
KRomooh hi01:02
KRomois there any free way to expand the storage in ubuntu one?01:03
KRomoi have 50gb free with dropbox01:03
ralsinaKRomo: no, we only have 5GB of free storage. OTOH, we don't ask you to spam your friends for space ;-)01:16
KRomoi have a q about the music streaming'01:32
KRomoi can stream from the free app with the 5gb01:32
KRomodoes the mucic just give more space?01:32
ralsinaSorry, was away01:48
ChipacaKRomo: from what free app can you stream?01:48
ralsinaKRomo: the streaming is not free, what you have is a demo with a few tracks01:48
ralsinaKRomo: and buying streaming gets you 20GB01:48
KRomono when i open the ubuntu one app i can see the mp3s i uploaded01:49
KRomoand when i click on it in android, it starts playing01:49
KRomoios too01:49
KRomobut if i lreave the app it stops01:49
ralsinaKRomo: is that the Ubuntu One Files app? Sure, you can see them, but to play them you have to download them01:49
KRomoi swear i dont, it streams01:49
KRomosecond i click it, it starts01:50
ralsinaKRomo: don't know what to say, I don't have music in my account :-)01:50
KRomoit shows an on screen play button and seek01:50
KRomomy other issue is this01:50
KRomoim backing up my home folder now and its uploading browser cache01:50
KRomoshouldnt that be skipped?01:51
ChipacaKRomo: what are you using to back up?01:52
KRomodeja vu native ubuntu app01:53
KRomosays creating first backup and im watching my firefox and chrome cache get uploaded01:53
ChipacaKRomo: hmm... while it's running, can you open a terminal and do 'ps faxuww | grep -C2 duplicit[y]  ?01:54
ChipacaKRomo: for me, it automatically skipped a bunch of stuff01:54
KRomoits running now01:54
Chipacaif it's not, you can manuall add ~/.cache and ~/.mozilla/*/*/Cache to the list of folders to ignore (you can't actually specify *, but i hope you get what i mean)01:54
KRomoim very newby to linux what will 'ps faxuww | grep -C2 duplicit[y] do?01:55
ChipacaKRomo: ps list processes01:55
ChipacaKRomo: you can enter "man ps" on a terminal to read tha manpage01:56
KRomoi typed it and now i just have >01:56
KRomowith a blinking cursor01:56
Chipacamy bad01:56
Chipacaenter '01:56
Chipacai forgot the closing ' :)01:56
Chipacadon't type the opening ' :)01:56
Chipacagosh it's late01:56
KRomook haha01:56
KRomook now it gave me a bunch of stuff01:57
Chipacaralsina: can you pick it up? i should go to bed before it's 3am01:57
ralsinaChipaca: well, it's 11PM here and I haveto get up at 6AM ;-)01:57
ralsinaSo sure01:57
KRomomy bad not an emergency :)01:57
ralsinaKRomo: if you can drop by tomorrow morning you can also catch the mobile guys01:58
ChipacaKRomo: no harm done if it backs up the cache this one time. Add the directories to the exclusion list (in deja dup) for next time.01:58
KRomoi just dont want to pay for more storage if it gets eaten up by nonsense browser cache01:58
KRomonow it is backing up thunderbird stuff01:59
ralsinaKRomo: it can be configured not to backup that, don't worry01:59
ChipacaKRomo: point. So cancel it then :)01:59
KRomoi cancelled it01:59
ralsinaKRomo: https://answers.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+question/14882701:59
ralsinaIt should be ignoring those by default, maybe something happened02:00
KRomoi cancelled it and my ubuntu one looks empty but it says 555MB used02:00
ralsinaKRomo: look in the website02:01
ralsinaKRomo: dejadup probably uploaded to a folder you are not syncing02:01
KRomooh i see onweb only 4.9mb used02:01
karniralsina: mobile guys? KRomo: questions about iOS/Android?02:03
ralsinakarni: what's the timeover there? Insanely late or very early? ;-)02:03
karniKRomo: oh, right. that's mp3 preview.02:03
KRomowell, i was saying that on the ubuntu files app, when i click on an mp3 it seems to stream without dl02:03
karniralsina: I'm not sure which one! 4AM (If you ask me, I was just leaving ;))02:04
KRomoso whats diff between the "preview" and paying for streaming feature?02:04
* ralsina goes to bed while it's still thursday like a good boy02:04
karniKRomo: no no, it doesn't stream. it download the file first, in Ubuntu One Files app. then you see this little preview player.02:04
karniralsina: hahah, take care02:04
KRomooh ok02:04
karniKRomo: instead, what you can do is use the default player02:04
ralsinaKRomo: maybe you have a fast internet connection in your phone02:04
KRomoyeah its 4g maybe it just seemed to stream02:05
karniKRomo: there is one quirk, though. if this music has been purchased in U1, it's not scanned well by the phone, so it rarely is visible in the player. the rest of the music should be there.02:05
karniKRomo: we'll soon fix this my moving /mnt/sdcard/u1/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One, to some other sane location (no dot in the path, which hides the folder)02:05
KRomoso, how do i stop deja dup from backing up browser cache?02:06
karniKRomo: so, unless it's been purchased in U1 (you can always move it somewhere else on the phone and it will be soon available in the player), it should appear in the default music player.02:06
KRomodeja dup nly lists trash and downloads as folders to skip02:06
karniKRomo: I believe you would add an exception path or something. Haven't used it myself.02:06
karniIt's very late here, sorry. I have to disappear now ;(02:07
KRomook havea good night02:07
karniKRomo: All what I said concerned Ubuntu One Files app. Make sure I didn't confuse you, in case you were taklking about Ubuntu One Music, which *does* in fact stream the music.02:08
karninight KRomo !02:08
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
JamesTaitHappy Friday, folks! :)08:45
gatoxgood morning!11:15
popeywhats the name of the launchpad project which does the backend for unity-scopes-video-remote ?11:28
popeyfound it. nvm11:37
alecuHello folks!11:55
gatoxalecu, hi12:02
mandelalecu, gatox, hola!12:07
mandelalecu, gatox I might not have internet connection this afternoon because I'm switching ISP so if I don't respond means that I have no internet12:10
gatoxmandel, ackkkk12:10
ralsinagood morning mandel, gatox12:25
gatoxralsina, hi12:25
mandelralsina, morning!12:25
mandelok, lunch time12:39
gatoxmandel, when you have a moment please review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/darwin-fsevents-1/+merge/11038212:41
gatoxit seems long, but the problem is that pyinotify_agnostic used to be written on windows or something, because it shows that all the lines change12:42
gatoxalecu, the same ^12:42
gatoxalecu, i could revert that and change it on windows..... but sometimes in the future we are going to edit it again on linux probably12:43
gatoxi added a comment sayiing which are the only changes in pyinotify_agnostic (just 2 lines)12:45
mandelgatox, probably a \r\n issue13:51
gatoxmandel, yap13:52
mmcchey folks. quiet here today...14:23
gatoxmmcc, it's friday :P14:24
* gatox is splitting a branch really quiet :P14:24
mmccgatox, oh right, friday :)14:25
mmccmandel, the u1-client credentials fix is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/fix-1013261-darwins-got-credentials/+merge/11043114:26
gatoxmmcc, do you need reviews for that? it's my review day14:26
mmccgatox, do you have time to look at that one too?14:26
gatoxmmcc, reviewing....14:26
mandelmmcc, great!14:27
mmccif anyone has a mac handy - can you run the tests in control panel trunk?14:38
mmccthey all pass for me, but I get a bunch of these backtraces: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042473/14:38
mmccand I think it might be related to the problem I'm having now with controlpanel hanging while displaying the overlay14:39
gatoxmmcc, mmmm weird.... i'll check that14:40
mmccthanks gatox. yeah it is weird - I had some debug prints in and the overlay counter gets used in many tests successfully, but that backtrace shows up pretty often14:41
mmccby "used successfully" I mean that there are lots of tests where the counter is referenced but that backtrace is not printed14:42
gatoxmmcc, i'll check, maybe it's being patch in a wrong way or something14:44
ralsinaOh, talk about no alpha and beta freezes. I am not sure I am thrilled or scared.14:50
mmccralsina: it is ok to be both thrilled *and* scared!14:51
ralsinammcc: scarilled!14:51
mandelralsina, what? no freezes?14:56
dobeyralsina: eh?14:57
ralsinamandel, dobey: thread started by Rick Spencer on ubuntu-devel14:57
ralsinathisfred: ?15:03
briancurtinoh me15:04
ralsinabriancurtin: you were my next call :-)15:04
ralsinamandel: go15:04
mandelDONE: Tried to get sd started. Found some small issues. Fought with ISP provider. Some ff ideas.15:04
mandelTODO: Reviews, merge mmcc fix for creds to my branch and try to start sd with the fix in place (after some fixes)15:04
mandelBLOCKED: no15:04
mandelCOMMENT: I just have a 30 mins before the ISP eng comes and cuts the connection, later reconnect (in theory)15:04
mandelgatox, please15:04
gatoxSplitting branch, reviewing branches, checking u1-cp tests on mac15:04
gatoxSubmit smaller branches for review, keep reviewing branches.15:04
gatoxralsina, go15:04
ralsinaDONE: I talked on the phone. Tweaked roadmap. Team call. 1-1s. dash call. canonicaladmin. planning. And so on.  TODO: anything but that. Banks. No nanny, sick kid, so not sure how much I can do. Refine python3 plans. BLOCKED: by sick kid. NEXT mmcc15:04
mmcc DONE: reviews, u1client credentials ipc for darwin, controlpanel debugging15:04
mmcc TODO: controlpanel debugging15:04
mmccBLOCK: need debug tips for twisted/qt hangs15:04
mmcc NEXT: dobey15:04
dobeyλ DONE: stable releases15:04
dobeyλ TODO: reviews, finish releases/uploads, tarmac tweakery15:04
dobeyλ BLCK: None.15:04
briancurtinstill writing, 1'15:05
briancurtinDONE: trying to hack buildout now for two things: devtools, and adding Python 3 flags to the interpreter for run-tests.bat (bootstrapped pythons for some reason only support a few flags...wtf)15:05
briancurtinTODO: started the 3.0.2 installer, almost ready to submit the binaries to the RT15:05
briancurtinBLOCKED: no15:05
alecuDONE: 1-1, team meeting, freaked out about py3, backports for ssl, some reviews15:06
alecuTODO: finish backports, discuss sso on py3 with brian15:06
alecuBLOCKED: no15:06
alecuNEXT: thisfred15:06
thisfredDONE: bug #1006876 bug #1006879 bug #1006882 TODO: Bug #1006889  BLOCKED: no15:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1006876 in U1DB "put_doc_if_newer should check replica_trans_id" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100687615:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1006879 in U1DB "api for validating transaction_id of source_replica" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100687915:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1006882 in U1DB "sync_exchange should include txid on each doc" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100688215:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1006889 in U1DB "api for validating transaction_id of target_replica" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100688915:07
gatoxmmcc, ping15:10
mmccgatox: p0ng15:10
gatoxmmcc, cancel ping :P my bad..... i was trying to run the tests on windows but i copy the clientdefs.py in the wrong place15:10
mmccgatox: aha. ok. note that if you run all the windows tests, you might have a problem with get_ssl_context, I wasn't able to iron that out yesterday. the tests that are relevant to the branch do pass though15:12
gatoxmmcc, i'm not being able to run all the tests for u1-client since yesterday.... so..15:12
mmccand that get_ssl_context problem shouldn't exist, so maybe you won't see it :)15:12
gatoxon windows15:12
mmccthat reminds me - is there a build or install step on windows for the storage protocol? I can't remember. I updated it to get the new impl of get_ssl_context, but when I run the tests I get the same problem...15:14
briancurtinmmcc: it should be taken care of during running the env.bat script - IIRC it just puts regristry entries somewhere and uses protoc to compile something15:15
mmccbriancurtin: hmm. nothing changed in the protobufs, AFAIK. but I'll see if starting a fresh console helps15:17
gatoxmmcc, ok, i'm running the tests on mac, windows and linux now15:17
gatoxmmcc, then i'll check the u1-cp thing on mac15:17
mmccgatox, great thanks!15:17
gatoxmmcc, btw...... how are you running the tests for u1-cp on mac?? just with run-tests or there is something mac-specific?? i don't see it15:18
mmccgatox: just run-tests- I made it detect the platform and do the right thing in a previous branch15:19
gatoxmmcc, cooll15:19
* gatox lunch..... brb15:20
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
alecummcc: ping15:27
alecummcc: I'm running https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/setup-mac/+merge/11015515:27
mmcchi alecu, how many ways is it breaking for you?15:28
alecummcc: I got the .apps built, but now when I try to run them I get an error in the dialog that says "there was a problem trying to setup the page"15:28
alecummcc: let me paste the full log.15:28
alecummcc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1042526/15:29
alecummcc: it's repeated many times in the stderr output15:29
alecummcc: so, it seems that tcp activation is not finding some folder.15:30
mmccalecu, oh I know what's going on. my apologies. I have another branch that I haven't proposed, to get the right path for the sso client. I haven't proposed it because it only currently knows about the path to sso and not the other sub-apps.15:31
mmccI just forgot that you can't really test sso in the .app that setup builds without that other branch15:31
alecummcc: no problem!15:31
mmccjust a sec and I will find the branch url if you want to test it15:32
alecummcc: so, as long as this issue is known, I think it's ok if it comes in a different branch.15:32
alecummcc: since the branch I'm reviewing is about .app building, I don't care if tcp activation is broken, so don't worry.15:32
mmccalecu, ok so if you use this sso branch, it will find the right binary inside the .app package: lp:~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-992593-backend-path-in-pkg15:33
alecummcc: great15:33
mmccthe setup script is kind of a weird branch to review - running sso from within the package is really testing sso, but otherwise there's not much to test15:34
alecummcc: the branch looks great. A few comments:15:44
alecummcc: we've recently added a new .pem for Valicert, so we should include that too.15:45
ralsinaI have to run some errands, and then lunch, will be back in 90 minutes or so15:45
alecummcc: Also, some docstrings are slightly different to what we use:15:45
alecummcc: for instance:15:46
alecu""" No-op, lets us call setup multiple times without re-preparing"""15:46
alecushould be:15:46
alecu"""No-op, lets us call setup multiple times without re-preparing."""15:46
alecummcc: and no whiteline before the docstring in PrepareSources15:47
mmccalecu, ok - noted, thanks. I'll look at the windows setup.py for the new valicert .pem...15:48
alecummcc: and uppercase the first word, and a dot at the end in finalize_options and elsewhere.15:48
briancurtinhm, something is wrong with SSO in 3.0.2 :/15:48
alecummcc: one more: always """ (in copy_helper)15:49
alecubriancurtin: what is it?15:49
briancurtinalecu: i went to delete my creds and am getting an attributeerror that keyring has no "delete_password", then i went to run the tests and it has a really old run-tests.bat15:50
briancurtinlooking into now15:50
briancurtin(and i approved it...)15:50
alecubriancurtin: no "delete_password" means that pykeyring needs the patch that mandel proposed upstream.15:51
alecubriancurtin: so it's either very old or unpatched pykeyring.15:51
mandelalecu, briancurtin I really need to fix that..15:51
alecubriancurtin: (I don't know if those fixes were merged upstream, but mandel should)15:51
mandelalecu, they where rejected because they implemented it AFAIK15:52
mandelthere should be a delete in the hg repo, I'll take a look15:52
mandelalthough I have 10 mins more before the cut my line15:52
briancurtinmaybe thats something, but i could have also screwed this setup up because it has weirdo changes to run-tests.bat which i dont see in the update-3-0 branch which was merged15:52
briancurtineh nevermind the test thing, i guess those changes were never merged out of trunk for any of the branches15:53
briancurtini think i might have it figured out, something caused a newer keyring to be picked15:54
mandelok, going away due to ISP being an ass..15:59
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mandelprobably EOD and EOW so see you on Monday!16:00
gatoxmmcc, i'm getting 11 errors running the tests for u1-cp on mac..... is that what you get?16:02
gatoxmmcc, and i don't see the trace you mention..... i'm just seeing some failures related to gui/qt/main/linux.py with the DBusQtMainLoop16:03
mmccgatox, no I get all passes, but maybe I have something that trunk doesn't - I thought all the platform fix branches were in... let me look16:04
mmccwow, I'm *that guy* today16:05
gatoxmmcc, run a diff against trunk16:05
mmccgatox, no need, I have the patch here: lp:~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1012887-controlpanel-darwin16:06
mmccI don't know why I haven't proposed that yet16:06
gatoxmmcc, do you want mme to review it?16:07
* mmcc needs more sleep16:07
mmccgatox  - yes, let me propose it quickly here16:07
gatoxmmcc, ack16:07
mmccoh, I know - because like the credentials fix from yesterday, I thought maybe we should rename 'windows.py' since macos uses the same reactor16:08
mmcchow about we change windows.py to 'twisted_main.py' and linux.py to dbus_main.py ?16:09
gatoxmmcc, if it is going to be use from macos, i vote for rename it...... but we should ask alecu16:09
mmccgatox, ok - we'll ping alecu when he's back from lunch, but for now can you use that branch to look at the tests? they should all pass on that branch16:10
gatoxmmcc, ack16:10
gatoxmmcc, with that branch, all green and no traceback with the counter thing16:14
briancurtinarghhhhh. need to step away for a min before i smash this computer. brb, coffee.16:18
gatoxmmcc, +1 for: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/fix-1013261-darwins-got-credentials/+merge/11043116:18
gatoxsetting to globally approve16:18
dobeyok, off for lunch and couple of errands. bbiab16:18
mmccgatox, no tracebacks at the end, or no tracebacks at all? what I get is all green, but it'll print  tracebacks interspersed with the test names16:23
gatoxmmcc, no traceback at all16:23
gatoxat least i don't see any scrolling from top to bottom16:25
mmccgatox, can you try running ubuntuone-controlpanel-qt from the shell, and with the darwin credentials fix for u1-client you just approved in your PYTHONPATH  ?16:26
mmccif that gets further for you then I have something very wrong here16:26
gatoxmmcc, yes.... give me a sec16:26
mmccset U1_DEBUG=1 too, please ;)16:26
mmccby further I mean further than it does for me - hanging after getting no credentials from sso, and just displaying a frozen loading overlay16:27
gatoxmmcc, grrrrrrrr...... is not finding clientdefs.py..... but is in the proper directory......16:32
gatoxlet me check16:32
mmccgatox, I set pythonpath when I run it like this:16:32
mmcc%  U1_DEBUG=1 PYTHONPATH=.:../ubuntuone-client:../ubuntu-sso-client python ./bin/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt16:32
gatoxnow is working.... i don't know what was i doing wrong16:34
gatoxit opens but it get stuck in the loading overlay16:35
mmccgatox: ok, that's what I see too. and the overlay isn't animating, right?16:35
* briancurtin back16:35
gatoxmmcc, righ16:35
mmccgatox: ok, well at least that's the same. still not sure why I get those tracebacks about the overlay's counter in the tests, though16:36
gatoxmmcc, do you want to paste the output of running the teests?16:37
mmccgatox: sure, just a sec16:37
gatoxmmcc, no, i mean if you want to see MY output16:37
mmccoh, yes please :)16:37
gatoxwas: want me16:37
mmccno worries :)16:39
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
gatox_macmmcc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042637/ that is the paste16:56
mmccthanks gatox_mac16:57
gatoxalecu, ping16:57
mmccwell, wtf16:57
gatoxmmcc, it happens :P16:58
mmccthis is why I hate computers16:58
gatoxmmcc, non deterministic machines from hell!! jjee16:58
gatoxmmcc, but...... usually is a PICNIC16:59
mmccI'm going to give this a minute to stew, and go fix alecu's suggestions about setup-mac17:01
mmccbriancurtin, alecu - the setup-mac branch is ready for your re-review.17:15
briancurtini'll get to it, need to get py2exe figured out so i can do this windows release first17:16
mmccbriancurtin: sure, no big rush17:16
briancurtinits probably a good thing we all work remotely because im about to burn my house down due to py2exe17:19
ralsinabriancurtin: whoa. What's happening?17:19
mmccbriancurtin: I feel your pain, s/exe/app/.17:20
briancurtin"The operation completed successfully" except it didnt17:20
briancurtinim just tearing this env down and building up once again, something is screwed up17:20
ralsinayes, py2exe, py2app are barely functional things.17:23
ralsinaI suspect the authors made them work for their own projects, then retired.17:23
briancurtinthat's the case with py2exe for sure. it used to be a solid project back in the day, but it works for thomas heller and that was fine. he effectively retired from python and open source a year or so ago17:24
briancurtin(he also did ctypes, for which there's no current maintainer and no one else really knows it)17:25
ralsinabummer, ctypes is both useful and complex17:27
briancurtinearlier today i came across what looks to be a new ctypes replacement by the PyPy guys: http://cffi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html17:28
ralsinalooks nice17:29
briancurtinha, perfect timing. after talking about burning down my house due to py2exe, Talking Heads - Burning Down The House just came on17:34
alecummcc: great, I'll re-review17:35
dobeyhmm, are people shirking their review day responsibilities a bit?17:37
briancurtini was on it yesterday but in the past i've just forgotten about it until mid-day. i think it would be helpful to directly ping that day's reviwer which i think only some of us do17:41
briancurtinmaybe make a reminder announcement at standup whos day it is17:41
gatoxi've been seeking for branches to review today :P17:42
ralsinaI can arrnge for mails to be sent17:43
dobeygatox: unfortunately it's your review day (and mine)17:43
ralsinabut really guys, it's one day a week :-)17:43
dobeywell i'm only asking because i see a branch of mandel's which i reviewed last friday, still sitting there without a second review17:43
* ralsina looks17:43
dobeyand there isn't much i can really do with the (giant) darwin/fsevents branches17:44
ralsinadobey: ok, I'll do a second review on that one17:44
gatoxdobey, i can do it too..... sorry, i look for branches here, i forgot about the ones in everyones user17:44
gatoxdobey, no, ignore that one.... i'm splitting that one into pieces17:45
dobeyis a good url to bookmark :)17:45
ralsinagatox: I have it, don't worry17:45
gatoxralsina, ok17:45
ralsinaalso, you can go to #u1-reviews17:45
gatoxdobey, oh cool! i didn't know that page!!17:45
ralsinaLooks like I said I would review that one, then dropped it17:46
gatoxadding that page to firefox launcher17:46
dobeyalso, the pretty hate machine remaster is pretty damn good.17:46
dobeyalso also17:47
dobeyif you install lptools you can run the lp-review-list program and it'll have an auto-updating list of reviews17:48
dobeyi wish i had more time to work on that code17:48
dobeymandel: still here?17:50
alecudobey: pretty hate machine got remastered? Is there any way it got better?17:52
alecuoh, 2010. /me stopped paying attention to new NIN albums in... 98?17:53
dobeyalecu: yeah, 2010 remaster. a lot of the instruments are a bit more pronounced, but not overly so. it's not a "just make it louder" remaster with lots of compression/clipping crack17:53
dobeyalecu: dude. you're missing out. especially if you haven't heard his new band How to Destroy Angels17:54
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
dobeygatox, ralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-installer/update-3-0/+merge/110590 :)18:36
gatoxdobey, on it18:36
ralsinadobey: got it18:37
mmccoh hey, I've been back from lunch for a while. checking out lptools, looks useful :)18:49
alecugatox: Your branch looks good (and small!!!); I've only added a comment like we've discussed.18:56
gatoxalecu, cool..... i'm about to propose the last piece of this series of branches18:56
gatoxalecu, and i'll fix that18:56
alecugatox: btw: should I set the previous branch to "Rejected" ?18:57
gatoxalecu, yes18:58
alecugatox: great, thanks.18:58
mmcca. ha. controlpanel is using a selectreactor instead of a qtreactor. (this doesn't end well)18:58
gatoxalecu, all the branches has been proposed19:02
gatoxi split it in 4 parts19:02
dobey-2 is 1131 lines :)19:07
alecugatox: great, looking at 2 right now.19:07
gatoxdobey, but a lot of lines are because some EOL problme, that were not in the standard way19:07
gatoxthe comment expllain it19:08
dobeyah -2 is just adding 2 large files19:08
alecuuh, kinder time. bbiab19:10
gatoxalecu, look at the description.... the branches says which tests can you run on mac19:10
dobeygatox: what is this python-fsevents branch about? i thought the u1-fsevents-daemon had python stuff in it now?19:12
mmccralsina, around? I'm curious about ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/addfolder.py, lines 36-45 and your colorful comments within19:12
ralsinammcc: looking19:12
gatoxdobey, it's a fork of the macfsevents lib.... we needed to fix some things19:12
gatoxdobey, the first revision is the original lib..... and the other revisions are from my changes19:13
mmccI'm doing a sweep for 'win32' and was wondering if I need to worry about native file dialogs for us too.. it's kind of a red flag for sandboxing19:13
ralsinammcc: yes19:13
ralsinammcc: it's true except about the existence o Qt 4.919:13
mmccin previous comment, 'us' == darwin :)19:14
ralsinammcc: basically, the  "Show only folders" flag is broken on windows19:14
ralsinammcc: as long as it's not broken on mac, you should not care19:14
mmccralsina: oh, ok. well, I'll make a note to test that on macos19:14
ralsinammcc: you're welcome19:14
ralsinaand I'm late to pick my kid from school :-)19:14
faryshtaCan I browse the ubuntuone music store by genre?19:19
faryshtaFound it, sorry.19:23
faryshtaIs there a list of free music in ubuntu one?19:23
faryshtaAs in free speach.19:24
dobeyi don't know of any music licensed in that manner, available in the music store, no19:39
mmccdoes anyone know why test_on_credentials_not_found in gui/qt/tests/test_controlpanel.py (line 72) calls self.ui.on_credentials_found() before it calls on_credentials_not_found()?20:03
gatoxand this is EOD for me! have a nice weekend everyone!20:04
mmccbye gatox, have a good weekend20:04
gatoxmmcc, bye20:04
ralsinammcc: who is bzr blame pointing at? ;-)20:34
ralsinammcc: because it does sound daft but I bet there was a good reason at the time20:35
mmccralsina: looking20:35
mmccralsina: see https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/disconnect-flow/+merge/7308420:39
mmccI can't find a reason in the comments. it was a big merge, though.20:39
mmccI suspect maybe it used to work differently. I just noticed the test_on_credentials_found does both calls too, just in the reverse order20:40
ralsinammcc: doesn't ring any bells20:41
ralsinammcc: you may ask nessita, she should still be around20:41
mmccoh, I think I understand... it's not super important (I thought maybe it was earlier)20:44
mmccwhen the tests were written, those on_credentials*found functions only set the current widget, so the tests are basically making sure that you start with the wrong widget and test that you switch to the right one20:45
mmccI guess a hedge against a default initial current widget that the test doesn't control20:45
mmccnow that those functions do more (including triggering the loading overlay), it's not as clean, but I don't think it's a big problem20:46
dobeythat seems broken20:49
dobeycold ice cream == cold fingers from holding the cup20:54
briancurtin2crap, proxy-tunnel is showing a console window20:56
briancurtin2double crap...i need to leave in a few minutes. i'll be gone for 30-45 min and will be back to stick around a bit later.20:58
ralsinammcc: ack, sounds reasonable20:58
ralsinadobey: yes, it sounds like somethng deserving a low-priority bug20:58
ralsinabriancurtin2: crap indeed20:58
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
briancurtin2ah, i know what the first crap is about...when i rebuilt the env i forgot to apply alecu's twisted patch. that's it. i'll apply when i get bac21:01
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado
ralsinaEOW for me21:08
ralsinaI may drop by late tonight, mail me if I can help with anything21:08
mmccbye ralsina, have a good weekend21:09
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
mmccdobey, and/or anyone else still around: have time for a trivial review? https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/darwin-wants-qt4reactor/+merge/11062821:20
mmccno, hold that. I need to fix something there21:20
dobeyeep deleted merge21:21
mmcceep? bad idea? the branch had extraneous changes from another branch...21:22
alecummcc: it's not recommended to delete merges. We should mark them as superseeded or some similar such.21:22
mmccok. I guess I could've also reverted the extraneous stuff and re-pushed?21:23
dobeyanyway, i really should be going21:29
mmccpushed new branch, about to propose. lp doesn't seem as fast scanning 1-line branches as I'd hope :\21:32
mmccdobey, if you're waiting for me, don't. have a great weekend!21:32
dobeyscanning time is based more on the size of the repository/history, than on the size of the change21:33
mmccah, hrm.21:34
dobeyhave a good weekend all :)21:34
mmccok I fixed my merge. anyone still around? alecu? it's one line: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/darwin-needs-qt4reactor/+merge/11063021:41
alecummcc: I'll take a look21:41
alecummcc: I love this kind of branches! :-)21:42
alecummcc: approved.21:42
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
mmccif anyone feels like reviewing another pretty quick (but not 1-line) branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1012887-controlpanel-darwin/+merge/11063722:14
ralsinammcc: looking22:17
ralsinaeverytime I see twisted_main I mentally replace it with "twisted mentat"22:17
mmccralsina: hrm, no... I don't get that reference22:19
ralsinammcc: Dune22:19
ralsinammcc: or rather one of its sequels22:19
mmccthat'd explain it... don't think I've seen the sequels22:20
briancurtin2ralsina: finally...binaries attached to https://rt.admin.canonical.com//Ticket/Display.html?id=5349322:20
ralsinabriancurtin2: woohoo22:20
briancurtin2ralsina: i still can't explain this py2exe issue, but i temporarily removed it from the buildout so it would pick up my system py2exe (same version), and it worked. no more unexplainable error that seemingly no one else in the world has ever had (according to google022:21
ralsinabriancurtin2: I hate snowflake errors22:21
mmccralsina: oops on that merge, I need to remove the last change too. just a sec22:22
ralsinammcc: tell me when ready22:22
ralsinammcc: there is no film of the sequels, you have to see them in book form ;-)22:23
briancurtin2we'll have another fun buildout-related thing to deal with. for whatever reason, buildout bootstrapped python.exe's do not accept or even pass on any arbitrary command line args. if you want to run "python -3" to get 3.x warnings, buildout says no way, jose22:23
mmccbriancurtin2: was wondering if you can cheat and use an ENV_VAR for that?22:24
mmcc(I've run into the same annoyance)22:24
briancurtin2mmcc: yeah i think you can for some things, not sure if there's an accompanying -3 env var or not22:24
mmccbtw ralisna, pushed, diff updating on lp22:24
mmccer, ralsina22:24
* thisfred tried the internet anagram server, and gave up due to no safe options22:32
thisfredo wait, it does spanish22:32
alecummcc: +122:34
alecuok, and this is my eow.22:34
alecubye all!22:34
mmccthanks alecu, have a great weekend22:34
alecuyou too! :-)22:35
thisfredAlar Sin means "wing it" according to google translate22:35
thisfredhave a good weekend alecu!22:35
thisfredor great. Whichever you prefer22:35
alecuI'll give it a try to "great" :-)22:35
thisfredRalas Ni == neither sparse22:36
thisfredoh, I have a winner22:37
thisfredRain Sal22:37
ralsinabriancurtin2, mmcc: maybe we should drop buildout. At least we can think of which change is easier.22:37
thisfredalthough, I doubt that google translate is right on that one22:37
ralsinaRalas ni means neither sparse, yes.22:38
briancurtin2ralsina: maybe virtualenv will do the trick, or something. i'll look into it22:38
thisfredralsina: that shall be your official anagram then22:38
ralsinabriancurtin2: yes, virtualenv, a set of pip calls. Or maybe virtualenv and buildout without a custom interpreter22:38
ralsinathisfred: let me try thisfred ;-)22:39
thisfreddef shirt!22:39
thisfredplease? :)22:39
ralsinaHe Drift22:39
thisfredok, I guess that's fair22:39
thisfredand I'll cut my losses before herd fist22:40
ralsinaRids Heft22:41
thisfredthat sounds bad, though I can't really parse it22:42
ralsinaOTOH Jail Reticences22:42
ralsinaOr Circa Senile Jet22:42
ralsinaCaries Eject Nil22:43
ralsinaYour are the mother lode, Eric!22:43
thisfredyeah, while roberto alsina seems to throw it for a loop22:43
ralsinaI paid for it22:44
thisfredlet's try, say, manuel de la pena22:44
thisfredBanalise Rotor22:44
ralsinaAnal Pealed Menu22:44
thisfredSenatorial Orb22:44
thisfredLesbian Orator22:45
ralsinaA Annealed Plume22:45
ralsinaSenatorial Orb sounds dignified122:45
thisfredRational Bores22:45
ralsinaLesbian Orator sounds more fun though22:45
thisfredAbortion Laser22:45
ralsinaPaella Edema Nun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:46
thisfredI think I should probably stop now ;(22:46
thisfredcan't type smileys for laughing22:46
thisfredtoenails arbor22:46
thisfredA Barrios Lento22:47
ralsinasounds like the name of a little game of thrones city22:47
thisfredA Saltier Boron22:47
ralsinahalf of manuel's anagrams are obscene22:48
ralsinait's amazing, really22:48
thisfredLabia Sorter On22:48
ralsinaok, EOW22:48
ralsinafor real22:48
ralsinagood weekend!22:49
briancurtin2EOW as well22:49
briancurtin2bye all22:49
thisfredA Llama Nude Peen22:49
thisfredand with that, I bid you all adieu as well!22:49
mmccbye guys :)22:49
mmccok, eow for me too. I have no anagrams to share :\23:12

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