
=== os__ is now known as os_
=== os__ is now known as os_
=== os__ is now known as os_
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
ashamsos_, hi o/16:19
MohamedAlaa98ashams: hello17:33
bahaa2008anyone here ?19:04
ashams_bahaa2008, hi o/ :)19:34
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
ashamsseiflotfy, awesome improvments to zg, waiting for the next19:39
seiflotfyashams: bigger news19:39
seiflotfyzeitgeist is now in gnome19:39
seiflotfycheck my blog post19:39
=== Tux-Tn is now known as Tux-copter
ashamsseiflotfy, well, I'm sure things will get much comfortable this way20:17
=== Tux-copter is now known as Tux-Tn

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!