
Jordan_UMyrtti: They've had many warnings in the past.00:07
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bazhang30 bit color capability?05:12
daxwhat about it?05:14
bazhangodd question05:15
daxa lot of "32-bit" color systems are actually 30-bit05:15
chuUmm, m13 in #ubuntu06:16
chumi3 even06:16
JoseeAntonioR<riz0n> btw Lotium is sending queries to people with explicit material. You guys should probably kb him.06:50
chuStill? I thought dax took care of him, but maybe not.06:54
JoseeAntonioRchu: Not sure, I told the user to just /ignore. After that being said, he didn't say anything else.06:54
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ubottujagginess called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:13
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from sh4d0w)10:10
ANubguys is there any channel for x server support10:25
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bazhangmain server? hope he's not confusing repo with server14:23
elkyall works :D14:53
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bazhang<Chuck_Norris> Bunie: just plugin and you will see it into Nautilus14:55
bazhanghow to mount a drive14:56
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mneptokoff for a chore. if you're around, watch "dontknow" in #u?15:56
bazhangapt-get install UBUNTU-ULTIMEte --recommends+atumatix16:21
bazhangl_r seems to be the exact issue as mr Dontknow16:26
bazhanguncloak to ban dodge perhaps?16:26
oCeandontknow seemed to suddenly have same issues as others16:27
bazhangdontknow, hello16:27
dontknowi am kicked16:28
dontknowi will never enter #ubuntu now?16:28
bazhangdontknow, you are forwarded here16:28
dontknowbazhang, are you admin?16:29
bazhangdontknow, this is #ubuntu-ops16:29
bazhangdontknow, do you know why you were banned?16:29
dontknowbazhang, so what is this? limbo? lol16:29
dontknowi suggested cinnamon, wat the hell16:30
bazhangthats not part of ubuntu, it's not supported, and offtopic16:31
dontknowthis attitude is not forgiveable, against linux philosophy16:32
bazhang##linux or mintsupport for Mint stuff16:32
dontknowi am using cinnamon right now instead of toy unity, and it is very stable now16:32
dontknowbazhang, what are you doing here?16:33
bazhangthen get mintsupport16:33
dontknowbazhang, are you banned too?16:33
oCeandontknow: so you think everything that is considered stable should be on topic for the #ubuntu channel?16:33
bazhangdontknow, mint packages are not part of ubuntu16:33
dontknowoCean, of course, why not16:33
oCeandontknow: because it is a specific #ubuntu channel16:33
oCeanfor general Linux support/discussion there is already ##linux16:34
oCeanor, specific mint channels16:34
bazhangor mintsupport16:34
oCeandontknow: so, the ubuntu community decided to have channels for very specific ubuntu support16:34
bazhang!mintsupport | dontknow16:34
ubottudontknow: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:34
dontknowreally, what are you two doing here?16:35
oCeandontknow: have you read the topic?16:35
bazhangdontknow, we moderate ubuntu channels16:35
dontknoware you also developer of ubuntu?16:35
oCeanhow is that relevant?16:36
bazhangdontknow, you are using mint packages, better get help with them16:36
dontknowbazhang, i am not using mint, using ubuntu with cinnamon, thats just it16:36
bazhangdontknow, cinnamon is not supported in ubuntu channels. recommending it is also offtopic in ubuntu channels16:37
dontknowoCean, i don't know, maybe you are also a developer who knows16:37
dontknowbazhang, it shouldn't be16:37
dontknowbazhang, and i didn't want support about it actually, i just suggested to a user didn't like lubuntu16:38
bazhangdontknow, it's not a debate.16:39
bazhangdontknow, if you dont wish to follow the channel guidelines, then you wont be allowed to use the ubuntu channels16:39
dontknowbazhang, could you take me out of this limbo?16:40
dontknowbazhang, do you have restriction for that?16:41
bazhangdontknow, you need to follow the channel guidelines16:41
dontknowbazhang, ok ok got it. i have a liriminal record now16:42
dontknowthis is like i am guilty and you are the bad cop and good cop, what the hell? :D16:43
dontknowno no this is more like a limbo, yes16:44
Tm_Tno point16:44
bazhangthanks Tm_T16:45
dontknow:D hey16:45
Tm_Tdontknow: so, you're here to discuss your ban, not for making jokes, or other activity16:46
dontknowTm_T, ok, i will discuss, but i hope you will take it serious16:46
Tm_TI am taking it very seriously16:47
dontknowTm_T, an user told that didn't like lubuntu and prefers ubuntu, and i suggested him/her use cinnamon16:48
Tm_Tdontknow: you understand that it's not allowed recommendation on #ubuntu?16:48
Tm_Twe don't recommend or support cinnamon on #ubuntu16:48
dontknowTm_T, i didn't know that you against it so strongly actually, it suprised me!16:49
Tm_Tbasicly, on #ubuntu we support what ubuntu supports16:50
Tm_Tafterall, it is ubuntu support channel16:50
dontknowTm_T, ok got it, but it is really interesting16:51
dontknowTm_T, could you take this ban now, please?16:52
Tm_Tdontknow: have you read our channel guidelines?16:52
dontknowTm_T, no16:53
Tm_Tplease do16:53
Tm_T!guidelines | dontknow16:53
ubottudontknow: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:53
dontknowTm_T, ok got it :D16:55
Tm_Tdontknow: also, what do you do when you are uncertain of rules, or disagree when being told in channel?16:56
dontknowTm_T, i will tell my ideas16:58
Tm_Tin our support channel?16:58
dontknowTm_T, i think unity is like a toy16:58
dontknowTm_T, is it wrong to say that? it is my thoughts16:58
Tm_Tdontknow: that has nothing to do with this discussion16:58
oCeandontknow: #ubuntu is for support, not general discussion16:59
Tm_Tdontknow: also let's make this clear: such opinions don't belong to our support channels16:59
dontknowTm_T, i told cinnamon is very stable on ubuntu, and mn(whatever) told me "i wasn't ask"17:00
Tm_Tdontknow: cinnamon discussion doesn't belong to #ubuntu17:00
Tm_Tif you want to rant about unity, do it in your blog or whatever17:01
dontknowTm_T, it is not rant, it is really not useful actually17:01
Tm_Tdontknow: that is your opinion17:02
dontknowTm_T, yes17:02
Tm_Tthat's not ubuntu support17:02
dontknowTm_T, ok i got the core what you are saying,  i see17:02
Tm_Tso either provide ubuntu support on #ubuntu, or do your own thing in your own space17:03
dontknowTm_T, if someone ask about cinnamon, no one should answer? i would answer if i know17:04
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:04
AlanBellis a suitable thing to do to direct people to a place where better support of cinamon can be provided17:05
Tm_Tdontknow: you would tell them to go to a channel where cinnamon is supported, as AlanBell is pointing out17:05
dontknowTm_T, why should i, after all i know the answer, i would answer them.17:06
AlanBellbecause nobody else knows if you are right or wrong17:06
Tm_Talso it's offtopic17:06
AlanBellif we are supporting ubuntu then there is peer review of the support17:06
AlanBellif you are supporting something else in there it is noisy, and we can't assess the quality of the support17:07
dontknowAlanBell, are you checking every chat line?17:08
dontknowAlanBell, every support line17:09
dontknowi doubt it17:09
AlanBelldontknow: it would be great if we could get you back into #ubuntu providing support on Ubuntu17:09
AlanBelldo you want to do that?17:10
dontknowAlanBell, yes, take back this ban, please17:10
dontknowAlanBell, but i am not approve that something open source is forbidden to chat about it17:12
AlanBellit is not forbidden, it is just off topic for that area, somewhat like discussing washing machine repairs in there would be17:13
dontknowAlanBell, i think it is not like that, but its ok, i would like to go back #ubuntu17:14
dontknowAlanBell, because i have had issues time to time17:14
dontknowand i am really getting help17:15
AlanBellit is a valuable resource, because it is focussed :)17:15
dontknowwhy am i still banned?17:20
AlanBellone sec dontknow17:20
AlanBelldontknow: please rejoin #ubuntu and continue providing and receiving quality support on *ubuntu*17:21
dontknowAlanBell, thanks17:21
AlanBelland please part this channel once you have successfully rejoined17:22
dontknowAlanBell, you mean #ubuntu-ops? do you want me to moderate :P17:22
dontknow*do you want me to as admin :P17:23
AlanBellone step at a time :)17:23
AlanBellwe ask people not to idle here so we can resolve issues one at a time17:23
dontknowAlanBell, yes, i can join now17:25
IdleOnedontknow: Please /part this channel now.17:25
dontknowIdleOne, do you mean i should type "/part dontknow"17:26
IdleOnedontknow: I mean leave #ubuntu-ops17:26
dontknowIdleOne, lol i see, bye :)17:27
bazhangwhy is the floodbot flagging redviper like that19:07
bazhangnot sure how much clearer I can be19:18
bazhangdoes ifconfig show eth019:18
mneptokhere's another issue today from dontknow. happened earlier than the off-topicness, and may be missed in the BT.19:28
* mneptok pastes mildly19:29
mneptok04:26 < dontknow> hd2400 with catalyst video performance sucks19:29
mneptok04:27 < MonkeyDust> dontknow mind your language19:29
mneptok04:39 < dontknow> MonkeyDust, shut up i know that you are troll19:29
mneptokso, short leash.19:29
bazhangoy vey19:30
bazhang<dreadiscool> Can someone help me convert xp to ubuntu? I downloaded the ISO i don't know how to mount it now :(19:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from RedViper)19:35

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