
JonathanDGood morning.07:50
InHisNamegood morning, so I'm not first even this early.    Off to a nap.07:51
JonathanDhey rmg5109:47
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!10:43
JonathanDhi SamuraiAlba10:48
JonathanDhey waltman10:48
SamuraiAlbaHow is it going?10:49
waltmanFirst official day of vacation and I'm up at 6 am :(10:49
waltmanOh look, it's PACS day10:55
SamuraiAlbaAnd I has no rides10:57
InHisNameno funny, everyone else could have met you too.11:05
SamuraiAlbaI has monies tho11:07
InHisNamemonies is nice except when trying to go sideways near a big city.   [public transport doesn't go sideways in burbs]11:09
SamuraiAlbaAnyone wanna make some money and pick me up?11:16
waltmanSorry, I'm not going11:19
jedijfwaltman: you should do a PERl SIG at PACS11:22
waltmanI looked at the schedule today and there's not really anything that interests me. Aside from jedijf's, of course. :)11:25
jedijfwaltman: mine sucks11:30
rmg51yeah, what did you do in the last month?11:30
jedijflol yep11:31
jedijfstretch it for an hour11:31
jedijfno one does anything11:31
rmg51including jedijf ;-)11:34
jedijfaaron wants to do gentoo11:35
jedijfi think i'm going to do a distro a month next year11:37
jedijfno more introductions -11:38
jedijfexcept maybe new folk11:38
SamuraiAlbaI need to find a ride.11:46
SamuraiAlbaIs carjacking still illegal?11:46
jedijfSamuraiAlba: this is not the event to risk a felony on, i would save that for FOSSCON11:47
SamuraiAlbaMy grandmother is demanding _I_ Buy angry birds in space for my uncle's kids...11:51
SamuraiAlbaI'm abotu to carjack her weheelchair11:51
SamuraiAlba*about to11:51
SamuraiAlbaFFS......  It's not even 8 am and yelling...11:51
SamuraiAlbaI already have it under Android 4.0 on my lappy anyway..11:51
SamuraiAlbaI need taco bell12:13
rmg51PACS time12:15
teddy-dbearI is here12:52
=== teddy-dbear1 is now known as teddy-dbear
SamuraiAlbagood bacon to all!21:21
waltmanmmm, bacon21:23
SamuraiAlbaHow is it going, Waltman?21:24
waltmanFine, thanks. Not doing too much today. You?21:39
InHisNamea fine gentoo build [at least up thru one kernel build]  was a great demo, all done now21:53
InHisNameI want to edit path in icon that I find in Unity's search bar.  I can't Right-Click from found search items.23:33
InHisNameI want to edit the pathname that is in the icon.23:33
InHisNamecause I installed a newer gns3 and it has different path.23:36
rmg51you just may have to remove the one that is already there then add a new one23:46

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