
fo0barif there is a package in universe which has a Ubuntu-specific patch which has been rolled up into the upstream debian version, is there anything that needs to happen manually?  or will the debian import figure this out?01:27
fo0barspecifically, the digitemp package.  I am now the debian maintainer for it, and a new upload is on its way to sid01:28
ScottKfo0bar: Something needs to happen.  It needs a sync request.  See syncpackage in ubuntu-dev-tools.04:56
fo0barScottK: ahh right, thank you05:27
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elkyfreenode services will be upgraded soon, if you're around and have ops here, please op up incase a troll swarm hits.13:53
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RoboTuxpaultag: welcome17:39
RoboTuxGreetings MOTU people17:39
RoboTuxI come to you because as the maintainer of tcc in Debian, I feel concerned about its state in Ubuntu17:40
RoboTuxIn particular, I see that Oneiric uses 0.9.25-10 which fails to build on armel17:41
RoboTuxThe current version in Debian (as well as any 0.9.26~foo IIRW) builds on armel17:41
RoboTuxIt also builds on armhf but it will generate armel code so I don't think it's interesting to build it on armhf17:42
jtaylor_I think no tcc on armel is acceptable for a short support term release17:42
RoboTuxHence I was thinking a stable upgrade of tcc might be worthwhile17:42
jtaylor_but if you have a patch, an sru can be done17:42
paultagRoboTux: hi :)17:42
RoboTuxjtaylor_: oh, I thought Oneiric was a LTS17:43
RoboTuxI must confuse with Precise17:43
jtaylor_precise is the lts which appears to ahve tcc on arm17:43
RoboTuxOk then, sorry for the noise17:43
paultagRoboTux: an update for oneiric is still a good idea17:43
paultagit's still supported17:44
jtaylor_but its no regression17:44
jtaylor_earlier releases never had it on arm17:44
RoboTuxpaultag: I don't know if it's that worthwhile17:44
paultagthere's LP: #823716 - safe to close/ignore?17:44
RoboTuxIt would if armhf was supported but as you know, it's not fully the case yet17:44
paultagjtaylor_: ^17:44
RoboTuxpaultag: I'm so sorry for disturbing you for nothing17:45
paultagRoboTux: it's quite alright, I'm happy to help.17:45
RoboTuxBy the way, it seems the fix for the kfreebsd problem is pending \o/17:46
jtaylor_paultag: it should be marked fix released, if someone prepares an sru I can nominate it17:46
jtaylor_but I agree with RoboTux that its probably not worth the effort17:46
RoboTuxjtaylor_: I don't think there will be an sru17:46
RoboTuxI tried to fix it by backporting patches in Debian but never succeeded17:47
RoboTuxIt seems several patches are needed, I don't know which ones and they are non trivial to backport17:47
paultagjtaylor_: I'm fine with closing it fixed release17:47
RoboTuxthe source tree was completely reorganized since 0.9.2517:47
jtaylor_then no update the risk of regression outweights the benefit17:47
paultagalright, thanks jtaylor_, I'll close that out.17:47
RoboTuxThanks jtaylor_ and paultag17:48
RoboTuxpaultag: I don't know how many beers I owe you now :]17:48
paultagRoboTux: closed :)17:48
RoboTuxMaybe it'll be cheaper to bring you some strong chinese alcohol the day we meet17:49
RoboTuxSee ya17:51
siretartmicahg: I've now managed to testbuild the branch, and the result looks OK to me17:55
siretartmicahg: I'm now having dinner, but unless I hear from you, I'm going to upload libav-extra afterwards17:56
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