
astraljavascott-work: Did you want a meeting for the weekend? I'm already having one on Sunday at 1600 UTC. Before that I'll be traveling for a few hours. Everything outside of that works for me.16:23
holsteini need to schedule a pow-wow kind of thing16:23
holsteinjust a few of us16:24
holsteinsundays are never going to work for me anymore i dont think16:24
holsteinnot that you guys need me for heavy lifting.. but i feel like 2 or 3 of us could knock out whatever it is that needs to happen with the site16:25
astraljavaholstein: Of course we need you. The whole team should get together. We're just slacking off here without an aim now.16:36
scott-workastraljava: i'm good for whatever and i have forgotten that sunday is also father's day16:39
scott-workastraljava: holstein:  maybe sometime saturday?16:39
scott-worki'll make time tonight or any time on saturday16:39
astraljavascott-work: Saturday sounds great to me.16:42
scott-workastraljava: any particular time is good for you? around normal meeting time perhaps?16:44
astraljavascott-work: Can I get back to you on that? I should know in about an hour. :)16:45
holsteinnah.. i cant do anything til maybe tuesday day, early17:00
astraljavaScottL: Well I'm not sure yet, so if you can suggest a few times tomorrow, let's pick one when I'm available. I need to go run a few errands, it seems.18:33
len-dtastraljava, I think I said it earlier, but I don't know if Scott got it. I won't be around most of the week end. I'll read the irc logs when I get back.19:28
astraljavalen-dt: It's  fine, we can also have a meeting during the working week.19:31
len-dtif we can find a time when no one is sleeping/working ;-)19:32
astraljavaProbably can't, but it's not much use either to have just me and Scott in one either. :)19:36
astraljavaScottL: So before 1500 UTC I'm really not available, sadly. But from then on, I should be.20:29
len-dtHmm, still no new ISO.20:49
astraljavalibav-extra isn't building.20:49
len-dtalways something :)20:50
astraljavaSure is. :)20:53
micahgastraljava: yeah, I know :),it's on my list for this weekend21:09
astraljavamicahg: That was just an explanation for Len why the ISO isn't building. :)21:17
astraljavaI'm not pointing fingers or anything here. :)21:18
micahgthere are a few reasons, that's on21:19

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