
twobottuxauappdev: Import "prompts" in quickly <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151487/import-prompts-in-quickly>00:21
twobottuxauappdev: What quickly templates are available <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151519/what-quickly-templates-are-available>01:36
aviraldgHello. Anyone on the ARB here?02:03
aviraldgI have a question about Ubuntu App Showdown.02:04
aviraldgCan someone please tell me if hybrid apps are allowed? I mean if half of my app runs on Windows and the other half runs on Ubuntu? (and these parts are not the "same" -- by running parts on Windows and parts on Ubuntu it provides a unique functionality)02:05
twobottuxauappdev: Import "prompts" in quickly (Simple Player tutorial) <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151487/import-prompts-in-quickly-simple-player-tutorial> || Facing problem with "gtk.RESPONSE_OK" in the simple-player quickly tutorial <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151393/facing-problem-with-gtk-response-ok-in-the-simple-player-quickly-tutorial>02:18
twobottuxauappdev: Quickly doesn't push - Intended? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151533/quickly-doesnt-push-intended>02:30
sgringwefor the app competition, how do prizes work for teams?03:07
patrickdickeyHello there. I've got a question about getting a document included in the Software Center. If the document has versions tailored to previous releases (Lucid, Maverick, etc), is it possible to put them in their own repositories through apt-get or synaptic, or will they all be available only through the Software Center?03:15
patrickdickeyI should add, this is for the Ubuntu Manual project. They want to get the manual included in the Software Center, and if possible, have previous releases available for download by users of those versions. The question was asked if that was possible, or all releases would be available through the Software Center only.03:16
twobottuxauappdev: some questions related to ubuntu app showdown <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151288/some-questions-related-to-ubuntu-app-showdown>06:46
aviraldgAnyone here who knows about PyGTK?07:29
sivapvarma1hi everyone13:07
davidpitkinhi sivapvarma113:07
sivapvarma1can any one tell how much work it will be to get skim pdf to work for ubuntu13:08
davidpitkinsivapvarma1, I am looking at the wiki and docs now13:09
jfroebeobjective-c  / cocoa13:10
davidpitkinyeah that's quite a port13:10
sivapvarma1I know c c++ but never did anything related to objective-c13:10
jfroebeobjective-c would be the easy part.. you would have to rewrite the ui for gtk or qt13:11
davidpitkinjfroebe, I am trying to think of an open source application that has both a qt and cocoa view...13:11
davidpitkinsivapvarma1, you have to reimplement the UI13:13
sivapvarma1which one would be easier qt or gtk13:14
jfroebea six year old very simple qt/cocoa comparison http://loadcode.blogspot.com/2006/08/graphics-in-qt-vs-cocoa.html13:15
davidpitkinsivapvarma1, qt is better documented and has a lot more stuff but gtk could be easier if you just want to hack away13:15
twobottuxauappdev: Ubuntu showcase app. Can you add a price? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151717/ubuntu-showcase-app-can-you-add-a-price>13:16
davidpitkintwobottux, yes13:18
twobottuxdavidpitkin: Error: "yes" is not a valid command.13:18
twobottuxFactoid 'yes' not found13:18
jokerdinohey dpm, you around?13:29
jokerdinocould update the ask link to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/ask?tags=application-development,ubuntuappshowdown13:29
jokerdinooh wait, there is no dpm here. >_>13:35
jfroebeanyone know where couchgrid resides now?  I'm going through the quickly tutorials and it seems to have been moved from desktopcouch.records.couchgrid13:49
JanCsivapvarma1: there is some work being done by the Étoilé (linux-based) OS people to bring GnuStep closer to the Mac OS X APIs13:57
JanCI'm not sure how much of that work is available in Ubuntu right now though13:58
twobottuxauappdev: How do I get tutorial for ubuntu application development <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151734/how-do-i-get-tutorial-for-ubuntu-application-development>14:23
rigvedhi everyone. there is an error in quickly tutorial. In "Using Dialogs", in the "selected_file" property function, it should be "return rows[0]['File']" and not "return rows[0]['Name']"15:19
rigvedthis is in "Quickly 12.04 User Guide"15:20
rigvedhi everyone. there is an error in quickly tutorial. In "Using Dialogs", in the "selected_file" property function, it should be "return rows[0]['File']" and not "return rows[0]['Name']"15:56
rigvedthis is in "Quickly 12.04 User Guide"15:57
rigvedi'll file a bug report later16:00
twobottuxauappdev: App Showdown: can i package and include in the ppa the required libraries? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151804/app-showdown-can-i-package-and-include-in-the-ppa-the-required-libraries>16:53
twobottuxauappdev: Protecting OAuth secrets in App Showdown submissions <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151685/protecting-oauth-secrets-in-app-showdown-submissions>17:23
twobottuxauappdev: Can I package and include in the ppa the required libraries? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151804/can-i-package-and-include-in-the-ppa-the-required-libraries>18:24
twobottuxauappdev: Can I set a price for my application submission? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151717/can-i-set-a-price-for-my-application-submission> || Where to ask questions related to ubuntu app developer showdown? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151268/where-to-ask-questions-related-to-ubuntu-app-developer-showdown>18:29
twobottuxauappdev: How do I use this Add/remove widget? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151848/how-do-i-use-this-add-remove-widget>18:48
twobottuxauappdev: Is there a standard REST API for DBus communication? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/151897/is-there-a-standard-rest-api-for-dbus-communication>21:43
qaghanHey guys, I got a question. How do you make a program run in /opt ? I found some information saying that Quickly handles that if I use quickly submitubuntu but at what step of the workflow exactly do I have to do that step? Does it replace any of the usual instructions like quickly release?23:39

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