
* c_smith is at Broadway Commons hoping someone shows up00:57
* bkerensa gets ready to head down to PSU16:08
bkerensaslangasek: I'm bringing the bluetooth :)16:08
blkperlbkerensa: i need door minions16:11
blkperlunfortunately their locked16:11
bkerensablkperl: what does that mean?16:20
bkerensashould I not come? :P16:21
blkperlbkerensa: no you should come, to help me16:23
bkerensaok well just a FYI its going to talk be a half hour at best.... I am still gettined proper and will be heading out shortly16:24
bkerensagotta bring some kind of swag ya know16:24
keesRoom 86-01!16:35
keeson my way16:35
blkperlkees: theres a sign on the EB front door call that number and ill let you in :)16:37
keesblkperl: cool16:40
blkperllame someone not going to Ubuntu day just used me to get in...16:45
bkerensablkperl: tell them "Not cool man"16:46
* bkerensa waits on bus to arrive16:46
bkerensablkperl: you just missed the bagel request on mailing list :P16:47
* blkperl really wishes the conference room had a phone <.<16:47
bkerensaspeaking of it how far deep into the catacombs is this room?16:47
blkperldown the stairs and to the left16:48
blkperlwhopper922: are you coming today16:48
slangasekbkerensa: ack; will bring mine as well for cross-product testing17:12
slangasekI'm running a bit late as you can see, but should be there in about a half hour I think17:13
blkperlc_smith: hi17:28
c_smithhow goes it?17:28
blkperlgood, you coming to ubuntu bug day?17:30
c_smithnope, don't have time to get down there, nor do I have a ride there.17:33
c_smithactually, I have time, but no ride.17:33
c_smithgotta love it when you don't have your day straight.... >.<17:34
c_smithnathwill, those are links I should have put in my bookmarks long before now.17:53
nathwillrun through them in the same order17:54
c_smithbookmarking now.17:54
nathwillthey're pretty useful17:54
nathwillholler if you hit problems17:54
c_smitheh, I have a bit going on now (ubuntu blew up, so I'm installing 32-bit instead of my usual 64-bit, my PC only has 3 GB of RAM, anyway)17:54
c_smithplus my C&C The FIrst Decade doesn't like 64-bit Wine.  but it runs fine on 32-bit Wine17:56
blkperlmarut: hi18:02
maruthi all18:02
c_smithhello, marut18:02
vagrantcah, this looks more promising18:03
* kees waves "hi"18:03
KorvinSzantoNot able to make it until later18:03
houk__Yay, no bubble !!!18:05
keesanyone wanting a build environment for the day, please email me (kees@debian.org) and I'll send details18:05
KorvinSzantoI'm trying to grep for trailing spaces using [ \t]+$, how do I format that regex to work with grep?18:06
slangasektngodup: welcome :)18:06
keesdetails on using environment: http://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2011/12/us/Portland/Builders18:06
blkperlspw2: hi18:12
blkperlspw2: http://wiki.debian.org/BSP/BeginnersHOWTO18:12
c_smithcould I possibly participate from where I am (home)?18:12
keesc_smith: sure!18:12
c_smithcool, once I have these updates done, I'll be starting.18:13
c_smithalthough, I'll likely be focusing on easy (bytesize) bugs in Ubuntu, I am in no way a programmer, nor do I have coding knowledge.18:14
spw2c_smith: right there with ya, but on the opposite. I am a programmer, but have nearly NO linux knowledge. feel lost.18:15
c_smithspw2, well, first time for everything, eh?18:15
spw2i sure hope so.18:16
tgm4883c_smith, why are you running it on 64-bit wine18:19
tgm4883even the wine developers admit 64-bit wine sucks18:19
c_smithtgm4883, because that was the version installed on 64-bit Windows.18:19
c_smith*64-bit Ubuntu, not Windows.18:20
c_smithmight have been running in compatibility mode, but the installshield wizard didn't like even that.18:20
tgm4883c_smith, wait, you mean wine 3218:20
tgm4883you have to compile wine64 by hand18:20
tgm4883so it should run the same on both 64-bit ubuntu and 32-bit ubuntu, since the wine is the same18:21
tgm4883wine64 is for running 64-bit windows programs18:21
c_smithnot sure. it had "Program Files" and "Program Files  (x86)" in the wine prefix.18:22
c_smithso that lead me to believe it had installed Wine64.18:22
tgm4883sounds like that to me too18:22
c_smithmight have changed. eh?18:22
c_smithanywho, suffice it to say, I'm running 32-bit now, the architecture my laptop was built for.18:23
tgm4883well now I'm just confused, which means it's time for me to go get coffee18:23
c_smithI'm not really getting any benefit on the laptop by running 64-bit over 32-bit.18:23
bkerensaDon't forget to signup for the mailing list and launchpad http://ubuntu-oregon.org18:51
* c_smith is already there18:59
* c_smith continues to wait for pbuilder18:59
vagrantcpbuilder? :(19:10
c_smithvagrantc, what's wrong with pbuilder?19:12
slangasekit's a NIH kludge, and anything that behaves differently under pbuilder than under sbuild is a pbuilder bug by definition because sbuild is what the buildds use :)19:12
c_smithgnupg is useful for not just development, like if you wanted to encrypt a file.19:14
c_smithjust saying.19:14
c_smith>.< think I attracted someone from #linuxdistrocommunity19:15
corp769yes you did, lol19:15
c_smithnot that it's a bad thing :P19:15
corp769just checking it out man19:15
c_smithcorp769, you aren't from Oregon, are you?19:16
corp769no i'm not19:16
corp769why do you ask?19:16
c_smithoh, ok19:16
c_smithsimply because this LoCo is for that state.19:16
corp769yeah i noticed19:16
corp769i was just checking out the channel, that's all19:17
corp769but i'm out19:17
corp769take care man19:17
c_smithand it'd be nice to be able to invite you to an Ubuntu Hour.19:17
corp769ubuntu hour?19:17
corp769what's ubuntu hour, c_smith?19:18
c_smithcorp769, I sent you a message with the wiki page about it.19:18
corp769oh ok19:19
corp769i'm checking it out, thanks man19:19
c_smithno prob19:19
c_smithdoes anyone here know if Harvest is working yet?19:39
c_smithif I remember, the opportunities weren't refreshing back when the Global Jam was happening.19:41
nathwillhttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=617938 ?? seems like it's wontfix.19:41
c_smithhas that changed?19:41
lubotu1Debian bug 617938 in slrn "wrong ownership of /var/log/news/ and /etc/news/" [Critical,Open]19:41
c_smithslangasek, the opportunities weren't refreshing back at the Global Jam, has that changed?19:42
c_smithif I'm working with wrong dependencies, is that purely in the debian rules file?19:45
slangasekc_smith: refreshing> ah, I couldn't say19:46
slangasekc_smith: dependencies are always in debian/control, not debian/rules19:47
c_smithslangasek, ok19:47
c_smithand thanks for the tip on the dependancies, I knew it was one of the debian files.19:47
c_smithanother question: if I manage to fix this bug, would it be good practice to upload it to Debian first?19:48
c_smithbeing as it's Pidgin.19:48
slangasekr0csteady: http://udd.debian.org/bugs.cgi?release=wheezy_and_sid&fnewer=&fnewerval=7&rc=119:50
c_smithmeh, looks like the bug was fixed.... >.<19:54
slangasektngodup: so once you have a handle on the build environment, you would want to do: schroot -u root -c sid; apt-get install zhcon gdb; GGI_DISPLAY=really_long_string_to_try_to_reproduce_the_crash zhcon; then if it does crash, GGI_DISPLAY=really_long_string_to_try_to_reproduce_the_crash gdb zhcon20:15
c_smithbkerensa, has the meeting ended?20:28
c_smithor has it not begun?20:29
c_smithbkerensa, did I miss the meeting?20:36
bkerensaAre there any agenda items?20:40
c_smithdon't know. let me check20:42
bkerensaI think there is not and we have nothing to discuss her unless you do?20:42
c_smithnah, just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything.20:44
c_smithnow I have some stuff to do.20:44
slangasekclosed Debian bug #60340520:55
lubotu1Debian bug 603405 in src:gucharmap "gucharmap: missing source code needed to update unicode tables" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/60340520:55
slangasekwould put an RC bug count in the topic, but it's locked ;)20:55
* vagrantc ponders #debian-bugs20:58
r0csteadyohai jpiroshky21:18
c_smithhello, r0csteady21:19
jpiroshkyhey j00 guys, lets be good friends ^_^21:29
c_smithhello, jpiroshky21:44
* c_smith goes back to listening to a talk about IP and DNS21:44
jpiroshkyman -k pxe21:47
jpiroshkyoops ^_^21:47
nathwillso... i'm pretty sure that this bug is wrong23:05
lubotu1Debian bug 631257 in dovecot-imapd "package rewrites SSL certificates" [Grave,Open]23:05
slangaseknathwill: wrong how?23:10
devxdevany one on thats @ bsp?23:19
vagrantcthings are winding down on the BSP23:30
devxdev:( just got back from the beach, that was the agreement with the wife, I go if she gets to go to the beach lol23:31
vagrantcwell, there are still people here23:40
keescome back nathwill!23:46
vagrantcwait a minute...23:46
keeshis bug looks valid to me23:48
keesdovecot postinst will overwrite half a cert. oops23:48

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