
YeahRighti really prefer not to have to do that00:00
YeahRightGridCube : how can i force a diskcheck after rebooting?00:00
ponitahi, i recently installed xubunt 12.04 on my laptop and i'm having problems with my repositories00:19
GridCubechange them to other sources00:20
ponitawhich sources?00:20
ponitai tried updating with sudo apt-get update00:21
GridCubeopen synaptic, go to configuration > repositories > sources00:21
ponitabut it can't seem to find ca.archive.ubuntu.com00:21
GridCubeand change the location to other not to ca.00:22
ponitathank you ^^00:27
david__algún hispano?00:32
holsteindavid__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:34
=== genii-around is now known as genii
linuxshineI just installed kubuntu on a dual boot now grub has multiple kernel entries for xubuntu why is this?04:20
Unit193Do you mean the boot splash?04:24
Unit193That's quite different from a kernal entry, and that's the plymouth splash.04:25
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »04:25
linuxshineI have 3 entries with 3 kernels on grub04:26
linuxshineI only want the latest one to show04:26
linuxshineits not a theme is it04:27
linuxshinesorry I did not mean my boot splash04:27
linuxshineI mean before the boot splash04:27
kati_hathorhello everyone04:29
linuxshineit comes up and has the kubuntu entry then it has 3.2.0-23 then 3.2.0-24 and 3.2.0-25 or something similar04:29
kati_hathori'm having some trouble with dual monitor i was hoping you'll could help? :)04:32
kati_hathori have the xrandr command working04:32
kati_hathorand then i added that command to the session and startup04:33
kati_hathorbut when i log out and log back in then it doesn't run the script04:33
kati_hathorso when i log in i only get one monitor and have to manually run the xrandr command04:33
kati_hathori tried adding it to .xprofile as well as the "session and startup" and neither option worked04:34
linuxshineI guess I will just delete kubuntu and update my grub04:34
linuxshinebut it is kinda freaky04:34
kati_hathorany idea why the application autostart wouldn't launch my script?04:38
Unit193Did you make a normal .desktop file? And try arandr?05:02
laitekati_hathor: did you remember to make script executable? (chmod +x myscript.sh)05:08
laitekati_hathor: also, I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but you can set dual screen settings to some extent (e.g. display positions) with Xfce setting editor (channel->display)05:18
laitePersonally I found that after fighting for a quite a while with x/arandr and just set positions with editor05:19
=== sameer is now known as ffs82defxp
xubuntu659What distribution do you recommend for compaq presario m2000?06:27
baizonxubuntu :D06:28
hobgoblinI +1 that sentiment06:28
xubuntu659but it stopped working and wouldn't boot up, so I'm trying to install windows xp, but the partition formatting is taking a long time and no, xubuntu is not on the laptop anymore, is there anything I can do with xubuntu (the hard drive is 40gb)06:30
xubuntu659would ubuntu work?06:31
EatMyFriedChickewhen I try to install xubuntu there is a problem, the installer crashes06:38
EatMyFriedChickecan someone please help????06:39
baizonwhat error msg do you get?06:39
baizonyou can try install using the alternate iso06:40
EatMyFriedChickehold on, I'll try to install it and tell you what it says.06:40
hobgoblindid you check the iso before you burnt it if you didn't torrent it? did you check the cd integrity before you started it?06:40
EatMyFriedChickenever mind07:19
hobgoblinworking now is it?07:20
EatMyFriedChickeit's a world first07:20
EatMyFriedChickethanks for trying to help me07:21
EatMyFriedChickeI'm suprised you guys are still here after that long wait07:23
hobgoblinwe were waiting for the fried chicken07:24
EatMyFriedChickeand now it doesn't boot up07:25
EatMyFriedChickeso no, it aint working, but I'll try again, I'll be brave, vigilant and I won07:27
EatMyFriedChickeI won't sleep until it works, unless I get bored07:28
baizonme watching a live stream :)07:28
baizonim always around :)07:28
* hobgoblin has 2 kids waking up - I'm hiding 07:29
hobgoblinEatMyFriedChicke: so what's happening when it doesn't boot?07:35
baizonplymouth problem07:35
baizoni had to disable gfx mode07:35
EatMyFriedChickeno selectiom screen or anything.... just blackness07:36
hobgoblinEatMyFriedChicke: I'd try adding nomodeset to the boot - hit shift while booting to show grub menu if you don't see it, then 'e' to edit - add nomodeset to the kernel line after quiet splash and then I think enter to boot - but it tell's you at the bottom08:11
baizonyes it was the nonmodeset :)08:14
hobgoblinoh - did he do it some other channel ?08:21
hobgoblinor she of course ...08:21
missmimichey guys im using 12.04 and wine 1.5 but i am unable to choose any drivers under the audio config in wine and i see now there is a file in my lib folder called noOSS looks like its probably blacklisting OSS and i want to install but am unable to edit or nget rid of the file i think is blocking me10:25
missmimicandone know how i can delete a file with sudo commend and if it sounds like im on the right track?10:25
missmimicor if i can just install oss? and if so that commend because the one on their wiki is not working10:26
missmimicanyone active in here?10:42
=== sameer is now known as ffs82defxp
Guest39990I just got this laptop running again for my wife.  How do I get her desktop (meaning menus and launcher icons) laid out exactly like it is on our xubuntu desktop (meaning big computer) ?  both are xubuntu 12.0413:39
drc~/$USER/.config/xfce4 copy on desktop and replace on laptop (backup first, of course)13:40
Guest39990drc, Backup? where's your sense of adventure.  :)13:41
Guest39990Although this install is about twenty minutes old, so I don't know that I'd really lose anything13:42
drcgone, I deleted it by accident :)13:42
Guest39990This is offtopic folks, but if you want to make sure nobody can read your old data...  Had drive parts make excellent wind chimes and fridge magnets.  Even my dog's tail can't knock papers off my fridge now.13:43
drcYou obviously don have a Golden Retriever...mine's tail can knock the fridge <over>13:44
Guest39990Lab shepard mix.  Oh, he's got tail...13:44
drcI'll concede that13:45
linuxshinehello, I am having a slight problem with my volume control on my keyboard. The animated slider moves up but the volume dose not follow.14:33
go8765Hello. ia anyway to use .ima in xubuntu?15:10
nikolamlinuxshine, you should report it as a bug to ubuntu/xubuntu , reporting type and model of keyboard and/or also report it to manufacturer. Probably that would end up as feature request for hardware support and manufacturer could contribute some code to upstream linux for that hardware.16:05
nikolamor to specific part of a distribution (upstream debian probably)16:06
nikolamIt more sounds like specific bug of that software component not actually sliding volume.16:06
Unit193Or could be set to change the volume of something other than default, but I don't have that kind of keyboard, I just scroll over the icon.16:07
nikolamYes it should first identify what software component is sliding volume and what it is targeting for that sound hardware16:10
nikolamtherefore reporting bug with details is the first step anyway16:11
TrivialUserHello, everyone! When I enter the system it doesn't allow me to choose user. It automatically enters as the first one. How can I fix it?16:23
Unit193In 11.10 and up we use lightdm, it shouldn't be set to autologin but can be from the config file at /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:25
TrivialUserOK. I checked it. There actually is a line for autologin. Will removing it be enough?16:27
TrivialUserUnit193, OK. Thanks for help.16:30
ponitahey, i'm having trouble with syncing the music onto my iphone 3G from xubuntu 12.04 using banshee17:39
ponitai have libimobiledevice2 installed17:39
ponitabut it always gives me mp3 error17:39
ponita"The mp3 format is not supported by the device, and no converter was found"17:39
ponitaalso when i open thunar my iphone doesn't show up on the side panel17:40
Anom01yanyone here running Xubuntu 12.04 and trying to run wine apps,17:50
Anom01ygetting "lock isn't locked" error ?17:50
Guest58207I have been away from linux for a while but have looked at ubuntu a couple of times - i just installed the 12.04 xubuntu and am looking to change themes but the documentation that I found was on an older version - any help?17:57
=== Guest58207 is now known as mikefarr
Unit193Menu > Settings > Settings Manager > Appearance17:58
mikefarris there not an actual theme section any more?18:03
Unit193Either I don't get what you're asking, or that is where you select it.18:03
mikefarrThere is has several tabs to choose from - style - icon, etc. - you use to be able to pick a them which would change all that at once18:05
mikefarrpick a theme18:06
mikefarri was hoping to pick the theme like with ubuntu that changed everything like the orange one - but with xubuntu it has this ugly blue cloudy looking theme that I just cant do much with18:11
mikefarrok well i have to get for now - thanks for your help - have a great day!18:12
SilentHow do I make sure the correct keyboard layout is selected?18:40
SilentI'm asking becasue I just added a Hebrew font and it behaves very oddly18:41
aguitelnext upgrade ?20:21
aguitelwhat about the next lmde upgrade ?20:21
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=== Tik|InstallinArc is now known as TikInstallinArch
monkei juts installed xubuntu 11.10 but i have troubles with xfce-panel, when i traslate it in spanish, everything is traslated except the top of the menu (Applications menu and places), that is never traslated into any languages just english, anubody can help me?)21:41
knomemonke, right-click the menus, select properties21:41
knomemonke, you're able to change the name there21:41
knomemonke, i think the menu should get a correct name if you add the item to panel after changing the language, but i'm not completely sure21:42
mimoidI am using the alternative install for 64bit xubuntu. With advanced options, I can choose 'Free Software only'. This is attractive, however I do not know what it means. What non-free software beyond firmware does xubuntu install by default?21:42
GridCubeknome, ^21:43
monkewell, i did what you told me but when i want to add a item the item is shown in spanish but then when is added it doesnt translate21:43
monkeits really strange21:44
knomemonke, yes, that's because the software will keep your configuration safe21:44
knomemonke, it basically expects you to want to keep the name21:44
knomemimoid (+GridCube): i'm not completely sure if any. you can enable the repositories later if you need to, though21:45
knomemimoid, i'm thinking mp3 support, (better) flash support, ...21:45
knomemimoid, but those aren't installed by default21:45
monkeknome: i think you dont understand me ^^ , let me tralstate it in spanish and i come back and i show you and screenshot. With that you will undestand what i mean ok?21:45
knomemonke, i suppose i understand, but ok.21:45
mimoidknome: I'll choose free software only to see, and enable repos later if needed. it seems safe enough.21:45
knomemimoid, yep, it's not locking you out of anything.21:46
mimoidthanks knome21:46
mimoidwhat i needed to hear21:46
knomemimoid, if something very basic doesn't work, just install the xubuntu-desktop metapackage21:46
knomemimoid, (while that should be installed, but still)21:46
knomemimoid, or first enable the non-free repositories and then (re)install21:46
monkeknome: im back, im uploading the image21:52
monkeknome: see the diffrence between the top menu and the expanded menu => http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/338/xfcepanel.png/21:53
knomemonke, looks like some of the items aren't translated in spanish21:55
monkeknome: i was trying to find the configuration file, but in the configuration file everything looks good, all the traslates are there21:55
knomemonke, if you can, check if the problem exists in 12.04, and if it does, file a bug21:57
monkeknome: the item configuration file for Application menu is the next one => applicationsmenu.desktop21:57
monkeknome: mm ok, but that are bad news for me beacue i already tried xubutnu 12.04 and it didnt give me good feeling, there are stuff that doenst recognize is my laoptop21:58
monkeknome: where i can report that bug?21:59
knomemonke, don't report it if it doesn't appear in 11.1021:59
knomeer, in 12.0421:59
monkeknome but why i have to try in 12.04 if i want to use 11.10? its doenst have sense xD22:00
knomemonke, if the bug doesn't exist in 12.04, it most probably won't be fixed. that's why22:00
knomemonke, if it exists in 12.04, it will be fixed in SRU's22:01
monkeknome: well ok thnks22:01
mimoidHow easy is it to use the network applet to connect to an ipsec/isakmp network22:02
mikefarrHello - looking for help with setting up my usb headset w/mic22:10
mimoidknome: Sorry to bother you, but would you happen to know if ecryptfs still has issues with long filenames? It reduces the filename size from what ext3/4 allows, or at least used to.22:13
knomemimoid, no idea :/22:14
mimoidknome: I'll do some research. I have the day off :D22:14
knomemimoid, ok :)22:15
David-Amikefarr: go ahead, talk to us22:24
David-Aoh, sorry22:24
f3eGood evening22:38
f3eWhat passworld encryption does22:38
f3exubuntu use in default22:39
f3eGoogle wasn't very willing to give me the answer....22:42
knomedefault password in encryption? nothing, it's what you set22:43
Unit193As in, user password without home/drive encryption?22:43
Unit193I'm guessing he's asking hash style.22:43
f3eUser password22:44
f3eWell, i have encrypted the home folder though..22:46
knomef3e, that would be the user password then.22:54
knomef3e, or, if you mean how the password is stored, i'd ask #ubuntu (i don't know)22:55
* knome is probably a bit tired...22:55
f3eUnfortunately the last one. I'll ask #ubuntu :) Thanks for the help!22:56
knomenp, and good luck22:56
ineuwGreetings. Help please. Using xubuntu 12.04 updated installed the latest .25 kernel, everything is fine, deleted the old packages using synaptic, updated grub, but can't get rid of the old grub listings, which also screw up my auto boot choices23:00
ineuwHelp please. Using xubuntu 12.04 updated installed the latest .25 kernel, everything is fine, deleted the old packages using synaptic, updated grub, but can't get rid of the old grub listings, which also screw up my auto boot choices.23:23
GridCubeineuw, you can delete old non used kernels using synaptic23:26
ineuwI deleted the old kernels. It's after deletion and updating grub that they are still listed.23:26
GridCubethat shouldnt happen23:27
ineuwThe packages are gone - checked synaptic, but the listing is there23:27
GridCubeyou did sudo update-grub?23:27
ineuwI know. yes, yesterday but will do it again now.23:27
ineuwDid it. The terminal lists only the latest kernel. I better re-boot and see. later . . .23:30

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