
martinphonedoes any of you use vpn's?00:23
mstefjust installed xubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu..all is good but i have no sound.. installed pulse, gnome, and xfce mixers -- neither can fix it01:26
mstefsays sound card isn't detected01:27
mstef(worked fine on ubunut)01:27
mstefany ideas?01:27
linuxshineI have a small problem05:57
linuxshineI am trying to get xubuntu installed on a friends computer and I keep getting a error05:57
linuxshinehas anyone seen this before?05:58
linuxshineit happens right around the time the user is being configured05:58
linuxshineI cannot make sense of it but I don't know a whole lot about debugging05:59
baizonplease make a memory check06:00
baizonfor 10 min06:00
baizonit happens while installing?06:00
baizonyou should check you hdd too06:02
linuxshineyes that photo was from a custom distro I made from remastersys but I took the normal xubuntu disc over to his house to let him try it beacuse I was running late for work and he said it yielded the same results06:03
baizona ok, so this isnt hes error msg?06:03
linuxshinehe can get older versions of linux to install no problem06:03
linuxshinethis is off of his laptop06:04
linuxshineI can use the same disc in other computers and it installs just fine06:04
baizonok, so he should make a memtest06:04
baizonsome hardware can be broken06:04
baizonthere is an integrated memory test on the xubuntu install disc06:04
linuxshinebut if hardware was broken wouldn't the older distros yield the same results?06:05
baizonok, other question. How was he installing this distro? he deleted the whole disc?06:06
linuxshineyes he selected erase entire disc06:06
baizonor does he want  windows+xubuntu side by side06:07
linuxshinei tried it a few ways he only wants xubuntu06:07
linuxshinehe has it on his desktop and fell in love with it06:07
olbihello guys :D06:07
baizonhmm ok06:07
linuxshinei set a few boot options and nothing seemed to help06:08
linuxshinei did the first run with acpi=off06:08
linuxshinethen noapic06:09
baizonlinuxshine: but does the install works?06:09
linuxshinethen i did it again with both06:09
baizonor is it while installing from disc?06:09
linuxshineit stops at that point right after configuring user the screen in the photo comes up06:09
linuxshineand never completes insulation06:10
linuxshinei tested the cd on a few of my computers and it installs just fine06:10
baizonhmm, what hardware does he have?06:11
linuxshineits a dell xps m14006:11
linuxshinelet me find the specs06:11
baizongot them already06:12
baizonit should work06:12
baizonplease let him check his memory and hard drive06:13
baizoni personally think some hardware is broken06:13
baizonor you can try xubuntu 10.406:13
baizonif that distro works06:13
baizonbut i dont understand 1 thing06:14
baizonwhy is there VirtualBox drivers on that screen06:14
kati_hathorhey everyone06:15
olbikati_hathor, hello :D06:15
linuxshinewhen i made that disc I configured it in vbox tweaked the desktop settings for him and installed the programs that he likes created it with remastersys06:15
kati_hathori'm having trouble getting xubuntu working on my desktop that has win7 on it06:15
linuxshinethats what i was thinking vbox messed it up06:15
baizonlinuxshine: but?06:16
linuxshineso i took a copy of xubuntu desktop over to his house today06:16
baizonand that didnt work either?06:16
kati_hathori can boot into win7 but not into xubuntu06:16
linuxshineand he said he gets the same error without the vbox06:16
baizonlinuxshine: do you get the grub boot menu?06:16
baizonlinuxshine: wasnt meaning you06:16
linuxshinenot after the install just a blinking cursor06:17
baizonkati_hathor: do you get the grub menu?06:17
kati_hathoryeah i am using grub06:17
kati_hathori get errors trying to but into ubuntu but no problems booting into windows06:17
kati_hathori have a 100gb ide drive and a 500gb sata drive06:18
kati_hathori did custom partition on the 500gb since i had space to install on there06:19
kati_hathori was hoping to make that computer dual boot since i put in lots of time on setting up win7 properly06:19
hobgoblinkati_hathor: you've got grub installed twice - sda and sdc06:19
kati_hathoryeah i installed it twice06:20
baizonlinuxshine: my recommendation is...06:20
baizon1. try xubuntu 10.04 if it works (if yes its a kernel / driver problem, if no hardware is broken)06:20
baizon2. test memory and hdd06:20
hobgoblinkati_hathor: try reinstalling grub to sda - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstall_from_the_LiveCD06:20
baizonkati_hathor: when booting linux you get a black screen?06:20
linuxshinebaizon so you think he could have bad hw and still beable to install older distros but somthing is stoping him from installing the new kernel?06:20
linuxshinebecause something might be broken? or a new check in the kernel is preventing it to install?06:21
baizonlinuxshine: i think it can be the memory, but older systems got other memory mapping and "luck". Or the hdd can have a bad block06:21
baizonlinuxshine: or the new kernel doesnt support something06:22
kati_hathori get a black screen then it errors out saying it can't find SSID or something06:22
kati_hathorsorry UUID06:22
linuxshineso its down to the memory mapping has changed in the new kernel06:22
linuxshineand I think you might have a bad ram stick06:22
linuxshineLol I understand its trying to make him understand he will call me crazy becuse his old systems install just fine06:23
kati_hathorthanks hobgoblin  i will try that06:23
linuxshinewell thanks for your help baizon I will send your recommendations off to him06:24
baizonlinuxshine: np06:24
linuxshinemust reboot I can finally enjoy xubuntu on my own system =)06:25
kati_hathornot sure why the install itself didn't do the proper grub thing06:25
kati_hathori don't mind reinstalling if that is easier06:25
baizonkati_hathor: you got raid ?06:26
kati_hathorno not using raid06:26
baizonkati_hathor: http://askubuntu.com/questions/82661/grub-workaround-for-cannot-find-uuid-in-dual-boot-system-fails-and-now-grub-won06:26
baizonmy recommendation06:26
kati_hathorbut i think it looks at my USB flash boot stick as sda which is bumping the other drives to sdb/sdc06:27
hobgoblinif you installed grub to the hdd and usb and then try to boot with the usb in then it'll not like that much06:27
kati_hathorwell i don't want to boot off the usb06:29
hobgoblineither try baizon's method or mine - but don't install grub to the usb ;)06:30
kati_hathori think i'll try baizon's method first06:32
baizonnice to hear :)06:32
kati_hathorwill be really nice to get xubuntu working on my workstation, have had it on my laptop since 11.10 came out and i like it06:32
kati_hathorkind of confused how it maps the ide drie to sdx06:33
kati_hathori thought it would make it hda or something06:34
hobgoblinwell whichever you do - good luck06:34
hobgoblinhda is really old school lol06:35
hobgoblinkati_hathor: you using the 'ticked' answer on the askubuntu page?06:36
kati_hathorlol well ideally i'd get a new computer but i'm pretty broke06:36
hobgoblinkati_hathor: mine is old ide drives het recognised as sda here - changed around 7.10 I think06:36
kati_hathori was going to use the first answer on there06:37
hobgoblinthe ticked one :)06:37
kati_hathoroh okay lol06:37
kati_hathorticked as in the green checkmark i take it? lol06:37
hobgoblinyea - just basically a copy from a bit further down the wiki page that I linked you to06:38
linuxshinebaizon i could possibly rule out the hard drive failure by having him install to a usb stick?06:38
baizonlinuxshine: you mean try to install xubuntu on a usb stick?06:39
baizonyes thats a possibility :)06:39
linuxshineyes have him install to a usb stick instead of his hd06:39
baizonif that works you know whats the problem :)06:39
kati_hathorok so it says "here i undo the changes"06:43
kati_hathorwhat changes do i undo06:43
kati_hathorcomment out the uuid stuff?06:44
hobgoblinbaizon: ^^ I've never done it like that so can't help :)06:46
nerdistmonkhow do i replace a package installed in the repo with a program compiled from source, I got pulseaudio compiled and want to install it06:46
hobgoblinkati_hathor: you need to talk to people by using their nick's :)06:46
kati_hathorsorry hobgoblin just a little confused06:48
kati_hathorhobgoblin, i didn't edit any files just did the update-grub06:50
hobgoblinkati_hathor: as I said I've never needed to chroot to fix grub - I always use the other one :)06:50
kati_hathorhobgoblin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/104198806:51
kati_hathorhobgoblin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/104199006:54
kati_hathorhobgoblin, i'm going to try your method now lol06:55
hobgoblinthere's only two lines you need to run if you know the drive - the mount and grub install ones06:56
kati_hathorhobgoblin, i think i got it, let me reboot and see if it worked <306:59
hobgoblinwell I hope it did07:02
kati_hathorme too, i guess we'll find out soon07:02
kati_hathorno still got that ALERT /dev/disk/by_uuid/<xxxxxxx> does not exist07:03
hobgoblinkati_hathor: write down the uuid number - check it against your pastes07:04
kati_hathorhobgoblin, it maps to /dev/sda3 which is where i installed the / folder07:06
hobgoblinthat one?07:08
kati_hathori'm going to boot back into livecd07:09
hobgoblinok - do that and we can go through it07:09
hobgoblinhow did grub end up on the usb?07:10
kati_hathorhobgoblin, let me try something else i think the bios might have been booting hdb instead of hda07:11
hobgoblinthat was my next question :)07:11
kati_hathorhmm when i boot off of the other drive i just get a grub> prompt07:12
hobgoblinkati_hathor: boot the live and we'll see07:12
kati_hathorokay :)07:12
kati_hathorthanks for being patient with me, hobgoblin07:12
hobgoblinit's ok, first thing in the morning - I'm still getting through the first teapot :)07:13
kati_hathorcool :)07:13
kati_hathorhobgoblin, ok i'm back up on livecd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1042010/07:19
kati_hathorsda1 is the flashdrive livecd07:21
hobgoblinok - sudo mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt07:25
hobgoblinsudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sdb07:25
hobgoblinassuming that the 120Gb drive will be sda when the system boots WITHOUT the usb plugged in07:26
kati_hathorokay cool07:27
kati_hathori think what might have happened is i did /dev/sda but the livecd thought it was sda07:28
kati_hathorlet me reboot trying that now07:28
kati_hathorwith it on sdb07:28
hobgoblintake the usb out ...07:30
kati_hathori did07:30
kati_hathorit booted to a grub prompt07:30
kati_hathori did ls on grub and it shows the disk with four partitions as hd0 and the disk with 2 partitions as hd107:31
hobgoblinso it's seeing them the other way round then07:33
kati_hathorapparently, so perhaps what is happening is with the usb drive it sees the sata as sd3 but without it then it becomes sd1?07:34
kati_hathorso if i try that same command and do /dev/sdc maybe it would work?07:34
hobgoblinthough you could try changing boot order07:35
hobgoblinbrb - more tea07:35
kati_hathork i'll try that first07:35
hobgoblinyou've gone very quiet ;)07:44
kati_hathorjust trying this now with /dev/sdc07:44
kati_hathorcomputer really slow ;)07:44
hobgoblincan you post in a paste all of the commands so I can see them please :)07:45
kati_hathori'm going to reboot again and see if that did it07:46
hobgoblink - I assume the install to sdb said the same thing07:46
hobgoblinhang on07:46
kati_hathorok i'll wait07:47
kati_hathorlast time it was the same thing just to sdb07:49
kati_hathorright now my bios is set to boot from the 500gig drive, hobgoblin07:49
hobgoblintrying to remember where a file is ...07:51
well_laid_lawnare we talking about /etc/fstab ?07:52
hobgoblinkati_hathor: you've still got the system drive mounted in /mnt ?07:53
hobgoblindoes this show anything cat /mnt/boot/grub/device.map07:53
kati_hathorfile not found07:54
hobgoblinwell_laid_lawn: we got a grub2 playing games07:54
hobgoblinkati_hathor: ok07:54
kati_hathoris that good or bad? lol07:54
hobgoblinwell grub is installed to the drive that bios is set to boot from - so have another go07:54
kati_hathorokay i'll reboot07:55
hobgoblinkati_hathor: I don't appear to have one either07:55
well_laid_lawnthe uuid in grub.cfg points to the right device?07:56
well_laid_lawnshould boot then07:56
kati_hathorargh still dumped to busybox07:57
kati_hathorit thinks the uuid doesn't exist for whatever reason07:57
kati_hathori get this screen (not my screenshot) - http://dominikengbers.gmxhome.de/bug.JPG07:58
kati_hathorbut the uuid is the one from pastebin starting with 77b107:59
kati_hathormaybe it needs the rootdelay thing to work08:00
kati_hathori tried typing exit to that and it booted so i'm going to read thru the rest of the thread08:01
hobgoblinaaah - good so you can get into the system then08:02
hobgoblinthat'll make life easier08:02
kati_hathoryeah worst case i have to type exit to that screen til i find a solution08:02
kati_hathorjust i thought that screen was a dead end08:02
hobgoblinyep - I'll look into rootdelay for grub208:03
hobgoblinbear in mind a lot of threads on the forum will be for grub not grub208:03
kati_hathorthanks for your help with this stuff08:05
hobgoblinok :)08:05
kati_hathornow that i can boot into both OS's then it will be easier to figure stuff out08:05
hobgoblinkati_hathor: I might have got there08:06
kati_hathorlooks like adding root delay to the /etc/default/grub08:07
hobgoblinyou might need to add it to a script - but if you found a source to do that then great :)08:07
kati_hathorwell when the update manager finishes installing all this stuff i'll know on reboot if it fixed08:09
hobgoblinkati_hathor: it might be as simple as uncommenting #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true this line in /etc/default/grub and doing a sudo update-grub08:09
hobgoblinbut that in itself can be a pain if drives change their position during boot - ie sda becoming sdb08:10
hobgoblinI'm off for a bit now - will be back later though08:10
kati_hathoroh okay the thing i read was adding rootdelay=xx to the grub_cmdline_linux_default08:10
kati_hathorcool well thanks for helping me get booted :)08:10
hobgoblinkati_hathor: got a link?08:10
hobgoblinif that works then that is a better solution08:11
kati_hathori set it to 30 so hopefully that's a long enough delay08:13
hobgoblinkati_hathor: if it isn't - when in grub menu - do e08:13
kati_hathori'd rather it booted faster but if everything was the way i wanted it i'd have a new computer lol08:13
hobgoblinthen you can edit the delay08:14
hobgoblinthen boot08:14
kati_hathoroh ok08:14
hobgoblinI'd play until you have the shortest delay  - then change the line the grub cfg file and update grub08:14
kati_hathorwell i'll reboot again when update manager finishes and see if it is working08:14
hobgoblintrial and error I think08:14
kati_hathorthe disk controller seems to lag08:15
hobgoblinI didn't realise till a few lines ago it was going to busybox08:16
kati_hathoroh, yeah i thought i mentioned that at some point08:16
kati_hathorwhat is busy box anyway08:16
hobgoblinnot got a real idea - I've only had it once years ago - I tend to only look into things I need to - I'm not an IT guy :)08:17
kati_hathorlol yeah08:18
kati_hathori'm just excited to get this computer working again, it's been collecting dust b/c the video card went out and the old vid card i replaced it with doesn't have win7x64 drivers08:18
hobgoblinall of my machines are cannibalised from bits, I think I bought a graphics and audio card is all08:19
kati_hathorunfortunately i'm without income atm so i can't afford a new computer and it seems silly to fork out money on a decent agp card when i can get a new mobo for about twice that08:19
* hobgoblin too08:19
kati_hathorif i can get dual monitor working on here i'll be golden08:20
kati_hathori mean it works as clone, have to figure out how to make it do two screens08:20
hobgoblinI got that going here - what card is in the box?08:20
kati_hathorit works on xp so i figure it should work on ubuntu08:20
kati_hathorgeforce mx 44008:20
hobgoblinoh ...08:20
kati_hathoryeah pretty crappy i know *blush*08:21
hobgoblinmight have some trouble then - don't install the nvidia one08:21
hobgoblinnot at all - just old :) that was what I had before I replaced it08:21
kati_hathorwell i have an ultra 6800 but it has some issue with it08:21
hobgoblinmight not have the issue in linux08:23
hobgoblinbut let's get you going first :)08:23
kati_hathorwell windows 7 used to boot fine with the 6800 and then it stopped booting up without me changing drivers or anything08:24
hobgoblinwe can try :)08:25
kati_hathorthen i popped in the mx and it booted without a hitch but it's too old to have win7 drivers08:25
hobgoblinanyway - I gtg for an hour or so08:25
hobgoblinif you are still here and need help :)08:25
kati_hathorwell i'm going to be setting this up for awhile so i'll prob lurk here :)08:25
kati_hathorthanks for your help <308:25
fry_installing Xbuntu for the first here w00t12:41
fry_anyone home?12:41
GridCube:) some might be sleeping12:42
hobgoblinyawn ....12:42
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YeahRighti'm trying to upgrade my ubuntu version to 12.0414:13
YeahRightxubuntu that is but i get a major problem it seems14:14
YeahRightCould not install the upgrades The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).14:14
YeahRightcan anyone tell me what i should do next? i really dont want to loose my previous installation14:14
YeahRightwhat happened here? everything looked just fine14:14
strangehey guys is there a way to get terminal with linux default colours like in ubuntu?15:34
drcOpen Terminal>Preferences>Colors...change the background and text colors to whatever you want.15:39
drcand those are <not> "linux default colors" :)15:40
drcThat would probably be black background and white text.15:42
strangei changed that15:42
strangebut every other colour is like blueish15:42
strangein irssi for instance if ctrl+alt+ f1 and use irssi there15:43
strangei have normal colours for command bar etc15:43
strangein terminal everything is just shades of blue15:43
strangethe foreground and letter part i understand its the other colours im talking about15:43
drcI haven't got a clue what you are talking about then...sorry.15:44
strangethe palette15:44
strangeits a weird mix of colours very different from default linux terminal palette15:45
hobgoblin!ask | lince15:52
ubottulince: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:52
DinoflagellateHi all!  Anyone have any idea why xubuntu doesn't allow me to intall on an old Thinkpad T23?17:24
drcFirst approximation:  Not enough memory?17:25
DinoflagellateHm. What would be enough? Do you know? There's 1/2 Gig in there.17:26
Dinoflagellate@drc - I can install ubuntu up to 11.04, but then unity killed it. Was hoping xubuntu would be light enough.17:28
knomeDinoflagellate, that should be fine17:28
Dinoflagellate@knome. Ok, well I'm having problems with both xubuntu and lubuntu.  I can go back and install ubuntu 10.04, but for some reason I have to first run the live CD and then install from there.17:29
Dinoflagellate(Thanks for your input, by the way.)17:30
DinoflagellateWas thinking about starting with ubuntu 10.04, and then installing xubuntu-desktop, and finally removing ubuntu's desktop so that I could upgrade from there.  Must be an easier way, tho!17:32
knomehave you checked the cd integrity? tried with alternate?17:33
knomecan you boot to the live cd?17:33
DinoflagellateYes, I can boot to the live Cd.  When I try to install from ther,e it comes to the spinner which just goes on forever.17:33
DinoflagellateNever finishes.17:33
knomehave you checked if there is any info on the other TTY's?17:34
DinoflagellateI haven't checked integrity, but when brasero burnt the disk, it did check the checksum.17:34
DinoflagellateHmmm.  You mean <alt><ctl>F_n?17:34
DinoflagellateIf so, no.17:34
DinoflagellateDidn't know to do that/.  I just looked at dmesg and got overwhelmed with the detail.17:35
knomethe tail of the dmesg might be useful too17:35
knomeanyway, if those things doesn't seem to bring anything up, i'd try alternate cd17:36
DinoflagellateOk. Should I try again and see what the terminals say?  And get the tail of dmesg to report back here?17:36
DinoflagellateHow can alternate help?17:36
knomeit uses a text-mode installation17:36
knomerather than the graphical17:36
knomethat just works for some, when the graphical installer doesn't17:37
DinoflagellateIs the point that it's less memory intensive?17:37
knomethat too17:37
knomeand it avoids possible graphic driver problems at installation time17:37
DinoflagellateOk. Ah.  I did see something in dmesg about the graphical driver.  Didn't know if it was relevant, tho.17:38
xubuntu857hi  there . I lost my mouse pointer. Arrow replaced by black cross. lost close/reduce/ maximize icons as well. I'm on Xubuntu17:43
Dinoflagellate_@knome.  Connection failed, but anyway... I'll go and try looking @ the terminals, and then if nothing comes up, move to alternate.  Thanks for the input!17:43
Sysixubuntu857: try pressing Alt F2 and typing xfwm4 --replace17:45
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blackgatocatnegrso, whats #xubuntu version of Si Soft sandra?18:03
blackgatocatnegrI wanna check what hardware I do have18:03
Sysitry lspci and/or sudo lshw and/or lscpu18:04
blackgatocatnegrAnd one with a gui?18:08
baizonblackgatocatnegr: sysinfo18:09
baizonblackgatocatnegr: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-get-your-system-information-with-sysinfo.html18:09
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szerzeteshi, when hcitool don't show my BT device what sould I do?19:03
andai1so i just created a Ubuntu live USB ( took literally 2 hours ), then decided I hate unity and would like to use Xubuntu instead. At some point ( 5 years ago? ) I know you could install xubuntu-desktop. Is there also a command to remove everything not required for xubuntu ( but that comes with ubuntu? )19:51
andai1tl;dr have a Ubuntu liveCD but want to install Xubuntu :D19:51
baizonandai1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64241/how-do-i-switch-to-xubuntu19:52
andai1Yes. Thank you.19:53
andai1What I mean is, then I'll still have all the Ubuntu-specific packages installed, but i'm worried removing those might break Xubuntu too19:54
andai1I understand there's some overlap19:54
andai1For example this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu is just a list of packages that are safe to remove. Isn't there a more elegant solution19:56
baizonandai1: i know what you mean19:59
baizonbut dont worry most of them will get "autoremove" status19:59
andai1bazion: ?19:59
andai1whoops. baizon*. When, I mean20:00
baizonafter you installed the xubuntu-desktop meta package20:00
andai1won't it assume you want to keep using the ubuntu stuff as well20:00
baizonand remove ubuntu-desktop package20:00
andai1ahh ok20:00
baizonno, if you remove the ubuntu-desktop meta package20:01
hobgoblinbaizon: I've never had removing a *-desktop package do anymore than remove that only20:03
baizonhobgoblin: ?20:04
drcremove the meta-package itself not the individual packages?20:04
hobgoblinmight have read wrong up there though - I've always had to use the 'inelegant' method to remove the remainber20:05
baizoni know not everything will be removed20:05
baizonbut the remaining packages are hard to identify and that needs time20:06
hobgoblinI've never had it remove anything but that single package - but I'm always wary of autoremove lol20:06
hobgoblinbaizon: yea I agree with " hard to identify " which is why I use aysiu's command to remove them all :)20:08
andai1isn't there a "uninstall all but ubuntu-server"20:10
andai1i'm sure it can be done with scripting... but not by me :D20:10
andai1( I thought, remove all but ubuntu-server, then just get xubuntu packages... but that leads us right back where we started! )20:11
hobgoblinandai1: you want ubuntu-server and xubuntu-desktop?20:11
andai1hobgoblin: No, but I thought "ubuntu-server is pretty minimal"20:13
hobgoblinandai1: oic20:14
niconicoje suis un peu en galere a installer xubuntu... qqun pourrait me depanner ?20:14
baizon!ask niconico | fr20:15
baizon!ask fr | niconico20:15
baizondamn i forgot that stupid command :(20:15
laite!fr | niconico20:16
ubottuniconico: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:16
baizonthank you :*20:16
niconicook.... thanks ubottu20:16
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=== octavedoctor is now known as hobgoblin
AzelphurUsing my keyboards volume control hotkeys, it brings up the volume osd and shows a bar that goes up and down as it should, but it has absolutely no effect on volume. Any ideas?20:58
ochosiAzelphur: what version of xubuntu are you using?21:01
ochosiAzelphur: did you upgrade or do a clean install?21:02
AzelphurI am using a USB Headset which may somehow be related21:02
ochosiAzelphur: well have you tried setting the correct output in the "sound settings..."?21:03
ochosiin "output devices"-tab you should be able to select your usb-device (if it's supported)21:03
Azelphurhmm, where is sound settings?21:03
Azelphurkupfer doesn't find it and it's not in xfce4-settings-manager o.O21:04
ochosiAzelphur: do you have the sound-menu in your panel? (volume-icon)21:05
ochosiAzelphur: if you click that there is a menu-item "sound settings"21:05
ochosibut you can also use the normal menu and look "pulseaudio volume control" (== pavucontrol)21:05
Azelphurah yea I have that, found it21:05
Azelphurand yes my headset is selected21:06
Azelphurand sound is coming out of my headset, it's just the volume control on the keyboard that doesn't work21:06
Azelphurthe bar inside pavucontrol works though21:06
ochosiAzelphur: i would bet that the wrong sound-device is selected21:08
ochosiyou can change that in xfce4-settings-editor21:08
ochosinah, xfce4-mixer shouldn't affect pulseaudio21:10
ochosiit's kinda deprecated now21:10
Azelphurhmm, where abouts in the settings editor?21:10
ochosior: we'll deprecate it in 12.10 i think21:10
ochosione sec, i'll search the bugreport with the solution for you21:10
Azelphurty :D21:10
ochosiAzelphur: read #14 and #16: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xfce4-volumed/+bug/88348521:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 883485 in xfce4-volumed "Pulse Audio don't get unmuted when XF86AudioMute is used" [Undecided,Won't fix]21:11
ochosiAzelphur: g2g now, good luck!21:12
Azelphurok, ty :)21:12
ochosiyw :)21:12
andai1so... i just installed ubuntu-desktop... i logged out and... where do i select it? have i forgotten something21:12
GridCubeandai1, choose it as session21:19
GridCubei assume you want an ubuntu session21:19
andai1GridCube: Uh... i see the main user, and "Guest"21:20
andai1GridCube: What should the icon looked like? Maybe i need to enable session selection or something first?21:20
GridCubei don't know wich greeter are you using21:21
GridCubeare you using the xubuntu's one?21:21
andai1GridCube: Wrong! I want Xubuntu ( but made an ubuntu liveCD instead. I didn't realize Unity was ... steep learning curve :D21:21
andai1GridCube: LightDM, apparently21:22
andai1which no-one seems to know how to configure21:22
GridCubeandai1, yep lightdm is, but the greeter, it looks like this: http://www.be-root.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/lightdm.jpg21:22
andai1Uh.. like this! http://www.muktware.com/sites/default/files/images/os/Ubuntu-lightdm-1.jpg21:23
andai1except with more icons... but no session... afaics21:23
GridCube:) ok so you have the ubuntu's greeter not the xubuntus21:23
GridCubepress in the gear icon21:24
andai1oh sh, i thought that was just bad design!21:24
andai1I even had an IDEA like that ( to replace rarely used things in UIs with collapsible gear icons...  XD21:25
GridCubeandai1, you can edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and change greeter-session to lightdm-gtk-greeter21:26
GridCubeto use the xubuntu's one21:26
ipv6hermithey guys, I installed compiz on xubuntu 12.04... I execute compiz --replace ccp and it works fine21:27
GridCube( andai1 you can even follow FAQ7 to autologin to xubuntu http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/ (21:27
ipv6hermitwhat is the correct way to make it default?21:27
GridCubeadd that to the session boot21:27
GridCubeipv6hermit, >configuratio >session & boot >session21:28
ipv6hermitGridCube: ?? settings manager?21:29
GridCubemmhm i think it is, im translating to english in the fly21:30
drcsettings manager>sessions and startup>session.21:33
YeahRighti'm trying to upgrade my ubuntu version to 12.0421:48
YeahRightxubuntu that is but i get a major problem it seems21:48
YeahRightCould not install the upgrades The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).21:48
YeahRightcan anyone tell me what i should do next? i really dont want to loose my previous installation21:48
YeahRightwhat happened here? everything looked just fine21:48
GridCubeYeahRight, many things can go wrong, starting from a bad connection during a download to a bad sector in you hard drive, so anything could be21:51
GridCubeyou should backup all your data and do a clean install from an iso21:51
YeahRightthat would be terrible21:53
YeahRighthow can this occur so easily21:53
GridCubedon't know, it doesnt happen to much people21:53
GridCubemost of the times it goes well, or people simply do clean installs, they are always safer21:54
YeahRightcant i try something else for fixing GridCube?21:54
YeahRightmaybe check some log?21:54
GridCubeYeahRight, the program already told you what to do, dpkg --configure -a21:55
YeahRightthe error message is as bad as windows usually does21:55
GridCubeyou could do an sudo apt-get autoremove, then a dist-upgrade21:55
YeahRightwhat would that do? i'm not really a linux expert21:56
YeahRightand i think rebooting will run dpkg --configure -a automatically now?21:56
YeahRightshould i finish that first and then do an sudo apt-get autoremove, then a dist-upgrade21:56
GridCubethe sudo apt-get autoremove will clean the system of broken programs21:58
YeahRighti see21:58
YeahRightbtw: thanks for trying to help21:58
GridCubethe sudo apt-get dist-updage will make it look for new sources instead of the old ones21:58
GridCubethen you proceed to the upgrading the same way you did before21:59
GridCubebut I would recommend you again to do a clean install, its really, by far, much more clean and safe22:00
YeahRightbut that would mean i would lots of stuff22:00
YeahRighti dont know which files and file locations to backup22:01
YeahRightwould loose22:01
GridCubeyou should have a partition dedicated to your /home, and another for /, then if you do clean installs you just repoint to /home during the install and say it to not format it, then you have your files safe and a new os :P22:01
YeahRighti clicked the popup boxes away now and my system didnt reboot yet22:01
YeahRightshould i reboot first now and then dpkg --configure -a will run?22:01
GridCubethey wont22:01
GridCubei think it already did22:02
YeahRightwhat would occur if i would reboot now? i would still get the desktop manager?22:02
GridCubeyou should, in case you do not, i recommend you to install now a few programs22:03
GridCubeopen a terminal and do this: sudo apt-get install irssi mc22:03
YeahRightgreat support..really appreciate it22:03
GridCubeit will install irssi, an text irc program, and mc, a text file manager that will make sense22:03
GridCubethen if you dont have a graphical terminal you can still go to a tty, pressing ctrl-alt-F1 and log in22:04
YeahRighti already had those 2 installed22:04
GridCubethen you can launch irssi and connect to freenode by writing /server irc.freenode.net, and then to this channel by /join #xubuntu22:05
GridCubeand if you need to manage files you simply launch mc from another tty, you can switch ttys by pressing alt-Fs22:05
YeahRightyup but i'm already connected now on my windows box22:05
GridCubegood, then you reboot22:06
YeahRightso i shoudl reboot before running sudo apt-get dist-updage ?22:06
YeahRightthats a yes or?22:07
GridCubeyes you should22:07
YeahRighti'm updating from 11.10 btw22:07
GridCubeid imagine so far, else you wouldnt be able to go to 12.0422:08
YeahRightok :P22:11
YeahRighti still can login and i'm still on 11.10 it seems22:12
YeahRightso no real harm done i think?22:12
YeahRightwould there be another better way to upgrade to 12.04 now?22:12
GridCubeyou should be able to update from the standard updater22:13
GridCubeYeahRight, please do a sudo apt-get update22:14
GridCubeand see if it gives you some errors?22:14
martinphonedoes skype for ubuntu 10.04 work with xubuntu 12.04?22:16
GridCubeno idea22:18
YeahRightGridCube : apt-get update done22:40
YeahRightcompleted without erros i think..what next?22:40
GridCubenow you try to upgrade the same way you did before22:42
YeahRightupdate manager tells me now that not all updates can be installed22:42
YeahRightrun a partial upgrade22:42
GridCubedo sudo apt-get autoremove22:43
YeahRightit told me the same before the apt-get update22:43
YeahRightit wont remove data or packages i cant reinstall again?22:44
GridCubeit will clean stuff22:45
GridCubeYeahRight, you can read what apt-get modifiers do by doing man apt-get on a terminal22:46
YeahRightit tells me it will remove 71 packages22:47
YeahRightand shows the names22:47
GridCubesounds about right22:47
YeahRighti get some perl errors about my locale22:49
GridCube!pastebin | YeahRight22:50
ubottuYeahRight: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:50
YeahRightcould you take a look GridCube?22:55
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GridCubeYeahRight, apparently you can fix your locales using the command locale-gen22:59
YeahRighti have no idea what to change to23:01
GridCubeYeahRight, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/locale-cannot-set-lc_all-to-default-locale-no-such-file-or-directory-218622/23:03
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YeahRightthanks again23:06
YeahRightGridCube : how can i force a diskcheck after rebooting?23:53
YeahRighti still get the partial upgrade thing after autoremove :-(23:53
YeahRightanymore suggestions?23:55
GridCube:/ i already told you what i would do23:56
GridCubei would backup my files and do a clean install23:56

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