
=== cjwatson is now known as cjwatson_
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
Davieyev: Have you renamed whoopsie-daisy to whoopsie?10:36
quadrisproehya guys11:09
evDaviey: yes13:04
evwell, it was always whoops, but the source package was whoopsie-daisy13:04
evas the source package used to contain the backend code13:04
evwhich now lives in separate branches13:04
ev(lp:whoopsie, lp:daisy, lp:errors)13:04
evhm, I should probably make that Replaces: whoopsie-daisy17:56
everr nevermind, source packages and all that jazz17:58
Davieyev: hey, yeah - that is why i was asking.. I saw it in the new queue.. Was kinda confused.18:06
evdo feel free to let it through :)18:06
Davieyev: you are sure breaks and/or replaces aren't needed?18:14
evDaviey: pretty sure. It's a source package replacing a source package with the same binary packages.18:14
Davieyah, ok. I didn't dig into it.. reading split, i wondered if the files were now divided into two separate binary packages aswell.18:15
evyay, cheers18:18
phillwooh, do we have an update for crash reporter?18:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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