
=== sflr_ is now known as sflr
sflrhappy youth day every one!08:42
NeVeR_what a waste of a public holiday :( On a saturday ftl..10:07
charlfather's day, mother's day, youth day, children's day, everyone needs a day10:28
charlwhat about grandparent's day10:29
charland infants day10:29
NeVeR_or "My day"10:39
NeVeR_or Young adults day10:40
NeVeR_singles day10:40
NeVeR_ubuntu day10:40
charli srsly don't care for public holidays10:47
BanlamNeVeR_, I'm sure if you actually do a search, most of those days exist10:47
Banlamwhether widely accepted or not10:47
=== miles__ is now known as Kilos
Kiloscremora minora10:55
Kilosyo Banlam charl11:01
KilosMaaz: coffee on11:03
* Maaz washes some mugs11:03
Kilosinetpro: ping11:04
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!11:07
Kilosyo Tonberrymeeting monday night hey11:07
KilosMaaz: ty11:07
MaazYou are welcome Kilos11:07
Kilostwitter is really lagging today11:52
Kilosmaybe its choqok11:52
charlhi Kilos 11:53
Kilosyo nuvolari13:01
Kilosnog nie bloeps uitgewerk in Konversation nie13:08
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 13:12
nuvolarimaar vir hoekom gebruik oom Konversation?13:12
charlkonversation... dat is tog 'n instant messaging program?13:17
charlmeeste instant messaging programme ondersteun ook irc so dit kan wel13:18
charlMaaz: coffee on13:18
* Maaz washes some mugs13:18
charldanke schon13:18
inetproKonversation is a user-friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client built on the KDE Platform13:19
charlah... what was the KDE IM client called again...13:19
inetprocharl: Kopete13:19
charloh wait, that was called kopete yes13:19
charlsorry got the two mixed up13:19
charlthere was another programme called i think quassel13:20
charli really disliked that one13:20
charlKilos: please let us know how you find konversation to be... i think i should switch from xchat/irssi13:22
inetprocharl: eh, it may not be as feature complete as konversation but it is brilliant when used together with quassel-core13:22
charloh wait quassel-core is a bnc right?13:22
charlyeah ok never tried that13:22
KilosMaaz: coffee please13:22
MaazKilos: Sure13:22
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!13:22
charli only have one problem with irssi... and that is there is no mention notification13:22
charli know you can hack it in with your own scripts though but that's an advantage of a gui client13:23
Kiloscharl: havent got sound in konveration yet but very like xchat13:23
Kilosmaqybe xchat better13:24
charlah ok13:24
KilosMaaz: ty13:24
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:24
=== charl is now known as Charl
CharlMaaz: danke schon13:24
MaazCharl: *blink*13:24
CharlMaaz: botsnack13:25
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well13:25
Kilosxchat is more user friendly if you are gnome oriented13:25
inetproKilos: go to Configure | Notifications13:25
Kilosyo inetpro13:25
inetproKilos: oops, go to Settings | Configure Notifications13:25
Kilosgot it ty inetpro13:26
Kilostakes a bit of getting used to the different names for things13:27
inetproyou can set all kinds of sounds for multiple events13:27
Kilosalso inetpro i had to /msg nickserv to say its me13:27
inetprosomething like 17 different events13:28
Kilosoh and its going via ubuntu irc not freenode. is that ok?13:28
inetproKilos: it's easier than falling off a tree, just go figure13:28
Kiloshahaha ya man i spent hours with it13:29
Kilosxchat is easier for ordinary peeps13:29
inetproyou can change the defaults and connect to chat.freenode.net on port 7070 in stead13:30
Kiloswhats the diffs?13:30
inetproKilos: just because you are used to it?13:30
Kiloswill it get here easier13:30
inetproit's the same all over13:31
inetproit's just another one of many many irc clients13:31
Kilosah then its ok13:31
inetprothe important issues to learn is where to connect to and what your nickname is13:32
Kilosoh and with xchat i see more info next to nicks like IP etc13:32
Kilosis that also another thing i must go figure?13:33
Kilosand i gotta start from cli, nothing in internet goodies13:33
inetprogotta start from cli?13:34
Kilosso we gonna be off anyway for a while13:34
Kiloshave to start it in terminal13:34
inetprohmm... 13:34
inetproKilos: nee man13:34
Kiloslol what am i missing13:35
inetproanyways, me has to go now13:35
* inetpro wanna try and upgrade some machines today13:35
Kilosok see yous when freenode revives13:35
Kilosim on ubuntu irc so it wont bug me13:36
Kilosonly you freenode guys13:36
Kilosoh nuvolari also if i can get used to kde maybe my pc will handle 12.04 without getting another graphics card14:06
KilosMaaz, hi14:15
* Maaz waves to Kilos14:15
Kilosah only chanserv quit14:15
nuvolarisuperfly: ping15:01
nuvolari(or anyone python-savvy)15:01
zerefnuvolari: i know a bit of python15:02
nuvolarizeref: do you know how to remove something that has been installed using setuptools?15:03
zerefsetuptools has the easy install module right?15:07
nuvolariyeah, that's about all I know :P15:07
zerefif yes then easy_install -mxN PackageName15:08
zerefi used to use this guide: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall15:09
nuvolarizeref: thanks15:21
Kilosinetpro, when you dumping unity?15:36
magespawnEvening all16:02
Kilosyo magespawn 16:02
magespawnHey Kilos16:13
magespawnWhats up?16:18
Kilosnot much. too cold to think up here16:18
Kiloshi sflr 16:19
sflrhi Kilos!16:20
magespawnHah you guys should really come here for winter.16:20
magespawnHi sflr16:20
Kilosyeah i agree. tvl no good in winter16:21
sflrhi magespawn16:21
sflrwhat is there in winter?16:21
Kilosnorthern natal16:21
Charli would melt there16:23
Charli visited my uncle in nelspruit a few times16:23
sflrhaha, is it nice and warm there?16:23
Kiloslol lekker for ballies16:23
magespawnHluhluwe has two seasons, summer which is now and hell which is the rest of the year16:24
Kilosha ha ha16:24
Kiloseven summer ther is good man16:24
Kilosworked there in summer16:24
Kilosgets warm at times16:24
magespawn90% humidity16:25
sflrhectic. is it close to the beach at least?16:25
Kiloshumidity is good16:25
Kilosno lung probs16:25
magespawnNo not really about 100km drive.16:26
sflrthere must be a reason there is a city there. agriculture?16:27
Kilossomewhere there are big pineapple farms too i think16:28
Kilosand the game reserve is right there16:28
magespawnBiggest pineapple farms in SA, sokething like 80 - 90% os SA total.16:29
magespawnNot a city small town / village.16:30
sflrpineapple must be cheap there!16:30
magespawnAnd yup.16:30
sflryes, i looked on the map now16:30
Kilosbig queen pines if i member right16:30
Kilosand canning factory near by16:30
magespawnAnd some small ones, no canning factory here.16:31
Kilosoh is it bit north16:31
Kilosi cant member 30 years back16:31
magespawnThere is no factory here now.16:32
Kilosit wasnt in hluhluwe it was onna farm somewhere16:32
Kilostween you and that big dam16:33
sflrhow is the internet connection there?16:33
magespawnThere is a drying factory, I think that used to be canning. Most of the pineapples are userd for fresh export.16:33
Banlamdried pineapple?16:33
magespawnIn the town cell 3g and adsl, outside gprs.16:34
magespawnYes Banlam.16:34
Banlamhow do i not know about this16:34
Kilosjust so you can say everyday i learn something new16:35
Kilosyo smile 16:35
smilehi! :D16:37
magespawnWestern cqpe is where most of the canning pineapples come from now.16:37
sflrthere is a soccer and rugby field :) looking at it in google earth. and 3 traffic circles. lol16:38
* Banlam hasn't seen pineapples in WC before16:38
magespawnYup thats us.16:39
sflrmagespawn, is there lagoons or dams? I see lots of water towards the ocean16:40
smileKilos: how are you? :)à16:40
magespawnIf you search G&C Net, Hluhluwe, it should show my shop.16:40
Kilosgood ty smile 16:40
Kilosand you?16:40
magespawnThat would be Lake St Lucia and False Bay.16:40
magespawnPart of the Isimangaliso world heritage site.16:42
sflri see the shop. big white house with trees, in middle of a big plot. 16:43
magespawnDo not quote me on the spelling of that. 16:43
magespawnThats it sflr.16:43
smileKilos: tired, but fine :)16:43
Kilosah smile  cure for tired is sleep16:43
sflrhey smile16:44
smilesflr: hi :)16:44
smileKilos: yes I know :p but no time to sleep :p16:44
magespawnYou know if you do not sleep you lose your memory and go mad.16:45
smilemagespawn: yes. :p16:45
smileBut I will sleep. But not now16:45
sflrsmile is taking the Limitless tablets ;)16:45
smilein 4 hours i'll sleep :)16:46
magespawnAnybody know the score?16:46
Banlam36027 to us16:46
Banlam36-27 to us16:46
magespawnTy Banlam.16:47
sflrI didnt expect anything less 16:48
magespawnWhy in 4 hours smile?16:48
sflrwatching 24 hours Le Mans race?  lol16:49
smilemagespawn: because then it's 21:50 here :)16:49
Kiloshehe i love motor racing16:49
Banlamle mans is gonna be on for a lot longer than another 4 hours :P16:49
sflrKilos, Le Mans is on now16:49
Kilosif you have dstv ya16:50
Banlam36-27 final score16:50
sflrsmile, where are you?16:50
magespawnSomewhere in our time zone.16:50
Kiloseurope methinks16:51
sflrmagespawn, he said he sleeps in 4 hours time @ 10pm. in our time zone in 4 hours time will be 11pm. that's why I was wondering. hehe16:51
smilesflr: GMT +1 (but in summer GMT +2)16:51
sflrok. Northern hemi16:51
Banlamwhose summer? :P16:52
magespawnWe are GMT +2 all the time.16:53
magespawnAren't we?16:53
Kiloslol yeah we dont daylight save16:53
magespawnIn SA we don't save much.16:54
smilemagespawn: ^^16:54
Kilosaus is 8 hours ahead in theiur summer and 9 in winter16:54
Kiloslol @ magespawn 16:54
magespawnBrb going to bath fish2.16:54
smileThe preload attribute is supported in all major browsers, except Internet Explorer and Opera. :o16:57
Kilosall good sflr ?17:00
smilebrb. :)17:14
magespawnI did not think IE was A major browser17:14
magespawnhttp://www.jpl.nasa.gov/m/news/index.cfm?release=2012-177 from Jonathan Carter in G+17:32
Kiloshi psydroid 17:32
smileKilos: hiiiii :DD17:32
Kiloshiiiii smile <317:33
psydroidhi Kilos17:34
Kiloslol dunno what that is here but on aim its a heart17:35
psydroidhoi smile17:35
psydroidI am just awake now17:35
psydroidhello magespawn17:35
magespawnHey psydroid17:36
smilepsydroid: :o :o17:37
smileKilos: lol :p17:37
Kilostoo much work to try remember what all the text smiles are17:38
psydroidsmile, I had a headache so I decided to lie down for a few hours, I'm feeling better now17:38
Kilosgood psydroid headaches suck17:38
smilepsydroid: good. :)17:39
=== miles_ is now known as miles__
smileKilos: :o is surprised, :p is the normal with the tongue. and :) is a happy one. :D is even happier and :DD the happiest :)17:39
Kiloslol ya thats fine if you can remember them17:40
Kiloswhere does the <3 come from17:40
Kilosmy daughter uses it all the time17:41
=== miles__ is now known as miles_
magespawnhttp://christianoss.org/blog/2012/06/15/understanding-open-source-movement  recommended by one of our community, written by another.17:50
smilegrr :p17:51
magespawnFrom google plus17:51
smilegrr. :p17:53
miles_sukkeling to make Konversation use my nick17:53
=== miles_ is now known as Kilos
Kilosbetcha it forgets again17:55
Kilossuperfly: advice please. will kubuntu 12.04 not want to see a better graphics card?17:57
Kiloslike unity17:57
psydroidit will, Kilos18:02
psydroidsomething is definitely not ok in 12.0418:02
Kiloswill it also want a better graphics card?18:02
psydroidit feels slower than the previous 18:02
psydroidyes, I think so18:03
psydroidthe previous LTS release18:03
Kiloseish i thought is was just gnome3 and unity that did that18:03
psydroidI think it's something with xorg18:03
psydroidno, I think the problem lies deeper18:03
psydroidI'm not completely sure, but this is what I have noticed on a few systems where kubuntu is slow while ubuntu 10.04 flies18:04
psydroidkubuntu 12.04, that is18:05
Kilosmaybe then i will try get kubuntu11.1018:05
psydroidbut it's funny that 12.04 prereleases and even 11.10 were faster18:05
psydroidI had stability problems with 11.1/18:05
Kiloslol murphy says if you can struggle you will18:06
psydroidand the 12.10 daily I recently installed on a machine seemed to be broken too so I couldn't update18:07
psydroidso I keep waiting for a kubuntu release that is actually usable, until that time ubuntu 10.04.4 serves me well18:08
Kilosmy son is using 11.04 upgraded online to 11.10 and is happy with it18:08
Kiloskubuntu that is18:09
Kilosmaybe each pc has its own prefs18:09
magespawnMy laptop is on 10.04 ubuntu, and two pc in the shop are on 11.10 ubuntu and kubuntu, one each. No problems with any so far.18:10
Kilosmy pc loves 10.10. worked better and faster than 10.0418:11
Kilosmaverick rocks but no more security updates18:11
psydroidyes, neither the oldest nor the newest is the best for each machine18:12
psydroidthat's why I have several releases installed at the same time18:12
Kilos10.04 just needed tweeking to make it use pidgin mxit and a few other things which were working right off in maverick18:13
Kiloshi bmg50518:13
bmg505vity powa sucks18:13
Kilosmeeting monday night hey18:13
bmg505what time?18:14
Kiloslol try being on a plot18:14
Kilosmeet here at 19.3018:14
bmg505my brain has been frozen for at least a week now18:14
bmg505time for summer18:14
Kilosyeah join the family18:14
Kilosfreezing in the tvl18:15
bmg505I enjoy complaining about rain and heat much more than complaining about this fridge18:15
Kilosi tried singing the mtn song a few times. it didnt help18:15
Kilosha ha ha18:15
bmg505probably because you do not have enough airtime :)18:16
Kilosdont complain about rain. rain keeps everything growing18:16
Kilosno rain no food for sheep and other grass eaters18:17
Kilosexcuse me if i mess around some guys, im trying to get Konversation configured without much luck18:21
smilebye :)18:33
Kilossleep tight smile18:33
superflyKilos: no, KDE has a "2D" mode18:33
Kilosyay superflyso i can use it then18:34
magespawnSuperfly I have foundnthe hardware requirements are quite low compared to the other os choices18:35
Kilossflr: you still here?18:41
Kiloshmmm maybe the 24 hour was too long and he fell off his stool18:42
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight18:58
KilosMaaz, night18:58
MaazKilos: Bye18:58
magespawnNight all.19:03

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