quick way to enable/disable screen mirroring? I'm trying to find a 1 touch solution to make it easier for staff that has a laptop who often hooks in a projector. Sometimes the hardware Fn keys just act wonky.18:42
blackgatocatnegrFlippto, well without a working mouse and or keyboard, there is not much you can do.18:43
quixotedonFlippto: so, actually before you came to the fault, you could still choose the options/whatsoever in the installation dialogue? is my understanding correct?18:43
gigixFlippto: Could you try another distrib, like Fedora just to see if this issue is proper to Ubuntu ?18:43
Jordan_UFlippto: I don't know how to get your keyboard and mouse working, but I can think of some interesting tricks to allow you to install ssh if you think that would be worth doing.18:43
Flipptoblackgatocatnegr, i know, but i just cant grasp the fact that ubuntu doesnt have a universal driver for the standard keys. screw the media buttons, but the normal keys should work.18:44
pragmaticenigmaroasted_: good idea is to search for the make and model of the laptop looking for hotkey support in forums... it's usually how I get those buttons to work properly18:44
roasted_pragmaticenigma: well, that's not the entire goal. I want to have an alternative on the laptops *regardless*, so I'm still interested in finding alternative screen layout editors.18:44
Jordan_UFlippto: Do I understand correctly that these are wireless devices?18:44
FlipptoJordan_U, if i can get access through ssh, then i can use my laptop to force my desktop to download the drivers, yes ?18:44
FlipptoJordan_U, yeah18:44
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roasted_pragmaticenigma: all I knwo if is arandr, but it seems to only set screen layout and not really mirror.18:44
roasted_pragmaticenigma: do you know of any others I can tinker with? That's realy the big thing, I just don't know of the names of any.18:45
Jordan_UFlippto: That's assumming that you can find drivers.18:45
lazarus_ any ideas how to change the grub resoltion and plymouth also to a resolution of 1842x102618:45
pragmaticenigmamirroring is something that supported my xinerama (sp?)18:45
VozivIs there a way to run efsck -y on boot?18:45
Jordan_U!fsck | Voziv18:45
ubottuVoziv: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot18:45
roasted_pragmaticenigma: I see, but do you know of any sort of simple gui to tweak it on the fly?18:45
FlipptoJordan_U, yeah, but logitech k800 and logitech performance MX should have drivers.18:45
roasted_pragmaticenigma: or maybe, do you know of how ubuntu handles it under system settings - displays?18:45
VozivJordan_U: will that run it with -y?18:45
Jordan_UFlippto: Should according to what?18:45
pragmaticenigmaroasted_: Usually there is a Display under system -> settings18:46
Jordan_UVoziv: I don't actually know, sorry.18:46
roasted_pragmaticenigma: right, but do you know the name of that exact item by chance?18:46
pragmaticenigmaroasted_: You may have to install xinerama to enable Ubuntu's "Display" application to know it can do mirroring18:46
roasted_pragmaticenigma: I'm not entirely sure if we'll be using Unity or not, so whatever I choose I want it to work on several DEs that we might be going with.18:46
FlipptoJordan_U according to another website i found who showed a guy using it with ubuntu ;)18:46
VozivI need to be able to run it with -y since I don't have access to the machine without ssh (amazon aws)18:46
Flipptoi trawled google try'ing to find a solution.18:47
pragmaticenigmaroasted_: I know that CentOS has support readily built in18:47
Jordan_UFlippto: Do you have virtual machine software which can use a file as a raw virtual disk?18:47
FlipptoJordan_U, uhm, i actually dont know.18:48
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pragmaticenigmaJordan_U: There is a way to get Virtual Box to do that18:48
Jordan_UFlippto: I'm pretty sure that Virtualbox can, though I don't know how. And Virtualbox is free and works in Windows.18:48
Jordan_Upragmaticenigma: Do you know enough to walk Flippto through doing that or should we go to #virtualbox and ask there?18:49
pragmaticenigmaIt might be better to go to #virtualbox18:50
pragmaticenigmaI have not done that, I have only seen someone else do it18:50
Flipptowow, this i getting to be a bigger issue.18:50
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blackgatocatnegr Jordan_U, he has windows, he could install virtual box there18:50
pragmaticenigmaFlippto: If your interested in try Ubuntu instead of a full or dual boot system instal, VitualBox is the way to go to try Ubuntu18:50
Flipptopragmaticenigma, maybe i should take a look at that.18:51
epinkyJordan_U: I have plenty of this "EXT3-fs error (device hda1): ext3_readdir:"18:51
pragmaticenigmaWubi is plagued with problems, and I've never had good luck with it18:51
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pragmaticenigmaWUBI often fails as soon as a kernel update is issued leading to hours of troubleshooting18:52
gigixFlippto, I would try to boot another distro just to be sure before going to a more complicated solution18:52
genii-aroundFlippto: Your issue reminds me of this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/87022718:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870227 in Ubuntu "ubuntu 11.10: Logitech MX5500 keyboard/mouse combo not recognized." [Undecided,Confirmed]18:52
Flipptogenii-around, yeah, i read that one too. Sadle its not solved.18:53
Flipptogigix, any other distro you could suggest ?18:53
Flipptogigix, knoppix maybe?18:53
genii-aroundFlippto: There is a workaround with editing the udev rules, but for that you need another keyboard that works first, etc... so chicken-egg thing18:53
gigixanything that is not Debian derived like Ubuntu18:54
gigixCentOS also18:54
pablos99Help guys? Please18:54
pragmaticenigma!ask | pablos9918:55
ubottupablos99: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:55
pablos99My refresh rate always resets after reboot. Nvidia18:55
Jordan_Upablos99: Be patient, if anyone knows the answer they will answer. If nobody knows at the moment, nobody will answer.18:55
blackgatocatnegrpablos99, did you install the proprietary drivers?18:55
gigixpablos99, what version of ubuntu, what graphics, please be accurate18:55
quixotedon!patience > pablos9918:55
ubottupablos99, please see my private message18:55
pragmaticenigmapablos99: There is an option to save the configuration in the Nvidia setup tool, you will have to run the Nvidia setup tool as sudo to have it save properly18:56
pablos99I did. saved it to xorg.conf18:56
pablos99using Ubuntu 12.04, Nvidia 259.4918:56
gigixpablos99, thanks and what card ?18:57
Jordan_UFlippto: Please join #vbox and I can walk you through booting your Wubi install via Virtualbox (after which you can boot normally with whatever changes you made in the VM).18:57
Flipptogigix, getting Fedora now, but if that works, what is the difference to ubuntu ? I have really only heard about ubuntu, never of fedora.18:57
pragmaticenigmapablos99: That file has to be saved to the /etc/X11/ folder to make it permanent18:57
pablos99I did!18:57
pablos99It's there18:57
pablos99I'm not stupid, lol18:57
pablos99It's a common bug. Couldn't find a fix online18:58
theadminFlippto: Fedora's not supported here, but it's entirely different, it's nothing like Ubuntu *at all*, generally speaking.18:58
blackgatocatnegrpablos99, xorg.conf does nor work in modern versions. try to sudo the Nvidia setup tool and save the settings there, then rebbot.18:58
pragmaticenigma!nice | pablos9918:58
ubottupablos99: 'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.18:58
gigixFlippto, yes but if Fedora works and Ubuntu doesn't then we have a case of bad hardware detection18:58
Flipptotheadmin, fantastic. So we are back to sqaure one. hehe18:58
pragmaticenigmapablos99: no one is assuming anything, but please be nice to those who are trying to help18:59
Flipptogigix, okey.18:59
gigixand hardware detection between Fedora and Ubuntu is likely to differ a bit. I saw that happening for a wireless card18:59
pablos99Forget it guys.18:59
pablos99I have another problem now18:59
Jordan_UFlippto: You can join #fedora for fedora support, and if Fedora works then we have a better idea of the scope of the problem.18:59
pablos99My audio card is detected as Dummy Output in the sound manager :)18:59
FlipptoJordan_U, ill try it out and see what happens.18:59
GeenAdminanyone know of a good program for ubuntu that checks a web site for dead links?  Been using KlinkStatus and having mixed results. Also does anyone know of a good tool that makes XML sitemaps?19:00
FlipptoThanks for the help so far everyone, hopefully ill be back here soon ;)19:00
pragmaticenigmapablos99: Do you hear sounds coming from your computer?19:00
Jordan_UFlippto: If Fedora doesn't work and you want to try booting your Wubi install via a VM ping me in #vbox.19:00
pablos99let me try :)19:00
gigixFlippto, there's nothing to be afraid with Fedora, it's pretty much the same user experience from a user point of view, just the way the distribution is packaged that changed19:00
andai1What's the ubuntu advantage logo?19:01
andai1It looks like a lambda with knees!19:01
pablos99pragmaticenigma: No. I've removed some intel related xorg packages, could that be it?19:01
pragmaticenigmaandai1: It is just a logo to help identify computers that are most compatible with Ubuntu releases19:01
pragmaticenigmapablos99: Yes19:01
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
pablos99pragmaticenigma: One was something like. xorg intel video, and the other one, as a dep for the 1st. xorg video all or something19:02
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pragmaticenigmapablos99: Intel packages are sometimes interdependent. A graphics chip can be repurposed for audio but may still have a dependency on the video driver to get it working19:03
pablos99pragmaticenigma: xserver-xorg-video-all and xserver-xorg-video-intel. Removed the intel one (the 1st one got removed too ) because I couldn't install my Nvidia drivers19:04
pablos99pragmaticenigma: Should I install them both?19:04
pragmaticenigmapablos99: What is the make and model of your computer?19:04
pragmaticenigmapablos99: and is it a laptop or desktop19:05
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pablos99pragmaticenigma: old desktop.19:05
pablos99pragmaticenigma: the audio card is internal. I guess it's realtek (in windows). In Linux, shows up as Intel HDA or something like that19:05
pragmaticenigmapablos99: does it have an onboard graphics chip as well as your Nvidia card?19:06
pablos99pragmaticenigma: the MB does have onboard graphics. so is the audio19:06
pablos99pragmaticenigma: the MB does have onboard graphics. so is the audio19:06
gigixpragmaticenigma, he said 8500 GT so no19:06
pablos99pragmaticenigma: the intel video card is disabled though because I have the nvidia installed19:07
pragmaticenigmapablos99: Have you set BIOS to disable the on board graphics?19:07
pablos99pragmaticenigma: It is disabled when an external card is present19:07
gigixpablos99, in theory yes19:08
orosHi again19:08
pablos99the intel driver was preinstalled, I guess it wasn't needed by the PC19:08
pablos99could xserver-xorg-video-all be the problem? I have no idea19:09
pablos99I will install it19:09
orosfor some weird reason my flash (I think) have gone nuts. When viewing videos on youtube I can't use the "make larger" button (not the fullscreen one). Had some other issues as well. What can it be? the npviewer.bin?19:09
pragmaticenigmapablos99: The xserver-xorg-video-all contains generic graphics drivers for older hardware... but it may be needed by the Nvidia driver to work19:10
pablos99pragmaticenigma: nvidia works, but the problem with the audio came after removing that intel video driver + xorg .... all19:10
pablos99pragmaticenigma: installed xorg .... all. How do I '"reboot" the audio ?19:11
pragmaticenigmapablos99: There is a good chance they are required for the audio to work19:11
pragmaticenigmaYou will need to reboot the machine19:11
pablos99Ok. I'll come back :D . Ty19:11
bvadQuestion, Is it possible to set an environment variable in a .desktop file? Like I'd like to run this: "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center sound"19:12
mafiaboyhi how do i change font size in xterm19:12
pragmaticenigmamafiaboy: Better to use a different terminal application19:13
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glitsj16oros: there's a known problem with recent flash on systems with Nvidia ... aka bluefaces .. anything your problem looks like?19:14
bvadglitsj16: THat19:15
bvadThat's not a bug, it's feature19:15
bvadto stop smurf racism19:15
glitsj16bvad: heh19:15
Lunar_Landerhi people19:15
pablo99pragmaticenigma: "Built in Audio Analog Stereo". Works now, thanks. Weird though.19:15
Lunar_Landershort question19:15
orosWhat do you mean with "anything my problem looks like"?19:15
Lunar_Landerwhere can I get Lubuntu?19:16
pablo99lunar_lander: www.lubuntu.net19:16
donvito2whats for lubuntu?19:16
pablo99ubuntu + lxde19:16
pablo99lighter ubuntu19:16
glitsj16oros: i wanted t ask if you get blueish tinted video in flash, but the smurfs showed up and things got .. well smurfed19:16
orosWhen i pressed the "bigger screen" button, it just got marked, but no effekt. I can't get some other effects on some flashsites aswell.19:16
oroscan't log into grooveshark for example19:16
orosNo, not any blueish video :)19:17
mobmanhi all! how do i generate a list of packages that have been installed from source i.e. not involving apt or aptitude?19:17
glitsj16oros: :)19:17
beandogmobman: you can't19:17
pragmaticenigmapablo99: Before you left I was going to mention... many chip manufacturers try to cut costs by putting multiple items on the same chip.  A lot of onboard graphics chips also include the audio with them.  In order to access the audio, the correct graphics driver has to be installed19:17
=== MoleMan_ is now known as MoleMan
beandogmobman: they might be in /usr/local though19:17
Chuck_Norris!clone | mobman19:18
ubottumobman: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate19:18
donvito2lubuntu looks like windows 719:18
pablo99pragmaticenigma: Didn't know that. Thanks.  :)19:18
donvito2why ppl install lxde19:18
pragmaticenigmamobman: Most of those applications should be installed in /usr/local or in /opt19:18
mobmanthanks beandog19:18
beandogmobman: good luck19:18
mobmanthanks Chuck_Norris19:18
glitsj16oros: if there's an option to try upgrading your flash version, have you already tried that?19:18
mobmanthanks pragmaticenigma19:18
Chuck_Norris np19:18
=== sins-_r is now known as sins-
pablo99Guys: A solution for my Nvidia refresh rate change problem? :D19:18
orosGone have a loog :)19:18
beandogpragmaticenigma: I actually like that idea ... I don't like having a video card w/hdmi and video only.  lame.19:19
=== NeedHelp is now known as NeedSomeHelp
Chuck_Norrispablo99: what is your nvidia driver version?19:19
pragmaticenigmabeandog: It's only handy in that situation... I currently have a DVI to HDMI converter on my box and have to hack my video driver so my tv will  allow audio from the analog inputs19:20
pablo99Chuck_norris: 259.4919:20
orosglitsj16: I have version 11.2, the r202 (the latest I think)19:20
pragmaticenigmafrank_: the command is /quit19:20
beandogpragmaticenigma: really?  now that is odd.  They don't both show up in the mixer and work independently?19:20
micr0beSorry, but does someone know how can i change the default application opened by "gvfs-open" for a specific protocol ?19:20
pablo99Hmm. found something. Let me test19:21
glitsj16oros: yes, there goes the easy way out :)19:21
oroshehe :p19:21
pragmaticenigmabeandog: No, the video card has no audio support, but it supports encryption which causes the tv to expect everything to come over the HDMI cable19:21
Chuck_Norrispablo99: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/nvidia ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade19:21
beandogseriously ....... modinfo nvidia doesn't work?19:21
faryshtaHow can I browse the ubuntu music store by genre?19:21
beandogpragmaticenigma: ah, gotcha.19:21
orosbtw, is there any program to convert a .avi file to dvd format? Want to burn a .avi file to a dvd :)19:21
kandleis there only one channel on this version of IRC?19:21
gigixoros, Handbrake ?19:22
pragmaticenigmaoros: That is beyond the scope of this channel...19:22
beandoggigix: no, other way around19:22
beandogexcept not avi19:22
MonkeyDustoros  devede is a devil-do-all for dvd19:22
orospragmaticenigma: sorry, thought I might as well ask while I was here, guess I was wrong then ^_^19:22
orosThx for the tips guys :)19:22
guntbertkandle: freenode has a LOT of channels, type /join #freenode if you need help how to use the network19:23
MonkeyDustoros  vlc can convert formats, too19:23
orosok :)19:23
beandogit's not just a matter of converting formats though19:23
gigixoros, ffmpeg too19:23
beandogmaking an MPEG2 is easy19:23
beandogGetting a DVD-compliant video and filesystem is not easy.19:23
beandoghence, use a proggie to do it all19:23
orosOk, If I'm allowed to keep going off topic...? How do I make a .avi file to a dvd the easiest way then+19:24
SnypWhen I type aticonfig --adapter=0  --od-getclocks it gives an error saying Get clocks failed for default adapter.19:24
beandogoros: what MonkeyDust said ^^19:24
MonkeyDustoros  "easiest" depends on what you prefer and how skilled you are19:24
orosOk :)19:24
micr0beNo one knows ? ( about gvfs-open ) sorry if i insist, but there is no manual for it, ...19:25
orosGonna play around with it :)19:25
kandlewhat is a good, less populated channel?19:25
SnypMy fan is rotating at such high speed when i'm on ubuntu..19:25
MonkeyDustoros  always the best way to learn19:25
orosyepp :)19:25
MonkeyDust!alis | kandle19:25
ubottukandle: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:25
gigixoros, what about this ? www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-avi-to-dvd-iso-in-ubuntu.html19:26
pablo99Chuck_norris: I think I've found something? I have both: nvidia-settings 259.53 and nvidia-settings-updates 259.53. As far as I know nvidia_Current comes with -settings 259.3319:26
orosthx gigix :)19:26
gigixoros, simple google search19:26
andai1This might be the wrong place to ask... but can I use Regexes to replace a list of words by a list of each word twice?  Banana --> Banana Banana19:26
Snyphelp me someone?19:26
orosI know :p I was here for the other issue really :p19:26
gigixSnyp, your config ? version of ubuntu ?19:27
gigixoros, no worries ;-)19:27
Snypati 577019:27
Chuck_Norrispablo99: the PPA that i gave you has the latest nvidia driver in it, 295.59 try it19:27
Snypintel ci3 210019:27
gigixit's the fan of your graphic card that over-runs ?19:27
micr0beThanks for your help guys, its really nice :)19:28
gigixSnyp, which driver are you using ?19:28
Chuck_Norrispablo99: is the latest stable nvidia driver19:28
pablo99Chuck_norris: I have added before the x-swat one. The .59 does not work for me, wasted like 2 hours trying to get it to work19:28
Snypati fglrx or something like that, the one which was notified as "proprietary drivers available for your hardware"19:28
pablo99Just removed the x-swat repo, now the nvidia-settings 259.53 is gone19:29
pablo99I'll see if it works now.19:29
Chuck_Norrisok, remove x-swat, and install the PPA that i gave you recently19:29
pablo99It's installed. but if it's for 259.59, won't work :|19:29
andai1So I'm on Ubuntu live CD, and I have complaints! ( 1 ) Unity { eww } ( 2 ) touchpad not working. Can I run a command to enable it or something19:29
Chuck_Norrisoh! sry, so if 259 doen't work so, idk but what is you nvidia card?19:29
pablo99How can I see what version it has? Cannot see in Synaptic19:29
orosandai1: I know, I don't like untity either. Just downloaded the ubuntu and installed it from the dvd without the gui, though it was like back in the days ;)19:30
glitsj16micr0be: gvfs-open is like xdg-open ... it opens files (on gvfs) with their registered default application .. something not working, erroring out in your case?19:30
Chuck_Norrispablo99: click in the dash and type: nvidia  and you will see the nvidia control panel19:30
nathan_I'm having trouble getting multiple monitors to work, my lspci, xorg.conf, and xorg.0.log are in this pastebin http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1042878/19:30
gigixSnyp, it seems quite usual that graphics hardware heats up more than on Windows because of better driver19:30
pablo99chuck_norris: not that. It's 259.49,. but the one I'll get if I upgrade19:31
gigixSnyp, if it reaches dangerous temperatures however, consider filing a bug19:31
micr0beglitsj16 thanks, in fact i want gvfs-open to use file-browser instead of web-browser for FTP protocol :)19:31
pablo99ran the upgrade.19:31
pablo99nothing was upgraded19:31
Snypyeah.. it does reach some bad temperatures above 70 deg. :\19:32
andai1so my question without the fluff: LiveCD on laptop, touchpad dead ( was not dead in ubuntu in 2009 ) help?19:32
Chuck_Norrisso, did you try 259.59?19:32
TheJumpergood evening. is there anything like srs wow for pulseaudio?19:32
Chuck_Norrisi had problems only with 295.4019:32
gigixanything below 80 is usually ok19:32
pablo99chuck_norris: I tried it before from the x swat. It did not work, and I switched to the default, post-release one, which is .4919:32
gigixspecially for powerful graphic cards19:33
pablo99check_norris: I now have that ppa enabled but it does not get updated19:33
SnypBut the fan speed is so unusually fast.. and a constant speed.19:33
Snyp*at a19:33
Chuck_Norrispablo99: idk, if noone works idk how to do =( 302 was too unstable for me as well19:34
gigixSnyp, I've got a HD5830 and it's running hot as well. How was it without the fglrx driver ?19:34
pablo99chuck_norris : 302?19:34
Chuck_Norrisye, but its beta19:34
pablo99chuck_norris : are you running ubuntu?19:34
pablo99chuck_norris: I have no idea. The PPA is enabled. It does not upgrade19:35
BluesKajChuck_Norris, pablo99 , i tried the 302 driver and it worked fine on 7600gt19:35
andai1k, screw you guys, i'm gonna get a mouse >__>19:36
Chuck_Norrismy gt 520, pablo99 which PPA?19:36
pablo99that one19:36
antoniuccioto /home/antonio/.xchat2/buduscript19:37
hiloCan someone tell me if there is a way to compare files in a directory (recursively as well so that all subdirs are included), and then copy the changed and deleted files to a third location. The idea would be to do this before running rsync so that the files that get deleted and updated are backed up somewhere else.19:37
gigixChuck_Norris, how many ppas have you tried so far ?19:37
Chuck_Norrisgigix: a lot19:37
Chuck_Norristime to eat brb19:38
pablo99Removed the newer ver. of nvidia-settings. Rebooting19:38
gigixChuck_Norris, did you run ppa-purge to disable them and REVERT the changes done by each ppa ?19:38
BluesKajpablo99, have you tried the any proprietary drivers from the nvidia site19:38
Chuck_Norrisgigix: no, i know about that command but, i just uncheck the PPA from "Software Sources" and then, sudo apt-get update, thats all, brb19:39
andai1does ubuntu prevent you from connecting to ad hoc wifi?19:39
glitsj16micr0be: have you tried setting your preferred ftp app via xdg-mime yet? like 'query default x-scheme-handler/ftp' to see your present ftp app and 'xdg-mime default /path/to/your/ftp/app.desktop x-scheme-handler/ftp' to change apps? I have no knowledge if gvfs-open picks defaults from mime or not, so this is another stab, not experience19:40
gigixChuck_Norris, disabling the ppa undoes nothing unfortunately...you may have ended up with mixing version of packages from different ppa which is very bad.19:40
andai1it's greyed out in the notification icon network selector, and when i go to Networks i can click on it but that doesn't do anything either19:40
gigixChuck_Norris, so before trying out one ppa you have to ppa-purge the one you are currently trying19:41
micr0beThanks glitsj16 i'm gonna check :)19:41
flo1hi, I can't watch livestream tv with the lightspark or gnash plugin. can I do anything but install the adobe plugin?19:41
gigixflo1, most of the livestream stuff uses recent version of flash, so unfortunately yes you have to.19:42
glitsj16micr0be: if things don't work you can always fallback to what you had, so it's a safe attempt19:42
micr0beOkay :) so i dont risk to arm my system, great, thanks again19:43
flo1gigix, thanks -- )-: grumble...19:43
Chuck_Norrisgigix: i know i tell him disable the x-swat PPA and try the one i gave him19:44
Chuck_Norrisgigix: why you question me?19:44
gigixChuck_Norris, sorry mate I was confused19:44
Chuck_Norrisi just uncheck the PPA and do: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade19:45
Chuck_Norrisall are confused with and all searching fights whit me, idk why19:45
Chuck_Norrisconfused with me*...19:45
pablo99   Option         "metamodes" "1280x1024_85 +0+0; 1280x1024 +0+0" Is this correct? It pisses me off already19:45
gigixChuck_Norris, no no, unchecking the ppa just updates the package list available, but does not revert the changes19:45
pablo99chuck_norris: could you pastebin your xorg.conf for me please??19:46
Chuck_Norrisyes is revert doing: sudo apt-get upgrade then19:46
glitsj16micr0be: one thing that perhaps wasn't very clear in the code to change defaults (the second bit) ... it needs a .desktop file, so i assumed you woulb de familiar with making/editing those .. if needed we can help out there19:46
k1lfor deleting PPAs try ppa-purge19:46
Chuck_Norrispablo99: i'm on my notebook right now and i have a Intel in it, i can't do that sry19:47
guntbertChuck_Norris: nobody is trying to fight with you - just one point of this channel is peer review - people point out if there is something wrong19:47
pablo99:). ok np19:47
micr0beglitsj16, 'xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/ftp' return nothing ... But no error ..19:47
flo1thanks, bye19:47
pablo99Anybody with an nVidia card? That works fine?19:47
pablo99jost? Got nvidia?19:48
glitsj16micr0be: ok, can you succesfully change it to your preferred app?19:48
Chuck_Norrisyes, i know allway read users that seems like waiting for my mistake to have a reason for fight agains me19:48
pablo99jost. could you please paste your xorg.conf to pastebin?19:48
Chuck_Norrisinsted of helping19:48
* shaneo is away: I'm busy19:48
guntbertChuck_Norris: I repeat: no one is trying to fight here :)19:49
* beandog gives Chuck_Norris a cookie19:49
jostpablo99, where is it located?19:49
guntbert!away > shaneo19:49
ubottushaneo, please see my private message19:49
micr0beglitsj16, i'm confused coz i'm as noob as i cant even know what's the command to launch my file-browser  :/19:49
k1lpablo99: what do you need?19:49
shaneosorry guys19:49
* shaneo is back (gone 00:00:49)19:49
pablo99jost: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     Thanks19:49
k1ljost: no!19:50
pablo99k1l. A working xorg.conf19:50
glitsj16micr0be: no problem, usually nautilus is default, but the help menu should clear that up for you19:50
k1lpablo99: dont use sudo with gui apps19:50
gigixChuck_Norris, http://onubuntu.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/reverting-ppa-packages.html19:50
pablo99k1l, why>? I always do that19:50
k1lpablo99: it messes with the rights19:50
guntbert!gksudo | pablo9919:50
ubottupablo99: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:50
micr0beI'll check that glitsj16, i think it's not nautilus, i'm on backbox-linux based on ubuntu19:50
jostpablo99, http://pastebin.com/6N7THvyA19:50
Guest27028i have a question about running downloads off crome19:51
hanscomwhat is is b ?19:51
pablo99jost: thanks, but that's not all of it, I need it all if you can:)19:51
k1lpablo99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042895/19:51
Chuck_NorrisxD stop writing my, i don't need help, i'm not a noob, i don't ask for help, i know how to deal with PPA at my way19:51
k1lpablo99: but i dont know, why you just dont use the nvidia-settings19:51
jostpablo99, it is all of it19:52
glitsj16micr0be: yes, check the exact path to a .desktop file for whatever you are using, that's the syntax you'll need19:52
jostbut theres a ton of other stuff in that directory19:52
guntbertChuck_Norris: you may deal with your system as you like - we are talking about the advice you give19:52
hanscomI am on Linux Mint right now19:52
guntbert!mint | hanscom19:52
ubottuhanscom: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:52
gozonserver elchat.com 666719:52
pablo99k1l: Thanks. I use NVidia settings. But the Refresh rate always resets after reboot. What is TwinView 1 for?19:53
hanscomSomething about your Chrome problem >19:53
guntbert!ask | Guest2702819:53
ubottuGuest27028: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:53
k1lpablo99: i have dualmonitor setup19:53
Chuck_Norrisand what i do wrong this time guntbert ?19:53
pablo99k1l: 2 monitors/19:53
jostpablo99, I've never touched my xorg.conf, but used the proprietary drivers installed by apt19:53
pablo99k1l. are you suing the 285 driver?19:53
Chuck_Norrisi don't use ppa-purge becouse its doesent work for me earlier in 10.0419:53
gigixpablo99, what about creating a fresh xorg using "sudo nvidia-xconfig"19:54
guntbertChuck_Norris: gigix pointed it out - you forgot to tell the user about ppa-purge19:54
Chuck_Norrisi'm talking about 2 years ago19:54
pablo99gigix. I did, tens of times19:54
pablo99It worked on lubuntu. It sticked19:54
gigixpablo99, with a reboot before doing anything right ?19:54
ubottuliverpvl: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:54
Chuck_Norrisi just say: "disable it" if he will need help on it, i will writing he how to doit19:55
k1lpablo99: sure you write to the xorg  file when setting it in nvidia-settings?19:55
pablo99installed nvidia, generated, rebooted, changed settins, rebooted. reset.19:55
pablo99yes k1l19:55
gigixand created a new one after every ppa try ?19:55
pablo99gigix, yes19:56
gigixwith proper ppa-purge in between tries ?19:56
pablo99I would update it, but they push 259.59m and that does not work for me19:56
antoniucciotar xvzf buduscript_3740_xxx.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat219:57
antoniucciocd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript19:57
yiddenI need to make a xorg.conf to work with an IBM G78 CRT screen and I don't remember how... http://xkcd.com/963/19:57
guntbertantoniuccio: wrong window?19:57
gigixpablo99, do you see this issue with nouveau (open source driver originally installed before you chose to install the proprietary one) ?19:58
pablo99gigix, none19:58
pablo99retrying the 259.59. But I think it won't work19:59
pablo99gigix. The problem is: the drivers in jockey don't match the ones that install with "apt-get install nvidia-current/-current-updated"20:00
pablo99ok, removed nvidia. How do I reconfigure xorg for the opensource?20:01
xilefhavinf trouble with 2 screen  with nvidia?20:02
pablo99xilef. what's the problem?20:02
xilefjust asking, I couldn't get 2 screen workin20:02
xilefuntil i i¿uninstalled the nvidia crontrolers20:03
gigixpablo99, if you removed it via jockey then it should have handled the return to nouveau20:03
pablo99gigix. removed manually via apt-get20:03
pablo99added Section "Device"20:03
pablo99Identifier "n"20:03
pablo99Driver "nouveau"20:03
pablo99to my xorg20:03
FloodBot1pablo99: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
gigixpablo99, looks good to me20:06
sontekin 12.04 is there a way to 'autohide' the menubar up top?20:07
j-rockhey all, is there a way to switch to 64 bit post install?20:07
j-rockI could only find a i386 cd20:08
guntbertj-rock: no, you need to reinstall20:08
sontekj-rock: You can but its usually scary, not recommended, and you could break things20:08
gigixpablo99, if you're happy with the nouveau driver, stick with it then :)20:08
gigixj-rock: re-install20:08
j-rocksontek: got a link/doc?20:08
Chuck_Norrisgigix: pablo has quit20:09
gigixChuck_Norris: oops just saw that :S20:10
cuddylierHow do I extend my file open limit again? The commands for ssh?20:10
j-rockgigix: frustrating, thanks.20:10
ActionParsnip!download | j-rock20:10
ubottuj-rock: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:10
yiddenis there any Nouveau driver config tool similar to what Nvidia's blob config manager?20:11
gigixyidden, if you mean a tool for adjusting the resolution and connected screens then it's the tools in the system settings20:11
=== sergio is now known as sergios
yiddengigix yeah, but that doesn't recognise my monitor properly20:12
nitrowtf is this http://www.amazon.com/Ubuntu-4-discs-Installation-Reference-Ed-2012/dp/B0047B0U1C/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1339790827&sr=8-7&keywords=linux20:12
=== nitro is now known as Guest42694
ActionParsnipnitra pack of ubuntu install media...20:13
ActionParsnipGuest42694: ^20:13
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest3739
Guest42694its allready free why buy it20:13
andai1I have my home folder on the same partition as everything else. I want to do a fresh install but keep all my stuff ( user preferences etc )20:14
Guest3739i don't know20:14
toxsteri have a kvm host, the kvm host has a guest, that has 2 interfaces, one for LAN one for WAN, it's set to NAT outgoing from LAN, other LAN clients cannot connect to anything on the internet, but my precise kvm host cannot connect to anything (it can ping and do dns lookups thought) what am i missing20:14
ActionParsnipGuest42694: some people don't have fast connections or unlimited bandwidth20:14
AceFacei have this setup in the office: http://i.imgur.com/KKc22.png , i want to put a service on the computer marked with an arrow, and be able to putty into it, so i can access the server rack via ssh, does anyone know how to do that?20:14
andai1Should I use a new username for this install, or is it safe to use an existing one?20:14
Guest42694report the scamer20:14
ActionParsnipandai1: use your backups20:14
ActionParsnipGuest42694: I suggest you check the Ubuntu policy...it's fine20:14
andai1ActionParsnip: Can't I just del everything but the homefolder?20:14
gigixandai1, backup20:15
ActionParsnipandai1: I guess, yu could do it in live CD, using backups is a bit more graceful20:15
gigixandai1, and create a separate /home directory on your next install20:15
andai1ActionParsnip: By backup do you mean copy it somewhere else first, then copy it back?20:15
ActionParsnipandai1: yes, you should be doing that regularly in case your disk fails etc20:16
andai1if i had money for more hard drives I'd be running windows :D20:17
ActionParsnipGuest42694: " Your right to sell or give away the software alone, or as part of an aggregate software distribution, is important" http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing20:17
andai1so, if I copy/rename my old home dir, are the accounts gonna show up in the login screen?20:18
ActionParsnipandai1: you will need to recreate the account(s)20:18
andai1It's a few releases old, should I delete the configs too?20:18
andai1ActionParsnip: and then copy all or part over them?20:18
ActionParsnipandai1: but the same home folder data may be used, I suggest you chown it to the user too to cover any access issues20:18
andai1ActionParsnip: does ownership work on literal name strings, or numerical userids? i.e. if i recreate the accounts with the same names, won't they inherit the files20:20
ActionParsnipandai1: the names are just abstractions for UIDs20:20
andai1ActionParsnip: so... maybe? :D20:20
ActionParsnipandai1: UIDs are numbers, so you will need to chown the data to the new user so that the right UID owns the data20:21
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
andai1ActionParsnip: So it's gonna change from andai to andai?20:21
go8765Hello. Can I found help here with flash-drive problems? (not ubuntu question)20:22
a|iwhere is the home for user 'nobody'?20:22
ActionParsnipandai1: yes but the name is just a mask for yuor UID which is probably 1000 but may change after the install20:23
ActionParsnipa|i: you can read /etc/passwd    and see :)20:23
a|iActionParsnip: nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh20:24
a|iso it's /nonexistent?20:25
ActionParsnipa|i: then it's nonexistent20:25
a|ils: cannot access /nonexistent: No such file or directory20:25
ActionParsnipa|i: if you run:  cat /etc/passwd | grep $USER    you will see the format20:25
ActionParsnipa|i: I believe it just means there isn't one20:25
a|iActionParsnip: so where should the config files for nobody go?20:26
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaWhy do you need config files for nobody?20:26
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaThe purpose of the account is to be a dummy account that does nothing.20:27
ActionParsnipa|i: Not sure tbh, didn't think nobody could log in..20:27
a|ia lot of srrvers are run by nobody for security reasons.20:27
Cottushey hey hey20:28
Cottus<Crusty the Clown>20:28
* gold1990 slaps Dean312312312 around a bit with a large trout20:28
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HOLOGRAPHICpizzaI'm on a fresh install of 12.04 server, and for some reason I can't install libperl5.14, it claims it does not exist even though packages.ubuntu.com says it does, my lists have just been updated from the main mirror too. Any advice?20:30
ActionParsnip!info libperl5.1420:31
ubottulibperl5.14 (source: perl): shared Perl library. In component main, is optional. Version 5.14.2-6ubuntu2 (precise), package size 703 kB, installed size 1580 kB20:31
ActionParsnipHOLOGRAPHICpizza: have you ran:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install libperl5.1420:31
catcherI'm using accurate OpenDNS nameservers in my resolv.conf, and my default gateway is proper (and pingable), yet I can't resolve hostnames. What should I check next?20:33
ActionParsnipcatcher: try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null20:34
ActionParsnipcatcher: then retry20:34
catcherActionParsnip, replacing the openDNS nameservers with
ActionParsnipcatcher: worth a try20:34
ActionParsnipcatcher: can you ping your default gateway20:34
catcherActionParsnip, is that google's?20:34
ActionParsnipcatcher: indeed, dead easy to remember20:35
catcherActionParsnip, sure can20:35
catcherI'll give it a shot, ty20:35
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaActionParsnip: yes20:35
rmd6503Anyone know why dapper is not in the archives? I can't update my computer20:35
xangua!eol | rmd650320:35
ubotturmd6503: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:35
rmd6503thanks bot20:36
ActionParsniprmd6503: dapper is super dead20:36
Pro_Lamer4eko staa mi6lenca20:36
ActionParsnipHOLOGRAPHICpizza: can you ping web based sites?20:37
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaActionParsnip: yep20:37
ActionParsnipHOLOGRAPHICpizza: are you fully upgraded for the other apps?20:37
HOLOGRAPHICpizzaActionParsnip: as far as I know, it says no packages to update20:38
clone1018How can I completely disable the unity bar? I have cairo dock instead.20:38
Meridiousinstall a different WM is one way20:38
catcherActionParsnip, why does piped tee have access to resolv.conf, but a straight-up redirect doesn't?20:38
ActionParsnipclone1018: could install gnome-panel and use the fallback session, then run cairo there20:39
tippeneinI'm having troubles with nvidia and x20:40
tippeneinnvidia-settings says i'm not using NVIDIA X drivers20:40
andai1so... I found a mouse, so i could go to the mouse settings and enable my touchpad... the "Mouse and Touchpad" settings screen does not mention touchpads!20:41
tippeneinunder Hardware Drivers it sats I'm using NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver20:42
ActionParsnipcatcher: sudo doesn't traverse redirections, so:  sudo echo "stuff" > file    doesn't work20:42
ActionParsnipcatcher: the only thing there with sudo power is echo, so you pipe the text to sudo tee and you get the file changed20:42
catcherActionParsnip, ahh, right. ty20:42
catcherActionParsnip, that said, no love from google's DNS either.  Anything else I can try, or is it time to contact the cloud's network staff?20:43
ActionParsnipcatcher: if you run:  route    do you have the default route set to your network adapter?20:43
catcherActionParsnip, am I looking for the default destination?20:46
clone1018ActionParsnip: I like all of unity besides the bar on the left, I still want the launcher thingy and other stuff20:46
clone1018Meridious: I like unity, I don't like the bar20:46
VexenSame here.20:46
VexenI like how it fullscreens.20:46
fmt1can't find an appropriate channel for this, but thought there might be knowledgeable people on this here. what's this difference between tcp/ip protocols and tcp/ip utilities?20:46
VexenBut the bar should have configuration options.20:46
fmt1anyone know?20:48
catcherActionParsnip, my default route destination is connected to the proper gateway, and the destination for my network's gateway is *20:48
tippeneinnvidia doesn't show up in a grep of lspci either20:48
tippeneinlshw -C video shows *-display unclaimed20:50
minascan wine run .net 4.0 applications (with XNA)?20:50
fmt1what's this difference between tcp/ip protocols and tcp/ip utilities?20:51
Chuck_Norrisminas: it not possible run .NET 4 on wine20:51
MonkeyDustfmt1  a protocol is a way of communicating, a utility is a program20:51
minasChuck_Norris: Not even for you? :)20:51
Chuck_Norrisbut you can run .NET 220:51
fmt1so a utility is software?20:51
gigixfmt1, where did you see this tcp/ip stuff20:51
minasChuck_Norris: ;)20:51
fmt1From a book on TCP/IP.20:52
gigixfmt1, yes it is, it's what helps you set up your TCP/IP connection20:52
fmt1MonkeyDust: Just wanted some clarification on that. Appreciate it.20:52
gigixor configure it20:52
gigixand the protocol is the actual way the data are sent20:52
gigixon a low-level approach usually20:53
MonkeyDustfmt1  gangstas have a different way of communicating than civil servants, a different protocol20:53
minasChuck_Norris: Thanks by the way20:53
Chuck_Norrisminas: yes, i installed .NET 2 with the winetricks subversion20:53
Chuck_Norrisminas: what is the program that you wanna to run?20:53
minasChuck_Norris: It's a game I have created my self20:54
Chuck_Norrisoh! ok, i suggest you trying with Mono20:55
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ceti331__is it possible to get dock shortcut icons for the desktops in ubuntu unity20:56
ceti331__e.g. 1 click to get to a desktop20:56
Vexen...Wait. In Unity?20:56
ceti331__(like the old gnome-panel desktop map)20:57
passionfruitHello, I have a question. I was running Ubuntu 12.04 on my mac through VMware, and I pressed the F3 key, and the screen on the virtual machine split up into a grid of screens, and everything zoomed out. On the mac the F3 key shows all the windows of all applications running. What should I do?20:57
VexenYes, I know that button.20:57
VexenNo idea how to get it though.20:57
ceti331__another 'itch' i have,20:57
ceti331__on the old style panel i'd like something which uses the name of the topmost window in each desktop as the desktop name20:58
andai1ok, just did clean install, how do I "import" my old homefolder? Create users, copy files, chown?20:58
VexenUh huh.20:58
VexenEver thought about just reinstalling the old GNOME?20:58
ceti331__i like unity20:58
VexenWhich can be done by sudo apt-get install gnome-panel20:58
ceti331__i like both20:59
GeeksOnHugshave you guys played with the disk ussage analyzer?  It's the coolest disk analyzer ever, it's even fun...and it's a disk analyzer :P20:59
ceti331__unlike the rest of the world, i think Unity's idea of unified menu/title bar is awesome, because the Amiga did it.20:59
VexenAnalize. Such a word.20:59
zallxany tuners around ?20:59
celthunderGeeksOnHugs: ? df du vmstat and iostat?21:00
VexenI like that thing too. Only thing I really hate is lack of panel configuration options and the BAR.21:00
guntbert!ot | ceti331__ Vexen21:00
ubottuceti331__ Vexen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:00
celthunderzallx: newegg.com / amazon.com21:00
GeeksOnHugscelthunder lol bra, what language is that21:00
celthunderGeeksOnHugs: uhm disk analyzer tools.21:01
GeeksOnHugsoh hehe21:01
ceti331__is there a way of getting a single click icon for each desktop (with thumbnail relating to desktop contents) in ubuntu-unity21:01
GeeksOnHugsno, I'm new to ubuntu21:01
GeeksOnHugsi have a windows background, but I'm totally loving this21:01
ceti331__ubuntu > windows21:01
celthunderceti331__: yes probably.  look at mouse settings.21:01
GeeksOnHugsI have the standard ubuntu desktop install and it has a program with a disk analyzer...ringcharts which I've never seen before21:02
celthunderyou can usually set single/double click options21:02
GeeksOnHugsceti331__ agreed21:02
celthunderGeeksOnHugs: meh.  I will stick with the console21:02
GeeksOnHugswindows is easier, that's the only advantage...I have a SSD and my ubuntu loads up faster than my android tablet21:02
guntbertGeeksOnHugs: please keep in mind that this channel is for support - join #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat about ubuntu21:02
GeeksOnHugsconsole as in command line?21:02
mneptokthis>that discussions are offtopic, folks.21:03
GeeksOnHugsI thought linux was all counter cultural and anti-authority and stick it to the man and so why all the police officers? :(21:04
i7cGeeksOnHugs: it's much about how you are used to it. i use ubuntu quite a while and i find it much simpler and easier than windows21:04
mneptokGeeksOnHugs: a 1700+ memeber channel dedicated to support. there's no room for banter.21:04
sstaGeeksOnHugs: there's #ubuntu-offtopic for that21:05
GeeksOnHugsi7c I so hope to get there...when things go good it's no problem, but when I break something I can get lost...like I added a repository by the command line and it broke my ubuntu software center and I thought I was hosed (but eventually figured out how to edit a file called profiles to remove the added repositories21:05
GeeksOnHugsmneptok and ssta ... ok sorry :)21:05
Anjar_95I have a little problem: Ubuntu can't detect all the disc space on the partition. When I open the partition manager, it says there's 109 GB, Nautilus only shows 59 GB.21:05
GeeksOnHugsis it compressed?21:06
mneptokAnjar_95: is Nautilus sowing only free space?21:06
Anjar_95Nope, it says 3 GB free.21:06
GeeksOnHugsjoin ubuntu-offtopic21:06
mneptokAnjar_95: what filesystem?21:06
ActionParsnipAnjar_95: what does: df -h    output21:06
ActionParsnipAnjar_95: the free space...21:07
Anjar_95/dev/sda1        58G   52G  3,2G  95% /21:07
Anjar_95udev            486M   12K  486M   1% /dev21:07
mneptokAnjar_95: you might want to run an fsck.ext4 on it before trying too many things.21:07
Anjar_95tmpfs           199M  932K  198M   1% /run21:07
Anjar_95none            5,0M     0  5,0M   0% /run/lock21:07
Anjar_95none            497M  376K  496M   1% /run/shm21:07
FloodBot1Anjar_95: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:07
celthunderdid you format the rest of it with an fs?21:08
celthunderor is it just an empty partition not partitioned or ?21:08
andai1who decides what ubuntu looks like? I remember the brown from 2006, this is quite a sheck to me :D21:08
andai1is there like an art committee21:08
celthunderandai1: you decide.21:09
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mneptokandai1: it's decided at UDS and in blueprints on LP21:09
Anjar_95I'm not sure...21:09
sstadoes it matter who decides?  it's trivial to change21:09
ActionParsnipandai1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu21:09
patchello, is it possible to mount a luks device on a remote computer using ssh, with the key-file being on the local computer? So we need to sudo cryptsetup luksopen...... and to pass the keyfile. Is this possible If yes, how please?21:09
celthunderAnjar_95: fdisk /dev/sda21:09
celthunderAnjar_95: then press p and itll show you your partitions21:10
celthunderif you have an sda2 according to the above its not mounted21:11
Anjar_95Screen dump of partition: http://ubuntuone.com/6jYIueNgTfntJ1IGDikKPk21:11
tippeneinthis is the result of my lshw -C video: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043005/21:11
celthunderAnjar_95:  effsck /dev/sda121:12
celthunderAnjar_95: er e2fsck21:12
andai1if i install new window managers, don't they show up in the login screen?21:14
celthunderpatc: mount your local fs on the remote system?21:14
celthunderandai1: sometimes21:14
andai1celthunder: like... xubuntu-desktop? :P21:15
celthunderandai1: depends on your window and desktop manager combinations21:15
patccelthunder: euh... maybe... didn't think about that...  the idea is to mount the luks drive and to backup to it... but i want to keep the keyfile with me21:15
celthunderandai1: probably should work with gdm / kdm by default21:15
patcandai1: ?21:15
Brun0L3zHello people, just wanted to ask what is the best virtual machine for ubuntu? i have tried virtualbox and did not succeeed21:15
celthunderandai1: you can always add them if they dont show up21:15
patccelthunder: the luks drive is attached to the remote server21:16
ActionParsnipBrun0L3z: there is no single outright best of anything, on any OS21:16
celthunderBrun0L3z: depends on objective.  im partial to kvm21:16
andai1celthunder: unfortunately i have ... what's it called? the new one? :D21:16
Mike9863I have a web server running on my computer, however I'm unable to access it via a virtualbox running on the same computer. Why is this?21:16
andai1patc: Sorry, i derped21:16
patcandai1: oki np :)21:16
celthunderandai1: idk? i dont use a desktop manager.21:16
sacarlsonMike9863: you might be running your virtualbox in nat mode, try it in bridge mode21:17
ActionParsnipMike9863: set the interface to bridged, you will get an IP from your router and appear on the same network, should help21:17
celthunderMike9863: port/ip its listening on iptables file permissions...21:17
n-iCeQuestion, I create an ad-hoc connection using network-manager, my iphone detects it I can connect and everything works fine, but my play station 3 does not detect it, any idea?21:17
ipv6hermithello people, I have a question I'm using xubuntu and I installed compiz.  I run compiz --relace ccp and it starts normally.  what is the proper way to make it the default window manager.  I tried two ways and they do not seem to be reliable21:17
andai1uh...  anyone know how to add WM selection to the... ubuntu's new default login thing?21:17
celthundern-iCe: enter the network manually on the ps3 it may not auto set itself up on adhoc21:17
n-iCecelthunder: tried, did not work :<21:18
sacarlsonMike9863: I would think even in nat mode you could see your web if you put the correct ip address that it see's it at21:18
celthunderipv6hermit: .xinitrc21:18
andai1...anyone know what ubuntu's new login thing is _called_ ?21:18
Mike9863Thanks everyone. That solved it.21:18
celthundersacarlson: Mike9863 more details.21:18
ActionParsnipandai1: lightdm21:18
Jordan_Upatc: '--key-file -' then send the key file via stdin.21:19
patcJordan_U: how do you send it via stdin? i'm not sure i understand21:19
sacarlsonMike9863: ya maybe your apache2 isn't listening so take a peak at sudo netstat -pant21:19
andai1ActionParsnip: Thanks!21:20
ipv6hermitcelthunder: what do I add?21:20
patcJordan_U: and for the "sudo " part?... needs to be root to mount... and I don't want to ssh as root... bad idea ;)21:20
ActionParsnipandai1: np21:20
ipv6hermitcelthunder: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc???21:20
ipv6hermitcelthunder: or /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc?21:20
celthunderipv6hermit: ~/.xinitrc .21:21
ipv6hermitcelthunder: I don't have this file21:21
celthunderthats where i put all my mods and stuff. might have to put it in your desktop managers file if it doesnt execute your own .xinitrc (which is irritating if it doessnt)21:21
ipv6hermitcelthunder: I added a /etc/xdg/autostart/compiz.desktop file and it did not always work.21:22
ipv6hermitwhich was irritating21:22
GeeksOnHugsssta mneptopic, we got kick out of #undroid-offtopic for being too on topic :(  where do we go now?21:23
celthunderipv6hermit: then stop using crap that doesnt work or file a bug report after finding the problem ?21:23
celthunderGeeksOnHugs: to lunch21:23
GeeksOnHugs*snicker* :D21:23
sstaGeeksOnHugs: I dunno.  #hottub?  #u-o doesn't tend to mind too much if you'rte accidentally on topic21:24
ipv6hermitcelthunder: i like crap that doesn't work.  so which is the correct way to start compiz?21:24
GeeksOnHugsactually I have work todo, there's an idea...still amazes me how people goofed off at work off before computers21:25
Jordan_Upatc: If it weren't for sudo I would say something like this: cat keyfile | ssh user@host "cryptsetup --keyfile - ..."21:25
ActionParsnipGeeksOnHugs: books exist21:25
patcJordan_U: thansk for the idea, i'll have a look :)21:26
Jordan_Upatc: Try asking in #bash for how best to work entering the password for sudo into that.21:26
GeeksOnHugsin middle school english class I would spend all day looking up sex oriented words in the dictionary21:26
patcJordan_U: ooh! is #bash a forum also?21:27
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Jordan_Upatc: An IRC channel, yes.21:27
celthunderpatc: channel21:27
patcJordan_U: great! I didn't know! good idea, thanks a lot! :)21:27
patccelthunder: yes oki thanks21:28
Jordan_Upatc: You're welcome.21:28
bennis there a more simple way to hack a wifi other then aircrack?21:28
benni mean lunix most have a software to hack a wifi pass21:28
smshi pless filse (gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list)21:29
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sstabenn: aircrack is the only one I know of21:29
ActionParsnipsms: can you rephrase please21:29
ipv6hermithey guys, what is the correct way to start compiz in a xfce4 session?21:30
sacarlsonpatc: you should be able to setup passwordless login over ssh if you setup keys for ssh on the server side if the admin on that side will set it up21:31
ActionParsnipipv6hermit: press ALT+F2 and run: compiz --replace21:31
douglwhere should I begin to look for software to interface my UPS to my 12.04 server?21:31
patcsacarlson: yes, done, but it doesn't allow to sudo commands21:31
sstapatc: you can setup passwordless sudo for specific commands too21:32
hattorihanzoman, i have a weird python 2.7 issue in 12.0421:32
sacarlsonpatc: oh your user on that remote does it have sudo priv?21:32
hattorihanzoi just setup 2 vms, bothing runing server 12.0421:32
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hattorihanzo1 is fine21:32
hattorihanzobut the other21:32
smsubnutu 12 .421:32
manhattorihanzo: which issues?21:32
patcsacarlson: ssta : ooh I didn't know that I could activate sudo for certain commands...21:32
sstapatc: yep, sudoers is really very powerful and flexible21:33
sacarlsonpatc: yes and you can setup that if your a member of a certain group that you don't even need sudo for some priv21:33
hattorihanzois messed up21:33
hattorihanzoin /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_debian-0.1.21ubuntu1.egg-info21:33
patcsacarlson: I am the "admin" of this machine too21:33
sacarlsonpatc: yes that options will also work21:33
hattorihanzowhats the best way to reinstall python?21:33
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, ok,, i just did the compiz -- replce,, now, how do I get back to the default?21:33
smsمحتاج ملف  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:34
smsط في الابنتو 12.4 ضروري21:34
TheLordOfTime!english | sms21:34
ubottusms: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:34
TheLordOfTimeor did ubottu die again21:34
TheLordOfTimeoh no, lag.21:34
patcssta: sacarlson: OK so that's under sudoers tha i can set this up?21:34
MonkeyDustToph2  gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz && compiz --replace <enter>21:34
Toph2MonkeyDust,,, thanks21:35
sstapatc: that's one way...it's Unix, *always* more than one way to do it21:35
sacarlsonpatc: yes sudo visuder on the server side is one option21:35
MonkeyDustToph2  mind: your screen will start flashing on and off21:35
patcsacarlson: ssta: ok I understand. I would like to use the more secure option... if possible :)21:35
vivekHow do I install Ubuntu 12.04 in text only mode ?21:36
MonkeyDust!text| vivek21:36
ubottuvivek: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:36
Toph2MonkeyDust,,, my min, max , x icons haven't returned on the program I am running21:36
sacarlsonpatc: I think the other option is copy or symbolic link the mount command file or other commands you want from the /usr/sbin or /sbin to /bin or /usr/bin with perms of a group that you want to allow it21:36
sstapatc: it's against the rules to tell you how to setup passwordless sudo here.  There are a lot of examples on the web though, your favourite search engine should find some21:37
skaIs there a way to install the r8168 driver for my kernel without manual downloading and tweaking dkms configs?21:37
patcsacarlson: hm... euh... ok... I keep all these ideas and'll check thsis out :) thanks for your advices21:37
skaMaybe PPA21:38
vivekMonkeyDust: In boot options do I have to give 'text' ?21:38
vivekMonkeyDust: Boot Options/21:39
patcssta: yes ... this is the problem... and I would like to automate it... without compromizing security... so to pass it'0s password through ssh too would be great21:39
MonkeyDustvivek  simply follow the instructions21:39
sacarlsonpatc: you still pass a password it's just keyed21:39
patcsacarlson: euh... the "sudo" password?21:40
sstapatc: no need for a password21:40
sacarlsonpatc: oh ya I guess for that you would setup nopassword21:40
patc...? if i use the sudoers thing... yes21:40
vivekMonkeyDust: My issue was that I am trying to boot my HP Pavilion DM1 Series DM1-4014TU  Netbook via a bootable USB drive running Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. The issue is that  after I choose the language option the screen just goes off.21:40
edgyHi, update-grub shows lots of "error: physical volume pv0 not found." as seen at http://pastebin.ca/2161784, any help?21:41
MonkeyDustvivek  i guess you choose a different resolution before install starts21:41
MonkeyDustcan choose*21:41
patcssta: sacarlson: I think I must dig much deeper to make a better idea... I am almost new to all these remote tricks :)21:41
vivekHow do I do that ?21:41
sacarlsonpatc: yes the sudoer think would require you setup sudo with nopassword for the group of commands to not require a password in your script21:42
patcsacarlson: yes understood, but isn't the most secure thing, is it?21:42
vivekMonkeyDust: How do I choose a different resolution ?21:42
sstapatc: secure is a tradeoff.  It's generally secure if setup properly21:43
patcssta: oki :)21:43
sacarlsonpatc: it will only be a group of commands that a hacker can't do much with so ??21:43
ActionParsnipvivek: what video chip do you use?21:43
MonkeyDustvivek  hm, idd, don't find it myself http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-12.04-lts-precise-pangolin21:44
vivekActionParsnip: http://www.flipkart.com/hp-pavilion-dm1-series-dm1-4014tu-netbook/p/itmd52gjvth6k6bk?pid=COMD52GGSHVDZGGW&ref=abac11d6-ddfc-45c4-bae2-a6c852e0c60a21:44
vivekGraphic Processor Intel HD Graphics 300021:45
sacarlsonpatc: does the computer run a bank?   or is it used to store your favorite mp3 music?  I guess it depends on what your protecting21:45
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | vivek21:45
ubottuvivek: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:45
patcsacarlson: yes... it's just opening a cryptsetup drive.... hum.... still needs the password to do things...21:46
patcsacarlson: it's for personal purpose, but i use it to learn :) so I prefer to learn the best practices possible :)21:46
sstapatc: an alternative would be to put the mount commands in a setuid script21:47
patcssta: ah? what's that? i'll also check!21:48
sacarlsonpatc: I have an article on encrypting  with a remote key https://sites.google.com/site/remotekeyencrypt/home https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxyZW1vdGVrZXllbmNyeXB0fGd4OjU2YmVmY2NlY2Y2ZjhkZjM21:48
patcsacarlson: great! thanks!21:49
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patchey matt_symes o/21:52
sacarlsonssta: ya what is a setuid script? I'll have to look at that21:53
patcsacarlson: ssta : yeah me too21:53
sambagirlwhat is the command for gui naiutiuls?21:53
ActionParsnipsambagirl: nautilus is gui...21:53
sambagirli meant for root21:53
ActionParsnipsambagirl: gksudo nautilus $HOME21:53
sambagirlthanks action :D21:54
ActionParsnipsambagirl: same with ANY gui app21:54
kingnebexhi guys can any one help me out my laptop is slow on loading at start. what should i do?21:54
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sambagirlbrb let me see if this works21:55
ActionParsnipkingnebex: run:   dmesg | less     look for large gaps in the time on the left21:55
p00d73Hi, I want my Makefile in a debian source package to run some terminal commands without compiling anything, what should I write in it?21:56
sacarlsonpatc:  oh ya that setuid sounds like a good solution ssta21:56
sabayonuser_what is going on internet :D21:56
patcsacarlson: euh... have you found something special about these setuid scripts?21:57
sacarlsonpatc: I was just reading this and remembered http://www.tuxation.com/setuid-on-shell-scripts.html21:57
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> and how do i do that my fellow comrade21:57
ActionParsnipkingnebex: as I said, it's a terminal command21:58
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sacarlsonpatc: it was a method that I've seen but never used and forgot21:58
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funnyhai need help with a bin bash21:58
ActionParsnipfunnyha: details please21:59
patcsacarlson: oki, have to read this too :D21:59
patcsacarlson: thx21:59
skaI can't get the r8168 module installed.21:59
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> i didnt get u exacly how do i type in the command?21:59
skaon 11.1021:59
funnyhaActionParsnip, i need to take a word and put it in after a list of words21:59
ActionParsnipkingnebex:    dmesg | less22:00
ActionParsnipfunnyha: echo "word" | tee -a /file/to/be/added/to22:00
funnyhalike add a names to a pharse22:00
kingnebex<ActionParsnip>awkey il do that ther tll u the results22:00
funnyhaand save it to a file\22:00
ActionParsnipkingnebex: use cursors up and down, look for the gaps in the left numbers22:01
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ActionParsnipfunnyha: could ask in #bash   the command I gave will add the word on a new line22:02
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> i ddnt get u there wat do u mean?22:02
funnyhaActionParsnip,  like if i have a list it will put it after word22:03
ActionParsnipkingnebex: the numbers down the left hand side are seconds since the kernel came up22:03
funnyhaafter every word22:03
ActionParsnipkingnebex: so large gaps in the time will indicate hangs and you can isolatethe issue as the hnags will explain the long boot22:03
ActionParsnipfunnyha: not sure there man, #bash may have an idea22:03
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kingnebex<ActionParsnip> there is alot of info here so wats next?22:05
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> well let me read first22:06
haroldI usually change my capslock into ctrl with xmodmap... but I have to execute the three commands everytime I do a computer restart. When can I put those 3 files so that I won't have to do this everytime?22:06
haroldor, is there perhaps an alternative way to do this?22:06
novochari setup encryption on my systema and i ended up closing the terminal when it was asking for me to set my password22:06
novocharhow do i reset the password?22:07
sacarlsonnovochar: I would think if you failed to enter the new password that the old one is still active22:08
funnyhaActionParsnip, i cant find #bash i am using xchat22:08
ActionParsnipfunnyha: type:   /join #bash22:09
ActionParsnipfunnyha: you don't have to find anything....22:09
funnyhaim there22:10
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> i realy dnt understand anything and the result is too long22:11
ActionParsnipkingnebex: just look for large gaps in the time, its comparing two numbers and thinking 'hmm... thaat's a big large' then reading the text to see what it relates to. A child could do it22:13
novocharsacarlson: that was me attempting to create it the first time22:13
sacarlsonnovochar: so it's not encytped then?22:13
patcthanks you all for your ideas and suggestions!22:14
patc:) have a nice day / night! bye for now!22:14
novocharsacarlson: well... i don't know22:14
novocharthe install asked if i wanted to encrypt the home folder and i indicated that i did22:15
novocharand when it asked for me a password during the first boot into the system i closed the terminal window22:15
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> u say it lke its verry easy and coz u r used to it, im kynda new in this22:16
rexisany ubuntu user use slackware?22:17
solid91hi everibody...is there a way to improve wine if a program works with bugs?22:17
zoraelCan you mix dnsmasq and resolvconf to automatically get the DNS from NetworkManager upon connection, have dnsmasq use that, and set resolv.conf to point to dnsmasq (localhost)?22:18
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> does this ring any bells to u?     422.826806] cdc_acm 5-2:1.12: ttyACM1: USB ACM device22:18
ActionParsnipkingnebex: sounds like a slow USB device, try booting without it attached. Is it faster?22:20
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> are u there?22:21
ActionParsniprexis: I'd ask in #winehq   have you checked the appdb for compatibility and/or how to's22:21
ActionParsnipkingnebex: yes, I just replied...22:21
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McDebiani have a problem with gthumb 2.11.5 where it doesn't remember the sorting order of the thumbnails between each setting, is there a fix for this?22:23
McDebian*between each session, i meant22:23
ActionParsnipMcDebian: have you checked for bugs?22:24
McDebianActionParsnip: i have googled the problem, but havent found anything22:24
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> there r alot more and i dnt have ant usb device connected to my machine while booting22:25
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> does updatind help?22:25
ActionParsnipkingnebex: should do22:25
ActionParsnipMcDebian: I'd report a new bug then22:26
McDebianActionParsnip: ok, i'll look into that22:26
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frank_help find22:27
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> coz im updating right nw22:28
PsynoKhi0hi, I'd wish to upgrade ALSA on Precise to see if that solves my problem with HDMI no being recognized, followed the instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules but the "sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)" part fails (no such file). What's the correct procedure?22:28
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novocharthe ubuntu install asked if i wanted to encrypt the home folder and i indicated that i did and when it asked for me a password during the first boot into the system i closed the terminal window, how do set the password?22:30
beandogPsynoKhi0: what do you mean by not recognized?  What hardware do you have22:30
novochari can't seem to get the prompt again22:30
PsynoKhi0beandog, spankin' new HD7770, aplay -l lists it as "HD-Audio Generic", lspci calls it "ATI Devuce aab0", dmesg throws lots of tantrum about too many HDMI devices, "hda-codec: out of range cmd"22:32
Brycei was playing with raid and deleted the mbr on my /home partitions' hard drive. I am dual booting ubuntu studio and windows seven off of 128gb ssd with linux /home partition on a seperate 2tb hdd. i am hoping i can restore file allocation table for hhd without deleting the info. or at least transfer a compressed image of the partition without expensive software.22:33
PsynoKhi0beandog, even got a dmesg backtrace, "Bad EIP value"22:34
beandogPsynoKhi0: is the hdmi showing up in your mixer?22:34
Brycei did see the partition with some windows recovery software but would have to pay to use the save feature.22:34
beandogBryce: are you trying to get the data off a windows partition or a linux one22:34
PsynoKhi0beandog, the mixer won't launch, pavucontrol can't connect to the pulseaudio server22:34
PsynoKhi0no sound whatsoever22:34
beandogPsynoKhi0: what about alsamixer22:34
Brycelinux ext 422:34
beandogBryce: you could boot off a livecd, mount the drive, and get it that way easy enough22:35
PsynoKhi0beandog, good call, let me check22:35
PsynoKhi0beandog, alsamixer won't launch22:35
beandogPsynoKhi0: really.22:35
beandogPsynoKhi0: what version of ubuntu are you on22:35
Bryceim on a live boot right now but the hdd has no file system anymore22:35
PsynoKhi0beandog, Precise22:35
beandogBryce: so did you delete just the MBR or the entire drive's partition table?22:36
Bryceits unallocated22:36
beandogPsynoKhi0: Odd.  So, ATI video card with HDMI out and it has onboard audio as well?22:36
Brycethe partition table22:36
beandogBryce: huh, I dunno then22:36
beandogI'd be careful though22:36
beandogYou can probably recover it though22:36
PsynoKhi0beandog, onboard audio? you mean the graphics card or the motherboard?22:37
beandogPsynoKhi0: Either one.  Does the HDMI port do both audio and video, is what I'm asking22:37
Brycei know. i don't want any of it to get written over  but i want to at least tranfer some of my big torrent downloads .22:37
beandogBryce: Was it one partition or many?22:37
Bryceone partition22:38
PsynoKhi0beandog, oy no clue, I'll check the manufacturer's spec page22:38
beandogWell you could try forcing it to mount22:38
beandogNo idea what that'd do22:38
beandogPsynoKhi0: well, just answer me this, how are you getting sound?22:38
Brycebut the software that let me see it showed ever fat it ever had. the one i want came up as partition 1922:38
PsynoKhi0beandog, from the motherboard, not even using HDMI at all22:38
Bryceall other partitions were only a couple gigs at the biggest22:39
beandogPsynoKhi0: Oh.  I totally misunderstood your original issue then.22:39
beandogBryce: dunno, man.  partition recovery is beyond my meager skills22:39
PsynoKhi0beandog, more accurately, I SHOULD get sound from the motherboard, but the HDMI is supposed to be listed as a sound device, apparently cockblocking the whole sound subsystem since it's not recognized22:39
Bryceyeah. mine too.22:39
beandogPsynoKhi0: kk, can you pastebin dmesg, and aplay -l22:40
PsynoKhi0beandog, can pastebing the whole alsa-script.sh output22:40
beandogPsynoKhi0: even better22:40
kingnebex<ActionParsnip> thanx 4 everything22:41
PsynoKhi0beandog, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043135/22:41
beandogPsynoKhi0: Hmm, this is saying you have two sound devices22:42
Jbarbosa93Hi everyone, I have a strange problem when Im gonna install the ubuntu, I have a windows 7 64bit with 640 gb hd, and my objective is dualboot alongside with ubuntu.22:43
Jbarbosa93I burn the 32bit ubuntu, boot from cd, on the desktop of linux have a cd telling to install click, choose language, turn on the internet, then the ****PROBLEM****, I dont have the option to choose alongside with windows, and then if I choose the option to create the partions, he tell me that dont have any os installed and have the 640 gb hd free. I already creat partions and other things, I22:43
Jbarbosa93cant, its problem of my hd?22:43
beandogPsynoKhi0: which if that's the case, you'd just need to pull up alsamixer with the other (not default) device22:43
beandogPsynoKhi0: no thats not it, it only mentions card022:43
Jbarbosa93Hi everyone, I have a strange problem when Im gonna install the linux mint, I have a windows 7 64bit with 640 gb hd, and my objective is dualboot alongside with mint.22:44
Jbarbosa93I burn the 64bit linux mint cd cinnamon, boot from cd, on the desktop of linux have a cd telling to install click, choose language, turn on the internet, then the ****PROBLEM****, I dont have the option to choose alongside with windows, and then if I choose the option to create the partions, he tell me that dont have any os installed and have the 640 gb hd free. I already creat partions and22:44
Jbarbosa93other things, I cant, its problem of my hd?22:44
FloodBot1Jbarbosa93: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:44
beandogPsynoKhi0: I dunno, man .. your kernel does *not* like that, though22:45
PsynoKhi0beandog, I know right? openSUSE 12.1 with kernel 3.1 is fine though22:45
sleepie^eyesIn terminal I pinged www.yoogle.com as a random url to test, and it starts pinging localhost (
sleepie^eyescan anyone tell me why that is? Should I be concerned?22:45
L3top!mint | Jbarbosa9322:46
Jbarbosa93Hi everyone, I have a strange problem when Im gonna install the linux mint, I have a windows 7 64bit with 640 gb hd, and my objective is dualboot alongside with mint.22:46
Jbarbosa93I burn the 64bit linux mint cd cinnamon, boot from cd, on the desktop of linux have a cd telling to install click, choose language, turn on the internet, then the ****PROBLEM****, I dont have the option to choose alongside with windows, and then if I choose the option to create the partions, he tell me that dont have any os installed and have the 640 gb hd free. I already creat partions and22:46
Jbarbosa93other things, I cant, its problem of my hd?22:46
ubottuJbarbosa93: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:46
FloodBot1Jbarbosa93: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
beandogPsynoKhi0: Hmm, might wanna look around for a different kernel, then .... I'm not familiar enough with Ubuntu on how to do that (personally, I'd just build it myself)22:46
beandogsleepie^eyes: try something else22:47
beandogsleepie^eyes: ping
beandogPsynoKhi0: there's gotta be PPAs for alternate kernels, I'd imagine.22:47
sleepie^eyesbeandog, hangs22:47
beandogPsynoKhi0: are you using closed-source ATI drivers?22:47
beandogsleepie^eyes: that's odd.22:47
sleepie^eyesbeandog, and google, yahoo, etc work as normal22:48
beandogoh wait, it does for me too22:48
beandogsleepie^eyes: yah I wouldn't worry about it22:48
sleepie^eyesyoogle.com pings localhost for you too?22:48
PsynoKhi0beandog, yes, same issue with the one provided by Jockey, and the beta 12.822:48
beandogoh wow, it does22:48
sleepie^eyesseriously whats up with that22:48
beandognever heard of that22:48
ubuntu_anybody know where to find help with recovery?22:49
sleepie^eyesoh, you're a user too22:49
beandogsleepie^eyes: dunno.  don't worry about it.22:49
beandogPsynoKhi0: that might be making it unhappy, I'd guess22:49
lrcaballeroubuntu: what kind of recovery?22:49
beandogclosed drivers tend to do that, unfortunately. :T22:50
sleepie^eyesdoes ctrl-C terminate a running utility in terminal, or does make run in the background22:50
sertaconaysleepie^eyes, it terminates22:51
sleepie^eyessertaconay, thank you22:51
sertaconaysleepie^eyes, you are welcome.22:52
semitonesI have a package "alsa-hda-dkms" that has errors everytime apt-get tries to update it. Can I just mark "prefer current version" or does that somehow lead to problems? Thanks22:52
wasanzyplease I just loss most of my root privileges on my laptop22:52
beandogPsynoKhi0: my first thought it is to say to try and disable the module, and see what happens22:52
beandogPsynoKhi0: at least then you'd narrow down the problem22:53
wasanzymy user account is the only account on the ubuntu machine hence, has all the root access, but now after booting today, I can do most of the things I use to do like creating new users22:53
wasanzyplease any idea?22:53
sertaconaywasanzy, does your user have user privileges?22:54
PsynoKhi0beandog, snd_hda_intel is used by both the motherboard and HDMI, wouldn't that still leave me with no sound at all?22:54
beandogPsynoKhi0: sorry, not that module, the ATI one22:55
beandogPsynoKhi0: the closed source video card one22:55
sertaconaywasanzy, does your user have sudo privileges? *22:55
PsynoKhi0beandog, erm ok brb22:56
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Gyro54What is a good backup program to backup 2 local Vmware servers?22:56
wasanzyyes as you can see my passwd and sudoers file: http://pastebin.com/5QwPWiAH22:56
semitonesI have a package "alsa-hda-dkms" that has errors everytime apt-get tries to update it. Can I just mark "prefer current version" or does that somehow lead to problems? Thanks22:56
beandogsemitones: flagging a package to not be upgraded?22:57
semitonesyeah. i think it's my sound drivers22:58
semitonesthey're the maverick package22:58
FloodBot1benn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:58
beandogsemitones: http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/11/how-to-disable-package-from-updating-in.html that maybe?22:58
wasanzysertaconay, are you there?22:59
beandogI'm betting it was a cat22:59
semitonesbeandog: thanks, I know how to do it, I'm just trying to ask if it will cause problems22:59
beandogsemitones: oh, nah, probably not22:59
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wasanzyany idea about why I can do any thing as root?23:01
Myrttiwasanzy: why you can or why you can't23:02
wasanzyI mean. I can't do any thing as root23:02
tippeneinxorg.conf doesn't need to exist correct?23:02
Myrttiwasanzy: what do you mean by that?23:02
sertaconaywasanzy, do you have any user who has sudo?23:02
Myrttitippenein: no23:02
boliviano3does anyone know a good alternative for PopCorn  MKV Audioconverter?23:02
tippeneinI'm running ubuntu 10.04 and I can't get my nvidia device drivers to be seen23:03
sertaconaywasanzy, when you type su in command line, what is output?23:03
tippeneinI got nvidia-current, and still no luck after restarting23:03
wasanzythe only user account I have which I created during installation23:03
wasanzyam able to su alriht23:04
sertaconaywasanzy, when you type su in command line, doesn't it ask for password?23:04
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wasanzyah, I can see, am able to add user via command line, but via the GUI I can't because of authentication23:05
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Myrttiwasanzy: have you enabled root password?23:06
wasanzyam not sure, how do I check? because any thing GUI that need sudo is asking for root password and when I enter my password, it fails.23:08
beandogwasanzy: what is the output of su -23:08
beandogwasanzy: what is the output of sudo su -23:08
beandogwasanzy: the output, not the description23:09
sertaconaywasanzy,  you have two users, root and other right? when other user is doing something with sudo it asks password and it's your user's password.23:09
wasanzysertaconay, you are right, but I don't remember adding root user and you know ubuntu uses the default user account during installation as root account so am confused23:11
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riz0nI am in the process of migrating from an old Ubuntu server to a new server. What is the easiest way to move MySQL databases?23:11
wasanzy<beandog>: emmanuel@dove:~$ su -23:11
wasanzy[sudo] password for emmanuel:23:11
NastyNazsuppose I had $10k lying around, an IQ of 153 and a load of free time - what would be the most effective way to learn Ruby?23:12
beandogNastyNaz: isn't there some ruby book online?23:12
sertaconaywasanzy, ubuntu asks for adding users at the beginning of installation and you have added emmanuel and typed your password for EMMANUEL23:12
beandogNastyNaz: http://ruby.learncodethehardway.org/book/23:13
wasanzy<sertaconay>, yes23:13
sertaconaywasanzy, then no problem. have a nice day.23:13
wasanzyso I don't know how the root account got enabled23:14
jpreto_hello, how does AfterSys as a web dev enterprise name sound to a native english speaker? good? catchy?23:14
Mitchell92Can someone help me completely remove  parallel desktop?23:14
wasanzyhow do I disable the root account?23:14
Tlyf226freenode fakes its users, snardbafulator is a child molester, join us at irc.arcamens.com23:14
Tlyf226freenode fakes its users, snardbafulator is a child molester, join us at irc.arcamens.com23:14
sertaconaywasanzy, root account is default account of system.23:14
Tlyf226freenode fakes its users, snardbafulator is a child molester, join us at irc.arcamens.com23:14
FloodBot1Tlyf226: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
TQXk435freenode fakes its users, snardbafulator is a child molester, join us at irc.arcamens.com23:14
TQXk435freenode fakes its users, snardbafulator is a child molester, join us at irc.arcamens.com23:14
FloodBot1TQXk435: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
TQXk435freenode fakes its users, snardbafulator is a child molester, join us at irc.arcamens.com23:14
wasanzy<sertaconay>, but I don't remember setting password for the root account23:16
ActionParsnipwasanzy: sudo passwd -dl root23:16
wasanzy<ActionParsnip>, what does that command do?23:17
ActionParsnipwasanzy: you don't set it in the default setup and the account is disabled23:17
ActionParsnipwasanzy: disables the account, as it should be23:17
ActionParsnipwasanzy: as you asked for...23:17
wasanzythank you.23:18
ActionParsnipwasanzy: I'd have thought that me replying to your question would immediately clarify what it did...23:18
wasanzywill I need to restart?23:18
ActionParsnipwasanzy: no it's all good to go23:18
beandogwhats that command you run to see system stats over the past hour, day, etc23:18
wasanzythank you.23:18
ActionParsnipbeandog: stats in what sense?23:18
ActionParsnipwasanzy: np dude23:18
beandogActionParsnip: cpu load23:19
wawowe3beandog: uptime23:19
beandognot vmstat, there's something else.  Can't remember the name.23:19
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 can open this http://www.zygotebody.com? All my browsers says WebGL not supported!23:19
beandogah, sar23:19
beandogit's not running though23:19
CrazyGangsterhow can fix this?23:20
wasanzy<ActionParsnip>,   passwd: password expiry information changed. (is the output)23:20
ronaxsertaconay : yettim,neredesin :))23:20
wasanzyOMG, my application is still asking for root password23:21
ActionParsnipwasanzy: that's fine :)23:21
ActionParsnipwasanzy: run it prefixed with sudo23:21
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ActionParsnipCrazyGangster: do you have 3D accelleration enabled?23:22
wasanzyam trying to select a wireless network from list of wireless networks and it is asing for root23:22
ActionParsnipwasanzy: should only ask for the wifi key, users can join and leave networks as they need23:23
CottusCrazyGangster, firefox: about:config > WebGL23:23
wasanzybut that is not the case here, is rather asking for the root password to the machine23:24
PsynoKhi0beandog, fglrx had nothin to do with it, though blacklisting snd_hda_codec_hdmi did the trick!23:24
PsynoKhi0beandog, dmesg is now nice and clean23:24
PsynoKhi0beandog, thanks for the hint23:25
fellayaboywhats the best terminal email client i can use that offers encryption...where my password and username cant get sniffed23:25
CrazyGangsterActionParsnip: i think i have...23:25
CrazyGangsterCottus: I will check...23:25
wasanzySystem policy prevents modification of network settings for all users.( This is what I get)23:25
beandogPsynoKhi0: wow, thats awesome.  congrats, man :D23:26
beandogfellayaboy: mutt ?23:26
beandogfellayaboy: oh, I read that as CLI, n/m23:26
PsynoKhi0beandog, :D23:26
fellayaboywhy dont i see encryption at 512bits or more23:26
beandogPython1320: fglrx ... I was trying to remember the module name, heh23:27
fellayaboyis it illegal to have encryption above 256bit? i read that it was23:27
shadykhanis there a program where i connect my android phone to my comp and have like a desktop sms system? with notifications and what not?23:27
fellayaboyi see ubuntu has a mail command ...and when i type mail in terminal it says i have no mail...how can i set it up to use my gmail... can someone give me a link i suck at googling the right info23:28
MonkeyDustshadykhan  there's gammu23:28
beandogfellayaboy: it depends if you want cli or gui23:29
fellayaboyi want cli23:29
PsynoKhi0"mutt gmail" on google returns a bunch of links :)23:30
fellayaboyso whats that mail command i see in terminall... isnt mutt and mail too different email programs23:30
fellayaboytwo different*23:31
CrazyGangsterCottus: http://i47.tinypic.com/34eyvzo.png23:31
shadykhanMonkeyDust, thanks ill look into it23:31
PsynoKhi0mail is only for your LAN as think23:31
Cottuswell , i don't know23:31
fellayaboyfor your LAN??23:32
PsynoKhi0assuming the computer you use mail on is a server23:32
Cottusit is enabled23:32
Myrttifellayaboy: mail can be aliased to mutt, much like www-browser is usually aliased to your preferred browser23:32
fellayaboyi see23:32
PsynoKhi0the mail command is to inform other users on your system if my memory serves me well23:32
fellayaboywell i guess ill look into mutt then23:32
fellayaboyoh so its for sending messages to local users on your pc?23:33
PsynoKhi0or not23:34
fellayaboyi mean excuse me..sendign them to your local users and LAN23:34
fellayaboywell thanks guys23:34
fellayaboyi appreciate it23:34
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 can open this http://www.zygotebody.com? All my browsers says WebGL not supported, how can fix this?  http://i47.tinypic.com/34eyvzo.png23:39
MichaelGlmail can be used to send mail normally to anyone..23:39
beandogecho hello world | mail -s hello foo@gmail.com23:40
MichaelGlit's not the most user friendly interface..23:40
beandogMichaelGl: agreed, it's a pain23:40
PsynoKhi0MichaelGl, isn't that only for mailx?23:40
MichaelGlmailx has some more functionality23:41
PsynoKhi0maybe was confusing it with wall23:41
MichaelGli forget what exactly23:41
MichaelGlthey're both very basic by today's standards23:41
MichaelGlreally you can just telnet into a mail server and send email if you want23:42
MonkeyDustabout mutt, what's an example of an MTA ?23:42
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: postfix and sendmail are examples23:43
beandogsmtp server23:44
escottbeandog, i feel sorry for Mr Foo, i cant imagine how much junk mail he gets23:45
beandogescott: heh, I remember reading once about the guy who owns example.com and how much email he gets23:46
=== holmes is now known as Guest51674
escottbeandog, IANA owns example.com, so it is safe to use, but lots of stuff ends up being emailed to invalid domains all the time23:50
beandogescott: maybe it was a different domain23:51
Guest51674can u help me, i try to find a community of physics at irc23:51
escott!alis | Guest5167423:52
ubottuGuest51674: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:52
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:52
escottbeandog, it might have been noreply.com, but some researchers squatted on typos for fortune 500 companies and got lots of insider emails23:53
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
beandogthat might be it23:54
staffordI am looking for Ubuntu system hardening guide23:58

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