
MrChrisDruifAlanBell; CONGRATULATIONS!00:02
mhall119what'd he win?00:30
mhall119w 6601:01
IdleOneq 4301:08
IdleOnewho was it that runs a minecraft server for his kids ?01:50
IdleOneI need a safe place for my little girl to play and chat01:51
mhall119IdleOne: popey does I think01:58
IdleOnemhall119: Thanks I'll PM and ask for details01:59
jussiwhat happened to the "report a problem" that used to be in many help menus... ?06:30
hobgoblinof what?06:32
hobgoblinit's because people started reporting bugs - so they got rid of it ...06:32
hobgoblinI have no idea really06:33
jussihobgoblin: you know, used to be many places you could report a bug from the help menu. In this case, its missing from SW center. do they honestly expect someone to go to the cli and type ubuntu-bug ....06:33
jussimind, Im not seeing it in many places now, wonder what happened06:34
jussiand I also wonder what the correct way to report a bug now it06:34
hobgoblinubuntu-bug app06:34
hobgoblinthink so yep06:34
jussiahh, dolphin still has it06:35
hobgoblinI've not seen the report a problem for a long long time if I think about it06:35
jussi and seemingly all my kde apps06:35
jussiWell then, that, in my opinion, is just crap. Let me think about how we go about rectifying this.06:36
jussi(ideas welcome)06:36
hobgoblinreport it against ubuntu?06:36
jussihrm, perhaps against apport. but still, no, not quite right.06:37
hobgoblinbit I don't see it in any of the menus in xubuntu either06:37
jussiseems to be a KDE thing then06:37
hobgoblinjussi: I don't know if I'd bother tbh - it'd get marked as wishlist or won't fix06:37
jussifirst, Id like it actually clarified from someone what the correct bug reporting route is06:38
hobgoblinno - it's not a kde thing - I'm sure I used to see it06:38
jussihang on, let me see some of the other gnome apps Ive here06:39
jussinope, not in anythign06:40
jussibut in all of the apps from kde it seems, kopete, dolphin, amarok06:41
hobgoblinjussi: mmmm - no you are making me doubt my memory - not hard ;)06:41
jussianyway, Im not sure the route to go here, but it does seem a glaring defficiency to me06:42
hobgoblinpretty sure you wwould ubuntu-bug <thing>06:43
hobgoblinjussi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=report-a-problem.png06:44
jussihobgoblin: well then...06:45
jussinot such a horrible memory06:45
hobgoblinno idea when it went though :(06:45
jussiwell that was uploaded in march...06:46
hobgoblinthat revision has the menu item in it - that's 200706:48
hobgoblinjussi: found when it went :) "we no longer have the menu item Help > Report a problem in stable releases, moving it lower down" 2010-08-0306:51
jussioh blah06:51
jussiI cant read06:51
jussiI wonder why the decision was taken06:51
hobgoblinno idea06:51
jussithis coffee is really bad, but its morning and I need it...06:52
hobgoblinbefore unity so I doubt it was that - might have been gnome even06:52
hobgoblinjussi: I'm blaming you for the cold tea ... :p06:53
jussiso i really have to go to the cli to report a bug? :(06:53
hobgoblinand when you get the pretty box with something that says more detail - say more detail and page down - if there's a duplicate it mentions it :)06:54
hobgoblinmmm no it won't06:54
hobgoblinit does if there's a crash and apport starts it off06:55
jussioh come on DNA, where is my 100mbit internet... this 10 mbit is too slow :P06:55
jussihobgoblin: bug 101398207:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1013982 in software-center "Free items in the SW center are marked buy. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101398207:05
hobgoblinjussi: that's not to do with Report this problem :p07:11
hobgoblinI think I've seen that somewhere already too ...07:12
jussihobgoblin: yed, but its the bug I was trying to report :P07:12
hobgoblinoic lol07:12
jussi(feel free to triage it)07:13
hobgoblinI don't do bugs jussi - no idea how to :)07:13
hobgoblinmorning popey07:16
* hobgoblin is happy to be on the south coast popey - we have some sun today :)07:16
hobgoblinjussi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/96897407:17
ubot2Ubuntu bug 968974 in software-center "Some free applications looks like paid applications with price 0.00 and with buy button" [High,Confirmed]07:17
popeyhobgoblin: whereabouts are you?07:25
hobgoblinnew forest -  halfway between southampton and bournemouth07:26
jussiargh, am I blind?  where is the LP duplicate button? :/07:27
popeyoh, my sister lives out that way07:27
popeyjussi: top right07:27
jussithanks popey07:28
hobgoblinjussi: see if you'd spoken about the actual bug and not the where' Report a problem gone - I'd have saved you all that hassle :D07:28
popeydone ☺07:28
jussihobgoblin: yea, but the report a problem gone is still a problem07:28
hobgoblinask popey - he might know :)07:29
hobgoblinpopey: it's not a bad part of the country to be in07:29
popeyi grew up near there, Totton07:29
hobgoblin:) that's a place - I suspect it was better then than now07:31
popeyyes, it was07:31
hobgoblinI'm in Lymington07:31
popeyoh nice07:31
popeymy nan still lives down there, we left in 197907:31
hobgoblinI wish I was loaded enough to have moved here from outside - unfortunately not07:31
hobgoblinmy grandad was the Milford on sea blacksmith - we're quite local :)07:32
popeymilford is nice too, nice walks along the beach after xmas dinner ☺07:32
popeys/beach/coast/ ☺07:32
bkerensagood night!09:57
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jcastromhall119: around?18:26
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