
gouri need one advice...pulled one git(hub) repo using bzr-git, did some small contribution (bzr completion for fish shell), pushed to my github account, created pull request and the 'patch' was applied by git-rebase to upstream. however, attempt to bring the updated branch back to bzr using bzr-git creates many conflicts and/or creates man new files...probably due to rebase but i'm not familiar with it nor i have07:43
gourintention to use it not really seeing use for it. now i'd like to work further on the project and contribute more, but i wonder what would be the most painless way to do it without using rebase in bzr(-git)?07:43
gouri also believe that using hg-git won't make the problem easier to me:..07:44
jelmerhi gour08:19
jelmergour: how did you push to your github account?08:20
jelmergodpush indeed creadoes an implicit rebase08:21
jelmerarghm lag08:21
jelmergour: dpush indeed does an implicit rebase08:21
gourjelmer: dpush09:13
gourbut the maintainer seemingly used rebase to apply all the different contributions09:13
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jelmergour: that would lead to issues in git as well09:49
jelmergour: although perhaps not content conflicts09:49
gourjelmer: maybe i should just do contribution in my bzr-git branch and then prepare patch for applying to avoid those conflicts10:06
jelmergour: I would just "bzr pull --overwrite" after the changes have been merged upstream10:37
gourjelmer: thanks...let me try that10:38
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gourjelmer: that worked ok and, imho, better than my attempts with hg11:30
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awilkinslifeless, ping?13:55
gouris 2.6. development going according to the schedule?14:26
jelmergour: sure, I guess?15:03
gourjelmer: well, release in august?15:34
gouri just saw a thesis from jun 2010 entitled 'Analysis and Comparison of Distributed16:28
gourVersion Control Systems?16:28
gourbzr looks quite good in some aspects, but wonder what has changed in between?16:28
gourhere is the link http://thehappy.de/~neo/dvcs.pdf16:30
vilaBranches in Bazaar are created by cloning a repository (a repository is16:51
vilacalled branch in Bazaar); each Bazaar repository may only have one branch16:51
vilaAs a workaround Bazaar provides shared repositories16:51
vilaeeeerk, wtf ? *Every* bazaar repository can have as many branch heads as you desire16:52
gourheh...it's not only phd thesis :-)16:56
gours/it's not/it's16:56
gours/not only/not16:57
vilaquite good from what I read so far, will print for bed :)17:07
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Wiz_KeeDhey guys17:19
lifelessawilkins: pong18:19
awilkinsSince you wrote the page mentioned here ... : http://askubuntu.com/questions/151387/confirming-pgp-key-on-launchpad/151458#15145818:19
lifelessI did ?18:20
awilkinsIt says "lifeless"18:20
* awilkins waits for it to load18:20
lifelessno, it says 'last edited by'18:21
awilkinsAha .. close enough?18:21
lifelessit was created by matthew revell18:21
lifelessand edited by many others18:21
lifelessanyhow, you have my attention :) - whats up ?18:22
awilkinsAh well.... I guess since I knew you from here it lit a bulb18:22
awilkinsJust a possible improvement in explaining that gpg expects an EOF18:22
awilkinsI would have done it but I don't seem to have any ability to edit those pages18:23
lifelessthats locked down to an explicit group, if you want to help maintain the docs I can add you in/18:23
lifelessStep 6 in importing your key is the relevant18:23
lifelessone - the confused person seems to have taken the encrypted email *out* of their email client.18:24
awilkinsI'm not sure whether he got relief from the EOF or from installing Enigmail18:24
Noldorinhey folks18:24
awilkinsEnigmail doesn't come by default though18:25
awilkinsI don't mind being added to that group, I guess .. I think I can be trusted not to deface things :P18:27
lifelessI've posted a question for him on that.18:27
lifelessawilkins: whats your LP id ?18:28
lifelessNoldorin: hi18:28
Noldorinhow's it going, lifeless ?18:28
awilkinslpid == adrian-wilkins18:28
Noldorinany exciting bzr/launchpad news?18:28
lifelessNoldorin: we're hoping to make ppa's massively better in the next 2 months, I'm pretty excited by that18:29
Noldorinlifeless: cool. i'm not using Ubuntu presently, but that would encourage a growth in packages i suppose :)18:30
lifelessother way around; growth in packages and popularity means we're getting overwhelmed, have to make it better to cope ;)18:31
Noldorinlifeless: hah i see.18:31
Noldorinso what are these changes basically?18:31
lifelessis the design side of it18:31
Noldorinbar is very stable and feature-complete these days, so i can't see much more work being done on it really...18:31
lifelesssorry, thats the technical side of it18:32
lifelesshttps://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DisklessArchives is the design/high level side18:32
lifelessIt would be nice to have better history editing support in bzr, I think that makes more different to folk that we realised back-when18:32
Noldorinlifeless: oh okay. so the number of packages as well as users on Ubuntu is swamping you eh? :P18:33
lifelessfor stuff not in the main archive itself, yeah.18:33
lifelessthe main archive gets carried by lots of mirror networks18:33
Noldorinlifeless: okay so essentially it's a problem of inefficient distribution over the PPA servers at the moment18:34
Noldorinso you're going to improve the architecture and protocol model...18:35
Noldorinto make things work smoother and cope with capacity increases better?18:35
Noldorinalso, by history editing do you mean rebasing… or rather, editing old commit messages and such?18:36
awilkinsOr more like git rebase =i18:39
Noldorinawilkins: what's that do?19:05
awilkinsgit rebase -i lets you pick and choose, reorder, squash, etc, your commits21:02
* awilkins is answering a question from 2 hours ago #RainMan21:02
lifelessawilkins: Noldorin: editing - I mean rebase -i and similar tools; editing old commit messages either in a rebase fashion, or via something more complex, but actually supporting it would be the first thing ;)21:45
lifelessNoldorin: yes, make things smoother, more responsive, and scalable.21:45
Noldorinoh hi again lifeless21:46
Noldorinheh, delay21:46
Noldorinlifeless: so what is "rebase -i"?21:46
Noldorini just know what rebasing does in general, pretty much21:46
awilkinsIt presents the commits you ask in a text file, you edit the file, it reorders then, squashes them together, ignores them, etc21:49
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