
len-aseaCool, there is wifi on the boat these days.02:52
astraljavamicahg: Yeah, I'll check the logs tomorrow and work on the other things, thanks for minding the libav-extra!13:34
ScottLmicahg, i'm still planning on working on gimp-plugin today, is there a reason i shouldn't use UMT? it looks a lot easier to setup and use than schroot from the 'buildenvironment' page15:27
ScottLmicahg, maybe i'm just overcomplicating what i am reading15:27
ScottLastraljava, it's after 1500 UTC, no? i'll be off and on throughout the day - it's my day to do chores around the house15:28
astraljavaScottL: Yes, hi. Sorry I'm a bit behind schedule, but am looking at the machine every once in a while. ping me whenever.16:38
ScottLastraljava, hehe, i'm here but i'll be going downstairs for about 45 mins :P17:10
ScottLhopefully in about three hours i will up here for a continuous amount of time working on setting up a dedicated testing machine17:11
ScottLidle question for the day: if people put headless servers in closets, how do they get power to the machine?17:12
astraljavaScottL: Alright, let's chat more then.17:12
ScottLastraljava, okay :)17:12
astraljavaScottL: What kind of a closet? Movable?17:14
ScottLwhen i usually hear about someone setting up a headless server, "they" always seem to mention putting it in a closet18:24
* ScottL is running his xchat on a lubuntu system and it's not bad at all18:25
ScottLthis is s 2.6 ghz celeron machine with 2gigs of memory and it's running pretty good18:26
ScottLexcept for flash, it sucks for flash, but that's okay because i don't use it for flash stuff anyways :)18:26
astraljavaHeh. Yeah, I can't wait for flash to go away for good.19:23
ailoScottL: Did you have a chance to take a look at the staging site yet?20:30
ScottLailo, no yet, but my plan is tonight to look over it all21:55
ailoScottL: I added one pic to the front tabs, the "video" one. It's based on the second Ubuntu Studio wallpaper. Haven'22:11
ailoHaven't checked who made it or otherwise, considering copyright..22:11
ailoI could even settle with just different colors for each tab, using the same Ubuntu Studio logo background, as in the first front tab.22:12
ailoThe photography tab is red, but for some reason I was not able to add a custom pic to the last tab22:13
knomeailo, hmm.22:14
ailoknome: I guess I should really be discussing with you, since you're behind the design22:15
knomei should look at why the last featured image isn't working.22:15
knomethat's weird.22:15
ailoknome: If we were to make different colors of the original pic, it would probably be better to do from the original. I'm not a graphics expert, but the quality isn't all that great on the red version22:16
knomei can provide you the original too22:17
knomewhat's your email?22:17
ailoWhat did you use to make it?22:18
knomethe problem with the non-appearing tab-bg is weird22:23
knomeactually, awwh, no, it isn't22:25
knomeit's a stupid mistake22:26
ailoIt is kind of nice to have different themes for those tabs though. I'm just not the guy to create them. 22:29
knomeheh :)22:30
knomei've pushed new code to the repository and filed an RT ticket22:30
knomeRT #19936 if you want to follow22:30
knomeonce that's done, the image should appear for the last tab too22:31
knomewas there something else that doesn't work or that you need from the site?22:31
knomefor any content issues, i'm not the right guy ;)22:32
knomebut for the technical side and the theme, i'm totally the right one22:32
ailoThat was the only part which didn't work the way it was intended for me. Feels pretty ok, provided the content does its job22:34
knomeyup, good22:34
knomedon't hesitate to ask me if there's something that needs tweaking though22:34
ailoknome: I'll keep it in mind for the future :)22:34
ailoLen-nb: How was the wedding?22:38
knomehis own? :O22:39
Len-nbailo, great!22:39
Len-nbMy sons22:39
knomeah, congrats anyway :)22:39
Len-nbThey will make a great couple22:39
Len-nbJust killing time and visiting with my mother and sister.22:40
ailoNo wild wedding party?22:41
Len-nbailo, not yet... later today22:41
knomewait, ircing isn't considered wild anymore?22:41
Len-nbno blood on the floor22:41
ScottLailo,  i would like all of them to have tabs22:42
ScottLerrr. i think all the tabs should have picture22:42
ailoScottL: I agree. It would be best22:42
ailoScottL: You like doing that kind of stuff? I don't feel I'm up to it really22:43
Len-nbHaving a web presence would be nice... details later22:43
ailoLen-nb: Have lot's of fun. Congrats on the happy union22:43
ScottLailo, i kinda like doing this stuff, i do have a vision for what i wanted, which helps too22:44
ScottLailo, and i'm wrapping up other commitments and finished scratching other itches so i should be more attentive to the website now22:44
ailoI get ideas, but to make reality of them, I don't feel like I want to spend the time learning how to do it. And the research, etc22:45
ailoBut if anyone needs a jingle, I'm your man22:46
knomeScottL, you're telling that faux story again?22:47
knomeScottL, ;)22:47
ailoknome: Maybe you could send your original background to ScottL as well. 22:47
knomethough i think he has received it at some point22:48
* Len-nb is out of battery, time to go.22:49
ailoA simple way to do it I guess would be to replace the Ubuntu Studio logo with something else, and change the color of the background22:49
knomeLen-nb, see you22:49
ailo...for each tab22:49
knomeyup. i could do that too easily, only if somebody pointed me to something that you want to each tab22:50
ailoI was wondering if perhaps there are some "open" clipart that could be used, and in that way minimizing the effort22:50
knomei mean, for the "image" part22:50
knomei'd imagine you could use some cc-by images from flickr22:50
knomethe flickr search is somewhat bad for that, but!22:50
knome^ you can search by license + keyword22:51
knomei'd imagine it's safest to use "commercial"22:51
ailoI'll leave it up to you guys. But if there's anything to improve on the content, I will of course be available to make changes.22:58
ailoScottL: Or you can just make changes directly22:58
ScottLgoing to go for a bit but i should be back within the hour23:48
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