
=== VemSkaSegra is now known as LjL
goliat_hello im having problem configuring a printer, i cant get it to print doublesided00:54
PAPICan anybody help me please?05:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:02
PAPIi' cant install lubuntu in an old dell latitude d60005:02
Unit193Are there error messages on screen? Did you use the live or alternate CD? What version? What Arch?05:04
PAPIit shows a message of starting and stopping service05:04
PAPIusing lubuntu 12.0405:05
PAPIwhat else do you need to know?05:05
PAPIit shows a message of starting and stopping service and OK05:07
PAPIi think i find a solution05:17
bioterrortoo bad I trashed my D600 after my daughter broke the powercord plugin05:34
bioterrorbut good if you fixed that05:34
PAPIit looks like i'm having problems again05:43
PAPIbut i think that is the dvd rom05:43
PAPIneeds cleaning05:43
valdur55hi! What is your problem?07:04
valdur55!help | mi307:05
ubottumi3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:05
mi3yeah, I know valdur55 :(07:05
mi3is there an offtopic channel for lubuntu ?07:05
valdur55!offtopic | mi307:07
ubottumi3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:07
valdur55Damn... it should be #lubuntu-offtopic07:09
DrunkOnAbsintheHow do I disable any autostart applications that don't show up in "Desktop Session Settings" or /home/username/.config/autostart?08:26
valdur55DrunkOnAbsinthe, look /etx/xdg/autostart folder08:36
DrunkOnAbsintheI had a look in there too.08:37
DrunkOnAbsintheOn the last couple of reboots and log outs, it doesn't seem to want to autostart now.08:45
DrunkOnAbsintheThanks anyway.08:45
angrysheephas anyone got conky working in lubuntu?13:57
pcroqueangrysheep: Yes, but I had to stop pcmanfm from managing the desktop.14:00
angrysheepAh I see...14:01
pcroqueIt might be possible on top of pcmanfm...but I didn't have much luck with it.14:02
angrysheeppcroque, yeah i got it working ontop of pcmanfm but everytime i click my desktop it vanishes and I have to enable it again (even when its locked to my desktop)14:41
pcroqueangrysheep: There might be a way using a combination of conkyrc settings and openbox settings to keep the conky window on top of the pcmanfm image...but it was cleaner for me to just ditch pcmanfm as the desktop manager.14:50
pcroqueangrysheep: ...and use feh to set the desktop wallpaper.14:50
bosnianboyhi all16:40
bosnianboygot a quick question16:40
bosnianboyI have two displays set16:40
bosnianboyand now I have "extended" desktop16:40
bosnianboyis there a way16:40
bosnianboyI could start app automatically on second screen ?16:41
bosnianboyor even use the second screen for another openbox session16:41
bosnianboythat just raises single app16:41
pcroquebosnianboy: This might help http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:FAQ#How_do_I_run_Openbox_across_multiple_X_screens.3F16:52
pcroquebosnianboy: or...here's a forum post on the topic https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=12520916:58
Unit193Hello leszek.17:21
=== nothingspecial is now known as rastamouse
chimneyGot a problem with automount usb18:24
chimneynoone here?18:28
bioterrorwhat kind of problem?18:29
chimneyI want to change the automounter so that the devices on /media got other rights for accessing18:30
chimneyI need that an other user (mpd) can access /media/stick for example18:31
smiledoei :)18:32
bioterroryou have to do some chmodding18:32
Unit193Or run with fstab.18:33
chimneyok, for chmod I need an automatic solution, fstab is no good solution for using more sticks or udb hdds …18:35
chimneythere *must* be an solution, somehow the automounter must know where and how to mount the usb-devices in /media18:38
bioterrorI use usb hdd's and no probs with fstab18:40
bioterroras I never unplug them :D18:40
chimneybioterror: *sigh* thats the problem18:40
kanliotwhat's the best way to test your microphone in lubuntu22:15
kanliotassuming I don't want to install audacity22:15
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