
=== genii-around is now known as genii
jussiJontheEchidna: I just got you and the lead dev od openshot mixored up :/ I was thinking, JontheEchidna develops openshot?  huh? 07:01
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BluesKajHey all11:41
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Riddellkubotu: newversion15:19
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help newversion'15:19
Riddellkubotu: help newversion15:19
kubotunewpackage <packagename> <version> [description]; Adds needs-packaging bug for entirely new package.15:19
kubotunewversion <packagename> <version> [description]; Adds update bug for existing package.15:19
Riddellkubotu: calligra 2.5beta 2.5 beta15:19
Riddellkubotu: newversion calligra 2.5beta 2.5 beta15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014082 in calligra (Ubuntu) "Please update calligra to 2.5beta" [Undecided,New]15:19
=== Guest77904 is now known as PaulW2U
JontheEchidnajussi: hehe, yeah, I've gotten that before ;-)17:22
JontheEchidnaI've started putting my middle name in things like identity.kde.org to hopefully help w/ that17:23
JontheEchidnae.g. https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/sysadmin/muon/repository/revisions/5cfd7a24425c933c1db4d62877532a19fc76e3aa17:24
debfxI've copied 4.8.4 to the updates PPA17:25
debfxmaybe someone can write an announcement on kubuntu.org?17:26
Riddelldebfx: I can, or I can just give you the details so you can do it yourself17:27
debfxRiddell: does the login work with any browser now?17:29
Riddelldebfx: don't think so, rekonq/konqueror only17:29
shadeslayerWhy is that? :P17:30
Riddellnobody knows17:30
debfxok, announcement is up17:40
debfxand yes, login still doesn't work with firefox :/17:41
Riddelldebfx: I've added a thank you note to Felix :)17:41
debfxhm https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu is outdated17:47
Riddelllots of wiki pages are17:48
debfxyeah but this one is linked in all our KDE release announcements17:50
Riddell4.8.90 is working for me in ninjas, I think I'll move it to backports17:59
yofelRiddell: beta please, not backports18:11
Riddellyofel: oh yes thanks for reminding me18:15
Riddellcopying packages in launchpad is just a case of 5 at a time to stop timeouts?18:44
yofel... which is why I wrote a script to do that18:47
yofelkopypackages in kubuntu-dev-tools18:47
yofel(It's not a member of package count but size, kdeartwork for example usually fails unless copied alone)18:48
Riddelllovely that did it19:00
Riddellvoila kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.9019:30
shadeslayerAny thoughts on bug 87504019:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875040 in kmymoney (Ubuntu) "KMyMoney window cannot be resized smaller" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87504019:55
Riddellshadeslayer: upstream bug? (just reading the title)20:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875040 in kmymoney (Ubuntu) "KMyMoney window cannot be resized smaller" [Undecided,New]20:20
shadeslayerRiddell: Better read that comment20:20
Riddellshadeslayer: mm, no idea I'm afriad21:20
shadeslayeryeah, I have little idea as well21:20
yofelfun bug21:23
apachelogger"You have 3 friends with birthdays this week"21:26
* shadeslayer ponders about askin unity developers21:26
apacheloggerfor every website on the internet you get 3 mails a day21:26
yofelshadeslayer: uhm, I can't resize it here either... (kmymoney 4.6.2 on quantal)21:27
shadeslayerin KDE?21:27
yofelwell, resize it smaller, larger works21:27
shadeslayerok so definitely upstream bug21:27
shadeslayernvm, yes upstream bug21:27
Riddellapachelogger: ooh exciting21:41
apacheloggerI think I will come in last :(21:42
yofelyou weren't last on my voting list at least21:51
yofelshadeslayer: hm, I just noticed that the user said it's a regression from natty->oneiric. But we have the same kmymoney version in both21:55
shadeslayeryofel: which comment number?21:57
shadeslayeroh nvm21:57
shadeslayerso ... what is it? 0.o21:58
* shadeslayer is confused21:58
shadeslayerthat is one funky bug tbh21:58
shadeslayerit can't be unity because you say the issue happens in KDE as well, it can't be KMM because apparently the same version is in natty and oneiric21:59
yofelwell, I'm just looking for any minimumSize settings... but I can't find anything that should apply for the main window...21:59
yofelso maybe it's some size handling bug in QtGtk that was fixed?22:00
yofelor introduced22:00
shadeslayerI wish we could close bug reports like this one with the explanation : This software contains magical code which produces magical bugs, please contact apachelogger for his ponies in order to fix this bug22:00
apacheloggerwhat bug? what?22:00
shadeslayerQtGtk? how would that come into the picture?22:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: boog 87504022:01
yofelthe user was using ubuntu?22:01
apacheloggerubottu: would you be so kind as to tell me what bug 875040 is as shadeslayer cannot use trigger words?22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875040 in kmymoney (Ubuntu) "KMyMoney window cannot be resized smaller" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87504022:01
ubottuapachelogger: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:01
yofelthus the UI would be rendered using Qt's gtk renderer22:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: now you're just being lazy22:02
yofelcomment #2 wouldn't make sense in that case though22:03
shadeslayeruhm, iirc XFCE uses GTk as well22:03
apacheloggersomeone give me a TLDR version22:03
apacheloggerthe english in some comments gives me cancer22:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: essentially, you cannot resize KMM22:04
yofelapachelogger: user complains that he can't make the window smaller in unity, worked in 11.04 and works in xfce. (I can't make it smaller here in KDE either)22:04
shadeslayermaybe upstream set a minimumSize22:05
yofelthere's tons of nonsense minimumSize's in the ui files, so I can't fine anything concrete22:05
yofelat least nothing that should affect the main window...22:05
apacheloggerif upstream set a minimum size that would affect all windowmanagers as Qt refuses to go below that ALWAYS22:05
apacheloggeryofel: minimumsizes combined with layouts can become a problem22:06
apacheloggerparticularly if defined static, which they should never ever be22:06
shadeslayeryofel: wouldn't the main window NOT go below the least size of a element 22:06
apacheloggeranyhow, sounds to me like a window manager problem22:06
yofelshadeslayer: good point22:06
apacheloggerotherwise there is no reason why it would work on xfce but not on unity22:07
apacheloggerthe only viable difference is the window manager22:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: but you can't resize it below a certain value in KDE as well22:08
apacheloggerwhich is to say, it could still be a minimumsize issues, only that metacity decides to be bugged and ignore it22:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: so?22:08
apacheloggerkwin aint perfect22:08
shadeslayertrue, could be a metacity bug where it just ignores minimumSize22:09
yofel[ ~/tmp/kmymoney-4.6.2 27 files 580Kb ]22:09
yofelyofel@yofel-T510 $ grep minimumSize -R * | wc -l22:09
shadeslayerwhereas kwin and whatever-unity-uses do respect it22:09
shadeslayeruh yeah, too many minimumSize's to reduce the location of the bug22:10
apacheloggeruse gammaray22:11
shadeslayermy VPS is almost out of memory trying to link calligra stuff22:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh .. gammaray can help in this case?22:12
apacheloggerit always helps22:12
shadeslayerheh ^_^22:12
apacheloggeryou can inspect widgets and shit22:12
shadeslayergammaray is really really cool22:12
shadeslayerI've only used it once or twice though ... 22:13
shadeslayeroh, I read somewhere that ubuntu has some sort of automated testing for ISO's22:20
shadeslayeris that specifically for unity ?22:21
yofelScottK: now that we're in universe, can we put our old universe packages into the seeds so kubuntu-dev gets upload rights for them? (e.g. blinken, kdevelop-php, digikam, ...) We maintain those anyway22:21
shadeslayeragateau: I'm still a bit lost on the app indicator support, does it just need porting to KSNI?22:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: status notifier == app indicator22:29
Riddellyofel: hmm good question22:29
apacheloggerno clue why canonical to call it app indicator, they are funny I suppose22:29
shadeslayeroh really? awesome, I've worked with KSNI before, should be trivial 22:29
RiddellI think they came up with the same then looked around for a technology to implement it22:29
kubotuRiddell meant: "I think they came up with the name then looked around for a technology to implement it"22:29
* apachelogger as usual does not compute shadeslayer22:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: ktp needs porting to app indicator/KSNI/whatever22:30
shadeslayerI was looking ait for a bit last week22:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: kde telepathy22:30
apacheloggeraint it a plasmoid?22:31
apacheloggerwhy is it a plasmoid?22:31
shadeslayerthe text-ui isn't22:31
shadeslayerthere's a plasmoid for chatting :)22:31
yofelwhich doesn't work for me, only the systray icon works22:31
shadeslayeras well a contact list plasmoid22:31
apacheloggerI totally don't get why things are the way they are22:31
shadeslayeryofel: maybe 0.4 will work? I'm waiting on gkiagia to get the packages into debian, then we can just sync them22:32
Riddellyofel: add them to supported I think22:32
yofelshadeslayer: ah, nice, can't wait :)22:34
shadeslayercalligra takes forever to build :(22:45
yofelyou could've guessed that...22:46
* yofel now wonders if digikam or calligra takes longer...22:46
shadeslayerI'd say calligra22:46
shadeslayerbecause digikam makes to compiler ICE22:47
kubotushadeslayer: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"22:47
shadeslayerI think gcc-4.7 ( 13ubuntu1 ) fixes the ICE though22:52
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: I'd be blaming Compiz for the kmymoney stuff personally22:55
JontheEchidnastuff exactly like this used to happen in the old days22:56
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: doesn't work in KDE as well, so I think apachelogger got it right, bug in metacity and KMM, compiz and kwin just following the application22:56
shadeslayer"old-days" .. hahaha :D22:56
JontheEchidnaback before kde4, around Gutsy times22:57
shadeslayerI wonder how many people who contributed to releases before 8.04 are still around22:58
apachelogger8.04? Oo22:59
apacheloggeroh, actually22:59
apacheloggermy netbook had 8.04 ^^22:59
apacheloggerturns out the wifi didn't work22:59
apacheloggerwas quite a deal break22:59
JontheEchidnaI started contributing during 8.04 when the kde4 spin CD's first came out :)23:00
JontheEchidnathat's... four years ago O_O23:00
shadeslayerI started using kubuntu with 8.0423:01
shadeslayerhorrible time reall23:01
shadeslayerKDE4 had just come out23:02
* yofel with 9.10 - 4.3 was the first usable release really. 23:03
yofelused gnome in the meantime23:04
RiddellI don't remember 4.0 being all that bad23:05
Riddelljust because it was worse then 3.5 that had come before people's expectations had got out of hand23:06
yofeljust to make sure I understand this right: If I put something into the supported Seed germinate will pull in all build-depends as well? (i.e. if I add perlkde it'll pull in ->perlqt+smokekde->smokeqt as well?)23:06
Riddellthing sometimes regress but generally they improve, that's what this book The Rational Optimist says23:07
Riddellyofel: yeah should do23:07
shadeslayer\o/ digikam builds23:32
ScottKyofel_: Should be able to, yes.23:35
yofel_now, if I did this right now you'll actually be able to upload it. (whenever the seeds are processed)23:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: what is the difference between a KNotification and KSNI?23:37
apacheloggerksni = systray icon, knotification = notification23:38
shadeslayerKSNI is specifically for notifications regarding messages?23:38
JontheEchidnaKSNIs are usually used for indicating the status of a running application23:38
JontheEchidnaand providing controls for manipulating the program23:38
JontheEchidnaKNotifications are text notifications from the app23:38
JontheEchidna"Hey I just borked your HDD"23:39
JontheEchidna"Reformat? y/n"23:39
JontheEchidna"Reformat? Y/n" :P23:39
shadeslayerright, so KNotifications shouldn't allow you to interact with the app?23:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: hig fail23:39
JontheEchidnaKNotifications can have action buttons embedded in them23:39
shadeslayerright, which is what ktp-text-ui does right now23:40
shadeslayerbut all they do is look fugly23:40
JontheEchidnabasically the precense plasmoid could be a KSNI if it wanted to (talking about 0.3)23:40
JontheEchidnadunno what's changed in 0.423:40
shadeslayernah, the presence plasmoid wasn't designed that way afaik23:41
JontheEchidnaeh, all it is is an icon showing the state, with a context menu23:41
JontheEchidnawhich is exactly what a KSNI is23:41
apacheloggerif yer off the icon would be in passive state23:41
apachelogger(i.e. hidden in the popup)23:42
shadeslayerwait, so will this also require me to re write the presence plasmoid?23:42
JontheEchidnawhat are you trying to do again? (I've not read backlog)23:42
* apachelogger does not know what needs to be done :P23:42
apachelogger<-- cleaning up amarok includes23:43
apacheloggermajor bumpain23:43
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: trying to figure out what needs to be done to implement KSNI support in kde telepathy23:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: you'd probably want a KDED module that implements a KSNI interface23:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: you don't implement KSNI support23:43
JontheEchidnaif you wanted KSNI23:43
apacheloggeryou have apps be a KSNI :P23:43
apacheloggerit enitrely depends on what the KSNI is supposed to do really23:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: not if it's complicated23:44
apacheloggerif the kded module goes to shitz so does kded as we have learned through memleakery :P23:44
shadeslayerok, I'm still confusing stuff here it seems23:44
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it either: launches the account manager executable, launches the contacts list .exe, or does nothing when clicked23:44
JontheEchidna& listens to precense status messages23:45
apacheloggerwell, I do not know what shadeslayer wants to do :P23:45
shadeslayerso ideally, this KSNI should inform the user of a) New messages, b) new incoming contacts, c) New video/audio calls23:45
shadeslayerthat's all I can think of right now23:45
shadeslayerall of that is handled via KNotification right now23:46
JontheEchidnathat sounds like the correct way to do that23:46
JontheEchidna(use KNotifications)23:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: how does it get that infomration?23:46
apacheloggeror rather23:46
apacheloggerwhat does the user do upon getting a notification?23:47
apacheloggerthe notifications are right23:47
apacheloggerAAMOF you often end up combining a KSNI with KNotifications23:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: for texts there's a button to reply, for new incoming contacts he can accept or deny ( and I think there's a option to block, not sure if that works )23:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: the part that provides the notifications then also wants to be a KSNI23:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: notifications are not enough here as they time out, which is e.g. not good when having a new message23:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: doesn't the KDE notifications widget store them?23:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes but you have no active feedback23:49
shadeslayerBut ... those are not persistent iirc23:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: by that reasoning muon should not have a KSNI for updates :P23:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: they are until you clean them, or too many piled up23:49
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it has the option to use KSNI, KNotification, both or none :P23:49
apacheloggerno clue how many many are tho :P23:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so why is the default both? :P23:50
apacheloggeralso ETOOMANYOPTIONS23:50
JontheEchidnawhen in KNotification-only mode, the KNotify's are made persistent23:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: and the latter is perfectly plausible when using a IM app, imagine having 5 people contact you with 5 messages when you're away from your desk23:50
JontheEchidnain the combo mode, it's non-persistent knotifies w/ the tray for interaction23:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: which is why you should have a KSNI23:51
JontheEchidnain tray-only mode you just get a mysterious KSNI  in the tray :P23:51
apachelogger(mind that for us that KSNI use case overlaps with message indicator)23:51
shadeslayerso ideally, along with the KNotifications, a KSNI should be used23:51
shadeslayerand the KSNI will be a central place for all messages coming from KTP23:52
shadeslayerso it should ideally be a daemon 23:52
JontheEchidnaiirc kde-telepathy already has a kded23:52
shadeslayer^ yep23:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: whatever causes the notifications shoudl also provide the KSNI23:52
apacheloggeryay, I am lagging, someone is downloading prn again \o/23:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: uh ... the text ui has separate notification code23:53
JontheEchidnaand the KSNI would then provide those notifications and combine that w/ status info23:53
shadeslayer( that's the the only submodule I've investigated so far )23:53
JontheEchidnataking over what the prescence widget has been doing23:53
* apachelogger really doens't know/understand all the ktp modules :P23:55
JontheEchidnabtw, I'm re-enabling k3b-i18n in this merge since we're now in universe23:55
* apachelogger almost wrote erection :@23:56
JontheEchidnawe'll probably want to look at all of our seeded packages not covered by kde-l10n-* and ensure that they get integrated in to the l10n-foo23:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no idea what that means23:57
apacheloggeralso no idea what was disabled in k3b23:57
JontheEchidnamake sure they get installed when an international user installs k3b23:57
JontheEchidnait used to be: just install language-pack-kde-* and k3b docs are installed23:58
JontheEchidnanow one must install k3b-i18n to get l10n for all languages23:58
JontheEchidnathis move to universe has finally given us what we wanted (to not use rosetta) so now we must take responsibility :P23:59

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