
sabayonuser_hey people i have dual core cpu nvidia 7300 gt 2gb ram suggest me a distro00:00
escottsabayonuser_, ubuntu00:00
sabayonuser_will it tun fine with these specs00:00
andrewacltPretty sure it runs on my coffee maker00:00
escottsabayonuser_, do you expect us to say "fedora"?00:01
k1lsabayonuser_: since you are in a ubuntu channel: try ubuntu00:01
sabayonuser_should i stick with unity or go for gnome-shell00:01
sabayonuser_there is kubuntu lubuntu which is the best00:02
escott!poll | sabayonuser_00:02
ubottusabayonuser_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:02
staffordI am looking for Ubuntu system hardening guide00:02
fizyplanktonis it possible to change a filesystem from ext2 to ext3 without losing all the data?00:02
Myrttifizyplankton: no.00:02
escottfizyplankton, yes00:03
sabayonuser_first copy ur data to other hard drive then format it :D00:03
escottfizyplankton, use etunefs to enable whatever features you want00:03
k1lfizyplankton: better have a backup00:03
sabayonuser_why do ubuntu use purple color00:04
fizyplanktonsabayonuser_: escott Kil im upgrading hdds from 1tb to 2tb. g4l for some reason made it an ext2 partition. i have ample space to make backups00:04
k1lsabayonuser_: why not?00:04
sabayonuser_default ubuntu is ugly00:04
Myrttisabayonuser_: more incentive to make it look like yours then00:05
linxehugliness is subjective00:05
k1lsabayonuser_: then use another wallpaper00:05
sabayonuser_orange icons should be replaced by faenza as default00:05
linxehwhy ?00:05
escott!ot | sabayonuser_00:05
ubottusabayonuser_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:05
Myrttisabayonuser_: thanks for your opinion, however misplaced it is. Did you have a Ubuntu support question or problem?00:05
linxehhe was just sent here from offtopic :)00:06
fizyplanktonsdd7 is the partition i am trying to change from ext2 to ext3. if i copy sdd7 to sdd8, then wipe sdd7 to ext3, then copy the files manually back over, will it work (sdd7 is my main boot partition)00:06
sabayonuser_hey people does females have any interest in ubuntu00:06
escottfizyplankton, unneccessary. just enable journaling00:06
fizyplanktonescott: how?00:06
linxehsabayonuser_: offtopic00:06
escottfizyplankton, http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/ext2toext3.htm00:06
Myrttisabayonuser_: #ubuntu-offtopic, please.00:07
escottfizyplankton, there really isn't any such thing as ext2 vs ext3 vs ext4. there is just "ext" with different features enabled.00:07
fizyplanktonescott: but would the manual copy thing still work? will sdd7 still boot if i do that?00:09
escottfizyplankton, depends on iff the uuid changes00:10
=== fire is now known as Guest19272
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trentgI issued ufw deny from <ip> but that ip is still attempting logins00:10
inopinatusI am seeing "mountall: Skipping mounting /home since Plymouth is not available" intermittently with 12.04 LTS on Linode. Accompanied by a plymouth SEGV. Is anyone else experiencing same / has solved the issue?00:10
escottfizyplankton, just backup your files to sdd8, then use tune2fs to enable the journal, fsck it and delete your backups00:10
fizyplanktonescott: how wasy would it be to change the uuid from say a live boot cds00:11
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ActionParsnipinopinatus: is the partition healthy?00:11
inopinatusActionParsnip: yes, fsck -f passes00:11
inopinatussorry e2fsck00:11
Guest47769hi all00:12
Jordan_Uescott: fizyplankton: UUIDs only change if you explicitly change them, or create a new filesystem (wiping out the old one) using mkfs. So you shouldn't have to worry about the UUID changing (though having two partitions containing filesystems with the same UUID could confuse many important tools).00:12
inopinatusit seems to be an intermittent race condition between mountall and plymouth crashing00:12
fizyplanktonescott: escott not sure if this question makes any sense, but will tune2fs actually convert it, or do some funky trick to make it look like an ext3 without actually making it an ext300:12
escottfizyplankton, i dont know why you would do this unnecessary step. you could also move the data from sdd7 to sdd8, run a marathon, make the ext3, do 100 pushups, copy the data back, cure cancer...00:12
escottfizyplankton, ext3=ext2+journaling00:12
fire_xi have a problem i installed manually the firefox and now the icon in the application bar doesnt open00:12
fire_xwhere is the location of this icon?00:13
fizyplanktonfire_x: does the one in the menus still work?00:13
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fire_xfailed to execute child process00:13
escottfizyplankton, where that = is really a :~= we define ext3 "as" ext2+journaling, with a bit of fuzziness there may be some other normal ext3 features in addition to journaling, but check wikipedia00:13
fire_xwhen i opened it00:13
Jordan_Uescott: Ahh, fizyplankton was actually considering using mkfs, so your comment was apropos, sorry about that.00:13
fire_xbut i can open the firefox00:13
ActionParsnipfire_x: probably in the folder with the binary you are running00:13
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ActionParsnipfire_x: why not use a PPA or the one in the Ubuntu repos00:14
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fire_xi just follow this:http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/download-and-install-firefox-manually-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/00:14
ActionParsnipfire_x: what version of firefox have you manually installed?00:14
fire_x<ActionParsnip>i run the commands from terminal00:14
fire_x<ActionParsnip>the last00:15
ActionParsnip!info firefox00:15
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 12.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 17839 kB, installed size 37304 kB00:15
ActionParsnipfire_x: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/firefox-13-alpha-2-appears-in-the-wild   use that00:15
ActionParsnipfire_x: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox00:16
ActionParsnipfire_x: no messing with files00:16
ActionParsnipfire_x: ALWAYS ALWAAYS try and find a PPA, it will make the apps gel with your OS00:16
fire_x<ActionParsnip> remember that but now can i find where my old version and the new version of firefox is?00:17
fire_x<ActionParsnip>and what's wrong with the icon on application menu>00:17
ActionParsnipfire_x: the desktop file you have in /usr/share/applications   doesn't have the icon refereced right, more than likely00:18
Borillionctrl fn super alt none work00:18
Borillionhow can I re-detect my keyboard?00:18
fire_xDetails: Failed to execute child process "firefox" (Permission denied00:18
nydeli made a useful script for everyone! do this: "curl http://meerkat.cc/.myip.shtml"00:19
nydelthen write it into a script. 3 lines if you like.00:19
nydel(returns external ip from command line)00:19
fire_x<ActionParsnip>i can see the icon00:20
Kevin__HHi there, I am trying to install ubuntu server 12.04, I've tried installing GUI interfaces, but I haven't had any luck, any suggestions?  I've tried, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but it returns unable to locate package ubuntu-desktop, I've also done updates.  Also, when I use tasksel, and try to install features such as Basic Ubuntu Server and Samba file server, I get "aptitude failed"00:20
ActionParsnipfire_x: is the file marked executable to all?00:20
fire_xno and it has the priveleges of a root00:21
ActionParsnipfire_x: you may be able to see the icon but if the desktop file isn't pointed to it, it wn't be used00:21
ActionParsnipfire_x: why don't you just make your life easier and use the PPA?...00:21
Anom01yhi, running Ubuntu 64 bit here, and I am having troubles with Wine,00:21
fire_xfor sure another time but i just wanna figure this out00:21
Anom01yI keep getting an error "lock isn't locked"00:22
chowderAnom01y: getting any error messages?00:22
Anom01yits a problem with Ubuntu 12.04 apparently00:22
chowderAnom01y: I don't use wine all that much so I'm afraid I can't really say00:22
Anom01yI've removed my .wine directory, and tried to run winecfg, but I still get lock isn't locked00:22
chowderAnom01y: have you made a forum post about it?00:23
Jordan_UKevin__H: Can you pastebin the exact output of "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"? Also, why do you want a full Ubuntu Desktop on your server?00:23
Anom01ychowder, no, but its there already thought I might ask here00:24
Kevin__HI'm just trying to get a GUI00:24
Kevin__Hso I don't have to use command line (for now)00:24
chowderKevin__H: yeah but the commandline reveals information that people here can use to help you00:24
csmith73command line is more fun :)00:24
ActionParsnipfire_x: check the file in /usr/share/applications   check the Icon=  line is pointing absolutely to the icon, staerting from '/'00:24
fire_xActionParsnip:so what i believe is that when the new version installed then the previous one changes places but the icon assigned to the previous didnt change00:25
* chowder loves using the commandline00:25
chowderAnom01y: you should post in that thread so that the devs see that many people are having this issue00:25
ActionParsnipAnom01y: have you asked in #winehq too00:25
csmith73chowder : how do I make it appear that I love something00:25
fire_xActionParsnip:firefox %u00:25
chowdercsmith73: echo love00:25
fire_xActionParsnip:the command00:25
=== Tux is now known as int_argc
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ActionParsnipfire_x: did you symlink the new firefox binary into /usr/bin ?00:26
ActionParsnipfire_x: you may need to make a NEW launcher for the new version00:26
=== philt_ is now known as philt
csmith73echo loves to press tab tab in terminal and study00:26
fire_xsudo ln -s /opt/firefox12/firefox /usr/bin/firefox00:26
fire_xwith this command00:26
ActionParsnipfire_x: I suggest you use a different file name for the link (unles you don't have the packaged version of firefox installed then it's ok)00:27
fire_xi can open the new firefox from a different location00:27
fire_xi just want to make a link00:27
=== game is now known as Athlon
csmith73can someone help with the compilation of OpenMW, I am having an issue with the dependencies being met00:27
fire_xto applications bar00:27
ActionParsnipfire_x: sudo ln -s /opt/firefox12/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-1300:27
|Long|hi, I need some help with raid 5 anyone plz msg me thanks, will rewards for your time00:28
ActionParsnipfire_x: you do realize you are doing this THE hardest way possible00:28
=== Athlon is now known as Tuxette
fire_xits ok00:28
fire_xi realize this00:28
ActionParsnipfire_x: then run:  sudo cp /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop  sudo cp /usr/share/applications/firefox-13.desktop00:28
ActionParsnipfire_x: then run:   gksudo gedit  sudo cp /usr/share/applications/firefox-13.desktop00:28
ActionParsnipfire_x: and CHANGE the Exec= line to the file in /opt  and change the other lines, like Name= and so forth, so that it says Firefox13 and so forth, also find the Icon= line and make it point to the icon in /opt00:29
fire_xwhy firefox-1300:29
Jordan_UActionParsnip: You should probably add some quotes or ';'s or '&&'s to be clear where one command starts and the other ends.00:30
ActionParsnipfire_x: because then it's DIFFERENT to the default one and won't get messed with by the packaged version which is alreadyinstalled00:30
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ActionParsnipfire_x: can you see why packages are good now? Avoids all this messing around..00:30
ActionParsnipJordan_U: true00:30
fire_xwait iam confused right now00:30
Anom01y<ActionParsnip> Anom01y: have you asked in #winehq too00:30
ActionParsnipfire_x: about what?00:31
fire_xabout the firefox-1300:31
fire_xwhat the firefox-13 is00:31
fire_xwe create this or make a kind of link00:31
fire_xwith firefox-100:31
ActionParsnipfire_x: you are linking it to firefox-13 as the existing /usr/bin/firefox is part of a package and the file will be overwritten when an update to the firefox package happens00:31
ActionParsnipfire_x: so we use a diffreent name00:32
fire_xthe thing is00:32
fire_xthe previous one was00:32
fire_xand i ve updated to 13.0100:32
ActionParsnipfire_x: just use the PPA, you are gaining nothing by doing it this way and when the PPA gets updated, so will your system00:32
inopinatusOk, fixed, I removed --attach-to-session in /etc/init/plymouth.conf and now it boots normally.00:32
inopinatusas described at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/59483900:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 594839 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Plymouthd SIGSEGV on Lucid Xen Instance" [Undecided,Triaged]00:33
fire_xwhere can i find the ppa thing00:33
ActionParsnipfire_x: you can use any link name you want, just don't link to /usr/bin/firefox or the package system will break it when the firefox package gets updated00:33
ActionParsnipfire_x: I gave you the link AND even the command to run eaarlier....00:33
fire_xbut where did you find it00:34
ActionParsnipfire_x: I use the internet and searched00:34
fire_xif i run this now will mess up the things?00:34
fire_xor i must remove the previous first?00:34
ActionParsnipfire_x: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=firefox+13+ppa&kp=100:34
ActionParsnipfire_x: no, you can keep the standing one and it will simply be upgraded00:35
fire_xnow i have 13.0100:35
fire_xthe link you gave me is 1300:35
ActionParsnipfire_x: the aurora ppa is actually version 1500:37
fire_xyeah but i dont have the aurora00:37
ActionParsnipfire_x: all you need to do is make a symlink into /usr/bin for the binary you have, then make a new .desktop file by copying the current firefox.desktop file and changingh the lines00:37
riz0nI am in the process of migrating from an old Ubuntu server to a new server. What is the easiest way to move MySQL databases from the old server to the new one?00:37
fire_xcopy that00:38
fire_xcan i get the ppa for firefox 13.0100:38
rypervencheSNS syndrome :(00:39
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ActionParsnipfire_x: not sure there is one (can't find one yet). I have one for 1400:40
fire_xwait the last version for firefox is 13.0100:40
exutuxriz0n: mysqldump --all-database > bkdb.sql -u root -p00:41
ActionParsnipfire_x: those are the beta version00:41
OerHeksfire_x, FF13 is in the repo's now.00:41
exutuxriz0n: and restore in nwe server with mysql < bkdb.sql -u root -p00:41
fire_xwait firefox and firefox aurora is a different thing right?00:42
fire_xhow can you describe the differences between00:42
fire_xthe first and the second one00:43
ActionParsnipfire_x: they are codenames for the beta releases and so forth as I understand it (I've not used firefox in years now)00:43
exutuxriz0n: you don't need to recreate databases and tables in new server before restore backup, because --all-database option creates the sql queries ( script ) automatically00:43
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fire_xthere are more except aurora?00:44
exutuxaurora is a beatiful gurl ( sorry for OT ) :D00:44
fire_xwhat is OT00:44
exutuxoff topic00:45
OerHeksOn Topic00:45
fire_xoff or on00:45
FloodBot1fire_x: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:45
Piratis there any way to make ubuntu 12.04 work "normally" in fallback mode? like 10.04 did00:47
fire_xi reassign the key and i dont use the enter i use del for confirm my words00:47
Piratseriously mark suttleworth ought to be SHOT in the head00:47
escott!notunity | Pirat00:47
ubottuPirat: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:47
Piratfor ruining my experience with ubuntu00:47
Piratbla bla00:47
Piratread what I wrote00:47
nathan_Can anyone help me with setting up dual monitors, I can00:47
PiratI am in fallback mode00:47
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Piratbut its not like 10.04 at all00:48
nathan_'t get the tool to work00:48
Piratnautilus is fucked up00:48
Piratflash videos don't play in fullscreen00:48
Pirattab scrolling doesn't work anymore00:48
Daekdroom!language | Pirat00:48
ubottuPirat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:48
Piratsound is fucked up (known from previous ubuntu version)00:48
escottPirat, also !enter and !attitude00:48
Piratbut seems like canonical does not care a single bit about their users00:48
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.00:48
exutuxPirat: don't use gnome, choose another DE or don't use Ubuntu00:49
Piratnowadays there are more like "accept it or GTFO"00:49
Pirataren't they? ;)00:49
Piratexutux... you just acknowledged what I said00:49
Pirat"accept it or GTFO"00:49
nathan_I have my xorg.conf, xorg.0.log and lspci here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1042878/00:49
DaekdroomWhat's the purpose of saying what you're saying?00:49
Pirataccept fucked up scrollbars or GTFO00:50
DaekdroomYou're not bothering to explain what's happening to Nautilus, or describe your sound issues.00:50
exutuxPirat: my answer was for all that you said at all00:50
Pirataccept a trimmed desktop or GTFO00:50
DaekdroomAnd, really, watch your language.00:50
marcavisHello. I can't seem to be able to start X from an user account, but I'm able to in other. Is there some file other than xorg.conf that may be problematic?00:52
escottnathan_, a few things... (a) why do you have an xorg.conf and how did you make it (b) module fglrx was not found, how did you install it00:52
marcavis(this is after I seem to have broken my settings after the latest nvidia driver + new kernel update00:53
Jordan_Umarcavis: The problem is likely something going wrong with starting the window manager / shell rather than really a problem "starting X" (once you've gotten to the login screen at least one X session has already started).00:53
nathan_escott, I made (hand wrote based on a gentoo how to) the xorg because I couldn't get the "System>Preferences>Monitors" to see my second monitor. I didn't install fglrx but I'm not sure I need it either. putting in ati seems to no give me that error but still no dual monitors00:55
marcavisJordan_U, oh, hi there :) - Hmm, you're right, I can get to the usual login screen... Where's my window manager configuration, then, inside ~ ?00:55
UbuntuNoobcan someone help me i cannot install samba from any source it says unmet dependencies system-config-samba00:56
UbuntuNoob?any idea whats wrong?00:56
marcavisI'm aware that can vary, I guess. Hmm, should be... lightdm? I'm never too sure what's what in these layers of gui things00:56
escottnathan_, not sure what to say. it doesn't look like a valid xorg.conf. nothing identifies the devices. you say "leftCard" and "rightCard" but that doesn't mean anything without reference to a PCI bus id00:57
fire_xcan i get the last version of aurora via ppa?00:57
nathan_escott any ideas on where I should go from here? most of the ubuntu documentation says xorg.conf is the old way and not to do it but I don't see any other way00:58
UbuntuNoobcan some help me with samba?00:59
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: how are you installing samba?00:59
escottnathan_, i would start by installing fglrx if you want an fglrx, then i would focus on getting one card to work before trying to add the second one in00:59
UbuntuNoobit wont let me install samba01:00
UbuntuNoobkeeps saying01:00
UbuntuNoobsamba: Depends: samba-common (= 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1) but 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 is to be installed01:00
UbuntuNoob       Depends: libwbclient0 (= 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1) but 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.2 is to be installed01:00
UbuntuNoob       Depends: upstart-job but it is a virtual package01:00
UbuntuNoob??? any ideas01:00
violinappren!paste | UbuntuNoob01:00
ubottuUbuntuNoob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:00
nathan_escott, as it stands now I can get both to work just not at the same time. I can specify which to set a primary in bios and then that card is fine01:00
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: what's your ubuntu version and what's the command you're using?01:01
UbuntuNoob12.04 and software center and i also tryed synaptic01:01
fire_xActionParsnip:hey sorry for bothering again but i ve got a question.. can i get the last version of aurora(15.02) via ppa?01:01
UbuntuNoobnot using a command01:01
violinapprendid you add any repositories or PPAs?01:02
ActionParsnipfire_x: sure just add the arora ppa and install the package01:02
UbuntuNoobwhere do i get them and how do i add them01:02
Jordan_Umarcavis: Yes, and you can also choose which session you want to use from the login screen (after selecting your user but before actually logging in). Try the Failsafe session.01:02
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: im asking IF you did ..01:02
UbuntuNoobno i didnt use a command just used the software center01:03
marcavisJordan_U, hmm I guess I should be using irssi as I try things out with sessions. Will do that soon...01:03
fire_xActionParsnip:i ve done it but i have 13.01 version01:03
UbuntuNoobany ideas vio?01:04
ActionParsnipfire_x: did you run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade01:04
UbuntuNoobbeen trying for 2 hours to get it working with no avail01:04
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: open a terminal and type this command: sudo apt-get install samba01:06
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violinapprenUbuntuNoob: and then pastebin the error message01:06
rocodeI tried installing a package that failed due to a md5 failure on a download. I cannot remove the package, or install anything else, as apt keeps trying to install a package that will keep failing. http://pastebin.com/00jN86Eh Can anyone help me? I have tried to remove, purge, everything I could think of.01:06
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: also pastebin the output of : apt-cache policy samba01:07
nathan_escott, I'm going to reset my xorg.conf to the original and then try the 8.04 instructions from here. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Multihead. Will let you know how it goes.01:07
UbuntuNoobwhats pastebin?01:07
rocodeUbuntuNoob, http://pastebin.com01:07
violinappren!paste  | UbuntuNoob01:07
ubottuUbuntuNoob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:07
=== avis is now known as Guest10018
Kevin__Hany fixes for "Unable to locate package ... " when using sudo apt-get install xyz01:08
UbuntuNoob!paste Reading package lists... Done01:08
ubottuUbuntuNoob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:08
UbuntuNoobBuilding dependency tree01:08
UbuntuNoobReading state information... Done01:08
UbuntuNoobSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have01:08
UbuntuNoobrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable01:08
UbuntuNoobdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created01:08
FloodBot1UbuntuNoob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:08
fire_xActionParsnip:i run sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade01:09
rocodeUbuntuNoob, That's not it. You need to go to http://pastebin.com, copy your stuff into there, then hit submit. Copy the URL and paste the URL here.01:09
UbuntuNoobo lol01:09
rocodeI tried installing a package that failed due to a checksum failure on a download. I cannot remove the package, or install anything else, as apt keeps trying to install a package that will keep failing. http://pastebin.com/00jN86Eh Can anyone help me? I have tried to remove, purge, everything I could think of.01:10
UbuntuNoobthat right?01:11
=== genii-around is now known as genii
UbuntuNoobvio that help?01:11
=== marcos is now known as Guest27809
=== Guest27809 is now known as marcavis
sixdahs_Anyone have trouble with 12.04 connecting to networks?  first it was wifi, and now eth0.  "Activation of network connection failed"01:12
pikkachuhow to type a location in precise nautilus?01:12
rocodeUbuntuNoob: Now structure your help request in a way similar to mine, all on one line. It will get you noticed faster.01:12
sixdahs_pikkachu: ctrl+L01:13
quixotedonpikkachu: you want to go to address bar? is that what i understand?01:13
=== jonathaN_ is now known as jonathaN
quixotedonsixdahs_: some have i think01:13
quixotedonsixdahs_: i'm only using mobile broadband01:13
sixdahs_yeah, it's killing me. getting ready to go back to fedora01:14
violinapprenrocode: crude.. but works.. sudo rm  /var/lib/dpkg/info/oracle-java7-installer*01:14
UbuntuNoobAnyoneWhoCanHelp: I cannot install samba it keeps giving me error msgs can someone help me http://pastebin.com/VzZd83Nt01:14
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy samba01:14
rocodeviolinappren, that solved the issue, thank you!01:15
violinapprenrocode: you're welcome01:15
UbuntuNoobVio: http://pastebin.com/f7pR3LrS01:17
sixdahs_quixotedon:  makes it tricky to get updates too if I can't get network connectivity..lol01:18
quixotedonsixdahs_: so wifi doesn't connect at all?01:18
sixdahs_it associates with the ap01:19
sixdahs_doesnt' get an IP01:19
sixdahs_eth0 doens't work either01:19
sixdahs_"activation of network connection failed"01:19
UbuntuNoobViolinappren: Any ideas?01:19
=== blackdawn is now known as qxt
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: apt-cache policy libwbclient001:20
Kevin__HThis is what my source.list file looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043274/ aren't there supposed to be more lines?  I figure this is why I am having problems using apt-get01:21
UbuntuNoobViolinappren: http://pastebin.com/SLbr41X601:21
wylde_Kevin__H:  I'd have to agree with that.01:22
agc93Kevin__H: Yes, that should have more in there01:22
Kevin__His there something I can do to fix that?01:22
Kevin__Hsudo apt-get update does nothing01:22
agc93Try following this instruction: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/01/restore-your-sources-list-to-defaults.html01:22
pikkachusixdahs_: thanks!!!01:23
sixdahs_:) no prob01:23
wylde_Kevin__H: there's this tool online. I'll see if I can dig up a default sources.list01:23
agc93Kevin__H: That probably won't give you all the localisations and mirros, but will give you all the standard repos then run sudo apt-get update01:23
wylde_Kevin__H: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/01:23
nydelis there a built-in command in ubuntu/linux to get external ip?01:23
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: do: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update01:23
nydelfrom command line01:23
nathan_When looking at lspci and I see "01:00.0 VGA comp....." what is the busid that I would put in xorg.conf the ubuntu wiki shows it should look like this " BusID           "PCI:1:0:0""01:24
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: then try again: sudo apt-get install samba01:24
ActionParsnipnydel: IP=`wget -q -O - http://ip.keithscode.com`; echo $IP01:24
nydelActionParsnip: anything that doesn't depend on wget or curl?01:25
ActionParsnipnydel: wget is in the default install...01:25
nydelActionParsnip: right but i could just do this: curl http://meerkat.cc/.myip.shtml01:25
nydelif i'm going to do it that way. can't i just get the ip without bouncing around01:26
ActionParsnipnydel: as far as I've seen, no01:26
Kevin__Hlooked like it worked guys, sudo apt-get update is working -- will that overwrite my sources.list file with an updated one ? etc?01:26
wylde_nydel: maybe over upnp if your router supports it.Just a thought.01:27
nydelActionParsnip: oh what if i run the shtml on my computer01:27
agc93Kevin__H: yes it will01:27
UbuntuNoobVio: http://pastebin.com/aAHQcS7h01:27
agc93but your old sources.list was practically useless, so thats alright01:27
UbuntuNoobstill dont work01:27
nydelwylde_: i'm not sure how i'd do that, point me in the right direction?01:27
wylde_nydel: all I know is I was playing with some upnp tool from the repos and an old router killing time once. I'll see if I can find the package01:28
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: open software center then edit > software sources01:28
Pailothay! how i can go to russian chat?01:28
nydelwylde_: thank you!01:28
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.01:28
violinapprenthen in "other" tab, untick the repository for plexapp01:29
violinapprenPailot: /join #ubuntu-ru01:29
UbuntuNoobnow what01:29
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: close it and try installing samba01:30
wylde_nydel: upnp-router-control was the package, I was able to use it to configure an old tp-link tl-r460 wired router. You might be able to pick something out of the source.01:30
wylde_nydel: of course, IF your router supports upnp01:30
UbuntuNoobok i opened the software center how do i edit sources and what do i change01:31
FDForeverDoes anyone happen to know which command it's to launch the ati configuration application01:31
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: open "other" tab.. take a screenshot01:31
agc93FDForever: the command line version is aticonfig01:31
violinappren!screenshot | UbuntuNoob01:31
ubottuUbuntuNoob: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.01:31
FDForeveragc93, the ui version01:31
nydelwylde: i think i can work with this, you're the first person to give me something useful that doesn't involve wget or curl etc01:32
nydelwylde_: thanks01:32
wylde_nydel: np :) See idle playing about can be useful! lol01:32
FDForeveragc93, nvm found it. amdccle01:32
agc93FDForever: amdcccle01:32
FDForeverwhoops forgot a c heh. For some reason launching it with kde and selecting the administrative option causes it to crash instead of loading heh01:33
UbuntuNoobViolin: http://imagebin.org/21659501:34
UbuntuNoobhope that helps01:35
FDForeveragc93, Any idea why my charges are not actually saved when pressing apply? It just boots back into a cloned display.01:36
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: select the the entries that has "plexapp" and click remove01:36
UbuntuNoobok done01:37
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: close it, wait for the reload to finish and try installing samba01:37
UbuntuNoobdont seem to be reloading01:38
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: in command line: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install samba01:39
UbuntuNoobk brb01:39
UbuntuNoobit went through01:40
kandleanyone know any good channels specifically for chat?01:41
UbuntuNoobblah http://pastebin.com/V4JimzGf01:41
daxkandle: #ubuntu-offtopic, #defocus01:41
kandledax: thanks01:41
RelondoHow do I install a .sh file?01:42
marcavisJordan_U: there was no 'failsafe' session, just 'recovery console' - which didn't work, either, returning me to the graphical login prompt01:42
phiberoptikRelondo> sh file.sh01:42
ActionParsnipRelondo: mark it as executable then just run it, may need sudo01:43
RelondoActionparsnip: I did, but nothing happened.01:43
phiberoptiksudo sh file.sh?01:43
UbuntuNoobVio: isnt this weird..01:43
Relondophiberoptik: What now?01:43
ActionParsnipRelondo: what is the filename and where is it located, case very sensitive01:44
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: no, you have a locally installed version of libwbclient0 that is hindering the installation01:44
UbuntuNoobanything i can do?01:45
Relondoactionparsnip: Well, when I set it as executable and then run it, a window pops up that says "Verifying file integrity", and then disappears, and nothing happens.01:45
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: PLEASE NOTE the packages it will be removing (paste them) before answering "yes":    sudo apt-get remove libwbclient001:45
marcavisRelondo: better to run it from a terminal, then; that may give some helpful error message. Open a terminal, then type sh and the path to that file01:46
phiberoptikwhere is ubuntu french room?01:46
daxphiberoptik: #ubuntu-fr01:46
phiberoptiktanks dax :)01:46
riz0nwhat package needs to be installed to get Dovecot IMAP?01:47
daxde rien :)01:47
riz0nwhen I do sudo apt-get install dovecot, it says that it can't locate the package dovecot01:47
Relondomarcavis: Will do, thanks.01:47
zambariz0n: dovecot-imap01:47
zambariz0n: dovecot-imapd, rather01:47
zambariz0n: just do aptitude search dovecot and you'll see for yourself01:47
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: or better: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libwbclient001:48
UbuntuNoobso forget the last stuff01:48
UbuntuNoobi havent done it yet01:48
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: yes01:49
zykotick9riz0n: try checking "apt-cache search ^dovecot"01:49
UbuntuNoobVio: never in my life man ..blah http://pastebin.com/3jMStu3X01:50
Relondomarcavis: Terminal returned this: Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: 118e3a11ec539eccf587de53393ab103 is different from 1a62055501daf9ed15769f24b73177b401:50
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: what packages it says it will remove if you do: sudo apt-get remove libwbclient001:51
ActionParsnipzykotick9: can you use regex in apt-cache?01:51
riz0nwell I have dovecot installed, but when I try to login through Squirrelmail, I get connection to localhost refused01:51
zykotick9ActionParsnip: well i can say that ^ works for sure, beyond that - you'd have to test ;)01:52
violinapprenActionParsnip: yes01:52
ActionParsnipzykotick9: could always run:  apt-cache search . | grep "^dove"01:52
marcavisRelondo: hmm to me that looks like there was an error in the download; does the file size seem smaller than it should be?01:52
ActionParsnipviolinappren: wow, thats awesoem01:53
Kristian_I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop, but its not connecting to the internet. What do?01:53
Relondomarcavis: It's how big it should be. But it is a 1.1 gig file, so I can't see beyond megs. Could be off by a little :/01:53
UbuntuNoobVio: http://pastebin.com/Jp2UQHeK01:53
UbuntuNoobonly one i wounder about is the desktop one01:54
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: no it's just an empty package, so go ahead and remove01:54
marcavisRelondo: ouch. Hmm if you look at the file properties (right click, properties), it should give the exact size in bytes...01:54
UbuntuNoobyou are the captain =)01:54
Kristian_Ive got an intel centrino wireless-n +wimax 6150 card in my laptop, if that helps. its an asus01:54
UbuntuNoobthanks btw01:54
UbuntuNoobfor the help01:55
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: you can reinstall them after you're done with samba01:55
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: you're welcome01:55
UbuntuNoobits going and what did it take off01:55
Relondomarcavis: The website only shows up to megs, too :/01:55
UbuntuNoobjust my html editor?01:55
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: just reinstall them after samba01:56
|Long|hi, I need some help with raid 5 anyone plz msg me thanks, will rewards for your time01:56
UbuntuNoobhow do i reinstall them lol sorry man im a noob01:57
Kristian_I need some help with my wifi. its not working ;-;01:57
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: sudo apt-get install packageshere01:57
marcavisRelondo: hmm then I don't know; I'd try some googling to see if anyone else was complaining of a corrupted download, etc. bbl, will try fixing my gpu driver configuration01:58
UbuntuNoobok it started samba how do i edit it?01:58
Relondomarcavis: Okay, thanks for the help.01:58
simplewin synpatic i see some buttons with chinese characters, how do i get rid of these chinese characters01:58
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: paste01:59
UbuntuNoobi think samba is running02:00
violinappren!samba | UbuntuNoob02:00
ubottuUbuntuNoob: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:00
Kristian_Can someone please help me?02:01
UbuntuNoobgood deal man thanks02:01
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:01
UbuntuNoobi owe you a brew02:01
violinapprenUbuntuNoob: you're welcome02:01
Kevin__HHow do I enable remote desktop connection on ubuntu?  So that I can use other machines to remotely connect to it?  can I do it from command line?02:02
Kristian_no one? ;-; I really want to use Ubuntu, but i cant if it cant access the internet.02:02
nathan_I'm still very confused as to why I can't get dual monitors to work. I've put my most recent lspci, xorg.conf and log file here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1043304/02:02
nathan_The System>preferences>monitors doesn't work for me which is why i'm usring xorg.conf02:03
digitalcakeneeding some help with noexec flag on /tmp and trying to reinstall my nvidia drivers02:03
shadykhaneasiest way to stream ubuntu02:03
digitalcakeI have tried sudo mount /tmp -o remount with no luck02:04
digitalcakemount | fgrep noexec still shows tmp02:04
Kristian_Can someone pllleeeeeaaaaase help me with my wireless?02:05
ActionParsnipKristian_: which wifi chip02:06
=== hz is now known as stimoceiver
=== stimoceiver is now known as Guest87465
Kristian_intel centrino 615002:06
simplewi cant get rid of the chinese characters, any help?02:07
Kristian_Action Parsnip: also, thanks02:07
blank2when ubuntu 12.10 coming out02:07
ActionParsnipblank2: look at the version number, and think02:07
ActionParsnipKristian_: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc02:08
daxblank2: in October (month 10) of 201202:08
shadykhanwhats the best way to set up my desktop to stream on justin.tv?02:08
Kristian_actionparsnip: precise02:08
agc93Is anyone else on NVIDIA GPUs having regular segfaults in the Xorg server?02:09
=== quixotedon is now known as donquixote
agc93http://pastebin.com/dJuZP0fz is the syslog entries for it02:09
ActionParsnipKristian_: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     what is the driver=    bit for the wifi02:09
escottdigitalcake, what would remounting do?02:10
Kristian_actionparsnip: iwlwifi02:11
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Kristian_driver version 3.2.0-23 generic-pae02:11
=== donkingkong is now known as ubuquix
marcavisOkay, good news is I got back (or, well, moved forward) to a working kernel + nvidia driver configuration, but I still can't log into my main user account; where is the log of my window manager stored? I'm not too sure which one I'm using (lightdm?) so I'd like help with that too02:12
ActionParsnipKristian_: try:   echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf > /dev/null02:12
=== ubuquix is now known as quixotedon
agc93marcavis: /var/log/syslog often has log entries for displays02:12
intraderAnyone, I find the performance of unity slow - in this case is the action of the unit menu bar. It takes several stabbs with the mouse to popup the menu.. Is there a way to make the left bar always showing?02:12
ActionParsnipKristian_: reboot to test02:13
digitalcakeI thought it would remount with out the noexec02:13
escottdigitalcake, why would it do that?02:14
Kristian_actionparsnip: it said tee: /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi/conf: No such file or directory02:14
digitalcakeI dont know maybe you do02:14
escottdigitalcake, mount -o remount /whatever won't change any mount options02:14
agc93intrader: do you have compiz config settings manager (CCSM) installed?02:14
daxintrader: There's an option for that in the Unity window in System Settings. I think it might be under Appearance in 12.04, I forget.02:15
ActionParsnipKristian_: /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf   not   /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi/conf02:15
digitalcakeok so how do I removed the noexec flag from temp02:15
Kevin__Hanyone know how to enable remote desktop for ubuntu?02:15
=== hz is now known as stimoceiver
escottdigitalcake, man mount | grep exec02:15
ActionParsnipKevin__H: vino is installed by default02:15
Kevin__HI have ssh working through putty02:16
Kevin__Hbut I can't get remote desktop working02:16
=== quixotedon is now known as ubuquix
Kristian_actionparsnip: ah, right. did it, it went through. Restarting now02:17
ActionParsnipKevin__H: what is your intention once you get to the remote desktop?02:17
ActionParsnipKristian_: you gotta be accurate with commands dude02:17
digitalcakewell since I really dont know what I'm doing reading the manual real didnt help.02:17
agc93intrader: if you're using 12.04 you can actually just set it from the Appearance Tab in System Settings02:17
Kevin__Huhh.. do stuff02:17
Kevin__Hbut it should work though right?02:18
escottdigitalcake, im intentionally being obtuse, because you shouldnt be doing what you are doing. you should be using jockey-gtk02:18
vadi2How to install Oracle (not openjdk or icedtea) web plugin for chrome on 12.04?02:18
Kevin__Hwhen I enter the IP address that I use for ssh into remote connection, it doesn't work02:18
Kristian_actionparsnip: I figured I messed that up. Uh, comp restarted, still no wifi.02:18
digitalcakewell the fact is I made the mistake of running updates and now I cant install nvidia02:18
ActionParsnipKevin__H: depending on what you are doing on the box, remote desktop may not be needed, there may be a sleeker option02:19
Kevin__Hplease explain02:19
ActionParsnipKristian_: ok then delete the file you made.02:19
Kristian_actionparsnip: brand new to Ubuntu. How do I do this?02:19
digitalcakefor being a normal person who does not learn ever nook can cranny of ubuntu being able to install critical things such as the drivers for the video card could be a tone better02:19
ActionParsnipKristian_: sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf02:20
escottdigitalcake, like perhaps "jockey-gtk"?02:20
Kristian_actionparsnip: alright, done. now what?02:20
crackerjackzdigitalcake: if you experiment with other flavors of linux in a VM it will help you better understand how linux works02:20
ActionParsnipKevin__H: stuff like what?02:21
digitalcakeis jockey-gtk a package?02:21
digitalcakeapt-get returned nothing02:21
Kevin__HActionParsnip: for example, I want to install a visual application that I want other machines to remotely connect to and use02:21
brycei deleted the partition table off of the harddrive my /home folder was on and now am trying to recover some files. can anyone help?02:21
escottdigitalcake, its the proprietary drivers program02:21
crackerjackzyou can access jockey by going to system/administration/additional drivers in the app menu02:22
ActionParsnipKevin__H: makes sense then, you could use x forwarding and the app would appear to be a local app but run on the server (like citrix), depends if its appropriate etc02:22
ActionParsnip!vnc | Kevin__H02:22
ubottuKevin__H: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:22
nathan_can anyone help me with my dual monitor set up, my lscpi, xorg.conf and log file is here02:22
escottbryce, if all you deleted was the table you can just restore it and everything should be fine. so if you have a backup or know what the layout was you can use that. you can also use tools like testdisk to try and determine the layout02:22
crackerjackzbryce: immediately stop using that partition that your home directory is on don't let any more data get wrote to that partition02:22
brycei was messing with raid and it said it deleted the mbr off of my hard drive.  i found software in windows 7 that lets me look at the files that are there but i cant save unless i pay them.02:23
crackerjackzbryce: you can recover files / partitions with trinity rescue kit02:23
rschwabI'm having a hard time getting 12.04 started. I need to reset my user Id and password as I am trying to get wubi started. How would I do this?02:23
brycei have not used it at all except to try top pull stuff off.02:23
crackerjackzbryce: boot trinity rescue kit from cd and use the tools on the cd to recover your files02:23
Kristian_actionparsnip: anything else I can try to get my wifi working?02:24
celthunderKristian_: what did you already tryy02:24
crackerjackzbryce: http://trinityhome.org02:24
Kristian_celthunder: echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf > /dev/null02:25
Kevin__HActionParsnip: can't I use the windows remote desktop instead of vnc?02:25
ActionParsnipKristian_: could try ndiswrapper + windows driver , may help02:25
brycethanks crackerjackz, im downloading the iso right now.02:26
agc93Kevin__H: XRDP is something I wouldn't try unless you really know what you're doing02:26
Kristian_actionparsnip: how do I do that?02:26
celthunderKristian_: why disable your driver ?02:26
escottKristian_, and you ran update-initramfs and rebooted after that?02:26
Kevin__Hagc93: reasons? slow?02:26
Kristian_celthunder: eh, thats what actionparsnip was telling me to try. Then he had me delete my change02:26
bryceits relatively straightforward? im not a complete noob but im not the most advanced02:26
Kristian_escott: didnt run update-initramfs02:27
crackerjackzbryce: i won't be able to guide you on how to use some of the tools because ive never been in your situation but ive used TRK for other things.. and i know ppl who have used TRK to recover files02:27
agc93Kevin__H: It can be a bit slow, but mostly its a serious pain to install and configure02:27
brycethat's cool. i can probably figure it out. i don't need the whole environment, just some of the files.02:28
marcavisagc93, there's a segfault near the end of my syslog, I... have no idea http://minus.com/mN67vvaAc/302:28
Kevin__Hagc93: basically, I have a machine with a video card in it that I want other machines (without video cards) to remote to play minecraft on that machine remotely02:28
marcavisapt-check[2170]: segfault at 0 ip b7423af1 sp bfc61870 error 6 in libc-2.15.so[b72ee000+19f000]02:28
Kristian_escott: i typed update-initramfs and it asked me what -letter thing I want to use02:29
crackerjackzbryce: what type of file system was your home directory on.. ext3?02:29
bryceext 402:29
Kristian_escott: -k, -c, -u, etc.02:29
agc93Kevin__H: you definitely dont want RDP for that. That much graphics would quickly overwhelm it and would lag like hell02:30
escottKristian_, usually one would do -u or -k all02:30
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )02:30
agc93Kevin__H: If you have a decent network, just use VNC02:30
Kevin__Hagc93: it's local02:30
vadi2How to install Oracle (not openjdk or icedtea) web plugin for chrome on 12.04?02:30
Kevin__Hagc93:  decent being measured in mbps speed?  I'm at 50mbps02:31
escottKristian_, it may not be necessary. ActionParsnip knows what he is doing so if he didnt mention it its probably not needed02:31
crackerjackzbryce: http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?content=3.2_RECOVERING_DELETED_FILES_OR_FILES_FROM_FORMATT_1&front_id=12&lang=en&locale=en02:31
Kristian_escott: I tried -u and it said permission denied02:31
Cyclohexanehow do you tar multiple directories into one archive? but say 1 directory per command...02:31
agc93Kevin__H: 50? Is your network 10/100 or Gigabit?02:31
escottKristian_, its a root command02:31
brycebut for the future whats the best filesystem for linux? im running windows 7 and ubuntu studio 12.04 dual boot off 128gb ssd with /home on seperate 2tb hhd.02:31
Kristian_he said to reboot, which I did. he just didnt mention update-initramfs02:31
daxbryce: ext402:31
Kevin__Hagc93: I'm inclined to say 10/100, but is there a way I can check?02:31
Kristian_escott: so... what do I have to do?02:31
agc93Do you use any switches or routers in your network?02:32
crackerjackzbryce: depends on what you want to accomplish, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems02:32
escottKristian_, i haven't been following this beyond the one command you posted.02:32
Kevin__Hagc93: just one, it's a wireless switch/router02:33
bryceThanks very much crackerjackz im off to try trinity.02:33
Kristian_escott: ah. Basically, Im trying to get wifi. I juuuust downloaded ubuntu, and the it wont connect. It detects the network, and asks for password, but wont actually connect to the internet02:33
Kevin__Hagc93:  my connection is directly broadcasted from it, it's an all in one02:33
agc93So how is the computer connected to the router? Wireless or wired?02:34
crackerjackzKevin__H: what type of encryption is your network using?02:34
escottKristian_, yes i gathered that from your messing with an iw module. but i dont know how to fix it. i was just saying if you are changing /etc/modules you certainly need to reboot, and you might need to update the initramfs02:34
Kristian_escott: oh, okay.02:34
Kevin__Hagc93: the machine that I am trying to remotely connect to is hooked up wired02:35
agc93Kevin__H: and how old is the router?02:35
Kevin__Hagc93: less than a year02:35
escottCyclohexane, 1 directory per command? what do you mean02:35
Kevin__Hcrackerjackz: it's a wpa, tkip encryption02:35
agc93Kevin__H: Then its probably gigabit. And the other computers your going to connect from? Wired as well?02:36
agc93woops, you're*02:36
Kristian_so how does one go about using ndiswrapper?02:36
Kevin__Hagc93: the one that is mainly going to be using minecraft is wired .. but I have intention to use wireless devices as well, and I'm also in the process of trying to figure out how to make it VPN as well so I can access it anywhere02:36
Cyclohexaneescott: like tar cf dir1 then tar cf dir2 but add it to the same archive as dir102:37
nathan_I really am lost with this dual monitor configuration all my latest attempts at config files and the log files are http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1043321/02:37
escottCyclohexane, --append or use xargs02:37
Cyclohexaneescott: how would i use xargs?02:38
agc93well, with the VPN I don't know thats going to work very well. Minecraft is not very resource-efficient when its run locally let alone over the Internet. For within your network, I would try VNC first and see how laggy it is.02:38
agc93Kevin__H: then , if that doesnt work, you can look at things like X forwarding or RDP02:38
escottCyclohexane, something | xargs command --base02:40
calamaridoes ubuntu keep archives of packages for really old versions, like debian does?02:41
daxcalamari: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/02:41
escottnathan_, that at least makes sense as an xorg.conf. what happens when you start the server?02:41
nimbioticswhich would be the appropriate channel to ask a question about mencoder? TIA02:42
nathan_escott, just one screen comes up02:43
bazhang!alis | nimbiotics have a search02:43
ubottunimbiotics have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:43
nathan_escott, that screen is fine resolution wise and all and i don't get thrown to low graphics mode. But still no second screen02:43
nimbioticsescott: THANK YOU  VERY MUCH!02:44
escottnimbiotics, ??02:44
escottnathan_, so just the primary card. but the second display is blank?02:45
nathan_escott, yes02:45
trevorjHello all, is there a way to get multipath to not make all of my device nodes return EBUSY?02:45
Kevin__Hagc93: so I need to install vnc on my windows machine and then just enter the IP address, bada boom bada bing?02:46
agc93Wait, so the Windows machine is the one with the GPU you want to connect to, or the one you're trying to connect from?02:47
escottnathan_, well things i would do are clean up the xorg.conf by removing the ignored options like "Monitor-VGA" and "Right Of" there is also this warning (WW) R128(0): Direct rendering is not supported when VGA arb is necessary for the device02:47
nimbioticsxzxmsg alis help list02:48
Kevin__Hthe one I'm trying to connect from02:48
agc93Kevin__H: then yes, you will need a VNC client on that machine02:48
Kevin__Hagc93: and that's it and I can just enter the ip address ( same way I've been sshing?)02:49
agc93Kevin__H: and you will need to configure the Ubuntu box you're connecting to by going to Desktop Sharing in System Settings and selecting allow other users to control your desktop02:49
agc93note that with this method, only one device can actively use the Ubuntu host at a time02:50
Kevin__Hagc93: can I do that from command line? I have my box all setup with power and network and that's it02:50
Kevin__Hagc93:  no problem with one at a time02:50
agc93wait, what. How are you running minecraft on it?02:50
Kevin__Hagc93:  I haven't gotten that far yet :)02:50
calamaridax: thanks!02:51
agc93well, you're going to struggle to run Minecraft without a GUI, aren't you?02:51
Kevin__Hagc93:  I'm trying to find and get repostories working, but apparently people are having difficulties with 12.04 -- apparently it worked on 11.0402:51
Kevin__Hagc93: yes.. However, I did this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:51
Alan502Hello. I have a squid server I am trying to set up to connect to another proxy server. However, I think it cannot connect to this other proxy server beacuse it is trying to look for it on my eth0 interface when it actually is on my wlan0 interface. Can I make an interface my "default" or "main" interface?02:51
nathan_escott, I'm not seeing anything really helpful on google about that error message, I didn't notice it before02:52
calamaridax: I must be missing something.. I see installation cds but not the packages02:52
agc93Kevin__H: So how did you install Ubuntu in the first place? Alternate/server ISO?02:52
=== ubuquix is now known as quixotedon
daxcalamari: as with other mirrors, releases/ is installation ISOs, ubuntu/ is packages02:52
Kevin__Hagc93:  bootable cd02:52
agc93Kevin__H: bootable CD of what? If it was the Live CD, you should've automatically gotten a GUI02:53
escottnathan_, a couple lines after it is the only commend on the second device which mentions vga arbiters. i dont know what that means, but it might mean "you cant do this with ati drivers"02:53
calamaridax: oh cool, thanks again02:53
Kevin__Hagc93:  must not have been, after I installed, it loads command line and that's it02:53
agc93What ISO did you put on the bootable CD?02:53
Kevin__Hagc93: the server iso from the ubuntu website02:54
agc93Right. Server version. Whole different deal. In that case, X forwarding through SSH is probably your best bet.02:54
nathan_escott, thanks! I'm going to google a bit more and then give windows a shot. I'm that desperate.02:54
agc93Kevin__H: Do you have any GUI apps installed on your server?02:55
Kevin__Hagc93:  the only thing I did was install ubuntu-desktop, it took a while, and it installed open office, other stuff, etc.. so I assume so02:55
escottKevin__H, do you have a monitor attached to this computer?02:56
Kevin__Hescott: not right now, I am sshing to it to do work now -- when I did the base install and setup ssh I had it connected, but now I'm just sshing02:56
escottKevin__H, X won't start unless you have a monitor so that would make vnc really hard02:57
Kevin__Hescott: yeah, but can't I view what's going on from my remotely connected machine?02:58
intraderAnyone, I find the performance of unity slow - in this case is the action of the unit menu bar. It takes several stabbs with the mouse to popup the menu.. Is there a way to make the left bar always showing?02:58
escottKevin__H, thats what ssh is for.02:58
agc93intrader: like I said last time you asked, there is an option in the Appearance Dialog from System settings to keep it there02:59
escottKevin__H, im sure there is something you can do to configure X to draw to a virtual monitor, but i have no idea what that would be, and it wouldnt be part of the standard install02:59
Kevin__Hescott: I think this is getting overcomplicated, I've seen so many times before where there's a server off somewhere running, and people can remotely connect to it and see a desktop using remote desktop connection on windows, that's what I'm trying to do03:00
Kevin__Hescott:  but I think I messed up my server install because all I ended up with was just command line03:00
agc93Thats how server installs work Kevin__H03:01
intraderagc93, sorry I missed it. I have set reveal sensitivity as high - I dont' see option to keep it displayed03:01
Kevin__Hagc93:  so maybe I should just install the regular home version of ubuntu rather than the server?  I wanted to play around with some of the other features with server as well...03:02
escottKevin__H, you might want Xvnc with vncserver03:02
escottKevin__H, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/Xvnc4.1.html03:02
agc93intrader: what version of Ubuntu are you using?03:02
HelloComputer15mint 13 ftw03:03
intraderagc93, totally unintuitive 'Auto hide the Launcher 'off' . I am running 12.0403:03
agc93intrader: so that switch is set to off? Is the launcher still disappearing? Or is it right now?03:04
intraderagc93, totally unintuitive - it is poped up (showing)03:04
agc93you were looking for it stay showing weren't you?03:05
intraderagc93, since this was my issue, it is Ok poped up. as to other performance issued - it takes multiple seconds to switch tabs or windows - most of the time03:06
agc93thats odd. Have you tried switching to Unity 2D. It will perform better at the expense of some of the fancier effects03:07
intraderagc93, it appears that the machination to implment the title and top menus is what is taking time.03:07
intraderagc93, I have chosen 2D03:09
Kevin__Hagc93:  so how can I get a GUI for my machine?  I am having trouble with VNC03:10
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agc93The easiest way would be to use the desktop ISO and then add any of the server components you wanted to use, but thats just me03:11
willianwhos work in distributed system03:12
escottKevin__H, you can run an X server on your client and tunnel the X commands through the ssh connection to the server. this would allow you to run one off programs, but its not usually used to start full desktops. alternately you need to run some kind of X server like Xvnc on the server combined with a VNC server and use your vnc client on the client to access that03:12
=== Earthling is now known as jumpstart
Kevin__His there any way that I can add a GUI to my existing server?03:12
reisioKevin__H: yup, but it'll make the server less secure and less efficient03:13
agc93I believe thats what XNC does Kevin03:13
ubottuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.03:13
Kevin__Hand I need a GUI to run applications like minecraft03:13
celthunderKevin__H: run an x server on the server and then have the client (your desktop) connect to it....just like any other service03:13
reisiohey look, a parrot03:13
reisioKevin__H: on a server? :p Why didn't you install the Desktop version?03:13
Kevin__Hreisio: http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/funny-dog-pictures-i-have-no-idea-what-im-doing.jpg03:14
escottKevin__H, the main thing you need to understand about X servers is that they server screen space. that means no screen no X server. so you cant run a gui without a monitor. hence your remote client would need to have an Xserver if you want to use X (tunneled through ssh). Xvnc apparently knows how to trick X into using a "virtual" screen so that you can start the X server on the server03:15
celthunderKevin__H: reisio just my opinion if you install X on something its not a server anymore its a glorified desktop that happens to serve03:15
geniiescott: There are virtual X screen drivers as well03:15
Kevin__Hhere's what I don't understand... my work users Windows server 2003, and we can remotely connect to it using any other computer on the domain and it gives a full GUI (desktop environment of that machine)03:16
=== jumpstart is now known as redlight
Kevin__Hthat's what I was hoping I'd be able to do03:16
escottgenii, yeah but from the "ease of configuration perspective" i think its fair to say they dont exist. since he doesnt have a monitor attached to his server at the moment its going to be awkward for him to use X on the server (unless its Xvnc)03:16
agc93Windows Server has a built in GUI03:16
agc93Ubuntu is a pure server distribution and therefore does not have a GUI03:17
reisioKevin__H: and it's much less efficient and less secure because of it03:17
reisiohe means 'Ubuntu Server' is a pure server03:17
reisiocelthunder: preaching to the choir03:17
Kevin__Hso for my purposes of allowing other machines to use minecraft (other computers which don't have 3d acceleration), I should just do the ubuntu home edition?03:17
agc93yes, correction noted. Windows Server is a GUI-driven OS requiring large amounts of resources. Ubuntu Server is a simpler pure server distribution thats lightweight as well03:17
reisioKevin__H: mmm, you don't think the latency of the remote connection will be just as much of an issue as not having 3d acceleration?03:18
ActionParsnipagc93: Windows Core doesn't have a  GUI actually03:18
reisioActionParsnip: now if only anyone had mentioned 'Windows Core'03:18
escottKevin__H, and for ease of use you might want to attach a display. but i would echo reisio's concern about latency03:18
Kevin__Hinteresting... well I thought I'd just play around with the ubuntu server -- what exactly can it do?03:18
ActionParsnipreisio: its a Windows server OS03:18
reisioKevin__H: now just having dumb terminals/monitors connected to the same computer, that could work03:19
agc93Windows Core is also severely limited in functionality unfortunately.03:19
reisioKevin__H: anything any OS can do, and more, but to do it the best way requires a little thought03:19
reisioActionParsnip: tell me more03:19
ActionParsnipagc93: hardly, works great here03:19
agc93ActionParsnip: really? I shall have to give it another try.03:19
reisioyup, Windows works great03:19
reisiothat's why I use Linux, too03:19
ActionParsnipreisio: its a windows server without all the GUI fluff, super slimmed down, really efficient but can be hard to work with at first03:20
ActionParsnipagc93: we use it here in clusters03:20
gryor you use x windows in linux03:20
reisioActionParsnip: sorry I was being sarcastic03:20
reisionobody mentioned whatever you're talking about, it's irrelevant03:20
trevorjreisio: lol03:20
ActionParsnipreisio: doesn't convey in text dude ;)03:20
newtoubuntuis this the right place to ask a ubuntu beginner query?03:20
reisioActionParsnip: why I just said it03:20
reisionewtoubuntu: sure03:20
grynewtoubuntu, yes03:20
ActionParsnipreisio: 04:16 < agc93> Windows Server has a built in GUI03:20
grynewtoubuntu, welcome03:20
reisioActionParsnip: it has03:21
reisiomoving on03:21
ActionParsnipreisio: was simply stating that they don't all have a gui ;)03:21
echo083what is the alternate version of ubuntu ?03:21
escott!alternate | echo08303:21
ubottuecho083: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal03:21
reisioActionParsnip: they don't if you remove the GUI03:21
ActionParsnipecho083: installs a desktop OS in text mode03:21
reisioActionParsnip: but surely that's obvious03:21
echo083escott, cool thanks03:21
escottecho083, ie its the debian installer if you are familiar with debian03:21
echo083escott, i just downloaded the classic version :(03:22
echo083escott, nevermind :)03:22
echo083escott, thanks03:22
gryis that what you wanted?03:22
ActionParsnipreisio: exactly, so saying it has a GUI is inaccurate03:22
ActionParsnipreisio: it has one by default, but is removable03:22
reisioActionParsnip: 'it has one' your own words03:22
reisiocan we move along now?03:22
reisionobody brought this up but you anyways03:22
ActionParsnipreisio: surelets move03:23
Kevin__HI'm still getting problems with "unable to locate package", I added lines to /etc/apt/sources.list  and I did sudo apt-get update03:24
ActionParsnipKevin__H: what did you add?03:24
Kevin__HIs there anything I can do to automatically update and fix my repository problems?03:24
agc93and what are you trying to install?03:24
Kevin__Hand java03:24
panduopera van java03:25
ActionParsnipKevin__H: openbox is in the repos03:25
newtoubuntui have windows 7 on partitionc: and my personal data on partition d:............ now i want to replace windows 7 with ubuntu without deleting d:..... how do i do that? c: drive is around 40gb. do i need to divide that space into separate partitions? i don't know what is swap space, ex4 etc exactly03:25
KelsieIs there a list of active environment variables other than what the 'env' command displays? If I echo things that env does not show as set, sometimes they are showing up anyway. For instance if I run 'env -i /bin/bash', $PS1 is still populated, even though 'env' doesn't show it as set.03:25
Kevin__Hsudo apt-get install openbox (this results in unable to find package)03:25
gryKelsie: printenv ?03:25
ActionParsnip!info openbox03:25
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-2ubuntu2 (precise), package size 298 kB, installed size 1316 kB03:25
genii!info openbox03:25
gryKevin__H: apt-get update, first03:26
* genii slides ActionParsnip the winning mug of coffee03:26
ActionParsnipKevin__H: do you have the universe repo enabled?03:26
Kevin__HGry I did03:26
Kevin__Hhang on03:26
OerHeksKevin__H, adding lines to your sourceslist sometimes needs keys for those lines.03:26
Kevin__HThis is my source.list file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043374/03:26
escottKelsie, because bash will set ps103:27
ActionParsnipKevin__H: grep univer /etc/apt/sources.list | grep deb      should show the deb lines, if they are commented, you need to uncomment them03:27
Kelsieescott: Is there a list of variables that are automatically set in that manner? $PATH seems to get set too03:27
agc93kevin__h you need to enable universe repos03:27
agc93they are not in your sources list so openbox will be unreachable03:27
escottKelsie, trace the bash startup scripts /etc/profile and so on03:28
Kevin__HActionParsnip:  I did what you said03:28
ActionParsnipKevin__H: universe enabled, you can now run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install openbox03:29
wolfgangI changed a setting in my keyboard thing and i need to know how to restore to default it's all messed up. what do i  do?03:29
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:30
OerHekswolfgang use the reset to default in keysettings.03:30
ActionParsnipKevin__H: better?03:30
Kevin__HActionParsnip: you are more talented than I03:30
Kevin__HActionParsnip:  and yes03:30
ActionParsnipKevin__H: been here a long time dude :)03:30
Kevin__HActionParsnip: never mind.. it screwed up03:30
harrrismrubinwhy should i add ubuntu to my galaxy trab 2 10.103:31
wolfgangOerHeks: where is that?03:31
agc93Kevin__H: what now?03:31
Kevin__HActionParsnip:  unable to locate package openbox03:31
agc93harrismrubin: what do you mean?03:31
agc93Kevin__H: have you enable the universe repos?03:31
OerHekswolfgang, type 'key' in dash and it comes up03:31
Kevin__HI did the grep command that ActionParsnip said03:31
Kevin__Hand updated03:31
newtoubuntuany guidance for me?03:31
agc93ok yeah, you need to add the universe repos to your sources.lsit03:31
ActionParsnipKevin__H: the command doesn't change anything03:31
physically_fithey what's the command to reinstall? sudo apt-get reinstall? how is it? help me. thanks.03:32
Alan502Can someone help me with squid and using it to connect to another proxy?03:32
wolfgangOerHeks: im in settings how do i restore to default?03:32
ActionParsnipKevin__H: it just shows you the lines with universe on03:32
agc93physically_fit: its sudo apt-get install --reinstall03:32
reisiophysically_fit: to reinstall what? Why?03:32
physically_fitoh thanks agc93 . reisio nevermind03:32
ActionParsnipKevin__H: you'll need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and uncomment those lines03:32
wolfgangOerHeks: im in settings how do i restore to default?v03:33
OerHekswolfgang use the reset to default in keysettings. it looks like a button.03:33
agc93ActionParsnip: the paste he uploaded didnt have any of the universe lines in it03:33
abhitesthi. dueo to some unknown reason my ubuntu grub has started showing itself without timer and sits there and does nothing. my keyboard can not be detected at grub level so i can not press enter. right now i am from live fedora. how can i edit my ubuntu grub file in order to force it select default entry and boot into ubuntu? help please?03:33
ActionParsnipagc93: dang03:33
Kevin__His there somewhere I can get a complete sources.list?03:33
Kevin__Hand copy/paste it in?03:33
ActionParsnipKevin__H: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc03:33
wolfgangOerheks, I'm in ubuntu 12.04 but i don't see a button03:34
ActionParsnipKevin__H: thats what I was thinking03:34
ActionParsnipKevin__H: gimme a sec03:34
agc93kevin__h: use http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/01/restore-your-sources-list-to-defaults.html03:34
abhitesthi. dueo to some unknown reason my ubuntu grub has started showing itself without timer and sits there and does nothing. before this i set it to not show itself and automatically select default entry and boot into ubuntu and it was working fine. my keyboard can not be detected at grub level so i can not press enter. right now i am from live fedora. how can i edit my ubuntu grub file in order to force it select default entry and boo03:34
escottabhitest, chroot in. modify /etc/default/grub, update-grub03:34
abhitestescott: how to chroot? and what to modify?03:34
escott!chroot | abhitest03:34
ubottuabhitest: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot03:34
ActionParsnipKevin__H: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043382/03:34
abhitestwhat to modify inside grub?03:34
OerHekswolfgang , you don;t look hard enough, can't help you then.03:34
wolfgangOerheks, I'm in ubuntu 12.04 but i don't see a button03:35
wolfganghold on03:35
abhitestescott: but in my ubuntu installation / and /boot are separate03:35
Kevin__HActionParsnip: copy and overwrite that one?03:35
agc93Kevin__H: Nevermind, use ActionParsnip's file, it will be easier03:35
escottabhitest, once you look at /etc/default/grub it should be fairly clear what the relevant options are.03:35
agc93overwrite your current sources.list, yes03:35
escottabhitest, so?03:35
ActionParsnipabhitest: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video03:35
FLJohnIssue with HP printer03:35
wolfgangOerHeks, there is no button I have looked all over it03:36
abhitestescott: chroot will just mount / and not the /boot right? or not?03:36
agc93FLJohn: you need to be more specific03:36
ActionParsnipKevin__H: sure, that's mine, just with the partner repo enabled and so on03:36
escottabhitest, chroot doesn't mount anything. you have to do the mounts before you call chroot03:36
FLJohnBought Aftermarket ink that was refilled and the printer reads the cartridges that they have been empty and not usable03:36
newtoubuntugry any advice?03:36
abhitestescott: ok03:36
abhitestActionParsnip: checking03:36
Kevin__HActionParsnip:  aiet, I am going to update now03:37
escottabhitest, you need to mount your system root, your /boot, bind mount your dev, maybe also your proc and sys, and then you can chroot in03:37
physically_fitwhat happened to the Linux flash versions? we are way behind the other OS. it wasn't that way before.03:37
agc93FLJohn: this is an Ubuntu support channel, thats probably something that HP support will need to help you with03:37
abhitestescott: ok03:37
agc93physically_fit: adobe stopped supporting Linux03:37
escottabhitest, also if your fedora is 32bit and ubuntu is 64bit chroot wont work03:37
FLJohnIs there an hp support room.03:37
wolfgangOerHeks: please Help it's just not there.03:37
physically_fitagc93, OMG03:37
geniiphysically_fit: Right on their site, Adobe states they will no longer develop it, only support the last version03:38
Alan502I beg for help with squid I'm desperate to set up my Internet connection please ! :D03:38
reisioFLJohn: probably, why do you ask?03:38
abhitestescott: :-o right. my fedora is 32 bit. and ubuntu 64 bit.03:38
reisioAlan502: #squid ?03:38
agc93FLJohn: I have no idea, just google for it or something03:38
physically_fitagc genii what are we goona do?03:38
abhitestescott: any other way?03:38
FLJohntried that already03:38
Alan502reisio: nobody answering :(03:38
reisioAlan502: well it is late, on Friday03:38
agc93physically_fit: keep using the current one until HTML5 catches on, I guess03:38
FLJohnTried to google my issue.  Thanks for help03:38
Alan502reisio: i guess so03:39
geniiphysically_fit: Support gnash?03:39
ActionParsnipphysically_fit: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/adobe-adandons-flash-on-linux03:39
escottabhitest, livecd03:39
wolfgangOerHeks: please Help it's just not there.03:39
reisioHTML5 is not a replacement for Flash :p03:39
somethinginteresI am looking for a PDF reading program that can highlight text text in different colours. Any suggestions?03:39
Alan502reisio: meh, I have been reading tons of articles about squid, routing, etc but with no success so far :(03:39
reisionot any more than HTML4 was, anyways03:39
reisioAlan502: maybe if you tried to be more positive03:39
Alan502reisio: :P03:40
TwinlatorHow to connect MySQL by LibreOffice Base?03:40
abhitestescott: ActionParsnip i can mount my ubuntu /boot using nautilus does that help?03:40
OerHekswolfgang, this is what i see, ( in dutch) http://picpaste.com/pics/keyboard-Qdwcw3vL.1339817984.png03:40
Alan502yey I can do this!03:40
abhitestescott: ActionParsnip and i can see grub.cfg file there inside grub folder03:40
newtoubuntureisio any other places i can look for help?03:40
ActionParsnipabhitest: the guide shows the commands to run to mount the partitions and systems, then chroot03:40
reisionewtoubuntu: for what?03:40
reisiowith what*03:40
abhitestActionParsnip: this is live fedora. no plugins to view the video! :-(03:40
newtoubuntureisio i have windows 7 on partitionc: and my personal data on partition d:............ now i want to replace windows 7 with ubuntu without deleting d:..... how do i do that? c: drive is around 40gb. do i need to divide that space into separate partitions? i don't know what is swap space, ex4 etc exactly03:41
physically_fitActionParsnip, thanks03:41
wolfgangOerheks, thank sorry i didn't check layout.03:41
ActionParsnipabhitest: no need for the video, the text is all you need03:41
abhitestActionParsnip: ok03:41
agc93newtobuntu: just install only on the partition that currently has C: on it. Ubuntu will ignore the other parition03:41
reisionewtoubuntu: you want to delete C and keep D?03:41
escottabhitest, you could do a onetime edit just to boot. or go find a ps2 keyboard03:42
newtoubuntureisio yes03:42
reisionewtoubuntu: IIRC the first window of the installer offers you two options, the second of which is 'Something Else', which is what you want03:42
abhitestescott: ok03:42
wolfgangOerHeks, that didn't seem to fix it...03:42
escottnewtoubuntu, dont do that you need windows to repair ntfs if it is ever corrupted03:42
reisionewtoubuntu: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MlKTWt0GDyE/T5mfyqJ9A1I/AAAAAAAAACo/WQQw4XiyKDQ/s1600/Ubuntu+installtion+step+3.jpg03:43
reisioescott: or he could copy his data over to his ext partitions and remake his "D" drive later03:43
newtoubuntuescott so what do you recommend?03:44
escottreisio, was brushing my teeth so trying to type less. newtoubuntu shouldn't do this naively (just replacing C with ubuntu)03:44
abhitestescott: how can i add this liveuser to the sudoers list? so that i can edit?03:45
reisioI don't see a problem with it03:45
escottnewtoubuntu, if you want a full break from windows you will need to move any data on "D:" out of the NTFS to a new partition. ie you will effectively double the disk usage of your data for a time.03:45
Kevin__Htwo question: repository for java?  also, how can I check that openbox is installed and working?  Can I use VNC now?03:45
reisionewtoubuntu: the only concern is if your D "drive" file system is trivially corrupted in the near future and you don't have Windows to fsck (FS-check) it03:45
riz0nHey. I have an older Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server. I want to migrate to a new server running 12.04 LTS. I set the server up and copied the user dirs over, but could not get the email portion to work properly. Can somoene walk me through the prpoer method to migrate a Linux configuration from one machine to another?03:45
wolfgangOerHeks, it was in repeat keys, i chngedd something like and idiot and don't know how to fix i moved bars around03:46
reisionewtoubuntu: the best solution to that is to not use NTFS, to copy that data to a native linux file system03:46
escottabhitest, sudo chroot, gives you a uid 0 chroot03:46
wolfgangOerHeks, it was in repeat keys, i chngedd something like and idiot and don't know how to fix i moved bars around03:46
abhitestescott:  sudo chroot liveuser is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.03:46
agc93Kevin__H: there are a number of different forms of java. Do you need the JRE, the JDK or the plugin?03:46
Alan502I just installed squid and port 3128 does not seem to be open to receive requests why could this be?03:46
escottabhitest, i have no idea what you are doing or what liveuser is03:47
wolfgangOerHeks, Do you know how to fix?03:47
Kevin__Hagc93: Just jre for now, but I'd like to get everything03:47
abhitestescott: liveuser is when we are running fedora from live usb media03:47
newtoubuntureisio escott ok i can copy data to my other computer, then?03:47
reisionewtoubuntu: do you have another computer that has Windows on it?03:47
escottnewtoubuntu, anywhere you want. but don't remove windows and then keep important data on NTFS03:47
reisionewtoubuntu: this "D" drive, is it removable, or internal?03:47
wolfgang OerHeks, Very sorry i fixed thaqnk you for you time03:48
newtoubuntuinternal - logical partition, i suppose03:48
escottabhitest, i thought fedora was a no-go because of the architecture issues03:48
newtoubuntureisio escott internal - logical partition, i suppose03:48
reisionewtoubuntu: how much data is on D?03:49
abhitestescott: i was just trying to directly edit /etc/default/grub from fedora. but i think now i should try ubuntu. i just remember that i have one extra ubuntu beta in my backup hdd i will go and run it. thank you for your efforts escott and ActionParsnip brb :-)03:49
escottabhitest, if you need root access in a chroot you sudo prior to the chroot call. so sudo -i; blah blah blah; chroot or sudo chroot /path/to/whatever03:50
newtoubuntu200gb but the essential part is around 40gb03:50
abhitestescott: ok03:50
newtoubuntureisio escott 200gb but the essential part is around 40gb03:50
reisionewtoubuntu: so it won't fit on C?03:50
reisionewtoubuntu: will it fit on your other computer's disk/s?03:50
newtoubuntureisio escott no c: is 40 gb03:50
simplewhow do i check services in ubuntu?03:51
escottnewtoubuntu, so you could install ubuntu (thats 20GB or less) and create a new partition for your data which is ext4, then move all the data from the NTFS "D:" to that partition, and then delete the NTFS parittion03:51
reisioescott: nope, he doesn't have the space03:51
reisionewtoubuntu: will it fit on your other computer's disk/s?03:51
reisiowill the data on D fit*03:52
escottreisio, i typed that all out before he corrected himself03:52
newtoubuntureisio not the one i'm trying to install ubuntu on03:52
reisioescott: so?03:52
reisioyou want me to take you out of the 'wrong forever' column, is that it?03:52
reisiotoo bad, I never put you there in the first place03:52
escottreisio, just saying i didnt see his correction is all03:53
reisionewtoubuntu: so the data on D fits nowhere on any disk you have except where it is right now?03:53
reisioescott: I don't care either way03:53
newtoubuntuescott what all partitions of what types do i need to safely use ubuntu... as in d: on windows.. although microsoft doesn't tell you, d: is essential03:53
escottreisio, then why are you bugging me about it if you dont care?03:53
reisionewtoubuntu: usually you want two, one for / and one for swap03:53
reisioescott: you're bugging me dude03:54
simplewhow is possible to check services in ubuntu???03:54
reisiosimplew: check for what?03:54
escottnewtoubuntu, you don't want you family photos on an NTFS partition on an internal drive if you dont have windows. its just a recipe for heartache down the road.03:55
reisiosimplew: try man service03:55
simplewubuntu still uses SysVinit?03:55
reisionewtoubuntu: can you answer my last question?03:55
reisiosimplew: it uses upstart, IIRC03:55
escottnewtoubuntu, by removing "C:" and replacing it with ubuntu you get 40GB of space that is ext4. Ubuntu will take 10-20GB. so if you photos other personal data are <20GB you can put that on the ubuntu partition and then delete the "D:"03:55
newtoubuntureisio one "guide" said something about three or four different partitions for programs, data etc03:56
escottsimplew, server --status-all03:56
reisioand we already know they _aren't_ <20GB...03:56
simplewisnt there a GUI to handle services?03:56
reisionewtoubuntu: that's for people who know a lot about the system and what they're doing, you can try that later if you like03:56
reisiosimplew: probably03:56
escottnewtoubuntu, otherwise you need another place to put those files while you transition03:56
taiprescan you give me a package to install with apt-get that asks more than 1 question please03:56
taiprestrying to test something03:56
newtoubuntureisio but what if my ubuntu becomes corrupt, and i have to reformat03:57
reisionewtoubuntu: only a backup system protects fully against "corruption"03:57
newtoubuntureisio escott you mean a external hard disk is essential?03:58
reisionewtoubuntu: no, but redundant copies of data you care about is03:58
newtoubuntureisio escott if i want to keep data safe03:58
reisioexternal hard disks are one cheap way to achieve that03:59
i45help: can i somehow print or echo EOF (CTRL+D) to stdin? i am trying to pipe text and it just keeps waiting for me to end03:59
d33wakartaipres mine always ask two or more03:59
d33wakartaipres what are you testing btw04:00
escotti45, ctrl-D doesnt work?04:00
taipresd33 bash automation, so I don't have to input stuff04:00
escotti45, how did you start this pipe?04:00
taipresgot to work with 1 thing need to test multiple04:00
i45escott: it works, but i need to pipe it w/o me pressing it04:00
i45echo "xx" | app04:00
escotti45, probably something like "echo -e \0"04:01
newtoubuntureisio escott about your earlier question, "newtoubuntu: so the data on D fits nowhere on any disk you have except where it is right now?"... if you could tell me what exactly would i need to do, it might04:01
taiprestry echo "xx\n"04:01
taipresor rather04:01
taipresprintf "%s\n" yourtext | app04:02
reisionewtoubuntu: is there any computer hard drive you have access to that you can move the data on D to, even temporarily?04:02
newtoubuntureisio i have a separate computer.. but moving the data would take some time04:03
escottnewtoubuntu, depends on how close to fitting it is. one thing you could do is boot the livecd/installcd and say "try ubuntu", then use gparted to remove the unneeded windows partition and create a new partition (which will be your /home) in its place. and copy your data to that partition. verify it is all there. then delete the D: partition and install ubuntu to the empty space where D: was, reboot to ubuntu, and then fixup things so you04:03
escottr /home is what was the C: partition and now has your data04:03
reisionewtoubuntu: yes, depending on your network speed it might04:04
d33wakarwhenever i use apt-get , it always warns me that the packages are not verified04:04
reisionewtoubuntu: you could take the hard disk out and connect it to the other box to do it faster04:04
escottnewtoubuntu, but if you have 101GB of data on a 200GB drive it will never be possible to move it. if you have >40GB of data and the only way to free space is to delete C: or resize D: it might be possible if you go through a resize process but thats really timeconsuming and itself puts the data at risk04:05
d33wakar"these packages could not be verified , do you want to continue?'04:05
d33wakarand i can't install anything from software center04:05
ACommandForWarwhy isnt ubuntu as successfully as microsoft?04:05
escotttaipres, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463913/how-would-you-represent-eof-in-bash04:06
reisioACommandForWar: Microsoft is older, and plays rougher04:06
pengwuif i want to tiger a syscall in terminal what should i do ??? e.g: getpid()04:06
KRomeleoNif you count android, doesnt linux outsell windows os daily?04:07
pengwui tied just type getpid() and the terminal was got into >04:07
simplewhow can i check the existent groups?04:07
reisioKRomeleoN: I'm not sure free copies count as outselling04:07
reisioKRomeleoN: more popular, sure04:07
escottsimplew, groups04:07
simplewisnt there a gui?04:07
reisioKRomeleoN: probably even without Android factored in04:07
reisiosimplew: there is, yes04:08
i45taipres, escott thanks, the problem was somethine else though heh :)04:08
simplewkuser uses to show the users and groups, but the gnome tool for user acconts does not04:08
newtoubuntureisio escott ok let me check how much data is exactly there and then i get back to you04:09
d33wakarapt-get always warns me about untrusted packages04:09
d33wakardoes anyone know whaht might cause this04:09
escottd33wakar, thats either because they arent signed or are signed with a key that is not recognized04:09
escottd33wakar, which one is it?04:09
d33wakarescott it asks for every single of them04:10
riz0nOK So I am about ready to throw Ubuntu out. I set up a new ubuntu 12.04 LTS, copied all my files, spent hours getting dovecot to work, but when I try to send mail, it never delivers, if I try to send mail *through* the server, it just asks for authentication. So I went to the OLD server (running 10.04) and tried to do a "package update"... I thought that Ubuntu was supposed to update to the04:10
riz0nnewest LTS when it came out? What is going on here?04:10
d33wakarand i can't install via software center04:10
escottd33wakar, and is it saying that the signing key (with some hex identifier ABCDE12345) is untrusted or is it just saying "this is unsigned"04:10
newtoubuntureisio escott also could i just see somehow only see your messages without all the messages crowding my screen04:11
newtoubuntureisio escott i'm using webchat.freenode.net04:11
escottnewtoubuntu, its just lego blocks. you have X many lego blocks inside your D that you need to put outside your D. can you put them in the space where C is or not?04:12
d33wakarescott suppose i did sudo apt-get install mysql-server04:12
reisioescott: he said it was 200GB04:12
d33wakarWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl mysql-client-core-5.1 mysql-client-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1 mysql-server-5.1 libhtml-template-perl mysql-server04:12
reisioC being 40GB04:12
riz0nSo let me ask. If I want to move all my files (including my EMAIL) from the old Ubuntu to the new Ubuntu install (Which is going to be on a new virtual machine) what do I need to do in order to get postfix to do its job?04:12
newtoubuntuescott understood04:12
reisionewtoubuntu: that'd be pretty hard, I think, to hide everyone else :po04:12
wolfgangI am trying to run a minecraft server with the jar from minecraft.net and it won't work what do i do?04:13
reisiowolfgang: make it work04:13
ActionParsnipwolfgang: what does it output? Which java are you using?04:13
newtoubuntureisio ok be back in a few04:13
escottreisio, he didnt specify if that was data size or partition size. if its a 160GB partition with 5GB of files he is fine04:13
wolfgangActionParsnip, sun java 604:13
konj1980any other chat rooms04:13
escottd33wakar, im not sure why those wouldnt be signed. are you using some kind of PPA?04:14
dr_williskonj1980:  this server has thousands of rooms04:14
dr_willis!alis | konj198004:14
ubottukonj1980: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:14
wolfgangActionparsnip, Is that bad?04:14
d33wakarescott yes i've added some04:15
reisioescott: he did :p04:15
riz0nwhat is "TLS?"04:15
wolfgangActionparsnip, it runs but Not sure if it works it also doesn't creat all the docs its supposed to.04:16
wolfgangActionParsnip, do you know what to do?04:16
dr_willisriz0n:  in what way do you mean tls?  or do you mean Ubuntu LTS?04:16
escottd33wakar, if those packages are coming from the PPA that could be why04:17
wolfgangActionParsnip, hello?04:17
JohnTeddySo I have this HP printer with Wifi, and I want to connect it to my network over Wifi. Though it only lets me use WPS to connect it if my Wifi AP is encrypted. My Wifi AP doesn't support WPS (thankfully). How can I setup the network on this printer over USB ? (it has no RJ45/wired network)04:17
konj1980the only chat i see is #ubuntu ?04:18
taipreshow can I tell if a package is installed?04:18
FloodBot1konj1980: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
wolfgangActionParsnip, Hello?04:18
reisiotaipres: dpkg -l | less04:18
physically_fitkonj1980, what's your question?04:18
escottkonj1980, /join #channel-name04:18
taipresreisio thanks04:19
wolfgangActionParsnip. you there?04:19
taipreshow can I check for an individual package04:19
taipreslike php504:19
dr_willisJohnTeddy:  you might need to  plug it in to a windows box. and run any hp tools it comes with to configure the wireless side, then unplug the usb.04:19
taipresdoes apt-get have an option?04:19
reisiotaipres: dpkg -l | grep -i php04:19
wolfgangreisio, do you know what to do?04:19
reisiowolfgang: yes04:20
skylwhat motherboard/sound/graphics should I get, toppish of the line, 100% supported?04:20
reisioskyl: toppish?04:20
reisioskyl: what are you going to do with the computer?04:20
escott!poll | skyl04:20
ubottuskyl: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:20
wolfgangreisio, what?04:20
reisiowolfgang: hrmm?04:20
konj1980man how does one see all the channels that exist04:21
wolfgangreisio, Are you being a jurk on purpose?04:21
konj1980on here04:21
reisiowolfgang: huh?04:21
dr_willis!alis | konj198004:21
ubottukonj1980: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:21
reisiokonj1980: /msg alis list *something*04:21
skylreisio, some OpenGL and some realtime sound will probably be the most tricky things04:21
reisioskyl: probably your average $300-$400 computer from BestBuy would suffice, and they have a decent return policy, IIRC04:21
wolfgangreisio, I am trying to run a minecraft server with the jar from minecraft.net and it won't work what do i do?04:22
reisiowolfgang: what does it say when you run it from a terminal?04:22
skylreisio hrm *probably* .. nah, spin the wheel of fortune and get some crappy unsupported graphics04:22
wolfgangHow do i run it from terminal?04:22
* dr_willis wonders if the minecraft homepage has a faq on getting it running...04:22
=== RedSocrates_ is now known as RedSocrates
alan502_Help please :D even though I have configured squid with the proper acl, I keep getting "access denied" messages on the computers I try to access squid to? Here is my squid configuration, the ifconfig output of both my host and client computer and the error displayed by the client: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1043420/04:23
reisioskyl: like 95% probably04:23
reisioskyl: it's simple enough to scope out the hardware specs and look them up online before purchase, though04:23
reisioskyl: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ has some specific models04:23
reisioskyl: http://google.com/ has most of the rest04:23
ActionParsnipwolfgang: not something i use but its more info for others04:24
reisiowolfgang: probably: java -jar path/to/file.jar04:24
reisiodr_willis: faq is probably in a java applet :p04:24
ActionParsnipJohnTeddy: can you ping the printer?04:24
dr_willisminecraft plugin for the browser.. 3d worlds on the web.. oh wait.. wasent that vrml? ;P04:25
osirisx11help! service stuck during dist upgrade, i did xkill on the stuck updater and tried to start a new partial upgrade to repair and pick up where i left off but now it doesn't recognize my password!04:25
reisiodon't say vrml :/ :p04:25
ActionParsniposirisx11: boot to root recovery and do it there04:25
dr_williseverything old is new again.  ;004:25
osirisx11ActionParsnip: will i be able to log in? concerned over it forgetting my password and encrypted home directory04:26
dr_willisI have to wonder what in the updater was messing weith the passwords..04:26
ActionParsniposirisx11: home isn't needed for upgrades04:26
dr_willisosirisx11:  when in doubt.. backup imporntant stuff first04:26
skylreisio, I'm looking at motherboards with onboard video and sound, skeptically; but, you think that the sound and video are likely to be well supported?04:27
ActionParsniposirisx11: and /root (by standard) is in the rootfs in its own folder so you can do stuff in recovery :)04:27
ActionParsnipdr_willis: should have a backup anyway ;)04:27
dr_willisskyl:  most all sound is onbord these days.  you just dont hear much about people spending extra for soundcards any more04:27
reisioskyl: yes, but you can also get dedicated video hardware for the cost I already mentioned04:28
reisioskyl: most people that aren't audio producers don't need dedicated audio04:28
dr_willisskyl:  go to best buy - see whats on sale. use your phone to check the forums and askubuntu about each model and any  issues others have had with it.04:28
reisioit's just so massively more than what most people need is all04:28
ActionParsnipreisio: but still buy audigys to play games, never got that..04:28
reisiowell go to bestbuy.com and check the featured sales first04:28
reisiono point driving when you can sit on your bum04:29
reisioActionParsnip: some gamers are rich goobers :p04:29
reisiowith their $150 LED-tricked-out domed key keyboards04:29
dr_willisreisio:  unles syou get lucky and find a nice box on theeir clearance rack. ;) like i did.. saved me $20004:29
ActionParsnipreisio: hehe, not heard that in ages04:29
skylare you guys shills for best buy?04:29
reisiodr_willis: don't think ours have clearance racks04:29
ActionParsnipreisio: oh yeah, the optimus keyboard04:29
reisioActionParsnip: hahahah04:29
wolfgangreisio, wolfgang@Muffin:~$ java -jar Home/Desktop/Minecraft-server minecraft_server.jar04:30
wolfgangUnable to access jarfile Home/Desktop/Minecraft-server04:30
reisiotype on the best $1500 keyboard your fingers will hate04:30
dr_willisreisio:  :) found an identical pc 'opened box' to one on the shelf.. saved $  no idea why they had 2 open04:30
reisiowolfgang: sounds like you forgot a /04:30
=== Jordan_ is now known as jcrza
wolfgangreisio, ok04:30
reisiodr_willis: they're clowns is why :p04:30
reisiothere's no competition here anymore, just BestBuy04:30
reisiowell Wal-Mart, but they don't have as much of a selection04:30
wolfgangreisio, where?04:30
skylI have a case that I plan to put a new motherboard in ... was thinking fry's ;p04:30
ActionParsnipreisio: just home build :)04:30
reisiobumsville FL04:30
dr_williswolfgang:  CASE is imporntant in linux. and getting the proper pathcorrect is also imporntant. ;)04:31
reisioActionParsnip: takes work and time04:31
reisiolot of time, if you don't want to pay more04:31
dr_williswolfgang:  it wwould be  /home/ not Home04:31
flusteredis there someone around here who would be available to help me figure out a broken installation?04:31
reisiobut in general I agree :D04:31
ActionParsnipreisio: not too long though, most onboard stuff takes care of a lot now04:31
wylde_anyone good with bash care to have a peek at and make suggestions on a script? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~james-plate/+junk/ubu-irc-log/view/head:/ubu-irc-logs First script ever longer then 2 lines.04:31
dr_williswolfgang:  and thepath to your users Desktop would be /home/yourusername/Desktop04:31
ActionParsnipwolfgang: note capital D for Desktop04:32
skylI want to get some ridiculous hardware that will crank out webgl and whatever like nobody's business; but, the most important thing is maximum convenient support on ubuntu04:32
reisioActionParsnip: shmonboard!04:32
JohnTeddydr_willis / ActionParsnip apt-get install hplip-gui did it. Apparently teh hplip comes with Ubuntu by default. Though it's CLI. So that gui let's you configure the wireless.04:32
wylde_dr_willis: could use /home/$USER/desktop no?04:32
dr_willisskyl:  look at the  linux built pc sites..04:32
JohnTeddySadly this functionality isn't built in to the native 'printers' section of Ubuntu.04:33
newtoubuntureisio escott so, i'd like to keep 30gb of data, c: is 39gb, what's the best way to proceed- (1)i'd like to be able to reinstall windows if need arises at a later date, (2)keep the data safe, (3)not have to reformat  for a few years, specially if the need arises format only the os partition without messing with the data (4) update ubuntu seamlessly when new versions are released04:33
JohnTeddyIt's a separate hplip thing, though it works great. I can basically configure everything, the gui is in qt and looks good too.04:33
ActionParsnip!hcl | skyl04:33
ubottuskyl: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:33
reisiono I just mean, the deals you can get on a prebuilt box at a retailer, to get things at the same low price individually can take some patience04:33
wolfgangdr_willis, wolfgang@Muffin:~$ java -jar /home/wolfgang/desktop/Minecraft-server minecraftserver.jar04:33
wolfgangUnable to access jarfile /home/wolfgang/desktop/Minecraft-server04:33
ActionParsnipskyl: I suggest a mid range Nvidia and you'll be fine :)04:33
dr_williswylde_ that would most likely confuse him more. ;004:33
ActionParsnipreisio: i'm so tired I was about to sling that into duckduckgo, then my brain kicked in04:34
skylI also want to do stupid stuff like compile webkit quickly and watch a video at the same time :D04:34
wylde_dr_willis: lol ok. Just thinking using $USER to make a cut n paste command04:34
reisioActionParsnip: hah04:34
dr_williswolfgang:  learn to use ther TAB key to get names and paths correct..04:34
dr_williswolfgang:  its Desktop  not desktop...04:34
ActionParsnipwolfgang: I DID tell you.....04:34
=== LofS is now known as LofSLEEP
flusteredI had a working installation of 12.04 on a ASUS u46E-BAL7, and after imaging the SD card for my R Pi and installing winders on my free partition, any form of linux won't boot without "nomodeset acpi=off"04:34
dr_williswolfgang:  and you are missing a /04:35
* ActionParsnip sighs04:35
osirisx11thanks guys04:35
ActionParsnipflustered: what video chip does the Asus use?04:35
alan502_How can i install a different version of squid on ubuntu?04:35
reisioskyl: that's not a big deal on even cheap modern hardware04:35
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:35
ActionParsnipflustered: and did you image from to Asus to the RPi to copy the OS etc04:36
flusteredActionParsnip: it has a integrated Intel HD chip, i7 Sandybridge04:36
reisioskyl: $300-400 can easily get you a >2GHz 64-bit dual core with virt extensions, 4GB RAM, and dedicated graphics04:36
reisioskyl: probably with a monitor04:36
flusteredActionParsnip: I used the recommended imager for the R Pi from the Asus04:36
skylreisio you've never compiled webkit?04:37
ActionParsnipflustered: i see04:37
ActionParsnipskyl: why would you?04:37
newtoubuntureisio escott itching to install... guide me please04:37
reisioskyl: are you suggesting I haven't compiled webkit because it makes any computer crawl?04:37
flusteredActionParsnip: the thing that gets me, is it worked before - and not it doesn't with three different linux distros (two kernels, 2.6.something and 3)04:37
=== albert is now known as Guest10661
reisionewtoubuntu: was waiting for escott to say something04:37
escottnewtoubuntu, so (1) we cant say much about. you just have to have a windows install disk. (3,4) seems you are describing a separate /home. I would (a) boot the install cd and try ubuntu (b) remove the windows partition (C:) (c) create a new ext4 partition in the free space (d) move your data from (D:) into that partition. (e) verify you have everything (f) delete (D:) (g) create a small partition  for ubuntu where (D:) started (h) instal04:37
escottl ubuntu to that partition as the / (i) you can use the (C:) partition as your /home or create a /home after the ubuntu / partition and move the data a second time leaving what was (C:) blank in case you ever want to reinstall windows04:37
reisiochrist almighty04:37
skylreisio no b/c 8 cores is going to be way faster than 2 ...04:37
flusteredActionParsnip: and there is nothing in the logs04:38
reisioskyl: what does '8 > 2' have to do with whether I've compiled webkit or not?04:38
skylActionParsnip I'm not a liberty :D04:38
escottnewtoubuntu, i need to sleep, but hopefully that makes sense04:38
ActionParsnipflustered: the display timings are in the kernel now04:38
wolfgangreisio, It's running but wont create all the text files to set it up, what do i do?04:38
ActionParsnipflustered: have you tried lucid, to test04:38
reisiowolfgang: find an error message04:38
skyl*at liberty04:38
wolfgangreisio, what?04:38
ActionParsnipskyl: at liberty what?04:39
flusteredActionParsnip: yeah, I've run lucid, pangoline, mint 12, mint 12 LMDE04:39
n-iCeMaybe a dumb question, is it possible ot modify a .iso distro ? I mean I have installed a distro but did a lot of modifications, desktop, menu, packages, etc, is there any way to create a whole .iso of my current system? thanks in advice.04:39
flusteredno dice04:39
wolfgangreisio, what error?04:39
reisiowolfgang: error _message_04:39
abhitestescott: ActionParsnip i tried to do sudo grub-install and also i tired grub repair software. which gives this link for refernece http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043425/ but now i get error device not found instead of the grub screen help please04:39
ActionParsnipflustered: very weird, are there guides online how to install Ubuntu, like on youtube04:39
dr_williswolfgang:  could be theres some  extra options or commands you need to gt it going.. you have checked gthe minecraft homepage docs and forums?04:39
reision-iCe: short answer: yes04:39
abhitestescott: ActionParsnip now i am in beta ubuntu in external hdd04:39
skylActionParsnip to tell you why I would compile webkit while playing webgl and watching a video and running various cpu-hungry code04:39
flusteredActionParsnip: complete with a wipe of the hdd to ensure it wasn't something to do with the hardware after dd did it's magic with the R Pi04:39
wolfgangjava -jar /home/wolfgang/Desktop/Minecraft-server/minecraft_server.jar04:40
wolfgang182 recipes04:40
wolfgang27 achievements04:40
wolfgang2012-06-15 21:37:22 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.504:40
wolfgang2012-06-15 21:37:22 [WARNING] To start the server with more ram, launch it as "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar"04:40
wolfgang2012-06-15 21:37:22 [INFO] Loading properties04:40
FloodBot1wolfgang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
wolfgang2012-06-15 21:37:22 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:2556504:40
wolfgang2012-06-15 21:37:22 [INFO] Preparing level "world"04:40
flusteredActionParsnip: I've installed and used many flavors of *nix, but this flusters me04:40
newtoubuntuescott just one more thing- how to separate /home and why? will the c: space finally merge with the bigger drive04:40
dr_williswolfgang:  could also be yoou need to be IN the  minecraft dirctory to run it04:40
ActionParsnipskyl: I use chrome, its a webkit based browser, but why would compiling it do something I can't already do?04:40
flusteredActionParsnip: it also bugs me that my windows install was fine, my R Pi was fine and grub had no complaints04:40
skylI have 64-bit, 2 cores, 2 gigs and some old ATI-cruft and I can easily put a hurting on it04:41
reisionewtoubuntu: the most straightforward way to deal with the problem of D files would be to copy them over the network to your other computer, then later copy them back04:41
abhitestdr_willis: can you please help me? i tried to do sudo grub-install and also i tired grub repair software. which gives this link for refernece http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043425/ but now i get error device not found instead of the grub screen help please04:41
skylActionParsnip people compile webkit all over the world everyday. Okay, switch "compile webkit" to "compile qt" and you have the same problem of it taking forever ...04:42
ActionParsnipskyl: so you use it as a speed test...?04:42
alan502_Help please :D even though I have configured squid with the proper acl, I keep getting "access denied" messages on the computers I try to access squid to? Here is my squid configuration, the ifconfig output of both my host and client computer and the error displayed by the client: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1043420/04:42
Blue1abhitest: this may/may not help:  http://pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/04:43
ActionParsnipskyl: if you just want to max your cpu, just run:  yes > /dev/null      and it will chew the cpu lotsly :)04:43
alFReD-NSHIs there anyway that I can turn back my kernel to 3.2.0-23 and make sure it doesn't update to 3.2.0-24?04:44
voltianyone know how to control a desktop over ssh?04:44
ActionParsnipvolti: it what sense?04:44
ActionParsnip!pin | alFReD-NSH04:44
ubottualFReD-NSH: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:44
newtoubuntu_reisio will the method suggested by escott lead to too many "fragments" or other issues? coz that is much faster than transfering data to another computer04:44
voltii know how to ssh -X and get the application window on my desktop to control it04:44
ActionParsnipalFReD-NSH: if you reboot and hold SHIFT, you can choose the older kernel04:45
voltii want to be able to control the applications on the other desktop04:45
skylActionParsnip, no, I actually want to compile qt really quickly while playing with webgl and running other stuff, etc04:45
voltiand i dont want to use something like VNC04:45
ActionParsnipvolti: is this for media playback?04:45
riz0nUhm, I am lost, and really need some advice. I have copied my user directories from my old linux server over to my new new linux server 12.04. Dovecot lets me check my mail but when I try to send mail, it just sits and asks for authentication.04:45
newtoubuntu_reisio shit, my connection closed and i lost escott's guide04:46
voltipartially, i checked on how to control VLC over the command line and it is pretty robust. now i want to expand it to further use with the desktop04:46
ActionParsnipriz0n: did you chown the data to your user?04:46
skylobviously I'm not going to buy more hardware so I can pipe stuff to /dev/null more quickly and run infinite loops or whatever04:46
riz0ni did chmod04:46
riz0nbut i have no idea what a chown is04:46
ActionParsnipvolti: it also has a web interface, you can then control it with android devices too :)04:46
wolfgangdr_willis, i was in the directory using " cd /home/wolfgang/Desktop/Minecraft-server" then i ran it and it changed and al commands worked but still won't create the text files in that folder.04:47
voltioh snap! ill have to check that one out...04:47
ActionParsnipriz0n: chown is to change the ownership to the user on the destination PC04:47
abhitestBlue1: this step gives me error sudo chroot /mnt chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error04:47
riz0nthis is what i done04:47
riz0ni created each user account using adduser04:47
voltiwhat about the desktop in general? something like ssh -Y user@server gnome-panel?04:47
flusteredActionParsnip: any ideas how an install can break like that? If there isn't support for sandybridge (all the resources I've found are 2011 before sandybridge was supported) why would wit work for 3 weeks before dying?04:47
ActionParsnipvolti: you can control transmission with webUI too (also has an android app)04:47
reisionewtoubuntu_: hang on04:47
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riz0nand then i SCP'd into that account using the proper user/pass and copied the files into the home directory04:47
Guest70259hey how do you get the deviantart muro plugin onto linux? if anyone here has a deviantart account and uses a tablet to draw and stuff04:47
skylActionParsnip, but thanks for the link to the certified hardware04:47
ActionParsnipskyl: np dude04:48
wolfgangdr_willis, do you know the prob?04:48
ActionParsnipvolti: http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20071108214134  has a command for x2x04:49
ActionParsnip!info x2x04:49
ubottux2x (source: x2x): Link two X displays together, simulating a multiheaded display. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.27.svn.20060501-4 (precise), package size 22 kB, installed size 80 kB04:49
wolfgangdr_willis, do you know what to do?04:50
=== Guest70259 is now known as thefluffyone
thefluffyonehey how do you get the deviantart muro plugin onto linux? if anyone here has a deviantart account and uses a tablet to draw and stuff04:50
ActionParsnipvolti: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/X2xHowto04:50
voltiActionParsnip: diggin on it now! thanks much...04:50
wolfgangActionParsnip, do you know what  to do?04:50
wolfgangreisio, so you know what's wrong?04:51
thefluffyonehey how do you get the deviantart muro plugin onto linux? if anyone here has a deviantart account and uses a tablet to draw and stuff04:51
newtoubuntu_reisio i just feel elated to be on "irc" and "ubuntu"... although i knew about both things earlier, only now i'm jumping on to them04:51
abhitestBlue1: unfortunately my external hdd ubuntu is 32 bit and my main hdd is 64 bit. is there any other way to recover grub?04:52
wolfgangPlease Help!04:52
bazhangwolfgang, with what04:52
thefluffyonehey how do you get the deviantart muro plugin onto linux? if anyone here has a deviantart account and uses a tablet to draw and stuff04:53
ActionParsnipthefluffyone: does it install in chrome/ium?04:53
wolfgangI'm trying to run a minecraft  sever i have ran it from terminal and every thing but it won't create all the docs to do it when i run it.04:53
thefluffyonehmm....good question let me check04:53
newtoubuntu_reisio also, i have downloaded the 64-bit version of ubuntu.. is that the right way to go?04:53
riz0noh well. i give up.04:53
bazhangwolfgang, then ask in a minecraft channel04:53
riz0ni am going to format this virtual machine, and i guess, start all over tomorrow.04:53
ActionParsnipthefluffyone: try testing MORE than just one browser if you get browser issues04:53
bazhang!alis | wolfgang search here04:54
ubottuwolfgang search here: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:54
wolfgangbazhang, where do i find one?04:54
bazhangwolfgang, look above04:54
thefluffyoneits suppose to be downloaded onto my computer04:55
wolfgangbazhang, how do i do that?04:56
bazhang /msg alis list *minecraft*          <--------- wolfgang04:57
reisionewtoubuntu_: um04:57
thefluffyone*gasp* I think i did it o3o it says it was supported for firefox but i couldnt find it04:57
reisionewtoubuntu_: depends on what your processor is04:57
wolfgang /msg alis list *minecraft*04:57
newtoubuntu_amd athlon 64 x2 3800+04:58
newtoubuntu_reisio amd athlon 64 x2 3800+04:58
reisionewtoubuntu_: yup, amd64/64-bit04:59
ActionParsnipthefluffyone: all ok now?05:00
zvcxasdfasdfIs there a way to use OpenDNS with a domain to ssh into a Ubuntu 12.04 computer?05:00
zvcxasdfasdfI have been Googleing for a while and cannot find anything. :(05:00
flusteredanyone have any ideas? I'll try just about anything except dd if=/ of=/05:00
newtoubuntu_reisio now back to the main thing - i lost escott's guide.... will the method suggested by escott lead to too many "fragments" or other issues? coz that is much faster than transfering data to another computer05:00
reisionewtoubuntu_: you want to transfer only 40GB instead of all of it and let the rest get deleted?05:01
thefluffyoneim not sure ActionParsnip05:01
newtoubuntu_reisio yes05:01
reisionewtoubuntu_: that should work fine, did you have a solution for being able to reinstall Windows?05:01
Metahiasi got 12.04 front screen mouse movement, but clicking and keyboard not responding. Almost as if its frozen while the mouse still moves freely.. takes a moment to work it lose (meaning i have to move the mouse around alot to get it to start registering my movement).05:02
newtoubuntu_reisio but then windows can't read ubuntu harddisk formats... can it?05:02
newtoubuntu_reisio yes, i have a windows 7 disk05:03
elmariachiludodid anyone saw alpj?05:03
zvcxasdfasdfIs there a way to use OpenDNS with a domain to ssh into a Ubuntu 12.04 computer?05:04
reisionewtoubuntu_: it can, some of them, with 3rd party utils05:05
reisionewtoubuntu_: probably won't need to, though05:05
MetahiasOk so it seems 12.04 needs to be nuked?05:06
ActionParsnipzvcxasdfasdf: if you have an openDNS account resolving your IP to a name, you can connect to that name on port 22 and it will hit your home router. Is that what you mean?05:06
reisioMetahias: ok?05:06
hungray1Hey guys....I am looking for an web browser based terminal (source code) that doesnt require a database and is free...can anyone help me out here?05:07
hungray1Also my brother says hi?05:07
Metahiasi see alot of boot screen issues with it.05:07
Metahiasalot of people seem to be getting similar front screen issues05:07
reisiohungray1: looking for a what now?05:08
ActionParsniphungray1: do you mean so you can SSH from the terminal to a server?05:08
flusteredhungray1: have you tried lynx?05:08
reisioMetahias: maybe a graphics driver issue05:09
newtoubuntu_reisio hoping i never have to reformat to windows on that computer... can you take me through the steps once more... and recommend specifics such as ext3 or ex4... how much swap? how to merge the data that will be on c: to the rest of the harddisk..is a separate data partition helpful05:09
flusteredah, re read that, nvm05:09
reisionewtoubuntu_: how much RAM does it have?05:09
MetahiasPerhaps. I'd expect an nvidia 580gtx to be on the compatibility list.05:10
newtoubuntu_2gb x 2 ddr205:10
reisionewtoubuntu_: ext4, 4GB swap is pretty sane05:10
ActionParsnipMetahias: might need to xorg edgers update ppa (less fresh more stable)05:10
reisionewtoubuntu_: separate data partitions aren't like _actually_ helpful if you know what you're doing, but to a newbie they could help a tiny bit if you wanted to install a new OS or something05:10
hungray1reisio: I have my web server but not db access...looking for a way to upload some kind of terminal emulator for my tutorial. Actionparsnip: yes flustered: no, can you tell me more?05:11
reisionewtoubuntu_: mostly it'd be useful in this situation so you don't have to resize any partitions05:11
ActionParsniphungray1: http://ssh-chrome.sourceforge.net/05:11
Metahiasreally i could care less im trying to play with the 30 bit color capability of the latest nvidia linux drivers. they supposedly support anything over series 8 chips.05:11
newtoubuntu_reisio didn't get the last bit05:11
Metahias11.whatever will probably work.05:11
reisiohungray1: you don't have db access?05:11
hungray1Actionparsnip: is this an extension for a web browser?05:12
hungray1reisio: no. it is free hosting.05:12
ActionParsniphungray1: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo05:12
ActionParsniphungray1: yes, for chrome05:12
flusteredhungray1: I read your question initially as needing a terminal based web browser - which would be lynx - not a web browser based terminal05:12
reisiohungray1: so what do you want?05:13
hungray1Actionparsnip: that is great but I wanted something a bit more universal...05:13
reisionewtoubuntu_: having two partitions instead of one lets you keep your data more simply is all05:13
hungray1reisio: like...a javascript-written terminal emulator...05:13
hungray1if it exist..05:13
reisiohungray1: how would that help?05:13
hungray1reisio: I am writing a tutorial introducing people to ubuntu.05:13
reisionewtoubuntu_: in your specific case, not in general05:13
ActionParsniphungray1: http://www.thewebhostinghero.com/tutorials/web-based-java-ssh-client.html05:14
reisiohungray1: and what does that have to do with db access?05:14
ActionParsniphungray1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web-based_SSH05:14
hungray1reisio: I didn't know if I needed db access05:14
crackerjackzhow do i remove a symlink?05:14
reisiohungray1: then let's assume you don't05:14
reisiohungray1: what then is the problem?05:14
reisiocrackerjackz: rm05:14
ActionParsniphungray1: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/webshell/05:15
crackerjackzreisio: and it wont delete the files where it originates from right?05:15
newtoubuntu_reisio so, i start by "try ubuntu"... and then pester you for help?05:15
hungray1reisio: Actionparsnip found what I was looking for. Actionparsnip: thank you very much05:15
crackerjackzi dont want to lose my files05:15
reisiocrackerjackz: right, try it with a new symlink first if you like05:15
ActionParsnipcrackerjackz: your backups will protect against that05:15
hungray1reisio: thank you for trying05:15
hungray1bye everyone05:15
voltiActionParsnip: do you know where the .hosts file is for vlc05:15
ActionParsnipvolti: gimme a sec05:16
reisionewtoubuntu_: or anybody here05:16
arooni-mobiletrying to get natural scrolling on my synaptics touchpad on ubuntu 12.04 (lenovo t420).  i followed http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/07/reverse-natural-scrolling-ubuntu-os-lion and installed naturalscrolling but as soon as the applet started my touchpad stopped working completely. ideas?05:16
newtoubuntu_reisio ok 10 9 8 7...05:16
bazhangarooni-mobile, installed from where05:16
reisionewtoubuntu_: I believe your plan is to: format C, copy the data you want to that new filesystem, then run the installer ('Something Else') and set what was C to be /home, and divvy up what had been D into / and swap05:16
arooni-mobilebazhang, the ppa it reccomends05:17
ActionParsnipvolti: /etc/vlc/lua/http/.hosts05:17
arooni-mobileppa:zedtux/naturalscrolling‘ to05:17
bazhangarooni-mobile, so contact the ppa maintainer, they're not supported here05:17
crackerjackzreisio: when i try rm -R it says too many levels of symbolic links05:17
robertzaccourHow come in Unity I can't drag and drop something from one window into another? Is this a bug or just a common feature not added yet?05:17
voltiaah forgot to do ls -A05:17
voltiaah forgot to do ls -a05:17
reisiocrackerjackz: who said anything about -R05:18
reisiorobertzaccour: something like?05:18
crackerjackzreisio: rm says... /path/ is a directory05:18
reisiocrackerjackz: rm symlinkname (no slash)05:18
robertzaccourreisio, files and folders05:18
reisiorobertzaccour: from what to what?05:19
robertzaccourreisio, have 2 open windows, and can't drag and drop something from one to the other05:19
ActionParsnipvolti: just add the line:     assuming that is your network addess and all hosts in your LAN will be able to control it05:19
reisiothat's probably just a bug on your system05:19
robertzaccourUnity is the only DE in which it is impossible05:19
crackerjackzrm Rock/05:19
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: unity isn't a DE05:19
crackerjackzreisio: rm: cannot remove `Rock/': Is a directory05:19
robertzaccourfor people like me that do a lot of video editing this is a big deal05:19
Metahiasdoes 12.04 have any boot options?05:19
robertzaccourActionParsnip, ok DE implementation?05:19
reisiocrackerjackz: did I not just say something about omitting the slash?05:19
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: Unity is a shell, Gnome is the DE and Compiz is the WM05:19
reisioDjThree: hi05:19
reisioMetahias: yup05:20
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: the old shell was gnome-panel05:20
crackerjackzreisio: oooo sry i overlooked that05:20
reisiocrackerjackz: :p05:20
robertzaccourwell then the Unity shell doesn't support the drag and drop feature, but every other shell does05:20
Metahiascan you enlighten me? +)05:20
reisiorobertzaccour: kind of doubt that05:20
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: drag and drop from where to where?05:20
voldymanwhy does ubuntu forget the action assigned to the corner of the screen ?05:20
Metahiasi assume it a finally timed keypress/.'05:20
robertzaccourActionParsnip, files and folders from one open window to another05:20
reisioMetahias: try holding down SHIFT during bootup05:20
newtoubuntu_reisio what is "/home"? i assume"/" is the os partition.. but d: is too big just for the os and swap... i'd like to do- say 30gb for the os, 4gb for swap, rest into a single drive for data (including the c:)or most for the data and some for alternative os... so basically 4 partitions05:21
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: does here from nautilus to another nautilus05:21
robertzaccourActionParsnip, try from nautilus to anything else05:21
reisionewtoubuntu_: you could do that if you want05:21
abhitestBlue1: after doing that the grub takes me to grub promt and does nothing. help05:21
robertzaccourActionParsnip, from nautilus to kdenlive or a web broser page05:21
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: never done that before, i'll try later. I'm at work now05:21
reisionewtoubuntu_: /home is kind of like C:\Users\ on Windows05:21
newtoubuntu_reisio but what is the wisest?05:21
reisionewtoubuntu_: it's where you put all your personal data by default, downloads, documents, etc.05:22
robertzaccourit just seems that such a basic and expected feature would've been impossible to leave out05:22
reisionewtoubuntu_: / is everything (or everything _else_ if you specify other mount points, such as /home)05:22
reisiorobertzaccour: probably hasn't been05:23
RedSocratesrobertzaccour: I'm unable to tell what you're trying to do. I just dragged and drop a file between nautilus windows, then to my desktop, then to a web browser, then to LibreOffice05:23
reisiorobertzaccour: ^05:23
RedSocratesrobertzaccour: All worked.05:23
newtoubuntu_so the partitions aren't actually separate but just a subsystem in the os?05:23
Metahiasyeah its the graphic driver05:23
newtoubuntu_reisio so the partitions aren't actually separate but just a subsystem in the os?05:23
reisionewtoubuntu_: there's a filesystem hierarchy whether or not you have more than one partition05:24
robertzaccourRedSocrates, did you try dragging it to minimized windows or to an icon in the Unity panel to see if it would pop up that open app?05:25
simplewim using gnome  classic, and i have added an icon to the panel (or taskbar, dont know what the correct name), i drag it from the menu and i cant remove, can anyone tell me how is done?05:25
silver_star_iriHi all05:25
RedSocratesrobertzaccour: Yes. Dragging it to an icon in the Unity Panel opened it in that app. Dragging it to the icon of a minimized window brought it up in that program.05:26
newtoubuntu_reisio ok i'll cut the other os... just simply tell me how best to make a stable ubuntu system... if  that means no partitions05:26
reisionewtoubuntu_: you just need / and swap for a basic system05:26
silver_star_iriI could reach myserver by ssh , and I can ping the server ip . but it does not come up
reisionewtoubuntu_: you can use your "C" area as /home if you want, fairly simply, or not and manage the data later05:27
simplewi right click over the icon i added to the panel and i cant remove it, also when right clicking in panel shows nothing05:27
ActionParsnipsilver_star_iri: did you port forward port 22 on your router?05:27
RedSocratesrobertzaccour: Sorry, by "Unity Panel" I meant the Unity Launcher05:27
silver_star_iriActionParsnip: how I can find out ?05:27
newtoubuntu_initially i make c: "/home".. then can it be merged later with "/"05:28
ActionParsnipsilver_star_iri: its a concious action05:28
newtoubuntu_reisio initially i make c: "/home".. then can it be merged later with "/"05:28
silver_star_iriActionParsnip: I dont know ! it is down for more than 3 hours , but I can reach ssh05:29
reisionewtoubuntu_: if you like05:30
ActionParsnipsilver_star_iri: I can hit the IP and get asked for credentials05:31
newtoubuntu_reisio i clearly don't know enough to decide05:31
reisionewtoubuntu_: decide what?05:32
EvanEDHi all, I'm having a problem. I have 12.04 LTS installed (though I'll admit I arrived here via strange means -- i think i may have inadvertently installed the server version, and later apt-got ubuntu-desktop). I get the LightDM screen, I try to log in, the screen turns black for a couple seconds, and it boots be back to the lightdm screen05:33
EvanEDI can log on as the guest session05:33
EvanEDAnd it has worked in the past. The other thing is I've been messing around with my window manager, but this applies regardless of the login option i choose, including recovery console.05:33
ActionParsnipEvanED: if you make a fresh user in CLI, can you log in as that?05:34
EvanEDi'll admit i haven't tried that, though i probably should have05:34
EvanEDone sec05:34
ActionParsnipEvanED: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there05:34
newtoubuntu_reisio to keep it separate or "merge".. here's my final understanding --- one"/" and one swap... and somehow integrate "/home" into the main"/"..so that i can use ubuntu as intended05:35
reisionewtoubuntu_: you just tell the installer that "C" is to be "/home" and that's it05:35
reisionewtoubuntu_: or you can do it later, afterwards almost as simply05:36
wootoniushello all, quick question, besides using the "nomode" command while moving through setup is there any way to try and force ubuntu to use a generic video driver?05:36
EvanED(ActionParsnip) creating a new user doesn't work, surprisingly05:36
ActionParsnipwootonius: i believe there is a safemode vga option05:36
EvanEDsame behavior05:36
ActionParsnipEvanED: hmm, that is odd05:37
EvanEDone sec i may have incompletely set up the user05:37
newtoubuntu_reisio but it'll continue to be a separate logical partition? specially when moving(cut and paste) from "/home" to "/"... it'll take time...05:38
EvanED(i logged in at a console and see "no directory, logging in with HOME=/" which doesn't sound good)05:38
reisionewtoubuntu_: "C" /home will be a separate partition, yes05:38
=== sattu94 is now known as satyanash
reisionewtoubuntu_: you'll want to reformat C as ext4, then rsync/cp over the data from D to what was C05:39
reisionewtoubuntu_: then start the installer, the rest can be done from there05:39
Metahiaswootonius you might have some options in the boot options. any particular reason you wanna force a generic video driver?05:39
reisionewtoubuntu_: or you could rsync the data from D to your other computer over night and save yourself all this hassle05:39
reisionewtoubuntu_: and keep _all_ the data05:40
reisionewtoubuntu_: _and_ not deal with any partition resizing nonsense05:40
newtoubuntu_reisio rsync?05:40
reisionewtoubuntu_: rsync -av foo bar, better than cp, resumes, other goodies05:40
ActionParsnipEvanED: or grsync for a pretty UI05:41
EvanEDjust got it05:41
reisioas long as it's on the install image05:41
EvanEDnew user can log in05:41
reisiootherwise you can explain to him how to install it :p05:41
EvanED(i did useradd instead of adduser...)05:41
newtoubuntu_reisio right until now i was sure ubuntu would be a breeze to use... but now i'm getting intimidated... i dont know what is rsync, cp05:42
ActionParsnipEvanED: I'd use that, but drop back to the terminal and run:  sudo usermod -a -G admin newusername     to put your new user in the admin group05:42
reisionewtoubuntu_: it is a breeze, your data and where it is, that's what's made it complicated05:42
ActionParsnipEvanED: obviously change 'newusername' for the actual name05:42
EvanEDso one thing i note: who should own .Xauthority?05:42
EvanEDmy new user says "evan3 evan3"05:42
ActionParsnipEvanED: the user whose home it is in05:43
EvanEDi'm pretty sure that when i looked for my broken user it says "root root"05:43
reisiohow many evans do you need! :p05:43
EvanEDevan2 was my bad attempt at making a new user, evan3 was my good attempt ;-)05:43
EvanEDboth will be short-lived05:43
ActionParsnipEvanED: sudo usermod -a -G admin evan305:43
reisionewtoubuntu_: if you don't already have a backup system, you could go buy yourself an external hard disk, and solve your backup system problem _and_ your storage/data placement problem simultaneously05:43
EvanEDman usermod05:44
EvanEDwrong keyboard05:44
reisionewtoubuntu_: now I've got to take off :) have fun05:44
ActionParsnipEvanED: it adds the user t the admin group, so it can use gk/sudo05:44
ksinkarhey guys I have tmux installed on my latest ubuntu05:44
EvanEDi'm just gonna try removing this .Xauthority file05:44
newtoubuntu_reisio thank you verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy much05:44
EvanEDsee if that helps05:44
blagi think I messed up my ~/.byobu/keybindings file, can somebody post theirs for me?05:45
EvanEDok seems like it worked05:45
EvanEDyes, it did05:45
=== the_finz is now known as idefix
EvanEDi wonder how i managed that05:46
ActionParsnipEvanED: I suggest you install desktop in future :)05:46
newtoubuntu_reisio don't know if i'd have continued on this ubuntu quest if you didn't patiently answer my probably stupid questions05:46
EvanEDeh that was unrelated to my weird path to ubuntu05:46
EvanEDthanks for your help though05:46
newtoubuntu_reisio see you on the other side of installation05:47
EvanEDoh man, actually i know exactly how it happened i bet05:47
alFReD-NSHAnyone can help me http://askubuntu.com/questions/149443/ubuntu-hangs-on-booting-up-after-a-clean-install05:48
EvanEDso i'm trying to switch to a different window manager, and have been messing with the config... i wanted to test it. on other computers i've done that with 'startx -- :1' to start a new x session, but that gave me an error about incorrect permissions. so rather than figure out why it did that exactly, i just tried again as root. (you can tell i have good root hygene here :-))05:49
EvanEDdidn't work, and i assume that's where the root-owned .Xauthority came from05:49
voltiActionParsnip: ty for the help. that was right on the money...05:51
Nicekiwiheyyy I installed the Nvidia driver, now KDE system settings only recognises one of my 2 monitors.. what do i do?05:53
NicekiwiI need dual-screen, seperate X displays at the same res05:53
jussiNicekiwi: ask in #kubuntu05:53
diverdudeHi, does anybody in here have a lenovo w520? If yes, what is the temperature of the cpu on your computer when doing normal desktop stuff?05:53
voltiNicekiwi: you can always try xrandr05:53
voltiuse xrandr -q05:54
voltito find the displays05:54
voltithen to configure them do xrandr --output (output #1) --auto --output (output 2) --right-of (output #1)05:55
voltithen to configure them do xrandr --output (output #1) --auto --output (output 2) --right-of (output #1) --auto05:55
voltior something to that effect, play with it and you will get the right settings05:55
voltionce you have it set for the command just place that in the last line of your .profile and it will setup the displays when you log in...05:55
voltiand its much easier then messing with Xorg.conf05:56
ActionParsnipvolti: np dude05:57
abeerHi, I want to get into a little bit of Ubuntu development, could someone here guide me a bit. I already have a small project in mind.05:58
ActionParsnip!contribute | abeer05:58
ubottuabeer: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:58
mi3!cookie | ActionParsnip :D05:59
ubottuActionParsnip :D: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:59
ActionParsnipmi3: thanks :)06:00
mi3~alexiade@unaffiliated/alexiadeath/x-983845 -----> why do I never get that ?06:00
bazhangmi3 ask in #freenode06:00
mi3bazhang, yeah, thanks06:01
flowerpotIf apt upgrades a package whose application is currently in use, e.g. apache, is apache restarted or something during the process?  When will the new version start being used?06:01
ActionParsnipflowerpot: the installer will probably restart the service to load the new app into ram06:02
ActionParsnipflowerpot: if it isn't restarted the old version will still run06:02
riz0nI need some help with Ubuntu 12.04 and Postfix. When I try to send a message out, it says that my "none of the authentication methods are supported by your server"06:02
riz0nOr maybe one of you guys can tell me where I can find the "blank" Postfix file06:05
Metahiassweet 30 bit color support for consumer geforce products is confirmed. Over DVI-Duallink no less.06:06
silver_star_iriActionParsnip: yes ip can ping ! but when you put it in browser it does not work, why ?06:07
flowerpotActionParsnip, thank you! That makes sense.06:08
flowerpotActionParsnip, is there a way to know which packages will restart a running process if they come across it?06:08
flowerpotI mean...which packages will trigger the installer to do that06:08
diverdudeis it possible to make a bash script which starts up 2 different servers in 2 different terminalwindows?06:09
zvcxasdfasdfI figured out how to route my Dynamic IP to a domain name. I cannot figure out how to ssh with my external IP, though. :(06:10
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, if you know your public IP address, the incantation should be something like this: ssh user@
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, what are you having trouble with?06:11
ActionParsnipflowerpot: not sure, usually packages for services will stop and start automatically as part of postinst06:12
ActionParsnipzvcxasdfasdf: you'll need to port forward06:13
zvcxasdfasdfflowerpot, I have more than one computer on the network for one and I am trying to route the SSH through ssh.mydomain.com, but I cannot seem to connect to ti.06:13
mi3Our services upgrade and database prune --------------> what does that mean, ActionParsnip ?06:13
zvcxasdfasdfActionParsnip, how exactly would I do that? I am completely new to port forwarding and have never done it.06:13
flowerpotActionParsnip, do you know what determines whether the service will stop/start?  I'm curious to know if it's automatic for everything or if it requires special effort on the part of the package maintainer06:13
Metahiasanyone know of any linux graphics programs that actually output 30 bit color?06:14
ActionParsnipzvcxasdfasdf: depends on the router, it varys wildly06:14
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, so you're trying to ssh from outside your private network to a single host behind your router?06:14
mi3FloodBot1, ?06:14
ActionParsnipflowerpot: i beleieve it always will06:14
zvcxasdfasdfflowerpot, yes I am. That is exactly what I am trying to do.06:14
mi3!mark shuttleworth06:14
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com06:14
zvcxasdfasdfActionParsnip, do you know what ports I need to forward and I could look it up?06:15
ActionParsnipMetahias: I believe it uses 24bit which is the equivelant of Windows 32bit.06:15
ActionParsnipzvcxasdfasdf: for SSH you will use TCP/2206:15
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html06:15
kubancwhat's a good wireless keyboard and mouse that's supported from ubuntu?06:15
ActionParsnip!hcl | kubanc06:15
ubottukubanc: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:15
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, I assume your router uses NAT.06:15
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, you will need to set "something" up to work around that.06:16
ActionParsnipflowerpot: all routers use nat06:16
flowerpotActionParsnip, do they?  What about the internet backbone routers?06:16
ActionParsnipflowerpot: ys, or it wouldn't work06:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:16
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)06:16
ActionParsnip!botabuse | mi306:16
ubottumi3: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".06:16
mi3ActionParsnip, could you see all tha ?06:17
zvcxasdfasdfflowerpot, I am using the default Comcast router. I have a Linksys Wireless Router.06:17
mi3*that ?06:17
zvcxasdfasdfmi3, everyone could06:17
mi3err I thought it was private !06:17
ActionParsnipmi3: yes06:18
zvcxasdfasdfmi3, only your social security number is. -------> See, XXX-XX-XXXX.06:18
mi3yeah, ok06:18
mi3I dont have an SSN, xD06:18
MetahiasActionParsnip: what used 24 bit?06:18
ActionParsnipMetahias: the colour depth06:19
ActionParsnipmi3: me neither06:19
MetahiasActionParsnip: You mean ubuntu? I have it confirmed set to 30 bit color06:19
mi3ActionParsnip, LOL06:19
MetahiasActionParsnip: Driver accepted it shows it as being in 30 bit color mode after reset.06:20
MetahiasActionParsnip: Now i just need something to test it with.06:20
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, one solution would be to ensure that the router is connected directly to the internet and then forward a specific port to your machine (keeping in mind that this will allow anyone to send packets to that port)06:22
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, how you set up port forwarding depends on your router06:22
zvcxasdfasdfflowerpot, I figured out where the portforwarding is, I just cannot figure out which application type to use. I think Telnet would be the closest to ssh.06:24
MetahiasIm betting less than couple hundred interested people even know this is possible let alone tried to do it. course it serves no purpose to people without 30 bit color monitors. However 30 bit color monitors are coming down quickly and once people know they can get 1.1 billion colors instead of 16.5 million im sure they will want it just like me. =)06:24
MetahiasAnd i just confirmed on consumer grade hardware what nvidia has been unwilling to confirm or deny.06:24
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, that's a good guess, but not quite right06:24
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, SSH uses TCP port 22.  It's possible your router might not have "SSH" listed as one of the protocols; that doesn't matter, just forward any old external-facing TCP port to your machine's port 22.06:25
flowerpotMetahias, personally, 16.5 million colors is more than enough for me06:28
zvcxasdfasdfflowerpot, Okay, I found the options. I juts have to figure out wich combination works for me. :)06:28
riz0nok so I have broken down and decided to rewrite my postconf main.cf file. Here are a couple of things I need to know in relation to Ubuntu 12.04: #1: Do I need to uncomment one of the "alias_database" lines or does "NIS" properly take care of it? And #2, mail_spool_directory, do I need /var/mail or /var/spool/mail06:30
Metahiasflowerpot: under most circumstances 16.5 million is perfectly fine, however and graphics get more complex they create overdraw which creates color difficulties essentially making it a chore to for the GPU to blend the colors. Also if you start seeing content at ultra high resolution in 30 bit color you will see a big difference. Particularly on gradiants.06:31
flowerpotzvcxasdfasdf, sounds good.  wish i could help more, but that kind of settings-related stuff is very specific to your own router etc.06:31
flowerpotMetahias, I don't doubt that your needs require such high numbers of colors, but for me I know mine do not06:32
blank2what are the recommended system requirements for Ubuntu 12.0406:34
Metahiasflowerpot: Each jump might be more indiscernable than the last, like the jump from 65k to 16.5million was no where near as big a deal to most as the jump from 256 colors to 65k. Hell most of our cell phones are only 65k.06:34
riz0nIn addition, in my old main.cf file, the "mailbox_command" was left blank. In the new main.cf.dist file, it says I need either /usr/bin/procmail or /usr/bin/procmail -a "$EXTENSION" ... are those neccessary or should I just leave them commented?06:35
blank2what are the recommended system requirements for Ubuntu 12.0406:35
Metahiasflowerpot: However as technology advances (screens get larger and more tightly packed pixels, but also better contrast and brightness the limitations of 16.5 million will also come into focus.06:35
flowerpotblank2, I don't know, but you can test it using a livecd06:37
flowerpotblank2, what are you hoping to install ubuntu 12.04 onto?06:37
flowerpotworkstation? server?06:37
blank2this http://www.techbuy.com.au/p/183260/NOTEBOOKS_15/Toshiba/PSK2ZA-008001.asp06:37
FriendlySovietblank2, her ya go budddddy06:37
FriendlySovietThat will do just fine06:38
flowerpotblank2, so you don't have the hardware yet...  the most annoying parts are usually the video card and the wireless card06:38
flowerpotbut nowadays it usually isn't much of a problem. if you want to check the requirements, check those, I guess06:38
FriendlySovietYes, what flowerpot said06:38
FriendlySovietThough I haven't had a problem with any hardware in a long time06:39
FriendlySovietAnd according to this thread [http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/should-i-install-nvidia-geforce-gt-525m-driver-on-ubuntu-11-10-a-924760/]06:39
FriendlySovietEveryone is using that graphics card just fine06:40
FriendlySovietSo you are clear for take off06:40
riz0nAny ideas? Do any of you guys use Postfix on your Ubuntu systems??? This is the *only* thing I don't have functioning on my server =(06:43
flowerpotriz0n, there's no reason postfix won't work with ubuntu06:44
flowerpotriz0n, what specific issue are you having?06:44
Metahiasflowerpot: plus really the whole 16.5million color thing is really a misnomer. The actual number of different discernable colors in a 24 bit color system will not in fact be anywhere close to 16.5 million colors. The whole concept of 16.5million colors possible from 24 bits is not very precise. Each sub pixel (red, blue, green.) gets a an 8 bit value. which is capable of 256 possible levels of brightness (0-255) if all sub pixels are06:45
=== FDForever is now known as FFForever
riz0nflowerpot: OK here is the problem. I have an aging Ubuntu server that I set up in 2008, running 8.04 LTS. I took the 10.04 LTS when it came out through synaptics. Well, as you can imagine, this drive is aging. I have a new system with multi-cores and RAID configuration and I have set up 12.04 in a virtual machine. I created the user accounts, then SCP'd the files over, I copied my bind9 files06:46
riz0nover (worked fine), copied my Dovecot files over (DID NOT WORK---rewrote and got it to work), and I copied my postfix files over/aliases, and when I try to send anything through the SMTP (Postfix) it just repeatedly asks for a password. So now I'm in the process of trying to re-write that file to fix it.06:46
=== wagle is now known as wagle_
riz0nI have 6 separate domains but I do not have email-specific accounts per domain (each email account on this server can "share" the domains or whatever)06:48
=== wagle_ is now known as wagle
Metahiasflowerpot: if all subpixels are 255 then you have brightest white. That 16.5mil colors all falls within those 3 colors and 256 brightness variations thereof. When you look at it through those terms you can see its no where near actually reproducing an analog of what your trying to represent in digital form.06:48
riz0nin fact most people have their gmails or whatever so I "alias" whatever account they want at their domain to the email address of their choice. But I use it as my primary source of email.06:48
=== Lotium is now known as Rulan
riz0nbtw Lotium is sending queries to people with explicit material. You guys should probably kb him.06:49
JoseeAntonioRriz0n: An ignore will work fine, don't worry.06:50
riz0nI unfortunately do not have the original "postfix" folder from a virgin 12.04 install because I erased it and replaced it. It would be nice if I could get that without having to spend an hour having to reinstall the Live CD06:51
riz0nor just know what values I need to put in this main.cf I have almost finished06:51
riz0nAnd I have also never done a "TLS" secure pop3s/imaps so if any of you have ever done that and would be willing to help me set that up, too, I would be forever grateful.06:52
riz0nAll I know is that back in 2008 when I originally set this up, it was a piece of cake. It has run great for 4 years but I am taking "preventative measures" by replacing the aging hard drives before I have a total loss.06:53
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
TwentySevenIm new to Ubuntu. This seemed like a good place to go first06:54
riz0nThis channel is *usually* great at giving superb help06:55
sambagirlis anyone using a iphone 3gs with 5.1.1 ?06:55
TwentySevenIs it not now? xD06:55
riz0nwell nobody can seem to answer the missing pieces to the main.cf postconf puzzle I am working with ;P06:55
JoseeAntonioRTwentySeven: Sure it is! How can we help you? :)06:56
TwentySevenHonestly, I dont know if I need anything at the moment. Im incredibly pleased with Ubuntu. Im hoping that I can find a way to connect to Steams chat through empathy, but after some research online that looks unlikely as of right now06:57
flowerpotDo the people in this video look blue to you? I think my flash player is malfunctioning, becuase everyone looks like they're a member of the blue man group... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omFDTWF6aDI&feature=relmfu06:57
riz0nI am not running Ubuntu Desktop. I am running Ubuntu Server. I do not have a Gnome screen, everything I am doing is straight through SSH and WinSCP.06:58
dilutedriz0n: same here... closet server with no mouse/keyboard/monitor06:58
=== HeliusCron^ is now known as wrenny
riz0nI may at a a later date install Gnome and "NoMachine" just for fun.06:58
jagginessTwentySeven, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1944406:59
riz0ndiluted: that is what I have, but the hard drive is quite old and I'm afraid it's going to quit spinning any day... I have all my web sites, mysql databases imported, dovecot functioning, everything but postfix smtp.06:59
riz0nits not relaying to local mail and its not checking the unix passwords list.07:00
dilutedi run 11.10 on a pentium II07:00
riz0nplus i was getting a lot of retarded spam through the old 10.04 and spamassassin, i'm hoping this "fresh" 12.04 install will eliminate that07:00
riz0nI was running 10.04 LTS from a P4 2.7GHZ 2 GB hyperx DDR07:00
=== corewillem is now known as Guest39996
riz0nNow I have 12.04 LTS running in VMWare on an AMD Phenom2 Quad-Core 4GB ram07:01
dilutedi dual boot on this laptop tho, i just dont use this linux that much ;p07:01
dilutedohh at least u know how to make mail work07:01
dilutedim retarded and can't figure some shit07:01
TwentySevenjagginess: thanks, man. Running configuration now.07:01
TwentySevenHopefully I dont run into any problems07:01
riz0nThis linux server runs 24/7 and hosts web sites, email, DNS server, the whole works07:02
dilutedive really mainly been successful with a website for xbox 360 clan.07:02
dilutedthats about it07:02
dilutedwell that and this bnc im on07:02
dilutedi just installed znc and ive got a week ontime07:02
riz0nthis config is only temporary. I have a dual-CPU Opteron that I have to order ram for. The reason I want it in a VM config is so that when I get that system going, I can copy the virtual machine files and start it up without having to go through all this torture of rewriting the conf files07:03
riz0nI don't host a lot of major web pages or anything, but it does save me from having to pay someone else to host my sites.07:03
riz0nI just need a little postfix advice is all ;)07:04
dilutedright, i know the feeling07:04
dilutedi use pico to make my website on top of it07:04
dilutedbasic html07:04
corewillem_i have  a problem with my laptop07:04
corewillem_it doesn't give power to my mouse (usb)07:04
jagginessbasic html is for losers.. you should go for jboss like a boss -- java servlets is king07:04
jagginesscorewillem_, ? power you your mouse?07:05
phibxrcorewillem_, do you have power in the BIOS-stage of the boot-process?07:05
corewillem_at booting it gives power but after booting not07:05
corewillem_i have till i log in power07:05
corewillem_(mouse works in login screen)07:05
phibxrcorewillem_, that's spooky, and i'll be unable to help you further. :P07:05
corewillem_how cn it be that i have at login screen mouse fully working07:06
jagginesscorewillem_, is it a high exotic mouse? (sometimes you can burn a profile in the mouse in these types of mice)07:06
corewillem_and in my desktop not07:06
corewillem_nope a simpel mouse from logitech07:06
corewillem_the simpelest mouse that you can have07:06
* jagginess transforms corewillem_'s mouse into a powerrange07:06
jagginesscorewillem_, usb or ps2?07:06
corewillem_on my desktop it works fine07:07
jagginesscorewillem_, ok.. then try to rename xorg.conf to xorg.conf_bak, then restart x..07:07
jagginesscorewillem_, you're trying to use mouse in console?07:07
corewillem_nope :)07:07
corewillem_in gnome shell :)07:07
corewillem_(gnome 3)07:07
jagginesscorewillem_, what do you mean "on my desktop it works fine" ?07:07
corewillem_in xfce it doesn't works also07:08
corewillem_on my other computer (a desktop)07:08
corewillem_it works fine07:08
TwentySevenJag, is there any way to change the Logo and name of the application from wine to steam?07:08
jagginessTwentySeven, ya.. i think wine has a wizard to make the link for you.. somewhere..07:08
corewillem_and it worked on the laptop to but after reinstall not anymore07:08
jagginesscorewillem_, maybe that desktop usb port is dead.. ?07:09
corewillem_how do you mean ?07:09
jagginesscorewillem_ you tried antoher mouse on that port?07:09
corewillem_on my desktop it works fine ! but on my laptop it doesn't work anymore07:09
corewillem_yups also a external hardrive and a keyboard07:09
jagginesscorewillem_, oh laptops..07:09
jagginesscorewillem_, i've had a similar issue with a kvm-switch and a mouse..07:10
=== yano is now known as start
corewillem_nothing works on the usb ports07:10
jagginesscorewillem_, but not a laptop.. i could be very much electronics clock signals are getting faint or some other ghost in the machine07:10
corewillem_i dont now07:10
jagginesscorewillem_, did you try a bios update?07:11
corewillem_it works fine till i log in in the log in scren i can use my mouse07:11
corewillem_nope no bios updates becease the newest is already on it :)07:11
jagginesscorewillem_, what model laptop is it07:11
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »07:12
jagginesscorewillem_, sometimes there are kernel boot parameters/module parameters for laptops07:12
brycei am trying to install ubuntu studio but my hhd doesn't show up when i try to partition for install07:12
corewillem_yeah but it worked yesterday07:12
corewillem_but now i reinstaled the same version again07:12
TwentySevenI have a big penis07:12
jagginess!ops TwentySeven07:12
corewillem_and it doesn't work anymore07:12
TwentySevenHaha, totally wrong chat.07:13
DJonesTwentySeven: We don't need to know that07:13
jagginesscorewillem_, it does work.. it can be a bios bug, or you can try to force module option(possibly)07:13
brycei want to put /boot swap and root on ssd and / home on hdd which is showing up as sdb in gpart.07:13
TwentySevenDont judge my retarded tabbing skills07:13
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:13
* jagginess TwentySeven trolling07:13
corewillem_jaginess it's not a bios problem07:13
jagginesscorewillem_, not saying it is..07:13
corewillem_it worked wel on the same version of ubuntu07:14
jagginesscorewillem_, necessarily..07:14
jagginesscorewillem_, did you try module options?07:14
corewillem_(xubuntu with gnome 3)07:14
jagginesscorewillem_, kernel options?07:14
corewillem_module options ?07:14
corewillem_kernel options ?07:14
jagginesscorewillem_, you didnt want to tell me your laptop model.. so i guess you'd already tried them..07:15
jagginess(i give up)07:15
panduwhere's ActionParsnip ?07:15
corewillem_it can't be a laptop problem07:16
corewillem_because it worked yesterday on the same version07:16
corewillem_and after a reinstall not07:16
jagginesscorewillem_, well if you're not here for solutions or trying other things.. i dont see the point of discussing anything..07:16
corewillem_bios update isn't possible07:17
corewillem_beceause i have already the newest07:17
=== start is now known as yano
jagginesscorewillem_, so what do you want?07:17
corewillem_maybe a magic comman do to power on the usb ports ;)07:17
jagginesscorewillem_, no.07:17
jagginesscorewillem_, do you know how long i've been using linux?07:18
corewillem_long ?07:18
jagginesscorewillem_, long.07:18
jagginesscorewillem_, 12 years.07:18
corewillem_thats long i use it 5 years07:18
jagginesscorewillem_, where's the first places you can check for mousing info on any linux?07:20
jagginesscorewillem_, you should know this..07:20
corewillem_in the terminal :)07:20
jagginesscorewillem_, ya.. but where..07:20
jagginesscorewillem_, 5 years and you don't know.07:21
jagginesscorewillem_, i say you've used linux for less than a year..07:21
corewillem_xorg.conf ?07:21
corewillem_jaginess i work with linux i don't solve so much problems07:21
jagginesscorewillem_, i don't believe you've used linux for 5 years. that's total bs.07:21
corewillem_beceause i don't have so much problems :)07:22
Myrtticome on guys07:22
corewillem_how must i prove it for you ?07:22
jagginesscorewillem_, what did i say at the beginning?07:22
jagginesscorewillem_, X can start without an xorg.conf07:22
corewillem_hmm yeah07:22
corewillem_you said that07:22
Studious_hi ubuntu07:22
corewillem_but i used it for sure for 5 years i know 5th class in basic school ;)07:23
Myrttikeep to the support, and let's keep the positive attitude up rather than picking each other. this isn't the Ubuntu quiz channel07:23
corewillem_and now 3th highschool = 5 years07:23
corewillem_maybe i'm not a linux guru like you07:24
JoseeAntonioRStudious_: Hello! How can we help you?07:24
corewillem_but i don't have to be07:24
corewillem_i just use linux beceause it works nicly fast and stable07:24
jagginesscorewillem_, no you don't. I don't think you can learn anything from me anyways..07:24
helloJoseeAntonioR: thank you!07:24
corewillem_i think i can07:25
* jagginess is saddened there are really stubborn people on irc07:25
corewillem_i always want to learn07:25
corewillem_what's stubborn ?07:25
corewillem_(english is noth my main language i talk dutch)07:26
jagginessoh that explains it :)07:26
=== krups is now known as krups_v2
=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
CookieM_corewillem_ use translate.google.com it is really helpful07:27
dilutedi installed tcl with apt-get and i still keep getting07:30
dilutedconfigure: error:07:30
dilutedI can't find Tcl on this system.07:30
wylde_diluted: are you compiling something?07:31
dilutedyes, eggdrop07:31
wylde_diluted: then you'll need tcl-version-dev  <----- the -dev is important07:32
dilutedok ty07:32
wylde_diluted: try using 'sudo apt-get build-dep eggdrop'07:33
wylde_diluted: should resolve all the dependencies.07:33
dilutedty very very much!07:33
wylde_diluted: np, although...you know there's an eggdrop in the repos?07:34
wylde_!info eggdrop07:34
ubottueggdrop (source: eggdrop): Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.19-1.2ubuntu3 (precise), package size 443 kB, installed size 1184 kB07:34
wylde_oooo ignore me, it's source07:34
dilutedthats okay, i know what im doing with the source even tho i couldnt figure that one out lmao!07:34
wylde_I used to have an eggdrop. Many, many moons ago. lol07:35
dilutedi did that but still getting tcl system error07:36
dilutedthat it cant be found like i posted before07:36
dilutedi installed the dev and did the build-dep07:36
dilutedi hope i dont have to reboot it?07:36
DarwinSurvivorI just completely lost sound on my 12.04 system (system76 machine). I've tried speaker and headphones and multiple sound applications.07:38
DarwinSurvivorfront AND rear outputs are both dead07:38
mcloyhow to run a command by a specific user on every reboot (i want to run some services if system fails and reboots)?07:45
=== mcloy is now known as SpiritOF
morphiasmcloy, do you have a specific user you want to access or the root user?07:46
abbasbahi how can i disable auto login in ubuntu 12.4?07:46
SpiritOFmorphias specific. sometimes root07:46
morphiasSpiritOF, first you want to make a bash script with sudo in front of it07:47
morphiasSpiritOF, then there is a file that is basicaly for when your ubuntu starts up and you either add it to that... or now there is an application that manages start up applications07:47
SpiritOFmorphias whats the name of that file. and whats the name of that applications?07:48
morphiasSpiritOF, let me look this stuff up real quick for you07:48
SpiritOFmorphias are you there?07:52
Symbi0nt|GERhas someone an idea why the text screen before and after loading ubuntu is white and unable to read the characters?07:53
c0mrade__I've installed ubuntu on a virtual machine.07:54
Symbi0nt|GERThere are no letters, but chars displayed. I can't read the console output.07:54
c0mrade__But everytime I need to create a file or anything that requires priviliges I see an exception or Access Denied error. How can I log in as root to ubuntu?07:54
DarwinSurvivor!sudo | c0mrade__07:56
ubottuc0mrade__: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:56
c0mrade__Okay but for example I am scanning a computer using a network scanning tool called nmap. Like nmap -sS -O
c0mrade__I get the following error:07:57
c0mrade__You requested a scan type which requires root privileges.07:57
FloodBot1c0mrade__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
Symbi0nt|GERjust use sudo ...07:58
Symbi0nt|GERas explaind07:58
abbasbahow can i disable auto login. i have same problem with it(http://askubuntu.com/questions/106428/how-to-disable-automatic-login) i follow answers but doesn't work07:59
c0mrade__Okay I use metasploit too.07:59
c0mrade__so when I am at the prompt.07:59
c0mrade__Like so msf> exploit07:59
c0mrade__It tells me I don't have priviliges.07:59
c0mrade__msf> sudo exploit07:59
c0mrade__sudo: exploit: command not found08:00
c0mrade__So what's the solution?08:00
SpiritOFhow to run a command by a specific user on every reboot (i want to run some services if system fails and reboots)?08:00
passwordgood day08:02
panduLady Gaga08:02
llutzSpiritOF: put it into /etc/crontab08:04
WavyGravyi installed some package an its hiding all my window borders, i forgot the name of it08:04
llutzSpiritOF: "@reboot  username  cmd-to-run"08:05
pengwis it possible to make sound volume much louder ?08:10
pengwa sick move's default sound volume is too small08:11
linuxsageI installed fedora17  alongside ubuntu 11.04, seemingly fedora has taken over my burg  and leaves me with a plain old and boring theme, I've googled it and the only solution I get is to install fedora's bootloader in   /root partition, and not the  master MBR , but the thing is I already installed fedora on /dev/sda which I guesse is the master MBR , (the same partition I installed burg in) there a way I can recover burg without neces08:12
quazimodoanyone know of a terminal emulator that can hold multiple terminal windowns inside it08:12
quazimodolike emacs08:12
cchapmanquazimodo, tmux08:13
llutzquazimodo: screen08:13
quazimodoscreen can put all 4 on 1 window?08:15
cchapmanquazimodo, yes08:16
Myrttiquazimodo: terminator08:16
quazimodoHrm thanks08:16
DarwinSurvivorFixed it, somehow had only the HDMI out enabled (someone else in the family must have been "clicking" stuff again) :P08:17
twoEnemy98''someday when we are wiser''08:19
WavyGravyi got some package installed, its hiding all my window borders. I cant remember the name. any thoughts?08:29
flaviuMy resolution always resets after reboot. Running nvidia.08:29
=== sig_wal1 is now known as adjtime
WavyGravyi need to un-install it08:29
chiuhi guys!08:32
SlartWavyGravy: the process responsible for drawing windows bordes and such is called a "decorator". Try searching for that08:33
psiklopshi chiu08:33
WavyGravyyea :/08:33
SlartWavyGravy: I think there is a log of installed packages as well.. might be useful if you know when you installed it08:33
WavyGravyhour ago08:33
WavyGravyhow can i view the log08:34
SlartWavyGravy: try tail /var/log/apt/history.log08:34
MaWaLeWavyGravy:  you can view the history of installed packages on software center08:34
blaghow can i get a list of all logged in users - logged into the gui or remotely via ssh?08:34
psiklopsblag, $  who08:35
SlartWavyGravy: or perhaps better, less /var/log/apt/history.log and then press G (capital G)08:35
MaWaLeblag:  "man who" for more details08:36
psiklops^^^ ;-)08:36
flaviuMy resolution always resets after reboot. Running nvidia. Help please?08:37
gigixflaviu, what card, what version of ubuntu, what driver ?08:38
flaviugigix: 8600GS, Ubuntu 12.04, nVidia Driver08:39
gigixflaviu, did it work ok with the nouveau driver ?08:40
flaviuit did08:40
gigixflaviu, why not sticking with it then ?08:42
flaviugigix. No HW acceleration, without it, you can't call it computer08:42
psiklopsgigix, do you set resolution entry in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?08:43
gigixflaviu, unless you want to play games with your 8600, you don't need the proprietary driver tbh08:43
flaviugigix. I am getting edid error in xorg.0.log. I tried to bypass the with loads of options, but I always get one about DPI, after that, it sets the refresh rate to 6008:43
flaviugigix. I don't want to play games, hd movies08:43
SpiritOF how to run a command by a specific user on every reboot (i want to run some services if system fails and reboots)?08:44
flaviuThe open source driver is ....08:44
fastaIs there a desktop search program which works efficiently with inotify support, etc.?08:44
SlartSpiritOF: use sudo in one of the rc.d files?08:44
psiklopsflaviu, ^  did you set resolution entry in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?08:44
gigixflaviu, the open source driver runs very fine for old hardware, Nvidia does not care about your old 8600 on the other end...08:45
Nicekiwiyo.. i installed LAMP with this tutorial, but at the end localhost/phpmyadmin didnt point to phpmyadmin, i just got 404. --> http://www.unixmen.com/install-lamp-with-1-command-in-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat/08:45
gigixflaviu, there's a small section on this problem here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, have you tired it ?08:47
flaviugigix. The G81 cards are supported, even the 6k series.08:47
flaviupsiklops; yes :|. I'm using the vga cable and I think that's the problem08:47
bkerensaNicekiwi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin08:47
psiklopsflaviu, http://www.forsaleseused.com/content/nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-904-geforce-8600m-gs-notebook08:48
bkerensaNicekiwi: The phpmyadmin paths probably didnt get added to the apache.conf properly go to that wiki and follow the steps for the 40408:48
flaviupsiklops: Thanks, but trust me, I know how to set it up, I think it's not software related. Also, it's not a laptop :)08:49
psiklopsflaviu, ok08:49
gigixflaviu, what about the link to the ubuntu documentation ?08:51
flaviugigix, thanks, but my answer is not there. Searched the web like crazy, There's no solution for VGA, I guess08:52
NimeshNeema-rwxr-xr-x 1 nimeshneema nf 1.4K Jun 14 18:24 about.html*08:53
NimeshNeemaWhat does * in front of about.html indicates ?08:53
NimeshNeemain ls listing08:53
sulaimanI am trying to transfer files from my ubuntu machine to my samsung galaxy 2 tab, my tablet is automatically detected by ubuntu, but when I attempt to transfer files, I get an error, "Error writing file: -108: No such file or directory"08:53
Nicekiwibkerensa: yay works now :) thanks you08:54
bkerensaNicekiwi: No problem08:54
gigixflaviu, it's weird, I've got a similar machine at work and the only thing I did was to use nvidia-settings to set-up my resolution on mu dual-monitor config, save it to a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf and that was it08:57
gigixotherwise using the nouveau driver was also fine with me08:58
flaviugigix. vga cable?08:58
gigixflaviu, not sure if VGA or DVI :S09:03
stat_viNimeshNeema: * is appended to executable files when using ls -F09:03
=== sirneo is now known as oudsadas
psiklopsflaviu, if you can translate this page, it could be of help: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=51146109:05
=== oudsadas is now known as sirneo
gigixflaviu, no solution proposed on this page09:09
bars0_join #bash09:09
flaviumhh guys. Thanks for trying to help. I have to leave :)09:10
Cottusi' searching for a calculator which will calculate " 2 3 sin x" as 2*3*sin(x)09:13
=== HeliusCron is now known as wrenny
cyrus82hello! i just installed 12.04 and now have much trouble with my usb keyboard. sometime keyboard events are not send. (key releases or presses). are there known bugs?09:16
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Hyphen1234I installed 12.04 server on a machine while it wasn't connected to the network. now that I have it on the network, is there any easy way to make it autoconfigure the network like it would have during installation?09:18
ubottufranco1: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:20
MonkeyDustHyphen1234  do you want a static local IP adres?09:20
Hyphen1234MonkeyDust: dhcp would be fine. when I run dhclient nothing happens09:20
MonkeyDustHyphen1234  networkmanager should do the job - nm-applet09:21
RajiI want to know why this error is showing sudo: /var/lib/sudo writable by non-owner (040775), should be mode 070009:22
RajiWhat i ahve to do to remove this09:22
Hyphen1234MonkeyDust: nm-applet doesn't appear to exist on my system. because it's the server version i'd guess09:22
MonkeyDustHyphen1234  correct, you said it's server09:23
MonkeyDustHyphen1234  type cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit and paste the url in the channel, so we can see09:24
Hyphen1234hm it's only got lo09:24
Hyphen1234i cant pastebin it easily because the machine is not on the network ;)09:25
llutzHyphen1234: does "ifconfig -a" list an eth0?09:25
leoleenhey there how do you install themes on ultimate edition 3.2?09:25
Hyphen1234yes it does llutz09:25
jonathonCan anyone recommend a good C++ IDE for ubuntu?09:26
llutzHyphen1234: then add 2 lines to /etc/network/interfaces: 1. " auto eth0" 2. "iface eth0 inet dhcp"09:26
gigixjonathon, eclipse ?09:26
jonathongigix, I'll check it out, thanks09:26
llutzHyphen1234: "sudo ifup eth0" should bring network up then09:26
leoleenjonathon install code blocks, I use it for C09:26
ubottufranco: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:27
jonathonI'll try em both out09:27
leoleenhey there how do you install themes on ultimate edition 3.2?09:28
RajiI want to know why this error is showing sudo: /var/lib/sudo writable by non-owner (040775), should be mode 0700 what to do to resolve this issue09:28
danieltreeI have several kernels installed ..how can I make my nvidia driver work will all of them ?09:28
Hyphen1234llutz: i did that and it's hanging after sudo ifup eth009:28
llutzHyphen1234: but you have an dhcp-server active on the net?09:29
MonkeyDustHyphen1234  sure the network card is ok?09:29
Hyphen1234llutz yes it's the router i'm using right now. MonkeyDust: pretty sure, I used it a year ago and it was fine and the machine has been sitting in the corner since then09:29
llutzHyphen1234: "sudo ethtool eth0|grep detected"09:30
dazeI'm using compiz-decorator for window decoration (Ubuntu 12.04, Gnome). Is there a way to make the menubar (File, Edit, Help) visible at all times for _some_ applications? Now it's only visible when you hover over the title.09:30
Hyphen1234i ctrl-ced it and tried ifup eth0 again and now it works. sweet. thanks llutz and MonkeyDust09:30
leoleenhow do you share an internet connection with a router when you are connected to the internet using a 3g modem?09:30
llutzRaji: if you cannot use sudo now, you have to use live-cd or recovery-mode and set "sudo chmod 0700 /var/lib/sudo"  (mount your installation somewhere if you use a live.cd)09:33
Rajillutz: Thank u sir09:34
rigvedhi everyone. which channel should i join to ask about Ubuntu App Development?09:34
MonkeyDustrigved  offtopic: http://www.muktware.com/3698/canonical-organises-contest-ubuntu-apps09:35
rigvedMonkeyDust: ya i know about that! ;) which is the IRC channel for questions related to app development on Ubuntu?09:36
bkerensarigved: you might join #ubuntu-devel09:37
bkerensarigved: if you have questions about the contest however you could ping someone from the Ubuntu Community Team like mhall11909:37
rigvedbkerensa, MonkeyDust: ah. found it. it's #ubuntu-app-devel. thanks!09:39
rigvedbkerensa: yes, i will do that.09:39
FloodBot1sh4d0w: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
sh4d0whay alguien?09:42
chakal^-^si sh4d0w09:43
sh4d0whola chakal09:43
sh4d0waqui nadie habla09:43
chakal^-^hablan mas ingles09:43
sh4d0wde donde sos chakal09:44
chakal^-^es irrelevante09:44
* chakal^-^ español09:44
sh4d0wyo soy de venezuela09:44
sh4d0wmira entra aqui09:44
sh4d0wno has entrado a xat?09:44
=== kris_ is now known as Guest85937
FloodBot1sh4d0w: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
damianociao a tutti09:46
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.09:46
yhyhelp, when i connect to "", ERROR:: Connection refused09:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:46
chakal^-^yhy, not port open or firewall active09:47
yhyen? but how09:48
MonkeyDustyhy  can you ping ?09:49
yhyyes, i can09:50
llutzyhy: "when i connect to ""   how do you try? ssh/telnet/http?09:50
MonkeyDustyhy  it's localhost, your pc, why do you want to connect to it?09:51
yhyi am writing  a echo client and server, its a practice09:52
llutzyhy: then make sure your server listens on localhost and your client uses the correct port09:52
MonkeyDustyhy  try connecting to your local ip address09:52
altinis there a black version of adwaita theme for gnome3 ?09:53
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:53
ZonarHello. How to copy files/folders from a user to another? Of course I am the administrator of the PC.09:53
llutzZonar: cp -r user1/path user2/path && chown -R user2:user2 user2/path09:54
rigvedyhy: are you specifying the correct port when you try to connect?09:54
Zonarllutz, will I need «sudo»? By the way, there is a graphic mode? I am a bit bad in console.09:55
fizy[laptop]does anyone know why when i cloned a drive, one of my partitions lost about half of the root directories. testdisk shows the missing ones with a "?---------" where it would normally have "drwxr-xr-x". the source disk has 2 bad sectors, but the directories that are missing are known to be fine09:55
llutzZonar: it needs root-rights09:55
Zonarllutz, ok, thanks.09:55
joeramdo we have a skype for ubuntu09:56
MonkeyDustjoeram  yes, but you have to activate the partner repo09:56
* Zonar is away: Estoy ocupado09:56
rigved!skype | joeram09:56
ubottujoeram: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:56
llutz!pm | yhy09:56
ubottuyhy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:56
llutz!away | Zonar09:57
ubottuZonar: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»09:57
ANubsince the installation of 12.04 i'm having Xserver problem09:59
ANubwhen I switch to second X terminal ....it gets glitchy and cant work10:00
ANubXterm "0" works perfectly Ok......but none other (gets glitchy)10:01
ANubany ideas....?10:01
ZonarOk, no «away» here, sorry.10:02
VolisIs fdisk available by default on Live CD version of Ubuntu 10.04?10:02
ANubthis problem was not there in 10.1010:02
fizy[laptop]does anyone know why when i cloned a drive, one of my partitions lost about half of the root directories. testdisk shows the missing ones with a "?---------" where it would normally have "drwxr-xr-x". the source disk has 2 bad sectors, but the directories that are missing are known to be fine10:02
theadminVolis: Has to be, it's a very basic tool which seems to be present even in the most minimalist distributions10:02
Sparky712ahh im in.... right..10:07
Sparky712right, who could help me with an installation problem?10:08
Volistheadmin, Thanks.10:08
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: depends. whats the problem10:08
theadminSparky712: You have to name the problem.10:08
sh4d0wgood mornig10:08
sh4d0wsoy de venezuelan10:09
MonkeyDustsh4d0w  did you have a support question?10:09
MonkeyDust!es| sh4d0w10:09
ubottush4d0w: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:09
fizy[laptop]watch it sh4d0w. you'll get kicked10:09
sh4d0wkicke for your ass10:09
DJones!es | sh4d0w10:09
Sparky712hey shadow. and, the problem is, im trying to install off USB, (ive tried the windows installer as well) it gets so far, until it reaches a part where its checking the vram, i think, then it stops.10:09
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: what version are you installing10:10
LjLsh4d0w: behave.10:10
sh4d0wfucking your ass10:10
Sparky712i have tried it with the version behind that as well10:10
FloodBot1sh4d0w: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
theadminSparky712: Do you haz enough RAM? I believe the minimum nowadays is 700-something10:10
Sparky712I should do, i have about 2 gigs, i believe. either that or 4...10:10
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: reboot, and when it shows the purple screen, hit shift, then escape, then select "install ubuntu"10:11
Sparky712it doesnt show it purple. it shows it black and white.. O.o10:11
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: wait for it to show purple with "ubuntu" and 5 dots for a few secs, then try it10:11
Sparky712it doesnt, it goes straight to trying to boot it. which is where the problem starts...10:12
Sparky712loads casper, then the one after that.. goes so far, stops.10:12
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: you DO know how to boot from a usb, right?10:12
fizy[laptop]ok nvm10:12
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: can you try that on another computer? it could be that the usb is messed up. its more likely than you think10:13
Sparky712as I said, I've tried the windows installer as well. same problem10:13
theadminSparky712: Maybe it's a broken download.10:14
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: iv never used the windows installed. i have no idea how it works, but to me, murphys law says that seems like a terrible idea. but iv never used it, so it might be better than a straight install.10:14
LupaHello everytime I use Ubuntu and turn it off wrong or download something like python ide  or delete some stuff I always have to reinstall ubuntu or it crashes randomly in 12.0410:15
Lupaits really annoying and I like Linux10:15
fizy[laptop]Lupa: are you using the live cd?10:16
Lupaafter using the live cd10:16
LupaI will install it10:16
Lupathen use the os for a while then something above causes random problems10:16
Sparky712you are suggesting 3 or 4 separate downloads all broke? unlikely, but possible...10:16
theadminSparky712: Eh, that's unlikely indeed... hm10:17
Lupathen when I open up ubuntu again it brings up the annoying low graphics mode dialog upon which I can not navigate with the mouse sometimes10:17
gigixLupa, you installed ubuntu from the live-cd on you harddrive right ?10:17
Lupayea on my Asus EEEPC 701 4G Surf after one tweak10:17
fizy[laptop]Lupa: do you know where its installed (which partition)?10:17
theadminLupa: Did you upgrade your system properly after installing? I'm suspecting dependency mess here10:17
Lupa4gb SSD10:17
Lupathe full harddrive10:18
Lupasorry solid state drive*10:18
theadminLupa: Ouch. 4GB is hardly enough for Ubuntu.10:18
gigixLupa, 4Gb god that's low10:18
Lupathats the eeepc I couldn't use puppy linux or any other distro on to the asus10:18
fizy[laptop]Lupa: boot to the live cd, then type in a console <<ls -1 /dev | grep "^sd">>10:18
gigixhow much ram on your 701 ?10:18
LupaI will have to reinstall the os again to do that fizy10:19
gigixso 2Gb of swap10:19
gigixleaves 2Gb for the system10:19
fizy[laptop]Lupa: then tell me what it says, but put it on one line, or else the ops will get pissed10:19
Lupaofc mate10:19
Lupabrb :)10:19
theadminLupa: I strongly suggest you try another distro... Ubuntu can't fit in that little space. Or use the Minimal install cd10:19
gigixLupa: same advice here10:19
LupaI had to do a tweak to get ubuntu installed I just want a small ubuntu based distro of linux thats under majorly under 4gb10:20
Lupabut anyways I will reinstall ubuntu brb10:20
Sparky712*sigh*  any ideas for what could be causing my problem?10:21
theadminSparky712: Not really, it might be... hm.... What is your processor?10:22
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: did you try the usb on another comp?10:22
Sparky712hang on a second10:22
Sparky712it's unlikely to be the USB's fault, when I have the same problem with the windows installer10:22
oooaaaoooo1hi guys, anyone here uses awk?10:23
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: im not testing the drive. im testing if its the comps fault10:23
gigixLupa, what about Lubuntu ?10:24
Sparky712AMD Athlon 64 processor 4000+10:24
LupaI tried to use it and couldn't get past the install process10:24
Lupamaybe using the same tweak for ubuntu would work with lubuntu havn't tried it10:24
* fizy[laptop] wants to strangle murphy for his law10:24
Lupado you recommand I try it again gigix?10:25
Lupabecause I will10:25
MonkeyDustfizy[laptop]  thanks to that law, you know you are not alone10:25
gigixLupa, Lubuntu is more suitable for old or weaker hardware10:25
gigixand is a very usable environment10:25
Lupatrue okay I will give it another whirl lets see what I can do10:26
fizy[laptop]MonkeyDust: yep. im SURROUNDED my corrupted partitions and failing sectors and physically falling apart SD cards10:26
Lupagotta redo my usb stick tho pain10:26
gigixYes, use unetbootin on windows10:26
dontknowhd2400 with catalyst video performance sucks10:26
MonkeyDustdontknow mind your language10:27
Lupaomgosh the mouse support in Lubuntu is bad10:34
LupaI may have to plug in a usb mouse10:34
Lupabut I need it for my main pc10:34
fastaLupa: ps/2 works.10:35
Sparky712-.-' the only free computer in the house, and it wont boot from USB.10:35
fastaLupa: which mouse support do you want?10:35
Lupatouchpad on asus10:35
fastaLupa: and that doesn't work? What makes you think that?10:35
Lupait lieterally doesn't work10:36
fastaAsus generally has good Linux support.10:36
fastaLupa: which model?10:36
Lupa701 4G Surf10:36
VGoffoooaaaoooo1, Is there something you want to know about awk, or just want to know how many people here use awk?10:37
oooaaaoooo1VGoff: something specific.well this is the situation: I would like to scan a file that has information about a list and use awk to generate that list from teh information in that list. is that possible or is it not within awk's scope?10:38
fastaLupa: ok, perhaps it does suck.10:38
Lupais there some kind of shortcut to get support in Lubuntu for touchpad?10:38
fastaLupa: don't buy Asus next time, I suppose.10:38
oooaaaoooo1VGoff: e.g. say a file has teh following row : a, 1,5. Id like to generate a new file from that file with the following rows : {a1, 1},{a2, 2} ...{a5, 5}10:38
oooaaaoooo1VGoff: basically create data from metadata10:39
Lupathis computer really does suck for the ability to just work stablly10:39
Lupafrick sake10:39
dontknowMonkeyDust, shut up i know that you are troll10:39
Lupai hate xandros10:39
Sparky712i was watching those 'why linux sucks' videos from jupiterbroadcasting on youtube, it does seem that there are problems with touchpads still10:40
VGoffoooaaaoooo1, Well, awk is probably the right tool for the job, as it is a pattern scanner and processing language.10:40
VGoffHave you read the man page?10:40
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VGoffIt is definitely possible and what it is written for.10:41
paul_ukhey guys, whats happened with remmina remote desktop?  with 11.10 connecting to win7 was fine, now with 12.04.  all I get is a blank screen, is it waiting for some sort of prompt for the certification of the machine?10:41
fizy[laptop]dontknow and MonkeyDust: lets take this down a few notches. some of us (most of the ~1544 of us) are here for support. not to spectate arguing10:41
fastaMy touchpad worked since day one and that was over 3 years ago.10:41
Slartoooaaaoooo1: this sounds like fun.. I'll play around and see what I can come up with.. I'll get back to you10:41
fastaOnly way for the manufacturers to learn is to only buy supported products.10:41
LupaUbuntu works almost great with asus eeepc 701 4g surf but its just so unstable like it just crashes and then I have to reinstall everything everytime it does its proper annoying I just want solid os that I don't have to worry about10:41
MonkeyDustfizy[laptop]  you're addressing the wrong guy, but let's move on10:42
VGoffThe point being in IRC if you ask a direct question, someone will pick it up if they can.  A lot of people won't probe like I did.10:42
fastaLupa: I highly doubt it crashes.10:42
oooaaaoooo1Slart: thanks man :)10:42
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Lupamost of the time it just does weird stuff I guess crashes is a metaphor :)10:42
fizy[laptop]MonkeyDust: seriuously? thats embarrassing. guess thats my i dont make a good op10:42
fastaLupa: I have never reinstalled.10:42
fastaLupa: well, I did reinstall, but not because of a technical reason.10:42
fastaLupa: more like a change in requirements.10:43
LupaI'm thinking that the tweak to ubuntu actually destroys the os10:43
Lupaall I did was change a python file fudge factor to 1.4 instead of 210:43
fastaLupa: those devices have only a 1GB or RAM or so.10:43
fastaLupa: you need to be careful as to what you install before it slows down to turtle speed.10:43
fastaLupa: the CPUs are often also underpowered.10:44
Lupaso what do you suggest I do I want linux and I want ubuntu software10:44
fastaLupa: in short, they are more like web browser devices, not actual computers.10:44
Sparky712right, I have a new approach. using the windows installer, which is drawing from the USB... I will be back, to tell if it has worked or not.10:44
fastaLupa: I suggest  you find a friend who knows what he is doing.10:44
fastaLupa: and or read some information about Linux yourself and get an USB mouse10:45
kutchbhiwould this cron entry run  every monday, wednesday , friday at 3AM ? 0 3 * * 1,3,510:45
fastaLupa: and not buy Asus again; their user support also sucks.10:45
fastaLupa: it cannot possibly be more amateuristic; I think their website has cost about 2000$ to make or something like that.10:46
Battaglinanyone have a FXI Cotton Candy with Ubuntu on it?10:46
fizy[laptop]fasta: idk. asus motherboards have been nothing but golden for me. i refuse to buy any mobo but asus (biostar is the only possible, rare exception)10:47
fastafizy[laptop]: yes, I have heard that too.10:47
fastafizy[laptop]: still, I am speaking from experience after the shit had already hit the fan.10:47
fizy[laptop]fasta: although, their pre built comps may be different. i have never bought a comp. i always build them from scratch. to me, its simpler10:48
Sparky712building is better, you know exactly what is in it, and actually on the computer. rather than the mess these companies like to put on there.10:49
Paulo39hello there, how can i update grub via live session?10:49
fizy[laptop]Sparky712: hell yeah. best part: NO NORTON10:49
bitsarAnyone know how to refer to sublime text via the cli?10:49
deltaHi to all!10:49
Lupathere a linux distro based on Ubuntu called EasyPeasy which is for netbooks10:49
Lupagoing to try that before I just fuck it and go back to Xandros or winXP10:49
Sparky712I actually had to reinstall windows to get rid of that. -.-' so much hassle, just for such a small change.10:50
deltai search help about VNC, in Ubuntu 12.04 i'm looking for changine the default port.... thank you!10:50
oCeanLupa: such language is not welcome here10:50
fizy[laptop]Lupa: its good to see that there are still copies of xp being installed every day. screw 710:50
Lupa7 is okay I don't like the file manager look and feel winxp is just awesome stilll imo10:51
Sparky712haha... I only use XP out of necessity... and hatred for the direction Microsoft OS's are going.10:51
fizy[laptop]i cannot STAND 710:51
Lupawin 8 is going to screw up everything10:51
oCeanfizy[laptop], Lupa, Sparky712, you are offtopic, please stop it10:51
Lupaits because bill gates is not there anymore10:51
oCeanLet met rephrase that stop it now10:51
fizy[laptop]oCean: he was probs looking at the keyboard when you typed that. not everyone is an awesome typist like me10:52
Sparky712yup, sorry, back on topic, 'an error occurred: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_info'10:52
Lupasame here sorry10:52
kutchbhiwould this cron entry run  every monday, wednesday , friday at 3AM ? 0 3 * * 1,3,510:53
Sparky712and the ubuntu installer closes because of it... -.-' come on.10:53
deltai search help about VNC, in Ubuntu 12.04 i'm looking for changine the default port.... thank you!10:53
Sparky712can anyone help with my error, in installation?10:55
deltaHi, does anyone know how to change VNC port in Ubuntu 12.04 please?10:56
llutzkutchbhi: yes (man 5 crontab   for details)10:57
MaWaLedelta:  may i suggest you to keep the default VNC configuration and instead of changing the default port just do a port redirection on your router10:59
missmimichello! im on 12,04 also and trying to run wine 1.5 problem is i need the audio drive to recognize OSSS driver and the option is not on the wine config screen for me as it shows in wine screenshot....found a file in my lib folder thats called noOSS that i cannot delete or edit i thought may be blocking the oss driver from installing. does anyone know how i can install oss driver and/or command wine to use this as the audio driver?10:59
Slartoooaaaoooo1: something like this might work.. try it out cat infile | awk -F, '{start = $2; end=$3; for (i=start;i<end;i++){ printf "{%s,%s},",$1i,i };printf"{%s,%s}\n",$1end,end;}'10:59
MaWaLeotherwise i think that SSH is more secure than VNC10:59
deltaHi, does anyone know how to change VNC port in Ubuntu 12.04 please?10:59
tailothi, how to convert shs document in doc or odt or pdf ?10:59
paul_ukwow remmina rdesktop sucks now11:00
Slartoooaaaoooo1: should be easy enough to switch around.. it's basically a for loop with an extra print at the end to avoid the last comma11:00
Slartoooaaaoooo1: I have no idea how it behaves if you feed it bad data.. it's just a quick hack11:00
Sparky712'an error occurred: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_info'  - this is stopping me installing ubuntu. can anyone help me deal with it?11:01
MaWaLedelta:  i recommend you port forwarding in your router instead of changing the default port11:02
missmimici want wine to to use oss driver as audio driver option is not given.11:03
missmimic<--anyone know how i can install oss driver (command on their wiki not working may need help with command to delete a file called noOSS if thats the problem)11:03
MaWaLedelta :http://www.realvnc.com/products/vnc/documentation/5.0/guides/user/ai1047203.html11:03
Slartmissmimic: not sure if this is 100% reliable info but from reading wine forum posts it seems oss support was removed about a year ago11:04
deltaHi, does anyone know how to change VNC port in Ubuntu 12.04 please?11:06
missmimichmmm i found a forum that was used 3 weeks ago on ubuntu re the issue someone sounds like they know about it but im not sure i even have oss installed and if that file is indeed bloocking it11:06
Sparky712<MaWaLe> delta:  may i suggest you to keep the default VNC configuration and instead of changing the default port just do a port redirection on your router11:07
Sparky712and this11:07
Sparky712<MaWaLe> delta :http://www.realvnc.com/products/vnc/documentation/5.0/guides/user/ai1047203.html11:07
missmimicis anyone using wine with the oss driver or wine to run spotify.exe?11:08
Slartmissmimic: try asking in #winehq if you don't get answers here11:08
Slartmissmimic: that is the official support channel for wine11:09
missmimicexcellent i am gonna try that thanks Slart11:09
Slartmissmimic: you're welcome11:09
Sparky712Slart, you think you would be able to help with my problem?11:09
Paulo39hi there, when i boot i get the error: the /home drive is not ready... you cant skip or recover manually11:10
delta<Sparky712> yes there may be a solution... but i'm looking for to change it... :(11:10
Paulo39what can i do to mount /home partition?11:11
SlartSparky712: about vnc default port? I haven't used vnc that much myself.. but it has to be in some kind of configuration file.. no /etc/vnc or /etc/realvnc?11:11
delta<Sparky712> the guide is relative realVNC, i use ubuntu vnc default11:11
Sparky712nono, thats not mine. thats delta's problem.. mine is installing linux, it comes up with this error11:11
Sparky712an error occurred: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_info11:11
delta<Slart> it's my problem... i want to change default vnc port in ubuntu 12.0411:12
SlartSparky712: sounds like a programmer somewhere didn't do his job.. not checking if some kind of function actually returned an object.. not a lot you can do about that. Have you tried the text based installer? also called the Alternate installer11:13
Sparky712it's odd, because this is actually the 12.04 version of Ubuntu which I am trying to install.... which many people have.11:15
SlartSparky712: you're trying to install the regular desktop version?11:16
SlartSparky712: try the text based installer here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads   you will end up with the same system after the install, the only difference is that the installed doesn't come with any nice graphics .. it's just basic 80x25 text but perhaps that version works for you11:18
SlartSparky712: in the past there has been some situations with some kinds of hardware that only worked with the alternate installer for various reasons11:19
vidyutI just read that php attacks can be used to change the DOM of a page. What’s that all about?11:24
compdocso many lanot*, so little time11:24
theadminvidyut: The "content" of a page if you wish. Document Object Model.11:24
ubottupesci: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:24
vidyuttheadmin: can you describe it a bit about this attack?11:25
Sparky712thanks slart... I will see what I can do11:25
theadminvidyut: "php attack" is, well, WAY vague.11:25
theadminvidyut: It's also offtopic.11:26
SlartSparky712: you're welcome.. hope it works out for you11:26
maAvelihi all.11:28
vidyuttheadmin: ok can you say something about the document object model?11:28
ElvanoIsn't this more a question for, let us say, W3Schools or so?11:29
theadminvidyut: Still offtopic. Sorry. Ubuntu stuff only here11:30
i45what $() actually does? where can i read about it?11:35
compdoci45, google Variable Substitution11:36
theadmini45: In bash, the $(SOMETHING) construct inserts the output of SOMETHING into the place where the construct is located.11:36
theadmini45: ${SOMETHING}, on the other hand, just gives you the value of the environment variable SOMETHING (is essentially same as $SOMETHING most of the time)11:37
WheempWhich ubuntu built can be used to install a server install without cdrom?11:39
ElvanoDepends on if you're willing to use an USB key11:39
WheempYes, from usb stick11:39
ElvanoAll CD-rom versions can be converted to USB Bootable images11:40
WheempExcept that they still ask me to add drivers for CD-ROM during installs11:40
ElvanoI can't recall which program worked for me11:41
minasHi. I'm doing some programming in OpenGL, and when I try to run the program, it crashes with the following output: http://pastebin.com/hRmuPZMg     Note: It's not programming related, I found on google that many people had similar issues, and all of them used Linux. I couldn't like a solution though... I'm on 12.04.11:41
compdocWheemp, which drivers?11:41
i45compdoc, theadmin thanks ;p11:42
Wheempcompdoc: after setting keyboard etc it says "no CDROM drivers found, want to retrive those from a floppy" or something11:42
compdocWheemp, Ive nver seen ubuntu ask for drivers11:43
Wheempevery version so far that i tried has done so and i can't skip that part11:43
Wheempi've tried both desktop and server installs, both i386 and amd6411:44
Wheempusing Universal USB installer to convert *.iso to bootable files on USB11:44
ElvanoWheemp: I just remember I used my Windows for the conversion. Sorry but I can help you here.11:44
theadminWheemp: I suggest you create your USB properly using dd... I create mine in Windows using LiLi though, always works11:45
compdocWheemp, most pl say to use UNetbootin11:45
MonkeyDustWheemp  or MultiSystem for multiboot11:46
Wheemptheadmin: dd?11:46
morsnowskiWheemp, or you can use mutilsystem, has a nice gui and works great11:46
gr33n7007hdd if=/path/to/your.iso of=/dev/drive11:46
Wheempok so its the usb build thats causing it to ask for a cdrom?11:46
theadminWheemp: Likely.11:47
Wheempi have no cdrom on the computer where im building it11:47
compdocyeah, so why would it need drivers?11:47
theadminWheemp: Meh, the way you built it fails to find the proper loopmounts I suppose. Happens when the USB is created badly11:47
Wheempcompdoc: no clue, thats why im in here asking11:48
Wheemptheadmin: i used the recommended programs.. :)11:48
ElvanoWheemp: If possible I'd try UNetBoot atleast11:48
morsnowskiWheemp, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/11:48
theadminWheemp: Try LinuxLive USB Creator and Unetbootin, the Universal USB Installer is, well... idk. Never worked for me11:49
ElvanoOne of those never worked for me either. I think it's the UUI as well11:49
Wheempmorsnowski: Im on a Win7 machine where i download the iso files, multiboot seems to be a linux progrma11:49
morsnowskioh sorry11:50
Wheempi can give it a go at lili to check if it removed that cdrom question11:51
minasHere's the access right's I have on  a folder: drw-r-xr-x 2 minas minas 4096 Apr 16 15:05 OpenGL_9_triangles. What does the 'd' mean???11:53
morsnowskiWheemp, this is a windows version http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/11:54
MonkeyDustminas  directory11:54
Wheempmorsnowski: i'll have a got with that "lili" first to see if i get the same error there11:54
minasMonkeyDust: Thank you. Also Some files appear to be in green colour. Why?11:54
BlouBlouis there any way make ubuntu autorotate/autochange desktop images? For example, change desktop image every 30 minutes11:56
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 have the gnome-magnifier installed? I need to known the command to run the app...11:56
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edgyHi, update-grub shows lots of "error: physical volume pv0 not found." as seen at http://pastebin.ca/2161784, any help?11:56
MonkeyDustminas  to make it easier to read11:58
minasMonkeyDust: really? :p I thought it was because they have some kind of permission... Thanks a lot!11:59
axgbis there anyone who can help me with ubuntu low-graphics mode12:00
Elvanoedgy: I'm taking a guess at it but the grub seems to have a bootsector on a non-existing drive12:00
Elvanoall: people are free to correct me12:00
edgyElvano: please check http://pastebin.ca/216179812:01
WheempSame problem with "lili" "Your installation of CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. This probobly means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive- So if you can insert it and try again."12:01
edgyElvano: if the bootsector is in a non-existing drive, how come everything is working properly12:01
edgyElvano: the system boots I mean12:02
ElvanoWheemp: I guess all there is left to do is take a baseball bat and wack some sense into your computer12:02
axgbmy ubuntu was working fine until a program (Audacity) ran out of memory or similar and it went into low-graphics mode12:02
axgbI have 12.04 LTS12:02
WheempElvano: if the computer was to blame then es..12:02
WheempElvano: works just fine with other installations12:03
Elvanoedgy: I'm afraid someone more expierenced than myself (not to worry almost anyone will do) will have to take a crack at it12:03
sleaxhi to all, what's the users nobody, nobody4 and noaccess in unix-like systems?12:03
axgbare you talking to me, edgy12:03
edgyElvano: thanks for your care.  I hope some one would come to the rescue12:03
edgyaxgb: no ;)12:04
edgyaxgb: unless you can help me solve my problem12:04
axgbwhat is your problem edgy12:05
Dualityhi all, i updated ubuntu server with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and now my website doesnt work anymore? any tips on finding whats the problem here :)?12:05
axgbedgy what is the problem you want solved12:05
edgyaxgb: update-grub shows lots of "error: physical volume pv0 not found." as seen at http://pastebin.ca/2161784, http://pastebin.ca/216179812:06
edgyDuality: check the log files12:06
oooaaaoooo1Slart: hey man thnx. In the command, what exactly is %s?12:06
ElvanoDuality: alot of things can be wrong. For example your static ip may have been changed12:06
axgbsorry edgy i dont know anything about GRUB12:06
DualityElvano: that is one of the first things i checked, edgy where can i find those :)?12:06
Wheemptrying witn unetbootin then..12:07
edgyaxgb: np, regarding your low graphics mode, I guess you need to reconfigure your vga card12:07
ElvanoDuality: what kind of website are you running (all modules involved)?12:07
edgyDuality: first make sure apache is working, using ps e.g, then check /var/log/apache2/error.log12:07
axgbedgy , it was working fine but a program crashed? how do i reconfigure my VGA card12:07
DualityElvano: if you meen mysql php http yes12:07
edgyaxgb: what's your vga card?12:08
Dualityyes apache is running12:08
axgbwhat is a VGA card? do you mean graphics card12:08
edgyaxgb: yes, I mean graphics card or X server12:08
axgbI have a nvidea graphics card which previously worked absolutely perfectly12:09
WheempDuality: do you get the message that the page wants to be downloaded or does't just appare that the page doesn't excist?12:09
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DualityWheemp: the page is white, no error on the page shown12:09
WheempDuality: Sounds like a php problem if all the files are located as they should and the site-avalible is set as normal12:09
WheempDuality: any scripts that runs from ruby rails or such? Passenger?12:10
edgyaxgb: if you are using free drivers, may be you just need to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:10
ElvanoDuality: If you have an info.php, can you reach that one through your internetbrowser?12:10
Dualitywheemp not i know of, i run wordpress uses php and mysql12:10
axgbhow do i get to command line from low graphics mode12:10
WheempDuality: Nods, as Elvano said, make a info.php or something to see if that page works12:10
axgband will it auto-reconfigure or will i have to do something else12:10
edgyaxgb: boot in recovery mode and go for root prompt option12:10
Segnale007hello people ..12:11
zambahello thar!12:11
Segnale007anyone here knows how to mount a mtp device on Ubuntu ?12:11
axgbedgy, are you a very experienced user of ubuntu?12:11
edgyaxgb: not very experience but I am using it for a bit long time now12:12
Segnale007I have got a galaxy nexus and I have been going crazy for the past few days trying to figure out a way to mount it12:12
edgySegnale007: I have a galaxy S III and all I need to do is to  use airdroid12:12
Segnale007but no lack so far.. mtpfs along with its dependeces is installed and lsusb sees the device12:12
Segnale007but still nothing12:12
Segnale007airdroid ?12:12
Segnale007what is that?12:12
edgySegnale007: no need for mounting and the hard work12:12
edgySegnale007: google for it12:12
axgbwhen i type in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will I need to do anything extra or will it audomaticially reconfigure12:12
Segnale007its like it uses adb push and pull via air ?12:13
Dualityor do i need to make a pastebin thingy? (because i am the only one who can see not sure how this works though :)12:13
edgyaxgb: I think it will ask you a couple of questions but I don't remember them, google for that command, please12:13
Wheempaxgb: it will ask for a few questions12:14
axgbedge, after answering the questions will i restart into normal ubuntu and it should work12:14
ElvanoDuality: the good thing is, your php server is up and running12:14
Segnale007omg do I really need to use this crap in order to mount my phone as a usb hard drive ?12:14
DualityElvano: cool :)12:14
ElvanoDuality: can you acces the  infopage yourself?12:15
axgbThanks Edge, i will print of the chat and follow your instructions and look up the CMD on google12:15
BenLuehello guys12:15
DualityElvano: yes12:15
DualityElvano: you meen the link i posted that is :)?12:16
ElvanoDuality: yes12:16
BenLueIts possible to create an Installation USB-Stick  with Ubuntu and Windows7?12:16
BenLueex Multiinstall Meduim12:16
ElvanoDuality: I'm pretty new to linux myself, but even if the MySQL server would be down I'd atleast get an error on your page, which is now not the case12:17
Dualityhmmm /var/log/apache2/error.log says: [Sat Jun 16 14:15:09 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/Website/favicon.ico12:17
WheempThis is driving me insane, ok i tried unetbootin to and its the same thing12:17
WheempDuality: i'd say that you lost something from homepage.. favico.ico is that little symbol to the left of where you write the adress12:18
ElvanoDuality: Does the file exist and are the premissions set properly?12:18
Wheempthat little icon12:18
ElvanoDuality: permissions are a pain when you update12:18
edgyaxgb: you are welcome, have to go now. bye all12:18
WheempBah i don't know what to do about this installation..12:19
Dualitythat file is not in the home directory of the website12:19
WheempDuality: its usually in a img dir12:19
ElvanoWheemp: If only i remember what program I used to make the image12:19
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WheempDuality: check in index.php/html it should be added around where it reads for css files12:20
WheempElvano: you don't have any cd-rom either?12:20
Wheempits seems like the reason it triggers is because there is no cd-rom12:20
Wheempeven if i don't use it it still wants drivers for something thats isn't there12:20
ElvanoWheemp: I installed it at my gf's where, indeed, the pc has no CD-rom stations12:20
DualityWheemp: the index.php does not state where such a folder is :)12:20
ElvanoWheemp: However, it probably once had12:21
Dualitycd wp-content/ -bash: cd: wp-content/: Permission denied12:21
WheempNo this one doesn't have one, its a HP rackserver12:21
Dualitydrw-r--r-- 6 duality  duality   4096 2012-06-12 22:48 wp-content12:22
ElvanoDuality: use the "sudo nautilus"12:22
WheempDuality: the searchstring for the icon should be there if it shows the icon12:22
Wheempor in the .css12:22
ElvanoDuality: please don't tell me I mispelled it again ._.12:22
Dualitysudo: cd: command not found12:23
Dualityi can cd to any other directory but wp-content12:24
WheempAh bummer..12:24
Wheempthanks for trying atleast12:24
ElvanoDuality: I forgot to ask, you don't have the desktop-version I presume12:24
Wheempguess its another debian installation12:24
DualityElvano: desktop-version of what?12:24
ElvanoDuality: of Ubuntu? XD12:25
DualityElvano: yea ubuntu server12:25
sivapvarmaHi everyone12:25
ElvanoDuality: that one doesn't have nautilus I assume12:25
Dualityone before 12.~12:25
johan`So, uh, Xorg crashes on boot, same when trying startx. I've got a really long log12:26
ElvanoDuality: What version of wordpress do you have?12:26
sivapvarmacan any how difficult it will be to get skim pdf reader to work for ubuntu12:26
sachaelis anyone using any volume control applet in fluxbox under ubuntu 12.04? The keyboard and wifi indicators got somewhat started by my old fluxbox config, but i have no volume control.12:26
ElvanoDuality: I guess that one works with PHP5 already12:27
sivapvarmahow much does it take to get Skim pdf to work for ubuntu 12.0412:27
johan`It seems as though xmodmap can't read .Xmodmap for some darn reason12:27
DualityElvano: i have php5 installed12:27
ElvanoDuality: That's why I asked. If your Wordpress was too old it might not work on a php5 server12:28
ElvanoDuality: I wish someone could clear up my suspecion about permissions12:29
Dualitybut that might not be the problem though ..12:29
Dualityi could give a paste on the premissions in the website folder :)12:29
Etaleserver irc.relaxedirc.net12:29
Dualitywith ls -l12:29
Etaleserver irc.relaxed-irc.net12:29
ElvanoDuality: Well, the thing is that when updating to a new version permissions can be overwritten. And I have had some problems with that myself. But I'm no expert to know how your permissions should be set exactly12:31
DetachedScreenanyone has got a dvb-s card working in linux?12:34
llutzDetachedScreen: sure12:35
Dualitythe acces log says: - - [16/Jun/2012:14:32:56 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 363 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0"12:35
Dualitywhen i just now surfed to the website :)12:35
llutzDetachedScreen: and yes, this answer is as useless as your question ;)   give more details and lets see if we can help you12:36
DetachedScreenllutz: all modules(b2c2_flexcop) are loaded , but now what?12:36
DetachedScreen02:06.0 Network controller: Techsan Electronics Co Ltd B2C2 FlexCopII DVB chip / Technisat SkyStar2 DVB card (rev 02)12:37
llutzDetachedScreen: modprobe dvb_core12:38
nUwbHi everyone. How can I check how much of my ram is being used?12:38
llutzDetachedScreen: ls -l /dev/dvb/adapter012:38
DetachedScreenllutz: all modules/drivers/// /dev/dvb/adapter0 are fine, the probleme is : what do i do now?12:39
Paulo39hello there. how can i see my partition's uuids?12:39
DetachedScreenhow can i access it?12:40
llutzDetachedScreen: start a dvb-viewer of your choice, create a channels.conf, enjoy boring tv-program12:40
MonkeyDustPaulo39  blkid12:40
alankilaPaulo39: maybe: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/12:40
DetachedScreenllutz: can you recommend one?12:40
DetachedScreena  dvb-viewer i mean12:41
llutzDetachedScreen: mplayer, vlc, kaffeine, vdr, totem.... i personally use kaffeine because i'm a kde-user12:41
DetachedScreenhow can i create a channels.conf using vlc?12:41
DetachedScreenbecause thats the only one that i have12:41
nUwbAh, never mind just found it. :P12:42
DetachedScreenme too, scan -x0 -t1 -s1 /usr/share/dvb/dvb-s/[your satellite]12:43
llutzDetachedScreen: iirc you'll need to download/generate one and convert it into xspf12:43
DetachedScreenTHANKS llutz12:43
fonix232got some problems with installing Ubuntu, could someone help me out<12:46
fonix232My problem is, that while a live-cd can see all my partitions, the installer itself can't12:47
fonix23212.04 LTS from USB installer12:47
fonix232but same happened with 11.1012:47
ElvanoDuality: I just took the liberty to check the networktraffic  between your server and my client. Your server accepts a connection, and send me data. All works fine, except for the given data is a blank page.12:49
MonkeyDustfonix232  type sudo fdisk -l while you're in the live session12:49
fonix232MonkeyDust: I can see my partitions, thats not the problem12:49
fonix232Nautilus can see them, and can mount them12:49
DualityElvano: yes i noticed :) the page source is blank also ...12:50
k1l_fonix232: you got a special setup like raid or smth? can you show a "sudo fdisk -l" in a pasteservice?12:50
fonix232k1l_: no I don't have RAID12:50
fonix232I have three SATA HDD's12:50
chakal^-^buenos dias12:50
fonix232two 1TB and a 512GB12:50
MonkeyDustfonix232  are the partitions named /dev/sdxxx or /dev/mdxxx12:50
fonix232just to note, the two 1TB are dynamic volumes, with one stripped partition across12:51
k1l_so its a lvm?12:52
MonkeyDustfonix232  what k1l_ says, put sudo fdisk -l in a pastebin12:52
fonix232I'm on it12:52
utgeniusHi! can anyone help me with Ubuntu TV?12:53
fonix232k1l_: nope, it's Windows dynamic volumes12:54
fonix232but the drive I want to install ubuntu on is nothing special12:54
fonix232MonkeyDust: here's the fdisk log12:55
xservohi! can any1 help me also with my netgear wireless usb12:55
utgeniusAnyone to help on Ubuntu TV?12:55
MonkeyDustfonix232  do you need all these ntfs partitions? if not, delete the one(s) you don't need with gparted12:56
fonix232MonkeyDust: yes I need unfortunatelu12:56
fonix232first two are for Windows12:56
fonix232third is my data and fourth is my work partition12:57
ElvanoDuality: I've just found out that the earlier versions of Wordpress 3 are run on PHP 4. Before you updated, what version of PHP server did you run?12:57
fonix232btw is it possible that a standard Win7 installer formatted the main drive with GPT?12:57
beershawhi i just tried to install ubuntu using the windows installer and it seems to be stuck at a black screen when i try to boot it can someone help me?12:57
DualityElvano: php512:57
xservohi i cant install my wireless usb on ubuntu 12.4 --> with this error FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.12:57
ElvanoDuality: Then I'm out of options. I'm sorry I can't help12:58
DualityElvano: i made a copy of my website :) and going to make my server latest version now12:58
gr33n7007hxservo, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common12:58
ElvanoDuality: Good luck12:58
DualityElvano: Thanks for what you could do ;) and for wanting to help me :)!12:58
beershawhi i just tried to install ubuntu using the windows installer and it seems to be stuck at a black screen when i try to boot it can someone help me?12:59
ElvanoDuality: You're welcome. Just so furiating I have to leave this one unsolved. I saw this in class a couple of years ago12:59
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koskoi've got Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS how do i find out if it is possible to upgrade my openvpn from 2.1.3 to 2.2.1?13:00
xservondiswrapper-common is already the newest version13:00
DualityElvano: know the feeling :)13:00
xservoi mean it's already installed13:00
beershawis there anyone out there?13:01
Elvanobeershaw: So if I understand correctly, you tried to install the Ubuntu on windows, but it failed. And now you can't boot your computer?13:01
beershawHey Elvano yes i used the installed from windows from the official website13:02
beershawwent through all fine and rebooted the computer13:02
fonix232MonkeyDust: Problem is: fdisk can see all the partitions, but neither GParted nor the installer can see even the partition table13:02
fonix232basically it says whole sda is unallocated13:02
beershawand when i chose ubuntu i can hear that login drum roll13:02
Dualitybeershaw you can run a live cd/usb and do a boot repair :)13:02
beershawand then it's stuck on this black screen13:02
beershawcan i just get that off a website and put it on a usb?13:03
Elvanobeershaw: your windows boots just fine?13:03
fonix232ah fuck this shit I'm gonna wipe everything13:03
beershawyeah i'm on windows now lol13:03
fonix232fortunately there was no important data anywhere yet13:03
beershawwindows 7 if that helpto anything13:04
oCeanfonix232: that language is not welcome here13:04
Elvanobeershaw: As Duality suggested you can try to fix your boot13:04
fonix232sorry oCean, but its really annoying that I had to reinstall windows and Ubuntu still won't install properly13:05
koskoi've got Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS how do i find out if it is possible to upgrade my openvpn from 2.1.3 to 2.2.1 or newer?13:05
beershawElvano do i just plug the boot usb stick in and reset my comp then and boot from the usb?13:05
Elvanobeershaw: however, it kind of troubles me that you hear the login sound, which pioints out that the boot works .13:05
xservofonix232: use disk repair for windows 713:06
fonix232xservo: windows works perfectly. Ubuntu won't13:06
xservoi mean staru repair13:06
beershawElvano it troubles and scares me even more to see my laptop like that lol13:06
xservoi see13:06
beershawtried it twice same result13:06
Elvanobeershaw: Your laptop did you say?13:07
Dualitybeershaw if your going to boot from cd/usb (live) and do a grubrepair, youll have a grub menu to windows, and to ubuntu (if the ubuntu install isnt broken)13:07
beershawElvano yes it's an acer aspire laptop13:07
Elvanobeershaw: for some strange reason does Wubi not work on a couple of laptops13:07
xservotry to configure grub.conf13:07
Elvanobeershaw: i had the same problem with my acer13:07
beershawElvano should i just uninstall it and try installing it from a usb?13:08
fonix232xservo there is no ubuntu installed, only windows13:08
fonix232but never mind, as I said, I'm gonna reinstall the whole13:08
fonix232thanks for the help though13:08
smwkosko, you can, but there are no packages for it13:08
koskosmw: so i'll have to compile it ?13:09
smwkosko, yes, or find another place to get packages13:09
koskosmw: what kind of place?13:09
smwkosko, it is not in the official repos13:09
smwkosko, I have no idea13:09
koskosmw: thanks13:09
Elvanobeershaw: My solution was simply adding a new partition and install a complete Ubuntu version. Though it's understandable if you do not want this.13:10
beershawElvano yeah don't really wanna make a separate partition cos my laptop HDD is about 70% full lol13:11
i7cbeershaw: so? ubuntu needs like 4GB for the system + some space for software etc13:11
beershawi7c yeah but it's effort:(13:11
italoxpUbuntu takes more than that13:11
Elvanobeershaw: I recommend at least 20 GB =p13:12
beershawi7c and yeah they said 11 Gb at least13:12
beershawElvano that's about wha I got13:12
DjGeCk0hey. what i need to view m3u8 on my ubuntu vlc player ?13:12
beershawElvano I'll try duality's solution fixing my install and if not i'll just redo it using a usb stick13:12
Elvanobeershaw: did you already try to completely uninstall Wubi? Afterwards check if also the boot for Ubuntu has dissepeared13:13
beershawElvano k i'll try that first13:13
beershawthanks a lot for the support guys, defo quicker than googling my problem lol13:13
DjGeCk0hm i would never ask befor googleing13:14
DjGeCk0im allready installed a lot of codecs but i still cant play a m3u8 livestream on VLC13:15
DjGeCk0i tried totem and gecko-player, too13:15
i7cDjGeCk0: http://askubuntu.com/questions/11508/how-do-i-play-m3u8-files13:17
DjGeCk0i7c: this are firefox plugins. i can watch it in firefox but not on external players13:19
DjGeCk0its an rtsp link13:19
ElvanoDjeCk0: No, there is an alternative to the addons described as well13:19
DjGeCk0k ill take a look on the settings13:20
ElvanoDjeCk0: The HLS player seems to be an independant application to me13:20
|Long|hi, I need some help with raid 5 anyone plz msg me thanks, will rewards for your time13:24
Elvano|Long|: this channel is for support on Ubuntu. We're all here to help eachother. Ofcourse before we do, you must state your problem.13:25
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pkkmWhen I chgrp a file (with chmod rw-rw-r--) to a group that is listed by the command 'groups username', will 'username' be able to modify the file?13:31
mz|`pkkm: yes as you gave rw- right to the group13:31
mz|`pkkm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:32
|Long|Elvano, i have set hardware raid5 on box all seems fine but it didnt show raid on ubuntu 12.0413:33
soup-n-sandwichHey guys I'm a bit disappointing with 12.04 and I would like to know if anybody else is seeing inconsistencies and sluggish operation?13:33
pkkmmz|`: If the user belongs to multiple groups and the file's group isn't the user's primary, will this work too?13:34
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mz|`|Long|: what give 'mdadm --monitor --scan' ? does mdadm start at boot ?13:34
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mz|`pkkm: yes, if he is in the group of the file13:35
mz|`pkkm: please read the tutorial i gave before ;)13:35
|Long|mz|, i havent try that yet..let me try it now13:35
paaniihi everyone, please how do i change the close, minimize, maximize button from right to left13:36
mz|`soup-n-sandwich: please explain the behaviour/issue you encountered, and what you did to fix it13:36
mz|`paanii: in the system configuration options13:37
mz|`paanii: depending on your window manager / desktop manager of course, if those have the option13:37
soup-n-sandwichmz|`: well I haven't fixed it yet.13:37
mz|`soup-n-sandwich: so describe the issue in details13:37
soup-n-sandwichmz|`: ok....13:38
mz|`soup-n-sandwich: if you don't, whta information can we give you ? :)13:38
Slart!constrols | paanii13:39
Slart!controls | paanii13:39
ubottupaanii: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263313:39
Slartpaanii: I hope that link at the end has some info13:39
Hyperbytepaanii, are they currently on the right side or on the left side of the window?13:41
HyperbyteBecause you said you want to move them 'from right to left'13:41
mz|`time to use a real DM/WM that do not consume 1GB of RAM :D13:42
pkkmmz|`: The user belongs to the directory's group, directory's permissions are rwxrwxr-x, and still no success. Do I need to somehow refresh permissions? Command line log pasted here: http://pastebin.com/TPaFYEfV (18 lines).13:42
Elvanopaanii: use the ubuntu-tweak application from the software center?13:43
Elvanopaanii: correction, they're not in the center, you need to google it13:43
soup-n-sandwichOn a laptop with an Nvidia card, 1GB , Intel 965 chipset I always remember never having issue with the Nvidia drivers on this laptop but I can't seem to get it working.  I guess it seem like I'm going backwards with the OS.  On the Desktop computer it's also an Nvidia card with 1.5 Gb RAM and a Intel 945 chipset.  Up until now it's always ran "snappy" but now with 12.14 it's sluggish.  It's also very inconsistent.   I've see some13:44
soup-n-sandwichother ways to install the drives on Nvidia but so far nothing has worked.  I have have big time issues with Samba13:44
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mz|`pkkm: send 'stat /sync/settings' please and also 'groups'13:45
mz|`but is should work, or i do miss something13:46
llutzpkkm: if you change groups for a user, the user needs to relogin13:46
mz|`llutz: exact13:47
pkkmWeird... the group is shown in 'groups pawel', but not in 'groups'13:48
pkkmllutz: Is it enough to close and open terminal, or should I log out of GNOME and log in again?13:48
llutzpkkm: if you change groups for a user, the user needs to relogin <- thats the reason,13:48
llutzpkkm: you need a login-shell, so closing is not enough13:49
soup-n-sandwichI've never see Samba this inconsistent.  Computers (6 of them in the same room for testing) that will show up in a Samba browser just disappear...and then won't appear.   Printing is always  non-existing with Samba. No remote printing what so ever so far.13:49
pkkmOk, thanks for information mz|` and llutz. I'm going to relogin now.13:50
soup-n-sandwichIt does appear that the same hardware that ran 11.10 very well just doesn't run as well with 12.04.13:50
soup-n-sandwichIs this something that others are seeing as well?13:51
dudejobhello, when I use the update manager or the terminal to check for package updates, it downloads the entire index list again and again for no reason and the index list is like 15 MB, my time is being wasted in that, I had changed the updates server after I 1st installed ubuntu, the server is ubuntu.pesat.net.id, any suggestions ?13:51
sachaelanyone using xcompmgr+fluxbox with the 12.04? Xcomp starts with no exceptions but no shadows appear.13:52
DjGeCk0ah my problem is solved. they got a broken rtsp-link on there website. it works now. thanks :D13:53
dudejobhello, when I use the update manager or the terminal to check for package updates, it downloads the entire index list again and again for no reason and the index list is like 15 MB, my time is being wasted in that, I had changed the updates server after I 1st installed ubuntu, the server is ubuntu.pesat.net.id, any suggestions ?13:55
kavurthi, my webcam doesn't work. i installed libpt-1.1.10... after reboot it worked for one second, then disappeared. any ideas?13:55
sachaelerm, had to quit, anyone said anything on the xcompmgr+fluxbox question?13:55
Elvanokavurt: what application do you use for your webcam?13:56
kavurtskype Elvano, but webcam is not available under lspci either13:56
Elvanokavurt: integrated or external camera?13:57
Elvanokavurt: what type/brand?13:58
DjGeCk0try to find out. what is the video-chip in it and maybe the manufacture got a linux-driver13:58
kavurtintel 82801H Elvano13:58
angsI use ubuntu 12.04 and would like to use double screen. When I unselect mirror option on the Display, I get this error http://i48.tinypic.com/o9341y.png   whatshould I do?13:58
Elvanokavurt: I ment the camera itself13:59
dudejobhello, when I use the update manager or the terminal to check for package updates, it downloads the entire index list again and again for no reason and the index list is like 15 MB, my time is being wasted in that, I had changed the updates server after I 1st installed ubuntu, the server is ubuntu.pesat.net.id, any suggestions ?13:59
Jbarbosa93hi people13:59
Jbarbosa93can anyone help me is strange13:59
kavurtElvano: i don't really know that14:00
Jbarbosa93that can anyone help me on the other irc14:00
Jbarbosa93I have this problem14:00
Jbarbosa93is installed the windows 714:00
Jbarbosa93and in any distro of linux mint ubuntu pinguy14:00
Jbarbosa93they tell me that the windows has not installed14:01
dudejob!patience | Jbarbosa93,14:02
ubottuJbarbosa93,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:02
oCeanJbarbosa93: please behave14:02
LjL!caps | Jbarbosa9314:03
TheLordOfTimeJbarbosa93:  behave please14:03
TheLordOfTimeJbarbosa93:  and have patience, no need to rage on us14:03
TheLordOfTimewe're only volunteers here14:03
bazhangJbarbosa93, lose caps14:03
Jbarbosa93WTF WITH THE PEOPLE14:03
cuddylierAnyone any idea on how to get the memory tab on visualvm to show for profiling?14:03
ubottuJbarbosa93: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:03
TheLordOfTimeubottu is lagging!14:03
Elvanokavurt: I'm looking into something. Hold on, please14:03
LjLJbarbosa93: i don't even understand your question anyway, perhaps try spending less time SHOUTING and more explaining14:03
kavurtok, thanks Elvano14:03
mz|`Jbarbosa93: your windows has not bee well installed I think, if it was well installed, ubuntu could detect it14:04
mz|`or you try to install on a hardware raid maybe14:04
dudejobPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.<------------- I like it14:04
Jbarbosa93mz, the windows is installed14:04
mz|`i said "well" installed14:05
Jbarbosa93the linux dont see that the windows is installed14:05
Jbarbosa93my question is "WHY" _14:05
mz|`so you screwed the MBR14:05
Elvanokavurt: Are you sure you have given me the correct type of device?14:05
Jbarbosa93but what Im suppost to do now? can help?14:05
mz|`you rewrote the MBR for Ubuntu only14:06
mz|`yes sure14:06
X-tonicI read somewhere  that wayland 1.0 is expected within a couple of months.. So should we expect ubuntu to shift to wayland in 13.04 or maybe 12.10? or am i too optimistic?14:06
Jbarbosa93oh, mz thanks14:06
Jbarbosa93can u tell me now, what can I do14:06
bazhangX-tonic, not likely. more like a couple of years14:06
mz|`please wait ! i'm not a robot14:06
Jbarbosa93yeah I know14:06
kavurtElvano: yes, intel 82801H or 82801HM, looks like14:06
Krupteinsince yesterday the sound on youtube is very choppy  while music I play from my hard drive sounds normal, any ideas? :/14:07
ElvanoKruptein: Hello there, Townsmate14:07
KrupteinElvano: do I know you ?14:07
mz|`Jbarbosa93: easier, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair14:07
mz|`and follow the tutorial14:08
ElvanoKruptein: No, I'm just surprised to see someone from Leuven here14:08
KrupteinElvano: ah ke :p14:08
i7cKruptein: are you using youtube with html5? cuz on my machine flash does a lot of strange things sometimes14:08
Jbarbosa93mz, and the I can run the windows normally?14:08
Krupteini7c: it should be html5 unless my settings changed I'll double check it14:08
mz|`try and you will know.14:08
cuddylierAnyone any idea on how to get the memory tab on visualvm to show for profiling?14:08
mz|`i can't do it for you and guess that yes, it will work, or not14:08
Jbarbosa93ok, can u add me on msn, facebook, skype anyone?14:08
mz|`i'm not a support agent, and you do not pay.14:09
TheLordOfTimeJbarbosa93:  we dont do that kind of thing.14:09
mz|`question for all: what world is it ? or what world i'm in ?14:09
mz|`just for information14:09
Jbarbosa93yeah, but think, if this "fuck" my pc ?14:10
angsI use ubuntu 12.04 and would like to use double screen. When I unselect mirror option on the Display, I get this error http://i48.tinypic.com/o9341y.png   whatshould I do?14:10
mz|`Jbarbosa93: it is already fucked !14:10
bazhangJbarbosa93, no cursing14:10
LjLlanguage language language14:10
bazhangmz|`, you too14:10
Jbarbosa93sorry, Im not language14:10
Elvanokavurt: Sorry, I can't find anything on that type of device14:10
Krupteini7c yh html5 is enabled14:10
Jbarbosa93its not fu**, the windows works very good14:11
kavurtElvano: thanks for looking14:11
oCeanJbarbosa93: STOP that language, swearing / foul language is NOT allowed here14:11
* Dr_Willis hasent even noticed an actual question.. but i did get disconnected..14:12
cuddylierAnyone any idea on how to get the memory tab on visualvm to show for profiling?14:12
cuddylierThere is one :)14:12
Jbarbosa93man what u want?14:12
Jbarbosa93baby I ve got it14:12
Jbarbosa93what u need14:12
Dr_Willisstate the problem in a clearn concise way.14:12
Krupteinthanks oCean :)14:12
mz|`cuddylier: already read the documentation ? see http://visualvm.java.net/profiler.html14:13
ElvanoI only wonder why you don't let the bots do some language filtering14:13
cuddylierThanks mz14:13
sachaelany simple compositing manager for fluxbox that still works? tried cair and xcompgr, neither works. Xcomp worked flawlessly on Arch and the previous ubuntu version, but not anymore. D:14:14
* mz|` did nothing but searching the documentation...14:14
cuddyliermz|' I've already looked at that. I have no profiler for some reason, other people have one for the same application though14:14
cuddylierNo profiler tab I mean14:14
=== lubmil is now known as lub`
mz|`cuddylier: you forgot to isntall some dependencies/packages/modules14:15
cuddylierWhich ones do I need to install?14:15
cuddylierSomeone else did remote profiling on my machine14:15
ElvanoWell lot, I'm off.  May all your (relevant) questions find a suitable answer14:15
cuddylierDo the files need to be installed on my computer were I am doing the profiling from, mz|'14:15
mz|`cuddylier: did you dump before profiling ?14:16
cuddylierIs that why?14:16
mz|`please read the documentation and apply the beginning14:16
mz|`if you do not have the dumps, you will not be able to debug/profile them14:17
cuddylierAh, okay14:17
cuddylierI'm able to sample file14:17
noname120h guys14:17
noname120* i guys14:17
noname120I've xubuntu 21 and my b43 wifi chip doesn't work14:17
noname120(works with windows xp)14:17
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:17
=== Shojo is now known as jenni2
cuddyliermz|' I've done that as well, what it says for the profiling tab, I don't even have the tab for some reason :S14:19
HevCant download things from the ubuntu softwarethingy14:19
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
Krupteinhev can you explain a bit more what is happening?14:19
HevFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/liba/libav-extra/libavutil-extra-51_0.8.1ubuntu1_i386.deb Could not connect to nl.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out)14:19
TheLordOfTimeHev:  try a different archive mirror?14:20
Dr_Willisserver may be down or lagging?14:20
Hevcan someone confirm that?14:20
Krupteinyh hev servers are down14:20
Krupteinif you surf to nl.archive.ubuntu.com  nothing happens  another language does work14:20
Hevwhen will it be up again?14:21
Krupteinthey should be looking into it atm14:21
Krupteinno idea how long those things tend to take though14:21
Dr_WillisHev:  err.. how should we know? ;)14:21
cuddylierWhat happens when I do a heap dump?14:21
HevGood luck, i'll sit down and wait14:21
Dr_Willisyou could switch to another server14:21
Hevwill try that.14:22
Chuck_Norriswhy don't you try main server Hev ?14:22
Hevwhich is?14:22
KrupteinChuck_Norris: I always use my localized server14:22
noname120I've the sta driver installed14:22
noname120And this isn't working14:22
Chuck_Norrisits appear like main let me paste a picture14:22
mz|`ccuremote or local ?14:22
oCeanHev: or change your repos from nl.  to de.archive.ubuntu.com14:23
mz|`erf, cuddylier : remote / local ?14:23
noname120broadcom 431114:23
edgyHi, any one with experience in lvm? I am still cannot solve my issue: update-grub shows lots of "error: physical volume pv0 not found." as seen at http://pastebin.ca/2161784, http://pastebin.ca/216179814:23
noname120Please help me14:23
noname120I tried everything to get my boradcom 4311 working but nothing is working !14:23
angsI use ubuntu 12.04 and would like to use double screen. When I unselect mirror option on the Display, I get this error http://i48.tinypic.com/o9341y.png   whatshould I do?14:23
noname120It's working fine on backtrack and windows14:23
noname120but not on ubuntu !14:24
Krupteinangs try the nvidia config if you have nvidia14:24
Krupteindon't know which one ati uses14:24
Krupteinmy external monitor doesn't even show op in the screen window :p14:24
vidirr_Did the fix the issue with Nvidia Optimus cards and the HDMI port?14:25
Dr_WillisAll i know on broadcom is in that factoid...14:25
angsnvidia config > nvidia: command not found14:25
Dr_Willisits nvidia-config I belive14:25
Krupteinit's nvidia x server settins14:25
angsshould I apt-get install nvidia?14:26
Krupteinah the name of the command14:26
mz|`noname120: you can try to install from sources (using broadcom website download page) or ndiswrapper with the windows driver14:26
Krupteinnvidia-settings indeed14:26
Dr_WillisIf you have nvidia gpu. You would want the nvidia drivers14:26
Krupteinor nvidia-xconfig14:26
morsnowskinoname120, dik you follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_(ndiswrapper)14:26
angsnvidia-config: command not found14:26
=== felipe__ is now known as Guest60196
kishhelp, i installed ubuntu-desktop in kubuntu but i cant uninstall all the programs that crap brought on14:26
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mz|`noname120: you can also try to blacklist b43 module and ssb one14:26
=== tdubellz is now known as Guest39345
noname120I'm new to linux14:27
Krupteinangs it's nvidia-settings :p14:27
angsKruptein: nvidia-settings: command not foun14:27
Dr_Willis!find nvidia-settings14:27
Krupteindo you have nvidia in the first place?14:27
ubottuFound: nvidia-settings, nvidia-settings-updates14:27
Krupteinif so do you have the drivers14:27
angsI do n't know14:27
vidirr_I'd use Bumblebee14:27
angshow can I search it?14:28
vidirr_instead of nvidia14:28
angsby command?14:28
Dr_Willislspci  shows your video and other cards.14:28
Chuck_Norrisnoname120: try: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer14:28
noname120I already tried this14:28
noname120I also tried to blacklist14:29
noname120I'm new to linux, I may do the things in a wrong way14:29
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
mz|`blacklist needs reboot14:29
noname120I rebooteed14:29
edgyHi, update-grub shows lots of "error: physical volume pv0 not found." as seen at http://pastebin.ca/2161784, http://pastebin.ca/216179814:29
noname120What command should I issueand give you the answer ?14:29
angsKruptein System Settings > Hardware > additional Drivers shows "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver"14:30
cuddylierWhy does visual vm say "Not available. Remote applications are not supported."14:30
cuddylierFor memory14:30
Krupteinangs look for some settings/configuration manager by ati14:30
cuddylierWhy does visual vm say "Not available. Remote applications are not supported." for memory monitoring?14:30
=== jenni2 is now known as Shojo
mz|`cuddylier: different versions on the remote and local install14:30
=== nyuszika7h is now known as Ncat
* Dr_Willis wonders what 'Visual Vm' is14:30
mz|`that is your uissue and why you can not profile on remote14:30
cuddylierHow do I check the local install?14:30
cuddylierI really need memory14:30
=== Ncat is now known as Guest51220
=== Guest51220 is now known as nyuszika7h
noname12003:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11a/b/g (rev 01)14:31
noname120Is it fine ?14:31
mz|`java -version14:31
Chuck_Norrisnoname120: did you try this: "firmware-b43-lpphy-installer"14:32
cuddylierOh...Is it because my java on my computer is different?14:32
mz|`cuddylier: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1755819/cpu-and-profiling-not-supported-for-remote-jvisualvm-session14:32
cuddylierThe thing is CPU is supported14:32
mz|`"Get the latest version of visual vm 1.2.1 and download the VisaulVM-Sampler. This will read from a JMX connection to show the profiling information"14:32
noname120Chuck_Norris : I tried this, it says incompatible wifi chip14:32
noname120Chuck_Norris : any idea ?14:34
cuddyliermz|' How do I check the local version of the actual visualvm on my server computer?14:34
Chuck_Norrisnoname120: paste: lsmod14:34
Chuck_Norrisno idea so far14:34
mz|`cuddylier: i already send you the command14:34
cuddylierIs that not java?14:34
szal!paste | noname12014:34
ubottunoname120: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:34
noname120Chuck_Norris : http://pastebin.com/ttEJ0rWG14:34
mz|`read the previous link/tutorial from stackoverflow please14:34
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
KRomeleoNi keep getting an error, can someone read the pastebin for me and help?14:35
noname120Chuck_Norris : saw that ? --> http://pastebin.com/ttEJ0rWG14:35
merlin1991hey, I'm trying to crosscompile 32bit from a 64bit ubuntu, though it keeps failing at the linking stage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044082/14:35
KRomeleoNx.org diagnosis tool ill not install in updates14:35
merlin1991any reason why the linker searches in the wrong path?14:35
thedingoCould someone help me with libimobiledevice? I cannot get it to work no matter what I do14:36
Segnale007dumb question.. anyone knows where I can look for a decent window theme for gnome??14:36
cuddyliermz|' I have java version "1.7.0_03" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_03-b05) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.1-b02, mixed mode)14:36
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)14:37
Segnale007just a normal one .. all I have seen so far looks like osx wannabe14:37
mz|`Segnale007: install lxde14:37
Segnale007is it faster than gnome ?14:37
Segnale007and can I still use unity within lxde ?14:37
mz|`it can be, depends on what you do ...14:37
mz|`Segnale007: no.14:37
Segnale007oh ok ..14:37
Segnale007I like unity14:38
Segnale007thats the only thing I like from gnome so far ..14:38
Segnale007but I will keep lxde on mind ..14:38
thedingohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1044092/ Whenever I type "make" this comes up. Pretty sure I downloaded all the necessary dev packages and what not14:38
Segnale007I dont do any fancy shit though14:38
KrupteinSegnale007: http://gnome-look.org/14:38
Segnale007my desktop is 100% clean14:38
Krupteinso is mine14:38
Segnale007thanks Kruptein14:38
mz|`my i3wm is clean also.14:38
Krupteinnow hope you find something you like :)14:39
Segnale007I use i3wm on my freebsd workstation14:39
IdleOneSegnale007: Please keep the language clean.14:39
Segnale007its certainly fun14:39
Segnale007especially when u dont need any actual window manager14:40
KRomeleoNi keep getting an error, can someone read the pastebin for me and help?14:40
Segnale007but on a desktop I wont go with it14:40
Segnale007IdleOne, what did I say ?14:40
cuddyliermz|' My server has java 6 and I have java 7, is that the problem? Although someone I know could do it with java 7 on the java 6 machine..14:40
IdleOneSegnale007: the S word is not acceptable.14:40
IdleOnethat acronym isn't either14:41
oCeanSegnale007: such language/acronyms are not welcome here14:41
mz|`cuddylier: yes it is. why would you use different versions to develop on the same system ?14:41
Segnale007I guess I am not welcomed either14:41
mz|`if you want to be coherent, use always the same version on all systems14:41
oCeanSegnale007: sure, just stick to our guidelines14:41
oCean!guidelines | Segnale00714:41
ubottuSegnale007: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:41
thedingoEveryone jumps on a person for saying a harmless word, but nobody jumps in to help answer a question...14:41
cuddyliermz|' I just installed java 7 on my own PC and I installed java 6 as I was given the command14:41
szymon_gwhat did he do, if may i ask?14:42
cuddylierAlthough, I dont understand why the other guy can do it with java 7 installed14:42
mz|`cuddylier: ask him ?14:42
cuddylierHe doesn't want to exactly tell me14:42
=== raven is now known as Guest85810
angshttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html says to type "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx", terminal shows "Package nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package." for that. what should I do?14:44
thedingo...Guess I'll post it again... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044092/14:44
Krupteinangs it says "with nvidia"  you have "ati"   ati is not the same as nvidia14:44
mz|`angs, aptitude show nvidia-glx14:44
Dr_Willisangs:   you dont a 'sudo apt-get update' lately? I just install the nvidia-current package normally14:44
Krupteinangs search for dual monitors with ati fglrx or somehting14:44
KRomeleoNi wish Actionparsnip were here :(14:45
KrupteinKRomeleoN: why?14:45
KrupteinKRomeleoN: what's your problem14:45
angsthank you14:45
Dr_Willisbut Nvidia is not for ATI.. so im confused now.14:45
KrupteinDr_Willis: I think he is as well :p14:45
KRomeleoNKruptein, http://pastebin.com/J9qijKEA14:45
angsI did apt-get update upgrade today, I have ATI radeon14:45
KRomeleoNsw updater says there is an update for x.org diagnosis tool but it wont update14:46
Dr_Willisangs:  then you dont need anything to do with Nvidia.14:46
angsyes, right :)14:46
Dr_WillisKRomeleoN:  try a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?14:46
KrupteinKRomeleoN: there is a bug in the program you try to update/install so I don't think that's gonna work out soon14:46
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
Krupteinunless you modify the python file yourself14:47
Krupteini'll see if I can find something wait14:47
KRomeleoNits an ubuntu update14:47
oCeanthedingo: seems it misses a plist++ library, is libplist++1 installed?14:47
Krupteinyh there are a couple of bug reports about it KRomeleoN14:47
KRomeleoNoh ok14:48
KRomeleoNhow do you find that?14:48
Krupteinyh the file in particular that gives the problem is not converted to python 3 lol14:48
KrupteinKRomeleoN:  google ;) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdiagnose/+bug/101391114:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013911 in xdiagnose (Ubuntu) "quantal update 15 June xdiagnose install failure code 1" [Undecided,Fix released]14:48
KRomeleoNcool, thanks bro14:48
bavarian001Tried to install 11.04 on a RAID o, but the bootloader could not be installed. Is RAID 0 not possible?14:48
KrupteinKRomeleoN: bug was fixed in 2.8 try install that14:48
mz|`bavarian001: depends where you try to install it14:49
mz|`try /dev/mapper/youmappedraid or /dev/sda14:49
Buniehow do i mount a drive?14:49
mz|`man mount14:50
KrupteinBunie did you at least try to google it14:50
bavarian001ASUS board with Intel i7 an 2 HDs of 1.0TB as a RAID014:50
thedingooCean: Just installed it. Is it normal for it to say "Nothing to be done in..." "Exiting directory"?14:50
thedingoLeaving* rather14:50
Segnale007I have download a bunch of window theme from here http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity14:51
Segnale007when I unpack the ariche it mention metacity14:51
oCeanthedingo: I am not sure, not an expert in compiling .. but I have seen it before14:51
Segnale007or something14:51
mz|`thedingo: if all has been already compiled in the dir, yes14:51
Segnale007how do I install that ??14:51
mz|`thedingo: make clean ; make all14:51
thedingomz|`: make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.14:52
mz|`make clean will remove generally .o files (compiled one) for C language14:52
mz|`so the makefile does not have this rule14:52
mz|`rm -r *.o14:52
szymon_gmz|`: isn't easier to use checkinstall instead of just 'make all"?14:52
szymon_gi.e. less messy14:53
mz|`depends on the source you are trying to compile I think14:53
Dr_WillisSegnale007:  with gnome3 in 12.04 the whole themeing system has sort of been redone. Best to just use various ppa's and repos to get differnt themes. Webupd8 has a nice collection. and theres some in the default repos also.14:53
Segnale007Dr_Willis, thanks14:54
thedingoand now this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044116/14:54
Bunieno wonder ppl dont use linux ._.14:54
Bunieshouldnt take half an hour to figure out how to mount a drive14:54
thedingoBunie: it's driving me crazy, but I'm determined :P14:54
=== elky is now known as melissa
mz|`thedingo: declare the varaible14:55
Chuck_NorrisBunie: just plugin and you will see it into Nautilus14:55
gr33n7007hBunie, fdisk -l; mkdir /mnt/HDD; mount /dev/sd* /mnt/HDD14:55
oCean!mount | Bunie14:55
ubottuBunie: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:55
MonkeyDustBunie  create a folder with an easy name, then type sudo mount /dev/blah [that name]14:55
Chuck_NorrisBunie: in the left side of nautilus14:55
Bunieyou say HDD, you mean SDA0 or something, i dont even know14:55
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thedingooCean: ...yes...14:55
=== john is now known as ki4ro
thedingoor rather mz|` said it....14:56
mz|`thedingo: add a line like "long long int64_t zip_int64_t;"14:56
thedingoin the make file?14:56
=== Guest28480 is now known as elky
mz|`in ideviceinstaller.c before line 16714:56
thedingoahh i see14:57
=== swattor is now known as swat
* mz|` tries to remember its C courses and projects14:57
=== swat is now known as swattor
=== esm is now known as Guest49238
bavarian001What do have to do to make an installation on a RAID 0?14:57
mz|`bavarian001: choose the good location to install Grub ?14:58
MonkeyDust!raid| bavarian00114:58
ubottubavarian001: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:58
mz|`already answered to you : try /dev/mapper/youmappedraid or /dev/sda14:58
=== quixotedon1 is now known as ubuquix
bavarian001the first Link is for the old version 9.1014:59
thedingomz|`: still not working14:59
oCeanthedingo: please note that yours is a compiling issue, not an Ubuntu issue. You may find help in ##programming or with the maintainers of whatever you try to install14:59
=== yano is now known as allthenicks
dwakarcan i upgrade xubuntu with a ubuntu live cd?14:59
mz|`thedingo: i won't debug your program, sorry14:59
oCeanexactly, it is offtopic14:59
mz|`dwakar: you can upgrade using the own system14:59
dwakarwhat do  you mean by own system15:00
mz|`the xubuntu system you are running currently15:00
mz|`sudo do-release-upgrade15:00
=== allthenicks is now known as yano
noname120About my broadcom chip15:01
=== Exio is now known as \n
noname120I followed everything here15:01
dwakarmz| you mean use update manager15:01
paaniiplease how do i move the close, minimize, and maximize button from right to left15:01
dwakaroh i see15:01
noname120But with sudo modprobe ndiswrapper15:01
noname120I get15:01
noname120WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release. FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.15:01
noname120What's wrong ?15:01
mz|`you blacklisted ndiswrapper ?!15:01
noname120How can I do that ?15:02
tshauckHi, I have a single ubuntu server box.  I'd like to run a few servers (apache, postgres) on top of it - what would be the best way to do that.  I've heard virtualization, but I'm not sure15:02
llutz!info libimobiledevice2 | thedingo   may i ask why you don't use the version from the repo?15:02
ubottuthedingo may i ask why you don't use the version from the repo?: libimobiledevice2 (source: libimobiledevice): Library for communicating with the iPhone and iPod Touch. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.1-4 (precise), package size 56 kB, installed size 175 kB15:02
* mz|` needs a break15:02
noname120please help me15:02
noname120before having a break15:02
dwakarthen i have to first install ubuntu-desktop15:03
mz|`excuse me ?15:03
oCeannoname120: let him have his break, stop pinging him15:03
dwakarto upgrade from a cd15:03
noname120I'm wondering why installing a driver on windows is so easy wheras installing one on linux is so aweful15:03
thedingollutz: i tried. it's not working for me. I added the LaunchPad repo (which was a whole thing in and of itself) and when ever I try an apt-get it says it can't find the package15:03
llutzthedingo: it is in main, no launchpad repo needed15:04
oCeanbecause of closed source noname12015:04
thedingoeither way. it doesn't work for me15:04
noname120but this is x6 anyways15:04
llutzthedingo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice215:04
MonkeyDustnoname120  because the developers don't like linux15:04
noname120Does it use win32 api ?15:04
=== mquin is now known as evilmquin
noname120I don't think so15:04
thedingollutz: i've tried that as well15:05
noname120Anyways, as a dev, I can't stay on windows15:05
llutz!work | thedingo15:05
ubottuthedingo: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.15:05
thedingoAm I missing a repo or something?15:05
noname120But my wlan is not working on linux :/15:05
llutzthedingo: "lsb_release -sc"  says what?15:05
thedingollutz: it just says package not found15:05
drecuteHello. I will like to know; how do I enable vlan support in network-manager?15:05
thedingollutz: command not found...15:06
llutzthedingo: so you're not using ubuntu?15:06
thedingoi have all ubuntu repos...15:06
llutzthedingo: so you're not using ubuntu?15:06
thedingoi'm going to school for network admin and infosec so I have backtrack which I was told is essentially ubuntu with programs pre-installed15:07
llutz!backtrack | thedingo15:07
ubottuthedingo: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:07
bazhangthedingo, get the bt support chan15:07
dwakarhow do i retain my files and installed packages when upgrading15:07
thedingollutz: i appreciate you sending me in the right direction :D15:08
noob1204hi / hola everyone15:08
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Lildrecute; Here you go.. http://bit.ly/NwLXyA15:08
go8765is nayway to use .ima in ubuntu?15:08
noob1204anyone here can help me with a windows7 + ubuntu thing?15:08
oCeanLil: do NOT use lmgtfy links here15:08
go8765i need to mount it like .iso15:08
MonkeyDustnoname120  if you're sweet15:08
schnuffledwakar: apps installed rfom the original repos will be upgraded other stuff needs to be reinstalled15:08
MonkeyDustnoob1204  if you're sweet15:08
noob1204thank you MonkeyDust15:09
thedingoexcept I can't message that channel...15:09
tshauckHi, I have a single ubuntu server box.  I'd like to run a few servers (apache, postgres) on top of it - what would be the best way to do that.  I've heard virtualization, but I'm not sure15:09
dwakarschnuffle and my personal files15:09
llutz!register | thedingo15:09
ubottuthedingo: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:09
schnuffletshauck: check for openvz, lxc15:09
noob1204the thing is that i just installed windows 7, and when i boot from USB to install ubuntu, it does not recognize my windows 7 partitions, and try to installa in the whole disk15:09
noname120MonkeyDust : what if I'm sweet ?15:09
noob1204anyone knows how to fix this?15:10
thedingollutz: is there a way to recover my password for this nick?15:10
schnuffledwakar: won't be touched altough its always a good idea to have a backup15:10
Jak2000any advice why apt-get update fail: http://pastebin.com/HgYg9nRW ?15:10
llutzthedingo: ask in #freenode, idk15:10
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tshauckschnuffle, I'll look, thanks15:10
dwakarschnuffle any good backup softwares in your mind15:10
noname120Anyone does know how to fix b43 wifi chip ?15:10
schnuffledwakar: duplicity is a nice tool but there are hundreds15:11
dwakarschnuffle oh thanks15:11
schnuffledwakar: depends on you being more GUI or terminal orientated15:12
OerHeksnoname120, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx all you need is " sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer " and reboot15:12
szymon_gJak2000: did you run sudo dpkg --configure -a as it is suggested?15:12
dwakarschnuffle i can work with any thing15:12
dwakarschnuffle somewhere i've heard about rsync15:13
dwakarwhat is it15:13
szymon_gdwakar: rsync ;)?15:13
schnuffledwakar: Backup on external HDD, other network?15:13
szymon_gah, too late15:13
noob1204any help?15:13
schnuffledwakar: duplicity is a frontend to rsync15:13
dwakarschnuffle oh thanks for that insight15:14
Erealzi need help setting up a at home openvp server. is this the right channel or no?15:14
szymon_gnoob1204: how many partitions have you? do you have any free, unallocated space on it?15:14
schnuffleErealz: I guess not really but just ask. What is your problem as openvpn is very easy to setup15:14
dwakarschnuffle how about migrating a virtual system to my hard drive15:14
noob1204szymon_g : yes, i have free space, i have the loader 100mb partition and windows 120gb partition, disk is 320Gb15:15
dwakari mean ubuntu in virtual box or something like that15:15
noob1204szymon_g (thank you btw)15:15
schnuffledwakar:  that is possible but needs some knowledge15:15
dwakarschnuffle what kind of knowledge.15:16
oCeanErealz: there is a specific #openvpn channel15:16
dwakarschnuffle can you do that with rsync15:16
schnuffledwakar: How to handle partitions, debootstrap and a general knowledge of the shell e.g. bash15:16
Erealzwell iv never set one up on ubuntu15:17
szymon_gnoob1204: are you installing it from usb? did you convert "live cd" image to usbdrive?15:17
Erealzyou know what ill be back guys15:17
schnuffledwakar: with lxc and openvz yes, with Xen,KVM no15:17
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Erealzi gota get to work15:17
szymon_gmaybe try "alternate cd"- i find the installer there better (in semigraphical mode) than livecd's15:18
KRomeleoNcan someone heklp me?15:18
schnuffledwakar: not really true you could even do it with Rsync on an LVM VM but all depends on the setup15:18
noob1204szymon_g downloaded iso from ubuntu.com, and then made a bootable USB following guide on ubuntu.com (from a macosx computer)15:18
noob1204szymon_g i have no DVD drive btw15:18
szymon_gwouldn't it be better to install it from dvd than?15:19
noob1204i have no dvd drive :)15:19
justntimeevery time I boot, grub comes up.  I couldn't find menu.lst15:19
schnufflenoob1204: USB is the way I go as well and it works perfect15:19
szymon_gah, crap, i haven't seem the "no"15:19
szymon_gsorry for that15:19
noob1204is there a way to check if its an installer issue or anything?15:19
noob1204my mobo is a Z68 gigabyte, maybe too new for ubuntu?15:20
justntimehow do I set grub to not pop up every time I reboot15:20
szymon_gnoob1204: i had an issue with that kind of installer, but i'm not sure that's its fault15:20
szymon_g(in my case- it installed only base system, everything else it wanted to download from network)15:20
schnufflenoob1204: have you tried manual partitioning to see if your W7 partition apears15:20
dwakarschnuffle no wonder people look for lts15:21
noob1204schnuffle: im afraid i **** the disk15:21
noob1204is it a ctrl-z thing i can try?=15:21
schnufflejustntime: the conf is done in /etc/default/grub15:21
szymon_gnoob1204: yes15:21
justntimeschnuffle, that all looks right, and I ran update-grub15:22
noob1204ill try the manual thing and report back15:22
schnufflenoob1204: no and it depends on what you have done to your partition table15:22
noob1204no way15:23
noob1204still dont recognize the partitions on sda15:23
noob1204but it list sda as a target drive :S15:23
noob1204i can see /dev/sda1 and /dev /sda2 in /dev15:24
schnufflejustntime: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Configuring_GRUB_2 to check how to change the config15:24
paaniihi guys15:24
schnufflenoob1204: paste sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda15:24
paaniii want to tweak my ubuntu 12.0415:25
schnufflepaanii: the go ahead :)15:25
karl-augusttplease, I'm searching a pdf file witch talk about linux scrach15:25
noob1204/dev/sda1   *        2048      206847      102400    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT15:25
noob1204/dev/sda2          206848   245762047   122777600    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT15:25
schnufflenoob1204: So apparently both windows partitions are still there15:26
noob1204my boyfriend is not back until next week... my old pc died and i thought i could restore my ubuntu... but seems i still need to learn more ahah15:27
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schnufflenoob1204: does the second partition occupy the whole HDD. I that case you need to resize it and make some place for uuntu15:27
noob1204no no15:27
noob1204second partition is just 120gb15:27
noob1204disk is 320gb15:27
noob1204btw installer displays "320gb free"15:27
justntimedid you lose anything that you needed though is the question15:27
paaniischnuffle: finally made the move to ubuntu fully15:27
mneptoknoob1204: "df -h" to pastebin, please15:28
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paaniiwhat app will help me tweak my ubuntu 12.04 fast and well15:28
schnufflepaanii: if you like tweaking your system unity may not be what you look for as for the moment it's not very well customizable15:29
Alan502I just installed dnsmasq but something weird is happening! I can access all websites but google on my borwser. Dig google.com does return an ip but when I try to use my computer it doesn't work??15:29
schnufflepaanii: it should run well from the beginning15:29
paaniii want to move the close button from right to left15:30
Sparky712haha, I have victory! and.. defeat. >.<  right... i finally managed to install it using the ACPI workaround option (though im not sure whether that was the reason) but now I load it and it freezes at the purple screen. what can I do?15:30
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noob1204as i see in df -h not any win partition is mounted.... maybe is this the problem?15:30
noob1204should i mount them?15:30
mneptoknoob1204: your disk at "sda" has 2 partitions. they are both formatted for some Microsoft-y filesystem. to use that disk, you will need to destroy or resize the partitions you have on there.15:30
paaniiit does run fine15:30
mneptoknoob1204: do you care about the data on that disk?15:31
noob1204mneptok my old pc had 5 partitions, i guess thats not the issue15:31
k1l paanii take a look at myunity15:31
schnufflepaanii: so what do you want to tweak? Keep in mind tweaking without really knowing often leads to a crashed system, like playing around in the Windows Registry15:31
alex_____I am going to install INN2 from source the news home directory is in /var/spool/news if when I run ./configure I add --prefix=/home/news what would happen?15:31
mneptoknoob1204: the disk is from that "old pc" and has not been formatted in any way since?15:31
paaniischnuffle: i want to move the close and minimize button from right to left15:32
noname120i tried to make ndiswraper15:32
noname120I get the following15:32
noname120what's wrong ?15:32
FloodBot1noname120: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:32
schnufflepaanii: For that stuff you'll need to ask somebody else. I'm in no way a GUI expert as I don't care :)15:33
noob1204mneptok disk is new, and windows 7 is already installed (fresh), old disk died with mobo, i have a backup of my things so thats not an issue15:33
paaniik1l: i have myunity but it doesnt move the close buttons15:33
k1lpaanii: they should be left. or did you bring them manually to the right or do you use a theme which does15:33
noname120It's not working, can anyone tell me what's wrong15:34
mneptoknoob1204: aha! this is some disk that came with a new computer? (y bien gracias por tu Ingles. ex excelente.)15:34
schnuffleI'm off wish all of you good luck15:34
Sparky712noname, detail your problem here.15:34
paaniik1l: i guess so15:35
sachaeli installed xubuntu-desktop to try it, and it replaced the default boot/shutdown animations. Is there a way to restore them?15:35
joekoCan anyone recommend a java text to speech library15:35
Sparky712and can someone please help me with this -  right... i finally managed to install it using the ACPI workaround option (though im not sure whether that was the reason) but now I load it and it freezes at the purple screen. what can I do?15:35
noob1204mneptok disk was working on my bf computer as a data disk, but it was fully formated from windows installer, its 3 months old. (thanks ^^)15:35
paaniik1l: and i want to restore it back to the left like in MAC15:35
olegПривет всем15:36
noname120Sparky712 : My broadcom chip isn't working, that why I try ndiswrapper to use the original windows driver. But when issuing "make", I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044182/   Sparky71215:36
wylde_!ru | oleg15:36
ubottuoleg: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:36
mneptoknoob1204: OK, so if you can kill all data on that disk and never worry (you do not need anything), just ask the installer to create a new GPT-format partition table on that disk. then you will be able to make the partitions you want.15:36
oleg /join #ubuntu-ru15:36
bobertdosSo my impression from looking at the Launchpad reports is that this bug has existed in Gstreamer for a while. In Precise, I am still experiencing the constant skipping of songs and failure to playback of songs when any gstreamer-based player switches between songs. Has anyone found a decent way around this?15:36
noname120I'll go back to windows and kick ubuntu then :/15:37
mneptoknoob1204: desktop or laptop?15:37
noob1204mneptok but then... how will i dual boot win and linux... i barely use windows, but i need it sometimes for my dad to use the pc... and i dont know how to dual boot manually...15:37
Sparky712dontgive up too quickly15:37
noob1204mneptok desktop15:37
noname120Sparky712 : Quickly ? haha, I tried for hours15:38
jribnoname120: you shouldn't need ndiswrapper, just go to the Hardware Drivers tool15:38
Sparky712ive been trying for days.15:38
noname120jrib : the driver tool installs a driver that isn't working15:38
mneptoknoob1204: you will need to resize the windows partition to create free, unused disk space for Ubuntu to create partitions. or, better, get a second hard disk for Linux, and dual boot that way.15:38
jribnoname120: I suppose you should provide details about the driver, your card, your ubuntu version, etc.15:38
noob1204mneptok 1nd disk is not an option...15:38
noname120xubuntu 12; broadcom 431115:39
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noob1204is it too hard to dual boot, installing first ubuntu?15:39
noname120jrib : about my driver, I guess it's currently Broadcom STA driver15:39
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jribnoob1204: no, but it's easier to install windows first15:39
mneptoknoob1204: understood. so boot to Windows, and ask the Windows partitioning tools to consolidate data, resize the partition, and create unpartitioned space that suits your Linux needs.15:39
Sparky712it's much easier if you install ubuntu last, noob.. it plays nicer than the other OS's15:40
noname120Does anyone have an idea ?15:40
noname120Or does anyone want to control my computer to fix it up ?15:40
Sparky712so, you are trying to use a windows driver to make ubuntu work?15:41
noob1204meh... i really want to solve this.... ¬¬ it seems is the only way to learn...15:41
jribnoname120: please just ask your real question (you can repeat the actual question after some time if you want), but "does anyone have any idea" is not productive15:41
noname120How to get my broadcom 4311 working ?15:41
mneptoknoob1204: the problem is that the disk is 100% used. there's no place to install Ubuntu. you need free, unpartitined space on that disk.15:41
noob1204mneptok disk is not 100% used...15:42
noname120jrib : do you've an =$15:42
noname120any ai15:42
noob1204mneptok i have 100mb + 120gb partitions, still 200Gb free15:42
noname120any idea bout my problem ?15:42
mneptoknoob1204: yes, it is. there is no free, unpartitioned space that Ubuntu can see.15:42
Sparky712is that free space spread across the partitions?15:42
alex_____I am going to install INN2 from source the news home directory is in /var/spool/news if when I run ./configure I add --prefix=/home/news what would happen?15:42
mneptoknoob1204: if the installer does not see it, boot to Windows and see if it is visible there.15:43
noname120How to get my broadcom 4311 working ?15:43
noob1204i'd say no, because start and end cylinders seems consecutive15:43
noname120How to get my broadcom 4311 working ?15:43
jribnoname120: I would follow the wiki directions sent to you by OerHeks15:43
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noname120jrib not working15:43
jribnoname120: wait a reasonable amount of time before repeating please...15:43
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mneptoknoname120: the immediate repition will not happen again.15:43
mneptoknoob1204: you seem sure that there is unpartitioned space (not unused, unpartitioned). what does the "gparted" app in Ubuntu tell you? what does Windows say?15:44
noob1204interesting.... gparted does not see any partitions.... but /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 are present...15:44
Sparky712saying that, i need to repeat my problem... it freezes on the purple screen.. ( have managed to install now) after installing, it rebooted itself, then when I try and use it, it freezes on the purple screen.15:44
noname120Why is there no support for broadcom 43xx cards ?15:45
noname120Why don't ubuntu devs add support ?15:45
OerHeksnoname120, remove all b43 packages first, then " sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer " and reboot15:45
noob1204mneptok gparted says its 100% free space... but sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda shows the partition15:46
noname120OerHeks : thanks for help but not working, sadl15:46
OerHeksnoname120, works fine here15:46
OerHeksnoname120, then see if there is a hardware switch bugging you15:46
Krupteinso the sound for youtube, streams like twitch etc is really choppy while the video is fine,   normal audio for music files works fine,   problem on both opera,chrome and firefox   someone an idea?15:46
noname120I've the broadcom 431115:46
noname120OerHeks : working on both win and backtrack15:46
noname120Hardware switch is fine15:47
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zaxI am going to install INN2 from source the news home directory is in /var/spool/news if when I run ./configure I add --prefix=/home/news what would happen?15:47
bobertdosKruptein:  What version of flash are you running?15:48
mneptoknoob1204: hrm. if CLI tools can see the partitions you expect ... have you tried the -alternate installation CD?15:48
TheLordOfTimedoes dnsmasq automatically exist on Ubuntu Desktop systems?15:48
TheLordOfTimeor is there some dns cacher?15:48
TheLordOfTime(that comes by default)15:48
Sparky712<Sparky712> saying that, i need to repeat my problem... it freezes on the purple screen.. ( have managed to install now) after installing, it rebooted itself, then when I try and use it, it freezes on the purple screen. how can I fix this?15:48
noob1204mneptok  it seems ill need to try it15:48
Krupteinbobertdos opera is using shockwave flash 11.2 rc20215:48
Krupteinbobertdos I have youtube with html5 though15:49
dontknowi found an alien ship and installed ubuntu on its computer, it isolated ubuntu and patched its vulnerabilities. it is really fast now. using 10^-16 of system resources15:49
mneptoknoname120: "no support for Broadcom 43xx cards" is dead wrong, and it continues your ranty-ness. and that is unwelcome.15:49
bobertdosKruptein: But not all Youtube videos can play with HTML5 due to ads. So is it just HTML5 videos you're having trouble with or HTML5 *and* flash?15:49
Krupteinbobertdos: ok, well till now every yt vid I tried  and also twitch.tv streams15:50
mneptokdontknow: please stay on-topic15:51
sapienshello... I'm trying to compile OpenEaagles... and I have a strange error occuring, probably a path to set or something like this... here's the output of the console: http://pastebin.com/A1JE8GWk15:52
sapiensAnyone could help?15:52
bobertdosKruptein: So it's a recent development. Have you made sure to try both HTML5 content and flash content?15:52
Sparky712my problem... it freezes on the purple screen.. ( have managed to install now) after installing, it rebooted itself, then when I try and use it, it freezes on the purple screen.15:52
oCeanSparky712: no need to repeat that quickly15:52
Krupteinbobertdos: yh it only is a problem since this morning and I didn't change anything afaik   uhm well if yt indeed does not use html5 all the time I probably didn't try html15:53
dontknowmneptok, just saying, artificial intelligence on ship solves everything15:53
Sparky712ahh yes... i will make sure that i have mIRC fullscreened next time, sorry ocean.15:53
mneptokdontknow: just saying, son't say it.15:53
Krupteinbobertdos: I'll just try to restart my pc maybe that solves it brb15:53
bobertdosSparky712: I had a problem like that a couple generations ago. I don't know if this would work for you, but on mine, whenever I would get stuck on the splash screen, I would Alt-F1 to bypass the splash screen. It would go to the verbose (text) loading mode, and then it would load.15:54
Sparky712alt - F1... I dont know, it seems, ( i cant actually tell, it's a still image) like my system actually freezes. but it is worth a try15:55
Sparky712I did install using the ACPI workaround option, but would that make a difference?15:55
bobertdosSparky712: I wouldn't imagine so.15:55
Stereocaulon_I have accidentally quickformatted for NTFS one of my RAID1 ICH10R array disks (under non-RAID mode) the other disk is still untouched. How can I tell the RAID1-array which drive contains the right data?15:56
dontknowI couldn't achieve booting with verbose mode15:56
Ashaelquestion: i changed my cursor theme, but it only changed in some contexts and returns to default in others. is there a way to change it globally?15:56
Sparky712bobertdos: you sure? I have seen that using the ACPI workaround ends up needing to be done multiple times, because it is not permanent.15:57
dontknowI couldn't achieve booting with verbose mode. do you know how?15:57
Krupteinbobertdos: ok lol restart fixed it -_-15:57
Krupteinbobertdos: thanks for your time anyway :)15:57
bobertdosSparky712: Well that could very well be true. I probably shouldn't say anything as I've never had to use it.15:58
bobertdosKruptein:  You're welcome15:58
Sparky712ahh thank you for your help anyways, alt f1... I shall see if it works. but first, just in case, I will look up the ACPI workaround...15:58
noob1204ok, i found it...15:59
psiklopsdontknow, press Shift during Boot after Grub15:59
noob1204it seems my bf placed some kind of weird 3mb partition at the beggining of the disk, and gparted cant see any partition as it understands partition table is corrupted...15:59
dontknowpsiklops, any automated solution?16:00
noob1204and windows did not noticed it on install :S16:00
psiklopsman grub16:00
Ashaelquestion: i changed my cursor theme, but it only changed in some contexts and returns to default in others. is there a way to change it globally?16:00
psiklopsdontknow, man grub16:00
dontknowAshael, it is like that on my computer either16:00
noob1204anyway, ill partition the disk from linux and it should work.... i just need to install windows again... bad for me...16:01
dontknowAshael, cursor theme changes on flash surfaces, right?16:01
Ashaeli tried changing it in the gconf_editor but it didn't work16:01
Ashaeldontknow: and in some windows16:01
Ashaele.g. KVirc16:02
dontknowAshael, pointing cursor on links also16:02
Ashaelnot in FF16:02
dontknowAshael, in xchat for example16:02
Ashaelon tabs, though, in programs such as Pidgin16:02
bcuraboyneed some to configure roadnav on ubuntu 12.04 to work with android16:03
Ashaeli use KVirc16:03
bcuraboyneed some help to configure roadnav on ubuntu 12.04 to work with android16:03
dontknowAshael, or chrome16:03
Sparky712dontknow, your problem sounds like the theme isnt complete16:03
dontknowSparky712, i am  just using black cursor theme16:04
AshaelSparky712: in configuration or in cursor art files?16:04
Sparky712fair enough. and ashael, if your problem is similar, and it changes to defaults when in certain situations, possibly. and if it doesnt have an image for a certain situation.. i dont know, does it default to another theme for it?16:05
noob1204crossing fingers..... brb16:06
AshaelSparky712: it seems to have all images, and it defaults to the original system default16:06
drecuteHello. I will like to know; how do I enable vlan support in network-manager?16:06
l_rwhy  don't i see the guest session  enabled in the menu?16:07
psiklopsdontknow, google for:  grub boot options16:07
l_rgnome-session-fallback is installed16:07
psiklopsdontknow, google for:  grub boot configuration16:07
l_rpsiklops, who are you talking too?16:07
oCeanpsiklops: please don't refer to google searches here16:08
l_rany idea?16:08
dontknowpsiklops, i might16:08
l_ron google i just see entries about disabling guest-session. but i want to enable it16:08
=== AndChat116025 is now known as Bob_HK
psiklopsoCean, ok16:09
Bronzehi, does anyone know if there is a tool or script that automates importing all of CPAN into ubunbtu? (I'm a perl user, but not much of a perl prgrammer. I Need CPAN intact)16:09
Sparky712l_r, psiklops is talking to 'dontknow',just to clarify who it was aimed at.16:09
psiklopsSparky712, thanx16:09
dontknowanyone here using ubuntu with guest session for more security?16:10
MonkeyDustl_r  in the login menu, click on your user, then arrow down16:10
l_rmonkey1, let me see16:10
Sidewinder1dontknow, How would using a Guest Session increase security?16:14
dontknowSidewinder1, dont know, maybe it is about permissions?16:15
cheryl_Hi, I'm back.....tried Lubuntu, prefer Ubuntu!!16:16
Lacoixneeding help with Additional Drivers in 12.04 failing no matter which driver I choose for Nvidia16:16
dontknowcheryl_, try cinnamon16:16
cheryl_I have installed restricted extras but keep getting an error that flash is not installed!16:17
dontknowcheryl_, better then toy unity16:17
cheryl_don't know I'm happy with Ubuntu....16:17
MonkeyDustcheryl_  install flashplugin-installer16:17
cheryl_MonkeyDust, Can I sudo apt-get install it? :)16:18
dontknowunity is like a toy, cinnamon pro16:18
MonkeyDustcheryl_  yes16:18
mneptokdontknow: this is #ubuntu. please stop with suggestions for non-standard UIs with no official packages in the distro.16:18
cheryl_MonkeyDust, Says latest is installed16:19
Sidewinder1dontknow, I always felt that just using ones username on the system, provides more than adequate security; especially compared to other OSs. Id you widh to delve deeper int oubuntu and haven't seen this, please have a look. 'Tis a little old but still pertanant and interesting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081216:19
cheryl_I'm trying to IM on a dating site 'n that's where it says I don't have flash 10 installed16:19
cheryl_MonkeyDust, I'm trying to IM on a dating site 'n that's where it says I don't have flash 10 installed16:19
dontknowmneptok, cinnamon is working very stable now16:19
dontknowSidewinder1, have a look at it16:20
mneptokdontknow: i wasn't asking.16:20
dontknowmneptok, i was answering16:20
Sidewinder1Wow! My typing sucks alot more than normal, today. And that's sayin somethin'. Sorry.. :(16:20
Stereocaulon_I have accidentally quickformatted for NTFS one of my RAID1 ICH10R array disks (under non-RAID mode) the other disk is still untouched. How can I tell the RAID1-array which drive contains the right data and restore it to it's glorious past?16:21
Stereocaulon_should I go ahead and delete all data on that disk that I quickformatted outside RAID mode, so that that the RAID-controller recognizes it as a new disk16:21
MonkeyDustcheryl_  maybe a different browser works16:21
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cheryl_MonkeyDust, ok, will install Chromium16:22
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cheryl_MonkeyDust, I meant Chrome16:23
l_rit's incredible16:23
l_ri cannot see this damn guet user16:23
l_rhow cani enable it?16:23
bazhangl_r, for security?16:23
mz|`Stereocaulon_: use a file recovery program if you want to retrieve data16:23
l_r(not to mention the crap gdm which blocks for ever if i press an empty string as user)16:24
l_rbazhang, yes16:24
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GracenotesI have one of these. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001G7HDKQ/  How can I get Ubuntu to recognize the 1/8" end as a microphone?16:24
l_reverywhere i see it is enabled by default16:24
OerHeksl_r, askubuntu has the answer > http://askubuntu.com/questions/62564/how-do-i-disable-the-guest-session16:24
bazhangl_r, how will using guest user provide more security16:24
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subichanhi. to download the kernel sources for my ubuntu what package should i look for?16:25
mz|`Gracenotes: link the right cable with the right output (the mic one)16:25
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subichani'm on the latest lts16:25
l_ri want to *****ENABLE***** IT16:25
l_rnot disable16:25
mz|`then go into sound properties and adjust to your needs16:25
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OerHeksl_r, sorry, same way to enable it, i guess16:25
DrManhattanwow whoever mentioned that cinnamon thing - VERY nice16:26
l_ri already did that stuff with the gdm config16:26
l_rit just does not work16:26
mz|`l_r: are you sure you are running gdm and not lightdm ?16:26
DrManhattanI havent bothered with linux desktop since all this unity/gnome3 stuff. It would rock on a tablet but it's not so fun on desktop16:27
l_rmz|`, let me see16:27
FriendlySovietIs anyone here?16:27
Gracenotesmz|`: well, I have it connected with the dual end in L/R of a (piano) keyboard, and 1/8" in my computer. Is it folly to try to get stuff from the keyboard to my sound card?16:27
Paulo39hi there, i have a weird problem: i have both ubuntu and archlinux installed on my computer. the grub is installed in Ubuntu. the archlinux menu entry in grub is pointing to an absent uuid, so when i choose archlinux in grub, i get a messagem saying the uuid is pointing to nowhere, then i just have to type any key and i boot into arch anyway16:27
mz|`Gracenotes: see sound properties16:27
GracenotesI am not sure the circumstances which would allow it to work.16:27
mz|`driver ?16:27
l_rmz|`, pstree | grep gdm      |-gdm-binary-+-gdm-simple-slav-+-Xorg16:27
Paulo39i dont know why, grub files are getting the wrong uuid for that parttion, how can i fix this?16:27
l_ri think it's gdm16:28
Gracenotesmz|`: yeah, all of the devices result in nothing happening in the "input" tab.16:28
mz|`l_r: if you have trouble using gdm, use lightdm and follow : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-or-enable-guest-session-in-ubuntu-12-04.html16:28
GracenotesThey are Analog Stereo Duplex, Analog Stereo Input, HDMI Output + Analog Stereo Input, ... and some other combos16:29
l_rmz|`, how can i switch to slightgdm instead of gdm16:29
Symbi0nthow can I change the group of an file via Nautilus? The group I want to have is not in the pulldown field of the settings disalog of the file itself.16:29
cheryl_MonkeyDust, it's working now...musta just needed restarting or somming!16:29
mz|`analog stereo input16:29
mz|`and be sure that the right cable is in the right output16:29
c2tarunanyone able to successfully setup and ad-hoc wifi network b/w windows and ubuntu?16:29
mz|`l_r: apt-get install lightdm16:29
l_rmz|`, it's already installed16:30
nicobrevindoes anyone here use awesome wm?  And if so, have you managed to use it with the fast user switching thing?16:30
mz|`dpkg-reconfigure lightdm16:30
mz|`nicobrevin: yes, and no16:30
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: in nautilus you can change the mask to user group other with read write execute , you can't add others to the group16:30
mz|`nicobrevin: read documentation, it is explain16:31
axgbCan someplne please help me with ubuntu Low-graphics mode please?16:31
nicobrevinmz| the docs on nasquadah?16:31
Symbi0ntsacarlson: I can't do a sudo chown -R username:www-data file.png in nautilus?16:31
mz|`if not, just add an alias to have the same behavior with multiple commands16:32
Symbi0ntHmm the -R is useless there, but that is what I want16:32
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: there is a gui called user groups that can change those attributes16:32
HelloWorld321Hi axgb.  I can't help you with that, I'm having similar problems.16:32
mz|`axgb: wait for an answer, dont spam16:32
HelloWorld321but I'm interested in what you've got.  Maybe it'll help me.16:32
mz|`axgb: explain in details16:32
MonkeyDust!yay| CharlieSu16:33
ubottuCharlieSu: Glad you made it! :-)16:33
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: yes you can also change owner with nautilus16:33
MonkeyDustCharlieSu  wrong nick sorry16:33
axgbwhat happened is that a program ran out of memory and now ubuntu goes into low-graphics mode16:33
HelloWorld321We have a policy in this channel: "don't ask to ask,just ask".  But people here don't usually get into hand-holding: you need a specific question.  Once you've got that, just ask.  But thats the hard part, isn't it?  If you've got the specific question, google could handle it for yo.16:33
mz|`axgb: not related :)16:33
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: and what group the files belongs to16:33
HelloWorld321couldn't low graphics mode be related to low memory if you've got an onboard video card with shared RAM like most laptops?16:34
Gracenotesmz|`: hm, okay, gray in left, orange in right. It seems like, for "Analog Stereo Input", my computer is always using the internal mic. Also, I do not have a microphone port as such, but rather a duplex.16:34
Symbi0ntI have a context menu where a pulldown appears16:34
Symbi0ntbut only 8 groups are shown16:34
axgbhow is the program (Audacity) and ubuntu going into low-graphics mode not related - they happened one-after-the-ther16:34
mz|`axgb: to see if this come from the program, just reboot, if you continue to be in low graphics, you have a driver issue16:34
Gracenotesmz|`: unfortunately, then, no real change16:34
Symbi0ntand the one I need is not one of them16:34
Symbi0ntthats why I ask16:34
axgbi have rebooted several times16:34
KeanulaszloCould anyone help with my blank screen problem?16:34
axgbbut the drivers worked perfectly before16:35
mz|`Gracenotes: remove the internal audio driver ? or blacklist its module ?16:35
mz|`axgb: and now they are not.16:35
mz|`remove/reinstall your drivers.16:35
axgbhow do i do that16:35
mz|`search on google.16:35
axgbi do not have internet connection on that computor16:35
MonkeyDust!google| mz|`16:35
ubottumz|`: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:35
Gracenotesmz|`: well, I hope there are other audio modules... lemme see16:36
mz|`MonkeyDust: please do.16:36
axgbi have the ubuntu command line, can you please list what commands i need to enter in to reinstall the drivers16:36
KRomeleoNis there a duckduckgo lens for unity?16:36
KeanulaszloWhenever I log into the the "Owner" user, my screen goes completely blank. However, when I use a guest session it's fine16:36
mz|`MonkeyDust: please reply to axgb.16:36
bsdfreakJust upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and now Unity desktop doesn't start unless I run unity from the command line.  Tried unity --reset.  Also tried the 2D desktop.  Any one have any ideas on how to resolve this?16:37
mz|`KRomeleoN: create a new icon, add the command "firefox http://www.duckduckgo.com"16:37
trismKRomeleoN: http://iloveubuntu.net/unity-duckduckgo-lens-released-ppa-available16:37
sapiensI'm trying to install OpenEaagles on Ubuntu and I have compilation errors... would someone help me to understand?16:37
axgbthanks mzI'16:37
Gracenotesmz|`: hm. you know, I might try to just update my kernel, see if anything comes of that. But otherwise, everything about duplex audio tends to suck. Would not recommend it in general.16:37
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KRomeleoNtrism: thanks bro!16:37
mz|`trism: ow !16:38
axgbwhat commands do i use to reinsttall drivers without a internet connection16:38
Gracenotesbut then I'll have to worry about installing gnome session fallback16:38
Gracenotesbecause I don't like my workflow being horribly disrupted16:39
sacarlsonwe need a better method to get our systems back to the way they worked,  like I do with git to get my software to the last point it was functional16:39
mz|`Gracenotes: depends also on the drivers :-/ my numeric mixer is not recognized16:39
mz|`and will never be.16:39
zzecoolIs anyone having problem with skype version 4 not loading the icon on top panel ?16:39
mz|`Gracenotes: agreed16:39
HelloWorld321Hang on axgb: I need the same thing , I'll try to find it16:39
HelloWorld321do you know what video card you have?16:39
axgbI dont know what drivers i have -> It used to work perfectly, with no errors, now it does not16:40
Gracenotesfor now, I might use a $15 mic with 15-year old speakers. that'll sound... eh.16:40
axgbi think my video card is nvideo16:40
HelloWorld321actually, axgb: I think maybe you should try the first thing the guy said.   Do a quick reboot and come back.  You might be fine after a reboot.16:40
mz|`Gracenotes: increaaaase da gain ! :)16:40
axgbi have rebooted several times - i only just found out about this service16:40
KeanulaszloKRomeleoN: Are you from Hungary?16:41
sacarlsonwe have all this extra harddrive space why not make snapshot diffs of points that were working16:41
axgbit happened about 2 days ago16:41
unodxKeanulaszlo, im hungry16:41
Gracenotesof couuursse, in this case, there will also be the sound of the pedal16:41
Chuck_Norriszzecool: in Unity?16:41
HelloWorld321hang on.  from memory, the first thing you need to do is lspci to get a list of your pci devices (including the video card)16:41
Keanulaszlounodx: so am I16:41
zzecoolChuck_Norris: yes16:41
Gracenoteshigh quality, but probably needs to be greased16:41
unodxKeanulaszlo, whats in the fridge ?16:41
Chuck_Norriszzecool: try this: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:skype-wrapper/ppa ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install skype-wrapper16:41
zzecoolChuck_Norris: i think ita multiarch problem   ( im running 64bit )16:41
axgbAMD radion HD 4890 does that mean anything to you16:42
Keanulaszlounodx: Just some ubuntu. Whenever I try to eat it, it turns blank... think you could help me out?16:42
oCeanzzecool: please note that Chuck_Norris is suggesting to install a PPA. Those are unsupported 3rd party repositories16:42
zzecoolChuck_Norris: this is an outdated version with tab support16:42
HelloWorld321axgb: Radeon is one of the top brands16:42
HelloWorld321axgb: first, do you have a laptop?16:43
bsdfreakI guess I'll try removing and re-adding ubuntu-desktop and performing a dist-upgrade...16:43
axgbits a desktop PC16:43
unodxKeanulaszlo, yea try sudo eating it, if still turns blank please create a bug in launchpad16:43
Chuck_Norriszzecool: idk really i use gnome shell normally but "skepy-wrapper" makes more adaptable skype to Unity16:43
HelloWorld321K.  Mine is Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller16:44
zzecoolChuck_Norris: the is a all new skype version releaset 2 days before16:44
axgbi have two PCs: on with windows XP which i am using to chat with you, another with ubuntu that i want to sort out16:44
Chuck_Norrissed 's/normally/usually/'16:44
MonkeyDust!pm| mz|`16:44
ubottumz|`: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:44
HelloWorld321ya, and you said you had command line on the linux box.  I have the same thing16:44
axgband the desktop PC with ubumtu does not have internet access16:44
Keanulaszlounodx: ... enough with the metaphors, I'm not sure what you just said... could you explain it to me as if I were a brand new Ubuntu user (which I am)?16:44
Chuck_Norriszzecool: i know i already have it installed16:44
HelloWorld321you mean full-on none?  try this on your ubuntu box: ping www.yahoo.com16:45
mz|`MonkeyDust: do you have one function other than make the bot talking ?16:45
mz|`like helping people ?16:45
axgbi have managed to get to a command line, and i thought that another user may be able to tell me what to type into it to sort it out16:45
MonkeyDustmz|`  let's move on now16:45
unodxKeanulaszlo, im just hungry men...but too lazy to go to the fridge...sorry are you having problems with ubuntu ?16:45
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HelloWorld321axgb: use ping from the command line to find if you truly have no internet16:45
HelloWorld321cuz you're gonna need internet to download driver16:45
bsdfreakcan't he download to a usb?16:46
bsdfreakusing his xp pc?16:46
sacarlsonaxgb: well the good thing is it's a desktop so maybe just move the disk to a system that has access and install fix it there?16:46
Keanulaszlounodx: yeah, when I first dualbooted ubuntu, I played around with the system settings, and hit "Apply" when I was in the Appearance section. The screen went blank, and now I can't see anything. I've tried to reboot several times, but whenever I log into the "Owner" user, it's just blank16:46
blackgatocatnegrHi, after updating Tor, the old bug of **Vidalia could not open  "/home/USER/.vidalia/torrc": Permission denied"** returned, this seems to be a debian specific issue. This time I can't solve it by stooping the tor daemon, even a clean install did not help. Even running Vidalia as root does not help. here is the  error message : http://privatepaste.com/3cb773564016:46
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axgbI have a Atheros WLAN card which does not work with ubuntu (its dual boot with windows 7) and to get internet i can sometimes ethernet it to a laptop16:47
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oCeanblackgatocatnegr: if it is debian specific, then why ask here?16:47
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blackgatocatnegrKeanulaszlo, have you tried option two in grub, then try the xsafe option?16:47
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mz|`oCean: because nobody answers him on #debian16:47
Keanulaszloblackgatocatnegr: option what? in the what?16:47
axgbwhat can i do16:48
oCeanmz|`: I know, I'm there too16:48
axgbhow do i connect to internet on ubuntu over ethernet16:48
sacarlsonaxgb: atheros is one of the best supported wifi suprized it won't work16:49
bsdfreakaxgb: you should be able to go to command line and type dhclient eth0 if you don't automatically connect16:49
anymousHi all .I want to add a plugin for my vim .What should I do ?16:49
mz|`axgb: did you do an upgrade wichi crashed or did not finish ?16:49
axgbare you joking? through GUI it recognises the WIFI networks but does nto connect16:49
HelloWorld321the other problem with google-fu is how spammers are getting so good at keyword stuffing16:49
axgbIts never worked, i have installed ubuntu agai16:49
blackgatocatnegrKeanulaszlo, in grub, when you boot, uder the main option to boot you linux distro, there is a second one, try that one and pick the one that says something about minimal x window or something like that, usually safex, wait let me check16:50
unodxKeanulaszlo, check if gnome is running16:50
Chuck_Norrisaxgb: paste: lsmod16:50
axgbive given up on the wifi card16:50
sacarlsonaxgb: wifi encypted?   try wicd if you didn't already16:50
axgbi have tried WICD and it does not work16:50
axgband the network is encrypted16:50
Keanulaszlounodx: how...? again, sorry, I'm ridiculously new to ubuntu and linux in general16:50
jarubyh_Gnome is the desktop environment for Ubuntu.16:51
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unodx Keanulaszlo, do you have terminal/shell access ? can you type commands ?16:51
sacarlsonaxgb: well if your the admin of the network you might want to temp decrypt the network till things work16:51
oCean!nickspam | quixotedon16:51
ubottuquixotedon: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »16:51
Keanulaszlounodx: yes I can16:51
axgbI have got a ethernet cable between a laptop and the PC which normally allows internet on it16:52
unodxKeanulaszlo, ps -aef | grep -i "gnome"16:52
Keanulaszlounodx: crtl+alt+F1, right?16:52
sacarlsonaxgb: if the wire works then stick with that,  conectivity is important to help get things to work16:52
axgbhow do i connect with wire16:53
axgbwhat commands do i do to connect to the wire16:53
bsdfreakdhclient eth016:53
HelloWorld321I think he thought you already had that "axgb: I have got a ethernet cable between a laptop and the PC which normally allows internet on it"16:53
sacarlsonaxgb: you stated the wire works?  so plug it in?16:53
axgbit normally works, with a bit of fiddling16:53
Ashaelhow can i add files to usr/share/ folders?16:54
axgbwith UI,16:54
axgbbut now i cant get it to work16:54
SlartAshael: you can either use a terminal and use cp,mv and those commands.. or run a root nautilus window using gksudo16:54
SlartAshael: of course.. in the terminal you need to use "sudo mv" and "sudo cp" and so on16:55
axgbcan i sorta insert a LIVECD and tell it to repair the damaged files16:55
jarubyh_sudo cp foo bar /usr/share16:55
unodxKeanulaszlo, that will take you to the console16:56
unodxKeanulaszlo, try ctrl-alt-f716:56
Keanulaszlounodx: crtl-alt-F7 took me to a blank screen.16:56
sacarlsonaxgb: sure you can reinstall with a live cd , just move your /home/* to  a usb and recover later16:56
HelloWorld321ohey, axgb, you have command line.  Try "startx" to get the GUI running?16:56
Keanulaszlounodx: Should I have logged into my Owner account?16:57
T3XI am trying to install bacula on ubuntu server, every package i am trying to install said this package depends on this package, this happen on every package i am trying to install how can i solve this. I tried apt-get install -f but still the same problem??16:57
axgb Thank you for everyone here trying to help. I have now got ubuntu working perfectly again16:57
sacarlsonaxgb: if you spend more than 2 hours trying to fix many times faster to just reinstall if the install isn't what broke it to start16:57
axgbi dont know what i did, but it now works again16:57
sacarlsonaxgb:  ya sometime when you remember to plug the power plug into the wall does it for me16:58
unodxKeanulaszlo, try re-installing ubuntu16:59
Keanulaszlounodx: how do?16:59
axgbThe fault was not with the power supply. The fault was with the graphics drivers, sacarlson.16:59
wholaI get this error!!! E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_main_i18n_Translation-en, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.17:00
HelloWorld321well I'd like you to tell me how, but you already said you didn't know17:00
unodxKeanulaszlo, exactly like you installed it first time but this time dont play with the settings until you know what you are doing17:00
Keanulaszlounodx: I dual-booted ubuntu on an old Windows laptop I got. I'm a Mac-user, thus I have no idea what I'm doing right now17:00
sacarlsonaxgb: I failed to read you having any graphic problems but this time of night I miss many things17:00
Keanulaszlounodx: I installed it with the Windows installer, wubi.exe Should I just use that again?17:00
unodxKeanulaszlo, I don't suggest using any windows tool...they're crappy...do a single OS install and use virtualbox to install windows...or you don't have windows os installable ?17:01
mz|`T3X: sudo apt-get clean ?17:01
mz|`than sudo apt-get update17:02
axgbdo you call 6:00 night17:02
HelloWorld321axgb: you have to tell me, because I'm still stuck here in low graphics mode!17:02
HelloWorld321time zones17:02
Keanulaszlounodx: I don't have it installable or handy, but I'm fine with a fresh boot. I just wanted to get a handle of ubuntu before deciding to wipe the Os17:02
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drecuteHello. I will like to know; how do I enable vlan support in network-manager?17:03
axgbHelloworld, i would try searching google (not very helpful thing to say, sorry) and entering in the command it says, restarting a few times, repair damaged packages in recovery mode, restart and do that kinda thing until it works. Doing that worked for me17:03
sacarlsondrecute: I'm not sure network-manger will setup a vlan unless they made some changes17:03
unodxKeanulaszlo, you can actually create a bootable ubuntu usb, change order of bios to boot from usb and you can experience ubuntu without having to install it17:04
sacarlsondrecute: a gui for vlan, now that's a project17:04
Keanulaszlounodx: so should I just install it again from the installer? without deleting the current installation?17:04
unodxKeanulaszlo, or you can use a virtualbox on windows and install Ubuntu as one of your OS and use that to get the feel of it17:04
unodxKeanulaszlo, for dual boot to work you really need to tweak a lot of things...it's not smooth most of the time17:05
unodxKeanulaszlo, thats why its always better to use Virtualization softwares17:06
drecutesacarlson: hi, I can't understand why that was never thought about by the nm developers17:06
Keanulaszlounodx: so what should I do right now?17:06
unodxKeanulaszlo, remove your ubuntu installation17:07
sacarlsondrecute: because it's not what most users make use of,  it's a numbers thing to please as many as posible17:07
unodxKeanulaszlo, and get back to your stable windows system17:07
Keanulaszlounodx: how do?17:07
sacarlsondrecute: I have used vlan but with scripts17:07
unodxKeanulaszlo, so your windows installation is screwed too ?17:07
drecutesacarlson: yeah17:07
drecutesacarlson: i have do with nm by just using /etc/network/interfaces17:08
Keanulaszlounodx: no, it's fine. I just don't know how to remove my ubuntu installation...17:08
drecutesacarlson: but so far nm has refused to be disabled and resolvconf remains in charge to auto generating resolv.conf17:08
sacarlsondrecute: I shutdown network-manager in those cases as it conflicts with my complex vlan and other settings17:09
unodxKeanulaszlo, me neither because I don't know the wubi.exe you used to install17:09
drecutesacarlson: so I don't think resolvconf will look into /etc/network/interfaces for values to set17:09
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drecutesacarlson: what about resolvconf? How did you handle that?17:09
sacarlsondrecute: no seems even with /etc/network/interfaces settings that at this point network-manager still holds control unless you shut it down17:10
Keanulaszlounodx: it's on the ubuntu website http://bit.ly/M2B8Pd17:10
sacarlsondrecute: my resolve is static it doesn't change17:10
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sacarlsondrecute: parts are in bind917:10
drecutesacarlson: fine. I got that17:10
unodxKeanulaszlo, follow the instructions then17:10
drecutesacarlson: but everytime I tend to reconfigure resolv.conf because nm is diabled17:11
Keanulaszlounodx: follow the instructions for what...? installing it?17:11
sacarlsondrecute: I run a local bind9 that is pointed to as primary dns17:11
unodxKeanulaszlo, do a dinstall...that will fix all the problems17:11
unodxKeanulaszlo, google dinstall17:12
Ashaelhooray, success replacing the cursors17:12
drecutesacarlson: how did you disable nm permanently?17:12
sacarlsondrecute: you can uninstall network-manager if it keeps causeing you problems17:12
sacarlsondrecute: I uninstalled it17:12
drecutesacarlson: and you used bind9 to resolve domains?17:13
Keanulaszlounodx: what should I be looking at when I google'd dinstall?17:13
sacarlsondrecute: yes bind9 resolves my local and wan address17:13
sacarlsondrecute: if you have local web sites you would need bind9 to separate what is seen from outside wan and local17:14
drecutei understand that17:14
unodxKeanulaszlo, look for a clause that says "removing ubuntu from system"...when you see that blink 3 times, go to the kitchen and touch the ceiling 3 times then come back and scream at your laptop "DINSTALL"17:14
drecutedrecute: i just need a dns client. that's all17:15
sacarlsondrecute: but it's still pointed to the same from /etc/resolve.conf  other than hosts17:15
bcuraboyi need the libical package.where can i get it??17:15
Keanulaszlounodx: ... really?17:15
drecutesacarlson: how did you make resolv.conf to stop auto generating?17:15
unodxKeanulaszlo, if it still doesnt work, then repeat the procedure until it works17:15
bazhangunodx, stop that17:16
bazhang!behelpful | unodx17:16
ubottuunodx: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.17:16
sacarlsondrecute: by uninstalling network-manager,  you can also disable it in upstart but I didn't17:16
bazhangKeanulaszlo, ignore what he just said17:16
unodxbazhang, please follow our conversation...17:16
ki4robcuraboy: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/cvs/general/libical.html17:17
bazhangunodx, I have.17:17
unodxbazhang, he is playing as well17:17
Keanulaszlobazhang: ok... so what should I do then? I already touched my kitchen ceiling twice17:17
unodxbazhang, you see lol17:17
bazhangunodx, thats enough.17:17
sacarlsondrecute: I still test dynamic ip by running dhclient eth0; but just for testing17:17
Slart!info libical0 | bcuraboy17:17
ubottubcuraboy: libical0 (source: libical): iCalendar library implementation in C (runtime). In component main, is optional. Version 0.48-1ubuntu3 (precise), package size 208 kB, installed size 601 kB17:17
sacarlsondrecute: as others on my net still use my dhcpd so I have to test it at times17:18
bcuraboythank's,but that one i already downloaded and installed...17:18
unodxKeanulaszlo, thanks for the entertainment buddy...that sure made me forget about my hnger :-)17:18
Slartbcuraboy: it should be available using synaptic, the software sources thing or just regular terminal using sudo apt-get17:18
drecutesacarlson: ok I see what you mean17:18
Keanulaszlounodx: youre.... welcome...?17:18
Slartbcuraboy: oh.. I must have misunderstood you then.. my ad17:18
bcuraboySlart, can i have a private with you?17:19
Slartbcuraboy: sure17:19
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Toph2I am using xfce and started compiz just as a trial. I have lost the top panel to all my applications. Any suggestions how to return to the default under xfce?17:20
axgbCan i have help? Ubuntu says there is no free space but i know there is17:20
Anom01yanyone seen this ?17:21
Anom01yI get "lock isn't locked" error when I run winecfg, or any windows programs17:21
sacarlsonaxgb: with a reinstall?  you should delete any partitions you plan to use to install or ubuntu will be clueless what you want to use17:21
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Guest20033How's new ubuntu?17:22
sacarlsonGuest20033: I still like ubuntu 10.04 better but I'm old17:22
RipStikhello avdg!17:22
Guest20033sacarlson: Me too17:22
Anom01yme three17:22
Anom01yits ok though17:23
axgbI have got a 36 GB partition with ubuntu on it of which i am only using 6 GB. it wont let me copy a 5Gb folder onto desktop17:23
Anom01yfew fixes, but a few new bugs17:23
sacarlsonGuest20033: if it works don't fix it.  note all the problems here 40% are from upgrades17:23
tim`when does 12.10 alpha come out?17:23
bazhangtim`, check #ubuntu+117:23
aciculatim`: try #ubuntu+117:23
tim`nobody is active in there17:23
sacarlsonTim I'm sure it's available now17:23
tim`for a few months17:23
Guest20033Anom01y: Is it still slow?17:23
Anom01ynever was17:24
Anom01yI use Xubuntu17:24
Guest20033Anom01y: After unity it was17:24
Anom01ygnome is slow, kde is slow,17:24
Anom01yxfce is better17:25
aciculaAnom01y: they all have their uses17:25
c_smithAnom01y, if this is something specific to Xubuntu, I'll have to direct you to #xubuntu17:25
bazhang!ot | Anom01y17:25
ubottuAnom01y: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:25
sacarlsonAnom01y: but gnome has all that eye candy I got to have spining cubes17:25
Guest20033Anom01y: Xubuntu is for?17:25
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c_smithGuest20033, Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE.17:25
HelloWorld321Since the Precise Pangolin upgrade, my ubuntu needs me to startX manually, and then it goes into 640x480.  My Xorg.0.log is at http://pastebin.com/qCnML0GS and lspci says that my  motherboard integrated video card is 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02).  What do I need to do to get my video drivers working and my ubuntu booting properly?17:26
c_smithinstead of Unity17:26
ejoWow, should I be disturbed when I run the command "set" with no options, and notice that _ImageMagick adds about 18+ pages to the result?17:26
Guest20033c_smith: Xfce is?17:26
Anom01yI use Xubuntu + compiz fusion (old version of compiz compiled manually)17:26
aciculaejo: not really17:26
Anom01yworks like a charm17:26
c_smithGuest20033, a lightweight DE that is still somewhat bloated.17:26
Anom01yget all the rotational cubes and effects17:27
bazhangAnom01y, stop with the chit chat17:27
aciculaejo: those are just environment vvariables17:27
Guest20033Anom01y: Compiz rocks!17:27
tim`how can one live without wavy windows17:27
ejoacicula: yeah, I was not too inclined to worry about it, except for the fact that what's bound to that one variable is many pages of shell script code17:27
Guest20033Anyone? What is xfce?17:27
c_smithAnom01y, please, take this either to #ubuntu-offtopic, #xubuntu, or #xubuntu-offtopic, this is NOT the place to discuss this.17:27
c_smithGuest20033, I just told you.17:27
bazhangGuest20033, its used in xubuntu xfce417:27
aciculaejo: that is not uncommon, bash_completion scripts do the same afaik17:28
sacarlsonTim` close the curtains?17:28
c_smithGuest20033, it's a lightweight desktop.17:28
ejoacicula: oh wait nvm!  haha.  Turns out only a small part of it was ImageMagick and the rest is due to git.  Which makes plenty of sense17:28
Guest20033c_smith: Thanks bye17:28
Anom01yIm just trying to get my wine back working with Ubuntu 12.0417:28
Anom01yc_smith, bazhang17:28
aciculaejo: <3 git17:28
ejoDefinitely makes sense that git would inject all kinds of scripty stuff into my shell environment.  OK I'm a happy camper17:28
bazhangAnom01y, no need for the excessive commentary. just ask your issue17:29
Anom01yshould I reboot after issuing this command ?17:29
c_smithAnom01y, but apparently this turned into a war as to which DE is better.17:29
HelloWorld321How do I re-install a "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)" video driver?17:29
bazhangHelloWorld321, thats in the kernel. there's nothing in jockey-gtk for that card17:30
Anom01y<bazhang> Anom01y, no need for the excessive commentary. just ask your issue17:30
Anom01yI have twice now17:30
bazhangHelloWorld321, the performance on that card will never be very good17:30
HelloWorld321bazhang: I don't know what that means.  Does that mean that there's nothing I can do but a full re-install?17:30
setkehXFCE is Better than Unity No argument17:31
c_smithHelloWorld321, as far as I know, all Intel cards (save for one that was outsourced) are in the Kernel since Intel works with Open-source.17:31
bazhangHelloWorld321, no need to reinstall17:31
HelloWorld321bazhang: that's true, fer sure17:31
sacarlsonHelloWorld321: so I guess you could try some other kernels that are supported in 12.0417:31
c_smithsetkeh, cool it.17:31
LittleBallOfHateAnom01y: from reading about ptrace it seems that 0 is fine. Just means that parent process can see what it's children are doing.17:32
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setkehc_smith: eh what they gonna do kick me XD17:33
oCeansetkeh: just keep in mind this is a support channel, not for your personal opinion or general discussion17:34
benwalburnis anyone here familiar with chntpw?17:34
ou--tar -cvzf $HOME/html/backups/$NOWDATE.tar.gz $HOME/html/* --exclude=./backups --exclude=./backups/database --exclude=./folder2 --exclude=./folder317:34
ou--any idea why exclude is being ignored?17:34
c_smithsetkeh, they very well could.17:34
setkehoCean: LOL17:34
trismLittleBallOfHate: not exactly, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf (with 1, parents can ptrace children or if you have SYS_CAP_PTRACE, with 0, anybody can ptrace anybody else)17:34
setkehc_smith: im trembeling XD17:34
HelloWorld321K, so my issue is that since the Pangolin upgrade (and I had the same thing at Ocelot), when I did the upgrade, my desktop stopped booting.  When I moved to Ocelot, I did a clean re-install, and swore to an LTS-only policy.  Pangolin is an LTS, so here I am again, and the same thing is happening.  I sorta figure that if I do a fresh install, then I'll get my video back.  As it is, it won't boot (gets stuck on checking battery [17:35
HelloWorld321So I've been thinking all I need to do is intrall the video drivers.17:35
HelloWorld321Or I could do a full re-install of Pangolin.  Or I could go buy a proper video card.17:35
bazhangsetkeh, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here17:35
bsdfreakso, anyone have advice for my earlier question?17:36
dlentzHelloWorld321, can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log from failed boot?17:36
NastyNazwhat's the += command for VB? I want to do 'integer += 2'17:36
bsdfreakbeen about an hour. :)17:36
douglis there a gui for apcupsd?17:36
LittleBallOfHatetrism: missed that, good catch17:36
Anom01y<LittleBallOfHate> Anom01y: from reading about ptrace it seems that 0 is fine. Just means that parent process can see what it's children are doing.17:36
Anom01yshould I reboot though ?17:37
dlentzNastyNaz, probably the wrong channel for that17:37
SpaceBasshey folks, I'm having a problem after a failed release upgrade - apt and dpgk reporting an error trying to process base-files:http://pastebin.com/1cY3N2c117:37
dlentzif VB is like C++, then integer += 2 means integer = integer +217:37
NastyNazdlentz: I know C++, I dont know VB. I was wondering if it was the same.17:38
dlentzHelloWorld321, you have an intel chip and you installed the nvidia driver17:39
bipulGuys i am using ubuntu 3.3.0-23generic  kernel version and i want to add wifi network inside my ubuntu or through mobile please tell me what to do ?17:40
douglhow do I install a ????.deb file - err... or can I?17:40
HelloWorld321dlentz: originally I thought I had an nVidia chip, so when the graphics went bad, the first thing I did was re-install the nVidia driver.  How do I get rid of it?17:40
bsdfreakhurr durr17:40
dlentzdepends on how you installed it, if you did it from the repo, then sudo apt-get purge nvidia*17:41
wunzwhere is the autostart preference in ubuntu 12.04 w/gnome? in unity its in the right corner drop down but in gnome, doesn't seem to be there17:41
HelloWorld321I did it from the repo.  I found a web page that gave me a PPA for it.17:41
oscailtOPENBOX FTW!17:41
oscailtUnity sucks17:42
HelloWorld321tx dlentz: I'm going to purge that now ...17:42
FloodBot1oscailt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:42
bazhang!ot | oscailt17:42
ubottuoscailt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:42
bipulGuys i am using ubuntu 3.3.0-23generic  kernel version and i want to add wifi network inside my ubuntu or through mobile please tell me what to do ?17:42
wunzyea, i'm using Gnome, unity sucks17:42
bazhangbipul, where di d you get that kernel17:42
wunzunity would be nice if it had the proper applications menu, but overall the gui is nice17:42
bazhangwunz get on topic please17:42
HelloWorld321how do I get a list out of sudo?  I want to make sure that video is the only nVidia driver I have.17:43
oscailtI was joking. I heard there some argument about Xfce and Unity or something. Just adding my input.17:43
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wunzmy bad bazhang17:43
HelloWorld321(I think I might also have nVidia drivers for other parts of the bios)17:43
wunzwhere is the autostart preference in ubuntu 12.04 w/gnome? in unity its in the right corner drop down but in gnome, doesn't seem to be there17:43
bazhangHelloWorld321, a list of packages intalled?   dpkg -l17:43
bipulbazhang: it's old kernel actully my friend having this version of ubuntu and he wanted to use internet17:43
LittleBallOfHatebipul, click the wireless network icon at the top right of your desktop17:44
raptor67782I created the channel ##health-forum if you have any quetsions too about emergency, or health concerns. Pain to your back ... pain anywhere, advices ...?17:44
dlentzHelloWorld321, i'm not sure what you mean, you can have other nvidia drivers installed without issue (it's the proprietary nvidia video driver that interferes with other video drivers)17:44
fantazmythehey all17:44
bazhangbipul, thats not an ubuntu kernel then? its a custom job?17:45
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: lsmod?17:45
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: make sure you don't have neuveau and nvidia loaded17:45
fantazmythehow stable does ubuntu generally run on VMware player?17:45
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: er, neuveau will keep nvidia from loading17:45
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: fine if the host has enough power17:45
fantazmythe3.3Ghz 6 core and 16gb ram ?17:46
fantazmythefor a single VM17:46
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: are you trolling with that question?17:46
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: that'll fly17:46
fantazmythei dont mean that kind of stable17:46
fantazmythei meant does it play nice with VMware?17:47
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: yup, got hundreds of linux vms at work17:47
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: they work just fine, install the tools though17:47
fantazmythejust wanted to make sure before i went ahead and made one17:47
BelseruskHi. How can I launch 'Language Support' from terminal?17:48
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Chuck_NorrisBelserusk: gnome-language-selector17:48
RBVfantazmythe: I have like...20 Ubuntu VM's running on one six-core with 24GB it's fine17:48
zalzaneshould i install vanilla ubuntu or http://moebuntu.web.fc2.com/home_eng.html17:49
fantazmytheim just looking into VM's and knew that ubuntu was free17:49
fantazmytheneed something to test with17:49
fantazmytheeventually i also want to get into the insides and mess about17:49
fantazmythewithout worry about messing my PC install up =P17:49
fantazmythehence the VM17:49
BelseruskChuck_Norris, Thank you sir. I needed to run as sudo because the GUI was acting up.17:49
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: most all linux os free though. Ubuntu is easy, gentoo and LFS are build your own. RedHat Enterprise isn't free.17:50
Chuck_NorrisBelserusk: np, gksu gnome-language-selector17:50
The_BROSHow to run 2 accounts of Skype 4?17:50
fantazmythei might get into gentto eventually17:50
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: lots of tweaking and crap with gentoo17:50
fantazmytheand maybe linux server when i get adventurous =P17:50
BelseruskChuck_Norris, what about sudo ?17:50
LittleBallOfHatefantazmythe: and you have to compile EVERYTHING17:50
oCeanfantazmythe, LittleBallOfHate please understand this channel is for ubuntu specific issues/questions only17:50
oCeanfantazmythe: you are welcome to /join #ubuntu-offtopic for general discussion though17:51
LittleBallOfHateoCean: it was about ubuntu vs others. chill.17:51
Chuck_NorrisBelserusk: for GUI applications is recomended use gksu17:51
HelloWorld321bak..  So I got the tip to use sudo apt-get purge nvidia*, and I got worried that nvidia* might be too many, so I got the tip to use dpkg -l ( | grep nvidia*) to find that I have:17:51
HelloWorld321rc  nvidia-common                             1:0.2.44                                Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers17:51
HelloWorld321ii  nvidia-current                            295.40-0ubuntu1                         NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library17:51
HelloWorld321ii  nvidia-settings                           295.33-0ubuntu1                         Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver17:51
HelloWorld321rc  nvidia-settings-updates                   295.33-0ubuntu1                         Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver17:51
FloodBot1HelloWorld321: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:51
horatio_cromwellwhat package do i need to compile programs and general c developing17:51
Chuck_NorrisBelserusk: or, gksudo17:51
oCeanLittleBallOfHate: yes, we welcome such discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here17:52
HelloWorld321can I purge nvidia*  safely?17:52
Chuck_NorrisHelloWorld321: yes, then you will be using, nouveau insted17:52
oCeanHelloWorld321: please use http://paste.ubuntu.com next time17:52
horatio_cromwellwhat package do i need to install to do development and compile programs from source17:52
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: purge all the ones in the second column17:52
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LittleBallOfHatehoratio_cromwell: build-essentials17:53
HelloWorld321The rule is four lines, I'm like that guy with exactly 10 items at the express lane.  It's legit!17:53
HelloWorld321k, purging nvidia* ...17:53
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: and you might want to install nvidia-current-updates17:53
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BelseruskChuck_Norris, That is the beauty of GNU/Linux. So many ways of doing things. Cheers. ^_^17:53
adamsilverHow can I set a cron to run every Monday at 8pm?17:53
HelloWorld321sudo apt-get purge nvidia-common nvidia-current nvidia-settings nvidia-settings-updates17:54
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: apt-get --purge remove17:54
Chuck_NorrisBelserusk: yes agreed, cheers :D17:54
SpaceBassis there a way to17:55
oCeanadamsilver: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/477390/17:55
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SpaceBassstruggling with this error: dpkg: error processing base-files (--configure):17:55
SpaceBass failed to read on buffer copy for md5hash: Input/output error17:55
LittleBallOfHateSpaceBass: bad download?17:55
adamsilveroCean: thank you17:55
SpaceBassLittleBallOfHate, possibly.17:55
LittleBallOfHateSpaceBass: clear it from apt's cache17:56
LittleBallOfHateSpaceBass: /var/cache/apt/archives or something like that17:56
SpaceBassLittleBallOfHate, already wiped everything in that path17:56
HelloWorld321okay, thanks guys.  dlentz,  bazhang, LittleBallOfHate, c_smith, sacarlson.  I've removed those incorrect nVidia drivers.17:57
c_smithHelloWorld321, no prob17:57
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: you install the newest?17:57
HelloWorld321Am I ready for a reboot?  I do I need to do something about the Intel drivers?17:58
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LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: you can't disable the onboard in the biod and not worry about them fighting?17:58
HelloWorld321One of the things I've done to confuse everything is to install nVidia drivers when I actually had 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)17:58
LittleBallOfHateHelloWorld321: nevermind, thought you had an nvidia card too17:58
trcoI am running ubuntu 12.04lts but for work reasons I also need to have fedora. I have installed fedora but the grub2 boot loader for ubuntu isn't picking up the new os. I am not entirely sure how to help the grub config find it. Any help would be appreciated.17:59
HelloWorld321So the Intel drivers are built in to the kernal, so I don't need to do anything about them, and I'm ready to reboot now?17:59
bipulnuthing happens17:59
Guest91485Is there a way to firewall certain programs so they can never connect the net?17:59
bipuljust need a help if any one can tell mw how to connect my ubuntu with internet17:59
LittleBallOfHateGuest91485: in order to talk to the network they open ports, find what ports they use and then block them using iptables.18:00
corp769setkeh, whats up man18:00
bazhangbipul, thats a custom kernel?18:00
brandoni just installed 11.10 on my bros pc and it has shutters18:00
LittleBallOfHatetrco: you run update-grub from inside ubuntu?18:00
trcobipul, ubuntu is very good at finding an Internet connection. Are you plugged in, or is it wireless?18:01
trcoLittleBallOfHate, Yes I did. No luck there :/18:01
bipuli get that when i used this command in terminal username -ar bazhang18:01
LittleBallOfHatebrandon: more detail please18:01
SunSoulHi all, I am trying to install Ubuntu 12 on a 64 bit System with EFI boot. I installed fine, but on reboot, I get "Operating System Not Found" Help please?18:01
brandonlike lines on the screen and i18:01
bipultrco:  it's wireless18:01
bazhangbipul, where did you get that kernel18:02
trcobipul, laptop? Is your wireless nizc turned on?18:02
bipulhow to connet with mobile18:02
ShoriminimoeI'm having problems trying to Upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04. For some reason the upgrade doesn't appear when I run updates. Any ideas?18:02
LittleBallOfHateyeah i have a hard time believing there's a realease using a 3.3 kernel18:02
bipuli dont know how to check it's turn on not18:02
bazhangbipul, where did you get that kernel. please respond18:02
corp769holy shit balls, it's madness in here18:03
bazhangcorp769, no cursing here18:03
bipulbazhang: i get that from my labrary18:03
bazhangbipul, so it's custom18:03
corp769fuck this18:03
brandonis anyone gonna help?18:03
wilee-nileeSunSoul, here is a wiki that is about all I can do. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting#UEFI%20Shell18:04
bazhangbrandon, patience please18:04
bipulbazhang:  so how to get internet connectivity with wireless networlk or mobile please tell me18:04
LittleBallOfHatebrandon: dude, this is all free. nobody pays us. plus we answer questions we know.18:04
bazhangbipul, is that a custom kernel? yes?18:05
oscailtDERP DERP DERP :P18:05
SunSoulThanks, wilee-nilee . I will look at this, and see what I can do with it.18:05
trcobrandon, what kind of hardware are you talking about?18:05
oscailtI have a problem18:05
oscailtUbuntu is just so bloated.18:05
oscailtWhat can I do to fix this?18:05
LittleBallOfHatebrandon: and we need to know what Ubuntu release, type of computer, video card, CPU, things like that18:05
bazhangoscailt, wrong channel18:05
bazhangbipul, so its custom, its not supported18:06
oscailtbazhang: What channel do I need to be in?18:06
LittleBallOfHateoscailt: install server and then pick and chose the other parts you pull in.18:06
oscailtCan't i ask in this one?18:06
bazhang!minimal | oscailt18:06
ubottuoscailt: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:06
brandonnvideo graphics driver dv 218:06
brandondv 200018:06
oscailtLittleBallOfHate: That's a bit of a walk around.18:06
LittleBallOfHateoscailt: or use the minimal cd18:06
LittleBallOfHateoscailt: either way it's easiest to reinstall than  trim it down.18:07
oscailtSo just use Arch Linux? Okay shall do.18:07
bazhangoscailt, if you wish actual support here, if its just a complaint / rant then NOT here18:07
LittleBallOfHateoscailt: use what fits you18:07
fastaDoes the new version of Skype have ads on Linux?18:07
LittleBallOfHatefasta: not yet18:07
HelloWorld321I did a reboot, and I'm still not right.  Here's my latest Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/eJpXqJ1618:07
fastaLittleBallOfHate: do you mean by that that they can turn it on remotely?18:07
BelseruskLater guys. Bye.18:07
RangerBobheard about that.   can you close the ad window?18:07
OerHeksfasta yes ofcourse18:07
LittleBallOfHatefasta: not sure about that, or if it'll take an update, either way right now it doesn't18:08
fastaOerHeks: continue.18:08
OerHeksfasta see for yourself?18:08
fastaIs it possible to use both at the same time?18:09
brandonlittlebalofhate 11.10 windows wubi 1.6618:09
Anom01ymy Wine problem is fixed18:09
fastaOerHeks: that was the whole point of asking.18:09
fastaOerHeks: such that I didn't have to see for myself.18:09
Anom01yDO not install wine via the launchpad repositories18:09
Anom01ythey don't work18:09
Anom01yso I removed that , installed ubuntu's wine version18:10
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bazhangAnom01y, launchpad is a PPA18:10
HelloWorld321I definitely have different video effects during the startup phases, so I can tell that I've successfully removed the nVidia driver.  but I still get "Your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly.  You will need to configure these yourself."  http://pastebin.com/eJpXqJ1618:10
fastaOerHeks: ok, so you have no proof?18:10
fastaOerHeks: then why should I listen to you again?18:10
mattgandroidhow do i restart my sound system?18:10
OerHeksfasta, microsoft promises ads18:10
bazhangfasta, whats the issue18:10
KRomeleoNanyone using tixati?18:10
bcuraboyhow can i edit this /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf: ???18:10
n0sqinteresting - had to turn off power management on my rt2500 to get better performance (MUCH better) - too bad there isn't a setting in the wireless gui to turn off the power management for subsequent boot ups18:11
aciculasudo vim or gksu gedit <file>18:11
fastabazhang: I want to know whether Skype 4 for Linux already had ads built in which can be turned on remotely by MS and whether or not I can have both installed at the same time.18:11
brandonthe screen just looks like blindshelds?18:11
bazhangfasta, how is that on topic here18:11
fastabazhang: I am also open to suggestions to replace Skype with something else which works cross-platform.18:11
jrdnnfasta, mumble18:12
fastabazhang: I want to use it on Ubuntu, like millions of other Ubuntu users.18:12
bazhangfasta, so try it and see. its not an ubuntu package18:12
fastabazhang: why are you asking such stupid questions?18:12
fastabazhang: and give such stupid answers?18:12
bazhangfasta, be civil18:13
fastabazhang: at least try to act you are smart, even if you aren't.18:13
fastabazhang: in case you didn't notice someone else already gave your response.18:13
bcuraboywhat does means that i don't have a DBus connection available??18:14
fastabazhang: I already labeled that response as basically a waste of my time and they you give the same response.18:14
fastabazhang: what's wrong with you?18:14
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jrdnnfasta, there's a lot to read here, maybe he was writing his answer after he saw your question and someone answered in the mean t ime18:14
Chuck_Norrisfasta: Ekiga: http://ekiga.org/download-ekiga-binaries-or-source-code18:14
HelloWorld321dpkg -l | grep nvidia* comes up blank; but Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/eJpXqJ16 still shows it failing to load nVidia18:14
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Chuck_NorrisHelloWorld321: you wanna use your nvidia or intel grafic card?18:18
HelloWorld321I want to use Intel.18:18
HelloWorld321The nVidia was installed by mistake, and I just tried to sudo apt-get purge nvidia*18:18
escottHelloWorld321, removing the nvidia drivers won't do anything unless you disable nvidia card in the bios18:19
HelloWorld321after the reboot, it looks like my nVidia drivers were successfully purged, but Xorg.0.18:19
Chuck_Norrisok, but let me tell you that the driver 295.40 which you were using is buggy Nivdia already accept it18:19
Chuck_NorrisHelloWorld321: but you will play games, i meant, you can try another nvidia driver version or you just use you Intel grafic card18:20
Chuck_Norrisas you like18:20
bcuraboywhat does means that i don't have a DBus connection available??18:20
n0sqwhat's the "best" vnc package to use?18:20
Sparky712right, still having boot problems. I have tried turning ACPI off, but my computer still freezes on the purple screen directly after the grub selection goes.18:20
HelloWorld321Tx Chuck_Norris.  If dpkg -l | grep nvidia* is blank, would that imply that I've successfulyl removed those buggy (and inapplicable) nVidia drivers that I installed by mistake?18:20
Chuck_Norrisok, so what you wanna do, try another nvidia driver version, or use your Intel, let me tell you another thing: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTEyMDk18:21
HelloWorld321$ lspci | grep VGA says "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)", so I'm trying to setup the Intel card.18:21
escott!best | n0sq18:22
ubottun0sq: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:22
Daulityhow can i check again what kind of linux/ubuntu i have installed? like 32bit or 64bit18:22
n0sqsay please?18:22
fantazmythehi, when i select how many cores to run, will it stop me using said cores on the host machine?18:22
fantazmythelike will it assign it cores18:22
Daulityn0sq, who me?18:22
fantazmytheor will it just allow that many to be used?18:23
n0sqno, the bot18:23
escottDaulity, uname -a18:23
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HelloWorld321Chuck_Norris: I want to purge the nVidia and set up the Intel Corporation 82G96518:23
Daulityescott, thanks! :)18:24
escottfantazmythe, it will allow that many to be used, but you can under provision18:24
fantazmytheunder provision?18:24
fantazmythelike force it to use less cores?18:24
HelloWorld321I've already gotten some help here on purging the nVidia, but my Xorg.0.log (http://pastebin.com/eJpXqJ16) still seems to reference the nVidia, but dkpg does not.18:24
arash_Hello :-)18:24
mattgandroidany suggestions on how to disable the laptop speakers and only use the external speaker jack?18:24
escottfantazmythe, have 5 guests using 2 cores each on an 8 core system18:24
Daulityx86_64 does that meen 32bit :)?18:25
mattgandroidyes duality18:25
fantazmythety escott18:25
italoxpDuality, no, x86_64 is 64-bit18:25
arash_x86 = 32bit18:25
italoxpDuality, 32-bit is x86 or i38618:25
arash_x64=64bit ;)18:25
mattgandroiderr yeah, read it wrong18:25
Chuck_Norrisok, so, enable the Intel video card goning into you Bios settup, then plug you VGA or DVI wire into the Intel port18:25
arash_simply a pentium 4 system is x86 or 32bit18:25
HelloWorld321Chuck_Norris: got it.  Done18:26
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HelloWorld321The logs are post that state18:26
Chuck_NorrisHelloWorld321: paste: lsmod, you should be using "i915" or some like that18:27
Sparky712my computer freezes directly after booting from grub. I have tried turning off ACPI. it hasnt helped. what can I do?18:27
sanuHi everyone18:27
arash_I got 177 virtual processors !:O18:27
arash_OMG !18:27
arash_I Love linux :D18:28
sanuHow are y doing today ,,Need small help18:28
sanuMee tooo18:28
escottarash_, there are 64bit pentiums18:28
HelloWorld321Chuck_Norris: Thanks http://pastebin.com/4BKiXzRn18:28
arash_escott your right , but mainly they are 32bit :)18:28
arash_except some laptops ofcourse18:28
HelloWorld321yes, theres an i915 in there18:28
arash_and OEM built computers18:28
bazhang!ot | arash_18:29
ubottuarash_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:29
Chuck_NorrisHelloWorld321: its ok, and what its wrong with you Intel grafic card?18:29
AliedAnyone have exp with thin web server?18:30
arash_thanks for promotion ;)18:30
Chuck_Norrisoh! i forget, xorg keep trying to load nvidia?18:30
arash_I'll be around sometimes :)18:30
HelloWorld321After the Pangolin upgrade, I get the same bootup problems that I got after the Ocelot upgrade:   "Your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly.  You will need to configure these yourself."18:30
sanudoes any one help me to solve this isseu?I need to conicetrol My bandwidth on evry machine on my company ,,Please adv18:31
CottusSparky712, ask also in ##linux18:31
HelloWorld321Chuck_Norris: As far as I can tell, that's the problem.  Xorg.0.log is trying to install the nVidia drivers18:31
Cottusthey might know18:31
mouth1Hi everyone.18:31
escottSparky712, you should try and follow the boot messages (hit the up arrow as soon as plymouth starts) and see if you can be more specific on the cause of the freeze18:31
newtoubuntuhere's a beginner question- i installed ubuntu for the first time today... i have downloaded firefox 13 tar.bz2 ......... how do i install it?18:31
mouth1Is it bad that the updates had an error "could not update" and when I tried it again it worked?18:32
arash_firefox 13 is already installed on18:32
arash_Ubuntu 12.04 ;)18:32
coder2Hello. Please help me with udev and Genius tablet. I've menaged to get it work first time, but after reboot the tablet driver tries to attach to wrong  /dev/input/mouse1 instead. And it do not work anymore18:32
sanudoes any one help me to solve this isseu?18:32
mouth1Will everything work right or is such a failure in the update process not good?18:32
newtoubuntuarash no it say firefox 1118:32
arash_u should try to18:32
sanu want control bandwidth of my company18:32
SirTraversyeah no need to use the downloaded Firefox.... just run your system update18:32
arash_update your ubuntu then bro ;)18:32
mz|`Neapt-get update ; apt-get install firefox18:32
mz|`newtoubuntu: apt-get update ; apt-get install firefox18:32
arash_y ;)18:32
arash_try that18:32
escottsanu, run everything through a proxy on your gateway and control it at that point18:32
arash_or you can go to that button at top-right-corner18:33
arash_and click at Updates18:33
mz|`arash_: ISOs have no been updated using the last mozilla things18:33
Chuck_Norrisbut you can boot normally i meant you are able to get the desktop enviroment?18:33
arash_and update your ubuntu18:33
newtoubuntuarash i have ubuntu 12.04 ... how do i update it?18:33
mz|`newtoubuntu: apt-get update ; apt-get install firefox18:33
escottsanu, tldp.org/HOWTO/pdf/Bandwidth-Limiting-HOWTO.pdf18:33
arash_There's a button18:33
mz|`newtoubuntu: apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade if you want to upgrade all18:33
arash_on top-right18:33
arash_click on It18:33
HelloWorld321There's a story on that.  The computer *had* a kick@$$ nVidia video card, which fried.  At that time, I bought a new computer for video games, and then decided that if I could get the old one working again, I would install Ubuntu on it, and explore it.  I've found that Ubuntu is a perfectly decent OS, thought for video games aren't supported on it, so for those I use the new computer with the newer video card.  So I remembered 18:33
fantazmytheim currently setting up the ubuntu VM and its asking for network settings18:33
arash_and click on Software update18:33
FloodBot1arash_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:33
sanuokey any other easy method to suggest?I mean softwares18:33
fantazmytheshould i use NAT or bridged ?18:34
fantazmytheand whats the difference18:34
arash_Im sry for flooding ;)18:34
newtoubuntualso, where do i get an antivirus and firewall?18:34
HelloWorld321I have a lunch date soon, I'ma need to get dressed18:34
SirTraversarash_, how many lines will the bot let one type in a row? I can get longwinded hehe18:34
sanuThanks escot18:34
mz|`fantazmythe: nat is to create a network inside the VMs, a new network18:34
DJones!firewall | newtoubuntu18:35
ubottunewtoubuntu: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.18:35
arash_:D I don't know SirTravers18:35
fantazmytheall i want is internet acces18:35
HelloWorld321If I bought a new nVidia graphics card, would that get me where I'm going?18:35
mz|`bridge is to bridge your physical network interface with the virtual ones18:35
DJones!virus | newtoubuntu18:35
ubottunewtoubuntu: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:35
SirTraverslol ok18:35
arash_well @AntiVirus & Firewall18:35
mz|`fantazmythe: both work18:35
arash_you won't need one using ubuntu18:35
fantazmythefor now i dont need LAN18:35
mz|`farsight: use nat for simplicity18:35
CDBcan someone please help me with IRC18:35
arash_because ubuntu normally has a low probability of getting viruses18:35
newtoubuntu<mz|`> newtoubuntu: apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade if you want to upgrade all... could you elaborate a bit?18:35
oCean!who | arash_18:35
ubottuarash_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:35
arash_and isn't easily hackable ;)18:35
SirTraversCDB what ya wanna know?18:35
mz|`newtoubuntu: follow arash_ tutorial ^18:35
bazhangarash_, stop with the enter key18:35
Sparky712thanks for the tip escott, i will try seeing it, and then if it doesnt work, after searching google, will ask here and in linux again18:35
CDBI want to join a certain IRC chat room, but I can't work out how18:36
oCeanCDB type /join #channelname18:36
fantazmythewhich is safest?18:36
bazhangarash_, prefix you r answers with the person you are helping, on a single line18:36
SirTraversusually the syntax is "/join #roomname"18:36
mz|`fantazmythe: use NAT18:36
arash_ok :-)18:36
fantazmythety mz|`18:36
CDB!SirTravers so i type "/join #openttd"?18:37
ubottuCDB: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:37
oCeanCDB indeed18:37
oCeanCDB: no quotes18:37
SirTraversyep with no quotes18:37
CDBSirTravers how do I do the thing where it sends it direct to someone?18:37
newtoubuntu<DJones> !firewall | newtoubuntu ..... do i need to type this in terminal18:37
SirTraversyou would use the word Query instead of join18:37
mz|`CDB: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html read that18:37
SirTraversthen put the person's nick behind it18:38
dlentzHelloWorld321, you probably have an old /etc/X11/xorg.conf that tries to load nvidia driver18:38
dlentzdelete/move it18:38
CDBOK thanks18:38
SirTraversyou can also type "/notice nickhere message" to comment in the same window18:38
arash_how can I whisper using IRC ?18:38
DJonesnewtoubuntu: No, all you need to do is read the link that ubottu gave you in the channel18:38
arash_ */r name text ?18:38
CDBit said I got kicked as soon as I joined18:39
SirTraversarash on xchat it's "/notice nick message"18:39
SirTraversCDB sounds like you need the password then18:39
oCeanCDB: if you have issues joining channels, please go to #freenode channel, and ask for support there18:39
mouth1Is it bad that the updates had an error "could not update" and when I tried it again it worked?18:39
CDBOk, ill try the freenode. Thanks very much for your help18:40
Chuck_Norrisyes, for sure is that dlentz18:40
HSimpsonQuick networking question: I have two interfaces (eth0 and wlan0) and they are both configured for DHCP pn /etc/netowrk/interfaces. How come they BOTH assigna default gateway (verifiable on 'route -n') ? Shouldn´t it be just ONE default gw ???18:41
HelloWorld321Chuck_Norris, dlentz: thanks.  I'll look for that after lunch.  Can you hit me with a grep/find statement that might pick it right up?18:41
chimney_help: I need to change the parameters of automounting usb-sticks in /media18:42
RipStik  /join #RipStik18:42
chimney_anyone here, who had the same issue?18:42
Chuck_NorrisHelloWorld321: locate xorg.conf18:42
escottchimney_, for all usb-sticks?18:42
SilentGuys, how do I make sure I have the proper keyboard layout?18:43
Chuck_Norrisbut chould be there where dlentz wrote /etc/X11/18:43
Chuck_Norrisshould* be...18:43
SirTraversSilent, click settings18:43
SirTraversthen keyboard18:43
SirTraversthen layout settings18:43
SilentI'm on Xfce418:43
SilentYeah I'm there already18:43
HelloWorld321got about a dozen of those.  I'll look inside 'em later.  Thanks dlentz, Chuck_Norris18:43
SilentSirTravers I just added a Hebrew font, and it behaves oddly. Ex, no dots or commas18:44
RedViperHi, I have a slight Network problem, I set my computer to suspend and the it was bombed due to a power failure, so when I started it up again my ubuntu would not connect to the internet. It's as if the internet cable is unpluged (But it is not) I booted into windows 7 and it connected to the internet with no problems so that rules out hardware. How do I get my Ubuntu 10.04 to connect to the net as I need it to?18:44
Chuck_Norrisnp credits to dlentz i forget that configuration file =P18:44
SirTraversyou should see what it's set at now and have the option to add new layouts18:44
SilentA Hebrew layout*18:44
chimney_escott: for *all* usb sticks, hdd, cameras, mp3 player18:45
SilentYeah I've set it, but ut behaves oddly.18:45
SirTraverssince i don't know hebrew i'd be hard pressed to answer into that one any further18:45
escottchimney_, i wonder why you would need to do that, but you would have to check the udisks manual18:45
SilentHow about keyboard model?18:46
SilentHow do I know it's set correctly?18:46
chimney_escott: because there is an device and everyone shoul be allowed to plug its usb device in and mpd should read the files in the db to be able to play it18:47
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newtoubuntuok i have started an update and getting gufw18:47
SilentNevermind I got this18:47
SirTraversgood deal18:48
newtoubuntuany pdf printers for ubuntu? i used nitro pdf reader (free) on win 718:48
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escottnewtoubuntu, what?18:48
bazhangnewtoubuntu, just print to file18:48
newtoubuntuhey escott, did the ubuntu install..18:49
newtoubuntubazhang so it will be printed to pdf18:49
RedViperHi, I have a slight Network problem, I set my computer to suspend and the it was bombed due to a power failure, so when I started it up again my ubuntu would not connect to the internet. It's as if the internet cable is unpluged (But it is not) I booted into windows 7 and it connected to the internet with no problems so that rules out hardware. How do I get my Ubuntu 10.04 to connect to the net as I need it to?18:49
bazhangnewtoubuntu, print to pdf yes18:50
newtoubuntubazhang let me try18:50
tking0036does anyone know what the mixer that comes with ubuntu is called...18:51
tking0036can i start it in openbox and have the audio controls18:51
bazhangtking0036, alsamixer you mean18:51
chimneytking0036: alsmixer18:51
tking0036the one that runs in the gnome tray18:51
bazhangtking0036, alsamixer is from terminal18:52
tking0036right... i need one that works with the volume buttons on openbox18:52
chimneyok, anyone here who worked with automounts?18:52
bazhangtking0036, apt-cache search mixer may help18:53
bazhangchimney, via fstab?18:53
chimneynope multiple uuids18:53
bazhangchimney, check via sudo blkid18:53
bazhangchimney, then add to fstab18:54
chimneybazhang: and how shoul I know the uuid of every stick everyone has?18:54
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tking0036does anyone use openbox?18:54
RedViperUm, help anyone :-S ?18:54
SuperNoeManI moved my swap partition. I'm able to boot, but how do I know if swap will be used successfully when the time comes18:54
newtoubuntuok that worked.. what about a good pdf handling program? allowing some basic edits etc18:55
bazhangchimney, could you re-iterate the issue please?18:55
CottusSuperNoeMan, cat /proc/swaps18:56
bazhangnewtoubuntu, such as pdfedit?18:56
SuperNoeManCottus: thanks18:56
SuperNoeManso, it listed the swap space. do I know for certain that this will get written to when I need it?18:56
chimneybazhang: I need to change the automounting conf so that every devices is also acsessible by the user mpd, *every* stick on earth could be it18:57
chimneyalso every hdd18:57
RedViperHelp Someone?18:57
CottusSuperNoeMan, i don't knwo18:57
escottchimney, http://askubuntu.com/questions/30762/is-setting-default-mount-options-for-udisks-really-not-possible18:57
bazhangRedViper, with what?18:57
HSimpsonQuick networking question: I have two interfaces (eth0 and wlan0) and they are both configured for DHCP pn /etc/netowrk/interfaces. How come they BOTH assigna default gateway (verifiable on 'route -n') ? Shouldn´t it be just ONE default gw ???18:57
CottusSuperNoeMan, but if now it is used, then it will be used from now on, also do you care about swappiness?18:58
newtoubuntufound pdfedit on sourceforge.. but it is tar.bz2... how would i install?18:58
RedViperbazhang: I have a slight Network problem, I set my computer to suspend and the it was bombed due to a power failure, so when I started it up again my ubuntu would not connect to the internet. It's as if the internet cable is unpluged (But it is not) I booted into windows 7 and it connected to the internet with no problems so that rules out hardware. How do I get my Ubuntu 10.04 to connect to the net as I need it to?18:58
FloodBot1RedViper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
SirTraversSuperNoeMan, your system monitor should show the available swap size and its current usage stats18:58
bazhangnewtoubuntu, its in the repos. always look there first18:58
CottusSuperNoeMan, i mean there is a way to reduce the use of swap18:58
bazhangnewtoubuntu, sudo apt-get install pdfedit18:58
newtoubuntubazhng in the terminal?18:59
bazhangnewtoubuntu, yes18:59
SuperNoeManidk if you are even being serious about "swappiness"... anyway, thanks a lot, that swapon -s helped me out18:59
bazhangRedViper, ethernet? try sudo dhclient eth0  if you see eth0 in ifconfig19:00
hanscomwhat is the command to get your screen size in linux ?19:01
Cottushanscom, xrandr19:01
newtoubuntuit  gives an error... i'll wait till after the update is finished19:01
bazhanghanscom, the monitor resolution?19:01
hanscom xdpyinfo  | grep 'dimensions:' ?19:01
RedViperbazhang: I will try now.19:02
Doonzhey whats the command to see what speeds my ethernet adapter is running at19:02
bazhangnewtoubuntu, yes, you can only have a single instance of apt running at a time19:02
kim__hi, skype 4.0 for linux has released, is there any ubuntu repo for it? the one from which i've installed the current one doesn't have it yet19:02
kim__(i prefer repos instead of the file from the website)19:02
bazhangkim__, outside of a PPA, doubtful19:02
CottusDoonz, ethtool19:03
bazhangDoonz, ifconfig you mean? or what19:03
SirTraversKim I pulled it from their site with no trouble. just save the deb and install it once its downloaded19:03
hanscomCottus: Try this command xrandr | grep '*'19:03
SirTraversworked fine19:03
bazhangDoonz, are you trying to add that to conky?19:03
hanscomCottus: grep is a funny command19:04
Doonzbazhang no im trying to see what speed my vm thinks the network card is19:05
chimneyescott: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="*", ATTRS{idProduct}=="*", GROUP="audio", MODE="0666"19:05
chimneyescott: does this makes any sense?19:05
escottchimney, as a udev rule. udev doesnt do the mounting so i doubt permissions there would do anything19:05
escottchimney, and it would be very weird if udisks used udev rules for config19:06
RedViperbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044501/    - What does this mean I don't understand?19:06
FloodBot1RedViper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:06
kevin1961well have been full circle, mint 10, mint 12, mint13, Debian, XFCE and am now back  to the old faithful Ubuntu 10.11 :-)19:07
bazhangRedViper, does ifconfig show eth019:07
RedViperbazhang: And my internet says Auto Ethernet not eth019:07
MyrttiRedViper: turn OTR off for this channel, if you can, if you have it on, please.19:08
HSimpsonQuick networking question: I have two interfaces (eth0 and wlan0) and they are both configured for DHCP pn /etc/netowrk/interfaces. How come they BOTH assigna default gateway (verifiable on 'route -n') ? Shouldn´t it be just ONE default gw ???19:08
RedViperbazhang: Sorry I don't know how to check that, not really my field. How would I do this?19:09
RedViperMyrtti: Sorry what do you mean by OTR?19:09
bazhangRedViper, open a terminal: type ifconfig19:09
chimneywhich UDisks wrapper is the one for ubuntu preinstalled?19:10
RedViperbazhang: As is?19:10
bazhangRedViper, in terminal ------> ifconfig19:10
RedViperbazhang: Ok, will do.19:11
chimneyhow is the program called, that makes the usb-automounting in ubuntu?19:11
coder2Thanks anyway. Bye19:12
SunSoulCan someone take a look at the PasteBin file I have here. Trying to do what nother user recommened for EFI boot Ubuntu 12.04. Recommended this wiki. So I am following.19:12
chimneyhow is the program called, that makes the usb-automounting in  ubuntu?19:13
escottSunSoul, why not just install grub-efi19:13
newtoubuntudoesn't skype allow video calls on ubuntu?19:13
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SunSoulescott, if I do that, will it automate the proccess for me?19:13
RedViperbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044509/  ?19:13
OerHeksnewtoubuntu, what is your real question?19:13
escottSunSoul, not knowing what wiki you are following i dont know what process you are talking about. but grub-efi is the package you are supposed to install19:14
escott!info grub-efi19:14
ubottugrub-efi (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component main, is extra. Version 1.99-21ubuntu3 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for any-i386; any-amd64; any-powerpc; any-ppc64; any-sparc; any-mipsel; i386; kopensolaris-i386; amd64; powerpc; ppc64; sparc; mipsel; kfreebsd-i386; kfreebsd-amd64)19:14
bazhangRedViper, does it show eth019:14
newtoubuntudoes skype allow video calls?19:14
SirTraversnewtoubuntu, yes it does19:14
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SunSoulescott, thanks. I am following htis wiki here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting#UEFI%20Shell19:14
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RedViperbazhang: Where, in the Terminal or the main menu? Sorry19:15
FloodBot1RedViper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
lec_Hello! I am having some problems with my soundblaster titanium (ctxfi emu20k2) card under the 3.2.0 kernel images - the spdif capture seems to be missing (from arecord -l) and doesn't work, but it's fine under kernel 3.0.0-1219:15
newtoubuntusirtravers, i don't see the option for the same... maybe after ubuntu update completes19:15
bazhangRedViper, from the ifconfig command: does it show eth019:15
HSimpsonQuick networking question: I have two interfaces (eth0 and wlan0) and they are both configured for DHCP pn /etc/netowrk/interfaces. How come they BOTH assigna default gateway (verifiable on 'route -n') ? Shouldn´t it be just ONE default gw ???19:16
newmacairhave you guys been hearing from people with new macs?19:17
SirTraversyes give the updates time to work. once they are done go into the software center and look up "ubuntu restricted extras" that will install a lot of extras that can't be put in the original ISO for various reasons19:17
newmacairbecause the new boot camp is confusing and has no obvious mac option19:17
newmacair*ubuntu option19:17
bazhangnewmacair, ubuntu support issue?19:17
RedViperbazhang: Everthing it showed I put in the paste bin you should see it. I dont really understand where it should show. Sorry to frustrate you on this situation, I dont know my way round that much - New user :D\19:17
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ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:17
SunSoulescott so if I install grub-efi. How would I go about doing that? Since Ubuntu is installed already, would I just boot to a Live Image, and issue the command to install?19:17
SirTraversalso if you want to use the webcam with flash stuff and it won't work directly you can dowload a program called webcamstudio that works great.19:18
newmacairyeah, it makes you choose from one of three options in boot camp, all of which are related to Windows 719:18
escottSunSoul, never done an efi install myself. so i cant really say19:18
newtoubuntuso, no antivirus essential?19:18
SirTraversnever had a virus problem...been using ubuntu since version 8.0419:19
SunSoulok escott . I will try grub-efi and see how it goes.19:19
RedViperbazhang: If you mean the menu then no, it still says no network connection?19:19
bazhangRedViper, no.  from the terminal, you typed ifconfig.   there was some output there/did it show eth019:20
newtoubuntusirtravers still for protection sake?19:20
SirTraversno viruses written to attack linux19:20
RedViperbazhang: All it showed was what I put in the paste bin, everything that came up in the terminal I put in paste bin?????19:21
newtoubuntusirtravers and the inbuilt firewall sufficient? does it prompt like zonealarm if any program tries to connect to thw web?19:21
bazhangnewtoubuntu, install gufw if you wish a gui for ufw19:21
bazhang!ufw | newtoubuntu19:21
ubottunewtoubuntu: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.19:21
SirTraversaye...what they said hehe19:22
SirTraversthanks y'all19:22
RedViperbazhang: It had eth0 the stuff to the right the under that wa lo and stuff to the right. If you mean that the yes it did show?19:23
bazhangRedViper, in terminal, type sudo dhclient eth019:24
HSimpsonQuick networking question: I have two interfaces (eth0 and wlan0) and they are both configured for DHCP pn /etc/netowrk/interfaces. How come they BOTH assigna default gateway (verifiable on 'route -n') ? Shouldn´t it be just ONE default gw ???19:24
escottRedViper, you said this happened when the system was suspended. i wonder if the module needs to be reprobed or something19:24
RedViperescott: Yes It bomb when it was suspended.19:25
escottRedViper, you could check "lsmod" to see if the driver is loaded19:27
newmacairMac Airs are capable of working in 64 bit, right?19:28
RedViperbazhang: Here take a look, this is what came up - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044533/19:28
hanscomWith Unity you do realize there is no desktop laucher right ?19:28
hanscomI tried to uninstall Unity and it crashed my system 3 times19:28
RedViperescott: Anything, as long as I can get it working again. Silly thing.19:28
hanscomSo I i had to dump Ubuntu for Linux Mint19:29
hanscom12.04 LTS to Linux Mint 13(Maya)19:29
SirTraverstook them getting to 12.04 for me to like unity. it works great on a dual monitor setup.19:29
dreadiscoolcould someone please help me?19:29
escottRedViper, nevermind your driver is clearly working. its some kind of networking issue19:30
DJones!ask | dreadiscool19:30
ubottudreadiscool: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:30
mneptokhanscom: may i PM?19:30
dreadiscooli just joined, i didnt want to be rude19:30
hanscommneptok: Yeah sure19:30
escottRedViper, what does ping say?19:30
dreadiscoolCan someone help me convert xp to ubuntu? I downloaded the ISO i don't know how to mount it now :(19:30
SirTraversburn the iso to a disc19:31
RedViperbazhang: escott: I can access the internet but on the top menu it says that there is no connection. I am confused now???19:31
SirTraversleave the disc in and reboot the system19:31
escottdreadiscool, you can't "convert" but you can burn the iso to disk and then use that to install ubuntu alongside windows or just replace windows19:31
dreadiscoolcan i put it on a flash drive instead?19:31
UbuPetmaby install ubuntu insite windows19:31
dreadiscoolno i dont want xp anymore, i want to get rid of it19:31
SirTraversthere is a flash drive option described on the ubuntu download page19:32
dreadiscoolits on the dload page?19:32
dreadiscooli didnt see it D:19:32
SirTraverssure is :)19:32
escottRedViper, there might be something in one of your /etc files that making network manager think its not supposed to be handling the eth019:32
SirTraversit shows step by step what to do for ya19:32
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RedViperescott: Ok why and how to fix it?19:34
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escottRedViper, see if "grep -i eth0 /etc" comes back with anything19:34
RedViperescott: Do I type as is - grep -i eth0 /etc19:35
FloodBot1RedViper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
escottRedViper, it is eth0 right19:36
RedViperescott: Ya think so? Let me try19:36
RedViperescott: It does not seem to do anything. Is it eth0 with a zero or ethO with a capital OOOO?19:39
escottRedViper, with a zero19:40
escottRedViper, you could also just drop the 0 entirely19:40
escottRedViper, also what are the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces. it should just be the two lines related to lo19:41
RedViperOk I will try19:41
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RedViperescott: Wait so I should just use eth? I will check now19:42
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douglare there option other than krellm to monitor/config my apcupsd or apcaccess?/19:43
LittleBallOfHatedougl: conky?19:44
douglLittleBallOfHate, googling now => thanks19:44
escott!pm | RedViper. what are the contents of /etc/network/interfaces19:45
ubottuRedViper. what are the contents of /etc/network/interfaces: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:45
RedViperescott: How do I check? Sorry lost19:46
escottRedViper, its just a file. you can cat it "cat /etc/network/interfaces" or open it with a text editor19:47
help1204cannot install anything.. can't install drivers for nvidia card, the update manager also isnt opening. Im on ubuntu 12.04 anyone can help?19:48
escotthelp1204, what does "sudo apt-get update" say19:48
joel135help1204: can you open a new terminal and type "sudo apt-get update"?19:48
help1204it started :o19:49
help1204is thr anyway i can get this unity bar on bottom?19:49
RedViperescott: It's fine now I found out what the problem was, my stupidity. I right clicked on the internet connection an ticked the enable networking. So sorry to get you running around like this.19:51
JohnTeddyI have a laptop, and I'm also using an extra monitor. When I have chrome on my laptop screen playing a youtube video, if I full screen teh youtube video.. it opens on my extra monitor. How can I get it to open on my laptop?19:51
RedViperescott: Sorry to waste your time, feel like I don't belong near a computer now :D19:52
escottRedViper, happens to everyone from time to time19:52
escottRedViper, we will put your name on the list. any future mistakes and we will send the hit team out to get you ;)19:53
RedViperbazhang: I found out what was wrong, thank you for you Aid. Much appreciated ;-)19:53
nerosHolaaaa a Todossss!!!!!19:54
neros/join #perl.it19:54
RedViperescott: Ha ha ha. Thanks dude, thats comforting ;-)19:54
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RedViperthanks again19:55
newtoubuntufinished updating ubuntu.. still don't see a video call option in skype19:59
SirTraversthe new version seems to start the call then gives the camera icon20:00
SirTraversunder the options if you click vid devices there should be  a box to check to autostart a camera20:01
matelot(12.04): I want to add a folder to /opt, how to run gnome Commander as Admin20:02
Slartmatelot: try gksudo gnome-commander    or whatever the command is to start gnome commander20:02
shadykhanhas anyone every encounterd the problem where your mouse will just be stuck in a drag cursor and you cant click on anything?20:03
sunnick sunbird20:03
joel135Slart: do you know the difference between gksudo and gksu?20:03
escottshadykhan, yes20:03
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matelotthx Slart, is the the right way to put app to /opt ? (the app is unzipped tar)20:04
Slartjoel135: I think they use the same mechanism under the hood.. not sure if there is a difference or it's just historical reasons for there being two commands doing the same thing..20:04
shadykhanescott, how do you fix without rebooting?20:04
newtoubuntusirtravers that worked wonderfully20:04
Slartmatelot: that unzipped tar.. is it source code? or just a packed binary?20:04
SirTraverscool deal newtoubuntu20:05
matelotSlart: just packaged binary, python app actually20:05
matelotno need to make20:05
Slartmatelot: python apps usually have a setup.py file wich can do the actual install for you20:05
sunbird01I was trying to install the harden-remoteaudit package and I was getting the error that the openvas server packages was not getting insatalled, I located each package and deleted them including the conf files and .deb files now I get his error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1044588/ . How do I rectify this ?20:06
newtoubuntuin gufw i'd like the firewall to prompt me every time an outgoing connection is made by a program and have an option to deny... how to proceed?20:06
Slartmatelot: but if I was installing a python app manually I would create the folder first and then copy the files.. doesn't matter how you do these, nautilus, gnome-commander, terminal.. it all ends up being the same thing in the end20:06
matelotSlart: Not this one this is "sublime text" http://www.sublimetext.com/220:07
escottjoel135, Slart the manpage describes everything20:07
n-iCehow do I revert this command? usermod -d /etc/skel torro; chown -R torro /etc/skel20:07
matelotSlart: thx20:07
newtoubuntucan't be done?20:09
joel135n-iCe: to begin with, usermod -d <the original home folder for torro> torro20:10
chakal^-^de Hola buenas tardes20:10
SirTraversnewtoubuntu, not sure myself...i just let it do it's thing20:10
SirTraversit took a while to get past the paranoia of being a windows user, but i'm better now hehe20:10
n-iCejoel135: ok20:11
newtoubuntuha ha20:11
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n-iCedone, now joel135 ?20:11
Slartmatelot: wow.. $59 for an editor.. worth it?20:11
newtoubuntubut i thought linux was meant to be configured to individual tastes... but then it'll take a while to learn the ropes20:12
dtI am a new Ubuntu user. I just installed Kubuntu 12.04. Everything is working fime for the moment ;)20:12
matelotSlart: just trying it out ;)20:12
SirTraversi'm sure it can be done yes.20:13
SirTraversjust not my forte20:13
n-iCejoel135: still there?20:13
joel135n-iCe: the second command changed ownership of a folder AND its contents. to revert it, we need to know the previous owner of the folder AND the files within it20:13
n-iCejoel135: torro was the owner20:13
marc_12314I replaced a drive in my raid1 array, then did   "mdadm --add /dev/md1 /dev/sdc1"… but I still have over 10h before completion… is it safe to shutdown the server while the array is being reconstructed or do I have to wait that long?20:14
joel135n-iCe: torro was the owner of /etc/skel? then we're done20:15
chakal^-^de Hola KarateKip320:16
Kartagisanyone feeling like doing soundcard debugging? my microphone is not working. I can provide alsa-info.sh output20:17
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escottmarc_12314, you should be able to shutdown20:18
gmachine_24Hi. Want to copy a bunch of music files (all in folders by title & band name) to another computer over my home network. SSH installed on both machines. Having trouble with just being able open the network share and cut and paste.20:19
SirTraversKartagis, non tech answer from experience....seems the mic defaults to mute on a reboot for me20:19
SirTraversalso if ya have a webcam with a mic and a separate mic...gotta select the source you want to use20:19
joel135gmachine_24 are you familiar with the terminal? because then there is the command scp. otherwise, install filezilla20:20
SirTraversjust what i've run into20:20
KartagisSirTravers: checked, nothing is muted here20:20
gmachine_24joel135, yes I like the terminal20:20
escottgmachine_24, use rsync or scp20:20
gmachine_24ok, scp it is. thanks.20:21
SirTraversmore than one input source in the sound settings window?20:21
HelloWorld321bak.  Tx dlentz, Chuck_Norris for your help earlier.  I have the onboard intel video card, and I've removed the nVidia drivers, and as you suspected, I found a reference to "nvidia" for "Device0" in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  Remove it?  Replace it?20:22
escottHelloWorld321, remove the xorg.conf entirely20:22
HelloWorld321mv xorg.conf xorg.bad20:22
HelloWorld321tx. Escott.  moved.  reboot?20:23
escottHelloWorld321, or sudo service lightdm restart20:23
marc_12314escott: alright, thanks!20:24
HelloWorld321I went with the sudo shutdown -r now; because I was oeprating from an ssh window on another machine.  I've rebooted, and I'm still getting the message that "Yuor screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly.  You will need to configure these yourself."  What's the next step to configure them myself now that I've removed the xorg.conf file and rebooted?20:26
escottHelloWorld321, running Xorg --configure?20:27
n-iCeHello guys, is there any application to make a .iso of my whole linux distro? in order to install it later? or in other computer? thanks20:28
escottn-iCe, there are various approaches like !clone, or !remaster, or straight backup imaging with dd, but it only makes sense if the hardware is identical20:29
chakal^-^for example AcetoneISO20:29
rainbowwarrior2hi all, i am running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a compaq cq60 and my wireless card is no longer auto connecting to my wifi network , instead now i have to open a terminal and type in " sudo rfkill unblock all then " iwlist wlan0 scan " and log out and then log back in again and hold the wifi button next to the power button and then after a few mins it connects to my network, anyone got any idea how i can get it to auto connect again like i20:33
rainbowwarrior2t should as it only recently started doing this since i was on holiday a few days ago ?  "20:33
BenWhello. i can't seem to get ATI drivers of any kind to work with ubuntu. It's a Compaq Evo N1000c with ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 which should be supported but it seems as if it's running vesa perhaps?20:35
BenWIs there a way to display what driver is currently being used?20:36
T0masAnyone know how to enable internal bluetooth? The device exists but doesn't show up on lsusb20:36
SirTraversBen Yep20:36
SirTraversin a terminal type "fglrxinfo"20:36
SirTraversthat will show the ati driver info20:37
escottrainbowwarrior2, you might add the rfkill command to /etc/rc.local20:37
BenWcommand not found..20:37
ki4rorainbowwarrior2: Had a similar prob with my wife's compaq...have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181019320:37
rainbowwarrior2ok ty escott20:37
T0masSomeone got it working with HCIBTUSB some years ago, but I understand it's now btusb .20:37
rainbowwarrior2ok ty ki4ro20:38
BenWNot sure if it matters but I'm running xubuntu. Same difference20:38
SirTraversok so try this "lspci | grep VGA"20:38
BenWyep. shows the hardware info20:39
HelloWorld321k, so abuot my video drivers.  I removed the /etc/X11/Xorg.conf , and now I see why, that whole file is "deprecated", and the system now uses /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d instead.  I tried to configure, and failed because "Number of screens does not match number of detected devices".20:39
SirTraversnow compare it to the output of this "grep 'Monitor name' /var/log/Xorg.0.log"20:39
HelloWorld321If I have Precise Pangolin, should I be using sudo Xorg -configure, or sudo X -configure?20:39
T0masBluetooth has never worked on this computer (for four years) so I'm determined to make it work20:40
escottHelloWorld321, you need to disable that nvidia driver in the bios20:41
BenWSirTravers - ok? not sure what i'm comparing20:42
BenWNothing matches?20:42
SirTraversthe second one should show which vid driver is in use at the moment compared to what card you have20:42
BenWit doesn't20:42
HelloWorld321SirTravers, not sure if you're talking to me, but my lspci | grep VGA says "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)"20:43
BenWHelloWorld, he's talking to me20:44
BenWwould it be between the ( )?20:44
BenWbecause it shows (**)20:44
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SirTraversok thinkin......i've got an ATI card. I download the updated drivers from aMD's site...20:45
SirTraverscurrently the drivers are up to version 12.420:46
BenWaticonfig says there's no compatible hardware...20:46
SirTraversmine is the hd 3200 so not quite the same, but they have a click through menu to get the right driver20:46
HelloWorld321escott: the nvidia card was fried at Meek Maverick.  Whenever I do an upgrade (like the Precise Pangolin LTS) the video drivers end up fried.  Last time I did a full install, but now I'm getting good enough at linux that I think I need to struggle through this.  And probably take good notes, too, in case I don't settle it once and for all.20:47
BenWI can't get the window to even open for it. just fusses that there's no compatible hardware basically20:47
SirTraversBen you runnin 64 bit?20:47
BenWno, 3220:47
SirTraversok no problem there20:47
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SirTraversyou been to AMD's site for the driver yet?20:47
BenWno, i got what was in the software center20:48
HelloWorld321Is sudo sufficient to run Xorg -config ?  I see in man Xorg that it wants to be root.20:48
BenWi tried to go through ATIs site and it shoves windows drivers in my face when i pick linux20:48
escottHelloWorld321, i avoid nvidia so i dont really know. but with a laptop with switchable graphics you either disable the high end graphics or you use bumblebee/vgaswitcheroo20:48
SirTraversok to start you'll want to uninstall what you used from the software center to get a fresh start.20:48
SirTraversthen goto AMD's driver download page and grab the right version for your card and download it20:49
SirTraversonce you have it downloaded you'll right click the file...goto properties....permissions...and click on make executable.20:50
BenWooo i found fglrxinfo, had to do sudo20:50
BenWok... shows Mesa?20:50
SirTraversyeah if it shows mesa that's the opensource driver20:50
SirTraverswhen you click the downloaded file tell it to "run in terminal" then just follow the prompts for the standard install.20:51
rainbowwarrior2who ever it was who was helping me a minute ago , im afraid i tried what that thread said and i still have same problem20:51
SirTraversit'll tell you to reboot once then you can go into the catalyst control center as admin to set your options properly.20:52
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andrikus_hi i tried to remove the gloabl menu bar with Global menu bar with sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt, but got the error message:20:56
andrikus_E: Unable to locate package appmenu-gtk320:56
andrikus_trying to install it gives the same error message20:56
andrikus_what am I doing wrong?20:56
sam__25Hello all20:57
SirTravershowdy sam20:57
DmetrixHow are you?20:57
crucialheadhey all, under details, it says my graphics driver is vesa, how do i change it to ati?20:57
DmetrixLook this site on Wiki...20:57
BenWthanks SirT. Working on it now20:58
DmetrixDo you know why you hurt my feelings?20:58
SirTraverscool deal ben20:58
BenWit's not the speediest system so it's going to take a while ;)20:58
SirTraversCrucial download the Catalyst drivers from AMD's site20:58
SirTraversits an easy install20:58
sam__25I need some help how to install Libre 3.6 it is a tar.gz file20:58
sam__25it is a tar.gz file20:59
gmachine_24sam_25, ever compile from source code?21:00
J11 I get udev-configure-printer: failed to connect to CUPS server; giving up  on precise21:01
sam__25never try many times it give me error mesage21:01
SirTravershey Sam...there's a ppa available21:01
gmachine_24sam_25 did you check synaptic... to see if Libre 3.6 is there?21:02
jagginesssam__25, use the Archive MAnager from the Accessories menu21:02
HelloWorld321I can still get to the desktop with startx, but the system still boots up with an invitation to reconfigure graphics.   I have my Xorg.0.log pasted to http://pastebin.com/XCSJrXVA21:02
sam__25is it from webup8?21:02
jagginesssam__25, webup8 ?21:02
SirTravers"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases"21:02
sam__25is it in synaptic21:02
SirTravers"sudo apt-get update"21:03
SirTravers"sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:03
Ubungirl@SirTravers, Excuse me.21:03
sam__25Itried but it give me error message21:03
SirTraversUbungirl, is issue? sorry21:03
SirTraversjust tryin to help sam21:03
Ubungirl@SirTravers, What is 42?21:04
jagginessHelloComputer15, maybe your xorg.conf is faulty..21:04
J11I posted it here http://pastebin.com/ndJDCWDD21:04
jagginessHelloComputer15, X is able to start without xorg.conf (you can rename the config file and see if the error goes away)21:04
SirTravers42 is the meaning of life21:04
SirTraversdon't forget your towel21:04
Ubungirl@SirTravers, Gottcha!21:04
Ubungirl@SirTravers, That's it then? Don't panic?21:05
SirTraverseveryone knows a hitch hiker with a towel is prepared for anything ;)21:05
NetSadehello ppl21:06
Ubungirl@SirTravers, Wrong, This reality is nothing more than an interwoven consciousness experiencing itself subjectively simply to be aware of its own existence.21:06
J11I'm trying to print something but it won't print21:06
NetSadeim having a problem with passwords on zip files, I can not add on21:06
SirTraversdoh....i've seen the movie twice is all hehe21:06
dcw329hello hello!21:07
SirTraverslove it though21:07
dcw329i dont know why u say goodbye21:07
NetSadeany suggestions21:07
dcw329i say hello21:07
Ubungirl@dcw329, Oh say can you see.21:07
dcw329i can see?21:07
chakal^-^hello dcw32921:08
SirTraversUbungirl, now my head is spinning haha21:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:08
Ubungirl@SirTravers, You don't want to be my pet?21:08
arejayI'm having some seriois problems, for some reason chrome and certain other parts of my system are in german others are in english (im using gnome-classic) and in control panel under lang English unitedstates is set21:08
artur67smрусскоговорящие есть?21:08
arejayanyone have any ideas?21:08
wylde_!ru | artur67sm21:08
ubottuartur67sm: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:08
dcw329fastest way to fix a problem like that arejay21:09
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes21:09
dcw329just uninstall, reinstall21:09
HelloWorld321Jagginess: I have removed my xorg.conf.  I have two xorg.conf-backup files, an xorg.conf.failsafe, and an xorg.conf.bad  But no xorg.conf file21:09
arejaydude, srsly21:09
dcw329actually, that might not work come to think of it21:09
arejayi just did it21:09
SirTraversok i can't read that. it's all greek to me21:09
arejayya :/21:09
Ubungirl@mrdeb, Hello.21:09
dcw329hmm. give me a second, and ill look at my chrome21:09
dcw329and find the settings for you21:09
HelloWorld321(or russian)21:09
dcw329since urs is porbbaly in german right?21:09
arejaylet me try a restore from my deja dup21:09
arejayand see21:09
FloodBot1arejay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
Ubungirl@arejay, I haven't played in a long time.21:09
arejayits weird tho, even like under applications everything is english except my wine menu/apps are german21:10
HelloWorld321played what?21:11
arejayat first it was japan21:11
Ubungirl@arejay, I love Japan.21:11
newtoubuntui downloaded firestarter, configured the firewall, couldn't connect to the internet through firefox or ubuntu software manager, so removed firestarter, still can't connect, what do i do?21:11
SirTraverswb newtoubuntu21:11
dcw329japan is pretty amazing21:11
arejaynot awesome on my notebook when i cant read it21:11
newtoubuntusirtravers seems i made a stupid mistake21:11
dcw329in chrome21:12
dcw329go to the wrench21:12
SirTraversnah..... every mistake is a learning experience21:12
Cottusnewtoubuntu, service network-manager restart?21:12
HelloWorld321Can somebody give me some insights on configuring my lspci | grep VGA"00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)" based on my Xorg.0.log at http://pastebin.com/XCSJrXVA21:12
Ubungirl@SirTravers, That is completely true.21:12
dcw329should be 5th from botom21:12
arejaygot it21:12
dcw329its settings21:12
newtoubuntucottus please explain21:12
dcw329takes you to a new tab21:12
dcw329all the way at the bottom, its a URL for advanced21:12
Ubungirl@arejay, My sister out-clevered you.21:12
NetSadeIm tring to set a password on a archive file, but the file will not save with the password. any suggestions21:13
dcw3295th up from the bottom, its languages21:13
dcw329and there is a buton, and a checkbox21:13
dcw329click the button above the ckeck box21:13
dcw329should be a popup, and a list of languages21:13
Cottusnewtoubuntu, terminal > sudo service network-manager restart. network-manager is the one that tryies to connect to the ethernet/wireless and later get an ip21:13
dcw329i just have english and english (united states)21:13
SirTraversi've reinstalled so many times i can do it in less than an hour from start to finish hehe.21:13
Ubungirl@SirTravers, I can see that.21:13
J11what kernel modules are needed for usb printing?21:13
dcw329if all you see is dutsches (<-i think thats german for german) then yo umight need to dwonload the language packages21:14
Cottusnewtoubuntu, it's not a firewall, so the problem may remain21:14
arejayi dont need dutch21:14
arejayima see if i can apt-get remove it21:14
dcw329did i lose you anywhere arejay?21:14
Cottusnewtoubuntu, it will restart network21:14
arejaynah dcw it just reverts back21:14
arejayafter selecting english21:14
FloodBot1arejay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:14
Ubungirl@arejay, Do you grow old?21:14
dcw329hmm interesting21:14
newtoubuntucottus still cant connect21:15
enbloccan I configure gnome-keyring to require my ssh keys passPHRASE instead of unlocking it with my account passWORD? The current behavior is broken for people with short term memory problems21:15
dcw329no, arejay stays young forever21:15
arejayhehe :)21:15
J11I did a lsmod | grep usb and i only get usbhid , hid and usb_storage21:15
Cottusnewtoubuntu, ok21:15
KepXanyone know where can i get this cursor http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/332/2/a/X11_Cursors_by_blackevilweredragon.png ?21:15
Ubungirl@dcw329, And what kind of age difference are we talking?21:15
arejaywait whats the name of that app that pops up when u do a new instal21:15
arejayand ask to install extra langs21:15
arejayi wonder if something went wrong there21:16
SirTraversnewtoubuntu, are you connecting to your router at all?21:16
newtoubuntulet me check21:16
dcw329@ubungirl, are you asking my age? or arejay? i actually dont know the guy. lol21:16
Ubungirl@newtoubuntu, What did you find?21:16
arejay<- 2921:16
dcw329<- 1921:16
Ubungirl@dcw329, What is it about?21:17
arejayim deja duppin this thing again21:17
HelloWorld321!ot aslg21:17
dcw329i have no idea what ubungirl is talking about right...21:17
SirTraversnewto you using which desktop interface?21:17
brandonboltonHow can I install Ubuntu server via USB? It always gives me some error about failed to find CD drive.21:17
Ubungirl@SirTravers, Skin cells, right?21:17
DJonesUbungirl: arejay dcw329 Can you move the general chat to #ubuntu-offtopic21:18
newtoubuntuubuntu 12.04.... unity???21:18
Cottusbrandonbolton, maybe there is a boot option "press F?? to select boot device"21:18
SirTraversok then look up top...on the network indicator and click it please21:18
Ubungirl@Cottus, Is there?21:18
brandonboltonCottus, It says failed to find CD drive during the installtion process. I can boot off of the USB just fine.21:19
BenWSirT ... made things worse. It dropped me to a text login. i logged in and was able to do startx but it's still insisting there's no compatible hardware. Where is the xorg.conf or whatever it uses to just manually set it back?21:19
SirTraverswhat options does it show?21:19
SirTraverswired? wireless?21:19
augustlso my touchpad isn't working.. Anything I can restart and/or debug to figure out what's causing it? Don't wanna bite the dust and reboot :)21:19
Cottusmy laptop has ESC21:19
newtoubuntusirtravers it shows a list21:19
Ubungirl@newtoubuntu, I think it's only average.21:19
jasonbourneaugust1 - checked dmesg yet??21:20
newtoubuntuubungirl didnt get that21:20
Ubungirl@newtoubuntu, N&atilde;ooo, &eacute; um estado.21:20
jagginessaugustl, laptop?21:21
augustljasonbourne: hmm some errors there, thanks :)21:21
newtoubuntusirtravers wired connection 2?21:21
augustljagginess: yup, thinkpad t420s21:21
jasonbourneaugust1 = anytime21:21
augustl"psmouse sero1: bad data from KVC - timeout" etc21:21
SirTraverstry tellin it to disconnect and reconnect21:21
Ubungirl@SirTravers, Tell you what?21:22
Ubungirl@HelloWorld321, 19, and you?21:22
newtoubuntusirtravers doesnt solve thr prob21:23
DJonesUbungirl: Stay on topic, this is a support channel, not a chat channel21:23
Ubungirl@DJones, What are you then?21:23
jasonbourneyesterday Ubuntu 12.04LTS automatically downloaded 47 updates of which I thought I saw a new kernel with a 26 in it...does Ubuntu install the new kernel automatically or do I have to??...anyone know??21:23
MyrttiUbungirl: foobar foobar bazwibble21:24
wylde_I   suspect Ubungirl is a bot...just sayin'21:24
Ubungirl@wylde_, No, I don't think so.21:24
jagginessaugustl, from comment#26 people posted solution/s https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/80410921:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 804109 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "can't enable touchpad in Ubuntu (thinkpads)" [Low,Incomplete]21:24
MyrttiUbungirl: do you like apples or bananas more?21:24
Ubungirl@Myrtti, Yes.21:25
jagginessaugustl, (i believe post #18 may apply but is very difficult to undo changes to it)21:25
jagginessaugustl, there's also the synclient app-- dunno if that'll help, first try comment#2621:26
jasonbourneyesterday Ubuntu 12.04LTS automatically downloaded 47 updates of which I thought I saw a new kernel with a 26 in it...does Ubuntu install the new kernel automatically or do I have to??...anyone know??21:26
gmachine_24jasonbourne, I'm pretty sure it's automatically installed21:26
jasonbournedon't see it upon bootup21:26
jasonbournekeeps showing kernel images with a 25 in it...21:26
GeodesicalHello. I am having trouble with sound on my system. sometimes when I turn it on, there is no sound through speakers or headphones, and I have to restart it 3-4 times to get my sound back. Any help?21:27
jagginessaugustl, post#45 says you can use dconf-tools , let me know if this trick works.. thanks..21:27
jasonbournegmachine_24I thought it would also...21:27
WeThePeopleis there a html editor anything like notepad21:27
HelloWorld321How do I configure my lspci | grep VGA"00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)" (Xorg.0.log at http://pastebin.com/XCSJrXVA)21:27
WeThePeople++ for ubuntu21:27
jasonbournegmachine_24 I thought it would also...21:27
Geodesicalnewtoubuntu: just ask your question, someone may help you.21:27
jasonbournegmachine_24 - maybe it did but the grub menu still shows the older kernel?? don't think it would do that though...21:28
jagginessWeThePeople, it wouldnt be for ubuntu..perhaps google:"list of html editor for linux site:wikipedia.org"21:28
jagginessWeThePeople, but for any linux21:28
brandonboltonWhenever I try to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 it says failed to find CD Drive during the installtion screen and everything turns red. Is there any way I can fix that?21:29
jagginessWeThePeople, (i'm sure if you type html in your software center search box, you'll get editor results)21:29
brandonboltonWeThePeople, I use Bluefish for HTML.21:30
GeodesicalHello. I am having trouble with sound on my system. sometimes when I turn it on, there is no sound through speakers or headphones, and I have to restart it 3-4 times to get my sound back. Any help?21:30
jasonbourneGeodesical - check dmesg for any errors pertaining to sound21:30
jagginessGeodesical, laptop?21:31
LafiirI just ran TrueCrypt (haven't for a while), clicked on 'Select Device' and noticed a 1023 MB large /dev/sr0 not mounted which I have never seen before. Any idea what it is or how I can find out?21:31
jagginessLafiir, sr0 is cd drive21:31
newtoubuntuone prob solved another one crops up- when i restart my system screen goes back to lower resolutions despite saving nvidia x something21:31
gmachine_24jasonbournce, did you try $uname -a21:31
Geodesicaljaginess: no, desktop.21:31
gmachine_24jasonbourne, did you try $uname -a21:31
Lafiirjagginess: cd drive? that doesn't make any sense21:32
J11still having trouble with printing, now I get  failed to claim interface  and no corresponding CUPS device found21:32
jagginessGeodesical, you have 2 sound chips? onboard?21:32
Geodesicaljasonbourne: yeah, no clue on how to do that...21:32
jasonbournegmachine_24 - yes and it says 3.2.0-25-generic21:32
jasonbourneso I guess it didn't install it21:33
Geodesicaljaginess: would I have to open the actual computer to find that out?21:33
jagginessLafiir, ya that does sound weird.. system probably sees it as a read-only device21:33
jasonbourneGeodesical - /var/log21:33
jasonbournels -l dmesg21:33
jagginessGeodesical, what motherboard you have? (dmidecode can show)21:33
Netham45I have a relatively clean server install that refuses to automatically boot from grub with ubuntu being the only installed OS, anyone know what's up?21:33
BenWSirT - managed to remove the drver pkg and got ir fixed back, i guess it's just as good as it's going to get. but thanks for the help21:33
gmachine_24jasonbourne, that's what mine says21:34
jagginessGeodesical, btw..21:34
jagginessGeodesical, aplay --list  i think lists play devices..21:34
tylerflintanybody here familiar with mounting?21:34
jasonbournegmachine_24 - I know I saw a 39MB download of something related to a kernel image with a 26 in it...21:34
=== squirrel is now known as Guest70854
Guest70854How do I change keyboard language in KDE?21:35
jasonbournethought it would've installed it automatically21:35
tylerflintwhat I'm trying to do is catch a umount command21:35
Geodesicaljaginess: dmidecode gets me #dmidecode 2.1121:35
tylerflintusually in RedHat distros I can just create a /sbin/umount.type executable21:35
Guest70854I am trying to type in russian in KDE but I do not know how to change keyboard settings21:35
tylerflintfor some reason that doesn't work in precise21:35
jasonbourneGuest70854 - try checking in settings...21:36
Guest70854I did21:36
kim__hello, is there anyone from Chile?21:36
jagginessGeodesical, (maybe later for dmidecode to show more stuff), but aplay --list, would show the playable devices21:36
gmachine_24jasonbourne, did you try $sudo aptitude update /// then $sudo aptitude upgrade21:36
Jordan_Utylerflint: "catch" for what purpose?21:37
Guest70854I added russian as a preferred language.  In unity, I can switch easily between languages but in KDE it won't.21:37
Lafiirjagginess: Why is it listed there in the first place (bug with truecrypt?)  and why this size?21:37
goventushello world21:37
jasonbournegmachine_24 - not yet...21:37
Guest70854I got the language bar to pop up in the kde panel but it has no options.21:37
gmachine_24jasonbourne, I use 'aptitude' when I want to make sure everything is installed21:37
gmachine_24and #25 is available and installed using aptitude21:37
tylerflintJordan_U: well, it's complicated, and mostly related to the fuse adapter and bind mounting21:37
jagginessLafiir, maybe udev should ignore that device.. or try to make udev call truecrypt if it detects that device21:38
HelloWorld321Hello goventus21:38
Geodesicaljaginess: aplay --list-devices gives me card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC880 Analog [ALC880 Analog] with 1/1 subdevices.21:38
goventusdoes anyone use TIER?21:38
Guest70854Does anyone use KDE?21:38
Jordan_Utylerflint: Try explaining it.21:38
jasonbournegmachine_24 - I understand but the download was automatic while the machine was running...wasn't started by me....but I'm running the update now to see if it installs it now...21:38
gmachine_24jasonbourne, but a lot of times packages are kept back for what reasons I'm not sure.... this is above my pay grade21:39
tylerflintJordan_U: well, I'm hosting a couple of clients on a single server, I use lxc and openvz to namespace "containerize" them...21:39
goventusHelloWorld321: nice nickname =)21:39
jasonbournegmachine_24 - just ran both and nothing...maybe I'm seeing things...hehehe...21:39
Geodesicalgoventus: lol mindless chatter...21:40
gmachine_24jasonbourne, nothing as in........?21:40
tylerflintJordan_U: I have a glusterfs storage cluster, and I mount a volume to the host machine via the gluster fuse adapter21:40
jagginessGeodesical, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:40
goventusGeodesical, me?21:40
jasonbournegmachine_24 - ran the update and upgrade but nothing happened...21:40
Geodesicaljaginess: thanks bro.21:40
jagginessGeodesical, do you get "disagress about version of symbol" with dmesg ?21:40
HelloWorld321jagginess: is there one like that for video?21:40
jagginessGeodesical, dmesg |grep snd_hda_intel21:40
tylerflintJordan_U: then I bind mount specific directories into the containers for the clients21:41
Geodesicalgoventus: yeah, I tried to make chatter with another person once on #ubuntu... I got kicked out...21:41
=== michael is now known as mikefarr
gmachine_24jasonbourne, my computer is installing 3.2.0-25-generic21:41
tylerflintJordan_U: it works great... except when any of the clients do a umount -f on the bind mounts, it propogates to the fuse adapter and the fuse adapter terminates the session21:41
Geodesicaljaginess: does that go into the terminal?21:42
jagginessGeodesical, try with sudo21:42
jasonbournegmachine_24 - automatically??21:42
brandonboltonIs there a way to install Ubuntu Server without a CD drive? I try via usb but I always get errors.21:42
Geodesicaljaginess: what do you mean?21:42
tylerflintJordan_U: so, I'm trying to add a simple /sbin/umount.fuse.glusterfs executable21:42
jagginessGeodesical, "dmesg | grep snd_hda_intel" <enter>21:42
tylerflintJordan_U: it works perfectly for any non-ubuntu guests21:42
gmachine_24I ran $sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade21:42
Lafiirjagginess: calling truecrypt wouldn't make sense, since it has nothing to do with it, it's just listed there. so udev should probably ignore it. whatever it is21:43
Geodesicaljaginess: I did so in the terminal.21:43
jagginessGeodesical, or "sudo dmesg | grep snd_hda_intel" <enter>21:43
newtoubuntu when i restart my system screen goes back to lower resolutions despite saving nvidia x display something21:43
jagginessLafiir, you probably have a special usb-drive that offers a read-only device on it21:43
gmachine_24jasonbourne, I'm going to reboot and I think et voile it will be installed and working I'll brb21:45
Geodesicaljaginess: it gave me "PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16"  "irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X"  "setting latency timer to 64"21:46
Jordan_Utylerflint: You could try making a /sbin/umount (without a .foo) wrapper. Why are the guests trying to umount -f the bind mounts?21:46
tylerflintJordan_U: well, the guests aren't themselves, when I say guests I mean the guest OS's. Apparently when ubuntu shuts down it does a umount -f on everything that's mounted21:47
jagginessGeodesical, dmidecode --type 0,1,221:49
jagginessGeodesical, acer motherboard?21:49
gmachine_24jasonbourne, everything installed and running21:49
Geodesicaljaginess: I think so, it was meant to run Windows XP. it says "intel inside" on the front.21:50
mikefarrI just intstalled 12.04 - trying to get ubuntu to recognize my usb headset with mic - not working so good - any suggestions?21:50
jasonbournegmachine_24 - well that's the same kernel I have...maybe my old eyes are seeing things....21:50
jagginessGeodesical, what is the "motherboard" or "board" name as output from dmidecode please..21:51
jagginessGeodesical, just "intel" * ?21:51
gmachine_24jasonbourne, this is the one I have installed 3.2.0-25-generic #4021:51
jasonbournegmachine_24 - but at 39MB I thought for sure it was a new kernel...21:51
tylerflintJordan_U: what I'd really like to do is see the source that was packaged in the "mount" package21:51
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tylerflintJordan_U: this is the package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/mount21:52
Jordan_Utylerflint: apt-get source mount # Will download the source package to your current directory.21:52
jasonbournegmachine_24 - maybe it was a *service* pack of some type for the kernel already present (?)21:52
tylerflintJordan_U: oh nice, let me try that21:52
jagginessGeodesical, (you may need to use sudo for that dmidecode command)21:52
gmachine_24jasonbourne, so you have 3.2.0-25 installed?21:52
jasonbournegmachine_24 - yep....21:53
Geodesicaljaginess: is SUDO  the terminal?21:53
hekateHi, I am trying to format a CD-R that I recently burnt some audio files to. The CD apparently isn't recognized as an audio-cd in cd players though. How do I format the CD to start a-new? Everytime I try to delete the files on it, it says it's a read-only filesystem.21:53
gmachine_24jasonbourne, well that's the new one21:53
jagginessGeodesical, no sudo is a prefix to superuser commands..21:53
Geodesicaljaginess: you just went way over my head with that.21:53
jagginessGeodesical, sudo is a command, but it is used as a prefix to the actual commands you wish to use as superuser21:53
HelloWorld321yes.  sudo is the terminal.  Its short for SuperUserDO, and it will re-run any command you type at a higher system privilege level21:53
jasonbournegmachine_24 - but at 39MB I thought for sure it was a new kernel...21:53
Geodesicaljaginess: OH.21:53
honeyhi everybody21:54
jagginessGeodesical, superuser do21:54
jasonbournegmachine_24 - but I know I saw a 26 in there....21:54
jasonbournegmachine_24 - know a command for checking what was installed during last update??21:54
jasonbournegmachine_24 - or I guess I can check via software center...correct??21:54
tylerflintJordan_U: well that's strange, it should be calling that21:55
jagginessHelloComputer15, sudo isnt a terminal..21:55
jagginess(it's a command in terminal)21:55
jasonbournegmachine_24 - this is what I got from the command line: 3.2.0-25-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 20:33:0521:55
gmachine_24jasonbourne, I was going to say via Synaptic but the software center probably21:55
jasonbournegmachine_24 - ok..thanks...21:55
HelloWorld321jagginess: yes, you're right.  That's true.  It's a command in the terminal.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudo21:56
jasonbournegmachine_24 - thanks for your help...21:56
species_4981please can someone remind me: if I have a file full of numbers in columns and rows and I want to cut some lines out and generate files which are full of parts of this "master" file, is it easily done via something like cat "mainfile" | grep [wanted strings] > "subfile"?21:56
gmachine_24jasonbourne, but I am going. Going to the ball game tonight. sure thing21:56
jasonbournegmachine_24 - later...21:56
jagginessGeodesical, also if you need to edit a file in /etc you need to be superuser, you can use "gksudo gedit /etc/somefile" so you can edit it graphically (gksudo can be called from terminal box)21:56
jagginessGeodesical, when sudo prompts for password you type your user password(not superuser's)21:57
jagginessGeodesical, by default the first user is an administrator.. so hopefully you're using the right user account21:58
Geodesicaljaginess: yeah, its an Intel board. (Version AAC85199-203, Product Name D915GUX)21:58
hekateHi, I am trying to format a CD-R that I recently burnt some audio files to. The CD apparently isn't recognized as an audio-cd in cd players though. How do I format the CD to start a-new? Everytime I try to delete the files on it, it says it's a read-only filesystem.21:59
Jordan_Uspecies_4981: 1: Since you have numbers in colums and rows you'll probably want to use awk and 2: "cat" is not needed, grep accepts filenames: grep 'pattern here' filename > subfile21:59
jagginessGeodesical, the objective here is to find out what can be used as the model=<something> for the snd-hda-intel module21:59
TheLordOfTimehekate:  did you write the audio files as data, or did you use a program to burn as an audio cd?21:59
jagginessGeodesical, http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt22:00
Cyclohexaneis it possible to make tar skip permission denied and not stop to return the error?22:00
species_4981Jordan_U: brilliant - thanks for the advice. Time to read about awk and also, thanks for the info on grep ... lots to learn22:00
Jordan_Uhekate: Use a program like Brasero to make an audio CD. If the CD contains "files" then it's not an audio CD.22:00
jagginessGeodesical, acer's may carry an "intel" board internally, but they are slightly modified..22:00
mikefarrif anyone has some suggestions about the usb headset / mic just let me know - thanks22:00
jagginessGeodesical, so that's why there are some "acer" thigs mentioned on that url i just posted..22:00
Jordan_Uspecies_4981: You're welcome. Also, #bash is a great channel for asking about and learning shell scripting.22:00
jagginessGeodesical, you're not using an acer aspire are you or an "acer" model?22:01
Geodesicaljagginess: so what exactly should I be looking for?22:01
jagginessGeodesical, do you have an acer?22:01
species_4981nice one, Jordan_U I shall join it ... I've just started trying to write shell scripts22:01
jagginessGeodesical, or a "branded" built computer?22:01
Geodesicaljagginess: no, its gateway.22:01
hekateJordan_U: ok, but how I can get Brasero to recognize my CD? When I put it in, Nautilus opens up with a listing of the contents of the CD, however when I go to Tools>Blank to erase the CD, Brasero says there is no CD present22:02
Jordan_Uhekate: Is it a CDRW or just a CDR?22:02
jagginessGeodesical, the objective here is to find out what can be used as the model=<something> for the snd-hda-intel module22:02
Geodesicaljagginess: you said that above. can you put it in laymans' terms please?22:03
jagginessGeodesical, driver options22:03
hekateJordan_U: CD-R apparently...uhoh, does this mean I can't wipe it?22:04
Jordan_Uhekate: Correct. You'll need a new CD.22:04
hekateJordan_U: I seem to have gotten a box of CD-Rs...I wasn't thinking that day in Walmart22:06
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest68370
Geodesicaljagginess: alright. # dmidecode 2.1122:07
GeodesicalSMBIOS 2.3 present.22:07
GeodesicalHandle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 20 bytes22:07
GeodesicalBIOS Information22:07
GeodesicalVendor: Intel Corp.22:07
FloodBot1Geodesical: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
jagginessGeodesical, i want to be sure of your gateway model.. you didnt give me.. i'll make it easier-- apt-get install xclip (or can from ubuntu software center), then in console-> dmidecode |xclip <enter>  .. then use middlemouse button to paste in pastebin.com (post url back in here)22:07
Cyclohexaneis it possible to make tar skip permission denied and not stop to return the error?22:08
jagginessGeodesical, (dont need to go to this url, url i'm asking for should be like http://pastebin.com/9w2qVG8U )22:08
jagginessCyclohexane, try using -C22:09
=== augustl is now known as Guest59626
jagginessCyclohexane, mkdir adir, tar xvzvf tarball.tar.gz -C adir<enter>22:09
Geodesicaljagginess: http://pastebin.com/hZEDbzEC22:09
jagginess(i had an extra v there by accdident.. can be-> tar xzvf )22:10
dcw329hello world!22:10
dcw329hello world!22:10
dcw329hello world!22:11
FloodBot1dcw329: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:11
Geodesicaldcw329: supppp22:11
dcw329hey, just alittle bored22:11
dcw329thought id log on and help some people out22:11
syddrafDoes anyone know of a music converter that doesn't crash every time I run it?22:11
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
jagginessGeodesical, says your gateway is a 430022:12
syddrafI need to convert a mass library of flac into mp322:12
jagginessGeodesical, e430022:12
Jordan_Usyddraf: lame22:12
Geodesicaldcw329:yeah, help is needed around here.22:12
JohnTeddyHow can I find out what package a particular file on my system belongs to?22:12
dcw329how big is the library?22:12
Geodesicaljagginess: so what youre saying is...?22:12
syddraf15 gigs of flac22:12
dcw329yeah, thats gunna take awhile. lol22:13
dcw329ill see if i can find you a program22:13
syddrafI don't mind the time. I mind it not crashing. "Sound Converter" crashes constantly.22:13
jagginessGeodesical, you have a luxembourg intel..22:13
jagginessGeodesical, http://support.gateway.com/us/en/product/default.aspx?partNumber=100837422:13
jagginessGeodesical, your bios can be updated to 5 years later..22:13
jagginessGeodesical, i'll see if there's an easy procdure to do this for you22:14
dcw329it will be easy to do once yo ufind the right program22:15
dcw329and anyoen can google "sound converter"22:15
dcw329i just want to make sure i find a free one, with a reputation of NOT having a virus22:15
mimoidDoes ecryptfs still limit the size of file names in a volume?22:15
Geodesicaljagginess: thank you, I am a major n00b to the techy end of computers.22:16
jagginessGeodesical, pm? i can make a bootable iso i can show you the source22:17
icecubehey, i need some help understanding torrents22:17
icecubea bunch of the different linux distos recommend downloading from a torrent, as well as other files i need/desire22:18
jagginessGeodesical, a msdos boot disk is needed (but there's a way to burn a cd with a disk image on it)22:18
icecubebut i have no idea where to even get started with this22:18
Geodesicaljagginess: oke-doke.22:18
syddrafUbuntu: Deluge, Transmission22:18
syddrafWindows: Deluge, uTorrent22:18
saady /msg saady  identify  sos12322:18
Jordan_Usaady: Change your password.22:19
Geodesicaljagginess: huh.22:19
Jordan_Usaady: You should either have your client auto-identify, or identify in the server tab. Also, you need to msg nickserv, not yourself.22:19
newmacairhi everyone22:22
newmacairwell, i'm having issues installing ubuntu on my new mac air22:22
newmacairit's such a pain. they changed bootcamp so you can't really do it that way anymoer22:22
newmacairand the USB method on the website doesn't seem to work. any tips or direction?22:23
JohnTeddyHow can I find out what package a particular file on my system belongs to?22:24
lukasi have a problem installing new ubuntu 12.0422:24
lukasafter instalation i can't use keyboard or mouse22:24
lukasboth USB22:24
=== cornfeed is now known as zz_cornfeed
Jordan_Unewmacair: Boot camp was never a good way to install GNU/Linux on a Mac. Among other things it creates an ugly hybrid MBR, which is only needed for Windows.22:25
newmacairJordan U: so, what's the best angle of attack these days? i already have rEFIt installed, and i've downloaded the 64 bit ISO22:26
Jordan_Unewmacair: Do you have an external USB CDROM drive which you can use?22:26
newmacairJordan U: I do not, although i do have a flash drive22:26
lukascan anyone help?22:26
arooni-mobileto have widgets on ubutnu 12.04 is screenlets my only choice?  i dont like screenlets or plexydesk  as they seem too resource intensive.22:27
jagginessGeodesical, http://ifile.it/t5wdknl/gateway_e4300_SE91510J.15A.2609.iso22:27
Jordan_Unewmacair: The process for installing to a mac is easier and more reliable (less likelyhood of graphics driver problems) with a CD, but it can be done with a flash drive instead. Do you have another Ubuntu machine (even just one booted from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB) which you can use to create the bootable flash drive?22:28
newmacairi do22:29
Jordan_Uroot: Hi. You shouldn't run your IRC client as root.22:29
=== root is now known as Guest17761
Guest17761alguem brasileiro22:29
Jordan_U!br | Guest1776122:29
ubottuGuest17761: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:29
lukasi have a problem and looking for help: after installing ubuntu 12.04 the mouse and kyboard stops working, evet in recovery mode, but they are working fine in livecd. can anyone help?22:30
newmacairJordan_U: what method would you suggest of doing that? i've heard that only certain kinds of USB boot drives work on macs22:30
root_ ai22:30
root_algguem ai22:31
Jordan_Unewmacair: The hardware doesn't matter, it's how the USB drive is prepared which matters. I would recommend installing grub-efi to the flash drive and using that to loop boot an Ubuntu iso file.22:31
Jordan_U!br | root_22:31
ubotturoot_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:31
newmacairi want to smack steve jobs for making this process so hard22:32
newmacairits so easy with PC's22:32
Evi1john1anyone familiar with sagan?22:33
Jordan_U!anyone | Evi1john122:33
ubottuEvi1john1: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:33
koko_what is the best practice on web server  for security ?22:33
lukasi have a problem and looking for help: after installing ubuntu 12.04 the mouse and keyboard stops working, evet in recovery mode, but they are working fine in livecd. can anyone help?22:33
Evi1john1YEa..... anyways has anyone install sagan on ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit server22:34
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
Jordan_UEvi1john1: I'm assuming that you're having a problem installing sagan. Try stating what problem you're actually having.22:35
Evi1john1no trouble with it stopping randomly. It starts fine but stops working at random intervals. It didn't seem to do this on 10.0422:36
lukasis there anyone who can help me?22:36
leonardo_Hi, I'm using Gnome Classic on Ubuntu 12.04. Does anyone knows how to hide the status bar, I mean, the bar at the bottom?22:36
dreadiscoolI downloaded the .iso file from the site, could someone please tell me what to do from here? I don't want to burn a disk, is there some way I can mount it?22:36
Evi1john1i thought it was the log rotation and the reload of rsyslogd22:37
jagginessdreadiscool, you dont mount a blank disk22:37
Evi1john1not it22:37
dreadiscoolso what do i do withthe iso?22:37
newmacairif i'm making a partition for linux on an imac, what format should it be?22:37
dreadiscoolim running xp22:37
jagginessdreadiscool, windows? try to do use imgburn (its free and a button to say burn image)22:37
lukasi need help: after installing ubuntu 12.04 the mouse and keyboard stops working, evet in recovery mode, but they are working fine in livecd. can anyone help?22:38
dreadiscoolIs there a way to do it without burning a disk though?22:38
jagginessdreadiscool, usb..? there's pendrive..22:38
dreadiscoolI have it on a usb22:38
dreadiscoolbut the ISO file22:38
jagginessdreadiscool, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/22:38
dreadiscoolIs there a way i can do this with the ISO?22:38
jagginessdreadiscool, take that iso file off the usb and place it on your xp harddrve22:38
dreadiscoolI don't want to redownload the thing22:38
Jordan_Udreadiscool: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows22:38
jagginessdreadiscool, format that usb device to fat3222:38
dreadiscooli already wasted like 12 hours of my life downloading the iso22:39
Jordan_Udreadiscool: Nobody has said anything about redownloading the iso.22:39
jagginessdreadiscool, then mount back that fat32 on xp as a G:\ (or some other letter drive), then run the .exe usb-installer tool22:39
dreadiscoolI mean I'm sure that you can do it with the ISO, otherwise they wouldn't have put it there right?22:39
=== miguel is now known as Guest428
jagginessdreadiscool, read my 3 steps.22:39
dreadiscoolSo i downloaded the installer22:39
dreadiscoolcan i select the ISO that I have on the pen drive22:39
dreadiscoolfrom the installer?22:39
Jordan_Udreadiscool: Yes, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows has very clear instructions on how to do this, including screenshots.22:40
jagginessdreadiscool, 1-format fat32 on usb, 2-letter drive on xp for that fat32 3- run the .exe usb-maker  --- AND DONT HAVE THE ISO ON THE USB DRIVE (move/copy that to the internal xp drive)22:40
Jordan_Ujagginess: I much prefer the official Ubuntu documentation for this (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows).22:40
jagginessJordan_U, "Page not found" .22:41
jagginessoh without the ) at the end.. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows  .. ya that works..22:41
Jordan_Ujagginess: Your IRC client interpreted the ')' as part of the URL. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows22:41
jagginesshowever it fails to mention fo format fat32 for the usb device..22:41
Jordan_Ujagginess: Very few people have anything but fat32 flash drives, especially those coming from Windows.22:42
=== sony is now known as Guest1561
dreadiscoolSo I move the iSO to the desktop?22:42
dreadiscoolcause the installer says that22:42
dreadiscoolit says "Browse to your Ubuntu 12.04 something *DESKTOP* iso"22:43
jagginessJordan_U, it's better to start from fresh.. best to format it imho either there's a fat32 there already or not..22:43
jagginess(quickly or not)22:43
jagginessdreadiscool, yes22:43
Jordan_Ujagginess: Why? What good does reformatting do?22:43
jagginessdreadiscool, the usb-maker extracts the iso and copies the extraction to the usb device22:43
jagginessJordan_U, ensures he uses fat32 -- true it can be optional.. he's already past that22:44
Jordan_Udreadiscool: The iso filename has the word "desktop" in it, that refers to its intention to be used on "desktop" (or laptop/nebook) computers as opposed to servers.22:44
jagginessi think he knows that. he was asking to "move" the iso to the desktop.22:44
lukasi need help: after installing ubuntu 12.04 the mouse and keyboard stops working, evet in recovery mode, but they are working fine in livecd. can anyone help?22:44
lukasI'm tighting with this instalation from yesterday22:45
jagginesslukas, keyboard works in ubuntu rescue?22:45
lukasit does not work after grub22:45
jagginesslukas, how as ubuntu 12.04 installed? was it upgraded?22:45
lukasno, it was a clean instalation22:46
jagginesslukas, you mean you can't use the up/down arrow keys on the grub menu?22:46
=== ruben is now known as Guest2367
dreadiscoolOnce I install it to the flash drive, what do I do :O22:46
lukasno, in grub i can use keyboard22:46
dreadiscoolwait, ill read the files first22:46
Jordan_Unewmacair: Don't create the partitions for Ubuntu from OSX, the Ubuntu installer will handle that for you.22:46
SenixI have a question22:47
SenixIf i have an i3 x64 am I able to run the amd64 ISO?22:47
newmacairJordan_U: okay. i'm getting a little frusterated though. i've already failed to do this with one mac in the past22:47
lukasjagginess, the keyboard works in grub, but aftter that22:47
dreadiscoolWait, how do I use the usb stick now for the Ubuntu desktop22:47
dreadiscoolits almos done installing22:47
dreadiscooli restart, and then what?22:47
jagginessdreadiscool, ya22:47
dreadiscoolI'm assuming it won't magically stick to my c drive22:48
Jordan_Udreadiscool: Then you follow http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-desktop22:48
dreadiscoolok, thanks22:48
Jordan_Udreadiscool: You're welcome.22:48
newmacairJordan_U: just made a boot drive using a dmg instead of an img22:48
jagginessdreadiscool, hit the boot-menu key (it may be f2 or f11 or f12 -- the bios bootup screen should say) -- ALSO I HOPE YOU RESEACHED YOUR BIOS IF IT CAN BOOT FROM USB22:48
romicihello all!! Newbie here! I'm having problems connecting Ubuntu 12.04 to WiFi. In the networking drop-down menu, the option to Enable Wirless is shaded or unselectable, which is below the Enable Networking option, which I can select. How can I turn the wifi on?22:48
lukasjagginess, do you have any ideas what can I do?22:48
dreadiscoolIt says installation done, process comlete22:49
dreadiscoolcan i close the window?22:49
Random832romici: do you have a wireless switch on your hardware?22:49
Jordan_Unewmacair: OK. Are you able to boot from it?22:49
Random832romici: and, do you need to install any restricted drivers?22:49
jagginesslukas, try to boot into rescue. add " 1"  (without quotes) to the end of the kernel bootline and hit f10.. that'll bring you to console at the very least..22:49
jagginesslukas, from there..22:49
newmacairJordan_U: I'm going to try now, i'll let you know22:50
lukasjagginess, but in rescue keyboard also don't work22:50
newmacairrEFIt didn't recognize the last one22:50
jagginesslukas, you can try to explore what the problem is concerning X's configuration-- because if you hve keyboard access in plaintext.. then it's something with X22:50
romiciRandom832: Yes, I have toggled on/off back and forth, because above VPN connections it says that the wireless is disabled by hardware switch. But I don't get it, since I turn it on and off and back on, and it doesn't recognize it!22:50
=== eddie is now known as Guest55568
lukasjagginess, i can do anything only from livecd, keyboard doesn't work in rescue22:51
romiciRandom832: I think I don't since it was working fine 5 minutes ago.22:52
jagginesslukas, you sure, "plain text" does not work?22:52
jagginessluka, what error messages do you see?22:52
lukasjagginess, i am sure22:52
lukasjagginess, i tryed22:53
jagginesslukas, do you get the password prompt?22:53
newmacairJordan_U: i'm back, it didn't work. I followed this tutorial, but it always says that it doesn't recognize the drive after it finishes.22:53
lukasjagginess, yes but i cant write the password22:53
jagginesslukas, that's really odd..22:54
lukasjagginess, i was trying the instalation several times22:54
lukasjagginess, i know this is odd...22:54
jagginesslukas, you should make a report about this.. btw you can try 1 more thing before.. -- you using usb keyboard?22:55
lukasjagginess, yes USB, but i dont have any other :P22:55
IdleOnelukas: what do you mean by you can't type the password?22:55
jagginesslukas, make sure legacy usb is supported in the bios.. maybe it could be that..22:55
lukasIdleOne: i mean, that tle keyboard is not respodning22:56
jagginessIdleOne, keyboard isnt operable in plaintext rescue22:56
IdleOnelukas: ok, so you are trying to log in via the command line and are unable to type in the username and password?22:56
jagginesslukas, laptop?22:56
jaggerHow can I get wine 1.5.6 on Ubuntu 12.04? The latest version i can get is 1.5.5. I did apt-get update.22:56
jagginessIdleOne, no.22:56
lukasjagginess, it is, and this keyboard was working in about 8 previous versions of ubuntu22:57
jagginessIdleOne, nononono.22:57
jagginesslukas, (i'm assuming not laptop).. but is it 64-bit hardware?22:57
lukasjagginess, i am using laptop now, the computer with the problem is my old one22:57
jaggercan anyone get wine 1.5.6 on their ubuntu software center? 1.5.5 is the highest for me22:58
lukasjagginess, yes 6322:58
lukasjagginess, 64 :)22:58
romiciAnybody else has any idea how to enable the wireless networking?? The option is unselectable, or shaded, not hiddedn, since I can see it...but I cannot select it. The hardware on/off wifi switch is on, and still the wifi is not detected.22:58
jagginesslukas, you tried the 64-bit installer?22:58
jagginesslukas, or i386 ?22:58
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:58
lukasIdleOne: after installing 12.04 keyboard and mouse are not working at all, but they are working in 12.04 livecd22:59
lukasjagginess, 64-bit installer22:59
GeekAdminWindows allows you to turn a USB flash stick into fake RAM by using the "readyboost" feature.  Can you do something like this with ubuntu 12.04?22:59
romicithanx...let me look it up22:59
jagginesslukas, perhaps you can try to pass kernel option22:59
=== zz_cornfeed is now known as cornfeed
lukasjagginess, how?23:00
IdleOnelukas: that is odd. This same keyboard and mouse work in previous Ubuntu versions?23:00
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.23:00
lukasIdleOne, yes, about 8 previous versions was fine23:00
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, you can use the flash as a swap.23:01
jagginesslukas, try the bottom of the page23:01
jagginesslukas, "Common Kernel Options"23:01
jagginesslukas, not asking to re-install anything..23:01
lukasjagginess, you meen in grub?23:01
jagginesslukas, try the "irqpoll" ..23:01
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  how do I set that up?  I already have swap configured for my hard drive.23:01
jagginesslukas, yes i mean grub (you add that option to the kernel bootline, along with " 1 " )23:02
jaggerhas anyone been able to get wine 1.5.6 on the ubuntu software center, or is it just me that can't?23:02
jagginesslukas, see if at least the plaintext responds to keyboard23:02
newmacairhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick       << can anyone tell me why this wouldn't work? my mac is saying that it cant recognize the drive or something like that23:02
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, what is it that you're looking for exactly23:02
GeekAdminjagger: I'm pretty sure ubuntu repositories only have wine 1.423:02
jaggerI added the ppa, but it only has 1.5.523:02
jaggerit was released a week ago, shouldn23:03
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  I want to increase my RAM without actually increasing RAM..by using a USB flash strick or a external hard drive..so I can get faster speeds.23:03
jagger't it be available by now?23:03
newmacair"The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" is the error message I'm getting23:03
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, you need to actually have more ram.23:03
jagginessnewmacair, ya.. "choose ignore"23:03
jagginessnewmacair, its not meant to be used in a mac.. only to boot from23:03
lukasjagginess, do you have gtalk? i am not used to irc...23:03
jaggerGeekAdmin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39543523:03
jaggerwill that work?23:03
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, you could change the swappiness if you like23:03
jagginessnewmacair, you can only try to make the usb booter with those cli tools23:03
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  okay. thanks. Appreciate you telling me straightup instead of letting me waste my time.23:04
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  does increasing SWAP speed up PC?23:04
wilee-nilee!swappiness | GeekAdmin23:04
jagginessnewmacair, i hope you didnt' click 'initialize'.. because then you'll need to redo the dd command23:04
newmacairjagginess: it still isn't recognized on startup, though23:04
dsnydersI want to make music.  Is there any recommended music composing software for linux?23:04
lukasjagginess, in grub i can use the keyboard, i can type, edit options etc23:04
HelloWorld321jagginess: would that help with my video card maybe?  irqpoll?23:04
jaggerreadyboost basically increase swap for windows23:04
jaggerit doesn't actually increase ram itself23:04
newmacairi'l try fully redoing it, but it hasn't worked in the past23:04
jagginessnewmacair, well your mac has to support usb boot.. you have to consult apple's documentation for that..23:04
zykotick9GeekAdmin: it's very doubtful that adding virtual memory (swap) will speed up your system at all23:05
jagginessnewmacair, then try to use a cd..23:05
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, depends on the limitations you have overall, but barely noticeable it is more likely to be running slower if the swap is used live.23:05
jagginessnewmacair, pm?23:05
jagginessi dont think anyone else is using mac here? (except me of course)23:05
jagginess(and newmacair)23:05
GeekAdminwilee-nilee:  THANKS. you saved me a lot of time23:05
Jordan_U!PM | jagginess newmacair23:05
ubottujagginess newmacair: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:05
jagginessJordan_U, mac people need refit (just fyi)23:06
jakuplHello :) I Need to make sed delete everything up to and including the 6th "|" in every line. Is this possible?23:06
wilee-nileeGeekAdmin, cool look up swappiness on the web though you can change when the swap is actually used somewhat.23:06
Jordan_Ujagginess: I'm very familiar with booting on intel macs.23:06
jagginessJordan_U, i dont need that ubottu message thanks.23:06
Jordan_Ujagginess: It's better to keep support discussion in-channel so that others can contribute and ensure that good advice is being given.23:07
f3eGood evening.23:07
f3eWhat's the default encryption used on user passwords?23:08
f3eIn 12.0423:08
Jordan_Unewmacair: Since that failed let's try using grub-efi. Tell me when you're ready with a computer running Ubuntu to make the bootable USB drive from.23:08
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
dsnydersHi all!  Is there any good music composing software for linux?23:10
Chuck_Norrisdsnyders: http://ardour.org/23:11
mz|`dsnyders: install an audio/video specific dsitribution23:12
mz|`like openartist/ubuntu studio/etc23:12
mz|`which will have all needed components23:12
Chuck_Norrisyes, and a low latency kernel23:13
mz|`you mean rt ?23:13
dsnydersmz|`, That's going a little overboard.23:13
grafthi, according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/flashplugin-installer, my version should be, but apt-cache policy (from ubuntu.wikimedia.org) only shows
graftit's been this way for days - what gives?23:14
Jordan_Udsnyders: Most "professional" audio software uses Jack, which at least in the past has been difficult to setup. If you start with Ubuntu Studio you get Jack (and other nice things) setup by default.23:14
Jordan_Ugraft: That mirror may be out of date. Try a different one.23:15
monii love cj23:15
graftJordan_U: why would a mirror be out of date, and how can i know?23:15
Jordan_Ugraft: Somebody (or some automated process somebody set up) needs to grab new packages from the main servers as they are added. If that process / person breaks or is slow then the mirror might not be up to date. As far as I know, the only way you test that is by doing exactly what you've done (check what should be the latest available version of a package, vs what apt-cache policy shows).23:18
Jordan_Ugraft: Also, I assume you've already done this but, "sudo apt-get update".23:18
SonhadorPRhello all!! still having problems connecting my laptop to wifi, after it had been working in the last 15 mins..now the Enable Wireless option in the networking drop-down menu is gray or shaded, or unselectable. How can I connect the wifi again? Right now, I'm connected through Eth direct to the router.23:19
Jordan_Umoni: Do you have any Ubuntu support question?23:19
dreadiscoolCan someone please help me, whenever I try booting ubuntu 12.04 from my usb stick, it says that im missing some kernel thing called "pae"23:19
graftJordan_U: yeah, multiple times :) hmm, i assumed ubuntu pushed to mirrors, not vice-versa. i guess i'll pick a new one23:19
trismgraft: do you have -updates/-security enabled?23:19
moniwat r u doing23:20
grafttrism: yes23:20
Jordan_Udreadiscool: Could you write down, or post a picture (taken with a camera) of the exact error message?23:20
dsnydersChuck_Norris, Jordan_U,   I'm not looking for professional grade music studio software.  I'm just looking for something I can hack around on; a software synthesizer.23:21
Jordan_U!ot | moni23:21
ubottumoni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:21
dreadiscoolIt says Failed to find kernel. You need one of the following:23:21
trismgraft: yeah probably try a different mirror, the mirror list has it as 'last update unknown'23:21
Jordan_Udreadiscool: I think an actual picture of the error message would still be helpful if it's not too much trouble.23:22
grafttrism: yeah, using the US main makes it better- where do you see that mirror list update unknown dealy?23:23
Jordan_Udreadiscool: You can upload the image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add23:23
trismgraft: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors23:23
f3eWhat's the default encryption used on user passwords? In 12.04.23:23
SonhadorPRhello all!! Newbie here! I'm having problems connecting my laptop to my home's wife. At the moment, the Enable Wireless option on the networking drop-down menu is uunselected, and I cannot select it. It doesn't let me turn on the wirless, How can I fix?23:25
Jordan_Uf3e: SHA-51223:25
grafttrism: neat thanks23:25
mz|`SonhadorPR: you disabled it by turn off with a physical button, or you fo not have the driver23:25
f3eJordan_U, Thanks.23:25
Jordan_Uf3e: You're welcome23:25
mz|`turning* do*23:26
Chuck_Norris[20:18] <moni> mvnfjnnnjd23:27
SonhadorPRI have a physical switch, I turn it off/on, and it doesn't respond. My  WiFi was working fine 15-20 mins ago...don't understand. So you are saying I have to install  restricted drivers??23:27
mz|`SonhadorPR: if it has already worked, no. it is another issue.23:28
OerHeksf3e,  Jordan_U > NBS DES algorithm >> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/passwd.1.html23:29
Jordan_UOerHeks: f3e: Read carefully "The legacy UNIX System encryption method is based on the NBS DES algorithm. More recent methods are now recommended (see ENCRYPT_METHOD).23:30
OerHeksoh my bad23:31
SonhadorPRmz|: suggestions?23:31
Jordan_UOerHeks: f3e: If you look in /etc/shadow at the password field for your user you will see something starting with $6$, which means SHA-512 (see man crypt).23:31
mz|`be sure to activate the hardware witch to off, then reboot.23:32
mz|`to on*23:32
* mz|` tired23:32
grafti want a hardware witch... maybe my computer would resume from suspend then23:33
Sparky712hey again, i know the problem now. the error I get is 'fatal error: no wubildr' >.<23:33
Sparky712how can I fix that? >.<23:34
f3eJordan_U, Yeah it does. SHA-512 is more than enough for a regular personal computer right?23:37
Jordan_Uf3e: Correct.23:37
f3eJordan_U, Tanks a lot for the answers! :)23:37
Jordan_Uf3e: You're welcome.23:37
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
bor0has anyone tried to build qutecom-2.2.1 on Ubuntu?  I am having problems building it, I installed all dependencies but it throws an error on FindUUID (uuid from e2fsprogs) which I already have installed23:38
Sparky712sorry bout my impatience, but... thats it, im going to go uninstall, and try reinstalling ubuntu again. hopefully no errors this time.23:39
trismbor0: looking at the build-deps, I think you may actually want uuid-dev (if this is 11.10-12.04 it's in the repos so you don't need to build it)23:45
bor0trism,  thanks! that actually solved the problem23:45
augustlare there any ways to get audio from my ubuntu laptop streamed to windows 7?23:46
=== guampa_ is now known as guampa
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:50
dreadiscoolcan someone please tell me how to boot the ubuntu os from my flash drive?23:54
dreadiscooli mounted it and all23:54
dreadiscoolbut i keep getting this exact error message23:54
dreadiscoolThis kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU:23:54
dreadiscoolUnable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU23:55
dreadiscoolthat's all ._.23:55
TheLordOfTimedreadiscool:  are you on a 32bit or 64bit system?23:55
TheLordOfTimeand is the ubuntu you installed onto the usb a 32bit os or a 64bit?23:56
jagginessdreadiscool, then it should be i386 or 32bit23:56
dreadiscoolthe 32bit23:56
TheLordOfTimemake sure of that23:56
dreadiscooli specifically remember getting the 32bit23:56
TheLordOfTimealso, if its a PAE kernel (it might be)23:56
TheLordOfTimemake sure to use the non-PAE one instead23:56
TheLordOfTime(your CPU might not support PAE)23:56
aFeijohi guys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu in this Asus Netbook eeepc 1008p, but it does not boot it thru my USB, I already accessed the BIOS and set the Removable Drive to be the first one, yet it try to load the OEM windows 7 starter :(23:57
dreadiscoolhow do u use the non PAE one23:57
dreadiscooldo i have to redownload...23:57
jagginessaFeijo, i had a problem with a netbook.23:57
jagginessaFeijo, take out the usb. and fully power it off.. fully23:57
aFeijojagginess, this damn thing is taking half hour to power up that lame win723:57
oceanesalut les gens23:58
aFeijojagginess, it was fully powered off, stoped working 1 month ago, even the battery was down, I had to plug it23:58
jagginessaFeijo, (optional: take out the battery and re-insert it, not joking)-- plug in usb. then power on.. try to hit the 'boot' menu key.. it may be f2, f10, f11..etc etc.. (keep tapping that boot menu key fast-- and make sure of course this key isnt deactivated in the bios)23:58
aFeijojagginess, ok I'll try it23:59
jagginessaFeijo, only plug in usb after it is on poweroff23:59

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